new york tribune.(new york, ny) 1913-01-26.€¦ · isa dutlet to stand. 7 parker heads state par....

ßto-lirtli atribtme Copyright. Ulli by Tb« Tribune A.a« «Mo«. '_ V°rlAX1l V 21.178. ~r^ls^.^s^S£^' NEW-YORK. SUNDAY, JANUARY 28, 19J3..FIVE 1».\HTS-SIXTY-F()UR PAGES, ' l'IWK MVE <jgjNTB. Must Give Bonds or Go to Lud- low Street Jail Until He Re¬ pays $23,476 Monument Fund Shortage. HIS PROMISE NOT KEPT Sheriff Harburger Gets Order of Arrest, but Postpones Ser¬ vice Until To-morrow to Give Warrior Time to Find a Bondsman. fllteM General Daniel E Sickles gives a r^nd for ttt.tM it is not at all unlikely that lio will have tn ¡,,¦- lompnny his pood friend Sheriff Julius Harburger to Ludlow street 1«fi to¬ morrow, there to remain indeflnitelv as ¦SfSrlty for the payment of th^ I2S.OA0 or more which he still owes the New- York Sfonuaeenta Commission Frank¬ lin Kennedy, ¦ deputy attorney general, arrived In this He yesterday after» aoQn wltb h warrant foi the .irj.-d ¦oldter'a arrest obtained bj Attorney íjereral CarUMdy from Justice Rudd in the Rupreme court, Albany. The action against the general ia a err!] mit brought by the state m re¬ cover money which he as chairmen, is said to bave appropriated from the funda of the Monument Commission for his own personal use. With the order of arrest was a summons and rompkUnt Sheriff Harhurçer received both documenta in pers>.n from Mr Kennedy, whom he m^t at the Hotel Belmont when the latter landed here at 1:39 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The Sheriff did not by any means rehab the task before him Mr. Ken¬ nedy expected him to proceed ai once uith the papers to General Btcklos'a home. No. I| Fifth avenue. The Sheriff apparently thought at rirst he would have to do this, too. but after con¬ ference with his clerk. Wolf, who met him at the hotel, he decided thai the Hrgt thim; to do would be i" consult »i« counsel with regard t-> hla Juris¬ diction and duties In the matt« i before taking the first step Negro Cerberu« Guards General. Just what the Sheriff's reception will he at the home of his old friend when be finally calls there with the order of arrest is a matter of lively conjecture. The old negro servant who guards the front dour at No. 28 Fifth avenue had strict orders reaterdaj to let no one enter. Even Stanton Sickles, the gen¬ eral's son, who' lives with his mother In the Hotel Albert. No. "."> University Pince, h block or two away, had great difficulty in persuading the negro that he came as a friend to the old man ;n his hour of need. île was finally ad¬ mitted, but no »mount of persuasion could induce the faithful servitor to let anybody else enter, nor would he take ¦ message to his master ¦"Put," said one caller. "I have im¬ portant news for the seneral He's going to be arrested." "I don't care if he's goin 1 he shot. No one ain't gpin' to .speak with him," was the response. Inquiry at the Hotel Albert for Mrs. Sickles elicited the information tha» she and Stanton had left fwn to avoid the notoriety incidental to the old gen- eral'j diiemma. The Sheriff said frankly that he would not batter down the general's door if admittance were refused him to-morrow. He hopes that the general will have been able to get a bondsman by tliHt time, and that it wont be necessary to conduct him to Ludlow "treet Jail. Such would have been the Sheriff's duty in all probability had (»ntlnued no third page, third rnlnm». This Morning's News local. Page Fatal Collision on Derated. i Rubs Amuck In Grand <'cut ral. i Gdmblinu Gibraltar Surrenders. 1 Walter« Have Pay of Patties. 1 War-ant ISSUad for OsnSIUl Sickles.. 1 Subway Rklea Clearing. 2 if"> Honor Moss at I>inn»-r. 2 '"tirran to Probe Metertlve Purcau. 3 "Wild West" Show in Saloons .. . .., 4 KJoping Brida «"an't Go Shopping.... 4 laaetOf Watçner Outlines Report. 5 irreal Man for Scratching. 6 Hank President Pound Guilty.14 Mffb HridRn Pnrik Will Sue.18 Wilson Visita mía inland. is OEITE»AL Lai n Musi Pet church Alone. 3 Ne« Rnajlaad Governors Plan P. P lontrol . s Re Política In Guard. Says RulaOT 6 RsdBeM in Predican)» nt. 7 Isa Dutlet to stand. 7 Parker Heads State Par. 7 Dlseusa Fire Insurance Part roano» Opposition to Bnver Bey. 3 British Suffrage Retese* -Part 4. .2 RTsshlnatoa Letter for Hsla -l'art 4.. 3 hi the London Theatres Part 4 2 Amaricen in London.Part 4.2 Alfonso Surprise* Spain Part 4. 2 Germans l>ai Calamity Part 4. 2 Meterboata for War Part 4. 2 Two Nee Playa in Paris.Fart 4.. .3 A- »it»- Reottlsb Rsvert] Part 4.3 R'ilaon Waned In Parla Parte.. 3 Caer Victim of Worrj Part 4. 3 MISCELLANEOUS. Pditorial. . Kot Wy . S and 9 Mush: . t Obituary . 9 aborts. 10, 11, 12 and 13 x'"i'. and Navy.14 breather . 14 Shipping.14 ' leeaetel and Markets« I'.irt 4 .4, 1 and S Htal Estate- Part 4... 7. S sud a CRAZED BY FATAL HURI, RUNS AMI His Skull Fractured by Stea: Roller, Louis S. Miller At¬ tacks Passengers in Grand Central Terminal. WOMEN FLEE AS MEM FAL Maniac Now Dying in Bellevui After Escape from Hudson Street Hospital and Battle with Half Dozen Policemen. While hundred! of rsona nil« d ill great waiting room <>; the Grand Cei irai Terminal last nlghl u man. wlk «yed ami with hair dishevelled, «lash. into the room and aimed a terrific buy at a mar Hitting on a neat. The bio lamí..I between the victim'* e.vea an aen| htm bowling to the. Boor. Th madman, fed aw h he was then r.i wild through Hi»' «raiting i.n su-ik me and kicking ai m< n and wom< n ii «rai :u>i until m \ eral uati olme from the Bast 35tl atreet atatIon had hand-to-hand fi^iit with the inaaa man that he n'as tied In .< atraltjacki an«! taken t«> Bellevue Hospital in a coherent moment ihe man sai he «raa Louie 8, Miller, an employe I: ihe quartermaster*a olH< on Governor* Island Miller, »ho la about .". feel 1 Inches in hi im>i and areigha aliout Is pounds, raid lie was former)) a prise fighter. The police latei confirmed siatc ment mad« bj Millet ha) ..i 1er ii the da; hi had been run over by si. ..m roller in Ele* nth a nue .m had i»*', n taken to the, Hudson (¿tree Hospital fot ti<.<.'.men< foi a .ra< ire< skull. Escaped from Hospital. didn't like the treatment there, Millet said, and mad'- Up mj mind would get out. When ill.I'll1 »«, not looking i Jumped from Ihe cot pulled "ii my clothes and teat It." After leaving the hospital «mi Hudsoi street Miller wandered about until hi reached Ihe «¡rand Central about I o'< 'o. k. The sight of Hi»- «raiting bun dreda there seamed to Ml Mlller*a brail sflre Swinging iit-~ powerful arms ilk« Hails, the former prisengbter began t< strike heavy blowa al thorn arouw him. Women ran screaming 10 Hi» shelter of the restaurant adjoining tin waiting room, und maaj of them faint- ?«1 ,u sitfh' of the wildly staring SMI and general Insane appearance «»i Miller. Several men in the waiting room at- tempted t.. restrain th»- man. bul three them oil as though they wer« children. Miller appeared i" be poo* sensed of the strength <>t half ¦< dosen ordinär) men, and ever) time his flsi landed on a person, the victim «rani rushing to tli>- ground. In a few seconds the waiting room uns cleared of almost every person whe had been sitting there a few mlnutei befoi»-. waiting f"i outgoing traîna Those "!,., did n<.t have time to maki their escape from the room hid behind .tb< lows ol aeal "i Jumped int.. tele¬ phone booths. Everj time ti¡.-- reñí ured t.. aho* theii heads ahovi th« back ..i a seat. Miller would 111 í l^ . ¡> rush for them, cursing and laughing Ilka a maniac. Maniac Likely to Die- Patrolman Gallagher was outside tili¬ nta tion when he saw men and women eome running oui of the «raiting room The hysterical cries Of the women and ehildren and the shouts of those men who were being belabored by the in¬ sane man ¡nsld<- the "-talion caused Gallagher to realise something was wrong He ran m .ml grappled with Miller. who closed with him shouting nildli The patrolman and Miller were soon rolling owi and over OH the fl'«"r. the madman biting. Ui- kincr and scratch' ¡ng. When four or live other patrol« men arrived and t«>"k a hand in the battle, assisted by some of the passen« géra, who had by thia time got their Icourage bark. Miller, frothing at the mouth, was placed in a straltjarket. At BelleVUe Hospital it Was said early this morning that Miller had a compound fracture of the ahull and WOUM probably die "f his injuries. ¦.a LET MOTHER-IN-LAW VOTE Ballot Would Stop Her Med¬ dling, Says Mrs. Elliott. if:-. TeMsarapii ta Th« Tribual' St. Paul, Jan. 25." Woman suffrage a- a solution for tin mol la r-ln-la \v problem \*as advanced bj Mrs. Maud Howe BUiOtt, who is in St Paul at- tendlng the foogresslve part) con« ference. "Should a'omen left ¡- tin- marriage of tbelr tons and daughters without any outlet for that aplaudid energy and d< sire to mother something, instand of insisting upon interfering with their daughters snd their sons-in-law ex¬ pend their energ) ¡" public work there would be few' dlVCTCM with too much moth'T-in-law as the basil ami few i oung married couples whom homes are wrecked by mterference," she saya '"Mere is where auftrage comes to the rescue." '- RUMANIA WILL NOT MOBILIZE. Boehsrest, Jsn, I -Remania hai <i«'.-.i i.<>t m mobilise liei army, a Çabi« -net council, ai «huh Klag Charles lad .tie- iïov.n l'une»- were present, reached this decision to-flHV during a dtSCUSStoS 'of the bulgarian negotiations. POLICEMAN KILLED AND MANY HURT IN REAR-END COLLISION ON THIRD AVE. "L «. SCEXE OF THE FATAL COLLISION ON THE THIRD A\ I.NIK L. he front car of the second train ran into and parti) telescoped the lasl car the first irain: both cars jumped the rails and tot* petiloush "it tin- edge of the structure. Some passengers were taken From the "I." structure lo the street on t lu- ladder shown tered i in the photograph Preeldent T P. Hbonta and General Manager Krank Medley .<t scene >>' W I eck GAMBLING GIBRALTAR SANDERS ID POU Stuyvesant Square Fortress Chance Falls Before the Blows of Raiders. TRAPDOOR REVEALS RICH Garrison Hoists White Fl When Door3 of Placo It Cos $50,000 to Fortify Are Almost Battered in Th. i ilbrsltsi mi nu g in Men 1 <>riv wsa stormed b; the pol Inst niiî'it and it- garrison .>( ivn < Acer« and fifty-nine privstes captun it i sa \l" l.' rj "place ' So Btuyvesanl Square a three »toi brl how -. s hl< i'¦'¦. polk'« ' II i..-\ is. i- wt it: 'I he .i entrant ¦ as i iard< il Ihr« d< oi each oi mild . ah Un Inches thick and backed bj boll plate \i ordlng to 11»«* polio ea< door ha .i lookout, and everj potri .-. iiimi/.i d three IImei tx at ndn Itted Inspector Mi ¦¦. ."i>l I feptaii Rol of ih< 5th itrcel -, oil v tin ion, » ;i¡>! l«j !.¦ nl ;i sqUad "I t Wcnly |K>H< men Into Ihe place onlj because traitoi had betra ed a "subterri . ai entrance The house had been watch* since Friday, when the Inspectoi ii; obtslned ;. warrant from Masiatra Barlow, The police im<i received m merona complaints, but not until S'seh ago had the) been sble to get ti evidence on arhi< h to iwesr oui ¦ wai rant After lesrnlng Ihsl Uiere was Bscrel entrance or "gotawsy" from cigar store In Third avenue, tii>- ir apector, the captain and the dm lamp« d Into a patrol wagon and wer¡ in the place A man s/sa detailed l every nook and corner about the bout ¦/here there would be ¦ passible chanc in sei out, and 1i"- lnspe< tor and tii captain then had their force attach th "fortress*' with axes Tbej found eve the secret pssssgs defended bj a dooi and for more than sn hum the polk kept on poundlni away. Then one o the lookouts, apparentlj realising tha all tii-- exita «rere guarded, BnaJI: opened the <!. »«>r. in tin plsoi wee slaty-one men, After theii names an« address'- been taken the potto let them all go, with the exception o Levy, who said be lived al Mo. 18 Tti stresl H< waa locked up m the ">u street police station, on a charge ol keeping end malntslning ;i publh nuisaii' c. The Inspector .ni<¡ Ule captain mad« .i careful Inspection of tin place. .\i the r.ishi'T's window.the) found ¦ wooden platform about six Inches high, In ripping II ipart thej discovered a trapdoor, and on opening ii hsd a nar¬ ros escape from falling down into u small r<".,n OS the HOOT !>"li." The police were ahnosl dumfounded erben the«, sot down into lh< email room. Rxpensive gambling parapher* nalla, Including aeveral aeta of Ivory dice, area found there. It required two tri|s »f the patrol wagon to remove ili. equll ment from tin- 11.i just how long the bouse ul been running the Inspector said he iü<l n«.t know. He added h>' wsa equally at i lost t" knos wbethet it had been open when every other place in the city luring the height of tin» excitement iiver the Rosenthal murder waa sup- npscd to hsve ben shut tight, ¦ ¦ ¦ - AIK EN.AUGUSTA.FLORIDA Southern Railway*» Bout "restera («United '. i « Nui v.iiK daily ISrSSJ p, rr». Draw- Ins;, gtateroom. Sleeping ancl Dining »'ais. N. Y Ofllce, Ml Filth Ave., cor Stta it.. Adrt Motorman, Injured Schoolboy Dcclar« íor h at; -. .1 .m.i n..- engi'i .. i., lerda) >i real . i"¡ ollision of trains on Thud a\ . n-i- .-l»-\ it- m bel ¦ .".:;.i ..i,.i :;'_.i trei la Me I.i Hea motorman .-t thr r«*si train . death »> fal Ing oui i I ilia . ihro i- demwliabed tide sad araa :.'k. i 11 -a ¦. I loepilSl BUffei m»: ft "lu u parativetj i Igh i urtea He..rn ii Mann d t"t the oliialon. nak dei lared under «t n on a ch;n of been* kk and i guard srai pla at his beda b. The -i the tralm ¦.- laed . mendoua . \ itemeni smong Ihi ;> gera bul a dlcaatroiia panii a e i ted b I.i ii guai and "f . -.! thi men tnd . onv the raina w ih.s» ni r\ .¦- did not :i ara) immediately. Tin» uuri si "i Ihe tisin shi ad a the tir«t .-.n ..i tin second train a hi rammed n v.«i. lifted from their true bj the Imps« an ! protruded -.¦ ei i«. t i>e> ond Ihe elei a led -tie tur«*, Il tb< | e i re about lo fall :>¦ the tret A abort ein uil In the demolish« .i hi <>r i he motorman eel both can on Hi and they were burned oui Completel lea« ing the bare outside shi Ils, Prom work by the ftremea prevented apreai ing of th»' flames. Policeman a Victim. The m;.n killed was John If. OleSSO twenty-three year* old, a poUceroan the Macdougal street station, who iv- on his way t<> report for duty. He w .ittiiiR directly behind ihe asatormau i.fix, and e\er> Indication pointed thi he hoi been burned to death after t' felllt.K OOf "f 111' ai had Mi.nil» inn.. Jamming his bod) und» r th" ¦.<<. m tie motorman'a boa Tie bod) was >...;- burned tlui an Idenl Ife stion s ouW ha \ .. bei n III (h uit had ii not been f"t hia revolvei which was found near hia body. Th pistol bon- the number V.rjb, corre apondlng t<» hia abield number, it .».- at tirst reported thai a woman 'i.j been burni d to death. Although the numhei ui alightl) la CZAR'S GIFT OF CORN Montenegrins Receive 2,000, 000 Kilograms from Emperor. .'.tilni'-. Ian. "J."». Tli^ Russian Km perot his presented £000,000 kUogrami of corn to the Montenegrin people, Th« orn was broughi i" AntI vari by steam- ¦t. it will k<< far to relieve the distres* caused by the arar "HUMAN BOMB" CONVICTED Jokes Witnesses Who Appeared Against Him. Loa Angeles, .lan. ._'.'. Carl Riedel« bach, ih<- human bomb" who rsnsed terror in the .-entrai police station gsv« ».rai months ago. when he entered it carrying an infernar machine and an- iioiiia 'I thai he iiit»-nii. <i in bKi. everything t" "kingdom come," was eouvlcted ti.-i'a: bj ¦ |urj pn the charge ».:' hsvlng deposited dynamite in ;m inhabited place. The conviction ended Riedetbach'a second trial, the Hist having resulted In a disagreement. Rtalelbach during the trial joked policemen and detectives who testified against Kim. -..-. .a ATLANTIC COAST LINE. THE STAND¬ ARO R. R. OF THE SOUTH. Train« Dally t" Florida, Cuba «oath. .:!* A, M U-.TA noun, .1.31, 9:3fi I'. 51. 1311 rVway. Advl. Crash, Arrested Al He Was to Blame Accident. Juie,| ¦.. ,, D ;,,||, . ., ,,, . .J, quin «I ireatm< ni on '¦'¦¦ «pot and r< ported to Um poll« .. Amb ila Muni Belie-, ue and other hospital! v»n the * ene a fee minutea aft« 1'---.iiii occurred ii- ured Tar.«.! «o gellevue. Tl l: '¦¦ .. le HC> He pilal an IIBARN MR'IIAEU .la* ' fc'o i..-: i:., i ¦¦.'¦'. iilon« u( ii»-«i »m:.- H s »Mi î.i. .¦¦ i) ma reen ".mi. ol Mo ISM I* uihlngl ¦ . l.i:\i\i KiatON ¦....: ... ... Thi iii ircd. a bo a ei .. sttended h-. Cahll. End« and Willis, of i',< lh \ u- ambulance sei > e sad a home, were: i:i.;.' ".v.- !<... ... aai .! >.' e.i i: i.ii-i aero« .. rraetun d toe u mol lier. .i m." i. Mrs. Ri \o - \ .i. iva m,-. «hocl KIUMI ..' Ko. » ;,i Batt i. i .,,¦..- I v. ^u Kalrn i- ... r B -i!i> ound. ri: rs ¦.' \\ . of M PoN tl.l' i;.i -... a. prison kooper, le. ai .. .-1 i:.,s. .. it root; lac arm lou "..X. 1:1.11.1 V .'Oiin iwonty-feui ¦. ira old, .; « Railroad avoaui Bri lorl la« erstl m l< fi eya \i'\\ Evelyn iwonty-flv« rosra i ..f !<... h lit« r.irk. N. .i «So. irT U.UOItTII. Alliorl. of XO, 13 <' PI.. Brookl) n- eatasMMu "f i<"« HI.OBODY, Un H thirty-two v<-,,r.^ < «f No IM Wool t«t straot, Usual Vom * tustsnn lallor; costsstons ot right I BTROM r-'ianv israntr-esvos roan oía. Ko. «m vif ut svoees. B.W^n. SB (tinr«>r. larorstlona loft sjrs ami ion mont of fooi. Second Tram Suceded. The otll ik>n o rred at 3:21 o'clo ¡n the Bften.n on a straight tra< and on a pcrfectlj clear day. A Bou Ferrj nain, composed of Bv< iai bad left theSMlh atreel station. i>ut wi Ragged at about ífcíd atreel b) worl men, who were removipg old ties ai pniiing new ones under the rails Tl train BtOpped. a » ii' iiaii train of se..--i ara, fu loa lag tins n i": ely, pulled out ( on11mini <>n «tesad seSB>< lourlli column. ARMY SWORD NAPOLEON« General Wood and Board Selec Standard for All Arms. Washington, Jon. -.". Major Genera T oonsrd W.i chief of itsff, and board of omeera have selected a net sword, to he a Btsndsrd for all arm- 0 Um service, it la designed both i'" cutting and thrusting and is simile to that used bj Napoleon's culrassieri The |.lade is tl)irt>-live and iinhes long, is atraiga! and narrowe ¡han the prest ni ur> ed ssbre, . i i TOWN AIMS TO BE CATLESS Policemen with Rifles War or Smallpox Carriers. Berkeley, CaL, Jen. -"».-War to the death on sil cata area declared here to da\ hj Um Police Department in th«* interest Of public health. A theory that «aïs ai»- responsible for Bpreading smaUpOX caused the CSJBpSjgn against them. The order has gone ma that if it is posaliilii to rid a town of eats Berkeley shall he the first csUesa tow n in tin ovate). Extermination began to-day, and po¬ licemen armed With small riflea shot cata on Hinhi. without regard tO pedi¬ gree or ownership. BABY BY PARCEL POST " Package " Weighing 103; Pounds Sent to Grandmother. Batavia, Ohio. Jan. -..¦ Vernon ¦>. Lytle i> tie- ;.- -t irai mail errlej to ..-. |.i and 'i-ir. a ..a.., b) pan post The hild, weighing t<» , pounds J 'v; within the ll-pound weight limit s the sen of Mr. aie! Mi-. Jesse Beagle, of ci. n Bete. Tie- pa< liegt was well v. rapi d and read) :'"i "mailing" when th.- hi 1er r- si'',| It lo-day It? meaaurementa "»ached 71 m.-h»-<. ¿ii^o .jest within the i-Nln 'i limit ol the law. Mi. LytU delivered the "parcel"safe- .\ in the addresa on the card attached, that of us grandmother, Mrs. Louts Beagle, who ii\»-~ about a roils away. Th.- postage was 15 mis an.1 the "par« eel" wa insured foi *..'.. STITCH INJURED PUPIL OF EYE TO RESTORE SIGHT Rare Operation at Flower Hos¬ pital After Piece of Glass Enters Delicate Organ. Two stit. bes a re taken In the pupil of .. muís eye ai Plow« r Hospital on Thursday, end it is aaid the patient will recover the use of hia -isht The operation la said to be an unusual one. a piece of glass penetrating the pupil had made a gash, permitting some of the fluid in the crystalline lens to os- cape. The man who wns operated On was John Williams, an employe of the Dia¬ mond Soda Water Manufacturing; Com¬ pany. No 80S Ka-st 4'W1 street. A friend brought him Into the hospital, MiffVring Intense pain. While he had been lilling aeltser bottles one burst Into fragments. A small aHrer of ¦hoi itit.i wiiham s eye, and be stag« .;¦ red back sad clapped Ins hands to hia face* a workman managed to get th.- piece of glass oui of the eyeball. At ihe hospital he «rea rushed to the opersl Ing room and pul under an an« BBsthetk*. Dr. Joseph H. Ball, atere- tar) "i the Homasopathk' College and e member of the Flower Hospital** staff, performed the operation, lifting the eye from the pocket end taking the atienes. w illiams win be kept la bandages for s»'in.- time, ami after that . |g| |,;no ¡, long stay m a dark room, bul it is said that eventually h<- will be able tt> sec perfet'tl) ones more. It Ball said last night thai th.- op¬ érât ion had been done before, pul was rare. He said he took two etliches in the eyeball ami four in the eyelid, .which was ais., pierced by the piece of glass. -.- MORE TROUBLE FOR POLICE Curran Now Asked to Probe Their Cost, of Living. a policeman receives from el,40U to ¡$3,500 a year, aoeording to his rank. Boms people think this is not enough to keep the wolf from the door and that the policeman accepts grail to ¡keep but wife and children from atarv« ing. Whether thii be true or not, the sldarmanic investigating committee hi been asked to Investigate tin- high ceel ¡Of living in lis relation b. the police¬ man, and the committee is giving oaf.« oils consideration to the request SERVANT OF LINCOLN DEAD. Lincoln, ill.. Ian -'."'. Mr-. Barba« Voenei, seventy-nine yesra old, la dead ¦sit sic- caaie te Amartes a ion» from Cktmany when « girl, an»? ber first sm- ploymenl was in« the home of shrausBm |ji).«.ln in Spiiiigti'ld. 111. REGAN'S PRIVATE POLICE ARRESTED Waldo Rounds Up Twenty Uni¬ formed Guards at Hotel Knickerbocker and Hales Them to Court. FROM CROKER'S BUREAU Day of Battles with Riotous Waiters.Mobs Hurl Rocks at Many Windows.Pa¬ rade in Broadway and Fifth Avenue. Following a Isrge and enthusiastic nmv"-' meeting In Cnlon Bojuare yestsr« da> evening, the striking waiters and Idtchenasen matched up Brosdws) and Fifth avenue. Btoppiag in front of big bótela and restaurant« to .«hum. jeer, wave »nils and throw Inieks and stones. Ar the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel they en« gsged in a furious battle with a hand¬ ful pola men until disperses] bj ¦ aqusd of mo in ted men, The bsttli occurred In Astor Court, at the west .-¡u« of the hotel, and «m witnessed bj hundreds of patrons si Ute hotel Just before the anaaagssseat Police Commissioner Waldo, passing the Knickerbocker Hotel in hi» automo- hiie, caused th.- arrest of ub<>ut twenty special policemen hired by .lame« B. Regan. It >>as aiiout s o'clock thii Commissioner Waldo noticed 'he usi> formed men outside the hotel. Afiei ;i personal Inspeetlon of their uniforma ami hedges lbs (.'oinm.í«ion^r ..ntii,uni .,¡1 his way, ¡fnd half an hour bttei two pair.*! wagStJ loada) of policemen drew up at the Knicker« bockei .nal announce,| that the specials vi ei under si est A crowd quit kij gathwed and hoiamr -n troublesoaae thai it had to t>e dls- persed with forei The uniforms of lile special! dossil lesembhd those of the policemen. When Regan hoard of COBsasiSSttgelB1 Waldos action he became very angrv. lli> apecial guards arere members of ex-Chief Croker*a Fire Prevention «Bw« nan. he .-aid. and h>' was the more in- dignani i>ocause laswIBclsnl pollen pro« lection made them necessary. My life sad Bay property ha\e heen thrssteasd/' be ssJ4 -The polir«» do r.-t .-eem to h> able k, guarantee AU\ protection for either. I hired these men at my own expense >.. prevent violence in the streets.*' » Kept Police on the Jump. The striking welters spent the after- noon yesterday marching up and down Broadwa; and Fifth avenue, lostlag and yelling ami occasional!) «bytng "i. ;.t ;i hut-1 or restaurant window \t 'i" Astor, McAlptn, st Regia and Plaza the strikers were so noisy that the police reserves were called to disperse them Before noon managers of th« burger hotels »ailed on Headqmrtore for extra poliee, and »'ommlssioner Waldo Immediately ordered 51» men from uptown precincts to report at the Weil '"th and 47th street stations for tnergencj «lut;. The police had their hands full when the '¦'¦. striken Mimed in line, after an enthusiastic mass meeting tn T'nlon Square, and manned up Broadway and Fifth avenas. At several arson streets BQUSda of potlee attempted to stem their progress, but the strikers pushed them salda and continued their march» There was no violence, but the strikers} vigorously defended their right te march. After Mtss Ellr.abetli Gurley Flynn, Maurice Humas and Pntrtck Qulnlsn spoke from the cottage at the north end of Union Suuare. the striker* showed so much enthusiasm, shouting and cbeeüng. that n SOjUad of BOtteSSesa raced across the park to stop It. When they appeared Miss Flynn told the strikers they would loose ground if they resisted. BO after cheering Miss Flynn they obeyed the police and dis¬ persed Ottly to reassemble soon atter to listen to Patrick Flynn. one of the tn- nuentlal industrial Workers sf th* World leaders, who said in part: .If the Dtstrii t Attorney was not a jellyfish and the Police Commissioner «lid not bave spaghetti for a Iwckbone, are would aeres no trouble with polte*, or coarta Fiom them yon will never receive justice unless you fleht for ft. But leiflembsr M von have to go back to yos» Jobs, you must play the gam» ..f sabotage That's the only way to win." Then the crowd broke up and started on their naarea. Thoj very neariv filled two Mocha in Broadway. As the wait¬ er«, all cheering, waving their hats and ¡shouting lustily, passed 17th street, a squad of policemen followed at their heels. At the Hotel Breslin and Shan- leys restaurant the mob stopped for a moment to Shout at those, who were at work within to "join us and the union" and to anathematize "the cap¬ italistic bosses:" Defers the echo sf thátr rotosa had died away tbe police were upon them ...di ring them to stop their noise or i>.- srrested for disorderh, conduct. Tie waiters look the advice*temporarily,ai least Battle of the Waldorf Fought. When the mob reached the Hoffbrau Honee it slopped tor more shouts and catcalls, and one of the sraaj burled a roch through one of the large front windows TüínIHK ee»1 hi SSd «treet tar as th. Hoffman House, th..y Stopped, and In spite Of the BOttOI scut a shower oi ¡»tones through th«

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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1913-01-26.€¦ · Isa Dutlet to stand. 7 Parker Heads State Par. 7 Dlseusa Fire Insurance Part roano» Opposition to Bnver Bey. 3 British Suffrage

ßto-lirtli atribtmeCopyright. Ulli by Tb« Tribune A.a« «Mo«.'_

V°rlAX1l V 21.178. ~r^ls^.^s^S£^' NEW-YORK. SUNDAY, JANUARY 28, 19J3..FIVE 1».\HTS-SIXTY-F()UR PAGES, ' l'IWK MVE <jgjNTB.

Must Give Bonds or Go to Lud-low Street Jail Until He Re¬pays $23,476 Monument

Fund Shortage.


Sheriff Harburger Gets Orderof Arrest, but Postpones Ser¬vice Until To-morrow toGive Warrior Time toFind a Bondsman.

fllteM General Daniel E Sicklesgives a r^nd for ttt.tM it is not atall unlikely that lio will have tn ¡,,¦-

lompnny his pood friend Sheriff JuliusHarburger to Ludlow street 1«fi to¬morrow, there to remain indeflnitelv as

¦SfSrlty for the payment of th^ I2S.OA0or more which he still owes the New-York Sfonuaeenta Commission Frank¬lin Kennedy, ¦ deputy attorney general,arrived In this He yesterday after»aoQn wltb h warrant foi the .irj.-d¦oldter'a arrest obtained bj Attorneyíjereral CarUMdy from Justice Rudd inthe Rupreme court, Albany.The action against the general ia a

err!] mit brought by the state m re¬cover money which he as chairmen, issaid to bave appropriated from thefunda of the Monument Commissionfor his own personal use. With theorder of arrest was a summons andrompkUnt Sheriff Harhurçer receivedboth documenta in pers>.n from Mr

Kennedy, whom he m^t at the HotelBelmont when the latter landed hereat 1:39 o'clock yesterday afternoon.The Sheriff did not by any means

rehab the task before him Mr. Ken¬nedy expected him to proceed ai onceuith the papers to General Btcklos'ahome. No. I| Fifth avenue. The Sheriff

apparently thought at rirst he wouldhave to do this, too. but after con¬

ference with his clerk. Wolf, who methim at the hotel, he decided thai theHrgt thim; to do would be i" consult»i« counsel with regard t-> hla Juris¬diction and duties In the matt« i beforetaking the first step

Negro Cerberu« Guards General.Just what the Sheriff's reception will

he at the home of his old friend whenbe finally calls there with the order ofarrest is a matter of lively conjecture.The old negro servant who guards thefront dour at No. 28 Fifth avenue hadstrict orders reaterdaj to let no one

enter. Even Stanton Sickles, the gen¬eral's son, who' lives with his motherIn the Hotel Albert. No. "."> UniversityPince, h block or two away, had greatdifficulty in persuading the negro thathe came as a friend to the old man ;n

his hour of need. île was finally ad¬mitted, but no »mount of persuasioncould induce the faithful servitor to letanybody else enter, nor would he take ¦

message to his master

¦"Put," said one caller. "I have im¬portant news for the seneral He'sgoing to be arrested."

"I don't care if he's goin 1 he shot.No one ain't gpin' to .speak with him,"was the response.Inquiry at the Hotel Albert for Mrs.

Sickles elicited the information tha»she and Stanton had left fwn to avoidthe notoriety incidental to the old gen-eral'j diiemma.The Sheriff said frankly that he

would not batter down the general'sdoor if admittance were refused himto-morrow. He hopes that the generalwill have been able to get a bondsmanby tliHt time, and that it wont benecessary to conduct him to Ludlow"treet Jail. Such would have been theSheriff's duty in all probability had

(»ntlnued no third page, third rnlnm».

This Morning's Newslocal. Page

Fatal Collision on Derated.iRubs Amuck In Grand <'cut ral. iGdmblinu Gibraltar Surrenders. 1Walter« Have Pay of Patties. 1War-ant ISSUad for OsnSIUl Sickles.. 1Subway Rklea Clearing. 2if"> Honor Moss at I>inn»-r. 2'"tirran to Probe Metertlve Purcau. 3"Wild West" Show in Saloons .. . .., 4KJoping Brida «"an't Go Shopping.... 4laaetOf Watçner Outlines Report. 5irreal Man for Scratching. 6Hank President Pound Guilty.14Mffb HridRn Pnrik Will Sue.18Wilson Visita mía inland. is

OEITE»ALLai n Musi Pet church Alone. 3Ne« Rnajlaad Governors Plan P. P

lontrol . sRe Política In Guard. Says RulaOT 6RsdBeM in Predican)» nt. 7Isa Dutlet to stand. 7Parker Heads State Par. 7Dlseusa Fire Insurance Part

roano»Opposition to Bnver Bey. 3British Suffrage Retese* -Part 4. .2

RTsshlnatoa Letter for Hsla -l'art 4.. 3hi the London Theatres Part 4 2Amaricen in London.Part 4.2Alfonso Surprise* Spain Part 4. 2Germans l>ai Calamity Part4. 2Meterboata for War Part 4. 2Two Nee Playa in Paris.Fart 4.. .3A- »it»- Reottlsb Rsvert] Part 4.3R'ilaon Waned In Parla Parte.. 3Caer Victim of Worrj Part 4. 3

MISCELLANEOUS.Pditorial. .Kot Wy . S and 9Mush: . tObituary . 9aborts. 10, 11, 12 and 13x'"i'. and Navy.14breather . 14

Shipping.14' leeaetel and Markets«

I'.irt 4 .4, 1 and SHtal Estate- Part 4... 7. S sud a

CRAZED BY FATALHURI, RUNS AMIHis Skull Fractured by Stea:Roller, Louis S. Miller At¬tacks Passengers in Grand

Central Terminal.


Maniac Now Dying in BellevuiAfter Escape from HudsonStreet Hospital and Battle

with Half DozenPolicemen.

While hundred! of i» rsona nil« d illgreat waiting room <>; the Grand Ceiirai Terminal last nlghl u man. wlk«yed ami with hair dishevelled, «lash.into the room and aimed a terrific buyat a mar Hitting on a neat. The biolamí..I between the victim'* e.vea anaen| htm bowling to the. Boor. Thmadman, fed aw h he was then r.i

wild through Hi»' «raiting i.n su-ikme and kicking ai m< n and wom< n

ii «rai :u>i until m \ eral uati olmefrom the Bast 35tl atreet atatIon hadhand-to-hand fi^iit with the inaaaman that he n'as tied In .< atraltjackian«! taken t«> Bellevue Hospital

in a coherent moment ihe man sai

he «raa Louie 8, Miller, an employe I:ihe quartermaster*a olH< on Governor*Island Miller, »ho la about .". feel 1Inches in hi im>i and areigha aliout Ispounds, raid lie was former)) a prisefighter.The police latei confirmed siatc

ment mad« bj Millet ha) ..i 1er iithe da; hi had been run over bysi. ..m roller in Ele* nth a nue .m

had i»*', n taken to the, Hudson (¿treeHospital fot ti<.<.'.men< foi a .ra< ire<skull.

Escaped from Hospital.didn't like the treatment there,

Millet said, and mad'- Up mj mindwould get out. When ill.I'll1 »«,

not looking i Jumped from Ihe cot

pulled "ii my clothes and teat It."After leaving the hospital «mi Hudsoi

street Miller wandered about until hireached Ihe «¡rand Central about Io'< 'o. k. The sight of Hi»- «raiting bun

dreda there seamed to Ml Mlller*a brailsflre Swinging iit-~ powerful arms ilk«Hails, the former prisengbter began t<

strike heavy blowa al thorn arouw

him. Women ran screaming 10 Hi»shelter of the restaurant adjoining tin

waiting room, und maaj of them faint-?«1 ,u sitfh' of the wildly staring SMIand general Insane appearance «»i

Miller.Several men in the waiting room at-

tempted t.. restrain th»- man. bul h«three them oil as though they wer«

children. Miller appeared i" be poo*sensed of the strength <>t half ¦< dosenordinär) men, and ever) time his flsi

landed on a person, the victim «ranirushing to tli>- ground.In a few seconds the waiting room

uns cleared of almost every person whehad been sitting there a few mlnuteibefoi»-. waiting f"i outgoing traînaThose "!,., did n<.t have time to makitheir escape from the room hid behind.tb< lows ol aeal "i Jumped int.. tele¬phone booths. Everj time ti¡.-- reñíured t.. aho* theii heads ahovi th«back ..i a seat. Miller would 111 í l^ . ¡>

rush for them, cursing and laughingIlka a maniac.

Maniac Likely to Die-

Patrolman Gallagher was outside tili¬

nta tion when he saw men and women

eome running oui of the «raiting room

The hysterical cries Of the women and

ehildren and the shouts of those menwho were being belabored by the in¬

sane man ¡nsld<- the "-talion causedGallagher to realise something was

wrongHe ran m .ml grappled with Miller.

who closed with him shouting nildliThe patrolman and Miller were soon

rolling owi and over OH the fl'«"r. themadman biting. Ui- kincr and scratch'¡ng. When four or live other patrol«men arrived and t«>"k a hand in thebattle, assisted by some of the passen«géra, who had by thia time got theirIcourage bark. Miller, frothing at themouth, was placed in a straltjarket.At BelleVUe Hospital it Was said

early this morning that Miller had a

compound fracture of the ahull and

WOUM probably die "f his injuries.¦.a

LET MOTHER-IN-LAW VOTEBallot Would Stop Her Med¬

dling, Says Mrs. Elliott.if:-. TeMsarapii ta Th« Tribual'

St. Paul, Jan. 25." Woman suffragea- a solution for tin mol la r-ln-la \v

problem \*as advanced bj Mrs. MaudHowe BUiOtt, who is in St Paul at-

tendlng the foogresslve part) con«ference."Should a'omen left ¡- tin- marriage

of tbelr tons and daughters without

any outlet for that aplaudid energy andd< sire to mother something, instand ofinsisting upon interfering with theirdaughters snd their sons-in-law ex¬

pend their energ) ¡" public work therewould be few' dlVCTCM with too muchmoth'T-in-law as the basil ami few i

oung married couples whom homesare wrecked by mterference," she saya'"Mere is where auftrage comes to therescue."


RUMANIA WILL NOT MOBILIZE.Boehsrest, Jsn, I -Remania hai

<i«'.-.i i.<>t m mobilise liei army, a Çabi«-net council, ai «huh Klag Charles lad.tie- iïov.n l'une»- were present, reachedthis decision to-flHV during a dtSCUSStoS

'of the bulgarian negotiations.



he front car of the second train ran into and parti) telescoped the lasl car "Í the first irain: both cars jumped the rails and tot*

petiloush "it tin- edge of the structure. Some passengers were taken From the "I." structure lo the street on t lu- ladder showntered iin the photograph

Preeldent T P. Hbonta and GeneralManager Krank Medley .<t scene >>'

W I eck


Stuyvesant Square FortressChance Falls Before the

Blows of Raiders.


Garrison Hoists White FlWhen Door3 of Placo It Cos

$50,000 to Fortify AreAlmost Battered in

Th. i ilbrsltsi mi nu gin Men 1 <>riv wsa stormed b; the polInst niiî'it and it- garrison .>( ivn <

Acer« and fifty-nine privstes captunit i sa \l" l.' rj "place ' SoBtuyvesanl Square a three »toi brlhow -. s hl< i'¦'¦. polk'« ' II

i..-\ is. i- wt it:'I he .i entrant ¦ as i iard< il

Ihr« d< oi each oi mild . ah UnInches thick and backed bj bollplate \i ordlng to 11»«* polio ea<

door ha .i lookout, and everj potri.-. iiimi/.i d three IImei txat ndn IttedInspector Mi ¦¦. ."i>l I feptaii Rol

of ih< 5th itrcel -, oil .¦ v tin ion, » .¦

;i¡>! l«j !.¦ nl ;i sqUad "I t Wcnly |K>H<men Into Ihe place onlj becausetraitoi had betra ed a "subterri . ai

entrance The house had been watch*since Friday, when the Inspectoi ii;

obtslned ;. warrant from MasiatraBarlow, The police im<i received m

merona complaints, but not untilS'seh ago had the) been sble to get ti

evidence on arhi< h to iwesr oui ¦ wai

rantAfter lesrnlng Ihsl Uiere was

Bscrel entrance or "gotawsy" fromcigar store In Third avenue, tii>- ir

apector, the captain and the dm

lamp« d Into a patrol wagon and wer¡

in the place A man s/sa detailed l

every nook and corner about the bout¦/here there would be ¦ passible chancin sei out, and 1i"- lnspe< tor and tii

captain then had their force attach th

"fortress*' with axes Tbej found evethe secret pssssgs defended bj a dooiand for more than sn hum the polkkept on poundlni away. Then one o

the lookouts, apparentlj realising thaall tii-- exita «rere guarded, BnaJI:opened the <!. »«>r. in tin plsoi wee

slaty-one men, After theii names an«

address'- been taken the pottolet them all go, with the exception o

Levy, who said be lived al Mo. 18 Ttistresl H< waa locked up m the ">ustreet police station, on a charge olkeeping end malntslning ;i publhnuisaii' c.

The Inspector .ni<¡ Ule captain mad«.i careful Inspection of tin place. .\i

the r.ishi'T's window.the) found ¦

wooden platform about six Inches high,In ripping II ipart thej discovered a

trapdoor, and on opening ii hsd a nar¬

ros escape from falling down into u

small r<".,n OS the HOOT !>"li."

The police were ahnosl dumfoundederben the«, sot down into lh< emailroom. Rxpensive gambling parapher*nalla, Including aeveral aeta of Ivorydice, area found there. It required two

tri|s »f the patrol wagon to remove

ili. equll ment from tin- 11.i

just how long the bouse ul beenrunning the Inspector said he iü<l n«.t

know. He added h>' wsa equally at i

lost t" knos wbethet it had been openwhen every other place in the cityluring the height of tin» excitementiiver the Rosenthal murder waa sup-npscd to hsve ben shut tight,

¦ ¦ ¦ -

AIK EN.AUGUSTA.FLORIDASouthern Railway*» Bout"restera («United'. i « Nui v.iiK daily ISrSSJ p, rr». Draw-Ins;, gtateroom. Sleeping ancl Dining »'ais.N. Y Ofllce, Ml Filth Ave., cor Stta it..Adrt

Motorman, InjuredSchoolboy Dcclar«

íor h at;-. .1 .m.i n..-

engi'i .. i., lerda) >i

real . i"¡ ollision of trains onThud a\ . n-i- .-l»-\ it- m bel ¦

.".:;.i ..i,.i :;'_.i trei la Me I.i Heamotorman .-t thr r«*si train .

death »> fal Ing oui i I ilia . ihroi- demwliabed tide sad araa :.'k. i

11 -a ¦. I loepilSl BUffei m»: ft "lu u

parativetj i Igh i urteaHe..rn ii Mann d t"t the oliialon.

nak dei lared under «t n on a ch;n

of been* kk and i guard srai plaat his beda b.The -i the tralm ¦.- laed .

mendoua . \ itemeni smong Ihi ;>

gera bul a dlcaatroiia panii a

e i ted b I.i ii guaiand "f . -.! thi men tnd . onv

the raina w ih.s» ni r\ .¦- did not :i

ara) immediately.Tin» uuri si "i Ihe tisin shi ad a

the tir«t .-.n ..i tin second train a hirammed n v.«i. lifted from their true

bj the Imps« an ! protruded -.¦ ei

i«. t i>e> ond Ihe elei a led -tie tur«*,

Il tb< | e i re about lo fall :>¦ the tretA abort ein uil In the demolish« .i hi

<>r i he motorman eel both can on Hiand they were burned oui Completellea« ing the bare outside shi Ils, Promwork by the ftremea prevented apreaiing of th»' flames.

Policeman a Victim.

The m;.n killed was John If. OleSSOtwenty-three year* old, a poUceroanthe Macdougal street station, who iv-

on his way t<> report for duty. He w

.ittiiiR directly behind ihe asatormaui.fix, and e\er> Indication pointed thihe hoi been burned to death after t'felllt.K OOf "f 111' ai had Mi.nil»

inn.. Jamming his bod) und» r th" ¦.<<.

m tie motorman'a boaTie bod) was >...;- burned tlui

an Idenl Ife stion s ouW ha \ .. bei n III(h uit had ii not been f"t hia revolveiwhich was found near hia body. Thpistol bon- the number V.rjb, corre

apondlng t<» hia abield number, it .».-

at tirst reported thai a woman 'i.j

been burni d to death.Although the numhei ui alightl) la

CZAR'S GIFT OF CORNMontenegrins Receive 2,000,000 Kilograms from Emperor..'.tilni'-. Ian. "J."». Tli^ Russian Km

perot his presented £000,000 kUogramiof corn to the Montenegrin people, Th«orn was broughi i" AntIvari by steam-

¦t. it will k<< far to relieve the distres*caused by the arar

"HUMAN BOMB" CONVICTEDJokes Witnesses Who Appeared

Against Him.Loa Angeles, .lan. ._'.'. Carl Riedel«

bach, ih<- human bomb" who rsnsedterror in the .-entrai police station gsv«».rai months ago. when he entered it

carrying an infernar machine and an-

iioiiia 'I thai he iiit»-nii. <i in bKi.

everything t" "kingdom come," waseouvlcted ti.-i'a: bj ¦ |urj pn thecharge ».:' hsvlng deposited dynamitein ;m inhabited place.The conviction ended Riedetbach'a

second trial, the Hist having resultedIn a disagreement. Rtalelbach during

the trial joked policemen and detectiveswho testified against Kim.

-..-. .aATLANTIC COAST LINE. THE STAND¬ARO R. R. OF THE SOUTH. Train«Dally t" Florida, Cuba «oath. .:!* A, MU-.TA noun, .1.31, 9:3fi I'. 51. 1311 rVway.Advl.

Crash, Arrested AlHe Was to BlameAccident.Juie,| ¦.. ,, D ;,,||, . ., ,,, . .J,quin «I ireatm< ni on '¦'¦¦ «pot andr< ported to Um poll« .. Amb ilaMuni Belie-, ue and other hospital!v»n the * ene a fee minutea aft«

1'---.iiii occurredii- ured Tar.«.! «o gellevue.

Tl l: '¦¦ .. le HC> He

pilal \« anIIBARN MR'IIAEU .la*

' fc'o i..-: i:., i .¦

¦¦.'¦'. iilon« u( ii»-«i

»m:.- H s »Mi î.i. .¦¦ i) ma reen".mi. ol Mo ISM I* uihlngl ¦ .

l.i:\i\i KiatON ¦....: ...


Thi iii ircd. a bo a ei .. sttendedh-. Cahll. End« and Willis, ofi',< lh \ u- ambulance sei > I« e sad a

home, were:

i:i.;.' ".v.- !<... ... aai .¦ .! >.'

e.i i: i.ii-i aero« .. rraetun d toe mol lier.

.i m." i. Mrs. Ri\o - \ .i. iva m,-. «hocl

KIUMI ..' Ko. » ;,i Batt i.i .,,¦..-

I v. ^u Kalrni- ... r B -i!i> ound.

ri: rs ¦.'

\\ .

ofM PoN tl.l' i;.i -... a. prison kooper, le.

ai .. .-1 i:.,s. .. it root; lac arm lou"..X.

1:1.11.1 V .'Oiin iwonty-feui ¦. ira old,.; « Railroad avoaui Bri

lorl la« erstl m l< fi eya\i'\\ Evelyn iwonty-flv« rosra i

..f !<... h lit« r.irk. N. .i «So.irT U.UOItTII. Alliorl. of XO, 13 <'

PI.. .¦ Brookl) n- eatasMMu "f i<"«HI.OBODY, Un H thirty-two v<-,,r.^ <

«f No IM Wool t«t straot, Usual Vom* tustsnn lallor; costsstons ot right I

BTROM r-'ianv israntr-esvos roan oía.Ko. «m vif ut svoees. B.W^n. SB

(tinr«>r. larorstlona loft sjrs ami ion

mont of fooi.

Second Tram Suceded.

The otll ik>n o rred at 3:21 o'clo¡n the Bften.n on a straight tra<

and on a pcrfectlj clear day. A Bou

Ferrj nain, composed of Bv< iai

bad left theSMlh atreel station. i>ut wi

Ragged at about ífcíd atreel b) worl

men, who were removipg old ties ai

pniiing new ones under the rails Tltrain BtOpped.a » ii' iiaii train of se..--i ara, fu

loa lag tins n i": ely, pulled out

( on11mini <>n «tesad seSB>< lourlli column.

ARMY SWORD NAPOLEON«General Wood and Board Selec

Standard for All Arms.Washington, Jon. -.". Major Genera

T oonsrd W.i chief of itsff, andboard of omeera have selected a net

sword, to he a Btsndsrd for all arm- 0

Um service, it la designed both i'"

cutting and thrusting and is simileto that used bj Napoleon's culrassieriThe |.lade is tl)irt>-live and

iinhes long, is atraiga! and narrowe

¡han the prest ni ur> ed ssbre,. i i

TOWN AIMS TO BE CATLESSPolicemen with Rifles War or

Smallpox Carriers.Berkeley, CaL, Jen. -"».-War to the

death on sil cata area declared here to

da\ hj Um Police Department in th«*

interest Of public health. A theorythat «aïs ai»- responsible for BpreadingsmaUpOX caused the CSJBpSjgn againstthem.The order has gone ma that if it is

posaliilii to rid a town of eats Berkeleyshall he the first csUesa tow n in tin

ovate).Extermination began to-day, and po¬

licemen armed With small riflea shot

cata on Hinhi. without regard tO pedi¬gree or ownership.

BABY BY PARCEL POST" Package " Weighing 103;Pounds Sent to Grandmother.Batavia, Ohio. Jan. -..¦ Vernon ¦>.

Lytle i> tie- ;.- -t irai mail errlej to..-. |.i and 'i-ir. a ..a.., b) panpostThe hild, weighing t<» , pounds J 'v;

within the ll-pound weight limit s

the sen of Mr. aie! Mi-. Jesse Beagle,of ci. n Bete. Tie- pa< liegt was wellv. rapi d and read) :'"i "mailing" whenth.- hi 1er r- si'',| It lo-day It?

meaaurementa "»ached 71 m.-h»-<. ¿ii^o

.jest within the i-Nln 'i limit ol the

law.Mi. LytU delivered the "parcel"safe-

.\ in the addresa on the card attached,that of us grandmother, Mrs. LoutsBeagle, who ii\»-~ about a roils away.Th.- postage was 15 mis an.1 the "par«eel" wa insured foi *..'..


Rare Operation at Flower Hos¬

pital After Piece of GlassEnters Delicate Organ.

Two stit. bes a re taken In the pupilof .. muís eye ai Plow« r Hospital on

Thursday, end it is aaid the patientwill recover the use of hia -isht Theoperation la said to be an unusual one.a piece of glass penetrating the pupilhad made a gash, permitting some ofthe fluid in the crystalline lens to os-

cape.The man who wns operated On was

John Williams, an employe of the Dia¬mond Soda Water Manufacturing; Com¬pany. No 80S Ka-st 4'W1 street. Afriend brought him Into the hospital,MiffVring Intense pain. While he hadbeen lilling aeltser bottles one burstInto fragments. A small aHrer of¦hoi itit.i wiiham s eye, and be stag«.;¦ red back sad clapped Ins hands tohia face* a workman managed to getth.- piece of glass oui of the eyeball.At ihe hospital he «rea rushed to the

opersl Ing room and pul under an an«BBsthetk*. Dr. Joseph H. Ball, atere-tar) "i the Homasopathk' College ande member of the Flower Hospital**staff, performed the operation, liftingthe eye from the pocket end taking theatienes.w illiams win be kept la bandages for

s»'in.- time, ami after that . |g| |,;no ¡,

long stay m a dark room, bul it is saidthat eventually h<- will be able tt> sec

perfet'tl) ones more.It Ball said last night thai th.- op¬

érât ion had been done before, pul was

rare. He said he took two etliches inthe eyeball ami four in the eyelid,.which was ais., pierced by the piece ofglass.-.-

MORE TROUBLE FOR POLICECurran Now Asked to Probe

Their Cost, of Living.a policeman receives from el,40U to

¡$3,500 a year, aoeording to his rank.Boms people think this is not enoughto keep the wolf from the door andthat the policeman accepts grail to

¡keep but wife and children from atarv«ing. Whether thii be true or not, thesldarmanic investigating committee hibeen asked to Investigate tin- high ceel

¡Of living in lis relation b. the police¬man, and the committee is giving oaf.«oils consideration to the request

SERVANT OF LINCOLN DEAD.Lincoln, ill.. Ian -'."'. Mr-. Barba«

Voenei, seventy-nine yesra old, la dead¦sit sic- caaie te Amartes a ion» fromCktmany when « girl, an»? ber first sm-

ploymenl was in« the home of shrausBm|ji).«.ln in Spiiiigti'ld. 111.


Waldo Rounds Up Twenty Uni¬formed Guards at HotelKnickerbocker and Hales

Them to Court.


Day of Battles with RiotousWaiters.Mobs Hurl Rocks

at Many Windows.Pa¬rade in Broadway and

Fifth Avenue.

Following a Isrge and enthusiasticnmv"-' meeting In Cnlon Bojuare yestsr«da> evening, the striking waiters and

Idtchenasen matched up Brosdws) and

Fifth avenue. Btoppiag in front of bigbótela and restaurant« to .«hum. jeer,wave »nils and throw Inieks and stones.

Ar the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel they en«gsged in a furious battle with a hand¬ful o¡ pola men until disperses] bj ¦

aqusd of mo inted men,The bsttli occurred In Astor Court, at

the west .-¡u« of the hotel, and «m

witnessed bj hundreds of patrons siUte hotelJust before the anaaagssseat Police

Commissioner Waldo, passing theKnickerbocker Hotel in hi» automo-

hiie, caused th.- arrest of ub<>ut twentyspecial policemen hired by .lame« B.Regan. It >>as aiiout s o'clock thiiCommissioner Waldo noticed 'he usi>formed men outside the hotel.Afiei ;i personal Inspeetlon of their

uniforma ami hedges lbs (.'oinm.í«ion^r..ntii,uni .,¡1 his way, ¡fnd half an

hour bttei two pair.*! wagStJ loada) ofpolicemen drew up at the Knicker«bockei .nal announce,| that the specialsvi ei under si estA crowd quit kij gathwed and hoiamr

-n troublesoaae thai it had to t>e dls-persed with forei The uniforms oflile special! dossil lesembhd those ofthe policemen.When Regan hoard of COBsasiSSttgelB1

Waldos action he became very angrv.lli> apecial guards arere members ofex-Chief Croker*a Fire Prevention «Bw«nan. he .-aid. and h>' was the more in-dignani i>ocause laswIBclsnl pollen pro«lection made them necessary.

My life sad Bay property ha\e heenthrssteasd/' be ssJ4 -The polir«» dor.-t .-eem to h> able k, guarantee AU\

protection for either. I hired these menat my own expense >.. prevent violencein the streets.*' »

Kept Police on the Jump.The striking welters spent the after-

noon yesterday marching up and downBroadwa; and Fifth avenue, lostlagand yelling ami occasional!) «bytng

"i. ;.t ;i hut-1 or restaurant window\t 'i" Astor, McAlptn, st Regia andPlaza the strikers were so noisy that the

police reserves were called to dispersethem Before noon managers of th«burger hotels »ailed on Headqmrtorefor extra poliee, and »'ommlssionerWaldo Immediately ordered 51» men

from uptown precincts to report at theWeil '"th and 47th street stations for

tnergencj «lut;.The police had their hands full when

the '¦'¦. striken Mimed in line, afteran enthusiastic mass meeting tn T'nlon

Square, and manned up Broadway andFifth avenas. At several arson streets

BQUSda of potlee attempted to stem

their progress, but the strikers pushedthem salda and continued their march»There was no violence, but the strikers}vigorously defended their right te

march.After Mtss Ellr.abetli Gurley Flynn,

Maurice Humas and Pntrtck Qulnlsnspoke from the cottage at the north

end of Union Suuare. the striker*

showed so much enthusiasm, shoutingand cbeeüng. that n SOjUad of BOtteSSesaraced across the park to stop It. When

they appeared Miss Flynn told the

strikers they would loose ground if

they resisted. BO after cheering Miss

Flynn they obeyed the police and dis¬

persed Ottly to reassemble soon atter to

listen to Patrick Flynn. one of the tn-

nuentlal industrial Workers sf th*

World leaders, who said in part:.If the Dtstrii t Attorney was not a

jellyfish and the Police Commissioner«lid not bave spaghetti for a Iwckbone,are would aeres no trouble with polte*,or coarta Fiom them yon will never

receive justice unless you fleht for ft.But leiflembsr M von have to go back

to yos» Jobs, you must play the gam»

..f sabotage That's the only way to

win."Then the crowd broke up and started

on their naarea. Thoj very neariv filled

two Mocha in Broadway. As the wait¬er«, all cheering, waving their hats and

¡shouting lustily, passed 17th street, a

squad of policemen followed at theirheels. At the Hotel Breslin and Shan-

leys restaurant the mob stopped for

a moment to Shout at those, who were

at work within to "join us and the

union" and to anathematize "the cap¬italistic bosses:"Defers the echo sf thátr rotosa had

died away tbe police were upon them...di ring them to stop their noise or

i>.- srrested for disorderh, conduct. Tie

waiters look the advice*temporarily,aileast

Battle of the Waldorf Fought.When the mob reached the Hoffbrau

Honee it slopped tor more shouts andcatcalls, and one of the sraaj burleda roch through one of the large frontwindows TüínIHK ee»1 hi SSd «treeta« tar as th. Hoffman House, th..yStopped, and In spite Of the BOttOIscut a shower oi ¡»tones through th«