newsletter 110 winter 2005 04

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  • 8/14/2019 Newsletter 110 Winter 2005 04



    Winter 2005 / 04Web:

    Email: [email protected]

    Marlow Canoe Club New sletter Page 1 Winter 2005 / 04


    I really rather enjoy doing thenewsletter, however there is adownside. Printing of all those copies,folding, enveloping and stamping ispossibly the most onerous thing I do for

    the club, and lets not forget Paul whodoes some of it for me. Salvation is athand. It seems a new photocopier ison the cards at work, one of thosefancy dan things that measureseverything against a specific user.

    Im sure Ill get away with some copies,but certainly not the current count. Soif you have a personal broadbandconnection Id like to send THENEWSLETTER direct to you across theelectronic ether. My address is on thefront of the issue and on the back.Send me an e-mail if you are happy toreceive your newsletter this way. Itllbe up to you to keep me informed of changes etc. If you do not have themeans to receive an e-mail copy, dontworry, we will still be printing some off,

    just not so many. Anyway, back to this issue. See thecontents box for the running order but Ithink we have managed to collate

    another interesting issue - I'massuming that's the case as I've yet toreceive any negative comments.There's a report on a Wye trip, 3*kayak success, a mystery solved, a biton the marathon and an invite to ameeting. Some other little snippets foryour general information and maybe asurprise package prior to the deadline;well it'll be a surprise to me anyway.

    Happy Christmas all; eat drink and bemerry, and I'll see you all on Boxingday for a crisp, clear and frosty paddleif the weather people have got it rightthis year.


    Editors Piece 1

    Intro to WW 2

    3* kayak report 3 A mystery unfolds 4

    Marathon 2005 / Thursday eves. 6

    Brief report / Sea kayaking 7

    Seven go on an adventure 10

    New kit / Good news 8

    Seven go on an adventure 10

    Diary / Contacts / AGM reminder 12

    T wo things are infinite: the universe and human stupidiand I 'm not sure about the universe.

    Who said that? A nswer in next issu

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    I like a bit of whitewater, just so longas its not too severe. Ive done a bitbefore and sometimes I stay in the boatthe whole day. All previous trips to thelower Wye had coincided with otherevents so this was my first trip on thispart of the river.Generally, Im either bricking it orenjoying it. Either way, not to much of what the coaches tell me sinks in veryfar. So when Adrian got a trip togetherspecifically as an intro. to WW I wasthere. I hadnt given it very muchthought, but on arrival at Lower

    Lydbrook car park I remembered whereI was.Many years ago, some friends and Ihad hired some canoes from the YouthHostel at Welsh Bicknor. No questionsasked way back then. Pay your moneyand paddle. I seem to recall there wasa bit of a flow as getting upstream wasa struggle, but we rounded the islandopposite the pub (now a curry house)

    and continued on a little further. Onthe way back I caught the inside radiusof the bend, between the little islandand the bank. Straight into a willowtree growing out from the side. I hadlost it completely and was holding on toa branch whilst the river tried to pushthe boat under the tree. Fortunatelymy friends had seen what hadhappened, stopped on the island, butcould do little. A slice of luck. Some of our cars were parked in the pub carpark, so the lads got over to the carsand returned with some ropes. I cantremember whether they were climbingropes or tow ropes, but standing on theisland they were able to throw a line tome. Once out of the boat, which gotminced under the tree, I realised howlucky I had been. We retrieved whatwas left of the boat, stowed it back atthe hostel and left hurriedly. I vowed

    never to get in anything smaller than across channel ferry ever again. Only afew years ago I stopped there for anight on the way to the Elan Valley.The current warden remembers beingtold the story by the previousincumbent and the hostel no longerhires out boats, but does welcomecanoeists. I made a donation to thehostel and felt a debt had been settled.It was time to confront my nemesis.Dave Goddard and John Parkin weregetting in some practice leading up to aL3 coach award. I took the opportunityto start at the beginning. JP took 4 of us in hand, the other three being

    complete beginners. He entrusted mewith some responsibility and Ishepherded the others into a smalleddy. A short talk and we were off.Just a few hundred metres, where achance to practice breaking in and outof a current presented itself. Martinsnew Wavesport Diesel looked to haveexceptional secondary stability, butafter a short struggle Martin forced it

    over. Still, he came up smiling withonly his pride injured. It was hardly ariver in spate but the recent rain meantworthwhile practice opportunities werefew and far between. I led the groupwith JP keeping a watchful eye fromthe rear. We took what chances wecould, breaking in and out, and wherethe current seemed a little faster,having a go at ferry gliding. All 21 of us (did I mention that 21 turned up forthis a very good turnout) met up forlunch on a muddy beach.We left a short while later for thepaddle down to the rapids at Symonds

    Yat.JP pulled us over for a short chat andour first run was just to get through.This we did with no incident, though Ispotted a swimmer on my way through.Im not one to mention names, but Ivebeen there before Don. Out at the

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    bottom, portage through the woods andanother look at the rapids. JP pointedout a few lines and asked George todemonstrate. George confused us bydoing something different, wisely itturned out, as he had spottedsomething on the way across. It didntmatter as none of us made it. By the3rd run JP had got some of us using thecurrent and even reverse ferry glides sothat we could look for the best spot todescend. For my next run I decided togo down the other side of the island.Less exciting, but faster, at least I couldsay Id done it. Time for one last runas I was really enjoying myself. Many

    would have tut-tutted at my technique,but then they could not see mybeaming smile. I could have stayed allday and confidence was growing by theminute. Perhaps Ill never be morethan a G2 paddler but what the heck.

    You wont hear me complaining if its asmuch fun as this. Besides theres otherforms of the sport to excel at, and acouple of 3*s to get, and a L2 coach

    and a.

    John Norris (04/10/05)


    The last two weekends in Septembersaw not only fine weather but also 5candidates successfully achieve their 3*

    awards (Anna, Denise, Emma, Georgeand Richard).Firstly many thanks to John, Dave andTim for their coaching and to Adrian forthe assessment.The phrase 'evidence of confidentcommittal to the paddle' occurred in thesyllabus to describe the requirement forsculling for support. The same phrasecould have been used for virtually everyother stroke. We realised early on thatif you haven't got the strokes quite

    right, and at the start of the course wehadn't, commitment is a euphemism forgetting wet. By the second Saturday wehad obviously increased our confidenceslightly more than our ability. Withinthe space of 30 minutes, we had allover-committed ourselves and,provided suitable material for Eskimoand deep water rescues. It's goodwhen you have friends around torescue you although sometimes a shoutwas needed by Tim to attract theattention of the nearest rescuer.The area where the greatestimprovement appeared was on therecovery strokes. On the first Saturday,

    most of us were making a quick dab atthe water with the paddle, as if acrocodile might be might be lurkingbelow, but by the second Sunday, aswe as became more confident of thesupportive powers of the water, elbowswere regularly immersed and for thehigh recovery strokes we all got ourshoulders wet - and got back up.The first weekend we made two trips

    over the weir and practiced the lowbrace turn in the turbulent water below.John had started the course by runningthrough the basic strokes: movingforwards, backwards, turning and thedreaded strokes to move the boatsideways. For all of us this started outwith the hanging draw turning theboat more than gliding it, but withvarying degrees of success, we allimproved.On the first Saturday we were lookingfor suitable candidates for deep waterrescues. Denise offered to roll, fullyexpecting not to succeed, but rolled upgrinning from ear to ear. Then Jo triedrolling on her 'less good' side andpopped up successfully. Then indesperation, Richard who had not rolledin over 20 years - volunteered andmuch to his amazement resurfaced. Wepaid particular attention to ensuring

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    Sunrise and Sunset, which for yourdelectation, Ive copied here.S un ri se a nd S u ns et - The times of Sunrise and Sunset refer to the times when the Sun's upper limb, as affected by refraction, is on the true horizon of an observer at sea-level. This occurs when the Sun's centre is 50 arcminutes below the true horizon, the upper limb then being 34 arcminutes (just more than the Sun's apparent diameter) below the true horizon.

    At just 5 4 some might say Imvertically challenged. Its neverbothered me but it has become clear

    that the president at 6 4 enjoys moredaylight than I do. (I want to knowwhat the EU is going to do aboutcelestial favouritism). All veryinteresting still no answer. However,a real person at the ROG (or was it theGRO) suggested I try their cousins atEdinburgh. So I rang the ROE, (RoyalObservatory Edinburgh). Here I hada nice chat with a lady by the name of

    Helen. Not only did she understand thequestion I was trying to get an answerfor, but she knew where to look for thatanswer. It seems the Civil Service hadcome good after all.Helen suggested we try H M Nautical

    Almanac Office. Theres all sorts of stuff here but the bit we wanted wasthe link to the US Naval Observatory. A click on this bought us to a very similarsite, but these people had discoveredcolour (color?) and the site had analtogether warmer feel to it. A coupleof more clicks and we were there. Herewe find a facility that will compute therise and set times of the sun (andalmost anything else) for any year youchoose to select. I took the clubhousefor a location, entered the longitudeand latitude and set it for 21 st Sept thisyear. Then I repeated the wholeexercise for 21 st Sept. 1955. The exact

    times, not allowing for daylight saving,were:-21/09/2005 rise 05:48 set 18:0421/09/1955 rise 05:46 set 18:06

    Conclusion - It appears that thedaylight period within a day hasshortened by all of 4 minutes. But ithas done so equally either side of midday. The days are indeed gettingshorter, but daylight is not getting anyearlier.Oh, by the way; whoever is the D.O. onnext years final evening foray shouldremember to bring the group home 2.4seconds earlier.

    John Norris 30/09/05

    If youve a little something that may be of interest to our readers, however tenuous the link with paddling may be,send it in. I could do with a couple of fillers so if I dont use it next issue, Ill keep it for a later edition.


    If you are out and about over thecoming months, take a look at thewebsite. Look under links and go tothe document library. Here you willfind a folder marked EA. Theres aletter and schedule for this winters lock maintenance programme. Marsh,

    Henley, Cookham and Boulters are theones most likely to affect us but thereare others as well.

    ADVERTS?This subject was touched upon at arecent committee meeting. Should wecarry adverts on behalf of memberswishing to sell gear they are no longer

    using? I did put one in once for the ex-

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    chairman but I dont whether it did anygood. Heres a sample of what wemight offer.

    This one is really up for sale. I didnt

    see the point of putting a dummy in.Call it favouritism or whatever youlike, Editors prerogative sounds good,but Robs looking for a change. If youve something to sell give me a calland if there is space Ill put it in. Wemight insist on a small fee, butremember this is in addition to the forsale board and website ads. section.

    MAR LOW MARATHON - 2005Last year I enjoyed (?) my firstmarathon race and made acommitment to get under 50mins (D9)this year. It didnt happen. I was justof the lead at the start and poweredthrough, as planned, but just nudgedanother competitor in front. Easing upI got a wallop from behind and in I

    went. To quit or not to quit? That wasthe question. I had nothing to lose, soproceeded to empty the boat its a lotof faffing about with these types of boats and Ive no idea how long it took but it seemed like an age. Back in theboat and I went for it. Just before theBounty I saw Rob on the return. Thatdidnt surprise me hes a toughpaddler when he needs to be. But tosee him fronted by Tim Twitchen, nowthat was a surprise. Theres a bloke

    whos really improved this summer. A tight turn and I tried to stay with one of the higher div. paddlers for a shortwhile but the ticker was having none of it. I caught and passed a no. of otherD9 competitors and almost hadanother, but his club membersencouraged him home and I was spent.Despite the dip I recorded a faster timethan last year and feel that next year asub 50 min. time is on thecards.maybe! Many thanks tothe Belchers for the Thursday eveningsand to all those who helped in somesmall way.

    John Norris (12/09/05)

    THURSDAY EVENIN GSWhat are you doing Thursdayevenings? Not much Ill wager. Ourfriends at CPCC (Chiswick Pier CanoeClub) run a pool session at Gurnellleisure pool to which they extend to usa cordial welcome. A no. of us are

    regular attendees but the more themerrier. The sessions run from 9:00pmto 10:30pm and cost a fiver + carparking and lockers etc. There aresome pool boats but theyll let you useyour own. Its not a structured session

    you have to go and ask for somecoaching and the CPCC coachesnaturally look after their own, but theyare not slow to help us once thatssorted. The timing, distance and work commitments mean its not easy for ourcoaches but they can be seen fromtime to time. Besides our more seniorcoaches we do have a no. of L1coaches attending who can offerassistance in a no. of techniques.

    Currently Im practising for my 3* andhave used the pool sessions to perfect my hanging draw, increase my % of successful rolls (though at the time of writing its still way to low to call


    Just 3 years old and in excellentcondition. With full whitewater fittingsand airbags. Nice boat to start WW in

    without being so short as to be a pain topaddle to Temple and beyond.

    Just 325.00. Call 01494 483833

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    reliable) and my sculling for support. As you will have read in an earlier item'evidence of confident committal to thepaddle' is a frequently used term in the3* syllabus. The pool provides a clean,warm environment to practise all of these and more. Directions to the poolare on the website as are other details.Come along some time, and if youknow it all, then its time to teachsomeone who doesnt.

    John Norris (10/10/05)


    We had very mixed weather which onthe whole improved during the trip. Ona couple of days we got very wet andduring the first two weeks persistentheadwinds made the paddling hardwork and probably added an hour toeach day on the water. As we got fitterthe extra effort seemed to be less of aburden.During the trip we met with many smallkindnesses, including:

    A fisherman who abandoned his rodand ran after us with a donation, givingthe lie to the supposed enmity betweencanoeists and anglers; A lady on anarrow boat who offered an earlymorning cup of tea as we packed thetent by the side of the canal; A freemeal and a number of discounts atpubs and B&B's that we stayed at; and

    help from a cyclist when thorn clippingscaused 10 punctures on the portagetrolley. We saw some wonderfulcountryside and wildlife (including anotter, some water voles, numerouskingfishers and a terrapin) as well asmany interesting relics of the industrialrevolution. Overall it was a veryenjoyable and interesting experiencebut not without its challenges.

    We had a hard time passing throughManchester, where the expected

    awkward portages of an urban stretchof canal were made much worse bybarriers designed to deter vandals andcyclists. Although the trip down thetidal River Douglas and up the Ribblewere a delight, getting from the Ribbleinto the Lancaster Canal was not. Thenew Ribble Link Canal could not havebeen any worse if it had beendeliberately designed to be impassableby canoe (that was the day of the 10punctures).So far we believe we have raised about3000 for the Sue Ryder Care Nettelbedhospice.

    KJF & AJF (14/10/05)

    SEA KAYAKI NGI was looking back through some oldissues of the newsletter the other week and noticed that KJF (he of the 400miler epic featured previously) was, inan earlier life, a sea kayaker of some

    note. I gave him a call to see if hewould be interested in trying to re-establish a sea group, but with limitedtime and other interests the answerwas NO. But that's not all.

    Did you know that sea kayaking is 2ndonly to kayak surfing in terms of %growth. I didn't, but apparently it is.

    I've yet to get my boat to the sea butI'm already aware of some majordifferences. The boats are generallyvery stable - at my level anyway - butit's the preparation that differs. As KJFpointed out to me in his reply, whenthe going gets rough you cannot headfor the bank and get out!

    The clubhouse is a long way awaywhen you are just 1/2 mile out on thebriny. Everything you need has got togo with you.

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    Anyway, KJF has kindly offered to do usa lecture if I sort out a venue / beer. If I can garner sufficient interest, I'llarrange to hire a room at Longridgeand get some bottles in from theMarlow Brewery. The club has tried tosort out a sea trip in recent years buthas been thwarted by events beyondour control.

    Although I am suitably qualified, Iunderstand the 40 Y.O. and beard rulehas been relaxed to the extent that anyclub member will be welcome. Why notcome along and learn a bit aboutanother kayaking discipline. We maybe lucky enough to get a sea trip on thecards next year. Look out for details onthe notice board and the website. I'llmake arrangements just as soon as Ihave some idea of numbers.

    John Norris (26/10/05)

    NEW KI T?Seems like I'm repeating myself again,

    but once again I find we are racingtowards Christmas. Many of us will beparting company with large wads of hard earned cash and some of us mightbe on the receiving end of othersgenerosity. But for all the newmembers who have joined us this yearI would just like to remind them of ourlocal retailers. In Reading we haveMarsport; always ready to help and

    advise. View their website at / fordirections and other details. Theeasiest shop to get to if you live southof the river. For those of us who live tothe north of the river then the RiversideCentre at Oxford is probably the bestbet. They now have a website, (but it'snot as good as ours) so pay a visit tohttp:/ /

    Contact details, address and map areavailable from the site, but not muchelse, however Dave's a good bloke andwill see you all right.

    Both will give you a 10% discount if

    you mention the club.Other retailers can be found on the net,or look at the retailers links on our ownsite.

    Don't know what to buy / ask for. Whynot discuss your requirements with theproprietors or talk to any of the clubsmore established members.

    MARTINS NEW KI TIt's not really a guide, but here's whatMartin treated himself too just recently.

    After deciding to go on the Symonds Yat trip I thought it was time topurchase my own boat, so I took myself of to the Whitewater centre atShepperton. After looking at manyboats and discussing my requirements

    with the staff I chose a Wave sportDiesel. It seemed to have plenty of room, and much as I hate to admit it,seemed ideally suited for larger, older,less flexible people. Then a paddle - aWerner with ovalised shaft and thinyellow blades to match the boat took my fancy, though I've yet to fullyappreciate the ovalised shaft.

    Off to the Wye - 10 mins. later and all

    still felt comfortable. I discovered howeasy it was to get out of when Icapsized a little while later. I canthoroughly recommend the YAK Kurtasemi dry top, a nice comfortable fit witheffective seals that have kept me drythus far.

    Martin Seabridge (30/10/05)

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    GOOD NEWSWe stopped for tea & coffee at Templethe other day, and I discovered a noticeto the effect that the facility was openthroughout the year, subject to

    weather. I note that the Chairman anda few others have adopted a policy of stopping of here for a drink and a cakeon our upstream forays and now Iknow why. Bring a couple a quid alongand enjoy a hot fresh coffee and adelicacy - think of it as a starter forSunday lunch - and a bit of a chat.Fancy a stab at some committee work;this could be an ideal opening for a new

    social secretary - Give it some thought.Guess what! Next time we went there itwas closed, but we noticed an OPENsign on the Showboat. On our wayback from Hurley, where we had hopedfor a single gate on low, I asked aroundto see who was interested. Just thetwo hands went up so Jo and I took onthe heavy responsibility of 'testing thewater' so to speak. You're welcome so

    long as you are not dripping wet.There was no pricelist, but on thisoccasion just 3.00 bought us acafeteria of coffee (2 cups each) +toast and marmalade for a hungry Jo.They also do a cooked breakfast and abeer or two might be welcome in thesummer, I'm sure they can serve itfaster than the George and Dragon.

    NB! After they have completed their

    Christmas obligations they are closingfor a 3 month refit.

    Earlier in the Summer, once Sarah had re-established the Marathon training sessions we were looking around for a few new faces. Not for a moment did I think Emma would be interested let alone compete, but I think her friend

    Anna won the day. Many sessions later, and a race, and I managed to get

    a short feature on Emma's 'day at the races'


    On the 4th of September the Marlowmarathon was on everyone turned up.It was a very hot day and there werelots of people from other clubs theretoo support their teams.

    A short while after arriving a few of ushad to go back to the club to paddleour boats down. After this weregistered and put the number plateson the boats and left them ready to go

    and have a race briefing. We were toldwhat order the race was going to go inthen went and paddled our boats downto the pre-start. During this time I wasvery nervous.Finally we were called up to go andstart the race. As we left there wassplashing of paddles against the waterand everyone was off. The heat wasgetting to everyone but they all kept

    going. All you could hear was peoplecheering each other on. I got to theturn and we were all quite closetogether. Finally I could see the finishline and everyone shouting for thepeople racing. As soon as I was finishedand got out it was time for pictures.The next thing we knew Anna camealong happy with finishing and tellingus about hitting a swan.We all went over to the food tent andstarted serving people. I also managedto burn myself making tea. After thebusy rush of hungry people it was timefor presentations and finding out wherewe had come and our times.I was pleased with how I did and it wasa good experience. The day hadfinished and everyone was going homeso we paddled of to the club to put theboats back.

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    I don't recommend burning yourself,but if you must, what better way to do it than making someone else a cuppa!

    Emma Seabridge (06/11/05)


    I answered the phone; anyone up for atrip tomorrow, Kennett & Avon orCherwell said a rather broken voice of up & down tones. It seems moderntechnology can now convert a text

    message to speech for STD lines.Most of us arrived at the club for 09:00as per AMs suggestion. Deniseexercised her womens prerogative andarrived around 10:00. In the meantimegeneral consensus was that we woulddo a stretch of the Cherwell,uncharted water from the clubs pointof view, from Lower Heyford to Thrupp.It couldnt have worked out better. Car

    parks adjacent put in and get out and afast A road linking the two. We wereon the water by 11:30 - 4 canoes and 3kayaks.The flow was reasonable, but fastmeant shallow and a bit of a problemfor the kayaks. Minor obstaclesconsisted of reed beds and debris butthese were easily dealt with. Fallentrees provided more scope foringenuity, but we were all forced toportage at one point. It was definitelyeasier for the kayaks through thesesections.We stopped for a short lunch break ataround 1pm and found that, althoughenjoyable, we hadnt travelled very farat all. Some serious bends in the riverwere adding to the distance. Under abridge and our 1 st weir, a rock construction looking almost natural.Most went river right, Denise went river

    left and wound up perched on anoutcrop. Good girl at least she canlaugh at her own predicament, and if were all laughing theres not muchwrong with the day. Deep but slowsections followed with a few fallen treesand other debris which generallyslowed our progress. We came to aparting of the ways. Straight on or lineit down a 10 rock strewn embankment.Easy decision straight on butwrong. You cant paddle through a millrace. We headed back to theembankment, but with a sinking sun wedecided to get on the canal to completethe trip. Luckily, some fisherman had

    just finished a competition. Uponenquiring I was told the best catch of the day was 71/2 lbs. with more tocome. How 71/2lbs of anything lived inthere was beyond comprehension,every paddle stroke on this reachseemed to disturb enough matter to setof an environmental hazard alarm.With the sun sinking still lower wepushed on. I saw a rather attractive

    dog walker and asked her how far toThrupp. About 5 or 6 miles she replied,and quantified this by stating that ittook her a couple of hours to walk thepooch from there to the lock we had

    just passed. Deflation. 15 mins. later Isaw an older couple and asked themthe same. About 20mins. Id say hereplied. Elation. Both were wrong andwe had another 50mins. or so to go.

    As is my wont, I put on a bit of a spurtand arrived at the end ahead of theothers, but somewhat breathless.Slightly longer than Andys estimation,we paddled just over 8 miles in mainlycloudless autumnal conditions. Mythanks to Andy Maxted for providingthe impetus and to Andy Hibbert, Guy,Tim Twitchen, Kelvin, and Denise for allcontributing to a wonderful day out.

    John Norris 14/11/05.

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    It's come to my notice that a few people outside of the club read our newsletter. Seeing as how KJF has offered to host a Sea Kayaking lecture for us I thought I'd return the favour and publish this on his behalf. It's a bit of a specialist item looking for the right home, if you know of anyone who may interested, tell Ken. Details below.


    Plyw ood expedition sea kayak.Excellent condition. Modified KenLittledyke design. 17 x 22. Based on a

    KL Sea Rover kit but narrower, with adeeper vee, less rocker and a flattersheerline. Red hull and deck ends withvarnished deck and interior. GRPbottom sheathing with epoxy at bow & stern skid areas. Rudder with kidneybar foot control and lifting blade,compass, deck mounted Whale pump,bulkheads, deck mounted towing rig,paddle park, splits, lines and elastics(elastics need replacing). The rearhatch is in the bulkhead, giving acleaner rear deck and easier access fortent or poles. Lendal asymmetricpaddle 218cm & 80 feather. Nylon andneoprene spraydecks. Stowable trolley(for firm ground only). 600 ono.Email Ken for photos - [email protected]

    AGM - 2 006 - 30th JANUARY

    Usual time, usual place. Good beer,excellent food (available before AGM)Sometimes quite, sometimes active,sometimes boring (well, the occasionalbit) but if you are not there your voicecannot be counted. Usual prizes -newsletter items, most improvedpaddlers etc. If you know of anyonewho deserves special mention forsomething they have done for the club

    or a member then please let the

    committee know in plenty of time.Check the website to ensure no lastminute changes to date / venue. Fornew members who wish to attend hereis a map showing the location.

    I know the maps a bit small inpublished form, but a look on thewebsite will show it in any size youwant and in glorious Technicolor.

    AND FIN ALLY The chairman pointed out this site tome shortly after I started doing thenewsletter. I take a look from time totime so here's a little cartoonappropriate for the season.

    Thanks to frikinzero Ink, go on, have apeep.


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    10/12/05 11/12/05 WYE & USK TRIP W/ E SPECTACULAR!B & B at The Old Pandy

    2* MARTIN REED01844 344687

    14/01/06 15/01/06 DART TRIP LOWER LOOP ONLY Accommodation at the Dart Centre

    2* MARTIN REED01844 344687




    Check withleaderor acoach.

    Guy Maddieson01844 275418

    Bold denotes organised MCC event or participation


    President Tim Ward 01494482959

    Chairman AdrianCooper


    Secretary & Southern rep.

    Andy Maxted 07730852760

    Treasurer Paul Crichton 08708806962

    Safety rep. GuyMaddieson


    Coaching Tim Twitchen 07833995289


    David Lydiatt 01753887773


    Don Moore 01628773555


    Martin Plain 01628483252

    Marketing & Publicity



    David Lydiatt 01753887773


    Rod Edmonds 01753671389


    John Norris 01494483833

    [email protected]



    Whitewater Martin Reed 01844344687

    Womens Rep Debs Hardy 07812749555

    Youth Rep GeorgeCooper










    START AROUND 8 :00pm .

    Financial mat ters, Annual sum mary, election of your comm ittee (someseats available for those that w ould like to put a little more into the

    club), aw ards and more (probably).