new york tribune.(new york, ny)...

QUARANTI I i P M rv N*> It Von Want It a, ¦. tmn IVTtm ïïl ark ejlW c*h Sirtlmnc WEATHER Fair and I older today, fair te- morrow; fresh northwest windv Frref to Last.the Truth: News-Editorials-Advertinements \ t\w No. 25.299. (< «rrrlfM ism- Tba TYINin» Amis.] MONDAY. FEBRUARY 21, 1910. o a ".lli * 1».^ I »n,| ||.i.,».rn >o»U 1 ¡I'. N>w«rfc. Ser.f < Hr, Kla4>wb»r« I«" < *"'*. Only Backdown by Germany Can Gear U-Boat Tangle COLBY RESIGNS; SAYSTHOMPSON HAMPERED HIM Could Not Stand Sena¬ tor's Impulsive I:\am- ination of Witnesses. SaXESPIE CHECK STARTED WRANGLE Miles Daw son Also Quits -Chairman. Undisturb¬ ed. Will Go Ahead. ,>.,. , St Ml house Sat- Issest rnid- - eeoassl t* the ' resigr.a- Thompson. ' " "''-' f< : el the com- , th Mi Cala» in the tsrfsrs ramtttes in any tea, leasts» I > H .'-'-' I - e'dack ysster- . did not .* ;.., -.. isa Satarday. !.: rtorement. verb ay asean I a»,»a»sWs i ttota* :" the iacts con- .00 by ¦saai iron its ¦rTSrl J ,-{rh branch resigned. Mice to mise i-a« a«ken .... . " "' adjourn- e had v.ree o bar« i . :,'«. York : i rooma %t ',:. I ¦f r r'r lifBS- lasaU wi> Mad.'1 i M pointed rr.oujh ?" ¦ect . |i it ¦¦ : tat ¦...'- I'm ¡in -, i I not résignai «sa ti §s*p si« & . no« ha was a :' ahoi read : «wning. |y ini- tta for thut ««.ul review ol ma- ¡i one putt. I r. K Of acta." * <*!.>>» «.Mal l)iinil>. it; ~ . a, ,(" wanta to do ¦ te ».. . .. «.,. to get at »ions Jr.nii u'°ont h.ow »hht Mr Colby menna .link I don't Hrunt'*' ' . Itustiea i- lav "i# >now ( olby, »ilk..' "* » t.« cannot loiitmue ,0* evr-.n..--, , i.-c»4UM (bar« tbS U"t«auwl vu (,«4« t. »vIuum . MARJORIES BATOESHIP To the Kditnr of The Trthune. Dear Sir: I read In \our nan. r ever] morning a lot about prepared¬ ness. ||j grandp.-i ?.nd grest-grartrlp i were aeldlera if I ««n h ti >> i W4iulr, be a midier, tea. Hut Ism not. co 1 want to d>» »hat I c»n te help Mama ghee me a dime e*er\ 4*eek for helping hor. I am nend- lea \ou this week.'« dime to help build a battleship for I nele mm. I kno» a lot of other kids who »ould ghe their errand money il >ou would atari a fund. I am thir¬ teen vean» old and go to Public School 9, Brooklvn. Yours trulv, MARJORIE STEKRETT. I am true blue American, and I »ant to »ee I'ncle Sam prepared to 'irk all creation like John Paul Jone* did. P. S..Please rail the battleship Aaasrtea, Sine* thin l.tter ".»» printed dime» anit dollar» har* flo**d into Th. Trlhtin* offlc* uncrating!?. Oth»r pap*r» airo»» th* eountrr ha-.r r*prmt*d th» letter and th* dullari ha\* flow*d in upon th»m. Msr.lori* ha« a*k*d Th* Tribun* to t.k» car* of h*r fund until it grow» big enough to build a battlr«hlp or at l»a»t »om* kind of a «hip worth? of th* tradition» of John Paul Jon»». Th* Tribun* cannot und*rtak« to *nt*r Into rorr*»pond*nr* about th* fund, but it »ill print a dall> list of contributor». jml r\trj on* »ho »and» a dim* or a c'ollar or a million dollar» to Th» Tribun* for th* fund »ill r*c*|v* a button Staring th* legend "l'. S I Am*ri.a.'' That «ill b* >our rrrfipt for a patriotic deed. Total to dat» Numb*r of contributor» J.$*4 NAVAL MEN BOOST MARJORIE'S FUND 133 Marine Draftsmen Contribute Dimes for Children's Warship. Un* hundred on] thirty-thre« i men who design American battleship« ar-.d vessel» of commerce, member* of th» American Society of Manne Draf'j"- MSB, added their d:me« to MarjorieV r.attleahip I'und jrsstsrdsy to hasfr. the tin-.e whefl they can actually begin werk or. the U. S. >. America. vas thfl firal evident« of «nthuaiaatic anp- port from ths kees ^ itted thinkers who are werhing erery day to ¡;.aco ths American Navy in ¦ ilas-i by itself, Süd wan an indication i ' the sentiment of the men is «H the other dp; aery. ..i¦ -.jt*-.i yeaterdl | ..:¦. o;-.* of th« i>|'¡>lause which greet* h PI il p Ilichbobtn, Now York branch ;} e Society of Arr.f i ice I Dl af'-men at a dinner of the orgsnitstion si tr.e Hotel }iro-i"m Saturday r.iKht. Mr. llichborn : a fermer < -1 ?- f ceastraetor Navy, 'V. iau hii }.¦¦:. rd of III thirteen-year-old firi whoaa idea I have all th« and girl sf th« country build a bait »r the J th« draftsmen »re engaged in . .r.g for th« nsvy or lor com- I arc- de¬ ten mg he> rah i p. Whei lh« tiss« cesse« te .ho AniPr.ia v will do onr part gning * iplondid «rarship for ths children of the net Letter ta Marjurn contribution car v r to Marjories 'i izd, New York. "Hull Dhri lei "Dear Miai Marjori« Sterrett: "Yaar t*'-' I building a th« America, by popular ' Ij .! ¦ten h il -.......¦. our carat . uppon, .it d a offer tl tribut name ef th« children whom «c would thai hoi.or. "It will interest you to know that .. engatad daily in the work of building warshipsf and therefor« »¦.- \»ili be glad to note from time to tune rtewth ot jour tund. V.'fc 4vill lend encouragement pas whaia ma>, and Wl hop« BOthiSg iSSI 'an that ,, ty ire ¦ bsv< th« pi 'he Ani'.rica at .: aj Vurk Nu'. V Yard. "Mem.' hili', «rlsB ymi the follsal -. arid an- praad ulaie >ou OS jour veiy praetlcsl and truly American apll t- .\\ | .. .. m 1.HAI 1 iUtfi <»1 lui-. KA^ Î YAKI». NKW fORK "Preseated te Marjeri« Bterrett'i Battlsshis fund throagh th« coarteay of the H«W York branch el of American Iiraftsn.-n, a. on In behalf of ths children th< . vi i>h le '¦« present." AaMBg thi I Seturday n ,¦. I " ¦ '.¦. ».* .'' " ¦op. »hipbu '.' '""'< .\h\v; CajitarrtvJ/ 1. Bailej tenant Comsaaadei Doyle ead Chief Dreftaman Stoit'. of the «nginsering ,;. partaient. t ».ildri-n Aid Tund. Next la the i*tt*. yesterday from th« men buildin« our country's fightir.< «hips «-«me ¦ brie' note, saseasseapiag t oalioii*»! «si s»**' .' lolunin . LINCOLN LAIR ALONELY FARM Posed as a Student in Dog-Guarded House Near Red Bank. AUTO SMASH SPOILED SCHLME Angered Host, Finding in "Langer's" Bag a Note to Lincoln, Tells U. S. fftm » S'»ff OrrncKmter.t of T- » Tr.t . Red Hank, N. J., Feb. ?').-- If the New York polico are greatly concerned by Igr.atius T. T. Lincoln's boast that he had been wandering about the city un¬ der their noses svsf since hi» escape item the Federal sathoritisi last month, let this be their comfort The elusive Ignatius had been doing no such thing, except fov a day or two fol¬ lowing hil escape. For th« lost week "r |o the former If, 1'.. who Is wanted in England either as a former or a Ger¬ man spy, has been far from the path« . f the finest, As Herr Langer, sa overworked stu¬ dent in need of rest and country air, has been safely hidden swsy daring most of his absence on the lonely farm cf Herma:: Ritsaa, three milsi SOath of Red Hank. It wai to Rttzau that Lincoln evidently íeferred rt/hen he ac- eassd hi« captors of having obtained' their information from a man who had tried to blackmail him. Bttssa ha« S differen» story. If it is to be believed, it «raa Lincoln", own vainglorious po-I lice baiting In which he indulged through the medium of a New York; newspapsr which finally and indirectly] led to his capture. Lincoln's erstwhile hiding place wa« j uncovered to-night by The Tribune. It WSI an ideal placo for the fugitive's! purpose, bo4';, as to location and a* M thi bsbtta of th« household. The Rifzau house is in a sparsely! settled farming country. It-: classai neighbor il more than a bslf-mil« sway. A half desea large and unfriendly dog« i iruard the place at night, so exclusive are Ritssa'a inclinations. , Du l'ont Work» Chief Interest. It wa- into this sylvan solitude that: Lineals projected himself a couple of] nays utter he had bidder, an airy, un-1 spoken lare weil <o Deputy Marshal' Frank Johnson. He earn« sans mus- tsebs and f-ans glasses. Also l-,e came rons the ten big trunks. Lincoln's bag¬ gage Censicted Sf a single travelling bag. Lincoln brouglit noth:r.r? b .' ¦ letter loi introduction, r.gned by a city friend Ritsaa's, vaguely dc-enbing the i.<i.rrr ii "Herr Langer," who wunted to get av.ay from New York for a r<->t. In les« prosperous davfi BSSd la keep mmmer bearsjere. He wai r.o^ surprised thai a winter boarder should be sent to him. That Laager ipok« Germsn when ha did rasas, bal seemed s ::.¡ite for hi« prospective boat irnity, made aim doably welcome. Explaining wanted to be ontdoen te- modi o- ppoSSibls, Langer acquired a pair of '.vorn. hob-neiled beets p of overalls. With th« n«w outfit on he did no» differ greatly Is eppaar« i re from The half OOSCn helper, cm- d b) Ritsau. Consequently, what little gessip there was in the neighbor¬ hood surrounded Ritzau's hiring a saw arni rather than his taking in a mys¬ terious boarder. Among the men Lan- manifested eon»iderabl« cariosity dn l'ont powder mills at South Amboy, fifteen mile- away. No .id much attention te bis qu«S* . more wsr talk. \uto Smash His Farewell. de) a week figo last Tue who deals is hoof.-, hides sad fertiliser, f I his motor truck to ¦-. to bring bark th« carcas-; i.- ¦ bor Langer went alone. On the Red Beak asked many que lions about the powder mills end insisted or .-topping frequently for drinks. He purchssed whiskey for the With such liberality that the truck .-ma.-hed on the return jour- i,< jr. Langer, dad Is hi« hob-nailed boots ar.d overalls, did not come bach track. Since that das Ritsas say« he never bss seen hiss. How the inci¬ dent of the broken truck anil the drunken driver, combined with one of ¡Lincoln's published pronuneinmentos and a letter be carelessly left behind to bring about his undoing, was explo¬ sively explained by Ritsau. I «If-a «rted p] quomlam host wai disposed *o deny everyt and a türm nothiag m hen questioned saiag, I he visit '»a? a complete ' Ritsau, who apparently had thought it wa one of hi« SWB nun who had knocked st 'he deer. "Holy schmohel" he gBr-ped. "How did you pot as tin road without ing the dogs ?" it was explsined an automobil) abetted 'he piercing of h ¦ lirai line of defence. Rn/au did not 'alk freely until it wsi luggoeted thai Lincoln in- ¦tod he Was a Victim of blackmail. The suggestion was the spring that released his »lory. "Minded Ilia Own Kusine«»." "While lie WM here I didn't pay much .mil te Langer." Le seid, "He iiiirideii i i bt linees und I minded mine. Be wr got along ail right. He had COpe to me With a letOI from un. of my friend», and that \*as ail I wanted to know about him. Hut tins bl ¦.I letting the men drunk and having break the truck was something . again. My boy Charlie Starken. I call him my nephew, told nie uhen Ko' hack *.i'h ta« bu«te<J ma4hine that all l.e Aould r«m«ms«T Langer saying i 'mo in'ini un pa«e I, «Iumn i Sandhog« While Riding Geyser, Was Sure He'd Land Safely Mabry, Torn from Shield by Cyclonic Force of Pent Up Air. Recalled Mow Workman Survived former Blow-out. !. la iu.:«v íur lianaall Mahe» th«k ha left F .-land f'i'ir ftmta «go and la I Brüll SB hi* way toward t. «. r n11 n >; u'i America'. eiUsStt. Il-nl hc ri'innin«¦: ,.. hoass ha might not» bs engaged ii daaajtrona work n. i..ipnUtc oai tronch sad depopolats an ,,th«>r. lasttad, Lara In poactfal Naw York, ho enjoya a Raie, aaajt Job, ararh ing a "»andhog" in the BOW (lark trsot 01«. Blip tunnel under tho' Rirsr. Marshall atshsy haochad off work carlv Baturdav evening. At 4 o'clock ha «tarted home from hi* po«t in from the great »tee-, bhield which ¡» bor¬ ing through the Kast Hiver bed by go¬ ing through twenty-seven feet cf river mud. feet of water, ani! .»oaring an additional twenty into the air on top of a geyser of mud and foarr. One bad bruise on hi.« left leg in the only injury the young man -he is twenty-eight -received In hia ourr.r.- Ha gat this when «he Mas* slammed hin againat the roof of the tunnel. "Of., I'm all light," Mabey said yes¬ terday, nr he twists«! In hia cot in the Hrooklvn Ho»p¡tal. "I was a bit shaken up, that's all. My leg arh»» . little, but apart from that I'm per¬ fectly veil." This was what Mabey on Saturday told the ambulance surgeon, who, de- ipits prote«tn. hastiad lim «iff to the hospital. "Well, you »re, I'* have time to ha acarea." Ileboy eeatiaaod. "II wa« Phsol üL.e thai and then a serom) ia>r I fonad myself splashiag in the watei I elt lied Land Saiels. "'. 'ins iu«r «s ,f a i ra<¦'.. wer« ¦i the well p there," the man ex plained, pointing te the pla.ter above bis«. "H seemed as if some one had tat a »lash in the mud. I hsard It smack -like a loud Ids*.a« It went apart, and we all stood a second and watcher! it grew deepen "Then there was a hiss, and a noise like an engine blow.rig off steam. I knew what had happeneil. I yelled, 'blow-out!' and jumped from the scaf¬ folding. I fell about eight feet and I tried to grab the shield. If I only could have done that I would have been all right "Driver *»' standing beside me. Semethiag seemed to catch me and push me off my fret. There was a noise ¡ike a big wind. Something shot up in th« air past me. I think (t was Driver*« both. Tien I was pulled right up in the ai". I remember hitting r.iv leg on the shield as I went. "It wa« jest as if I was fastened to a balloon. I struck the ceiling of the tube. I hit it flat, with the whole «ide of my body. Tb^n I don't remember last what happened. I said I didn't have Mme to be scared. I didn't. Rut . I nntinued on pace ft, eolumn 4 DR. EATON UNDECIDED MAY NOT QUIT CHURC Promises Statement in Week Will Stay. Visiting Pastor Say Dr. Charlas A. IJiton has decided reconsider hi« resignation from t pastorate of the Madiior «V\enue Bh tint Church, tendered two weeks aj according 'o ar announcement made tha Rev. J. \Yh;toomb firougher, of I, Angele, who tank his place at t morning s»r. ire yesterday. Dr. Fat. elosa »t the evening servi would not «ay definitely whether 1 had derided to remain. "We do not Want to give out at Itataaasal -jntil ''.,r postponed annn meeting of the church has been held he explained. "That will be a we« from tO-norreW, However, I do n< doobt that we can eoSBS to a -atisfa< to;y arrangement and, incidental'!; make an annoup.c« men* of tonsidsrshl .n'erest. "It will institots a unique slate affairs in church activi*y, whstohj ipirlt of largor service will aapartod the narrow parochialism that ordinal il limit« the mcements of a church. Thi natici.i is dostinsd la sjathsi up -h looa« end.» that have been sr-ttered b tha groat war, and it most think i broadar work thai' the con n< of any one parish or gTOap 0 parishoa. We are a<ir;:'t an a i»ri I »ea, and st proson. W8 hu\c no rule ol navigation." I»r. Eaton submitted hi« resignalioi ;.!i.» that tin ruiitine dátil i.'.ir.'i work were preventing hin doing what ha considered hi« part n tha awakening of public opinion a broader national! HIS MONEY MACHINE GRINDS OUT BLANKS Newark Man Expects $5 Bills, but Gets Only Green Paper. Anton Blnkiawich had been wishing oald tind Boms method of making ¦ fastas than the or.l.nury work- a-dav plan when »wo voung men visited hi« honac, at ó-u Mai'-:.-'. Btroot, Now« ark, » tha n-.actiine he wanted. It wa.s a cunn-ng little ey'.ndrin.l af¬ fair into which th«TJ fed ordinary g'oen l.aper and genuine |6 Will tumbled 0:1* the older end. The mon Bsksd oily « for th» doviee. Sinkinwieh daeidod it woaM ha :i crime lo OVOrlooh the bargain. But vkh«-n ha starte,1 to turn 0_t a fsw bales n.' ?;. notes, to liis unutt. rah! denpnir, onlv 'he groen paper that was fed into the contrivance came out. "Didn't think It could be worked a' thi-, day ami age," -aid the unsympa¬ thetic policeman to whom ha t .. IJ ni-. itary. Sanarme Huckhart wa». arr<- <ted at (in Will*' Street \esterday afternoon and being held at the 1 Hranch I»e- tectiv,- Bnrtan SO a charge of iwm- dling. HER $12,000 NECKLACE JUST WONT BE LOST Mrs. Sperling Learns Man Fount Gems She Recovered in Europe Mrs. Kiiul Sperling discovered tha «h« had lest her $12,000 pearl neck lace, v hile walking on Fifth Avenu« Saturday noon, and foil she woulr. never see it airain, one« before It. wa. lost on the street in Budapest, Hun gary. Several weeks later the polict ot that Ity returned the Bochlacs t< Mrs. Sperling in Paris. "it seem-, 'oo mucii *o hope that ail] come back this time," mused Mr Sperilag. Yesteidav BSOralag M. B. Lew.« whose office at 141 Kroadv ay. tele¬ phoned tu Mr. Sperling si th« S' Keg:'. "I j;BOSS IV« got vmir necklace." saiil Las "It ¡ir.swer» the description, all right. A friend of mine saw it on the sidewalk in Fifth Avenue, near Forty- ufth Street. picked it up «nd thought it looked good. I tolu hi m he could lock il in my safe. It's dow.i there now." "When can I get it?" asked Sperling. "oh, to -morrow, If that «rill do," an¬ swered Lewi-, Mr. Sperling said he would be glad to pay the reward of *500 he had of¬ fered. SLIPS BETWEËFbARS OF CELL TO GET DRINK Thirst Quenched. Thin Man Decides to Return. A general alarm WSS sent out yes- terday for Carl Freeberg, who had ss- capad from a cell in which he was con¬ fined for intor.iration. The bars were four inches apart, and no explanation could be given except that Treeberg, although over 6 feet 3 trill, was re¬ markably thin. Five boars later a patrolman on post a block away found a man sitting in th« middle of the street. He told him to move along or he would have to ¡take him te th« Bergen í'reel station. 'That''' all right." he responded; "I'm 'going that war myself. 1 wa« swful dry when ! woke up, ^o I ;u-t steeped out for K few balK" It '.va^ PrsOberg. i. m GERMANS OUST U. S. RED CROSS MISSIONS Lxpelling Americans from Serbia. Paris Hears. Paris, Feb. II. A dispatch to the Ravel Agency from Bucharest, dated Thursday, says: "The tiernian ajthonties are expell¬ ing the American Red « ros s missions i rom Serbia. "The Rumanian government has in- .rcduced in 1'ariiament a bill prohibit- ing '.he export of cereals and dried 11 gttable«, th« object being to assure a ilorr.e.-tic supplj." Briggs Came ¦ letter to Briggs the other day. It was signed "your loving little friend." and among other thing» it »aid- "Mother says big people like them better than < h.ldren because they can see the jokes better." Perhaps they can.but it seems to be only a ques¬ tion of degree. Probably the reason why grown-ups and kid« both Ilk« his work is be._a.ise, as those who know him best say. Briggs is a kid him seIf. How do you like to-day's t artoon ? It s on I age I L. tíhe tErtfmnc First to lost Hi Truth: Neu s Editorial* AdeerUsements aiaaasei «4 <..*¦ SeSM Beeaasj ¦' . . RUSSIAN TRAP LAID FOR TURK Moslems Driven Ba( Along Black Sea Warships Aiding. MOVE TO CUT BAGDAD ROA Czar's Forces Advam North from Erzerum- Left Rests on Lake Van Petrograd. Feb. 20.- The Russia aro pressing the advantage gained Errerum on both flanks. On the rigl along the Hlack Sea coast, by the < operation of the sea and land fore they are driving the Turks from o poiition after another to the east Trebirond, and it is expected that . five operations against that importa seaport will not be long deferred. [I la announced that (»rand Du Nicholas, commander of the Ruesi force-; in the t'aucasu«, has left Tif for Krzerum. A later P.u«sia:i statement report *ho rapture of the towns of Mush. Aaiatie Turkey, eighty-three mil south southeast of Erierum, and Ahll In 'lie laít two days the Russia have occupied Wltde iWidje- at pressed forward ten or «nvelv«. mil westward. The fleet has destroyed succession several shore batteri. which might have been of assistance 'he Turk«, and, by keeping well in a vanee of the land forces and by d Ktroying bridges over several i-trean in the path of the retreating Turks, hi rendered their retreat more difflcu!\ The fleet ¡.as been working so clo¡ to the shore that the warships h»i been reached by rifle lire from tl Turkish troop«. On the other han t'ne »hipB have «pread confusion in tl rank» of the Turks by dropping shel ¦ them. Russian Left at Lake Van. un the left flank, after the occup; tien of Koph, the Kus-ians pushed o to Pusch and Achlat, the latter on tl northwestern .»hore of Lake Van. Froi Koph to Mush, sixty miles over mour tain road-, thin .'ought several h«tt!< and occupied Mush by storm. The Turks fled southward towar Diarbeki-, the next objective of th Russian arrnv. Ui.ce in possession o Piarbi-kr. it ;s or.iy a day's march t .he Hugdad railway, the last íTnainir contmuaicatiofl into Syria. The rapid Russian often.-ive beyon Erzerum, ii is believed here, makes pi,.hable that the retreat of the Tort nh corps operating along the Hlack S.> eoaat and of those troops which wer n«tive m til.- Mush district before th Russian occupation will be aatirel] CO off and that the n.ain Turkish armit. will he durrounded. This fate has al ready overtaken tha Nth Division .i 'he 10th Corps, which was ordered fror <»Ui to Frrerum before the fall of th fortress. Division 1 alls Into Trap. telephonic communication be tweea this group of Turkish forces ar.< the garrison at F.rzenim had been en tiréis destroyed by the Russians, th. 84th Division marched serenely on KrzTiim vwthout suspicion that thi fortress was then on the point of sur render. These troop s i cached Erzerurr from the northwe<t at the very mo Bent that the Deve-Boina line of fort ¡'«.Il into Russian hands, end the arnr I .ich they had come to assi«t was full n-treaf. Tha road OVOT which the had passed 'vas Instantly occupied b1 Russian cavalry, and, they were com pletely uirrounded, there was no ;>t ternanee but to surrender, with arm tuuipn.ent and artillery. It is regarded as almost inevitable that tho Turkish corp- retiring alón* th« Hlack Sea coast under the OestruS' tira rire of the Russian fleet ami th« pti -i:re of the Russian armies will b«1 caught in the same sort Of trap, as th» Turkish troops falling back from «Vidj« to Gumieh Khsaoh, about .ftp mile« inland, «till liavp a t_reater U go than tha Ruaslan troops which irs sdraneing from Frrerum to eat .I., m off. iii, the Turkish right flank, wher.' the Ht!, i.'orp» i- operating, ti.<- Turk« find themselves in the -aine precarious pCkltion, »mee al' th, lnads ot retreat 'o the north are gradually falling un- íei Russian control. The retreat of !:,. Turkish armiej every» here || im :>edeù by deep snow and the difficult character of the country. They are .. ithout food and la-K war supplies, and there seems to be little possibility of tlitir offering even temporary resist¬ ance of any itfongth to the Russian advance. "In thp course of the pursuit of the Turks," »ay » an official statement is¬ sued to-night, "we took pri.-on-:r an an additional forty-nine officers and l!,500 men. We «antured -.4 guv». « great number of am'«, a transpon with Biunitioni and a convoi "lr. the fighting 'n the Frzerim di«- *-¦¦.. v»-' also captured a Turkish flag." BERLIN NOW EATS BUTTER BY CARD Sale Restricted to Quarter Pound for Each Person Weekly. Ber'.ri, Feb. 20.- The bread card, which will be a year old to-n.oriow, he »':pp>niented henceforth in greater Berlin by a similar regulation «, respect to the butt,-r supply. The- exeeutWe authorises of greater Berlin have decided to limit the rale of but¬ ter to a quarter of a pound for each per«on weekly, to be obtained on presentation of the bread card. Pending the introduction of a aimi- !ar s/Ätem throughout the empire, tha a ithorltie» cannot even guarantee that this amount will he a\ atlab'e for resi¬ dent! of Berlin U-BOATS AS HANGAR*. IS THE LATESf RUMOR London. Feb. 20. Lows« stoft. the objective of t!ie lat¬ est German air raid, is slight¬ ly more than one hundred miles from Zebrugge. the nearer-t point susceptible of serving a hostile aviation base. It is recalled here that a German newspaper recently described ¦ new arrangement v. hereby a submarine was combined with an aeroplane, the submarine ¿cling a submersible hangar. Iron which a small seaplane could operate after being conveyed within suitable distance of its objective. HUGE SEAPLANES RAID ENGLAND Bombs Dropped on Low- estoft and Walmer. Three Killed. Bj Cash lei . ' London, Feb. 20. Four huge «ea- plaaaa to-day made a raid over the east 3nd southeast coast« of England, ac- eoro'iag te an official announcement made this evening. The total easual- ? ie-> are given as two men and one boy killed and one marine woumled. Con¬ siderable material damage was done. The enemy craft not only climbed w 1th great speed, but travelled at an enormom speed, two moat unusual features with ths seaplanes. This ra'ner SOffSStl thai tiiey were ma¬ chines of an entirely new type. There are three reasons for this sur- mue, the f.r«t the matter of speed already mentioned, the second the fact that r.ever before has a sea¬ plane flov.n se great a distance as that, from Zebrugge to Lowe« slightly more than 100 mile«) and *he third the fact that this long was accomplished across sea, which means that »wo or more engines would he required, owing te the risk of a single engine failing. Added to this there have been per¬ sisten* rumors during the last few months that the enemy has been busily «r.grtged ir: building a new and power¬ fully engined seaplane. To-day'« raid goSs far to prove that fact. Vanished and Keappeared. 'the official communication says: "Four German seaplanes made a raid over the east and BOathOSSt COOetfl at roon to-day. "The first raMsrs, two biplane«, ap¬ peared over Lowesroft at IttH a. Ski and circied over the aeajth side of the town for fife minutes and dropped bombs. Is about live minutes ;hev rose to a great height and seemingly van- iehed. At 11:10 a. rn. the two sea¬ planes were again over the town, and then vanished eastward again. "Altogether seventeen small high ex¬ plosive bombs were dropped. There ..ere no rasualties. CotutOOrsbM «lam- «,". eras ceased to the outbuilding« of "aurant and to two dwelling house«. Two naval seaplanes went up ai 11.0ô a. rn. anrl pursued the raid) .- hut without result. Mi,nih-4 Dropped in Sea. "Xssawhils tw« ether Genaas -ea- planes were making for the Kentish COast. The first passed over the Kent- is! Knock light rasssl, dropping bombs i' that vicinity St 11:20 a. rn. The last ra'der made straigh* tor Waltm r. lei.ching that town at 11:27 a. m. V'.y- ing at le>s th;in SjtOZ .', jt dropped s:\ bumb-i an.l turned sharply to the t I'!--. "Tere sf th« bossas that fall de¬ stroyed roof- ami hruk" oiadowi u the neighborhood. ')ne of them fell cios» to a church, blowing out the win¬ dows as the congregation was singing h 'Te lie.m. A third bomb feil on a roadway running along the beach, kill¬ ing one civilian and injuring one ma- "The total easoa!ti«S I ere two men und one boy killed and one matine, wounded. "Two of our «droplenes, which went up troru l).i%er, pursued ,:".e laider, but' »(.patently COUld not overtake him." Lewesteft Is 'tie most «a terly poiat or íírca*. Britain It Is .ilmut ninety Btilei north Sf VVa'.mer. in Ke-'. Bomb Falls ¡n Bedroom; Another Unroofs a House Loweateft, Feb. 'JO. In» damage done here by th« a'r raider« «rai : lot ..ery serlea« On« bomb demolí the corrugatrd rouf of a saw mill, kn¬ ottier garoofsd a private house, a third smashed the w ladew« of a hotel, while a fourth smsshed the riadews ci a church without injuring any of the v. orshipper». Anotner bomb r'< 1! »ijuarely into a bedroom in a workman's house, but in¬ jured nobody. Several bombs fell harmlessly into garden« and vacant lots. .Tehees, rtb. JO. Four bomb» v. en- dropped in a ciu-ter here rhi« morn¬ ing and landed within a circle uf 100 yard., killing a man and a bo\. Trie day '«si bright and clear, and many person* rushed to point« of vantage in time tu see a »mall aeroplane at an , altitude of perhaps a thousand Two British airiH n *r«TS eboei in the air almost immeilistely after the' dropping of the bombs, hi*, the ra ü' made his escape. CAPITAL HOPES BERLIN WILL MODIFY ORDER Grave Alarm Felt as Tension Grows, Awaiting Reply. BEKNSTORFF NOT LIKELY TO GO: Lansing Denies He Will I Ask Recall of the Ambassador. I -i :.« Tr1- 1-» B'lM».. Washington, Feb. ft (nnVigl Washington is to-night plainly wor¬ ried. ¡Secretary Lansings proposai iea coile has knotted a tangle which rpparently cannot be cleared, and tension between the Unite, .".täte«» and the Teutonic Allies is steadily increasing. The only way out of the difficulty ¡S a backdown by Germany. Official«, hope that Berlin will modify her or¬ der to «¡ink all armed merchantmen. Official indication of the attitude of the German Foreign Office may be received to-morrow or Tuesday MB ¦onfidential report? from Anibs^sa- dor Gerard. That the SSSJ code question has I caused friction between Count von Bernstorff and Secr«-tary Lansing ia i certain. The German diplomats, it i*¡ ielt. have u9M using the press to serve their ends and ni- -llging infor- mation and issuing reports when, emL__rra_sed tho administration. Wont Aik Rec.ill. Secretary Lansing denied to-day that there was any present intention 'of asking for Ootunt -on BernstorrT'i recall, tho acceptability of Úm ami,;.»«ador had not U>en called into question. But at th^ State lOpi.'* ment it is aaid that unless diplomats stop divulging information the ¦!?- pr.rtment may take, into considera¬ tion the question having tbeui withdrawn, although such action is not contemplated at pros«-nt. These development« ha.e led to I .* conclusion that an a'^mpt had been made to -.-.ddle th- MsMS for the i»* VSfSal of the Administration'.» stand SM Amhas.-ialor on B»; r.-torff. That ». tempt, it aaiá, tails«! Now i'i<-«-.,i. Wilson will have to take tie blame 'or this country's "flop." H 8JM general'v admitted in Administration circle-, day. I* Is true that man) kin :. ira' officials have expi eased great irritation at what they t.-im CoOBt ISO I- itorttV improper SOWBpopor prooaga: da. In the main, nowever, they »i>« reedy to admit that he had nothing t-> d ) vith rrea' tha lasprossiosj trm'. Proaidont Wilaea reversed kiaaself sa .ii aaorehaatmaa nue That impression tan-« iioiu thr ..f gasretsry Lansing's aaedu« vivendi not«, to tha Allie«, ornick Lained . direct threat Tat if th«y . .>. volu itarily :»arm : merchant vetaela the ' nited State- niight ich »hip.« «o be wai - .hips. After the publication of tha'. not« German; sued the declaration tha* armed vey-els ,,,,!,) he lunksrith- out warning, believing tha* the United State« could not avoid carrying out th* :nr«-;it it hud "nade to tha Aille*, Threat to Allies Withdrawn. A I tha threat had be» withdrawn; fr..T. _s « n si Britain anl Uliea had indicaI d theii intent ts reject tha modui vivendi, this go- <ri meal "had no choic" but to . tinu*- upholding international law. The "fi.m" na complete before Ar.- bu.ssador von Borastortl had had .. ., i srd '<> tha proas. I. l| th» r»-f,,r.. admitted to be impossible to acense nun of "creating the imp ¦ion" that the President had reversed is position. What administration ofne. Us »tilt maintain) however, i* that Ambassador Vo.-i Bernatorff actuated his go« ero- ment to make the ne«a -ubmann* an¬ nouncement, and that in so d>ing ha thought h«. had tied the hand, of th« I'nited States. He «as plainly attemp ing, they »ay, to force a e'tlerunt of the Luaitania case that woul» leave l'i. ildent Wilson in an ingloiiou. po>v turn. .r, the charges against the am¬ bassador an- believed to be aubatan- iated. II ii known that Ambaiiadc* ven Berastorff instigated the Foreign iirrire to announce that, after February -'.', .rnied merchantmen would be lank without warning. Hut it la known, uUo, that Secretar) Lansing ama aware o' (iermany'« Intentios to do this befor* iie «eut the modus rivoadi proposal' to the All - What ha« not been explained the President*! reason for sending the mo¬ dus vivendi note just whes he did. fie reas,.n given the desire to s«v<i rea !».; axiated lince 'lie beginning of (¿ermany'i »uhaaariae attacks, an I could have be«-n argoed more force¬ fully the Luitaaia case cam» to a head th«:. during the negotiation«. that seemed about to diaposa of tliat Isssn Presidents Course Puzzling. me.I »tratiK«-, therefore, that Preaidenl -h,.uld attempt to brin^ «h.. belligerent« au agreement on » ' ' ¦' »hieli » ai ¿...t that moment sgiUting both Berlin and \\-.h,n_ton,

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Von Want Ita, ¦. tmn IVTtmïïlark ejlW c*h Sirtlmnc WEATHER

Fair and I older today, fair te-

morrow; fresh northwest windv

Frref to Last.the Truth: News-Editorials-Advertinements

\ t\w No. 25.299. (< «rrrlfM ism-Tba TYINin» Amis.] MONDAY. FEBRUARY 21, 1910. o a ".lli * 1».^ I »n,| ||.i.,».rn

>o»U 1 ¡I'. N>w«rfc. Ser.f < Hr,Kla4>wb»r« I«" < *"'*.

Only Backdown by Germany Can Gear U-Boat TangleCOLBY RESIGNS;SAYSTHOMPSONHAMPERED HIMCould Not Stand Sena¬

tor's Impulsive I:\am-

ination ofWitnesses.



Miles Daw son Also Quits-Chairman. Undisturb¬

ed. Will Go Ahead.

,>.,. , St Ml house Sat-Issest rnid-

- eeoassl t* the' resigr.a-Thompson.' " "''-'

f< : el the com-

, th Mi Cala» in the

tsrfsrsramtttes in any

tea, leasts» I > H .'-'-'

I - e'dack ysster-.

b« did not .*

;.., -.. isa Satarday.!.: rtorement.

verb ayasean I a»,»a»sWs

i ttota*:" the iacts con-

.00 by¦saai iron its

¦rTSrl J ,-{rh branchresigned.

Mice to


i-a« a«ken....

. " "'

adjourn-e had


o bar« i .

:,'«. York: i rooma

%t ',:. I¦f r r'r


lasaU wi> Mad.'1i

M pointedrr.oujh ?"

¦ect. |i it ¦¦ : tat


I'm ¡in

-, i I notrésignai

«sa ti §s*p

si« &

. no« ha was a:'

ahoiread :


|y ini-

tta for thut««.ul review ol


¡i one


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acta."* <*!.>>» «.Mal l)iinil>.

a« it;~


a,,(" wanta to do ¦ te ».. .

.. «.,. to get at»ions Jr.nii

u'°ont h.ow »hht Mr Colby menna

.link I don'tHrunt'*' ' . Itustiea i- lav"i# >now

( olby,»ilk..' "* » t.« cannot loiitmue,0* evr-.n..--, , i.-c»4UM (bar« tbSU"t«auwl vu (,«4« t. »vIuum .


To the Kditnr of The Trthune.Dear Sir: I read In \our nan. r

ever] morning a lot about prepared¬ness. ||j grandp.-i ?.nd grest-grartrlp i

were aeldlera if I ««n h ti >> iW4iulr, be a midier, tea. Hut Ismnot. co 1 want to d>» »hat I c»n tehelp Mama ghee me a dime e*er\4*eek for helping hor. I am nend-lea \ou this week.'« dime to helpbuild a battleship for I nele mm.I kno» a lot of other kids who»ould ghe their errand money il

>ou would atari a fund. I am thir¬teen vean» old and go to PublicSchool 9, Brooklvn. Yours trulv,

MARJORIE STEKRETT.I am true blue American, and I

»ant to »ee I'ncle Sam prepared to'irk all creation like John PaulJone* did.

P. S..Please rail the battleshipAaasrtea,

Sine* thin l.tter ".»» printed dime» anitdollar» har* flo**d into Th. Trlhtin*offlc* uncrating!?. Oth»r pap*r» airo»»th* eountrr ha-.r r*prmt*d th» letterand th* dullari ha\* flow*d in uponth»m.

Msr.lori* ha« a*k*d Th* Tribun* tot.k» car* of h*r fund until it grow» bigenough to build a battlr«hlp or at l»a»t»om* kind of a «hip worth? of th*tradition» of John Paul Jon»». Th*Tribun* cannot und*rtak« to *nt*r Intororr*»pond*nr* about th* fund, but it»ill print a dall> list of contributor».jml r\trj on* »ho »and» a dim* or ac'ollar or a million dollar» to Th»Tribun* for th* fund »ill r*c*|v* abutton Staring th* legend "l'. S IAm*ri.a.'' That «ill b* >our rrrfipt fora patriotic deed.Total to dat» ll.STt.ilNumb*r of contributor» J.$*4

NAVAL MEN BOOSTMARJORIE'S FUND133 Marine DraftsmenContribute Dimes forChildren's Warship.

Un* hundred on] thirty-thre« i

men who design American battleship«ar-.d vessel» of commerce, member* ofth» American Society of Manne Draf'j"-

MSB, added their d:me« to MarjorieVr.attleahip I'und jrsstsrdsy to hasfr.the tin-.e whefl they can actually beginwerk or. the U. S. >. America. I» vas

thfl firal evident« of «nthuaiaatic anp-port from ths kees ^ itted thinkers whoare werhing erery day to ¡;.aco thsAmerican Navy in ¦ ilas-i by itself, Südwan an indication i ' the sentiment ofthe men is «H the other dp;

aery...i¦ -.jt*-.i yeaterdl |

..:¦. o;-.* of th« i>|'¡>lause which

greet* h OÍ PI il p Ilichbobtn,Now York branch oí

;} e Society of Arr.f i ice I Dl af'-men at a

dinner of the orgsnitstion si tr.e Hotel}iro-i"m Saturday r.iKht. Mr. llichborn

: a fermer < -1 ?- f ceastraetorNavy,

'V. iau hii }.¦¦:. rd of IIIthirteen-year-old firi whoaa ideaI have all th« and girl sf th«country build a bait »r the

J th« draftsmen»re engaged in

. .r.g for th« nsvy or lor com-

I arc- de¬ten mg he>

rah ip. Whei lh« tiss« cesse« te.ho AniPr.ia v <¦ will do onr partgning * iplondid «rarship for ths

children of the net

Letter ta Marjurncontribution car v

r to Marjories'i izd, New York.

"Hull Dhri lei"Dear Miai Marjori« Sterrett:"Yaar t*'-' I building a

th« America, bypopular ' Ij .!

¦ten h il -.......¦.

our carat . uppon, .it da offer tl

tribut name ef th« childrenwhom «c would thai hoi.or.

"It will interest you to know that.. engatad daily in the work of

building warshipsf and therefor« »¦.-

\»ili be glad to note from time to tune

rtewth ot jour tund. V.'fc 4vill lendencouragement t« pas whaia w« ma>,

and Wl hop« BOthiSg iSSI 'an that

,, ty ire ¦ bsv< th« pi'he Ani'.rica at

.: aj Vurk Nu'. V Yard."Mem.' hili', W« «rlsB ymi the follsal

-. arid an- praadulaie >ou OS jour veiy praetlcsl and

truly American apll t-

.\\ | .. ..

m 1.HAI 1 iUtfi <»1 lui-. KA^ ÎYAKI». NKW fORK

"Preseated te Marjeri« Bterrett'iBattlsshis fund throagh th« coarteayof the H«W York branch el

of American Iiraftsn.-n, a.on In behalf of ths children th< .

vi i>h le '¦« present."AaMBg thi I

Seturday n ,¦. I " ¦ '.¦. ».* .''"

¦op. »hipbu '.' '""'<.\h\v; CajitarrtvJ/ 1. Bailejtenant Comsaaadei Doyle ead ChiefDreftaman Stoit'. of the «nginsering,;. partaient.

t ».ildri-n Aid Tund.

Next la the i*tt*. yesterday from th«men buildin« our country's fightir.<«hips «-«me ¦ brie' note, saseasseapiag

t oalioii*»! «si s»**' .' lolunin .

LINCOLN LAIRALONELYFARMPosed as a Student inDog-Guarded House

Near Red Bank.


Angered Host, Finding in

"Langer's" Bag a Note toLincoln, Tells U. S.

fftm » S'»ff OrrncKmter.t of T- » Tr.t .

Red Hank, N. J., Feb. ?').-- If the New

York polico are greatly concerned byIgr.atius T. T. Lincoln's boast that he

had been wandering about the city un¬

der their noses svsf since hi» escape

item the Federal sathoritisi last

month, let this be their comfort Theelusive Ignatius had been doing no

such thing, except fov a day or two fol¬

lowing hil escape. For th« lost week"r |o the former If, 1'.. who Is wantedin England either as a former or a Ger¬

man spy, has been far from the path«. f the finest,As Herr Langer, sa overworked stu¬

dent in need of rest and country air,

h« has been safely hidden swsy daringmost of his absence on the lonely farm

cf Herma:: Ritsaa, three milsi SOathof Red Hank. It wai to Rttzau thatLincoln evidently íeferred rt/hen he ac-

eassd hi« captors of having obtained'their information from a man who hadtried to blackmail him. Bttssa ha« S

differen» story. If it is to be believed,it «raa Lincoln", own vainglorious po-Ilice baiting In which he indulgedthrough the medium of a New York;newspapsr which finally and indirectly]led to his capture.

Lincoln's erstwhile hiding place wa« juncovered to-night by The Tribune. It

WSI an ideal placo for the fugitive's!purpose, bo4';, as to location and a* M

thi bsbtta of th« household.The Rifzau house is in a sparsely!

settled farming country. It-: classaineighbor il more than a bslf-mil« sway.A half desea large and unfriendly dog«

i iruard the place at night, so exclusive

are Ritssa'a inclinations.

, Du l'ont Work» Chief Interest.

It wa- into this sylvan solitude that:

Lineals projected himself a couple of]nays utter he had bidder, an airy, un-1spoken lare weil <o Deputy Marshal'Frank Johnson. He earn« sans mus-

tsebs and f-ans glasses. Also l-,e came

rons the ten big trunks. Lincoln's bag¬gage Censicted Sf a single travellingbag.Lincoln brouglit noth:r.r? b .' ¦ letter

loi introduction, r.gned by a city friendRitsaa's, vaguely dc-enbing the

i.<i.rrr ii "Herr Langer," who wuntedto get av.ay from New York for a r<->t.

In les« prosperous davfi BSSd la

keep mmmer bearsjere. He wai r.o^

surprised thai a winter boarder shouldbe sent to him. That Laager ipok«Germsn when ha did rasas, bal seemeds ::.¡ite for hi« prospective boat

irnity, made aim doably welcome.

Explaining b« wanted to be ontdoente- modi o- ppoSSibls, Langer acquireda pair of '.vorn. hob-neiled beetsp of overalls. With th« n«w outfiton he did no» differ greatly Is eppaar«

i re from The half OOSCn helper, cm-

d b) Ritsau. Consequently, whatlittle gessip there was in the neighbor¬hood surrounded Ritzau's hiring a sawarni rather than his taking in a mys¬

terious boarder. Among the men Lan-manifested eon»iderabl« cariosity

dn l'ont powder mills at

South Amboy, fifteen mile- away. much attention te bis qu«S*

. more wsr talk.\uto Smash His a week figo last Tuewho deals is hoof.-, hides sad

fertiliser, f I his motor truck to

¦-. to bring bark th« carcas-;

i.- ¦ bor Langer went alone. On theRed Beak h« asked many

que lions about the powder millsend insisted or .-topping frequently fordrinks. He purchssed whiskey for the

With such liberality that the

truck .-ma.-hed on the return jour-i,< jr.Langer, dad Is hi« hob-nailed bootsar.d overalls, did not come bach

track. Since that das Ritsas say«he never bss seen hiss. How the inci¬dent of the broken truck anil thedrunken driver, combined with one of

¡Lincoln's published pronuneinmentosand a letter be carelessly left behindto bring about his undoing, was explo¬sively explained by Ritsau.

I «If-a «rted p] quomlamhost wai disposed *o deny everytand atürm nothiag m hen questioned

saiag, I he visit '»a? a complete' Ritsau, who apparently had

thought it wa one of hi« SWB nun whohad knocked st 'he deer."Holy schmohel" he gBr-ped. "How

did you pot as tin road withouting the dogs ?"

it was explsined an automobil)abetted 'he piercing of h ¦ lirai lineof defence. Rn/au did not 'alk freelyuntil it wsi luggoeted thai Lincoln in-¦tod he Was a Victim of blackmail.

The suggestion was the spring thatreleased his »lory.

"Minded Ilia Own Kusine«».""While lie WM here I didn't pay much

.mil te Langer." Le seid, "Heiiiirideii i i bt linees und I minded mine.

Be wr got along ail right. He hadCOpe to me With a letOI from un. of

my friend», and that \*as ail I wantedto know about him. Hut tins bl¦.I letting the men drunk and having

break the truck was something. again. My boy Charlie Starken. Icall him my nephew, told nie uhen b«Ko' hack *.i'h ta« bu«te<J ma4hine thatall l.e Aould r«m«ms«T Langer saying

i 'mo in'ini un pa«e I, «Iumn i

Sandhog« While Riding Geyser,Was Sure He'd Land Safely

Mabry, Torn from Shield by Cyclonic Force of PentUp Air. Recalled Mow Workman Survived

former Blow-out.

!. la iu.:«v íur lianaall Mahe» th«k

ha left F .-land f'i'ir ftmta «go and laI Brüll SB hi* way toward t. «. r n11 n >;

u'i America'. eiUsStt. Il-nl hc ri'innin«¦:

,.. hoass ha might not» bs engaged iidaaajtrona work o¡ n.

i..ipnUtc oai tronch sad depopolats an

,,th«>r. lasttad, Lara In poactfal NawYork, ho enjoya a Raie, aaajt Job, ararhing a» a "»andhog" in the BOW (larktrsot 01«. Blip tunnel under tho'

Rirsr.Marshall atshsy haochad off work

carlv Baturdav evening. At 4 o'clockha «tarted home from hi* po«t in fromSÍ the great »tee-, bhield which ¡» bor¬ing through the Kast Hiver bed by go¬ing through twenty-seven feet cf rivermud. feet of water, ani!.»oaring an additional twenty into theair on top of a geyser of mud and foarr.One bad bruise on hi.« left leg in

the only injury the young man -he twenty-eight -received In hiaourr.r.- Ha gat this when «he Mas*slammed hin againat the roof of thetunnel.

"Of., I'm all light," Mabey said yes¬terday, nr he twists«! In hia cot in theHrooklvn Ho»p¡tal. "I was a bitshaken up, that's all. My leg arh»» .

little, but apart from that I'm per¬fectly veil."

This was what Mabey on Saturdaytold the ambulance surgeon, who, de-ipits prote«tn. hastiad lim «iff to thehospital.

"Well, you »re, I'* have time to

ha acarea." Ileboy eeatiaaod. "II wa«

Phsol üL.e thai and then a serom)ia>r I fonad myself splashiag in thewatei

I elt lied Land Saiels."'. 'ins iu«r «s ,f a i ra<¦'.. wer«

¦i the well p there," the man ex

plained, pointing te the pla.ter abovebis«. "H seemed as if some one hadtat a »lash in the mud. I hsard Itsmack -like a loud Ids*.a« It went

apart, and we all stood a second andwatcher! it grew deepen"Then there was a hiss, and a noise

like an engine blow.rig off steam. Iknew what had happeneil. I yelled,'blow-out!' and jumped from the scaf¬folding. I fell about eight feet and Itried to grab the shield. If I only couldhave done that I would have been allright"Driver *»' standing beside me.

Semethiag seemed to catch me andpush me off my fret. There was a

noise ¡ike a big wind. Something shotup in th« air past me. I think (t was

Driver*« both. Tien I was pulled rightup in the ai". I remember hitting r.iv

leg on the shield as I went."It wa« jest as if I was fastened to

a balloon. I struck the ceiling of thetube. I hit it flat, with the whole «ideof my body. Tb^n I don't rememberlast what happened. I said I didn'thave Mme to be scared. I didn't. Rut


I nntinued on pace ft, eolumn 4


Promises Statement in WeekWill Stay. Visiting Pastor SayDr. Charlas A. IJiton has decided

reconsider hi« resignation from t

pastorate of the Madiior «V\enue Bhtint Church, tendered two weeks ajaccording 'o ar announcement madetha Rev. J. \Yh;toomb firougher, of I,Angele, who tank his place at t

morning s»r. ire yesterday. Dr. Fat.elosa »t the evening servi

would not «ay definitely whether 1had derided to remain."We do not Want to give out at

Itataaasal -jntil ''.,r postponed annn

meeting of the church has been heldhe explained. "That will be a we«

from tO-norreW, However, I do n<

doobt that we can eoSBS to a -atisfa<to;y arrangement and, incidental'!;make an annoup.c« men* of tonsidsrshl.n'erest.

"It will institots a unique slate

affairs in church activi*y, whstohjipirlt of largor service will aapartodthe narrow parochialism that ordinal il

limit« the mcements of a church. Thinatici.i is dostinsd la sjathsi up -hlooa« end.» that have been sr-ttered btha groat war, and it most think i

broadar work thai' the con

n< of any one parish or gTOap 0

parishoa. We are a<ir;:'t an a i»ri I

»ea, and st proson. W8 hu\c no ruleol navigation."

I»r. Eaton submitted hi« resignalioi;.!i.» that tin ruiitine dátil

i.'.ir.'i work were preventing hindoing what ha considered hi« part n

tha awakening of public opinion t«a broader national!


Newark Man Expects $5 Bills,

but Gets Only Green Paper.Anton Blnkiawich had been wishing

oald tind Boms method of making¦ fastas than the or.l.nury work-

a-dav plan when »wo voung men visitedhi« honac, at ó-u Mai'-:.-'. Btroot, Now«ark, » tha n-.actiine he wanted.

It wa.s a cunn-ng little ey'.ndrin.l af¬fair into which th«TJ fed ordinary g'oenl.aper and genuine |6 Will tumbled 0:1*the older end.The mon Bsksd oily « for th»

doviee. Sinkinwieh daeidod it woaM ha:i crime lo OVOrlooh the bargain. Butvkh«-n ha starte,1 to turn 0_t a fswbales n.' ?;. notes, to liis unutt. rah!denpnir, onlv 'he groen paper that was

fed into the contrivance came out."Didn't think It could be worked a'

thi-, day ami age," -aid the unsympa¬thetic policeman to whom ha t .. IJ ni-.

itary.Sanarme Huckhart wa». arr<- <ted at

(in Will*' Street \esterday afternoonand i« being held at the 1 Hranch I»e-

tectiv,- Bnrtan SO a charge of iwm-



Mrs. Sperling Learns Man FountGems She Recovered in EuropeMrs. Kiiul Sperling discovered tha

«h« had lest her $12,000 pearl necklace, v hile walking on Fifth Avenu«Saturday noon, and foil she woulr.never see it airain, one« before It. wa.

lost on the street in Budapest, Hungary. Several weeks later the polictot that Ity returned the Bochlacs t<Mrs. Sperling in Paris.

"it seem-, 'oo mucii *o hope thatail] come back this time," mused MrSperilag.Yesteidav BSOralag M. B. Lew.«

whose office i» at 141 Kroadv ay. tele¬phoned tu Mr. Sperling si th« S'

Keg:'."I j;BOSS IV« got vmir necklace." saiil

Las "It ¡ir.swer» the description, allright. A friend of mine saw it on thesidewalk in Fifth Avenue, near Forty-ufth Street. B« picked it up «ndthought it looked good. I tolu himhe could lock il in my safe. It's dow.ithere now.""When can I get it?" asked Sperling."oh, to -morrow, If that «rill do," an¬

swered Lewi-,Mr. Sperling said he would be glad

to pay the reward of *500 he had of¬fered.


Thirst Quenched. Thin ManDecides to Return.

A general alarm WSS sent out yes-

terday for Carl Freeberg, who had ss-

capad from a cell in which he was con¬

fined for intor.iration. The bars were

four inches apart, and no explanationcould be given except that Treeberg,although over 6 feet 3 trill, was re¬

markably thin.Five boars later a patrolman on post

a block away found a man sitting inth« middle of the street. He told himto move along or he would have to

¡take him te th« Bergen í'reel station.'That''' all right." he responded; "I'm

'going that war myself. 1 wa« swfuldry when ! woke up, ^o I ;u-t steepedout for K few balK" It '.va^ PrsOberg.

i. m


Lxpelling Americans fromSerbia. Paris Hears.

Paris, Feb. II. A dispatch to theRavel Agency from Bucharest, datedThursday, says:"The tiernian ajthonties are expell¬

ing the American Red « ros s missionsi rom Serbia."The Rumanian government has in-

.rcduced in 1'ariiament a bill prohibit-ing '.he export of cereals and dried11 gttable«, th« object being to assurea ilorr.e.-tic supplj."

BriggsCame ¦ letter to Briggs the other day. It was signed

"your loving little friend." and among other thing» it

»aid- "Mother says big people like them better than

< h.ldren because they can see the jokes better."

Perhaps they can.but it seems to be only a ques¬

tion of degree. Probably the reason why grown-ups

and kid« both Ilk« his work is be._a.ise, as those who

know him best say. Briggs is a kid him seIf. How do

you like to-day's t artoon ? It s on I age I L.

tíhe tErtfmncFirst to lost Hi Truth: Neu s Editorial* AdeerUsements

aiaaasei «4 <..*¦ SeSM Beeaasj ¦' . .

RUSSIAN TRAPLAID FORTURKMoslems Driven Ba(Along Black SeaWarships Aiding.


Czar's Forces AdvamNorth from Erzerum-Left Rests on Lake Van

Petrograd. Feb. 20.- The Russiaaro pressing the advantage gainedErrerum on both flanks. On the riglalong the Hlack Sea coast, by the <

operation of the sea and land forethey are driving the Turks from o

poiition after another to the eastTrebirond, and it is expected that .

five operations against that importaseaport will not be long deferred.

[I la announced that (»rand DuNicholas, commander of the Ruesiforce-; in the t'aucasu«, has left Tiffor Krzerum.A later P.u«sia:i statement report

*ho rapture of the towns of Mush.Aaiatie Turkey, eighty-three milsouth southeast of Erierum, and Ahll

In 'lie laít two days the Russiahave occupied Wltde iWidje- at

pressed forward ten or «nvelv«. milwestward. The fleet has destroyedsuccession several shore batteri.which might have been of assistance'he Turk«, and, by keeping well in a

vanee of the land forces and by dKtroying bridges over several i-trean

in the path of the retreating Turks, hirendered their retreat more difflcu!\The fleet ¡.as been working so clo¡

to the shore that the warships h»ibeen reached by rifle lire from tlTurkish troop«. On the other han

t'ne »hipB have «pread confusion in tlrank» of the Turks by dropping shel¦ them.

Russian Left at Lake Van.un the left flank, after the occup;

tien of Koph, the Kus-ians pushed o

to Pusch and Achlat, the latter on tlnorthwestern .»hore of Lake Van. FroiKoph to Mush, sixty miles over mour

tain road-, thin .'ought several h«tt!<and occupied Mush by storm.The Turks fled southward towar

Diarbeki-, the next objective of thRussian arrnv. Ui.ce in possession oPiarbi-kr. it ;s or.iy a day's march t

.he Hugdad railway, the last íTnainircontmuaicatiofl into Syria.The rapid Russian often.-ive beyon

Erzerum, ii is believed here, makespi,.hable that the retreat of the Tortnh corps operating along the Hlack S.>eoaat and of those troops which wer

n«tive m til.- Mush district before thRussian occupation will be aatirel] COoff and that the n.ain Turkish armit.will he durrounded. This fate has already overtaken tha Nth Division .i

'he 10th Corps, which was ordered fror<»Ui to Frrerum before the fall of thfortress.

Division 1 alls Into Trap.A» telephonic communication be

tweea this group of Turkish forces ar.<

the garrison at F.rzenim had been en

tiréis destroyed by the Russians, th.84th Division marched serenely on ?¦

KrzTiim vwthout suspicion that thifortress was then on the point of sur

render. These troop s i cached Erzerurrfrom the northwe<t at the very mo

Bent that the Deve-Boina line of fort¡'«.Il into Russian hands, end the arnr

I .ich they had come to assi«t was

full n-treaf. Tha road OVOT which thehad passed 'vas Instantly occupied b1Russian cavalry, and, a« they were com

pletely uirrounded, there was no ;>tternanee but to surrender, with arm

tuuipn.ent and artillery.It is regarded as almost inevitable

that tho Turkish corp- retiring alón*th« Hlack Sea coast under the OestruS'tira rire of the Russian fleet ami th«pti -i:re of the Russian armies will b«1caught in the same sort Of trap, as th»Turkish troops falling back from «Vidj«to Gumieh Khsaoh, about .ftp mile«inland, «till liavp a t_reater Ugo than tha Ruaslan troops whichirs sdraneing from Frrerum to eat.I., m off.

iii, the Turkish right flank, wher.'the Ht!, i.'orp» i- operating, ti.<- Turk«find themselves in the -aine precariouspCkltion, »mee al' th, lnads ot retreat'o the north are gradually falling un-

íei Russian control. The retreat of!:,. Turkish armiej every» here || im:>edeù by deep snow and the difficultcharacter of the country. They are.. ithout food and la-K war supplies, andthere seems to be little possibility oftlitir offering even temporary resist¬ance of any itfongth to the Russianadvance.

"In thp course of the pursuit of theTurks," »ay » an official statement is¬sued to-night, "we took pri.-on-:r an

an additional forty-nine officers andl!,500 men. We «antured -.4 guv». «

great number of am'«, a transpon withBiunitioni and a convoi

"lr. the fighting 'n the Frzerim di«-*-¦¦.. v»-' also captured a Turkish flag."


Sale Restricted to Quarter Poundfor Each Person Weekly.

Ber'.ri, Feb. 20.- The bread card,which will be a year old to-n.oriow,

he »':pp>niented henceforth in

greater Berlin by a similar regulation«, respect to the butt,-r supply. The-exeeutWe authorises of greater Berlinhave decided to limit the rale of but¬ter to a quarter of a pound for eachper«on weekly, to be obtained on

presentation of the bread card.Pending the introduction of a aimi-

!ar s/Ätem throughout the empire, thaa ithorltie» cannot even guarantee thatthis amount will he a\ atlab'e for resi¬dent! of Berlin


stoft. the objective of t!ie lat¬est German air raid, is slight¬ly more than one hundredmiles from Zebrugge. thenearer-t point susceptible ofserving a« a hostile aviationbase. It is recalled here thata German newspaper recentlydescribed ¦ new arrangementv. hereby a submarine was

combined with an aeroplane,the submarine ¿cling a« a

submersible hangar. Iron

which a small seaplane couldoperate after being conveyedwithin suitable distance of itsobjective.


Bombs Dropped on Low-estoft and Walmer.

Three Killed.

Bj Cash lei . '

London, Feb. 20. Four huge «ea-

plaaaa to-day made a raid over the east

3nd southeast coast« of England, ac-

eoro'iag te an official announcementmade this evening. The total easual-? ie-> are given as two men and one boykilled and one marine woumled. Con¬

siderable material damage was done.The enemy craft not only climbed

w 1th great speed, but travelled at an

enormom speed, two moat unusualfeatures with ths seaplanes. Thisra'ner SOffSStl thai tiiey were ma¬

chines of an entirely new type.There are three reasons for this sur-

mue, the f.r«t the matter of speedalready mentioned, the second thefact that r.ever before has a sea¬

plane flov.n se great a distance as

that, from Zebrugge to Lowe«tr.frslightly more than 100 mile«) and *he

third the fact that this long disttn.eewas accomplished across sea, whichmeans that »wo or more engines wouldhe required, owing te the risk of a

single engine failing.Added to this there have been per¬

sisten* rumors during the last fewmonths that the enemy has been busily«r.grtged ir: building a new and power¬fully engined seaplane. To-day'« raidgoSs far to prove that fact.

Vanished and Keappeared.'the official communication says:"Four German seaplanes made a raid

over the east and BOathOSSt COOetfl at

roon to-day."The first raMsrs, two biplane«, ap¬

peared over Lowesroft at IttH a. Skiand circied over the aeajth side of thetown for fife minutes and droppedbombs. Is about live minutes ;hev rose

to a great height and seemingly van-

iehed. At 11:10 a. rn. the two sea¬

planes were again over the town, andthen vanished eastward again.

"Altogether seventeen small high ex¬

plosive bombs were dropped. There..ere no rasualties. CotutOOrsbM «lam-

«,". eras ceased to the outbuilding« of"aurant and to two dwelling

house«. Two naval seaplanes went upai 11.0ô a. rn. anrl pursued the raid) .-

hut without result.Mi,nih-4 Dropped in Sea.

"Xssawhils tw« ether Genaas -ea-

planes were making for the KentishCOast. The first passed over the Kent-is! Knock light rasssl, dropping bombsi' that vicinity St 11:20 a. rn. The lastra'der made straigh* tor Waltm r.

lei.ching that town at 11:27 a. m. V'.y-ing at le>s th;in SjtOZ .', jt droppeds:\ bumb-i an.l turned sharply to thet I'!--."Tere sf th« bossas that fall de¬

stroyed roof- ami hruk" oiadowi u

the neighborhood. ')ne of them fellcios» to a church, blowing out the win¬

dows as the congregation was singingh 'Te lie.m. A third bomb feil on a

roadway running along the beach, kill¬ing one civilian and injuring one ma-

"The total easoa!ti«S I ere two men

und one boy killed and one matine,wounded."Two of our «droplenes, which went

up troru l).i%er, pursued ,:".e laider, but'»(.patently COUld not overtake him."

Lewesteft Is 'tie most «a terly poiator íírca*. Britain It Is .ilmut ninetyBtilei north Sf VVa'.mer. in Ke-'.

Bomb Falls ¡n Bedroom;Another Unroofs a HouseLoweateft, Feb. 'JO. In» damage

done here by th« a'r raider« «rai : lot..ery serlea« On« bomb demolíthe corrugatrd rouf of a saw mill, kn¬ottier garoofsd a private house, a thirdsmashed the w ladew« of a hotel, whilea fourth smsshed the riadews ci achurch without injuring any of thev. orshipper».Anotner bomb r'< 1! »ijuarely into a

bedroom in a workman's house, but in¬jured nobody. Several bombs fellharmlessly into garden« and vacantlots.

.Tehees, rtb. JO. Four bomb» v. en-

dropped in a ciu-ter here rhi« morn¬

ing and landed within a circle uf 100yard., killing a man and a bo\. Trieday '«si bright and clear, and manyperson* rushed to point« of vantagein time tu see a »mall aeroplane at an ,

altitude of perhaps a thousandTwo British airiH n *r«TS eboei

in the air almost immeilistely after the'dropping of the bombs, hi*, the ra ü'made his escape.


Grave Alarm Felt as

Tension Grows,Awaiting Reply.


Lansing Denies He Will IAsk Recall of the


I -i :.« Tr1- 1-» B'lM»..

Washington, Feb. ft (nnViglWashington is to-night plainly wor¬

ried. ¡Secretary Lansings proposaiiea coile has knotted a tangle whichrpparently cannot be cleared, andtension between the Unite, .".täte«»and the Teutonic Allies is steadilyincreasing.The only way out of the difficulty

¡S a backdown by Germany. Official«,hope that Berlin will modify her or¬

der to «¡ink all armed merchantmen.Official indication of the attitude ofthe German Foreign Office may bereceived to-morrow or Tuesday MB¦onfidential report? from Anibs^sa-dor Gerard.

That the SSSJ code question has Icaused friction between Count von

Bernstorff and Secr«-tary Lansing ia i

certain. The German diplomats, it i*¡ielt. have u9M using the press toserve their ends and ni- -llging infor-mation and issuing reports when,emL__rra_sed tho administration.

Wont Aik Rec.ill.Secretary Lansing denied to-day

that there was any present intention'of asking for Ootunt -on BernstorrT'irecall, a« tho acceptability of Úmami,;.»«ador had not U>en called intoquestion. But at th^ State lOpi.'*ment it is aaid that unless diplomatsstop divulging information the ¦!?-

pr.rtment may take, into considera¬tion the question OÍ having tbeuiwithdrawn, although such action is

not contemplated at pros«-nt.These development« ha.e led to I .*

conclusion that an a'^mpt had beenmade to -.-.ddle th- MsMS for the i»*

VSfSal of the Administration'.» stand SMAmhas.-ialor on B»; r.-torff. That ».

tempt, it i« aaiá, tails«! Now i'i<-«-.,i.Wilson will have to take tie blame 'or

this country's "flop." H 8JM general'vadmitted in Administration circle-,day.

I* Is true that man) kin :. ira'

officials have expieased great irritationat what they t.-im CoOBt ISO I-itorttV improper SOWBpopor prooaga:da. In the main, nowever, they »i>«

reedy to admit that he had nothing t->

d ) vith rrea' tha lasprossiosj trm'.Proaidont Wilaea reversed kiaaself sa

.ii aaorehaatmaa nueThat impression tan-« iioiu thr

..f gasretsry Lansing's aaedu«vivendi not«, to tha Allie«, ornickLained . direct threat Tat if th«y

. .>. volu itarily :»arm :merchant vetaela the ' nited State-niight ich »hip.« «o be wai -

.hips. After the publication of tha'.not« German; sued the declarationtha* armed vey-els ,,,,!,) he lunksrith-out warning, believing tha* the UnitedState« could not avoid carrying out th*:nr«-;it it hud "nade to tha Aille*,

Threat to Allies Withdrawn.A I

tha threat had be»withdrawn; fr..T. _s « n si Britain anl

Uliea had indica I d theii intentts reject tha modui vivendi, this go-<ri meal "had no choic" but to c« .

tinu*- upholding international law.The "fi.m" na complete before Ar.-

bu.ssador von Borastortl had had ..

., i srd '<> tha proas. I.l| th» r»-f,,r.. admitted to be impossibleto acense nun of "creating the imp¦ion" that the President had reversed

is position.What administration ofne. Us »tilt

maintain) however, i* that AmbassadorVo.-i Bernatorff actuated his go« ero-ment to make the ne«a -ubmann* an¬nouncement, and that in so d>ing hathought h«. had tied the hand, of th«I'nited States. He «as plainly attemping, they »ay, to force a e'tlerunt ofthe Luaitania case that woul» leavel'i. ildent Wilson in an ingloiiou. po>vturn.

.r, the charges against the am¬bassador an- believed to be aubatan-iated. II ii known that Ambaiiadc*ven Berastorff instigated the Foreigniirrire to announce that, after February-'.', .rnied merchantmen would be lankwithout warning. Hut it la known, uUo,that Secretar) Lansing ama aware o'(iermany'« Intentios to do this befor*iie «eut the modus rivoadi proposal' tothe All -

What ha« not been explained i« thePresident*! reason for sending the mo¬dus vivendi note just whes he did.fie reas,.n given the desire to s«v<irea !».; axiated lince 'lie beginning

of (¿ermany'i »uhaaariae attacks, an Icould have be«-n argoed more force¬fully the Luitaaia case cam»to a head th«:. during the negotiation«.that seemed about to diaposa of tliatIsssn

Presidents Course »tratiK«-, therefore, that

.¦ Preaidenl -h,.uld attempt to brin^«h.. belligerent« t« au agreement on »

' ' ¦' »hieli » ai ¿...t that momentsgiUting both Berlin and \\-.h,n_ton,