news items and program bag of club activities · two empires nearer to an economical level. but it...

c -- M..i... ,.fi $$ fxjF--- ' THE WASHINGTON TIMES: MONDAY; FEBRVAltY 22 iSfe. n rea0lunt0tt time PUBLISHED EVERT EVENING (Including Sunday) By The Washington Times Company, THE MUNBEY BtTIDINC. Pnn. ve. FRA&K A. MUNSEY, President. S. H. TITHERINGTON, Secretary. G. H. POPE, Treasurer. On Tear (Including Sunday). W.. Mx Months. II.TS. Three Monthi, We. Entered at the postoftlce at Washington. t. C, ai second cls mall 'matter. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1915. THE STATE SOCIETIES State societies in Washington rise and fall with the political tide. They are the politTcal barometers of the National Capital. During the Ad- ministration of President Taft the Ohio Society flourished, and its ban- quets marked the gathering of. the political solons. Today it is the Southern Society, which claims Pres- ident Wilson for its own. The South- ern Society will achieve its perihelion on FebruaVy 27, when it will have the most pretentious dinner it yet has attempted, and will gather around its banquet board the most distinguished officials of the Capital, who, just now, come in large num- bers from the South. Meanwhile it is not too eariy for other State societies to keep a weather eye on 1916, and already they are scanning the political skies in r,nxious hope that their star is to be in the ascendancy next. CAMPAIGN OF M. A. C. Washington takes less interest in Maryland Agricultural College than that institution, only three miles be- yond the District border, deserves. Optimistic plans for the future of the college were made, and its cred- itable history reviewed, at a banquet Saturday night at the New Ebbitt. The school at College Park Makes rank well up among other State col- leges, and its graduates have achiev- ed distinction at graduate schools, and in many technical and profes- sional fields. Perhaps the name .of the Maryland school has been unfor- tunate. Though an agricultural course is offered, the majority of the students always have been in the academic and technical courses? Ninety per cent of the college's pupils, its last annual report shows; are from Maryland. It is a more dis- tinctively State institution than any other college in Maryland. John3 Hopkins has only 20 per cent of stu- dents from Maryland. But this is no reason why Washington youths should not consider the nearby school when choosing a college, es- pecially when such technical and scientific work is wanted as that offered at M. A. C. Many Washing- ton boys go much farther from home and fare no better. Added to the curriculum at M. A. 'C. is the military feature, common to all State colleges, and that depart- ment is a growing factor in the work of these institutions. The mili- tary discipline and training afforded at M. A. C. are conceded to be ev- - called only by that at West Point and Annapolis. With these excellent talking points the small but active group of Wash- ington alumni of M. A. C. are striv- ing to bring their alma mater be- fore the Washington public. They deserve the best support of educators and parents of Washington. GERMANY'S BURDEN Hunger, like water, will seek its level. When we speak of the British policy of starving Germany, we are prne to think of Germany alone, when Austria is no less concerned. It is doubtful if the Berlin govern- ment would have ordered the expro- priation of foodstuffs when it did had its apprehension not included the sit- uation in Austria-Hungary,whi- ch is no less isolated than Germany, and which has a far less efficient admin- istration for any purpose of war. Food riots in Austria-Hungar- y are of common report, but we do not hear of them in Germany. Austria-Hungar- y possibly did not fill its lard- ers as Germany was able by scien- tific foresight to do. Germany might go on fighting for six months, pos- sibly a year longer without feeling the sharp pangs of hunger, while Austria-Hungar- y already scents the wolf at the door. Germany swept up rich stores in Belgium and France at the very beginning of the war, and has left no bone unscraped in the parts of Poland she has over- run, while Austria has lost both vast stores and Galicia by her many re- verses earlier in the conflict Just as Germany was compelled to give military aid to Austria-Hungar- y to prevent that empire's armies from collapsing utterly, so must she also give Austria-Hungar- y economic assistance, to prevent condition which would compel the house of Hapaburg tet the allies name any terms they might. Germany must see to it that not her own people alone, but those of Austria-Hungar- y also shall be fed. This will necessi- tate the withdrawal from Germany if foodstuffs and tend to bring the Jtf .. . - . a two empires nearer to an economical level. But it may be taken for grant- ed that Germany will respond only to the military necessities,.and that it Will be required of Austria to sup- ply to the uttermost from her own resources. In ie meantime, such gates as are left open to the Teu- tonic allies from Italy, the Balkans, Scandinavia, and Holland are un doubtedly taking a heavy toll, for the provisions from these sources are not inconsiderable. ' LOSS OF THE EVELYN Within perhaps twenty-fou- r hours of the opening of the Von Tirpitr. program of ravage on the high seas an American ship, the Evelyn, has been destroyed, though fortunately without loss of life. Yet, pending a clear revelation of all the facts, it will not be assumed, and it ought not to be, that this precipitates a crisis between Germany and tho United States. The Evelyn, according to reports, was not torpedoed by a submarine. If she had been,c,either deliberately or accidentally granted that she waB not resisting search or fleeing when summoned to submit to a visit- ing party it would be for the Wash- ington Administration to take not only immediate but forceful act'en. But it appears that the Evelyn came into contact with a mine, as any other ship might have dones Fur- thermore, there is a chance that the mine was out of its proper bearings. Now it is an affront to civilisation that 'mines have been so generally Btrewn and so negligently safe- guarded that one might drift any- where on the wide ocean. Nevertheless, if that particular mine floated away from the anchor- age and destroyed an American ship coursing those waters in full reliance that they were safe, we mighty be outraged beyond expressior, but we should not be justified in raising the issue of a ground for war. If Von Tirpitz had never shocked civilization with his proclamation, the very thing which has befallen the Evelyn might hae happened. The technical defense against will- ful responsibility will be more easily set up than broken down. Nevertheless, the fate of the neu- tral Evelyn, destroyed on the open sea by a Von Tirpitz mine, will ilraw taut the nerves of the American peo- ple in their anticipation of the next mishap or misdeed. It will sharpen the senses and stiffen the purpose of those in official charg-- s of the wel- fare, the rights, and the honor of this nation. It were better for he friendly re- lations still existing between this Government and the military' ma- chine of the Kaiser, that this first war zone tragedy of the American ship Evelyn should be tho last. RENO"4' COMING BACK " Reno bids fair to "come back." The Nevada legislature has passed the easy divorce bill, reviving the provision which makes only six months' residence in the State neces- sary to break the tie thirt binds. The governor hasn't signed the bill yet and it is just possible that pilgrims who start for that mecca now may find that a year's residence is re- quired, as under the existing law, but he who entertains such cruel doubt certainly has it in for some- body. Thousands of women fought the measure, and the governor may hesitate to fly in the face of the opinion they as well as other decent opponents of the divorce mart have created, not only in Nevada, but in the nation as well. But the gover- nor may find it convenient to leave me capita uiub giving tne lieuten- ant governor, who is said to favor the bill, an opportunity to sign it. Then Reno will blossom again, and fatten, upon the immoral spoils that accrue from as unhebmly a market as ever was devised. Tfye country would be better off' if such a Reno never should be on the map again. PRICE OF BREAlT-A- T PANAMA There is a touch of humor in the announcement from Panama that the Government commissariat there has announced a reduction in the weight of the official loaf of hiead, owing to the high cost of Hour. The business of .a government is pretty compli cated and expansive, and perhaps en tire consistency is hardly to be ex pected as among the various activi tics. Thus we note various states- men and administrative officials in this country concerning themselves prodigiously about the outrage that the bakers are proposing to inflict, and talking about what the Govern- ment can do to protect the people who buy from private bakers; while at Panama, where Uncle Sam is I he baker, the price is calmly advnnced because Uncle Sam is buying the flour and has no disposition to lose money on his business. The Panama plan is to reduce the weight of the loaf three ounces. That applied to the average loaf in Washington would be rather more of a price-increa- se than a cent the loaf. There's no use discussing it at Pan-am- u. The people ntilled to the privilege of buying from the tom-rriissari- at will have to pay the new price; or rather, to get the new and shrunken loaf. It has been tho boast of the Gov- ernment managers of things on tho. zone that people were fed thtre cheaper than in tho States; and sta- tistics have, been from tinio to lime produced which seemed to boar out the claim. That, of course, gives the Government commissary tho more excuse for raising prices now. There has been no effort tj make profits out of the busine&s; at least, such profits as would be necessary to keep private business going. In favor of, the Panama proclama- tion it 1b to be urged that the Gov- ernment loaf is as carefully btand-ardize- d as possible; overybody buy- ing it knowB what he is getting, and .everybody gets the same. The de crease of its weight is frankly an- nounced, so that the public cannot complain that it is being taken un- awares. If the Government, conducting its zone business as an altruistic affair and seeking no profits, finds it neces- sary to reduce the loaf, there must be Borne justification for the private bakers, who like other people with- out the power to levy taxes feel un- der the necessity of earning a living out of their business. The truth is that when the price of wheat dou- bles the price of things made from wheat has gotto go up, and dis cussion of the subject which as- sumes any other view is futile. It must not be allowed to go up unduly; there must be, and-is- , a willingness among the bread makers to divide their former profits with the public, as everybody' in business nowadays has to divide; but it is impossible that the elemental economics of such a situation as this can be ignored. THE CRISIS AT HAND r Germany's war zone proclamation is in force, though it does not seem to have been responsible for the loss of the American ship Evelyn. Indeed, the facts surrounding the case of the Evelyn suggest that that affair is really not the most important de- velopment since the broad plan of relentless warfare with mines and submarines was inaugurated. Thus the Scandinavian countries, which have been heavy losers by mines, are reported planning to adopt the scheme of naval convoys which the United States Government has viewed without favor. These countries have no large naval estab- lishments, . so it is suggested that they may convert commercial ships into naval vessels, commission them as such, and send them along as con- voys. The plan seems quite as feas- ible as using fighting ships, for there is no idea in anybody's mind that ships used for this purpose would be expected to fight. The Dutch are ready for every eventuality, with eyes on the border between themselves and Germany, fearful that they will presently be dragged into the war as a recruit to the cause of the allies. Italy is in a most uncomfortable frame of mind as result of Austrian naval vessels firing on Italian shipping. The whole situation seems rapidly developing toward a crisis in which the United States may at last figure in a minor role, with the European nations play- ing the leading parts. Short of a general purpose of the Germanic allies to start trouble in all directions and on the biggest possible scale, it is difficult to ac- count, especially, for the Austrian aggressions, in Adriatic waters. There will not be made more cases of the sort without fixing the im- pression in the public mind that Germany and Austria have reached a stage of desperation in which they want all the trouble they can get, apparentlyatculating that the big ger the ruction, the more nations involved, the easier will it be for them in the end to breed dissensions among their enemies and escape with the most favorable peace terms. 'Daughter" Would Chop Down All Cherry Trees WATERKORD. Conn . Feb. 22. The Connecticut Daughters of the Revo- lution are planning to steal the youthful George Washington "stuff" and celebrate the birthday of the "Father of His Countrj" by cutting down cherry trees. Cornelia Buxton Smith of Litchfield, State chairwoman of the committee on conservation, suggested the idea. In a circular letter she set forth the prop- er manner in which to make the Washington cherry tree episode even mure famous. Let the men cut down tho wild cherry trees, she urges, and penult the children to burn 'em up. Tho men will get good exercise and the children will enjoy the bonfires. Ami the breeding places of the ob- noxious tent caterpillars will be wiped out. "May this be so general a thing thioughout our State," the circular letter ends, "that when asked, "Who cut down the chorrj tree?' thero shall rise from evtrj farm and toadside a gieat shout, 'I did!'" Kissed, Stenographer Sues Three Railroads ATLANTA, Ga , Feb. 22 -- Assertlnc that she had been caused " mental suffeililc und shock," Miss Ueneieo Lohne, i pretty youiic: stenographer, has entered hult against J. D. Pattei-so- n, superintendent of tho Atlantic Joint Terminals. .ind his employers, tho Louisille und Nashille, the Atlantic Coast Hue, and the Atlantic and West Point railways, alleging that Patteison "foulblv and against liei will" did kiss her on the left hand News Items and Notes of Club Activities Tho William F. Hunt Chapter. No. 16, held a Valentino social after tho last business meeting. About 600 valentines were, sold to tho mambeis and their friends, tho price being the amount of postage on each package. On February 25 Hunt Chapter will entertain tho Brand oftlcers of tho order. Degree work will bo shown and a short pro- gram given. The Columbia Heights Ait Club met Thursday with Mrs. M. A. Winter. Mrs. Edward Hardy won chairman for Uie day. Miss Clara Dorrls read a pa- per prepared by Mrs. JolTn N. DoitIb on tho "Erie Canal." Owing to tho Ill- ness of Miss Hill, Mrs. James F. Kngle gave In her stead an outllno of tho "Missouri Compromise. Mrs. William C. Foote read a paper on "Dolly Madi- son." Dolly Madison's old home, now tho Cosmos Club, was' known as tho "little Whlto House." There Dolly Madison ruled when no longer mistress of 'the Whlto House as a dowager- - "first lady of tho land." Those responding to the roll-ca- ll were Mrs. Robert Bare, Mrs. Edward Cle- ment, Mrs. John "Dorrls, Mrs. J. Finney Kngle, Mis. Edward Hardy, Mrs. Augus- tus Knight, Mrs. James McKco, Mrs. John H. Stokes, Mrs. William Turpln, Miss Elizabeth Warman, Mrs. . a. Winter. Mrs. Sarah Wolhaupter, and Mrs. James Yeomans Refreshments were served by s, assisted by her daughter. The guests were Mrs. IS. S. Fuller. Miss Clara Dorrls, and Mrs. Tewksberry. The United Daughters of tho Confed- eracy are to be In charge of a dance at tho Knlclgh on Thursday evening for tho benefit of the Confederate Me- morial Home. Among those on the committee ire Mrs. Ernest K. Sasscer, Mrs. Arthur Haughton. and tho Misses Hattle Howie, Mav Little, Lucy Norton, Carollno Flanner. Dorothy Denham, Helen Klnimol, Josephine Jones, Eliza- beth Cullen. and Eleanor Teag'le. The District of Columbia Branch of tho National Congress of Mothers held a meeting nt the Raleigh Inst Tuesday. In the routine of business tho commit- ter gave reports, the most Important of which was that of the com- mittee dealing with the phuscs of volit- ional training In tho grades, given by Mrs. Anna B. Sloan. A resolution was unnnlmously parsed prodding that tho congress should hold a state convention In the spring and the dcte. place, and othei arrangements planned by the executive board Delegates from the parent teacher as- sociations reMrted great activity In tl'etr organizations Mn. Iinyles, of Corbet y, revolted on a new plan for securing ertaln literature that the children want. Mrs. Burnside told of the progress made In hchool gardens and the postal savings plan In Brook-lan- d, and Momoe school sent In a le-lo- rt of completed arrangement for the diet school for motheis. Tho courso of twelvo lectures will begin vvcunestiay at 8 p m. at tho Wilson Noimnl School nnd Is to continue .on huccccdtng Wedncsdas until tho course Is com- pleted. ' rounders' Day. which occurred on the da after the meeting, was ommcm-morate- d by an address b Mrs. A. A. Blrnev. secretary of tho National Con- gress' of Mothers, former president of the District branch nnd one of the members of the original board The speaker gave anecdote" of the earlv his-tor- v of tho organization, told of the mother thought that prompted Mrs Theodore Blrnev to call the mothers of the country together in ISM nnd empha- sized the Interest of r.Ms. l'hoebe SETON IS DEPRIVED DF CHIEF uCDUTIP National Council's Action Caus- ed by His Failure to Become American Citizen. Ernest Thompson Seton, active In the oiganizatlon of the Boy Scouts of America, no longer holds the office of chief Bcout which he filled for live years, the national council having voted to leae that position vacant during Mr. Sc ton's absence in England. The fact that Mr. Seton took out his first naturalization papers fourteen jcars ago but has never applied for his second pnpris and become an American clt'zen, was laigrly responsible for this action, and it is probable that tho office of chlet scout will neer be revived The action was taken at the nnnu tl inciting of the national council In this city February II, but It was kept a secret until today. Still .Member of Council. It was muted at the council before the question was put to a vote that Mr. Seton had 'been consulted regarding bis position and hud agreed that it bhoilld remain vacant while he was abroad. He. is still a member of the nutlonul council, a body comprising about 10) men. Neither his member- ship In that body nor his office as chief scout carried uny salary. As patriotism Is ono of the cnrdinal virtues uf tho Boy Scout, there has nlwa.s been a degree of feeling against Mr. Seton because he did not become naturalized. Ho sailed for Euglnnd on tho Lualtimia eai ly this month Whether he intends to take up arms In the pres- ent war has not been learned. Organized In U. S. In 1910. Before he allied him.self with the Boy Scouts Mr. .seton controlled an oigani- zatlon culled Woodcraft Indians. The Boy boouth wore oiganUed in 1903, two ygais before Gen Sir Badon-Powo- ll or- ganized in England his Boy Scouts, but tho American organization did not be- come a national institution until 1910. It wau In that year that Mr. Seton be- came allied with It. He was an expert on the prlmitUo methods of the Indians. Ho could start a fire 'lth a piece of wood and a bow; he kiieu simple methods of fnshlnnlntr gourds, weapons, bed from articles likely to ie at hand in anj forest. Insane Man, 70, and Worth $150,000, Made 30 Wills WHITE PLAINS, N.V., Feb. 22 -W- ilbur II. Klrkham, seventy sears old. who owns pioperty woith $150,000 In New York and Westchester county, was de- clared Insane by a sheriff's )ury. A phjslclnn tentlfled that Ml. Klrk-luini- 's brain waB affected so much that lie had only tho mental 1 of a boy flwi years old. and did not know that he owned much propfrl. It Is said thut he has been making two wills a year for the last fifteen year. Hearst, who financed the llrst three conventions. Dr. F. A. McKcnzle, president of Flsk University, who has recently made a survey or the recreations of Washing- ton, gave a. talk on recreations and so- cial centers. He declared that Wash- ington Is suffering from "play starva- tion," and quoted figures to prove his points. One afternoon in 'wo hours 16,000 children were under observation. Of that numbor, 58 per cent of the boys wcro violating tho law by playing ball and other games In the streets and alleys and 80 per cent of tho girls wcro playing In the streets From other ob- servations, Di. McKenzle estimated that, owing to conditions In certain parts of the city, Washington has about a thousand unnecessary deaths each year, since under Improved living con- ditions they would not bo likely to occur. Tho great need of Dronerly con structed and conducted dance halls was also emphasized. Following his taut, stercoptlcon views of recreational work in a number of cities were shown. Last Monday evening the Anthony League held a birthday celebration In honor of Susan B. Anthony at the home of Mrs Nanette' B. Paul. Informal talks and music made up the program, Amonir those nrescnt were Dr. and Mrs Perkins, who have recently joined the league. Mrs. PerklnB will act as chair- man of the committee Working with the Congress of Mothers. Mrs. A. E. Hendlcy is giving a course of talks on the life of Miss Anthony at the league's "at homes" on Tuesdays, beginning at 3:30 in apartment jio. tne Pnrlfinr. Last Tucsrtay afternoon a vuie of thanks was tendered Mrs. K. Dtinlop for her management of a table at the District Federation of Women's Clubs benefit luncheon The first of Mrs. Edith Townc's lec- tures to the class In parliamentary law waB given last Tuesday at the residence of Mrs Nanette B Paul, where tho class will meet every Tuesday at 8. This courso will be followed by one on tho principles of common law. conducted by Mrs. Paul, who Is the author of a law text book. "Tho Heart of Black-stone- ." , The classes In Spanish and 'Esperanto continue to meet at tho Portner and In French at the Princeton Tuesday nights The Bible Study class Is con- ducted bv Mrs. Paul, who Is assisted bv Mme. Mountford. The Coluuibla Historical Society held' a meeting hift Monday evening. I no principal business was tho presentation of a paper by MlssMargaretUrent Down- ing on "Literary Landmarks of the Capital " She described the home of William Wirt, of Thomns Law. who wrote a num'ier of books on banking; of Joel Bnrlow, author of tho "Colum-blad.- " nnd mentioned the houses where Washington Irlng was entertained In this cltv. In 1SC7. when he- visited Philip Van Ness at 1202 D street, until l3, when he IhHci the Kcnnels She quoted IJlckens' desrlptlon of the old Wlllnrd Hotel, and Thackeray's iccount of his entertainment bv President Fill- more. The former homes of M"tloJ'. Bret Harte. Edgar Allan Poe, Mark Twain, Preicott, and John Hny were also located The old garden of the DoIIv Madison House, where Owen Meredith wrote "Lucille," and tho man- sion Itself, whero Ird Bulwer LVttOn wrote the "Memoirs of Lord Palmer-sto- n " was noted. A survey of the writers now lllng In the citv was also glen Kl the conclusion of Mrs. Dovvn-Ing- V piper, the members of the society accori her a rlsltij; vote of thanks for her essa. The society publishes the papers read nt the monthly meetings, and the article will appear In this form In duo time. Reentcen volumes of historical data concerning the Capital" have already beon published. The Silver Lining Edited By ARTHUR BAER. What makes George's feat all the more spectacular was that there were no dictographs In thoso days. Looks as If Italy was ready to hop Into the fray. Putting periscopes on all the gondolas Like to sec George again try to toss that dollar across the Potomac Be a lot of people killed In the rush. Famine stares us In the face. Bread? Nope. Beefsteaks? Nope. Gonna raise tho price of baseball games If an American ship Is msterIously sunk In the English channel, tho Dis- trict Commissioners .are getting pre- pared to enjoy the blame. CFT I A MLm?7) UAB.ft2 "War ain't no romance. Even a hero can't strug- gle hand-t'-han- d with a gun that's sixteen miles away." Canary bird still supreme on Its pedestal Even T. Edison can't make the graphaphone sao the family by singing furiously when flames Invade the old homstead. Moonshiners discovered in old Vir- ginia. Get hiluilously exhilarated by mixing water with some real flour. Can't face how Secretary Garrison is going to save the Capital from inva- sion this summer. Even a slxteon-inc- h gan at Cape Henry won't shoot a cater- pillar off a tree In Potomac Park. Might mako the next session of Con- gress more successful by painting the word "E-lt- larger over each door. Almost spring. Will soon be time for the dried apple blossoms and the con- densed milk moo cow to cavort around In the antiseptic nlr. First Militia Company Of Marines Is Organized The Nav v Department has been ad- vised of the organization in Massachu- setts of tho first militia company of marines under the provisions o the new navul militia aclwhlih elves such com- panies an allotment of Government fundH and places them under tho juilsdlc. tlon of the Secretary of tho Navj In the same manner as aro tho naval militia ot sanitations. Companies also arc beiiiR organized in New York and California. PROGRAM (For Today and Tomorrow.) Meeting of fraternal, social, and other of (he Nation's Capital, toKether with a brief tabulation of tlie mwit Important events scheduled for today and tomorrow, and attractions at tho various playhouses. By reference to this column tho reader may find at a glance the time and place of happen- ing In Washington- - today and tomor- row. Tho Hunday Issue of The Times presents a program of events for the ensuing week. i Tata?. Washington Birthday celebrations l'drlsh Hall of Trinity Episcopal Church, under aushlces of Takoma Park Cltlxenn' Asso- ciation, 8 p m.; Daughters of America, alt Pennsylvania avenue southeast. S p. m.', New Masonic Temple, 2 SO p. in. Capitol Hill Literary Hortety. 21 l'lrst street northeast. Up. m.; Daughters of the American Devolution and Kons of the Am- erican Revolution, and Sons of the Heolu-tlo- a. Memorial Continental Hall. 10:30 a. m.; Association of Oldest Inhabitants. Nine- teenth and H streets northwest. 11 a, m : Lincoln Camp, No 2, Bonn of Veterans. 1101 K street northwest. 8 p m '. Women's Peace (Society, New Masonic Temple, J. 30 p. m. Meeting, Friends of Humanity, Chamber or Commerce, 8 p. m. Banquet. VaWhn Class of Calvary Uaptlst Church, In church, 7 p. m Annual dinner. North Dakota Assiclalloii, New Ebbitt, 7 pm. Reception. Aid Association for the Blind and Sunshine and Community Society, 3400 R street northwest, 3 to Jp m. Peace Meeting, EHends' House, 1811 I street northwest, 3pm Banquet, Monday Evening Club, Ruuscher's, 7 p. m. Entertainment, Young Women's Hebrew As- sociation, Elks' Club, 8 p. in. Election of Officers, District Chapter of of Sons of tho American Revolution, Itauscher'a, 3 p. m. George Washington dance, Slioreham, 8 p. Lecture, "Twilight Sleep." l)r Henry St. John's Episcopal Church, undrr uuiplces of National Hoclety of Keep Wells. 7 30 p m. Midwinter convocation. George Washington I'nlverslty, Assembly Hun, Arts and Sciences lluJldlng. .'023 O street northwest, U a. m. Meeting. Descendants of the signers of the .Declaration of Independence. Raleigh, .1 P. rn. "University Day," celebration. University of J'ennsilvdnla graduates, University Club, S p. ni Reception, Uaptlst Home, 3248 N street noi st, 2 to 6 pm. Meeting. Southern suffragists 1600 Rhode Island avenue northwest, 10 30 a. ni Washington lllrtljday dance In costume. As- cension Athletic Association, small ball room. The Arcade. 3 i m ' Memorial mass, Knights of Columbus, Holy Comforter rnurch. 10 a. in. Continental night program, Arcade audi- torium, S p. m. Installation of ofOccrs, den William F. Harry Garrison. No 26, Army and Navy Union. 1347 Pennsylvania avenue northwest, 8 p. m Masonic Dawson. No 16, BtaJishury, No. 24 Oeorre C Whiting. No 22. I'entalpha, No. 23, Mount Vernon. No 3, Hiram. No. 10. Anacostla, No. 12, Itojal Arrh Masons: KalllpolU Grotto, ceremonial; Hoard 6f Di- rectors. Masonic and Eastern Star Home. Temple. Nu 13.. Columbia. No. 15. Kamtrn Star Odd Fellows Union. No. II. Beacon. No 14, Langdon No 26. Esther. No S. Hcb.kalis KnlghtH of Pjthlas Calanthe, No 11. Equal, No 17. National Union Federal Council: lcout Council. Northeast Washington Council. Illustrated lecture. "The American Klnjr. Its origin History, and Development," j'rof .Tohti Tnrliert. In All Souls" Chun h. S I), m. Annual meeting, fcns of thw American Revo- lution Rauscher's. 12 30 p m. Washington lllrthdav entertainment, wlih lecture. b Dr. I R I3aumi;ardt on "The latest Achievement In Celestial Photography," a 30 p in Reception College VA omen's Club, banquet hall. RalelKli. 4 to 6 p rn Dance. Crescent Club, ball room. Rulelgh. S 30 p. m. Amusements. National "The Girl l'rom Utah," 2 15 and 8 15 p m Helasco "A Pair of SUcs," 2 20 and S 20 p m Columbia "Our Navy In 1515," motion pi- cture. -- ' 15 and R 15 p. in. Poll's 'The Hlg Idea." 2 15 and 8 15 p. hi R K. Keith's vaudeville. ."15 and 3 15 p m Cosmos Vaudeville (continuous). Caidno Vaudeville (continuous) Oavety Burlesque. 2 16 and 8.15 p m Maleatle Burlesque, 8 15 p. m. CrandalPs Photoplajs, 11 a. m. to 11 p i Strand Photoplay. It a. m. to 11 p. In. Garden-Photopl- ays, 10 a. m to 11 p, m. Arcade Dancing, 8 p in to 12 p. m. Ardmore Club Cortez vs 2pm Tomorrow. - Federal, No 1. Acacia. No 16 Takoma No 2) Mount Horeb. No. 7. Potomac No S. Royal Arch Masons. De Molay Mounted, No 4. Knights Templar. Electa, No 2, Bethlehem. No 7, Friendship, No. 17, East. Odd Fellows Washington. No 6, Golden Rule. No 21 Amltl. No J7, Fred D. Rtuart, No 7 Encampment Knlirhts of l' thias Grand ldge. annual convention. Webster. No. 7, Hennolne, No 12, Bcellpr, No. 14, Capital, No J4, Mir- - Woodnien of' the World-O- ld Glory Camp, Specialist Florida Home Builders' Associa- tion. Workmen's Circle Meeting, general arrangements committee for O A. R. encampment, red room, New Wlllard. 11 a. m Conference, National d league, offices of Department of JAbor, Meeting. 'Sai-hlngto- Council. Knights of Columbus K of C Hall. S p m. Violin recital Haron fiokolove. New Masonic Temple. 4 TO p m. Banquet. Engineering Socletv of Georgs Washington University. Hotel Continental, 7 30 p. 111. Meeting, campaign leaders of Y W. C. A . In association headquarters, 4 30 p in Meeting, North Capitol and Eeklngton Cltl-len- s' Association, lecture hall of Scklnirnn I'resbv tertnn Church. North Capitol street and Florida avenue northwest 7 30 p in. Meeting, suffrage committee of Chamber of Commerce. In headquarters, 2pm !ntcn address "Should the Progress of tho Kingdom of God Be IJnger Retarted bv u Divided Kingdom'" the Rev A. B St. John's Church, Sixteenth nnd H streets northwest 7 30 p m Meeting, Thomas Jefferson Council. No 12 jr O U A. M Northeast Masonic Tom-pi- Eighth and F streets northeast ' i m Vnnuftt public debate, freshman class of Washington College of Iji. fits New 1 ork avenue northwest. 8pm Meeting, Parents' league or the Thlrd.Dl-llo- n of Schools In J Onnond Wfls n Normal Sthool, Eleventh and Harv ird streets northwest, S p m beeture, MIks Janet ItlchardH, auditorium of Woodward & Ixithrop's, 11 a in. Lecture "The hpanlah Colonial Empire," Mli-- Erna Mary Ferguson under ausnliesi of Spanish School of Washington. In Hchool, R p in Benefit concert and dance. Casualty Hospital Rauscher's to 12 ! in. Meeting Columbia Chapter. D A. R . studv room. Public Library, S p rn Meeting. Teachers' Club, studv room, Public, Library. 1pm. TeamsattheY.W.C.A. Bring in 24 New Members Teams in the membership campaign of the Young Women's Christian As- sociation reported today a total of tvverttv-fou- r brought In since the last icport was made Of this number the "Aeroplanes" secured twenty and tho "Automobiles" four. With .the second and final week of the. campaign wen unuer way, tno meinners are working enthuslastlcullv to havo the greatest possible number of new members Initiated before Saturday oven-p- g A supper is to be given for tho workers at that time. This afternoon a jeceptlon will be held bv the board of dlrcctorw. headed bj the honorary president. Mrs. Thomas It. Marshall nnd .Mrs William Hamilton bavb, tho ptesldent. Follow Inf Is the detailed scores legl-ttre- d todtiv: Automobiles. 4, Aeroplanes, Division . Miss Susan R. Cutis, com modore. 11, tllVISton li. flirw. i uiiiiiu MacA Ulster, lommodore. r.. and Division C. Miss Kstelle Tohtor. commodore, 1. Fire in East St. Louis Destroys Four Blocks EAST ST. LOUIS. III., Feb. 22 -- Fire earlv today destroved ne-trl-y all the buildings In the four city blocks which meet at St. lyouis and Collinsvllle ave- nues, In the heart of the .business dis- - The loss was estimated at 1250,000. THE-TME- S MAIL BAG Communications to the Mall Bag must be written on one aids of tha paper only; must not exceed 200 words In length, and must bo signed with name and address of the sender.". The publication of letters In Ths Timet Mall Bag does not mean tho Indorsement by The Times of the opinions of the writer. Tho Mall Bag is an open forum, where the citizens of Washing- ton may argue moot question!. jn Denies He Is Candidate for Recorder of Deeds. To tho Editor of TUB TIMES: Thero appeared in tho dally press of this city recently articles kIvIiik tho list of persons who art said to bo candi- dates for tho position of recorder of deeds for the District of Columbia, and my name appeared In that list. I beu permission to state to the man read- ers of your exiellent paper and ths public generally that I urn not a can- didate ror the position of recorder of deeds of the District of Columbia. J. MU.TON WAL.DRON, Washington, February iW. Danish-America- n Has Four Honor able Discharges from the Army. To the Editor of THI3 TIMES: In signing myself "Danish American" I did not mean that It should bo takon up In any other spirit than in which It was Intended. As I cannot lay claim to any Dutch, Irish, Turkish, Chinese, or any other combination, I only stated my truo identity, and for that purpose I used the term. I do not claim it to be any special mark of merit or dis- tinction, but neither do I feel any shame nor degiadatlon that I was born a Dane, flccause In using what Mr. K. M. calls the umbllllcal hyphen he Is sure that tho bearer cannot be a full-fledg- or, In other words, a good and true American I am willing to show him four pieces of parchment, each an honorable dis- charge from tho United States army, the last one from the Spanish war and uubun campaign, i am still in the Government service, but In a civil ca- -, k' rrlend K M.. I think you will agree that a person who gives fifteen years of his life to the service and pro- tection of his country In war as in peace, to do with as she wills, cannot be such a bad American after all. O. M. Washington, Feb. 20. Asks Mothers of United States to Aid German Children. To tho Editor of TUB TIMES: About three jears ago, when the sub- ject of warm lunches for our school children was agitated by press of this city, I cut from a Washington paper a short article headed: "Go Supperlcss to Heil." dated Berlin, November 13 Quotlnc from the Volkswohlapahrt, or Public Weal Society. It said that an in- vestigation of 1S9 German towns re- vealed the fact that .OOO children ha- bitually went breakfastless to school, and 5 ner cent were sent to bed hungry. Nlnetv-fiv- e thousand children had to be fed by public assistance." Without commenting on the causes leading up to It, I want to ask now manv moro children now orphaned are subsisting on one meal a day7 This starving of little children is something the women, the mothers of civilized nations, will not .stand for, and I am wlllliiir to start the ball rolling by donating 100 pounds of flour to the school children of Germany. How many more German-America- n citizens will follow? EMMA R. KEEI.ET. Washington, D. C. Feb. 20. 1915. Wants Firemen to Have More Time to Themselves. To the Editor of THE TIMES. Can am body give a reason why the firemen of Washington are compelled to labor under the conditions they now en- dure, when every other occupation la- bors only eight to ten hours per dav? The Government is passing la.vvscom- - pelllng the eight-hou- r da for men and women, why not a third day, or at least u tourtn aay on, ror tne nremenv Whv should members of a public de- partment like th file deportment, from which prompt and heroic work is ex- pected, and alwavs rendered, be corn- - lulled to labor twenty-fou- r hours out of twenty -- four for 3R5 dajs for 12 cents por hour'' Can ou lmagtyie yourself con- fined under conditions next to prison life, compelled to remain within hear ing or tno gong' Its no wonder that a fireman s con- stitution gives away at an early age, the long and continuous hours taking the last snnrK. of energ from the man that was appointed In the prime ef life. and selected rrom tne ver nower or manhood, giving tho best days of hla life to the public Bervicc, and receiving v.ery little consideration in return. The only time tnai tne nremen receive any notice from tho public Is w hen they are tailed to perform piompt and heroic work On return to quarters they are forgotten. P. F. LEAHY. Washington, Feb. 20 The Segregation Question. To the Editor of THE TIMES From my observation or conditions In Washington. I believe that the Bug- - Baumgardt Gives Talks On Rome and Petrograd The capitals of the ancient civiliza- tion and of the newest power In mod- ern civ lllzition Rome and Petrograd weio the subject of the lectures given yesterday afternoon and evening, re spectively, by B. R. Baumgardt at tho UCianLU ...v.- - The stoiv of the Roman republic and tho empire were told briefly as a pre- lude to the illustrated portion of the lecture. As has been, the case with all tho discourses of this platform ex- pert, the history given was interlarded with anecdote and philosophy of an unusual character. Tho architecture and art of old Rome wcro Intermingled with that of the new as history of this qf that Impor- tant relic of antiquity was unfolded and its relation to present-da- y civiliza- tion explained Moscow and the Russian people, as well as Petiograd, vvero dealt with in tho evening lecture In fact, tho lec- ture was largel.v a disquisition on the Slav, with pictures and stoiies of the two great capitals According to Mr. Baumgardt, the power of tho Slav is et to be felt b tho world at large, hut the world Is not to bo kept long waiting for It He regatds the Rus- sian at, a magnificent type of humanity, and tho mission of tho Russian In tho world to be a gictl one. The little known achievements of Russians in the arts and sciences were dwelt upon briefly, und many examples of painting JJid sculpture were shown. The story of Petiogiad, with the neces- sary accompaniments of the stories of Peter the Great and Catherine, nnd the htorv of Moscow, witli its invariable blhtoty of the Napoleonic disaster and the reign of ivnn the Tcirlble, were also told briellv. Motion pictures show- ing the of tho Cossacks were shown at tho conclusion of tho lectuie. CapitoTTiUi Club to Hold Exercises Tonight The Capitol Hill Literary Club will celebrate, Washington's birthday at a meeting at 21 TliM stieet noitheast to- night' K V. t in r. vice president, will speak on "Ann Hi an Heroes," and there win be u musical progrua. o; gestlon of "J.v N." to hav separate residential districts for tho whtto and colored races highly desirable. In this corfneWon I would like to Invite his attention to Alexandria county, Just PrcK"th Potomac river from Washington,, his Idea is successfully carried7. Wit. While thero la no law on"tno, t'sta'Pute' books segre- gating the races, thcc::l. an under- standing with proportjf owners and real estate men that Iafid.Jnto-bei&l- d and houses rented to colored rpeoplrinsccr-u'- n restricted sections. This Is particularly true kV".Wk'A-do-n, where there Is not a colorea'Tam 11 y within a radius of more than W mile from the election station and post-offic- e. The result Is that, even though we have not as yet an organized police rorco, there Is very little disorder. The cur from Washington, via Queen City, arriving at Clarendon at about 7 a. m.. has been named the "Cooks' Tourist Special." it is true mat hair, or possibly a majority, of our citizens are Vligln-lan- a born, though we have a large cos- mopolitan population Connecticut lives next door to Georgia, Maryland is a neighbor to Canada, and Texas llvci Just around the corner from Fennsv W. W. M. Clarendon, Va., February 19. Sees Little Hope For U. S If Songs Are T6 Make the Country Strong- er. To the Editor of THE TIMES: Some one said that if you would dis- close tip songs of a people he would tell yoii that people's character. I have Just received a brief list of 'sensational now being danced and sung Everywhere" ( n the u. S A.) comprising "He's a Rag Picker," "Ballln the Jack," "At the Ball That's All." "For Every Smile You Gave. Me, You Caused a Thousand Tears.' "I've Only One Idea About the Girls and that to Love 'Em," "When the Grown-u- p Ladles Act Like Babies Ive Got To Love 'Em That's All," "It's Too Late Now," and "China- town, My Chinatown.' Do you wonder why the average youth and his companion is a bit eccentric as to duty, honesty, morality, and a few other things when this Is their musical education? Can you be surprised when the Old World people sneer at "Ameri- cans' after reading translations of such "popular American songs?" The INt given Is no worse than a local store ad- vertised In a local poper recently, so It Is not an exception. I wonder how many of tho singers or such stuff can repeat one verse of "Home, Sweet Home," and a few others upon which the men, that made the U S A. a stalwart nation, were fed In the past fow generations I also wonder how much morals children have after pass- ing through such a collection, and wheth- er like another "popular" song they will later look back, and say, "You dragged me down, down, down" The dealer who pent me the list need not fear that I will overwhelm him with orders. W. E. ALLEN Washington, February 13. Wants "Jim Crow" Law All 0er the United States. To the Editor of THE TIMES- - I read with Interest the article written by "J. F. N." to The Times Mail Bac, In which he wishes to Isolate the col- ored populat'on from the white in Washington, and then does not advo- cate the passing of the "Jim crow" law in the Dibtrlct of Columbia. I agree with him entirely on the segre- gation law. but disagree as regards the "Jim crow" law. The colored race Is no longer "looked down" on, and by passing this "Jim crow" law and giving them xs good cars and service as Is given the wh'te people, It will then give that race the opportunity to develop more raci tl pride and distinction. Some people think it is a dl&grace to be colored, and think the passing of this "Jim crow" law would mean a downward trend of this race. This Is no longer the thought of an educated person, and if tho colored people would not think so much of trlng to be equal with the white people and would try to develop their race to such an extent as to make them recognized bv thclt prida and habits: then the colored people should pull for this law, and, after passing It, try to be rivals and not equals of the white race. I have talked with several well-educat- colored men on this question, and was surprised to find that they agreed entirely with me. and a few of them went to such an extent as wanting a separate part of the United States as their home, as was given the Indians. I and every other person, whether white or black, provided they have enough pride, should pnil for this "Jim crow" law, not only In the District of Columbia, but all over tho United States. W. W. J. Glen Ferris, W. Va , February 20. Entertainment Planned By Pre-Medic- al Class . Members of tho al class of Gccrge Washington University are pre- paring for an entertainment during the second week of March In the aasemblv hall of tho Arts and Sciences building, 2023 G stre-- northwest. R, L. Balic , president of the, is in charge of plans ror tho event. In vitcttons will be extended to a numbrr of the members of the faculty to attend One of the objects of the entertainment Is to arouse greater Interest among the students In class and college activities. G. W. U. Girls' Glee Club Will Stage Operetta Plans for tho staging of an opeiettn ' during tho latter part of April are bcintr prepared by the Girls' Glee Club of George Washington Unlversltj. The membership of the, club lb in ci easing rapidly, the latest additions to the i oil bilng Ella Gardner, Helen Hotchklss, and Theodosla Heibold Weekl rehearsals are held, and ther will bo Increased In numbet as the date for the operetta draws near. Centenarian Remembers Cincinnati as Village CINCINNATI. Ohio, Feb. 22. Mrt Elizabeth Hall De Camp, who remeitv bem Cincinnati's town pump, col bratcd her 100th birthday today. Sh called It her debut. On Janurm.'."' she celebrated her eightieth vvcdrMft? nnniversarv. Ninety ears ago she lived In a log cablhon UAT6 tfcpt near the present,j.'dftof JBliyrafUs. Sho saw busy rminn street as a covvpasture. 1- - Surgeon JaJJVUwg Is Sfeitf Ptfifippmes Hut goon Whn D, Long, of the,i-jJrdt- e Health Service, who won fami tnrd tight against plague on the PtwJrJo roast, 1ms been assigned to the post 'Pivh neHlth ofllcer of the suc- ceeding Burgeon Victor (I. Iferser, The alignment was made at tin jjcquct of Kcretary of War Garrlbon. ft" i V

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c --M..i... ,.fi$$ fxjF--- ' THE WASHINGTON TIMES: MONDAY; FEBRVAltY 22 iSfe.n


(Including Sunday)By The Washington Times Company,


FRA&K A. MUNSEY, President.

S. H. TITHERINGTON, Secretary.

G. H. POPE, Treasurer.

On Tear (Including Sunday). W..Mx Months. II.TS. Three Monthi, We.

Entered at the postoftlce at Washington.

t. C, ai second cls mall 'matter.



State societies in Washington riseand fall with the political tide. Theyare the politTcal barometers of theNational Capital. During the Ad-

ministration of President Taft theOhio Society flourished, and its ban-

quets marked the gathering of. thepolitical solons. Today it is theSouthern Society, which claims Pres-

ident Wilson for its own. The South-

ern Society will achieve its perihelionon FebruaVy 27, when it will havethe most pretentious dinner it yethas attempted, and will gatheraround its banquet board the mostdistinguished officials of the Capital,who, just now, come in large num-

bers from the South.Meanwhile it is not too eariy for

other State societies to keep aweather eye on 1916, and alreadythey are scanning the political skiesin r,nxious hope that their star is tobe in the ascendancy next.


Washington takes less interest inMaryland Agricultural College thanthat institution, only three miles be-

yond the District border, deserves.Optimistic plans for the future ofthe college were made, and its cred-

itable history reviewed, at a banquetSaturday night at the New Ebbitt.

The school at College Park Makesrank well up among other State col-

leges, and its graduates have achiev-ed distinction at graduate schools,and in many technical and profes-sional fields. Perhaps the name .ofthe Maryland school has been unfor-tunate. Though an agriculturalcourse is offered, the majority of thestudents always have been in theacademic and technical courses?

Ninety per cent of the college'spupils, its last annual report shows;are from Maryland. It is a more dis-

tinctively State institution than anyother college in Maryland. John3Hopkins has only 20 per cent of stu-dents from Maryland. But this is noreason why Washington youthsshould not consider the nearbyschool when choosing a college, es-

pecially when such technical andscientific work is wanted as thatoffered at M. A. C. Many Washing-ton boys go much farther from homeand fare no better.

Added to the curriculum at M. A.'C. is the military feature, common toall State colleges, and that depart-ment is a growing factor in thework of these institutions. The mili-tary discipline and training affordedat M. A. C. are conceded to be ev- -called only by that at West Pointand Annapolis.

With these excellent talking pointsthe small but active group of Wash-ington alumni of M. A. C. are striv-ing to bring their alma mater be-

fore the Washington public. Theydeserve the best support of educatorsand parents of Washington.


Hunger, like water, will seek itslevel. When we speak of the Britishpolicy of starving Germany, we areprne to think of Germany alone,when Austria is no less concerned.It is doubtful if the Berlin govern-ment would have ordered the expro-priation of foodstuffs when it did hadits apprehension not included the sit-uation in Austria-Hungary,whi-

ch isno less isolated than Germany, andwhich has a far less efficient admin-istration for any purpose of war.Food riots in Austria-Hungar- y areof common report, but we do nothear of them in Germany. Austria-Hungar- y

possibly did not fill its lard-ers as Germany was able by scien-tific foresight to do. Germany mightgo on fighting for six months, pos-sibly a year longer without feelingthe sharp pangs of hunger, whileAustria-Hungar- y already scents thewolf at the door. Germany sweptup rich stores in Belgium and Franceat the very beginning of the war,and has left no bone unscraped inthe parts of Poland she has over-run, while Austria has lost both vaststores and Galicia by her many re-

verses earlier in the conflictJust as Germany was compelled to

give military aid to Austria-Hungar- y

to prevent that empire's armiesfrom collapsing utterly, so must shealso give Austria-Hungar- y economicassistance, to prevent conditionwhich would compel the house ofHapaburg tet the allies name anyterms they might. Germany mustsee to it that not her own peoplealone, but those of Austria-Hungar- y

also shall be fed. This will necessi-tate the withdrawal from Germanyif foodstuffs and tend to bring the

Jtf.. . -



two empires nearer to an economicallevel. But it may be taken for grant-ed that Germany will respond onlyto the military necessities,.and thatit Will be required of Austria to sup-ply to the uttermost from her ownresources. In ie meantime, suchgates as are left open to the Teu-

tonic allies from Italy, the Balkans,Scandinavia, and Holland are undoubtedly taking a heavy toll, for theprovisions from these sources arenot inconsiderable. '


Within perhaps twenty-fou- r hoursof the opening of the Von Tirpitr.program of ravage on the high seasan American ship, the Evelyn, hasbeen destroyed, though fortunatelywithout loss of life. Yet, pending aclear revelation of all the facts, itwill not be assumed, and it oughtnot to be, that this precipitates acrisis between Germany and thoUnited States.

The Evelyn, according to reports,was not torpedoed by a submarine.If she had been,c,either deliberatelyor accidentally granted that shewaB not resisting search or fleeingwhen summoned to submit to a visit-ing party it would be for the Wash-ington Administration to take notonly immediate but forceful act'en.

But it appears that the Evelyncame into contact with a mine, asany other ship might have dones Fur-thermore, there is a chance that themine was out of its proper bearings.

Now it is an affront to civilisationthat 'mines have been so generallyBtrewn and so negligently safe-guarded that one might drift any-

where on the wide ocean.Nevertheless, if that particular

mine floated away from the anchor-age and destroyed an American shipcoursing those waters in full reliancethat they were safe, we mighty beoutraged beyond expressior, but weshould not be justified in raising theissue of a ground for war.

If Von Tirpitz had never shockedcivilization with his proclamation,the very thing which has befallenthe Evelyn might hae happened.The technical defense against will-

ful responsibility will be more easilyset up than broken down.

Nevertheless, the fate of the neu-

tral Evelyn, destroyed on the opensea by a Von Tirpitz mine, will ilrawtaut the nerves of the American peo-

ple in their anticipation of the nextmishap or misdeed. It will sharpenthe senses and stiffen the purpose ofthose in official charg-- s of the wel-

fare, the rights, and the honor ofthis nation.

It were better for he friendly re-

lations still existing between thisGovernment and the military' ma-chine of the Kaiser, that this firstwar zone tragedy of the Americanship Evelyn should be tho last.


Reno bids fair to "come back."The Nevada legislature has passedthe easy divorce bill, reviving theprovision which makes only sixmonths' residence in the State neces-sary to break the tie thirt binds. Thegovernor hasn't signed the bill yet

and it is just possible that pilgrimswho start for that mecca now mayfind that a year's residence is re-

quired, as under the existing law,but he who entertains such crueldoubt certainly has it in for some-body. Thousands of women foughtthe measure, and the governor mayhesitate to fly in the face of theopinion they as well as other decentopponents of the divorce mart havecreated, not only in Nevada, but inthe nation as well. But the gover-nor may find it convenient to leaveme capita uiub giving tne lieuten-ant governor, who is said to favorthe bill, an opportunity to sign it.Then Reno will blossom again, andfatten, upon the immoral spoils thataccrue from as unhebmly a marketas ever was devised. Tfye countrywould be better off' if such a Renonever should be on the map again.


There is a touch of humor in theannouncement from Panama that theGovernment commissariat there hasannounced a reduction in the weightof the official loaf of hiead, owing tothe high cost of Hour. The businessof .a government is pretty complicated and expansive, and perhaps entire consistency is hardly to be expected as among the various activitics. Thus we note various states-men and administrative officials inthis country concerning themselvesprodigiously about the outrage thatthe bakers are proposing to inflict,and talking about what the Govern-ment can do to protect the peoplewho buy from private bakers; whileat Panama, where Uncle Sam is I hebaker, the price is calmly advnncedbecause Uncle Sam is buying theflour and has no disposition to losemoney on his business.

The Panama plan is to reduce theweight of the loaf three ounces.That applied to the average loaf inWashington would be rather more ofa price-increa- se than a cent the loaf.There's no use discussing it at Pan-am- u.

The people ntilled to theprivilege of buying from the tom-rriissari- at

will have to pay the new

price; or rather, to get the new andshrunken loaf.

It has been tho boast of the Gov-

ernment managers of things on that people were fed thtrecheaper than in tho States; and sta-

tistics have, been from tinio to limeproduced which seemed to boar outthe claim. That, of course, gives theGovernment commissary tho moreexcuse for raising prices now. Therehas been no effort tj make profitsout of the busine&s; at least, suchprofits as would be necessary to keepprivate business going.

In favor of, the Panama proclama-tion it 1b to be urged that the Gov-

ernment loaf is as carefully btand-ardize- d

as possible; overybody buy-

ing it knowB what he is getting, and.everybody gets the same. The decrease of its weight is frankly an-

nounced, so that the public cannotcomplain that it is being taken un-

awares.If the Government, conducting its

zone business as an altruistic affairand seeking no profits, finds it neces-sary to reduce the loaf, there mustbe Borne justification for the privatebakers, who like other people with-out the power to levy taxes feel un-

der the necessity of earning a livingout of their business. The truth isthat when the price of wheat dou-bles the price of things made fromwheat has gotto go up, and discussion of the subject which as-

sumes any other view is futile. Itmust not be allowed to go up unduly;there must be, and-is- , a willingnessamong the bread makers to dividetheir former profits with the public,as everybody' in business nowadayshas to divide; but it is impossiblethat the elemental economics of sucha situation as this can be ignored.


r Germany's war zone proclamationis in force, though it does not seemto have been responsible for the lossof the American ship Evelyn. Indeed,the facts surrounding the case of theEvelyn suggest that that affair isreally not the most important de-velopment since the broad plan ofrelentless warfare with mines andsubmarines was inaugurated.

Thus the Scandinavian countries,which have been heavy losers bymines, are reported planning toadopt the scheme of naval convoyswhich the United States Governmenthas viewed without favor. Thesecountries have no large naval estab-lishments, . so it is suggested thatthey may convert commercial shipsinto naval vessels, commission themas such, and send them along as con-

voys. The plan seems quite as feas-ible as using fighting ships, for thereis no idea in anybody's mind thatships used for this purpose would beexpected to fight.

The Dutch are ready for everyeventuality, with eyes on the borderbetween themselves and Germany,fearful that they will presently bedragged into the war as a recruit tothe cause of the allies. Italy is in amost uncomfortable frame of mindas result of Austrian naval vesselsfiring on Italian shipping. The wholesituation seems rapidly developingtoward a crisis in which the UnitedStates may at last figure in a minorrole, with the European nations play-ing the leading parts.

Short of a general purpose of theGermanic allies to start trouble inall directions and on the biggestpossible scale, it is difficult to ac-

count, especially, for the Austrianaggressions, in Adriatic waters.There will not be made more casesof the sort without fixing the im-

pression in the public mind thatGermany and Austria have reacheda stage of desperation in which theywant all the trouble they can get,apparentlyatculating that the bigger the ruction, the more nationsinvolved, the easier will it be forthem in the end to breed dissensionsamong their enemies and escapewith the most favorable peace terms.

'Daughter" Would ChopDown All Cherry Trees

WATERKORD. Conn . Feb. 22. TheConnecticut Daughters of the Revo-lution are planning to steal theyouthful George Washington "stuff"and celebrate the birthday of the"Father of His Countrj" by cuttingdown cherry trees.

Cornelia Buxton Smith of Litchfield,State chairwoman of the committee onconservation, suggested the idea. In acircular letter she set forth the prop-er manner in which to make theWashington cherry tree episode evenmure famous. Let the men cut downtho wild cherry trees, she urges, andpenult the children to burn 'em up.Tho men will get good exercise andthe children will enjoy the bonfires.Ami the breeding places of the ob-noxious tent caterpillars will be wipedout.

"May this be so general a thingthioughout our State," the circularletter ends, "that when asked, "Whocut down the chorrj tree?' thero shallrise from evtrj farm and toadside agieat shout, 'I did!'"

Kissed, StenographerSues Three Railroads

ATLANTA, Ga , Feb. 22 --Assertlncthat she had been caused " mentalsuffeililc und shock," Miss UeneieoLohne, i pretty youiic: stenographer,has entered hult against J. D. Pattei-so- n,

superintendent of tho AtlanticJoint Terminals. .ind his employers, thoLouisille und Nashille, the AtlanticCoast Hue, and the Atlantic and WestPoint railways, alleging that Patteison"foulblv and against liei will" did kissher on the left hand

News Items and Notesof Club Activities

Tho William F. Hunt Chapter. No. 16,held a Valentino social after tho lastbusiness meeting. About 600 valentineswere, sold to tho mambeis and theirfriends, tho price being the amount ofpostage on each package. On February25 Hunt Chapter will entertain thoBrand oftlcers of tho order. Degreework will bo shown and a short pro-gram given.

The Columbia Heights Ait Club metThursday with Mrs. M. A. Winter.Mrs. Edward Hardy won chairman forUie day. Miss Clara Dorrls read a pa-per prepared by Mrs. JolTn N. DoitIbon tho "Erie Canal." Owing to tho Ill-

ness of Miss Hill, Mrs. James F. Knglegave In her stead an outllno of tho"Missouri Compromise. Mrs. WilliamC. Foote read a paper on "Dolly Madi-son." Dolly Madison's old home, nowtho Cosmos Club, was' known as tho"little Whlto House." There DollyMadison ruled when no longer mistressof 'the Whlto House as a dowager- - "firstlady of tho land."

Those responding to the roll-ca- ll wereMrs. Robert Bare, Mrs. Edward Cle-ment, Mrs. John "Dorrls, Mrs. J. FinneyKngle, Mis. Edward Hardy, Mrs. Augus-tus Knight, Mrs. James McKco, Mrs.John H. Stokes, Mrs. William Turpln,Miss Elizabeth Warman, Mrs. . a.Winter. Mrs. Sarah Wolhaupter, andMrs. James Yeomans Refreshmentswere served by s, assisted byher daughter. The guests were Mrs. IS.

S. Fuller. Miss Clara Dorrls, and Mrs.Tewksberry.

The United Daughters of tho Confed-eracy are to be In charge of a danceat tho Knlclgh on Thursday eveningfor tho benefit of the Confederate Me-

morial Home. Among those on thecommittee ire Mrs. Ernest K. Sasscer,Mrs. Arthur Haughton. and tho MissesHattle Howie, Mav Little, Lucy Norton,Carollno Flanner. Dorothy Denham,Helen Klnimol, Josephine Jones, Eliza-beth Cullen. and Eleanor Teag'le.

The District of Columbia Branch oftho National Congress of Mothers helda meeting nt the Raleigh Inst Tuesday.In the routine of business tho commit-ter gave reports, the most Important ofwhich was that of the com-mittee dealing with the phuscs of volit-ional training In tho grades, given byMrs. Anna B. Sloan.

A resolution was unnnlmously parsedprodding that tho congress should holda state convention In the spring and thedcte. place, and othei arrangementsplanned by the executive board

Delegates from the parent teacher as-

sociations reMrted great activity Intl'etr organizations Mn. Iinyles, ofCorbet y, revolted on a new plan forsecuring ertaln literature that thechildren want. Mrs. Burnside told ofthe progress made In hchool gardensand the postal savings plan In Brook-lan- d,

and Momoe school sent In a le-lo- rt

of completed arrangement for thediet school for motheis. Tho courso oftwelvo lectures will begin vvcunestiay at8 p m. at tho Wilson Noimnl Schoolnnd Is to continue .on huccccdtngWedncsdas until tho course Is com-pleted. '

rounders' Day. which occurred on theda after the meeting, was ommcm-morate- d

by an address b Mrs. A. A.Blrnev. secretary of tho National Con-gress' of Mothers, former president ofthe District branch nnd one of themembers of the original board Thespeaker gave anecdote" of the earlv his-tor- v

of tho organization, told of themother thought that prompted MrsTheodore Blrnev to call the mothers ofthe country together in ISM nnd empha-sized the Interest of r.Ms. l'hoebe



National Council's Action Caus-

ed by His Failure to Become

American Citizen.

Ernest Thompson Seton, active In theoiganizatlon of the Boy Scouts ofAmerica, no longer holds the office ofchief Bcout which he filled for liveyears, the national council having votedto leae that position vacant duringMr. Sc ton's absence in England.

The fact that Mr. Seton took out hisfirst naturalization papers fourteenjcars ago but has never applied for hissecond pnpris and become an Americanclt'zen, was laigrly responsible for thisaction, and it is probable that tho officeof chlet scout will neer be revivedThe action was taken at the nnnu tlinciting of the national council In thiscity February II, but It was kept asecret until today.

Still .Member of Council.It was muted at the council before

the question was put to a vote thatMr. Seton had 'been consulted regardingbis position and hud agreed that itbhoilld remain vacant while he wasabroad. He. is still a member of thenutlonul council, a body comprisingabout 10) men. Neither his member-ship In that body nor his office aschief scout carried uny salary.

As patriotism Is ono of the cnrdinalvirtues uf tho Boy Scout, there hasnlwa.s been a degree of feeling againstMr. Seton because he did not becomenaturalized. Ho sailed for Euglnnd ontho Lualtimia eai ly this month Whetherhe intends to take up arms In the pres-ent war has not been learned.

Organized In U. S. In 1910.Before he allied him.self with the Boy

Scouts Mr. .seton controlled an oigani-zatlon culled Woodcraft Indians. TheBoy boouth wore oiganUed in 1903, twoygais before Gen Sir Badon-Powo- ll or-

ganized in England his Boy Scouts, buttho American organization did not be-

come a national institution until 1910.

It wau In that year that Mr. Seton be-

came allied with It.He was an expert on the prlmitUo

methods of the Indians. Ho could starta fire 'lth a piece of wood and a bow;he kiieu simple methods of fnshlnnlntrgourds, weapons, bed from articleslikely to ie at hand in anj forest.

Insane Man, 70, and Worth$150,000, Made 30 Wills

WHITE PLAINS, N.V., Feb. 22 -W- ilburII. Klrkham, seventy sears old. who

owns pioperty woith $150,000 In NewYork and Westchester county, was de-

clared Insane by a sheriff's )ury.A phjslclnn tentlfled that Ml. Klrk-luini- 's

brain waB affected so much thatlie had only tho mental 1 of a boy flwiyears old. and did not know that heowned much propfrl. It Is said thuthe has been making two wills a year forthe last fifteen year.

Hearst, who financed the llrst threeconventions.

Dr. F. A. McKcnzle, president of FlskUniversity, who has recently made asurvey or the recreations of Washing-ton, gave a. talk on recreations and so-

cial centers. He declared that Wash-ington Is suffering from "play starva-tion," and quoted figures to prove hispoints. One afternoon in 'wo hours16,000 children were under observation.Of that numbor, 58 per cent of the boyswcro violating tho law by playing balland other games In the streets andalleys and 80 per cent of tho girls wcroplaying In the streets From other ob-

servations, Di. McKenzle estimatedthat, owing to conditions In certainparts of the city, Washington has abouta thousand unnecessary deaths eachyear, since under Improved living con-ditions they would not bo likely tooccur. Tho great need of Dronerly constructed and conducted dance halls wasalso emphasized. Following his taut,stercoptlcon views of recreational workin a number of cities were shown.

Last Monday evening the AnthonyLeague held a birthday celebration Inhonor of Susan B. Anthony at the homeof Mrs Nanette' B. Paul. Informaltalks and music made up the program,Amonir those nrescnt were Dr. and MrsPerkins, who have recently joined theleague. Mrs. PerklnB will act as chair-man of the committee Working with theCongress of Mothers.

Mrs. A. E. Hendlcy is giving a courseof talks on the life of Miss Anthony atthe league's "at homes" on Tuesdays,beginning at 3:30 in apartment jio. tnePnrlfinr. Last Tucsrtay afternoon a vuieof thanks was tendered Mrs. K. Dtinlopfor her management of a table at theDistrict Federation of Women's Clubsbenefit luncheon

The first of Mrs. Edith Townc's lec-tures to the class In parliamentary lawwaB given last Tuesday at the residenceof Mrs Nanette B Paul, where thoclass will meet every Tuesday at 8.

This courso will be followed by one ontho principles of common law. conductedby Mrs. Paul, who Is the author of alaw text book. "Tho Heart of Black-stone- ."


The classes In Spanish and 'Esperantocontinue to meet at tho Portner andIn French at the Princeton Tuesdaynights The Bible Study class Is con-ducted bv Mrs. Paul, who Is assistedbv Mme. Mountford.

The Coluuibla Historical Society held'a meeting hift Monday evening. I noprincipal business was tho presentationof a paper by MlssMargaretUrent Down-ing on "Literary Landmarks of theCapital " She described the home ofWilliam Wirt, of Thomns Law. whowrote a num'ier of books on banking;of Joel Bnrlow, author of tho "Colum-blad.- "

nnd mentioned the houses whereWashington Irlng was entertained Inthis cltv. In 1SC7. when he- visitedPhilip Van Ness at 1202 D street, untill3, when he IhHci the Kcnnels Shequoted IJlckens' desrlptlon of the oldWlllnrd Hotel, and Thackeray's iccountof his entertainment bv President Fill-more. The former homes of M"tloJ'.Bret Harte. Edgar Allan Poe, MarkTwain, Preicott, and John Hny werealso located The old garden of theDoIIv Madison House, where OwenMeredith wrote "Lucille," and tho man-sion Itself, whero Ird Bulwer LVttOnwrote the "Memoirs of Lord Palmer-sto-n

" was noted. A survey of thewriters now lllng In the citv was alsoglen Kl the conclusion of Mrs. Dovvn-Ing- V

piper, the members of the societyaccori her a rlsltij; vote of thanksfor her essa.

The society publishes the papers readnt the monthly meetings, and the articlewill appear In this form In duo time.Reentcen volumes of historical dataconcerning the Capital" have alreadybeon published.

The SilverLining


What makes George's feat all themore spectacular was that there wereno dictographs In thoso days.

Looks as If Italy was ready to hopInto the fray. Putting periscopes on allthe gondolas

Like to sec George again try to tossthat dollar across the Potomac Be alot of people killed In the rush.

Famine stares us In the face. Bread?Nope. Beefsteaks? Nope. Gonna raisetho price of baseball games

If an American ship Is msterIouslysunk In the English channel, tho Dis-trict Commissioners .are getting pre-pared to enjoy the blame.

CFTIA MLm?7) UAB.ft2

"War ain't noromance. Even ahero can't strug-gle hand-t'-han- d

with a gun that'ssixteen milesaway."

Canary bird still supreme on Itspedestal Even T. Edison can't makethe graphaphone sao the family bysinging furiously when flames Invadethe old homstead.

Moonshiners discovered in old Vir-ginia. Get hiluilously exhilarated bymixing water with some real flour.

Can't face how Secretary Garrison isgoing to save the Capital from inva-sion this summer. Even a slxteon-inc- h

gan at Cape Henry won't shoot a cater-pillar off a tree In Potomac Park.

Might mako the next session of Con-gress more successful by painting theword "E-lt- larger over each door.

Almost spring. Will soon be time forthe dried apple blossoms and the con-densed milk moo cow to cavort aroundIn the antiseptic nlr.

First Militia CompanyOf Marines Is Organized

The Nav v Department has been ad-vised of the organization in Massachu-setts of tho first militia company ofmarines under the provisions o the newnavul militia aclwhlih elves such com-panies an allotment of GovernmentfundH and places them under tho juilsdlc.tlon of the Secretary of tho Navj In thesame manner as aro tho naval militiaot sanitations.

Companies also arc beiiiR organized inNew York and California.

PROGRAM(For Today and Tomorrow.)Meeting of fraternal, social, and other

of (he Nation's Capital,toKether with a brief tabulation of tliemwit Important events scheduled fortoday and tomorrow, and attractions attho various playhouses. By referenceto this column tho reader may find ata glance the time and place of happen-ing In Washington- - today and tomor-row. Tho Hunday Issue of The Timespresents a program of events for theensuing week.


Washington Birthday celebrations l'drlshHall of Trinity Episcopal Church, underaushlces of Takoma Park Cltlxenn' Asso-ciation, 8 p m.; Daughters of America, altPennsylvania avenue southeast. S p. m.',New Masonic Temple, 2 SO p. in.Capitol Hill Literary Hortety. 21 l'lrststreet northeast. Up. m.; Daughters of theAmerican Devolution and Kons of the Am-erican Revolution, and Sons of the Heolu-tlo- a.

Memorial Continental Hall. 10:30 a. m.;Association of Oldest Inhabitants. Nine-teenth and H streets northwest. 11 a, m :Lincoln Camp, No 2, Bonn of Veterans. 1101K street northwest. 8 p m '. Women'sPeace (Society, New Masonic Temple, J.30p. m.

Meeting, Friends of Humanity, Chamber orCommerce, 8 p. m.

Banquet. VaWhn Class of Calvary UaptlstChurch, In church, 7 p. m

Annual dinner. North Dakota Assiclalloii,New Ebbitt, 7 pm.

Reception. Aid Association for the Blind andSunshine and Community Society, 3400 Rstreet northwest, 3 to J p m.

Peace Meeting, EHends' House, 1811 I streetnorthwest, 3pm

Banquet, Monday Evening Club, Ruuscher's,7 p. m.

Entertainment, Young Women's Hebrew As-sociation, Elks' Club, 8 p. in.

Election of Officers, District Chapter ofof Sons of tho American Revolution,

Itauscher'a, 3 p. m.George Washington dance, Slioreham, 8 p.

Lecture, "Twilight Sleep." l)r HenrySt. John's Episcopal Church, undrr

uuiplces of National Hoclety of KeepWells. 7 30 p m.

Midwinter convocation. George WashingtonI'nlverslty, Assembly Hun, Arts andSciences lluJldlng. .'023 O street northwest,U a. m.

Meeting. Descendants of the signers of the.Declaration of Independence. Raleigh, .1

P. rn."University Day," celebration. University of

J'ennsilvdnla graduates, University Club,S p. ni

Reception, Uaptlst Home, 3248 N street noi st,

2 to 6 pm.Meeting. Southern suffragists 1600 Rhode

Island avenue northwest, 10 30 a. niWashington lllrtljday dance In costume. As-

cension Athletic Association, small ballroom. The Arcade. 3 i m '

Memorial mass, Knights of Columbus, HolyComforter rnurch. 10 a. in.

Continental night program, Arcade audi-torium, S p. m.

Installation of ofOccrs, den William F.Harry Garrison. No 26, Army and NavyUnion. 1347 Pennsylvania avenue northwest,8 p. m

Masonic Dawson. No 16, BtaJishury, No. 24Oeorre C Whiting. No 22. I'entalpha, No.23, Mount Vernon. No 3, Hiram. No. 10.Anacostla, No. 12, Itojal Arrh Masons:KalllpolU Grotto, ceremonial; Hoard 6f Di-

rectors. Masonic and Eastern Star Home.Temple. Nu 13.. Columbia. No. 15. KamtrnStar

Odd Fellows Union. No. II. Beacon. No 14,Langdon No 26. Esther. No S. Hcb.kalis

KnlghtH of Pjthlas Calanthe, No 11. Equal,No 17.

National Union Federal Council: lcoutCouncil. Northeast Washington Council.

Illustrated lecture. "The American Klnjr. Itsorigin History, and Development," j'rof.Tohti Tnrliert. In All Souls" Chun h. S I), m.

Annual meeting, fcns of thw American Revo-lution Rauscher's. 12 30 p m.

Washington lllrthdav entertainment, wlihlecture. b Dr. I R I3aumi;ardt

on "The latest Achievement In CelestialPhotography," a 30 p in

Reception College VA omen's Club, banquethall. RalelKli. 4 to 6 p rn

Dance. Crescent Club, ball room. Rulelgh.S 30 p. m.

Amusements.National "The Girl l'rom Utah," 2 15 and

8 15 p mHelasco "A Pair of SUcs," 2 20 and S 20

p mColumbia "Our Navy In 1515," motion pi-

cture. --' 15 and R 15 p. in.Poll's 'The Hlg Idea." 2 15 and 8 15 p. hiR K. Keith's vaudeville. ."15 and 3 15 p mCosmos Vaudeville (continuous).Caidno Vaudeville (continuous)Oavety Burlesque. 2 16 and 8.15 p mMaleatle Burlesque, 8 15 p. m.CrandalPs Photoplajs, 11 a. m. to 11 p i

Strand Photoplay. It a. m. to 11 p. In.Garden-Photopl- ays, 10 a. m to 11 p, m.Arcade Dancing, 8 p in to 12 p. m.Ardmore Club Cortez vs 2pm

Tomorrow. -Federal, No 1. Acacia. No 16 Takoma No

2) Mount Horeb. No. 7. Potomac No S.

Royal Arch Masons. De Molay Mounted,No 4. Knights Templar. Electa, No 2,Bethlehem. No 7, Friendship, No. 17, East.

Odd Fellows Washington. No 6, GoldenRule. No 21 Amltl. No J7, Fred D.Rtuart, No 7 Encampment

Knlirhts of l' thias Grand ldge. annualconvention. Webster. No. 7, Hennolne, No12, Bcellpr, No. 14, Capital, No J4, Mir- -

Woodnien of' the World-O- ld Glory Camp,

Specialist Florida Home Builders' Associa-tion. Workmen's Circle

Meeting, general arrangements committee forO A. R. encampment, red room, NewWlllard. 11 a. m

Conference, National d

league, offices of Department of JAbor,

Meeting. 'Sai-hlngto- Council. Knights ofColumbus K of C Hall. S p m.

Violin recital Haron fiokolove. New MasonicTemple. 4 TO p m.

Banquet. Engineering Socletv of GeorgsWashington University. Hotel Continental,7 30 p. 111.

Meeting, campaign leaders of Y W. C. A .

In association headquarters, 4 30 p inMeeting, North Capitol and Eeklngton Cltl-len- s'

Association, lecture hall of ScklnirnnI'resbv tertnn Church. North Capitol streetand Florida avenue northwest 7 30 p in.

Meeting, suffrage committee of Chamber ofCommerce. In headquarters, 2pm

!ntcn address "Should the Progress of thoKingdom of God Be IJnger Retarted bv uDivided Kingdom'" the Rev A. B

St. John's Church, Sixteenth nndH streets northwest 7 30 p m

Meeting, Thomas Jefferson Council. No 12jr O U A. M Northeast Masonic Tom-pi-

Eighth and F streets northeast ' i mVnnuftt public debate, freshman class of

Washington College of Iji. fits New 1 orkavenue northwest. 8pm

Meeting, Parents' league or the Thlrd.Dl-llo- n

of Schools In J Onnond Wfls nNormal Sthool, Eleventh and Harv irdstreets northwest, S p m

beeture, MIks Janet ItlchardH, auditorium ofWoodward & Ixithrop's, 11 a in.

Lecture "The hpanlah Colonial Empire,"Mli-- Erna Mary Ferguson under ausnliesiof Spanish School of Washington. In Hchool,R p in

Benefit concert and dance. Casualty HospitalRauscher's to 12 ! in.

Meeting Columbia Chapter. D A. R . studvroom. Public Library, S p rn

Meeting. Teachers' Club, studv room, Public,Library. 1pm.

TeamsattheY.W.C.A.Bring in 24 New Members

Teams in the membership campaignof the Young Women's Christian As-

sociation reported today a total oftvverttv-fou- r brought In since the lasticport was made Of this number the"Aeroplanes" secured twenty and tho"Automobiles" four.

With .the second and final week of the.campaign wen unuer way, tno meinnersare working enthuslastlcullv to havothe greatest possible number of newmembers Initiated before Saturday oven-p- g

A supper is to be given for thoworkers at that time.

This afternoon a jeceptlon will be heldbv the board of dlrcctorw. headed bjthe honorary president. Mrs. Thomas It.Marshall nnd .Mrs William Hamiltonbavb, tho ptesldent.

Follow Inf Is the detailed scores legl-ttre- d

todtiv: Automobiles. 4, Aeroplanes,Division . Miss Susan R. Cutis, commodore. 11, tllVISton li. flirw. i uiiiiiuMacA Ulster, lommodore. r.. and DivisionC. Miss Kstelle Tohtor. commodore, 1.

Fire in East St. LouisDestroys Four Blocks

EAST ST. LOUIS. III., Feb. 22 -- Fireearlv today destroved ne-trl-y all thebuildings In the four city blocks whichmeet at St. lyouis and Collinsvllle ave-nues, In the heart of the .business dis- -

The loss was estimated at 1250,000.

THE-TME- S MAIL BAGCommunications to the Mall Bag must be written on one aids of thapaper only; must not exceed 200 words In length, and must bo signed with

name and address of the sender.". The publication of letters In Ths TimetMall Bag does not mean tho Indorsement by The Times of the opinions ofthe writer. Tho Mall Bag is an open forum, where the citizens of Washing-ton may argue moot question!.

jnDenies He Is Candidate for Recorder

of Deeds.To tho Editor of TUB TIMES:

Thero appeared in tho dally press ofthis city recently articles kIvIiik tho listof persons who art said to bo candi-dates for tho position of recorder ofdeeds for the District of Columbia, andmy name appeared In that list. I beupermission to state to the man read-ers of your exiellent paper and thspublic generally that I urn not a can-didate ror the position of recorder ofdeeds of the District of Columbia.

J. MU.TON WAL.DRON,Washington, February iW.

Danish-America- n Has Four Honorable Discharges from the Army.

To the Editor of THI3 TIMES:In signing myself "Danish American"

I did not mean that It should bo takonup In any other spirit than in which Itwas Intended. As I cannot lay claimto any Dutch, Irish, Turkish, Chinese,or any other combination, I only statedmy truo identity, and for that purposeI used the term. I do not claim it tobe any special mark of merit or dis-tinction, but neither do I feel any shamenor degiadatlon that I was born aDane, flccause In using what Mr. K. M.calls the umbllllcal hyphen he Is surethat tho bearer cannot be a full-fledg-

or, In other words, a good and trueAmerican

I am willing to show him four piecesof parchment, each an honorable dis-charge from tho United States army,the last one from the Spanish war anduubun campaign, i am still in theGovernment service, but In a civil ca- -,

k' rrlend K M.. I think you willagree that a person who gives fifteenyears of his life to the service and pro-tection of his country In war as inpeace, to do with as she wills, cannotbe such a bad American after all.

O. M.Washington, Feb. 20.

Asks Mothers of United States toAid German Children.

To tho Editor of TUB TIMES:About three jears ago, when the sub-

ject of warm lunches for our schoolchildren was agitated by press of thiscity, I cut from a Washington papera short article headed: "Go Supperlcssto Heil." dated Berlin, November 13

Quotlnc from the Volkswohlapahrt, orPublic Weal Society. It said that an in-vestigation of 1S9 German towns re-vealed the fact that .OOO children ha-bitually went breakfastless to school,and 5 ner cent were sent to bed hungry.Nlnetv-fiv- e thousand children had tobe fed by public assistance."

Without commenting on the causesleading up to It, I want to ask nowmanv moro children now orphaned aresubsisting on one meal a day7 Thisstarving of little children is somethingthe women, the mothers of civilizednations, will not .stand for, and I amwlllliiir to start the ball rolling bydonating 100 pounds of flour to theschool children of Germany.

How many more German-America- n

citizens will follow?EMMA R. KEEI.ET.

Washington, D. C. Feb. 20. 1915.

Wants Firemen to Have More Timeto Themselves.

To the Editor of THE TIMES.Can am body give a reason why the

firemen of Washington are compelled tolabor under the conditions they now en-dure, when every other occupation la-bors only eight to ten hours per dav?The Government is passing la.vvscom- -pelllng the eight-hou- r da for men andwomen, why not a third day, or at leastu tourtn aay on, ror tne nremenv

Whv should members of a public de-partment like th file deportment, fromwhich prompt and heroic work is ex-pected, and alwavs rendered, be corn- -lulled to labor twenty-fou- r hours out oftwenty -- four for 3R5 dajs for 12 cents porhour'' Can ou lmagtyie yourself con-fined under conditions next to prisonlife, compelled to remain within hearing or tno gong'

Its no wonder that a fireman s con-stitution gives away at an early age,the long and continuous hours takingthe last snnrK. of energ from the manthat was appointed In the prime ef life.and selected rrom tne ver nower ormanhood, giving tho best days of hlalife to the public Bervicc, and receivingv.ery little consideration in return. Theonly time tnai tne nremen receive anynotice from tho public Is w hen they aretailed to perform piompt and heroicwork On return to quarters they areforgotten. P. F. LEAHY.

Washington, Feb. 20

The Segregation Question.To the Editor of THE TIMES

From my observation or conditions InWashington. I believe that the Bug- -

Baumgardt Gives TalksOn Rome and Petrograd

The capitals of the ancient civiliza-tion and of the newest power In mod-

ern civ lllzition Rome and Petrogradweio the subject of the lectures givenyesterday afternoon and evening, respectively, by B. R. Baumgardt at thoUCianLU ...v.- -

The stoiv of the Roman republic andtho empire were told briefly as a pre-

lude to the illustrated portion of thelecture. As has been, the case withall tho discourses of this platform ex-

pert, the history given was interlardedwith anecdote and philosophy of anunusual character.

Tho architecture and art of old Romewcro Intermingled with that of thenew as history of this qf that Impor-tant relic of antiquity was unfoldedand its relation to present-da- y civiliza-tion explained

Moscow and the Russian people, aswell as Petiograd, vvero dealt with intho evening lecture In fact, tho lec-

ture was largel.v a disquisition on theSlav, with pictures and stoiies of thetwo great capitals According to Mr.Baumgardt, the power of tho Slav is

et to be felt b tho world at large,hut the world Is not to bo kept longwaiting for It He regatds the Rus-

sian at, a magnificent type of humanity,and tho mission of tho Russian In thoworld to be a gictl one.

The little known achievements ofRussians in the arts and sciences weredwelt upon briefly, und many examplesof painting JJid sculpture were shown.The story of Petiogiad, with the neces-sary accompaniments of the stories ofPeter the Great and Catherine, nnd thehtorv of Moscow, witli its invariableblhtoty of the Napoleonic disaster andthe reign of ivnn the Tcirlble, werealso told briellv. Motion pictures show-ing the of tho Cossackswere shown at tho conclusion of tholectuie.

CapitoTTiUi Club toHold Exercises Tonight

The Capitol Hill Literary Club willcelebrate, Washington's birthday at ameeting at 21 TliM stieet noitheast to-night' K V. t in r. vice president, willspeak on "Ann Hi an Heroes," and therewin be u musical progrua. o;

gestlon of "J.v N." to hav separateresidential districts for tho whtto andcolored races highly desirable.

In this corfneWon I would like toInvite his attention to Alexandriacounty, Just PrcK"th Potomac riverfrom Washington,, his Idea issuccessfully carried7. Wit. While therola no law on"tno, t'sta'Pute' books segre-gating the races, thcc::l. an under-standing with proportjf owners and realestate men that Iafid.Jnto-bei&l- d andhouses rented to colored rpeoplrinsccr-u'- n

restricted sections.This Is particularly true kV".Wk'A-do-n,

where there Is not a colorea'Tam11 y within a radius of more than Wmile from the election station and post-offic- e.

The result Is that, even thoughwe have not as yet an organized policerorco, there Is very little disorder. Thecur from Washington, via Queen City,arriving at Clarendon at about 7 a. m..has been named the "Cooks' TouristSpecial."

it is true mat hair, or possibly amajority, of our citizens are Vligln-lan- aborn, though we have a large cos-

mopolitan population Connecticut livesnext door to Georgia, Maryland is aneighbor to Canada, and Texas llvciJust around the corner from Fennsv

W. W. M.Clarendon, Va., February 19.

Sees Little Hope For U. S If SongsAre T6 Make the Country Strong-er.

To the Editor of THE TIMES:Some one said that if you would dis-

close tip songs of a people he wouldtell yoii that people's character.

I have Just received a brief list of'sensational now being danced

and sungEverywhere" ( n the u. S A.)comprising "He's a Rag Picker," "Balllnthe Jack," "At the Ball That's All." "ForEvery Smile You Gave. Me, You Causeda Thousand Tears.' "I've Only One IdeaAbout the Girls and that to Love'Em," "When the Grown-u- p Ladles ActLike Babies Ive Got To Love 'Em That'sAll," "It's Too Late Now," and "China-town, My Chinatown.'

Do you wonder why the average youthand his companion is a bit eccentric asto duty, honesty, morality, and a fewother things when this Is their musicaleducation? Can you be surprised whenthe Old World people sneer at "Ameri-cans' after reading translations of such"popular American songs?" The INtgiven Is no worse than a local store ad-vertised In a local poper recently, so ItIs not an exception.

I wonder how many of tho singers orsuch stuff can repeat one verse of"Home, Sweet Home," and a few othersupon which the men, that made the US A. a stalwart nation, were fed In thepast fow generations I also wonder howmuch morals children have after pass-ing through such a collection, and wheth-er like another "popular" song they willlater look back, and say, "You draggedme down, down, down"

The dealer who pent me the list neednot fear that I will overwhelm him withorders. W. E. ALLEN

Washington, February 13.

Wants "Jim Crow" Law All 0erthe United States.

To the Editor of THE TIMES- -

I read with Interest the article writtenby "J. F. N." to The Times Mail Bac,In which he wishes to Isolate the col-

ored populat'on from the white inWashington, and then does not advo-cate the passing of the "Jim crow" lawin the Dibtrlct of Columbia.

I agree with him entirely on the segre-gation law. but disagree as regards the"Jim crow" law.

The colored race Is no longer "lookeddown" on, and by passing this "Jimcrow" law and giving them xs goodcars and service as Is given the wh'tepeople, It will then give that race theopportunity to develop more raci tl prideand distinction.

Some people think it is a dl&grace tobe colored, and think the passing ofthis "Jim crow" law would mean adownward trend of this race. This Isno longer the thought of an educatedperson, and if tho colored people wouldnot think so much of trlng to be equalwith the white people and would try todevelop their race to such an extent asto make them recognized bv thclt pridaand habits: then the colored peopleshould pull for this law, and, afterpassing It, try to be rivals and notequals of the white race.

I have talked with several well-educat-

colored men on this question, andwas surprised to find that they agreedentirely with me. and a few of themwent to such an extent as wanting aseparate part of the United States astheir home, as was given the Indians.

I and every other person, whetherwhite or black, provided they haveenough pride, should pnil for this "Jimcrow" law, not only In the District ofColumbia, but all over tho UnitedStates. W. W. J.

Glen Ferris, W. Va , February 20.

Entertainment PlannedBy Pre-Medic- al Class


Members of tho al class ofGccrge Washington University are pre-paring for an entertainment during thesecond week of March In the aasemblvhall of tho Arts and Sciences building,2023 G stre-- northwest.

R, L. Balic , president of the,is in charge of plans ror tho event. Invitcttons will be extended to a numbrrof the members of the faculty to attendOne of the objects of the entertainmentIs to arouse greater Interest among thestudents In class and college activities.

G. W. U. Girls' Glee ClubWill Stage Operetta

Plans for tho staging of an opeiettn'

during tho latter part of April are bcintrprepared by the Girls' Glee Club ofGeorge Washington Unlversltj.

The membership of the, club lb inci easing rapidly, the latest additions tothe i oil bilng Ella Gardner, HelenHotchklss, and Theodosla HeiboldWeekl rehearsals are held, and therwill bo Increased In numbet as the datefor the operetta draws near.

Centenarian RemembersCincinnati as Village

CINCINNATI. Ohio, Feb. 22. MrtElizabeth Hall De Camp, who remeitvbem Cincinnati's town pump, colbratcd her 100th birthday today. Shcalled It her debut. On Janurm.'."'she celebrated her eightieth vvcdrMft?nnniversarv. Ninety ears ago shelived In a log cablhon UAT6 tfcptnear the present,j.'dftof JBliyrafUs.Sho saw busy rminn street as acovvpasture.

1- -

Surgeon JaJJVUwgIs SfeitfPtfifippmes

Hut goon Whn D, Long, of the,i-jJrdt- e

Health Service, who won fami tnrdtight against plague on the PtwJrJo roast,1ms been assigned to the post 'PivhneHlth ofllcer of the suc-ceeding Burgeon Victor (I. Iferser, Thealignment was made at tin jjcquct ofKcretary of War Garrlbon.ft" i