new york tribune.(new york, ny) 1874-10-28 [p 9]. · 2017. 12. 22. · ity ok mexico will leare...

<TonnlT_ Weal (Petate for ßale "fULlTÍNE of P1.(>PÈRT Y for S ALE and le LET.A« OI«a Cor«. Manhtnrt Keek, tad Botija, l.»»n_ ¿ rataniaplauu*! COt'STBX ___A_U aAiram ». M. IKaVBT, I I A SMALL family of adult« wanta furnished mt mtmmmtWt HoI'.SK am a temar, m wonl.1 ilk» (ki tvoard tita .. .1 ia lien»! rent- or w oak) take lo«r»r part of abona«: «a*.-ep ».»M» r-(»rente*. A.rea» M. IX, Bai ti, Up town Tribaae Olllte, ., ¡¡Wail ««.-*.___ RANCTlO for SALE, in Lo« An«ele» Co.. a '"«!». S atlee fren railroad elation 2,"> «KH» aeree ralnthte -rail fir*»;', en.l rnu'Oi lind I.» ina ilre»ra lil, t»Ol) o ran(re. lemon. 'ia»«, ead elmo»«! tm»; w9 yat atra. Adarea» G. C, Bot ISO. Loe _.__»)«», Cal. Rcai <_» to C? .change. I "TOR EXCHANGE..The owner will exchan»re .r»a-a«».o»e-froBl li'.a.e full» furnubeal, neil Arnold k Ci.nila- B'r'i. bant« large proem-cure baiineaa »tlsr »**d prêtent eqnitr of 035 000 (or raaideac« at OtmLgt or looker». Addteie OWNER, bat S.IVI Poel-Oâ*»._ ÄXDSOMF. PLOT of 23 tkCTCt*. near, J», to etebtnit» l"r e:t» propert«. K1 AND k tVHITINO. '»Beekrein «t. II N. J., ead aUi.DiH) caib. to etehin^e l"r ri(» propert. "~NO. 5* dtp Ptopcrtn to Cet. AVERY jejjjeel three-story, hisrh stoon and hiaeateet IIOl'SK, ill ;mpri>teineiil» to a until fitnil«; rtnl $] .''"i i »eir. li«' M ait lent h «t See» from 10 till 2. A" FIRST-CLAi- four storv brown stone norsf (»e»), *.Ox:>U. to LET, with prtrilej-v ofiub-l-Htliiaj part, real |il (IrtApp » on the p-wieca, 407 Wt_ 67i> at_ A FURNISHED ¿our-atorr modern HOUSE «n LET lo a rriponaible parir the owner wiehee tv r. main rtnt Bl p«T «sontti alto t raloab». rollertioa of minerait fur ula. App:» 199 Km! BOM-tv.__________ A PROVISION* and PORK BTOB-. TO LET it Hariet», »'th »I'leaiid reliar, two io» and aaeke-botu-a boil! .«pre««.* for the baeinene. F. HKKBKB. _ *1.181 :Hd-aT_.. e-oj 1 *^^««-__ .TO LET, "We-st Twentv-ninth-st., be- e twe*n Bitbtb ead N nt.'p-eie«., KNOLlSH 8A8KMRNT ead PIKST 11 »HiH, toni'Hing ..( 1«' nrnrai «leo in iïiii.r-tbir.1».« *_fcir_ |..N>r ni rouaia, it »nrate booie; boin hare all the MÉN lmpreee- Beet« '.-eatii.n ant li'.u-e« .nt-f.aj», rtnt moderate. Appi/on the ¦tin»iae». A90 Wa*t Tennr-tbir*)-»*» _ 1\) LET.At No. 706~Fifth-st., to a «niall, rt'ipecia-l» iimi.., a nie« UOOM, KITOU.." etal TWO BBD- ¦ooiu_ rpo LET.-To private family, fir-^clasa brown- X rii.n« HOVSB. laiiv mai haadtou-elj farm»..-; oocupied br »wj»r (lill Lenn-tlon-it«._ 1-ÏÏ5 UPPER HALF of tine hrown-stono ¦OCBB.II» '.".''i Kilt l.»th »t wt-b hot and cold t-et«r;ln f».'*o-! order; gani ne»«-ht>orhood #35 twr mouth. npö" LET.Furnished, a large three-story, A l._h «loop Hi'l'SK. in a nice »e_,bborho»Hl. eonee-iicnl to ferrlet: awi r «li laka b «ard id pannem of mit, or will let a pt.itioa to » toall ita It of». Add reír*. W., Jener Citr PotMlfflr»._ »J\f Li:T-rNlON-SQt\\Ï.E"PROPE-RTY.. A Tlie .rtt ritt» bo ldm( No. ItJ Ka«! Sereuewntb M. ka« bean pot .e .r.ter. and «ill t»r rented cLen. to a (T'-oa tenant f..r bael« ae»a» mraaat» the leratit.n la »n.urpaaneil. Andr to T. B. LYON, a '..n.uble k Co.'». Broadwi» aad Nioeteenttm«. 'Vo LET at a MODERATE RENT.A ywj defirióte I'WKI I.IS«, -HOC-IB on 1 .(»tt,-*-... Bear (be Oraod > -i i. the boot« Ciaeri willi all modern impreTemen» fur Winter \. » .. tasomm na !. t-oe. kit term», app * to 11. L, HlXil'bT, fool ef 11 lak-ak. Kort* Hirer._ Te LET.The entire DWELLING PART of .¦'. «ilbtre.. corner o( Warerler-pUee cn lau na all roon» tad I tti'h »i..»l r!o«_i ri.iin. Ken». $51) per ni.nib. Bera it Mr. K11.!** ttk-OX» CAKPKNTEB.*>HOP .__,'. NTABLB 45 Tbo-na»- 11. Beul, k10 pet OK.nt.'i .arl,. Ker with 1. SCHMIDT, 46 H-dton-et. TUOBNTON M. BODMAN Heal Ettat» Ästet. IB. Broadwa»-. o. t. corner ...hit. 33 WEST 45TH-8T», rn-ar 5th-ave. T.. LKT..r LEASK, tm,!UO. painted. At.. It on the prtmlaa-a. .»î* UNION-SQUARE (Broadway)«.TO LET, *9 I mtgt 6reii rrOBB, SOaBO, or whole FUH FlOOll. i-ti' K- i.i »¦ .. »*. » An-1» lhere, lo Dr. OKEY. « tkooklrm {Jropcrtn (So Cet. DARLOR FLOOR ,,f \.. loo Pineapple-fAt.; I i-,n roora ia a_.util« lor an ..(See ,r »hop. he.f bal two doora .it. W. r, COOK. 235 Wiihlnfton-irt., Brook!,n. Ti) LET.On Brooklyn Hij-ht«, the plca«- t»ll.T i tailed DWELLING, No. 9j WilUw-»t nett to roraer C.«il«ti.. (»e new oi .s-e-Yurt Bar, Ac. modern iiui_'o»eaeiit_i| pot .. 1. Ar- on prenunet ilitr VJ o\-lock. T\ * LET.Fully Furnished (_rood bar/«-aiii), a »hr»e-»tor» »tone Hot SB; modern iicproTeroeoie; »«»en block» f- ml'.. Ita» r^ert-r: «fl.l(K) per rear, «roiild iel part 107 Bapelf»» . ». ».-n't |'.a,-e, Hr.x.kltn. rT-0 l.l.T, UNFURNISHED. - Any private, I I f.tbil* wai tint « 4ne home, rerr reaaonable. mar » lan tiieaia«». No. ii Firtt-ol»-«. Bn-okl'B. $i>00 rent nuu'l M«. L- it. ionnirn propcrto to £ct. IM rORANGE,N.jT-TOLET^ivo^od^ J li«>.'SES, netr «tatiun, ene farnnlied tad one nnf-unithed; rout $."¦" > . _«»i'.. A,l«ie»«, QWNEB, b3 Etat 'JOlh-it_ TH) LET.At Mëtnchin, N. J., larRe HOUSE, Ill r.-oni«. two «eret of land, and tttble; mi.Lt ficb*n|*e, «Ad¬ die«« A WoKB, li. i Oil. HroTidtme». B. L. Poet-OBre. (Dtran Steamers \ i \\ York, Htivaiia ¿_ Mexican Mail S. S. Lino. _»1 >u amen le«»« Pier .I North Hirer, it followi, FOU HAVANA: ("Y OF NEW roKB ma Naatin). Thnmltr. Oct 20 < I EU.t«aturd»r. Oct 31 CITY OK MRKILA.Tlinradar. Nor. 5 POK M KA ( «1/ AND NLW-OIILIBANS, callitf ti Ilataaa. i';«..».'. Camtx._j. Taipan, aad Ttn.piro: ( ..A . ..Kttardar. Oct. ill C1 l'Y OK MRXK'O.Satort-T, N"t. '^1 Ute,,.- ITY OK MEXICO will leare Ntw-O rleaiii, for New -York, B .». m'" r 7. eillinf at all the »(Hire porta. lui lintbior paaaaar«. applr to P. ALEXANDRE krVONf». No. S3 Broadwi*. KEW YORK TO CAKDIFI*. THE KOL'TH WAI.K8 ATLAMTIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY"! tVM KlK-tTCLASS EILLPOWKHED CLYDKBLILT (-TRAM SHIPS will »ail tr.-tt I-L»,»>,i»im Bailroed Wurt. Jerae« Car, at kAum» I'EMBBOK«.WKDNKSl'AY. OC'TOBBB 28 (¦LAMOB_iAN .UTC-DAT. Cirri ii tootla t_a p_i«en_.r» ti tkamtpl rite» from all parla »f the ('nita-.! .-ut». and ___i.:« to port« in Um BritU-4 Cbaactl and ali Übet punta ii. Eurilla. 1: ~- -'.eamtbipt. bnilt exprtielr for the trade, »re re-onilod «ltkall taa atari i»»aenla for I!, eniafert au i ron- eaienre <.l CABIN AND -.TKERAI.K PASWKNlihB,«. Fir«! Ctbia I'll and *M) tmmmej.Seeon* Cibia, $55 enr e»nr'.»... ertftr. ÍÜO "nrreorr.»T«n_d ritearare Certilleat« -r.u, Cir: i t3ó t ¡rrrucr.Draft i for £1 trouowtr- Por IWtl f r i.artirnlin. «cp j >a Cariiifl, at tae Corapaa*-! OScei, No. lDett Cin-beti. »adla Ne» Y«rk to AHCUIBALD BAXTkB k Ce.Atrau, Mo. 17 lirot.lwir. ^I ORt-Tla-iKaMAÑ LLOYD-STEAJISHIP 1 COMPANY. BOB .OilHAMPTON AND BRKMIIB. The Meaasn,!» M1BIIITBB KO-iN' ( »u! 11 lid mann will tail oo WBBñMUA. «'M J», lit p m.. !ro_f Bi.r»en Pitr fool TbirJ-»t, huo.i'- to !»« »e.'oweu i"- l«t»ir...ii:. ODEH, Camk K t. Oterenlotr. »n SATCBDAÏ. Oel. 31. BATKn UP rkt-kAOa TO LONDOB. HAVEH. AND BHülIKN. PireteabiB.*11H> Hold. ni etiua. i."."::. 8l««er»_*>. '14 currenej. »er ire..i.i « pata»»», at», j OhI.UkUlB k Ca., Agtuu. _¦_2 BowliBt-trnea. 19 ACIFIC MAIL 8TEAM-HIP LIMK. TO CALII'O-NIA JAPAN AND CHINA. VIA PANAMA. Ritet i.' uní», lrr'mürir ill neeeisiriet (or th" trij.: Nw Ynr« to ëin Prancxo. $00, Í100, orlilU', tnrrenej. bu. Bra»».wa te Y. kerami, »lull. gold. b«n liauc.»co tv U.'iiii Koiig. l'ion, toll. S:-«tr.'r, lea»» Pier 42 North Biter New York foi'..wa: C1 Y OP PANAMA. ( »ft J. t. Lewis. «Jet. SI, al 13 m- '. and Hay Paa»eii((*rs p'tií». ACAPILCO. Com. A. O. Ora?. Nor. 7. at Vin. Ar ei er,- «ternit» Salurlai lhere.ter. «.oGet.tinf antb til tle*_len tut Central America an Soul!» Pic Se port» Ei'.rt «teintera for freintit and war patten'-era «ill be diipalcbral ob lat.rrwuiLf Üatardtr«. ntteaaitji uii* NfW«. a<« 1»iT« .tan Praneiae., ft,, Japan and « tuna >. followi: ( "M'ltADO.Ort..l*r Bl JAPAN.NoTember 11 Kor freght or pa-iife. or fattber lnfirmrtioti, tpplr tt the Cooipiuj'l OK«-«, cu «birt foot Cana, tt, New York. II. J. Bl'LLAY. Sapenntendrnt __Bi:Fi:S HATCH. Mtrttiw* llirtr'o^_ UKI» STAR LINK..Appointed to carry the belrin an'! r'.ite-l .Vatea lull I«. *lbt d,,;«»!..! .»leatLer» »re appoint» J to »lil >OK ANTWhEP. Pr Pioi New-York. V-.ti_RI.ASl».Not lill COLINA.Oct. 19 MS-itl-LAND.1'ee. 4 NWITäEHLaNI».No», tt >K' « ANrWBBP. For Philtdelphit. For New York. KRDF.KLANl».»*r 10 8WI1ZKHLAND-.Ort 29 VADfcBLANI).Der. 4 «Ol.l.v.l.>'ov. 2_ PERKS vY PaMAOI IN « I'KHKNC.. a»r*.ri>. ¦.*r'l«l)| Second cabin.ttt Me,ri<« »ed Uiermednle utket», to and Iront »li pointa, at tbr loweat Maa Paaam teeoramodttioBt for til ela«««» nnann-e«*».. Ample ttteud« ano» _, prvraled. Ererr «ttimer earrie» » anrireon and ttewarjeas. 1 tir u(t 1 ,_k«ti tad itrou.b DiU»ol 1.din« itaned betneen all prora- laen pa, t. u. Par p_aee_e. rat«« cf freír'.», ead other information, applr to «,hO. W. . OLTO.Y Aru, 42 Bror.i-iiv. Ne« York. JOHN MiDONALD. Pa_rn*rer Airen! 8 Uitieir Place. New-York. PkTKH WBIOHI Vl^^ General AfiU. '31317 vvi lui «i Philadelphia. B VONtiKB BF/'Kk Onerel Eorot-tan Agent, Anlweri»._ JÉTATE LD.-L Ipi 1,1 AM.OW BKLFAUT LIVKKPOOl. LONltONDKBRY, ne, UTA TE OP INDI AMA.WKDNKSDA.. On 2- rrATB OP Pl.«iKII»A.V. rii'XK.»DAY No». 4. rroin Pier 30. »urta Ui»er. N. I. Ratet ot pttaaça Ctlitn $70 and »Hil Draft» al lowe«! «ve«. Al MIN BALlitAIN Co., A.» nil. 72 Broldwiy ». ¦.. Volk. HTBKRAOB 1/)W AH BY ANY OTllKU LINE. OBre. No. 45 Bruadwat. AV HUE STAR LLNk. .TOB CIEBNSIOVAB ABD LITBRPOOU .ARKYINU Till UNITED BTATEa MAU- ¦KW «Ni»- FILL-POWEHID ÜlRAM-tHIPA ¦»'i.«(tora New iori otiATUHDAÍS. tram Utarpmlm Till RS uii» « at Carl _Wr._.__»-b wi«. Cn,TH bATlllDAY Ov_ 31 at 10:00 a. a. CM'KANI* »ATIBDAY Noeember 7. «I 3:00 n. KKPCBLIC bAll RDAY. Noiember 14 al VA») u it- BAI TIC »ATl'KDAt Bore-aber',¡1 »t 3 (X) p. ia. ÍDB1ATK MTTBDAI No. 28 «» I 00 ». n tram Um ~t*ln M*i Der«. Pier b2, tatt» Hirer. Paaeaa.erai^e-ae-ail oe» 'for ill nae»-- autirtojL eo-Oiai». . ^g_K_TY »FEED AND COMFORT. Btleeei rt»U-rc_w «_»«*i»|*r«M»ai. a«« b«lli-ro-_> ». ¦_¦_ "*" On atmn .tun amnm 'rii. Bl-iawn» »-*» »mwtllimw »eeompa»« (,4M I *a m~a AtV RAI tM_-.r. OSUJ. gmuu Belora Tifketa. f 140 fold. 8«e«fi~. low ,.u» Taeaa a tem for fnen it :r m the 014 I ounlr; mi aew atomía »wartf . rrepaitl e_rt_cate» at I«« ral«». r.mmiin tmatn te »r rrera »li m»«-« "' Antrm, P»n», lUm.u-.g. >trwi; .»««et. la-i.a Atutrt.t. Cluu». «<- irait« treat Bl apwa»_. . »._ . »ariaipeca«» ef uiiu it« »»berlaforaiatvt»». app.r ai th« SBM) « +mt.k%lnJAimimai. ama tatt._H. / (OR (IB Aieal. am »»Aw Otomn»wwrnmrtmTtnlhPmw. THE MONEY MARKET. OtnCUL RKi'/iRT it Y. ATOCK ttCHASOt 8AI.K.S, OCT. 27. ltJTA. »0 »»'CLOCK A. \t..8AI.K8 ÖKKOKK Til« CALL. * Wester« Ubio» Tal til» fUllwir Lake hhor« 4«»l. 79«4 KM) ...b3. H>% 1,600. 79% von. 7««, uni. vu-. 700.«a. 79% WO.»3. 79% KHI. 23»» 600.... 79% 60. 70% SOO.«IL 29% SOD.b3. 7»»» 300. 70S »O«. '«¿I»*» ftOO.e. 7'.»'. 100. 1-»« l0O...bS. 20% 1,-00.. »8. TO'» 100.»A. 79=»« Oblo aad Mm t .. t-.s Bo»t.T. II k Kr.« luO.m% 2H«, 6«M). 34 100.... Ü. % IIHI....U.I. ;"", MHI.. ...'». :«:«', Mnrrm S K»»rr Mu.e. '¿ti , 600....b3. .14 10. 97% 100... «ii. '¿tilt kui». 34 Paeilk Mill 9 T Cent k Hnil.on li* 400. 4!» V».It»«».. 100. S37« 1.300. 45'« 100.100% North-VVaai«» I.!!"». 4!.% Toi. «nd Wah. 100. 36% (KM)....b3. 45S IM.«3 29% 6<>0.... «3. 37 600 ....«3. 4- 200.e. 21»-» 7». 3»>% 200. 44% TIKI. 30 100.e. 37 f»(0._. 4 1.000. '¿Wa 100. 37 1600. 4.1% 10m... »ii. 29% l.KKl- 36% MO«. ..I». 4M 0, 0 h I C l»»o ... b.l. 37 IMI0. 4fti«, '¿S. OH, 100. 36% 400.»3. ».«,', OOVaiUi-U-NT STOCK DKPARTVKNT.1U{ O'CLOCK AND Hi O'CLOCK A. M. V S (U. Ref-Ure-, 1881 3000.b«.ll7T,. U h 6a. I oupoa, lnttl 6.000.bells'« C Bf».'.'0 Coupon, 1865 8,«-Hl>.117 (IB ti'M) « oupon 1867«» | FIRST IH>AKI>.10} A. U. tatet of Stat« Bonds.Railroad ttonds-Rank and Rail road.Eipreu Stockt, et. U 8 &-20 Coopoa. 1865, X 4.500.12. uns ti 00«».inc.Uti*« C Rf>« Coupon, 1.381 4,000. 112'« OB bl. 1HH1, ke.ialerad 10,000.' ....12.111% Mi««rar1 6«. Loch Bl« '¿.DOD. 1»1% 4 «SMI. IK, Miuourl tK H à Si Jo lara«. '87 1,000.. 03 Brooklrn 7«. Hk La 1." hi.104 Tenneiaee 0«, Old ex eoapoD 10, 65% Toa» 6«, N«w, at en 55 A!b«r.r k f-nui 2d 3,000.100% Cblr k H IV ht K !. 3.000. 97% Cblr A Norlb-W'oat C < t> Q Bond» «000. Pi Morrl« _ Knox 2d 1,0»ti).I ¦»-", Morriu li Sa 7». 71 30,000. 97% Ilar'em lil, 7a, Rex 5,000.110 Con Pacific Gold Bil« 9.000....»3. 92% V PK R, lal M 6,000. 88-4 Union i-.u-.b-- 7l, L G 2.000. 86 CCA !.. rut', l-l 1.000. 701» 3.000. 70 Alt-.n IT B21 Pref 1,000. Ss% Toledo k \V»».»»h Is«, fit Louia 1'ir 7.000. 71 Tolo lo k Wabaab -d 2,(100. 71 Micinraa Central 1,000.109% Canada Son(b 1-iM with li Certifient« 1,000. 58 Parue R R of Mo lit 1.000. 80 Btnk of (à.mmerre 10.il7 Bank of RopuMie 10.104»4 Del k Hudson Canal II.bclie-a Brie ¡iaiiw.. .00.... be. 29W UM». 29% 5t»o....»3. m 200....b3. Whs Partie Mail 900. 400.. loo lou 2oO.. 2»»». be. 45»» .«3. i >% ..»8 45 .10. 45 ..... 45 .b3. 45Hi l.l"l). 4.V. 1.400. ..b3. 45 »4 6O0. I-'«1* f«'»i».. .'..I. 4-.«s 700. 45-», 200....b3. 45^ 100. 45"» Ani-r »ii l.iit. « 25. 61 »* Wattan, Union T*l KM)., bee. 79% 800. 79% Ms,»».-.. «3. 79% 2,100. 7:«s, »SirO. 10*0 .MID.«3. 7'.t% l«IO....b3. 79% Lake shore 100..b«.«3. 7'.«'., Xorlh-WMtara loo. 36% 200. 3H5» 200.... »3. 86«» lu«» ....J. 96% ïorthW«at«rn Pn-I 100.»ne. 63 1O0....»3. 53 H i Central 100. 60.1»!-»» Etoek I»! inJ 600.h*. 971« 1»X».»3. 97% .. »3. Ton. .«3. 79% 1.500. 711«» 600.... b3. 7!» »4 1.000. 79% 1,000....»3. IPßg 300 ....»3. 79 ^ 10. 79S 200.... 1.3. 79% Union Pidió K8».be. XCn *,500. US 10«»....13. AAo, 1,200. n*» 600.c 3.i% 200. .;.:.. 600. 33% Clere Pitt« Goar 10. 87»» Panama 400.teilt*! Illino,» Central li R 07 97 9U-S 96% «ii«, »»;'« i«7 400. , 100.. 400. 400. .M.. ..«3. 218). 400. 1.600. tit,7» Moma A Kari 97% 100. 97'« HI l-.iii 2110.. bc*3. a'J'V 2«»0. 99% 4110.... «3. 32% 100 ... |9. 99% KMI.c. 200. St Pani Pref 100... Int. 600. Toi, »»'«!> k Wert'n 29% 7««».i3. 000 .... 200. lou. 400. Chic. B k g loo.UKI 10.100% Pitt», Pt W A C d'il 35...U-3. 91 % 21. 91% :% 32*» fttlbj 60 28 -a BO »4 21»', 29% 47.i.e. 91. Obioand Mi»««»«ii, N '. r .'¦.«.-. -1.*3. 3«»4 900 300... 400... aoo ... 400... l.OtMJ.... 1(H).... 200... 400... 36% :»',-. 3».% 36% 36 Hi 99% 1.3. 36% 2O0..bc»3. 10(1.. 1" 28», 28 Hi .¿nit 100. ...1.3. 200.c J. 200. 100.. *b% f) 8-8 9 12} O CLOCK.SALES BKKORK THK CALL. P«dfr Mall MO. 4."»% 1,6(8). 45*» Brie 1:. ws, .b3. 29«« .jon_b3. loo. Lake SSsfS lo. 600.... «3. i'.'\ 29% I'nn.n Partie 200. 100 ...b3. 100. North-Writer» 10. lOO. ..»15. 600 ... ti. C, C k 1 «J 120. 33 '4 88», 3.1% 86«i 9t'«% Uo«k Island Clio. 100....»3. ....¦ .. k Wada»! MO. . '¿0*4 100...»8. 2U34 Ohio A Ml»» 300. 28 SECOND nOAftD.1 0-tnOCf P !»f. Sales of State Bonttsw-tliillrnnrt ¡touts.Hank a>td Rail¬ road.Siiiiest Stockt, dr. Tenne»»*« 6«. New S lO.OOO.. .he. 55Hi B. «ar. «i». New. Non Kundable 5.«K>0. 6 Ohio A »I ». 21 M 5.000.he 75 C V N U 1st 6.(»>0.. 95 3000. 951» Cbic k NW Con Coup «loll bond» 3,iiO0. 81 Cení Pao Gold lu« 5,000. 924 2,000. 92^, C. K I A Par 7i 10.000.107 Union Pacific lat M 1.000. B8_ (Mm PaeiSc 7i I. G 15.000. 86 Union Pacific S P 1.000. 7.'.*»a Gi Woat'n l»i M '.»..< 5.«K)0. »91 II.rim 1st. 7s Coup 1,000.110 Alban* A Su» 2fl M 1.1MMI.100 »a Michigan On 7.0(H).102»» Fourth N»t Bank 5. 97 Pi N,rli..!_s Bank Mi-ret at.-.»' Bank io.120 Del A lluiiaou Canal I.Uti _ Atlantic A Pac Tri 100.I.e.. 16 Weitem Union Iel «00 .... be. T.da 700. ...»3. 600.e. 1,-00...» a. 200. Paeitie Mali 1 S'-O.... »3. 4 900. !<s VS TH*»» 79 Hi 4»«s 45 45 45'* liMi.8, «tia 1,1«M). 45 500.... 1,3. 45>« 600...«00. 4i',4 American Hrprea« UM).be. 61 T 8 Kiprein» 64 Bri« Kanwa» 200.I.e. «3. efllj 100 400 North-Wentem lOO.Is-30. Na 100. :i»¡»-a 900 ......I. 3f'.\ 300 .\li',»t 200...b30. 3«1\ KHI ... b3. DM loo...«30. 36 Rock Island UM).be. fn:*n KM).b3 9(!rM 1,4'H». !«.;!., .jon.»3. Ht;^ isi«l. !ii)ag loo. 90H1 St Pani,3. :?2H, 1,000. 32 si ._«n> .k3. 31»« BOO.. 32 b3. 2'.)'-j St Pani Pre! ,... 29 900 he. 60 Like Moora I" It W R ! '.(M). .beh3.Kl .i '«. 27 »4 97*s 80«)«S. 79", KMI .e. 70»- 1.8(H).l8, Tltlj ÍJO0. 7'.»^ 1,000. 79<>b N i . titr.l P.. 104*4 Union P»ci8c ÜOa.bSSS. 33%, 3.KMI. ¡«S'a 100.l8. 88% Tol,V,'»t.i»band W>«t 8. 30 300. .. .be. 2!«\ 900.»3. 21i*o 90» 1. 29Hj Bo»t««n. II A Kne 100.... be. **b GoVP.IlXMKNT -tTOCK DEPAKTUKXT.1'K P. M. L' S CoiiDon. 18sl u b Is, R*ii»»*r«sl. ¡ssi I.ll()t).II8H1 5.000.bel 11% U 8 6«. Cttrrenf r 26.0OO.117»4 8ALK8 FltOM í.*i O CLOCK P. M. TO CL03B OF BL'81- NK-SS, 3 O'CLOCK P. M. Morrl» A Fuex Con'n i Michigan Central 07 Hi 3IH». 107Hl St I...ii - I >. 4 S..t!.': 2(10.lie. 10 60. 15», Obi.« ami Mia» 300 .>!.>« 2O0. 200.... «3 1.1.00. 800. KIO. ml*» 8«M). 27% Han A St J««« pb KM».... 1^. 24 KMI.c. 23»s Pacific R K of Mo lini..t>e.b3. 37% 1 (MM). 95 Wtatern Union 400. 79% Brie 1; .1 *.). 500. 29% ii.- u a 100.129 P«eiHc Mail S S Co KIO.... «3. 45% 6tH)....bM. 46 »4 2.1 "hi...»«Mi. 44% 900. 4t*>14 4'M».b3. 45% 2«M). 45% 5(8).... b3. 45% 1.600 . 45'. 20O.»3. 46% 800.b3. 45% l.ooo_ 4."«\ KM).... b3. 46% boO. 45% . i3. .'b3. ..«3. .b3. 10« Lake Shore 3(8) .., 200... rino... KM)..., 600... loo... «.loo ,., Union Pacifie 500. 300. 100. 200....b3. 3:;% 800. St Paul KM). North-Wener» 300. 4(M»....h3 KM). 200. 73% :*'-. 9% '.».- '.'.'« 7!«% 70% 79% 3o\ ..b3. 3.1»», 83% 33% 32 30% 36 Hi 30% Toi A »V»1ja»h loo... 1,3. ?0->i 3IMI. 90% 1.4IMI. -i>.t\ Rock Island 200. Kui. 600. 10«). Oblo »i.'i Mis» ..'«Hi....b3. 900. 2O0.»3. Uaa I tit .0 900....k8. 24 loo....b3. 21% C, CA I C 3(H)....b3. 9% M . 9 Atlantic and Panic Pr«f 600. 13 96% 96% 9ti% al "s 27% 27% Tuesday, Oct. 27.p. m. A rather cloio olisorvation of tho tactits, >x»th here and in London, rcspectinRlírie shares, «MO-M to muk«' it clear tbat tho primo movers on the other side of the big waters parted with their holdings as soon as it became known to them tlmt Mm account¬ ant«' report would not be entirely favorable ; and to »oppose that they did not also make i-xtensive short sales would be to believe them deficient in the ordi¬ nary shrewdness of the craft ; but havinif in this way become interested in a decline, it was impor¬ tant to them that the report should not only state the very worst, but set it forth in the worst possible terms, which wai» done through the Lon¬ don papers of the 9th, 10th, and 1-th of thi» month. Of course the decline bOflM a few days prior to this, while the knowing ones w«-re Helling, and was couBulcrably accelerated in both markets immedi¬ ately upon the appearance of the printed report on the 9th instant until the ijuotatioii bad. on the 14th, fallen iu London from 85.- to 25}, and in w-York from 38 to 27}. This is probably the date at which o»ir London friends began to buy in the shares they had previously sold at an averago of about VA, em¬ ploying brokers in both markets. It is not known outmide of the " charmod circle" whether those who have been using very similar tactics in our own market have boen acting in concert with tho London speculators. The more general belief is that there are now two distinct partió» operating in the Hame direc¬ tion, the liondon combinat ion striving to ktxp control for th«- benefit of certain of their collateral interest!», Whlk the American party seeks to acquire it partly for the opportunities for peculation atl'«»rde«l hythe possession of a great railway line, but chielly with a view to establishing a through route fnun New- York to San Francisco, which cannot be so easily or «itiickly done without the Erie Hoad. How far these two clique« have succeeded in accumulât! ig shares since the decline, or windi hal be«n the more ¦MMMf-i, of course it would be idle to conjecture. The Londoners have had agreatatlvautage in know¬ ing the precise character of Hie report in advance, and in Wing thus enabled to market their holdings ut the topmost point. If they have been e»ii_illv fortunate in buying in. they have .lrca<lv a goodly profit in hand, but which is to soc- coed in the race for control isa question yet to be «l«-ci«lr«l. They certainly have frightened many weak and timid holder» into selling, the average .¦¦li operator being never so determined to part with his share- M when the qui>tatiou|is at the low¬ est point. An exposition of thone tactics, by which Uiua ol UiOUrt-Udu shales »luck aro »old out npon un innocent public and reptircliaaod within a month ot a profit of 10 per cent, «u»*Küs,t_ the otter liiitrii.ttwiirtliin.'.a*- Of the te- port* nnd Mat «-men ta of protervo on a I .tack Bpcoiilator»; for, how unsafe, na an invi-stment or otherwise, l»«'««»ni«-« the Rtock of a compauy. the manipulation of which has fallen into such tanda. If tli" smaller «noenlators wen» loas t unid the lomea and th«* danf-era to thrni would be lena, (or one«** in, they would hold to the end ; and thin in prcciacly what it is «aid the small holders of Erio will do. If there is to bo a contest for tho control they aay let the conte-rtantA bo forced to pay a Hood round pi i o- for the float ing alum-., frices at tho stink market opened lower to-day than tlie cloaing quotations of yestenUy, with the exception of Erie, Ohios, l'aciflc Mail, and Kock Island, which were very »lightly higher. The market was dull and drooping during the KTeatcr part of the day, but the declino has not been very marked, having ranged from t to I percent, with the lowest quotation current in the late after¬ noon dealing!.. Pacific Mail was a marked exception to the «relierai course of the market, twit advanced from 44. to _-rii, until shortly before the close, when it took a widden " spurt" to 4*,g. This seemed to somewhat steady the tone of the i*»«neral market, which rallied slightly from the lowest point*« of the day. The aggregate bti»in(*ss amounted to about 1_X,000 share«, of which HUM woro l'acilic Mail. 19,300 Lako BhflW, ia.**-*) Union Pacific, ll^W, Western Union Telegraph, 9,(500 Wabash, 9,300 North-West ern, «,4O0 Kock Island, 6.G00 oin.,», aud 4.400 Kin». The decline of the day, comparing the closing prices with those of yester¬ day, has heen in Central and Hudson, i. Lake 8hore, i ; Ht. Pani, Wabash, and Union Pacific, each, I ; and North-Western and Rock Lund, each .. On the other hand. C., (J. and I. C, Erie, and Panama each advanced per cent ; Atlantic and Pacific Preferred, i; Harlem, |; and Pacific Mail per cent. The opening, highest, lowest, and clo.iug prices of load¬ ing stocks to-day were follows : Openi-i. li-.'.-.t. Kew Tort Central.HM loo-»« Htrlem. ..Iii» Vii) tri«. .__"_ lal» -I:..-.-. 7 .', i_fi l\ «!>««_.. Ninth-Weiter» . S«:"* rt.irili-Weit Pitt. bd-i Hocl Uland. 97'. II ..ikiil.. A M I'-iif. ,._., Mi « ,.!'.¦ k M l'an. I'rel .'."i De:., I», tail Kulin..m7 »j N. J ("etiiril.I()."_ Mich.ira» («DtraL. 7.Í1» taloc Piei.e. 34 I .. (J. auo lau. oiini.... H7t lim. inJ St. Joieuli. M Oin.'li M i,».« 2*)*» I ¦..«:.",. liartforJ It Krie... «a fan-iiaa.IM1» »\,»(,. olot leietnot.. Til3« Ailnrtie »nil Paelte Tal.... 10 Paciir. MaiL. 45 tah 79", 30 S7 63 ». 97'« 32*. bo-i 107*1 104 «V 73-1 31 th 24-a at}} S im. 16 J Lowe.v lill)**« VAM "."»J ni V'.'Sl nil's b3 0Ü**_ 31 7t 60 1117% 1(14 ¦_ 73 »j 33 «-j 1% ñ*_ 27-¡i 6. li:i*_ 71) IS 4«7» Clienn«. loo1« I lu 29'. 79-*, ii)3. ...-,-_ bl Di1*« 3-.'-» *,("« 107.« lOth 73 ¦_ 33»« thy 24«, .117* .*» 113«. 7!)-S, 10 45*. The bids for stocks at the close of the Exchange were: Ofr.l. C_ie.Mil. li St P.. |2*a ('., M. h St.P. Fr. f. 50¦« (.. 0. k I. ('. t»1» JM Lae. It W«tI..107-1. Kri». 29*_ Kid. li st. J..».-.;¦ I, '¿4 H tu. «al M. Jo. Prf Late Kb. k M. .-.. 79-t N.Y. itllarleuitt.K.l'J.'«. ¡*J. T. ('. k Had.100«« 100*. Ne« Jeraer OntnllOl«« 104". Obio li Mia», li. B.. _7'h r.ntrai.IIS. 114 Toledo k Wabtali.. ¦-!'*_ '.".)*« Uaioa Pad-e.. 3JN 31*« «.»el 31-t bl 0-4 107-S, tah 24 * 29 7!l3« in Otra. «tit»'!. Oolrl. lill 110 MU Panie 4'>'". 4.1»« Weit. Uuon Tel.... 7'.»«» 7l)J« Oni-UilTer. N 31 37 38 MiripoiiL.-M.Co. b-i 7 t m.. Kt'.rew.lil 114 Au..-r,. ri Kl[.rea» . G1 t. '-_, I I.Pied Slate» El... I..1 '.I Weil» Parro Kip... 7S*_ 7t'*_ Ma k Alti.0. 97^1 Uri CVr. kPitt«. S7'« S:\ CM. k North Wea». M*. Uti8. (hi. k H W. Pref. -»-."-j 54 i. «. il. k l-l.i. !.. OU". l'i''-*i TIio dullness in the Gold I.oom was never irr-ater tli.o. now, and the brokers "split''np commissions in older to have sonnt h in g to do. The market tails tor. spond to ordinary intlnences, and it is difficult t«i s .<* when it will bo rescued from tho " Slotif-b of I) -¡loud." Certainly tvimo chant.« will have to take plac\ or else the occupants of the (.old Kuiiin will be compelled to call for subscriptions to a " bent-lit fund." T .o only prico to¬ day was lift The rates paid for borrowing were 1 to4 percent per annum nud l-t'.l of one p. r cent per diem. The Assistant Treasurer dislxir-tt-d M*t\WftOC ou account ot interest, and redeemed iü3,(«:i0 bonds. Tho day's business ut tho Gold Kxchange Hank was M follows: Gold cleared, Çiy.ri^.ftio-. gold balances, }l,547,.r»_l ; ( urreney balancee), $1,719,070. The day's transact ions at the U. ft, Sub-'i'ieastiry comiirised: Wet receipt».$1.265.3...- (»0 I Carr»»*«» ptrm't». M61JSI 44 «io.J parin oil.... 77'-,234 KI! Currtun .ilii»re.._«",.U.>.7dl 4b ¦<o.i 'it «Joaioiua. 4 ,'J,0im ou Currtaer rereipU. 38*9,600 24 ' In London Brilish consols are ¦ shade rtrmer than yesterday, the same lieing true of United States bonds and Erie shares; £-9.000 bullion was to-day withdrawn from tho Hank of England. The ex¬ ports of produce from this port for the week ending to-day were unusually small, footing up only 94,TMUnft Foreign exchange was reduced half a cent by the l«a<ling bankers, these rates couformjiii. more closely to those at which actual bW-MM hat) been «lone for some days pant. Wo («note : I'r.ii.» Muiera' «ttriiu» billi "t Al) otrr» 3 Jin L-tnnon. 4.Rl'«-r4.S5 «K8 _-8g_ , '.»ni. :,. .4.-1 ii.-I1« 4.S7-K2-I.SS Pruieeom. »urriiinf (lo.4.S3 <l_.*t4 4M'.»aJ4.s7 Pint IbtDterti.».17','iVlll1« 6.14 «»t_.13>» Antwerp.bAT-jfi. Ki'« 6.14 .»-/V13 .»«,...b.lTitab.U'At 6,14*_'-6.i:il« tailttrtam.. 41 « Its «IVÍ 41*. '-,.'....-.. i'l'-a-* 1'1't -.'' --r VC, <*raok«orU. *'"t * S'". «l'a- 41 .irenea. 94«_. |!'43« e:.**«- s«(i Pro«, aa taller». 70 71 »a 71'«* 72 Tho money market was extremely easy to-day, and borrowers on call were supplied at _i_i,3 per cent. Time loans can be negotiated at 4_f5 per cent for the remaiuder of the year. Discounts are quoted at«j_6 per cent for prime short date, and at 0 to 7 per cent for long date acceptances. There was a quiet movement in Government bonds and the market presented no features worthy of comment, The following wer«3 the quotations at 3 p. ni.: 1M-1 Ke*nit»rr»il....ll7»«inirl 1HS1 loapt.u».lirt'ïlll!-3! I 1862 lu.»!«,-* .....109-_</ll«>-_ ¦J .'ipont. 113*_1 1133« ls.",l(',.a:K»_i.lit» o 116*. | lsi.', fontv-ii«.11 UV 117 1st... ( .. uponi. Lew. 1 li»1» t lit!*, Btate bonds were dull and steady. The following were the bids : .«.(»T Conpoat.117-_»117«_ Hiis Oonpaai.117 »jr : 17 \ 10-40 ¦l__aiiii...lHH«Ul1_ 10-40 I'ouanaa.Ill .».111 Plret, lSiti. tSaan.lltsail'lH Carraocr|i'adtr_t...:l7 . OtTerfd. Atte-I. Alabtiaa S«. 1H8C... 60 I alifornit 7i.Ill ('ontiertir.t (it.10>*| Oforrni Ot.. TI 79 lieorn« 7t. a. kw.» M 90 7i. Waal »2 . Illino!»«:, ti«, 1S77.101*_ IllitoitC. 0».lf*79.1ol'« . liiiooli war kr*_.... lol'« . Keuturliv-'«.101 L..JI»nui Oi.ti . bl. n. b. 21 . l^.iiunini ««, L.H. 27 . LonitiantHt Ii. B. 23 M.rh. (it. 1S7-4-7I..103 . Mirbi-in 0». 1H-CI. lo:!*4 . Mirbirm7t 1H90..104 - Mo. 0«.«)b*)o1h74 101 . Mo. tii.d*iulrl7.Vl(ll*« - Mo. C>» «Ja« In W7« . Mu. (». 0'ieia \Mn 97 ¦_ . Mo. Ha. .lue ia 1*7H O''-. Mo. '.». doe in 1h71 M M_. 0».'lue »n 1 Ses.) 917» . tatt .>>*¦dn* 18i'1 tí*"a 1/1 t»iLiln«'Hl ta.'tll 94r_ Air. »rial., 18W. ^a". f)5 100 93 los»« Otrrtd. «ile*. !(.VfiiR.I,'B.l»H;i||l ¡l.t.tli.d.l'i.lifll.lU N.Y.6ill.l.'a.H7S.|i.!l R.l 5..», _.'al87«i..l07 .1. ».'. rl».o!il. J. a I 22 "5 N. f. 6». It ()... -j; u 03 V. rl.C.H, J It J. 41 J». I".. ¡VI" B..4 It O 41 - N.«'.N.l*.__.o!..J«!_._0 _ .-.(.".M.C.I-.r.otr.tVO .!«) ». «'. KuDd..\.,l»ii,l lu _ t. C 0.. YA. 1H..S i_ N ¦."«:!- J \ I. i'JIg 1J N. C. 8. T. eltit 1. 6 S! --. I cit». 1. 6 >. (.'. ». T.. etui 3. .. obioü». Irt7.*>.lol _ «>. ¦¦.'.-. I-».. Mi . «».-.lolia. lh"i(i.106 . >;.. . - 1 ii« .... ".: Soutb I'iroliti Iii 20 . .».( «r.'ii.Jio.. Jalr It) _ s. Ctr. Non. Y. bJt.. 0 7 Teni», old. 68 Temi. U».o , et rou. .'»ft 60 Uli. I»«. I.-W le.D'll OS ».ii. Ha a. -1 ..'ii M ,',., 1_ IV 11 !.. B. »er:et. .', : l4 Ig 1. Tet»ll0»onfl70.. - 97 ViriP.i:« Ht, oiil_ 34 . \ ... .a»1.. 1 !.. v.i. 34 . Vir.iBit tta.a»*'_7 34 . Virf.un ba (. 62->« Vi.i,» C.H..'aMierie*r. 41 Vi 6«, lief, bocil». tí'« II. It BL J», du«'78 97 S. kMt.Jo. dtn*'H7. 92-j ». Y. B-«.«1« N Y.C00P I) l-t(«_. 10«Si MTÖa.lMi,Bl*«75..U0 N.ï.ltl.(»Ia"u.l-*77 111) N.Y.t>t.(1.L'B.lS7'».ll() ». \ ... p. 11 ._.Y.»i»0.C..ll~7..111 Jiailroad bonds were firm on small dealings following were the bid« : Offerta. «i»«.*» Alb. _-8__.lrt bdi.-lOS - »Ik It Sa*. M Mt..II»»»Ja - Boitoo 11- k a 1 M. 21*. 21 B.a.'ou II. k H.Omi. *i t». CK-It Min. 17».« . 6rt Cl», k ohio It» M. 4!) ta Cb. k Obi'iai.ConpoB 40 60 ._ Cb,r. kAll. lit M...110 Cb.e. k Alt. lueoiae... . loo*» .-»let.*» »"b>_ li» M.I06 . La. kilo., lil« ... »3 1~«_ st. _.. j. k cm«..a, . Lb. III.': MM Ml 112 ebie.. K. I. _ra__i.l0T*k . e, lei ft J.latM.K. 107 . tai,. It» ot ». I. C. C 104 - Ai. IWerkklm. B... - M.kS.F.llt M.eWPÜ . _7 M kS.P.l 7 3 lol' I) 92 y.l_S.H. 7i.«.oM RD HO M M kMP ÎM.UCI).. Hi »b ft V" M.kMt. IMM-11-a.l). 71 - M Si.l'.lMCkM. 76 - M*.«. Y 21 H. 73 «"hie. k h. W. H. K.loO 102 (lue. k N. Vi. IutB. 97 ja (lilr. k 9.W. C II rl'*« (be. kit. W. lit >l 94»a 9»¡ k .1 W.«1 «i. B. HI ('bit fc N. tv.k1«.li. eil Io.i MU. I.1MS... «»<. «ii'tnikCbi-. Ki .. 102»_ Wi-t OiIct» k Cb.c. 2)*» - « lie. k Mil. Ula-., at tt Si WiBonakSl. Pti-IM HO ( « .«-.4.1 1 »I.7S.K.10.1 IM I'eLfLit fc W. 1 M.10O lol*. D«>.. Lie. k W. 2 M.100 l»«L.L.fc W. 7t. r..n IO«1« - Morni 1 ).-¦( 1 M.lo» . «.K-o-i '..I M.!"-' . HniinhknmlliU. D7 «a - 13-1 til The Oiere»,. A.kri. Bott, k Krl« 5.BoL«a :<7 Jil Baffilo k Hut« I.. loo I03 KalaiaaauokW.P.ltt »5 . Lil» S.or» Oi» Ml. lo.»j Um sb. c. »j it-...101 l*t» Sh. U B-iit... M fU"» Like Hb. C, Q M., «fj»j ;,« Marittlaltlhi. lilM 101) - M)el_ Cefi. I "(«"-'.lo.'1« lot Mlej». a 1H M.H»1*»'- IO'.' 1 1 ». X. k ». II. li».... URO« US'»« W.'T. C. Ot. 18-13.... 97 . N. T. C. »t. 1M87.... 98 V Y. I'm. ILK... 94 '.«M ». T.C (»1 Sui.'i..... 9l>_ 'J6 M Y. tt 7 ». 1H7«.. IOt «-j _ N. Y. Ck II. lilM.) .1ÍMI-. 110 ». V. Call, lil Mi1.10'Ji-a U"*_ II.R.7» 2.1M f)P,'*t"i.l07 - H B7i,S_MS K'7'.. 101 lltrlem 1 M., 7. lu'. nu ii. ,. 1 M 7«. K lid p'i. M « Im Mort. »31» Ohiok H -, ., tt, 91 Oh.« Li. (o (»i p. fe vti»» 211,",. 7.'.'« »atril l'iel»« «I H li. We.lrra Pirtlo li... HI I 1. ot » 1' ,«iM. :i M, I UK« Pintie L. O 7i HO I,n.. » ,: p.«.. . faioo Parif. S «.".._ 7 ( IViV H. .. ... ii HO I'ae. It. 7. ,"i brMo.101 P 1-1. 11.4. :».im, - <;ie». k lill». C ». K.101 Cle». kPit a. 3J U...ll'2'« '.1er. k Pit l». »II. M '.'1 9-1 Col. C. k ii.,L lal M « O-i 70 CI..!1, k M. 'Al M 20 »L I «-!'« » l.-.'ii 1 vt. Hj m Loaiik IM" M 114«, k. k U 1.« "... - IM (»4 H3>t I ¦'. 91 71. HI d3 1 lût RM» IM M Ki Bn» 3d 7«, 79. hri» J-i M. Rrlr 4tb .104 «,104»« .100 i-i. u KO.", it »rîî Prie Mb M. K*W. - 96% U«« l»«el Hoai». loi _ Baf.N.ï.fcK. ia.'77 titi 91 H.kSt. J*. <-('.*.. 77% 79«« Dab. k 8. O. lal M.. »7 _ 1 «oh * S. C. -¿i di».. )in Clarr'.aa.B-lat»,. Ho «¡n- Irwl Bloom'» fcW I M. 46 60 4. ITII.ÎIHIVf AS% . All l I' H. i IM Ine 7J'« - II. »»4. S I H IM -s, 'ti '., - To«, p.'a w. » u.») "Hl Toi..P.k W. W. D...I71»», 7«l i«.i. r. a v.. b. n. - i..; P. à w. M H.. - 1 ol. I' k W. « .,,,.7«. 60 r... k Wihi.t m a - T.kWib.l«MS»l.D. - Tel. h w»» Jin. T. à W. Cm. Cm... st. lill M 90 71% And the following for city bank abares , Of«nw. l»r»e»n Rt'haarf. . teatral N «tiona. .Jil». Coram«re«. Ki rit N.'i-m»!... K..«rth Nitloial K n toa. (). na«« Amené«« llnnn'. ll»nor*r. Irrln». M.-la-t.n. Medítale»'. Aalnv» 111% 100 .300 117 21MI 96 .145 *7% .100 .130 ISO .13»; 117% 97 170 135 151 Oier«.1. Anl-1 M»rrh,.,v .HO 1.0 Merrkai;»' Kt«-h ng M»lr«iM,llu« Ma»«««.. .-¡»w»,,rk. North Amené».., Paeile., »»»»k., Panol«'«. Hct.-.l. c. tiOm k l.eau.rr »t. Niebola». .133 106 .131 . 94% .lu ju5 .164 .106 110 133% io« SUU of NanrTork.UO 104% 1.'.» 106 n.; The following shows the exporta (exclusive of specie) from the port of New-York to foreign porta, forth« weokeadiug Oct. 27, and since the begitiniug of the year: For lb« «re»k. Vtttiomif report»! Since Jtnnar»- 1 Pre« of fol«l. I**.. «.-. 366 K21 1S3.703 I ,6 1N71. 90 101,131 ¡134,00. 968 isri. .4.749.516 215.651.962 1189 090,9-0 .11» The First National Bank, No. 91 Broadway, an¬ nounce that they are proparol to purchase, sell, and exchange all claHse» of Government securities, free of commission. They also offer to investors at 75 the 50 year bonds of the District of Columbia, and exempt from all taxation, bearing &-05 per cent in- At the prie««» at which these bonds aro offered the buyer is as»i»rc«l 5 per cent upon the investment, principal and interest guaranteed by tha United «States Government. The Philadelphia, stock' market is dnll ; Penn¬ sylvania «is, m ; Philadelphia and Farie Railroad, 141; Heading Railroad, 53J; Pennsylvania Railroad, 54i : »»Id. 1 lu. BANKING AND FINANCIAL 1'NirKi» Status Bonds. Tnr. First N.tiona!. Bank, W Broadway, pur¬ chases, sell», and exchange» all issues of V. H. Fivk- TwBania, Taa-Foanaa, sixe»» ok imi, and the BOW S pin CKM It M.KU Loan at current market rates, free of «omminsion. Also for sale at 75 District of Columbia 3 «5 percent 50-year bonds. «U'au.intkko by ni* Unm m .ni-.-, and exempt trow all taxa¬ tion. THE MARKETS. «wmi» .iorie«i mr Ta» TatB0XM.| KKCK1PTS OF DOMESTIC PRODUCE. Tcmdai. «Oit 27,1874. Albe», pkí«.. I:»-.» «i ».k» Urt'orr h»i>» .- »n Copper,». Ci.tton.6ali.. bil».. Meal, t-g--. »» i.i at muli. Cora, baal».. i. '..... Milli, » Harl«r. Iiasb. Pra», hn»h.. (i. «... liafi ¡u.Ki_t.;.k.» 93 200 UM S .176 17.-.7S 745 80.355 J.550 90,054 13.500 3«; 005 ¿ -un 406 4 i'. Ken bbla.. II' »'I. bill».. )-'.»x»eed tig» Hemp, I.«.. ». Hoy«, U.«». Hoir«. U.K... Il.d._ tell«.. pifa... «'...r r, 46 1,900 -17 945 20 357 i.i ¿n li ¦. n. bbl». Sp. 1 uri», .til« CrTur.bbl«. Tar. bbl».... (»r««ae pkg». HI« « n »... Tallow, plus ros .i; .'D3 4.710 60VI M5 40 125 Urti, pkn... «C1 «a«ala.pag Lard, te«_ I...I »»v. Oil.-akc.pkxi li iltur (¦»_-. 'A'",', pig*. Spelt«r. pea.. !¦: - pkga... Sogar, bbl».. -. ... I. »s»- T«a. pit-,.. Tiii.erco.bbl» Tobacco, pkgt W.ol, ha.»».. .Vii*-/, bbU .¦ma lilli 470 400 1.044 4,140 9.594 1,015 291 4H7 .'."ti 117 liO.H 959 Ml 939 STATEMENT OF EXPORTS. Ti«»dat, OeL 27. 1874. Tt« '"'lowing a rompíale lilt of uporu »kippei lu re»Mli wuirh «rere cleans! tu in foi »orri«» portii C'itita » hi.Birk Coareriian». I>lr«'.»am. fill» . ('"HI.Bark Lóala« Malcolm Con), boab. I'elro'.»!.- fall« Com, biab. Eiitir.Birk Himplo» Court, t.Li»'»'.w .Hark Mtrcbino. Hataia.Brig li li «....« mu.», yard». Cotton ls>« \VI>»ai.,. IV.» liaah... I'.uur.*.. «beca* ID... Tallow, It... Wheat »o«b. mo. bbl».. I., »ra 150 Si..i>e, blorki 40,000 liar. bain... Linapo.iL.Steamer Knglinl 9,191 Bailer. ID... 72,300 , Hidei. 1'i.l.irro '.bill 11 1'i.rk bbl»... U««f. let. lil Copper, c»... l»rr Oo«xl»,bl 1 I' . « bbl«. ¦....«.... :«:. .¦¦.; .-¦».¦«. 64.1.71 B.009 W7 11.380 49.GOO 97.083 41,758 79.830 3O.U0 872 1,139 62 I 6 6.000«.Ship Lirerpool. 2.1 199 «991 loo Oin. I'aper, ca. 1.550 38 Flour, bill».. li|h»r«o,hW» Whee». hn«h 12.301 miMÍ-i.a i.itijim Na.. P.'iH pkaa.. l'«>la»h. ci».. \. li ... ,pkg ... koa«... «.at», limb... iValr. -«. pea Los.n.1*.«¡hip Cicero. Born. 1.».. 143 lim Seed.hg« 300 «to.ii-lionmcr June» Slater. 7 | «'¦ » i-.n ,.» 901 | Mach rr. pkg» (»l.H-k». hu.. 11 .all al r.l.aia Nail», keg». K. R.«'.r, H m un» bl. Kagar Mill.. Kope, pkg».. -1.1; . I.« Shoot» aad II '1'tmber. pier« IImm. It K.Ir.'U.liar* '.629 13 274 loo 15 85,000 11.1 tiD 4.2*0 003 l'.«»T Seal».Bart Robert Mowr. Shook«. PIM» bill«. ( rn Meal I.I.I» I- » B««l. bbl»... 100 Com. koah.. 700, lb... loo Liri, m. 50 llr-jtd, pkg». 400 3.(10«) 6.0' M) loD Lire Stck.lid. Water caak». Ila.. k»l__.» Oaia, b.'j... l'.n«TSTA«if.«T.Schooner P. Bailey. Lamber, fe't. 90.390 ] Dum«»f». bl. I ! Diripriratui _u.uu.liuu.pki 10 I St Joiix« P B..Brig Sarab «.'rowell. 90 I'aper. rrami 5<»0 Potatoei.bhll 11.930 »»un»are.|.«gi S75 Bres.l riga. 3.34') I'm,::.» pkgi. Pork.hbU.. Uni. th.... Buttn-r. tb.. c.e«».. tr... (an.llei. I.I» Soap, boie» Beef Lb 1«... It«.um, bu. Ploar. Pork. bbl».. llref. M I... Corn. I.Onll Cheete. IT« Lard,.lb- lo.« 1«»0 6«») IO«) Or 1st. 125 Pel'ni.g»,I».. 100» - II. 141°. li, too...... Cn M-»',hhli 20 J..»»» M. P.-Brig Kuhlo. Kluar, hbl».. 3,038 Pork, bbl»... 405 980 loo TtRK'i IiL4.««D-Scbrnoü«r P. Treit. 100 Bread, okra.. 22 Hi-e hagi... IS Petrolm.iall« 5»»0 Ham«, th.... 19 awi bia. 25 Baeoo. Ib.... li.I Hti-Sh.'a.r» 1 Kopi-, pkif... 390 Pt K.»li,lihli 5 P'nntV. ,tg» S i"11 Catfkb.ttkn 9 Butter, lb... 1 I m .n feet. 6.000 I 1.54 i j: GK.NHKAL MAKKET BEPORT. Tc»»DAT, (M, 27 1«74. _«11FS_T1»'.i.¡i!i'»'« onlr HrniUd. and auntati om ire »oniiDallj ... r. ii ;¦-1 »Ve .(unte Pot al I and Pearl 9c. Bl lLOlSd MAl'fcKIALS.Br.claar« in ama.liupplr »nd price« abo« a farther iinpronement. »re «inole Pair. O' M. «Ou»t, tri 75a$.t; Jerter at #., 50, t'p tiver.M'«H7 Hi»er»lr«i» Bar at -7*$8 60, Crot««n Prout» Brosru. sf!2: Li.ri. f 13. and Re«l at $14; Pbilade|( toa. «.-.-,/ *'»¦- tad Ha «t «..uJifSH. Cem«nt ii «|tii«t al former fliTut«.. K«»»iiUal» $ 1 I6S01 ii,, ami P.«n.»nd at »I ¿5dtA 60. lime il«aur and >n moderate demand Kocklaad at ti .ii 60, aud Mate al 9<»c._f 1 99. Ball lo I an« nominal at 14S28c. f««r ( «ul 159.Se. to* laii.e. Lath« are .,ui»' and raiar» ar« aucbangtd at -i i'« f'tl Olber'leariiption» »re witbont ehai.gc. . BOOTS ASH MIOKS. I"lia trade baa been bcaltbj In erer» re«T>»ct the plana ef manufacturer».hare werk os.» according to ordat» m-ceired _,.r,,re» tooA and hiallhr. The Winter trade btda fa.r to be a gxnd oi.e hiibber »oofl» HI t <«» »on.« «ttention Rubber Coal« mar he c. ti.i ier'sl furl» «cure. TLe l.x-al and neir I.» tra.le bal b«en lair. A-ir .un rooms continue I«« .1.. a lair l.ruiiie,«. Kiport Irate Conlinnc» coo.1 in common and beirr irtdei ttjectttf: tlrae are Mm belter. 1'r es remain Inn (or all k._d». Fine Kuri, ire » ihadr b.gber. BHOOM COHN AAR BltOOMb.There ratler more-.oiiuirr fr«.m OMmSOtmaWmr». anl' ^r».l*» are Ärmer, nae .jnole Bruah. Ntiuri «reen I hulee B%V9_» llur:. Oreen, 9 _-lü'a«. ¡ Oreen Me«lium, 7 »vii»«.: Ke.i an: llwl titled al f>.irte. hKKsA'AX-Trade remains rery dull at »"»oot form«r ttntti; West- em and Mooihern MM id lou at 90091- l«i Ile.» 1' .-..'».. t,-r»« «-f tbligrai»; mneh of it of Infer.or quain;, i»«iul 500 I .it. Pnui» Pencirlrasi» it 9'.'c. y l oKPKR.TI« market for ti... tOtf 'lniet Int Mrong tbere being ». »tock in Cr«i I. .li» nnl «h rhe,t» bniineu; «r«- quote ordinär» fa^ a .ei «I 16 »««l-l 6 Vt .t'«lr **. ISalMV O.wU do., 19 -t I 'J V « It H '.''»'««'-'O'-aC.. »old 60or9«).:»>» At llaltitamre we lear» 950 ban »oil. per l»m< .«lern. It l#%_, «nd 4 0T5 I.agi. per um«, ot. t. rtiii not tr«oip'P-d. In Mild gra-t's there wa» a fair l.tmueai ¦ t fal Baan»; »a ..< of 455 big» Marara!bo per A'la». al 19c : we o«..i»Ja»a. V4_2Sf., Ringat-or*. 20 «/Vie; C«»lon. 17rf lOVi-c M»r- a.aitio 17« 11»Ljc: Lagtiarra. Il»«îl1>«- Jamaica. l«aii«e, Saato, 10910%.: I'oft.k.o, 17«.- 1'.««- «o'»» lti«a L7«*_9->S-| Menrsn, lHijíl'.»1*-; Angnatora, 17ti 19a, Satin ila, l'.al'Jc, anl« '.racoa, 17 .«f 18>-jC gold.« iL.ju'r» fur i»m>» Cotton li onlr 1 raited ind n»«!ir tb' n- ! .»'»rabie newa from hu er» hire the . Irania»» and Ibe wir¬ iri wai V te r. lowe, on «II g.-ad«-« «xcept Onl.narr. ah.« h ii «lead;, we reelle ,u ttti..M. Til toie «f th« panet ii the rio«*'« quiet. Bec.ipti at ile «hipping porta to-di», 17.326» hilri; th » dir Inn w»rk, 2'»»'.l>s lial-^n «1n«r laut rear, 15 7-0 bilei; tut.l «ince ».it. 1. 657.341 ha»e« to ,..i nigl.i; »«nie time lal rear, 430,993 bain. r.i'n'liLg ti« Car OMaWMaM (1 d»»ii r«-«.i'l« 52.571 hain«. Iiport», Ure»! Dntaln. IK,993 »» e«; eipnrt«, CoitTt.ent, « 9n4 t.».eA The areragei of «/eaterdu'« ' m. dilnerle«. .. oSciill» repoft»»J, were aa foll.«wi Non-mber. 1171«.; I»e eiaber. I4.»3c.i Jat.usrr, 15.19«-] Vehruarr, 15.4-<c Mach, 15 nile.; April IKl-lix- «nd Joue. 16c I Ira» rall, _O0 hale«. Qiwblr, 14 lO-3'.'t. ; 200 oo., Pelraarr. 15 13-32«- .'00 do.. June, 16 1732c. u»'»l. OOObile», .wond call. 100 I^lea, Ma», al 16316c. y.ii-ii'tii t*»-l ou »tanbrl ..I rla«».6cat1on li f »cce tm/k 1. IS, I, ., nil Om ia » .nun i.» I* uiaul» U"t MM Wal ball a graoeabur». » it ..w tb» trade q«..t«<l ...... », ¦ Ont.nar», 12'« Stnel «¡««»I 0-d.»»ij, 141« Mddll«» li7« 0«.od()nl..l4 L.wMJ.U'a- (nuod Mi.i. la'« «Ja«'l»-iu_» '»«e«l 01 Amen lu »l»n»rd of rl»««11lcit.un. Ord»«»r». Ou.41 .r-iuxm Low ». tom kl.ui. ktam Mi.i. "ni H : . I'a.t lair. Éipori. I ..Uaülll. .. I .u.U. A*»»' . 12'* . 13-H . 14'« . 14*. . ir» .»¦>'? .lit um » ¦« ,...». r»»»« Se«-« ) »"« 14 15% 50 1U ni« 15 151 I-'»4» I'.1» ».i iraní L.H Hrenttg. i.:;to ._, 2.013 Tel «a 1-"« 14 14»» 15 r.'« ï»»î U*a T^t»L 1 AH) rill'i 2.182 Toni.. 169 Ii. lid l l8 ib.: at .»C »re 990 bale« » »TI»». Pirfntnre de.irer» lUer« wt* a tn-n g t nous «I a «lecltn« of »«- 3.;«*. f», ».le» fo,l«w» ill o., bali» 'I'»' MHi'lini» Min*. .e,l»rnl»r. after 2 u. ui. I Nuveialner .VU' I». »32.-. 1.000, IA IMOa i Daaaakar. SOO, 1415-10» J «mur/5» »o. 15 .11». »«-t.- nirr 5<x> 15*MI 500 IA 15.'.'J Manb lini IO 1 II MSI. 15 2.1.12c Apr' 100 1«. 16- '*l * POP,¦*. C1"«».» ¦te-i «»ct..i»»r.l4'-i i2«»i4 n IO» ittmomomill II IO» i"«- !,er 14 20 12c J»naar., 1 , .', «J- 1-eb- »-» 15 7-104 15 1 IO» Manb, 15 26 59a,; Apul, 1»32#10 1-lOc.j Maj-. lu 11 l.'a lb«V». Jaar lt»V-. ««rkel t.ielr tluif- Ksle* Uectti na to .__.,- OttJkm loom 1491«c, 100 14 9 Ifcl »NoTcmber. 2<J0. 14 ¦i .»¦.',. si») UV-., 7«k. IS 19*3t-i '¿'Utii 149-10«.: lxwe_. her M«. 14V-1 41»». 14 til Ai. Uni 111311»-, &00.14V-; 1 «mo. 14 l.tli».. 2«iu. 1 4 '..»¦ J-'«-., 4i»), 15V- J^u«n«. 2UO, li, inc. 900. 15 .»32«.; 700. 16 11«.- , 700. 1 ric S'», ltV 1.700 15 J'-c.. y.bntrt 300. 15 7 »«J-, 700, ia 1.1 3.V 1 loo V.\ ¿DO 16 li l-J«; 400.15 V InTi» Iftll.i^a.; Mardi. AOO. 16Vi »I-til 1.. li .!-¦' hOO. l.'»V 200. 15 99 «-.' 7W, 1» li -1IK, LOW, li ii ¦» » *^| Vi ¿tStlAHg |jj .11 33«.; COO, IB«., 500, 15 31 .I.*... 200, 15 15 I4r; ¿00. I.V.; Ma*. 300, kii_.. io«). 16 3 IrV Job«. 100. 1(1 9-lrV-, 600. 14 17 ile ,900, l«V-i total. 24,100 bite«i trana* total 29 300 ".«I»« vfr Chu. .«_.««.».« Ontwn K-»'.: «ale. of Iba wa»i, 11.497 I.»'«« reel-ding 4 117 -pinner«. 1.133 M ipeealatoi-t. »ad 5,914 lo n.. it«p|. (.r m receipt» »I tbit port fur lb« weat I i ¡), i bala». Kia»« lit rt.pL-n.b-r, 15« .S3 Ltira. -g.n-lt 133,937 lilt Ttlr. h'" ck« la ta« lulo-rior towoi. Ort. 23; If*».. 1!S7_. ,' 1N»4. I-.7S A-'-n.-a It Hita- M"Bt_ "-a»rr Alt.. 4 347 M41 borir.fli.10,974 i.Hn',1 Metapbi», f»B_...23..,t."_o.4lP.) < ¦¦ .nub..« o«. 3.52H 4 773 Tea»... 6.415 2.709 Mieon.Oa. 4.240 7.155- ««lan, Alt.. 4.255 4.304,343 49,013 matultnlpontkm. Is? I. I-.71. |N7_. BtH-kla lilrrrrtajl. 421,000 .'».'5.000 485.240 Aaoit from latlii for l,'»ere»H,l K'H ooO 117.000 ..Dix»') Afl.i» from Amer.ea for Lirerpool. S'.OOO 37 000 67,000 »'¦¦ri io «r-lon . 114620 205*450 233.610 A'o«t (r»m ladia for tioodaa. lil 000 22.000 "H1.000 Mock la Uitre. 153.220 102.520 251.4(H) A1.ii l..r II.» -. 24.214 25,320 27.024 f»io«k la ttmim. 37.754 32 797 8s.333 A doit f.r Bremen. 19.7 4 703 . Stfk iu th« 330.024 222 159 257.W3 Stock! ia the interior towal. 60.3(13 49,013 3l-t'.«l Totti.1,590,054 1,345,«J4'_ 1,545,311 Riecti in »iiihl« «apple, compared wublel73..'. 244 392 . Deereaee compared with 1472. . 44,713 hi... of '..ttou beld !,, *_ »neh, «ter .pinner, at «lie milli. l-¡. DOO 140.000 1151100 Prl.ofMiJ. Orieao« la I.lrerpool 0*_tt 9 5-KM. 105-KM. Prlceof _id. Orletat ib Xew-Vork li*.-. !.;.-. .".«¦ P-h»» of gold. ll«i»» 10M". 113'« Stw-Vo««, Oct. 21..Ia oar tatt report tb« market r'o.-d weak; Middling», 15 V. L'Terpoo1 w». ,'u:.-t !'¦ I.i'lt. fl Orlctai, S VI. Hitur.lif tiler-wit « li.hl detain'! it oiir-lnnge.l pr.'-ei; «tie« 1,121 bal««, Llrarpoool waa nnrhtnge.1; ultu, 1)1.000 bile«. Monda* th« market «it qalrt and wetk ula», 1.522 btlei; Lirerpool wat .»let; .ile*. 12.000 inlet; lim li Orletoi, MVI- Tarada-, tb« triBia-tii.n« wer« fair tt aBeninrael p-i.-et; lal««. 2.103 bale«; pool waa Bcehioired' nie«, loooO tule«. Wedneeda,, the tone of the market «« dall »I V. decline; «tie,. 1.1 »7 bal«»; KW. iltur, 15c.; I,lTerp«ol wii dull witt, ISéMO bil«» I'pltndi, 77na»d.; Orleint, -»VI. Thnrtdir. (hero wti a good demind ; qaotitioni redor»». '_». tale», UN bal«»; Middling«. 1 IV Lirerpool wit qaiet and on- riuoged talea. 14.DOO hale«. Te.ter.ti, the demand wu lirbt at anrhan-fed»; tile». 1,244 bala«. Liverpool waa dall; «alo«, IZ.IMN) bale»; Ipltndi, f*.M_.) Orleant. H\\. The t-ee-eipu .hit week "hire boen 125 r>05 btlei. igainit 101,474 bal«« enrretpondia« » k li.t jeir. tuJ the foreign «tp.,rti, 44,377 b«l«t, «g.iu.t 27.384 -»alea la H73. The {..ula, m far (hit jaar, eaa be Mea iu «be tabina giren abor«. »l»ll»T «BtP*JKtT«. [Ilr ipttelil telegram! from Pn,lajr, Moir fe Co.l -mt»-, ..f*.n-. Ot. II..i nu. Cauti".oL Ot. Brit. I'oatiaaat. Bipori«. Ort. 17 to OoL 23. inolaiir«. 2.00-0 4,7-»3 2 129 Preriouil* reported.795.458 ..74.410 472 744 »05,947 T.'tal.795,458 37S,4_0 477,531 _»>*».O90 KieeatVoOreat Britain.11«. 127 Kieeta to Continent. .170.5*1- Re.eiptt ti bombar for lame week. 3 000 btlet, igiln.t 7.000 «tra« tim« lu« raw. «lock afloat io Bombi/ harbor, 5,000 bale«, attaint! 4,000 tau« t,._e Ittt r««r. iinTKiHi-Tio.i or B«c«iF-rs. Stoek.ll.t Pr««eot Bilince to An_uat. Rec'd Sin-«. Total. Kiported. Mock. Spinaera. 1-173 ..l«)«.15*l 845,712 47--.570 "JMIsl 2_-_.459 151 730 1874...118.42. 491.720 405.148 152.744 33o,024 122.379 Prom laiTarpool featrrdt« we bit« the t.ill.iwinr report; Site«, o' tb» week ti.i.iNX) bale» of which 4DOO bal«« were to e_j>,»rtert and 5,000 to isolator.', letrina- 65,000 hate» to lb« trade. Tb« total «toek it 421,000 bale«, ofwhlch 147,<M)0 b»la. «rr Amerlean. Thit thowi a p'eer-i«« ol 24.IXH) hilrt in the total ttoek, «a'l t d-t*r*tie "f H.f. X) In th« »toek ofAmcnetn. The mtrk«t opened qoiet. Malo«. 12 INK). I'l'ltmli, 7 Vr »l., OrletBi, HI.; doted .tall tod unchanged. Importi of tti« week, 38.OO0 btlv». ineluilin« 17,000 balta America«. Actual ex¬ port t, 7,000 Tbe eleinnee« hue b«en .. followi: Lirerpool. »-,¦¦« Balde, 1.29« title«; Denmark, 2.7 "t btlet ('«Monia. 3.194 hale«; .art, 291 bale«. «'ttr of Pirti. 744 bala«; Mint *-oti, 2 M19 btlet ; Bothnia. 251 bite«; total, 11,391 bale«. Hamburg. Sieiroe,« Herder. 1,050 btlet: lloltttii, 404 btlet. Bremen ..»te.m-ri WeieT, SObalet; Kb-tn. 500 bile«. Havre.rMeimer-J. Linrent l63 bale*. Linhoo.Shi. Miriioni 3), 10 balet; grai.-l total, 13,557 bales COAL.Tie market ..¡et; dealer» eompliln of dnli time«, ret there « m LT-T.- .¡.-mai. f.»r Atore and Che,'nnt; »iica art neg¬ lected tue t ¡voir« o' 1'ie. »f*> ton will take pi*.-« la Iforeinbe.-. Io it» Cul «err Unie pailla«-; Poreifn of ill kiadl It tower nnder the dermod. The receipt» l»«t mi were: Br rtll.130.184; If cuni, 22,527; total, 152,711 ton«, ¦.¦.» 117,054 the 'îorre- iponilinf week lut *e»r, to lncrette of 35,445 ton». Tb« «ubi'l.t* .tent Irom «Il retient for th« week wu 490,932 ton« Anthrtctt«, tnd 7dj|34 Bltnralnaoj; total fir the unit 5 HITS'"" ek 547.444 tom. tirainit 5|o500 ton« for the eorreipoadiug week Hal ) tar. an increaM of 240,945 tom. Tb« wholo «apply «eui from all the reftiont to far th:« ie«i It 17.553,524 toni, igtlnut _8,74M.'..'»9 ton« t.> «ara,- period la.t rear; deore-»e to far thl» j«ir, 1.214,735 tom; the deer.«e in .«.athrtfite it 1,254.743 toni; d«er«aie m tb« e.inumntion laaboot 40 p*r ,*'.t. We ,i iot_ : Anthracite, per «arru. ti 90**4 70, 15« «dranee: Kagliah «'anne!. Ince Hill, ft T4H1 *«h()»t do.. I14-ÍÍ15; «eoteh do., $9 5()*p.1(); »rwruOm Um ¦I-. f »</»'.i 50, Proriueiali are lowor at $5 7.;.. 'i 50; Aiaencan L'tnnel, Í12ó"íl4; Am. rieau, W. V., (in. 97 40ct$7 45; Peartfl- Ttnia and Wenttnoreland, $7 :.o .'f7 45; umberland Mleiit. f'i 50di $7; Jimet Rirer8teain, |4 _.._*«>i! 50: do. CwboBile, t.i.T»; ¡. *. ANI'I.KS- I'he market it verr i|nlet bnt »ritbont <_u<»t_tble> rhinf« In Îrtcet; we iiaote Adinitntine it ltHUV. for 12 ot, 15«î_)14c. for 1 .i t'.r IO"» i-iperin. 28c.; Patent, 38c, tn,l Ptraflae, 4t, ti«, ind 12«, at 24'__*27e. Hill Oil AND l>Yf3~op¡nm It ,nl<-t. bntitctdilr held at $7 25, ffolj, in bond Qaicine it In heifer druitB.1 at $2 50 ; both rum mu. uf« -tarer» and «.cn J hind. Cream Tartar »i.-a.l»- but »err quiet it 37»jr. Kutxr of L«»l.Brown ta bible and itetdf tt 12V Mb.te wetter; uki it l'isj-l ii'3_.-. Oiucer, Jtiuuca BhtMM quoted 23 V^'-lr. earrear-r; and I'Dtiletched al i He, (old. Kaatntial Oil« are about «teadr, «iib a fair trade Binden« n'« Lemon «.'Id In lou tl*3 37«.-, «.U 09.M 751 faina $1 IO aad Ihoiien'*, 44 75. all told. Kn-/li«h 1'hemie.ilt tra dall it firmer S, ,,. , Soua A«, «old at $2 2j tot orlinirr. 5tl 8odl, $1 70; « iu«t:e ».ula. Í5 al! «..Id. Other dero-riptlooi »re qaiet, «. ..m «r in ... -r.i' 3 banna, amtll euic. powd t"lri. 'Itfb Li.., doo». I»m. . _*$.*) 00>« Sola. _oi_. 4 «5 d> 4 90 Criu. lir.. PL. It), /oid.... 37'_* . Uum Arbic. pick 21 t 5--: '»um Art. »oin. n. It 14 \ 17 li. . i-.. «it«. 70 - 35 » 38 ?* VI tt a «3 37 «a roía.. 1 70 0) . .»eiieli Koot. ffl. 79 » 80 Senat. I- m... 8 -j<f 12Hi ..titi» IB toi.). | l8*.* 2 37._ I.» 1.1» m, iroij. 12L,_) v.t\ Vitriol Mm 9 tb. .'.nun., o 'J1«.* 10 DYKWOOl'S-The rairket it »erjr q.iet; the thtene«- of ttaortmer.t ehec.l buiineli. and priée are n»mimi.r unctiant-,1. We qnote: uorwth*t. -tinto I'.' inro.$22 50* 23 I») rut t. L-l. »..-»I. Jtint'i. _'t il"_> . roi.!. fu.ue. Karanilla. 20 1»)/» ._.*_' O') _¦.,'_. Pmtk\ itmnkw. 22 oo* . .tah. Fa-.i. llarirutto. 20 00« 22 00 »old. Fiutie, S,u:.i Uomiufo. 22 00d" 23 00 gull. I'tuiweod.175 O»)«* . «oil 1. _«W..el. .»«I. . .1» »Il OU e .»¦, SiptnW.M-d . . SO 00» . «ol'«. PI.t)t'K AMI) MK.L.The Klonr nuriet opened qnlet heir», the liberal arriTiIt and low limits to ahipper» rbeek b.ine»a: P«n. , gradei are pienlr «o<l dall; »o. 'i mai Sntmrtot loot« iiltntf «od qnl«(; it th« el,ne lb« mutet euler (or a I «'«.I»«, moro eipeeLillf for Winter l\ heil -irtndi, lale« of 8,000 I'M«. We quote: Ohio. At.Trr-« bdilkS 25 *5 70 ti. a Ohio. lad. mt -letitia. 6 75« A M Doable Mnr»ao.M I) 65* 7 IN) ".Lie**.tm_ri«i»*.t 5 "Hi» C 3d »l.L.'UJi UoutH« Ki 4 45* 4 75 (M. Loan Inpit ki 7 0041 M 35 ..¦-.-1.1-r, .. 5 25* 7 «JO uinteapoli« eoin- mon ia» choir« Ki 5 203 4 20 Mn.ieii.olii Paner Baker»'. 7 00* 7 50 Minneaooii» "new prooeai". 5 .'io.i IO 60 »our uerbbl.*.' tOtPti 00 tto.1. 3 40* 4 00 luoarBae.4 25* 4 50 4 45* b 10 -tau PeBc» ao.i.. I VIM b 75 *«**,-Bl»nir/,ni «ti 4 »0* 6 10 «.i ".-..u attru, co*i,ibob to lancr 6 25* 7 40 Minneaote, " aew .rotei»-. 5 30*10 50 »oo; to choira -, . Wheal (Utraa... 6 30* 6 75 littra «iahar Ind.. Ohioin.i Mi<_.. 5 40 » 6 70 Ob,o,(nd.VIll.»up. 4 ..'¦ 4 50 Obi« naoa. Kltra iHh'l.tXBfl 1 70* 5 10 S.-uthi o. Flour it '. tnd the low ind ra-d un, trrnlei ire »»ik-r. At tbe ciiiae the uirk«t it ter» dull tnd .«arr, a,.., of 400 Li.I« Wt ou.,le: .v.o.-«*.f3 50» »4 00 a».L Al«t..lB-'l»u*||eloWB. Mil-'.. O-'.-'l ...... 4 .'f I" lu. l'-i «i.|it.ii(»i.i«u hinm ramil«-.... 4 '.M)* H 00 I'. ¦.". Ki-ra. 6 70o» 7 85 beiaware._,. 4 90* 7 20 Btluu.or« it.w.rd-it. 6 1"'» C ,') M. .i, !. 5 75« 7 25 (>e..rtia aul Tennetaee. common to choice. 5 1'"* 4 20 i... p. » au,! i". (inetaee. I-tiwiv Ettri«. 4 25* 4 75 Ure Klon, .t quiet ind titee ules of 400 bbl«. We qnote «ve Kioto-. rVuiavr» »Tin« mil Snpertlne.94 3o<r#*» 10 ht« Ki-".: Ma'-e. ¦'"'. 5 IO Kre Ploar. Pelnirlrani»,. 4 7."» 6 '20 Corn Heal 'i hctry wub » (air .;-...«i.., ..,-.. of 850 bblt. Wr quote: Van lien- Jener.»4 3D Til 75 I Corn Meil.Braníe $5 On...-, 05 Cata »leal. W tatara 4 5.)« 4 -50 Coru -«ai.liold _Ur.4 »0* 4 85 Cn -ra), w n. A 4 '.'5* 4 75 '. 1' ;.-. a li.-Jtt P. ur ii dull at..! Urne «tlet of Stite it f3 25t¿{3 40. iel PeaairirtBit ti $3 SO ¿13 75 »» 10«) ti). PISH.Or« Cod are fi.rlv tetiie at about formar flirnre... .«"«« of 1.500 qtl». *f4 25 for üco"k«'i Bank, aad f4 for Pickled do. Miekerei ar« iu,-.lerit«ir luught ifter it uncbin.eil ratet; tai« al No. 1 Maau chutetu Si.or, »l *13 ti l. and Mo. 2 la. al *lo.-.tlo 50. n.i li. r.-'a* are Mare« ir.d Seilet w11 »! 45c. Daua Herring are .14 «t «'.d .>_.:. it+ 1 ('."¿ti 10. We .note; Or» ««-.. «*c»t.«4 00» 00 50 Pirkled .»cal» «e bbl. 6 60* . Pirai«d Cod. 9 4 50 Mackerel. .No. 1 Ma«» Miiure, new. 14 DO« lti IX» Ma.aere!. No. 2 Maa« .-»hole, new. lo ..)_. 11 .) Mai* karri, No. 3. Mau large new. 9 00* IOHO *.,../. No. 1. Bay. li O'»* 12 00 Ba.mon. Pickled. »10. 1. 21 00* 23 00 flaimoa Pickled, Y ".. '*5 00* 3u 00 Urrnn«. Sctled. |r bul. 40* 45 HerriLi,Jf* 1. 25» 30 Hernct. * lil-. 5 00* 7 I'O llrmiir Dutch, »tw.4* let. 105* 1 IO FlihlOHT**.'lue marirt for b«rth i'r..»-l.t. »t«adf, with ... 1, a moderate in luir«, c.iañntd cbielly to toe Qraia trad« lb« eng, tamptum: Í...D.I..-. l.j et.-»*-, .'I'.'.OOO Lutb. («rain »1 «'«.,'7 to ti'.i-t,.*-. » IHM) baih do it 74.1 500 bbl» Apple«, at 4«.; to liit.riitar, 50 eitel Toincro. on p. L; to Lireri'ooi. br tal. 8.000 both. Orita, al 6'»iJ.; 2,000 Liles Cotton, it '«a'J-321. The chirtering noreaeut li fair!» actiri-, w in rttei naehiog-d. It rmbneet: A (leriaaabajk. w.ih 2,600». He.Led 0.1 to a (titeel port ia I'uiled King.loi. al 3«. 10 _i-; 11. A.lain Lark, »ih 3.000 bbli. do, lo Trieata .t 4a t»o taamtt, wilh Cotton from Norfolk to Lirerpool, it «_1 II 321 a Norwegian birk, 2 '.'>0 ui*. Oran.. L. M 'or orler«. at I, '»I a ».».»I with i'cbieeo from Baltiuora to Leghorn and «Maa*, »iib Mtrl'le on. li rmi w.thbeld. P»jKKI«-N Pitl'ITS.lhere i«i ftlr demjii.1 for Raitinl tt full _(- nret Currant! ire » ibide eui, r. trith 1 lattM lemind. Pr».*« «la in moderate leqoeil «t tb-'U! forme>r (gore« Dite« «re « .»li.ut chance. Pig» .|u t at BBchangetl rite«. Almond« au.1 .Null are «al», iu,l «.iL.ut aoticeab;« ebaug». We 'iuot« ni follcw» LijtrBauiui, at*.t» 00 \>i*n.. . -, Um Hil«int. bilí Une!. 1 [I Pig«, ilium». . lu Si P.g«. I,"le». Inlf Ttrrtto; a Alun.ud«. 2 1 »4 Langn«:.«*. 21Si It:.a. ffl») Bran!. » Pilherta, rTleilf. 12 K'tt-r'« » n«. 1 1 Ig Laver Kaiiin».'jBtrtrrdo. r»5 I... .' 'I "-.'. ¦. .'¦ <'<*' Se-tlleei inrtall. b 40 V.lenrli». J (ojliatt.Immml Prout.. Tarklih..10»I.I Pranea. Preoch.i:i-_14 PLAX.The isqulr» 11 bgkt, bal the marte! it «u-a-lr, ule» of Cana at 15/flMc, North Kleer at 15'rl7e. and Wettern U14% -14c. KptLuUig Tow it «teadr it bil 10c. Ohio Orte» low,'J'«if .'V »'1! Statte. 2d2'«c. Y tb. ca»h. ».KAIN.T-e »beat mir kel ..pen. I w:!bu'eiof No. 2 C1 tcif. Spring, in .i'i. »1 »I raab to-Uf. Wintet Wheal it no1 pre***«! t'.r »al». tbongh «ju »t. Kurt hit« well beld. Tbe mirkel cLkki l"«er tnd un- .ettie.!; iii«'l«maad thiel)* fur «iport, tbor«_b fur for miling. '1 he de- el ue eoollnet I». String, Winter it we »mtiiaej, »ait li furl, arl.»». TmuIw at« is 500 both, at ti./ti ni for I'ngraoVd loaaand Mian'»"!«; f I'-rtl "'-' tot Ha, 2 Chieafu «vriag; tb« (»aid« prie« in «.r« '.Mi. lo da»; 41 (or No. 3 ( Licwo Hpobg; f 1 05 .41 _»!'_ for So. 2 Milwaoket, te-rtiled; II 15 i H _9-_ l"f Ked We. em. tb« in.i.le price for >,1J la for»; #1 'J 1 1 ti 22 lor Amber Wettet-:,; K1 3«) "rttl 32 lut White ladiio». eb-ir. II 34 'tti 30 for White Mlrbigt«, fl 22 fur Amber MirhigiB to irrite; it»rra_.d la the itlea are 14,000 l.utk No. 2 «, al 11. ia atora, et.t..»; bulb Mna.1 Noa 2 «Bl _«.**. »1*1 Ol'? ti 01 >_. afloat, 3_.(NKI btuh. No. 2 «,0 «leal, al fl O-'-ltl K3, »mm huab. No. 3 Milwatitre at fl ,.,.,t iiiioii bath, old Ha») Wetters, in »tore it 41 Kp/'rl 14. 24 «)O0 nulli. n»w Ked Weatern. atoat «' ti I-».1 1 li»'.. » Doo bon.. A'iiier Ib.liii »ii ti al, 90I1O0 boah. Amber Mi««ig»B. io ir¬ rite in 12 .tai», at fl -"-'. 1.500 both. flMI Amber (Wt-itih). ti g1 25; a«« B 000 bath, old Ha. 1 Onega, in «tore «1 #1 13. ßarler it «lniel and taae tala« ot tjttt Two-row«! Male it 41 IO liarU-t Mall ia Heil, ; common ,|uiet g...»l «ra «ale» of 4.000 b. th. prime Caaiiiao. 01 40 r».:i. Oat» open-ai »e»k«r bat uadai e more litre drtaaud, ia part to 111 roalrici«. the mir- let .!...*. ilr,»og. the tale« ar» KIO iii") bulb. N»w Ohio Mited 11 r.t»<_ .ST -., Wall« 11 54«5S»_e., Ib« in«io« pnce »n track Wn- (-in Mii'd al 57 "-j'I''**'.-i White al 5*!c40»-. KUI« kitte«! it 54*j'i57'-jc «i.l White at 57 »..'.>*-_.. K». ii duil .. ,.,we, tbe Mien are 6.500 lioab. Staltet V4e for iu-Hiu«. aa.1 ¦* 0(KI *t_a- Can^lau iu bond on purale term», Can itn.nger »ni (jnite Writ» til« demand naît» tWoaral; the «ale« are ll'.O.IM»)) b»ab. H'mpWii Mu ed at h7/li«7i*r- allua!, »ltd m7. tn>:..rr. Heal.-a IA bil« al "Ma '.»Or. lu nora aad iei>. tot New »li-I a .t Hie for N'« and Old do. Mitad; «ad r»7-*K« '" arnr» ..,«. (iCN« I loiii ii ewer »it 1 .iu et ; hire onie to ante a »ale of 200 ruinai I.V. Uo...-., ,,., i*_ al 13--.; Natir« al lOe. li«.« .1» I'll. I-"--- OlOaUO. Tb» lappl» li ILght and .»eaitnd, tilei of Vlrginti t 01 07 »- a». ra_a, HliiKA.P.,r fouth Amerietr He*er»elle«« th« m«r*t*t ti qui«« w' h the'.»tileiier in biiTeKl f«»or hut to..I oinin.>r gr'.'et Iveinj «.-«r ,1 remití linn 1 baila««« fur la« wera It r ,'ew*.| f.llow». II.»» « SUÉHIPJ "-"¦ ¦ Alf«- ¦" Ü-Ü-k *%n*j9» 9m\w*9a9tt Flor». 2 727 from V«re frai per C«b«. 16.1 from Laguarre, »er Alla« 4,34.1 from Carthaiea«. kc. p«rK«u». 100 fr«,m S,nU Martha, au Creole. 2,!)«I9 fro« S«n Pr«ne.«ro per MMi 1.31 I from Imluool«. per Traman 9.204 from (lalrMton. per ( Ifde. OHO from «f«w «»rl«»»a. .«r New Orlcana; 7'iO from New OrlMna, oat M.i .. 140 front Hirianab. p«r San Salvador: 2S0 fr.m Saraanab, i«,- .«».ja-.n 475 Ittm K«rn««dme. par Mediator 1.303 ft»«« aAkat onaaimtie portai 09,169 b'lea «nil 12 bil«« ».'Ufa Cow. lad 73 '«a. » CiU-atta Béfalo, net Tllim«» 2'») bale« « alenda riefal« p*r « »na.»«» Sal«», 4.263 L'r, Bien... Arre*, filt'iti ft part 26-V-. g -ki tit daft, a«, .eiswtionj J 19} Ore Se'nao*. he., 29420 ft pne»la Una»: 4.780 Dr, h >n»>»lde.i ii D. 26V- I"1,1 "'» 4«ti, «a »«- l«ctl*a. « -,->.» r, Hirer Pa'« from Karope, 22 t>n»at* »«ran»; ii'..» Orr Corriente», ii tb ttrmt Ultil Dry 9. A Maota» !». a: ,-, - .t-, K ,.» ¡ th. .-, arl .".«-. -old 60 d«r» a*. «» .»- «..» . 6.715 l> » Bio Oriwle n»rt to «rrlro 20 B>. part 2V ««Id 041 «an. on .nv-.. 0 100 Orr l'«hf*r«ia la «rrlr* 20*24 0). pr»»»ia lena». I.«,«-«) I)r» n^g-te. 20422 ft. or »ale -ena» 7 4«>5 Orr <.».. »r., »ui-i'c»! 2«i.|.'l m 21 4 22 V. '"'d "" ''.."" «"'a "''li"» Hiuanvi, HtM lb 22%», gold, 60 4»»«. «wleeted; 1 100 Orr »«4 S. 1 M»ds|cl». ar 17 ft. print« terina 1 » (j l«r» Ten» 22 lb. anriMtemi; 1.100 lire Wontarn »nd Koaiker* li ir ii t.n»«- anu« 1500 Orr r«iaa aad Mette«» Rip«, loo»11 It nnrnt»'.»-», 570 W S. ,-siaal 40 V Printe tait»« 8.Í5 W ». Tliai, 00 I). |.r..t« leran. 1.245 Countrr Slmgkler. 404SO ». »iiiiM lena«, 2 WOO Cur Slingater 70 lb '«-i >-jr euttttej, wleeun»; 59.770 Hi«»«« and 150 -ale« «'«leal!« Bátalo, in,»»» Ural quota «i tollón». Orr MU«*.Bin»».* Arra«. 21424 15, 25 .- gol». «-reie.t Baeao» Arreo. 25.2U lil gd1-»*, toe) W.rrto-I Mente- « den». 20.23 m 25 »a- if«>ld M.«rt-»l Carr»*»««. ¿Iii 1 IX 24 '-.# 25'. gol-I «e'eete.!. Ria I, rand- 20921« 2.V. foil *. ~-t»l !.. m..-. -»722 ft. 25c, gold h«ci« a. terni» 2»)««2», O 84c. r*la..«iM**>li Cei tra. »mer »in M42I ft 99*4* |«td. ««lee««» »«n lean ¿¿.iii IB, 2Je., gol» nleci*.|. MaWunoro» ans] -ia» 23 -25 ft .¿.¿.mc. «ol.i «> Vers Cou. 18*11« DI. 21c gal» Of lected, Ttmpieo. 22'/2l ft 2o421c gold, «elected «anitieaekr «aa I.,»,. n»r» aad Piellaai, 17*22 18 21e .-..ii .. th*r ra« Steal. 1,421 ft Ixe., «..n m m-» raa. Bocol». 1*<»20 I», ¿.w. gold the? run, Miraetibo. '20*23 ft 1 Ho 20e. geld, «i I**« rea | Babia. 170-O ft. 17» 1 »Je. fold, Ibe» ran, Po»t> («bella an» Lcgaa»- ra, 19422 ft iitf'iir. gool, u ta«» raa. «'urania and Rio Hack« (Orr aad PlckMt. 17921 ft Ue gola, m «bar ran Port PfiMa. lSul» ft IS«., gold, ai »».» ru», Tranllo 16<»17 ». 22«.. gold. «e.e.te.1 -.unbar. 10.12 ft 1:»«- »-.Id eeleeted. « ..rp«.« I'dnan. 2'-</25 IB 23e earrencr. «eleetwi |n«ii«a«ia 1*4 Sin Antonio 21*24 22V eairener «e trien <i«>»e.ion. 2«J u ft, 211-ji22c rurr-DC« «elerie»!. V.-atem 2«r»26 A 20». e»ur*i«r ielect*d; 0o«tl)*r* 12*18 ft. 10« l8«., enrreaer «a taa* ru». Orr t'pper Leather llt«1e«.Bueno, Arno »nd kio Gran"* Kim 19 '«13 ft, 25c. «oio «elected Sierra Leone. HdMO IB 2r»V ear rene»;, »elected. Uambi« and Hinan nail IB. 22926e.. curren«», teleetoi ; Mini«. 16418 ft. 90421» fold m -ter raa» Mexican. I.e. Kl-i, 10*13 lb 'ike., earrencr. «eh-ctad. Pre »»lied lillie».I hill. 28 4 30 ft. l8«., gold, u therre». Mara»- barn.'¿«1330 I ft. 16e. gold, aa ihej ran. Perremhaeo. 2**30 0). I'V- gold «« ther run. Bahía 28*29 B 16e.. gold M the, -in Parta» 254 «O ft. 18*1»»«., g0la. the« .a Man¬ cillen. 30433 ft, 10ft, gold, r«m Saraallia. 254 28 IB. 10«., gold, the» raa: elaUm..r.«. 28*3? lb ,n», «arrearr, m the» ruo I »««»aera «nd «Venter.. 28*34 ft 144111« -urre,*« «hut TO. »Vet Sailed Hide«-Boen«* Air», Ti.iMi ti .'V* gol«), «elected: Rio Oread«, 44 44S ft. 13c gold »elected («lito», Bil 45460ft. 11411V. tollt «lentnsd. Pan, 35*40 tb Ila. g .it seie.-te.i Mn'mwriin. 46*55 A 12412 V- ranaarr. «ataeted; lera«, railed. 46470 IB. 13414c. earrencr »elected Ten» kirri. 169998), 134l4e.. earrener »elected, ia«, pacten 55*nj I», 12».j»13V.. rorreoer. «elected; Teta» knit», SO470 ft Ile-, earrencr, «eleei«d, We»-Orle«ui. 44*7« B. 1'J«.,, »elected: C< aiiirr and W eater*. 50-/75 ft. HV earrencr. «elected; Sonitiern. 204\->«t ft), «».r.. earreacr »elee ted, Cfty 8l«»gktar, <>t 00475 B, IIVi., earrencr. «elecreid. Ot» ».aurhteT. Cow. 45*00 A, 9V carrear, arlnct»d. Baal lilla II -e« .«'»1-att» Slaaghter, Cow. 9*10 ft. lijV. ««-»«I «o. da , 12# 15 ft. 15e.. gold. Calen»« I>-a1 «ireea, 9*124 ft Ile», »old- < »leutta Bulf«'o. 18*22 ft. 12 1 1c, »o' I. Singtisin« _«#»!«. 25*90 ft. lue. gold: Manila Ballal.. 25*28 B '>. gold IIAHDWAUR.In thtiBaikrt there U eompialni to the «millaua of order». Jobbing and retail beoaei are earning light »toe«« whick c«.ramei..l»l,|e. There ii qn te a large namher of, I««»ing orien oil» lor i gemral auortmrnt Smill «ile» »r» pi«at fal. «id will »ggn-gtte * fair amoaul. Trida la Poreign li more imprurnd. Price» rema a «hoot «te»dr, though th« tone of tbe mark«! itMu«r. Nilli «r* quite »ctir«; Uki.. $H 25493 »15 net. P W Ann» 12 .> H'-tr got-i. In Uronwtiool« (bera li I fur baMne-i d.lig »I »tenjf on«e». HOI'S.The market remain» iteatf, with a good InQolr; trott hrewett, and ther« . mm a fair eipor» demand. W e .ii,.» (ta. «>. ft. Ha ft. American Oop 187 t.. l«»4l¿ , Oída. «11 growth, ... -' American Crop 1873 .15*2i Foreign 1873 .. -s f 21 AmericuCrnp 1872.12-15 California 1874.Mil. HAT ANO STHAKV.The arrtrala eontlaoe Meerai an.I ti-«iil4 li weak, with onl» a limited inquire; we liante «h: » ng at ink. gu- t»ii i.'U at ho« 'l-l I'lorer at 6 l.tVo... and Salt al >' «»»»Or Straw »amore plenty, eeiier. Long Rang quoted »I 90a., »h«»rt lo, 4O40OI., cid 0«t «t 50c, caih. HKMI'-Masila ii »low of m1«, alth «..-. r -...-¦ Jaie Bill» remain dall; »»le» <f I.'"»» bale» ii 24* una INI'Hi' >--Tli. re li « (air liatrtbating hqetaea« al former rite«, ah-al 14 .'».ne. Manila ware »old lou at 7O4S0<-., aad Maura» at _u# _5c enrreicr. LKATHKR.Ilemloek.Krporti. 16(100 «ide». The bn» ne« fro« manulaclurar» h«< he«o oalr oa a »mall »e«,» al ah..o I former I«« re«; the Maieltf of «alubia »Unck cheek» th« inquire fr m j..'bei» «la» m In libérai aapplr au«l quiet, ignt weight« aag»*«'.«d. Wr ,ioi«, ia ««ne., HIPKt Bl«..«. A re« r«lifor.l«. C mirnn II Liihl. 29*1*27 »r.»-|/-2«l 25 4.'.-« k1 .1«.-.'Hlj»«! 28 r/28«, 27-ii.» Hear».JO «30 28 »ia 21« S fí«i*»9Í ( Damaged.M%MÍ 2l»sj.-'5 24 ./.'»«a PoorO«au*d. - *- . .- 16 420 MaOk Emm Ligkleiss« .»a! *3t Mialla «adorer-mp « I a ««I UaiUat. 14 al»! it.-mA llomWt.27 Ml «)*« .H 4>1 1.1'HHRR-T i.r» ni Imtiort»»» eh«age ia 1 -na» traita. wb*lM»l»»a «ompUtn »er» mach at the dal.nee» at Ma «*««nin ot Ike r*«r wks-a H ah.u .1 tk« u»o«i «el.««. Bi««k W'alaal »««el uoplf. «t MM9 r.t«», aad in moderate deaiand. »»in» »» ,.«d A.b. Oat ae «r* «, Yellow Pine in (air demand al loaer ra-«.; wa qaoW- tititrttD M| lumei «« Timber. Latit mt., tia dall, M4 will« «iaUi th«ra t rerirtl la ha.Uing. LISShKO.The ia«rk«t «. r«rr lull aad price« ara ertirelf aoalnal. MKI AL».Thara waa . fair buainaa« In li gul ('..poer, and prioaa »how «u.'ibrr «light adtancwi tbe »ale« embrac« «;«.«« »»".» ft I.«».- al 92 «c c«»h. and 23c. f.r Vebruar». Marr», »ad April. r«««.! rig Iron wr bar« oo new feature« t». nula, th« inquir. being «-h «d; f«»r »ii all .«a to m--«t ibe immédiat» wint» of tb« tra.« American Pig ii mil «-i l<n with tk« t«nil«uc; toward lower rate« «bo«! 150u>a«N* 1 Kura Lnablgh were «old on prirale term« P.g Leal ia qaiet hut »I H Ï tal«.« .".«ug» lu on« -«a. «.lea of 100 Ion« I>>m«a«ie at »»'. 35. I.i.i.f.. tu.vd u »uallered - V Itllir Pipe ana Skeet laul<)<p c. nt to the trade. Speller- Foreign t*ir d«in«n.l aid»ai»l.-*H .- u »lead 1) L.-I.I at 6'»c.. .currencjr Pig m in »til1 »Ty 4a I, and ia the ..«ne« t if* priree ir> nominell/ unchang» »Oatie hal« ¦I Z1 UM V «'id Rngl.ab L and X. at 21- an» kulin»! at -1 '«i5 21 V-. «" SOU- Pl»tes «r* »¦ limited drmind. «nie, the unfa. «riKia loreign -Iree» th« mark«« .lonna weak bat a* lower aa M of 500 hotoa « 'hareual Ten* «t 48 7.), gild. Oiher metal« «ra dall. We quote : MIM Ulaachter Light barta. («I 434 M..ldle hack»..17 440 Light crop.33 ..¦ . k1, .ne ero-.14 a Hi lira», cup.Ao «i 30*| Prop .(Oti lo ». «« ).. -59 M Buck.lOia. Mr» -LI ii »«I American Inffnt. I»ft 2'-',4-2'« -¦».¦, tig, new «or«, 12 .«al. . 9'1H »ii». Hheatmnt f*H. met. 21 4- M « *»k ti 909J- Oo.ta. fellow metal... 28 4 - 61 «J 7J. com. I»k. 4 45 W- ttr«««r»(nr«il6 ..ti :t0 ¦ ki.»tnt mm. *>».. 4 t><)4- BoiU. 30 »- 3.1.44d.light.Vk- 6 2 4 ih.i> 31. lu» »'«. 6 into . . Pig. Otenr'ak. A* 40 '»'* 41 OO Cal S«U'«.»il »li. 4 004 . . Pig. Am.N.i. l.«Vi -28 0«» 30»»0¡ Lnto. Pig. 4m..No.2 l/l 97 004 99 00 .p«nl«h. ordln»r Pig Am>org».|» 24 (»»* 27 00 Plg, ( oltne«a|>-l. Noinlaal I'ni. Rgl'to«. |'t 39 004 10 00 Btr >...:.,«.-.! »:|.«._..1.1, ...ll.i 004120 00 ft* M" r.«., ".2*it 6 74 Ocraua. url gol.I . «'. «'i2 ,«» .'. 75 Krii-liaa. g««».. 6 02 .4 0 75 Foreign talned »."i. t. 97 .MT 00 [« tiil triLT»»«. Platt». Do. 9 A.e'l-O7* Plata« Po..^lOOft igoidi.40 50 *?» »;j«a ti». Banca gold, f «JJ... 25 9 I Rlgllah go14. I. k9 21 »21 «a Slruu. gold. 21*4<21. I Eugii»ii,[i«lued.. -1»«»21S Oa Plate«. I.C Cb.. 9box.. «2«_4#lll 00 P ate» I. (.'. Coi«. 7 75 « 8 24 Plate« Cok* Tern*.». «1 87«a* 7 Plata« Char-»1 I «ru«.. 8 50 4 »00 MILl.FKKD. lb* mark«! ia «luicl «t «Imbi t..-»i.r igarrst W| .ii'- 40 B at 924. 60 ft «I 926. 80 B at 928. 10«) B al 430 4#3_. i< ¦. P*sd al r.-; lo". .NAVAL STORKS. Tb« market for Spirit» Turientine moderatal] . cire, with Igu.-ealnnl/hel.l al 35 V- l»l. «'-1 Ma ««ke.1. «al>« «« l«o bbl». «i utter prie*, and 40 io. bnaati «aMftaaiaaal 9«M fair demand, with« «teal» «al«« ' "> « '.?.,- O' .-l »traînai at 42 35. Tar and Pitch ceulnu« dull, with raia« without qaotabM C1..tige «»II.».Ijntm») quiet «nd »«lue« «re «nch««ge« at 70«. ia eaat» from .-rauher»'haa-la. Cru«:» P al. ar« .«.«»» w tb a .imito.I ia- q orr Men! a.lni la acire« ai »er. »rta. Larl ia in luudeiat« «»-«aJi »:..«i» at 41 o6/*l 10 for proaeni m»ke, and 91 l*»*i ISfetPlMI Winter, other Olia ara dal.» l»in«e*a. « 117 c and bbli. 76 . . Cnii« r nu mi.'i- i 1 '.O 4165 Mauafacid U. ead ¦.» > v ». 70 a 73 Manufaet'd b u«. ¦«» ..>t M,«ii 1 D3 -1 »5 M«:,ut. 1 1 lab ii Wiall» »per.n D38 f. Heul..i.D. eaoice Raak. 43 . - Strait». _ 43 * - . t> - . . r US OOm -.n'»..-i_, «' cue g.« 14 15 44 40 «III»«, Maiseil.i» m> » ,«. 1 10 «1 20 « .»lUmSanl.l .'ila 43 . 41 « .(U.uSee.l lal'* .-«.wih^ro. 57>-j4 59 »ght.. 4«) . 42 »-.1 1 .. R.jOil Sauoaifd. 67>-i4 »i»l »Vhile »Vinter 0-*i* 65 Ued«)U.lf'l4.1l«fü Kain«». . 55 I OIL CAKR-Th.- market u'l »ni we«lt»r isla» of 70 toa« 444 gold, for < ii» to»., 445 gold, in beg«, «nd 447 carraa«, for «A mb ra Tn.« «): 0 f, PIIOVISIOMS-The P»rk mtrket delta 4rm. with . gonai |...,l,ing demand for Mu», tue luquirr fur the future la quila l.g. 1. »» e.ikle5«>0'l » >l .. «.i. tb« »p-4. tVJ 37-i'Tfl:i '.'« 950 I.'U, Noremhcr. 41'J 25. lie. 1* mu» inn», witb . better u..t\- ¦11-nt oiermg; «-le» ,.f I ó «J b ,1». »1415*41550 for I'aelnl. 4M for N«w l-.ain V> ea.aru Me««, ant 4'.3 bl Nea Rtira de. T «re* li. «I li itaadr aad quiet, Mt*» al 900 tea. Kl'ra ( it» I'«li« oa pnraU term«. Beef Hain, are lui. al 4'2'»*t.! « ul Meeta ar» lea« «.ti», «a bear«, »ale» of .'. i»H) p.oeea «t «k tor pie»li ..>!.. «..l. /», n '«¦ f«., P.. »1^.1 la !'\-ii'« for Kmot»! 4a t'/u-je. 1.1 Pr-«4 Ham». 10»« 4 1 le. for fiel: -.1. \'.\i 12 V for *«oi..t~l lo BSOOV» for Krrsli Kellie», 90,1100 ft Cured U- Ile». 12/11 ¦ l«W«, » l'i'lilo1»-. Bar« c b't.f and la m.»l»rat* demand. KM« !..»»» Cn» Long « le»r were »old «I 10 l«c 7 jo bute» hal aod half a. aloa |>.'e. iniirr »nd J«»o«rr. at UV»» l'rrsae.1 Hog« a- rig ».«ira al 7 V'7 V- Lard «rare* aad Irm for »|>vl. lea« acure for the '«tar«, ra ..f 75t«a al \i*AaMt*pt foi «) .1 au .New «lea'ern: gOO ita. Cl«T »I 1 1 .413'V '0 tea Ho 1 »t ! le for (natur« Am..I. ti be«r of 950 t-'». «'er N .ember, »t li\, 7.'.«» ttm « . r Ow camber, ti 11 13 1''.. 1 950 t. a »eller tb« l«*r. al 11 13 I'm. Pl.TROLhl M-Tbe atarte« fur Meta*. t».t.-««l>. wth i I ghi qn rr. q«.de «t 1 I '«4 11V- »»le« "I - 500 b4 » ei f..r_er ä.ais»« « nil cm tune do 1, win rate» .inchingei fBrtal »t 17c Cia.e .*¦ ».-ire »0-1 »tealil» l,e«d al j'«4.j V Napbth« quiet, with ince« aa> change.!, quotnel at 10«. Tb« market at FkUaaala-la ia Inas -»* with rate« acchtnge.1. The «reek mirketi .tf oui»« aad qaota m «.>, li w, ttonaerill« qaet «I «tnoti» 8»lc Pelro.enua I «ii.ra iu*rli«% ,t -s., ,'mr .... t) !u'.: al I.'.. T.laen dull is". «I .'le, T II« ute weak al 5"»-jJ>> ¦'< -, I'.rkei'» Called, 57 Sh.piaenW, Ml 4-S2»-/-. PAINTS- TMM contlniei a f»'rlnq«lrr for de« ral.le grade« Hal lH..i- «.». out art.«» ai. I awl ap to whit wu lal.cipatad ht dca arl earlier ia Ibe .*..oo jet t-ere u a It«.d' aad wmmiiI* deawad («M artic ea of Important aaraaatir prie«« ara w«ll «app.»rl*d I ««eilaa Red It learcr aad . intend, »ad b*M Ira *l 2 '««li-, »ad tk.a ia taw «h« «i»e w.ih tl.r ee.tlag »«ried«* Kngtiah H.d Lo*d raia« kiga«, *e | g ai!«41«>Sr Id. Cbiaeae Veranlton In g "«id r*.|ueal U 1 Ir» , al 42 2' r-l' .>". « u.ward nwr«aiaat. »pit «a Mine a lo«««» .e.liag »I 75«r->5e., Pana U, Paiala Olia, aad V ara;«» »r« wili.oal milenal «Hange K g li Uranga Miaeral Na I »*rr tight auk > t>«u«f leiuan.l t lu, raia« »Irtnagar. Ragliali »»-. » l.'«4 Marti« aa4 waataL 111« h.There ii a fair baalaea* and (he martel a «tea»; at fonema (ture», «air»«,f 50 rank» Cap lim a :' ia or rai 126 Mila. Loam »a«. '.', i- 0) toi low gradee. -0 bbl«. do. «I O V Ut Pur I* 0».<4- 125 hag» H»i.»-«n «1 ». «c aud 5'««» bagi _ang«.>n. Boa I, al i »»4 3e .| i-«» « ar .'t-aat 747Sr. »or lair 7'««7 V f..r «lood 7\4 7 »«c for Prime 8 4'S'y lu, «lime» L.»oi»iaaa. 7 f 7',<-. f«, K»i» ia l'r me. Pama al llTV. ead llaagon.a at tld»»'«... carrea«». s Ki.18- The millet for «lost n qui«! t_d »rice» ra.« l»»r«' f»»er; receipt» 241 bain I alcatu, 220 b«laaCaB*l**a. 41 bal*« Ve.« t .aa, lo talea Buen.» Aire». 69 h»'e» Puerto «-.bel.* 2 hale» Jamaica «14 In,en santa Marilla, aad 1 hal« Kaw Ortaaaa; Ml«». 40 ha«« Puerta 1. | ii») kal« Cor.c».. aad 50 »».»a Pa»U li iMrl Hill Um. rather m re doing, hal ii a «hide eaai«r Igarea. raoelpla. 30 ha e. Vera I'rui aud S'aa 6 bilei ».utbera. 1 bile li. 1m ..ti ha .* Sew or ie»n. and ha1»» Lsroayra «alai, 15 (»00 ft a 22.0«»» B > aa- wa. Amrr.caa, I 000 ft P«*r«o ( aliel.u aad 4 '«») B aVaai. Vi. gammt «kiat. <. i -.'« carre««.. Taav'cn. . MT%J Matamoro*.. <l">7. BueiioiAiir».. »62. 1."....» NI. Caraco» .55 . Caaa.. "«'» Madra» e«ek.. 50 «55 Pataa. eau .- 440 9.1. T»..-.ed «/.mt - 4n0 X I. IeunedSU.p «57. Raada.a». - 460 Vera Lrui .. *«*0 'laateuajt . «16 * . «barre«...65 «57S| -aa Jua«.&."»* . Camp«»«»».. 457>g am.- 460 *an.- mi I'aarto « »halt«-. .52»» s . ..hi) ft -» Tal » .5 «in SI'OAR.8. Th* b»*ineo» li Ra« Snf ail wal »r» «all »ad Ibe «irke» llene« '.«mel) bat reut» ear irenodn aaottltou». *. k»»e oai' «* noie a «ale of 140 bbd.. Cul., «t .«»«. for l.oM Redmag u«*u Pair to «».«al Reame» at M ».j 4 >s '«,- Prim« 1«. «t M V I m.tri'.f'-. Inbbda »ad .-te.. R.-a H to 1.1. «I » .w1»V «*d He. IS ti. t « l*,«d at;«V Hclnesl * qatwl lad w«ak it V-»4l0r for Na* 1«.!..«; II) «,410V 1»' S«'« Wklta. IIV f_i Ora-Md. Ile. f*r I'«-* «ad Ile. tor Oranalatad. Raw« ara aa*l«.l aa f«ll*w«' Otocoir-Iair tnliniod, 8-R40 .. Priaalo Cbidw. .S4W M«!»«***. *»«-»». .«4 «»«a T,<r-«s-, Met«-*, 5*7 Patt* K..u-IN4«l*lBg Commua l»l»nia*. 7J»4>-^|- Uioaer». P«tr V. « h«ic 8«,,afl«ac, Br»« U. I » j i. .i -s*8«r i«»« n »,nu lo «. 12. 4V»*V i M-«..'» "»'Mi »nd Krtr»R»per»«r. 7N4SV A_»n_ -IttmmtjOMmm. Ttj. * P99W.I tt*.

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Post on 29-Aug-2020




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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1874-10-28 [p 9]. · 2017. 12. 22. · ITY OK MEXICO will leare Ntw-Orleaiii, for New-York, B.». m'" r 7. eillinf at all the »(Hire porta. lui lintbior

<TonnlT_ Weal (Petate for ßale"fULlTÍNE of P1.(>PÈRTY for SALE andle LET.A« OI«a Cor«. Manhtnrt Keek, tad Botija, l.»»n_¿ rataniaplauu*! COt'STBX ___A_U aAiram ». M. IKaVBT,


A SMALL family of adult« wanta furnishedmt mtmmmtWt HoI'.SK am a temar, m wonl.1 ilk» (ki tvoard tita

.. .1 ia lien»! rent- or w oak) take lo«r»r part of abona«: «a*.-ep

».»M» r-(»rente*. A.rea» M. IX, Bai ti, Up town Tribaae Olllte,., ¡¡Wail ««.-*.___RANCTlO for SALE, in Lo« An«ele» Co..

a '"«!». S atlee fren railroad elation 2,"> «KH» aeree ralnthte-rail fir*»;', en.l rnu'Oi lind I.» ina ilre»ra lil, t»Ol) oran (re. lemon.'ia»«, ead elmo»«! tm»; w9 yat atra. Adarea» G. C, Bot ISO. Loe

_.__»)«», Cal.

Rcai <_» to C? .change.

I"TOR EXCHANGE..The owner will exchan»re.r»a-a«».o»e-froBl li'.a.e full» furnubeal, neil Arnold k Ci.nila-

B'r'i. bant« large proem-cure baiineaa »tlsr »**d prêtent eqnitr of035 000 (or raaideac« at OtmLgt or looker». Addteie OWNER, batS.IVI Poel-Oâ*»._

ÄXDSOMF. PLOT of 23 tkCTCt*. near,J», to etebtnit» l"r e:t» propert«.K1 AND k tVHITINO. '»Beekrein «t.II N. J., ead aUi.DiH) caib. to etehin^e l"r ri(» propert.

"~NO. 5*

dtp Ptopcrtn to Cet.

AVERY jejjjeel three-story, hisrh stoon andhiaeateet IIOl'SK, ill ;mpri>teineiil» to a until fitnil«; rtnl

$] .''"i i »eir. li«' M ait lent h «t See» from 10 till 2.

A" FIRST-CLAi- four storv brown stonenorsf (»e»), *.Ox:>U. to LET, with prtrilej-v ofiub-l-Htliiaj part,

real |il (IrtApp » on the p-wieca, 407 Wt_ 67i> at_A FURNISHED ¿our-atorr modern HOUSE

«n LET lo a rriponaible parir the owner wiehee tv r. main

rtnt Bl M» p«T «sontti alto t raloab». rollertioa of minerait fur ula.App:» 199 Km!BOM-tv.__________A PROVISION* and PORK BTOB-. TO LET

it Hariet», »'th »I'leaiid reliar, two io» and aaeke-botu-a boil!.«pre««.* for the baeinene.

F. HKKBKB._*1.181 :Hd-aT_.. e-oj 1 *^^««-__

.TO LET, "We-st Twentv-ninth-st., be-e twe*n Bitbtb ead N nt.'p-eie«., KNOLlSH 8A8KMRNT ead

PIKST 11 »HiH, toni'Hing ..( 1«' nrnrai «leo in iïiii.r-tbir.1».« *_fcir_|..N>r ni rouaia, it »nrate booie; boin hare all the MÉN lmpreee-Beet« '.-eatii.n ant li'.u-e« .nt-f.aj», rtnt moderate. Appi/on the¦tin»iae». A90 Wa*t Tennr-tbir*)-»*»


1\) LET.At No. 706~Fifth-st., to a «niall,rt'ipecia-l» iimi.., a nie« UOOM, KITOU.." etal TWO BBD-

¦ooiu_rpo LET.-To private family, fir-^clasa brown-X rii.n« HOVSB. laiiv mai haadtou-elj farm»..-; oocupied br»wj»r (lill Lenn-tlon-it«._1-ÏÏ5 UPPER HALF of tine hrown-stono

¦OCBB.II» '.".''i Kilt l.»th »t wt-b hot and cold t-et«r;lnf».'*o-! order; gani ne»«-ht>orhood #35 twr mouth.

npö" LET.Furnished, a large three-story,A l._h «loop Hi'l'SK. in a nice »e_,bborho»Hl. eonee-iicnl to ferrlet:awi r «li laka b «ard id pannem of mit, or will let a pt.itioa to » toallita It of». Add reír*. W., Jener Citr PotMlfflr»._»J\f Li:T-rNlON-SQt\\Ï.E"PROPE-RTY..A Tlie .rtt ritt» bo ldm( No. ItJ Ka«! Sereuewntb M. ka« bean pot

.e .r.ter. and «ill t»r rented cLen. to a (T'-oa tenant f..r bael«ae»a» mraaat» the leratit.n la »n.urpaaneil. Andr to T. B. LYON,a '..n.uble k Co.'». Broadwi» aad Nioeteenttm«.

'Vo LET at a MODERATE RENT.A ywjdefirióte I'WKI I.IS«, -HOC-IB on 1 .(»tt,-*-... Bear (be Oraod

> -i i. the boot« I« Ciaeri willi all modern impreTemen» fur Winter\. » .. tasomm na !. t-oe. kit term», app * to 11. L, HlXil'bT, foolef 11 lak-ak. Kort* Hirer._Te LET.The entire DWELLING PART of

.¦'. «ilbtre.. corner o( Warerler-pUee cn lau na all roon» tadI tti'h »i..»l r!o«_i ri.iin. Ken». $51) per ni.nib. Bera it Mr.

K11.!** 7» ttk-OX» CAKPKNTEB.*>HOP .__,'. NTABLB 45 Tbo-na»-11. Beul, k10 pet OK.nt.'i .arl,. Ker with 1. SCHMIDT, 46 H-dton-et.

TUOBNTON M. BODMAN Heal Ettat» Ästet.IB. Broadwa»-. o. t. corner ...hit.

33 WEST 45TH-8T», rn-ar 5th-ave.T.. LKT..r LEASK, tm,!UO.

painted. At.. It on the prtmlaa-a.

.»î* UNION-SQUARE (Broadway)«.TO LET,*9 I mtgt 6reii rrOBB, SOaBO, or whole FUH FlOOll. i-ti' i.i »¦ .. »*. » An-1» lhere, lo Dr. OKEY. «

tkooklrm {Jropcrtn (So Cet.DARLOR FLOOR ,,f \.. loo Pineapple-fAt.;I i-,n roora ia a_.util« lor an ..(See ,r »hop. he.f bal two doora

.it. W. r, COOK. 235 Wiihlnfton-irt., Brook!,n.

Ti) LET.On Brooklyn Hij-ht«, the plca«-t»ll.T i tailed DWELLING, No. 9j WilUw-»t nett to roraer

C.«il«ti.. (»e new oi .s-e-Yurt Bar, Ac. modern iiui_'o»eaeiit_i| pot.. 1. Ar- !» on prenunet ilitr VJ o\-lock.

T\ * LET.Fully Furnished (_rood bar/«-aiii), a»hr»e-»tor» »tone Hot SB; modern iicproTeroeoie; »«»en block»

f- ml'.. Ita» r^ert-r: «fl.l(K) per rear, «roiild iel part 107 Bapelf»». ». ».-n't |'.a,-e, Hr.x.kltn.

rT-0 l.l.T, UNFURNISHED. - Any private,I I f.tbil* wai tint « 4ne home, rerr reaaonable. mar

» lan tiieaia«». No. ii Firtt-ol»-«. Bn-okl'B. $i>00 rent nuu'lM«. L- it.

ionnirn propcrto to £ct.

IM rORANGE,N.jT-TOLET^ivo^od^J li«>.'SES, netr «tatiun, ene farnnlied tad one nnf-unithed; rout

$."¦" > . _«»i'.. A,l«ie»«, QWNEB, b3 Etat 'JOlh-it_TH) LET.At Mëtnchin, N. J., larRe HOUSE,

Ill r.-oni«. two «eret of land, and tttble; mi.Lt ficb*n|*e, «Ad¬die«« A WoKB, li. i Oil. HroTidtme». B. L. Poet-OBre.

(Dtran Steamers\ i \\ York, Htivaiia ¿_ Mexican Mail S. S. Lino._»1 >u amen le«»« Pier .I North Hirer, it followi,

FOU HAVANA:("Y OF NEW roKB ma Naatin). Thnmltr. Oct 20

< I EU.t«aturd»r. Oct 31CITY OK MRKILA.Tlinradar. Nor. 5

POK M KA ( «1/ AND NLW-OIILIBANS,callitf ti Ilataaa. i';«..».'. Camtx._j. Taipan, aad Ttn.piro:

( ..A . ..Kttardar. Oct. illC1 l'Y OK MRXK'O.Satort-T, N"t. '^1

Ute,,.- ITY OK MEXICO will leare Ntw-O rleaiii, for New -York,B .». m'" r 7. eillinf at all the »(Hire porta.

lui lintbior paaaaar«. applr toP. ALEXANDRE krVONf». No. S3 Broadwi*.


tVM KlK-tTCLASS EILLPOWKHED CLYDKBLILT (-TRAMSHIPS will »ail tr.-tt I-L»,»>,i»im Bailroed Wurt. Jerae« Car, at


Cirri ii tootla t_a p_i«en_.r» ti tkamtpl rite» from all parla »f the('nita-.! .-ut». and ___i.:« to port« in Um BritU-4 Cbaactl and ali Übet

punta ii. Eurilla.1: ~- -'.eamtbipt. bnilt exprtielr for the trade, »re re-onilod «ltkall

taa atari i»»aenla for I!, eniafert au i ron- eaienre <.lCABIN AND -.TKERAI.K PASWKNlihB,«.

Fir«! Ctbia I'll and *M) tmmmej.Seeon* Cibia, $55 enr

e»nr'.»... ertftr. ÍÜO "nrreorr.»T«n_d ritearare Certilleat«-r.u, Cir: i t3ó t ¡rrrucr.Draft i for £1 trouowtr-

Por IWtl f r i.artirnlin. «cp j >a Cariiifl, at tae Corapaa*-! OScei, No.lDett Cin-beti. »adla Ne» Y«rk to

AHCUIBALD BAXTkB k Ce.Atrau,Mo. 17 lirot.lwir.


BOB .OilHAMPTON AND BRKMIIB.The Meaasn,!» M1BIIITBB KO-iN' ( »u! 11 lid mann will tail oo

WBBñMUA. «'M J», lit p m.. !ro_f Bi.r»en Pitr fool TbirJ-»t,huo.i'- to !»« »e.'oweu i"-

l«t»ir...ii:. ODEH, Camk K t. Oterenlotr. »n SATCBDAÏ. Oel. 31.BATKn UP rkt-kAOa TO LONDOB. HAVEH. AND BHülIKN.PireteabiB.*11H> Hold.I» nietiua. i."."::.8l««er»_*>. '14 currenej.

»er ire..i.i « pata»»», at», j i» OhI.UkUlB k Ca., Agtuu._¦_2 BowliBt-trnea.


Ritet i.' uní», lrr'mürir ill neeeisiriet (or th" trij.:Nw Ynr« to ëin Prancxo. $00, Í100, orlilU', tnrrenej.bu. Bra»».wa te Y. kerami, »lull. gold.b«n liauc.»co tv U.'iiii Koiig. l'ion, toll.S:-«tr.'r, lea»» Pier 42 North Biter New York a« foi'..wa:C1 Y OP PANAMA. ( »ft J. t. Lewis. «Jet. SI, al 13 m-

'. and Hay Paa»eii((*rs p'tií».ACAPILCO. Com. A. O. Ora?. Nor. 7. at Vin.

Ar ei er,- «ternit» Salurlai lhere.ter. «.oGet.tinf antb til tle*_lentut Central America an Soul!» Pic Se port»

Ei'.rt «teintera for freintit and war patten'-era «ill be diipalcbral ob

lat.rrwuiLf Üatardtr«. a« ntteaaitji uii* NfW«.a<« 1»iT« .tan Praneiae., ft,, Japan and « tuna >. followi:

( "M'ltADO.Ort..l*r BlJAPAN.NoTember 11

Kor freght or pa-iife. or fattber lnfirmrtioti, tpplr tt the Cooipiuj'lOK«-«, cu «birt foot Cana, tt, New York.

II. J. Bl'LLAY.Sapenntendrnt

__Bi:Fi:S HATCH. Mtrttiw* llirtr'o^_UKI» STAR LINK..Appointed to carry the

belrin an'! r'.ite-l .Vatea lull I«.*lbt d,,;«»!..! .»leatLer» »re appoint» J to »lil

>OK ANTWhEP.Pr Pioi New-York.

V-.ti_RI.ASl».Not lill COLINA.Oct. 19MS-itl-LAND.1'ee. 4 NWITäEHLaNI».No», tt

>K' « ANrWBBP.For Philtdelphit. For New York.

KRDF.KLANl».»*r 10 8WI1ZKHLAND-.Ort 29VADfcBLANI).Der. 4 «Ol.l.v.l.>'ov. 2_

PERKS vY PaMAOI IN « I'KHKNC..a»r*.ri>. ¦.*r'l«l)| Second cabin.tttMe,ri<« »ed Uiermednle utket», to and Iront »li pointa, at tbr loweat

MaaPaaam teeoramodttioBt for til ela«««» nnann-e«*».. Ample ttteud«

ano» _, prvraled. Ererr «ttimer earrie» » anrireon and ttewarjeas.1 tir u(t 1 ,_k«ti tad itrou.b DiU»ol 1.din« itaned betneen all prora-

laen pa, t. u.Par p_aee_e. rat«« cf freír'.», ead other information, applr to

«,hO. W. . OLTO.Y Aru, 42 Bror.i-iiv. Ne« York.JOHN MiDONALD. Pa_rn*rer Airen!

8 Uitieir Place. New-York.PkTKH WBIOHI I« Vl^^ General AfiU.

'31317 vvi lui «i Philadelphia.B VONtiKB BF/'Kk Onerel Eorot-tan Agent, Anlweri»._


rroin Pier 30. »urta Ui»er. N. I.Ratet ot pttaaça Ctlitn $70 and »Hil Draft» al lowe«! «ve«.

Al MIN BALlitAIN Co., A.» nil.72 Broldwiy ». ¦.. Volk.

HTBKRAOB A« 1/)W AH BY ANY OTllKU LINE.OBre. No. 45 Bruadwat.




¦»'i.«(tora New iori otiATUHDAÍS. tram Utarpmlm Till RSuii» « at Carl _Wr._.__»-b wi«.

Cn,TH bATlllDAY Ov_ 31 at 10:00 a. a.

CM'KANI* »ATIBDAY Noeember 7. «I 3:00 n.

KKPCBLIC bAll RDAY. Noiember 14 al VA») u it-

BAI TIC »ATl'KDAt Bore-aber',¡1 »t 3 (X) p. ia.

ÍDB1ATK MTTBDAI No. 28 «» I 00 ». n

tram Um ~t*ln M*i Der«. Pier b2, tatt» Hirer.

Paaeaa.erai^e-ae-ail oe» 'for ill nae»-- autirtojL eo-Oiai».. ^g_K_TY »FEED AND COMFORT.

Btleeei rt»U-rc_w «_»«*i»|*r«M»ai. a«« b«lli-ro-_> ». ¦_¦_ "*"

On atmn .tun amnm '» 'rii. Bl-iawn» »-*» »mwtllimw »eeompa»«(,4M I *a m~a AtVRAI tM_-.r. OSUJ. gmuu Belora Tifketa. f 140 fold. 8«e«fi~.

i» low ,.u» Taeaa a *» tem for fnen it :r m the 014 I ounlr;mi aew atomía »wartf . rrepaitl e_rt_cate» at I«« ral«».r.mmiin tmatn te »r rrera »li m»«-« "' Antrm, P»n», lUm.u-.g.

>trwi; .»««et. la-i.a Atutrt.t. Cluu». «<-irait« treat Bl apwa»_. . »._ .

»ariaipeca«» ef uiiu it« »»berlaforaiatvt»». app.r ai th«SBM) «

+mt.k%lnJAimimai. ama tatt._H. / (OR (IB Aieal.

am »»Aw Otomn»wwrnmrtmTtnlhPmw.


OCT. 27. ltJTA.»0 »»'CLOCK A. \t..8AI.K8 ÖKKOKK Til« CALL.


Wester« Ubio» Tal til» fUllwir Lake hhor«4«»l. 79«4 KM) ...b3. H>% 1,600. 79%von. 7««, uni. vu-. 700.«a. 79%WO.»3. 79% KHI. 23»» 600.... 79%60. 70% SOO.«IL 29% SOD.b3. 7»»»300. 70S »O«. '«¿I»*» ftOO.e. 7'.»'.100. 1-»« l0O...bS. 20% 1,-00.. »8. TO'»100.»A. 79=»« Oblo aad Mmt .. t-.s

Bo»t.T. II k Kr.« luO.m% 2H«, 6«M). 34100.... Ü. % IIHI....U.I. ;"", MHI.. ...'». :«:«',

Mnrrm S K»»rr Mu.e. '¿ti , 600....b3. .1410. 97% 100... «ii. '¿tilt kui». 34

Paeilk Mill 9 T Cent k Hnil.on li*400. 4!» V».It»«».. 100. S37«1.300. 45'« 100.100% North-VVaai«»I.!!"». 4!.% Toi. «nd Wah. 100. 36%

(KM)....b3. 45S IM.«3 29% 6<>0.... «3. 37600 ....«3. 4- 200.e. 21»-» 7». 3»>%200. 44% TIKI. 30 100.e. 37f»(0._. 4 1.000. '¿Wa 100. 371600. 4.1% 10m... »ii. 29% l.KKl- 36%MO«. ..I». 4M 0, 0 h I C l»»o ... b.l. 37IMI0. 4fti«, '¿S. OH, 100. 36%400.»3. ».«,',OOVaiUi-U-NT STOCK DKPARTVKNT.1U{ O'CLOCK

AND Hi O'CLOCK A. M.V S (U. Ref-Ure-, 1881

3000.b«.ll7T,.U h 6a. I oupoa, lnttl

6.000.bells'«C Bf».'.'0 Coupon, 1865

8,«-Hl>.117(IB ti'M) « oupon 1867«» |FIRST IH>AKI>.10} A. U.

tatet of Stat« Bonds.Railroad ttonds-Rank and Railroad.Eipreu Stockt, et.

U 8 &-20 Coopoa. 1865, X4.500.12.unsti 00«».inc.Uti*«

C Rf>« Coupon, 1.3814,000. 112'«

OB bl. 1HH1, ke.ialerad10,000.' ....12.111%

Mi««rar1 6«. Loch Bl«'¿.DOD. 1»1%4 «SMI. IK,

Miuourl tK H à SiJo lara«. '871,000.. 03

Brooklrn 7«. Hk La1." hi.104

Tenneiaee 0«, Oldex eoapoD

10, 65%Toa» 6«, N«w, at 55

A!b«r.r k f-nui 2d3,000.100%

Cblr k H IV ht K !.

3.000. 97%Cblr A Norlb-W'oat C

< t> Q Bond»«000. Pi

Morrl« _ Knox 2d1,0»ti).I ¦»-",

Morriu li Sa 7». 7130,000. 97%Ilar'em lil, 7a, Rex5,000.110

Con Pacific Gold Bil«9.000....»3. 92%

V P K R, lal M6,000. 88-4

Union i-.u-.b-- 7l, L G2.000. 86CCA !.. rut', l-l1.000. 701»3.000. 70

Alt-.n IT B21 Pref1,000. Ss%

Toledo k \V»».»»h Is«,fit Louia 1'ir7.000. 71

Tolo lo k Wabaab -d2,(100. 71

Micinraa Central 7«1,000.109%

Canada Son(b 1-iMwith li Certifient«1,000. 58

Parue R R of Mo lit1.000. 80

Btnk of (à.mmerre10.il7

Bank of RopuMie10.104»4

Del k Hudson CanalII.bclie-a

Brie ¡iaiiw...00.... be. 29WUM». 29%5t»o....»3. m200....b3. Whs

Partie Mail900.400..loolou2oO..2»»».

be. 45»».«3. i >%..»8 45.10. 45..... 45.b3. 45Hi

l.l"l). 4.V.1.400. ..b3. 45 »46O0. I-'«1*f«'»i».. .'..I. 4-.«s700. 45-»,200....b3. 45^100. 45"»

Ani-r »ii l.iit. «

25. 61 »*Wattan, Union T*l

KM)., bee. 79%800. 79%

Ms,»».-.. «3. 79%2,100. 7:«s,»SirO. 10*0.MID.«3. 7'.t%l«IO....b3. 79%

Lake shore100..b«.«3. 7'.«'.,

Xorlh-WMtaraloo. 36%200. 3H5»200.... »3. 86«»lu«» ....J. 96%

ïorthW«at«rn Pn-I100.»ne. 631O0....»3. 53

H i Central100.»!-»»

Etoek I»! inJ600.h*. 971«1»X».»3. 97%

.. »3.

Ton..«3. 79%

1.500. 711«»600.... b3. 7!» »41.000. 79%1,000....»3. IPßg300 ....»3. 79^10. 79S

200.... 1.3. 79%Union Pidió

K8».be. XCn*,500. US

10«»....13. AAo,1,200. n*»600.c 3.i%200. .;.:..600. 33%

Clere Pitt« Goar10. 87»»


Illino,» Central li R


400., 100..400.400..M.. ..«3.218).400.1.600. tit,7»

Moma A 97%100. 97'«

HI l-.iii2110.. bc*3. a'J'V2«»0. 99%4110.... «3. 32%100 ... |9. 99%KMI.c.200.

St Pani Pref100... Int.600.

Toi, »»'«!> k Wert' 29%7««».i3.000 ....


Chic. B k gloo.UKI I«10.100%

Pitt», Pt W A C d'il35...U-3. 91 %21. 91%



28 -aBO »421»',29%

47.i.e. 91. Obioand Mi»««»«ii,N '. r .'¦.«.-. -1.*3. 3«»4900300...400...aoo ...



36%:»',-.3».%36%36 Hi99%

1.3. 36%



28»,28 Hi.¿nit

100. ...1.3.200.c



1,6(8). 45*»Brie 1:. ws,

.b3. 29««.jon_b3.loo.

Lake SSsfSlo.

600.... «3.


I'nn.n Partie200.100 ...b3.100.


lOO. ..»15.600 ... ti.

C, C k 1 «J120.

33 '488»,3.1%


9t'«%Uo«k IslandClio.100....»3.

....¦ .. k Wada»!MO. . '¿0*4100...»8. 2U34

Ohio A Ml»»300. 28

SECOND nOAftD.1 0-tnOCf P !»f.Sales of State Bonttsw-tliillrnnrt ¡touts.Hank a>td Rail¬

road.Siiiiest Stockt, dr.Tenne»»*« 6«. New SlO.OOO.. .he. 55Hi

B. «ar. «i». New.Non Kundable5.«K>0. 6

Ohio A »I ». 21 M5.000.he 75

C V N U 1st6.(»>0.. 953000. 951»

Cbic k NW Con Coup«loll bond»3,iiO0. 81

Cení Pao Gold lu«5,000. 9242,000. 92^,

C. K I A Par 7i10.000.107 >»Union Pacific lat M1.000. B8_

(Mm PaeiSc 7i I. G15.000. 86Union Pacific S P1.000. 7.'.*»a

Gi Woat'n l»i M '.»..<

5.«K)0. »91II.rim 1st. 7s Coup1,000.110

Alban* A Su» 2fl M1.1MMI.100 »a

Michigan On 7»7.0(H).102»»

Fourth N»t Bank5. 97

Pi N,rli..!_s

Mi-ret at.-.»' Bankio.120

Del A lluiiaou CanalI.Uti _

Atlantic A Pac Tri100.I.e.. 16

Weitem Union Iel«00 .... be. T.da700. ...»3.600.e.


Paeitie Mali1

S'-O.... »3.4 900.


TH*»»79 Hi


liMi.8, «tia1,1«M). 45500.... 1,3. 45>«600...«00. 4i',4

American Hrprea«UM).be. 61

T 8 Kiprein» 64

Bri« Kanwa»200.I.e. «3. efllj100400

North-WentemlOO.Is-30. Na

100. :i»¡»-a900 ......I. 3f'.\300 .\li',»t200...b30. 3«1\KHI ... b3. DMloo...«30. 36

Rock IslandUM).be. fn:*nKM).b3 9(!rM

1,4'H». !«.;!.,.jon.»3. Ht;^isi«l. !ii)agloo. 90H1

St,3. :?2H,1,000. si._«n> .k3. 31»«BOO.. 32

b3. 2'.)'-j St Pani Pre!,... 29 900 he. 60

Like Moora I" It W R! '.(M). .beh3.Kl

.i '«.27 »497*s

80«)«S. 79",KMI .e. 70»-

1.8(H).l8, TltljÍJO0. 7'.»^1,000. 79<>b

N i . titr.lP.. 104*4

Union P»ci8cÜOa.bSSS. 33%,3.KMI. ¡«S'a100.l8. 88%

Tol,V,'»t.i»band W>«t8. 30

300. .. .be. 2!«\900.»3. 21i*o90»1. 29Hj

Bo»t««n. II A Kne100.... be. **b

GoVP.IlXMKNT -tTOCK DEPAKTUKXT.1'K P. M.L' S 6» CoiiDon. 18sl u b Is, R*ii»»*r«sl. ¡ssi

I.ll()t).II8H1 5.000.bel 11%U 8 6«. Cttrrenf r26.0OO.117»4

8ALK8 FltOM í.*i O CLOCK P. M. TO CL03B OF BL'81-NK-SS, 3 O'CLOCK P. M.

Morrl» A Fuex Con'n i Michigan Central

07 Hi3IH». 107Hl

St I...ii - I >. 4 S..t!.':2(10.lie. 1060. 15»,

Obi.« ami Mia»300 .>!.>«2O0.200.... «3 ml*»8«M). 27%

Han A St J««« pbKM».... 1^. 24KMI.c. 23»s

Pacific R K of Molini..t>e.b3. 37%

1 (MM). 95Wtatern Union400. 79%

Brie 1; .1 *.).500. 29%

ii.- u a100.129

P«eiHc Mail S S CoKIO.... «3. 45%6tH)....bM. 46 »4

2.1 "hi...»«Mi. 44%900. 4t*>144'M».b3. 45%2«M). 45%5(8).... b3. 45%

1.600 . 45'.20O.»3. 46%800.b3. 45%l.ooo_ 4."«\KM).... b3. 46%boO. 45%

. i3.


10«Lake Shore

3(8) ..,

200...rino...KM)...,600...loo...«.loo ,.,

Union Pacifie500.300.100.200....b3. 3:;%800.

St PaulKM).




..b3. 3.1»»,83%33%32 H»

30%36 Hi


Toi A »V»1ja»hloo... 1,3. ?0->i3IMI. 90%

1.4IMI. -i>.t\Rock Island200.Kui.600.10«).

Oblo »i.'i Mis»..'«Hi....b3.900.2O0.»3.

Uaa I tit .0900....k8. 24loo....b3. 21%

C, C A I C3(H)....b3. 9%M. 9

Atlantic and PanicPr«f600. 13

96%96%9ti%al "s27%27%

Tuesday, Oct. 27.p. m.

A rather cloio olisorvation of tho tactits, >x»thhere and in London, rcspectinRlírie shares, «MO-M to

muk«' it clear tbat tho primo movers on the otherside of the big waters parted with their holdings as

soon as it became known to them tlmt Mm account¬ant«' report would not be entirely favorable ; and to»oppose that they did not also make i-xtensive shortsales would be to believe them deficient in the ordi¬nary shrewdness of the craft ; but havinif in this

way become interested in a decline, it was impor¬tant to them that the report should not only statethe very worst, but set it forth in the worst

possible terms, which wai» done through the Lon¬don papers of the 9th, 10th, and 1-th of thi» month.Of course the decline bOflM a few days prior to

this, while the knowing ones w«-re Helling, and was

couBulcrably accelerated in both markets immedi¬

ately upon the appearance of the printed report on

the 9th instant until the ijuotatioii bad. on the 14th,fallen iu London from 85.- to 25}, and in N« w-Yorkfrom 38 to 27}. This is probably the date at whicho»ir London friends began to buy in the shares theyhad previously sold at an averago of about VA, em¬

ploying brokers in both markets. It is not knownoutmide of the " charmod circle" whether those whohave been using very similar tactics in our own

market have boen acting in concert with tho Londonspeculators. The more general belief is that there are

now two distinct partió» operating in the Hame direc¬tion, the liondon combinat ion striving to ktxp controlfor th«- benefit of certain of their collateral interest!»,Whlk the American party seeks to acquire it partlyfor the opportunities for peculation atl'«»rde«l hythepossession of a great railway line, but chielly witha view to establishing a through route fnun New-York to San Francisco, which cannot be so easily or

«itiickly done without the Erie Hoad. How farthese two clique« have succeeded in accumulât! igshares since the decline, or windi hal be«n the more¦MMMf-i, of course it would be idle to conjecture.The Londoners have had agreatatlvautage in know¬ing the precise character of Hie report in advance,and in Wing thus enabled to market theirholdings ut the topmost point. If theyhave been e»ii_illv fortunate in buying in. they have.lrca<lv a goodly profit in hand, but which is to soc-

coed in the race for control isa question yet to be«l«-ci«lr«l. They certainly have frightened manyweak and timid holder» into selling, the average.¦¦li operator being never so determined to partwith his share- M when the qui>tatiou|is at the low¬est point. An exposition of thone tactics, by whichUiua ol UiOUrt-Udu oí shales oí »luck aro »old out

npon un innocent public and reptircliaaod within a

month ot a profit of 10 per cent, «u»*Küs,t_the otter liiitrii.ttwiirtliin.'.a*- Of the te-

port* nnd Mat «-men ta of protervoon a I .tackBpcoiilator»; for, how unsafe, na an invi-stment or

otherwise, l»«'««»ni«-« the Rtock of a compauy. themanipulation of which has fallen into such tanda.If tli" smaller «noenlators wen» loas t unid the lomeaand th«* danf-era to thrni would be lena, (or one«** in,they would hold to the end ; and thin in prcciaclywhat it is «aid the small holders of Erio will do. Ifthere is to bo a contest for tho control theyaay let the conte-rtantA bo forced to pay a Hoodround pi i o- for the float ing alum-., frices attho stink market opened lower to-day thantlie cloaing quotations of yestenUy, with theexception of Erie, Ohios, l'aciflc Mail, andKock Island, which were very »lightly higher.The market was dull and drooping during theKTeatcr part of the day, but the declino has not beenvery marked, having ranged from t to I percent,with the lowest quotation current in the late after¬noon dealing!.. Pacific Mail was a marked exceptionto the «relierai course of the market, twit advancedfrom 44. to _-rii, until shortly before the close, whenit took a widden " spurt" to 4*,g. This seemed tosomewhat steady the tone of the i*»«neral market,which rallied slightly from the lowest point*« of theday. The aggregate bti»in(*ss amounted toabout 1_X,000 share«, of which HUM woro

l'acilic Mail. 19,300 Lako BhflW, ia.**-*)Union Pacific, ll^W, Western Union Telegraph,9,(500 Wabash, 9,300 North-West ern, «,4O0 Kock Island,6.G00 oin.,», aud 4.400 Kin». The decline of the day,comparing the closing prices with those of yester¬day, has heen in Central and Hudson, i. Lake 8hore,i ; Ht. Pani, Wabash, and Union Pacific, each, I ; andNorth-Western and Rock Lund, each .. On theother hand. C., (J. and I. C, Erie, and Panama eachadvanced per cent ; Atlantic and Pacific Preferred,i; Harlem, |; and Pacific Mail per cent. Theopening, highest, lowest, and clo.iug prices of load¬ing stocks to-day were a« follows :

Openi-i. li-.'.-.t.Kew Tort Central.HM loo-»«Htrlem. ..Iii» Vii)tri«. .__"_lal» -I:..-.-. 7 .', i_fil\ «!>««_..Ninth-Weiter» . S«:"*rt.irili-Weit Pitt. bd-iHocl Uland. 97'.II ..ikiil.. A M I'-iif. ,._.,Mi « ,.!'.¦ k M l'an. I'rel .'."iDe:., I», tail Kulin..m7 »jN. J ("etiiril.I()."_Mich.ira» («DtraL. 7.Í1»taloc Piei.e. 34I .. (J. auo lau. oiini.... H7tlim. inJ St. Joieuli. MOin.'li M i,».« 2*)*»I ¦..«:.",. liartforJ It Krie... «afan-iiaa.IM1»»\,»(,. olot leietnot.. Til3«Ailnrtie »nil Paelte Tal.... 10Paciir. MaiL. 45

tah79",30S763 ».97'«32*.bo-i107*1104 «V73-131th24-aat}}Sim.16J '«

Lowe.vlill)**«VAM"."»JniV'.'Slnil'sb30Ü**_31 7t601117%1(14 ¦_73 »j33 «-j1%ñ*_



Clienn«.loo1«I lu29'.79-*,ii)3....-,-_blDi1*«3-.'-»*,("«

107.«lOth73 ¦_33»«thy



The bids for stocks at the close of the Exchangewere: Ofr.l.

C_ie.Mil. li St P.. |2*a('., M. h St.P. Fr. f. 50¦«(.. 0. k I. ('. t»1»JM Lae. It W«tI..107-1.Kri». 29*_Kid. li st. J..».-.;¦ I, '¿4H tu. «al M. Jo. Prf 2»Late Kb. k M. .-.. 79-tN.Y. itllarleuitt.K.l'J.'«.¡*J. T. ('. k Had.100«« 100*.Ne« Jeraer OntnllOl«« 104".Obio li Mia», li. B.. _7'h 2»r.ntrai.IIS. 114Toledo k Wabtali.. ¦-!'*_ '.".)*«Uaioa Pad-e.. 3JN 31*«


107-S,tah24 *297!l3«in

Otra. «tit»'!.Oolrl. lill 110 MUPanie 4'>'". 4.1»«Weit. Uuon Tel.... 7'.»«» 7l)J«Oni-UilTer. N 37 38MiripoiiL.-M.Co. b-i 7t m.. Kt'.rew.lil 114Au..-r,. ri Kl[.rea» . G1 t. '-_,I I.Pied Slate» El... I..1 '.IWeil» Parro Kip... 7S*_ 7t'*_Ma k Alti.0. 97^1 Uri

CVr. kPitt«. S7'« S:\CM. k North Wea». M*. Uti8.(hi. k H W. Pref. -»-."-j 54

i. «. il. k l-l.i. !.. OU". l'i''-*iTIio dullness in the Gold I.oom was never irr-ater

tli.o. now, and the brokers "split''np commissionsin older to have sonnthing to do. The market tailstor. spond to ordinary intlnences, and it is difficultt«i s .<* when it will bo rescued from tho " Slotif-b ofI) -¡loud." Certainly tvimo chant.« will have to

take plac\ or else the occupants of the (.oldKuiiin will be compelled to call for subscriptionsto a " bent-lit fund." T .o only prico to¬

day was lift The rates paid for borrowingwere 1 to4 percent per annum nud l-t'.l of one p. r

cent per diem. The Assistant Treasurer dislxir-tt-dM*t\WftOC ou account ot interest, and redeemed iü3,(«:i0bonds. Tho day's business ut tho Gold KxchangeHank was M follows: Gold cleared, Çiy.ri^.ftio-. goldbalances, }l,547,.r»_l ; ( urreney balancee), $1,719,070.The day's transact ions at the U. ft, Sub-'i'ieastiry

comiirised:Wet receipt».$1.265.3...- (»0 I Carr»»*«» ptrm't». M61JSI 44«io.J parin oil.... 77'-,234 KI! Currtun .ilii»re.._«",.U.>.7dl 4b¦<o.i 'it «Joaioiua. 4 ,'J,0im ouCurrtaer rereipU. 38*9,600 24 '

In London Brilish consols are ¦ shade rtrmer thanyesterday, the same lieing true of United Statesbonds and Erie shares; £-9.000 bullion was to-daywithdrawn from tho Hank of England. The ex¬

ports of produce from this port for the week endingto-day were unusually small, footing up only94,TMUnftForeign exchange was reduced half a cent by the

l«a<ling bankers, these rates couformjiii. more

closely to those at which actual bW-MM hat) been«lone for some days pant. Wo («note :I'r.ii.» Muiera' «ttriiu» billi "t Al) otrr» 3 JinL-tnnon. 4.Rl'«-r4.S5 «K8 _-8g_

, '.»ni. i» :,. .4.-1 ii.-I1« 4.S7-K2-I.SSPruieeom. »urriiinf (lo.4.S3 <l_.*t4 4M'.»aJ4.s7Pint IbtDterti.».17','iVlll1« 6.14 «»t_.13>»

Antwerp.bAT-jfi. Ki'« 6.14 .»-/V13 '«.»«,...b.lTitab.U'At 6,14*_'-6.i:il«

tailttrtam.. 41 « Its «IVÍ 41*.'-,.'....-.. i'l'-a-* 1'1't -.'' --r VC,<*raok«orU. *'"t * S'". «l'a- 41 >«

.irenea. 94«_. |!'43« e:.**«- s«(iPro«, aa taller». 70V» 71 »a 71'«* 72

Tho money market was extremely easy to-day,and borrowers on call were supplied at _i_i,3 percent. Time loans can be negotiated at 4_f5 per cent

for the remaiuder of the year. Discounts are quotedat«j_6 per cent for prime short date, and at 0 to 7per cent for long date acceptances.There was a quietmovement in Government bonds

and the market presented no features worthy ofcomment, The following wer«3 the quotations at 3

p. ni.:1M-1 Ke*nit»rr»il....ll7»«inirl1HS1 loapt.u».lirt'ïlll!-3! I1862 lu.»!«,-* .....109-_</ll«>-_

¦J .'ipont. 113*_1 1133«ls.",l(',.a:K»_i.lit» o 116*. |lsi.', fontv-ii«.11UV 117 '«1st... ( .. uponi. Lew. 1 li»1» t lit!*,Btate bonds were dull and steady. The following

were the bids :

.«.(»T Conpoat.117-_»117«_Hiis Oonpaai.117 »jr : 17\10-40 ¦l__aiiii...lHH«Ul1_10-40 I'ouanaa.Ill .».111Plret, lSiti. tSaan.lltsail'lHCarraocr|i'adtr_t...:l7 . a»

OtTerfd. Atte-I.Alabtiaa S«. 1H8C... 60I alifornit 7i.Ill('ontiertir.t (it.10>*|Oforrni Ot.. TI 79lieorn« 7t. a. kw.» M 7i. Waal »2 .

Illino!»«:, ti«, 1S77.101*_IllitoitC. 0».lf*79.1ol'« .

liiiooli war kr*_.... lol'« .

Keuturliv-'«.101L..JI»nui Oi.ti . bl. n. b. 21 .

l^.iiunini ««, L.H. 27 .

LonitiantHt Ii. B. 23M.rh. (it. 1S7-4-7I..103 .

Mirbi-in 0». 1H-CI. lo:!*4 .

Mirbirm7t 1H90..104 -

Mo. 0«.«)b*)o1h74 101 .

Mo. tii.d*iulrl7.Vl(ll*« -

Mo. C>» «Ja« In W7« 9» .

Mu. (». 0'ieia \Mn 97 ¦_ .

Mo. Ha. .lue ia 1*7H O''-.Mo. '.». doe in 1h71 MM_. 0».'lue »n 1 Ses.) 917» .

tatt .>>*¦dn* 18i'1 tí*"a1/1 t»iLiln«'Hl ta.'tll 94r_Air. »rial., 18W. ^a".



Otrrtd. «ile*.!(.VfiiR.I,'B.l»H;i||l¡l.t.tli.d.l'i.lifll.lUN.Y.6ill.l.'a.H7S.|i.!lR.l 5..», _.'al87«i..l07.1. ».'. rl».o!il. J. a I 22 "5N. f. 6». It ()... -j; u 03V. Où rl.C.H, J It J. 41J». I".. ¡VI" B..4 It O 41-N.«'.N.l*.__.o!..J«!_._0_.-.(.".M.C.I-.r.otr.tVO .!«)». «'. KuDd..\.,l»ii,l lu _

t. C 0.. YA. 1H..S i_N ¦."«:!- J \ I. i'JIg 1JN. C. 8. T. eltit 1. 6S! --. I cit». 1. 6>. (.'. ». T.. etui 3. ..

obioü». Irt7.*>.lol _

«>. ¦¦.'.-. I-».. Mi.«».-.lolia. lh"i(i.106.

>;.. . - 1 ii« .... ".:Soutb I'iroliti Iii 20 .

.».( «r.'ii.Jio.. Jalr It) _

s. Ctr. Non. Y. bJt.. 0 7Teni», o» old. 68Temi. U».o , et rou. .'»ft 60

Uli. I»«. I.-W le.D'll OS».ii. Ha a. -1 ..'ii M t« ,',., 1_IV 11 !.. B. »er:et. .', : l4 Ig 1.

Tet»ll0»onfl70.. - 97ViriP.i:« Ht, oiil_ 34 .

\ ... .a»1.. 1 !.. v.i. 34.Vir.iBit tta.a»*'_7 34 .

Virf.un ba (. I« 62->«Vi.i,» C.H..'aMierie*r. 41Vi 6«, lief, bocil». tí'«

II. It BL J», du«'78 97S. kMt.Jo. dtn*'H7. 92-j». Y. B-«.«1«N Y.C00P I) l-t(«_. 10«SiMTÖa.lMi,Bl*«75..U0N.ï.ltl.(»Ia"u.l-*77 111)N.Y.t>t.(1.L'B.lS7'».ll()». \ ... p. 11»i»0.C..ll~7..111Jiailroad bonds were firm on small dealings

following were the bid« :Offerta. «i»«.*»

Alb. _-8__.lrt bdi.-lOS -

»Ik It Sa*. M Mt..II»»»Ja -

Boitoo 11- k a 1 M. 21*. 21B.a.'ou II. k H.Omi. *it». CK-It Min. 17».« . 6rtCl», k ohio 6« It» M. 4!) taCb. k Obi'iai.ConpoB 40 60 ._

Cb,r. kAll. lit M...110Cb.e. k Alt. lueoiae... . loo*».-»let.*» »"b>_ li» M.I06 .

La. kilo., lil« ... »3 1~«_st. _.. j. k cm«..a, 9« .

Lb. III.': MM Ml 112ebie.. K. I. _ra__i.l0T*k .

e, lei ft J.latM.K. 107 .

tai,. It» ot ». I. C. C 104 -

Ai. IWerkklm. B... - 9»M.kS.F.llt M.eWPÜ . _7M kS.P.l 7 3 lol' I) 92y.l_S.H. 7i.«.oM RD HO MM kMP ÎM.UCI).. Hi » ft V"M.kMt. IMM-11-a.l). 71 -

M Si.l'.lMCkM. 76 -

M*.«. Y 21 H. 73«"hie. k h. W. H. K.loO 102(lue. k N. Vi. IutB. 97 ja(lilr. k 9.W. C II rl'*«(be. kit. W. lit >l 94»a 9»¡ k .1 W.«1 «i. B. HI('bit fc N. tv.k1«.li. eilIo.i MU. I.1MS... «»<.«ii'tnikCbi-. Ki .. 102»_ Wi-tOiIct» k Cb.c. 2)*» -

« lie. k Mil. Ula-., at tt SiWiBonakSl. Pti-IM HO( « .«-.4.1 1 »I.7S.K.10.1 IMI'eLfLit fc W. 1 M.10O lol*.D«>.. Lie. k W. 2 M.100l»«L.L.fc W. 7t. r..n IO«1« -

Morni 1 ).-¦( 1 M.lo» . «.K-o-i '..I M.!"-' .

HniinhknmlliU. D7 «a -



Oiere»,. A.kri.Bott, k Krl« 5.BoL«a :<7 JilBaffilo k Hut« I.. 7« loo I03KalaiaaauokW.P.ltt »5 .

Lil» S.or» Oi» Ml. lo.»j U»Um sb. c. »j it-...101l*t» Sh. U B-iit... M fU"»Like Hb. C, Q M., «fj»j ;,«Marittlaltlhi. lilM 101) -

M)el_ Cefi. I 7« "(«"-'.lo.'1« lotMlej». a 1H M.H»1*»'- IO'.' 1 1». X. k ». II. li».... URO« US'»«W.'T. C. Ot. 18-13.... 97 .

N. T. C. »t. 1M87.... 98V Y. I'm. o» ILK... 94 '.«M». T.C (»1 Sui.'i..... 9l>_ 'J6M Y. tt 7 ». 1H7«.. IOt «-j _

N. Y. Ck II. lilM.) .1ÍMI-. 110». V. Call, lil Mi1.10'Ji-a U"*_II.R.7» 2.1M f)P,'*t"i.l07 -

H B7i,S_MS K'7'.. 101lltrlem 1 M., 7. lu'. nuii. ,. 1 M 7«. K lid*» p'i. M « Im Mort. '« »31»Ohiok H -, ., tt, 91Oh.« Li. (o(»i p. fe vti»» 211,",. 7.'.'«»atril l'iel»« «I H li.

We.lrra Pirtlo li... HII 1. ot » 1' ,«iM. :i M,I UK« Pintie L. O 7i HOI,n.. » ,: p.«.. .

faioo Parif. S «.".._ 7 (IViV H. .. ... ii HOI'ae. It. 7. ,"i brMo.101P 1-1. 11.4. :».im, -

<;ie». k lill». C ». K.101Cle». kPit a. 3J U...ll'2'«'.1er. k Pit l». »II. M '.'1 9-1Col. C. k ii.,L lal M « O-i 70CI..!1, k M. 'Al M 20»L I «-!'« » l.-.'ii 1 vt. Hjm Loaiik IM" M 114«,k. k U 1.« "... - IM


H3>tI ¦'.9171.HId31lût

RM» IM M KiBn» 3d 7«, 79.hri» J-i M.Rrlr 4tb

.104 «,104»«


i-i. u K» KO.", it »rîîPrie Mb M. K*W. - 96%U«« l»«el Hoai». loi _

Baf.N.ï.fcK. ia.'77 titi 91H.kSt. J*. <-('.*.. 77% 79««Dab. k 8. O. lal M.. »7 _

1 «oh * S. C. -¿i di».. )inClarr'.aa.B-lat»,. Ho «¡n-Irwl Bloom'» fcW I M. 46 60


All l I' H. i IM Ine 7J'« -

II. »»4. S I H IM -s, 'ti '., -

To«, p.'a w. » u.») "HlToi..P.k W. W. D...I71»», 7«li«.i. r. a v.. b. n. -

i..; P. à w. M H.. -

1 ol. I' k W. « .,,,.7«. 60r... k Wihi.t m a -

T.kWib.l«MS»l.D. -

Tel. h w»» Jin.T. à W. Cm. Cm...



And the following for city bank abares, Of«nw.

l»r»e»n Rt'haarf. .

teatral N «tiona..Jil».Coram«re«.Ki rit N.'i-m»!...K..«rth NitloialK n toa.(). na«« Amené««llnnn'.ll»nor*r.Irrln».M.-la-t.n.Medítale»'.








Oier«.1. Anl-1M»rrh,.,v .HO 1.0Merrkai;»' Kt«-h ngM»lr«iM,llu«Ma»«««...-¡»w»,,rk.North Amené»..,Paeile.,»»»»k.,Panol«'«.Hct.-.l. c.tiOm k l.eau.rr»t. Niebola».

.133106.131. 94%.luju5.164.106


SUU of NanrTork.UO


The following shows the exporta (exclusive ofspecie) from the port of New-York to foreign porta,forth« weokeadiug Oct. 27, and since the begitiniugof the year:For lb« «re»k.Vtttiomif report»!

Since Jtnnar»- 1Pre« of fol«l.

I**..«.-. 366 K21

1S3.703 I ,6

1N71.90 101,131¡134,00. 968


1189 090,9-0.11»

The First National Bank, No. 91 Broadway, an¬

nounce that they are proparol to purchase, sell, andexchange all claHse» of Government securities, freeof commission. They also offer to investors at 75the 50 year bonds of the District of Columbia, andexempt from all taxation, bearing &-05 per cent At the prie««» at which these bonds aro offeredthe buyer is as»i»rc«l 5 per cent upon the investment,principal and interest guaranteed by tha United«States Government.The Philadelphia, stock' market is dnll ; Penn¬

sylvania «is, m ; Philadelphia and Farie Railroad,141; Heading Railroad, 53J; Pennsylvania Railroad,54i : »»Id. 1 lu.


Tnr. First N.tiona!. Bank, W Broadway, pur¬chases, sell», and exchange» all issues of V. H. Fivk-TwBania, Taa-Foanaa, sixe»» ok imi, and theBOW S pin CKM It M.KU Loan at current marketrates, free of «omminsion. Also for sale at 75 Districtof Columbia 3 «5 percent 50-year bonds. «U'au.intkkoby ni* Unm m .ni-.-, and exempt trow all taxa¬tion.

THE MARKETS.I« «wmi» .iorie«i mr Ta» TatB0XM.|


Albe», pkí«..I:»-.» «i ».k»Urt'orr h»i>»

.- »n t.giCopper,» bil»..Meal, t-g--.»» i.i at muli.Cora, baal»..i. .» '.....Milli, »...liHarl«r. Iiasb.Pra», hn»h..(i. «... liafi¡u.Ki_t.;.k.»


S .17617.-.7S


90,05413.5003«; 005¿ -un4064 i'.

Ken bbla..II' »'I. bill»..)-'.»x»eed tig»Hemp, I.«.. ».

Hoy«, U.«».Hoir«. U.K...Il.d._ tell« pifa...

«'...r r, 46


357i.i ¿n

li ¦. n. bbl».Sp. 1 uri», .til«CrTur.bbl«.Tar. bbl»....(»r««ae pkg».HI« « n »...Tallow, plus



Urti, pkn...«C1 «a«ala.pagLard, te«_I...I »»v.Oil.-akc.pkxili iltur (¦»_-.'A'",', pig*.

Spelt«r. pea..!¦: - pkga...Sogar, bbl»..-. ... I. »s»-T«a. pit-,..Tiii.erco.bbl»Tobacco, pkgtW.ol, ha.»»...Vii*-/, bbU



STATEMENT OF EXPORTS.Ti«»dat, OeL 27. 1874.

Tt« '"'lowing I» a rompíale lilt of uporu »kippei lu re»Mli wuirh

«rere cleans! tu in foi »orri«» portiiC'itita » a« hi.Birk Coareriian».

I>lr«'.»am. fill» .

('"HI.Bark Lóala« MalcolmCon), boab.

I'elro'.»!.- fall«

Com, biab.

Eiitir.Birk Himplo» Court,

t.Li»'»'.w .Hark Mtrcbino.

Hataia.Brig li li «....«

mu.», yard».

Cotton ls>«\VI>»ai.,.IV.» liaah...I'.uur.*..«beca* ID...Tallow, It...

Wheat »o« bbl»..I., »ra

150 Si..i>e, blorki 40,000 liar. bain...Linapo.iL.Steamer Knglinl

9,191 Bailer. ID... 72,300 , Hidei.1'i.l.irro '.bill 11 1'i.rk bbl»...U««f. let. lil Copper, c»...

l»rr Oo«xl»,bl 1 I' . « bbl«.¦....«.... :«:. .¦¦.; .-¦».¦«.









6.000«.Ship Lirerpool.2.1 199


Oin.I'aper, ca.


Flour, bill»|h»r«o,hW»

Whee». hn«h 12.301miMÍ-i.a i.itijim

Na..P.'iH pkaa..l'«>la»h. ci»..\. li ... ,pkg... koa«...

«.at», limb...iValr.-«. pea

Los.n.1*.«¡hip Cicero.Born. 1.».. 143lim Seed.hg« 300«to.ii-lionmcr June» Slater.

7 | «'¦ » i-.n ,.» 901 | Mach rr. pkg»

(»l.H-k». hu..11 .all al r.l.aia

Nail», keg».K. R.«'.r,H m un» bl.Kagar Mill..Kope, pkg»..

-1.1; . I.«Shoot» aad II'1'tmber. pier«IImm.It K.Ir.'U.liar*






l'.«»T Seal».Bart Robert Mowr.Shook«.PIM» bill«.( rn Meal I.I.I»I- »

B««l. bbl»...

100 Com. koah..700, lb...loo Liri, m.50 llr-jtd, pkg».

4003.(10«)6.0' M)loD

Lire Stck.lid.Water caak».Ila.. k»l__.»Oaia, b.'j...

l'.n«TSTA«if.«T.Schooner P. Bailey.Lamber, fe't. 90.390 ] Dum«»f». bl. I ! Diripriratui_u.uu.liuu.pki 10 I

St Joiix« P B..Brig Sarab «.'rowell.90 I'aper. rrami 5<»0 Potatoei.bhll

11.930 »»un»are.|.«giS75 Bres.l riga.

3.34') I'm,::.» pkgi.

Pork.hbU..Uni. th....Buttn-r. tb..c.e«».. tr...(an.llei. I.I»Soap, boie»

Beef Lb 1«...It«.um,bu.

Ploar. ht.liPork. bbl»..llref. M I...Corn. I.OnllCheete. IT«Lard,.lb-



IO«) Or 1st.125 Pel'ni.g»,I»..100» - II.141°. li, too......

Cn M-»',hhli 20J..»»» M. P.-Brig Kuhlo.Kluar, hbl».. 3,038 Pork, bbl»...


TtRK'i IiL4.««D-Scbrnoü«r P. Treit.100 Bread, okra.. 22 Hi-e hagi...IS Petrolm.iall« 5»»0 Ham«, th....19 awi bia. 25 Baeoo. Ib....

li.I Hti-Sh.'a.r» 1 Kopi-, pkif...390 Pt K.»li,lihli 5 P'nntV. ,tg»

S i"11 Catfkb.ttkn 9 Butter, lb...1 I m .n feet. 6.000 I

1.54i j:


_«11FS_T1»'.i.¡i!i'»'« onlr HrniUd. and auntati om ire »oniiDallj... r. ii ;¦-1 »Ve .(unte Pot al I _¦ and Pearl a« 9c.

Bl lLOlSd MAl'fcKIALS.Br.claar« in ama.liupplr »nd price« abo«a farther iinpronement. »re «inole Pair. O' M. «Ou»t, a» tri 75a$.t;Jerter at #., 50, t'p tiver.M'«H7 Hi»er»lr«i» Bar at -7*$8 60,Crot««n Prout» Brosru. sf!2: Li.ri. f 13. and Re«l at $14; Pbilade|( toa.

«.-.-,/ *'»¦- tad Ha «t «..uJifSH. Cem«nt ii «|tii«t al former

fliTut«.. K«»»iiUal» a» $ 1 I6S01 ii,, ami P.«n.»nd at »I ¿5dtA 60.lime t« il«aur and >n moderate demand Kocklaad at ti .ii 60, audMate al 9<»c._f 1 99. Ball lo I an« nominal at 14S28c. f««r ( «ul

159.Se. to* laii.e. Lath« are .,ui»' and raiar» ar« aucbangtd at

-i i'« f'tl Olber'leariiption» »re witbont ehai.gc.. BOOTS ASH MIOKS. I"lia trade baa been bcaltbj In erer» re«T>»ctthe plana ef manufacturer».hare werk os.» according to ordat» m-ceired_,.r,,re» tooA and hiallhr. The Winter trade btda fa.r to be a gxnd oi.e

hiibber »oofl» HI t <«» »on.« «ttention Rubber Coal« mar he

c. ti.i ier'sl furl» «cure. TLe l.x-al and neir I.» tra.le bal b«en lair.A-ir .un rooms continue I«« .1.. a lair l.ruiiie,«. Kiport Irate Conlinnc»

coo.1 in common and beirr irtdei ttjectttf: tlrae are Mm belter.

1'r es remain Inn (or all k._d». Fine Kuri, ire » ihadr b.gber.BHOOM COHN AAR BltOOMb.There i» ratler more-.oiiuirr fr«.m

OMmSOtmaWmr». anl' ^r».l*» are Ärmer, nae .jnole Bruah. Ntiuri

«reen I hulee B%V9_» llur:. Oreen, 9 _-lü'a«. ¡ Oreen Me«lium,7 »vii»«.: Ke.i an: llwl titled al f>.irte.hKKsA'AX-Trade remains rery dull at »"»oot form«r ttntti; West-

em and Mooihern MM id lou at 90091-l«i M» Ile.» 1' .-..'».. t,-r»« «-f tbligrai»; mneh of it I» of

Infer.or quain;, i»«iul 500 I .it. Pnui» Pencirlrasi» it 9'.'c. y

l oKPKR.TI« market for ti... t« tOtf 'lniet Int Mrong tbere being». »tock in Cr«i I. .li» nnl «h rhe,t» bniineu; «r«- quote ordinär» fa^

a .ei «I 16 »««l-l 6Vt .t'«lr **. ISalMV O.wU do., 19 >» -t I 'JV« It H '.''»'««'-'O'-aC.. »old 60or9«).:»>» At llaltitamre we

lear» oí 950 ban »oil. per l»m< .«lern. It l#%_, «nd 4 0T5 I.agi. perum«, ot. t. rtiii not tr«oip'P-d. In Mild gra-t's there wa» a fair l.tmueai¦ t fal Baan»; »a ..< of 455 big» Marara!bo per A'la». al 19c : we

o«..i»Ja»a. V4_2Sf., Ringat-or*. 20 «/Vie; C«»lon. 17rf lOVi-c M»r-a.aitio 17« 11»Ljc: Lagtiarra. Il»«îl1>«- Jamaica. l«aii«e, Saato, 10910%.: I'oft.k.o, 17«.- 1'.««- «o'»» lti«a L7«*_9->S-|Menrsn, lHijíl'.»1*-; Angnatora, 17ti 19a, Satin ila, l'.al'Jc,anl« '.racoa, 17 .«f 18>-jC« iL.ju'r» fur i»m>» Cotton li onlr 1 raited ind n»«!ir tb'

n- ! .»'»rabie newa from hu er» hire the . Irania»» and Ibe wir¬

iri wai V te r. lowe, on «II g.-ad«-« «xcept Onl.narr. ah.« h ii «lead;,we reelle ,u ttti..M. Til toie «f th« panet ii the rio«*'« quiet.Bec.ipti at ile «hipping porta to-di», 17.326» hilri; th » dir Innw»rk, 2'»»'.l>s lial-^n m» «1n«r laut rear, 15 7-0 bilei; tut.l «ince

».it. 1. 657.341 ha»e« to ,..i nigl.i; »«nie time lal rear, 430,993bain. r.i'n'liLg ti« Car OMaWMaM (1 d»»ii r«-«.i'l« 52.571 hain«.

Iiport», Ure»! Dntaln. IK,993 »» e«; eipnrt«, CoitTt.ent, « 9n4 t.».eA

The areragei of «/eaterdu'« ' m. dilnerle«. .. oSciill» repoft»»J,were aa foll.«wi Non-mber. 1171«.; I»e eiaber. I4.»3c.i Jat.usrr,15.19«-] Vehruarr, 15.4-<c Mach, 15 nile.; April IKl-lix- «ndJoue. 16c I Ira» rall, _O0 hale«. Qiwblr, 14 lO-3'.'t. ; 200 oo.,Pelraarr. 15 13-32«- .'00 do.. June, 16 1732c. u»'»l. OOObile»,.wond call. 100 I^lea, Ma», al 16316c.

y.ii-ii'tii t*»-l ou »tanbrl ..I rla«».6cat1on li f »cce tm/k 1. IS, I,., nil Om ia » .nun i.» I* uiaul» U"t MM Wal ball a

graoeabur». » it ..w tb» trade q«..t«<l ...... », ¦

Ont.nar», 12'« Stnel «¡««»I 0-d.»»ij, 141« Mddll«» li7«0«.od()nl..l4 L.wMJ.U'a- (nuod Mi.i. la'«

«Ja«'l»-iu_» '»«e«l 01 Amen lu »l»n»rd of rl»««11lcit.un.

Ord»«»r».Ou.41 .r-iuxmLow ». tomI» kl.ui.ktam Mi.i. "niH : . I'a.tlair.

Éipori.I ..Uaülll. .. .«

I .u.U. A*»»'. 12'*. 13-H. 14'«. 14*.. ir»

.»¦>'?.litum » ¦« ,...».


Se«-«) »"«14




».i iraníL.H Hrenttg.

i.:;to ._,


Tel «a1-"«1414»»15r.'«ï»»îU*aT^t»L

1 AH)rill'i

2.182Toni.. 169Ii. lid l l8 ib.: at .»C »re 990 bale« » »TI»».

Pirfntnre de.irer» lUer« wt* a tn-n g t nous «I a «lecltn« of »«-

3.;«*. 4» f», ».le» a» fo,l«w» ill o., bali» 'I'»' MHi'lini»Min*. .e,l»rnl»r. after 2 u. ui. I Nuveialner .VU' I». »32.-. 1.000,

IA IMOa i Daaaakar. SOO, 1415-10» J «mur/5» »o. 15 .11». »«-t.-

nirr 5<x> 15*MI 500 IA 15.'.'J Manb lini IO 1 II

MSI. 15 2.1.12c Apr' 100 1«. 16- I» '*l * POP,¦*. C1"«».»¦te-i «»ct..i»»r.l4'-i i2«»i4 n IO» ittmomomill II IO» i"«-

!,er 14 20 12c J»naar., 1 , .', «J- 1-eb- »-» 15 7-104 15 1 IO»Manb, 15 26 59a,; Apul, 1« 1»32#10 1-lOc.j Maj-. lu 11 l.'a lb«V».Jaar lt»V-. ««rkel t.ielr tluif- Ksle* Uectti na to .__.,-OttJkm loom 1491«c, 100 14 9 Ifcl »NoTcmber. 2<J0. 14¦i .»¦.',. si») UV-., 7«k. IS 19*3t-i '¿'Utii 149-10«.: lxwe_.

her M«. 14V-1 41»». 14 til Ai. Uni 111311»-, &00.14V-;1 «mo. 14 l.tli».. 2«iu. 1 4 '..»¦ J-'«-., 4i»), 15V- J^u«n«. 2UO,li, inc. 900. 15 .»32«.; 700. 16 11«.- , 700. 1» 1 ric S'», ltV

1.700 15 J'-c.. y.bntrt 300. 15 7 »«J-, 700, ia 1.1 3.V1 loo V.\ ¿DO 16 li l-J«; 400.15V InTi» Iftll.i^a.;Mardi. AOO. 16Vi »I-til 1.. li .!-¦' hOO. l.'»V 200. 15 99 «-.'

7W, 1» li-1IK, LOW, li ii ¦» » *^| i»Vi ¿tStlAHg |jj

.11 33«.; COO, IB«., 500, 15 31 .I.*... 200, 15 15 I4r; ¿00. I.V.;Ma*. 300, kii_.. io«). 16 3 IrV Job«. 100. 1(1 9-lrV-, 600. 1417 ile ,900, l«V-i total. 24,100 bite«i trana* total 29 300 ".«I»«

vfr Chu. .«_.««.».« Ontwn K-»'.: «ale. of Iba wa»i, 11.497I.»'«« reel-ding 4 117 '» -pinner«. 1.133 M ipeealatoi-t. »ad 5,914 lon.. it«p|. (.r m receipt» »I tbit port fur lb« weat I i ¡), i bala».Kia»« lit rt.pL-n.b-r, 15« .S3 Ltira. -g.n-lt 133,937 lilt Ttlr.h'" ck« la ta« lulo-rior towoi. Ort. 23;

If*».. 1!S7_. ,' 1N»4. I-.7SA-'-n.-a It Hita- M"Bt_ "-a»rr Alt.. 4 347 M41borir.fli.10,974 i.Hn',1 Metapbi», f»B_...23..,t."_o.4lP.)

< ¦¦ .nub..« o«. 3.52H 4 773 Tea»... 6.415 2.709Mieon.Oa. 4.240 7.155-««lan, Alt.. 4.255 4.304,343 49,013

matultnlpontkm. Is? I. I-.71. |N7_.BtH-kla lilrrrrtajl. 421,000 .'».'5.000 485.240Aaoit from latlii for l,'»ere»H,l K'H ooO 117.000 ..Dix»')Afl.i» from Amer.ea for Lirerpool. S'.OOO 37 000 67,000»'¦¦ri io «r-lon . 114620 205*450 233.610A'o«t (r»m ladia for tioodaa. lil 000 22.000 "H1.000Mock la Uitre. 153.220 102.520 251.4(H)A1.ii l..r II.» -. 24.214 25,320 27.024f»io«k la ttmim. 37.754 32 797 8s.333A doit f.r Bremen. 19.7 4 703.

Stfk iu th« 330.024 222 159 257.W3Stock! ia the interior towal. 60.3(13 49,013 3l-t'.«l

Totti.1,590,054 1,345,«J4'_ 1,545,311Riecti in »iiihl« «apple, comparedwublel73..'. 244 392.Deereaee compared with 1472. . 44,713hi... of '..ttou beld !,, *_ »neh, «ter

.pinner, at «lie milli. l-¡. DOO 140.000 1151100Prl.ofMiJ. Orieao« la I.lrerpool 0*_tt 9 5-KM. 105-KM.Prlceof _id. Orletat ib Xew-Vork li*.-. !.;.-. .".«¦P-h»» ofgold. ll«i»» 10M". 113'«Stw-Vo««, Oct. 21..Ia oar tatt report tb« market r'o.-d weak;

Middling», 15V. L'Terpoo1 w». ,'u:.-t !'¦ I.i'lt. fl Orlctai, S VI.Hitur.lif tiler-wit « li.hl detain'! it oiir-lnnge.l pr.'-ei; «tie« 1,121bal««, Llrarpoool waa nnrhtnge.1; ultu, 1)1.000 bile«. Monda* th«market «it qalrt and wetk ula», 1.522 btlei; Lirerpool wat .»let;.ile*. 12.000 inlet; lim I« li Orletoi, MVI- Tarada-, tb«triBia-tii.n« wer« fair tt aBeninrael p-i.-et; lal««. 2.103 bale«; waa Bcehioired' nie«, loooO tule«. Wedneeda,, the tone of themarket «« dall »I V. decline; «tie,. 1.1 »7 bal«»; KW. iltur, 15c.;I,lTerp«ol wii dull witt, ISéMO bil«» I'pltndi, 77na»d.; Orleint,-»VI. Thnrtdir. (hero wti a good demind ; qaotitioni redor»». '_».tale», UN bal«»; Middling«. 1 IV Lirerpool wit qaiet and on-

riuoged talea. 14.DOO hale«. Te.ter.ti, the demand wu lirbt atanrhan-fed»; tile». 1,244 bala«. Liverpool waa dall; «alo«, IZ.IMN)bale»; Ipltndi, f*.M_.) Orleant. H\\. The t-ee-eipu .hit week "hireboen 125 r>05 btlei. igainit 101,474 bal«« enrretpondia« » .¦ k li.tjeir. tuJ the foreign «tp.,rti, 44,377 b«l«t, «g.iu.t 27.384 -»alea laH73. The {..ula, m far (hit jaar, eaa be Mea iu «be tabina girenabor«.

»l»ll»T «BtP*JKtT«.[Ilr ipttelil telegram! from Pn,lajr, Moir fe Co.l

-mt»-, ..f*.n-.Ot. II..i nu. Cauti".oL Ot. Brit. I'oatiaaat.

Bipori«. Ort. 17 to OoL23. inolaiir«. 2.00-0 4,7-»3 2 129

Preriouil* reported.795.458 ..74.410 472 744 »05,947

T.'tal.795,458 37S,4_0 477,531 _»>*».O90KieeatVoOreat Britain.11«. 127Kieeta to Continent. .170.5*1-

Re.eiptt ti bombar for lame week. 3 000 btlet, igiln.t 7.000 «tra«tim« lu« raw. «lock afloat io Bombi/ harbor, 5,000 bale«, attaint!4,000 tau« t,._e Ittt r««r.

iinTKiHi-Tio.i or B«c«iF-rs.Stoek.ll.t Pr««eot Bilince to

An_uat. Rec'd Sin-«. Total. Kiported. Mock. Spinaera.1-173 ..l«)«.15*l 845,712 47--.570 "JMIsl 2_-_.459 151 7301874...118.42. 491.720 405.148 152.744 33o,024 122.379Prom laiTarpool featrrdt« we bit« the t.ill.iwinr report; Site«, o' tb»

week ti.i.iNX) bale» of which 4DOO bal«« were to e_j>,»rtert and 5,000to isolator.', letrina- 65,000 hate» to lb« trade. Tb« total «toek it421,000 bale«, ofwhlch 147,<M)0 b»la. «rr Amerlean. Thit thowi ap'eer-i«« ol 24.IXH) hilrt in the total ttoek, «a'l t d-t*r*tie "f H.f. X) Inth« »toek ofAmcnetn. The mtrk«t opened qoiet. Malo«. 12 INK).I'l'ltmli, 7 Vr »l., OrletBi, HI.; doted .tall tod unchanged. Importi oftti« week, 38.OO0 btlv». ineluilin« 17,000 balta America«. Actual ex¬port t, 7,000 Tbe eleinnee« hue b«en .. followi: Lirerpool.»-,¦¦« Balde, 1.29« title«; Denmark, 2.7 "t btlet ('«Monia.3.194 hale«; .art, 291 bale«. «'ttr of Pirti. 744 bala«; Mint *-oti,2 M19 btlet ; Bothnia. 251 bite«; total, 11,391 bale«. Hamburg.Sieiroe,« Herder. 1,050 btlet: lloltttii, 404 btlet. Bremen ..»te.m-riWeieT, SObalet; Kb-tn. 500 bile«. Havre.rMeimer-J. Linrent l63bale*. Linhoo.Shi. Miriioni 3), 10 balet; grai.-l total, 13,557 balesCOAL.Tie market ..¡et; dealer» eompliln of dnli time«, ret there

i« « m LT-T.- .¡.-mai. f.»r Atore and Che,'nnt; »iica art neg¬lected tue t ¡voir« o' 1'ie. »f*> ton will take pi*.-« la Iforeinbe.-. Ioit» Cul «err Unie pailla«-; Poreifn of ill kiadl It tower nnderthe dermod. The receipt» l»«t mi were: Br rtll.130.184;If cuni, 22,527; total, 152,711 ton«, ¦.¦.» 117,054 the 'îorre-

iponilinf week lut *e»r, to lncrette of 35,445 ton». Tb««ubi'l.t* .tent Irom «Il retient for th« week wu 490,932ton« Anthrtctt«, tnd 7dj|34 Bltnralnaoj; total fir the

unit 5 HITS'""ek 547.444 tom. tirainit 5|o500 ton« for the eorreipoadiug weekHal ) tar. an increaM of 240,945 tom. Tb« wholo «apply «eui fromall the reftiont to far th:« ie«i It 17.553,524 toni, igtlnut _8,74M.'..'»9ton« t.> «ara,- period la.t rear; deore-»e to far thl» j«ir, 1.214,735tom; the deer.«e in .«.athrtfite it 1,254.743 toni; d«er«aie m tb«e.inumntion laaboot 40 p*r ,*'.t. We ,i iot_ : Anthracite, per «arru.ti 90**4 70, 15« «dranee: Kagliah «'anne!. Ince Hill, ft T4H1*«h()»t do.. I14-ÍÍ15; «eoteh do., $9 5()*p.1(); »rwruOm Um¦I-. f »</»'.i 50, Proriueiali are lowor at $5 7.;.. 'i 50; AiaencanL'tnnel, Í12ó"íl4; Am. rieau, W. V., (in. 97 40ct$7 45; Peartfl-Ttnia and Wenttnoreland, $7 :.o .'f7 45; umberland Mleiit. f'i 50di$7; Jimet Rirer8teain, |4 _.._*«>i! 50: do. CwboBile, t.i.T»; ¡.*. ANI'I.KS- I'he market it verr i|nlet bnt »ritbont <_u<»t_tble> rhinf« In

Îrtcet; we iiaote Adinitntine it ltHUV. for 12 ot, 15«î_)14c. for1 .i 1» t'.r IO"» i-iperin. 28c.; Patent, 38c, tn,l Ptraflae, 4t,

ti«, ind 12«, at 24'__*27e.Hill Oil AND l>Yf3~op¡nm It ,nl<-t. bntitctdilr held at $7 25,

ffolj, in bond Qaicine it In heifer druitB.1 at $2 50 ; bothrum mu. uf« -tarer» and «.cn J hind. Cream Tartar »i.-a.l»- but »errquiet it 37»jr. Kutxr of L«»l.Brown 1» ta bible and itetdf tt 12VMb.te wetter; uki it l'isj-l ii'3_.-. Oiucer, Jtiuuca BhtMMquoted 23 V^'-lr. earrear-r; and I'Dtiletched al i He, (old. KaatntialOil« are about «teadr, «iib a trade Binden« n'« Lemon «.'IdIn lou tl*3 37«.-, «.U 09.M 751 faina $1 IO aadIhoiien'*, 44 75. all told. Kn-/li«h 1'hemie.ilt tra dall it firmerS, ,,. , Soua A«, «old at $2 2j tot orlinirr. 5tl 8odl, $1 70;« iu«t:e ».ula. Í5 al! «..Id. Other dero-riptlooi »re qaiet,«. ..m «r in ... -r.i' 3 banna, amtll

euic. powdt"lri. 'Itfb

Li.., doo».I»m. . _*$.*) 00>« Sola._oi_. 4 «5 d> 4 90

Criu. lir.. PL.It), /oid.... 37'_* .

Uum Arbic. pick 21 t 5--:'»um Art. »oin.n. It t» 14 \ 17li. . i-..«it«. 70 d» -

35 » 38?*

VI tt a «3 37 « roía.. 1 70 0) .

.»eiieli Koot. |»ffl. 79 » 80

Senat. I- m... 8 -j<f 12Hi..titi» IBtoi.). | l8*.* 2 37._ I.» 1.1»m, iroij. 12L,_) v.t\

Vitriol Mm 9tb. .'.nun., o 'J1«.* 10

DYKWOOl'S-The rairket it »erjr q.iet; the thtene«- of ttaortmer.tehec.l buiineli. and priée are n»mimi.r unctiant-,1. We qnote:

uorwth*t. -tinto I'.' inro.$22 50* 23 I») rut t.

L-l. »..-»I. Jtint'i. _'t il"_> . roi.!.fu.ue. Karanilla. 20 1»)/» ._.*_' O') _¦.,'_.Pmtk\ itmnkw. 22 oo* . .tah.Fa-.i. llarirutto. 20 00« 22 00 »old.Fiutie, S,u:.i Uomiufo. 22 00d" 23 00 gull.I'tuiweod.175 O»)«* . «oil1. _«W..el. .»«I. . .1» »Il OU e .»¦,

SiptnW.M-d . . SO 00» . «ol'«.PI.t)t'K AMI) MK.L.The Klonr nuriet opened qnlet heir», the

liberal arriTiIt and low limits to ahipper» rbeek b.ine»a: P«n. , gradeiare pienlr «o<l dall; »o. 'i mai Sntmrtot loot« iiltntf «od qnl«(; it th«el,ne lb« mutet I» euler (or a I «'«.I»«, moro eipeeLillf for Winterl\ heil -irtndi, lale« of 8,000 I'M«. We quote:

Ohio. At.Trr-« bdilkS 25 *5 ti. a

Ohio. lad. mt-letitia. 6 75« A M

Doable Mnr»ao.M I) 65* 7 IN)".Lie**.tm_ri«i»*.t 5 "Hi» C 3d»l.L.'UJi UoutH« Ki 4 45* 4 75(M. Loan Inpit ki 7 0041 M 35..¦-.-1.1-r, .. 5 25* 7 «JOuinteapoli« eoin-mon ia» choir« Ki 5 203 4 20

Mn.ieii.olii PanerBaker»'. 7 00* 7 50

Minneaooii» "newprooeai". 5 .'io.i IO 60

»our uerbbl.*.' tOtPti 00tto.1. 3 40* 4 00luoarBae.4 25* 4 4 45* b 10-tau PeBc» ao.i.. I VIM b 75*«**,-Bl»nir/,ni «ti 4 »0* 6 10«.i ".-..u attru,co*i,ibob to lancr 6 25* 7 40

Minneaote, " aew

.rotei»-. 5 30*10 50»oo; to choira -, .

Wheal (Utraa... 6 30* 6 75littra «iahar Ind..Ohioin.i Mi<_.. 5 40 » 6 70

Ob,o,(nd.VIll.»up. 4 ..'¦ 4 50Obi« naoa.Kltra iHh'l.tXBfl 1 70* 5 10S.-uthi o. Flour it '. tnd the low ind ra-d un, trrnlei ire »»ik-r.

At tbe ciiiae the uirk«t it ter» dull tnd .«arr, a,.., of 400 Li.I« Wtou.,le:.v.o.-«*.f3 50» »4 00a».L Al«t..lB-'l»u*||eloWB. Mil-'.. O-'.-'l *» ...... 4 .'f I"lu. l'-i «i.|it.ii(»i.i«u hinm ramil«-.... 4 '.M)* H 00I'. ¦.". Ki-ra. 6 70o» 7 85beiaware._,. 4 90* 7 20Btluu.or« it.w.rd-it. 6 1"'» C ,')M. .i, !. 5 75« 7 25(>e..rtia aul Tennetaee. common to choice. 5 1'"* 4 20i... p. » au,! i". (inetaee. I-tiwiv Ettri«. 4 25* 4 75Ure Klon, .t quiet ind titee ules of 400 bbl«. We qnote«ve Kioto-. rVuiavr» »Tin« mil Snpertlne.94 3o<r#*» 10ht« Ki-".: Ma'-e. ¦'"'. 5 IOKre Ploar. Pelnirlrani»,. 4 7."» 6 '20

Corn Heal 'i hctry wub » (air .;-...«i.., ..,-.. of 850 bblt. Wrquote:Van lien- Jener.»4 3D Til 75 I Corn Meil.Braníe $5 On...-, 05Cata »leal. W tatara 4 5.)« 4 -50 Coru -«ai.liold _Ur.4 »0* 4 85Cn -ra), w n. A 4 '.'5* 4 75 '.

1' ;.-. a li.-Jtt P. ur ii dull at..! Urne «tlet of Stite it f3 25t¿{3 40.iel PeaairirtBit ti $3 SO¿13 75 »» 10«) ti).PISH.Or« Cod are fi.rlv tetiie at about formar flirnre... .«"«« of

1.500 qtl». *f4 25 for üco"k«'i Bank, aad f4 for Pickled do. Miekereiar« iu,-.lerit«ir luught ifter it uncbin.eil ratet; tai« al No. 1 Maauchutetu Si.or, »l *13 ti l. and Mo. 2 la. al *lo.-.tlo 50. n.ili. r.-'a* are Mare« ir.d Seilet w11 »! 45c. Daua Herring are

.14 «t «'.d .>_.:. it+ 1 ('."¿ti 10. We .note;Or» ««-.. «*c»t.«4 00» 00 50Pirkled .»cal» «e bbl. 6 60*.

Pirai«d Cod. 9 4 50Mackerel. .No. 1 Ma«» Miiure, new. 14 DO« lti IX»

Ma.aere!. No. 2 Maa« .-»hole, new. lo ..)_. 11 .)Mai* karri, No. 3. Mau large new. 9 00* IOHO*.,../. No. 1.Bay. li O'»* 12 00

Ba.mon. Pickled. »10.1. 21 00* 23 00flaimoa Pickled, Y".. '*5 00* 3u 00

Urrnn«. Sctled. |r bul. 40* 45HerriLi,Jf* 1. 25» 30Hernct. * lil-. 5 00* 7 I'Ollrmiir Dutch, »tw.4* let. 105* 1 IO

FlihlOHT**.'lue marirt for b«rth i'r..»-l.t. 1« »t«adf, with ... 1, a

moderate in luir«, c.iañntd cbielly to toe Qraia trad« lb« eng,tamptum: T« Í...D.I..-. l.j et.-»*-, .'I'.'.OOO Lutb. («rain »1 «'«.,'7 toti'.i-t,.*-. » IHM) baih do it 74.1 500 bbl» Apple«, at 4«.; to liit.riitar,50 eitel Toincro. on p. L; to Lireri'ooi. br tal. 8.000 both. Orita, al

6'»iJ.; 2,000 Liles Cotton, it '«a'J-321. The chirtering noreaeut lifair!» actiri-, w in rttei naehiog-d. It rmbneet: A (leriaaabajk. w.ih2,600». He.Led 0.1 to a (titeel port ia I'uiled King.loi. al3«. 10 _i-; 11. A.lain Lark, »ih 3.000 bbli. do, lo Trieata .t 4at»o taamtt, wilh Cotton from Norfolk to Lirerpool, it «_1 II 321 a

Norwegian birk, 2 '.'>0 ui*. Oran.. L.M 'or orler«. at I, '»I

a ».».»I with i'cbieeo from Baltiuora to Leghorn and «Maa*, »iibMtrl'le on. li rmi w.thbeld.P»jKKI«-N Pitl'ITS.lhere i«i ftlr demjii.1 for Raitinl tt full _(-

nret Currant! ire » ibide eui, r. trith 1 lattM lemind. Pr».*« «la

in moderate leqoeil «t tb-'U! forme>r (gore« Dite« «re « .»li.ut chance.

Pig» .|u t at BBchangetl rite«. Almond« au.1 .Null are «al», iu,l «.iL.ut

aoticeab;« ebaug». We 'iuot« ni follcw»LijtrBauiui, at*.t» 00 \>i*n.. . -,

Um Hil«int. bilí Une!. 1 [I Pig«, ilium». . lu SiP.g«. I,"le». InlfTtrrtto; a Alun.ud«. 2 1 »4Langn«:.«*. 21SiIt:.a. ffl»)Bran!. »Pilherta, rTleilf. 12K'tt-r'« » n«. 1 1 Ig

Laver Kaiiin».'jBtrtrrdo. r»5I... .' 'I "-.'. ¦. .'¦ <'<*'

Se-tlleei inrtall. b 40V.lenrli». J(ojliatt.ImmmlProut.. Tarklih..10»I.IPranea. Preoch.i:i-_14PLAX.The isqulr» 11 bgkt, bal the marte! it «u-a-lr, ule» of Cana at 15/flMc, North Kleer at 15'rl7e. and Wettern U14%-14c. KptLuUig Tow it «teadr it bil 10c. Ohio Orte» low,'J'«if.'V »'1! Statte. 2d2'«c. Y tb. ca»h.».KAIN.T-e »beat mir kel ..pen. I w:!bu'eiof No. 2 C1 tcif. Spring,

in .i'i. »1 »I raab to-Uf. Wintet Wheal it no1 pre***«! t'.r »al».tbongh «ju »t. Kurt V» hit« well beld. Tbe mirkel cLkki l"«er tnd un-

.ettie.!; iii«'l«maad thiel)* fur «iport, tbor«_b fur for miling. '1 he de-el ue 1« eoollnet I». String, Winter it we »mtiiaej, »ait li furl, arl.»».

TmuIw at« is 500 both, at ti./ti ni for I'ngraoVd loaaandMian'»"!«; f I'-rtl "'-' tot Ha, 2 Chieafu «vriag; tb« (»aid« prie«in «.r« '.Mi. lo da»; 41 (or No. 3 ( Licwo Hpobg; f 1 05 .41 _»!'_for So. 2 Milwaoket, te-rtiled; II 15 i H _9-_ l"f Ked We. em. tb«in.i.le price for >,1J la for»; #1 'J 1 1 ti 22 lor Amber Wettet-:,; K1 3«)"rttl 32 lut White ladiio». eb-ir. II 34 'tti 30 for White Mlrbigt«,fl 22 fur Amber MirhigiB to irrite; it»rra_.d la the itlea are 14,000l.utk No. 2 «, al 11. ia atora, et.t..»; bulb Mna.1Noa 2 «Bl 3« _«.**. »1*1 Ol'? ti 01 >_. afloat, 3_.(NKI btuh. No. 2«,0 «leal, al fl O-'-ltl K3, »mm huab. No. 3 Milwatitre at

fl ,.,.,t iiiioii bath, old Ha») Wetters, in »tore it 41 Kp/'rl 14.24 «)O0 nulli. n»w Ked Weatern. atoat «' ti I-».1 _¦ 1 li»'.. » Doo

bon.. A'iiier Ib.liii »ii ti al, 90I1O0 boah. Amber Mi««ig»B. io ir¬

rite in 12 .tai», at fl -"-'. 1.500 both. flMI Amber (Wt-itih). ti

g1 25; a«« B 000 bath, old Ha. 1 Onega, in «tore «1 #1 13.ßarler it «lniel and taae tala« ot tjttt Two-row«! Male it

41 IO liarU-t Mall ia Heil, ; common ,|uiet g...»l «ra «ale»of 4.000 b. th. prime Caaiiiao. 01 40 r».:i. Oat» open-ai »e»k«r

bat uadai e more a» litre drtaaud, ia part to 111 roalrici«. the mir-

let .!...*. ilr,»og. the tale« ar» KIO iii") bulb. N»w Ohio Mited 11r.t»<_ .ST *» -., Wall« 11 54«5S»_e., Ib« in«io« pnce »n track Wn-(-in Mii'd al 57 "-j'I''**'.-i White al 5*!c40»-. KUI« kitte«! it54*j'i57'-jc «i.l White at 57 »..'.>*-_.. K». ii duil .. ,.,we,

tbe Mien are 6.500 lioab. Staltet V4e for iu-Hiu«. aa.1 ¦* 0(KI *t_a-Can^lau iu bond on purale term», Can itn.nger »ni (jnite Writ»til« demand naît» tWoaral; the «ale« are ll'.O.IM»)) b»ab. H'mpWii Muedat h7/li«7i*r- allua!, »ltd m7. tn>:..rr. Heal.-a IA bil« al "Ma '.» nora aad iei>. tot New »li-I a .t Hie for N'« andOld do. Mitad; «ad r»7-*K« '" arnr» ..,«.

(iCN« I loiii ii ewer »it 1 .iu et ; w» hire onie to antea »ale of 200 ruinai I.V. Uo...-., ,,., i*_ al 13--.; Natir« al«.« .1» I'll. I-"---OlOaUO. Tb» lappl» li ILght and .»eaitnd, tilei of Vlrginti t

01 07 »- a». ra_a,HliiKA.P.,r fouth Amerietr He*er»elle«« th« m«r*t*t ti qui«« w' h

the'.»tileiier in biiTeKl f«»or hut to..I oinin.>r gr'.'et Iveinj «.-«r ,1

remití linn 1 h« baila««« fur la« wera It r ,'ew*.| .« f.llow». II.»» «

SUÉHIPJ "-"¦ ¦ Alf«- ¦" Ü-Ü-k *%n*j9» 9m\w*9a9tt

Flor». 2 727 from V«re frai per C«b«. 16.1 from Laguarre, »er Alla«4,34.1 from Carthaiea«. kc. p«rK«u». 100 fr«,m S,nU Martha, auCreole. 2,!)«I9 fro« S«n Pr«ne.«ro per MMi 1.31 I from Imluool«.per Traman 9.204 from (lalrMton. per ( Ifde. OHO from «f«w «»rl«»»a..«r New Orlcana; 7'iO from New OrlMna, oat M.i .. 140 frontHirianab. p«r San Salvador: 2S0 fr.m Saraanab, i«,- .«».ja-.n 475Ittm K«rn««dme. par Mediator 1.303 ft»«« aAkat onaaimtie portai09,169 b'lea «nil 12 bil«« ».'Ufa Cow. lad 73 '«a. »CiU-atta Béfalo, net Tllim«» 2'») bale« « alenda riefal« p*r « »na.»«»Sal«», 4.263 L'r, Bien... Arre*, filt'iti ft part 26-V-. g -ki titdaft, a«, .eiswtionj J 19} Ore Se'nao*. he., 29420 ft pne»laUna»: 4.780 Dr, h >n»>»lde.i ii D. 26V- I"1,1 "'» 4«ti, «a »«-

l«ctl*a. « -,->.» r, Hirer Pa'« from Karope, 22 1» t>n»at* »«ran»; ii'..»Orr Corriente», ii tb ttrmt Ultil Dry 9. A Maota» !».a: ,-, - .t-, K ,.» ¡ th. .-, arl .".«-. -old 60 d«r» a*. «» .»- «..» .

6.715 l> » Bio Oriwle n»rt to «rrlro 20 B>. part 2V ««Id 041 «an.on .nv-.. 0 100 Orr l'«hf*r«ia la «rrlr* 20*24 0). pr»»»ialena». I.«,«-«) I)r» n^g-te. 20422 ft. or »ale -ena» 7 4«>5 Orr <.»..»r., »ui-i'c»! 2«i.|.'l m 21 4 22V. '"'d "" ''.."" «"'a "''li"»Hiuanvi, HtM lb 22%», gold, 60 4»»«. «wleeted; 1 100 Orr »«4S. 1 M»ds|cl». ar 17 ft. print« terina 1 » (j l«r» Ten» 22 lb.anriMtemi; 1.100 lire Wontarn »nd Koaiker* li ir ii 0» t.n»«-

anu« 1500 Orr r«iaa aad Mette«» Rip«, loo»11 It nnrnt»'.»-»,570 W S. ,-siaal 40 V Printe tait»« 8.Í5 W ». Tliai, 00 I). |.r..t«leran. 1.245 Countrr Slmgkler. 404SO ». »iiiiM lena«, 2 WOOCur Slingater 70 lb '«-i >-jr euttttej, wleeun»;59.770 Hi«»«« and 150 -ale« «'«leal!« Bátalo, in,»»» UralW» quota «i tollón». Orr MU«*.Bin»».* Arra«. 21424 15, 25 .-gol». «-reie.t Baeao» Arreo. 25.2U lil gd1-»*, toe) W.rrto-I Mente-« den». 20.23 m 25 »a- if«>ld M.«rt-»l Carr»*»««. ¿Iii 1 IX 24 '-.#25'. gol-I «e'eete.!. Ria I, rand- 20921« I» 2.V. foil *. ~-t»l

!.. m..-. -»722 ft. 25c, gold h«ci« a. terni» 2»)««2», O84c. r*la..«iM**>li Cei tra. »mer »in M42I ft 99*4* |«td. ««lee««»»«n lean ¿¿.iii IB, 2Je., gol» nleci*.|. MaWunoro» ans] -ia» 23-25 ft .¿.¿.mc. «ol.i «> Vers Cou. 18*11« DI. 21c gal» Oflected, Ttmpieo. 22'/2l ft 2o421c gold, «elected «anitieaekr «aaI.,»,. n»r» aad Piellaai, 17*22 18 21e .-..ii .. th*r ra« Steal.1,421 ft Ixe., «..n m m-» raa. Bocol». 1*<»20 I», ¿ t» the? run, Miraetibo. '20*23 ft 1 Ho 20e. geld, «i I**« rea |Babia. 170-O ft. 17» 1 »Je. fold, a« Ibe» ran, Po»t> («bella an» Lcgaa»-ra, 19422 ft iitf'iir. gool, u ta«» raa. «'urania and Rio Hack«(Orr aad PlckMt. 17921 ft Ue gola, m «bar ran Port a« PfiMa.lSul» ft IS«., gold, ai »».» ru», Tranllo 16<»17 ». 22« «e.e.te.1 -.unbar. 10.12 ft 1:»«- »-.Id eeleeted. « ..rp«.«I'dnan. 2'-</25 IB 23e earrencr. «eleetwi |n«ii«a«ia 1*4Sin Antonio 21*24 B» 22V eairener «e trien <i«>»e.ion. 2«Ju ft, 211-ji22c rurr-DC« «elerie»!. V.-atem 2«r»26 A 20».e»ur*i«r ielect*d; 0o«tl)*r* 12*18 ft. 10« l8«., enrreaer «a taa*ru». Orr t'pper Leather llt«1e«.Bueno, Arno »nd kio Gran"* Kim 19'«13 ft, 25c. «oio «elected Sierra Leone. HdMO IB 2r»V earrene»;, »elected. Uambi« and Hinan nail IB. 22926e.. curren«»,teleetoi ; Mini«. 16418 ft. 90421» fold m -ter raa»Mexican. I.e. Kl-i, 10*13 lb 'ike., earrencr. «eh-ctad.Pre »»lied lillie».I hill. 28 4 30 ft. l8«., gold, u therre». Mara»-barn.'¿«1330 I ft. 16e. gold, aa ihej ran. Perremhaeo. 2**300). I'V- gold «« ther run. Bahía 28*29 B 16e.. gold Mthe, -in Parta» 254 «O ft. 18*1»»«., g0la. a» the« .a Man¬cillen. 30433 ft, 10ft, gold, a» r«m Saraallia. 254 28 IB. 10«.,gold, a» the» raa: elaUm..r.«. 28*3? lb ,n», «arrearr, mthe» ruo I »««»aera «nd «Venter.. 28*34 ft 144111« -urre,*«I« «hut TO. »Vet Sailed Hide«-Boen«* Air», Ti.iMi ti .'V*gol«), «elected: Rio Oread«, 44 44S ft. 13c gold »elected («lito»,Bil 45460ft. 11411V. tollt «lentnsd. Pan, 35*40 tb Ila.g .it seie.-te.i Mn'mwriin. 46*55 A 12412 V- ranaarr. «ataeted;lera«, railed. 46470 IB. 13414c. earrencr »elected Ten» kirri.169998), 134l4e.. earrener »elected, T« ia«, pacten 55*nj I»,12».j»13V.. rorreoer. «elected; Teta» knit», SO470 ft Ile-,earrencr, «eleei«d, We»-Orle«ui. 44*7« B. 1'J«.,,»elected: C< aiiirr and W eater*. 50-/75 ft. HV earrencr.«elected; Sonitiern. 204\->«t ft), «».r.. earreacr »elee ted,Cfty 8l«»gktar, <>t 00475 B, IIVi., earrencr. «elecreid. Ot»».aurhteT. Cow. 45*00 A, 9V carrear, arlnct»d. Baal lilla II -e«.«'»1-att» Slaaghter, Cow. 9*10 ft. lijV. ««-»«I «o. da , 12#15 ft. 15e.. gold. Calen»« I>-a1 «ireea, 9*124 ft Ile», »old-< »leutta Bulf«'o. 18*22 ft. 12 .« 1 1c, »o' I. Singtisin« _«#»!«.25*90 ft. lue. gold: Manila Ballal.. 25*28 B '>. goldIIAHDWAUR.In thtiBaikrt there U eompialni a« to the «millaua

of order». Jobbing and retail beoaei are earning light »toe«« whick i»c«.ramei..l»l,|e. There ii qn te a large namher of,I««»ing orien oil» lor i gemral auortmrnt Smill «ile» »r» pi«at fal.«id will »ggn-gtte * fair amoaul. Trida la Poreign li more imprurnd.Price» rema a «hoot «te»dr, though th« tone of tbe mark«! I« itMu«r.Nilli «r* quite »ctir«; Uki.. $H 25493 »15 net. P W Ann» 12 .>H'-tr got-i. In Uronwtiool« (bera li I fur baMne-i d.lig »I »tenjfon«e».HOI'S.The market remain» iteatf, with a good InQolr; trott hrewett,

and ther« . mm a fair eipor» demand. W e .ii,.»

(ta. «>. ft. Ha |» ft.American Oop 187 t.. l«»4l¿ , Oída. «11 growth, ... -'American Crop 1873 .15*2i Foreign 1873 .. -s f 21AmericuCrnp 1872.12-15 California 1874.Mil.

HAT ANO STHAKV.The arrtrala eontlaoe Meerai an.I ti-«iil4li weak, with onl» a limited inquire; we liante «h: » ng at ink. gu-t»ii i.'U at ho« 'l-l I'lorer at 6 l.tVo... and Salt al >' «»»»Or Straw»amore plenty, eeiier. Long Rang quoted »I 90a., »h«»rt lo,4O40OI., cid 0«t «t 50c, caih.HKMI'-Masila ii »low of m1«, alth «..-. r -...-¦ Jaie Bill»

remain dall; »»le» <f I.'"»» bale» ii 24* unaINI'Hi' >--Tli. re li « (air liatrtbating hqetaea« al former rite«, ah-al

14 .'».ne. Manila ware »old I» lou at 7O4S0<-., aad Maura» at _u#_5c enrreicr.LKATHKR.Ilemloek.Krporti. 16(100 «ide». The bn» ne« fro«

manulaclurar» h«< he«o oalr oa a »mall »e«,» al ah..o I former I«« re«;the Maieltf of «alubia »Unck cheek» th« inquire fr m j..'bei» «la» mIn libérai aapplr au«l quiet, ignt weight« aag»*«'.«d. Wr ,ioi«,ia ««ne.,

HIPKtBl«..«. A re« r«lifor.l«. C mirnn II I»

Liihl. 29*1*27 »r.»-|/-2«l 25 4.'.-«k1 .1«.-.'Hlj»«! 28 r/28«, 27-ii.»Hear».JO «30 28 »ia 21« S fí«i*»9Í( Damaged.M%MÍ 2l»sj.-'5 24 ./.'»«aPoorO«au*d. - *- . .- 16 420

MaOk EmmLigkleiss« .»a! *3tMialla «adorer-mp « I a ««IUaiUat. 14 al»!

it.-mAllomWt.27 Ml«)*« .H 4>1

1.1'HHRR-T i.r» I» ni Imtiort»»» eh«age ia 1 -na» traita. wb*lM»l»»a«ompUtn »er» mach at the dal.nee» at Ma «*««nin ot Ike r*«r wks-a Hah.u .1 t» tk« u»o«i «el.««. Bi««k W'alaal i» t» »««el uoplf. «t MM9r.t«», aad in moderate deaiand. »»in» »» ,.«d A.b. Oat ae «r* «,Yellow Pine I» in (air demand al loaer ra-«.; wa qaoW- tititrttD |» M|lumei «« Timber. Latit mt., tia dall, M4 will« a» «iaUi th«raI» t rerirtl la ha.Uing.LISShKO.The ia«rk«t «. r«rr lull aad price« ara ertirelf aoalnal.MKI AL».Thara waa . fair buainaa« In li gul ('..poer, and prioaa

»how «u.'ibrr «light adtancwi tbe »ale« embrac« «;«.«« »»".» ft I.«».- al92 «c c«»h. and 23c. f.r Vebruar». Marr», »ad April. I» r«««.! rigIron wr bar« oo new feature« t». nula, th« inquir. being «-h «d; f«»r »ii all.«a to m--«t ibe immédiat» wint» of tb« tra.« American Pig ii mil

«-i l<n with tk« t«nil«uc; toward lower rate« «bo«! 150u>a«N* 1Kura Lnablgh were «old on prirale term« P.g Leal ia qaiet hut »I H

Ï tal«.« .".«ug» lu on« -«a. «.lea of 100 Ion« I>>m«a«ie at »»'. 35.I.i.i.f.. tu.vd u »uallered -V Itllir Pipe ana Skeet laul<)<p

c. nt to the trade. Speller- Foreign i« I» t*ir d«in«n.l aid»ai»l.-*H.- u »lead 1) L.-I.I at 6'»c.. .currencjr Pig m in »til1 »Ty 4a I,

and ia the ..«ne« t if* priree ir> nominell/ unchang» »Oatie hal«¦I Z1 <« UM V «'id Rngl.ab L and X. at 21- an» kulin»! at -1 '«i521 V-. «" SOU- Pl»tes «r* »¦ limited drmind. «nie, the unfa. «riKia

loreign -Iree» th« mark«« .lonna weak bat a* lower aa M of 500 hotoa« 'hareual Ten* «t 48 7.), gild. Oiher metal« «ra dall. We quote :


UlaachterLight barta. («I 434M..ldle hack»..17 440Light crop.33 ..¦ .

k1, .ne ero-.14 a Hilira», cup.Ao «i 30*|

Prop .(Oti lo ». «« ).. -59MBuck.lOia. Mr» -LI ii »«IAmerican Inffnt. I»ft 2'-',4-2'«

-¦».¦, tig, new «or«,12 .«al. . 9'1H »ii».

Hheatmnt f*H. met. 21 4- M « *»k ti 909J-Oo.ta. fellow metal... 28 4 - 61 «J 7J. com. I»k. 4 45W-ttr«««r»(nr«il6 ..ti :t0 ¦ ki.»tnt mm. *>».. 4 t><)4-BoiU. 30 »- 3.1.44d.light.Vk- 6 2 4

ih.i> 31. lu» »'«. 6 into . .

Pig. Otenr'ak. A* 40 '»'* 41 OO Cal S«U'«.»il »li. 4 004 . .

Pig. Am.N.i. l.«Vi -28 0«» 4» 30»»0¡ Lnto.Pig. 4m..No.2 l/l 97 004 99 00 .p«nl«h. ordln»rPig Am>org».|» 24 (»»* 27 00Plg, ( oltne«a|>-l. NoinlaalI'ni. Rgl'to«. |'t 39 004 10 00Btr >...:.,«.-.!

»:|.«._..1.1, ...ll.i 004120 00

ft* M" r.«., ".2*it 6 74Ocraua. url

gol.I . «'. «'i2 ,«» .'. 75Krii-liaa. g««».. 6 02 .4 0 75Foreign talned»."i. t. 97 .MT 00

[« tiiltriLT»»«.

Platt». Do. 9 A.e'l-O7* Plata« Po..^lOOftigoidi.40 50 *?» »;j«a

ti».Banca gold, f «JJ... 25 9 I Rlgllah go14. I. k9 21 »21 «aSlruu. gold. 21*4<21. I Eugii»ii,[i«lued.. -1»«»21S

OaPlate«. I.C Cb.. 9box.. r» «2«_4#lll 00P ate» I. (.'. Coi«. 7 75 « 8 24Plate« Cok* Tern*.». «1 87«a* 7 2»Plata« Char-»1 I «ru«.. 8 50 4 »00MILl.FKKD. lb* mark«! ia «luicl «t «Imbi t..-»i.r igarrst W|

.ii'- 40 B at 924. 60 ft «I 926. 80 B at 928. 10«) B al 430 4#3_.i< ¦. P*sd al r.-; I» lo"..NAVAL STORKS. Tb« market for Spirit» Turientine .» moderatal]

.cire, with Igu.-ealnnl/hel.l al 35 V- l»l. «'-1 Ma ««ke.1. «al>« ««

l«o bbl». «i utter prie*, and 40 io. a« bnaati «aMftaaiaaal 9«MI» 1» fair demand, with« «teal» «al«« ' "> « '.?.,- O' .-l »traînaiat 42 35. Tar and Pitch ceulnu« dull, with raia« without qaotabMC1..tige«»II.».Ijntm») i» quiet «nd »«lue« «re «nch««ge« at 70«. ia

eaat» from .-rauher»'haa-la. Cru«:» P al. ar« .«.«»» w tb a .imito.I ia-

q orr Men! a.lni la acire« ai »er. »rta. Larl ia in luudeiat« «»-«aJi»:..«i» at 41 o6/*l 10 for proaeni m»ke, and 91 l*»*i ISfetPlMIWinter, other Olia ara dal.»l»in«e*a. « 117 c .»

and bbli. 76 . .

Cnii« r nu mi.'i- i 1 '.O 4165Mauafacid U. ead

¦.» > v ». 70 a 73Manufaet'd b u«.

¦«» ..>t M,«ii 1 D3 -1 »5M«:,ut. 1 1 lab iiWiall» »per.n D38 f.

Heul..i.D. eaoice

Raak. 43 . -

Strait». _ 43 * -

. t> -. . r US

OOm -.n'»..-i_,«' cue g.« 14 15 44 40

«III»«, Maiseil.i»m> » ,«. 1 10 «1 20

« .»lUmSanl.l .'ila 43 . 41« .(U.uSee.l lal'*.-«.wih^ro. 57>-j4 59

»ght.. 4«) . 42 »-.1 1 ..

R.jOil Sauoaifd. 67>-i4 »i»l »Vhile »Vinter 0-*i* 65Ued«)U.lf'l4.1l«füKain«». . 55 I

OIL CAKR-Th.- market i» u'l »ni we«lt»r isla» of 70 toa« a« 444gold, for < ii» to»., 445 gold, in beg«, «nd 447 carraa«, for «A mbra Tn.« «): 0 f,PIIOVISIOMS-The P»rk mtrket I« delta 4rm. with . gonai |...,l,ing

demand for Mu», tue luquirr fur the future la quila l.g. 1. »»

e.ikle5«>0'l » >l .. «.i. tb« »p-4. tVJ 37-i'Tfl:i '.'« 950 I.'U,Noremhcr. 41'J 25. lie. 1* mu» inn», witb . better u..t\-

¦11-nt oiermg; «-le» ,.f I ó «J b ,1». »1415*41550 for I'aelnl. 4Mfor N«w l-.ain V> ea.aru Me««, ant 4'.3 bl Nea Rtira de. T «re* li. «Ili itaadr aad quiet, Mt*» al 900 tea. Kl'ra ( it» I'«li« oa pnraUterm«. Beef Hain, are lui. al 4'2'»*t.! « ul Meeta ar» lea« «.ti»,

«a bear«, »ale» of .'. i»H) p.oeea «t «k tor pie»li ..>!.. «..l. /», n '«¦ f«.,P.. »1^.1 la !'\-ii'« for Kmot»! 4a t'/u-je. 1.1 Pr-«4Ham». 10»« 4 1 le. for fiel: -.1. \'.\i 12V for *«oi..t~l lo BSOOV»for Krrsli Kellie», 90,1100 ft Cured U- Ile». 12/11 ¦ l«W«, »l'i'lilo1»-. Bar« c i« b't.f and la m.»l»rat* demand. KM« !..»»»

Cn» Long « le»r were »old «I 10 l«c 7jo bute» hal aod half a. aloa|>.'e. iniirr »nd J«»o«rr. at UV»» l'rrsae.1 Hog« a- I» rig ».«ira al

7V'7 V- Lard i« «rare* aad Irm for »|>vl. lea« acure for the '«tar«,a« ra ..f 75t«a al \i*AaMt*pt foi «) .1 au .New «lea'ern: gOO ita.

Cl«T »I 1 1 .413'V '0 tea Ho 1 »t ! le for (natur« Am..I. ti a«

be«r of 950 t-'». «'er N .ember, »t li\, 7.'.«» ttm « . r Owcamber, ti 11 13 1''.. 1 950 t. a »eller tb« l«*r. al 11 13 I'm.Pl.TROLhl M-Tbe atarte« fur Meta*. t».t.-««l>. wth i I ghi .»

qn rr. w« q«.de «t 1 I '«4 11V- »»le« "I - 500 b4 » ei f..r_er ä.ais»«« nil cm tune do 1, win rate» .inchingei fBrtal »t 17c Cia.e .*¦

».-ire »0-1 »tealil» l,e«d al j'«4.j V Napbth« quiet, with ince« aa>

change.!, quotnel at 10«. Tb« market at FkUaaala-la ia Inas a« -»*with rate« acchtnge.1. The «reek mirketi .tf oui»« aad qaota m«.>, li w, ttonaerill« qaet «I «tnoti» 8»lc Pelro.enua I «ii.ra iu*rli«%

,t -s., ,'mr .... t) !u'.: al I.'.. T.laen I« dull a» is". «I .'le,T II« ute weak al 5"»-jJ>> ¦'<

-, I'.rkei'» Called, 57 V» Sh.piaenW, Ml4-S2»-/-.PAINTS-TMM contlniei a f»'rlnq«lrr for de« ral.le grade« Hal

lH..i- «.». i» out art.«» ai. I awl ap to whit wu lal.cipatad ht dca arl

earlier ia Ibe .*..oo jet t-ere u a It«.d' aad wmmiiI* deawad («M

artic ea of Important aaraaatir prie«« ara w«ll «app.»rl*d I ««eilaaRed It learcr aad . intend, »ad b*M Ira *l 2 '««li-, »ad tk.a ia taw «h««i»e w.ih tl.r ee.tlag »«ried«* Kngtiah H.d Lo*d raia« kiga«, *e | gai!«41«>Sr *¦ Id. Cbiaeae Veranlton In g "«id r*.|ueal U 1 Ir» , al42 2' r-l' .>". « u.ward nwr«aiaat. »pit «a Mine a lo«««».e.liag »I 75«r->5e., Pana U, Paiala Olia, aad V ara;«» »r« wili.oalmilenal «Hange K g li Uranga Miaeral Na I »*rr tight auk > t>«u«fleiuan.l t lu, raia« »Irtnagar. Ragliali »»-. » l.'«4 i» Marti« aa4waataL

111« h.There ii a fair baalaea* and (he martel a «tea»; at fonema(ture», «air»«,f 50 rank» Cap lim a :' ia or rai g» 126 Mila. Loam »a«.'.', i- 0) toi low gradee. -0 bbl«. do. «I O V Ut Pur I* 0».<4-125 hag» H»i.»-«n «1 ». «c aud 5'««» bagi _ang«.>n. I» Boa I, al i »»43e W« .| i-«» « ar .'t-aat 747Sr. »or lair 7'««7V f..r «lood 7\47 »«c for Prime 8 4'S'y lu, «lime» L.»oi»iaaa. 7 f 7',<-. f«, K»i» ial'r me. Pama al llTV. ead llaagon.a at tld»»'«... carrea«».

s Ki.18- The millet for «lost n qui«! t_d »rice» ra.« i» l»»r«' f»»er;receipt» 241 bain I alcatu, 220 b«laaCaB*l**a. 41 bal*« Ve.« t .aa,lo talea Buen.» Aire». 69 h»'e» Puerto «-.bel.* 2 hale» Jamaica «14In,en santa Marilla, aad 1 hal« Kaw Ortaaaa; Ml«». 40 ha«« Puerta1. | ii») kal« Cor.c».. aad 50 »».»a Pa»U li iMrl Hill Um. I»rather m re doing, hal ii a «hide eaai«r Igarea. raoelpla. 30 ha e. VeraI'rui aud S'aa 6 bilei ».utbera. 1 bile li. 1m ..ti ha .* Sew or

ie»n. and 2» ha1»» Lsroayra «alai, 15 (»00 ft P« a 22.0«»» B > aa-

wa. Amrr.caa, I 000 ft P«*r«o ( aliel.u aad 4 '«») B aVaai. Vi. gammt«kiat.<. i -.'« carre««..

Taav'cn. . MT%JMatamoro*.. <l">7.BueiioiAiir».. »62.1."....» NI.Caraco» .55 .Caaa.. "«'»Madra» e«ek.. 50 «55Pataa. eau .- 4409.1. T»..-.ed «/.mt - 4n0X I. IeunedSU.p «57.

Raada.a». - 460Vera Lrui .. *«*0'laateuajt . «16 * .«barre«...65 «57S|-aa Jua«.&."»* .

Camp«»«»».. 457>gam.- 460*an.- miI'aarto « »halt«-. .52»»s . ..hi) ft -» Tal » .5 «inSI'OAR.8. Th* b»*ineo» li Ra« Snf ail wal »r» «all »ad Ibe «irke»

llene« '.«mel) bat w« reut» ear irenodn aaottltou». *. k»»e oai' «*

noie a «ale of 140 bbd.. Cul., «t .«»«. for l.oM Redmag a« u«*uPair to «».«al Reame» at M ».j 4 >s '«,- Prim« 1«. «t M V I m.tri'.f'-.Inbbda »ad .-te.. R.-a H to 1.1. «I » .w1»V «*d He. IS ti. t

« l*,«d at;«V Hclnesl * qatwl lad w«ak it V-»4l0r for Na* 1«.!..«;II) «,410V 1»' S«'« Wklta. IIV f_i Ora-Md. Ile. f*r I'«-*«ad Ile. tor Oranalatad. Raw« ara aa*l«.l aa f«ll*w«' Otocoir-Iairtnliniod, 8-R40 .. Priaalo Cbidw. .S4W M«!»«***. *»«-»». .«4«»«a T,<r-«s-, Met«-*, 5*7 Patt* K..u-IN4«l*lBg Commual»l»nia*. 7J»4>-^|- Uioaer». P«tr V. « h«ic 8«,,afl«ac, Br»« U.

I » j i. .i -s*8«r i«»« n »,nu lo «. 12. 4V»*V iM-«..'» "»'Mi »nd Krtr»R»per»«r. 7N4SVA_»n_ -IttmmtjOMmm. Ttj. * P99W.I tt*.