new york tribune (new york, ny) 1904-08-03 [p...

•HO GRAKDB EOCTHEBN. _ ISO ISO l? 0 ¥***" *-.££. ~~ SS7.ei2 $46,715 $11.4^ o--i!..n r=^^-- ****** - 615 g4"&15 cpw^"' •_\u25a0 -.. I *- 658 23 - 900 $2<5 - .jrt esretox 8 - ••• —•• " ; 3.535 SI nXtT mooms _. f1« *** $27,435 28.702 l^ < SriaS.:;~ V' T5T5 15,033 l_!10 C * ' *$3eS7 $12,402 \u26666.092 ] _^"« -1^- ' -~ KUMi PUN -».«- G ro«* «* r: ;, S^nsaa. i ' T M«.U« ' ™'m«. 12 m«. $182,010 $273,157 $2B^ j,-,t •aral..r» "ra * 6 ST9 s#al3 7.70 a (yutf iscom*- ..-•-•••• __ „. '•- $19«! S<-3 $2 ( ?7.070 $270,247 TMBI WfJJ-- •; \u25a0 2-6 0I'? =li.oM 217,960 i"i " " «$1£227 J75.857 $&2,202 Bsrplt* - "°* SSlt " PENNSYLVANIA. p.-^^a, KH. l::--^r-™tr^. - las*. ISO 4 June »\ -'\u25a0".•4. <»rs. I"C $105 00.1 Tec. $2,504,900 jaSri!SUasi.:::Si__^i« *•__ - :r .. jto.sFo Pec. $24^.100 V*rt_m; \u25a0 "- ... . r ,,.. $l ej;v>o gStSTw»S r^__llM > Dec.__J : 500 M e.-=^g» toi. «Ol.anO Dec. $163,100 Vest >T^ B "•\u25a0-%-- , - O0 Ino . $«).600 OrsraK'* ? . gSISTSpi^;" -Sec:_6o£DOO -_____ T,,r S'lO 400 Dec. $1,890,000 Ctiirter _•— -'-'\u25a0\u2666 S'" l^, 1?0 3 Cinnes* , S2S4 073 I2?.<.'*4'» 1r.c.554.238 gsff2s_« •' ___*? _ : "\u25a0" Other fflccnie S^ 1 °'" a »**•_ _ p2SVST.::::r J -:- K:___s s , \u25a0• " t*).7«4 $22.15-1 Inc. JS.StS CONEY ISLAXD AND GRAVESEXTX •—- eacea Jure 30- Chtr 5-5-5-........- i ; J? &J? * e^, u %r-^ar: ::::::::: c— ,,i SS Dee. _«• : :: : i :sm _,_.GD7iIL Fast express service. PL.TMOUTH—CHERBOURG— BR EitElt. K. Wm. 11. ... vug ». S Pilj Kat—r Se»t. 13. 1* am Kaiser Aug. IC. 10 AM. X or.prtna \u25a0***. ta> 1 PM Kror.prics...Aus. Z3. 1 P-V K. Wra. n...Oct. *. tt AM K. Wm. Il.Sert. 8 12:30PM 'Kaiser Oct. 11. 10 Ail Twin-screw passenger service. PLYMOUTH CHERBOURO— BREIISiT. Kurfarst... Aug. li. ft All'.Erercen Sept. S. 10 AM Alice Aus- 13, M AM, A".b»rt .S-pt. 13. 10 am Barbaro«a. .Aup. ST>. U> AM, Kurfartt Sept. 22. 10 AM Frtednch ... AUff. CO. Noor.; Nackar .. Sept. 39. *> AM Mediterranean Service. GIDR.VL.TAR— A GENOA. Lm!s» Aug. »i. HAS I— a* Oct. S. 11 _ st Irese . Aug .7 •\u25a0 AM Hc^enzoUem-C-ct. 13. It Ait 13 I'n.S*pt I<>. 11 All Altert Oct. _. 11 AM Lulie SepL 2* 11 Ail!Lui*e Oct. » 11 a.: From Rrem-n Piers. 31 anl 4th Bts.. rioooiWBJ- OELJiICHS A CO.. NO. 3 r.ROADWAV. H. T. Louis U. Meyer. 45 South Third St.. Pfella. Ocean Steamers. A -- CUNARD LINE. "-* TO LIVERPOOL. VIA 01EENSTO— N. From Piers 51-52. North River. Cmbrta Aug. 6. 10 A. M. , eaala Aug. 57. I A. M. Campania. . Aug. 13. BA. M.|Umbr:a . Sept. 3. 10 A. 11. Etruria. ..Aug. 20. 10 A. M. I Campania. .Sept. 10. « A. it. Salo-.m rates for Cmtwta an! Etrurla. $6& and upwarca, accordtcz to a:conmoc i a' TUESDAY SERVICE. Carpitbla Aug. ». NoonlAuranU Aug. 23. Noon MEDITERRANEAN— ADRIATIC SSR v ICE. Ultonla. Aug. *^3. Nocn; Pannoota >-r- 13. Noon Aujc. 30. NooßtUltoata Sept. 27. Noon Apply 23 Broadway. New York. VERNON H. BROW N. <»<r«ral Agent. AfALLORT STEAMSHIP LINE. " - L SPECIAL. SUMMER EXC. TKTS. ON B.VLB. TICKETS to Texas. Colorado, Arizona. California. Mexico. Georgia. Florida. Alabama. DELIOHTFUI. OCEAN VOYAGES. ' ""Pock»t Guide" Free. C. H. MaL- LORT * CO.. Gen. Acts.. 129 Fruat-at.. N. T. ©(LCD DDGDB3OSS3©a (LOK3EE. DAILY HEBTICB For 01.l Pn-nt Comfort. NorfoUt Portsrtonas. Placer* Point aa.l Newport N*w». Va.. connecting for P»ter»3ori. Richmond. Virginia Eeach. Washlacton. D. C. aad asstra gcuth an.l Was*. Fre:s^t ar.^l passenger steamers sal" fr-— , Pier **. N. R. totK B»a^-*> 8». «very week day at 3 P. St. B. B. WALKER. Vlctt-Pr*sldent •% TraSs Manage*. pLARK'S ROUND THE WORLD TOUB \u25a0 - Leaves Oct. «th; 190 (Jays: $2,000. Strictly first class; limited aumbera. F. C CLARK. 113 Bway. X. T. r>i:t» "D line. \u25a0A- " r For La Guayra. Puerto Cab*tl«. Curacao and Mara ealbo. via Curacao, ca'.llne a>o at . <a nn Juan. P. R. Fr-rn TUt 13. adjotnln; Wall St. Ferry. Brooklyn. B. S. PHILADELPHIA Saturday. August 6. n"«!» S. 8. CARACAS Saturday. August 2". noon Kor La Ouayra. Curacao and Maracaibo. B. S. MARACAIBO Saturday. August 13. noon S. 8. ZVI-IA Saturday. Ausust 27. noon These steamers bare superior accommodations 'or i**- scngers. BOUL.TON. BUSJ « DAI^LETT. General Managers. S2 Wall at. ««t a VELOGE"— Italian Line. \u25a0^ c a!'ir.s; every We«ln»»day to Naples, Oews, BOLOQNESI. HARTFIELD A CO.. 13 Wall Bt. /ROOK'S TOURS AROUND THE WORLD. S3rrl Annual Series. Illustrated prorramraes and particulars from THOS. COJK & BON. 2GI and 1183 Broadway. &1-J Madison Ay«.. New Tort TTOLLANTVAMKRICA LINE. •— *\u25a0 New Twln-S-crew Steamers of 12.V»S Ti*— NEW TORK— ROTTERDAM. via BOC1OG?TBL Bailing Tues.lay. at 10 A. U. P.—-»a.T<. A>ui Potsdam . \u0084 - T ,lwf •» Nooriam Au*. !•> Rotterdam ...........Sept. i* Stater.-iam An*. 23 , Ry.da.Tn ....Sere M KOLI.AND-AM3r.ICA U.VH. \u25a0 B TTAT. K. T. J. a W. SELiQMAN & CO., New York. REDMOND % COMPANY, New York. Philadelphia. During the past three years the company ho-« been Improving end unifying its system, and It is estimated that gross earnings for 1905 will exceed $2,000,000, and the surplus $187,000. Gross earnings for the year ending June SO, 1904, were $1,893,038, as ng-ainst $1,649,613 In1303. Detailed information is contained In a letter from Thomas Dolan, President of the United Gas Improvement Company, copies of which may be obtained at our offices. We offer the above bonds at 97*4 and Interest. subject to prior sale or advance In price, and recom- mend them as an exceptionally well secured tnTestment. At this price they will yield 4-% per cent, per annum, if not railed before maturity: It called before maturity, at 103 and Interest they will yield a cor- respondingly higher return. A gradually lncrea«lns sinking fund has be*n •staM».sh<?i tvhich It Is esUmated will retire over 60 per cent- of this issue before maturity. » These bends axe secured by a. mortgage on the entire property of the company and by a fL-et mortgage on the greater part thereof. The 175 milee of electric road owned serves directly nineteen cities and towns situated along the highly prosperous find rapidly growing southern shore of Connecticut a^<! the valley of the Naugatuck. Including Bridgeport, TVator- bury, etc. The combined pop. .on In 1900 was 465.748. an Increase of 3^ per cent, over 1890. The franchises of the compa.iy are perpetual and there are no competing electrio lines in the territory served. LITTI.F. ADVERTISEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE. BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES. DUHE.»TIC SITCA~O3ta WA>T~ P WORK WANTED. LOST. _ -lj liOST. Passbook No. 10X768. Issued by th« Institution tat Iks HH»p of Mer- chants" Clerk*. The finder will please re- turn it to the bank. No. Union square. BOAKI) AND HOOMS. MANUFAOTI'RERS of bi.aaxii and pool tabler. hieh grade bowling alley builders; lowest prices. aU iKX BROS.. 24 Union E .a \u25ba. Trust Companies. WORK WASTED. Maim. WINE?, liquors; " -\u25a0 class all ar^nr.'l raaa. FRANK BENNETT. 2 West 113?h. TQUNG iZ>iV. JO. honest, reliable: willing- to work: In an electrical establishm-nt with chance of advancement. JOHN BLUMT« H. :'\u25a0' \u25a0 3d-ave. TOO'NG MAN. 13. eafiaas rraduate. wish»» position with «ur\'eyor cr ctvll erK.nrer: trood mithematinan; fair kn-">w>.:s« *C trlsonometry. taljulus. BERNARD, COS Bu»hwtck-ave.. Brooklyn. State FAHM-R.— \u25a0W^rSins fcremaa: -* •«••' 11.- sirl «. t>oy 4: r -.'•..\u25a0*. sma; «»i/ stoc.*. crcr»; rUs board mas. etc JOHN, a; Carpenter's. 154 6^a-*.r*. GARDENEH. Married: private >la—: pracUcal gariecer; lars"» *spert«BC* la trowing cut Cowers Sri veß»taal«s. n=il»r K^fs ani oiitixirs: car« _ less, tree* ar.d shroba; laytas out and planar.g grrAimls, etc. ; pood reference. A •fuss A. IC. cara Vau^hAn's seed *tor%. 14 EtfiUj. GARDELVER and rLORIST.—»j eta*!* Sweda; Brst class: sober: *— t*s_Mad: o'so haauy with tools an<l all around man; pr.vat» place, or garue&; best xe'ereacas. UA RPITNER. 535 East 142d-sf. . \u25a0?;\u25a0\u25a0.- GARDENER.- lTrst class In *very way: best r»ferenc*». F. Mil— *1 Bgh- •t.. Newburypoit. Uass. GARDENER. GooJ -reiretabH f- -w— artd & Crrist. »-na;i .-"•nhcas* and th» l!k=: can milk: well r9conimen<!«iJ: strictly sot^r. JOHN, at Carpenter '». 194 6tn-*«« KERDSIIAN. Pr co -.-Jiinan. 40; atngU. long experiec-o with cent ldTi a r.'s fcsr4; ran give them be«t atterT!/in: fin* mltkar: best AL£X. at >.:v*Et*r'S. 154 «ih-ave. Ma— ACCOUNTANT.— Professional: corporation; auditor; account booi£» eve— aescrlpt.oa deti;sae*l. oten^d. closed, audited, syate.-pa- tisca; g.-> anywhere ! ted States. i.A- PEKT, - ..;.::-• Bot -'-»x > . Nei»-\orit City. EOOKKEEVEB, jraduate. axe IT, with srocKi ilrm; understands all different methods. JOSEPH M.vZA- . 837 East Tid-et. :-..--:££* Flß— touriß num. 19. wall *i- ucated; thorough luwwiedje of jo«n- ket-^ir.s; \u25a0 --t» y»ars' office experience, po- sitlun. with advancement; r»r*rences. BAMU~L KREItE-H>, *&> East fet^-«t. BOC'KKEEPER— Young man. as bock- keept.- or Interpreter: wages moder- ate- ' excellent referonce from last em- ployer. CUA3. CHRISTIE. 274 Wa»_as. ten- st. i BOOKKEEPER or ASSISTANT.— Ag% 2<>. double * try. Addresa. . B. V EUs. -"-« Rivicgtoa-bt. _^________ TOI'NCV MAN wl*he« poeH a at the nia- chl.-.lst or electrical trad*. EDWARD WIEDEKKEHR, 1-1 UviniS'-on-st.. Brookr- lya. ST. ALJ3ANS. 7 EAST 81ST-ST. Rooms, tingle, en suite, with private ; tatha; doctor's oSice ainms room parlor _*•?; electric llttht; excellent table board. BACHELOR, leavln* city for yar, will bubiet rirtily lurmsh»'l apartment near Waldorf; four front ruoniu. bath, te.efh^ce; ixce.ier.t service; furnisb:nent coat 4-'U.<XiO; Immolate poss^esloa; il.Vi month until October, 1800. Apply gupertntenaent, Al- pine, So \\>st 33J-st. TWO ;>ieasant rooms. lars;e an; sssa s'.n- uly or t&K*tii er . prtvau Rouse. -7 fciaat llth-t. _ j IgTH-f 122 KAST. near Broadway.— \u25a0 Chou-a corner, pr-.vaia baths; «xci< accommodation*; transients; meals .-i. :.*-. parlor dlmr.s; table guests. 78TH-ST.. 18 WEST.— args room, adjoin- ing bath; al?o srrialler rcxim: telephone; 43TH-ST.: 15 EAST. Airarnennats rrjide| for temporary or protnurtej r*etd*a** In cooi. u^-t'i-»lal4 rf-ums tt suite*, with board. 50TH-ST., 7 EAST. Parlor ~..i bedroom. »uh bath, oq seconl fl^or; square and }-a;i room on third fl^or. front; c«"'-!aniea only; -„..... \u25a0•- 45TH-ST. 14 WEST. --•.«•. open-id. «le- gaatly fTirai»hr«l rooms fcr :..i«m*n r..i fnnflM. Tel. s&l—;frth. \u2666"JTH-SX.. !."* EAST. Deelrable romi; HUlet hca»e; I >oi tabie; cleanliness; reasonable. T2P-ST.. 20ft-210 WEST. Bp«':t!ful r^>>n-.?; superior taoH; r«fir*r.c*s glren and r«- quir»J 1 * !>TH AVC-Thr« ct f^'ir eotir.^tine. o»w:y furnls&ed. for hotuelte*ptn«i «r.t t5 acd »•!. N-^r 23.1 r'.. TOCNO MAN. rolor^l. foreirn country. w!»h»» a email. decent r'«-m. eith»r wlih white rr colored rr!sa!« far.iUr. n«ir r.riifff. in Brooklyn; $1 S> p«T »•<•* Wrlre ; JOSEPH \u25a0:•\u25a0-- Fultor*-»t.. N. Y. BCSrNESS CHANCES. ! AN Improretiwßl fT third rail c.*\u25a0•-- raltwars for Ml': patent**! ta T". S. I England" and Canada. H. ROSENFEI.D. ' 77,'. Ta»t 17*th-st. i T! Rhlltil HATHs. capable of e>T«!orm»nt to v*ry pro?i!Ab!« l-'.;3ln*s«; nn co^r.^*:l- ttcn. equipped with iwn MiM**Blasea «n>i balinc-'ti'me A. II A. I. L ' GARDNER! M»rlien. Conn. IOUNO MAN. 21. well aducntart. desires position wi:h firm offering cbaaea tor ad- vanceraett; hay» lilc;n»; tor; trade* willing to work. F. W. PETRI. 3.>* £v :nola» aye. \u25a0team (.•r.tral-aye . br .. PAYS 8% INTEREST ON DAILY BAI ANCLS, SUBJECT TO CHLCK. PAYABLE. INN. Y. FUNDS. MOBBISTQJffa TRUST CO. MORRISTOWN. N. J. JINK SOTU, 1901. Capital, Surplus sad Profits, 51, 463,03] \u25a0 / DEPOSITS $5,024,000 DIRECTORS. SAMUEL Fli^iiilAN. Ires*. !fnt. Charles F. Cutler. O. G. Frellnchayaea. WlllardW. Cutler, Geor?^ rj. i: dd\\ t r., Frederic "r unwell. 1> Wlllta James, Aurel a Hull. O 11. Kahtu Ousts E Kissel. Walter O -an, I.ulh^r Kountze. Wliliam B. ;r.jre. Richard A. McCurdy, Her.ry P. T.i>:or H McK. Twombly, Tho». \V. Cairldwell. ;>»» A. Wetti. 1-juis A. Tbebaui. »-%%^ 4 ay a V a a.'% i «*^ a V«V%^ AMERICA i IT THE TRUST CO. « AMERICi i 0 149 Broadway, New York. 0 J (NORTHWEST CORNER LIP.ERTT STP.EET ) r # CAPITAL $1.000 000.00 5 0 SURPLUS 2.500.000.00 2 <J UNDIVIDED PROFITS. . e44.5b5.% J sf A!l<m« lnt^rr«t »n Dnllr i;-iUnri-« subject T fi shack and ..i « mi* it-» ..f I»etx>*ll. # a Art* m maun, Rnwhsi rnsssntttrn. T".x» > «-n- f) " tor, (.luri'.inn. \dmlnlst rater, A»»iKn«-^, llrcl*- »\u2666 trar, Tn»o«f'T and l'»<i! ,\e^nt. •* # OFFICERS: J # VrnXl—M H. 111 »•»*. - - President 5 4 KAVMOND.1. ( M IKY. - - Secretary •r 11. S. MUMMr, - - t^»>-ITe»idfnt A # AI.BKHT 1.. BA>*ISTEIt, - rimmi T »f DIBECTOIU jj I' Oor«.« Blumtnthal, CI. Hudscn, J d George Cro-k-r. Era»r»on McJJl'.Mn, P L John R Hn'nui, Baymoad J- *" r - el §» H. 5 Manning Joel Francis Freeman. _ /$ Albert L Banleter, Phi!!p Lehman, # 5 '-,P. C"T D'^'.d. Henry B. Reamont £ (I Myron T. Herrtck. William a Cinrk, t/ d Samuel A. Maxwell. . .Tohn V. snggs, 0 5 James Campbell. William H l.eupp. ._ X Jam's M. Donali. Gdnrl C. Scha-fer. W Guaranty Trust Co. OF NEW YORK, MT.'TVAU LIFE BUILJ [NO. Capita!, 52,000.000. Surplus, 55, 000,000. JOHN W . CASTLES. I'rmldent. TOI"NQ MAN. sg« 19. apea:-v:ni{ English and i>rman, wtaac* to Itam the dru^ basicess. t.'j ex;erlen':e. AATrena li. SACHS. 212 East !^Xh-st. VOVNO MAN. well educated, speakins Enj'.Loh. French. Gtr^Aa aid Gre««.. wishes position In frirate house, hotel or res'-auror.t. Apply* si. t.. London Cor.:*c- tionery. -0 Ea»t Ilth-st. JAPANESE as r^Jt!« -r waiter; etty or cur.try: be«t reference. T. X.. IT Coa- rr.rj-»t-, Brocttlyn. .\u25a0 BAKUI; on bread and cake, strictly sa- ber; American; country preferre-i. Lock Box 4ft-".. ilatteawaa. New-Yorlt BARTENDS German. *peais Sigliah aad French; steady. J '\u25a0 Tribune Of- fice. TOCXQ MAN. 20. tboroogßly csptrlMsMd in bookiee^lns an>i «»r.«ral e*sc» wojk; ••- 'ear*' rafwaw a* concern. B. il.. Box 3^. Tribune Oflic*. PP.IVATE3 GARDnXER.— B7 y~rg Ital- ian: familiar w;:. 1 -. , a 0 tree anil rir.« cultur* care cf cattle ami ether an:- raals; ?•-«>! mtTV~i*% horsejaaa. barter: win 40 to esi'.iiom:*. - tree* PaSQC.vLS PVTL I. P. M. Uiiit2*o Eiilsabeta-st. I M \N il*>. deali BOT trood strand •»***e to tsara th« electrician trad*. JUSTUS HAHN. 8.421 fith-*v. la ctabk hot». es. T %. T".' \ITEF. Colored- two >««rs - city raOsr- en.---. F'.-?ai« wrlta cr caU. "WIL3OX. Ti'J West *-.h-st. UOV at snrthlng. Addrwi ROBERT brO'jUk. :^4 >«t .-.-\u2666-.. VAL.ET. attendast. companion, *e<-r«fanr ar.i rfai-r to cer.r!err!an tr. IT! kaans . fully 'xp*nenc»d: exTer>tionab^ refete*i— . UAYM'J.SD. l'» East iVth-st. TOVN'3 MAN. 27. rr.arrie-1. honest acl wjl'ilr.F. U»s'.r*3 p< sirion cr aay kind; not alraii of t.arl work. Ciir.l^T sll.\VT.r.K. 2X3 ri«t S'.it-et. - tya. TOl'N'/ man. 21. anythtcr: stror.s *=1 fcanly. BOULTON. Z** Ay». B. li'>Y i*. la 00c*; .Just out of sctiooi: >;hiin'-« for ad van \u25a0••-•- Addwi JO- SCPU BEBOXIO. 31>i Clinton. H>bo«.en. N. J. WAITEH Sober: ma cook ord«rs an«t take charga r.ig^ts. WnXXASI 'AST* "'. ?<^N SSTi A-'ar.:t:-ave.. Prooklyn. Fr__». \u25a0 BOT. IT. wKiee tn :»»rn c lading; »t»a'ly w.-rU«r no ref*r»-nc«: c>vk! «»««*. Arply cnli- by 1-ttrr. FRANK. FORTUNE. TTi Kem-ave . Brooklyn. STESOORAI'HS?..- By expert F^mlnstca operaror. T ars" exp«rt«nc*: r< I ''^' an^ n j r*'- '.-*\u25a0" accurate. sy»tetnatler.3 y-ars with purl.c 1~-turer; tlji cl^ss work. Jl!f* 3.. 477 U*st 434-M. C^l-LJ:'~TOR.— 1V»11 ,- a -.» Ml '$?) as roii^'tor or other r«*P'"'ni*lbl» sl*uatlon: \u25a0Dealt* English, anU Gtrrosn. c^«i r?'«:- ences; Mcurlty. N. KOERBER. K*i:- way. N. J. _ i i » s c cor. 23d-*t . - STENOGRAPHER. tr--T*r:-»r ar.i "";* \u25a0\u25a0- c * KUICIN. 24 lllth-st. COLLE'rrOK-—A«e »: col>« \u25a0•-•* fat r»al »»t»T# as«ncle§ cr proper?-.' o^n»rs. aay \u25a0tumate tv:»la«««' on a salary cr ccm- rr.iss.-n N.*»: Al r»r«r»no-s. iLITT. Trlbur.- L'jtoTm Of?lce. 1.30* Broaiway. CARPENTER an! CABIXETMAKErt General m*cbanlo; work tot taaworn, estates, hotels, factories; "ay or contract. Aiirtss CAP.PENTEH. 332 Flush ing-»i«.. Brooklyn. c.Kurrt cleamso. SS,OOO 9 OGO TEMPORARY CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS OF THE GOVKRNMKXT OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. July '.». ISO4. B- direction -' the Secretary of War, and on behalf of the Government of tb« Philippine lilands. the Bu- reau of Ir.sular Affairs cf the War Depart;:', in- vites Mf!s for J3,000.0u0 of the temporary certificates of ..,..'\u25a0 Government of the Philippine Islands, au:hnr!zed by the act CVngr^s." e&tlted "An act to establish a siainlard of ami to provide for a coinagQ aystem In the Philippine Islands." ap- proved March I. IVO3, and an act of the Philippine Commission numbered 1133. enacted July 18. 1904. The c^rtiflratM will be i«*n»-<l In coupon form In th* dpnomlnation of SI.OOO. ihrr will }>.- dated >«-i>trmt>rr 1, 1904, boariiiK Interest at the rate of 4 per centum l>fr annnm. puyuble quart^rlr. and will l>« redeemable In unf year after date of i»sue tn jroiil coin uf tba I'nitrd >tatr« at the offlr«? of tbo Guaranty Trust Com- pany of New York, depositary of the funds of th» Phil- ippine I«lan<is in the City of New York. By the terms of th« act c; Conjress these certifi- cates are exempt fro . the payment of all taxes or duties of th* <Jo\trnnient of the Philippine Islands. or any local authority therein, or of the Government of th« I'nU«-d Sratae. a? well at) from taxation in any form, by or und»r any State, municipal, or •al au- thority lv the frJied ti:ates or In the Philippine Islands. Th*» -ecretary of t'le Trnmirjr authorizes the frag- ment that the»« certificates of Indebtediieks wlilbe at once accepted at par by the Treanury department a* security for deposit* of the public money of the Vnlted states In national bank* in sobetHwtta* for State, mu- nicipal, or Philippine bond* and certificate* of Indebt- edneftft now held to necure «iurh deposits; and In sub- stitution for raited Mat*-* bond* now held as security for deposits, on condition that the Government bonds thn« rrlr*»ed be need as «e<urlly for additional circu- lation whenever in the Jrtdrmen! of the Secretary of the Trea*ury !t desirable to stimulate an increase In national bank circulation. Th» <> ,n 4 ißtrom ot IXOPO.fOS Ph!Mppln« T«raporary e«rtiflcat»* of ln<3eht»<in»!ss yirnvMe for th* main- tenanc* nf the. parity matures S»pt»mber I»% 1904, n n which 4at« the? will retired Subscriptions trill bfl ...» upon notification <?f accoptance by thU offlca at th» ofBc« of tho GUAR- ANTY TKUST COMPANY of New York, ns deposi- tary fir Injuiar f-itnis, In ch^cki or baric d'.ifts. :na<!« payabi-% in sazd city, and <!»!:\ery o? cortificat's w<!l be n:ad<! b-r sa-.ii Tru** Company on t-pt»tnbfr 1. '3"4. Th« 6<!cretary of War reserves th* right to reject ar*y cr all Each bid mu«t aaeonpanl*4 r>v eirtif.ed ehe < of 1 per cer.t- of th* face vaJae of th* oartlUcates bid for as a i.rante*, p.- v check •\u25a0 bs returned. after the making of the award, to the ensMoesssrnl bidders. .. Responsible subscribers oft*rlog th* h'?h«st an + most advantag'ou* pr-- \u25a0ni'.l b<» tho»« acc«pt«.l up to t-h« amount of 11.009.000 «? offered. No special tlanits r»Tilr»d on \u25a0"->' :n »o Bpprnll v• . but th" ,-•--\u25a0•.• eontnin-n* them shouM c Varlv mark-d -< BS< RIPTION'K IOIi PHILIPPINE TFMPOKARV OEKTTFICATES OF I\I)rBTEPNC«v ' T 'i i«Sr«."dio -THE BIBUC OF INSIXAK \u2666» rAIBS. WAR DEFAB—OS>T. AVAMHNOTON. D. C." WTb« opening of th» blfli win b. m at 2 10 P M. on August ::, I^4, and none will be accepted after that tima. CLARENCE R. EDWARDS. Colrnel. U. S. Army. Chlff of Bureau. DRIVEU. re*por.slM»-. «<ir.;« position: r»f- «r*r.c* 3 - | Mcurltr. «31 St. Mark e-av.. Brooklyn. Female. ATTENDANT— Reir.ed Amertcaa woman as a::=n^ant to UKaßit Mat's] isssi *nc9: mcdsrat<» wasei: city or couaar- M:-s L^O.VARI'. 13^ E^st SOth. A SPECIAL. CBASCCB Sot _-« got* tor hooaework; city or ccistry: direct ouitl so^--n daily- \u25a0acted .:-i omm. aialW— OKEiiN. 3^6 West 53til-st. CHAMBERMAID sad SSAiISTRiSS— s;o:ch Pratutsr.t : - '. -«r3ia;<i and fear"« r -»*s. cr ma.d tt jtowjs eb!l4r»a: r.ea: ar.i refip*i: axcellaot re:er»c«*; ctry or co-i2".rj". 3. D.. iirs. .^'s. 123 Wees 23J-»t. ____________ CH\M3ERI!AIO s.-i _ vTrxPH-aa.-^ N'-at \u25a0tßsj «>.-Lr.j woman. cors-«:«=t It a 1: trinc^sa: tie best of re;»r*ne«s; *ltr icr>-. J. L.. Mrs. Co—era. 139 XS *' Sod-st. 00-^K walU'ess, -»:• and sea- -\u25a0^s bert -•'-'-e'-.ces ilisa L«.\SiC»r3 Empto_iasi« O^!c*. S3 W:k 2«ti-«i TaL. - v»— il_ son 5-i'-ar«- _^__—^— .^—^^ COO'-C E^«r•:\u25a0-i^\u25a0.^ Cerrsas womaav •*• long In ihls cou=«T. is cook or t*> *> riou»*wcrii wi:i pxivat* ir~"7. X" ATe» A tilrfl Co>3T. CO'^K Er-s'-'sS Protestaat: eatap«t«at alt bnac&M plain ae4 ran— eooktaai «a« b^st o! l«r«l«mesi: wacss. _ B. Mra. Col'.i'r's. IS Weal sw-et. CCH^K. IC.-A KM cUss ;-^'«. laaaw— or gereral hcusewariier: alsa eaaaafeispj mail. wa^trss's: city or coustry: two y»ax** references. MI 6tij-ave. CAT'S WORK.— E7 Oerraari ''xsb: csm- .3'. speolt Er.e::?x ilr?. 3e::<sb. xi~ Sth-ava.. r«ar barber's sj_*> DAYS WORK- —Poor \u25a0 T.a-. w.ta t»-> cti'.^ren. to go «W washlne ty ti» &»f ex cam:?, cr will do occs siaaakac- MT7I.LJ:N. 291 N<*rla»-at.. Brooklyn. HOL"SnKE"PER.— Steady eerwm. mx?mr>- oa'" 1 .: r.;uae*»*per. Protestant. 33 rears) oM speiks orreet Germaa. if'tlisai and v .., a French: uaierstinSa !--,?n*> m*- vi-e nrst class r»fir»scea. -• ilrv HASL3XA. care or .rst_. £33 Wan LAn.Tr.ts;-r»y'» work. waaMii \u25a0 tlMrlrt: city -•;— Mrs. It. rov.xyy, *z± '' -*' - ' ' LAUNDRESS Competent ytfiiri*irotsajr!. to g<i out l>? t^e (Jay. ««MSS '— niust or M RPIiV. IS W^*t 39_-*». NF \T GEKMAN OMAN f«« oat «- \u25a0-c an.l cl'anlrs: tak«» *;-<ma waa_a« aIM. S!;s. UOPFEN'v.AKTXES. .-_>.\u25a0 >3tS-st.. scccti'l r.cor. back. :*st. XURSE. who ho* had »ir»r:-T.c'. LaauLS ter.t ta car« fcr ten weeks* ell c— * : must ur.JerstarJ bcttls f*a_as Aprir«n ll>anJ 12 to-day. 3t>d West TZi-et. EI.KOTHICIAN— Toun* 20. as wtre- maa. helper or . •«.. twa years' fxptn- er.T«.; ona tools. KAXU'iEB, 123 Brook-are. CARPETS CLEANED T.i^-^r.* ON THE FLOOR, IB* Gramercr. rr>nrr«H air anil suftica comS:n»l; dustleM. 'iU'.-'<. thorouKh. sanitary. PaNI- TARY DU.^T REMOVIN'3 COMPANY, ... Froai^ay ar.d 2 -i-st. veer Kmmlasj autotnObU* ante- toa- or launch, ser^n years' •\re.-:»n-e nxr.r.-.r.x gasoline er.srtr.ef: salary the c.uestlo^.. Address CHAS. OOBDOX. ?h^t- ton. Coan. GBIYJGAIKTfILEAHIRfiGO Oldest. Largest. Mo?t Modern. *:.- &-»as» WES 4">th-st. Tel. £11 3>>t.r. -St. ICs'.abllshert 1*37. W. H. JORDAN. S. LENTZ. Tfl EQUITABLE TRUST CQMPAT-nr OF NEW YORK raplri'.. (3,000,000 -ij Street, surplus. SJ.iMjJoOO Baaltable DuiMlnr ELFsCTr.ori*\TEh. u-t!»r«rsn'J:r.f tS» business In al! tt» branrhes: capable or taklnc f ull c *-»\u25a0> AdJrei* PLATER. Box lloj. \Vj;erbui>. Cfr.n. TRADE IN CHICAGO. tRT TELTGHATH T^ ZUS TRISfNE.3 rhlraso. Aug. 2.-Wheat it* ..\u25a0-" anfl strong this morilns as though '.t trere only be- gtj^iog to c'fcb Instead of having already had an ftdTmaoß cf about ::?. a busheL The estimate mad« br H V. Jor.-«=. mnrieapolls. that the tot^l winter -.rheat crop d Of country would not exceed 630.- KIO.OOO bushels, tra^ the rxcitir.g reason for a rush of buyir.e orders, which Ehotvod very little sign «Z slacklss up for asi fccur. and in that time I 3-Bc. tad bten added to the closing ..:••-\u25a0 sOf the pre- rtous dar- Besides the Jon«a estimate. tJie foreign cities were s:r3::g. UverpooL Paris and Antwerp laynling edvacces. The advance here Traa made In v.<. face of c"nt!r.ued eelllns \u25a0\u25a0• large interests irto were recently heavy buyers, and appeared to fee pUyte* the market for a break. Prinjle, who for the last month has been a \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 buyer. \u0084. th» leader ta the eelline monment, and that \O» ceostost unloading did not break the xnarJiei Is tiien as an indication of the lr.trtr.sle value of wheat at present prices. Reinforcing th© local btryjßt which had Its crlcir. In foreign strength e»d"tk« i"-st reports from the spring wheat belt, cams trayins orders from the Northwest. To offset the se'-iir:g of t-ie Prlr.^le follatrinr. there was large ccr.rr-i£sJon he-use buying, ar.d there were core non-professionals In tre market than have appeared for a long '•"-" There were numerous purchases for foreign account. Despite the con- tinued selling for profits by longs, and the oc- casional eeilitg by shorts, the market showed more strength after midday, ar.d prices were all higher. Local receipts were, dl cars— eighteen under the estimate— 3M cars being new wheat. Only elgjity- two cars are looked for to-morrow. Old September closed at the top price of the day. ti"C. after sei] ~z as low as S3?ic. early. The range of DeosaUxr if as frcm Sirs 1 -, to S»1»'-.. closing at Hz. m bed another sharp advance at the epen- lr.^. ans fer?is".i buying orders a sain cut consid- erable figure. The source of the foreign buliish- ress was fail by Broorahall to be the prohibition cf experts by Rumania, the Budapest market in particular being ihereoy excited. The strength of the wneat ra&.rr:ei leat its aid to the crea- of the bullish feeling here. The v.-eather. while in the main favorable, was not xvarm enough to hurry t.-.e belated crop out of the way cf possible early frost-. Local receipts amounted to 239 oars, of which 15 wers contract, and shipments hence era JTf.C'O bushels. The <=stir.:ate of to-morrow's local receipts was 12* c^ra. , September sold from 6lc closing at tne top price of tho day— ZZ'-^-z. December clcsed at the top. iT-ii. The lov.-est lor December was ITUC The oais market participated moderately la the larger bnslnesa doing in wheat ar.d corn, tut the price advance! reluctantly, C..~ expectation of freo riuvfnifcnt of the new crop ard the good quality Inaaxlag plenty of the contract grade in tne re- \u25a0ccipta being "the counteracting influences. The <ia- % receipts -were ;\u25a0• cars, and it was not till the *-stiraate for to-morrow showed only 82 cars that tns price gave more ready response to the, bullish atmosphere that prevailed. In to-day's ir:spectio!i there were 45 can contract its and the shipti.ents from Chicago amounted to 113.050 bushels. The con- tract stock for the iv.:<-k increased 62.5C«i. Sep- tember scla from CCV- to SI 77 * 1 :, and clos'-d at the latter price. The close for December was aS^c. the lowest was C4c. Then vis heaviness !n provisions all day. Twelve Thousand hecs -K^m left over. Th° rec<>:pts were -• " Prices were ll r 'c lower at the yards. The estimate is IS,ou>j hozs for to-morrow. Prices were only ncKiaal the f-r^t hour. Later, considerable eellisg pressure .< -. = ;»!t from brokers for the small packer*, ar.d the pit trade took to the selling tide. eejtersber pork toct l r> c. to (12.80: lard fell off from 657-i to J69Q. ribs fell from $7 -:2 : 2 to ITSTVs- J. & J. W. V7ILUAM3. 353 W. 54TH ST. CARPET CLEANI.N } Ests ENGINEER— Marine Ilcen»« from Ger- many: Brst class mucnir.lst; p<^s!t!?T> as oiler. WC. 12 Grar^te-ave.. Elm Fark. Staten Island CAREFUL CARPETT CLEANING CO.— Cleans by co*npre»»''d air. steam, hand or en Roar. 1.830 Broadway. 421 East 4Sth-st COE & BRANDT. Tel 1.?I--S^th St 'amboats. ENGINEER, *c— By Gortrar.; - year* In country, understand* all kinds of repairs; A'.f.) an jantfLT In first v-!a?« htuse. SCKMID, «2S >nastsi \u25a0*\u25a0 . v - sal llcbo- \u25a0«.. N. J. EMFtOTMBNT \i.FN( IF-t Bankers and Brokers. ST. BARTHOLOMEWS EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 211 T--" •»:\u25a0•• First c!a«s domestics ar« supplied: also mim«ri"g houselirepers, ma- trons. grovernes»ea. tutors, etc. EXGINEEF^-As fas <-n«ir*er. under- stands dynamos, ice macfclr.s and K'carr. heating: 4 years !n last place: own too.s and do r*r»' first cia*3 reference. JOHN wiiST. i .i' .:-.. . Brooklyn. A large number of choice mortgages always on hand for Immediate investment Bond & Mortgage Guarantee Go. Capital and Surplus $3,500,000. 146 Broadway. 1"5 F.emsen St.. New York. Brooklyn. Mortgage Insurance, Amount of Mortgages guaranteed by this Company sold to investor! during the past four year*: $73,000,000. Loss of principal to Investors O Tx;s of Interest to investors O . Every investor secure, satisfied, content Has any other form of investment such a record ? office rcrt.vnrnE. GERMAN, ipeaka EngUatl sr.l French. steady. F. X . TrfbttM Offlc». HAVE ex— \u25a0•\u25a0: - anility, business e»p*- rtenc^ an.i education, a r*-.>r.! Of 20 lears M.. l>ondy Mfg Co.. N-•«\u25a0»!•*. N. J. i JANITOR— One cr ncr« fr»t clay. apart- , h'iu3«"«; unrterstands motor*, toll- --- pumys. electrtClty: all k!r.d« repairs; best personal references. SUPERINTEND- ENT. 241 West 10-1. no L L T O P onie« rUKNITURB In treat variety of style aai trice. t a SELLER 11l Hilton St. i»it'*«.'V*a London { Paris Exclianp, Lid. I GENERAL MINING AND STOCK. Bankers & Brokers. BASILDUN MOUSE, MOORQATE STREET. LONDON. ENGLAND. (Opposite Uank of England). ruzu-.»»« trec»acte<: la at; dte lnterriatianii slocka aad lllc::< Bmsss quoted cr not a.aoUd en th» Lccdou Stock Exccacg*. _^ Afirancec made on -t cka end Shares. wkcasstea Sally Catie» from New let fcouth Africa. Australia, etc American * Cansd BtSSWkSI CatJeiraias.- "PLESA.RILY. LO\DO\ ' I «•»•>'* •stem Cnlon. Llebers". Broomhead. w"tE«<ilorJw "tE«<ilorJ UcNfcJl and Morelns & N«aX f»g>SK^.t FISK&Robinson BANKERS Government Bonds and other Investment Securities *i£HEESS NIW YCJU STO« E\CEA>QE IS CCOMI Stkect 23 State Street NEW YORK BOSTON R. L DAY & CO, ? NASSAU ST.. NEW YORK. « WATER ST.. ECSTON. Haabers H. Y. asd Bcstca Steel: Exchange*. WANTED """ Phoenix Nat/i Bank STOCK P. I. Goodhart & Co* <7 BROAD WAT. lUDSfI Rjver mi DAfticirr. Palatial feteamers "NEW YORK*; an! "AX*ANT" of the Hudson River Day Lir:». iaeteit ar.d finest river boats In the world. Leave Brooklyn. Kuiton St. (by Anne^ *;lOA.M. Desbrossea St. Pier - *>> '• West 2M St . .., io \u25a0• West 120th Bt «• I" " Landing at V mlcers, West Point. Newburgb. Poushk»<«p- sir Kir.iCßtcn Point. CatskUl. Hudson and Albany. Dally, except Sunday. Specta! Train* to Cauicill Mtn. resort* »r.d Saratwgn. and my connection! to a:' polnU Kan, North ar.d West Thiouch tl-Wets nr.d lagsag* checked at efflccs of K. T. Transfer Co. Most deX^.'.fu! da» (!•:•«.' to West Point. Newburgh, or Poui'hkeepsle. re- turning on down b««t. \u0084,...„ Restaurant open at 7 A. at. MTM T MC. SfcftS 0 \u25a0: ' " : 333 Laeavteg Desbro— ei St. at 815 P. M. (Saturdays 1:43 V M i W 22nd 6t. 3:80 P. M. (Sat.irdav. 2 •• M.). 120 th tit. on Saturdays only. 220 p. M. F. Hl| and Falls We»t I'olr.t. Cornwall. Newburgh. New Hannurg. Milton. Pcufhkeepulß. Escpus. Ror.d ittt an! Klngitoa. Orchestra on board. JANITOR. Man and wife. German ; man Is carpenter, understands all boiler re- pairing and steam heating ; Is wtuing ta take two or thr»e louses; references. Writs or cai^ JANITOK, 244 Ist ayo.. sac svd floor. REMEDIES. RHEUMATISM red without medicine; read prlntfd testimonials In pamphlets, ner.t fr««. C. L. KRCGLER, 40 JiaMun Lane, room 81. Westinghouse Electric & Hanufacturing Company, 120 EroaiJwey. New-York. Ausrust 2. 1904. In ord-r to permit the etockhoU'rs of record at the 'Jos* of the bocks pf this Corr.j>ar.y to avail themselves cl the privilege of subscribing to the additional assent- ing stock, as per circular dated August 2nd. mailed to th« •tockhold«rs. It was, at a mating of t v .i Board of Di- rectors, held tills day, RESOLVED. That th* trar.-fT books of the pre- -•••-. assenting and linn \u25a0mefirlns" stadi et th.» Com- pary dosed *t the clos* of bubloxjs on Monday, AJMCast Sth, I!V>4. trd o r » r .»d -• 10 «_ m. Tuesday, am- gv^t IC:X l'X'4. T. W. SIF-MON. Treasurer. LAWYERS. PAINTBB and pap-rtanger; elderly man; first i -i.*s. twenty years foreman: tem- perate, reasonatie. Address all "iv. E. G. PAINTER. IMFleet Place. Brooklyn. PAINTER and Mpsg«aasjM wants work; rooms padnted, II; papered. $17." (paper Included); gcod work guaranteed, FAINT- ER. 314 East 25:h-st. IS YOUR DEBTOR ALIVE? If SO. TV. charge. O'BRICN. ADBR & '? ANDERSON'. RIEN Al ESI ,v -ANDK -20 Broadway. Telephone 3.201 rtlsnrtt. Dividend Notices. fT i** NEW'* 11 /*\u25a0 \.vr i .\V..'Hor«r. h«i:iru' '».n *^^J ,lut-c In »n«n»f. ifA \,iir.>n.l-<-'- 7^ ALTERNATING DAILY M> SrM5A\. liari r-^r K. N. X.. foot "r Cajwl St.. .i .'. !M. !\u25a0 T - ' i! Direct rail cnrn»<-t'.on at All-ncr «-iih 'ipr"-"' '"'"• to ill p"in:«. S'n.i for C. W. Slorw Souvenir. 10c. stnmp. Excorsion n..oVlet. 2-?. ats:n;>. TTOudDU [LDGatio Etr. ••city of Troy" or "Saratoga" laava I'ler 4<J. N. It.. West loih St. Daily »es.cti'i. BaturdayK. Ac 8 l\ M. *>""- toy—BTEAMEBB TOUCH AT ALBANI. Direct rallroaj connect mac« at Vroy t^.r all reaorta North and JWMt, Phone 1200-Syrinc DJNINO ROOMS ON MAIN Pf^it 6EAHCHLIGHT EXCURSION: TWT W $ TT2rf< SAUa- TOGA. HSU: LAKE GEORGE, J3.30; W1U11..G10... T "sEX f D" ron booklet EXCURSION tours. PACKER Strong man. 2.". speaks English and German, experienced, r acker: can fend boll^rn: handy with to<M3. H, Box 17 Trlbuna Offloe. M..CHINKKV > v -^-p_=:r'_,- t-p.r.err«;r nurs*: 10 yenrs* ex- Terer.c*. LAP.KIN. KM ES«t 42d- at. AT I'.EDL'CED PHICES.— 3'K) \u25a0rrnnij wood and Iron working machines; fully EUa'anteod: machinery bought and ex- fhanged. UK" B. EDDY, asa Madlson-at. NT'T! 2 " By respectable North German womaa: middl* scad; care Invalid woman: \u25a0srt'.l do houseiMOri. Mrs. .Nil vr. raw Sth-ave. PAINTER, decorator, paperbanger: highly re ommendfd : own tools: work of land- lords real estate and builders; test work; rtasur.a.le prices THAVNI 'i:.;,"J37 31-a. c. STENOOr.APHHP.. *c Toons lair as 6f»nojrapher and t\pe-.vri:-jr. wUUac to a*».«t wltn fccwVii.eeFlr.*; BaoUDSton. ln- der*x%od. Sralti operator. Aiir--ii Box 417. Dotbs Fe-TT. N- 1 \u25a0 STT-NOORAPHER ail trr-»— .-sr. r.?« and accurst*. A X. B.x li. 'J DOMESTIC SITTATIOX3 WAMtD Hal*. Al I'KJi'PAXT. comyar.;rn. «ecr»'.arr. read- er aud val*t to <<:n::^ In r.l_ health; fully experienced: ex^eiJ' n--::i"C'js. RAYMOND. ICO E*»t BVTL>*P. a" . VAI.ET. Frer.rn-Swtss. «?« 8»J; well r*comrr:*nde<! ; b^s; ci'.y re.^r- •r.e*«»: will go ar>ywhars. ALStSi. l West 25th-st. ___ BL'TLEP. «r.3 VALET.— Par's 1 , in. ». slrgle. g-N>i r""son»l r*-. '-:rr.e" city or country. MaX. 221 We«; «ot.-. s- CUTLER cr VALET. SO; AsTJIH: •?* a *' several :ar.g-.:tt,-s: just arr:v^i Jrom Parts: hiirnesi rtiarences. Aidresi .U^IJ» janecmL 414 4lh-avg \u25a0 3-1 Beer. CAr.ETAKr.H. Your< coup'.e wish tKe car.* of a hou*e for »^>» W Bronx^or Manhattan: fc^d reference*. J. J. i-. -«• » Wasfungtoi i * CC>OK Dlnr.-r cr^.er. butctsr, arrar City. G. ENZ. 606 East ll'Ji-st. COACHMAN. GARTEXEK.-3? Bwede; strictly tones:. so?»r and reliable; »;e&it» 1 English: gcoJ man la ev«n- ««': wi- : ,2» ! Kecerally useful: r«comiu?ad«a. AwQUST. | at Carpenters. 154 Sth-a-r. | COACHMAN and t;.VKr>ENEr.—HOVSE- WORKIiB and aiAIIIiEKMAII'.-^ry neat marrtad coupi*. »ho »i-l tr.m theia- MlTea K«n«nll9 whi. itn-:ly to--t; •t.bflr; well recommerflei. ut-N^>*». <••• Carpenters. 154 tit'.i-a^ c ] j COACHMAN ir.i COOK— Mj ' roup>. G« no cfcilire->; man. eoadhmaa aa4 I gardener; wift\ ge»l cock. 6J* \.e»t . r^th-st. \u25a0.'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- .' COACHMAN.—English; -' 40. ccu=:ry preferred: goud; *rnocth .ace; . fir^tclass driver; KOea ca.-?:a::er etr : be«t ref*r«n JOHN, at Carresier s. Ij4 ?:h- ! ay». \u25a0 COACHMAN. »ingle. un<iersta:i.'.s hors«§ and carrtaires: careful driver; care Uwn: I generally useful: Btriatij Iraostnw: i*»t ! di«en«aK»d: city ref^enre. AJdre*» SCOTCHIIAN. Box 43 Tr:b"--.» '- \u25a0« COACHMAN.— Understands h's buatuesj; first class city driver: several years re.- ereaces; first cUss r»r«iences from l?.«t place, sob«r and; wU".:ri« aa:l <-?.iS- Ins Address J. A.. trtbUM - Ptawc Ot2c«. I.CJ4 ilroaduay. COACHMAN Protestar-t. sir.tlo. r^l'.ab'.e and competent In the care of Sr.o »:or2*3. fcaneu carriages: lor?, ivl^ory :e; rrencea; city or country. A.. 3--*3--* West MM IT. DI?HWA»aiU*. or KITCHSNiiAN.— Er vou.ll coiored n:an: alr.-^st a-i;.::r.s housework, liiieu HENRY JONES. UOS Brtdse-st. SEAMSTRESS.— Experl»3ced. ?CHTTI>TX. r<jd llor.roe-s:.. Hobokea. or.« flight vs. ACRANTS. Hotei 4 Vnl n E f*.tu>us Table d'llote Hungana pi Dper.*t,-.8.7r.cDper.*t,-.8.7r.c Sunday, ltog. WUTT-ESS and CHA.'IISERMAIIK —5- -•;-'• j-!vat* fars'.ly; cocipeteat; boat r*r*rrri.-cs: cf.y or eOWCWiy. 33S West 4Mb- »:.. Janitor" t»»'.:. REPAIRMAN Bicycle aj-.d motor cycie repjJririiin; »«ven years' experience: ref- erence; will accept position anywhere. ALLAN H. TAUGART. 2.137 Kadti ay. SHIPPING CLERK Young man. 22. la shipping department or express office; Mvcn years" experience; or at anythlnie. Address JOHN A. GATDOS. Mi Colum- bus-ay. DAIRIMAN and DAIRYWOMAN ilar- rt*d couple; experienced: wir* can nUk. make butter, both u:vl«rs:ariJ me we:<: aj braaohes; very tidy; recc-mmerideit. **\u25a0-- HONEY. at C«-p*at*T'a. l»e FARM MANAGER or working furaman: thcrougftly corr.peteut to tait» full ciarg 1*:1 *: n-9t* class r«feren»-es. Address W. MAR- TIN. Mamaruaeuk. We atche»ter Couaty. M V HKI.P WANTTO. wxTTRT?" tufctti firs: cla«»: v-ry neat. corr.r«:ent. obrlgte« j'.rl: reft-renoes pres- ert emptover. «!u dasiriß hnus*: clt.* or ci.untry. S. E.. Sir*. Collier"*. 122 lVesa 2Sd-«t. BLOCK ISLAND. ORIENT. OREENPORT. SHELTER ISLAND AND SAG HARBOR. Steamers Have Pier U. B. X.. N. V.. MM w a,'.l «i.. we«& dajs. except. Saturdays. 30 P. M. . batvii day 1 P. M. UONDAH. HXTRA TRIP. 8 A. M. FOX 6A<i HAItUOR. HIPPING CIJKMC Bobf, hecMSN ar.i fteaJy. In printing line; can null* case; Al reference. Address W. T.. Ml Kast il3:h-st.. city. TVAITKES?. Assist chaTcberworlt: brtfjftt *ourg girl; t**t refcrerxe*: '<**> la** S^l. Ta'.l at LANO & BoEJItEitUR CO.. 13 We.'. 2Tth-st. STENOGRAPHER and Remington opera- tor; temporary or permanent. E. O. ROBINSON. S4 Wei 113th-st. Male. ANY UrTEIXJOENT PERSON majr earn good income at horn* corresponding for newspapers; experience»s«ary; no eanvaaaug; we will help you n-.i .iartr.i, If you desire permanent profitable employ- ment, sen.l for particulars. NORTHERN PKESfI SYNDICATE. Lookport. N. Y. 23 V.a:: Street. New Terk, August 2. 1904. T^, transfer books <-; the Voting Trustees for Preferred Rtf.'k Trust Certificates of the Southern Railway Co.. WHICH HAVE ASSENTED TO THE EXTENSION AOREEMEVT OF AUGUST 57. IMS. will close at 12 £cl*k nocn on sittirday. Beptember 24. 1904. and willre- o™ ,t n 10 o'clock A. M. on Tuesday October 18. 1804. O-i October 17 1004. the Voting Trustee* will be rr- to dJtrlbuta the above dividend of TWO AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. C 8»«. when received by them. among the parties entitled th-reto. as same appear of !Sga,d^^wh*n gos>daaagr fc Agents for Voting Trustee. SOUTIIKKN ILULVAY COMPANY. J>< Broaiway. .New YotK Aug. 2, 10C4. A DIVIDEND OF TWO AND ONE-HALF •*a- PER CENT. <2V:7t) out of accumuiateJ \jteamm has this day been declared on the PREFERRED STOCK of th.i Company, payable Oct. 17. l«u4. to BLocknolders of rtocril at th* closfl of business September 24. IJ<>4 The rrererred stock ranafer bocks will clone at 12 nVo.k "noon on taiuriiay, September 24. 1804, and, will reopen at To o'clock A. il on Tue*day. October IS. lU'O4. re>3^ "s.i * R. D. LAXKFURXI. tecretarj-. Financial Meetings. WAITHF«y» ari>l CTIAMSEn3t.M». TTrst c.asa: T!rin:»h r*.rl: has two years* rsf»r- •nc«s. FinUaU Burato. 1,035 34-ave.. swar «:2d-*t. SALKSiIAN.— By young nun. 22. In city v- 1 vicinity: Al reference; wllllna and ambition*. CONSCIENTIOUS. Boa IS. Tribute Office. VOUNO men everywhere, copy letters, home eventrcs. "-0 nee:,., send a.l- dresstil envelope for particulars. Man a- GEli '. LPT. W 118. Bob 1.411. Philadel- phia. Pa. ' . STENOGRAPHER. TTPEWRITER-— Ao- curate rapid, correspondent and oSaos as- atataat; several years' experience; thor- oueh bn»lr.e*s education: salary $i:.; would «üb»U:ute. Address SL'NNT. ST-4 ath-av*. TIMEKEEPER. r<;ierf»n \u25a0••! v•— X nun. rsjoort entry ttinelieeper; litst ISCW mc«. H.. 5" ;8 Hu"1»on-*t. VOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING. TO STOCKHOLDERS OF WELLS. FAFwGO & COMPACT. Tou are hereby notifted that the next Annual Meeting of the stooiuioMcrs of aaid corapftcy for the election of Inreo- tori Vo- t°e cnsulns year, an-i the- trtn«actlon of such other utislaesa as may com* before the >etlng. will i, bell in the offiea of the Salary of the Company. &i Broadway New York City. K. X., on Thurscaji, August lI T*?T-rS.f2r O 'Bs£^lU*b. closed July nth and r- epeuad Au^uat 12th. 1004.^ ,_ ,ABSON3,, ABSON3 , g^u,,. -\ - Femala. LADIES wanted everywhere copying let- ters at home evenings or spare time and return to us: no mailing or canvassing; f'i weekly earned; materials frees enclose self- RddreMtA envelope Cor particulars. GUARANTEE CO.. No. W lid 'Jth-st., Philadelphia. Pa. The Tribune Uptown Office Is now located at 1.3&4 Broadway Between 36th and 37th St 9. BEATERS (experienced) on slippers: good paying home work. M. B. MARTINE. 127 Puaae-sl. i'ARMEB.- North or tr?!ar.J Protestant; married: bnys 11 in.l6 years; experienced aad practical la every bran;. 1 !. cattle, etc.: g->od shepherd: expert at pfteas- silt ralslr.i: wlj« board den; fine dairy woman ••\u25a0.-:.. best refaf»oces. EOBEUT. at Carpenter's, 1!V» gih-ave. i F.xr.VKP. Theoretl'-aUy ar.l prar*li»::y aidlled farmer (3k. manager of r;al e3ta:a In Germany, a. this country; s«:e'v_s r««por.*!bl-' rnsitlon; rer^rcaces. N. i Ki'^P.BER. Rahway. X. J. "FARMER and GAUDENEIt- Marrte-t; an. tarr.tly; can take c..arse cf tentia- s country place; thoroughly ucJer- starts ht» business: sl-it*en > ears' best i references. H. r... 154 13th-«t.. Brooklyn. I OAKDENEat ar.a SCTEMXTE3CXHDCT.— > Scotch: married; tliorou*.ily pnctiCßl In all tranches: will take entire C&WSfI oC ser- tinman's euuatry estate; traces expectM. ITS a month. HORTICULTURIST. Keap- st. greenhQiisee> Brooklyn. ADVEJITTSSUENTS aaS iUMCrrstrssa J;f The Triiur.e rece.ved at ttstr Uptown Offle*. I.3ft* Bmadwav. 9«twsjaj| Sau» and S7th st.t.. unrt! » o'cloci p. m. Aittr- ttsem-. i received at th« tcllowtax branch o!£e»s »t reru!ar ofSo* rates until S 4'etosJi p. m.. vtz.: 2T.4 Slt>-aT«.. a. c car. CCJ-jt. '.."'.a ccr. 12th-»t.: 92 Etft I4ti-«t.; Weal 42^-«t.. teiw««i» ?-• and 3th atr««. : i:"«2 \\Vnt ISttrSt.?. 1 S3 1 * Si-a\-^. between 7'-ih «a>l TTfi st*. \u25a0 1. «"_•« 3-'— ay«.. tmr erist. !\u25a0•.: I.TuS l*t-«v». . near >3th-st.: •- Di«t lCsth-»t. : "7-8 meM ay« : fIW S4-ar« . vox 41't-rt.: 534 »r» . HO -«\u25a0»«- \u25a0•*..; 3t3 CUscltr-st. WATCHMAN.— Day or nlsht: served In United State* Army and Nary during Civil War; Q«rmat» descent; sober, willing and obllKtr*. WM. LOVETT. 3 Alb»nv-St Steamboats. Ocean Steamers. NEW-YOBK DAILY TRIBUNE. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 3. 1004. Financial. Ocean Steamtri. Financial. LFcdc 0 QPgdfGcd ffiSocDo Steamship* of the RED "D" LINE willtall for Eaa Juan direct, as follows: S S. PHILADELPHIA Saturday, Auf. «. noon S. 6. CAKACAS Saturday. Aug. 20. noon For freight or passage apply to BOULTON. BLISS & DaLLETT. General Managers. 83 Wall St. 5i.500.0C0 Gonnaclicut Railway &' Lighting Company First and Refunding Mortgage 4 l-2°o Sinking Fund Guaranteed Gold Bonds Dated 1901 Duo 1951 INTEREST PAYABLE JANUARY AND JTXT. Tested on the New York and Philadelphia Stock Exchanges. Redeemable at 103 and accrued interest. Interest guaranteed by endorsement on each bond by the United Gas Improvement Com- pany of Philadelphia, which has paid dividends of 8 per cent, for the last 17 years on its entire capital stock now amounting to $36,720,000. f9AH3Ki!RS-AEi9ii3iSAfi3 LIME. 6EMI-WEEKLT TWTN-SCREW SERVIC3- FOR PLiTIOLTiL CiIERSOUKG AND : OUUM •D*uMch:and.AU£. 4. U> AM; Phoenicia Aug. 20. Nocn •.Pennay.-.a- a A'i£. t". Noon f'lilaeeJier. ..Aug. S3, 10 Ail ".Patricia.. Auj. 13. $:3rt Ail'* Pretoria Aug. 17. « All Hamburg... am IS. 11 AMi'Deutscnlawt.-efept. 1. am •Grill rociu aud tyrmn^siuin on fcoaxi. * 7.'.'.: call at Dover far Lor.-.icn asd Parts. MEDITERRANEAN SERVICE. NEW TORK—NAPLES—CENOA. By superb new Twla-Jjcrew Steamers. Prtas Adalbert Aug. I*. A. II Oct. 4. N->^-» Frlns Oscar Scot. 6. 2 P. M. : Oct. 23. 10 A. m FIRST CABIN. JOu ana $75 UPWARD. Accon&nx to Season. :-.~r- AMERICAN UXE, OScea. 33 and 31 ay. Piers. Uoboken. >' J. rxD nr> @tt nri r^n axt> points in US W <^) U UL/ LIU NEW ENGLAND. FALL. KIVER LINE 'or Newport. Fall River. Boston and a... Eastern and Northern Points. Steamers PRSCIILLA and PURITAN. Orchestra on each. Leave Pier 19. N. R_, foot cf Warren St.. week days and Sundays at 6:30 P. M. PROVIDENCE LINE for Providence. Bostcn. North and East. steamers PLYMOUTH and PILGRIM. Orches- tra on each. Leave IS. N. P— foot Murray St.. wees days only, at « P. M. NORWICH LINE (or New London. Block Island. Nor- wlcn. Stonington Watch Hill. Narrags.nsett Pier. Worces- ter Boston. North and East. Steamers CITY OF LOWELL and CHESTER W. CHAPIN. Leave Pier 42 N. R.. foot Clarkson St.. week days only. 6 P. M. NEW HAVEN LINE for New Haven. Springfield and North. Week days Str. Rli^iAßD PECK lvs. Pier 20 E. R.. 2:43; ft. E. 31st St.. 3:00 P. M. str NEW HAMPSHIRE lvs. Pier 20 B R. 12 night. Sundays RICH. PECK lvs. Pier 20 E. R. 9:30: ft. E. 31st St. 10:00 A. M.. return due N. T. 8:45 P. M. Ticket* and staterooms, all Lines, at 113. 261. 673. 1 155. 1.354 Broadway. 25 Union Square. 192 sth Avenue, 145 Columbus Avenue. 273 W. and 153 E. 125th Street. New York: 4 Court. 860 Fulton Street. 390 Broadway. Brooklyn, and at Piers. A, MERICAN LINE. **\u25a0 PLYMOUTH— CHERBOITRG—SOCTHAIirTON. Sailing Saturdays. 0 M A M. Pier 13. N. R. St Paul..' Au* 6;Gerniaiuc Auj. 20 ThilaJelphla Augr. 13> New Tori A u*. =7 RED STAR LINE -^ .NTW TORK—ANTWERP- LONDON— PAIU3. Calling* at Dover for London and Parts. Sailing Saturdays. 10:30 A ML Pi«r 14. N. R. Krconland : An »,! i f- ln J* nrt V A-«- Zeeland Aug. 13>*ader!and Aug. T. SI'ECIALt NOTICE- Th* larga n»w twin-screw steam- ship* of th» Red Star L»n» CHI at Dover. England, both East and West beund. WHITE STAIt LINE. * V NEW O.CEENSTOWN— LIVERPOOL. Sallin- Wednesdays and Fridays. Pier 48. N. R. Teutonic. . -Aug. 3. lv A. M j Majestic. . .Aug. IT. 10 A. 11. Celtic Aug. 3. Noon Cedrle Aug. 13, Noon Baltic Aug. 1". 4 P M. iOctsanic .Aig. 24. SP. M. PASSENGER OFFICES. 9 BROADWAY. Freight Offices. Whitehall B'.ig.. Battery Plag«. GATBSOIII EVENING lLillN)(& a For Catsklll and CatsklU Mountain Points. Hudson and Th* Berkshire*; Coxsackle and way landings, steamer KAATERSKILL, or ONTBORA. week-days. 6 P. M. from Christopher St. ;' 7 P. M. from West 129 th St. Extra boat (ONTEOKA). Saturdays. 1:30. from Christopher St ; 1:50 from West 129th sit, for Cats*ui. Hudson by annex, and Mat len Special trains for Cairo Pat*nvlll*. Otis Summit. Hainea Corners and Tar.nersvllla. Dlnln? Rooms on Main Deck. Illustrated Folder ma:l«d free, j 13

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Page 1: New York Tribune (New York, NY) 1904-08-03 [p 13] · •HO GRAKDB_ EOCTHEBN. ISO ISO l?0 ¥***"*-.££. ~~ SS7.ei2



SS7.ei2 $46,715 $11.4^o--i!^^-- ****** -

615 g4"&15cpw^"'

•_\u25a0 -.. I*-658 23-900 $2<5

-.jrt esretox 8

-•••—•• "; 3.535 SI

nXtT mooms „_. f1«

*** $27,435 28.702l <̂SriaS.:;~ V'T5T5 15,033 l_!10

C* '*$3eS7 $12,402 \u26666.092 ]

_^"« -1^-'-~

KUMi PUN -».«-G ro«* «*r:;,S^nsaa. i 'T M«.U«

'™'m«. 12 m«. $182,010 $273,157 $2B^j,-,t•aral..r» "ra *

6 ST9 s#al3 7.70 a(yutf iscom*- ..-•-•••• __

„. '•- $19«! S<-3 $2(?7.070 $270,247TMBI WfJJ-- •; \u25a0

2-6 0I'? =li.oM 217,960i"i" "

«$1£227 J75.857 $&2,202Bsrplt*

-"°*SSlt " PENNSYLVANIA.p.-^^a, KH.l::--^r-™tr^.

-las*. ISO 4 June »\ -'\u25a0".•4.

<»rs. I"C $105 00.1 Tec. $2,504,900

jaSri!SUasi.:::Si__^i« *•__-

:r.. jto.sFo Pec. $24^.100

V*rt_m; \u25a0 "- ... . r,,.. $lej;v>ogStSTw»S r^__llM> Dec.__J:500

M e.-=^g» toi. «Ol.anO Dec. $163,100

Vest >T^B "•\u25a0-%-- ,-O0 Ino. $«).600

OrsraK'* ? • .gSISTSpi^;" -Sec:_6o£DOO -_____

T,,r S'lO 400 Dec. $1,890,000

Ctiirter _•— -'-'\u25a0\u2666 S'"l^, 1?0 3 Cinnes*,„ S2S4 073 I2?.<.'*4'» 1r.c.554.238gsff2s_« •'___*? _ : "\u25a0"

Other fflccnie S^1°'"a »**•_

_p2SVST.::::r J-:- K:___s



"t*).7«4 $22.15-1 Inc. JS.StS


5-5-5-........- i

; J? &J?*e^,u%r-^ar::::::::::

c—,,i SS Dee. _«•

: ::: i :sm _,_.GD7iILFast express service.

PL.TMOUTH—CHERBOURG— BREitElt.K. Wm. 11. ...vug ». S PiljKat—r Se»t. 13. 1* amKaiser Aug. IC. 10 AM.X or.prtna \u25a0***. ta> 1PMKror.prics...Aus. Z3. 1P-V K. Wra. n...Oct. *. tt AMK. Wm. Il.Sert. 8 12:30PM 'Kaiser Oct. 11. 10 Ail

Twin-screw passenger service.PLYMOUTH


Kurfarst... Aug. li. ft All'.Erercen Sept. S. 10 AMAlice Aus- 13, M AM,A".b»rt .S-pt. 13. 10 amBarbaro«a. .Aup. ST>. U> AM,Kurfartt Sept. 22. 10 AMFrtednch ... AUff. CO. Noor.; Nackar .. Sept. 39. *> AM

Mediterranean Service.GIDR.VL.TAR— A GENOA.

Lm!s» Aug. »i. HAS I—a* Oct. S. 11_

stIrese . Aug .7 •\u25a0 AM Hc^enzoUem-C-ct. 13. ItAit

13 I'n.S*pt I<>. 11 All Altert Oct. _. 11 AMLulie SepL 2* 11 Ail!Lui*e Oct.» 11 a.:

From Rrem-n Piers. 31 anl 4th Bts.. rioooiWBJ-OELJiICHS A CO.. NO. 3 r.ROADWAV. H. T.

Louis U.Meyer. 45 South Third St.. Pfella.Ocean Steamers.



TO LIVERPOOL. VIA 01EENSTO— N.From Piers 51-52. North River.

Cmbrta Aug. 6. 10 A.M., eaala Aug. 57. IA. M.Campania. .Aug. 13. BA. M.|Umbr:a . Sept. 3. 10 A. 11.Etruria. ..Aug. 20. 10 A. M.ICampania. .Sept. 10. « A. it.

Salo-.m rates for Cmtwta an! Etrurla. $6& and upwarca,accordtcz to a:conmocia'

TUESDAY SERVICE.Carpitbla Aug. ». NoonlAuranU Aug. 23. Noon

MEDITERRANEAN—ADRIATIC SSR vICE.Ultonla. Aug. *^3. Nocn; Pannoota >-r- 13. Aujc. 30. NooßtUltoata Sept. 27. Noon

Apply 23 Broadway. New York.VERNON H. BROW N. <»<r«ral Agent.AfALLORT STEAMSHIP LINE." -L

SPECIAL. SUMMER EXC. TKTS. ON B.VLB.TICKETS to Texas. Colorado, Arizona. California.

Mexico. Georgia. Florida. Alabama. DELIOHTFUI.OCEAN VOYAGES.'

""Pock»t Guide" Free. C. H. MaL-LORT *CO.. Gen. Acts.. 129 Fruat-at.. N. T.


For 01.l Pn-nt Comfort. NorfoUt Portsrtonas. Placer*Point aa.l Newport N*w». Va.. connecting for P»ter»3ori.Richmond. Virginia Eeach. Washlacton. D. C. aad asstragcuth an.l Was*.

Fre:s^t ar.^l passenger steamers sal" fr-—, Pier **.N. R. totK B»a^-*> 8». «very week day at 3 P. St.

B. B. WALKER. Vlctt-Pr*sldent •% TraSs Manage*.pLARK'S ROUND THE WORLD TOUB•


-Leaves Oct. «th; 190 (Jays: $2,000.

Strictly first class; limited aumbera.F. C CLARK. 113 Bway. X. T.

r>i:t» "D line.\u25a0A-"r For La Guayra. Puerto Cab*tl«. Curacao and Maraealbo. via Curacao, ca'.llne a>o at.<ann Juan. P. R.

Fr-rn TUt 13. adjotnln; Wall St. Ferry. Brooklyn.B. S. PHILADELPHIA Saturday. August 6. n"«!»S. 8. CARACAS Saturday. August 2". noon

Kor La Ouayra. Curacao and Maracaibo.B. S. MARACAIBO Saturday. August 13. noonS. 8. ZVI-IA Saturday. Ausust 27. noonThese steamers bare superior accommodations 'or i**-


General Managers. S2 Wall at.

««t a VELOGE"— Italian Line.\u25a0^ ca!'ir.s; every We«ln»»day to Naples, Oews,


/ROOK'S TOURS AROUND THE WORLD.S3rrl Annual Series. Illustrated prorramraes andparticulars from THOS. COJK & BON. 2GI and 1183Broadway.

—&1-J Madison Ay«.. New Tort

TTOLLANTVAMKRICA LINE.•—*\u25a0 New Twln-S-crew Steamers of 12.V»S Ti*—NEW TORK—ROTTERDAM. via BOC1OG?TBL

BailingTues.lay. at 10 A.U.P.— -»a.T<. A>ui f» Potsdam . \u0084

-T ,lwf •»

Nooriam Au*. !•> Rotterdam ...........Sept. i*Stater.-iam An*. 23 ,Ry.da.Tn ....Sere M


J. a W. SELiQMAN & CO.,New York.

REDMOND % COMPANY,New York.Philadelphia.

During the past three years the company ho-« been Improving end unifying its system, andIt is estimated that gross earnings for 1905 will exceed $2,000,000, and the surplus $187,000.Gross earnings for the year ending June SO, 1904, were $1,893,038, as ng-ainst $1,649,613 In1303.

Detailed information is contained In a letter from Thomas Dolan, President of the UnitedGas Improvement Company, copies of which may be obtained at our offices.

We offer the above bonds at 97*4 and Interest. subject to prior sale or advance In price, and recom-mend them as an exceptionally well secured tnTestment. At this price they will yield 4-% per cent, perannum, if not railed before maturity: It called before maturity, at 103 and Interest they will yield a cor-respondingly higher return.

A gradually lncrea«lns sinking fund has be*n •staM».sh<?i tvhich ItIs esUmated willretireover 60 per cent- of this issue before maturity. »

These bends axe secured by a. mortgage on the entire property of the company and by afL-et mortgage on the greater part thereof. The 175 milee of electric road owned servesdirectly nineteen cities and towns situated along the highly prosperous find rapidly growing

southern shore of Connecticut a^<! the valley of the Naugatuck. Including Bridgeport, TVator-bury, etc. The combined pop. .on In 1900 was 465.748. an Increase of 3^ per cent, over 1890.

The franchises of the compa.iy are perpetual and there are no competing electrio lines inthe territory served.




Passbook No. 10X768. Issued by

th« Institution tat Iks HH»p of Mer-chants" Clerk*. The finder willplease re-

turn it to the bank. No. Union square.


MANUFAOTI'RERS of bi.aaxii and pooltabler. hieh grade bowling alley builders;

lowest prices. aUiKX BROS.. 24 UnionE .a \u25ba.

Trust Companies.


Maim.WINE?, liquors;

"-\u25a0 class all ar^nr.'l

raaa. FRANK BENNETT. 2 West 113?h.

TQUNG iZ>iV. JO. honest, reliable: willing-to work: Inan electrical establishm-nt

with chance of advancement. JOHNBLUMT«H. :'\u25a0' \u25a0 3d-ave.

TOO'NG MAN. 13. eafiaas rraduate. wish»»position with «ur\'eyor cr ctvll erK.nrer:

trood mithematinan; fair kn-">w>.:s« *Ctrlsonometry. taljulus. BERNARD, COSBu»hwtck-ave.. Brooklyn.

StateFAHM-R.—\u25a0W^rSins fcremaa: -*


11.- sirl «. t>oy 4: r -.'•..\u25a0*. sma; «»i/ stoc.*. crcr»; rUs board mas. etcJOHN, a; Carpenter's. 154 6^a-*.r*.


Married: private >la—:pracUcal gariecer; lars"» *spert«BC* la

trowing cut Cowers Sri veß»taal«s. n=il»rK^fs ani oiitixirs: car«

_less, tree*

ar.d shroba; laytas out and planar.ggrrAimls, etc. ;pood reference. A•fuss A.IC. cara Vau^hAn's seed *tor%. 14 EtfiUj.

GARDELVER and rLORIST.—»j eta*!*Sweda; Brst class: sober: *—t*s_Mad:

o'so haauy with tools an<l all around man;pr.vat» place, or garue&; best xe'ereacas.UARPITNER. 535 East 142d-sf. . \u25a0?;\u25a0\u25a0.-

GARDENER.-lTrst class In *very way:best r»ferenc*». F. Mil— *1Bgh-

•t.. Newburypoit. Uass.


GooJ -reiretabH f--w— artd& Crrist. »-na;i .-"•nhcas* and th»

l!k=: can milk: well r9conimen<!«iJ: strictlysot^r. JOHN, at Carpenter '». 194 6tn-*««


Pr co -.-Jiinan. 40; atngU.long experiec-o with cent ldTiar.'s fcsr4;

ran give them be«t atterT!/in: fin* mltkar:best AL£X. at >.:v*Et*r'S. 154«ih-ave.


ACCOUNTANT.—Professional: corporation;auditor; account booi£» eve— aescrlpt.oa

deti;sae*l. oten^d. closed, audited, syate.-pa-tisca; g.-> anywhere ! ted States. i.A-PEKT, - ..;.::-• Bot -'-»x>. Nei»-\orit City.

EOOKKEEVEB, jraduate. axe IT, with

srocKi ilrm; understands all differentmethods. JOSEPH M.vZA-. 837 East


:-..--:££*Flß— touriß num. 19. wall *i-ucated; thorough luwwiedje of jo«n-

ket-^ir.s; \u25a0

--t» y»ars' office experience, po-sitlun. with advancement; r»r*rences.BAMU~L KREItE-H>, *&>East fet^-«t.

BOC'KKEEPER— Young man. as bock-keept.- or Interpreter: wages moder-


excellent referonce from last em-ployer. CUA3. CHRISTIE. 274 Wa»_as.


BOOKKEEPER or ASSISTANT.— Ag% 2<>.double * try. Addresa. .B. V EUs. -"-«


TOI'NCV MAN wl*he« poeH a at the nia-

chl.-.lst or electrical trad*. EDWARDWIEDEKKEHR, 1-1 UviniS'-on-st.. Brookr-lya.

ST. ALJ3ANS. 7 EAST 81ST-ST.Rooms, tingle, en suite, with private ;

tatha; doctor's oSice ainms room parlor_*•?; electric llttht; excellent table board.BACHELOR, leavln* city for yar, will

bubiet rirtily lurmsh»'l apartment nearWaldorf; four front ruoniu. bath, te.efh^ce;ixce.ier.t service; furnisb:nent coat 4-'U.<XiO;Immolate poss^esloa; il.Vi month untilOctober, 1800. Apply gupertntenaent, Al-pine, So \\>st 33J-st.

TWO ;>ieasant rooms. lars;e an; sssa s'.n-uly or t&K*tiier. prtvau Rouse. -7 fciaat

llth-t. _ jIgTH-f 122 KAST. near Broadway.— \u25a0

Chou-a corner, pr-.vaia baths; «xci<tior.alaccommodation*; transients; meals .-i. :.*-.parlor dlmr.s; table guests.

78TH-ST.. 18 WEST.— args room, adjoin-ing bath; al?o srrialler rcxim: telephone;

43TH-ST.: 15 EAST.—

Airarnennats rrjide|for temporary or protnurtej r*etd*a** In

cooi. u^-t'i-»lal4 rf-ums tt suite*, withboard.50TH-ST., 7 EAST.

—Parlor ~..i bedroom.

»uh bath, oq seconl fl^or; square and}-a;i room on third fl^or. front; c«"'-!anieaonly; -„..... \u25a0•-

45TH-ST. 14 WEST. --•.«•. open-id. «le-gaatly fTirai»hr«l rooms fcr :..i«m*n•

r..i fnnflM. Tel. s&l—;frth.

\u2666"JTH-SX.. !."* EAST.—

Deelrable romi;

HUlet hca»e; I>oi tabie; cleanliness;


T2P-ST.. 20ft-210 WEST.—

Bp«':t!ful r^>>n-.?;

superior taoH; r«fir*r.c*s glren and r«-quir»J

1 * !>TH AVC-Thr« ct f^'ir eotir.^tine.o»w:y furnls&ed. for hotuelte*ptn«i «r.t

t5 acd »•!. N-^r 23.1 r'..

TOCNO MAN. rolor^l. foreirn country.

w!»h»» a email. decent r'«-m. eith»rwlih white rr colored rr!sa!« far.iUr. n«irr.riifff.inBrooklyn; $1 S> p«T »•<•* Wrlre

;JOSEPH \u25a0:•\u25a0-- Fultor*-»t.. N. Y.


!AN Improretiwßl fT third rail c.*\u25a0•--

raltwars for Ml': patent**! ta T". S.IEngland" and Canada. H. ROSENFEI.D.'

77,'. Ta»t 17*th-st.

i T! RhlltilHATHs. capable of e>T«!orm»ntto v*ry pro?i!Ab!« l-'.;3ln*s«; nn co^r.^*:l-

ttcn. equipped with iwnMiM**Blasea «n>i

balinc-'ti'me A. II A. I. L'GARDNER!

M»rlien. Conn.

IOUNO MAN. 21. well aducntart. desiresposition wi:h firm offering cbaaea tor ad-

vanceraett; hay» lilc;n»; tor;trade* willing to work. F. W. PETRI. 3.>*£v :nola» aye.


(.•r.tral-aye . br ..



JINK SOTU, 1901.Capital, Surplus sad Profits, 51, 463,03] \u25a0


SAMUEL Fli^iiilAN. Ires*.!fnt.Charles F. Cutler. O. G. Frellnchayaea.WlllardW. Cutler, Geor?^ rj. i:dd\\ t r.,Frederic "r unwell. 1> Wlllta James,Aurel a Hull. O 11. KahtuOusts E Kissel. Walter O -an,I.ulh^rKountze. Wliliam B. ;r.jre.Richard A.McCurdy, Her.ry P. T.i>:orH McK. Twombly, Tho». \V. Cairldwell.;>»» A. Wetti. 1-juis A. Tbebaui.

»-%%^ 4ayaVaa.'% i«*^aV«V%^


# CAPITAL $1.000 000.00 50 SURPLUS 2.500.000.00 2<J UNDIVIDED PROFITS. . e44.5b5.% Jsf A!l<m« lnt^rr«t »n Dnllr i;-iUnri-« subject t« Tfi shack and ..i « mi* it-» ..f I»etx>*ll. #a Art*m maun, Rnwhsi rnsssntttrn. T".x»>«-n- f)"

tor, (.luri'.inn. \dmlnlst rater, A»»iKn«-^, llrcl*- •»\u2666 trar, Tn»o«f'T and l'»<i! ,\e^nt. •*

# OFFICERS: J# VrnXl—M H. 111 »•»*.- -

President 54 KAVMOND.1. ( M IKY.

- - Secretary•

•r 11. S. MUMMr,- - t^»>-ITe»idfnt A

# AI.BKHT 1.. BA>*ISTEIt,-

rimmi T

»f DIBECTOIU jjI' Oor«.« Blumtnthal, CI. Hudscn, Jd George Cro-k-r. Era»r»on McJJl'.Mn, PL John R Hn'nui, Baymoad J- *"

r-el§» H. 5 Manning Joel Francis Freeman. _

/$ Albert L Banleter, Phi!!p Lehman, #5 '-,P. C"T D'^'.d. Henry B. Reamont £(I Myron T. Herrtck. William a Cinrk, t/d Samuel A. Maxwell. . .Tohn V. snggs, 05 James Campbell. William H l.eupp.._X Jam's M. Donali. Gdnrl C. Scha-fer. W

Guaranty Trust Co.OF NEW YORK,


Capita!, 52,000.000. Surplus, 55,000,000.JOHN W . CASTLES. I'rmldent.

TOI"NQ MAN. sg« 19. apea:-v:ni{ Englishand i>rman, wtaac* to Itam the dru^

basicess. t.'j ex;erlen':e. AATrena li.SACHS. 212 East !^Xh-st.

VOVNO MAN. well educated, speakinsEnj'.Loh. French. Gtr^Aa aid Gre««..

wishes position In frirate house, hotel orres'-auror.t. Apply* si. t.. London Cor.:*c-tionery. -0 Ea»t Ilth-st.

JAPANESE as r^Jt!« -r waiter; etty orcur.try: be«t reference. T. X.. IT Coa-

rr.rj-»t-, Brocttlyn. .\u25a0BAKUI;on bread and cake, strictly sa-

ber; American; country preferre-i. LockBox 4ft-".. ilatteawaa. New-Yorlt

BARTENDS German. *peais Sigliahaad French; steady. J '\u25a0 Tribune Of-


TOCXQ MAN. 20. tboroogßly csptrlMsMdin bookiee^lns an>i «»r.«ral e*sc» wojk;••- 'ear*' rafwaw a* concern. B. il..

Box 3^. Tribune Oflic*.

PP.IVATE3 GARDnXER.—B7 y~rg Ital-ian: familiar w;:.1-. ,a0tree anil

rir.« cultur* care cf cattle ami ether an:-raals; ?•-«>! mtTV~i*% horsejaaa. barter:win 40 to esi'.iiom:*.

-tree* PaSQC.vLS

PVTL I. P. M. Uiiit2*o Eiilsabeta-st.I M \N il*>. deali

BOT trood strand •»***e to tsara th«

electrician trad*. JUSTUS HAHN. 8.421fith-*v.

la ctabk hot».:« es. T %.

T".' \ITEF.—

Colored- two >««rs-

city raOsr-en.---. F'.-?ai« wrlta cr caU. "WIL3OX.

Ti'J West *-.h-st.

UOV at snrthlng. Addrwi ROBERTbrO'jUk. :^4 >«t .-.-\u2666-..

VAL.ET. attendast. companion, *e<-r«fanrar.i rfai-r to cer.r!err!an tr. IT! kaans .

fully 'xp*nenc»d: exTer>tionab^ refete*i—.UAYM'J.SD. l'» East iVth-st.

TOVN'3 MAN. 27. rr.arrie-1. honest aclwjl'ilr.F. U»s'.r*3 p< sirion cr aay

kind; not alraii of t.arl work. Ciir.l^Tsll.\VT.r.K. 2X3 ri«t S'.it-et.-

tya.TOl'N'/ man. 21. anythtcr: stror.s *=1

fcanly. BOULTON. Z** Ay».'>Y i*. la 00c*; .Just out of sctiooi:>;hiin'-« for advan \u25a0••-•- Addwi JO-

SCPU BEBOXIO. 31>i Clinton. H>bo«.en.


Sober: ma cook ord«rs an«ttake charga r.ig^ts. WnXXASI 'AST*"'.

?<^N SSTi A-'ar.:t:-ave.. Prooklyn.


\u25a0BOT. IT. wKiee tn :»»rn c lading;»t»a'ly w.-rU«r no ref*r»-nc«: c>vk! «»««*.

Arply cnli- by 1-ttrr. FRANK. FORTUNE.TTi Kem-ave .Brooklyn.

STESOORAI'HS?..- By expert F^mlnstcaoperaror. T ars" exp«rt«nc*: r<I''^'an^nj

r*'- '.-*\u25a0" accurate. sy»tetnatler.3y-ars with purl.c 1~-turer; tljicl^ss work.Jl!f* 3.. 477 U*st 434-M.

C^l-LJ:'~TOR.— 1V»11 ,- a -.» Ml '$?)

as roii^'tor or other r«*P'"'ni*lbl» sl*uatlon:\u25a0Dealt* English, anU Gtrrosn. c^«i r?'«:-ences; Mcurlty. N. KOERBER. K*i:-way. N. J. _

i i» s c cor. 23d-*t .-STENOGRAPHER. tr--T*r:-»r ar.i "";*

\u25a0\u25a0- c *KUICIN. 24 lllth-st.COLLE'rrOK-—A«e »: col>« \u25a0•-•* fat

r»al »»t»T# as«ncle§ cr proper?-.' o^n»rs.aay \u25a0tumate tv:»la«««' on a salary cr ccm-rr.iss.-n N.*»: Al r»r«r»no-s. iLITT.Trlbur.- L'jtoTm Of?lce. 1.30* Broaiway.


General m*cbanlo; work tot taaworn,estates, hotels, factories; "ay or contract.Aiirtss CAP.PENTEH. 332 Flush ing-»i«..Brooklyn.

c.Kurrt cleamso.




B- direction -' the Secretary of War, and on behalfof the Government of tb« Philippine lilands. the Bu-reau of Ir.sular Affairs cf the War Depart;:', in-vites Mf!s for J3,000.0u0 of the temporary certificatesof ..,..'\u25a0 Government of the PhilippineIslands, au:hnr!zed by the act "£ CVngr^s." e&tlted "Anact to establish a siainlard of ami to providefor a coinagQ aystem In the Philippine Islands." ap-proved March I. IVO3, and an act of the PhilippineCommission numbered 1133. enacted July 18. 1904.

The c^rtiflratM willbe i«*n»-<l In coupon form In th*dpnomlnation of SI.OOO. ihrr will }>.- dated >«-i>trmt>rr1, 1904, boariiiK Interest at the rate of 4 per centuml>fr annnm. puyuble quart^rlr. and will l>« redeemableIn unf year after date of i»sue tn jroiil coin uf tbaI'nitrd>tatr« at the offlr«? of tbo Guaranty Trust Com-pany of New York, depositary of the funds of th» Phil-ippine I«lan<is in the City of New York.

By the terms of th« act c; Conjress these certifi-cates are exempt fro . the payment of all taxes orduties of th* <Jo\trnnient of the Philippine Islands.or any local authority therein, or of the Governmentof th« I'nU«-d Sratae. a? well at) from taxation in anyform, by or und»r any State, municipal, or •al au-thority lv the frJied ti:ates or In the PhilippineIslands.

Th*» -ecretary of t'le Trnmirjr authorizes the frag-

ment that the»« certificates of Indebtediieks wlilbe atonce accepted at par by the Treanury department a*security for deposit* of the public money of the Vnltedstates In national bank* in sobetHwtta* for State, mu-nicipal, or Philippine bond* and certificate* of Indebt-edneftft now held to necure «iurh deposits; and In sub-stitution for raited Mat*-*bond* now held as securityfor deposits, on condition that the Government bondsthn« rrlr*»ed be need as «e<urlly for additional circu-lation whenever in the Jrtdrmen! of the Secretary ofthe Trea*ury !t t» desirable to stimulate an increase Innational bank circulation.

Th» <> ,n4 ißtrom ot IXOPO.fOS Ph!Mppln« T«raporarye«rtiflcat»* of ln<3eht»<in»!ss yirnvMe for th* main-tenanc* nf the. parity matures S»pt»mber I»% 1904, nnwhich 4at« the? willb« retired

Subscriptions trill bfl ...» upon notification <?faccoptance by thU offlca at th» ofBc« of tho GUAR-ANTY TKUST COMPANY of New York, ns deposi-tary fir Injuiar f-itnis, In ch^cki or baric d'.ifts. :na<!«payabi-% in sazd city, and <!»!:\ery o? cortificat's w<!lbe n:ad<! b-r sa-.ii Tru** Company on t-pt»tnbfr 1. '3"4.

Th« 6<!cretary of War reserves th* right to rejectar*y cr all

Each bid mu«t b« aaeonpanl*4 r>v eirtif.ed ehe <of 1 per cer.t- of th* face vaJae of th* oartlUcatesbid for as a i.rante*, p.-v check •\u25a0 bs returned.after the making of the award, to the ensMoesssrnlbidders. . .

Responsible subscribers oft*rlog th* h'?h«st an +

most advantag'ou* pr-- \u25a0ni'.l b<» tho»« acc«pt«.l up

to t-h« amount of 11.009.000 «? offered.No special tlanits r»Tilr»d on \u25a0"->' :n »o Bpprnll

v••. but th" ,-•--\u25a0•.• eontnin-n* them shouM b«c Varlv mark-d -< BS< RIPTION'K IOIi PHILIPPINETFMPOKARV OEKTTFICATES OF I\I)rBTEPNC«v'

T'ii«Sr«."dio -THE BIBUC OF INSIXAK \u2666»

rAIBS.WAR DEFAB—OS>T. AVAMHNOTON. D.C."WTb« opening of th» blfli win b. m at 2 10 P M.on August ::, I^4, and none will be accepted afterthat tima.

CLARENCE R. EDWARDS.Colrnel. U. S. Army. Chlff of Bureau.

DRIVEU. re*por.slM»-. «<ir.;« position: r»f-

«r*r.c* 3-| Mcurltr. «31 St. Mark e-av..


Female.ATTENDANT—Reir.ed Amertcaa woman

as a::=n^ant to UKaßit Mat's] isssi*nc9: mcdsrat<» wasei: city or couaar-M:-s L^O.VARI'. 13^ E^st SOth.

A SPECIAL. CBASCCB Sot _-« got* torhooaework; city or ccistry: direct ouitl

so^--n daily- \u25a0acted •.:-i omm. aialW—

OKEiiN. 3^6 West 53til-st.

CHAMBERMAID sad SSAiISTRiSS—s;o:ch Pratutsr.t :


• -«r3ia;<i andfear"« r-»*s. cr ma.d tt jtowjs eb!l4r»a:r.ea: ar.i refip*i: axcellaot re:er»c«*; ctry

or co-i2".rj". 3. D.. iirs. .^'s. 123 Wees23J-»t.

____________CH\M3ERI!AIO s.-i


N'-at \u25a0tßsj «>.-Lr.j woman. cors-«:«=tIt a 1: trinc^sa: tie best of re;»r*ne«s; *ltr

icr>-. J. L.. Mrs. Co—era. 139XS *' Sod-st.

00-^K walU'ess, -»:• and sea- -\u25a0^s bert-•'-'-e'-.ces ilisa L«.\SiC»r3 Empto_iasi«

O^!c*. S3 W:k 2«ti-«i TaL. - v»— il_

son 5-i'-ar«-_^__—^—



E^«r•:\u25a0-i^\u25a0.^ Cerrsas womaav •*•long In ihls cou=«T. is cook or t*> *>

riou»*wcrii wi:ipxivat* ir~"7. X" ATe»A tilrfl Co>3T.


Er-s'-'sS Protestaat: eatap«t«at altbnac&M plain ae4 ran— eooktaai «a«

b^st o! l«r«l«mesi: wacss._

B.Mra. Col'.i'r's. IS Weal sw-et.

CCH^K. IC.-A KM cUss ;-^'«. laaaw—

—or gereral hcusewariier: alsa eaaaafeispj

mail. wa^trss's: city or coustry: two y»ax**references. MI6tij-ave.

CAT'S WORK.—E7 Oerraari ''xsb: csm-.3'. speolt Er.e::?x ilr?. 3e::<sb. xi~

Sth-ava.. r«ar barber's sj_*>

DAYS WORK-—Poor \u25a0 T.a-. w.ta t»->cti'.^ren. to go «W washlne ty ti» &»f

ex cam:?, cr will do occs siaaakac-MT7I.LJ:N. 291 N<*rla»-at.. Brooklyn.

HOL"SnKE"PER.— Steady eerwm. mx?mr>-oa'"1.: r.;uae*»*per. Protestant. 33 rears)

oM speiks orreet Germaa. if'tlisai andv..,a French: uaierstinSa

—!--,?n*> m*-

vi-e nrst class r»fir»scea. -• ilrvHASL3XA. care or .rst_. £33 Wan

LAn.Tr.ts;-r»y'» work. waaMii \u25a0tlMrlrt: city -•;— Mrs. It.

rov.xyy, *z± ''-*'- •'


—Competent ytfiiri*irotsajr!.

to g<i out l>? t^e (Jay. ««MSS '—niustor M RPIiV. IS W^*t 39_-*».


«-\u25a0-c an.l cl'anlrs: tak«» *;-<ma waa_a«

aIM. S!;s. UOPFEN'v.AKTXES. .-_>.\u25a0

>3tS-st.. scccti'l r.cor. back. :*st.

XURSE. who ho* had »ir»r:-T.c'. LaauLSter.t ta car« fcr ten weeks* ell c— *:

must ur.JerstarJ bcttls f*a_as«n ll>anJ 12 to-day. 3t>d West TZi-et.

EI.KOTHICIAN—Toun* 20. as wtre-

maa. helper or . •«.. twa years' fxptn-er.T«.; ona tools. KAXU'iEB,

123 Brook-are.


ON THE FLOOR, IB* Gramercr.

rr>nrr«H air anil suftica comS:n»l;dustleM. 'iU'.-'<. thorouKh. sanitary. PaNI-

TARY DU.^T REMOVIN'3 COMPANY,... Froai^ay ar.d 2 -i-st.


Kmmlasj autotnObU* ante-toa- or launch, ser^n years' •\re.-:»n-e

nxr.r.-.r.x gasoline er.srtr.ef: salary thec.uestlo^.. Address CHAS. OOBDOX. ?h^t-

ton. Coan.

GBIYJGAIKTfILEAHIRfiGOOldest. Largest. Mo?t Modern.

*:.- & -»as» WES 4">th-st.Tel. £11

—3>>t.r. -St. ICs'.abllshert 1*37.



OF NEW YORKraplri'.. (3,000,000 -ij Street,surplus. SJ.iMjJoOO Baaltable DuiMlnr

ELFsCTr.ori*\TEh. u-t!»r«rsn'J:r.f tS»business In al! tt» branrhes: capable or

taklnc fullc *-»\u25a0> AdJrei* PLATER. Boxlloj. \Vj;erbui>. Cfr.n.


rhlraso. Aug. 2.-Wheat it* ..\u25a0-" anfl

strong this morilns as though '.t trere only be-

gtj^iog to c'fcb Instead of having already had an

ftdTmaoß cf about ::?. a busheL The estimate mad«br H V. Jor.-«=. mnrieapolls. that the tot^l winter

-.rheat crop d Of country would not exceed 630.-KIO.OOO bushels, tra^ the rxcitir.g reason for a rush

of buyir.e orders, which Ehotvod very little sign

«Z slacklss up for asi fccur. and in that time I3-Bc.

tad bten added to the closing ..:••-\u25a0 sOf the pre-

rtous dar- Besides the Jon«a estimate. tJie foreign

cities were s:r3::g. UverpooL Paris and Antwerp

laynling edvacces. The advance here Traa made

In v.<. face of c"nt!r.ued eelllns \u25a0\u25a0• large interests

irto were recently heavy buyers, and appeared to

fee pUyte* the market for a break. Prinjle, who

for the last month has been a \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 buyer.

\u0084. th» leader ta the eelline monment, and that

\O» ceostost unloading did not break the xnarJiei

Is tiien as an indication of the lr.trtr.sle value of

wheat at present prices. Reinforcing th© localbtryjßt which had Its crlcir. In foreign strength

e»d"tk« i"-st reports from the spring wheat belt,

cams trayins orders from the Northwest. To offsetthe se'-iir:g of t-ie Prlr.^le follatrinr. there waslarge ccr.rr-i£sJon he-use buying, ar.d there werecore non-professionals In tre market than haveappeared for a long '•"-" There were numerouspurchases for foreign account. Despite the con-tinued selling for profits by longs, and the oc-casional eeilitg by shorts, the market showed morestrength after midday, ar.d prices were all higher.Local receipts were, dl cars— eighteen under theestimate— 3M cars being new wheat. Only elgjity-

two cars are looked for to-morrow.

Old September closed at the top price of the day.ti"C.after sei] ~z as low as S3?ic. early. The rangeof DeosaUxr ifas frcm Sirs1-, to S»1»'-.. closing at

Hz.• m bed another sharp advance at the epen-lr.^. ans fer?is".i buying orders a sain cut consid-erable figure. The source of the foreign buliish-ress was fail by Broorahall to be the prohibitioncf experts by Rumania, the Budapest market inparticular being ihereoy excited. The strength ofthe wneat ra&.rr:ei leat its aid to the crea- ofthe bullish feeling here. The v.-eather. while inthe main favorable, was not xvarm enough to hurryt.-.e belated crop out of the way cf possible earlyfrost-. Local receipts amounted to 239 oars, ofwhich 15 wers contract, and shipments hence eraJTf.C'O bushels. The <=stir.:ate of to-morrow's localreceipts was 12* c^ra. ,September sold from 6lcclosing at tne top price of tho day— ZZ'-^-z. Decemberclcsed at the top. iT-ii. The lov.-est lor Decemberwas ITUC

The oais market participated moderately la thelarger bnslnesa doing in wheat ar.d corn, tut theprice advance! reluctantly, C..~ expectation of freoriuvfnifcnt of the new crop ard the good qualityInaaxlag plenty of the contract grade in tne re-\u25a0ccipta being "the counteracting influences. The<ia- % receipts -were ;\u25a0• cars, and it was not till the*-stiraate for to-morrow showed only 82 cars thattns price gave more ready response to the, bullishatmosphere that prevailed. In to-day's ir:spectio!ithere were 45 can contract its and the shipti.entsfrom Chicago amounted to 113.050 bushels. The con-tract stock for the iv.:<-k increased 62.5C«i. Sep-tember scla from CCV- to SI77*1:, and clos'-d at thelatter price. The close for December was aS^c.the lowest was C4c.

Then vis heaviness !n provisions all day. TwelveThousand hecs -K^m left over. Th° rec<>:pts were-• "

Prices were llr'c lower at the yards. Theestimate is IS,ou>j hozs for to-morrow. Prices wereonly ncKiaal the f-r^t hour. Later, considerableeellisg pressure .< -. = ;»!t from brokers for the smallpacker*, ar.d the pit trade took to the selling tide.eejtersber pork toct lr>c. to (12.80: lard fell off from

657-i to J69Q. ribs fell from $7 -:2:2 to ITSTVs-

J. & J. W. V7ILUAM3.353 W. 54TH ST.CARPET CLEANI.N } Ests

ENGINEER— Marine Ilcen»« from Ger-many: Brst class mucnir.lst; p<^s!t!?T> as

oiler. WC. 12 Grar^te-ave.. Elm Fark.Staten Island

CAREFUL CARPETT CLEANING CO.—Cleans by co*npre»»''d air. steam, hand or

en Roar. 1.830 Broadway. 421 East 4Sth-stCOE & BRANDT. Tel 1.?I--S^th

St 'amboats.

ENGINEER, *c—By Gortrar.; - year* Incountry, understand* allkinds of repairs;

A'.f.) an jantfLT In first v-!a?« htuse.SCKMID, «2S >nastsi \u25a0*\u25a0 . v-

sal llcbo-\u25a0«.. N. J.


Bankers and Brokers.


211 T--" •»:\u25a0•• First c!a«s domestics ar«supplied: also mim«ri"g houselirepers, ma-trons. grovernes»ea. tutors, etc.

EXGINEEF^-As fas <-n«ir*er. under-stands dynamos, ice macfclr.s and K'carr.

heating: 4 years !n last place: own too.sand do r*r»' first cia*3 reference. JOHNwiiST. i.i' .:-... Brooklyn.

A large number of choice mortgages alwayson hand for Immediate investment

Bond & Mortgage Guarantee Go.Capital and Surplus $3,500,000.

146 Broadway. 1"5 F.emsen St..New York. Brooklyn.

Mortgage Insurance,Amount of Mortgages guaranteed by thisCompany sold to investor! during the pastfour year*:

$73,000,000.Loss of principal to Investors OTx;s of Interest to investors O .

Every investor secure, satisfied, content

Has any other form of investment such a

record ?

office rcrt.vnrnE. GERMAN, ipeaka EngUatl sr.l French.steady. F. X. TrfbttM Offlc».

HAVE ex— \u25a0•\u25a0:-

anility, business e»p*-

rtenc^ an.i education, a r*-.>r.! Of 20lears M.. l>ondy Mfg Co.. N-•«\u25a0»!•*. N. J.

iJANITOR—One cr ncr« fr»t clay. apart-

, h'iu3«"«; unrterstands motor*, toll----pumys. electrtClty: all k!r.d« repairs;

best personal references. SUPERINTEND-ENT. 241 West 10-1.



In treat varietyof style aaitrice.


11l Hilton St.


London { Paris Exclianp, Lid. IGENERAL MINING AND STOCK.


LONDON. ENGLAND.(Opposite Uank of England).

ruzu-.»»« trec»acte<: la at; dte lnterriatianii slocka aad

lllc::< Bmsss quoted cr not a.aoUd en th»Lccdou Stock Exccacg*.

_^Afirancec made on -t cka end Shares.

wkcasstea Sally Catie» from New let fcouth Africa.Australia, etc

American * Cansd BtSSWkSICatJeiraias.- "PLESA.RILY. LO\DO\ '

I«•»•>'* •stem Cnlon. Llebers". Broomhead.w"tE«<ilorJw"tE«<ilorJ UcNfcJl and Morelns & N«aXf»g>SK^.t


Government Bondsand other

Investment Securities*i£HEESS NIW YCJU STO« E\CEA>QE




Haabers H. Y.asd Bcstca Steel: Exchange*.


Phoenix Nat/i BankSTOCK

P. I. Goodhart & Co*<7 BROADWAT.

lUDSfI Rjver mi DAfticirr.Palatial feteamers "NEW YORK*; an! "AX*ANT"of

the Hudson River Day Lir:». iaeteit ar.d finest river boatsIn the world.Leave Brooklyn. Kuiton St. (by Anne^ *;lOA.M.

Desbrossea St. Pier-

*>>'• West 2M St . .., io \u25a0•

West 120th Bt «• I""

Landing at V mlcers, West Point. Newburgb. Poushk»<«p-sir Kir.iCßtcn Point. CatskUl. Hudson and Albany. Dally,except Sunday. Specta! Train* to Cauicill Mtn. resort*»r.d Saratwgn. and my connection! to a:' polnU Kan,

North ar.d West Thiouch tl-Wets nr.d lagsag* checked atefflccs of K. T. Transfer Co. Most deX^.'.fu! • da»(!•:•«.' to West Point. Newburgh, or Poui'hkeepsle. re-turning on down b««t.


Restaurant open at 7 A. at. MTMT MC.

SfcftS 0 \u25a0:'

": 333

Laeavteg Desbro— ei St. at 815 P. M. (Saturdays 1:43

V Mi W 22nd 6t. 3:80 P. M. (Sat.irdav. 2 ••M.).

120 th tit. on Saturdays only. 220 p. M. F. Hl| andFalls We»t I'olr.t. Cornwall. Newburgh. New Hannurg.

Milton. Pcufhkeepulß. Escpus. Ror.d ittt an! Klngitoa.Orchestra on board. JANITOR.

—Man and wife. German;man

Is carpenter, understands all boiler re-pairing and steam heating; Is wtuing tatake two or thr»e louses; references. Writsor cai^ JANITOK, 244 Ist ayo.. sac svdfloor.


RHEUMATISM red without medicine;read prlntfd testimonials In pamphlets,

ner.t fr««. C. L. KRCGLER, 40 JiaMunLane, room 81.

Westinghouse Electric &Hanufacturing Company,

120 EroaiJwey. New-York. Ausrust 2. 1904.In ord-r to permit the etockhoU'rs of record at the

'Jos* of the bocks pf this Corr.j>ar.y to avail themselvescl the privilege of subscribing to the additional assent-

ing stock, as per circular dated August 2nd. mailed to th«

•tockhold«rs. It was, at a mating of tv.iBoard of Di-

rectors, held tills day,

RESOLVED. That th* trar.-fT books of the pre-

-•••-. assenting and linn \u25a0mefirlns" stadi et th.» Com-

pary )« dosed *t the clos* of bubloxjs on Monday,

AJMCast Sth, I!V>4. trd or»r.»d -• 10 «_ m. Tuesday, am-gv^t IC:X l'X'4.

T. W. SIF-MON. Treasurer. LAWYERS.

PAINTBB and pap-rtanger; elderly man;first i-i.*s. twenty years foreman: tem-

perate, reasonatie. Address all "iv. E.G. PAINTER. IMFleet Place. Brooklyn.

PAINTER and Mpsg«aasjM wants work;rooms padnted, II; papered. $17." (paper

Included); gcod work guaranteed, FAINT-ER. 314 East 25:h-st.


charge. O'BRICN. ADBR & '? ANDERSON'.RIEN Al ESI ,v -ANDK-20 Broadway. Telephone 3.201 rtlsnrtt.Dividend Notices.

fTi**NEW'*11/*\u25a0 \.vr i.\V..'Hor«r. h«i:iru' '».n *^^J

,lut-c In »n«n»f. ifA \,iir.>n.l-<-'- 7^ALTERNATING DAILY M> SrM5A\.

liari r-^rK.N. X.. foot "r Cajwl St.. .i .'.!M.!\u25a0 T- ' i!

Direct rail cnrn»<-t'.on at All-ncr «-iih 'ipr"-"''"'"•to illp"in:«. S'n.i for C. W. Slorw Souvenir. 10c.stnmp. Excorsion n..oVlet. 2-?. ats:n;>.

TTOudDU [LDGatioEtr. ••city of Troy" or "Saratoga" laava I'ler 4<J. N. It..West loih St. Daily »es.cti'i. BaturdayK. Ac 8 l\M. *>""-toy—BTEAMEBB TOUCH AT ALBANI. Direct rallroaj

connect mac« at Vroy t^.r all reaorta North and JWMt,Phone 1200-Syrinc DJNINO ROOMS ON MAINPf^it6EAHCHLIGHT EXCURSION: TWT


TT2rf< SAUa-

TOGA. HSU: LAKE GEORGE, J3.30; W1U11..G10...T

"sEXfD" ron booklet EXCURSION tours.

PACKER Strong man. 2.". speaks Englishand German, experienced, racker: can

fend boll^rn: handy with to<M3. H, Box17 Trlbuna Offloe.

M..CHINKKV >v-^-p_=:r'_,-t-p.r.err«;r nurs*: 10 yenrs* ex-Terer.c*. LAP.KIN. KMES«t 42d- at.AT I'.EDL'CED PHICES.— 3'K) \u25a0rrnnij

wood and Iron working machines; fullyEUa'anteod: machinery bought and ex-fhanged. UK" B. EDDY, asa Madlson-at.


By respectable North Germanwomaa: middl* scad; care Invalid woman:

\u25a0srt'.l do houseiMOri. Mrs. .Nilvr. rawSth-ave.

PAINTER, decorator, paperbanger: highlyre ommendfd : own tools: work of land-

lords real estate and builders; test work;rtasur.a.le prices THAVNI 'i:.;,"J37 31-a. c.


Toons lair as6f»nojrapher and t\pe-.vri:-jr. wUUac to

a*».«t wltn fccwVii.eeFlr.*; BaoUDSton. ln-der*x%od. Sralti operator. Aiir--ii Box

417. Dotbs Fe-TT. N- 1\u25a0

STT-NOORAPHER ail trr-»—.-sr. r.?«and accurst*. A X. B.x li.


Hal*.AlI'KJi'PAXT. comyar.;rn. «ecr»'.arr. read-

er aud val*t to <<:n::^ In r.l_ health;fully experienced: ex^eiJ' n--::i"C'js.


BVTL>*P. a" . VAI.ET.—

Frer.rn-Swtss. «?«8»J; well r*comrr:*nde<! ; b^s; ci'.y re.^r-

•r.e*«»: will go ar>ywhars. ALStSi.—l

West 25th-st.___

BL'TLEP. «r.3 VALET.—Par's 1,in. ».slrgle. g-N>i r""son»l r*-.'-:rr.e"

city or country. MaX. 221 We«; «ot.-. s-

CUTLER cr VALET. SO; AsTJIH: •?*a*'several :ar.g-.:tt,-s: just arr:v^i Jrom

Parts: hiirnesi rtiarences. Aidresi .U^IJ»janecmL 414 4lh-avg

\u25a0 3-1 Beer.


Your< coup'.e wish tKecar.* of a hou*e for »^>» W Bronx^or

Manhattan: fc^d reference*. J. J. i-.-«•»

Wasfungtoi i*


Dlnr.-r cr^.er. butctsr, arrarCity. G. ENZ. 606 East ll'Ji-st.

COACHMAN. GARTEXEK.-3? Bwede;strictly tones:. so?»r and reliable; »;e&it»

1 English: gcoJ man la ev«n- ««': wi-:,2»!Kecerally useful: r«comiu?ad«a. AwQUST.|at Carpenters. 154 Sth-a-r.


neat marrtad coupi*. »ho »i-l tr.m theia-

MlTea K«n«nll9 whi. itn-:ly to--t;•t.bflr; well recommerflei. ut-N^>*». <•••Carpenters. 154 tit'.i-a^c ]

j COACHMAN ir.i COOK—Mj' roup>.

G« no cfcilire->; man. eoadhmaa aa4Igardener; wift\ ge»l cock. 6J* \.e»t. r^th-st. \u25a0.'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- .'

COACHMAN.—English; -' 40. ccu=:rypreferred: goud; *rnocth .ace;. fir^tclass driver; KOea ca.-?:a::er etr :be«t

ref*r«n JOHN, at Carresier s. Ij4?:h-


\u25a0 COACHMAN. »ingle. un<iersta:i.'.s hors«§

and carrtaires: careful driver; care Uwn:Igenerally useful: Btriatij Iraostnw: i*»t!di«en«aK»d: city ref^enre. AJdre*»

SCOTCHIIAN. Box 43 Tr:b"--.» '- \u25a0«

COACHMAN.—Understands h's buatuesj;first class city driver: several years re.-

ereaces; first cUss r»r«iences from l?.«tplace, sob«r and; wU".:ri« aa:l <-?.iS-Ins Address J. A.. trtbUM

-Ptawc Ot2c«.

I.CJ4 ilroaduay.


Protestar-t. sir.tlo. r^l'.ab'.eand competent In the care of Sr.o »:or2*3.

fcaneu carriages: lor?, ivl^ory :e;rrencea; city or country. A.. 3--*3--* West


DI?HWA»aiU*. or KITCHSNiiAN.—Ervou.ll coiored n:an: alr.-^st a-i;.::r.s

housework, liiieu HENRY JONES. UOS

Brtdse-st. SEAMSTRESS.— Experl»3ced. ?CHTTI>TX.r<jd llor.roe-s:.. Hobokea. or.« flight vs.


Hotei 4 Vnl n E f*.tu>us Table d'llote

Hungana piDper.*t,-.8.7r.cDper.*t,-.8.7r.c Sunday, ltog.WUTT-ESS and CHA.'IISERMAIIK—5-

-•;-'• j-!vat*fars'.ly; cocipeteat; boatr*r*rrri.-cs:cf.y or eOWCWiy. 33S West 4Mb-»:.. Janitor" • t»»'.:.

REPAIRMAN Bicycle aj-.d motor cycierepjJririiin; »«ven years' experience: ref-

erence; will accept position anywhere.ALLAN H. TAUGART. 2.137 Kadti ay.


Young man. 22. lashipping department or express office;

Mvcn years" experience; or at anythlnie.Address JOHN A. GATDOS. Mi Colum-bus-ay.


ilar-rt*d couple; experienced: wir*can nUk.

make butter, both u:vl«rs:ariJ me we:<: aj

braaohes; very tidy; recc-mmerideit. **\u25a0--HONEY. at C«-p*at*T'a. l»e

FARM MANAGER or working furaman:thcrougftly corr.peteut to tait» full ciarg 1*:1*:

n-9t* class r«feren»-es. Address W. MAR-TIN. Mamaruaeuk. Weatche»ter Couaty.



—tufctti firs: cla«»: v-ry neat.

corr.r«:ent. obrlgte« j'.rl: reft-renoes pres-ert emptover. «!u t» dasiriß hnus*: clt.*orci.untry. S. E.. Sir*. Collier"*. 122 lVesa2Sd-«t.



Steamers Have Pier U. B. X.. N. V.. MM wa,'.l «i..we«& dajs. except. Saturdays. 30 P. M.. batviiday • 1P. M. UONDAH. HXTRA TRIP. 8 A. M. FOX 6A<iHAItUOR.


Bobf, hecMSN ar.ifteaJy. In printing line; can null* case;

Al reference. Address W. T.. Ml Kast

il3:h-st.. city. TVAITKES?.—

Assist chaTcberworlt: brtfjftt*ourg girl; t**t refcrerxe*: '<**> la**

S^l. Ta'.l at LANO & BoEJItEitUR CO..13 We.'. 2Tth-st.STENOGRAPHER and Remington opera-

tor; temporary or permanent. E. O.ROBINSON. S4 Wei 113th-st.


good income at horn* corresponding fornewspapers; experience»s«ary; noeanvaaaug; we will help you n-.i .iartr.i,If you desire permanent profitable employ-ment, sen.l for particulars. NORTHERNPKESfI SYNDICATE. Lookport. N. Y.

23 V.a:: Street. New Terk, August 2. 1904.T^, transfer books <-; the Voting Trustees for Preferred

Rtf.'k Trust Certificates of the Southern Railway Co..WHICH HAVE ASSENTED TO THE EXTENSIONAOREEMEVT OF AUGUST 57. IMS. willclose at 12

£cl*knocn on sittirday. Beptember 24. 1904. and willre-o™ ,tn 10 o'clock A. M.on Tuesday October 18. 1804.

O-i October 17 1004. the Voting Trustee* willbe rr-to dJtrlbuta the above dividend of TWO AND

ONE-HALF PER CENT. C8»«. when received by them.among the parties entitled th-reto. as same appear of!Sga,d^^wh*n gos>daaagr fc

Agents for Voting Trustee.

SOUTIIKKN ILULVAY COMPANY.J>< Broaiway. .New YotK Aug. 2, 10C4.

A DIVIDEND OF TWO AND ONE-HALF•*a- PER CENT. <2V:7t) out of accumuiateJ \jteamm has

this day been declared on the PREFERRED STOCK of

th.i Company, payable Oct. 17. l«u4. to BLocknolders of

rtocril at th* closfl of business September 24. IJ<>4The rrererred stock ranafer bocks will clone at 12

nVo.k "noon on taiuriiay, September 24. 1804, and, willreopen at To o'clock A.ilonTue*day. October IS. lU'>3^ "s.i *R. D. LAXKFURXI. tecretarj-.

Financial Meetings. WAITHF«y» ari>l CTIAMSEn3t.M».—

TTrstc.asa: T!rin:»h r*.rl:has two years* rsf»r-

•nc«s. FinUaU Burato. 1,035 34-ave.. swar«:2d-*t.

SALKSiIAN.—By young nun. 22. In city• v-1 vicinity: Al reference; wllllna and

ambition*. CONSCIENTIOUS. Boa IS.Tribute Office.

VOUNO men everywhere, copy letters,home eventrcs. $« "-0 nee:,., send a.l-

dresstil envelope for particulars. Mana-GEli '. LPT. W 118. Bob 1.411. Philadel-phia. Pa.


curate rapid, correspondent and oSaos as-atataat; several years' experience; thor-oueh bn»lr.e*s education: salary $i:.; would«üb»U:ute. Address SL'NNT. ST-4 ath-av*.


r<;ierf»n \u25a0••! v•— X nun.rsjoort entry o» ttinelieeper; litst ISCW

mc«. H.. 5" ;8 Hu"1»on-*t.




Tou are hereby notifted that the next Annual Meeting ofthe stooiuioMcrs of aaid corapftcy for the election of Inreo-tori Vo- t°e cnsulns year, an-i the- trtn«actlon of suchother utislaesa as may com* before the >etlng. willi,bell in the offiea of the Salary of the Company. &iBroadway New York City. K. X., on Thurscaji, August

lIT*?T-rS.f2rO'Bs£^lU*b. closed July nth and r-epeuad Au^uat 12th. 1004.^ ,_ ,ABSON3,,ABSON3, g^u,,.

-\- Femala.LADIES wanted everywhere copying let-

ters at home evenings or spare time andreturn to us: no mailing or canvassing; f'iweekly earned; materials frees enclose self-RddreMtA envelope Cor particulars.GUARANTEE CO.. No. W lid 'Jth-st.,Philadelphia. Pa.

The TribuneUptown Office

Is now located at

1.3&4 BroadwayBetween 36th and 37th St9.

BEATERS (experienced) on slippers: goodpaying home work. M. B. MARTINE. 127


i'ARMEB.- North or tr?!ar.JProtestant; married: bnys 11 in.l6 years;

experienced aad practical la every bran;.1!.cattle, etc.: g->od shepherd: expert at pfteas-silt ralslr.i: wlj« board den; fine dairy

woman ••\u25a0.-:.. best refaf»oces. Carpenter's, 1!V» gih-ave.


Theoretl'-aUy ar.l prar*li»::yaidlled farmer (3k. manager of r;al

e3ta:a In Germany, a. this country; s«:e'v_sr««por.*!bl-' rnsitlon; rer^rcaces. N.iKi'^P.BER. Rahway. X. J.


Marrte-t;an. tarr.tly; can take c..arse cf tentia- s country place; thoroughly ucJer-starts ht» business: sl-it*en >ears' best

ireferences. H. r... 154 13th-«t.. Brooklyn.

IOAKDENEat ar.a SCTEMXTE3CXHDCT.—> Scotch: married; tliorou*.ilypnctiCßl Inall tranches: willtake entire C&WSfI oC ser-tinman's euuatry estate; traces expectM.ITS a month. HORTICULTURIST. Keap-st. greenhQiisee> Brooklyn.

ADVEJITTSSUENTS aaS iUMCrrstrssa J;fThe Triiur.e rece.ved at ttstr Uptown

Offle*. N« I.3ft* Bmadwav. 9«twsjaj| Sau»and S7th st.t.. unrt! » o'cloci p. m. Aittr-ttsem-. ireceived at th« tcllowtax brancho!£e»s »t reru!ar ofSo* rates until S 4'etosJip. m.. vtz.: 2T.4 Slt>-aT«.. a. c car. CCJ-jt.

'.."'.a ccr. 12th-»t.: 92 Etft I4ti-«t.;Weal 42^-«t.. teiw««i» ?-• and 3th atr««. :

i:"«2 \\Vnt ISttrSt.?. 1S31* Si-a\-^. between

7'-ih «a>l TTfi st*.\u25a0 1. «"_•« 3-'—ay«.. tmr erist.!\u25a0•.: I.TuS l*t-«v».. near >3th-st.: •-

Di«tlCsth-»t. :"7-8 meM ay« :fIW S4-ar«.vox 41't-rt.: 534 »r».HO -«\u25a0»«- \u25a0•*..;3t3 CUscltr-st.

WATCHMAN.—Day or nlsht: served InUnited State* Army and Nary during

Civil War; Q«rmat» descent; sober, willingand obllKtr*. WM. LOVETT. 3 Alb»nv-St

Steamboats. Ocean Steamers.


Financial. Ocean Steamtri.Financial.

LFcdc 0 QPgdfGcd ffiSocDoSteamship* of the RED "D" LINE willtall for Eaa

Juan direct, as follows:S S. PHILADELPHIA Saturday, Auf. «. noonS. 6. CAKACAS Saturday. Aug. 20. noon

For freight or passage apply toBOULTON. BLISS & DaLLETT.

General Managers. 83 Wall St.

5i.500.0C0Gonnaclicut Railway &' Lighting CompanyFirst and Refunding Mortgage 4 l-2°o Sinking Fund Guaranteed Gold Bonds

Dated 1901 Duo 1951


Tested on the New York and Philadelphia Stock Exchanges.

Redeemable at 103 and accrued interest.

Interest guaranteed by endorsement on each bond by the United Gas Improvement Com-pany of Philadelphia, which has paid dividends of 8 per cent, for the last 17 years on itsentire capital stock now amounting to $36,720,000.


FOR PLiTIOLTiL CiIERSOUKG AND : OUUM•D*uMch:and.AU£. 4. U> AM;Phoenicia Aug. 20. Nocn•.Pennay.-.a- a A'i£. t". Noon f'lilaeeJier. ..Aug. S3, 10 Ail".Patricia.. Auj. 13. $:3rt Ail'*Pretoria Aug. 17. « AllHamburg... am IS. 11 AMi'Deutscnlawt.-efept. 1.• am

•Grill rociu aud tyrmn^siuin on fcoaxi.*7.'.'.: call at Dover far Lor.-.icn asd Parts.


By superb new Twla-Jjcrew Steamers.Prtas Adalbert Aug. I*. !» A. II Oct. 4. N->^-»Frlns Oscar Scot. 6. 2 P. M.:Oct. 23. 10 A. m

FIRST CABIN. JOu ana $75 UPWARD.Accon&nx to Season.

:-.~r- AMERICAN UXE,OScea. 33 and 31 ay. Piers. Uoboken. >' J.

rxD nr> @tt nri r^n axt> points inUS W <^) U UL/ LIU NEW ENGLAND.FALL.KIVER LINE'or Newport. Fall River. Boston anda... Eastern and Northern Points. Steamers PRSCIILLAand PURITAN. Orchestra on each. Leave Pier 19. N. R_,foot cf Warren St.. week days and Sundays at 6:30 P. M.PROVIDENCE LINE for Providence. Bostcn. North andEast. steamers PLYMOUTH and PILGRIM. Orches-tra on each. Leave IS. N. P— foot Murray St.. weesdays only, at « P. M.NORWICH LINE (or New London. Block Island. Nor-wlcn. Stonington Watch Hill. Narrags.nsett Pier. Worces-ter Boston. North and East. Steamers CITY OFLOWELL and CHESTER W. CHAPIN. Leave Pier 42N. R.. foot Clarkson St.. week days only. 6 P. M.NEW HAVEN LINE for New Haven. Springfield andNorth. Week days Str. Rli^iAßD PECK lvs. Pier 20E. R.. 2:43; ft. E. 31st St.. 3:00 P. M. str NEWHAMPSHIRE lvs. Pier 20 B R. 12 night. SundaysRICH. PECK lvs. Pier 20 E. R. 9:30: ft. E. 31st St.10:00 A. M.. return due N. T. 8:45 P. M.

Ticket* and staterooms, all Lines, at 113. 261. 673.1 155. 1.354 Broadway. 25 Union Square. 192 sth Avenue,145 Columbus Avenue. 273 W. and 153 E. 125th Street.New York: 4 Court. 860 Fulton Street. 390 Broadway.Brooklyn, and at Piers.


Sailing Saturdays. 0 M A M. Pier 13. N. R.St Paul..' Au* 6;Gerniaiuc Auj. 20ThilaJelphla Augr. 13> New Tori Au*. =7


Calling* at Dover for London and Parts.Sailing Saturdays. 10:30 A ML Pi«r 14. N. R.

Krconland :An»,!if-lnJ*nrt V A-«- =°Zeeland Aug. 13>*ader!and Aug. T.

SI'ECIALt NOTICE- Th* larga n»w twin-screw steam-ship* of th» Red Star L»n» CHI at Dover. England, bothEast and West beund.


Sallin- Wednesdays and Fridays. Pier 48. N. R.Teutonic..-Aug. 3. lv A. M jMajestic...Aug. IT.10 A. 11.Celtic Aug. 3. Noon Cedrle Aug. 13, NoonBaltic Aug. 1". 4 P M.iOctsanic .Aig. 24. SP. M.

PASSENGER OFFICES. 9 BROADWAY.Freight Offices. Whitehall B'.ig.. Battery Plag«.

GATBSOIII EVENING lLillN)(&aFor Catsklll and CatsklU Mountain Points. Hudson andTh* Berkshire*; Coxsackle and way landings, steamerKAATERSKILL, or ONTBORA. week-days. 6 P. M.from Christopher St. ;'7 P. M. from West 129 th St.

Extra boat (ONTEOKA). Saturdays. 1:30. fromChristopher St ;1:50 from West 129th sit, for Cats*ui.Hudson by annex, and Mat len

Special trains for Cairo Pat*nvlll*. Otis Summit.Hainea Corners and Tar.nersvllla.

Dlnln? Rooms on Main Deck.Illustrated Folder ma:l«d free, j