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The Recruiter Makeover — 7 Ways Recruiters Can Reinvent Themselves as Marketers


Speaker: Kris Dunn Partner & CHRO Kinetix Moderator: Max Mihelich Associate Editor Workforce magazine

The Recruiter Makeover — 7 Ways Recruiters Can Reinvent Themselves as Marketers


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Max Mihelich Associate Editor Workforce magazine

The Recruiter Makeover — 7 Ways Recruiters Can Reinvent Themselves as Marketers


Kris Dunn Partner & CHRO Kinetix

The Recruiter Makeover — 7 Ways Recruiters Can Reinvent Themselves as Marketers

The Problem

“Before” Pictures in Makeovers Always

Look Like Hell, Right?

What Would Recruiter Mug Shots Look Like

in “Before” Makeover Status?

TrendSpotting 101: Why Many Recruiters

Are Looking for a Makeover

Old School/Rotary Phone • Old technology meant

fewer recruiters got to top candidates

• Less information available to recruiters regarding candidates

• Hard for candidates to research companies

• Balance of Power

1.0: Early Web • Power starts to swing to

the recruiter • Job Boards create

databases to soft source from

• Candidates can apply more frequently, but have little information

• Easier to find candidates than it is for candidates to have visibility into companies

2.0: The Smart ATS • Recruiter gets very, very

strong • ATS not only collects volume,

but smart screens based on keywords, becomes more mineable as a database

• Transparency and DIY of full strength Social Triple Play (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter) still off in the future

• Advantage: Recruiter

3.0: The Transparent Web • Crap – who gave the candidate

tools to check us out? • Big three of social leads to DIY

job search at high level • Transparency via Glassdoor and

similar sites + access to anyone put power in hands of candidate

• Increased candidate profile access via LinkedIn means more guarded candidates

• Indeed starts to own job search aggregation

What Do Those Trends Mean for Recruiters?

• Top candidates are getting contacted more than ever

• Candidates can research your company more than ever before

• Posting jobs and “farming” is good enough if you want average candidates

• If you want high-end candidates, recruiting is morphing into marketing. That means you’ll have to have a marketing plan to separate your company, your openings and yourself as a recruiter as the best option for high-end candidates to engage with.

Makeover Time: 7 Ways Recruiters Can

Reinvent Themselves As Marketers

1. Make A Strategic Call and Define Your Niche Today

• Recruiters who think like marketers aren’t trying to be everything to everyone

• Instead make the following the decision – can you specialize in an area with demand or are you going all in with the company’s brand?

• Once that decision is made, you don’t spend meaningful time on anything outside your specialty or company scope (or combo)

• Brutal focus is required from that point on related to the choice made.

2. Spend More Time On The Message Than Your Competition

• Let’s face it – most recruiting messaging sucks

• Examples – Career Sites, jobs postings, ATS messaging, late phase/offer collateral

• Recruiters who are marketers spend more time on messaging than their peers by an order of 10/1

• Focus on specialty enables this focus

3. Recruiters Who Are Marketers Immerse Themselves in the Target Community

• Smart recruiters immerse themselves into their target talent pools

• Ways to do this: – Write original content – Create groups for target – Curate content socially – Attend and support events – Meet with talent pool members

even when it doesn’t help you initially

• Become known as “that recruiter in our space”

• Long term effort that pays dividends once established

• This is how you build a list that matters

4. Recruiters as Marketers use #1, #2 and #3 To Project Transparency and Authenticity in

their Digital Communications • 3rd party recruiters– no one cares

about the firm you work for • Corporate AND 3rd Party – the best

candidates see you as a paid shrill • Everyone’s got social profiles – what

are you actually saying? • Recruiters who are marketers use the

choices and focus outlined in #1, #2 and #3 to lay the foundation for a daily conversation with the people they want to know and lead in career choices

• You’ve got to connect, then live some of your life online

• Good, Bad and Ugly • Give gifts of time, energy and focus in

the niche. If you do it right, you’ll pass the GOOGLE Test all candidates subject you to

5. Recruiters Who Are Marketers Are Fanatics About the Distribution and Testing Of Their Message

• There’s no substitute for a good list, so RMs are always looking to add prospects at the top of the funnel

• How Do You Build a Master List? • Rather than simply sending

messaging, they do A/B testing on their messages – open rate, clicks, raw applies

• They use what they learn to tweak the messaging

• They continuously test new messages to target audience

• They find the distribution point that best allows them to control the feedback and data (usually email, but trusted, not cold)

6. Recruiters Who Are Marketers Understand The Correct Use of Social, Email and the Phone

• There’s been a lot of hype about social media – have you heard about it?

• RMs understand the different uses of social, email contact and the phone

• Social is for raw impressions and awareness, that’s why our focus is on curating

• Email is to announce that there is an action to take

• The phone is for relationships and closing time

• Smart frontier money – moving to texting

7. Recruiters Who Are Marketers Act As Agents for Candidates

• Trust and authenticity means you have to be able to rep the candidate, even though you’re paid by the company

• Tell the star passive candidate what you don’t like about the opportunity, as well as what you do like

• Coach them like they are paying you

• Know their background deeper than what a transactional recruiter does

The FOT Top 5 List: Recruiters Doing Work

Who Have Strong Marketing Games

(post makeover photos)

What Does Harry Joiner Do That Makes Him a Marketer?

1. He’s chosen a deep niche – deep but national and even global in nature..

2. He spends more time than his competition on messaging. Check out his job postings..

3. He’s created destinations for candidates in his niche through his LinkedIn groups..

4. He understands the impression game via social and spends the majority of his day on the phone..

5. He’s viewed as an agent in the field of e-commerce by candidates and employers alike..

What Does Paul DeBettignies Do That Makes Him a Marketer?

1. He’s chosen a deep niche – think a mix of tech and local market

2. He’s deeply involved in that community and gives gifts of time/involvement with no guarantee of payback

3. He proactively is involved in organizing local live events

4. His content is viewed as a credible source of information for Tech pros in the market he serves

5. As a result of this approach (different from Harry’s) he’s also viewed as an agent for tech pros in the Twin Cities (by both candidates and employers)

What Approach Do Jason and Heather Take with the Company Brand that Makes them Marketers?

1. Even though they work in corporate recruiting, they’ve chosen a niche to identify themselves with (Heather was Mkt/Finance, Jason is Xbox)

2. They spend time on focused messaging via their commitment to blogs and social..

3. Via Those 2 things, they’re automatically more embedded with their target candidates then you are..

4. They are perceived as agents by candidates based on their positioning..

What Does Jessica Lee Do That Makes Her a Marketer?

1. Jessica used to work for APCO Worldwide, a DC-based firm with 600 employees..

2. Given the size of the company, Jessica couldn’t niche further. So she made her niche the her identity as a recruiter (at APCO) her brand..

3. She became heavily involved in content at FOT, Social and Speaking as an emerging Talent Pro and took the APCO brand with her for the ride..

4. Her activity made her more effective as a recruiter and brought candidates to APCO not previously interested (both parties benefited)

5. How’s that working out for her? She’s now the Director of Digital Talent Strategy at Marriott.

Thank you to our webcast sponsor:


Kris: [email protected] Twitter: @kris_dunn LinkedIn:


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