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  • 7/26/2019 NEWDIRECTIONC4D


    ew Direction Profile - Ann Other - 28 February 2012

    Discover - Discuss - Digest - Direction

    New Direction Prof

    Ann Other [

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  • 7/26/2019 NEWDIRECTIONC4D


    ew Direction Profile - Ann Other - 28 February 2012


    Why Clarity 4D?

    Carl Jung, the psychologist who died in 1961, wrote an essay entitled The Stages of Life, starting with

    childhood, moving through adolescence, becoming an adult, courtship and finding a partner, contributing

    to the community and adult world through work and other rituals, child-rearing, advanced maturity,

    preparing for old age and death.

    During this life journey, we are faced with many changes and challenges, and the Clarity4D New

    Directionprofile is intended to give you a snap shot of who you are at this current time. The colourenergies, which are outlined overleaf, offer an easy way of understanding how we show up to other

    people, and how we can adapt our behaviour to meet the needs of different situations and people we

    meet along our journey.

    Why 4D? The 4D is about the 4 dimensions of our development:


    By answering the questionnaire you have provided a current picture of how you see yourself


    Other people may see you differently share your profile with them and talk.


    Having thought about how you see yourself and what others see in you, you can think about getting to

    know yourself even better by unlocking your potential.

    4th DIMENSION: DIRECTION/DEVELOPMENT (giving myself choice)

    Change doesn't happen overnight. It takes time and commitment to decide the right direction and then to

    stick to the direction you have chosen.

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  • 7/26/2019 NEWDIRECTIONC4D


    ew Direction Profile - Ann Other - 28 February 2012


    Understanding The Background

    This Clarity4D profile is compiled from a set of statements that is unique to Ann Other.

    The idea of personality profiling is not new; it has been around since the Ancient Greeks.

    The Link from the Ancient Greeks

    Using the idea from the Ancient Greeks of the four elements, Water, Earth, Fire and Air, and the energy

    that is created by those four elements, the Clarity4D model has been linked to the four psychological

    types identified by Carl Jung, and our preferred way of behaving. The concept of colour has also been

    added to help the reader recognise and remember the different types of personality.


    by Water and Earth energies that are hidden

    beneath the surface i.e. sea or soil


    by Fire and Air energies that are above the


    (WATER) BLUEenergy is shown by people

    who are introspective and reserved. They like to

    observe others and think before taking action.

    They are happy in their own company, and can

    give an independent, detached analysis, which can

    sometimes give the impression of aloofness.

    (FIRE) REDenergy is demonstrated by

    people who are highly energetic and action-

    orientated. They are positive, straight-talking and

    assertive. They tend to be goal-focussed and enjoy

    the challenge of achieving quick results. They are

    pragmatic thinkers who have an objective

    approach which can sometimes overlook the

    needs of other people.

    (EARTH) GREENenergy is observed in

    people who are warm and friendly in an under-

    stated way. They value close relationships and will

    be loyal and supportive of their family and friends.

    They like to create a harmonious atmosphere and

    prefer consensus to confrontation, which can

    sometimes make them appear indecisive and laid-


    (AIR) YELLOWenergy is displayed by

    people who are out-going, sociable and fun-loving.

    They particularly enjoy the company of other like-

    minded people and frequently stand out in a

    crowd, often enjoying being the centre of attention.

    They are persuasive, charming and can

    sometimes overwhelm people with their

    enthusiastic energy.

    As individuals we are a mixture of these four elements, but we have a preference for using some of the

    energies over others, and the Clarity4D profile will identify which these preferences are, and how we can

    adapt and use the energies to meet the needs of different people and situations in our personal and

    professional lives. At the end of the profile is an action plan designed for Ann to complete and work on afuture personal development strategy.

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  • 7/26/2019 NEWDIRECTIONC4D


    ew Direction Profile - Ann Other - 28 February 2012


    How Do You Show Up?

    Conscious-self Graph (B3M)

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  • 7/26/2019 NEWDIRECTIONC4D


    ew Direction Profile - Ann Other - 28 February 2012


    The 4 Dimensions of Ann Other

    These pages give an overview of Anns personal style and some insight into how she works with people

    and tasks.

    1st Dimension: Discover how you see yourself

    What's Ann like?

    Her knowledge and expertise may impress others and she may be unaware of this. She doesn't enjoy

    pointless chit chat and likes facts and logic in an argument, which can make her seem to be inflexible. She

    is careful in the way she handles facts and figures. She will work at everything in a focused and organised


    She is hard working and has a persistent attitude to improve an idea. She has an intellectual mind and

    enjoys studying for its own sake. When making judgements, Ann trusts her five senses rather than relying

    on imaginative ideas. Highly competent at her duties, her commitment to work can go unrecognisedbecause of her quiet style. She works to very high levels of accuracy, especially in terms of facts and

    figures and to help her achieve this, she needs a quiet environment. Ann likes to really understand the

    mechanics of why things work. She is artistic and likes quality in style and design in all areas of living and

    the arts.

    She has a high sense of loyalty and dedication which results in a strong commitment to her family,

    organisation and people in general. Because her approach is very technical, she is more interested in why

    things work, rather than the people side. Ann is careful in her attention to detail. She will conscientiously

    complete all her tasks. She may find it difficult to approach people when she is in need of company, this

    may cause her to become even more inward looking. Her confidence goes when she thinks about all the

    things that are needed to achieve the high standards she sets herself.

    Ann is prepared to go the extra mile in order to satisfy her need to be helpful. She is thoughtful, private and

    detached with a reserved air about her. She can appear very reserved to people who are not close to

    her. She prefers not to show her true feelings and yet can feel deeply about people and situations.

    Her ideas may not always come off unless she can find someone else to carry them out. She seems to

    some people to be a very reserved person, wrapped up with procedures and systems. It is important to her

    that plenty of time is planned for chilling out with friends and enjoying life. Ann is a clever and creative

    problem solver. Ann is seen by others as being self-sufficient and private. She is aware and remembers

    important details and events. Others need to be certain of their facts.

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  • 7/26/2019 NEWDIRECTIONC4D


    ew Direction Profile - Ann Other - 28 February 2012



    How does Ann get on with other people?

    By keeping an open mind to new ideas, she could learn more and become more effective. She can be

    distrustful of what can be behind a friendly, smiling approach. She finds it frustrating dealing with peoplewho are less capable than her. She prefers her own company to being an active member of the team.

    Ann may show affection rather than say it and her friendships are more intellectual than emotional. She

    should be careful to consider other people's feelings and should become more open to new ideas. She is

    often wrapped up in her current theory and likes to keep herself to herself. Others may see her as a private

    and guarded person. She may sometimes feel guilty at not turning up to social events because she prefers

    her own company. She doesn't like to show her true feelings to other people.

    She may need to be more assertive with more people, not just the ones she knows well. She may find it

    difficult to talk to other people on a personal level. She doesn't like poor behaviour and slapdash work from

    other people and will speak out about it. She may think of lively, outward-going people as being light-weightand shallow. Ann prefers to work with facts and processes rather than people and is cautious about

    developing relationships.

    The best sort of environment or work for Ann is...

    She may enjoy a job where her ideas and thoughts are welcomed. She is good at detail and spotting errors

    and would suit a job where these skills are valued. She likes a role where her knowledge can be challenged

    and extended. She can work in an environment where she doesn't need other people around her.

    Ann gets on with the job and does well when there are few outside distractions. She likes working with a

    team where her liking of accuracy is shared by others. She believes that everyone in a team should beresponsible for playing their part. Ann prefers things to be well planned and organised. A good job for her is

    one where facts are the basis for making decisions. She finds it helpful to have written and agreed


    Her preferred job would allow her to spend time collecting all the data she wants. She likes decision making

    to be impersonal and rational. Projects and teams benefit from her organised and methodical

    approach. Ann probably feels most comfortable in a job where there are processes and systems to

    follow. She works best in a role where her skills of analysis are used.

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  • 7/26/2019 NEWDIRECTIONC4D


    ew Direction Profile - Ann Other - 28 February 2012


    Strongest Areas

    In no particular order, these are what Ann considers to be her major strengths and intrinsic talents.

    Loyal and dependable. Neat and orderly.

    Independent and


    Sets herself high levels

    of personal performance.

    Is always there. Practical and systematic.

    Concentrates on the day

    to day tasks.A quiet way of being.

    Keeps cool under

    pressure.Accurate and precise.

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  • 7/26/2019 NEWDIRECTIONC4D


    ew Direction Profile - Ann Other - 28 February 2012


    2nd Dimension: Discuss how others see you

    Ann should invite some key people to read the profile and note their feedback

    Name2 statements

    you agree with

    2 statements to ask

    "how true is this?"

    Other feedback points

    not included in profile


    %Person 1

    Person 2

    Person 3

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  • 7/26/2019 NEWDIRECTIONC4D


    ew Direction Profile - Ann Other - 28 February 2012


    3rd Dimension: Digest the feedback

    Ann has the following areas of potential growth

    Fails to understand other

    peoples' point of view in

    some situations.

    Can be distant until she

    builds a trusting

    relationship with


    Prefers to avoid large


    Could be considered as

    lacking in a sense of


    Can becomedemotivated by lack of

    interesting and

    stimulating projects.

    Can be unnecessarily


    Not keen to put forward

    thoughts and ideas,

    however useful and


    When absorbed in a job,

    she may resist change.

    Prefers not to try new


    Sometimes her fault

    finding can upset others.

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  • 7/26/2019 NEWDIRECTIONC4D


    ew Direction Profile - Ann Other - 28 February 2012


    4th Dimension: Direction / Development

    Self Coaching:

    This page is designed to support you by asking questions that might provoke some self-reflection and

    consideration of the feedback received from others.

    What do you want to


    Why is that?

    What will it mean to you when

    you achieve it?

    What is the current situation?

    What evidence do you have

    to support this?

    Is the evidence validated or is

    it your "opinion"?

    What is the one thing you

    could do right now?

    What other options are there?

    What might a wise person

    say to you?

    What is stopping you from

    taking action?

    e:///D|/CLARITY4D/Web/Sections/ProfileMerge/Pre_Publish/NEWDIRECTIONC4D_Ann_Other_5263.htm (10 of 11) [11/11/2013 16:42:32]

  • 7/26/2019 NEWDIRECTIONC4D


    ew Direction Profile - Ann Other - 28 February 2012


    Action Plan

    As a result of reading your Clarity4D Profile what action steps will you take?

    Describe the person you aspire to be:

    By When:

    To achieve this, what will you stop doing?

    By When:

    What will you start doing?

    By When:

    What else do you need to consider?

    By When:

    This report represents how you completed the questionnaire, and the questions you might like to consider

    now are:

    a) Who else do I interact with who may benefit from completing a Clarity4D questionnaire?

    b) What other areas would I like to develop?

    There are further chapters of Clarity4D profiles available on:

    a) Working as a Team

    For more information on the above visit our website