new york tribune.(new york, ny) 1888-09-12 [p 8].literary notes. t acomplete andvery handsome...

LITERARY NOTES. t A complete and very handsome edition of Whittler's works ls announced by th ,sc miler al beautiful books, Houghton, Mimin fl t'o. Three of the teven volumes will contsln Mr. Whittler's pro-e and four his poetry. Ile has carefully revised all the material Inrlud-d Bnfl las added many pleasant and valuable nut.'-, several portraits will ornatnent what pinasBae t" *)p ono °' the most desirable flssMlasMaafl of tam year. To sn Englishman who lately visited him Mr. Whittier expressed his surprise that his fir-t should hnow so much of his poetry by heart "I wander," be said, "thou shouldst buiden thy memory with all thst rhyme, lt is not well to have too much of lt ; better (ret rid of lt as soon as possible. Why. I can't remember any of lt. I once went to hear a wonderful orator, and he wound up hts speech with a p..-Meal quotation, and I clapped with all my might. Seme One touched rn* on the shoulder asa sad. *Do you know who wrote that I' I f-ald, 'No I don't; but lt'* good lt seems I hsd written lt myself. Tho fault ls, I have written far too much. I wish half of lt was In the Ked Sea" Francis TarUman has written a preface for a novelette by Mary Hartwell CathWWOOd w'lc'; I- I' appear In "The Con'ory."' The seen" of Ihe story ls laid In Canada. Mrs. Cathenvood has heretofore been known as the writer of admirable stories for young people. Viscount Cranbrook, one ot the ohlest members of the present British Cabinet, prides himself on cover having, through his long Hf.-, read a novel. Mr. Geirge w. Cable, while he no looper ha* bia early prejudice against norela, floesn'l read ninny of them. He is quoted by "Thc Chicago Tribune* ». laying that he has not read a novel tn a year, lie said of Maui Ice Toaapaoa, 1n the same Interview that he "thought him the sweetest and most sifted Of poets of the present day.'' Mr. Robert Louis Stevenson thlnlw that Georgs Meredith's "Rhoda nssslag" ls the fiinnpest thing In'.lsh letters since ShakespeSI* died; and thur "If r-hakpsjirare could have read lt he vviuld have Jumped and cried: 'Herc's a fellow:'" Miss Ka'herlne WornMlley, the translator of Bairne, Wa*, during the liv!! War, ari official cf rhe Sanitary Co'nm'ssion on the Potomac, "f her experiences si that time she has made a book v. hich Tickner will soon publish. It ls to bc called "The Other 8 le of the war." For the volume of I. W. riley's poems, which ls to be published In F.ngland, Mr. Andrew Lang has written a pleasant Introduction. Most passjla will po Straight to the dictionary when they f-ad that the Sn Deers sre shoat lo brine our Mr. Frank B. Stockton's new book, entitled ''Amos Kiihricht: His Adaettltioua Expertencca, and other S'oilcs." I ell- S-ephen, the English author snd s'.n In- law of Thackeray, ha- I'i.,hen down under ti" strain of oflttlag ala .. Dlctkmary of Motions! I logrsphy." Tie labor of editing has proved to be far heavier than he anticipated.a result which ls a matte cf course with all such winks When the t.i-k ts executed with conscience anti tact. Mr. Stephen has had to retire lo his Country louse in Cornwall and will be foi-rcd to take entire ic-'. Ile ls a tall, spare man. with haggard eyes and a told face. l.i. him ls thin, from tho lone ridge of bis nose to his stragcly red beard and tapering leg-. He wears tli.- hair long, and walks with a decided stoop. tlc ll reserved In conversation. Lu' what lie laekl In warmth and demo:strath en rsa h" makes np for by an openhanded generosity uni kindliness ol dlsposl- ' tlon which are Ihe less teal becsuse H.'-v u-e liid.lcn beneath the surfsce. Though noi especially methodical, be manages lo gel thi .;, mme work in lha .lay than most men. In religion 1.- is a ]'o«itivist, in politics a Liberal Ifs waa formerly a cleigymai. of th" Church of England. The notable voltttnci Ol vcr., now in pi "is Inrlude Mr. Bsrtnbume'i new eollectlon, Mr. Andrew "(iras*, of Paraassas," and Mr. Lelsnd's new- revised edition of hi- "Balinda of Dana Breltmann." 'lins j volume will contain a number of new Anglo Ger Baas poems. The fifth volume of "APptotoni1 Cyclopaedia of American Biography" la neaily ready for delivery. An excellent new edition In eight vidimus of G. Mitchell's works is in tl." press of ihe Scribners "The Saturday Review" lits down upon Mr. Edgar Oaltiis. lt cali- ala "Tristrem Varies' an "American shilling dreadful"; s,t) that everything striking in it ss well as thc pessimism hui the icjii-m, seem, t,, have belonged before t" some one else; and ends bj dedaring that " mach ol modern reallal art ut had, bul a mere imitation ol it i- worse." Xcid (Joblicaliona. J^ GREAT NOVEL. THE HIDDEN HAND, OK CAPITOLA THE MADCAP. By Mrs. E. D. k. N. BOUTHWORTH. NOW READT IN BOOB H.UM. Th!* nary i-uve n world-wide reputation ti thc aothi't.-ss when fl appeal New York t. sud prove I to b lhe i novi evei p Tne ; li, I dallon of *. Tl '. » Blore limn loo.i ,. al iru ii., demand for li applications v.-.. -ni In io Mi li froi ii. v book publlkhci in thc on to i.iii,.i-h ^l:. lt was publish, throe times in "The Till: BIDDEN HAND Is absolutely tbs most poon! t n. rel cur i will comprise over WK) paces, will be neatly printed and beautiful.y bonn L v.. -1 ;:, Kent by n.a;!. postsfls tree, .n receipt cf pries O. W. DILLINGHAM, Publisher, Sew-Vi JjOUGHTHX. .Mil FEIN tV (JOTS ' NI.VV lit...ks. THE GTJABDIANS. A Novel. lCrn'., tl 25. MOLLY BISHOPS FAMILY. By CATHERINE (WI \\ anti al "T p : Enouch." uni -I. bj c, An err (tj story, wit* excellent hit,-. r,u r..c teat snBthsd cf arranging tai of s I somewhat UaBltSd in Income. ROMANCES, LYRICS, ANDSONTfETS. From the 1'oetic Works ol ELIZABETH BARRETT BKOWNiNii. Uniform with Lyi and Romsacea from BTiswalag"a iv ms. lame, alli top, si oo. ..» For sale by ali Bookal Uer* Beal by man, post paid. en receipt of price by the publli HOUGHTON, MIFFEIN ,\: CO., Boston, ll EAST 17TH BT NEW-TORE. 51 RS. SOUTHWORTHS GREATEST BOOK ISHMAEL ISHMAEL. ISHMAEL. .I OONblDEB IS1IMA1 I. TO lil MY VI HY BEST HOOK.' MKS i v; sj v :> N sol.'THWORTU ISHMAEL; or, IN iii!; 1)1 PTHs Iii Mn I"- M. .*-.'Ut;iii'.rlh. il.-i I.r-'a'. N v. .--'¦.. <¦i. volume, 718 paget I luis. souniwoi.Tirs oomplkte works MKS. BOUTUWOBTH'B COMJ'LI ii WORK*! *. entlip new edition has i a forty-1 volumes, by T. B. 1'eu-rson . Bri Phils bound in morocco cloth. ... rs j stylo, with a snd srv sold by *n li" ¦-. tors everywher*, *: bri'* of »1 BO each or -ii A' vt- arc published ihls dsy. and ara for saie hy ali Dooascilcrs f-Vi M iii l-l Bl !'' tl I'll I Isl rt T. li. l'E'iEESoN .V BROTHERS, 30C CHI.S'i.M TM l-lllI.Ali.'.l.l'll! V I'S Copii-s wot | .r mall, everywhere un t* elpt I Bookseilers a- N'-wt A-.:r- suppl! :,- ates Attires* all O'd-r- f. r BbOVC :i V lb i'!,"l», lt rNITTlKG.CROCHET. TRIBUNE EXTRA NO. M. JUE LATEST NL'MUF.B Of THIS POl'UI.A". SERIES CF ILLUSTRATED MANUALS jtor HOME WORKERS. RICE 23 CENTS. AJtBMMMB THE TRIBUNE, ;, EW-VORK. _ -oi "rn V'W''* sj.|.i ,J ' '" '''lil.Aili l.l'IIIA TA. a^«**>h.-rst,1",r " ¦' ¦.¦' ¦'" " .ipi of price. **lrsst»ii (l.'ia.i*,'"'1 A""",!* suppln-d al low iktea ~"ak *'* above a', uuw lu tho rubilabcra. Nero publications. 4 RE YOU SEEKING -\ <;<>(>1) SCHOOL? ^'V it.iMi. JOURNAL, Of Wedticsdav. s..;¦.¦ it b*f 12, hm a compiehenslva iii lin. lt) SCHOOLS, Setting fonh their individual feature-, soaps cf Instruc¬ tion, locaiioii. etc.: citr or out of aram Poi Baie evi rys here. ."¦ cents. morris. PHII.L1 I'S v i". :( I'urii Place, Nea 1 ri BABYHOOD..Devoted to tha caw ol fa* flint- tf i ',,» | vi-ar. I 1' September nun,:,, r now res iv at sll newsstands. tam Gchoolo. I ' mvi :.*«iTY ol' UH'. IT* 0*> N KW YORK. IJMM.ilMi). LAU- SCH()OL JOHN it si.i, D. li l-l-I), Chancellor. HENRY M. MACCBACKEN. D.D., LLB., Vice-Chan- .- lol Thc Thirtieth Session begins Septen.ber 29. 1838, and ends June 1 |88B. .. . :- deslpned to Rive the ttudent: A tin rough preparstion fur tho exam nations required for ii Imlsalon t" Ibo liar; a. .ii kr.otviedgo of snbstsntlvs btw sad aa plesfl lng. evidence snd practice. A course .f two annual sri.slf.ns and thorough written, as well ns .ra', examinations are required tot a detre*, An allowance of noi mora thai ono yea: ia mada for pia. viona stu li elset) hi T'-. 1'roviklon hst boen raul* for s limited som! er ,f achnl. srahlp* of |100 sa n, io t.> awarded at tba ead of tho ui loi year. ' Tbs schedule cf spec'al class lectures fur lHP-P-Sf) ls is fellows WU.I.MM ALLEN ttVTLFR. T.I, T).. Admiralty and Maritime i *»¦ Jurisdiction sni Prsetleo. Ai si IN ABBOTT LLD., rreparalion for Trial, i ll s it i.i s i' M vii.! AN. i.i Li Criminal CEPHAS BKA1NEBD Esq.. International Lsw. v v k i I»!¦-1!: i. i >. Esq., Bestralnts on restamantsry A Hem MI LVILLS BOLESTON, Esq., Law of Carriers, Telo- graph un 1 Telephone, Bon MYER B ISAACS, BasmtasBsa of Titles to ru-ai Estate. For catalogues. *c applr to PROF. I. F. RUSSELL Totter lin lrtlne. 3S Psrk-roiv, New-York. P. II. JAQi'i-s Secretary of Law Faculty. Jnetrnctlon. For Boya and Young: Men.City. \-a -a.-- . messrs. wilson & kellogg's school. 022 .'.Tl! AVE (near I0th-St), Trcpiircs for ail th" leading college* and scientific schools and furnishes lo boys liol intending lo enter college a mund Englli French, Get man. Numbers limit' d. Persons! attention ,f principals to each pupIL I'liiiinrv ca-s Lara* bulldlns, ii.-Hiv equipped: In ex- celU-ut sanitary condition, (it iiitiaslum. Reopens Sept, 'il. REFEHENC1 S F. A. P. Barnaid. Pres. Columbia College; w. F. Warren, l'res. ll,,sion University; <e'n. J Brush, Db Sheffield bctentlfie School; Mrs Bylvsnus Recd; ll Knspp, M. D. fc. Ellery Anderson, esq., l»eo. Henry warien, esq., Robt E Llsingston, esq., Vf. Rhlneisnder Stewart, esq., J.,hn Sinclair, sq., John A. Stewart, esq., B, O. Rolston, esq., r. v. Leew, es,,, john 6. ii i. sq., Wm Paton, esq., J. »'. coddard, cso,., J ai ks ,; w ¦. ti esq., a. li. Agnew, esq._ VA.. DWIGHT SCHOOL . formerly NEW YORK SCHOOL OF LANOUABE* UT'.'-14-7, I1-..I hi..v oner Ild-Sf.) A carefully g sd . foi hoya Th's institution atm* In methods .- t results to equal the bes- New-England . ,i ... a ros uni in. roughly pr re cued fr am ¦" ur a ot reel v for business and protessionsl pursuits . ad ii te -t md n . rae. au exceiie ¦.¦; i bk '¦. departasem fur burs ye irs of age Ninth yeai b. .- - ej icmb. r 2 rr cir.innis aid further inf rm»t un apply at th) nli lol. HENRY C MILLER, ) SRTHl R WILLIAMS, ;. plreetira P. V. HUTSBOON. ) ~A RTIIUR II. ri TLEB'B 8! HOOL I-'OK BOYS. dr. Cattai will be at thc schoolhouse, No. 20 West IBd-sta, on Monday, Bcptsmbei Ci. Autumn Kim begins Mcnday, October l._ A -ii RCl. LARS OB BOOB SCHOOLS FREE . Btate whi Uier foi boys or ellis sni localliv preferred. ll. I". AVEHY'.Ameilean School Bureau,2 W.lSth-st..N.T. t * THOMAS RI Vis ASH. US Wes- 4.Vh«t Resumes Septciubci .'7. Apply after September IT. 0-12. l> \::\ vu,. Sj BOOL, 1 iv an i 110 West 125th-at Ri ommended by some ol tbe mo»( eminent American r* and carried lhe patrol lg ol be .... of Hal Pre] ls and bush « New bull ling li ucted f"i school pur- l. : .. v iiiiiii-iuni. Mil:: i--, drill, ¦i'i-. Hoarding pupils i' Sept. Cl ,,,,, i MAM 1 HA/.! N. Il V.. LL. II. '' " UN \.: SL! V I llF.Ni ll. li. A. IS RK !i.LY S< li' "I., n I AST ItTlI B P. Autumn Half, Ninth Y'car, Begins on Monday, Oeteb*! lat COLUMBIA .- HOOL OJ 11'. I S .<< 0 STUDENTS have I- .:. pr i' -¦¦ i WOODBRIDGE S> HOOL / lOLUMBIA INSTITUTE, 720-737j PHi ave. anl 101 West 42d-*-t. Opposite lltvant Park. Collsftste, commercial, pt«|isratory and primary de¬ partments. Mllitarj drill playioom, gymnasium. Re- beptembei ->'¦. Send I.talugue. UD'.VIN FOWLER M. D. A, B, _Pi paL COLUMBI \ GRAMMAR S< HOOL Isl -S NEA R M AD1SON AV!'.. MOND tY, sept 21, 1888. Thorough foi .-,-.:., i. and depsrtitk'nt. Nen uni spacious 1 tor si i.1 pu rpo***. Largs m.d v. K<> extra chargei Num. -. ol i ii ed. i iariy appliration is in easarjr. ,, i Di lt. s bAi nN.A. M., LL. ll. l ii' Ipalsj f». ii i ami 'Bl .ll. A M. Principals examine spplicsn - un ki stiff Sept 17. Cstaloj .-.¦¦. school m. 1 a' Putnam's 29d-st DB. EVERSON'8 COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, At . West i"iii -i , opposlto Bryant park, reojw 0 i: shori leasons tborougbij mastered, Refers io i- patrona: 'i !.- i... ill Rev. Howard Croai y 'ii.- Itev. G I. Prentiss, Tho Rev. Tho*. Osllkudct The Rev. Edward Blight, The Itev. E. N White. I,' (;. IRELAND'S CLASS FOR BOTS, 19 West 1 . !_.':. reopens Thursday, September '.'7. Mr. J elai « be al thc clai aftei September IS. I* I). LYuN's Classical t removed I tTEast 47th- a.-- will reopen beptembet 2(!th; .ughiy I foi -li" bi INTERMEDIATE AN!) ACADEMIC SCHOOL FOR BOY'S, 7.1 VV. -. L'i-i, ->., f.:,.-. ;v 171 We»l l°0th-»l I i'i, yeal e na pt 17. Ml** RANSOM, Prim Ipsl. I il.'.si 'S School fot Hoya, 423 Mr, lSmiavc." **a (ni Reopen* Sept 27. Chm; Sept. 15 ¦ i . tun Miss._ 1 '.MN MACMVLLEN'S School ia In Weat lMtb-st. *' sui hs u- !-i West 101 ju st, both near lOib-sre. About SOO feel ft rn Cable Hoad. Open Monday, Sept. 1". Ten I n. MOO r. irdera, e'iuu. Cir- dan ii Km s, 27 Wcki 8d-st i LNOX i: -li'l IWOR COMMERCIAL b( Il Ni HU AND COLLEOIATE HW SCHOOL FOB BOYS With pi marr D 130 LENOX- A Viv. in v known its nth-avc, he'tv-aen 127th s's Ni i ii...... ..- and w!*h the recommends- upi ii pi ta mil li -. v\ i,,. ,r. 1". pares fof business, technical schools, ». capsl retie management; ten first-els ss Hill l. i-i:.;,!..-., d. No :..¦¦ -is tp|i ! year* of sgi In He* ¦. i- in. -, ti h Spanish Le [MAN V! ItNOON Cl i ¦. : .. 0 I', ni. on i, Friday, un lei the i.i' i i.uu of lb Ucrmau N -\ ANNEX. GIRLS' CLASS - thi -.'. .. n rai hiu*e, 834 Lenox-ire., wher* a . ear* ol ur ..-. the ¦"' -...-- nf the I i Ins! -ii'". l trallon and lelnstruetlon. lions tn s iiging, [lancing nu] Nei lie-work Ti,.- numerous m. ni foi admission to the inst!- rea lr n elvo fulls attest the nv r lt l et* A'.Ll! vv ZERBAN, 1'resldent Mw. ly .N'S COLLEOIATE INSTITUTB, No. n . 1 asl j.\ at, corner >.f Broadway, opens .sept. 17 eil 11 .- Receives si -a.-.-; »hd prepares fur m-I i. -s mes tollu* li iv had ono or ¦lilt college ; l Alexander, Hcn-v p. Marshall, ll ¦'.;<% Or-mi Ii. Munn, Dbi Wi a ll ki feller, '¦' Firr, Rev, Andrew Oliver, D. D. 1 IL. iv, Junes Tslcotl, 1* S. ll 'gina Ai, Irew .1 'J'..ri 1. lame* C. 1! .1 \ Vorst, Ri K Kerr, fi D.. li il ph w.-lls |200 pet aniiiirr. Ko-,ins fpecl-,!',y 1 ui 1 upon a sinai* no u Present '¦:, lera have to 20 li sr* ir, i, - ,1 ¦., n| Ad- visory , Li Uer, ;-.. -ss Wslka, fte rn I'utnams' and Rsndolph's book stores, and at thu .-¦. Si pu ml cr 1 yr.lMAl'.Y AN!' ItNIOR DEPARTMENT. WOODBR1 '.'.I SCHOOL 12 BAST L'.TII BT t»7 ;: lOL OF PREPARATION *- Fi r bonnes, md eolletra, M WEST B7TH sr NEWTORB. A Day an 1 1: 1: ¦.,- g, bool for li'-ys. i_NOWELIa 1- SCHERMERHORN. ST. LOUIS C'.Ll.l lil IS Wi st 4 Sd-si Strict school fur 1,1] a Bea foi pi sp .a, HoOL FOR l.'V.,^ reopeni Sept 24, si 1,476 ii.d- ' *. rt. I .-- .if r ie", 0 S a m. IO ¦'¦ I' ti-_VIM w. Lu HAR TH'. '!.! I'i VI! SI I!. OL 721 M ¦'. ' sv< . Rei 1. HI N RV iv ii alis, principal !/.(! ir la-gins Mui da >¦¦ 11 Circular* on nj i'll, allon. V"-' .- .. lo, ih> building will i... op, ri f,r in- I fm 1 mt* foi admission .:" a dally. Pan nts en spei -tu,!, invited rpilE PARR COLLEOIATE SCHOOL b ri Bl I-1 . t '.'..'hs- hoi a 1-I,v Limited number Six com- I s| .- Mu'I, I/. Uv! tu., u :, to ii In stsdle* In iormina right habits .>f study In mina nil -. tho th .ughtlesj F.ngll'h ¦ Isngusges, industrial srt Evening 'ult hour. ELMER 1; I'HILLIPS, principal. T*HE CIBBENfi I BEACH SCHOOL- I N CENTRAL PARK. FOR IJOVS '.'. ALL A<.I'S PREPARl'S "i: I'l SIN! SS nit COI Ll OE Good liistn 'i influences Spacious i:,11 ll ind dar R -"in. pin ojl II , v 1 '1 ". ";. iBER I. 1._ jill Vi li :: :. S 'I '. NO. 19 EAST I'.'i II B FRANS 1*1:1-11 lt A M, PRINCIPAL, REOPENS Wi.UNI BDAT. I ri I TNI Vi RSITT ORAMMAR BCHOOL 1 171 Broadwar, || 1 1 cai reopem Septa rober "I pen sftci September 10: print ¦ ''.Ini^ Jj rieusri trucilon ihorough M. M. 'IOUBY. V ll AKIN. N- C. HENDRICKSON, Prlncipa a jjnstrnction Bivs and Yonnr: M"n--C'.ty. ;>"..1 MADISON tVl Ul reopen Oe. Z.ii tober Ml Kl fi in ll «i,i be al lha elssa timms sfl. r Si ptembei la. W " I) 111:11 h I. SI HOOL 12 vsr 46TH st. ll A high school itrort iel I selentUe, elaasleaL BEOPENS BEPTEMB1 R 2S For Your? Lames.City. A -jackson si min arv 2,021 Ita-ava., a. a. cor. . 126th-*t-ClsBklral lloafdlng anl Har Beboi Young Lsd:.* si.l hil Irei i'up .. 1 rr Ti choica! trsln ng Bulliitia dc'.v hed Ikr,e. airy e . .t i". liva, we ! shad. I r ' Msrj !, Chi-rty. Boarders shoo yearly 22<<.ycai begins Bops. BS "t - MRS. BTLVANUB BLEB'S SCHOOL FOI'. YOVNG LADIES (2CTII TEAR). _ 0 AND I EAST BBB BT._, NEW-YORK. a -MISS MARY HARRIOTT N0KR1MW Madlson-sva j. V. IL \ber '.'.'). A -miss WARRI N's si Hool FOR GIRLS . WITH Buys." 1.1.1'.'. UE.NT Ri 0| is Beal 27. 71 V, A --MISS ANNI! DROWN'H S( HOOL FOB GIRLS, , Re pen- Octobi-i :i 718-; is i .:¦.,. Avenue, AFTER nATI Rot Di sn I Mrs Chi H tor I. I ri s w 11 i '' -N . ii- Mr- car tii-r salli.f Mllslory In Rhyme ClRLISLE ins; i-! ri sn I l*y [mi h.|H'lls Oct I Hi. >. ur. I ISM! VI. M II"l-l. K"i'. LIL! '.. IO I Msdlaol ll". I il ," |>u| Btl ... women j those uleling | 1 Wellesley wtthcul tu th rei i i.iniljn. Primsij and al- [epa 'i nt* Ti rms 1 hoarding puplli m .derate. Reopen* Oct 1. Mlai N fth ind Mis* Barnes, Principals np RINO Misti UL' VERNE! n Eui pa MISS CARRIER will oi the school formeriv under the lire. Hon il Miss nu V net <»c: .1 ei 1«, il 62 EAST sftTH-ST. Until bepumbet 15th address Ba VIA Lexington ave. _ MADEMOISELLE V!-LT!N"S SCHOOL. it J 17 7. WEST 78H sr.. RE-OPENS OCTOBER 1ST._ Kl ISSES" A. ANL M. l'AI.r'.N!'.!'. lTI'.l'.IN'S C if' i'l School. Removed tj s; ac|.,u* house. 244 Lenox- sve., New-York. Tenth var beclus S'pt.-uiber 27. Boarding pupils soon pei year. \1 ISS J. F. MOORE will re.- ll ling and Day 171 pupil* at, her residence, 117 West Tl'.thst... October 1. Kindergarten open* Ocj B. _, Bf ISS REYNOLDS'S SCHOOL .'¦''. v- .'I .,p. .:- ... i. I. Appl] ll ' pl '-' MUS. ELLIMAN'B li IN HERC ARTI N sni I'tlinaiy Class. Lim, Year. 215 We- .-.'ci .- i: pens Beptembet 20th._ M^^^^oY^Kll^EBOARTKf. e West 12' ; ¦¦ M RR. GALLAHERS SCHOOL FORTOUNU LtDir.S, 61 West Flftr-saeei '.-»'- REOPENS OCT. 8. ClBCTJIiABB, M,s, BUSAN Bl VAN t.MRINGE'fi SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, ll"', East IStr, -' a- Wedneada ¦ "._ MISS SALLOW'S sill- "L. 24 LSI 22P t. I _Will re-open on Thursday, October -I. ISS CR'K'K F. R vN'li MISS Ri' K'S SI HOOL 11)11 GI HU*). 31 Wi --i-i opposite 1 Park. Reopens Octobei 3, 1--- . - for Roys. Miss JAl'DON'S SI HOOL roi" GIRLS. Will reopen MONDAY. ... TOBER 1st _ Iii" pupil* re. i- .'"' r.-iliv._ MIS.-, ci mn.NV s,||. m. "li 7,7, vv si I7TH-ST. _^_ REOTI Ns M ri MB! R CB._ MT*-s c M. wit sun's s, hool FOR niLDREN Rl..'1'l N'S Si EMBER 20. 113 w< st 44th st MRS. GRIFFITTS' DAV S< HOOL int! ' 1 N". 411 Mulls, n-sve. rsi i MISS CHISHOLM B SI II< OL 1 OR GIRLS. 15 WU1 reopen tho last M lay in I ber. pt 21. Mt DAME ci'.VANNIN r superior '. ' n us Iki ¦', h.- s and Olst-st._ MADEMOISELLE lil K.I N si HOOL KOR C.! Kl.-.. ll S. a | AI) AMI DA SILVA'S tHDING V*-!' i«l No. 24 Wi I 'lars \\ SS -.;:: '. i'l ii- |30tli -' i- "i -i- b< los* Training Class iderga Miss; i.i/. tl'.! i ll L Ki ¦' ¦' ROtRDINO A" D DAY SI HOOL 'OR GIRI l. Grads- Dei pei \m -'.' >t_. -\1 ess K F.ltSl .11 S. HOOL FOR GIRLS, 20 EAST BCD-ST., lt ;. ns ii. i, ber a t-.-n HIV! RSIDE -s- !""¦!. Foll GIRLS, !¦'.- Weil 103* Mia* V Wstil »ith ¦' .'..,-. R. - lc tl I pupils received R ' V _ HCT.-I.Ks 1 ' MALI "I.Li rear opel (.'nr'.-n, Pi Imai y, 64-5(1 we*< '.->¦. -. Rev, fi W SAMSON, I) ;.. Pres I esl tBURT Si MINARY snd Klnd*n.i." rt t West ' -'¦»'. 21 -' V : .-¦ p Vail- 1 clpal. 1 isl le. HE MISSES I'l RIM - S i!""L, 14 EA Firs' h, 'l-e 1*IIK MISSES WR1 VI.s- BOARDING ANO HAY BCnOOL for girls, :i7 i isl .,-¦ si roopena Oct, li Separsti ins-, fi), .pur. MISSEl roardIno and dat 1 SCHOOL I : Vi Ls Iles un: h tn n. September 23. Kl' I kind ergarf n tea her 8!" Mal son-ave rp MK. Missis CRA1IAM wil reopen ;; . I and div td hool "ii 1 lil '¦.. ' ber 2. bs rora. 1*11 Ii l OMSTOCK si ll'.or.. 1 1**02*. NO 82 WEST 40TILST. Bf.krllng a-,1 Day I " La-Res. Rroper.a Oct A M HAY" In eharga TIIK Missis GRINNELL \.i ir 1 DAT Bi l!""l. FOR GIRLS, Kl et 2. Separate classes I boys, Oct 1 l. Oct to. r|* U\: MISSES ROO] RS' -.' \N li J c.-ru sn Sci I for Yoi : Children, 220 V. -. 38th pen* Sept 17. Y'AN NORMAN INSTITUT I " 7.7i. HOME » AND DAi SCHOOL -Centra I . .' ,-'!-¦. IM organ M.msloi Mme VAN 1 ULM AN I'm.cUs:. \t EST I.NH WIN!']. SCHOOL ¦". GIRLS K-- ' * '¦! Miiiln, ...-1 Prli ,i i!«. Wi QWEST 30TH-ST., fs.'l! Ol FOP, fTlRLS «' Applications may be a h. till Sept 21- i I. V. i. ->0 WI ST Kt.'i ll THF. Ml .).> foi \ uni Lad :. il-- v Ivan 1 nurse i: pi I. Ited nt of Boarding I1 rtei irs ol I I w M \'i|s.i.n wi Mrs i: :...! M!-- ". Ito El l en i hui For Both Sexes.Cit'/ rsOLUMBl \ ti.LL! GE ENTRANl E KX A MIN Al IONS \ beclnnine Montiy, Sepu-mt^i 21, Bt V* ,i. m. i OLLEGJ vi. i .-lt WON inning Mi ndaj I SI HOOL OF MINIS. beflnnlna Monday, Beptemboi 24, at 10 a. nL Bi HOOL "I LAW, on Baturdi]. s, pti ... al 10 i m. h. HOOL Ol POU I l< AL SI Nii'. (Man ila! . GRADU \ i I. Bl I'AR ty. r-,. iii n ii i] Sstu er 20. Till'. BCUOLASTl v VC v\ ;,;. ll] .; -. ON DA V, OCTOBER 1 v . \ l. Fer Information Bp|.lj lo HENRI DRlSLER, LL. I)., Acting ll -. F. a. P, BARNARD, LL li Pn _ 41)tll ill .il" Ni C< 0LLEGIA1 l-l GR V.MMAR MOOL ¦.)'. i.. ', , v - fc.M' 74THSI NEW-1 ORK, ' I mt rh ¦. 1 prii I. i rt men ta, French and R- ripen* S*| lu plv a; tho K him] t I. 'll' ii, |i, ,, | Mj ,\ hn\ tl 1NSTITV1 1 -.. .'.''i i ur Reola iii Sept 10 KINDERGARDEN, lui sud BOARDING SCHOOL I.' RI ENDS' SI MINARY. on Ruttier! siuj tess ni Sunni' cornet ICth-s: "; Ibept 18th. A Behool for 1 i en refill lr from tim Kind tu l latter belni . olural KIN!,! Rfl V K 1,1 NI, i I , I. No. ll Ea»i :. Prof, JOH.N K I: \ ¦-, ai i- RAI - ROI Li Mot li.i it instifrii phi-. Dat ni 1 I-, rje«s and rollcgi I mu.ii- ii- :; i- vt ¦,. \lm\ U Wi'i RING IND STUTTERIN Voles si ... i and Um All "f Perte, t Rei , ,,. , . MRS. i vv sri w titi) .] .- r|*HE IU KL! iZ SI ll'.ul. OF !-' 1 Ma'1:" - -ay). ___^ '. ll lil ;.,,... su Branches: Braal yo, ,: PblUdalpbls. Musical Instruction. A-NEW-TORK : \ ,.;'- op Ml BIO ¦'¦ AST 11 lil - ,,, BTe, I -' ,! -'. Tills FAMOFS.M y\< > Rtii-oi iii...., M. SI( i - ¦ ,;v,;, ll V. B HAWLEY, Ma D Miss M. ci ..I-..,i m.a. KMAN r.-in,,.-, . lu plain, and Bales Ott l. .oo Wc«t BM-st, Jnstrtution. __ Brooklvn. BEDFORD HEIGHTS INSTITUTE, 03 New-Yor'a ,Va reopens SE1T. 20TII Isles ei i tot boys, bom for M\ cir ii, j (Ml w MOREY, Principal i> ROOKM :. li INDEKOARTRN, ll 'jin i Km..ii st. ttlanl ave. Thti lindi gan I 1377. will be reopened Mouin. ". l. MISSES SHARPE Principals apply ;i" Gs len place_ |>KliT I.NslTIT'i E. HI'.'i. IK LYN, N. Y. Day classes fur | ala t.efln Tueslay, Sept. is. Evening Biasses, Monday, Oct, l. AppUeatloa blanks sud all necessary Information be sbtalM i ,:(,"ii an lviiii- by lette! bi in person at, the sfBea ff th" Isstltats or in pen a Rysraotvet., between Do Kalb an-l Willoughby aves I > Ii tRHIS K I -. .7T"for II .ung lad Lafayeite-ave., Brooklyn. .'.. r, Si: l foi .. .'ii". a- f. C tTHERINE'S hall, O li ROOK Ll N, N. Y'. In i ' I !m the Eving. Hs*. i open, september 2d. Re 'or. the Bishop of ¦ ara, i ingilsb. Fi 1.,',., Ap] . iii" to lliu Sik- ,)ti !, v, m: pi if, w, A Stai m's 1 ot SO i 102 Bi i- ley la. a, Brooklyn. Jersey City, HASBROUCK INSTITUTE, st., Jersey City. i.i-". third t :,. september I'th. Th" .lal px hool ¦' '- Studi ni. pri'tiare I tm all the les nilflc *. I.i- ii,.! for bu«tni -- pui .ut* ito .!' arm o', for :¦'.¦ fi, young inti"-. Kinder- itory eluates for tx>rs snd girls from 5 to ll year*. n ch, Ge msn, dratting and vocal taught in tl,., i. -ni.,r ...,or-- ullin.o' .-vr.ra charge. Con- Music, ai; Mil,,,,! .-uni Cymnaslum. Sltuati i- in 7,-ir mlnutek1 null, ,,f l'"nnsTlv*nla -I station nnd easy ,,f a.-r.-s from ill other New- J. ey iail:"ii I-. .,..,:., 'i-s containing full Information sent on appli¬ cation. CHARLES c STIMET8, I m-L. if.Rs. :. .' WAH', I Directors. Boys and Y ur.rr Bier..Country. 4 CADLMY WITH HOME FOB TIN ROYS. Thori.urh preparation for C.,liege or Bu-!n*»s with Special .v- :..ii t., English Compo¬ sition. Good Gymnsslura Ten Hors received in I'rlncl. privileges. Abs nt. i healthful -,. Lilllie, u ill! th" mOSl I"' rounding*. Highest references given nod required. J. il. RO( 'I'. I" i,' Ipa!. cr. inn. I,, onn. ~k LEXANDER 1NBTITUTE MilitaryB ird.n;.-S hool il Will tr Plaint NV. f) ll Wi., -. AM .Mill .I'r IYETTS ACADEMY, S'in,f.rd. Ct, 50th Year. A . ilse I school for boys. PREPARES FOR fJ L .EGB AND RCSINESS Individual trail,...". Physical dull. 0 ida taree and very attractlvo. _WM. J. BETTS, M. A. (Yale). I'rtnr'iii. nl.oii'll ii lu ESSEX " N. .1 - Charles M. D I. M. (Prlnretoi ir boys ur Business. :i, .'. ipi fl RYANT Si ll'int., i> I..'-LYN, L I. N. Y. v rate j f the highest < .'-i-s for noys. li ... bri .. .'ii:ii i.i nf, Principal. BLACK HALL SCHOOL I-'ll BOYSTlThorough h.nii'i .. highest references chaki.!.;- griswold BA Ri LET 1, .M A.. Lime, I) "\ ¦' V, 'ARDING M 'i' m. Thf -. , t » -'- r. N. \ 1'.. nra- r fr colleg-. SCls ttflc - ho ,U r business; ump h.' I'. '-pe , Septen*. it i. u vi. S a. M Ri ii / lAYUGA t Vi'.V Al \DLMV, i' V N. V. J. vv RIGHT, It s.. a. C- h. . \ '. S'ewark. N. J m. ¦; sud v. -i pt. 10. Fore ;i \:.. it at C.v. ALL HEIGHTS Si HOOL / Tv .1,.)->.,ii, -,. ¦- ni-i. der CO. Addicts CARLOS H. bl N ¦: a Mi i. :.. i- OR. HOLBROOK'S MILITARY BCHOOL N. v. Reopens Thursday .- mbor 13th, Aldress Rev C A. HOLBROOK. Ph. .'). }vi,.mv.'.iii|i -,,!,.,!, For i-.',vs ti"Mill Conn. i.i this v ii¦ . IRAN .- NI ll a.* i.i - Ll s'l INO. N Y. ll lARDING-SCHn H. Kuli *."! NG MEN* AND BOY'S. OPENS MONDAY, si PT I7i'fl. v v vii;. HILO. IT* INKLIN SCHOOL, I" for Boy. I ur uni full GEORGE v. PERRY, v M., L sd_ I'd lin.!. iNvi'fii m.. ii. hold, In. j..i-'orty- V Ret v '. CHAM Bl KS, A M., Prim IpftL (i l-l Vl.i.i R INSTITUTE - Ui rksl Ira County, Mass. ' - _.-. S(-|en. I :". '. i'll .' i: b gins I i.i IRC I'. F, MILLS, j- If EM Pi v '"NC ISLAND IN st IT l-ii'. .i.'i li..-, i unil.'i tiilitecn. IP fitted -L-l". HICIILA.N li MIL! VRV si tliii v.. Woi Mass,, HM !.( l--s' Prli I: JOSEPH ALDEN SlfAW. t. M.. Head Master. HiVIl. si ll. '".'. f i trifui lees iniiuh inslru I iui r, un linns. . ;, n;;i MMOND, A. M Principal, port Chester, N. Y. IRVING INSTITUTE Ta Rudson, otters on- to indent* w - ruction boys. Add A. ARMAGNAC, Ph. I). 1AK FWi 'li, V.I '..ii-- n i- !' Boys ... ... -ii !.. bull I u erected foi tho pu .. j;, i- have s.-|mriito rooms Careful phrslcal, lu¬ ng. 1 hos, I), sui .. »S ITCH ELL'S ROYS* SCHOOL ll letica, Ma**., ia a?| ui'les I -.v ll, on tl," Sch ."! fur Boys fl fl 15 ll ill terr mm 'neel to M. i .'Wi' HELL A Pl Ali. BEACON AC A pl FISHKILL "Ni HE-HUDSON. N. Y. A Hon ¦. iel "i Eur cat;.] ui i, ndd ¦-- .I RED SMITH. A M *\| r. I-L! tSANT MILITARY ACADEMY. \ SELECT BOARDING-SCHOOL FOR ROY'S AND .... tT SING SING ON HUDSON. R l-l..Ns s um .,,; iu i; 13. i£3> For pan ir* address ,t Ht '.v.'. ALLEN. Principal. ^(.RW VLK, MILITARY' INST1 rt:TE Sup rlor -' h" I. '¦:.' 'rat.i ERv:-.;. S. i: "BERTS Prlnelpal. Ni iv ii its] v v; mn ... r. Ni ir N '. ty, U '\ 301. li. iM I. V.N'li s. ll". IL Fl K VoL'.NG] I*. ll' (VS. ll autlful -'ii In- I nd ua Cl REV un.Liv \ NEWBOLD. Principal._ ^l.'.'. roN INS! r; in v High (760 ti very h. althr; ii i.i .t tl select Eic ..: il «. '. -. vv i. A. M., NtZARETH HALL M ,i 1) vi:.; AVENUE INSTITt'TE. BRIDGEPORT. f tag's Hr-.- . 1--. rays plea*. L B ;l:is S 11 19 1 S n JON! s A M Pt 1 PENNSYLVANIA MILI'i viii Ai ADEMT, .ii; l's 671 ll Tl ai; OPENS SEPTEMBER 13. A .'. ILI I'AR'i i ol.I.I ,.:. DEGR1 ES IN IV ll, Ni IM ItlN >. ''Hi.MLSTRY. ARI Ililli ii RE AN li Allis. A (hi '.' Circulars f Mf GEO lt STERLING, 62 Dey-st., City. ii. i: ss c. li i Ai C, l'tssiicnu Il GHKEEPSII-: n v. Military institute. All sges, i, Uusiiit'sk, Weil Point. Name this publication. Llusirali 1 a. a lt WARRIN... rh.p., 1'rln._ IS iv i,i;\ IEVS ACADEMY, I r. NY. ir, Prepan m nugi lr for Collers, 'ne Govanv i. ,.i Academics, ..'ul Business M.ita.v liri BlbBEE v AMEN, I'rineipsts. Ht TGI !'.s "i.l.l.Gi. GRAMMAR SCHOOL, '. A boys lay and boarding school, bepiembei IS Ad¬ di -- GEO '.'... I JEW El P. ilea I Master. Il EV J. II. CON VI HOOL "I'. 10 I'¬ ll. :.. lin Ison ci ms, sow per am.un.. RORI Si ll. ."I, li n.-Foi ll ' -. '. i".i .. inn'. -, ti, .rou -M i, ex u .'.¦,'. i Ri i. Il I. LVI REST, M. A Rei tor, Hr; KRS i ", Ne* Brunswick, N. .1 Fall en, , ii ens '.. Iii t- ss. sin , (Cl laslcal) i-i, j ii i .-¦ , No tut. --. Ti, sn horiiurh. I. div* courses In ich, Hf. brett-, f< v . -ri li Lit .! ,1 ure, In Junior an I',.- '.- tppli lem .if th.' ('lilli * ' .¦' ll -"¦ ' ml M. i tai tie I d j in hi ml m I. full a' ,. itu* f. h s -.-., .1 equlpp Astnuioml v \ mil" a, proprlal .... pei l .' id.11 ess I |;\ r.c s PSI iN l.,l" ¦¦ in Rill ph I ,||i ge -.! RRILI- HWARDH evil-, Ph. H.,I.I. [) I. ll tl Pn si i nt BT. ai -': V, I. t* .1 NI VV BRIGHTON, S I., N. Y. A ii.ii . i Terms, - .. " ¦ ¦ md Cai iel » sLFH '- :;, vt! r. ii n i;, SHALL for ll i and | UT. * Bing, N. Y.- Rey. J. ? * URI li ..'... i.ill ...;. i, i, i.. -, -j.,, I t-s r i UII'iKT III1 ila tl Hool r") pl Ri ll il tlllll ".-. \ v UT lOHN'S Ml Ll a kv Ki li'."!. i* M SM.! H .N. v.. i.i I'-' > ' 0 III N I.,,,: |.j- vi RDECI i-J!"|.ai.s PREI'ARATORl SCHOOL Newbura t* I"* '. Twsnti sun, year will begin Sept I7ii. 1") circulajs, ic. addiois HENRY W. falGLAll, i'rlug. juolruction. _ BOTS aad Toaaf Mon-Country. QTEVENB HIGH BCHOOL. ¦mr. ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT or TUT. STEVENS rj. I,-; of TI UNOLOGT, Uvat-sl between Uh ind Otb " ,; "'":<""- *v J- ,,; NS8I PTI MBER IS EsaaslnstJons foi adm! il n on (he 101b and nth of steer. riTLL COURSES of STUDIES PRBPARATORT TO Bi ijoOLS OF B( IEN( E AN D COLL1 ces JCNIOB DEPABTMENT. 171 PER ANNUM. BENIOB Di PARTMI NT. SIM FEM ANNUM. ids in tba s'ul.cs. i M calal asea apply to tba Ubiarlaai of stevens Imu- file._ rp HE PEEKRKILL MILITARY ACADEMT. rssB* ^-.-lii^.'N ViLIHn' VM. 'I. |.,I'r:..e.n-iL__ rp RINITY SCHOOL TH M','.V-""i, Nn YHector 1 The Rei .,A'.i: > si,v,IR'!.* LL. D^aP.. f^UltK As;: ""' v. :;'c t ,",'-'. . I universities, men thoroughly lit ed foi ino offers :i j I "" \)!^uV^^ R-., .sk'-.-r n p-si-'V a. A DEMY. I1RIDGETON, N- J. >\ '.v"!.'.!" f r B *. eieet. U. .-'.. -** Estal nabed 31 years ;i»»v woo. (, a ^^ PRINCIPALS j, w. Bl ON EY. Ph. P._ \Y i UKAM' ha!:!:,:kskill, n. i. r0f Young I'. * only. Send for drculira. \'...NM;Ks MILITARl S( HOOL 1 :t'...,i North Rroadwsy OBaaaBept IO. .AfM^sr ea^urjon^ (., nj ll .USO. yonkers, N. T. tCltA A YEAR S12S .'C \R! ELLY FOR YOUNO .S.MMl MEN AND ROYS SI ll"" li- lJS FOR i'i.Ll ce NGINKI RING SCHOOLS, WEST l'OINl. ANNAPOLIS, OR BUSINESS ._.___- SWITHIN < SIIORTLIDOE'S MEDIA tCADEMY, si M F.DIA, PA. (NEAR PHILADELPHIA.) Ona nf il,' best equipped ¦' 1 heal m.imped schools itudentt board with th" principal; 12 tcs hers sll men and ira I " colleges; fine buildings; Sniio or dotVble p.'in-, every room hs* in lt ¦ steam -ii- ): grounds ten acre*! f,,r football, baseball, athletic*. *e. gymnasium; special .rt, n studci '- to .i Ivance rap! Uv; prtvsts for backward boy*; patrons or -'ml-n's may any studies, or bus preps storr elee- uki.: or civil engineering course; physical and chemical ess bi.nt. with telegraphy, shorthand, typewriting, v more fully supplied with ., tn.,:, uni ntl el eolb'g lilting school In the -. ,t, , Mi ll. a iden y sfTord*. every hon ,..:,,, ;., t ihe best training fixed prices ,. ,.,,.r pvt ..¦ expel no .-. ' id nlsslon. New |llu,( ,. ,| , ¦.. Idles*. SWITHIN SHORTI.I I'LE.. A. R V. M. Ilaivarl Grad prim Ipa mil1 tor. Mi Hs P mn. C">0 I .) a TERM ruplls flited for eotlege or .>.>.> I . . i : I educator; beal ... r. A. SAWYER Hr.uri, Ithaca, N. Y'. For Boch Sexes.Country. \MONG THE HILLS, -.nin.i tm, mlli from New-York. Order pm I 'I CHA ITA- QUA MOUNTAIN INSTITUTE, Chuppaqua, N. Y. 1. W i ' v coLlegi lilli.- I' I" t If or business n.ukli: ana url, thorough In- mil 'i,,n in I, -s >pp mlii-r 1°. bend .. , REV, v. Il I. \' K. A M.. IT"-. Ii '. icu ..I.LI .'.I vi C. INsl'Ii Tl Si pl I" S-.|,. b li- sp bul -. -' ''.' '. - for ladle* an 1 gentlen en, rn- i- i Music Art. ,.!,. |L - Iles; 10 Free i .ii um oi to Normal cia----. light, -.Li¬ nt i.iii Mu i", BIBS I" r year. Si ni for entail I..-. i-.'i i. i. I. N. Y_ It -. -.'¦-..- '. SEMINARY), N. J..THOS HAN- ...-.;¦! : hy D '¦:.SH, I", health, d bo « B ' sni ssh Ia-- - p; | j t| n-. anl extra- but sri aol ,., 1 complete._ V vv..i;\ i > .1 .Th!* *e|i r, oj .-I .l-l . foi bu ' ' -. *J0J L-l I gUI IO v. 'I- too, N. J. KOCtVLAN I' OLLI flE, N HE Ilf'S-ON. N. Preparatory ' Males; I I La.Hos. Sjicc'si tens I t .'¦ Yea i Supt 1 Cats tua or W ll ll tNNISTEH, s. M Prli C' I liv * YEAH ST. ST I'll EN'S Si HOOL V I ll."] nttenv iii-, s v . for chi!- 12 year* Good care and kin l :,-. PHILLIPS, Pi C-'Xin -M Ai'i.i".'.-¦ ¦:. Institute t. ri -..,.... oOlM/.t'oneordv He, Penn. Prepare! ry. b-:-i ess E g ¦", a- itory '.-.,urs-"-- . Highly ri mitti, niel. J BIIOETLIDGE v de), a. SI Principal. For Youn~ Ladies.Country. VREC1 Nii.Y ESTABLISHED BOARDING VllOnr.. ,,.'. ring t-v< -¦.!', :"'. irirK under Hf', on, ni h . ' itel \ 1 !. -- I'., cai'J 1 _ BORDEN i1 '¦. N I- EM A I. DLLEGE, '. Charming location on the Delaware, li ilthfuL home. like ai. l '..ii it in. tn icilltles li ali ri, " inuei a sni in l cata- WEN !T' -t. /'I. \ s> ir ti. AND HOME INSTITUTE. *l pi ughl -I N. v ' I'oung Lal!'?* fof I With .' '. ll a.-.'. Misssi. lah V. I! BUTLER Principal. COLLEGIATE S HOOL FOR GIRLS, ENGLEWOO"DT N. J. R .-.,'... cr 20 P 'r .ti . lego a sped ¦ t«-d V ¦--. ind Smith n eui cert i: .tts. ADALINE W. STERLING. . A Roi IM M " IRlsll, A. n OKE'.V LADIES' SEMINARY. Csr:sel, N Y.-2Bd p i.s p -i ¦'¦ 12 ll sith u ho e.iks t Sr- igh Illus" ,t- 1 t .- dir C CROBBV SMITH. A M. IT* LMIRA COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, offera superior j .1, .'i' iges In liege Sclentll I lr ..araioiy i eur- - ,,f sui Iv .. Mus li : Art I!. j-¦. 1 by stcsn ind furnished » itoi Chsrgea sra Send for Calal is tn lueaiiLut a w. "wu s. >.r. ;.. Elmira, N. Y. / '". !)! 7. lill.;. .- I.Ml.NARY, Full YuL'.NC LADIES. S I Ki: | Add '-s Ml emily NELSON. Principal. Hind DAY SCHOOLFOR GIRLS "THE ELMS," .:. vi.,--.. Miss Porter, Principal. Pu i u a .- ,. j a..: Smith an our erv -e. Iren HOME INSTITUTE, Tarrytown! N. Y.-A txiardlng and : ; re- p. ii sepb e bei ls. MISS M. W. MET( i'.r Principal. IVY HALL SEMINABY-FOB YOUNG LADIES. -.. ..-'I uest Mttl ', Art, Ancient sui - .," GrwluaUng tour* a. Il"alihXul. v ,_ " N p.-tnelpat. I VNDON it \t.r.. . PoccrrrrErsiTF. n. y. a C!-:'s Behool of the best elaaa Collegs Prcpamtnrr a I A al- Courses Li uages. Ar-, Music. Altr-ss SAM! LL WELLS BU( K. A. M Erin. 1 v. -ii, N, M j, ri 1 ' Mis-spa FARIUNGTON'S tor yi ung ladles Urea \\ RILLI NC, E'S Ii . N. Y.. I October 3 i-i lll'.S R II. Ml'bDAl'n ll and Dav 7 _,. ;-., ,- li.- s Mrs. Il M IL! i V. -: '¦; ;: 1 -' ¦¦ [le || N. J. ft J Ess E. ELIZABETH DANA i's Reopen.- thu Seminary for Young Ladles si Morrl* town, New-Jei ey, beplenioer l (h Itattructlou ina; Mus md Ail Gi unple tor recreati climate ,,f Morristown uosur- pissed Terms: Boarding Pupil.». 1500, circulars on *i, ilion. \l i-s BARTLE PT'S it riv MISS NOTTS) Iii me I'S and Day St-hi fining Ladles, :,A Wall-st, Nett-- Haven.! Cin ulai - sent .. ..; pll. s ii ri. Ml -s M vi'.'. I BOARDINO ANO niv SI tl' "L, J- 2 111(1 -.'. Vt al I8SS, - \: ... nra. Pu I* pass Hi iu examinations in iii A] "RAVI vN SI MIN ' P.I j -.,. LADII S *'* H ¦:., ra a century's rxpeiience, combined J*'1" ti n -¦.!. I,, silord* fa illili . eoualb l v Ii * .mi sxi cited by \ OTRF Ii VME OF MARY! t'. " flat. Institute I v Ladles ind Preparatory t>i hool f. uttt, Git s, M m. v ;. 0 " ¦. milos no '.! i. ICl l bl il SlkU'fk ol N Ifll Dauic bi 'el f >i ii ,i, gue. || IF.RE Kl vi in tc,, s,un .,. |. , .. |,. 11 thorough Inst rm " i v lin i: si, \ UTE SEMINARY, RYE NEW-VORB. E ir partlci. Mts. s. j r.iFr-*.. jUEVK.N GABLES MRS, WESTCOTT'S IMARDINC S . mil. A Ei- : ,. kui i eilegc |n .I, N .1 bul ii bu 'iii si.i nmi ¦. , 'I' tl I.M \N s.,1, ,. N j._m;i t ursa wm, 1 n" every dc pi it Musical ad * ¦'i"'- Mlki M. M. ll" ,,p Pu* T M1 is\ '' »-*TABLl 'H nOARDINO SNu mv I School foi Young Lillies will ,, .' \\ ", ii ii.i: t, Ni ,-. Brunawl k, N I. a 'I' Hi. GRISWOLD s, li,mu.. |...,,... '..,|,.... I.,- ,' , Studio. Lu lu. (.reek, Iii, I, m. 1 v '. I, illhful hi rn, f..r _'lrls ,,f .ci ages. Fy mi i.i, GROVE LADIFS' s; MINARY, Ht I Sprlugk, N. \. ,h f ... ,, ,...,, i Bopt ,. A '"- 'HAS !¦' I.,V\H. |'. I, 'I' V ll VI! !.. ,, N, I A Hu,rough hom - .... , . »-..i« rriii ,i iM \ . will ..-p. SeptcmhMis. MARV ). STl iii: ns prlnolpal, \tvi'. ;' LANE SCIIOOI t-'"R'l! r.t.V via,"t vu. ', '' I f'-r fouug Ulies; .',.' J"'' *>B«na) be| i ,,,, , .,,,. ' ;'v Course*, ,. -..y ou .*,' aaamlnatlon. Foi uti ., ad Less Ml** ADA M. SMITH, i Priaelasla Mis. T. B. RICHARDS, I, rhtla Jnelruction. For Younrr Ladies.Country. UrfRft WALNUT STREET ROARDTNO SCHOOL far Vonna Mlssei snd Utile Olril Re-opens Sept i| .aih rear). J. TRAUTMANlT, FrtajBat1" (a'aiogu* sa application <.3ul Wuii nut. Fblisfa. Ps. 1 li>l 1'INEsT. PHILADELPHIA, FA. I, I-J-* MADKMOISI I.LE fVjNAMFT'B i. nch Hom" School for sn Toung Lal les. reopsr.i Elf,*. IS, Thoiough Csarrsr in Bagnell and Trench. Miscellaneoua. CIBCULABS sehoo;a, h"'h sexes, city and BOSntry, »1tfc .-.refiii sd-.-i." to parent* miriam coyrierf. Bl F.a«t 17'h st. t,et. 4IS.SVS. and Broadway. IIHILOLOGISTS who wiatt ti, complete their stnSjse In i'h Teutonic languages r.v learning th'-,R,,». v in dialects should communicate themselves .., t. INOVALL ita K -alway graiuatel fem ths Er.i. f Upsala, Sweden. \\ REI ¦' S .ri.ii.- ..... K of Amerlesn anfl fora,Ba rchool and eollege test t,,..,k*. nn1 sch-ol stationery, wast. nrlc<'«. BREN rt NO'S, .', Baton Bsasffe, N. y. ticachcro. A VISITING TEACHER cbsrges B3I a |ssrtst for one -s: n a week. Tl. -.-sion eaaelsta <>t four if which an fl.--, sa i . history, lu itara a.d math mailes, one to a language French, Genaaa <,r i-i.-. a friend » ran ute I '., faithful ,. ¦.¦ ,- ¦: ' mer pupil* Address Mil I. M. MONK, Al cumbil la" place Brooklyn, N t V-BRST ii v HI .:- supplied, no charge. TE*. I- , i r.s "!--t. ioi J'l cents f"t uoatsg u rn , mi band, '"rm lor sui'.u. R. hi AVERY, Amsru can School Bureau, 2 vv.-. iii.".. .'. V AMI TIi SN AND FOR! HJN TEACHERS' At,I '.. r supplies Professor*. Teachers, Tutors, cov * - », p' Colleges, Behoofs and Families. Apply '., Mrs. M. J. YOL'NG FULTON, 23 Union a*4j*aBfS, i N I¦'XPLRIF.NCF.D GERMAN VISITING TEACHER A wishes io mane .-ni.agoni.-rit In s.h'»ol or family. Mel- ,-. terms. Miss sCIIROEDEB, 2 MltchsU alas*, Beal ttl! ll *i- _I Vi OMPETENT Fr,g!i«h lair, with Mst references, de. air. , pupils in Ftifc'Ush branches and musle Add- ia Mrs. F. Tribune I'titowii OB CS, 1.2BB Bi-oadiskT. Il Kl V ST!. IT" ll Crail'in'.- or Val.- arni OkloatBls j recommended by Rev Dr Tsylor " A aucce**fu| eminently anaHasd." Arness hf.aD.mas- ILK. Tribune Uptown OBJee. 1 2is Brnkdway._^ ll'v NI ID PosltloB a* gnVSraSSB or teaeher; a Uki IB. St illons F.nslUh, German French and music. Adlr<-ss ELSIE, i-osr office, s».i'i"ti R, If ANTED.An seeoraplt»hed linclne master for a refined] ST ni,,oivn Institute. Addr--«s, with terms and refer- Li. NOX ANN EX, 'A'-'* Lenox ave., city.__ xs* WIT.!).-Pupils In i:n£r!!sh branches and Latia by ST a voung lair who has liad four years' exp<-;enoe In teaching. Address A. R. T. 122 Water-el. .">._ ss- OMAN'S EXCHANGE TEACHERS'BUREAU for ST both *e\es) anppttes prof*»*or*. teachers, |«ma> essas tmi'l'litis'r<. companion*, kr ta tai. leges, schools md fsaailles: bookkeepers, sn-nogra a:u! copj «ta bi bu*lnes> flirr,*. Mrs. A. H CULVER. 320 Sth-av*.. New-Y^rk r:ty. MR Dancing ^caoemics. TR! NOR '.- tc A DEMY OF DANCING, BROADWAY AND .121) ST. ¦h Y'ear oneiis 17th Inst. send for Circular. Steamboats. A -TROY BOATS. lighted throughout l.j electric Hsiits. conn. "f DELA vt v ; JJND HUDSON and FITCHBI .-¦-¦- St-ait-er s tRATOCA or ITY OF 1 Kol Plei ll. f. ,- i hrlsupher-st, di.iv exoept Satur lay, ty p. nt bu., is/ iteamer touches at a bsny. ALBANY HoATs. PEOPLE'S LINK. - DREW .ind DEAN RICHMOND lier si, North River, fool of < ans! il Bl ¦. P. M '¦. (sundays excepted). Freight received unt.l the hour si departure. HOSTOX AND ALL POINTS EAST VIA I> PROVIDENCE LINE. Steamers RHODE ISLAND sui MA8SACUC8ETTS leave Pier 29, N R fool Warren-st, at B:B0 i m. Reeves's renowned orcbe«tn on eseh steamer i ind state-rooms secured 207, 257 Sol. :c7, 101 t. Broadway. Astor House, t o*m. noiltan ti vv :- ir ., mid all .iii"- "f West tit's Express .mi ', Brooklyn. _ __ pATSKILL MOUNTAINS TheOld BoutQ V7 gi K'S EST eil IPI *»T AND I! ST. CATSKILL EVENING LINE -'". "- KAATERS. K I l.i. and vi sic i LL lean it ts. a toot ot la--sc. N.R Caiafcil Moun¬ tain nnd Cairo K. R. For list of house*, ra'"- 1 -il '., pl r or address W. .1. licit, - -.-.. '. V I." ALI. RIVER LINE-Fuli HOSTON AM) I ALL POINTS EAST. DOUBLE SERVICE -.¦ ,n ors in con Iii... RIM, BRISTOL PROVIDENT - OLD -I. "NY. rhe»tra a 11acbi-d traci I-i." 28. N. R "'i No ' t Bl B An aili 0:15 u. m. Express trains with, i '. ir River f.,r Boston, Cape ;. 1. the White Mountain*, <. NDAYS, leave New.York at S Hf) p. m. for all Returning leave Boan n i p m. tuon ty Annex boat daily from Brooklyn, Bb m.; its 4 p iii Ti. r. maj ¦¦ ..',- raliei in New-York at '.'"7. 261, 711. '.'it. 057 at 1 1.32.1 E ,in iv; -.'ijl Wast ItMa-at anl IU E.. . IJ f_- t ; ,i Bowery. A-tur House ani Windi ri!' I-. . "li c. lier CS N, R.. uni on steamers .-I 0. E. CONNOR, G. P. A. BORDEN t I." > ELL t| I>ONDOUT, KINGSTON AND CATSKILL II Mountains, landing at Cranston'* West Po il Corn. New burg. Marlboro, Milton. Poughiccapa I nj u-. connecting nith Ulster sn l Delsws .¦. Stony Ch t-s, it«kill M miitaln -md Raatentklll rsllrosl* M CITY OF KINGSTON anl ivMES w BALDWIN taara reek-day nt 4 p. m., pier foot of ll arri bimi, bl, N r. except Saturday, when CITY OF KINGSTON leave, ,- l p. in connecting with evening tram for Resorts througn Mountain*. MARY POWELL mu CRANSTON'S. WEST ]', ,i.t. c. n mill. Newfjftf, New.Hamburg, Mtltos, psle Hyde I'.-trk, RoniVui aid King tun Every week-day Bl 1:1$, sad Wael -_'.'t--- A fl n. m., i_- Sundays, when she,leaves one sou I IUDS0N RIVEB UV DAYLIGHT. I 1 iiAV LINE STEAMERS NEW-YORK AND ALBANY. D v ii.Y' (except su- d.'s. Leave P.r..,T!t-:i, .¦¦.. um..- \ \. . . . s ^'1 a m. .'-'.'. v ..--.. v..-.-,-. .r. l'l.r .... 8:40 Kew.York, Weet -772!--' ri. r .... o 00 for ALBAN) !.. pLug st VV'esl point, New buri- Poattw k- e-i-i- Rhli iklll a, '. Hud on. Rettir ilug Albsny . . 8 30 j. cu A 'i !'. vND to c., i-i loat. WEST POINT. NE'.VBUPtGnr.nil POl'GHKEEPilBj ALBANY, sith N V ce (ral and IL P.. R R. f-r Et. a. NI\,.v!.A FALLS, B '.: snd the West; m-n Boston and \ t>anj ll. lt mil Fitehbu g ft, li for H with D. and H. (< .'- R H I "i SPECIAL TRAINS TO AND IK- ;i BARA. HINDSON AND COXSACKIE. ELEGANT STEAMER lt v vi' ItSKILL tssvsa fran '¦¦ *. N. :: ever) TUESDAY, THURhDAT .1 SATURDAY at 0 p. m i-onneeti-c with Boston . ' al¬ bany Railroad. WHEELER P (WELL, Manager. N" ORWICIJ LINE for Bnston, NVorceiter.' pi rt r. ri t. N -il. I S lb B b " M ' 'allis, lit points NMth ai.l I'.ius- s lea vi Pier 40. ;,, -. Mi,..- :. rr, n:^-. . vv.,----.. (p.-\i i nil, v Dosbr -«...»¦. FSiry lally Sunday* excepted, il '. :>n m. This ima" h-* ,;:i: qua I fae!l ties for 'ni.- anl dil through ut Nen En el ard n im. aeh « \" pt Sun lays, i fr --lit. Tick. Room* *., i--..i at 7. j; .- 7. J'1, :i:)7. 037 r. idwar- -.i i: aery. In 1 W ,. . , I¦:!'..|, -I At Ph N liver,alli,,. -. vv - nt'* Ex ll tor sud iheck fri ni h '"is and li, W. BRADY, v. ^TONINGTOX LINE. * *e« W rei Ki - ind -l n N. v i' '. i: it s \v Pier J.-, ... R.. om- block above m.j: st., a'. 5 p. ¦ :. ., t»er-i,t sundays._ rVi> M.WI! \\ X, -L EXCURSION goad B days), al IS. Steamers C. ll NOR'l it a ^l and CONTINENTAL >ns I'i-1 '-¦'. K lt 3 p. m. and ll p. n Bund t il i> n, roi ,- sett Haven with speclsl I for MERIDEN, HARTFORD SPRINGFIELD HOL¬ YOKE, le. Thrnti.-h tl k-ts sold snd Baggage' cheeked si '.mi Broadway, Nen v -., an] 4 Court-at, Ii- ^ Ihofccoional. \M AN of baldness esrperleass, ss se.-re-a-v sf a :-,.',.-i ,; r.rp ration I* ..pen to engagement la a similar CBPNelty, or would tkke hsrc ol sn ili.-.r ti_- .i a qusinted with bookkeepl.ig anl rori u,id.inn"-.i reference. Aldrosa K. Bos 21 T.-iUuns Offlce. \ VOl NG LADY d'-lres a posit a- j . * a. a lad) :,. travectng. Al. .flt ¦-._ *i\' vnii iii a young :-itv Cansdlsn i si c..ui|..m...i to elderly or Invalid lady, gover -- a children under 12, or would superintend hom rless .-in! !r'-n : n. objection to iravd refereneea e\chsog*d. Address Miss M., No, ._.; Gard i.Uca, ¦.. n. \\' vMT.ii liv sn educated, expel fina n*"- »» .ia; responsibility an agenej fut sn estate er | I ii--. In rt .-. mme cia! house or a corporation Address lt. C. D Tribune Office, Q YEARS \ li.'.'KlilEI'ER, 5 tc, e* ., i- :...i ..- poaltli a. Alli- -s i, :;, ...-. 4. 4i» ,' ay, Alb mi Ccgnl Xoticco. CfTREME COI'RT.-Rich mon il Cotwty.- *~ Ttounas M. King .mt athen again*! Roon na.' I ..-ii r* Pu mani te t udgmenl n'rat :¦, .- |. t - lera of ci i'." mond on tba 19th dat .-r May, i--* . ti., ¦ ' ree ipim nie 1 to ai ri -., l u Igii mi s,.;i .,. ubi.,, suellen Bl the Heal Estate Fi ' ;:.s n ll ¦ N street, In the i lu of Nee Vork by vi lau ll Mullel t neers ,n v;,c, i,, -, .pj,. r 17-t- v I'elnek noon th* one hun If t an nine stine- ¦> in. B n -I-.- k of the Nett Vork Transl' md V munji »'«¦*. pony, LU :.. I b |oi gin. t., thu >l. I. n Uni lt rn sn i i. s nh. i tn -i a v.cpi patsffrspB of sn IBU 1 S,-pi, inlier llb, ts- JA' KSON \V ILLA fox Oiilc. [ARR Vt lt \RC tlN's ORO \N CLO I.s. BI! ' . Meiisipu, i.i i, v.,-. be sol ". .i "i ol *-'in.*, up hnust-ki "j ii Mitta ,.-,,, 7 f nil nib - A '" . iwn ., ..,.. I uprl phi el al 20 ;.:;.. t tabl' * .? ttl nam e. |,i.,-,-, mir. mini views from aw ' ¦-,. ».. tslue * '.> .- aBBf ** qUll v !".'. - V. __.a " \: XOYCLOPEDI \ liRITWMn," pub- I. ¦< bo iii i.t eau r»r ip ll ice Cream. Viv- r Horton's les Orana bj saids Beal r1",*', nu. IL' n, ,n - 1-,|, n- -suj' F' en ll I* ..a*, lg i i,m. roi Restsurants, Churches E.-' m - < wl,Ji!.vui kai i -I." tn.ur. Country unter* promptly 111*1 ' v_ nh ave, b'M iltli-av.'.. ll. I'aik. raw] liv* "" lilith-st., New-York; sui ta;) Faltsa-aa., BroJkijn.

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A complete and very handsome edition of Whittler'sworks ls announced by th ,sc miler al beautiful books,

Houghton, Mimin fl t'o. Three of the teven volumes

will contsln Mr. Whittler's pro-e and four his poetry.Ile has carefully revised all the material Inrlud-d Bnfllas added many pleasant and valuable nut.'-, several

portraits will ornatnent what pinasBae t" *)p ono °'

the most desirable flssMlasMaafl of tam year.

To sn Englishman who lately visited him Mr.

Whittier expressed his surprise that his fir-t should

hnow so much of his poetry by heart "I wander,"be said, "thou shouldst buiden thy memory with all

thst rhyme, lt is not well to have too much of lt ;

better (ret rid of lt as soon as possible. Why. I can't

remember any of lt. I once went to hear a wonderful

orator, and he wound up hts speech with a p..-Mealquotation, and I clapped with all my might. Seme

One touched rn* on the shoulder asa sad. *Do you knowwho wrote that I' I f-ald, 'No I don't; but lt'* goodlt seems I hsd written lt myself. Tho fault ls,

I have written far too much. I wish half of lt was

In the Ked Sea"

Francis TarUman has written a preface for a

novelette by Mary Hartwell CathWWOOd w'lc'; I- I'

appear In "The Con'ory."' The seen" of Ihe story ls

laid In Canada. Mrs. Cathenvood has heretoforebeen known as the writer of admirable stories for

young people.Viscount Cranbrook, one ot the ohlest members

of the present British Cabinet, prides himself on

cover having, through his long Hf.-, read a novel.

Mr. Geirge w. Cable, while he no looper ha* biaearly prejudice against norela, floesn'l read ninny of

them. He is quoted by "Thc Chicago Tribune* ».

laying that he has not read a novel tn a year, lie

said of Maui Ice Toaapaoa, 1n the same Interviewthat he "thought him the sweetest and most siftedOf poets of the present day.''

Mr. Robert Louis Stevenson thlnlw that GeorgsMeredith's "Rhoda nssslag" ls the fiinnpest thing In'.lsh letters since ShakespeSI* died; and thur "If

r-hakpsjirare could have read lt he vviuld have Jumpedand cried: 'Herc's a fellow:'"

Miss Ka'herlne WornMlley, the translator of Bairne,Wa*, during the liv!! War, ari official cf rhe SanitaryCo'nm'ssion on the Potomac, "f her experiences sithat time she has made a book v. hich Tickner willsoon publish. It ls to bc called "The Other 8 le ofthe war."

For the volume of I. W. riley's poems, which ls

to be published In F.ngland, Mr. Andrew Lang haswritten a pleasant Introduction.

Most passjla will po Straight to the dictionary when

they f-ad that the Sn Deers sre shoat lo brine our

Mr. Frank B. Stockton's new book, entitled ''Amos

Kiihricht: His Adaettltioua Expertencca, and otherS'oilcs."

I ell- S-ephen, the English author snd s'.n In-

law of Thackeray, ha- I'i.,hen down under ti" strainof oflttlag ala .. Dlctkmary of Motions! I logrsphy."Tie labor of editing has proved to be far heavierthan he anticipated.a result which ls a matte cfcourse with all such winks When the t.i-k ts executedwith conscience anti tact. Mr. Stephen has had to

retire lo his Country louse in Cornwall and will be

foi-rcd to take entire ic-'. Ile ls a tall, spare man.

with haggard eyes and a told face. l.i.

him ls thin, from tho lone ridge of bis nose to his

stragcly red beard and tapering leg-. He wears tli.-

hair long, and walks with a decided stoop. tlc llreserved In conversation. Lu' what lie laekl In

warmth and demo:strath en rsa h" makes np for byan openhanded generosity uni kindliness ol dlsposl-


tlon which are Ihe less teal becsuse H.'-v u-e

liid.lcn beneath the surfsce. Though noi especiallymethodical, be manages lo gel thi .;, mme workin lha .lay than most men. In religion 1.- is a

]'o«itivist, in politics a Liberal Ifs waa formerly a

cleigymai. of th" Church of England.The notable voltttnci Ol vcr., now in pi "is Inrlude

Mr. Bsrtnbume'i new eollectlon, Mr. Andrew"(iras*, of Paraassas," and Mr. Lelsnd's new- revisededition of hi- "Balinda of Dana Breltmann." 'lins volume will contain a number of new Anglo GerBaas poems.

The fifth volume of "APptotoni1 Cyclopaedia ofAmerican Biography" la neaily ready for delivery.

An excellent new edition In eight vidimus ofG. Mitchell's works is in tl." press of ihe Scribners

"The Saturday Review" lits down upon Mr. EdgarOaltiis. lt cali- ala "Tristrem Varies' an "Americanshilling dreadful"; s,t) that everything striking in it

ss well as thc pessimism hui the icjii-m, seem, t,,

have belonged before t" some one else; and ends bjdedaring that " mach ol modern reallal art ut had, bula mere imitation ol it i- worse."

Xcid (Joblicaliona.J^ GREAT NOVEL.



Th!* nary i-uve n world-wide reputation ti thcaothi't.-ss when fl appeal New York t.sud prove I to b lhe i novi evei p

Tne ;li, I dallon of *. Tl '. »

Blore limn loo.i ,. al iru ii., demand for liapplications v.-.. -ni In io Mi li froiii. v book publlkhci in thc on toi.iii,.i-h ^l:. lt was publish, throe times in "The

Till: BIDDEN HANDIs absolutely tbs most poon! t n. rel cur iwill comprise over WK) paces, will be neatly printed andbeautiful.y bonn L v.. -1 ;:,

Kent by n.a;!. postsfls tree, .n receipt cf priesO. W. DILLINGHAM, Publisher, Sew-Vi


NI.VV lit...ks.

THE GTJABDIANS.A Novel. lCrn'., tl 25.


Enouch." uni -I. bj c,

An err (tj story, wit* excellent hit,-. r,u r..c teatsnBthsd cf arranging tai of s Isomewhat UaBltSd in Income.


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tam Gchoolo.I ' mvi :.*«iTY ol' UH'. IT* 0*> N KW YORK.IJMM.ilMi). LAU- SCH()OL

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ends June 1 |88B. .. .

:- deslpned to Rive the ttudent:A tin rough preparstion fur tho exam nations required

for ii Imlsalon t" Ibo liar;a. .ii kr.otviedgo of snbstsntlvs btw sad aa plesfl

lng. evidence snd practice.A course .f two annual sri.slf.ns and thorough written,

as well ns .ra', examinations are required tot a detre*,An allowance of noi mora thai ono yea: ia mada for pia.viona stu li elset) hi T'-.

1'roviklon hst boen raul* for s limited som! er ,f achnl.srahlp* of |100 sa n, io t.> awarded at tba ead of tho

ui loi year.'

Tbs schedule cf spec'al class lectures fur lHP-P-Sf) ls is

fellowsWU.I.MM ALLEN ttVTLFR. T.I, T).. Admiralty and

Maritime i *»¦ Jurisdiction sni Prsetleo.Ai si IN ABBOTT LLD., rreparalion for Trial,i ll s it i.i s i' M vii.! AN. i.i Li Criminal BKA1NEBD Esq.. International Lsw.v v k i I»!¦-1!: i. i >. Esq., Bestralnts on restamantsry

AHemMI LVILLS BOLESTON, Esq., Law of Carriers, Telo-

graph un 1 Telephone,Bon MYER B ISAACS, BasmtasBsa of Titles to ru-ai

Estate.For catalogues. *c applr to PROF. I. F. RUSSELL

Totter lin lrtlne. 3S Psrk-roiv, New-York.P. II. JAQi'i-s Secretary of Law Faculty.

Jnetrnctlon.For Boya and Young: Men.City.

\-a -a.--. messrs. wilson & kellogg's school.

022 .'.Tl! AVE (near I0th-St),Trcpiircs for ail th" leading college* and scientific schoolsand furnishes lo boys liol intending lo enter college a

mund Englli French, Getman. Numberslimit' d. Persons! attention ,f principals to each pupILI'liiiinrv ca-s Lara* bulldlns, ii.-Hiv equipped: In ex-celU-ut sanitary condition, (it iiitiaslum. Reopens Sept, 'il.

REFEHENC1 SF. A. P. Barnaid. Pres. Columbia College; w. F.

Warren, l'res. ll,,sion University; <e'n. J Brush, DbSheffield bctentlfie School; Mrs Bylvsnus Recd;

ll Knspp, M. D. fc. Ellery Anderson, esq., l»eo. Henrywarien, esq., Robt E Llsingston, esq., Vf. RhlneisnderStewart, esq., J.,hn Sinclair, sq., John A. Stewart, esq.,B, O. Rolston, esq., r. v. Leew, es,,, john 6.

ii i. sq., Wm Paton, esq., J. »'. coddard, cso,.,J ai ks ,; w ¦. ti esq., a. li. Agnew, esq._VA.. DWIGHT SCHOOL

. formerly NEW YORK SCHOOL OF LANOUABE*UT'.'-14-7, I1-..I hi..v oner Ild-Sf.)

A carefully g sd . foi hoya Th's institutionatm* In methods .- t results to equal the bes- New-England. ,i ... a ros uni in. roughly pr

re cued fr am ¦" ur aot reel v for business and protessionsl pursuits

. ad ii te -t md n .

rae. au exceiie ¦.¦; i bk '¦. departasem fur ye irs of age Ninth yeai b. .- - ej icmb. r 2

rr cir.innis aid further inf rm»t un apply at th)nli lol. HENRY C MILLER, )

SRTHl R WILLIAMS, ;. plreetiraP. V. HUTSBOON. )


dr. Cattai will be at thc schoolhouse, No. 20 West

IBd-sta, on Monday, Bcptsmbei Ci. Autumn Kim begins

Mcnday, October l._A -ii RCl. LARS OB BOOB SCHOOLS FREE

. Btate whi Uier foi boys or ellis sni localliv preferred.ll. I". AVEHY'.Ameilean School Bureau,2 W.lSth-st..N.T.t *

THOMAS RI Vis ASH. US Wes- 4.Vh«tResumes Septciubci .'7. Apply after September IT. 0-12.

l> \::\ vu,. Sj BOOL,1 iv an i 110 West 125th-at

Ri ommended by some ol tbe mo»( eminent Americanr* and carried lhe patrol lg ol

be .... of HalPre] ls and bush «

New bull ling li ucted f"i school pur-l. : .. v iiiiiii-iuni. Mil:: i--, drill,

¦i'i-. Hoarding pupilsi' Sept. Cl

,,,,, iMAM 1 HA/.! N. Il V.. LL. II.'¦ '' " UN \.: SL! V I llF.Ni ll. li. A.IS RK !i.LY S< li' "I., n I AST ItTlI B P.

Autumn Half, Ninth Y'car, Begins on

Monday, Oeteb*! lat

COLUMBIA .- HOOL OJ 11'. I S .<< 0 STUDENTShave I- .:. pr i' -¦¦ i


720-737j PHi ave. anl 101 West 42d-*-t.Opposite lltvant Park.

Collsftste, commercial, pt«|isratory and primary de¬partments. Mllitarj drill playioom, gymnasium. Re-

beptembei ->'¦. Send I.talugue.UD'.VIN FOWLER M. D. A, B,

_Pi paL


MOND tY, sept 21, 1888.Thorough foi .-,-.:., i. and

depsrtitk'nt. Nen uni spacious1 tor si i.1 purpo***. Largs

m.d v. K<> extra chargei Num.-. ol i ii ed. i iariy appliration is in easarjr.

,, i Di lt. s bAi nN.A. M., LL. ll.l ii' Ipalsj f». ii i ami 'Bl .ll. A M.

Principals examine spplicsn - un ki stiff Sept 17.Cstaloj .-.¦¦. school m. 1 a' Putnam's 29d-st


, opposlto Bryant park, reojw 0i: shori leasons tborougbij mastered, Refers io

i- patrona:'i !.- i... ill Rev. Howard Croai y'ii.- Itev. G I. Prentiss, Tho Rev. Tho*. OsllkudctThe Rev. Edward Blight, The Itev. E. N White.

I,' (;. IRELAND'S CLASS FOR BOTS, 19 West1 . !_.':. reopens Thursday, September '.'7. Mr.J elai « be al thc clai aftei September IS.

I* I). LYuN's Classical t removed I tTEast 47th-a.-- will reopen beptembet 2(!th; .ughiy

I foi -li" bi -¦

INTERMEDIATE AN!) ACADEMIC SCHOOL FORBOY'S, 7.1 VV. -. L'i-i, ->., f.:,.-. ;v 171 We»l l°0th-»l

I i'i, yeal e na -¦ pt 17. Ml** RANSOM, Prim Ipsl.I il.'.si 'S School fot Hoya, 423 Mr, lSmiavc."**a (ni Reopen* Sept 27. Chm; Sept. 15¦ i . tun Miss._1 '.MN MACMVLLEN'S School ia In Weat lMtb-st.

*' sui hs u- !-i West 101 ju st, both near lOib-sre.About SOO feel ft rn Cable Hoad. Open Monday, Sept.1". Ten I n. MOO r. irdera, e'iuu. Cir-dan ii Km s, 27 Wcki 8d-st



130 LENOX- A Viv. in v known its nth-avc, he'tv-aen127th s's Ni i

ii...... ..- and w!*h the recommends-upi ii pi tamil li -. v\ i,,.

,r.1". pares fof business, technical schools,

».capsl retie management; ten first-els ss

Hill l. i-i:.;,!..-., d. No:..¦¦ -is tp|i! year* of sgi

In He*¦. i- in. -, ti h Spanish Le


¦. : .. 0 I', ni. on

i, Friday, un lei the i.i' i i.uu of lbUcrmau


- thi -.'. .. n rai hiu*e, 834 Lenox-ire., wher* a. ear* ol ur

..-. the ¦"' -...-- nf the I i Ins! -ii'".l trallon and lelnstruetlon.

lions tn s iiging, [lancing nu] Nei lie-work

Ti,.- numerous m. ni foi admission to the inst!-rea lr n elvo fulls attest the nv r lt l et*

A'.Ll! vv ZERBAN, 1'resldent

Mw. ly .N'S COLLEOIATE INSTITUTB, No. n. 1 asl j.\ at, corner >.f Broadway, opens .sept. 17

eil 11 .- Receives si -a.-.-; »hd prepares furm-I i. -s

mes tollu* li iv had ono or¦lilt college ;

lAlexander, Hcn-v p. Marshall,ll ¦'.;<% Or-mi Ii. Munn,

DbiWi a ll ki feller,'¦' Firr, Rev, Andrew Oliver, D. D.

1IL. iv, Junes Tslcotl,1* S. ll 'gina Ai, Irew .1 'J'..ri 1.

lame* C. 1! .1 \ Vorst,Ri K Kerr, fi D.. li il ph w.-lls

|200 pet aniiiirr. Ko-,ins fpecl-,!',y1 ui 1 upon a sinai* no u Present '¦:, lera have

to 20 li sr* ir, i, - ,1 ¦., n| Ad-visory , Li Uer, ;-.. -ss Wslka, ftern I'utnams' and Rsndolph's book stores, and at thu

.-¦. Si pu ml cr 1



*- Fi r bonnes, md eolletra,M WEST B7TH sr NEWTORB.

A Day an 1 1: 1: ¦.,- g, bool for li'-ys.i_NOWELIa 1- SCHERMERHORN.

ST. LOUIS C'.Ll.l lil IS Wi st 4 Sd-si Strictschool fur 1,1] a Bea foi pi sp

.a, HoOL FOR l.'V.,^ reopeni Sept 24, si 1,476 ii.d-' *. rt. I .-- .if r ie", 0 S a m.IO ¦'¦ I' ti-_VIM w. Lu HAR

TH'. '!.! I'i VI! SI I!. OL 721 M ¦'. ' sv<. Rei 1. HI N RV iv ii alis, principal

!/.(! ir la-gins Mui da >¦¦ 11Circular* on nj i'll, allon.

V"-' .- .. lo, ih> building will i... op, ri f,r in-I fm 1 mt* foi admission

.:" a dally. Pan nts en spei -tu,!, invited


t '.'..'hs- hoi a 1-I,v Limited number Six com-I s| .- Mu'I, I/. Uv! tu.,

u :, to ii In stsdle* In iormina right habits .>f studyIn mina nil -. tho th .ughtlesj F.ngll'h ¦Isngusges, industrial srt Evening 'ult hour.



PREPARl'S "i: I'l SIN! SS nit COI Ll OEGood liistn 'i influencesSpacious i:,11 ll ind dar R -"in.

pinojl II , v 1 '1 ". ";. iBER I.

1._jillVi li :: :. S 'I '.

NO. 19 EAST I'.'i II B


I TNIVi RSITT ORAMMAR BCHOOL 1 171 Broadwar,|| 1 1 cai reopem Septa rober "I

pen sftci September 10: print ¦ ''.Ini^Jj rieusri trucilon ihorough M. M. 'IOUBY.V ll AKIN. N- C. HENDRICKSON, Prlncipa a

jjnstrnctionBivs and Yonnr: M"n--C'.ty.

;>"..1 MADISON tVl Ul reopen Oe.Z.ii tober Ml Kl fi in ll «i,i be al lha elssatimms sfl. r Si ptembei la.

W " I) 111:11 h I. SI HOOL 12 vsr 46TH st.ll A high school itrort iel I selentUe,elaasleaL BEOPENS BEPTEMB1 R 2S

For Your? Lames.City.A -jackson si min arv 2,021 Ita-ava., a. a. cor.

. 126th-*t-ClsBklral lloafdlng anl Har BeboiYoung Lsd:.* si.l hil Irei i'up .. 1 rr

Ti choica! trsln ng Bulliitia dc'.v hed Ikr,e. airy e . .t

i". liva, we ! shad. I r ' "¦ Msrj !,

Chi-rty. Boarders shoo yearly 22<<.ycai begins Bops. BS





\ber '.'.').

A -miss WARRI N's si Hool FOR GIRLS. WITH Buys." 1.1.1'.'. UE.NT Ri 0| is Beal 27.

71 V,

A --MISS ANNI! DROWN'H S( HOOL FOB GIRLS,, Re pen- Octobi-i :i

718-; is i .:¦.,. Avenue,

AFTER nATI Rot Di sn I Mrs Chi Htor I. I ri s w 11 i

'' -N.

ii- Mr- car tii-r salli.f Mllslory In Rhyme

ClRLISLE ins; i-! ri sn I l*y[mi

h.|H'lls Oct I Hi. >. ur.

I ISM! VI. M II"l-l. K"i'. LIL! '.. IO I Msdlaol ll".Iil ," |>u| Btl ...

women j those uleling |"¦ 1

Wellesley wtthcul tu th rei i i.iniljn. Primsij and al-[epa 'i nt* Ti rms 1 hoarding puplli m .derate.

Reopen* Oct 1. Mlai N fth ind Mis* Barnes, Principals

npRINO Misti UL' VERNE! n Eui paMISS CARRIER will oi the school formeriv under

the lire. Hon il Miss nu V net <»c: .1 ei 1«, il 62EAST sftTH-ST. Until bepumbet 15th address BaVIA Lexington ave. _


RE-OPENS OCTOBER 1ST._Kl ISSES" A. ANL M. l'AI.r'.N!'.!'. lTI'.l'.IN'S C if'i'l School. Removed tj s; ac|.,u* house. 244 Lenox-sve., New-York. Tenth var beclus S'pt.-uiber 27.Boarding pupils soon pei year.\1 ISS J. F. MOORE will re.- ll ling and Day171 pupil* at, her residence, 117 West Tl'.thst... October 1.Kindergarten open* Ocj B. _,


.'I .,p. .:- ... i. I. Appl] ll ' pl '-'

MUS. ELLIMAN'B li IN HERC ARTI N sni I'tlinaiyClass. Lim, Year.215 We- .-.'ci .- i: pens Beptembet 20th._

M^^^^oY^Kll^EBOARTKf.e West 12' ; ¦¦


61 West Flftr-saeei '.-»'-


M,s, BUSAN Bl VAN t.MRINGE'fi SCHOOL FORGIRLS, ll"', East IStr, -' a-

Wedneada ¦ "._

MISS SALLOW'S sill- "L.24 LSI 22P t. I

_Will re-open on Thursday, October -I.

ISS CR'K'K F. R vN'li MISS Ri' K'SSI HOOL 11)11 GI HU*).

31 Wi --i-i opposite 1 Park.Reopens Octobei 3, 1--- . - for Roys.


Will reopen MONDAY. ... TOBER 1st

_Iii" pupil* re. i- '¦ .'"' r.-iliv._

MIS.-, ci mn.NV s,||. m. "li,7, vv si I7TH-ST.

_^_REOTI Ns M ri MB! R CB._

MT*-s c M. wit sun's s, hool FOR niLDRENRl..'1'l N'S Si EMBER 20.

113 w< st 44th st


N". 411 Mulls, n-sve. rsi i


WU1 reopen tho last M lay in I 21.

MtDAME ci'.VANNIN r superior '.'

n us Iki ¦', h.- s andOlst-st._

MADEMOISELLE lil K.I Nsi HOOL KOR C.! Kl.-.. ll S.

a | AI)AMI DA SILVA'S tHDING V*-!'i«lNo. 24 Wi I 'lars

\\ SS -.;:: '.i'l ii- |30tli -' i- "i -i- b< los*Training Class iderga

Miss; i.i/. tl'.! i ll L Ki ¦' ¦' ROtRDINOA"DDAY SI HOOL 'OR GIRI l. Grads-

Dei pei \m -'.' >t_.-\1 ess K F.ltSl.11 S. HOOL FOR GIRLS, 20 EAST BCD-ST.,lt ;. ns ii. i, ber a t-.-n

HIV! RSIDE -s- !""¦!. Foll GIRLS, !¦'.- Weil 103*Mia* V Wstil

»ith ¦' .'..,-.

R. - lc tl I pupils received R ' V_

HCT.-I.Ks 1 ' MALI "I.Li rear opel

(.'nr'.-n, Pi Imai y,64-5(1 we*< '.->¦. -. Rev, fi W SAMSON, I) ;.. Pres

I esl tBURT Si MINARY snd Klnd*n.i." rt t West' -'¦»'. 21 -' V : .-¦

p Vail- 1clpal. 1 isl le.

HE MISSES I'l RIM - S i!""L,14 EA

Firs' h, 'l-e

1*IIK MISSES WR1 VI.s- BOARDING ANO HAYBCnOOL for girls, :i7 i isl .,-¦ si roopena Oct, li

Separsti ins-, fi),

.pur. MISSEl roardIno and dat1 SCHOOL I : Vi Ls Iles un: h tn n.

September 23. Kl' I kindergarf n tea her 8!" Mal son-ave

rp MK. Missis CRA1IAM wil reopen ;; .

I and div td hool "ii 1 lil '¦.. "¦ ' ber rora.

1*11 Ii l OMSTOCK si ll'.or..1 1**02*.

NO 82 WEST 40TILST.Bf.krllng a-,1 Day I " La-Res.

Rroper.a Oct A M HAY" In ehargaTIIK Missis GRINNELL\.i ir1 DAT Bi l!""l. FOR GIRLS,

Kl et 2.Separate classes I boys, Oct 1 l. Oct to.

r|* U\: MISSES ROO] RS' -.' \N liJ c.-ru sn Sci I for Yoi : Children, 220V. -. 38th pen* Sept 17.

Y'AN NORMAN INSTITUT I " 7.7i. HOME» AND DAi SCHOOL -Centra I . .' ,-'!-¦.IM organ M.msloi Mme VAN 1 ULM AN I'm.cUs:.

\t EST I.NH WIN!']. SCHOOL ¦". GIRLS K--' * '¦! Miiiln,

...-1 Prli ,i i!«. Wi

QWEST 30TH-ST., fs.'l! Ol FOP, fTlRLS«' Applications may be a h. till Sept

21- i I. V. i.

->0 WI ST Kt.'i ll THF. Ml.).> foi \ uni Lad :. il-- v Ivan .¦ 1nurse i: pi

I. Ited nt of Boarding I1 rtei irs ol

I I w M \'i|s.i.n wi Mrs i: .¦ :...! M!-- ".Ito El

l en i hui

For Both Sexes.Cit'/rsOLUMBl \ ti.LL! GE


\beclnnine Montiy, Sepu-mt^i 21, Bt V* ,i. m.

i OLLEGJ vi. i .-lt WONinning Mi ndaj I

SI HOOL OF MINIS.beflnnlna Monday, Beptemboi 24, at 10 a. nL

Bi HOOL "I LAW,on Baturdi]. s, pti ... al 10 i m.

h. HOOL Ol POU I l< AL SI Nii'.(Man ila! .

GRADU \ i I. Bl I'ARty. r-,. iii n ii i] Sstu er 20.

Till'. BCUOLASTl v VC v\ ;,;. ll] .; -. ONDA V, OCTOBER 1 v . \ l.

Fer Information Bp|.lj lo HENRI DRlSLER, LL. I).,Acting ll -.

F. a. P, BARNARD, LL li Pn_

41)tll ill .il" Ni

C< 0LLEGIA1 l-l GR V.MMAR MOOL¦.)'. i.. ', , v -

fc.M' 74THSI NEW-1 ORK,' '¦ '¦ I mt rh


1prii I. i rtmen ta,French and

R- ripen* S*| lu

plv a; tho K him] t I. 'll' ii, |i, ,, | Mj ,\

hn\ tl 1NSTITV1 1 -...'.''i i ur Reola iii Sept 10


I.' RI ENDS' SI MINARY. on Ruttier!siuj tessni Sunni' cornet ICth-s: ";

Ibept 18th.A Behool for 1 i en refill lr

from tim Kind tu llatter belni

. olural

KIN!,! Rfl V K 1,1 NI, i I ,

I.No. ll Ea»i :. Prof, JOH.N K I: \ ¦-, aii- RAI - ROI Li

Mot li.i it instifriiphi-. Dat ni 1 I-,

rje«s and rollcgi I mu.ii- ii- :; i- vt ¦,. \lm\U Wi'i RING IND STUTTERINVoles si ... i

and Um All "f Perte, t Rei , ,,. , .

MRS. i vv sri w titi) .] .-

r|*HE IU KL! iZ SI ll'.ul. OF !-'1Ma'1:" - -ay).

___^'. ll lil ;.,,...


Branches: Braal yo, ,: PblUdalpbls.Musical Instruction.

A-NEW-TORK : \ ,.;'- op Ml BIO¦'¦ AST 11 lil - ,,, BTe,

I -' ,! -'.


y\< > Rtii-oi iii...., M. SI( i



,;v,;,ll V.


Miss M. ci ..I-..,i m.a. KMAN r.-in,,.-, .lu plain, and Bales Ott l.

.oo Wc«t BM-st,



BEDFORD HEIGHTS INSTITUTE, 03 New-Yor'a,Va reopens SE1T. 20TII Isles ei

i tot boys, bomfor M\ cir ii,

j (Ml w MOREY, Principali> ROOKM :. li INDEKOARTRN,ll 'jin i Km..ii st. ttlanl ave.

Thti lindi gan I 1377. will be reopenedMouin. ". .¦ l. MISSES SHARPE Principals

apply ;i" Gs len place_|>KliT I.NslTIT'i E.

HI'.'i. IK LYN, N. Y.

Day classes fur | ala t.efln Tueslay, Evening Biasses, Monday, Oct, l.

AppUeatloa blanks sud all necessary Information be

sbtalM i ,:(,"ii an lviiii- by lette! bi in person at, the sfBeaff th" Isstltats or in pen a Rysraotvet., between Do

Kalb an-l Willoughby aves

I > Ii tRHIS K '¦ I -. .7T"forII .ung lad Lafayeite-ave., Brooklyn..'.. r, Si: l foi .. .'ii".

a- f. C tTHERINE'S hall,O liROOK Ll N, N. Y'.

In i' I !m the Eving. Hs*.

i open, september 2d. Re 'or. the Bishop of¦ ara, i ingilsb. Fi1.,',., Ap] .iii" to lliu Sik-

,)ti !, v, m: pi if, w, A Stai m's 1 otSO i

102 Bi i- ley la. a, Brooklyn.

Jersey City,HASBROUCK INSTITUTE, st., Jersey City.i.i-". third t :,. september I'th. Th"

.lal px hool¦' '- Studi ni. pri'tiare I tm all the les

nilflc *. I.i- ii,.! for bu«tni -- pui .ut*ito .!' arm o', for :¦'.¦ fi, young inti"-. Kinder-

itory eluates for tx>rs snd girls from 5 toll year*. n ch, Ge msn, dratting and vocaltaught in tl,., i. -ni.,r ...,or-- ullin.o' .-vr.ra charge. Con-

Music, ai; Mil,,,,! .-uni Cymnaslum.Sltuati i- in 7,-ir mlnutek1 null, ,,f l'"nnsTlv*nla

-I station nnd easy ,,f a.-r.-s from ill other New-J. ey iail:"ii I-.

.,..,:., 'i-s containing full Information sent on appli¬cation. CHARLES c STIMET8, I m-L.if.Rs. :. .' WAH', I Directors.

Boys and Y ur.rr Bier..Country.4 CADLMY WITH HOME FOB TIN ROYS.

Thori.urh preparation for C.,liege or Bu-!n*»s withSpecial .v- :..ii t., English Compo¬

sition. Good Gymnsslura Ten Hors received in I'rlncl.privileges. Abs nt. i healthful

-,. Lilllie, u ill! th" mOSl I"'rounding*. Highest references given nod required.

J. il. RO( 'I'. I" i,' Ipa!. cr. inn. I,, onn.~k LEXANDER 1NBTITUTE MilitaryB ird.n;.-S hoolil Will tr Plaint NV. f) ll Wi., -. AM .Mill .I'rIYETTS ACADEMY, S'in,f.rd. Ct, 50th Year.

A . ilse I school for boys.PREPARES FOR fJ L .EGB AND RCSINESS

Individual trail,...". Physical dull.0 ida taree and very attractlvo.

_WM. J. BETTS, M. A. (Yale). I'rtnr'iii.

nl.oii'll ii lu ESSEX " N. .1 - Charles M. DI. M. (Prlnretoi ir boys

ur Business.:i, .'. ipifl RYANT Si ll'int.,i> I..'-LYN, L I. N. Y.

vrate j f the highest < .'-i-s for ... bri .. .'ii:ii i.i nf, Principal.

BLACK HALL SCHOOL I-'ll BOYSTlThoroughh.nii'i

.. highest references chaki.!.;- griswoldBA Ri LET 1, .M A.. Lime,I) "\ ¦' V, 'ARDING M 'i' m. Thf -. ,

t » -'- r. N. \ 1'.. nra- r fr colleg-. SCls ttflc - ho ,Ur business; ump h.' I'. '-pe , Septen*.

it i. u vi. S a. M Ri ii

/ lAYUGA t Vi'.V Al \DLMV,i' V N. V.J. vv RIGHT, It s.. a.

C- h. . \ '. S'ewark. N. Jm. ¦; sud v. -i

pt. 10. Fore ;i \:.. it at

C.v. ALL HEIGHTS Si HOOL/ Tv .1,.)->.,ii, -,. ¦- ni-i. der CO. Addicts

CARLOS H. bl N ¦: a Mi i. :.. i-


N. v.Reopens Thursday .- '¦ mbor 13th, Aldress

Rev C A. HOLBROOK. Ph. .').

}vi,.mv.'.iii|i -,,!,.,!, For i-.',vs ti"Mill Conn.

i.i this v ii¦ . IRAN .- NI ll

a.* i.i -

Ll s'l INO. N Y.ll lARDING-SCHn H. Kuli *."! NG MEN* AND BOY'S.

OPENS MONDAY, si PT I7i'fl.v v vii;. HILO.


ur uni full GEORGE v.PERRY, v M., L sd_I'd lin.!. iNvi'fii m.. ii. hold, In. j..i-'orty-

VRet v '. CHAM Bl KS, A M., Prim IpftL

(i l-l Vl.i.i R INSTITUTE- Ui rksl Ira County, Mass.

'- _.-. S(-|en.

I :". '. i'll .' i: b ginsI

i.i IRC I'. F, MILLS, j-

If EM Pi v '"NC ISLAND IN st IT l-ii'..i.'i li..-, i unil.'i tiilitecn.

IP fitted -L-l".

HICIILA.N li MIL! VRV si tliii v.. WoiMass,, HM !.( l--s'

Prli I:JOSEPH ALDEN SlfAW. t. M.. Head Master.

HiVIl. si ll. '".'. f i trifui leesiniiuh inslru I iui r, un linns.

. ;, n;;i MMOND, A. M Principal, port Chester, N. Y.

IRVING INSTITUTE Ta Rudson, otters on-to indent* w - ruction

boys. Add A. ARMAGNAC, Ph. I).

1AK FWi 'li, V.I '..ii-- n i- !' Boys... ... -ii !.. bull I u erected foi tho

pu .. j;, i- have s.-|mriito rooms Careful phrslcal, lu¬ng. 1 hos, I), sui ..

»S ITCH ELL'S ROYS* SCHOOL ll letica, Ma**., iaa?| ui'les I -.v ll, on tl,"

Sch ."!fur Boys fl fl 15 ll ill terr mm 'neel

to M. i .'Wi' HELLA PlAli. BEACON AC A pl

FISHKILL "Ni HE-HUDSON. N. Y.A Hon ¦. iel "i Eur cat;.] ui i, ndd ¦--



.... tT SING SING ON HUDSON.R l-l..Ns s um .,,; iu i; 13. i£3>

For pan ir* address,t Ht '.v.'. ALLEN. Principal.


Sup rlor -' h" I. '¦:.' 'rat.iERv:-.;. S. i: "BERTS Prlnelpal.

Ni iv ii its] v v; mn ... r. Ni ir N '. ty, U '\ iM I. V.N'li s. ll". IL Fl K VoL'.NG] I*. ll' (VS.

ll autlful -'ii In-I nd ua ClREV un.Liv \ NEWBOLD. Principal._

^l.'.'. roN INS! r; in v High (760 tivery h. althr; ii i.i .t tl select Eic

..: il «. '. -.vv i. A. M.,


1) vi:.; AVENUE INSTITt'TE. BRIDGEPORT.f tag's Hr-.-

. 1--. rays plea*. L B ;l:is S 11 19 1

S n JON! s A M Pt


671 ll Tl ai; OPENS SEPTEMBER 13.A .'. ILI I'AR'i i ol.I.I ,.:.

DEGR1 ES IN IV ll, Ni IM ItlN >. ''Hi.MLSTRY.ARI Ililli ii RE AN li Allis.

A (hi '.' f Mf GEO lt STERLING, 62 Dey-st., City.

ii. i: ss c. li i Ai C, l'tssiicnu

Il GHKEEPSII-: n v. Military institute. All sges,i, Uusiiit'sk, Weil Point. Name this publication.

Llusirali 1 a. a lt WARRIN... rh.p., 1'rln._IS iv i,i;\ IEVS ACADEMY,

I r., Prepan m nugi lr for Collers, 'ne Govanv

i. ,.i Academics, ..'ul Business M.ita.v liriBlbBEE v AMEN, I'rineipsts.

Ht TGI !'.s "i.l.l.Gi. GRAMMAR SCHOOL,'. A boys lay and boarding school,

bepiembei IS Ad¬di -- GEO '.'... I JEW El P. ilea I Master.Il EV J. II. CON VI HOOL "I'. 10 I'¬

ll. :.. lin Ison ci ms, sow per am.un..

RORI Si ll. ."I, li n.-Foi ll y« '

-. '. i".i .. inn'. -, ti, .rou -M i, exu .'.¦,'. i

Ri i. Il I. LVI REST, M. A Rei tor,

Hr; KRS i ", Ne* Brunswick, N. .1 Fallen, , ii ens

'.. Iii t- ss. sin , (Cl laslcal)i-i, j

ii i .-¦, No tut. --. Ti,

sn horiiurh. I. div* courses Inich, Hf.

brett-, f< v .

-ri li Lit .! ,1 ure, In Junior anI',.- '.-

tpplilem .if

th.' ('lilli *' .¦' ll -"¦ '

ml M.i tai

tie I d j

in hi ml m I. full a' ,. itu* f. hs -.-., .1 equlpp Astnuioml


mil" a, proprlal .¦.... peil .' id.11 ess

I |;\ r.c s PSI iN l.,l" ¦¦ in Rill ph I ,||i ge-.! RRILI- HWARDH evil-, Ph. H.,I.I. [) I. ll tl

Pn si i nt

BT. ai -': V, I.t*

.1 NI VV BRIGHTON, S I., N. Y.A ii.ii .

i Terms,-

.. " ¦ ¦ md Cai iel »

sLFH '- :;, vt! r. ii n i;,

SHALL for lli

and |

UT.* Bing, N. Y.- Rey. J.? * URI li ..'... i.ill ...;. i, i, i.. -, -j.,,I t-s r i

UII'iKT III1 ila tl Hoolr") pl Ri ll il tlllll ".-. \v

UT lOHN'S Ml Ll a kv Ki li'."!.i*M SM.! H .N. v..i.i I'-' > ' 0 III N I.,,,: |.j- vi RDECIi-J!"|.ai.s PREI'ARATORl SCHOOL Newbura t*I"* '. Twsnti sun, year will begin Sept I7ii.1") circulajs, ic. addiois HENRY W. falGLAll, i'rlug.



rj. I,-; of TI UNOLOGT,Uvat-sl between Uh ind Otb " ,; "'":<""- *v J-

,,; NS8I PTI MBER ISEsaaslnstJons foi adm! il n on (he 101b and nth of



Bi ijoOLS OF B( IEN( E AN D COLL1 ces


BENIOB Di PARTMI NT. SIM FEM ANNUM.ids in tba s'ul.cs.

i M calal asea apply to tba Ubiarlaai of stevens Imu-



^-.-lii^.'N ViLIHn' VM. 'I. |.,I'r:..e.n-iL__rp RINITY SCHOOL TH M','.V-""i, Nn YHector1 The Rei .,A'.i: > si,v,IR'!.* LL. D^aP.. f^UltK

As;: ""' v. :;'c t ,",'-'. . I universities,men thoroughly lit ed foi ino offers

:i j I"" \)!^uV^^ R-.,

.sk'-.-r n p-si-'V a. A DEMY. I1RIDGETON, N- J.

>\ '.v"!.'.!" f r B *. eieet. U. .-'.. .¦ -**Estal nabed 31 years ;i»»v woo.

(, a ^PRINCIPALS j, w. BlON EY. Ph. P._

\Yi UKAM' ha!:!:,:kskill, n. i.r0f Young I'. * only. Send for drculira.

\'...NM;Ks MILITARl S( HOOL1 :t'...,i North Rroadwsy

OBaaaBept IO. .AfM^sr ea^urjon^(., nj ll .USO. yonkers, N. T.



Ona nf il,' best equipped ¦' 1 heal m.imped schools

itudentt board with th" principal; 12 tcs hers sll

men and ira I " colleges; fine buildings;Sniio or dotVble p.'in-, every room hs* in lt ¦ steam

-ii- ): grounds ten acre*!f,,r football, baseball, athletic*. *e. gymnasium; special.rt, n studci '- to .i Ivance rap! Uv; prtvsts

for backward boy*; patrons or -'ml-n's may

any studies, or bus preps storr elee-uki.: or civil engineering course; physical and chemical

ess bi.nt. with telegraphy,shorthand, typewriting, v '¦ more fully supplied with

., tn.,:, uni ntl el eolb'g lilting school In the-. ,t, , Mi ll. a iden y sfTord*. every hon

,..:,,, ;., t ihe best training fixed prices,. ,.,,.r pvt ..¦ expel no .-.

' id nlsslon. New|llu,( ,. ,| , ¦.. Idles*. SWITHIN

SHORTI.I I'LE.. A. R V. M. Ilaivarl Gradprim Ipa mil1 tor. Mi Hs P mn.

C">0 I .) a TERM ruplls flited for eotlege or

.>.>.> I . . i : I educator; beal... r. A. SAWYER Hr.uri, Ithaca, N. Y'.

For Boch Sexes.Country.\MONG THE HILLS, -.nin.i tm, mlli from New-York.

Order pm I 'I CHA ITA-


(« 1. W i' v coLlegi

lilli.- I' I" t Ifor business n.ukli: ana url, thorough In-

mil 'i,,n in I, -s >pp mlii-r1°. bend .. ,

REV, v. Il I. \' K. A M.. IT"-.

Ii '. icu ..I.LI .'.I vi C. INsl'Ii TlSi pl I" S-.|,. b li- sp bul -. -' ''.'

'. - for ladle* an 1 gentlen en, rn-i- i Music Art.

,.!,. |L- Iles; 10 Freei .ii um oi to Normal cia----.

light, -.Li¬

nt i.iii Mu i", BIBS I" r

year. Si ni for entailI..-. i-.'i i. i. I. N.Y_

It -. -.'¦-..- '. SEMINARY), N. J..THOS HAN-...-.;¦! : hy D '¦:.SH,

I", health, d bo « B ' sni ssh Ia--- p; | j t| n-. anl extra- but sri aol

,., 1 complete._V vv..i;\ i

> .1 .Th!* *e|i

r, oj .-I .l-l . foi bu' ' -. *J0J

L-l I gUI IOv. 'I- too, N. J.


Preparatory ' Males; I I La.Hos. Sjicc'si tensI t .'¦ Yea i Supt 1 Cats tua

or W ll ll tNNISTEH, s. M PrliC' I liv * YEAH ST. ST I'llEN'S Si HOOLV I ll."] nttenv iii-, s v. for chi!-

12 year* Good care and kin l:,-.PHILLIPS, Pi

C-'Xin -M Ai'i.i".'.-¦ ¦:. Institute t. ri -..,....

oOlM/.t'oneordv He, Penn. Prepare! ry. b-:-i ess E g¦", a- itory '.-.,urs-"--

.Highly ri mitti, niel. JBIIOETLIDGE v de), a. SI Principal.

For Youn~ Ladies.Country.

VREC1 Nii.Y ESTABLISHED BOARDING VllOnr..,,.'. ring t-v<-¦.!',

:"'. irirK underHf', on, ni h .

' itel \ 1 !. -- I'., cai'J1


BORDEN i1 '¦. N I- EM A I. DLLEGE, '.

Charming location on the Delaware, li ilthfuL ai. l '..ii it in. tn icilltlesli ali ri, " inuei a sni in l cata-

WEN !T' -t.

/'I. \ s> ir ti. AND HOME INSTITUTE.*l pi ughl -I N. v ' I'oung Lal!'?* fof

I With .' '. ll a.-.'.Misssi. lah V. I! BUTLER Principal.


lego a sped ¦ t«-d t« V ¦--.

ind Smith n eui cert i: .tts. ADALINE W. STERLING.. A Roi IM M " IRlsll, A. n

OKE'.V LADIES' SEMINARY. Csr:sel, N Y.-2Bdp i.s p -i ¦'¦ 12 ll sith u ho e.iks t Sr-

igh Illus" ,t- 1 t .- dir C CROBBV SMITH. A M.

IT* LMIRA COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, offera superiorj .1, .'i' iges In liege Sclentll I lr ..araioiy

i eur- - ,,f sui Iv .. Mus li : Art I!. j-¦. 1 bystcsn ind furnished » itoi Chsrgea sra

Send for Calal is tn lueaiiLuta w. "wu s. >.r. ;.. Elmira, N. Y./ '". !)! 7. lill.;. .- I.Ml.NARY, Full YuL'.NC LADIES.S I Ki: | Add '-s


.:. vi.,--.. Miss Porter, Principal. Pu iu a .- ,. j a..: Smith an our erv -e.


HOME INSTITUTE, Tarrytown! N. Y.-A txiardlng and: ; re-

p. ii sepb e bei ls. MISS M. W. MET( i'.r Principal.IVY HALL SEMINABY-FOB YOUNG LADIES.

-.. ..-'I uestMttl ', Art, Ancient sui

- .," GrwluaUng tour* a. Il"alihXul.v

,_" N p.-tnelpat.

I VNDON it \t.r... PoccrrrrErsiTF. n. y.

a C!-:'s Behool of the best elaaa Collegs Prcpamtnrra I A al- Courses Li uages. Ar-, Music. Altr-ss

SAM! LL WELLS BU( K. A. M Erin.1 v. -ii, N, M j, ri1 ' Mis-spa FARIUNGTON'S tor yi ung ladles

Urea\\ RILLI NC, E'S Ii

. N. Y.. I October 3i-i

lll'.S R II. Ml'bDAl'n ll and Dav7

_,. ;-.,,-

li.- s Mrs. Il M IL! iV. -: '¦; ;: 1 -' ¦¦ [le || N. J.

ft J Ess E. ELIZABETH DANAi's Reopen.- thu Seminary for Young Ladles si Morrl*town, New-Jei ey, beplenioer l (h Itattructlou

ina; Mus md Ail Giunple tor recreati climate ,,f Morristown uosur-pissed Terms: Boarding Pupil.». 1500, circulars on*i, ilion.\l i-s BARTLE PT'S it riv MISS NOTTS) Iii meI'S and Day St-hi fining Ladles, :,A Wall-st, Nett--Haven.!

Cin ulai - sent .. ..; pll. s ii ri.

Ml -s M vi'.'. I BOARDINO ANO nivSI tl' "L, J- 2 111(1 -.'. Vt al

I8SS, - \:... nra.

Pu I* passHi iu examinations in iii

A] "RAVI vN SI MIN ' P.I j -.,. LADII S*'* H ¦:., ra a century's rxpeiience, combinedJ*'1" ti n -¦.!. I,, silord* fa illili . eoualb l vIi * .mi sxi cited by\ OTRF Ii VME OF MARY! t'. '¦" flat. Institute I v Ladles ind Preparatory

t>i hool f. uttt, Git s, M m. v ;. 0 " ¦. milos no'.! i. ICl l bl il SlkU'fk ol N Ifll Dauic

bi 'el f >i ii ,i, gue.|| IF.RE Kl vi in tc,, s,un .,. |. , .. |,.

11 thorough Instrm" i

v lin i: si, \



S . mil.A Ei- : ,. kui i eilegc |n.I, N .1 bul

ii bu 'iii si.i nmi ¦.,

'I' tl I.M \N s.,1, ,. N j._m;i t ursa wm,1 n" every dcpi it Musical ad

* ¦'i"'- Mlki M. M. ll" ,,p Pu*T M1 is\ '' »-*TABLl 'H nOARDINO SNu mvI School foi Young Lillies will ,, .' \\", ii ii.i: t, Ni ,-. Brunawl k, N I.


'I' Hi. GRISWOLD s, li,mu.. |...,,... '..,|,.... I.,-,' ,

Studio.Lu lu. (.reek, Iii, I, m. 1

v'. I, illhful hi rn, f..r _'lrls ,,f .ci ages.

Fy mi i.i, GROVE LADIFS' s; MINARY, HtI Sprlugk, N. \. ,h f ... ,, ,...,, i Bopt ,.A '"- 'HAS !¦' I.,V\H. |'. I,

'I' V ll VI! !.. ,, N, I

A Hu,rough hom - .... , . »-..i«

rriii ,i iM\ . will ..-p. Septcmh,¦

Mis. MARV ). STl iii: ns prlnolpal,\tvi'. ;' LANE SCIIOOI t-'"R'l! r.t.V via,"t vu.', '' I f'-r fouug Ulies;

.',.' J"'' *>B«na) be| i ,,,, , .,,,.' ;'v Course*, ,. -..y ou .*,'

aaamlnatlon. Foi uti ., ad LessMl** ADA M. SMITH, i PriaelaslaMis. T. B. RICHARDS, I, rhtla

Jnelruction.For Younrr Ladies.Country.

UrfRft WALNUT STREET ROARDTNO SCHOOL farVonna Mlssei snd Utile Olril Re-opens Sept i|

.aih rear). J. TRAUTMANlT, FrtajBat1"(a'aiogu* sa application <.3ul Wuii nut. Fblisfa. Ps.1 li>l 1'INEsT. PHILADELPHIA, FA.I, I-J-* MADKMOISI I.LE fVjNAMFT'B

i. nch Hom" School for sn Toung Lal les. reopsr.i Elf,*.IS, Thoiough Csarrsr in Bagnell and Trench.

Miscellaneoua.CIBCULABS sehoo;a, h"'h sexes, city and BOSntry, »1tfc

.-.refiii sd-.-i." to parent* miriam coyrierf.Bl F.a«t 17'h st. t,et. 4IS.SVS. and Broadway.

IIHILOLOGISTS who wiatt ti, complete their stnSjseIn i'h Teutonic languages r.v learning th'-,R,,».

v in dialects should communicate themselves .., t.INOVALL ita K -alway graiuatel fem ths Er.i.

f Upsala, Sweden.

\\ REI ¦' S .ri.ii.- ..... K of Amerlesn anfl fora,Barchool and eollege test t,,..,k*. nn1 sch-ol stationery,

wast. nrlc<'«. BREN rt NO'S, .', Baton Bsasffe, N. y.


A VISITING TEACHER cbsrges B3I a |ssrtst forone t» -s: n a week. Tl. -.-sion eaaelsta <>t four

if which an fl.--, sa i . history, lu itaraa.d math mailes, one to a language French, Genaaa <,r

i-i.-. a friend »

ranute I '., faithful,. ¦.¦ ,- ¦: ' mer pupil* Address Mil I. M.

MONK, Al cumbil la" place Brooklyn, N t

V-BRST ii v HI .:- supplied, no charge. TE*. I-, i r.s "!--t. ioi J'l cents f"t uoatsg u rn , mi band, '"rm lor sui'.u. R. hi AVERY, Amsrucan School Bureau, 2 vv.-. iii.".. .'. V


supplies Professor*. Teachers, Tutors, cov * - »,

p' Colleges, Behoofs and Families. Apply '.,

Mrs. M. J. YOL'NG FULTON, 23 Union a*4j*aBfS,i N I¦'XPLRIF.NCF.D GERMAN VISITING TEACHERA wishes io mane .-ni.agoni.-rit In s.h'»ol or family. Mel-

,-. terms. Miss sCIIROEDEB, 2 MltchsU alas*, Bealttl! ll *i- _IVi OMPETENT Fr,g!i«h lair, with Mst references, de.

air. , pupils in Ftifc'Ush branches and musle Add- iaMrs. F. Tribune I'titowii OB CS, 1.2BB Bi-oadiskT.Il Kl V ST!. IT" ll Crail'in'.- or Val.- arni OkloatBls j

recommended by Rev Dr Tsylor " A aucce**fu|eminently anaHasd." Arness hf.aD.mas-

ILK. Tribune Uptown OBJee. 1 2is Brnkdway._^ll'v NI ID PosltloB a* gnVSraSSB or teaeher; a Uki IB.St illons F.nslUh, German French and music. Adlr<-ssELSIE, i-osr office, s».i'i"ti R,

If ANTED.An seeoraplt»hed linclne master for a refined]ST ni,,oivn Institute. Addr--«s, with terms and refer-

Li.NOX ANN EX, 'A'-'* Lenox ave., city.__xs* WIT.!).-Pupils In i:n£r!!sh branches and Latia byST a voung lair who has liad four years' exp<-;enoe Inteaching. Address A. R. T. 122 Water-el. .">._ss- OMAN'S EXCHANGE TEACHERS'BUREAU forST both *e\es) anppttes prof*»*or*. teachers, |«ma>essas tmi'l'litis'r<. companion*, kr ta tai.leges, schools md fsaailles: bookkeepers, a:u! copj «ta bi bu*lnes> flirr,*.

Mrs. A. H CULVER. 320 Sth-av*.. New-Y^rk r:ty.

MRDancing ^caoemics.


¦h Y'ear oneiis 17th Inst. send for Circular.


A -TROY BOATS. lighted throughout l.jelectric Hsiits. conn. "f DELA vt v ;

JJND HUDSON and FITCHBI .-¦-¦- St-ait-ers tRATOCA or ITY OF 1 Kol Plei ll.f. ,- i hrlsupher-st, di.iv exoept Saturlay, ty p. nt bu., is/iteamer touches at a bsny.


lier si, North River, fool of < ans! il Bl ¦. P. M '¦.

(sundays excepted). Freight received unt.l the hour sideparture.HOSTOX AND ALL POINTS EAST VIAI> PROVIDENCE LINE.

Steamers RHODE ISLAND sui MA8SACUC8ETTSleave Pier 29, N R fool Warren-st, at B:B0 i m.Reeves's renowned orcbe«tn on eseh steamer i

ind state-rooms secured 207, 257 Sol. :c7, 101 t.Broadway. Astor House, t o*m. noiltan ti vv :- ir .,

mid all .iii"- "f West tit's Express .mi', Brooklyn. _ __


K I l.i. and vi sic i LL leanit ts. atoot ot la--sc. N.R Caiafcil Moun¬

tain nnd Cairo K. R. For list of house*, ra'"- 1-il '., pl r or address W. .1. licit, - -.-.. '. V


-.¦ ,n ors in con Iii... RIM,BRISTOL PROVIDENT - OLD -I. "NY.

rhe»tra traci I-i." 28. N. R "'i No ' t

Bl B An aili 0:15 u. m. Express trains with,i '. ir River f.,r Boston, Cape ;.

1. the White Mountain*, <.

NDAYS, leave New.York at S Hf) p. m. for allReturning leave Boan n i p m.tuon ty Annex boat daily from Brooklyn, Bb m.;its 4 p iii Ti. r. maj ¦¦ ..',-

raliei in New-York at '.'"7. 261, 711. '.'it. 057 at 1 1.32.1E ,in iv; -.'ijl Wast ItMa-at anl IU E.. . IJ f_- t ;

,i Bowery. A-tur House ani Windi ri!' I-. .

"li c. lier CS N, R.. uni on steamers.-I 0. E. CONNOR, G. P. A. BORDEN t I." > ELL t|I>ONDOUT, KINGSTON AND CATSKILLII Mountains, landing at Cranston'* West Po il Corn.

Newburg. Marlboro, Milton. Poughiccapa Inj u-. connecting nith Ulster sn l Delsws .¦. Stony Ch t-s,

it«kill M miitaln -md Raatentklll rsllrosl* MCITY OF KINGSTON anl ivMES w BALDWIN taara

reek-day nt 4 p. m., pier foot of llarri bimi, bl, N r.except Saturday, when CITY OF KINGSTON leave, ,-l p. in connecting with evening tram for Resorts througn


MARY POWELL mu CRANSTON'S. WEST]', ,i.t. c. n mill. Newfjftf, New.Hamburg, Mtltos,

psle Hyde I'.-trk, RoniVui aid King tun Everyweek-day Bl 1:1$, sad Wael -_'.'t--- A fl n. m.,

i_- Sundays, when she,leaves one sou


D v ii.Y' (except su- d.'s.Leave P.r..,T!t-:i, .¦¦.. um..- \ \. . . . s ^'1 a m.

.'-'.'. v ..--.. v..-.-,-. .r. l'l.r .... 8:40Kew.York, Weet -772!--' ri. r .... o 00

for ALBAN) !.. pLug st VV'esl point, New buri- Poattwk- e-i-i- Rhli iklll a, '. Hud on.

Rettir ilug Albsny . . 8 30 j. cuA 'i !'. vND to c., i-i loat.

WEST POINT. NE'.VBUPtGnr.nil POl'GHKEEPilBjALBANY, sith N V ce (ral and IL P.. R R. f-r

Et. a. NI\,.v!.A FALLS, B '.: snd the West; m-nBoston and \ t>anj ll. lt mil Fitehbu g ft, li for Hwith D. and H. (< .'- R H I



SATURDAY at 0 p. m i-onneeti-c with Boston .' al¬

bany Railroad. WHEELER P (WELL, Manager.

N" ORWICIJ LINE for Bnston, NVorceiter.'pi rt r. ri t. N -il. I S lb B b " M '

'allis, lit points NMth ai.l I'.ius- s

lea vi Pier 40. ;,, -. Mi,..- :. rr, n:^-. .

vv.,----.. (p.-\i i nil, v Dosbr -«...»¦. FSiry lallySunday* excepted, il '. :>n m. This ima" h-* ,;:i:qua I fae!l ties for 'ni.- anl dilthrough ut Nen En elard n im. aeh «

\" pt Sun lays, i fr --lit. Tick.Room* *., i--..i at 7. j; .- 7. J'1, :i:)7. 037 r. idwar--.i i: aery. In 1 W ,.. ,

I¦:!'..|,-IAt Ph Nliver, alli ,,. -.

vv - nt'* Ex ll tor sud iheckfri ni h '"is and li, W. BRADY, v.

^TONINGTOX LINE.* *e« W rei Ki - ind -l

n N. v i' '. ,¦ i: it s \vPier J.-, ... R.. om- block above m.j: st., a'. 5 p. ¦ :. .,t»er-i,t sundays._rVi> M.WI! \\ X,-L EXCURSION goad B days), al IS.Steamers C. ll NOR'l it a ^l and CONTINENTAL >ns

I'i-1 '-¦'. K lt 3 p. m. and ll p. n Bund t

il i> n, roi ,- sett Haven with speclsl Ifor MERIDEN, HARTFORD SPRINGFIELD HOL¬YOKE, le. Thrnti.-h tl k-ts sold snd Baggage' cheeked si'.mi Broadway, Nen v -., an] 4 Court-at, Ii- ^

Ihofccoional.\M AN of baldness esrperleass, ss se.-re-a-v sf a

:-,.',.-i ,; r.rp ration I* ..pen to engagement laa similar CBPNelty, or would tkke hsrc ol snili.-.r ti_- .i a qusinted with bookkeepl.ig anl rori

u,id.inn"-.i reference. Aldrosa K. Bos 21 T.-iUunsOfflce.\ VOl NG LADY d'-lres a posit a- j .

* a. a lad) :,. travectng. Al..flt ¦-._

*i\' vnii iii a young :-itv Cansdlsn isi c..ui|..m...i to elderly or Invalid lady, gover -- achildren under 12, or would superintend hom

rless .-in! !r'-n : n. objection to iravd refereneeae\chsog*d. Address Miss M., No, ._.; Gard i.Uca,

¦.. n.

\\' vMT.ii liv sn educated, expel fina n*"-»» .ia; responsibility an agenej fut sn estate er | I

ii--. In rt .-. mme cia! house or a corporation Addresslt. C. D Tribune Office,Q YEARS \ li.'.'KlilEI'ER, 5 tc,e* ., i- :...i ..- poaltli a. Alli- -s i, :;, ...-. 4. 4i»

,' ay, Alb mi

Ccgnl Xoticco.CfTREME COI'RT.-Richmon il Cotwty.-*~ Ttounas M. King .mt athen again*! Roon na.' I..-ii r*

Pu mani te t udgmenl n'rat :¦, .- |. t- lera of ci i'."

mond on tba 19th dat .-r May, i--* . ti., ¦' ree ipim nie 1 to ai ri -., l u Igii

mi s,.;i .,. ubi.,, suellen Bl the Heal Estate Fi';:.s n ll ¦ N

street, In the i lu of Nee Vork by vi lau ll Mullel tneers ,n v;,c, i,, -, .pj,. r 17-t- v

I'elnek noon th* one hun If t an nine stine- ¦> in. Bn -I-.- k of the Nett Vork Transl' md V munji »'«¦*.

pony, LU :.. I b |oi gin. t., thu >l. I. n Uni lt rn *»sn i i. s nh. i tn -i ,¦ a v.cpi patsffrspB of sn

IBU 1 S,-pi, inlier llb, ts-JA' KSON \V ILLA

fox Oiilc.[ARRVt lt \RC tlN's ORO \N CLO I.s. BI! '

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" \: XOYCLOPEDI \ liRITWMn," pub-I. ¦< bo iii i.t eau r»r

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Viv- r Horton's les Orana bj saids Beal r1",*',nu. IL' n, ,n - 1-,|, n- -suj' F' en ll I* ..a*, lg

i i,m. roi Restsurants, Churches E.-' m - < wl,Ji!.vuikai i -I." tn.ur. Country unter* promptly 111*1 ' v_

nh ave, b'M iltli-av.'.. ll. I'aik. raw] liv* ""

lilith-st., New-York; sui ta;) Faltsa-aa., BroJkijn.