news · the palos vcrdcs (jem and mineral society will meet tuesday, jan. 1"> at the retail...

Wednesday, January 9, 1963 TORRANCt PRESS Kage OFFICERS INSTALLED at tonight's candlelight inves- ture of the Walteria Business Women's Club will in- clude: (l-r( Mmes. Jerry Butts, recording secretary; Al Schneider, vice president; Jan Nishimine, presi- Judith Ann Bishop Weds Stephen Ernest Watkins dent; Joe Anfuso, corresponding secretary; and An- thony Mack, treasurer. Conducting the installation at the Palm's retaurant will be Mrs. W. J. Labit. Th First Christian Church of Torrance was the Betting for the Dec. 20 mar- riage of Judith Ann Bishop to Stephen Ernest Walk ins. Kev. H. M. Sippcl *t the 3 p.m. double-ring ceremony. The bride is Ihe daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. James I 1 '. Bishop of 2821 Sonoma St. and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Gladys Quinn of Manhattan Beach and Charles Watkins of Arcadia. For the wedding, the church was decorated with white satin bows and flow- ers on the pews and baskets of white mums and stocks at the altar Escorted by her father, the bride wore a floor-length white brocade sheath fash- ioned with a owl neckline, long sleeves, and a cathe- dral train which fell from the waist. An elbow length veil was attached to a crown white satin and pearls, carried a cascade bou- quet of white rose. 1' sur- rounding a white orchid. Mi-/s .Janice Bishop, maid of honor, was attired in a Kelly green pcau' de soie" Khoath and carried a cascade bouquet of white roses and holly. Flower girl was l^aith Renee Rand, ano/ brides- maids were M1 c h e 1 e Mc- Cuthchen, Mrs. Robert Rond, Jan IMano, and Bcv- orly Borland. /They wore dresses similar to that of the maid of honor. Mrs. selected a 'gold and beige brocade sheath and coat for her laughter's wedding, and the mother of the bridegroom chose a beige sheath with beige accessories. Best man was Tim Wat- kins, who had as his attend- ants: Jack Giles, John Ket- terer, Carl Coin and Neil Ha worth. Ward Staff was ring bearer. During the ceremonv. "Becam-.e" and "The Lord's Praver" were sung. Miss Judith Snvder pro- sided at the guest book at n reception at the churrh. As- sisting were Mrs. F. A.'Lin- coln and the ladies of the Christian Women's Fellow- shin. The bride is a 1fW1 grad- uate of T o r r a n ce High School. The bridegroom, A\ ho is with the Los Angele-- Police Department, is a lH."»n praduafo of North Torranco High School and a1 tended I'll Camino College \\hero lie was nffiliated .with CM (lam- ma lota fratcrrrltv. Following a honeymoon trip to Oceanside, the couple Is at home in Manhattan Beach. MRS. STEPHEN I I- 1 NEST WA i f . . former Judith Ann Bishop f Photo by Seeman) Gem Society to Meet- The Palos Vcrdcs (Jem and Mineral Society will meet Tuesday, Jan. 1"> at the Retail Clerks Hall, 2-VMO Belleporte Avc., Harbor City. Meeting starts at 8 p.m. The program will in- clude an illustrated narra- tion discussing the growing and the use of quart/, cry- stals. Regular meetings dur- ing the year will take place on the third Tu eaday of each month. Visitors an; welcome, information about the society can bo obtained from Dorothy Frahm, phone FR 7-1 OKI MRS. CHARLES L. RODGERS returns from Monterey honeymoon (Photo by Seeman) Jerrsen- Allison Vows Exchanged Miss Janet H. Jeliseii, daughter of Mrs. William Riddle and Jerome Jensen of Torrance, become the bride of John 11. Allison, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Jack Allison of Redondo Beach, at a dou- ble?ring ceremonv per- formed at ft p.m. Friday, Dec. 28 at The Church ot the Good Shepard. Given, in marraige by her father, the bride was dress- ed In a floor length white peau de .soin gown and wore a pillbox crown of seed pearls. She carried a bou- quet of white carnations and Mcphanotis with a white or- chid. Mrs. Uuriicll Nfllchaml, matron of honor, was attire*i In green velvet and had a corsage of white pom-pom- chrysanthemums. S h e r r y Netteland. junior brides- maid, wore a white nylon drYvss with a circular skirt nn<l had a green crown with nylon net. Bride- maids were f he Mis'-e* Pat Otter and Shir- lev Middle- and Mrs. Doris Secfeldt. The mother nf the bride elected a green emerald s.itin costume and the moth- er of the bridegroom chose a beige ensemble. Attending the bridegroom were Jim Allison. best man, Jerry Goddard. Bob Tins', and Kenneth Cann, ushers, and Dale Secfeldt and C.-irv Bifldle junior ushers. A reception at 121.') Creu- shaw Blvd. followed the ceremony. The bride graduated from Lincoln High School in Thief River Falls, Minn.. and iiltended A ill u g t n n Slale College, in Arlington Tc.v The bridegroom \-t * student at El Camino Col- Jcgo- The newly weds are man ing their home in. Iledondo Beach. PTA News CHILD DEVELOPMENT Columbia PTA will meet in the school cafetorium at, 7:HO p.m. Tuesday. The Pledge of Allegiance will be led by I'.iv Seout Troop \o. 777. t Mr;-. Joseph Kettering, program chairman, states that Miss Betty Gralicker. MSW. Child Development. Clinic, Children's Hospital of Los Angeles will speak. Featured chairmen will be typist and 1 i h r a r i a n. Re- frci.hments will be provided by mothers of rooms six, seven, and eight. i- * * AUDIO-VISUAL AIDS How audio-visual aids are used in leaching will be de- monstrated by Robert 11. Mosor, audio-visual services chairman, at an association meeting of Hillside PTA to- morrow A panel of teachers will discuss methods used In our schools. Mrs. Beryl 1'. Gutridge has been elected to fill the office of first vice president. lOight graders will hold a paper drive Wednesday Jan. l(i to raise money for their graduation part v. RONNIE SAUNDERS, Society Editor Peterson-Kasterko Nuptials Read TELEPHONE DA 5-1515 Karen Peterson. daugh- ter of Mrs. Ruth Peterson of Torrance and Roy Peterson, also of Torrance. became the bride of James Kastcrko, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thorna* Kasterko of Torrance in a ceremony performed at 4 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 29 at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Rev. Hugh R. Percy per- formed the double-ring cere- mony before an altar decked with white glads, mums, stocks and carnations. Escorted by her grand fa- ther. Lewis Johnson, the bride wore a white satin gown fashioned with a bus- tle and long sleeves which terminated in points. She carried a bouquet of white rotses ar lily of the valley surrounuing an or- chid slip corsage. y For her sister's wedding. San'dra Peterson. maid of honor, was dressed in a red satin brocade gown w i t h long sleeves and carried a cascade bouquet of dark red carnations. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Reuben Hughes, Miss Diane Bower, and Miss Janet Tharp. Their gowns match- ed that of the maid of hon- or and their bouquets were fashioned of peppermint car- nations The mother of the bride was attired in a beige satin brocade dress with a match- ing fur-trimmed jacket and beige accessories. The bride- groom's mother wore a blue wool sheath. Thomas Kasterko was best ninn for his brother. Ushers included John Sherfey, Bill Schell, and Larry Robertson. "O Perfect Love" and "The Lord's Prayer" were sung. * A reception at the church followed. Mis.-; Susan Bred- man presided at the guest hook. Assisting were Miss Toni Sheets, Miss Carol Sharp and the ladies of the church. Following a honeymoon" trip to Carmel and San Fran- cisco, the newly-married couple is at home in Tor- rance. A 1060 graduate of North High School, the bride at- tended El Camino College and graduated from Califor- nia College of Commerce. She is employed as a secre- tary at Airline Welding and Engineering Co. in Cardena. The bridegroom, who was graduated from Torrance High School in 10^7. is cm- ployed by the South Bay Daily Breeze. MRS. JAMES KASTERKO . . former Karen Peterson (Photo by Seemqn) University Women Hear Expert on Latin America A first hand account of today's happenings in Latin America, along with predic- tions of future events in its "hot spots,'' will be given members of Palos \'erdes- Rolling Hills Branch. Amer- ican Association of Univer- sity Women, at their gen- eral meeting Thursday. Jan. Husbands of members are invited to the meeting, set for 7:30 p.m.. in the Palo.: Verdcs Art Gallery. Speakc'* will be Kyland R. Madison, professor at Long Beach State College, who has made recent ex- tensive trips *** Latin Amer- ica as a specialist for the State Department, who will present a "Latin American Profile." During World War II. he served in the army for four years and was associated with office of the Coordina- tor of Inter-American Af- fairs. His assignments took him >o all 20 of the Latin American republics as an in- telligence officer. His e d u c a t i o n a 1 back- ground includes A.B.. M.A., and Ph.D. degrees from Stanford University and post-doctoral studies in Eu- rope and at Yale. Program chairman is Mrs. H. C. McLcmlon. In charge of the informal coffee ga- thering preceding the meet- ing will be Mrs. Stuart G. Forbes, assisted by Mrs. Charles W. Blrnkhorn and Mrs. Henry Low. LAURA LEE GREGG ... To Be Wed Couple Plights Troth On Christmas Day Mr. and Mrs. Jack 0. Gregg of 3318 Onrado St., announced the engagement of their daugh- ter, Laura Lee, to Lee Al- ien McCoy Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. McCoy, 2712 Torrance Blvd. The bride-elect is a grad- uate of Torrance High School, class of 1062. She is currently attending dental assistant school at, C.C.L.A. The future bridegroom is also a graduate of Torrance High School, das-s of 1062, and is attending Kl Camiuo College where he is a draft- ing major. No date has been set for the wedding. VEGAS LICENSES LAS VEGAS, Nev., Marriage licenses issued here include: Intermill-Ward Dec. ~.\ Sam Intermill, 36, and Ph\ 1- lis Ward -40. both of Tor- rance. lYIIley-Byrd Drc.,2fi, Floyd K. Pefflcy. 31, and Lorctta M. Byrd, 30, both of \Yilmington. Biando-Ramey ~ Doc. 28, Ste\en K. Riando. 2fi. of Wil- nu'ngton. and Judith Ann Kamey, 22. of San Bernar- dino. Correll-IUchman Dec. 28. arl L. Correll. 32. of Tor- ranee, and Patricia S. Rich- man, 32, of Gardena. Livingston-Adams Dec. 2S, Perry Blake Livingston, Jr.. 22. of Hedondo Beach, and Jolene A. Adams, 22, of Torrance. Rush-Go or Dec. 20. R obert E. Bush, 27. and Jaequcline P. Geyer. 25, Itoth of Torrance. P>rown-Bro\vn Dec, 29, Plu'llip L. Brown, 3.\ of Lo- mita. remarried Betty J, Broun. 30, of Torrance. McKown-Rarnhart Dee. L.'!). Raymond \V. MeKnovvn, 31. and Grace K. Barnhart, .">!. both of Torrance. Shakespeare - Keller Dec. 20. Robert J. Shake- spoare. 10. of Wilmington. and Hillie R. Keller, IS. of Artesia. Gamhcau - Vcneman Dec. :10, Alcx D. Gambcau, 22 .of Torrance, and Jacque- line J. Veneman, 21, of, Wil- mington. Hutcheson-Hiegcl Dec. 30. James R. Huteheson, 33, and Marjorie G. Hicgr.l. 40. both of Torrance. Wilson-Rains Dec. 30. Dennis Dale Wilson. 21. of Lawndale, and Elizabeth E. Rains. 18, of Torrance. Busby-Moore Wee. 31. Kugcne A. Busby. 33. of Lawndale. and Gloria D. Moore, 2U. of Wilmington. Batey-Burke Dec. 31. Harry C. Batey, 70, and Kdythe A. Bur£e, 53, both of Torrance.

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Page 1: News · The Palos Vcrdcs (Jem and Mineral Society will meet Tuesday, Jan. 1"> at the Retail Clerks Hall, 2-VMO Belleporte Avc., Harbor City. Meeting starts at 8 p.m. The program will

Wednesday, January 9, 1963 TORRANCt PRESS Kage

OFFICERS INSTALLED at tonight's candlelight inves- ture of the Walteria Business Women's Club will in­ clude: (l-r( Mmes. Jerry Butts, recording secretary; Al Schneider, vice president; Jan Nishimine, presi-

Judith Ann Bishop Weds Stephen Ernest Watkins

dent; Joe Anfuso, corresponding secretary; and An­ thony Mack, treasurer. Conducting the installation at the Palm's retaurant will be Mrs. W. J. Labit.

Th First Christian Church of Torrance was the Betting for the Dec. 20 mar­ riage of Judith Ann Bishop to Stephen Ernest Walk ins. Kev. H. M. Sippcl *t the 3 p.m. double-ring ceremony.

The bride is Ihe daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. James I 1 '. Bishop of 2821 Sonoma St. and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Gladys Quinn of Manhattan Beach and Charles Watkins of Arcadia.

For the wedding, the church was decorated with white satin bows and flow­ ers on the pews and baskets of white mums and stocks at the altar

Escorted by her father, the bride wore a floor-length white brocade sheath fash­ ioned with a owl neckline, long sleeves, and a cathe­ dral train which fell from the waist. An elbow length veil was attached to a crown

white satin and pearls, carried a cascade bou­

quet of white rose.1' sur­ rounding a white orchid.

Mi-/s .Janice Bishop, maid of honor, was attired in a Kelly green pcau' de soie" Khoath and carried a cascade bouquet of white roses and holly. Flower girl was l^aith Renee Rand, ano/ brides­ maids were M1 c h e 1 e Mc-

Cuthchen, Mrs. Robert Rond, Jan IMano, and Bcv- orly Borland. /They wore dresses similar to that of the maid of honor.

Mrs. selected a 'gold and beige brocade sheath and coat for her laughter's wedding, and the mother of the bridegroom chose a beige sheath with beige accessories.

Best man was Tim Wat- kins, who had as his attend­ ants: Jack Giles, John Ket- terer, Carl Coin and Neil Ha worth. Ward Staff was ring bearer.

During the ceremonv. "Becam-.e" and "The Lord's Praver" were sung.

Miss Judith Snvder pro- sided at the guest book at n reception at the churrh. As­ sisting were Mrs. F. A.'Lin­ coln and the ladies of the Christian Women's Fellow- shin.

The bride is a 1fW1 grad­ uate of T o r r a n ce High School. The bridegroom, A\ ho is with the Los Angele-- Police Department, is a lH."»n praduafo of North Torranco High School and a1 tended I'll Camino College \\hero lie was nffiliated .with CM (lam- ma lota fratcrrrltv.

Following a honeymoon trip to Oceanside, the couple Is at home in Manhattan Beach.

MRS. STEPHEN I I- 1 NEST WA i f . . former Judith Ann Bishop

f Photo by Seeman)

Gem Society to Meet- The Palos Vcrdcs (Jem

and Mineral Society will meet Tuesday, Jan. 1"> at the Retail Clerks Hall, 2-VMO Belleporte Avc., Harbor City. Meeting starts at 8 p.m. The program will in­ clude an illustrated narra­

tion discussing the growing and the use of quart/, cry­ stals. Regular meetings dur­ ing the year will take place on the third Tu eaday of each month. Visitors an; welcome, information about the society can bo obtained from Dorothy Frahm, phone FR 7-1 OKI

MRS. CHARLES L. RODGERS returns from Monterey honeymoon

(Photo by Seeman)

Jerrsen- Allison Vows Exchanged

Miss Janet H. Jeliseii,

daughter of Mrs. William Riddle and Jerome Jensen of Torrance, become the bride of John 11. Allison, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Jack Allison of Redondo Beach, at a dou- ble?ring ceremonv per­ formed at ft p.m. Friday, Dec. 28 at The Church ot the Good Shepard.

Given, in marraige by her father, the bride was dress­ ed In a floor length white peau de .soin gown and wore a pillbox crown of seed pearls. She carried a bou­ quet of white carnations and Mcphanotis with a white or­ chid.

Mrs. Uuriicll Nfllchaml, matron of honor, was attire*i In green velvet and had a corsage of white pom-pom- chrysanthemums. S h e r r y Netteland. junior brides­ maid, wore a white nylon drYvss with a circular skirt nn<l had a green crown with nylon net.

Bride- maids were f he Mis'-e* Pat Otter and Shir- lev Middle- and Mrs. Doris Secfeldt.

The mother nf the bride elected a green emerald s.itin costume and the moth­ er of the bridegroom chose a beige ensemble.

Attending the bridegroom were Jim Allison. best man, Jerry Goddard. Bob Tins', and Kenneth Cann, ushers, and Dale Secfeldt and C.-irv Bifldle junior ushers.

A reception at 121.') Creu- shaw Blvd. followed the ceremony.

The bride graduated from Lincoln High School in Thief River Falls, Minn.. and iiltended A ill u g t n n Slale College, in Arlington

Tc.v The bridegroom \-t * student at El Camino Col- Jcgo-

The newly weds are man ing their home in. Iledondo Beach.



in the school cafetorium at, 7:HO p.m. Tuesday. The Pledge of Allegiance will be led by I'.iv Seout Troop \o. 777.

tMr;-. Joseph Kettering, program chairman, states that Miss Betty Gralicker. MSW. Child Development. Clinic, Children's Hospital of Los Angeles will speak.

Featured chairmen will be typist and 1 i h r a r i a n. Re- frci.hments will be provided by mothers of rooms six,seven, and eight.


How audio-visual aids are used in leaching will be de­ monstrated by Robert 11. Mosor, audio-visual services chairman, at an association meeting of Hillside PTA to­ morrow A panel of teachers will discuss methods used In our schools.

Mrs. Beryl 1'. Gutridge has been elected to fill the office of first vice president.

lOight graders will hold a paper drive Wednesday Jan. l(i to raise money for their graduation part v.


Peterson-Kasterko Nuptials Read


Karen Peterson. daugh­ ter of Mrs. Ruth Peterson of Torrance and Roy Peterson, also of Torrance. became the bride of James Kastcrko, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thorna* Kasterko of Torrance in a ceremony performed at 4 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 29 at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church,

Rev. Hugh R. Percy per­ formed the double-ring cere­ mony before an altar decked with white glads, mums, stocks and carnations.

Escorted by her grand fa­ ther. Lewis Johnson, the bride wore a white satin gown fashioned with a bus­ tle and long sleeves which terminated in points.

She carried a bouquet of white rotses ar lily of the valley surrounuing an or­ chid slip corsage. y

For her sister's wedding. San'dra Peterson. maid of honor, was dressed in a red satin brocade gown w i t h long sleeves and carried a cascade bouquet of dark red carnations.

Bridesmaids were Mrs. Reuben Hughes, Miss Diane Bower, and Miss Janet Tharp. Their gowns match­ ed that of the maid of hon­ or and their bouquets were fashioned of peppermint car­ nations

The mother of the bride was attired in a beige satin brocade dress with a match­ ing fur-trimmed jacket and beige accessories. The bride­ groom's mother wore a blue wool sheath.

Thomas Kasterko was best ninn for his brother. Ushers included John Sherfey, Bill Schell, and Larry Robertson.

"O Perfect Love" and "The Lord's Prayer" were sung. *

A reception at the church followed. Mis.-; Susan Bred- man presided at the guest hook. Assisting were Miss Toni Sheets, Miss Carol Sharp and the ladies of the church.

Following a honeymoon" trip to Carmel and San Fran­ cisco, the newly-married couple is at home in Tor­ rance.

A 1060 graduate of North High School, the bride at­ tended El Camino College and graduated from Califor­ nia College of Commerce. She is employed as a secre­ tary at Airline Welding and Engineering Co. in Cardena.

The bridegroom, who was graduated from Torrance High School in 10^7. is cm- ployed by the South Bay Daily Breeze.

MRS. JAMES KASTERKO . . former Karen Peterson

(Photo by Seemqn)

University Women Hear Expert on Latin America

A first hand account of today's happenings in Latin America, along with predic­ tions of future events in its "hot spots,'' will be given members of Palos \'erdes- Rolling Hills Branch. Amer­ ican Association of Univer­ sity Women, at their gen­ eral meeting Thursday. Jan.

Husbands of members are invited to the meeting, set for 7:30 p.m.. in the Palo.: Verdcs Art Gallery.

Speakc'* will be Kyland R. Madison, professor at Long Beach State College, who has made recent ex­ tensive trips *** Latin Amer­ ica as a specialist for the State Department, who will present a "Latin American Profile."

During World War II. he served in the army for four years and was associated with office of the Coordina­ tor of Inter-American Af­ fairs. His assignments took him >o all 20 of the Latin American republics as an in­ telligence officer.

His e d u c a t i o n a 1 back­ ground includes A.B.. M.A., and Ph.D. degrees from Stanford University and post-doctoral studies in Eu­ rope and at Yale.

Program chairman is Mrs. H. C. McLcmlon. In charge of the informal coffee ga­ thering preceding the meet­ ing will be Mrs. Stuart G. Forbes, assisted by Mrs. Charles W. Blrnkhorn and Mrs. Henry Low.


Couple Plights Troth

On Christmas Day Mr. and Mrs. Jack 0. Gregg of 3318 Onrado St., announced the engagement of their daugh­ ter, Laura Lee, to Lee Al­ ien McCoy Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. McCoy, 2712 Torrance Blvd.

The bride-elect is a grad­ uate of Torrance High School, class of 1062. She is currently attending dental assistant school at, C.C.L.A.

The future bridegroom is also a graduate of Torrance High School, das-s of 1062, and is attending Kl Camiuo College where he is a draft­ ing major.

No date has been set for the wedding.


Marriage licenses issued here include:

Intermill-Ward Dec. ~.\ Sam Intermill, 36, and Ph\ 1- lis Ward -40. both of Tor­ rance.

lYIIley-Byrd Drc.,2fi, Floyd K. Pefflcy. 31, and Lorctta M. Byrd, 30, both of \Yilmington.

Biando-Ramey ~ Doc. 28, Ste\en K. Riando. 2fi. of Wil- nu'ngton. and Judith Ann Kamey, 22. of San Bernar- dino.

Correll-IUchman Dec. 28. arl L. Correll. 32. of Tor- ranee, and Patricia S. Rich- man, 32, of Gardena.

Livingston-Adams Dec. 2S, Perry Blake Livingston, Jr.. 22. of Hedondo Beach, and Jolene A. Adams, 22, of Torrance.

Rush-Go or Dec. 20. R obert E. Bush, 27. and Jaequcline P. Geyer. 25, Itoth of Torrance.

P>rown-Bro\vn Dec, 29, Plu'llip L. Brown, 3.\ of Lo- mita. remarried Betty J, Broun. 30, of Torrance.

McKown-Rarnhart Dee. L.'!). Raymond \V. MeKnovvn, 31. and Grace K. Barnhart, .">!. both of Torrance.

Shakespeare - Keller Dec. 20. Robert J. Shake- spoare. 10. of Wilmington. and Hillie R. Keller, IS. of Artesia.

Gamhcau - Vcneman Dec. :10, Alcx D. Gambcau, 22 .of Torrance, and Jacque- line J. Veneman, 21, of, Wil­ mington.

Hutcheson-Hiegcl Dec. 30. James R. Huteheson, 33, and Marjorie G. Hicgr.l. 40. both of Torrance.

Wilson-Rains Dec. 30. Dennis Dale Wilson. 21. of Lawndale, and Elizabeth E. Rains. 18, of Torrance.

Busby-Moore Wee. 31. Kugcne A. Busby. 33. of Lawndale. and Gloria D. Moore, 2U. of Wilmington.

Batey-Burke Dec. 31. Harry C. Batey, 70, and Kdythe A. Bur£e, 53, both of Torrance.