new york tribune.(new york, ny) 1883-12-28 [p...

{I an Idiot his contemporary Jones, who does n ot admlr tai, or when f'mlth, wbo despises Mr. Booth, has callw! JUblns"!! ar ass, who adores him,.what then 1 The faci pt to the actor, whatever that may happen to be ,-rcmaln1 unchanged. The actors profit hy the ad\*rtlseineiit And the writer* have only succeeded In making them aches offensive to each other, and showing their untit- St*t tn discuss art In any way. Nobody ls instructed lohody learns anything. And the reader ls merely wearied ead disgusted. Surely it would Le well for wrllen toreini miter, nnd to act upon, some such precept as that of Iiavid Hume, "thnt men of letters ought Uk regard tbelr si Brnaby of taste as a more po aerfa) baud of unioi than liny diiteiencof party nnd opinion as a sonne ol SH-inonlty." Tbe world bas no aeed of critical wranjlc.s, MADAME SEMliRP II IN BOSTON. r»"-TON, Dec. 27..Mailalup Benilnicli made lier ih hut here to-night lu the oi>cra of " Lucia." Tin bight waa stormy, and tin* audience small, asasparei witt the Immense one of h-M night, but so decided and favor Bble was tho Impression crenid bf Madams Hembrict tbat, at the close ol thu well known mad scene, she rc solved Jour recalls. ISClDENTs IS SOCIETY. A targe im- fashionilrlc we-divg took pince Ieatcrday at 4 p. m., at thc house of Thomas lintier, No 49 Fifth-ave. Mr. Rutter's daughter, Miss A. Mandi "Rutter, was married to Charles to. l', the Kev Dr. Cornelius B. Fmllh. rector of 8t. James's Church performing the ceremony. John liaudolnc, thc grooin'. .brother, was the best man. Tbe ushers were _Mtwa_- Jtutter. the bride's brother, KdwatdMun'hy, Thomas lt JKent and Mr. Jaffrey. Mi-s C. Ratter, thc bride's sister Was the bridesmaid. Ih! wore a dress or pale len iou aatin trimmed with pearls and duchesse lace. Beatrice Baird Huttcr and Ethel f-mitlr. little girls, were maids o! honor and were daintily attired In satin and Ince and car ried hiure bouquets. The bride wore a dress of Watti satin with tnmmlngs of ikoint applique lace and a tulle T ell caught with a diamond . tur and orange blossoms. A reception followed. Tbe pair stood under a floral bell, tbe clapper bein* made of poinsettia leaves. Among the guests present were Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Rutter, Mr. .nd Mrs. James H. Rutter, Miss Rutter, Miss Hattie Rut¬ ter, Miss Baird, Miss F. A. Baird, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A, Baudoine, parents ot the groom, Mrs. Delano C. Calvin, Dr. and Mrs. George E. Belcher, O. W. Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Rolston, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Edwaids. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Colborn, Mr. and Mrs. Dominick, Mr. ami Mrs, David Dows, H. H. Oorriuge, Mr. and Mrs. C. K. ("ar- rlson, Mr. and Mrs. George I-ike, Mr. and Mrs. Pedro Mora and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hiker. In St. Ann's Protestant Episcopal Church, Brooklyn, last evening. Miss Cesarlue Amelia Graves, the daughter ot Robert A. Graves, was married to Percy Pyne Lewis by the Rev. Dr. Noah Hunt f-ebenek, the rector. The church was tilled with a fashionable assembly. The best mau wus Frederick noe. 1 he ushers were Robert (traves, Jr., the bride's brother, ('eorgo Train, Walter Leeman, Edward Hoe and J. P. Higginson. Miss Julia Glares, elater of tho bride, and Miss Minnie Robertson were the bruit sm dds. Tho bride was attired tn white satin end .joint lace with the usual oraage Howers and veil. Tbs limb .-maids wore cream-colored silk, A reception was beld ut tho house of Mr. ('raves. No. 840 (linton ave. Amen.- die euextB were Mr. nnd Mrs. Percy R. Pym-, Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Pyne, Percy R. Pyne, Jr.. Mr. ami Mrs. Beaty Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. Li¬ llian. Mr. and Mrs. Atom Rarton French gave a reception from 4 to 7 p. m. to introduce their daughter. Miss N'miiile> i'i clich. The house was handsomely decorated and there were and refreshment-. Ml-s I-Tti.tli won a alecveifMS dress of white tulle decorated with chenille fringe and white Bowen. Recd mir with ber wen. Mi-s Atieil.urv, Mm. Mahun and Mrs. Walsh. The callen were BB_-_re_s aad tBetaded President Arthur, Mr. ami Mrs. Otinielms Vanderbilt, Mr. and Mis. Wetmore, Mr. ami Mrs. Dickey ami Mi-s Dil k.-.v. Mr. nml Mrs. Walter E. Illldreth. of N*o. 4H Irving- jilace, mive a randy-mill anil dancing parly for about ¦evenly young people in the evening. Mr. and Mra. joseph \v. Drexel received their friends from *t to ll p. ni. at Bo. 108 Madison-ave. Mrs. w. EL Oakley gave a children's party for their daughter, (.raclc, at'.Vo. 838 Weet .'ort.v-llfth -t. The mumal Charity ball under tbe amtpluos of the lead* lui: mu nty ladies of Xe.mik took place Ust night at toe Park Theatre In that city. The stage was sd with a palace i-eciis ami the aiitlitoriuiii wat elaborately decorated with flowers. The musts wen- recelred by Mrs. j. A. o. (.Ilford, Mrs. AT. Ils.wland. Mrs.". O. Haley, Mrs. A. I.. Keasbev, Mrs. T. F. Merer. Mr-. II. W. Peck, Mrs. W. A. Ripley. Mrs. Fayette smith, Mrs. William 0nt__eer, Mrs. Bngeoe Vanderpoel and Mrs. E. H. Wright. Trie Cntiiuiittee ol Arrangements consisted of lt. I". Con¬ over, llerre Duryi'e, B. H. Dunce. Warrell E. Dennis, Charles A. Gifford, S. M. Keaslicy, E. JJ. Jackson, R. P. SC ea* in-v, A. H. McGregor, svdncv Ogden, Curtlandt Parker, Jr., E. (.>. Tllsworth and "g. Halsey Wood. There Was a large company present. -? THE FIRST COTILLON BALL. Through the rain and -slush a small anny of gayly-dressed people were driven to Delmonlco's 'last evening to attend the first of the Cotillon balls. These assemblies were organized tinder new management this Season and the expense ls met hy Individual subscription t*o the scries, there being two more balls to take place this winier. The decorations !n the ballroom were en¬ tirely of holly, the chandeliers being thickly entwined With it, while the music balconies were coven d with the bright green leaves aud red berries. The rec par¬ lors were decorated with evergreens, -palms, Ste. Two played alternately. The company bega!) to assemble shortly after 10 p. m. and were reedred bp Mis. (icoi.'c Pcahsidy Wetmore. Mrs. Plt-TSLOTHit--aad Mrs. Griswold Gray. Sapper was served In die lower restaurant about midnight. The german was lcd hy Charles Htissell Hone, who danced willi Miss dillinger. Owing to tbe storm and other eaaMS a number of the BaBeorfbees were not present. Tne company im -lulled Baron and Uarones.s de Kaia, Count Hamoncour, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lanler, J. R. Moore, Lispeiiurd 8tewart, Pierre Isulllard, Charh-s dcKuy, Mr. and Mrs. James Otis, Ml-s Otis, J. (i. K. Ducr, Mrs. Paran Stevens, (;. P. Wetnioie, Mr. and Mrs. F. lt. Jones, Mr. Hnyl, Mi-s Hoyt, C. E. strong. Mrs. Welman, Mt-s Rivi's, Mr. Ilivi-s, Mrs. W. H. Draper. Miss Liap.-r, Mis-Swan, Mr. and Mia, ff. B. Wetmore, tba Misses Carroll, Miss Cheever. Ml- dut¬ eous, Alexander Haring, Miss Lowell. Miss Work, Mr. and Mrs. John L Kane, Miss duncan, Mrs. iiavlic-. Mi-* Bay Ilea, Mr. aud Mrs. w. K. Vanderbilt, Mr. and Mrs William Ja-, Miss Hot, Mr. ead Mrs. Bradley Mar¬ tin, Miss Titrnure, Mr.'luiniiie. ('oloiiel ant! Mn*, h. V. B. Crui-'i-r, Miss dickey, Ml-s Lilith Jones, Temple Bnw- doln, Center Hitchcock, Mr. and Mrs. JJ. D. Morgan, Thomas Maitland, George Wot.erapoon, Miss Wotner* Sikkui. Mr. llerreikont anti Miss i'lt-rrepoiit. of Isriioklyn, T. A., Miss Emmet, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Iviir- den, Mr. ead Mrs. C. O'D. betta, Miss Rend, J. Mooker llamcr-de-, Miss Kean, I'.m! Tii'kcniian, Mr. alni Mi-, s. Howland, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence (arr, O. K. King, John C. -Hingston, li. H. Warren. Ir., I. A. St-henm-rlio-ii. Mr mid Mis. J. H. Draper, Mina di aper, H. Cutting and C. M. Wal d. -? A URI FAL OF THE FRENCH MINISTER, M. ..uiiatan, tli*- Flinch Minister to tliis coun¬ try, wa* seen at the lire vm ut HU*.te by a Ti,nu;ni: re¬ porter yesterday. He lui* Just arrived from Eran: c, Where he has been since July. Ba was reticent concern¬ ing tbe Tonguin trouble, saying that he had been on the beean for two weeks, and that even when he was al homo, lie bad no other source of iiiforinalloii than tho newspa¬ per*., as he was Uvlng In the cnimtrv. He will start fur W_-thi:igti.n this murnini:. Yesterday ho was ou-upled With private baal nessi In die city. RUE JAC RE ls CHE A HALI. '. Wc .ire eat-T-t-g upon the renaissance of f lie American Navy," said u gentleman at Tnmumny Id.ij lust 'light, as he gazed uimn the dancing " blue Jackets' tbat Ulled the hall. Tho sailors of thc Halted States ahlps Miiineststa and Saratoga gave a ball there and nearly 200 sailors aud marines wen- pic-tiii. As thflori bave'" swccilii-iirf.s tn evs-iy iknrt," each was provhl-d Wiih a partner and thc dun lng was kept up until the gray dawn began to -teal over I'nioti Square. Thc bull Wasgs.t up und managed entirely by ihe sailors. 'Tho hall waa dseeretsd wtthflaas aadcresoed swords taste¬ fully arranged. The tO-BC was a ptot-Ureeque one. Tho aaliors iu their jaunty .tinnis, the toarlet-ooated Uiaiiii'-s and the bright dresses ol their fair compauiuus went gliding tbrbugh the of the daneea Like tbe Bayly colored pieces Of a kidt klosCupe In the boxes around fte hall sat the efltoon from the two ships, ikey vere In uniform and many of them were accompanied by ladies. Thedaaees were dedicated to "(j-ur Ships,.mr Commodore,'' "our Captains,'1 ..The dear ones at .lloiue," - our Shipmates at Soe," "A Sailor'- Dream,' lodio-*,.a Kill.."" .. loo ii Sn cl heart'," "AU llunils Tack snip," .¦.¦.,, ,1)e .-*ag We _<,,.<.,'. __,* h0 ()_. MR. ULYXN ASD nu: B0TCBKI88 ESTA1E, To the Editor of The Tr tb un e. Sik: Myutitution ]lils beea called hv Mr. Maurice R. 1 lynn, of the tim, 0f v.xxy C. HotchkU,, Hold A Co, of this city, to au article in your Issue Of yeslcrday. referring ,0 t_0 Depa___M__ Sf l'ublic Works, ta which you speak ol Mr. Flynn in com.., lion with the estate of his funner partner, Mr Botcbkiw. as follows: "Mr. Hotchkl-. died a few fase. ag.., and. instead of turning anything over to tho estate. Mr. Flynn has matiaged to bring Uie HotchkiM estate as hale-Sad to the new Brm . This statement ls Incorrect In this respect, viz . The hu.. ¦TivU-g partners, of whom Mr. lly.n W_eoai_^_5_ fc.J'aUl w Mr' Motchklss's e-eiutors 'u .ward ,1 lio.OOOon account ol Mr. UoUhkir_,"8 lutero.t _Ti_. ,, f ftrui. and at Mr. Flynn's lljaig I cheerfully _S_t_ __ I hprrectiou. Lkhvrl H. Aknold, jB .- «- __4ttomp7 toT Executor of Hoicbklas L.tate No. 62 WiUi-tt., New-York, Deo. 27, lb.J. 8Bi:'*l-le' -m-- THORABLY FATAL RESULT OF A BLOW. In a quarrel on Ciiristmns eve in front of 9o. 872 Hudson-st., between joseph Paps, a .ongshore- -«, and John Bovel, of Ko. 83 Chariton-et, Paiie struck rel in the eye with the point of an umbrella. After ".yel went home he was attejuded by Dr. Noland, of Ko I Charltoimt., wbo rrsportod to tbe police lust night that Se Mani tuan would probably die of lnfUmmution of tm brain, caused by tbe blow from tho ___b___ FOREIGN AFFAIRS. THE RIOT A T HA RBOR GUA CE. ORANGEMEN FIRED IRON HY A MOB. TWO I'lll'TI'sIANIH AND TWO CATHOLIC! KIUEO. nvKNTY-iiouT paasoxa wo.ian. i>. ...T. John,-, N. F., Dec, _"..Ad\ices fnuu Harbor Grace in legal- to the riot state tliat at -taral tba Orangemen thought tie .iring waa irom powdar guns canii-d bf tln-ir friends, until tl.ey mia' tl.cir men fall, lour men were killed. Tin* police dispatched from lure at 1 p. m. yes¬ terday leashed Mobur Grass at B. The betas* polioe, which fellowed, went a part of the way bf ti iiu and arrived there this morning. One limiil*.fd special 00.-table! Were sworn in this morning. Tba naiiies of the killed ne Dary inonily. Mercer, .leans ami Callahan; two Orangeasea and twa Rinnan Catholics. Eight persons are reported d> be mortally wounded and eighteen or twenty -tightly hurt. Head Constable Hoyle is numil- the woiiniletl. At present there lt a lull in the ontbreai al Har¬ bor (.race, but the town of Carbonear, l few miles north, ii in i stale of the wtldi -t franny. More than l.doo men paraded Um street! and prepare-! t'» inarch en Harbor Crace. Crowds of men gathered from the whole extent of the mut li shore Of Con¬ ception Hay tu the scone nf the disturbance. All lni.siiie.s-, j.laces are closed, and most of tbe private dwellings are protected by bars ami bolts. Iff lu- not breaks out anew thi- officers of the law will be powerless te protect life and property. Itisnow rumored that the Government bas cabled to Halifax for troop! and a war-ship. _*,- CATHOLIC CLEItOT DENOUNCED. TMi: \ H AK-liKNI KAI. OK l-l K1IKI* CONDF.MSINC. Till" Vl-TRAMoXTAXK COXS*__tVST-TB8. [ot lB_as____| to ns TitiniNF.l Ottawa, Dec. 27..There is probably no f-tnt** or Province on the North American conti¬ nent where thero ia more interference by tho clergy in political contests than in the Rroviiicof Quebec. Ths Paps hat -requeatly bad occasion to remonstrate with the clergy for the active part they havo taken ia political elections. While in the 1'rovince four of nine uri' Liberals, the priests are, os a nile, -kiliantat-Yea, As a result, only sixteen Liberal! are chi tel in the Province to ait in the House of Commons, while forty-nine Conservatives are re¬ turned. The clique nf ultramontane tories of Qnebeo, headed hy Landry, metuberof tho Cana¬ dian Parliament, who am at the bottom "f all the religion! disturbances in the Pro*, ince, le¬ eched a merited castigation on Christ¬ ina! Day from the Viear-O-neral of the Arch liooSM of Queller, whose serinou is the,ill absorbing topic of oonTersatlon, Titty were denounced ai rebel! d> Papal authority and usurpers of the functions of an ever watchful Church. Their endeavors to liken tbe political lib¬ eralism of Ca nadian Ca ile'ii cs to French radii allsm, Hollian liberalism, and German Protestantism wire character-led es organised bjrpocriey, and the hearer! of tba preacher in tbs principle church of tbe city were plainlv told thal Christian toleration was a principle advocated by the Church, lt is said that in consequence of the Vicar-General's termon, aeycral clergymen and other advocates of L un! ry's ('cn le ('atnolique. tbe hotbed of the entire coaspiracy against the Arch¬ bishop of Qnebee, have sent in their resignations. LORI) LANSDOWNE ALARMED. isi isi ianira r.> rna rani - Ottawa, Ont., Dee. _?T..It is generally under stood that recently Lord Lansdowne has been the recipient of several thresteaing letters. Ha isin¬ tu ral ly of a ti iii iii iiti'l nerroua disposition, and Ibe report bom Buffalo that tbe Invincible* wleh te wreak then- vengeance upon Greal Britain by capturing bim has no. tended te alla, the fear such incendiary report! have arouaed in him. The fact tba! Lord Melrund, bis military secret.ry, senl to-,lav fur the Bnoerintendi ni ni Government Police Immediately Bfter thenitblica- tion of the interview willi McBride and Muldoon nt Rulla'", ha- led to the belief that the Govern* ment an- in paaseasion of Importanl information re¬ garding movemonts of the Fenian bmtherhoiMl. The Superintendent of Government Police visited i'iilo.'iii Hall, tin residence of Um Governor-General, thi! evening. ^ ATTEMPTED DYNAMITE OUTRAGES. Lokdo**, Dec. 27..There appears d> be i revival of attempts to destiny life and property by the use of explosives. Besides tin- explosion at! on the night of the '_'.*>th. a dj minite cartridge a ss exploded in Ranu'k-st., Minimi", County Tyrone, Ireland, yesterday, destroving tbe roof of a bouse. A box of explosives, wiih a fuse a Inched, was found on the track of tin* (heat Weatern Railway, near Axminster, England, a tran paa««r*d over the box a terioui explosion wonld have eusued. ¦. ? FIFTY-THBEE MEN RESCUED. Loxdox, Dec. 37..Intelligence has ju-t been re* reived here of tbe arrival al Oporto, Portugal, of fifty-three men who wire on board the ll* I.ian steamship Plantyn, Captain Scott, which sailed from New-York November 11 for Antwerp, and had not since been heard from. Tba dispatch Oporto states thal they were hronghl lethal place by itu- British lsiii* G. 1). T..Captain ( .maud, winch h lt Pa-bepiac November '--' t"i Oporto. 'Ihi-y were rescued from the steaiuei by the c. H.T. H. W. <>. Elive, the local agent,said last Bight that lie had received no flintier tiding! willi regard I<* rin- Plaatya, Bbs eantsd s stew of forty-two pei ton* aad bad also twenty-two Misssui peates-gere, sseel ol tbe latter bein-itaiitiis. Aa iii-pnti'ii leeetvedby _tr,£dyedld not give tbs Basest et any ol those tared. The I'lantyn, when-lie tailed fioii here,had a ca"i") valued al 8150,080, eons-itlng of 75,000 bu ibelt ol eora, 43,000 bnabela of wheat, 2.750 tierces of lard, 3,500 sucks of flour, nnd mlseellam on- other eargo. '1 be w itel rae built al Glasgow, 8eo_and, in 1878. Bbs wu-.'un teet In length, 36 reel i" .un, 21 . feel depth of bold, and 2,32. ton- ii.c.i-iir.-iiicot. Bbe wat an Iron veatt-l, built the wat*Tdiiill-st principle, and divided Into Hie water-tlgbl i "milii i,ts. .-he «,is owned bj T. C __ugel* A Co., of Antwerp, was conunaaded by Captain Hcolt, aud wu- \alut d SI 1-00,000. lin: WAK IN THE SOUDAN. Caiiis), Dee. 87..Thirteen hundred Egyptian troop! have arrived nt Khartoum (ran Faahoda. Thej met with no resistance on tba way. These troops raise Um garrison nt Khartoum to4,000men. A ii-inaln slave who was captured bj El Mahdi after tin* slaying ol tbs Kababiab chief, her auster, uinl who recently escaped (rom 1.1 Obeid.reports that El Mahdi is in greal fear ami has sent bis fam¬ ily to a plan" of safety, and that the neighboring tribes have refused to help him' An emissary ol El Mahdi has been arrested al Minick, which ls ebon! 1 io miles above Cairo on the Kile. Ile declared thal it waa lu- Intention to pi.H .1 ii tu Cairo iimi Mesea. L'.m.'sn, Dee. 37.*.ASnakim dispatch of Deceirt- ber in, Mated tbat tbs rebels wens menacing l'ti\ anil; lliiniil|iiili, iiinl an Egyptian gunboat will embark the garrison ami mba: -itaii!". ol that place. ? PBOGBES8 OF THE WAK IN (ULVA. 1'AltiK, Dec. __7.. lt is reported that the Govern¬ ment has soul a dispatch by telegraph to Admiral Cnn lief, urging him tu follow nj) his vii tory at Bontay with tin* ats-osl pi-mptnees sad energy which may be oompatible with prudence, lt is ex* peeled tbat Admiral Courbet will make sn attack upon Hoaag-Ho, some twenty mile! above Bontay, before hs will march hil forces againat Bac-Ninh. lissth the Sationtit and the hnit,» tints thal Franco, willexpeet sonic aecurity foi u.c due discharge of the pecuniary responsibility which she haa incurn il hy rea.soii oi tho agnea-lve attitude of China in tounectiou \Mth Hie lont-uin <iiie.-tioil. 1.1E POPE AND KING VICIOK'S STATUE, London, Dec. _i7«.King llmubert, haa eon** .tuted, In accordance with tho winbin of din Toma, to erect the propi>seil tomb of the lute King Victor l'rotiiaiiucl lu a eldo chapel of the PaaSaaea instead of in the HeatN of that ntnicture Knu' Humbert, through Hlgrior liaccall, thc Minis!, r of l*_blie. Iiiaiructiou, curly lu October, co-unil-saloned tho sculptor Signor Monto Verdi, to preuuro a design for a moiiiimfiitiil lamb to lie erected In tins centre of tiie J'an- tlieoli to tho Iili'inorr of the lule Khl;.' Victor Jlintiiainu I. Thi- l'ope iiitiinuii d that, if King Humbcrt't plan waa carried out, lt woiiltl neall In Ihe aunthenialtaatlim of Un¬ building. Tho placing of the tomb lu one of the sltlo eb-MlS ot tho I_ut_e_u lg tho Klug removed the dilll- culty. AMENDING THE CUBAN TARIFF. Mai'KII>, Dec. 27..A deem! is gazetted abro¬ gating, in accordance with the reiomiuciidatlon of the Council of MlBLst-TH, Article V. ot the deoree of the l_t_t of M..1. h, 1 H0H, whTcby gooda from the United Htatea pay duty In (Juba, as If they had im-ch brought lu foreign thlpM, even when arriving under tho fspunirih flag. Tho preamble of tbe decree ttatet that tho objects of the wea-aire are to define the equitable condition* of r*ec!pro- i_l trude betweea Cuba aud the United BUtoa. without prt-judio. ui au _ll_rt_. __v_-_i__ ut Ute Ur--, aud te _'-_.- the ciiiniiierelal reliillons between Spain and the Unite States up.iu a sound bunin. Tbe decree will lieconie 0|kcn die in t hil ty davit after Us publication bj" Spanish Connul In their reaps Oort localities, -?»- rSOHIBIT-MG AMERICAN SALTED MEATS. PAMS, Dec. 21..Thc ('ovcnitneiit han d'" ttami to prohibit SasarleaB mlted maati until ila ttooa Chambers have pteaeaaesd upon a bili-inch M. Hen son. Minister of Cniniisorfc, will Introduce nt ihe bt gining of thc next m.ion. Pat S brief pd i-i' however, which N taleaded t-. eovi ractnal bargains sn apply t.i cargo- afloat. Importation v, id bs- permit'..-.! lal iii.. ports of Havre, Neate* ead Bordeaux.where,bo- ever.lae arrlrala will i*e nuiijectcd lo t rigid terulmy. in C-ttsabers of OmaMtes to bear the casi el Hm laspeellna ? A HEAVY PA1LUBEIN ANTWERP. AirnrntPi Dec, 97..-Messrs. GhislaiB, Cann riilnvin .t* drlisn, baili; r-, bars tatpeaded payment, Their -abilities aie iJIoo.OOO. FOREIGN NOTES. Bimi iv, Dec. '17..Herr von (io.-dor, Mlnlsie: of dc, Icsiastl.-al Affairs, tod; y awarded H Um B__1 of Kulin ldlili-peiisadtiiis for thc prli-ts 111 the illili-t of Btealaa, win. have hitherto been debarrei by lb! M">* lawt fnuu ezerclalng their functions. I'u.i-, ds-c. 27.-Tho Chamber af Mpattes today-ts cti-setl a bill granting a credit sir 2.OuH».0-O francs for du s*pio|i,.s, ii e,,1,mi/.ni,iii iii Algeria. Uki.Ti-s, dec. 17. King Leupold in 111. Ft. I'lTi.n-iii m., dec. '_7. Hie health of tbs C/.ir ll Improving. 1.111I the pain uml lill.tinination caused bj bein- recently throw 11 from his lledge. SM rapidly sub Kiding. A MUSH ir it DEADLOCE. AQVABBBI. Ul NKW -!l A\ BS "\ Ki: SB AI'IT:«>IHI4T!0N (rv TILK'.KAI'll IO Tilt TBIBUBB.] NeW-HaTBW, Conn.. Doe. 27. Anion", t_M appropriation*, voted by the Beard of Aldermen laal wee! aaa aa intimate af fl.fllfl far the city'* share in the ex jtense of n proiM.tvd BfJBf.dsl piiietnciit int C0111T -I Mon.lay night tho lower branch of Ihe city government. the C'.iineiliiieu, nut and voted ngulnst making thl- appropriation. It appears that die latter body was intliifiicctt by 'ollie of the property-!* r< ea*ceart-i,whe object tn thc sxpeam if a nov p_ \ c,t.-tit. Last evening the Board of Al-I.-i in-*ii had .'cn.siher iiiceiinc to consider die action of the (ontn Union. Tiny voted to nama 111*011 de- apptopcUttoa. Tin- evening tbe Couiicllmel! helli a Incettllg In eoll-1'lfl til" as'tis'll s.f lllf Al- dciincn. Tticy vote.l.l I to**, to iti-lsi on their former action Tba dead lech wo_-d-et-_dfat-eaBt,tf K-ftretedoaly ihi* one apptopt.Ilea; hm it is theeptateon. ttoO-rperslIvs Colin, il and prisinliu ni I av.* niel OmXti 1U dint Hie rail- in _ to concur by either branch of tim illy government lu uny particular Item defeats the entire measure. ile- Milman 1 an-tabmlttad ii- 1 smama, and tbs uldinate n-ii-ciioti of iinv part et them laamatual d_ai*proval_r the cn lire Hat. A fannj pliaae of the caae it tbe tact I bot tonie of Hie (",uni st." .imperil **v. in r- baie ofTered to ll'l.l}ll t.llll-v.' If ll.llT tl.tlinilte.lil«e-s!lle||t I- -III III I. !.. "I by Hie elli, ll* 1 o!i,|.mi'i!-iiig die) ale multi-tom! :,. mean unlng tbelr influence with the Aldermen lo tadu*S them to concur. 11m deadlock 1- Ibasuldect *'f popular lou, ? NJ Tl 1: ILI8TS _A >' S'CIL, un in. j rn- a ri ar socii ry ai coi rania coi mir. The Society of Naturalists of the Eastern i'l'ii.-'i .-tat'- ii-i.i ii-iii*! meetteg al Colombia ' it -1.-til.i\. Tl eompo-ed rn daly ol ** 'tuiaii-ts wbo ar.- eon- d with II Booton, Cainbil.! i'i Haili ii.iiia, Wastiii! .'. ¦¦. 1 et-ewhers la du¬ li, obs. ,t is te it-earn lbs beal natbodtof -rganlstnj. mateusst fur tie' beeefll of sol* nd in-titiuioii- of ie ming, itel other ¦ dti inning t" iir.s-li-.iii in aad I" ' lu 11,1'iin! ilttorr. The aSkers af Ibe torie-* 01 Upbeat Hyatt, prealdent; l»r. A 8. P md nofnasoT M. H M irvii, * ts; Dr. P. B ; mi"!, -. 1. tary; and I'rof -, st WUllala B ir.-r. Pi-nfer-kOT Hyatt pu -M,-,l _t tbe meeting Tb apel : "f Conn ll /, ll'toll '"The Application of I'liotograplil Iii be Produetloa "f S '", 1 *iun {oom l balls." After tpe___a 'f die 111 *. - *f mu *____- iii-'.ii .. il li.-, talaauadera, tod anny other sped-aeat ta aatural hlatory Inveatlgatl-iia, vitli au oniiiiirv herlseatal eames-" Profeatoi learribed m appliance which be sad ated tn peel sdvaatags la mel nea. Tb*" wsa a ilt.i.-beil lo ii labia p. iiM-mlii ularly. so Ibat a ll rater rs pille coiiiti tn- photographed rrt.m above in .-'¦.iii* al and with tbe las sr le.* in Hali ter na! po-llloii*. Hi ai-o ib-.i lu il a pt,...-, f,,r making I-. 1 of it .'-H. - f,.t is tut >ehaiti by r.i -t t .. photographic negative from * ttaa I Bgure aad thea 1 .' ni: ni ei'ijigi .1 .... *. Hive bi meant of a aolat 'uni'ra. In thl- w.r a charl could I"- D.di ai,.li w dd -' -1 . if made b* urdlnary metbnda nillir papen read werri "Model- ot Cepbampo.t," by ['l"!e--ol .1 III ll. 1 " Ml tin**!- of l'l' (tock Meei ions,"bj af* Hall; "Home Mel ,1 l'urmilng !:.- h. !:.' h. I'rofet-uir ll ,1 I; " ll , le »f Ililli.. .cn" by I'r.'fr.sor -. ?|. i.i-e lo M I ll.,.I- ... 1 p ipi: on " Method* of Inttructlon In Mlucra ind I'i 11 ._i i| by " ld- in-i-t 1.1 on di.* raine of tbi d inlin r ling) n- ail ucl to Inti Ile. tnal di relnpni1 nt, and .Ott! inis-'l t,.at a .-Uni) ,.', ll" !,ti d fm tin in.i-ii m of teleneet Involving md. ..ii. i-ruis fruin obeervaUooa. Prufea-Mii Hurt ll. R'ililer, of Cornell lillie: t... ad ¦ pip 01 un ni ni a Mu*i oin of* Vi rlr-briite * '' I bl |,l wi'li.1 i.4p. ron "Al .ts ls-ni'es of Ht ls-III I' tn Allietll a." Io .i.u at lo 11 . wm :, ly \u I,. ;.i aaolbi di ii at fnluuitrl < "ii'gc, and al _' o'. I*** « ni adjourn lo -1 .-. .nu of Salural lllntory, to llttento an llliutrated ni'iifs-by ri.f--. \ s. -11 ,.i., ",i ih. 1,.. -,,,,;. ,,r i.siiu ling pulillc s. i.,b,i t..i, ii.r, on natural I ,111 -Us d ai ll. it liiUsciilii. MODERN LANGUAGES IS COLLEGES. .l-"l BS 's,s jip ti-- im, nu nt iMp.ii.: v Ml HUN'. AI ul -lilli. About forty professors of modern laagnages ie 1 m itiiiay in .tum utiou at Colombia College for tbe eirpo-e of diamteing tbe beal meauaof eleratlng the itaadaid of etudlet oftaodeni taoguatree. Sntoui tboee ¦eat at werai E*ies_d-al Carter, of Wllliaa_,and ii" eaaotS I -< 1111 -1' 11 r % 111 lien,li .dr, of Vile; BnetOU and fcKlruy, of Penn ylvarda; i.iiiott ami Wood,of Johns lopklns; Cook aad Lats, of Harvard; Brandt, af Ifamil- "i; Baacrofl aad WnUaaw, s.r Brawn, aad Haas, of .rm eton. IT.-iid tit ('arter, of Willi tm-, v ia .haiiinaii. I'ic-iiiiiii Baraardwelcomed tbeeoaventloa o Coiiiiniiia. aad sompared the preeem faiiiuios f.r rtndytna modi ra languages willi Iboae to 1.btalaed rn ,1* ollege days, winn for t ),,.¦- montha_aly,ln tbaiunhM .-. .11. -1 ntl. 1.1- v>. r.- alloc,1 ito- priiii...- ol taking one lour a nek tn rtlbei I n m li, Hebrew *si Integral tal ¦iiiii-. Now no cultivated man can well in- *ii_oui u t nding knowledge ol both Kr. neb and 1 lermaa. A committee was appointed tn draw up a tcbeme ftir a stiinaiit nt orgiiiiditlioii s.f piofe.son ,*r ne..lei 11 in, .-nagi .-. 'Hie ipti-stiiiii nf die iii.ti-of modern lam II American Colleguswat then dlacuaard, and a motion raa made "that, In ii;- opinion of this convention, no "lu gillie Milden! should Ic-tlve thc tlegiee nf Jl. .v., rlibout havingaoqulrad r.ninty in reading the lum ii uni Udjuan language*.." The -our. n ne. iheu adjourned until evening and np m en -en,1,lin. the resolution ottered bj l*Tore*«or Couihirl d t-y ni' 11-e 1'iilwi-slii, lu tin- efit-imioii, it., tlioroitghly .1 nml lllialiv laid lipi.u thc Illili |ir. Coben, of .lumbla College, theo offered a reeolutlon to tbe efli*c! bat, lu the opinion of tbe conference, the elementa of uni li or 1.s rmaii, or laitb, abould be Included muong he leipiiieinciiN for ailim-slon to nilli ge.. 'This nas also tllail-llvely ill-t 11-r.ei! ami, like the pICVloiU n -"lullon, ia* 1,uti uron the table linn- will be a third teas!ea to-day, beginning it 8 80 1. in « lien tbe chief pol nt* of dlacmwlon villi be; .. Pbe ll-t l|i!lli.n.t value ol tin- mo!, mas cou,paled willi Hie rn lent languaget; " " The mi loud "f t. ,n liing modi 111 uii.ti.i_c-; " "The beat 1 tpedlcnta for raising i_« ataud* ,nl ol dit-r,e similes, tiie ilili-r mitt rial In tbe lay;" "The general educational I ul! tobe aimed al III oiii ge traUung " RI RM SC OIL FLOATING IN A tl l.t.Ai;. Flames broke oat afresh nt 7 a, m. yestenlay i Ward4Co.'aoil warehouse, Ho, l"'_ Pront-at, whleh rae nearly rained bp iii.-on Wedae-dayBight The cellar as half full nf wati r OB \* lib li burning oil Mo ,i, ,|. i*|hui sd tin-ruins of two fiiiieti loan of tbs ull'llng. The tlueiur-n win- Obliged to cut holes thrungli ie walls of the. biilldliig In m.lei io Ktll at the Bamos. BBd icy woilti-d until nc-rly Huon i,cfo),, du, n,c WM -gala asereeatroL "UrTrrldlltirnial damaga tn th! haUdlag .ti e__wd by the Ire yesterday. Theetoel of a/ard & o.. rained Ht ISjOOO, wa- dwtioted. It wu* Insured for I.'*,(iud, in thc following oompanleai _taa, >i l.. Peo* ,'.-,-sj.iKMi; (irceiiiilcli, *:i,(/(s); Btuyyeacnt. 8-.-OO1 lobe, 82.000, and Mechanlca* ot Kewarfc, psiOOO Tha _tat_ weraInanredforf_,100 in tim Commercial, and aahlngtoD Proridence oompanlea. The i, lints of M'lera! Billoliilng bulliliiig** were flooded :id Ihi vs ult r ati-til tarloUl il,image lo stock. EEOOELJE CITIZENS? EXCISE LEAGUE Tho Citizens'Lenirue for tha enforcement 84 ie i.i'le law In Brooklyn rmi nt No. (1117 i-ulloiit.t -t ii ning uml adapted a new isiiistltution and by-laws, iiennnuiof tho orgaultatlon wan rbunged to thecitl/t-ns' xclnc League. Ita object* am to niiuprena the Illegal sale lli-iior. isucclully on Hiilidays mid to iiiliioris. Tbe Rev. .C. Huies wan elected recording sci rdiiry arni Joeepb uule.lft t orrcni't'iitltng aecretary. Tho MlseWB ti a other nilli ei-, Including a Hoard 100 managers (four for each Ward), waa left to ti m. !tiei> csiuiuonedor W. C. r-illle*, K. 1*. Ide, P.W.8-0.eld, (.oil.inl and J. W. Rennin. A commit tee waa .ino ap- slni* it to arrange for a publio meeting lu tho luturott of e Lrcague. ?- BISHOP WARREN MARRIED. Denver, Col., Um\ 27..Tbe wedding of 0 Li_.u.jut M-iU-UL-l ililli*-, li-t-iuy Oeury W. Warren, of Oorgia, ami Mrs. Elizabeth 8. niff. thin city, was celebrated at Krant' memorial church at noon to-day. Right Rev. Bishop Flmpsnn. of Philadelphia, officiated. The reception at tbe palatial hom.* of the bride won an elaborate nfTair. Mm. IllfT ls a ladv of rare culture am! ponsef-icd of a princely foi lune. Hhe In widely known for lier liberality io the poor. IU-Imp uml Mm. Warren left tonight for a trip to Ni w and old Melba) und Cuba. MR. T. B. CLARKE'S COLLECTION OF AMER¬ ICAS PICTURES. Siieb ,i collection of Aiiieiio'in pictures as that .bown bv Mr. Thoma! H- Clnrke In tho American Art Callory at yorttcrdiiy's private view limy be wifely tcnni'd aafcp-e. The exhibition af a private lean eeDeetlea seas* pased ti iii-im-ii of American works is, wc believe, -nine" thing new lu this city, or at toast unknown for many ream. Mereever, this cotleeU-- deferven to tie railed npreKcntjitlvc of Ihe American art of the last tin years, a quality Wbleb did not distinguish the pictures sent to Munich lu the spring. In this collection Mesnrn. Twaoht- m an ami Url.-tol.A. P. Kydei anti J. (i.IJrown. (ieorgi* Pal* 1st amt S. J. (iuv, llriili am! M. !,. Henry t-lioulil satisfy tho ni"-t cal liolie tinten thut die mc! hods lind sclioolfl mo-t widely at variance Hud cliariiclerlntlc. repro- -iiititioii. And lt may bo nildeil tbat thone pieliiren In the great inability of instiiiieen are character- i-1le of lin- best milliner of tho artists. Mr. Chirki) com- jrells us to feel tliat lie hat c|io-en nearly every picture for some good ratiui. His .selections shin*-- keen nrtlstto MciMlblllty, and sound Jiulirnient, uh well an a broad and a Ubi ral npiril. lie hun not con¬ fined himself within tho narrow range ol any one i-cboitl, but han recognized tho good In ull. That Mr. Clarke's liidii long patronage ban proved a valuable Mlmiilu- to American art, and Induced ..them to begin American collection*, weean readily believe. Ills motive fal placing li!, collection upon public exhibition, ls In the line ol his disinterested ellorts to the pat*. Wc have at other thin s alluded to the Clarke pitas of |SO0 for tho best BBB!, composition at the annual Academy exhibi¬ tion. Thc paymeal of this mm Mr. Clarke has giniraiit. cd ilnrlng lils lifetiinc. Iii order to aid In t-W-Mleht-g a (Bad, the Interent of which shall make thin prim a perpetual award, Mr. Clarke has opened Iht. exhibition of bin pl,tun¦.-. The rerii.Tind-r of the fund will bc Baals Bp by popular subsi iiptit.n. There are iso ptetuies in tbs collection, mpreseatlag no ani-l*. of the latter number, lui were born in lids country and the remaining twelve claim I IIU I ha as their horne. Out or thean 140 philtres, lld depict Am* il. un tiibicrU. It In not too much ta rluim fur thin exhibition _ nalioual Import uuce. Titi of the artists am from huston, perhaps a-mau*, more frsim Philadelphia, ami tn- ul v all tba m. inaiii.l.r hali* duli- homes ainoitg us lu New-York, lt would neem a Maple Hiing, after nil, to meSUM goml Aincrieiin p etuii s, ina u prophet i- not ullin.ut honor -ave In hu om n "Unity, am! tin- ( et of our own rolled om tt'iit ilitcil Bled ills-oil tho.-salon and Hie Motel Dn.Uot. lt ba- ti.pim ten year* for Mr. ('Lillie to get du- ciii non together, but tbe leeton whleh lt teaches x* noni tin- i. si worth heeding Heart) ttitjr yr Mr i.unii [teed by bte gene rout ld mrtaliMd many <*f thc pr. i, .-i.-.-itt of the preaenl generation ot ard-t . and Ibe collet tkon.whlch he forme l,now|ln the rooina of the t t a iii ii!;e I !il-l'irlc.i| '. allie lt to nm creditable to the leven of arl In .bia city that fun-igte . .-oe here when none of our eiblb sre open, ibouM be compelled to tah u, rain for an opportunity to gala aa t leu-ate idea of .iit..'i!i d.t) \\ bate bad abundance of rompoaad of earefully-elected foreign Let aome of mir collectors lake like paint ii ho ,-ii,. Aim rn in usuks. W,- h.i'.e Dol prodliCed the i .pi.I.-ot tin .te.ii Prenrb matters, ll is tine, but turely a gss.«l toadacapa by Mr Ot ii du worth ih.,-, i -i ,,f i" knocked i.;r to pay uni' ot di./"- wine -Ula. trna time tboald be .... -1 for foreign ii.uue-' alone i" preientloun rubblah In ti. Same of eep .merlcan d more Inf i|,,i striking pi. in. pi illili! int of oi i o them Mr. 1 i ill prove a !. vi .in e. II. 1.1. Wm- .I Ibe irlrt and tbe t un li ai af tn ii-- Anion.-1!. ' thc by Mr. '" orge Iiiii- irrottpl m. "Winter M.sining at Montclair," eibiblti ii tin - I'i' li few of oar artlau have attained. The rabtle rendering of atv iiio-i>ii.i-e an i pin of in th- painting will here¬ in, m-"-!,si isl au wun taw tba pi. mrs. two yean in ipi.ts- a tiitii:, tit k*-y i- I.u ¦. i;r t> Lowering day,*' !, m w cfc, f tbe healy am! bowed with rain. Th'* tight br. gb thc . .lonies of the tri. ;.. ., I irs- painted snit of do., ., and die ,ird-f haa t/.-tl u|tui hi. im I-ape drenebed with -bowen, caught th>* cffccti ol light, ami i ag, sn I wovi n ths into the niter.mee of a poet " 1'v.i.l.-ar. " "A Sunn-rat," «lilt a full illicry radiance itreamlng through tbe i b.mi-, and beraldtag Um ippcaranca of thi ran, aad et," a nen madaah ot color which recalls tome of daub!.ny'- effect-i tlic-c ai* th** oiin-r i-.iuiplcs Mr. - \* u I.. 1 h. ii onie Mi' U v.ii,i'i " Mon lng lu tbe Adwoudacka," nml in- -- -i.t stabbledeld," the former thowlng Ihe bl breaking through! iabove a tim k pool uud lonely wild*; tbe totter i tendet -j ui phony lu ssissr, watm, rich anddn imj at au Indian Bum- mi rs|..\. !.:_.. Hilt Iti kimi If let la di " if '. Mr.J. P. Murpliy\ "" I pl in i ('..rtiM. -ld. '" to Which blt .. i). i. b. t .md .. I t' \ ionM are companion | wy nm-1 .. k h..* I, tg. we bare novel teen Mi. Mur¬ phy ai'ps ii toao good adi Ullage. Mi. J. J. Enneklng, w, lu,in we lr irnrd to appreciate al dc Boaton exhibition In ld! -|.ft, la I .'ul by .. A Clo, uly lui," a wort characterised bj mush delicacy, bul raageattng i differenl fa*>-_on from Mr. Innem' "Hunte.." Mt. I li.rin.t-. AUen't " M.ip liur-t at .So .ii,'' ati rff-ctlre rendering ol Ugbl and th-ale and Ji i-'.s cattle, Mr. Den r's "Along tbi Pbore," Mr. Bolton .loiu-s'. ¦. i let,,!,.¦;¦," ami Mr. Caril lon Wiggins'- unutuallj if the B'o ..i ," di. ie We mutt ilUmiat wiih a wold or ui allon. Mr li.In i ii ia eaugbl the tplrll of du* ci iiy -pun., the cleai-cna of ibealrand the dainty frt--i.ii.-i of the 8ml green irate, wlthoul marri i.uii*. ipa bj Ihs Ju. Ugh'- v. im h he has affected ol Itte. It li a pleamire lo ome again upon Mr. II. R, Poon '- out of door wort in his brights.d brees] " March Hlll- >-l*l.." And equally totereaUni la the example of 1.. .tullin work lulu- cm-, but evincing a tubtle color eenie lu whleh we lind Mr. A. P. Ryder*! my tile norteim a ri'. lng ibmngba I.reel. Simple, quiet and effoctlrelt Mr. ii. W. iioi.i'i.i-s itudy "f purple mountain! upon ¦ sum mer afternoon, Of lat< yean we have teen nothing better fnuu hi- liam! Mr. swain (.linn.l's lindy and Mi. c. ll. Lu. lon's " Indian Summer " compli te tbe laud-t aiiet oi which Wc 111!) line UT s|,e it. lt la willi tometbing of a livelier Interent Inul we turn to thc figure piece* al I ttl) rn riley forma feature more prominent than the land ¦¦ apet or in irtui-a, and poa- -inly mon attractivefrom their prenentalion "i dow work. Mr. Clart im reit.duly dime iii- ihaiv ol 'll covering and ni in,-mg out young arl Inta, and inn- af three who are prov lug Mini ii,ore than luntlded In bli expectation!. Mr. Loni- M." ll' wan, wu i" il...... illghtl* ispis's.nie.l In the A. ni. ii,', i.i .t -piing. Inn tin* exhibition ls practical!, lils d. but. Mr. Mueller han cl.n Ihe due of tine finish anti i o il. lull In v. bleb M. I..-..:, hi and Uart u I; ive workeiL ll> bat thi i.i uti red t path alwayt overcrowded and a! way i perl lout. But there ire tv.** ihtngn which Mr. Mirelle! doen noi tl". He doc-, noi tut rlflcoall cipreaaion. all hum,ni Inti e-t, to baiic'i ti cMitiplo, alni In- docs not iiin! lt nive ian i.ri to eeventivn th century oontumea In older to eaten the eye and rive! Ihe attention of the spectator, Mr. Mo. ll. r Ins |.Uni wbal bc term about bim In every day life. The "Mon N " I- s itudy an *: lt riv gentleman ti ited In thc t>ie.,.r..-i r. ol om oi in luxiu iou s bomen, rngaged In bis morning piipcr. Tillie is nocontcloiunent on hi- part,jon feel Bine that yon mlghl ten bim nit ling thut on au* morning thal rou smut,', ,| to ,,ii. Kordoei the art of the painter lippies, iou. Ry and by yon begin t*> notice the Brm min bi 11 ii ir of the in .ni, iou note tue coloring, and tbe cun¬ ning way lu which the detalli are worked out. yi dial ihesimple naiiir,ill-iu ni ti,c tctlc lion- lu ilu- mirror of tin lu. tat fi i-i ti Ice and or the " virtuous "ohji die man td, tm un tm -mail amount of skill, ii n< i "i i'd Ito di.i: ot ii- kind tliis may be called wonderful painting. We ii" imt regard lt at tbs beti kind, imt ltn remarkable marti ls un mentionable. "The Kelectlim," ls a run length ti.dy of s maiden In white wini ¦famln, rim e quartert turned awn*, in the corner or what we (ak., to i*- n pis tty ama¬ teur ntudto. lil,eli mid white -'s. Iiin - ou til" walls, ll jin c.- of ini!i'|iie furniture, and i'l!- "r pom Un makeup itu -net snell... Theae Mr. Mocller duly subordinate.. i'e li.ii is tin lamil ls rather too prominent, coniidering its i.,.ii h. i rn the figure, bul ibis i- a venial fault Notwlth- ttandmg a ntyle of painting wbleb I- apt to degenerate Into dependence on men* detail!, trifles and tricks. Mr. Mm iii in I heat wm.- shows broad sa weD as line brush work. De baa kepi general rvaulta well In mind, nnd be luiilntuliis the li.icre-i or hi- audience, r-uch a technique M be exhibit! 1* rare, and his evident determination not tobeawampedtherebj to rarer. Mr. Mueller's debul lie¬ s'ins all encouragement, and we shall look im* bis work unh iiitcrc-t al tin- spring extill.1ti.Min. Mr. C. V. Liri.-li's " QlaSS.blo«( s, ami "Cul pin i,i at Work" arc noikn which our nathan will remumitcr pleaaantly aa appearing In last ".car's cx- liinuioii. in iiii-.ii ls added An Amateur Etcher," a wm thy example of Mr. lindi's metbodof p-InUugand management of light Mr. Francta Miller U renrcaeuted by .T'lii" Potter" uml ..The Local Knight Caboose," ta Mt*. I'liieii', ii,.inner, imt betraying a lillie more crudity mid heavier tOlletl. Wo multi* untidier new dtocovery in thia oolleo* tlon In the picture by Mr. Oeorge do Purest Urunh. I.ant apring Mr. Brush nhowed un two plcturon, one au Iinllau leaping his botM over u Minny ehaniil, which contained mach spirit; another, a ntmly of a mounted Imll-u chief, which wa*t not only utterly flat ami m.-* bani, ai but bini tu druwlug uud in penpeetlva. Kow Mr. Plush api*!"-r» again with a picture in hich originality of eoucciillou anil depth feeling find a more aiictpiulo exprciwion. hun painted the Craggod, tnowy aiimmlt of a Bucky . 1 fol ix of di¬ ll- ela ll; Un ila .il t-. D Hie a up. -in AL 1 Cia -.'." M. prc du chu lb" WU' bbb Mlp dist the i on Iel. ol | of feeling lie han pain... Motiutalii u*ak. .'ar below, the bare t oj in oftbetrtvi rise from the ilepthn of the nanon. Agalnct the snow, drifting along tbe nteep ilope, nt_ud-i au Intllnu wouian B* UluJ bar on aa upy-r ooo, ni lodae Uue a .lifleucd Itu ui, | _l_j 1 lim thu IS al sha ¦tt ii* upp ter .uni Lilli wrapped In a blanket and already partly ennhrouded snow. The weapons of tbe dead warrior hy hu lids ha no terrors for Ihe eagles which wheel and soream wt horrid nlgniriiance, amid the storm. PS-fang the bia which team ber blankets from her thoul.len and t: enow which drives Boreel- by, the Indian stands ai milken her wall for her dead brave. Uer head tsthrov Sask and her straight black hair tossed by the wind. II dark eyes are turned despairingly upward. Her fur¬ ls braced to resist the wind, tense wltn agony, and rig almost as tho motb_*_eform above. '1 he neena ls oi of awful desolation, paths**" loneliness, tragic sorroi It ls nothing new for poet or painter to iiortruv the gil of wire forbtt-battd, hut it in something that an arti may well be proud of when he can translate an clement passion or emotion Into an original and Impressive, furn ibis touch of nature humanism OM indian, and the jw (Tow tqnaw seems to be making a silent .appeal.*' I a one of you aad suffer with von." It would be easy Imagine dds painting symbolic of the last relies of a om great nation, ulone iiihiii the mountaintop, the Indi; woman chanting tbe requiem ol a departed mee. Que tfoiis of modelling, and of the treatment of the figure: relation to the background, we do not cari" to enter im now. Mr. Bruah luis given na a ptoture penetrated wu real feeling. For this we eaa thank lum ami be content The original studv for Mr. George Fuller's ptotar " doman vt lui." with its vigor and lentil i\ eticnn. in ono i the ni'i-t inti resting works in Mr. Clarke's collectloi since it shs.ivs thc first form of the artisfn eoncepllo! tad to -fiesli from bis own brain. In tbe " Professiona nt Rehearaal." Mr. Thomas Lukins, while malntalnui [hoskin in ilrniiglitsmuiisliip which we have learned reoognl-c. bas developed a finer tense of eater. Ts -aggard mualelana, one with a tither, the other with pillar, are sluing before a heavy eurtSIa ol a dart w -tor which In felt rather than seen, and nt the nan time brings out strongly the figures and the table I front. Mr. Blashttcld_" Music" we stlUffndprcterab lo the variation of the theme bp Mr. Dewing. Them .waite wall of die gallen- potaessss a peculiar Interne for here are hung iln* works of tome ot our older -raab .tst. ('ennui'" by Mr. daniel Huntington, ls followed b Mr. Coy's " Bedtime Story," and au example of the lal Mr. .¦-. K i litton!. Mr. William Hart. Mr. Dali lohii-on and Mr. Moduli e find nplaoenear Meaara. I K. Church and F_natman Johnson. "On the Medltei .atic-iu Snore " lt tbe title of tbe painting by Mr. Chnrol it hich we note for (he softnetss vet lividness of the atmo* .here, it ls Mr. Eastman Johnson at hin best that w ¦ce iu tho practised touch aud quaint humor of n Not England Pedler." And near by we lind a deoori l\e arti il who ranks with his neighbors In year-. Mr. I. [.'urge, represented bv a Utile svinphony lu ml**ty green. M have been unable to reach several works of Wilie ric would have spoken, but we cnn safely leave to th Isitors. Mr. Hogg's marine, Mr. Blakelook's " India liri.' Mr. '''s -Willow'sii.iiileii." die fivo woi-l- iv Mr. Bridgman, Mr. Carlsen'! " Still life," Mr. Il bate's "View ..rt the Battery," Mr. Uana'a marlin Sr. Dewey'a "Water l.iiv." Mr. Weir's .. i lowers," th legrepearet by Meson winslow Homer and Hovendei dr. Tnomas Moran's three works, mid the examples t ifeasrt Pcs. T.Volk, aad Weldon. Nor would weTor« ne rn ater colors b) Messrs. Kappea, Chnrch, ('ninian, ll-1 Imlth inul Muhrman. There ure a great many i*cople I bia city Hbo cure or profess to cnn* for good pictures ¦Hell person- wu ndvbW (si lisit tblscol'ectloli. tllircb .liiciitin.- the Academy prlte fund,ami broadenln heir own rie/wt regarding Ann rican art. Tun TaiBtrx it.- al way t been the foi' most champion "f American ar nd we are glad "i an opportunity to Indorse tin ¦ni hering of American collections and the encourage acut of Aim"rican artists BABMONT ON TBE 8UEFACE Al I 1ST. A iiiii fur a meeting to form a Repablieai lob for the Twelfth Ward (XTXth Issea-My District ra- recently l--ii"l by ('ellem! T! eodote H. Hamilton ii ' R. Hawes, G age E. Beet '-d Beaell L. Bleaaad ui (one of thc Ctiiiiuiltti'c of Light, i-n,) and \-. iiit> -ix s,f the Etepubt-raas who bad enmltod omit hS new phill ttf leorgiitil/atlon. It illd no Minde thi- Basset af any of tha five men win mi be.n appointed a eommlttee bp tho Re- nbBcaa Dttt-tcf Association before lt ws'ut out f existence te tab item te torn s new organisation ,i limed, bad lieen leaden In the fae* anal fights in tne Twelfth and Twentr-aecond warda, i. np tin- XlXtb I'l-tr: t. The mee, ing Wai rid last i err member attended it Blnclali .lani, li linn,iii of die iii unit l.-«*. was ai tlr-t refused c- nt tin- door. Imt tho Other foin tl in fretting into the room. Tto ii eting wa.» iniii in the Hamilton lintel tl OtM-hundred ¦i<l-!«."iii.i* iifti' ith-ave., ansi was ealled ta OU, who ri-ipietfe.-l all wbo h.ol no( -en Invited to leave the room. Tin* Thomas CrC_-_, ie of tbe four coiiinilite'iii'n, objected ts> doing, ead limed that he sad lu* t -so.-i .tot were nrolled memben ub-r tbs ic-oigaiil/ation sad had done excellent w..rk r ibe paity In many campaigns, and that If tbs ctah lah! tl lo moid at tbe -lilt all factional f' ling, a- ll M. it'd tliat lt iiid, lt moa* not ionise, ai them win. had doa! rn mu* n for .publican -Uocesi la die district. Beveral leeches wsw made oa cash dds and ths dtoeuastoa aa continued for an hour. Plnally each member of thc ni ox loon committee waa admitted to th.* meeting by te of tile lilllie*! II" milli-. A |"i ll,.til. Ht of.-.IIli/a- ii was tin ii effected, aud ai.nt I tut lou and by-iawt ere adopted. Tin-"tilers elected were F*rederick Mof- -. prenldi ni: .eral [beodorc B. Hamilton, Uilbert K. .r.s.- indi \. I'bayer, vlce-prealdentt i (leorge Kenney, cretary; Kdward P. Oriffln, treaeurer; Ks tcutive Com- ii!... Ko-'il L. I.i. hindson. L.lgar P. Hill. A. Stewart hick. Hem-) I., i:.I. Edward Cox, Isaac P. Martin, Jr., i-i pu ll Banka, (leorge E. Bett, Thomas W. Kenney -lin tlr Adam. dim I* md good wlU teemed to prevail nt the last, it a memoer s.iid to a Tau.uki reporter tbat both par* -to Hie contest felt becauat lt had been illged to admit mon Into the organls-ah. whom lt |h lally d'sired to keep out, nml the Other because lt e f.1 lo " uti it- km - to lilts new elt'lUCUi. I ' / /" INDI INA CHARGED mill BIGAMY. Two iii teitivi m tonk back to Pern, Indiana, lt nlgbt. Walter li. Kidder, th.* tr m-liing -al* sm ni of I', linnit-li-t. toy maniif.ii lurer, of No. L'K Park Place, bo 1* wanted on t charre of blgamr. d lt said tbat hider marri! d In i'< nt while he had n wife In thia city. TUE WEATHER REPORT. GOVERNMENT INDICATIONS. Doe. 27..For New-England, in ..mi mow, tnereaaing winds, monti, easterly, falling irometer, followed by oolder, clearing wi ether, north windi, ami rising barometer. For the Middle At-mtleBrataa, colder clearing weather, k and high northwesterly winds, lacking to WCItl rly, sing barometer. TRinr.VE LOCAl OBSERVATIONS. ,, fflOt'lis Vormiig. Nit hf." ,, I 1 1 3A ft S 7 H w 10 18 1 9* A B « 7 H 01011 __!.""_:;:. ¦¦- ri r, iiiJ III Lrf-- ru it. mi-hot 30.5 ,_-.,,. ii,-. la lilt ell* liv tint rn.u*roi is.*.. _._r, rr,. ll mr.ji ..O". tb. b-rom-'rt, -1 ..rl.t!.* .-. ,*',"'-"'''<*- »r Ulio. .if, .llrl.l.u. wllrut tnlli.ifhf rli.lrr-gol.i-'ill. lin* r.-ru-.t.-h. i*.cl~l_tl is tl., m.,cr. Mils. .'.,,..« I, ir, Tii*,..k.n u ( I'.rl Int r,\it,,.m tim,¦*r.:-ts-, u lt.'u.i.. bj I t&.nuo-.trr ¦. Hat . r_>r_i_<"r, lit B:ri_-w_r iHintsi: orris k, Dec. 38..1 a. m. The mo-remeal in iiaroiiicti'i-yest, -ulai waa downward, ( toady weather .i,died. With . I- Of ;in Imii of rain. Th" t. -mperalure i;;.d between ;!_*¦¦ .ml iii-', lin* average (39St°l bciug liiulnr tli.ui on thc coire-iiomiing day yen r anti ioi th in on Wedneaday. :.ii A*cat her, with -light chances af rain er mow, low by eoidei ami fair or clear weather, ui-y bo ci¬ ted to iluy tu (ills city aud vicinity. .1 BROOELTN TABERN ll LE FESTIVAL, I'lic Christmaa Festival of the Sunday-school lin* Brooklyn Tabernacle, which was bold lae! evening, rw ae-owdof ipeetatora, wbleb BUedthe imii.ling. On platform were two-hundred giri ami bm soi the infant sn, who sang solo* and choi Hies, mid gave ITQU-tloal e sents were then removi tl flem the platform and lbs moen of the taboo*, led bp -aperinteadeal William A. ll, marched to latricate robttlons. Afb r a Obrlatssm ol lui'l I" cu sung by du* school. Mr. Tilmage pre ted In behalf or the church to Peta. All, cornet player who toads tin* tinging, laiiil-oiu gold cornet, worth sK-00, which was made in a model which wat selected by Arbuckle tor aa to* intent for himself ju*i before his tb .uh. Profoaaor Lin.ti played .' Bobin Adair." be children wt re delighted by the appearance of Santa us, wini boro a glfl of candy and a tm* for each or the iii scholars, nml more cosily preeeUtt for the teat hers. *. Talmsge. who eondu-tt n BIMe class *.f __o, was scutcd with twa haadaOBM clu.lrs und au oil pulutlng. -?.- TBE PLYMOUTH CHURCH CHRISTMAS. I'ho Sunday-scliool children of riymouth ireh lind their Christmas festival la.-t night In the jti 1 In Ciatibcrry-st. Over (loo _______ were prescin- nit. i YV. Knymniul tobin ('luIstimiM story, Mnil then* i -luging by the children, and by Mininnie I.itsitr- _W-U SBd Mi-s Agnes das ir. Thomaa J. Tiluey, the eriiitemlciif. uiado an address, a.'ier which gifu wert) iii,Hied fioin u large flulstmss lies which sttsst nu (iiatrotiu. Among thooe preeent was die Oblneae Mil lu Mew-Voik, u-ooiiiikiiiiiisl by bin s. crolury mid rproter. ll" oame to theoburob with Horatio Klug, icu -Vu: k, al whoso houso bo had beeu d lnlng. -+- TBE SA L I'.! TION A RM Y A ERL'S | ED. tB-DOKPOKT, Conn., Deo. 27..Captain Jitincs Ker, John rltcwurt and John K. Mayhem, members of Haliatlou Army, wi>re arrested this iifinrnuou ona rant i-.ued by l'ro»*ij.iitliig Attorney Cbuuilx-rlain, igeil with vlohillng a eily ordinance by parmllug the ot* lust evening. IJomls wi ru furuUbud for their ciraticu In thc ("Itv Court to-morrow, Capluln Htui- -ua given the Chief of Police to understand that tho y will panda every ulght, ii)gaidle_- of Um city aaaeSs, aud the ihiIIu. have beeu inatruuted hy the -ur tu uxi'Mi Uimu lu evuey '" We cannot display oar goods at nicely et nptown store-, be. mote we are nnwilllng to pay for thow-room-so are oar oat* terners. Thlt tccoanti for oar low prices. Hell, Nlc-oll At Or-nbery. Entranoes _u tod 9. John-it- and 17 and 19 Haldea-lane. Holiday goodt..{Exchangt. ? ¦ Twa experienced physician* of the Swift Hpeclflo Com. pany, Atlanta, Oa, have located at No. 1.10 Weet Twenty* t inn!.(, and will be pleated to tee all wbo are tfflloted with blood or skin diseases. Examination andcontultation free. I iiniihorg"*. Perfume. Edema. Lundberg's Perlume, Marechal Niel Rota, I.mulbura'* Perfume, Alpine Vlol-t. I.undbo. g's Perlame, Lily of the Valley. DIED. BELLOWS-At Little Falls, M. Y_ Thursday, the 2Tth Imt., .'anny Heed, wife of oeorge H. Bellows Intenueut Monday nett at Little Kalli, N. T. BYRNES-At her residence, 60 Park-eve., the 27th inst, Jaue. wife ot Matthew Ilyrnt-. lilian ves and friends of the family tre Invited to ttread tha funeral from Mt. 1'atrlck'a cathedral, Saturday uioriuug at 10 o'clock. Ktiiiliy.oinlt flowers. BKAN-On WS-BSSday, the _.,th inst., after a short ll-teae- Aaron H. Bean, in the TKdyear of his are. Funeral from his late rs-sidou.e, No. 151 West -Sth-at., Friday the .-th. at 10:30 a m. CARPKNTER-At Hlghland-onnndton. December 19, of ti-i sn ni it ii m. Frank Lt Y. Cat pouter, aged 33 yean. COOKE-At Peeksklll, on the i"5 Inst. Sarah Belknap, widow of Oliver Dudley Cooke, age 84. Funeral frotn the residence of her son In-law, R.S. nasbrouck, on Kn.lay at 1 p. ni. Dr.FOllKST-OD ths '.'nth Inst., after a long illness. Ellen M. beloved wife of Charles T. DeForestand eldest daughter ot the late Charles Goodyear, of New.IIaven, Coan, neiatlvi-s ami friends are Invited to attend the runeral ser¬ vices at .st. Thomas church, New-York, on Friday, the 2Sth Inst., at ll o'clock a. m. Interment will lake place In New-Haven at 4 o'clock, 23th lust. D'OBSAY.Suddenly, In this city, of pleuro pneumonia, De¬ cember 2*1, Mrs. Lucy C., wl.« of the Kev. J. (Stanley D'orsay, of the New-York East Conference, In the .".9th year nf her age. Brief services at her late residence, No. 3'-- East, at liiiop. m. Frltlav, December IH. Interment at New-Bedford. Mast. DALZELL.At Dartford, Conn., December 23. at tne retl* rtenrcof her uocle. Dr. -corae B. Packard, of diphtheria, '¦.ililli Cox Dalzell daughter nf W. C. and Mary 8. Dalzell, of stinth Egremont, Mass., -god '.' years. IIh\VI.KTT-At oreat Beek, L. I., December 28, 1833, ELUa beth I- Hewlett, aged (il years. Relatives and friends un- respectfully invited to attend the funeral services frmi Christ Chun li, Manhttset, on Natur* day, December 20, at 2 p. m. Carriages will be In walting on arrival of tho 11:3 j train from Hunter's Point. JANVIIR-On the'.(ith Inst, Mary notlney, widow of the Rev. L< Tl Janvier. F. lends -ml iel.itives aro respectfully Invited to attend the fun-ra I services at Abiugton (Penn) Church, on Saturday, at I'M) p. m. LANODON-At Hyde Park. *_, Y., on the evening of the -.".th. Catherine L. I.nin'.l'iii. ilanghler of the late Charles L. Livingston, wife of Walter Langdon, In tho 58th yi-ai of her age. Funeral at Bt. James church, Hyde Park ou Saturday, J.'th inst., at 2 o'clock. A lettered ear win be attached ta the ila. m. train, Hudson Uiver Itailro-tl, for relatives and frieuds, who will rcasjt New York at 7 un their return. It ls re'iuestedthat no Mowers be sent. M.MITIN.on Weitne*.ay. December KO, of hronrldtls. Prtv f. .sor Benjamin N. Martin. B.T D., ot the Cnivu-dty of Ilia (.tv of Ns-* York, agesl ((7 years. Services will be he'd on !-l:_turda-, at Kia. m_ in tho Scotch I'reabvter.ati Church, Weir 1 .Wist Tin-Council. Faculty, Alumni and stiiileuts sf the t'nlvcrsity sml the mimbi ri and officers of Hie New-York Academy of Hciencea un! of the Fbto Beta Kappa, are capet lally Inrlted. MOWBRAY.Suddenl". on Thursdav rn.-.mlng. December ll, at his lat lemdi-ut e, 7l8 fitTlBftliaart. Johu Mow.tay, ¦o' -d "'7 yeurs Noll. .' of funeral hereafter. Miu-'FET-Ou Momtai* evening. Det-emlier 21. l-*3. Maria Rent"ii. wife of J' G M .:! r. in (lie-1st year of her aaa. Relatives and fri' inls of the ramil}- mt; lnwie.l to u'l.-ii.ltha fuoer-1 from her late r.ridaaee, 101 West litli-st., ou 1'rlday in*.i sun- tl liaif-lt.tst io. Int-f-M-i at Wooit'awn. SMITH- \' 170 W.-t _M tt, December 27, Charl..Ito J. Smith, tl nighter of the late Reubeu Smith. Molli I of fliucral lien-after. SMITH.At liioik ave., MotTls-inla, New-York, on Tue stlaf, December 90, L-SI, Cnaaaeei faltb. in the Tim year el aa_ a«re. Funeral servlc* s will bi held it th<* Centenary M. E. church. iuriisror WashliiKtoii-ave. and K CtU-st, ou FrhLiy, Dtxeta. ber --, at 1 o'clock p. m. TEiiRY."n Ws-tinesday. December -¦', llarrtet V., widow of th*- Ute Wt Ilium 1). Terry, nf Boston. Funeral services at her late reside--e, 14 West :.-t!i*t._ saturday, at t ¦*. m. intsiiiii-ui itt ""it. ankara. TITUS.At bte residence In Flushing, Twelfth mouth, th* Maiv F. fiius, slaughter of Marla atidt.o late U li, I lilli* Funeral at Friends' Meetlaa House, Flushing, ou Seventh. day. flu-' nisi , at 1 Dp m. Traill leave! Long Island city at !:*)5 p. ni. Special -Callee.. Artistic Memorials. Tin* VKWF.VUT.ANDOR ANITI. WORKS. ttntttttA, ")1_ Qmirries and Workshop*, Westorly, lt. t. monumental and buii.liu.' work lu Uramo. Drrtwi n rt amtcsUiiii-ti's furnished wltUuut oii-Tgi). Corrosp m-leacs .». iHit.-.l., l.njl B'way. c. \v. cim--iki.ii, \i_ The Uo-pltai Saturday nud -uiidiiy A_-.cii.llou ot NEW-YORK CITY. Ilosp'.tal sntunlay, Dec. 10, Hospital Sunday, Dec. 30. (lifts toward current expenses, the endowment of hedi, or for bull ling purposes, may I).' ib-siirnalttl lor auy Hospital sif lins city, kihi smii units w ul lu* tot w.:rili-i1 Ihrouah the Trv-S* arr of um Association to iht .capital Indicated by the Aaa--. I'liDtributtons, however, aie rip-C-dly ss,lietel nu tites* days foi t!i*' tictieial liu-l, » hich will in-divided arnon." th* lied Uoepltalt accordlHg to ll,*- by.Laws ol Hid eta*.OB." _ METHODS 01 CtiNTRIIHTINO. I, coUeeUona in ail the Choraheeea Hospital sunday, ami lu nil the synagogue*on Bo-pit.I -at'iniay. '.' Through Hie foliowlnif Auxiliary Association*- lear ami Tobacco Trade--Il'iny BotenwaM, Irea-un-i. IU Wul.T.-t. Dry OoodaTrade -A ll. Kins-mac, Tr aiorer, (Ji) Wortb-tt, niin. rilli! nd OH liam i n Aatbac-er, Tieasurer, .1 Joilll st stuck Exchange.wii'iam Alexander -raith, 58 Wall-at, ami Johu s. Bussing, in Waii-sr. rreaau-era. \!.r, aiitllt; l-.n li.ui-'c Joscpii ll tl,,,l»i, liea*"iier, Jil Uroena ich-st. Book Tr."te.Tlcnrr B. Humes. Tr.-.i .iirer. Ill S. i Itroti-s-Ii Com mit tt es In Wit* follow Inc li>: ti, w-York Produce FTrhtniro (leorpiW siiiilli, livaaarer, ls f-iniih-st. New-York Cotton Exchaugi.Moyer /.ohm in, Treasurer. !¦) I-.n-iang's lia.s*. Nen \ otk Mar.itiuu* A-soilatlou.John P.Townsend,Treat. un r, Kai 111.*c bxchc-ige. 4. llirnUKh sutwrriptiou lists c'.nulated in tbe fullowlnc exchanceaand ii_lcsi liotlilng'l'iatlo. New-York Petroleum "exchange. New-York IllnlJia tad Petroleum Bxchaage. Tea Kii-iiange. Cs.ITee I.-i !,.ui-.* Pr,mers und htere-tjrpera. Wliu* and Sniril liatlers' -ooictv of tho United Stat*s. Charil's Ren.iuitl, T'ri' r, 5! \*. ..tcrst. t* !a-s aud i iilua-vtare liatl-.I). Fe! tor, Trcasttrtr, (51 Park. I'la. e. V Thmagfa the Oran -. r.-t u ., * of the following Orders af La"ices, wee have kindly caaaeated to act as treemmt Im lins fund: I. o. liual Betltb... Ifatiiburgcr, Orand secretary, OfJ islliie I ii. FteeSoaaof I-iaei.K J o.iUtsmlth, orand sc-r.-tary, _7 il .ive. K. sher sliri Bartel H. Rosenthal, orand Secretary. f9» Ihagorai Hali, Caa. il r..i. iii Abraham.__ BaMasta*. Ossa! Beeretatr, 'Jd k*. SC5. St. (J. ThTMUrh su'iscrliilloti llstn In tho hauls of Wie Mttiia_-t"i| uf each ol tin* Mu-].Hals. 7. I'lu "uk!.leetini).troves at l-'levatet! Railmal stations, leading m-ituf. tm in. e.tabl.khmeutsi, druggista itoi-t. rta taiiiants, anil various places nf public travel and resort. h Through intuit > sent direct to Mr. CharlM Lanit-r, o.*_. euii Treat.rer, No io,, to whoa all ra-ney, fro_ whatever tonrce cootribut-d, thonld in* sent du cheeta te bli order, or l-d_*rted to him,) before Jannary 15., after which the fall report of the collection mil _o glvou tai-uugh tho publio prto. Tiie I'rem Success .Lil -ted Ll* I'ASW'i.I.!.. MARSEY A CO.1* KM C I.s lox OF COD LIVER OIL, wUb PEPBIN AND Qt 1NINK, lise ii,JmedroanyImltaU-aa. oct Ibeerlglnel l.i-i itroatlwajr Slit ..Ts .'.th ave._ TV.ill-'.. ii'inn,J Fl, ritii-'ve., corner l__-it, s .TTJRDAV. Deceuher 29, -.-rn. .ii by It HOI Til KU. oa ¦(' anukahot fhrlitmaal Wiiat christianity ones to th* .'.lucille..'' *-ei vu i nun.eui es .it lo _. in OnBUNDAY, ''lil lu 11 n's Krntnal conni.enies at 10 a. m. POW! I'l's-n t" all " CS The Kino im'ii n mid Ann-litun Wt di,ttl I lu icu ii boekt mil ¦how that their coi d patients are ena, (Jo-.!-. meat. Army and Nary oSlcert, wbob-tloeei uusucceisfailjr treated for uervoui and ph>s_cai debility, ki cit whys, pr,,-t Ilea Uti ii ...'.!. r and kidney diseases, l.y tin* insist eminent proft iori ami -unce-a¦ in thiaoouatrj tod i.uroao, Tbelr New.York physician ha- ___-. theseili-eaat ¦ a np. it. years uml is nt 1,1ll.t Broadway, day aad evening, iii.. :.,- cent medical work on i nas s.ns-., i_iH_____ from _ Post B.M Nuilee. i.i'itt-n for;:.u-.ip.. iier-ti noi ii 1* np *ci.t,iy directed for lit. aatch by any paru, alar noa ci In oilier to at u sn,*.- ly da* liven at de-Jin item, as ail r.iusaU_utie mans ar*) for tf ardill by th., fast. -I . 1 .ii.iKii malu lor tin* we.k tad.If D__*m__e .'.' will clot. ll lids ellice as f-i.u ti11 Kill PA. Al _ a iu ttl New foin- tllaiid and st licrrfc Mi [,, via Halifax at .. .*' |s in ful \ ia Ciu_ diroct, ft.. s s. wu.tuey, via-lew-Orl ..ns !-A li !t_)_V.At i a in ileiKmisi illicit, per « s I'enn- iniiii, na .Miiworp: at la m. lor ttennuiy. Ac, imt i. a. Ueneral Warder, via Soul-.mpt.n .mu {tottan lor *i< at britain .uni ulm -unipoau iou.,mes must om ted " ter Ueneral Werner ')jai it a.m. lorEurouc pur i. . eily of l'erbn, vin (.uceustowu (letis rs ter io !_____-*, ftc, mutt be lUructed "percity ol ci.ui at 1 p rn tor i une ii.iy ii. si. Dmalngu tad I orita Uland, pac s. -. Saam iM.mliiKu; at It-Op. tu. for Cuba and Portoitteo,pat a. a. _i rat-ga, vie Ha* at p m. fut nontlind dii-ect, per s _. !. inness: i, , i.i oiaagow. Mall! lor Cliltia BM Julian. M* * a City tl Rle tt Janeiro im.i ii.iiuis. ,o, cliMe lure lani ii >* .-'at 7p. rn Malu fur Auslralla, New-/.,-al.iel. Mead with ami Kin 1_1_.ii. ls. per s s. /.t .o.iauia ivia Ssa K.__cisco , cluso aero January ¦ll, at/ p. m. .Thete'isNluIo offlostn. of trans BatUto luallsli arr.iiig*il 11 tiie pi.romprton af their anlateiropted orerlao*! .. san li-aiictSL't- Mails fruin Um l.a-sl arriving ns nus at Ssa Kmiiiisco on Ho" "lay uf rsaliin.: if stoainor* arusiis^ itotl-tl Ultim tU'- same ,1a.-. ll kn KY ii PIABBON. I'D-lautiee i'ust onie.*. New \ ora, N. ... D-oenber _i. ls.s-i_ Ke.t.1. Thin Hornill,,. THK sSEMI-WKKKLY TSDOME Price In wrapper fer malling), 3 couts per copy (Hiss eopy, ono year. $..-.*). tcu copies, and au cilia, $10. Pout-go In all cases Ires) to the niibscrilier. i ili-l TKIBl'NK, New-York. Ucli-jiouo Xoticco. Temple Kmanu Kl, full ave, corner t.i.i-st SATURDAY, December-.'.! sermon by DrOOTTHEILot, "(Tianuknh or CblisUnaal What I'lufslUnlty llwua ts> th* ilacabfcs." seriii-.i ttnuiiit int-sat 10 a.m. un HUNDAV, ("Idltlreu'i Kt-lUV-i .l_i_i__C-lat 10O. tm. Pawl ape- to tal ooutam.

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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1883-12-28 [p 5] · {Ian IdiothiscontemporaryJones, whodoes not admlr tai, orwhenf'mlth,

{I an Idiot his contemporary Jones, who does n ot admlr

tai, or when f'mlth, wbo despises Mr. Booth, has callw!

JUblns"!! ar ass, who adores him,.what then 1 The faci

pt to the actor, whatever that may happen to be ,-rcmaln1unchanged. The actors profit hy the ad\*rtlseineiitAnd the writer* have only succeeded In making themaches offensive to each other, and showing their untit-

St*t tn discuss art In any way. Nobody ls instructedlohody learns anything. And the reader ls merely

wearied ead disgusted. Surely it would Le well for wrllentoreini miter, nnd to act upon, some such precept as thatof Iiavid Hume, "thnt men of letters ought Uk regardtbelr si Brnaby of taste as a more poaerfa) baud of unioithan liny diiteiencof party nnd opinion as a sonne olSH-inonlty." Tbe world bas no aeed of critical wranjlc.s,


r»"-TON, Dec. 27..Mailalup Benilnicli madelier ih hut here to-night lu the oi>cra of " Lucia." Tin

bight waa stormy, and tin* audience small, asasparei witt

the Immense one of h-M night, but so decided and favor

Bble was tho Impression crenid bf Madams Hembricttbat, at the close ol thu well known mad scene, she rc

solved Jour recalls.


A targe im- fashionilrlc we-divg took pinceIeatcrday at 4 p. m., at thc house of Thomas lintier, No

49 Fifth-ave. Mr. Rutter's daughter, Miss A. Mandi

"Rutter, was married to Charles to. l', the Kev

Dr. Cornelius B. Fmllh. rector of 8t. James's Church

performing the ceremony. John liaudolnc, thc grooin', was the best man. Tbe ushers were _Mtwa_-Jtutter. the bride's brother, KdwatdMun'hy, Thomas lt

JKent and Mr. Jaffrey. Mi-s C. Ratter, thc bride's sister

Was the bridesmaid. Ih! wore a dress or pale len iou

aatin trimmed with pearls and duchesse lace. Beatrice

Baird Huttcr and Ethel f-mitlr. little girls, were maids o!

honor and were daintily attired In satin and Ince and car

ried hiure bouquets. The bride wore a dress of Wattisatin with tnmmlngs of ikoint applique lace and a tulle

T ell caught with a diamond . tur and orange blossoms. A

reception followed. Tbe pair stood under a floral bell,tbe clapper bein* made of poinsettia leaves. Among the

guests present were Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Rutter, Mr.

.nd Mrs. James H. Rutter, Miss Rutter, Miss Hattie Rut¬

ter, Miss Baird, Miss F. A. Baird, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A,

Baudoine, parents ot the groom, Mrs. Delano C. Calvin,Dr. and Mrs. George E. Belcher, O. W. Barnes, Mr. andMrs. R. O. Rolston, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Edwaids. Mr. andMrs. W. T. Colborn, Mr. and Mrs. Dominick, Mr. ami Mrs,

David Dows, H. H. Oorriuge, Mr. and Mrs. C. K. ("ar-

rlson, Mr. and Mrs. George I-ike, Mr. and Mrs. Pedro

Mora and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hiker.

In St. Ann's Protestant Episcopal Church, Brooklyn,last evening. Miss Cesarlue Amelia Graves, the daughterot Robert A. Graves, was married to Percy Pyne Lewis

by the Rev. Dr. Noah Hunt f-ebenek, the rector. The

church was tilled with a fashionable assembly. The bestmau wus Frederick noe. 1 he ushers were Robert (traves,Jr., the bride's brother, ('eorgo Train, Walter Leeman,Edward Hoe and J. P. Higginson. Miss Julia Glares,elater of tho bride, and Miss Minnie Robertson were thebruit sm dds. Tho bride was attired tn white satin end.joint lace with the usual oraage Howers and veil. Tbslimb .-maids wore cream-colored silk, A reception was

beld ut tho house of Mr. ('raves. No. 840 (linton ave.

Amen.- die euextB were Mr. nnd Mrs. Percy R. Pym-, Mr.and Mrs. M. T. Pyne, Percy R. Pyne, Jr.. Mr. ami Mrs.Beaty Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. Li¬llian.Mr. and Mrs. Atom Rarton French gave a reception from

4 to 7 p. m. to introduce their daughter. Miss N'miiile>i'i clich. The house was handsomely decorated and therewere and refreshment-. Ml-s I-Tti.tli won aalecveifMS dress of white tulle decorated with chenillefringe and white Bowen. Recd mir with ber wen. Mi-sAtieil.urv, Mm. Mahun and Mrs. Walsh. The callen wereBB_-_re_s aad tBetaded President Arthur, Mr. ami Mrs.Otinielms Vanderbilt, Mr. and Mis. Wetmore, Mr. amiMrs. Dickey ami Mi-s Dil k.-.v.Mr. nml Mrs. Walter E. Illldreth. of N*o. 4H Irving-

jilace, mive a randy-mill anil dancing parly for about¦evenly young people in the evening.Mr. and Mra. joseph \v. Drexel received their friends

from *t to ll p. ni. at Bo. 108 Madison-ave.Mrs. w. EL Oakley gave a children's party for their

daughter, (.raclc, at'.Vo. 838 Weet .'ort.v-llfth -t.

The mumal Charity ball under tbe amtpluos of the lead*lui: mu nty ladies of Xe.mik took place Ust night at toePark Theatre In that city. The stage was sd with a

palace i-eciis ami the aiitlitoriuiii wat elaboratelydecorated with flowers. The musts wen- recelred byMrs. j. A. o. (.Ilford, Mrs. AT. Ils.wland. Mrs.". O. Haley,Mrs. A. I.. Keasbev, Mrs. T. F. Merer. Mr-. II. W. Peck,Mrs. W. A. Ripley. Mrs. Fayette smith, Mrs. William0nt__eer, Mrs. Bngeoe Vanderpoel and Mrs. E. H. Wright.Trie Cntiiuiittee ol Arrangements consisted of lt. I". Con¬over, llerre Duryi'e, B. H. Dunce. Warrell E. Dennis,Charles A. Gifford, S. M. Keaslicy, E. JJ. Jackson, R. P.SC ea* in-v, A. H. McGregor, svdncv Ogden, CurtlandtParker, Jr., E. (.>. Tllsworth and "g. Halsey Wood. ThereWas a large company present.



Through the rain and -slush a small anny ofgayly-dressed people were driven to Delmonlco's 'last

evening to attend the first of the Cotillon balls. Theseassemblies were organized tinder new management this

Season and the expense ls met hy Individual subscriptiont*o the scries, there being two more balls to take placethis winier. The decorations !n the ballroom were en¬

tirely of holly, the chandeliers being thickly entwinedWith it, while the music balconies were coven d with the

bright green leaves aud red berries. The rec par¬lors were decorated with evergreens, -palms, Ste. Two played alternately. The company bega!) to

assemble shortly after 10 p. m. and were reedred bpMis. (icoi.'c Pcahsidy Wetmore. Mrs. Plt-TSLOTHit--aadMrs. Griswold Gray. Sapper was served In die lower

restaurant about midnight. The german was lcd hyCharles Htissell Hone, who danced willi Miss dillinger.Owing to tbe storm and other eaaMS a number of theBaBeorfbees were not present. Tne company im -lulledBaron and Uarones.s de Kaia, Count Hamoncour, Mr. andMrs. Charles Lanler, J. R. Moore, Lispeiiurd 8tewart,Pierre Isulllard, Charh-s dcKuy, Mr. and Mrs. JamesOtis, Ml-s Otis, J. (i. K. Ducr, Mrs. Paran Stevens, (;. P.Wetnioie, Mr. and Mrs. F. lt. Jones, Mr. Hnyl, Mi-s Hoyt,C. E. strong. Mrs. Welman, Mt-s Rivi's, Mr. Ilivi-s, Mrs.W. H. Draper. Miss Liap.-r, Mis-Swan, Mr. and Mia, ff.B. Wetmore, tba Misses Carroll, Miss Cheever. Ml- dut¬eous, Alexander Haring, Miss Lowell. Miss Work, Mr.and Mrs. John L Kane, Miss duncan, Mrs. iiavlic-. Mi-*

BayIlea, Mr. aud Mrs. w. K. Vanderbilt, Mr. and MrsWilliam Ja-, Miss Hot, Mr. ead Mrs. Bradley Mar¬tin, Miss Titrnure, Mr.'luiniiie. ('oloiiel ant! Mn*, h. V.B. Crui-'i-r, Miss dickey, Ml-s Lilith Jones, Temple Bnw-doln, Center Hitchcock, Mr. and Mrs. JJ. D. Morgan,Thomas Maitland, George Wot.erapoon, Miss Wotner*Sikkui. Mr. llerreikont anti Miss i'lt-rrepoiit. of Isriioklyn,T. A., Miss Emmet, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Iviir-den, Mr. ead Mrs. C. O'D. betta, Miss Rend, J. Mookerllamcr-de-, Miss Kean, I'.m! Tii'kcniian, Mr. alni Mi-, s.

Howland, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence (arr, O. K. King, JohnC. -Hingston, li. H. Warren. Ir., I. A. St-henm-rlio-ii.Mr mid Mis. J. H. Draper, Mina di aper, H. Cutting andC. M. Wal d.


M. ..uiiatan, tli*- Flinch Minister to tliis coun¬

try, wa* seen at the lirevmut HU*.te by a Ti,nu;ni: re¬

porter yesterday. He lui* Just arrived from Eran: c,

Where he has been since July. Ba was reticent concern¬

ing tbe Tonguin trouble, saying that he had been on thebeean for two weeks, and that even when he was al homo,lie bad no other source of iiiforinalloii than tho newspa¬per*., as he was Uvlng In the cnimtrv. He will start furW_-thi:igti.n this murnini:. Yesterday ho was ou-upledWith private baal nessi In die city.


'. Wc .ire eat-T-t-g upon the renaissance of f lieAmerican Navy," said u gentleman at Tnmumny Id.ijlust 'light, as he gazed uimn the dancing " blue Jackets'tbat Ulled the hall. Tho sailors of thc Halted Statesahlps Miiineststa and Saratoga gave a ball there andnearly 200 sailors aud marines wen- pic-tiii. As thfloribave'" swccilii-iirf.s tn evs-iy iknrt," each was provhl-dWiih a partner and thc dun lng was kept up until the

gray dawn began to -teal over I'nioti Square. Thc bullWasgs.t up und managed entirely by ihe sailors. 'Thohall waa dseeretsd wtthflaas aadcresoed swords taste¬fully arranged. The tO-BC was a ptot-Ureeque one. Thoaaliors iu their jaunty .tinnis, the toarlet-ooatedUiaiiii'-s and the bright dresses ol their fair compauiuuswent gliding tbrbugh the of the daneea Like tbeBayly colored pieces Of a kidt klosCupe In the boxes aroundfte hall sat the efltoon from the two ships, ikey vereIn uniform and many of them were accompanied byladies. Thedaaees were dedicated to "(j-urShips,.mrCommodore,'' "our Captains,'1 ..The dear ones at.lloiue," - our Shipmates at Soe," "A Sailor'- Dream,'lodio-*,.a Kill.."" .. loo ii Sn cl heart'," "AU llunils

Tack snip," .¦.¦.,, ,1)e .-*ag We _<,,.<.,'. __,* h0 ()_.

MR. ULYXN ASD nu: B0TCBKI88 ESTA1E,To the Editor of The Tr tb un e.

Sik: Myutitution ]lils beea called hv Mr.Maurice R. 1 lynn, of the tim, 0f v.xxy C. HotchkU,, HoldA Co, of this city, to au article in your IssueOf yeslcrday. referring ,0 t_0 Depa___M__Sf l'ublic Works, ta which you speak ol Mr. Flynn incom.., lion with the estate of his funner partner, MrBotcbkiw. as follows: "Mr. Hotchkl-. died a few, and. instead of turning anything over to thoestate. Mr. Flynn has matiaged to bring UieHotchkiM estate as hale-Sad to the new Brm .

This statement ls Incorrect In this respect, viz . The hu..¦TivU-g partners, of whom Mr. lly.n W_eoai_^_5_fc.J'aUl w Mr' Motchklss's e-eiutors 'u .ward ,1lio.OOOon account ol Mr. UoUhkir_,"8 lutero.t _Ti_. ,, fftrui. and at Mr. Flynn's lljaig I cheerfully _S_t_ __ Ihprrectiou. Lkhvrl H. Aknold, jB

.- «- __4ttomp7 toT Executor of Hoicbklas L.tateNo. 62 WiUi-tt., New-York, Deo. 27, lb.J. 8Bi:'*l-le'

-m--THORABLY FATAL RESULT OF A BLOW.In a quarrel on Ciiristmns eve in front of

9o. 872 Hudson-st., between joseph Paps, a .ongshore--«, andJohn Bovel, of Ko. 83 Chariton-et, Paiie struckrel in the eye with the point of an umbrella. After

".yel went home he was attejuded by Dr. Noland, of KoI Charltoimt., wbo rrsportod to tbe police lust night thatSe Mani tuan would probably die of lnfUmmution oftm brain, caused by tbe blow from tho ___b___




nvKNTY-iiouT paasoxa wo.ian. i>.

...T. John,-, N. F., Dec, _"..Ad\ices fnuu Harbor

Grace in legal- to the riot state tliat at -taral tbaOrangemen thought tie .iring waa irom powdarguns canii-d bf tln-ir friends, until tl.ey mia' tl.cirmen fall, lour men were killed.

Tin* police dispatched from lure at 1 p. m. yes¬

terday leashed Mobur Grass at B. The betas*polioe, which fellowed, went a part of the way bfti iiu and arrived there this morning. One limiil*.fdspecial 00.-table! Were sworn in this morning.Tba naiiies of the killed ne Dary inonily. Mercer,

.leans ami Callahan; two Orangeasea and twaRinnan Catholics. Eight persons are reported d> bemortally wounded and eighteen or twenty -tightlyhurt. Head Constable Hoyle is numil- the woiiniletl.At present there lt a lull in the ontbreai al Har¬

bor (.race, but the town of Carbonear, l few milesnorth, ii in i stale of the wtldi -t franny. More thanl.doo men paraded Um street! and prepare-! t'»inarch en Harbor Crace. Crowds of men gatheredfrom the whole extent of the mut li shore Of Con¬ception Hay tu the scone nf the disturbance. Alllni.siiie.s-, j.laces are closed, and most of tbe privatedwellings are protected by bars ami bolts. Iff lu-not breaks out anew thi- officers of the law will bepowerless te protect life andproperty. Itisnowrumored that the Government bascabled to Halifaxfor troop! and a war-ship.



Vl-TRAMoXTAXK COXS*__tVST-TB8.[ot lB_as____| to ns TitiniNF.l

Ottawa, Dec. 27..There is probably no f-tnt**or Province on the North American conti¬nent where thero ia more interference bytho clergy in political contests than in theRroviiicof Quebec. Ths Paps hat -requeatly badoccasion to remonstrate with the clergy for theactive part they havo taken ia political elections.While in the 1'rovince four of nine uri' Liberals,the priests are, os a nile, -kiliantat-Yea, Asa result, only sixteen Liberal! are chi telin the Province to ait in the House ofCommons, while forty-nine Conservatives are re¬

turned. The clique nf ultramontane tories of

Qnebeo, headed hy Landry, metuberof tho Cana¬dian Parliament, who am at the bottom "f all the

religion! disturbances in the Pro*, ince, le¬

eched a merited castigation on Christ¬ina! Day from the Viear-O-neral ofthe Arch liooSM of Queller, whose serinou

is the,ill absorbing topic of oonTersatlon, Tittywere denounced ai rebel! d> Papal authority andusurpers of the functions of an ever watchfulChurch. Their endeavors to liken tbe political lib¬eralism of Ca nadian Ca ile'ii cs to French radii allsm,Hollian liberalism, and German Protestantism wire

character-led es organised bjrpocriey, andthe hearer! of tba preacher in tbsprinciple church of tbe city were plainlv told thalChristian toleration was a principle advocated bythe Church, lt is said that in consequence of theVicar-General's termon, aeycral clergymen andother advocates of L un! ry's ('cn le ('atnolique. tbehotbed of the entire coaspiracy against the Arch¬bishop ofQnebee, have sent in their resignations.

LORI) LANSDOWNE ALARMED.isi isi ianira r.> rna rani -

Ottawa, Ont., Dee. _?T..It is generally understood that recently Lord Lansdowne has been the

recipient of several thresteaing letters. Ha isin¬tu ral ly of a ti iii iii iiti'l nerroua disposition, and Ibereport bom Buffalo that tbe Invincible* wleh tewreak then- vengeance upon Greal Britain bycapturing bim has no. tended te alla,the fear such incendiary report! have arouaedin him. The fact tba! Lord Melrund, bis militarysecret.ry, senl to-,lav fur the Bnoerintendi ni niGovernment Police Immediately Bfter thenitblica-tion of the interview willi McBride and Muldoonnt Rulla'", ha- led to the belief that the Govern*ment an- in paaseasion of Importanl information re¬garding movemonts of the Fenian bmtherhoiMl.The Superintendent of Government Police visitedi'iilo.'iii Hall, tin residence of UmGovernor-General,thi! evening. ^

ATTEMPTED DYNAMITE OUTRAGES.Lokdo**, Dec. 27..There appears d> be i revival

of attempts to destiny life and property by the use

of explosives. Besides tin- explosion at!on the night of the '_'.*>th. a dj minite cartridge a ss

exploded in Ranu'k-st., Minimi", County Tyrone,Ireland, yesterday, destroving tbe roof of a bouse.A box of explosives, wiih a fuse a Inched, wasfound on the track of tin* (heat Weatern Railway,near Axminster, England, a tran paa««r*d overthe box a terioui explosion wonld have eusued.

¦. ?

FIFTY-THBEE MEN RESCUED.Loxdox, Dec. 37..Intelligence has ju-t been re*

reived here of tbe arrival al Oporto, Portugal, offifty-three men who wire on board the ll* I.ian

steamship Plantyn, Captain Scott, which sailedfrom New-York November 11 for Antwerp, and hadnot since been heard from. Tba dispatch lis.inOporto states thal they were hronghl lethal placeby itu- British lsiii* G. 1). T..Captain ( .maud,winch h lt Pa-bepiac November '--' t"i Oporto.'Ihi-y were rescued from the steaiuei by the c. H.T.

H. W. <>. Elive, the local agent,said last Bightthat lie had received no flintier tiding! willi regard I<* rin-

Plaatya, Bbs eantsd s stew of forty-two pei ton* aad badalso twenty-two Misssui peates-gere, sseel ol tbe latterbein-itaiitiis. Aa iii-pnti'ii leeetvedby _tr,£dyedldnot give tbs Basest et any ol those tared.The I'lantyn, when-lie tailed fioii here,had a ca"i")

valued al 8150,080, eons-itlng of 75,000 bu ibelt ol eora,43,000 bnabela of wheat, 2.750 tierces of lard, 3,500sucks of flour, nnd mlseellam on- other eargo. '1 be w itelrae built al Glasgow, 8eo_and, in 1878. Bbs wu-.'un

teet In length, 36 reel i" .un, 21 . feel depth of bold, and2,32. ton- ii.c.i-iir.-iiicot. Bbe wat an Iron veatt-l, built

the wat*Tdiiill-st principle, and divided Into Hiewater-tlgbl i "milii i,ts. .-he «,is owned bj T. C__ugel* A Co., of Antwerp, was conunaaded by CaptainHcolt, aud wu- \alut d SI 1-00,000.

lin: WAK IN THE SOUDAN.Caiiis), Dee. 87..Thirteen hundred Egyptian

troop! have arrived nt Khartoum (ran Faahoda.Thej met with no resistance on tba way. Thesetroops raise Um garrison nt Khartoum to4,000men.A ii-inaln slave who was captured bj El Mahdi

after tin* slaying ol tbs Kababiab chief, her auster,uinl who recently escaped (rom 1.1 Obeid.reportsthat El Mahdi is in greal fear ami has sent bis fam¬ily to a plan" of safety, and that the neighboringtribes have refused to help him'An emissary ol El Mahdi has been arrested al

Minick, which ls ebon! 1 io miles above Cairo onthe Kile. Ile declared thal it waa lu- Intention topi.H .1 ii tu Cairo iimi Mesea.

L'.m.'sn, Dee. 37.*.ASnakim dispatch of Deceirt-ber in, Mated tbat tbs rebels wens menacingl'ti\ anil; lliiniil|iiili, iiinl an Egyptian gunboat willembark the garrison ami mba: -itaii!". ol that place.


PBOGBES8 OF THE WAK IN (ULVA.1'AltiK, Dec. __7.. lt is reported that the Govern¬

ment has soul a dispatch by telegraph to AdmiralCnn lief, urging him tu follow nj) his vii tory at

Bontay with tin* ats-osl pi-mptnees sad energywhich may be oompatible with prudence, lt is ex*

peeled tbat Admiral Courbet will make sn attackupon Hoaag-Ho, some twenty mile! above Bontay,before hs will march hil forces againat Bac-Ninh.

lissth the Sationtit and the hnit,» tints thal Franco,willexpeet sonic aecurity foi u.c due discharge ofthe pecuniary responsibility which shehaa incurn ilhy rea.soii oi tho agnea-lve attitude of China intounectiou \Mth Hie lont-uin <iiie.-tioil.

1.1E POPE AND KING VICIOK'S STATUE,London, Dec. _i7«.King llmubert, haa eon**

.tuted, In accordance with tho winbin of din

Toma, to erect the propi>seil tomb of the luteKing Victor l'rotiiaiiucl lu a eldo chapel of thePaaSaaea instead of in the HeatN of that ntnictureKnu' Humbert, through Hlgrior liaccall, thc Minis!, r ofl*_blie. Iiiaiructiou, curly lu October, co-unil-saloned thosculptor Signor Monto Verdi, to preuuro a design for a

moiiiimfiitiil lamb to lie erected In tins centre of tiie J'an-tlieoli to tho Iili'inorr of the lule Khl;.' Victor Jlintiiainu I.Thi- l'ope iiitiinuii d that, if King Humbcrt't plan waacarried out, lt woiiltl neall In Ihe aunthenialtaatlim of Un¬building. Tho placing of the tomb lu one of the sltloeb-MlS ot tho I_ut_e_u lg tho Klug removed the dilll-culty.

AMENDING THE CUBAN TARIFF.Mai'KII>, Dec. 27..A deem! is gazetted abro¬

gating, in accordance with the reiomiuciidatlon of theCouncil of MlBLst-TH, Article V. ot the deoree of the l_t_tof M..1. h, 1 H0H, whTcby gooda from the United Htateapay duty In (Juba, as If they had im-ch brought lu foreignthlpM, even when arriving under tho fspunirih flag. Thopreamble of tbe decree ttatet that tho objects of thewea-aire are to define the equitable condition* of r*ec!pro-i_l trude betweea Cuba aud the United BUtoa. withoutprt-judio. ui au _ll_rt_. __v_-_i__ ut Ute Ur--, aud te _'-_.-

the ciiiniiierelal reliillons between Spain and the UniteStates up.iu a sound bunin. Tbe decree will lieconie 0|kcndie in t hil ty davit after Us publication bj" Spanish ConnulIn their reapsOort localities,

-?»-rSOHIBIT-MG AMERICAN SALTED MEATS.PAMS, Dec. 21..Thc ('ovcnitneiit han d'"

ttami to prohibit SasarleaB mlted maati until ila ttooaChambers have pteaeaaesd upon a bili-inch M. Hen

son. Minister of Cniniisorfc, will Introduce nt ihe bt

gining of thc next m.ion. Pat S brief pd i-i'however, which N taleaded t-. eovi ractnal bargains sn

apply t.i cargo- afloat. Importation v, id bs- permit'..-.! laliii.. ports of Havre, Neate* ead Bordeaux.where,bo-ever.lae arrlrala will i*e nuiijectcd lo t rigid terulmy. in

C-ttsabers of OmaMtes to bear the casi el Hm laspeellna?


AirnrntPi Dec, 97..-Messrs. GhislaiB, Cannriilnvin .t* drlisn, baili; r-, bars tatpeaded payment,Their -abilities aie iJIoo.OOO.

FOREIGN NOTES.Bimi iv, Dec. '17..Herr von (io.-dor, Mlnlsie:

of dc, Icsiastl.-al Affairs, tod; y awarded H Um B__1of Kulin ldlili-peiisadtiiis for thc prli-ts 111 the illili-tof Btealaa, win. have hitherto been debarrei by lb! M">*lawt fnuu ezerclalng their functions.

I'u.i-, ds-c. 27.-Tho Chamber af Mpattes today-tscti-setl a bill granting a credit sir 2.OuH».0-O francs for du

s*pio|i,.s, ii e,,1,mi/.ni,iii iii Algeria.Uki.Ti-s, dec. 17. King Leupold in 111.Ft. I'lTi.n-iii m., dec. '_7. Hie health of tbs C/.ir ll

Improving. 1.111I the pain uml lill.tinination caused bjbein- recently throw 11 from his lledge. SM rapidly subKiding.


(rv TILK'.KAI'll IO Tilt TBIBUBB.]NeW-HaTBW, Conn.. Doe. 27. Anion", t_M

appropriation*, voted by the Beard of Aldermen laal wee!aaa aa intimate af fl.fllfl far the city'* share in the ex

jtense of n proiM.tvd BfJBf.dsl piiietnciit int C0111T -I

Mon.lay night tho lower branch of Ihe city government.the C'.iineiliiieu, nut and voted ngulnst making thl-

appropriation. It appears that die latter body was

intliifiicctt by 'ollie of the property-!* r<

ea*ceart-i,whe object tn thc sxpeam if a nov p_ \ c,t.-tit.

Last evening the Board of Al-I.-i in-*ii had .'cn.siher

iiiceiinc to consider die action of the (ontn Union. Tinyvoted to nama 111*011 de- apptopcUttoa. Tin- evening tbeCouiicllmel! helli a Incettllg In eoll-1'lfl til" as'tis'll s.f lllf Al-

dciincn. Tticy vote.l.l I to**, to iti-lsi on their former action

Tbadead lech wo_-d-et-_dfat-eaBt,tf K-ftretedoaly ihi*

one apptopt.Ilea; hm it is theeptateon. ttoO-rperslIvsColin, il and prisinliu ni I av.* niel OmXti 1U dint Hie rail-

in _ to concur by either branch of tim illy government lu

uny particular Item defeats the entire measure.

ile- Milman 1 an-tabmlttad ii- 1 smama, and tbs uldinate

n-ii-ciioti of iinv part et them laamatual d_ai*proval_rthe cn lire Hat. A fannj pliaae of the caae it tbe tact Ibottonie of Hie (",uni st." .imperil **v. in r- baie ofTered to

ll'l.l}ll t.llll-v.' If ll.llT tl.tlinilte.lil«e-s!lle||t I- -III III I. !.. "I

by Hie elli, ll* 1 o!i,|.mi'i!-iiig die) ale multi-tom! :,.

mean unlng tbelr influence with the Aldermen lo tadu*Sthem to concur. 11m deadlock 1- Ibasuldect *'f popular


NJ Tl 1: ILI8TS _A >' S'CIL,un in. j rn- a ri ar socii ry ai coi rania coi mir.

The Society of Naturalists of the Easterni'l'ii.-'i .-tat'- ii-i.i ii-iii*! meetteg al Colombia '

it -1.-til.i\. Tl eompo-ed rn daly ol **

'tuiaii-ts wbo ar.- eon- d withII Booton, Cainbil.!i'i Haili ii.iiia, Wastiii! .'. ¦¦. 1 et-ewhers la du¬

li, obs. ,t is te it-earn lbs bealnatbodtof -rganlstnj. mateusst fur tie' beeefll of sol*

nd in-titiuioii- of ie ming, itel other ¦ dtiinning t" iir.s-li-.iii in aad I" ' lu 11,1'iin!

ilttorr. The aSkers af Ibe torie-* 01

Upbeat Hyatt, prealdent; l»r. A 8. Pmd nofnasoT M. H M irvii, * ts; Dr. P. B

; mi"!, -. 1. tary; and I'rof -, st WUllala Bir.-r.

Pi-nfer-kOT Hyatt pu -M,-,l _t tbe meeting Tb

apel : "f Conn ll

/, ll'toll '"The Application of I'liotograplil Iii

be Produetloa "f S '", 1 *iun{oom l balls." After tpe___a 'f die 111 *. -

*f mu *____- iii-'.ii .. il li.-, talaauadera, todanny other sped-aeat ta aatural hlatory Inveatlgatl-iia,vitli au oniiiiirv herlseatal eames-" Profeatoilearribed m appliance which be sad ated tnpeel sdvaatags la mel nea. Tb*" wsa ailt.i.-beil lo ii labia p. iiM-mlii ularly. so Ibat a ll

rater rs pille coiiiti tn- photographed rrt.m above in

t« .-'¦.iii* al and with tbe las sr le.* in Hali ter

na! po-llloii*. Hi ai-o ib-.i lu il a pt,...-, f,,r makingI-. 1 of it .'-H. - f,.t is tut >ehaiti by r.i -t t ..

photographic negative from * ttaa I Bgure aad thea 1 .'

ni: ni ei'ijigi .1 .... *. Hive bi meant of a aolat'uni'ra. In thl- w.r a charl could I"- D.diai,.li w dd -' -1 . if made b* urdlnary metbndanillir papen read werri "Model- ot Cepbampo.t," by

['l"!e--ol .1 III ll. 1 " Ml tin**!- of l'l'(tock Meei ions,"bj af* Hall; "Home Mel,1 l'urmilng !:.- h. !:.' h. I'rofet-uir ll ,1

I; " ll , le »f" by I'r.'fr.sor -. ?|. i.i-e lo M I ll.,.I-... 1 p ipi: on " Method* of Inttructlon In Mlucraind I'i 11 ._i i| by " ld- in-i-t 1.1 on di.* raine of tbid inlin r ling) n- ail ucl to Inti Ile. tnal di relnpni1 nt, and.Ott! inis-'l t,.at a .-Uni) ,.', ll"!,ti d fm tin in.i-ii m of teleneet Involvingmd. ..ii. i-ruis fruin obeervaUooa. Prufea-Mii Hurt ll.R'ililer, of Cornell lillie: t... ad ¦ pip 01

un ni ni a Mu*i oin of* Vi rlr-briite *'' I bl

|,l wi'li.1 i.4p. ron "Al .ts ls-ni'es of Ht ls-III I' tn Allietll a."Io .i.u at lo 11 . wm :, ly \u I,. ;.i aaolbi

di ii at fnluuitrl < "ii'gc, and al _' o'. I*** « ni adjourn lo-1 .-. .nu of Salural lllntory, to llttento an llliutrated

ni'iifs-by ri.f--. \ s. !¦ -11 ,.i., ",i ih. 1,.. -,,,,;. ,,ri.siiu ling pulillc s. i.,b,i t..i, ii.r, on natural I,111 -Us d ai ll. it liiUsciilii.

MODERN LANGUAGES IS COLLEGES..l-"l BS 's,s jip ti-- im, nu nt iMp.ii.: v

Ml HUN'. AI ul -lilli.

About forty professors of modern laagnagesie 1 m itiiiay in .tum utiou at Colombia College for tbeeirpo-e of diamteing tbe beal meauaof eleratlng theitaadaid of etudlet oftaodeni taoguatree. Sntoui tboee¦eatat werai E*ies_d-al Carter, of Wllliaa_,and ii"eaaotS I -< 1111 -1' 11 r % 111 lien,li .dr, of Vile; BnetOU andfcKlruy, of Penn ylvarda; i.iiiott ami Wood,of Johnslopklns; Cook aad Lats, of Harvard; Brandt, af Ifamil-"i; Baacrofl aad WnUaaw, s.r Brawn, aad Haas, of.rm eton. IT.-iid tit ('arter, of Willi tm-, v ia.haiiinaii. I'ic-iiiiiii Baraardwelcomed tbeeoaventloao Coiiiiniiia. aad sompared the preeem faiiiuios f.rrtndytna modi ra languages willi Iboae to 1.btalaed rn,1* ollege days, winn for t ),,.¦- montha_aly,ln tbaiunhM.-. .11. -1 ntl. 1.1- v>. r.- alloc,1 ito- priiii...- ol taking onelour a nek tn rtlbei I n m li, Hebrew *si Integral tal¦iiiii-. Now no cultivated man can well in- *ii_oui ut nding knowledge ol both Kr. neb and 1 lermaa.A committee was appointed tn draw up a tcbeme ftir a

stiinaiit nt orgiiiiditlioii s.f piofe.son ,*r ne..lei 11 in,.-nagi .-. 'Hie ipti-stiiiii nf die iii.ti-of modern lamII American Colleguswat then dlacuaard, and a motionraa made "that, In ii;- opinion of this convention, no"lu gillie Milden! should Ic-tlve thc tlegiee nf Jl. .v.,rlibout havingaoqulrad r.ninty in reading the lum iiuni Udjuan language*.."The -our. n ne. iheu adjourned until evening and np men -en,1,lin. the resolution ottered bj l*Tore*«or Couihirld t-y ni' 11-e 1'iilwi-slii, lu tin- efit-imioii, it., tlioroitghly

.1 nml lllialiv laid lipi.u thc Illili |ir. Coben, of.lumbla College, theo offered a reeolutlon to tbe efli*c!bat, lu the opinion of tbe conference, the elementa ofuni li or 1.s rmaii, or laitb, abould be Included muonghe leipiiieinciiN for ailim-slon to nilli ge.. 'This nas alsotllail-llvely ill-t 11-r.ei! ami, like the pICVloiU n -"lullon,ia* 1,uti uron the tablelinn- will be a third teas!ea to-day, beginning it 8 80

1. in « lien tbe chief polnt* of dlacmwlon villi be; .. Pbell-t l|i!lli.n.t value ol tin- mo!, mas cou,paled willi Hiern lent languaget; " " The mi loud "f t. ,n liing modi 111uii.ti.i_c-;

" "The beat 1 tpedlcnta for raising i_« ataud*,nl ol dit-r,e similes, tiie ilili-r mitt rial In tbelay;" "The general educational I ul! tobe aimed alIII oiii ge traUung "


Flames broke oat afresh nt 7 a, m. yestenlayi Ward4Co.'aoil warehouse, Ho, l"'_ Pront-at, whlehrae nearly rained bp iii.-on Wedae-dayBight The cellaras half full nf wati r OB \* lib li burning oil Mo ,i, ,|. i*|hui

sd tin-ruins of two fiiiieti loan of tbsull'llng. The tlueiur-n win- Obliged to cut holes thrungliie walls of the. biilldliig In m.lei io Ktll at the Bamos. BBdicy woilti-d until nc-rly Huon i,cfo),, du, n,c WM -galaasereeatroL "UrTrrldlltirnial damaga tn th! haUdlag.ti e__wd by the Ire yesterday. Theetoel of a/ard &o.. rained Ht ISjOOO, wa- dwtioted. It wu* Insured forI.'*,(iud, in thc following oompanleai _taa, >i l.. Peo*,'.-,-sj.iKMi; (irceiiiilcli, *:i,(/(s); Btuyyeacnt. 8-.-OO1lobe, 82.000, and Mechanlca* ot Kewarfc, psiOOO Tha_tat_ weraInanredforf_,100 in tim Commercial, andaahlngtoD Proridence oompanlea.The i, lints of M'lera! Billoliilng bulliliiig** were flooded:id Ihi vs ult r ati-til tarloUl il,image lo stock.

EEOOELJE CITIZENS? EXCISE LEAGUETho Citizens'Lenirue for tha enforcement 84

ie i.i'le law In Brooklyn rmi nt No. (1117 i-ulloiit.t-t ii ning uml adapted a new isiiistltution and by-laws,iiennnuiof tho orgaultatlon wan rbunged to thecitl/t-ns'xclnc League. Ita object* am to niiuprena the Illegal salelli-iior. isucclully on Hiilidays mid to iiiliioris. Tbe Rev..C. Huies wan elected recording sci rdiiry arni Joeepbuule.lft t orrcni't'iitltng aecretary. Tho MlseWB tia other nilli ei-, Including a Hoard100 managers (four for each Ward), waa left to ti m.

!tiei> csiuiuonedor W. C. r-illle*, K. 1*. Ide, P.W.8-0.eld,(.oil.inl and J. W. Rennin. A commit tee waa .ino ap-slni* it to arrange for a publio meeting lu tho luturott ofe Lrcague.



Denver, Col., Um\ 27..Tbe wedding of0 Li_.u.jut M-iU-UL-l ililli*-, li-t-iuy Oeury W.

Warren, of Oorgia, ami Mrs. Elizabeth 8. niff.thin city, was celebrated at Krant' memorialchurch at noon to-day. Right Rev. BishopFlmpsnn. of Philadelphia, officiated. The reception attbe palatial hom.* of the bride won an elaborate nfTair.Mm. IllfT ls a ladv of rare culture am! ponsef-icd of a

princely foi lune. Hhe In widely known for lier liberalityio the poor. IU-Imp uml Mm. Warren left tonight for atrip to Ni w and old Melba) und Cuba.


Siieb ,i collection of Aiiieiio'in pictures as that.bown bv Mr. Thoma! H- Clnrke In tho American ArtCallory at yorttcrdiiy's private view limy be wifely tcnni'daafcp-e. The exhibition af a private lean eeDeetlea seas*pased ti iii-im-ii of American works is, wc believe, -nine"

thing new lu this city, or at toast unknown for manyream. Mereever, this cotleeU-- deferven to tie railednpreKcntjitlvc of Ihe American art of the last tin years,a quality Wbleb did not distinguish the pictures sent toMunich lu the spring. In this collection Mesnrn. Twaoht-m an ami Url.-tol.A. P. Kydei anti J. (i.IJrown. (ieorgi* Pal*1st amt S. J. (iuv, llriili am! M. !,. Henry t-lioulil satisfy thoni"-t cal liolie tinten thut die mc! hods lind sclioolflmo-t widely at variance Hud cliariiclerlntlc. repro--iiititioii. And lt may bo nildeil tbat thonepieliiren In the great inability of instiiiieen are character-i-1le of lin- best milliner of tho artists. Mr. Chirki) com-

jrells us to feel tliat lie hat c|io-en nearly every picturefor some good ratiui. His .selections shin*-- keen nrtlsttoMciMlblllty, and sound Jiulirnient, uh well an a broadand a Ubi ral npiril. lie hun not con¬fined himself within tho narrow range ol any onei-cboitl, but han recognized tho good In ull. That Mr.Clarke's liidii long patronage ban proved a valuableMlmiilu- to American art, and Induced ..them to beginAmerican collection*, weean readily believe. Ills motivefal placing li!, collection upon public exhibition, ls In theline ol his disinterested ellorts to the pat*. Wc have atother thin s alluded to the Clarke pitas of |SO0 for thobest BBB!, composition at the annual Academy exhibi¬tion. Thc paymeal of this mm Mr. Clarke hasginiraiit. cd ilnrlng lils lifetiinc. Iii order to aidIn t-W-Mleht-g a (Bad, the Interent ofwhich shall make thin prim a perpetual award,Mr. Clarke has opened Iht. exhibition of bin pl,tun¦.-.The rerii.Tind-r of the fund will bc Baals Bp by popular

subsi iiptit.n.There are iso ptetuies in tbs collection, mpreseatlag noani-l*. of the latter number, lui were born in lidscountry and the remaining twelve claim I IIU I ha as theirhorne. Out or thean 140 philtres, lld depictAm* il. un tiibicrU. It In not too much tarluim fur thin exhibition _ nalioual Importuuce. Titi of the artists am from huston, perhapsa-mau*, more frsim Philadelphia, ami tn- ul v all tba m.inaiii.l.r hali* duli- homes ainoitg us lu New-York, ltwould neem a Maple Hiing, after nil, to meSUM gomlAincrieiin p etuii s, ina u prophet i- not ullin.ut honor-ave In hu om n "Unity, am! tin- ( et of our own rolledom tt'iit ilitcil Bled ills-oil tho.-salon and Hie Motel ba- ti.pim ten year* for Mr. ('Lillie to getdu- ciii non together, but tbe leeton whleh lt teachesx* noni tin- i. si worth heeding Heart) ttitjr yrMr i.unii [teed by bte gene rout ld mrtaliMd many<*f thc pr. i, .-i.-.-itt of the preaenl generation ot ard-t .

and Ibe collet tkon.whlch he forme l,now|ln the rooina of thet t a iii ii!;e I !il-l'irlc.i| '. allie

lt to nm creditable to the leven of arl In .bia city thatfun-igte . .-oe here when none of our eiblbsre open, ibouM be compelled to tah u, rain foran opportunity to gala aa t leu-ate idea of

.iit..'i!i d.t) \\ bate bad abundance ofrompoaad of earefully-elected foreign

Let aome of mir collectors lake like paint ii

ho ,-ii,. Aim rn in usuks. W,- h.i'.e Dol prodliCed thei .pi.I.-ot tin .te.ii Prenrb matters, ll is tine, but turelya gss.«l toadacapa by Mr Ot ii duworth ih.,-, i -i ,,f

i" knocked i.;r to pay uni' otdi./"- wine -Ula. trna time tboald be .... -1 for foreignii.uue-' alone i" preientloun rubblah In ti.Same eep .merlcan

d more Inf i|,,i strikingpi. in.pi illili! int of oii o them Mr.

1 i ill prove a !. vi .in e. II. 1.1. .I Ibe irlrt and tbe t un li ai aftn ii--Anion.-1!. ' thc by Mr.

'" orge Iiiii- irrottpl m."Winter M.sining at Montclair," eibiblti ii tin

- I'i' li few ofoar artlau have attained. The rabtle rendering of atviiio-i>ii.i-e an i pin of in th- painting will here¬in, m-"-!,si isl au wun taw tba pi. mrs. two yeanin ipi.ts- a tiitii:, tit k*-y i- I.u ¦. i;r t> Lowering day,*'

!, m w cfc,f tbe healy am!

bowed with rain. Th'* tight br. gb thc. .lonies of the tri. ;.. .,

I irs- painted snit of do., ., and die ,ird-f haa -¦ t/.-tlu|tui hi. im I-ape drenebed with -bowen, caught th>*cffccti ol light, ami i ag, sn I wovi n ths

into the niter.mee of a poet " 1'v.i.l.-ar. " "A

Sunn-rat," «lilt a full illicry radiance itreamlng throughtbe i b.mi-, and beraldtag Um ippcaranca of thi ran, aad

et," a nen madaah ot color which recalls tome ofdaub!.ny'- effect-i tlic-c ai* th** oiin-r i-.iuiplcs Mr.

- \* u I.. 1 h. ii onie Mi' U v.ii,i'i " Mon lng lu tbeAdwoudacka," nml in- -- -i.t stabbledeld," the formerthowlng Ihe bl breaking through! iabove a

tim k pool uud lonely wild*; tbe totter i tendet -j ui

phony lu ssissr, watm, rich anddn imj at au Indian Bum-mi rs|..\. !.:_.. Hilt Iti kimi If let la di " if '.

Mr.J. P. Murpliy\ "" I pl in i ('..rtiM. -ld. '" to Which blt.. i). i. b. t .md .. I t' \ ionM are companion |wy nm-1 .. k h..* I, tg. we bare novel teen Mi. Mur¬phy ai'ps ii toao good adi Ullage. Mi. J. J. Enneklng,w, lu,in we lr irnrd to appreciate al dc Boaton exhibitionIn ld! -|.ft, la I .'ul by .. A Clo,uly lui,"a wort characterised bj mush delicacy, bul raageattng

i differenl fa*>-_on from Mr. Innem'"Hunte.." Mt. I li.rin.t-. AUen't " M.ip liur-t at .So .ii,''ati rff-ctlre rendering ol Ugbl and th-ale andJi i-'.s cattle, Mr. Den r's "Along tbi Pbore," Mr. Bolton.loiu-s'. ¦. i let,,!,.¦;¦," ami Mr. Caril lon Wiggins'- unutuallj

if the B'o ..i ," di. ie We mutt ilUmiatwiih a wold or ui allon. Mr li.In i ii ia eaugbl the tplrllof du* ci iiy -pun., the cleai-cna of ibealrand the daintyfrt--i.ii.-i of the 8ml green irate, wlthoul marrii.uii*. ipa bj Ihs Ju. Ugh'- v. im h he has affected olItte. It li a pleamire lo ome again upon Mr. II. R, Poon '-

out of door wort in his brights.d brees] " March Hlll->-l*l.." And equally totereaUni la the example of 1...tullin work lulu- cm-, but evincing a tubtle color eenielu whleh we lind Mr. A. P. Ryder*! my tile norteim a ri'.lng ibmngba I.reel. Simple, quiet and effoctlrelt Mr.ii. W. iioi.i'i.i-s itudy "f purple mountain! upon ¦ sum

mer afternoon, Of lat< yean we have teen nothing betterfnuu hi- liam! Mr. swain (.linn.l's lindy and Mi. c. ll. Lu.lon's " Indian Summer " compli te tbe laud-t aiiet oi whichWc 111!) line UT s|,e it.

lt la willi tometbing of a livelier Interent Inul we turnto thc figure piece* al I ttl) rn riley forma featuremore prominent than the land ¦¦ apet or in irtui-a, and poa--inly mon attractivefrom their prenentalion "i dow work.Mr. Clart im reit.duly dime iii- ihaiv ol 'll covering andni in,-mg out young arl Inta, and inn- af three who areprov lug Mini ii,ore than luntlded In bli expectation!. Mr.Loni- M." ll' wan, wu i" il...... illghtl* ispis's.nie.l In theA. ni. ii,', i.i .t -piing. Inn tin* exhibition ls practical!, lilsd. but. Mr. Mueller han cl.n Ihe due of tine finish anti

i o il. lull In v. bleb M. I..-..:, hi and Uart u I; ive workeiLll> bat thi i.i uti red t path alwayt overcrowded anda!wayi perllout. But there ire tv.** ihtngn which Mr.Mirelle! doen noi tl". He doc-, noi tut rlflcoall cipreaaion.all hum,ni Inti e-t, to baiic'i ti cMitiplo, alni In- docs notiiin! lt nive ian i.ri to eeventivn th century oontumeaIn older to eaten the eye and rive! Ihe attention of thespectator, Mr. Mo. ll. r Ins |.Uni wbal bc term aboutbim In every day life. The "Mon N " I- s itudy

an *: lt riv gentleman ti ited In thc t>ie.,.r..-i r. olom oi in luxiu iou s bomen, rngaged In bis morningpiipcr. Tillie is nocontcloiunent on hi- part,jon feelBine that yon mlghl ten bim nit ling thut on au* morningthal rou smut,', ,| to ,,ii. Kordoei the art of the painterlippies, iou. Ry and by yon begin t*> notice the Brmmin bi 11 ii ir of the in .ni, iou note tue coloring, and tbe cun¬ning way lu which the detalli are worked out. yidial ihesimple naiiir,ill-iu ni ti,c tctlc lion- lu ilu- mirrorof tin lu. tat fi i-i ti Ice and or the " virtuous "ohjidie man td, tm un tm -mail amount of skill, ii n< i "i i'dIto di.i: ot ii- kind tliis may be called wonderful painting.We ii" imt regard lt at tbs beti kind, imtltn remarkable marti ls un mentionable."The Kelectlim," ls a run length ti.dy of smaiden In white wini ¦famln, rim e quartert turnedawn*, in the corner or what we (ak., to i*- n pis tty ama¬teur ntudto. lil,eli mid white -'s. Iiin - ou til" walls, ll

jin c.- of ini!i'|iie furniture, and i'l!- "r pom Un makeupitu -net snell... Theae Mr. Mocller duly subordinate..i'e li.ii is tin lamil ls rather too prominent, coniidering itsi.,.ii h. i rn the figure, bul ibis i- a venial fault Notwlth-ttandmg a ntyle of painting wbleb I- apt to degenerateInto dependence on men* detail!, trifles and tricks. Mr.Mm iii in Iheat wm.- shows broad sa weD as line brushwork. De baa kepi general rvaulta well In mind, nnd beluiilntuliis the li.icre-i or hi- audience, r-uch a techniqueM be exhibit! 1* rare, and his evident determination nottobeawampedtherebj to rarer. Mr. Mueller's debul lie¬s'ins all encouragement, and we shall lookim* bis work unh iiitcrc-t al tin- springextill.1ti.Min. Mr. C. V. Liri.-li's " QlaSS.blo«( s,ami "Cul pin i,i at Work" arc noikn which our nathanwill remumitcr pleaaantly aa appearing In last ".car's cx-liinuioii. in iiii-.ii ls added '¦ An Amateur Etcher," awm thy example of Mr. lindi's metbodof p-InUugandmanagement of light Mr. Francta Miller U renrcaeutedby .T'lii" Potter" uml ..The Local Knight Caboose," taMt*. I'liieii', ii,.inner, imt betraying a lillie more cruditymid heavier tOlletl.Wo multi* untidier new dtocovery in thia oolleo*

tlon In the picture by Mr. Oeorge do PurestUrunh. I.ant apring Mr. Brush nhowed un two plcturon,one au Iinllau leaping his botM over u Minny ehaniil,which contained mach spirit; another, a ntmly of amounted Imll-u chief, which wa*t not only utterly flatami m.-* bani, ai but bini tu druwlug uud in penpeetlva.Kow Mr. Plush api*!"-r» again with a picture inhich originality of eoucciillou anil depth

feeling find a more aiictpiulo exprciwion.hun painted the Craggod, tnowy aiimmlt of a Bucky

. 1



t-. DHieaup.-inAL



bbbMlpdistthei on

Iel.ol |

of feelinglie han pain...Motiutalii u*ak. .'ar below, the bare toj in oftbetrtvirise from the ilepthn of the nanon. Agalnct the snow,drifting along tbe nteep ilope, nt_ud-i au Intllnu wouianB* UluJ bar on aa upy-r

ooo, nilodae Uue a .lifleucd Itu ui, | _l_j

1limthuIS al

sha¦tt ii*


wrapped In a blanket and already partly ennhroudedsnow. The weapons of tbe dead warrior hy hu lids hano terrors for Ihe eagles which wheel and soream wthorrid nlgniriiance, amid the storm. PS-fang the biawhich team ber blankets from her thoul.len and t:enow which drives Boreel- by, the Indian stands aimilken her wall for her dead brave. Uer head tsthrovSask and her straight black hair tossed by the wind. IIdark eyes are turned despairingly upward. Her fur¬ls braced to resist the wind, tense wltn agony, and rigalmost as tho motb_*_eform above. '1 he neena ls oiof awful desolation, paths**" loneliness, tragic sorroiIt ls nothing new for poet or painter to iiortruv the gilof wire forbtt-battd, hut it in something that an artimay well be proud of when he can translate an clementpassion or emotion Into an original and Impressive, furnibis touch of nature humanism OM indian, and the jw(Tow tqnaw seems to be making a silent .appeal.*' I aone of you aad suffer with von." It would be easyImagine dds painting symbolic of the last relies of a omgreat nation, ulone iiihiii the mountaintop, the Indi;woman chanting tbe requiem ol a departed mee. Quetfoiis of modelling, and of the treatment of the figure:relation to the background, we do not cari" to enter imnow. Mr. Bruah luis given na a ptoture penetrated wureal feeling. For this we eaa thank lum ami be contentThe original studv for Mr. George Fuller's ptotar

" doman vt lui." with its vigor and lentil i\ eticnn. in ono ithe ni'i-t inti resting works in Mr. Clarke's collectloisince it shs.ivs thc first form of the artisfn eoncepllo!tad to -fiesli from bis own brain. In tbe " Professionant Rehearaal." Mr. Thomas Lukins, while malntalnui[hoskin in ilrniiglitsmuiisliip which we have learnedreoognl-c. bas developed a finer tense of eater. Ts-aggard mualelana, one with a tither, the other withpillar, are sluing before a heavy eurtSIa ol a dart w-tor which In felt rather than seen, and nt the nantime brings out strongly the figures and the table Ifront. Mr. Blashttcld_" Music" we stlUffndprcterablo the variation of the theme bp Mr. Dewing. Them.waite wall of die gallen- potaessss a peculiar Internefor here are hung iln* works of tome ot our older -raab.tst. ('ennui'" by Mr. daniel Huntington, ls followed bMr. Coy's " Bedtime Story," and au example of the lalMr. .¦-. K i litton!. Mr. William Hart. Mr. Dalilohii-on and Mr. Moduli e find nplaoenear Meaara. IK. Church and F_natman Johnson. "On the Medltei.atic-iu Snore " lt tbe title of tbe painting by Mr. Chnrolit hich we note for (he softnetss vet lividness of the atmo*.here, it ls Mr. Eastman Johnson at hin best that w

¦ce iu tho practised touch aud quaint humor of nNot England Pedler." And near by we lind a deooril\e arti il who ranks with his neighbors In year-. Mr. I.[.'urge, represented bv a Utile svinphony lu ml**ty green.M have been unable to reach several works of Wilie

ric would have spoken, but we cnn safely leave to thIsitors. Mr. Hogg's marine, Mr. Blakelook's " Indialiri.' Mr. '''s -Willow'sii.iiileii." die fivo woi-l-iv Mr. Bridgman, Mr. Carlsen'! " Still life," Mr. Ilbate's "View ..rt the Battery," Mr. Uana'a marlinSr. Dewey'a "Water l.iiv." Mr. Weir's .. i lowers," thlegrepearet by Meson winslow Homer and Hovendeidr. Tnomas Moran's three works, mid the examples t

ifeasrt Pcs. T.Volk, aad Weldon. Nor would weTor«ne rn ater colors b) Messrs. Kappea, Chnrch, ('ninian, ll-1Imlth inul Muhrman. There ure a great many i*cople Ibia city Hbo cure or profess to cnn* for good pictures¦Hell person- wu ndvbW (si lisit tblscol'ectloli. tllircb.liiciitin.- the Academy prlte fund,ami broadenlnheir own rie/wt regarding Ann rican art. Tun TaiBtrxit.- alwayt been the foi' most champion "f American arnd we are glad "i an opportunity to Indorse tin¦ni hering of American collections and the encourageacut of Aim"rican artists


A iiiii fur a meeting to form a Repablieailob for the Twelfth Ward (XTXth Issea-My Districtra- recently l--ii"l by ('ellem! T! eodote H. Hamilton

ii ' R. Hawes, G age E. Beet '-d Beaell L. Bleaaadui (one of thc Ctiiiiuiltti'c of Light, i-n,) and \-.

iiit> -ix s,f the Etepubt-raas who bad enmltod omithS new phill ttf leorgiitil/atlon. It illd no

Minde thi- Basset af any of tha five men winmi be.n appointed a eommlttee bp tho Re-nbBcaa Dttt-tcf Association before lt ws'ut outf existence te tab item te torn s new organisation

,i limed, bad lieen leaden In the fae*anal fights in tne Twelfth and Twentr-aecond warda,

i. np tin- XlXtb I'l-tr: t. The mee, ing Wairid last i err member attended it Blnclali.lani, li linn,iii of die iii unit l.-«*. was ai tlr-t c- nt tin- door. Imt tho Other foin tl in fretting into the room. Ttoii eting wa.» iniii in the Hamilton lintel tl OtM-hundred¦i<l-!«."iii.i* iifti' ith-ave., ansi was ealled ta

OU, who ri-ipietfe.-l all wbo h.ol no(-en Invited to leave the room. Tin* Thomas CrC_-_,ie of tbe four coiiinilite'iii'n, objected ts> doing, eadlimed that he sad lu* t -so.-i .tot were nrolled membenub-r tbs ic-oigaiil/ation sad had done excellent w..rkr ibe paity In many campaigns, and that If tbs ctahlah! tl lo moid at tbe -lilt all factional f' ling, a- ll'd tliat lt iiid, lt moa* not ionise, ai

them win. had doa! rn mu* n for.publican -Uocesi la die district. Beveralleeches wsw made oa cash dds and ths dtoeuastoaaa continued for an hour. Plnally each member of thcnioxloon committee waa admitted to th.* meeting byte of tile lilllie*! II" milli-. A |"i ll,.til. Ht of.-.IIli/a-ii was tin ii effected, aud ai.nt Itut lou and by-iawt

ere adopted. Tin-"tilers elected were F*rederick Mof--. prenldi ni: .eral [beodorc B. Hamilton, Uilbert K..r.s.- indi \. I'bayer, vlce-prealdentt i (leorge Kenney,cretary; Kdward P. Oriffln, treaeurer; Ks tcutive Com-ii!... Ko-'il L. I.i. hindson. L.lgar P. Hill. A. Stewarthick. Hem-) I., i:.I. Edward Cox, Isaac P. Martin, Jr.,i-i pu ll Banka, (leorge E. Bett, Thomas W. Kenney

-lin tlr Adam.dim I* md good wlU teemed to prevail nt the last,

it a memoer s.iid to a Tau.uki reporter tbat both par*-to Hie contest felt becauat lt had beenillged to admit mon Into the organls-ah. whom lt|h lally d'sired to keep out, nml the Other because lte f.1 lo " uti it- km - to lilts new elt'lUCUi.


Two iii teitivi m tonk back to Pern, Indiana,lt nlgbt. Walter li. Kidder, th.* tr m-liing -al* sm ni of

I', linnit-li-t. toy maniif.ii lurer, of No. L'K Park Place,bo 1* wanted on t charre of blgamr. d lt said tbathider marri! d In i'< nt while he had n wife In thia city.


GOVERNMENT Doe. 27..For New-England,in ..mi mow, tnereaaing winds, monti, easterly, fallingirometer, followed by oolder, clearing wi ether, north

windi, ami rising barometer.For the Middle At-mtleBrataa, colder clearing weather,

k and high northwesterly winds, lacking to WCItl rly,sing barometer.

TRinr.VE LOCAl OBSERVATIONS.,, fflOt'lis Vormiig. Nit hf.",, I 1 1 3 A ft S 7 H w 10 18 1 9 * A B « 7 H 01011

.¦ __!.""_:;:. ¦¦- ri r,iiiJ III Lrf--

ru it.mi-hot30.5

,_-.,,. ii,-.

la lilt ell* liv tintrn.u*roi is.*.. _._r,

rr,. ll mr.ji ..O". tb. b-rom-'rt, -1 ..rl.t!.*.-. ,*',"'-"'''<*- »r Ulio. .if, .llrl.l.u.

wllrut tnlli.ifhf rli.lrr-gol.i-'ill. lin* r.-ru-.t.-h. i*.cl~l_tl istl., m.,cr. Mils. .'.,,..« I, ir, Tii*,..k.n u ( I'.rl Int r,\it,, tim,¦*r.:-ts-, u lt.'u.i.. bj I i« t&.nuo-.trr ¦. Hat. r_>r_i_<"r, lit B:ri_-w_r

iHintsi: orris k, Dec. 38..1 a. m. The mo-remeal iniiaroiiicti'i-yest, -ulai waa downward, ( toady weather

.i,died. With . I- Of ;in Imii of rain. Th" t.-mperalure

i;;.d between ;!_*¦¦ .ml iii-', lin* average (39St°l bciugliiulnr tli.ui on thc coire-iiomiing day yen r anti

ioi th in on Wedneaday.:.ii A*cat her, with -light chances af rain er mow,low by eoidei ami fair or clear weather, ui-y bo ci¬ted to iluy tu (ills city aud vicinity.

.1 BROOELTN TABERN ll LE FESTIVAL,I'lic Christmaa Festival of the Sunday-schoollin* Brooklyn Tabernacle, which was bold lae! evening,rw ae-owdof ipeetatora, wbleb BUedthe imii.ling. Onplatform were two-hundred giri ami bm soi the infant

sn, who sang solo* and choi Hies, mid gave ITQU-tloale sents were then removi tl flem the platform and lbsmoen of the taboo*, led bp -aperinteadeal William A.ll, marched to latricate robttlons. Afb r a Obrlatssmol lui'l I" cu sung by du* school. Mr. Tilmage preted In behalf or the church to Peta. All,

cornet player who toads tin* tinging,laiiil-oiu gold cornet, worth sK-00, which was madein a model which wat selected by Arbuckle tor aa to*intent for himself ju*i before his tb .uh. ProfoaaorLin.ti played .' Bobin Adair."be children wt re delighted by the appearance of Santaus, wini boro a glfl of candy and a tm* for each or theiii scholars, nml more cosily preeeUtt for the teat hers.*. Talmsge. who eondu-tt n BIMe class *.f __o, wasscutcd with twa haadaOBM clu.lrs und au oil pulutlng.


TBE PLYMOUTH CHURCH CHRISTMAS.I'ho Sunday-scliool children of riymouthireh lind their Christmas festival la.-t night In thejti 1 In Ciatibcrry-st. Over (loo _______ were prescin-nit. i YV. Knymniul tobin ('luIstimiM story, Mnil then*i -luging by the children, and by Mininnie I.itsitr-_W-U SBd Mi-s Agnes das ir. Thomaa J. Tiluey, theeriiitemlciif. uiado an address, a.'ier which gifu wert)iii,Hied fioin u large flulstmss lies which sttsst nu(iiatrotiu. Among thooe preeent was die Oblneae

Mil lu Mew-Voik, u-ooiiiikiiiiiisl by bin s. crolury midrproter. ll" oame to theoburob with Horatio Klug,icu -Vu: k, al whoso houso bo had beeu d lnlng.



tB-DOKPOKT, Conn., Deo. 27..Captain JitincsKer, John rltcwurt and John K. Mayhem, members ofHaliatlou Army, wi>re arrested this iifinrnuou onarant i-.ued by l'ro»*ij.iitliig Attorney Cbuuilx-rlain,igeil with vlohillng a eily ordinance by parmllug theot* lust evening. IJomls wi ru furuUbud for theirciraticu In thc ("Itv Court to-morrow, Capluln Htui--ua given the Chief of Police to understand that thoy will panda every ulght, ii)gaidle_- of Um cityaaaeSs, aud the ihiIIu. have beeu inatruuted hy the-ur tu uxi'Mi Uimu lu evuey '"

We cannot display oar goods at nicely et nptown store-, be.mote we are nnwilllng to pay for thow-room-so are oar oat*

terners. Thlt tccoanti for oar low prices. Hell, Nlc-oll AtOr-nbery. Entranoes _u tod 9. John-it- and 17 and 19Haldea-lane. Holiday goodt..{Exchangt.

? ¦

Twa experienced physician* of the Swift Hpeclflo Com.pany, Atlanta, Oa, have located at No. 1.10 Weet Twenty*t inn!.(, and will be pleated to tee all wbo are tfflloted withblood or skin diseases. Examination andcontultation free.

I iiniihorg"*. Perfume. Edema.

Lundberg's Perlume, Marechal Niel Rota,

I.mulbura'* Perfume, Alpine Vlol-t.

I.undbo. g's Perlame, Lily of the Valley.

DIED.BELLOWS-At Little Falls, M. Y_ Thursday, the 2Tth Imt.,.'anny Heed, wife of oeorge H. BellowsIntenueut Monday nett at Little Kalli, N. T.BYRNES-At her residence, 60 Park-eve., the 27th inst,Jaue. wife ot Matthew Ilyrnt-.lilian ves and friends of the family tre Invited to ttread thafuneral from Mt. 1'atrlck'a cathedral, Saturday uioriuug at10 o'clock.

Ktiiiliy.oinlt flowers.BKAN-On WS-BSSday, the _.,th inst., after a short ll-teae-Aaron H. Bean, in the TKdyear of his are.

Funeral from his late rs-sidou.e, No. 151 West -Sth-at., Fridaythe .-th. at 10:30 a m.CARPKNTER-At Hlghland-onnndton. December 19, of

ti-i sn ni it ii m. Frank Lt Y. Cat pouter, aged 33 yean.COOKE-At Peeksklll, on the i"5 Inst. Sarah Belknap, widowof Oliver Dudley Cooke, age 84.

Funeral frotn the residence of her son In-law, R.S. nasbrouck,on Kn.lay at 1 p. ni.

Dr.FOllKST-OD ths '.'nth Inst., after a long illness. Ellen M.beloved wife of Charles T. DeForestand eldest daughter otthe late Charles Goodyear, of New.IIaven, Coan,

neiatlvi-s ami friends are Invited to attend the runeral ser¬vices at .st. Thomas church, New-York, on Friday, the 2SthInst., at ll o'clock a. m.

Interment will lake place In New-Haven at 4 o'clock, 23thlust.

D'OBSAY.Suddenly, In this city, of pleuro pneumonia, De¬cember 2*1, Mrs. Lucy C., wl.« of the Kev. J. (StanleyD'orsay, of the New-York East Conference, In the .".9th yearnf her age.

Brief services at her late residence, No. 3'-- East, atliiiop. m. Frltlav, December IH.Interment at New-Bedford. Mast.

DALZELL.At Dartford, Conn., December 23. at tne retl*rtenrcof her uocle. Dr. -corae B. Packard, of diphtheria,'¦.ililli Cox Dalzell daughter nf W. C. and Mary 8. Dalzell, ofstinth Egremont, Mass., -god '.' years.

IIh\VI.KTT-At oreat Beek, L. I., December 28, 1833, ELUabeth I- Hewlett, aged (il years.Relatives and friends un- respectfully invited to attend thefuneral services frmi Christ Chun li, Manhttset, on Natur*day, December 20, at 2 p. m.

Carriages will be In walting on arrival of tho 11:3 j train fromHunter's Point.

JANVIIR-On the'.(ith Inst, Mary notlney, widow of theRev. L< Tl Janvier.

F. lends -ml iel.itives aro respectfully Invited to attend thefun-ra I services at Abiugton (Penn) Church, on Saturday,at I'M) p. m.

LANODON-At Hyde Park. *_, Y., on the evening of the-.".th. Catherine L. I.nin'.l'iii. ilanghler of the late Charles L.Livingston, wife of Walter Langdon, In tho 58th yi-ai of herage.

Funeral at Bt. James church, Hyde Park ou Saturday, J.'thinst., at 2 o'clock.

A lettered ear win be attached ta the ila. m. train, HudsonUiver Itailro-tl, for relatives and frieuds, who will rcasjtNew York at 7 un their return.

It ls re'iuestedthat no Mowers be sent.M.MITIN.on Weitne*.ay. December KO, of hronrldtls. Prtv

f. .sor Benjamin N. Martin. B.T D., ot the Cnivu-dty of Ilia(.tv of Ns-* York, agesl ((7 years.

Services will be he'd on !-l:_turda-, at Kia. m_ in tho ScotchI'reabvter.ati Church, Weir 1 .Wist

Tin-Council. Faculty, Alumni and stiiileuts sf the t'nlvcrsitysml the mimbi ri and officers of Hie New-York Academy ofHciencea un! of the Fbto Beta Kappa, are capet lallyInrlted.

MOWBRAY.Suddenl". on Thursdav rn.-.mlng. December ll,at his lat lemdi-ut e, 7l8 fitTlBftliaart. Johu Mow.tay,¦o' -d "'7 yeursNoll. .' of funeral hereafter.

Miu-'FET-Ou Momtai* evening. Det-emlier 21. l-*3. MariaRent"ii. wife of J' G M .:! r. in (lie-1st year of her aaa.

Relatives and fri' inls of the ramil}- mt; lnwie.l to u'l.-ii.lthafuoer-1 from her late r.ridaaee, 101 West litli-st., ou 1'rldayin*.i sun- tl liaif-lt.tst io.

Int-f-M-i at Wooit'awn.SMITH- \' 170 W.-t _M tt, December 27, Charl..Ito J.Smith, tl nighter of the late Reubeu Smith.

Molli I of fliucral lien-after.SMITH.At liioik ave., MotTls-inla, New-York, on Tue stlaf,December 90, L-SI, Cnaaaeei faltb. in the Tim year el aa_

a«re.Funeral servlc* s will bi held it th<* Centenary M. E. church.iuriisror WashliiKtoii-ave. and K CtU-st, ou FrhLiy, Dtxeta.ber --, at 1 o'clock p. m.

TEiiRY."n Ws-tinesday. December -¦', llarrtet V., widow ofth*- Ute Wt Ilium 1). Terry, nf Boston.

Funeral services at her late reside--e, 14 West :.-t!i*t._saturday, at t ¦*. m.

intsiiiii-ui itt ""it. ankara.TITUS.At bte residence In Flushing, Twelfth mouth, th*

Maiv F. fiius, slaughter of Marla atidt.o late U li,..naI lilli*

Funeral at Friends' Meetlaa House, Flushing, ou flu-' nisi , at 1 Dp m.

Traill leave! Long Island city at !:*)5 p. ni.

Special -Callee..Artistic Memorials.

Tin* VKWF.VUT.ANDORANITI. WORKS. ttntttttA, ")1_Qmirries and Workshop*, Westorly, lt. t. monumental and buii.liu.' work lu Uramo. Drrtwin rtamtcsUiiii-ti's furnished wltUuut oii-Tgi). Corrosp m-leacs .».iHit.-.l., l.njl B'way. c. \v. cim--iki.ii, \i_

The Uo-pltai Saturday nud -uiidiiy A_-.cii.llouot


Ilosp'.tal sntunlay, Dec. 10, Hospital Sunday, Dec. 30.(lifts toward current expenses, the endowment of hedi, or

for bull ling purposes, may I).' ib-siirnalttl lor auy Hospital siflins city, kihi smii units w ul lu* tot w.:rili-i1 Ihrouah the Trv-S*arr of um Association to iht .capital Indicated by the Aaa--.I'liDtributtons, however, aie rip-C-dly ss,lietel nu tites*

days foi t!i*' tictieial liu-l, » hich will in-divided arnon." th*lied Uoepltalt accordlHg to ll,*- by.Laws ol Hid


METHODS 01 CtiNTRIIHTINO.I, coUeeUona in ail the Choraheeea Hospital sunday, ami

lu nil the synagogue*on Bo-pit.I -at'iniay.'.' Through Hie foliowlnif Auxiliary Association*-lear ami Tobacco Trade--Il'iny BotenwaM, Irea-un-i. IU

Wul.T.-t.Dry OoodaTrade -A ll. Kins-mac, Tr aiorer, (Ji) Wortb-tt,niin. rilli! nd OH liam i n Aatbac-er, Tieasurer, .1

Joilll ststuck Exchange.wii'iam Alexander -raith, 58 Wall-at,

ami Johu s. Bussing, in Waii-sr. rreaau-era.\!.r, aiitllt; l-.n li.ui-'c Joscpii ll tl,,,l»i, liea*"iier, Jil

Uroena ich-st.Book Tr."te.Tlcnrr B. Humes. Tr.-.i .iirer. Ill i Itroti-s-Ii Com mit tt es In Wit* follow Inc li>:ti, w-York Produce FTrhtniro (leorpiW siiiilli, livaaarer,

ls f-iniih-st.New-York Cotton Exchaugi.Moyer /.ohm in, Treasurer. !¦)

I-.n-iang's lia.s*.Nen \ otk Mar.itiuu* A-soilatlou.John P.Townsend,Treat.

un r, Kai 111.*c bxchc-ige.4. llirnUKh sutwrriptiou lists c'.nulated in tbe fullowlncexchanceaand ii_lcsiliotlilng'l'iatlo.New-York Petroleum "exchange.New-York IllnlJia tad Petroleum Bxchaage.Tea Kii-iiange.Cs.ITee I.-i !,.ui-.*Pr,mers und htere-tjrpera.Wliu* and Sniril liatlers' -ooictv of tho United Stat*s.

Charil's Ren.iuitl, T'ri' r, 5! \*. ..tcrst.t* !a-s aud i iilua-vtare liatl-.I). Fe! tor, Trcasttrtr, (51 Park.

I'la. e.V Thmagfa the Oran -. r.-t u ., * of the following Orders af

La"ices, wee have kindly caaaeated to act as treemmtImlins fund:

I. o. liual Betltb... Ifatiiburgcr, Orand secretary, OfJislliie

I ii. FteeSoaaof I-iaei.K J o.iUtsmlth, orand sc-r.-tary,_7 il .ive.K. sher sliri Bartel H. Rosenthal, orand Secretary. f9»Ihagorai Hali, Caa. ilr..i. iii Abraham.__ BaMasta*. Ossa! Beeretatr, 'Jd k*.

SC5. St.(J. ThTMUrh su'iscrliilloti llstn In tho hauls of Wie Mttiia_-t"i|

uf each ol tin* Mu-].Hals.7. I'lu "uk!.leetini).troves at l-'levatet! Railmal stations,leading m-ituf. tm in. e.tabl.khmeutsi, druggista itoi-t. rta

taiiiants, anil various places nf public travel and resort.h Through intuit > sent direct to Mr. CharlM Lanit-r, o.*_.

euii Treat.rer, No io,, to whoa all ra-ney, fro_whatever tonrce cootribut-d, thonld in* sent du cheeta tebli order, or l-d_*rted to him,) before Jannary 15., afterwhich the fall report of the collection mil _o glvou tai-uughtho publio prto.

Tiie I'rem Success.Lil -ted Ll* I'ASW'i.I.!.. MARSEY A CO.1* KM C I.s loxOF COD LIVER OIL, wUb PEPBIN AND Qt 1NINK, liseii,JmedroanyImltaU-aa. oct Ibeerlglnel l.i-i itroatlwajrSlit ..Ts .'.th ave._

TV.ill-'.. ii'inn,J Fl,ritii-'ve., corner l__-it,

s .TTJRDAV. Deceuher 29, -.-rn. .ii by It HOI Til KU. oa¦(' anukahot fhrlitmaal Wiiat christianity ones to th*.'.lucille..'' *-ei vu .¦ i nun.eui es .it lo _. inOnBUNDAY, ''lil lu 11 n's Krntnal conni.enies at 10 a. m.POW! I'l's-n t" all " CS

The Kino im'ii n mid Ann-litun Wt di,ttl I lu icu ii boekt mil¦how that their coi d patients are ena, (Jo-.!-.meat. Army and Nary oSlcert, wbob-tloeei uusucceisfailjrtreated for uervoui and ph>s_cai debility, ki cit whys,pr,,-t Ilea Uti ii ...'.!. r and kidney diseases, l.y tin* insisteminent proft iori ami -unce-a¦ in thiaoouatrj tod i.uroao,Tbelr New.York physician ha- ___-. theseili-eaat ¦ a np. years uml is nt 1,1 ll.t Broadway, day aad evening, iii.. :.,-cent medical work on i nas s.ns-., i_iH_____ from_

Post B.M Nuilee.i.i'itt-n for;:.u-.ip.. iier-ti noi ii 1* np *ci.t,iy directed for lit.

aatch by any paru, alar noa ci In oilier to at u sn,*.- ly da*liven at de-Jin item, as ail r.iusaU_utie mans ar*) for tf ardillby th., fast. -I .

1 .ii.iKii malu lor tin* we.k tad.If D__*m__e .'.' will clot. lllids ellice as f-i.u ti11Kill PA. Al _ a iu ttl New foin- tllaiid and st licrrfc

Mi [,, via Halifax at .. .*' |s in ful \ ia Ciu_ diroct,ft.. s s. wu.tuey, via-lew-Orl ..ns

!-A li !t_)_V.At i a in ileiKmisi illicit, per « s I'enn-iniiii, na .Miiworp: at la m. lor ttennuiy. Ac, imt i. a.Ueneral Warder, via Soul-.mpt.n .mu {tottanlor *i< at britain .uni ulm -unipoau iou.,mes must om

ted " ter Ueneral Werner ')jai it a.m. lorEurouc puri. . eily of l'erbn, vin (.uceustowu (letis rs ter io !_____-*,ftc, mutt be lUructed "percity ol ci.ui at 1 p rn tori une ii.iy ii. si. Dmalngu tad I orita Uland, pac s. -. SaamiM.mliiKu; at It-Op. tu. for Cuba and Portoitteo,pat a. a._i rat-ga, vie Ha* at p m. fut nontlind dii-ect, pers _. !. inness: i, , i.i oiaagow.

Mall! lor Cliltia BM Julian. M* * a City tl Rle tt Janeiroim.i ii.iiuis. ,o, cliMe lure lani ii >* .-'at 7p. rn Malufur Auslralla, New-/.,-al.iel. Meadwith ami Kin 1_1_.ii. ls.per s s. /.t .o.iauia ivia Ssa K.__cisco , cluso aero January¦ll, at/ p. m.

.Thete'isNluIo offlostn. of trans BatUto luallsli arr.iiig*il 11tiie pi.romprton af their anlateiropted orerlao*! ..

san li-aiictSL't- Mails fruin Um l.a-sl arriving ns nus at SsaKmiiiisco on Ho" "lay uf rsaliin.: if stoainor* arusiis^ itotl-tlUltim tU'- same ,1a.-.

ll kn KY ii PIABBON. I'D-lautieei'ust onie.*. New \ ora, N. ... D-oenber _i. ls.s-i_

Ke.t.1. Thin Hornill,,.THK sSEMI-WKKKLY TSDOME

Price In wrapper fer malling), 3 couts per copy(Hiss eopy, ono year. $..-.*). tcu copies, and au cilia, $10.Pout-go In all cases Ires) to the niibscrilier.i ili-l TKIBl'NK, New-York.

Ucli-jiouo Xoticco.Temple Kmanu Kl,

full ave, corner t.i.i-stSATURDAY, December-.'.! sermon by DrOOTTHEILot,"(Tianuknh or CblisUnaal What I'lufslUnlty llwua ts> th*ilacabfcs." seriii-.i ttnuiiit int-sat 10 a.m.un HUNDAV, ("Idltlreu'i Kt-lUV-i .l_i_i__C-lat 10O. tm.Pawl ape- to tal ooutam.