news items of the ridge lesson in...

College Students Act As Summer Welfare Workers SUFFOLK COUNTY WELFARE COMMISSIONER John L. harry, Idt . welcomes Richard Cjrillo . 9 Edwards Lane , Blue Point , and Pa t ricia Dailey, r,S7 Patchogue Avenue Bellport. Both Suffolk youths art- anions 1A college students enrolled in the W elfare agency * Summer In-Service training program. Rich- ard attends St. John ' s I niversity, where he ' s a historv and phil- osophy major , while Pa t ricia is a sociology student at Drew University in New Jersey. Soffi 'lk County Welfare Com- miss i oner . lohn L. Barry lias ;in- noum-cd tiiat 3. '-! college students, ali .fro'ii Suffolk , will partici pate in the agency ' s fourth annual Sun1irj .er In-Service training pro- grain. The students, most of them soc- iology majors, actuall y go into the field to assist the present case- worker staff. "It' s an excellent means of stimulating interest in social welfare activities. " says Commissioner Barry. "What' s more ." adds Barry, "the expense to the county is minimal since we are reimbursed for this b y the State Department of Social ' Wel- fare. " The program , which began in 1!»5S with just two students , has grown steadily since. Barry hopes that the effort will stimulate staff-recruitment and help the Welfare Department to develop, in his words , " a built-in future staff , whose individual potentialities have been tested right on the firing line. " AII stores ^^>^~ { ^' : . A' .^ JF Anael Food Cake B¥3' BM9 Closed 2? - -'\^ -r^df ujf l ¦-¦¦¦•pw" ¦ ww VMB« W __Z__j______ mmm\_mmmm TuGSCIQV EE~" ^^ v. . H?\fi 1* ^-^ 10 i&&^ ' l %BnB ^s^fe. A_ mm_ ^^^^^t\^^BS _ K^a^^^iu^ ' AI^ Qz C m _ * * \--ig& ^^"S KP W Waldorf: You know ^^ B JN^ ^^^^^ T HL \A B * ^ £ P Tar M HoorX E - 'C:===' ^" T ^-^lP s ' * ~ «8r This Fine Quality 13 OX. _ B \B m U ^RM ^^S = ^^?^ii^^^K^ i B l m ^m^^^^ mh £* tf* A III I f Bt. 9 ^^^^^^^^^^^^ »\ Snow Star Libby s Bel-asr J^- fl , "^^^^^^^^ E^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ " Chocolate, Frozen or Peas & Carrots £l£. %^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ J Vanilla or Strawberry Regular or Pink Frozen, Premium Quality C m * 0d9 A ^Omm dBm. 100 FREE ___\\\w mmmm mmmmmk. mmmmml. ^^^ ^^^ Hw ama BB nn - |j% Bfe | | s t of l f t Cook-Out Charcoal Briquets S _ " _ dm. mm. A 50 FREE mmm _______ ¥ _______ mmmmmma ^BumBm. -BBmmm. AWsBmmm. m __w *m _\w H W HB B3 S IA *M W& Bm planters ^ 7 oz ^ Ai tf% Maar Cole Slow or Potato Salad HBHH^^ I HH r Pf l nU l C Cocktail __ 2m Cans I AMIJ No Coupon Required Offer Good Throug h 7-1-61 C«^ -***, __m dm. dm*. 50 FREE B^M AV . _______ BB ^ m\A\wS_m\ mWBA __m\BBmm\ _mmmmmm\ ^^^ ^ mW mm ¦* n mm. DPinlf C Pu^Zr Oran^Pi^a ^ le JTifans ' 1 DO I G ° W Bo,, d S * am ^ S ^HLmWr H ^B MH Bm BB^ B V m_\BB ** ^^^_m\w p Hj ^B ^^B _\\W ^ V^^ \A/* 4dU U t 1 Pork & Beans H ^' &L. 1 0 1.00 Soft Drinks C £ 9 C~ 6 2 Lt 8 Tomato Catsup ,J:^U 5'& 1.00 Sk y lark Bread '£#, * : t< 39c Toilet Tissue *JZZ«n 4^1 45' Charcoa l Lite r f., ^L«», i'29e Grape Jelly EZ, 5 ""' 1.00 PB% \ USD A Inspected for Wholesomeness . JtmBBBt _% _. I These are top quality chickens—plump tender birds with j^^^^m^SSH M ffl^^m 4^ la *»« ¦*¦.«% «» A . AMI H_uAiff# ¦ _r r n / r r jBBSaflffi JOlfflHliDt lHiMBMfflBfflmwl ^ ¦ ^ffl HH 9 1 ¦ Bm9_ _ Tm _\m_\ _ %_ _\ ^r V* ^HF ^k ' / the sweetest-eatin' meat you ever tasted. And look at our C=^B!^S^J^C J ^g"'U" ivJIv BI **¦ v|» Other Saf eway Sup&fb Meats ^#*£ MEHBnHnHHBl __m n nn mm »_ m __ H AH BA A ASHJ ^IBMA# Large Jumbo California ¦¦ 111 , I M^RUffi ll Ifimf Town & Country CQ Ij fl l l I U l O l IDCS 3 pound average lb fi %? C %Uilii®P nUlll S 10tol4 pound$ fc -if jfC ^^^¦¦¦¦ ¦ ^¦¦•^ •¦ |^ ^r^ * ¦ ^^ B4^SBj% Ji II MBM sliced - For Quick ' AA. Sweet Corn It. 41333^ Gra pes lf;i 29c WmU mmim Meals or sandwiches ^ ^f^C Georg ia p eaches 2 ^ 25« Iceberg Lettuce 111 * 315c SE?£l§ttBA&» £r l^mm^ mm mAB AW Get Plenty For 2 lb. ft OL i&BllBSSS ¦ ¦ HliK5 Holiday Lunches pkg. ft7 C _, Ground Beef For r h ay - 45c Bologna ;XS - 49c Jt£*J?£. c mJ^J^ r , c .,, , . . n Junior O jar* /J Strained ' jar* 7 sJ Daisy Butts El' LlE, " 69c Fresh Spa reribsX, ». 65c ! 1 TODAY THRU SATURDAY ^Iir 0.rl Rnron ToW" & C°Un,ry lb ^^C Ifn l inn ^nilcn/IO H °' ° r lb AOt Pr!ces effective a> ol1 Safewa y Slorei throughout Metropolitan New York , New Jersey, OllttU UULUII Lean & Crisp sJ sJ ^ IIUI1UII OUUOUVJO Sweet U7 W Long Island and Westchester. We reserve the right to limit quantities None sold for resale. ^WMM&MiMMMMWMWlMiiMMMMM^x ^^LW y Mrs. InKrid (irimaldi. YAphank 4-^"16 l vi(d'i' I' nit of the Hi- 'Mikliavcn Mi'inoiiul llosp it:' .! will spotisor a caisi' . -a!o to b' lu'ld in tne drive- way :.! ¦ d' hoiiie <if .M rs. Ruth Do da;v.> in l' anamnka. starting at 10 a. in. .July Id . Td' Idnu' Kxti'iision v ^erviee mei dnnday ni . u'ht at St. .Mark' s dmi' ! ti !•:;>. im':!. a.nil . with Mrs. Helen Sehndil as inst ruetor. eoni- ])lc!ed tin en '. ' , mi dress projeet. An a '/tenant!! neat is Ueiim' urban- ized I ' nr tlir fall with .Mi' s. Klsie I' .alas :e- ehainnan . Ladies attend- iii;; - \\"ie a- Id' uws: .Mesdames Dnretliy Russell. Ha.i'hara .Mart/.. Juan hay. Km een Kntlin , id' .dira Arms! rm,L: and Ka.dierine S- 'li udi. 'I li, ' utlieers of Kidee I' ai-cnit- Teai -hi -r A - . "eiat imi . i;ave a dinner j Thursday m , u '!;t. for tlte mil ^u- inu" president . Ai rs . Alary (low , at Whale: ¦ . lee. . I' m" , .L'l ' fei -.,m. At- teadiMe we:. ' Meai:imes ' ' ' .leaner ( ' . h. Su-i" ALa ed i. Alarue- t'M- Xieulav . Janet liruhe . U;i v U' a:ke. D. 'rethv liaise!! . Helen Lhler . Xrlda lieeth . Kay Alnoney and I' ' ra;;«s's I .a/. /.aru . Ali>. Klsie L.ahts of Sall y Lane, a ir.ri'i in r Mi ' t lie Leek y I' uint Ida i le : ei 1" nit. eni. iyed the an- naa! ea ' . i ;"; last Wednesday with a Ims t'' .! , to Hunt in . u'ton for a ( hire- dinn. -r and later a show at the ( 'inerama in S yossct. Mar a Sehaaf , daughter of Air. an.! Mr- , l- ' rederiek Sehaaf t * of Winsd ' ' L' ead . eelehra ' .ed her Lrrad- n. 'tti ¦ ¦ •!: ; real l' m't Jefl ' m' son Junior llatli Selr el with a family party. [• ' : .d .i\ m . Lihl. Mr. aid Mrs. Jnsej di S pozio of \\ ¦ ¦!. .: .a iLiad were surprised last Sa ' ;ira. . ,y i-y their first famil y ro- u:.;e ': ;;, fifteen ineludinu' Air. Sp' see ' s mother . All's. Theresa S;> ! ¦ :< ; ¦ . ' New Jer . -.ey; his hrother and . - : -!; r-in-law . Air. and Airs. (iee; s . sp. ;.io ef Al ianii . Fla.; his Lrethe ' . Xie ' iias S ef Hawaii; le- ' •!' ¦ ' ¦ r-in law and sister . Al r. ;:i d M n , 1' asipad e Tadeseo of (e . . . i' - . '.'k: Air. and Airs. Victor S'p. -. s- ' n ¦ " Wr.din . c River and Air. a:.a :\v. ~ . Lh. - .ries X;;toli and Mr. ,rai .>lrs . ( ' :u'nn l In Natoli of Lived' ::. who Al r< . Spozio ' s na' e " .v :i:;ii her brother and sis- t a' - .:: 1 : ¦ - , resjieet ixady. The Advance is on sale at Wat- tie ' s (irocery. and Kidjr o Lost Of- fice in the Ridye. —Ad v. M; . via AL. - . - . Sam (inmaldi and d. -ieL . ..;. r . Leslie Ta\'ior . oi ' Dew Lae lie - . ,; . ..::e:tde.i the a 'l'adua- i ion d: - ' :. ¦ ¦ r par: y i ' .a' Aiaria Zin- na a. . ' ei' of M r. a 'al Airs. Ali- ei'.a 1 .era. a: their home in L. l ie le: iv . Stiuday. The (Lriiiial- e.i- ' .; ¦¦ :' ecier.]ia.;ilrd hy Al l', and Al :• - . J. \- .h (ddti and Aliss Ly dia AL.; e . ' Sottnd 1' eaeh; Air. and Al ;s . j- ' ;.: '. !\ LeL'weda and datmh- 1ers . Aiava , 'tnd l- ' rances . id I'd nil - iiariale: Air. a-a ' Airs . Aiieliae! AIau::i;.o a'ai diiiiiren. Aldhaei. Jr.. :e,.i d'heresa of Latehoe-ue; Ai r. and Air- . Victor (Lvco . Air. and AL - . A v oay ( ' aadus ' iiv and son. •Le. e... Lss ' .do Zinrav at\d^ 'h- P. r- . Al. -ses Jesepiiine and Xeli y ' /. ne; . e ' R. -rt Jefferson J. : La Flair , (ian . u 'htei ef Air. :::. i! M ' - . J hn La Flair, ef Circle I . IS a ¦ ¦ . U'iiisk.y . eidcbrat- . i !, e, be ' ateti tweil ' tli birthday b' ri- . ... y tti . uht wit! 1 , a wienie reas> and !:.a y ride . \U]- quests included i ' .a' d ; . .ers . Jeffrey. John and Jay :.:. . . iter sister. Jeanne , and Sdved ( Late ai . Pianne K 'i?' .al . A[:>.r\ IL- ' ;. Shmol Body. Rita Jvrd'wsk: ' . Leslie Tavlor . Patricia ^Browne , Leslie Carvannin. Eileen Xaii fi'liton , Patricia Ale Ginnis , Ma- rion Bcnens. Christa Simon , Ca- role Raphold , Judy Erwi n , Robert Puply. Oliver Williams. David Red- | man , James Rendos and Gary j Spall. I The final baseball results of j Ridf^ e Junior Niyh School , with i Guy Mastrion as coach, are as I follows : Rid^' e in favor of Infant Jesus 8 to f> . two pmos against Center Aloriches Ild'h with Cen- ter Aloriches 5 to 2 and 10 to 7. two u'ames against Rocky Point in favor of the Rid^e team 12-A and S to 2. .Miller Place was de- 1 feated in two yamos with :i to 1 and H to 1 and Ultimo won the . u'ame with William Floyd School . f> to 2. The following boys par- ticipated in these panics with the htittin u ' averages as follows: Jo- sejih Murp hy, AAA; Malcolm Ver- saw . 1( 10; Josep h Coleman. 462; Weslev Bullock. 422 ; Charles Bul- lock , 44-1 ; John Harris. AVA; Charles Shelhv. 22d James Sliced , 25(1 ; David Redmond. 27li ; Phillip Reany, . '585 ; Frank Thomas, AAA. William Cunningham. 250; Glen P y do , 285; James Wilson , Keneth Horsford and Richard Protosou. Karen and Tina Xieolay, daugh- ters of Air. and Airs. Franz Ni- eolay of Middle Country Road , are currently enjoy ing a week' s vacation at the Alberto Lodge , Twirling Camp at Freehold. Tina received the third award recently ii, the solo competition in the United States Twirling contest. Mr. and Airs. Frank Burke of Sall y Lane gave a family reunion dinner Sunday in honor of their grandchildren , Kath y and Donna Sieber. of Titusville. Fla., wdi o are spending a week with them. En- joying the event were Mrs. Burke 's brother-in-law and sister , Mr. and Mrs. John Lane, Sr., of Maspeth, and their son and daughter-in-law Air. and Airs. John Lane , Jr., and children , Karen and John , of Pomp- ton Lake , N. J., and Mrs Burke ' s sister . Airs. Isabel Lopez of Ridge. Thursday Mr. and Mrs Burke were accompanied b y their grandchil- dren. Kathy and Donna , Mi' s Lo- pez and All's. John Lane , Sr., on a motor tri p to Pompton Lake 1 where they spent the (lav with Air. and Airs. John Lane. Jr., and fam- ily George Petropulos , son of Air. and Airs. John Petropulos of Alid- dle Country Road , spent the week- end with his parents and returned to Bridgeport University to contin- ue his studies at the Summer School there. Col. and Airs. James Roche of Medford Road were hosts at a dinner party in honor of Walter Chalmer ' s eightieth birthday . Sun- day, at Tin 4 Three Village Inn, Stony Brook. Enjoy ing the cele- bration with the u'uest-of-honor was Aliss Verna Blue of Dr. Kings Hosp ital. Bay Shore, who was a weekend guest at the home of Col . and Airs. Roche and will leave for a ¦month' s vacation in Winston-Salem , N. C . Tuesday ' s dinner guests were Mesdames Ruth Setdius , Helen Deichman , Alarga- ret Barker of Port Jefferson and Walter Ohalmer of Ridge. Richard. Melvine and George Gow , sons of Mr. and Airs . Wind- sor Gow of Randall Road, have been accepted for Baiting Hollow Boy Scout Camp from Julv 2 to 14. Cub Pack 187 has p lanned a ferry trio to New London on Julv 2.S . Sports day. August 5 .and an out-door festival at the New York Game Farm . Middle Country Road , on August 20. (ilKL SCOUTS Girl Scout Troop A7 met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gri- maldi on Dew Flag Road , Thurs- day, where they enjoyed the last meeting of the season with a par- ty. Partici pating with the hauler . Airs. Eleanor Naughton , were Les- lie Taylor , Momilani Naughton , Patricia Iliggins. Anita Lombardo , Kath y Cyran , Edith Barsch , Gilda Anastasi and Susan Beeht. Iliggins on the waiting list. Brownie Troop ' .I had their last meeting Wednesday at the local school with Linda Aiello , Jeanne Austen, Laura Cyra and Pamela Douglas r c e i v i n g their Fly- Up wings f r o m their leaders , Mesdames Edna Aiello and Doro- thy Barsch , followed by a party and refresrments. Enjoying the event were the Fly-Ups mothers , Mesdames Archie Douglas, John Cyran , John Austen and James Anderson. ST. MARK'S CHURCH Thi 1 women of St. Mark' s Luthe- ran Church met June 21 in the church basement with the Rev . Harold Drum. Mrs. Joan Day led the devotional study on prayers , followed by a discussion on Youth with Luther leaguer , Linda barth. Attending were Mesdames Elsie Bads . Ruse Burst. Ka.he- Momilani Naughton and Leslie Taylor will leave Jul y . " , for a two week stay at Girl Scout Camp Edey. Sayville. Gilda Anas- tasi . Linda lgnac/.ak, Lynn Miller , Anita Lombardo and Ife'en Gia- quinto will spend one week there during the Summer with Ped'icd line Schoch , Helen Schmidt , Bar- ba ra Mlartz , Charlotta Overbo, Gisela Linsenbarth , Barbara Tyree and Dorothy Brodman. The Junior Luther League met Tuesday with the Rev. Mr. Drum at the church grounds where they held a short business fol- lowed by a wienie roast. The fol- lowing youngsters attended: Kare n Nicolay, Loretta Brodman , Les ' .ie Tay lor , Kathy Cyran , Susan Bra- hman , John Wrobble and Robert Koepke. Worship services Sunday at the church on William Floyd Parkway are .at 8 and 10:30 a. m. Sunday School for all children is at ( .):15 a. m. Choir rehearsal is at 8 p. m. Thursday and a Strawberry fes- tival will be held from 2 * to 4 p. m. July 2. For your best source of infor- mation locally, read The Advance each week.—Adv. News Items of The Ridge By W. L. Gordon WORDS OFTEN MISUSED The word TILL and UNTIL arc- interchangeable , UNTIL is more commonly preferred ai the begin- ning' of a sentence. Notice that TILL is a word in its own right , and should not he spelled as "til. " Do not say, "I am sick to my stomach. " Primaril y, "to " means direction toward , and one is not sick "in the direction of one 's stomach. " Say, "1 am sick AT my stomach. " Do not say, "He came out from the house. " Say, "He came out OF the house. " * Do not sav , "She pled with her husband. " Say, "She PLEADED. " Remember that SUSPECT is the verb and SUSPICION is the noun. Do not say, "I susptcioned that his claim was false ." Sav, "I SUSPECTED that his claim was false. " Do not say, "He is some better today, " or , "They have changed the arrangement some. " Say, "He is SOMEWHAT bettor , " and , "Thev have changed the arrange- ment * SOMEWHAT. " WORDS OFTEN MISPRONOUNCED Frequent (adjective and verb). Accent the adjective on the first syllable , the verb on the second syllable!. Gyve (a shackle). Pronounce as "jive. " Biograp hy. Pronounce first sy l- lable to rhyme with "buy, " not with "big. " Fugue. Pronounce as "fyug. " Troche (medicinal tablet). Pro- nounce troh-keo , ?ccei\t on first syllable. Braggadocio . Pronounce bragg- ah-doh-shi-oh , princi pal accent on third syllable. WORDS OFTEN MISSPELLED Insure , preferred to " ensure " ; and "enclose ," preferred to "in- close. " Mimicking . observe the j "k" ; mimicry, no "k. " Verbatim; "tim, " not "turn. " Staccato; ob- serve the two " cd , " and only one "t " at the end. Paraffin; one " r, " and two "l" s. * Fullness (comp lete- ness), two "I' s " ; fulsome (offen- sive), only one "1. " The printed word carries the dignity and .solemnity of the wed- ding ceremony when you select the expert craftsmanship of The Advance for your wedding invit- tions and announcements—always at budget prices.Adv . Lesson in English

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College StudentsAct As SummerWelfare Workers

S U F F O L K COUNTY W E L F A R E COMMISSIONER John L.ha r ry , Id t . we lcomes Richar d Cj r i l lo . 9 Edwards Lane, BluePoint , and Pa t r ic ia Dailey, r ,S7 Patchogue Avenue Bellport. BothSuffolk you ths art- anions 1A college students enrolled in theW el fa re agency * S u m m e r In-Servi ce t ra ining program. Rich-ard a t t ends St. John 's I n ivers i ty , where he's a historv and phil-osophy major , whi le Pa t ricia is a sociology student at DrewUni ve r s i t y in New Jersey .

S o f f i ' l k C o u n t y Welfare Com-miss i oner .l o h n L. Barry lias ;in-n o u m - c d t i i a t 3.'-! college s tudents ,a l i .f ro ' i i Su f fo lk , will partici patein t h e agency 's four th annualSun1irj .er In-Service training pro-grain.

The s tuden t s , most of them soc-iology majors, actuall y go into thefield to assist the present case-

worker staff. "It' s an excellentmeans of s t imula t in g interest insocial welfare activit ies. " saysCommissioner B a r r y . "What' smore ." adds Barry, "the expenseto t he c o u n t y is m in ima l since weare re imbursed for this by theSta te Department of Social ' Wel-fare. "

The program , which began in1!»5S with just two students , hasgrown steadily since. Barry hopesthat the effort will s t imulates taff- recrui tment and help theWelfare Department to develop, inhis words , "a built -in future staff ,whose individual potentialities havebeen tested right on the firingline."

AII stores ^ > ~{ ' :.A '. • JF Anael Food Cake B¥3'BM9Closed 2? - -'\ -r df ujf

l ¦-¦¦¦•pw" ¦ ww VMB«W __Z__j______ mmm\_ mmmm

TuGSCIQV EE~" ^ v. . H?\fi —1* - 10 i&& 'l%BnB s fe. A_mm_ ^ ^ t\ BS_K a^^ iu 'AIQz C m _**\--ig& ^ "SKPW Waldorf: You know ^^B JN ^^^^ T HL \AB*


MHoorX E- 'C:===' ^"T - lP s'* ~«8r This Fine Quality 13 OX. _B \B m U ^RM

^ S=^^? ii ^^K iBlm ^m^^ mh £* tf* A III I f Bt. 9 •^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ »\ Snow Star Libby s Bel-asr

J -fl , " ^ ^ ^ ^ E ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ " • Chocolate, Frozen or Peas & Carrots£l£. %^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ J Vanilla or Strawberry Regular or Pink Frozen, Premium Quality

C m* 0d9 A ^Omm dBm. 100 FREE ___\\\w mmmm mmmmmk. mmmmml. ^ ^ Hw ama BB

nn - |j% Bfe || s t of l f t Cook-Out Charcoal Briquets

S _ — " _ dm. mm. A 50 FREE mmm _______¥ _______ mmmmmma BumBm. -BBmmm. AWsBmmm. m__w *m_\w m§ H W HB B3

S I A *M W& Bm planters 7 oz

Aitf% Maar Cole Slow or Potato Salad

HBHH^^IHH r Pfl nUlC Cocktail __2m Cans I AMIJ No Coupon Required Offer Good Through 7-1-61

C«^ -***, __m dm. dm*. 50 FREE B MAV. _______ BB m\A\wS_m\ mWBA __m\BBmm\ _mmmmmm\ ^^^ mW mm ¦* n mm.

DPinlf C Pu Zr Oran^Pi a le JTifans' 1 DO I G°W Bo,,d S*am SHLmWr H ^B MH Bm BB BV m_\BB * * ^ _m\w pHj ^B ^ B_\\W V^ \A/* 4dU U t 1

Pork & Beans H '&L. 10 U» 1.00Soft Drinks C£9C~ 62Lt89« Tomato Catsup ,J:^U 5'& 1.00 Skylark Bread '£#,*: t< 39c

Toilet Tissue *JZZ«n 4^145' Charcoal Liter f., L«», i'29e Grape Jelly EZ, 5 ""' 1.00


USD A Inspected for Wholesomeness .JtmBBBt_%_.I These are top quality chickens—plump tender birds with j ^^^^m^SSHMffl^^m 4^ la *»« ¦*¦.«%«» A .AMI H_uAiff#¦_r r n / r r jBBSaflffiJOlfflHliDtlHiMBMfflBfflmwl ¦ ffl HH 91¦ Bm9_ _Tm _\m_ \ _%__\ r V* HF k

' / the sweetest-eatin' meat you ever tasted. And look at our C=^B! S^J^CJ ^g"'U" ivJIvBI **¦ v|»

Other Saf eway Sup&fb Meats ^#*£ MEHBnHnHHBl__m n nn mm »_m__ H AHBAAASHJ IBMA# Large Jumbo California

¦¦ 111,

I M^RUffi ll Ifimf Town & Country „ CQ Ijflll I UlOl IDCS 3 pound average lb fi %?


%Uilii®P nUlll S 10tol4 pound$ fc-if jfC ^ ¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦• •¦| ^r * ¦ ^

B4^SBj%Ji IIMBM sliced - For Quick ' AA. Sweet Corn It. 41333^ Grapes lf;i 29cWmU mmim Meals or sandwiches f^C Georgia peaches 2 25« Iceberg Lettuce 111 *315c

SE?£l§ttBA&»£r l^mm mmmAB

AW Get Plenty For 2 lb. ft OLi&BllBSSS ¦ ¦HliK5 Holiday Lunches pkg. f t 7C _,

Ground Beef Forrhay - 45c Bologna ;XS - 49c Jt£*J?£.c mJ J r ,

c .,,, „ • • . . n • Junior O jar* / J Strained ' jar* 7 sJ

Daisy Butts El'LlE," *¦ 69c Fresh SpareribsX,». 65c ! 1 TODAY THRU SATURDAY

^Iir0.rl Rnron ToW" & C°Un,ry lb ^^C Ifn linn ^nilcn/IO

H°' °r lb AOt Pr!ces effective a> ol1 Safeway Slorei throughout Metropolitan New York, New Jersey,

OllttU UULUII Lean & Crisp sJ sJ IIUI1UII OUUOUVJO Sweet U7W Long Island and Westchester. We reserve the right to limit quantities None sold for resale.


Mrs. InKrid (irimaldi. YAphank 4-^"16

lvi(d'i' I'nit of the Hi- 'Mikl iavcnMi' inoi iu l l losp it:'.! wi l l spotisor acaisi' .-a!o to b ' lu'ld in tne drive-w a y :.! ¦ d' hoiiie < i f .Mrs. RuthDo da;v.> in l'anamnka. start ingat 10 a. in. .July Id.

Td' Idnu' Kxt i' i i s ion v ervieemei dnnday ni .u'ht at St. .Mark'sdmi'! ti !•:;>. im':!. a.nil. w i t h Mrs.Helen Sehndil as inst ruetor. eoni-] ) lc !ed t in en '. ', mi dress projeet .A n a ' / t enant ! ! neat is Ueiim' urban-ized I'nr t l ir f a l l w i t h .Mi's. KlsieI'.alas :e- ehainnan . Ladies at tend-iii;;- \ \ " i e a - Id' uws: .MesdamesDnre t l i y Russel l . Ha.i'hara .Mar t / . .Juan hay. Km een Knt l in , id'.diraA r m s ! rm,L: and Ka.d ier ine S- 'liudi.

'I li, ' ut l ieers of K idee I'a i - c n i t -Teai - hi - r A - . "e iat imi .i;ave a dinner jThu rsday m,u'! ;t. for t l t e mil ^u-inu" p r es iden t . Ai rs . A la ry (low, atW h a l e : • ¦. l e e .. I'm", .L'l'fei -.,m. A t -t e a d i M e w e : . ' Meai : imes '''.leaner( '. h. S u - i " ALa ed i. A la rue -t ' M - X i e u la v . Jane t liruhe. U;ivU'a:ke. D. ' r e t h v l ia ise! ! . HelenLhler . Xr lda l ieeth. Kay Alnoneyand I''ra ; ;«s 's I .a/./.aru.

Al i>. K ls ie L.ahts of Sall y Lane,a ir.ri'i in r Mi ' t lie Leek y I'uintIda i le : ei 1" n i t . eni. iyed the an-naa! ea '. i ;"; las t W e d n e s d ay w i t ha Ims t ' ' .!, to Hunt in.u'ton for a( h i re - dinn. -r and la te r a showat t he ( ' inerama in Syossct .

Mar a Sehaaf , daughter of! M r - , l- 'rederiek Sehaaf t* ofW i n s d ' ' L'ead . eelehra '.ed her Lrrad-n.' t t i ¦ ¦•! : ; real l'm't Je f l'm'son Juniorl latl i Selr el w i t h a family party.[• ' : .d .i\ m.Lihl.

Mr. a i d Mrs. Jnsej di Spozio of\\ ¦ ¦ ! . .: .a iLiad w e r e surprised lastSa ' ;ira.. ,y i-y the i r f i rst family ro-u:.;e ': ;;, f i f t e e n ineludinu'A i r . Sp' see 's mothe r . Al l 's . TheresaS;> ! ¦ : < ; ¦ .' New Jer .-.ey; his hrotherand .- : - ! ; r - in - law . A i r . and Airs.( i e e ; s . sp. ;.io ef Al ianii . Fla.; hisL r e t h e ' . X i e ' i ias S ef Hawai i ;le - ' •! ' ¦ ' ¦ r- in law and s i s t e r . Al r.;:i d M n , 1'asipad e Tadeseo of( e . .. i' - . '.'k : A i r . and A i rs . V ic to rS'p.-. s - ' n ¦" Wr .din .c River and Ai r .a:.a : \ v . ~ . Lh.-.r ies X; ; to l i and Mr.,rai .> l r s . ( ':u'nn l In Natol i ofLived' ::. who Al r< . Spozio 'sna' e ".v :i:;ii her b ro the r and sis-t a'- .:: 1 : •¦ - , res j iee t ixady.

The Advance is on sale at Wat-t ie 's ( i rocery. and Kidjro Lost Of-fice in the Ridye.—Adv.

M; . via AL.- .- . Sam (inmaldi andd.- i e L ... ;. r. Les l ie Ta\ ' ior . oi' DewL a e l ie - .,; . . . : : e : tde . i t h e a'l 'adua-i ion d: - ': . ¦¦ r par: y i'.a' A i a r i a Zin-na a . . ' ei' of M r. a 'al Airs. A l i -ei'.a 1 . e ra . a: the i r home inL. l ie l e : iv . S t i u d a y . The (Lriiiial-e.i- '. ; '¦ ¦¦ :' ec ier .] ia.;ilrd hy Al l', andAl :• - . J. \ -.h (ddt i and A l i s s Ly diaA L . ; e .' So t tnd 1' eaeh; A i r . andAl ; s . j- ' ;.: '. !\ LeL'weda and datmh-1ers . A i a v a ,'tnd l- 'rances . id I'd nil -i iar iale: A i r . a -a ' Ai rs . Ai ie l iae!A I a u : : i ; . o a'ai diiiiiren. Aldhaei .Jr.. :e,.i d'heresa of Latehoe-ue; Ai r.and A i r - . V i c t o r (Lvco. Air. andAL - . A v oay ( 'aadus 'iiv and son.•Le.e... Lss '.do Zinrav at\d 'h-P. r- . A l . - ses Jesepi i ine and Xel iy'/. n e ; . e ' R. -rt Je f f e r son

J. : La Flair , (ian.u'htei ef A i r .:::. i! M ' - . J hn La Flair, ef Circ le• I. IS a ¦ ¦ . U' i i i sk . y eidcbrat-. i !, e, be ' a t e t i t w e i l 'tl i birthdayb' r i - . ...y t t i .uht w i t ! 1, a wienie reas>and !:.ay ride. \ U ] - quests includedi '.a' d ; . .ers . Jef f rey. John andJay :.:. . . i ter s i s te r . Jeanne, andSdved ( Late ai . Pianne K 'i?'.al .A [ : >.r\ IL- ' ;. Shmol Body. R i taJ v r d'w s k :' . Leslie Tavlor. Patricia

^Browne , Leslie Carvannin. EileenXaii fi ' l i ton , Patricia Ale Ginnis , Ma-rion Bcnens. Christa Simon , Ca-role Raphold , Judy Erwi n , RobertPuply. Oliver Williams. David Red-

| man , James Rendos and Garyj Spall .I The f ina l baseball results ofj Rid f^ e Jun io r Ni yh School , withi Guy Mast r ion as coach, are asI follows : Rid^ 'e in favor of I n f a n tJesus 8 to f> . two pmos againstCente r Alor iches Ild'h wi th Cen-ter Alor iches 5 to 2 and 10 to7. two u'ames against Rocky Pointin favor of the Rid ^e team 12-Aand S to 2. .Mi l l e r Place was de-

1 feated in two yamos w i t h :i to1 and H to 1 and Ul t i m o won the.u'ame with Wi l l i am Floyd School .f> to 2. The fo l lowing boys par-t ic ipated in these panics wi th theh t i t t i n u ' averages as fo l lows: Jo-sejih M u r p hy , AAA; Malcolm Ver-saw . 1( 10; Josep h Coleman. 462;Weslev Bullock. 422 ; Charles Bul-lock , 44-1 ; John H a r r i s . A V A ;Charles Shelhv. 22d James Sliced ,25(1 ; David Redmond. 27li ; Phi l l i pReany , .'585 ; Frank Thomas, AAA.Wil l i am C u n n i n gh a m . 250; GlenPy do , 285; James Wilson , KenethHorsford and Richard Protosou.

Karen and Tina Xieolay, daugh-ters of Air. and Airs. Franz Ni-eolay of Middle Country Road ,are current ly enjoy ing a week' svacat ion at the Alberto Lodge ,Twirl ing Camp at Freehold. Tinareceived the third award recentlyii , the solo competi t ion in theUn i t ed States Twirl ing contest.

Mr. and Airs. Frank Burke ofSall y Lane gave a fami ly reuniondinner Sunday in honor of theirgrand chi ldren , Kath y and DonnaSieber. of Titusvil le. Fla., wdi o arespending a week with them. En-joying the event were Mrs. Burke 'sbrother- in-law and sister , Mr. andMrs. John Lane, Sr., of Maspeth ,and the i r son and daughter - in- lawAir . and Airs. John Lane , Jr., and

chi ldren , Karen and John , of Pomp-ton Lake , N. J., and Mrs Burke 'ssister . Airs. Isabel Lopez of Ridge.Thursday Mr. and Mrs Burke wereaccompanied by their grandchil-dren. K a t h y and Donna , Mi' s Lo-pez and All 's. John Lane , Sr., ona motor t r i p to Pompton Lake 1where the y spent the (lav with Air .and Airs. John Lane. Jr., and fam-ily

George Petropulos , son of Air .and Airs. John Petropulos of Alid-dle C o u n t r y Road , spent the week-end wi th his parents and returnedt o Br idgeport Un ive r s i ty to con t in -ue h is s tudies at the SummerSchool there.

Col. and Airs. James Roche ofMedford Road were hosts at ad inner party in honor of WalterCha lmer 's e igh t i e t h b i r thday . Sun-day, at Tin 4 Three Vil la ge Inn ,Stony Brook. Enjoy ing the cele-b r a t i o n w i t h the u 'uest-of-h onorwas Al iss Verna Blue of Dr.Kings Hosp ital . Bay Shore, whowas a weekend guest at the homeof Col . and Airs . Roche and wil lleave for a ¦month' s vacation inW i n s t o n - S a l e m , N. C. Tuesday 'sd i n n e r guests were Mesdames RuthSetd ius , Helen Deichman , Alarga-ret Barker of Port Jefferson andW a l t e r Oha lmer of Ridge.

Richard . Melv in e and GeorgeGow , sons of Mr. and Airs . Wind-sor Gow of R a n d a l l Road, havebeen accepted for Bait ing HollowBoy Scout Camp from Julv 2 to14.

Cub Pack 187 has p lanned aferry tr i o to New London on Ju lv

2.S. Sports day. August 5 .and anout-door fes t ival at the New YorkGame Farm . Middle Country Road ,on August 20.


Girl Scout Troop A7 met at thehome of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gri-maldi on Dew Flag Road , Thurs-day, where they enjoyed the lastmeeting of the season with a par-ty. Partici pating with the hauler .Airs. Eleanor Naughton , were Les-lie Taylor , M o m i l a n i Naughton ,Patricia I l iggin s. Ani ta Lombardo ,Kath y Cyran , Ed i th Barsch , GildaAnastasi and Susan Beeht.

I l iggins on the wai t ing list.Brownie Troop '.I had the i r last

meeting Wednesday at the localschool with Linda Aiel lo , JeanneAusten , Laura Cyra and PamelaDouglas r c e i v i n g their Fly-Up wings f r o m the i r leaders ,Mesdames Edna Aie l lo and Dor o-thy Barsch , followed by a partyand refresrments. Enjoying theevent were the Fly-Ups mothers ,Mesdames Archie Douglas , JohnCyran , John Austen and JamesAnderson.

ST. M A R K ' S C H U R C H

Thi 1 women of St. M a r k ' s Luthe-ran Church met June 21 in thechurch basement wi th the Rev .Harold Drum. Mrs. Joan Day ledthe devot ional s tudy on prayers ,followed by a discussion on Youthwith Luther leaguer , Linda At tend in g were MesdamesElsie Bads . Ruse Burst. Ka.he-

Momi lan i Nau gh ton and LeslieTaylor wi l l leave Ju l y .", for atwo week stay at Gir l ScoutCamp Edey. Sayvi l le . Gilda Anas-tasi . Linda lgnac/.ak, Lynn Miller ,An i t a Lombardo and I f e ' en Gia-qu in to wil l spend one week thereduring the Summer with Ped'icd

l i n e Schoch , Helen Schmidt , Bar-ba ra Mlartz , Charlotta Overbo,Gisela Linsenbarth , Barbara Tyreeand Dorothy Brodman.

The Junior Luther League metTuesday with the Rev. Mr. Drumat the church grounds where theyheld a short business fol-lowed by a wienie roast. The fol-lowing youngsters attended: Kare nNicolay, Loretta Brodman , Les '.ieTay lor , Kathy Cyran , Susan Bra-hman , John Wrobble and RobertKoepke.

Worship services Sunday at thechurch on Wil l ia m Floyd Parkwayare .at 8 and 10:30 a. m. SundaySchool for all chi ldren is at (.) :15a. m. Choir rehearsal is at 8 p. m.Thursday and a Strawberry fes-t iva l wi l l be held from 2* to 4p. m. July 2.

For your best source of infor-mation locally, read The Advanceeach week.—Adv.

News Items of The RidgeBy W. L. Gordon


The word TILL and U N T I L arc-interchangeable , UNTIL is morecommonly preferred ai the begin-ning' of a sentence. Notice thatTILL is a word in its own right ,and should not he spelled as "til. "

Do not say, "I am sick to mystomach." Primari l y , "to" meansdirection toward , and one is notsick "in the d i rec t ion of one 'sstomach." Say, "1 am sick AT mystomach. "

Do not say, "He came out fromthe house." Say, "He came o u tOF the house. "*

Do not sav , "She pled with herhusband. " Say, "She PLEADED. "

Remember that SUSPECT isthe verb and SUSPICION is the

noun. Do not say, "I susptcionedthat his claim was false ." Sav, "ISUSPECTED that his claim wasfalse."

Do not say, "He is some bettertoday," or , "They have changedthe arrangement some. " Say, "Heis SOMEWHAT bettor ," and ,"Thev have changed the arrange-ment * SOMEWHAT. "


Frequent (adjective and v erb) .Accent the adjective on the fi r s tsyllable , the verb on the secondsyllable!.

Gyve (a shackle). Pron ounce as"jive. "

Biograp hy. Pron ounce f i r s t sy l-lable to rhyme wi th "buy, " notwith "big."

Fugue. Pronounce as "fyug."Troche (medicinal tablet) . Pro-

nounce troh-keo , ?ccei\t on f i rs t

syllable.Braggadoc io . Pronounce bragg-

ah-doh-shi -oh , pr inci pal accent onthird syllable.

WORDS OFTEN MISSPELLEDInsure , prefer red to "ensure ";

and "enclose ," preferred to "in-close." M i m i c k i n g . observe the

j "k" ; mimic ry , no "k." Verbatim;"tim, " not "turn." Staccato; ob-serve the two "cd ," and only one"t" at the end. P a r a f f i n ; one "r ,"and two "l"s.* Ful lness (comp lete-ness) , two "I' s"; fu lsome (of fen-s ive) , only one "1."

The printed word carries thedignity and .solemnity of the wed-ding ceremony when you selectthe expert craf tsmanship of TheAdvance for your wedding invi t -tions and announcements—alwaysat budget prices.— Adv .

Lesson in English