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NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. I;. GREELEY k McELRATH. ¡UNE BUILDINGS ICE TWO CENTS VOL. Till. M> «tfti. VH1WIKK «triBDtt 'lOBM.ti. ntBITH 1?. 1**I9 tt HOI K \0, «VITA. NEW-YORK TRIBUNE. tHI M" ToriK iiaiiT r murai is PUBUSMBB gVKBT a.iRsia,. 1-IM.4TS KA(APTID) ât The Trlhaae Hullrtlas«, coraer of »sprae»» and Msssss airen«, appoalte Ihe City Hall, A».*» '- - 12 I-A '-.,-. «.« ' s akesii' > .- »a .. 0m i¦. f> a" t" « .,.»., , > - .> 1- .1> ...'-, «4»»oc» rar/o-rwl #, ,. »¦-.»'.. ..a... .... i>, aasars sssaetat m f.. .»¦-'.... , . aaSI "' Tla« Trrtjatw ar» »,t .". - y mmt kTSSBtag » liU"'» THE SLTVTI- Wl.lkl.Y TRIBUtoE. u ,. .. » NEW-YOHK WEEB.LY TRIBUWE, |HR1 ItkOI 1,1. ¦ Ul.ll I HilLkl NEW-YORK TRIBUNE. New.liaaateshlre Klerttao. A ill,, tromtlief',,,,,,,,,/ /¦... vei re. tirnt from ntiiety-aix town» ISSBSpitolllg nr-« thsn BBsflba S;.te. In the«« tow« »>..- I. et i's:n ;,ii ¦- a libaBTsiaia than .«. a I .. a n-a,. T..e I'atnot saja that . loWM in the Itt Dis¬ trict I.» > * I e II Kittr. »re I" towns iatbt I'utri.-t. Tie« ; i mrnt t .. " t -. tn,,w a«t..i .-r.-ater piwfjsalieiiAte fais V, trei the mi ¡"-Tuck in i-i7, arbaoh was »bout Toe I'utrui! also sta'.js tliat retaras have received from .'. Uivans m 11..- Ill,] res are nul given. The remark hi mtv!.-. k. a?, that " tío* probability is that Wilaon ia The Lcnsl'itui.» will ha BtrMafjli |.»,r-«.-K<«.«».. .. I.. K.-pr-u. » t r. t .. -., . VV1.11'». aii'l iàniii-rswi." VlrtolMa I..,i S I''"' 'H>M. -T: I /.' I MM /"-/ »,». »»y» the f wing one of a BSglaSta NSSBsMeM tuat were pasted at a I. >co Koco m ¦. t *k] ¡r, .irginis, Utely /..air»-..»'!i of ut determines by activity and zrsl t" il" morn than A . Ii day. sad that, by tu« h ¦aaaa thr t tb< Dlsliiet w, » Il t n y in. I,ut WS hop.- and believe y a d.a-iiiv.. nity.' Thii Lasal ara i ta éetai 'raerá than c»»t nn« v .t.«'1» n ,t, we aro iiicliiiH.i to think ¡' t, th« Old Iiomlnn.n That party tloubtle«» ,,-*.. maty of tbatr lormer ti tori.» In this latitude to «irni'.ar prac t . _ Ha TmaBBS FOB H la tl Missouri !.. lure on on the -'7th. * M> .ni., i proposed to ra i I tut the thank« ta Mht people id this Mate are due .,, (SB l'avili'. At, lu».,h lor ihn manly and unwaver¬ ing rourae pur»u«d by him in refjard to tbe a'i impor Unt «acattoa oi -¡«very, hy Mb»tcribh»| hit nao lUry »n't »lone, to the Artdre»« ot th» Southern I Mé¬ sate« in CeaarssB ht shah aoeMilaaata, but on poltlnii it totola, U wm rti-ct-d.11 to I'. Oihel reeolutbins (accompanyIng the one tliaiiktnic Mr Atrbltoni declaring that the iia-onl« ,,f Mi.aourl endor»" Mr Calhoiiii'a Addrt-«», »har.-d the »ame fate. fy Kx i.,iv. si uno., Kx <io-. Pratt, Hob ii.MAi Jkmi » i. and .1 J Si-Ken ll.'i sr« mentioned f.y tbe Maryland papen as suitable eandldate» for the Senatorial srat made vacan», hy the resignation ai Km «BUY J"HMU\ fMf* CeJ vV> II «»Kill I.HS li.-.o, l.,,||,ll,ate,l ns . cstiilld«!»'tor ("iigr.»! from Ihe Id Dutrlrl ol 1 I -,. ..> > .%* QF WILLIAM B Clarrb ul VV aehingtnn Co. ¡itak.'l I MM Wh .»iidi.tat" f .! (¡overnor ol sl«rvl»nii _ .«¦»i .Tbe H »nip li.'i-iii.'intiivai,. tn«nder Hat-,.bio, and »h» Aliiaiiv. Tant Kavuoi ».»« stüed Irom Si. Thoinaa on the 4th. on a cruise (tT Mr (in i.iii ti,.- Veui. rVkig, Ib asid tobare hSM nominated few K. unter ot tho Treasury PjT /.eniiii Lahssarre spahsa oi u '. d«te tor Q ivt rri'.r ta Louulan« l"try" llu- ekasing Lecture »i tbaootATM before the It «ton Metcantli« A»«ocl»tion »a» delivered ..n VV.>,1r.e»d«y eii'nlng. I,y Hon. lUrrs I'no ate.bis sail. )eet Thought* suggested >iy Macaulay a Hi*»ory Irn »«coil unit I.en. Taylor Hrmoaala mi.I ' A I>|<n it in» ii I » I mu« un.¡ 'lleaourt lloin, dary. »Vaiiiinu.oV Wednesday March 14 llilcpeii'lt'tit avilies to tin / Sorti Amri.ciiii l.'llow » den MaeM »rri.i'.t her« tota ni«ht ai. 1 peM In» re .p. it» to the I'relldetH till« 111 ,11,Ulli ill-' Illli'tlli.' be tween Ihese two .-»liant and i1itt¡ugiil»b»d ir'il,.-ii I. described as hat inn been eordial atid worthy ol the exalted reputation whieh both Iihvh Kt-,|uire,l in isSBBai Ing Ihe honor ol ttu« eouiitry. and which each enjoy» ». a man What was th" ftovernnient organ, lut t* now the v-'ill^e ol a de'iarled ,1vna«ty the ¿ BW -rntie« a ho. and cry. bSMMS the Heads ol IVpartim lit« have ral eJ upon th" »utxirdinate bureaux lor a »tateiin'tit oi Irte aaataerei .¡«ikaand Ihe datea ol th« ir appoint menu I he object of the »iinounceioeiit vta» to eonvey tne trie» that an immediate and g,ne-»l tysti ia ot re inor»l aweoaWmplaled It tbe apprehensions ol the .i «1,1 I.oi. I t.y th.- «tatetnent, I am au to aware aba aM IM p iblle thai tl tit. a wra to saabta tbe saw Mas i.-tarle» t-, ,-ar: v Ml the pi. i ¡»ton» tl"' lita th» Il m.- De* .'Ion nt b] «afin h all the clerk* atln.-h,.,! ti. the dilereut illici'S named atct'inp«ulB| th" l>.pail Unlit WON IS !'.' »all,l|i.,| It» »lip»ervl«lo|i. That remórala will ¡>e mad«». not to doubted toi they »re «-.juaUy demaiid« d by publn- opiiium anil a »ist regard to the interest« Of IBS I lovernmeiit The « frire* «re now tilled tsith uiroino.-tent m.-n »li. »,-r« spp. Int.d wnlioul reference to character or ,justifies lieu, aii.l »I I its ami lullueiiee were openly con in the tee. nt r«nva»» |o Mfesl MM I'aylor 1*0 retalu «ueh tin timhelil« would involve adepaiture Iremeveiy pruicipl" it ju»llce. and eatablUh a prece «tent that Would be dangeroua. il not latal am no adtoi-Bte ot proscription It opinion « »ake. but tbe polb | Si p' ,'pitlatin»' eti.-mlet at the eapen*»' ol I'.end» ii Mite and bate »ml wh. th r tried to pah h private lite, will prove to bbsM who «tleinpl it There need ban no appréhension M thlt «core trie Maní Vltiiinnt'Al -n While II will ohierve in ,i «ration and caution It will practico i.uli.e and impar tuilly It m»y proceed »lowly, but it will Bdiai.c, turely fititta Irali . a motto which alive« aourane" of prudent«- t'ut e'l'ia'ly oi firmness Mr Adam» made Ihe expar o.. t «rating his enemies and waa de tested Mr Met Irn d pi.,, and waa de boUBced ties I'aylor may profn ! y tht-ir example Heloie the a.l oerarasal ol ill" supreme C oirt >ei «ii important opinion waa delivered, »ettltng the aaaaÈra ai houndiary between Mu»ouri,»uid low», in BBS« "t Ihe ¡sit. ihe J«-.'i.;,'» ,1 raM J the »ppolnt ¦sal ta CoinmiMtoners lo run th" ¡Ine aotlditid. d tbe espeuies ot litigation e.|U«l'y tn'tw«'« n the two abaasj Namlnailaas bs ihr i'» m. . \ «a josterilay nioriiin.' has the tollowin«. t. l.-.-i apln.' iltspnt.1. Wasmini.ton Ms- Among the nom nation« »eut loto the Senat Was ihr«»- fadatse lor Miriemu Terril :y r.e from Ohio one Ir >m Kentucky on« trotn Teune«aeo and Mr TatLos of Mtaraata ». Baeretary The name ot /iiiina Kiao or I obbbt Kbnson, It hasta, bBB bees s-nt M lor Surveyor it tho tort si taw Verb Ala,. SkaTon r.tTK« ha» lavii nominated Savre Ury ot .'«atioii at Bel in aud Mr. BoTi-B. as Postines Mr si Annap.lit. Maryland. Flbtcmicb WkhnTKB ha» r-«»'n nominated f r .oBtrlct Att irney at I ut, n and the name aj Mr l.r iotssBsvy Agent at V-* V rk In.linn Treablra Ahead ti. :i. o.« tarbaara Bsass .-»an in, asa, r. »a*, fleh KriiMj llu hak:.»',a 1' a in.stkk" i:. .J ¡SSI letter. In naming a mountain MOM route Callloniia It Bbou.d have bea-n Sierra Nt vata. n I S »¦a Madre All thelaformatítm i can father eon» a* more and more that the rouU' *»«' p.-op.'se totale« to any olher thai u talked .I A I ¦».titjuad oi twelve men i.-u here a«t Bstbl M rstog ¦'«ok oat the beat wagon rout«'for the ireàfS wh are aipr.led to be here ab..ut the rirel ta Apii t'o. liar ¦r* arrived here lut rn«-.,t I he ttotitiersrn.'n are be .awhig dubeatleki-d I b-i Indian« h»»e bsM down Ibem «t.d «lolen ».'. ady a hundred hor«. » !'n" UId Col He.I that It they were ¡ett mu. n ¦near wtkh,tut protection they would bave to m-utei .to driv« the IBrians out .,t ihe carantry in aeii eeasaea |»k«»k be call« ihe principle tribe trie Apache« Many "Vbem curse from the dir. rtlon of K.-d Wear Cm attarat ¿J**'- bttl 't tar from Ving «o «t present I am 1m ."* to be oa oar " winding way Ui Cadtornla Vours ac R. t«. BARRY 'Eii»»ti >a oi ras Hssosasont -t irral m i**"** bendersoo. convicted st the lut t ourt ot S,.« J**e»»>r Fleten« Diitrit-t ..r the murder of Rot-eit VV: jj*^»«re executed on latt I riday «t i'l.-keot Court ¦*.*.¦ V\e BBderataod thai Thomas lienderaon uader kj itaraT"*' irt,Us<i having an y th ug U< do with tbe trans ~~*. »Bd waa «attained In hit ttatemeot t.y bl» broth mvtn^ ,Peitalett>n S 0 | Ideesentter. *b Or. Itedlietrt'« Lecture aa Pktilsgssmr t OB Pbyt. nomy a I' nT.»»t|g »et»r »r,d of a Character CtâêU . . ¦¦ | lo. »t r r . . -s*, M p>et. a gal i aa, ere '.n>., «. ama . b . Be api ha n.»r. . ha a afhB tMBB idir.'.ty be;Dg mo-e r»-»JI y par« » s on th» right «ide. It « the ».; cd im th» :.» gi%» de» t.t hindi,.»« MOB the !»'t »Id« of the f r»be» which to ',< to prove the id< - ».. . . tint'..- .the 1er« of pareeu -, ;,..», fc; vc'i-ce «rkleh cleietto the hi » t- . .0 woman than In have « «Teal It *n !. MM ;». a, while ail M"MI the lave ¦. caled ligktbroa - «f a kind »position,« r.l tr.o.e u.r. «M vtro, de ,,,,1 ..».¦ Í. :.. , '".' ira. 1 , ,-,,,.d then teeth ta Otonppnr jaw i'. ».." m V .r.l ri !.-.. r »r. »ci are lit «teg wi...u th. »... 'h. :n «r. n-., fond .,) ',. ,-'. r.l» *" ir-n. l'erion» wh.» lack tí. endowment are directly ol an op, ¦-.,». ireau endoi smtkaaaBy, »heattV ¡«ck t .y ore of «cold dltp.i.tion it»- .»t» .ti »orn.. degree in the !ower »t.,ma.», bat r, t »uch «n extent m pa ws fron th- foret '. t,e» ourirtt ;,,..- i»t, iMTpareatn,Beat totaana our own hood 1 h ;* faculty B lertkated I,y the .I the » » axert« much o'i th"»..c.i ayatom ,r tr.... who love t.-. ¦. Beatlova aaanhfal «. »uch and BtoevBto their own k.n make but vt-i .1..I If -. Dl .¦an. fheaJty of I by »he muic ..jr.- no!» the Upa ¡ if largi t , - » ,\T.. the .!- , -i i Baton la fact H i a moat Conjapl foanlcl in youth 'a»t wltb life person baring tats Inraa Is ¦ ,t » rtevi anytl lag ol kB IX, a kc aaaki i » naa aa, aal toeli ti,»t kit they »r.- «low in making «n BBVC bw flatailt, and ar very car. !..: ,n oritract.n^- new hjaalaklpc bto t.. «aflar aeeeHngly it th. y abo ild not pi -'i | rnaaee arU i oily h»t ; talk Witt un M and :. » t .,' it,. -, ulh. aal ge over -I. BlBB by the hn ." fthl . lorward. p.-: aon« who have thl» far u:ty «re very (rank »tul are rt mark'-d tor IhetropcaaaM each peraoMaan tile to i Bee la whteb they »-¦. t i apt I auka tricad« v»,.,( Apycttaattoa m Oto latbc ; '. «i. t.. be «(.[... t...i ^t-r»oi,» kavto way» ihow th» teeth when they no-, B4 » .r.» wio'ii th.y I,«», thoy bava .mttotoappi .. tenalwayeptoeeaM lav aegroki tint tactilty large: to UhM M to told that to h»» don to eat) ao am -, tat » m » faati* amtto thi» o that look tine.he like» thi». it hi» Batan and he wi eel ban aa m approved Baa] pemoaa ar ed t thiak tall faculty a tailing.a weak- .¦.» MB to Bot m persone aoBOl Ihn to epprova proved ii anything bad Ihey a ,. all !.. a H Mil ta r 'i xnd h croxt gnMi airalnit evil. All KáepcblIcBM hate t: leatt large, 'iud it gtvM a earn naa ttppearaacc to Ih m mtii nal il It the ne ol approbation lor goal A and Oto napaaaloB ni Ota Baa toatal »y»tem whid ., the Bepabtleaa I be ove Ol I>litlnction It a itronii feeling B I Ato tore t" be rnlrrhralal. to h»w on, < i mm aa al " patena h«vng this Ataaltj iik»-» t. known In hi» [i»n»h, hi» town eOBBty »y. m«, ka| latthei by the wl a world aaetag .h.araamrd fn s th« ti,. ar angle of the eye to the Baontb «a vat'-a th.' iij.«er By It ii largo la lergyBMB who wi.l to take the laprCBM authority over their Hock»; in law yen yol lotions »uJ thtaaortti ,-!'.oi eral i m ah i a ol DtetiacBoi i o..- ol r»"t Anil «' t: n y BOBBl .in tl > ' ii the ItopoB lion I ¦¦' | a Ii'.!. ilion t ii.ti ii by unlit >.r l. ¦ We would My »it» ralor or writoi hut It would Dot x(.ji!y Ihxt term t pningai naeay, ** ha to as Eaataeal Am»; Potoal the u»rit ral o iliO'ïm; e Ir IH »ti lui on -sight or oceu genrrally large la ArttaB The taatoaMiai of the toan n nanee >. by a »mall muacle pat»ing downwart loin Ute iioii-r »ntlt- oI the eye t. the BtMtTil wh;cl draw« it «oiiiewli«! BBWard voluntary motion» r ,.. ..... o t tale lacuiiy trail t" sneering and looktnj Iowa aa pereoM laa i «¦. ai avBaatraOaa, to bead mirad lor ln-auty or .oiiiothii'g MM pone»». BOaMgtl t Nxturo or nijiroveriifiit y art. In: our rt'i,>e»rarici in dre»s m lor our »tyle id living, paintings we mxj kava abont aa of athMeeaae la .natoaaad by a «tn«: aiata who h prodaeee a ptr-ttaaaaaaa aaa. tin- c.-r 1.1 )e it ii tore* r n woman than In insr, and »h. IC the . g n "I t ao M on »'.' a woman tvHI out Bataeertata toUawM which Inattsanethisfaenlty Pan o* who have It generxliv expie»» themselves en thuilnstli a!!\ ChnerfelneM ii indicated by a muscle passing Iron the outer angle "I the eye M the sngle of the mouth Hitloii id thi» (acuity prBBBBM a happy and cheer fui espraaB 'ti of face of th.« Col 1 aal BaepieiaBa PaeahaM they ..- rally th,»e which act againtt BBMC mentioned OB Social Chain, t,-r or by their pMfMBoa; hut there »re other» which more liraetly c meto the a »tion Th» Iret, Scorn, it ladteated y » tmail mui, la to II * i«w which anaara atoahmep There to a UB enne toawaaa eenra xnd Coatempl In the lal tliru.i tin- u: 1er Np H v tl." nitxnt worktag .'. th.- family ol « fw m i met y I by e earteta fnllacM la the .. |i I.,,, .i tl ». » ho BBBJ earn laa in talent or other inallttot Uli llrnlnd bythecarltagai t- der Up downward in i'roii.w.: I MkM BjaWB '. flBBl tad ¦' mm] t »o.! m v tin- ahto area lipa thrust out Hatred la in noted in the tin» faculty B the opcMMfta of taca of Aparaban1 ¦ :' thi» large the mouth ,i drawn downward and snows the lower t.-eth It is seen in carnivorous l»exiti Melad minen. ii Indicated hy a muscle pti«inr. waward to the chin 0 oía the angle ..t the Monta hm,i pntaacm that aaanar] ktoRwaita »o to mistaken lor t'heer tu neu In the courte ol the OObbbb] the ectursr anteered mmiy queitloni and explalried many »ígnito the »ttt I live »udli nee which ihey did not comprehend «t the ft:»t glance the lac.» »I ihre.- person! were rx«iu:ned. and, BtMBM-flBB] t>> the teiltniony ai their tnendt pre . reading proved very tru¬ ll next lecture t«ke» place on Saturday evening i ... «j '.. Tneaday, VNreh II Rotea I'alendai -Jac ¦'¦ i'arp-nter. app't r». BgiA- -, -, t BoCjOB tOdlltnt»» «ppe»! leatod I II detective pa;-er*. without c.wU »nd withoui ,. Mr A J >>i ,oii-r ,r reap t and rn Mr lward .-»»nlord opp sod »Be I «;, t. i. John Analta and ..there reepw M tl..n t.. disni'.ts appeal (aunto on Prlaaj ,«i without c.iti Mr i" Q. Mean Bar reapat and ateOtoa s No. &. Uatoey Itocer«, appelleat, m r.i.ihra'.iii Bewland re.p i Iñc dci»u.t kkanfl 'n th . sMbMag the apaaal taarata w.-.h ¦o»t». aBMMBl kyeCBBBBl and m «lion argued .Id,.,' - "nent Mr D. Bitel, Jr forraepl »ndin.i: :. Bl N Util. Jl I " ! -Jede I Iah Ml Bl Btat, ', '- n error, r. il»i,ry I' .-».herder. left ta erro* The eigBMtal of thi« bbbbb ¦. mraeeMl reetord I ...Bo. 14.r« ed «ad patead raacli V-rnilr i a. lagatoa CmapaoB leB ta error, ihn c»u«>-w»«argned ,. s, to | > .:auged by aoaaaal Mr. B. I>«t is Noxoi. tor plrls m error. Mr. J A Spenom lot lelt in Wm. 1. i x Mt. x) BBIB.- B :he Amnesty bBBato bat retu'ii.- ... and ¡snow I Baa It we could be »ur »t anything em«i.«t ht| U MB tr ! ..¦¦.»¦ IthOBJIbC »urontedal 1U darae brutal and ¡one toward thia retarned exüe. Atter the pa.» a g. nera! Amnt-»ty. it is highly indecorous to »upiy the u mu rt t-1 »nd' t-aitor to »ny m»n who ::.- . v taker: a pa't iu eis;, comul .... M Itanenaed rim».'!! t itcard Mr MaahaBria to a manner that! di»c,«er» tb. «u gal mind and the | guard. Kind ng Mr M in lie '.ilrxtyol the : »ddrened mon in»u.:i: . 1*1 .».'¦ t ai,d went so tar as to threaten MB . vttsJence. It doubtless . coniolation U.> Ool Prince B| to ean now an can tata him lower tn pub ic ettimaliou lie vViu4*s>r murdi r l.xed h » un»ltcr g(,;H ,. IbBBMBI F'x»m ner P DWhaU WO i*aam a IdAtBC I I i-owera. written to B Otead to ibis I'ny. dated F Jan 17 I"1!* It arrived here in on- month and two day« Power« speaks conclusively «a to the question .sctweei, himself au.l Mr '. to New irleans ; and i the |elter were given to the pjh i-. we are tun Bl |{ won d at nee t-e eonticted ot ir'uatiee The great «ru ptot »tatet that he it now eng-ge.l on Am.ilc«. »national lUlue and Mfa be II w ng hi» fame an I f.,rtune aha'! re.t upon it Ire bl k ..t mar'ue cut g; -Xi' Popact has BO order 1or It, and does r: 0 w:.h lor one tbtnk tonlhcii n w Bato to fet « B| without «nythln« of the kind. We »re not »t ib-rty to.le«cri!>e th« «Uton. but we «re «are it will meet, tt deserve«, iinivcr«»! «dmiratlon ii'mcln. limes. V ,,, ig Obobou (l;i -TwtèJ}ak¡mMtgt¡ H -th tn.t s«ts last S.turdav we vlsitej f a newly oitu-i «ered lioid m oe belonging to Mr F i-uni- merour H » t"w hundred yards »oulbwesi ol the rich vein di«. ..veredón Dr McAtoaatol Br fummer our hkd opened the mine in m»ny pl«cm. In t: thotvt p!«re. It *n exceedingly neb. and in aevera: other place« Indicated a profitable yield It if on a very high bill and it It probable will be much more r«,u»ble on that accouot /if «lili Al M THE QlAKANTINt. x>Ue|rh of Ihr Debite In the l.trmhli, t TaaBBBty I'- 'I., on the Hill for the K»m vnl o' tk» guarantiee from »talen Bata tUforu* Lr lae AM*: ...-.-. the «,* -*jry He w ,t * a W -.¦ A « .. M- Hi.'tr a . ir -.-.»need «nieta Use1' n M « the Lar.d 'jice w<-- »t the H BBanl Bo1. tr.g« kt.d r»t ¦. ted tberewllc w ». i t nnde» tr.,t »et ff. the .- -.t*e who had *xarr..n»d it. tn»t :. ...» ¦ entai t then g it; r 01 . ...-.. * : i .«"tab* He was anxi MM tfcattr.» «mrantlDe shnuid t I -»..- .- w » .- ; vr»i satts' «d that f Mew- Yo rk ei .»-..:: w . thennrpnB M- aays that this e»tablisr.m'r,t e»n be er»-c'. a anee« for g ¦I i'.'. v :.-.-»,.. the rot tI »ta>» Mr. B - x Tr -.. it no loch tbi Bary, Bamenât*! that the aeneeaar braakweMi alone« arlyI MX). Mr In- um ti There pro vit i - Mr. . ... vm .Mtsmurh M ven*)» could i in lh' break BBBB referred lot .. il x Barbt r met M CI a , -nry ne th'-r wr .d It do »ny g got «n urne: a will an I move to strike out th>- alease, I laugh all W. 8- I tiavto all eeaM of eoMplatat v. t -iey batag at» tn i Atora ware BBnben ofboapliaJa and I New Yorkei d:d not ¦¦?>..¦ . . f »Dy moment If had tw n t ,.ii by tag that th» I w,r lo heve t ting ar leeraaUng xt -andy H «. !!.. t a rr | »ay where the fur xlier th» new estaSlishm»!. Ueraetel totoOto breahwaaar, atora w«i but an Me an» that wa« i. attb the .... . «. I tht* gent:» mm were t ,-xn ly r . tbei i ' rence a aa 11 th.. a»BaeM « t:.»t | « a ae, enl an vsnttae alatloa It w«s n t X »at.- 'i St' g WeCtol t a la w .. v '. i.nd tackle. hut that i B Wtall ... m during the jua-antln» aeaton Mr - re«d In un the teal n « il ttaal .' I tbto | mm th* -' .... ¦. taoagbt it wottM bom . n «¦ 'i w aid at aaly H « Mr Diaoawai i i .I «t . m r.. y Hook rim r . .-. ¦horag»' wltn the u.c. iiir«, g| Mr. Va* Irdi i remarhad rM ver* rui i the Hou»e who wa» a piSit »ml who to | p w ,j o- practical Information on the r rJ.J. Allai '¿i.artintlne II.. f I be «n rjury not only t" Ato» ai New V.-'x. H th. -late Ht ,»ige. to ierre ve it trorn BBBBM n'and A bcaakwah i M Baal} Book wonld . a, work " )ury to the Iti lid . It '. t . iraatiM tFi»at H »t,,. -., . the Uwi .... , fair wind » wiy« came through The gre»! Beult] wxi yean lb« -, -, » » I M . il» toBcvt f.-- a' .',¦ ,.i,tcry lor lit re ». ¦¦ (non the people w i, -»'iiti wh wi. ia regarded « n ,t be .1 n- m the! » ». kaoad and a I w t »\ With even ¦ |i,«nxi',.ri s». . it the it-uiition Rbmovb K toBtntay Hook, . an ». x | rig that it w Rea v -k . I .i tfctak It lèverai illow trua .»:¦, i»hm, t >. ¦ n ot the i-1 New 1 'it I tow ftr. ag. .r BOl wrecker« to dc ¦. | »»r-.ore with lalse ight» in comeij leiice which the li-iit-r»! OnVMM Ihndforl id.t'-n «ny per»on t III Hi- B » It t.a a rein n.stru:. Ma -, Hi |i -mi Yaa, t Ff on t... xraiiline whose BeOBpaBOB will :¦- gSM bill peeeed Mr Fitat s»i that ti,. . h.- na stag some ot the re.. ..'- i. s. « lot, m avail aa residents ot Otataa ¦ »- The remonstrants all told, were :n Bnmber M '. 11 . . away with ai prend n the rem«rkt of the gent iinxn trun New V. Mr UiKX, might ha«« h*,l n the m indi ol m»m ttrong arms, stout hearts, «mi act -: .n- It li an I trie wave» of tool pie. Bot I way« right In ;.g. and also v»Ty apt to talo ». if he would I ¦ I gad tint many of hn ¦aa who had Ml fears -»led the statea sa ama » . . .,.'«- . a V o r k ...».. W«' teit m ny Haut, who t, .- MB fot ve»r» M \ r x had rill;.! Itllti he eould riud but one p. B ...» uraeod a Bnj r Ho a, ahne hriQ taraatiaa, «i i » m kr.owu t, ktoBM r t » g| I w«t M ncer:., rweal I . v w k hatana atol .»h.iin-« get» B Ntrrows his veftel isa t .n -a'ety Mi Puai aaaed ,: i w i ». . to lay In the lower bay, and II he ever koew leturn M- At i x ¦' .t Vocéela boaa .r.. summer season. tt»n - - b«y. with the ..ew to get the,.cení ',». »ie« but be defied «n Instance a ! ¦ voue .¡oing lor a harbor to the lower he winter »ea»ori. v ataaraati a ana III \ x a , ant:De. Is «omefiBM« .. I He .ic up to 'piarantlne In v.ste . with »!. and one man. nit enough to throw over an an chor a> fathom».an : keys when Oto] », ..-. .... il ¡.ay have t t . » N » :'»:,-.: known * do.-en »-,»».».!» t » aah w th tw .ut The a*Bp Bew Teal aaaj «way ...,-..:., . a i veemli tt ti.e tame time laid at quarantine with only one I ahn and chain v: ..r.-. | -.. m oat t .- «u»e Mr A. tilt EKT tki'l th»' . «'aaraEUne. »rose r. . «nag* of tuch mangenj, : » with tftote in V. h,.»pit«. lato WM ¦ medí, » » ! ne etireii Jeci i- .t w»» tt» ¦l tr.e in.-d.. al tt that pr vided a om j«-rfeet atoO . . lutancv» .1 m t. g bObBBBB w«* .»t a* .«'- . Quarantine takvlf, M » Mr w,.. » -ttve »nd report progr«»». T BM t tkciet n ot »n I:),!: woman was t .:. : ait W »i ¦neaa) »tterr on in the »»nd bank leevm »d- ;n ng Niagara River immedate'y » » r WhO .iey » new residence We BBBarM »ted ;n a «itttag p-ature with ,u to« s ,i »i t w trie »u-tace Im ya: «. g-»"w a « tn ". .a iiAta- aata0B0 yaaaaall wnose huge r...u ea>«-a*etod . «******! " Bto tr »t in tne .*nd. and Bto nu«T~- '»ed It wai ahaBBaO wBO great diAcnltj H. . . .nd w'.tn :t. N.»«;ar« Falls Irts. Tni Stiamkr M. Kit H Otar ra- ¦ -.y 1 y s .-. «rd the ftearr:»' BeK ¦» thatv,«., w«t -, '-»ve Key Wect ¦iheputr; . Wetl not In dUtreM.M WM-- : protrnre s !-w idd.iiona. nanda Toe paacenger« »nd crew were ami »t lh* eBA .etter »nd «II were :o »p rite. c«lcul»U»g <«a »qii.ct and p>»»«r.t paBBBBI The«cbo.mer Ke.ampag « 1»« here . ..-n- t -De . r, for *i»B FrMcMco. Bad toca Utinlinii -'-.«¦.-» Wett «nd thep..-'- . .»<¦. tog this port in « few dsys I » ag IBBBBIBI « mmates of th« H' us- ol Industry. «I -«'UtB BotBon. Mas« 00 the 1st inst was ..- of wboni -T « ,f gatnbaa i»rent«,«Bd |gj we*e kara in tbisconn- tr t foreign laVrenU Tb» t'tltlf". ¦*.'" »'*» Vt II fore gn c «nntriee. «»d 153 arrlred ta the Lotted -tstoa ¦unce January l, .-A- NKW.YUHK I.FI.IM..ITI Kl». a a- « tar. viednesday, March ¡4 sxr Air » Bat » : ««eating report laid ' loote oi m the .¦. thiet the books in uodersUodiBg. there «o Botalsg in bu repon jlnginanydeg'ee rn that bank.the Mechar . Parrr.--» . « n «arañad »' » aha Board of Directors He ited that i .. rajaet i m rel» ¿on to legs Bserery to t ttate , -. mbert of tk a -.. -. ir« «'.«tute at it ttood n aded. na -ports on the Casai Hank M ve.l the s mer.U « Mh laeat at a M . atare '. tun s K in the aff.rmativ. tan IB lint, dus and s II i1 Ha; :.g Mr fifhtt . «e»L on the Ml 4 1 4 « is then t i 10,1 » il. « .»Ir. on the bill re- sau - a : k . .... ... . when Mr. u . i it sed In m capital puriithitj.nt Mr W -: a Bktt «vr, »te,y »pK.y th« Is '. n liary t : '.we n¿ houae where | ... r BMlSt » Jrn.i.aj. pt .Dvie- .- ¦. || a I was a a Fart that il wa» a iaiaty od puo - .. ,. pre»ni a ta cris .-.rid it w»« f ,'»rt tir human 1:1" ai. which by Us si \|- i . B V ti.Al », . 'der.that t, -a I| mi .nlihment BOt .«¦ Is t:. » ... » agi Mr. Wilbii a'« n dark a dye at to de«err. the high iniihrr.enti Mr. : Metal « a late a » : . -. ........ .,| ate h«.i 'red. \i I the flrst tee- V the ». a. a- teda iptrll . i ¦a a m»n « ...» ..« had «. n;,r,,ve,1 iriort!. or .' .ndlll.'n of .«) lei) thai a ¦ . .... . :n»'|ce. wh» t. BBktal 1 pr« I a astea . '..-n. st the a h » ». . ¦.¦ .-. Hearoald th--«« i anfielen! . » .,.' iti in - . a A « |y VVhalrrvi ¦.- a t J rtoe to Berry eat tbe tow savtaa] to the Esaeai I that clemency when tt w«» deaerved. Mr. ] v «en a man w«a no in ... trial.thai ¦all bit tympathy ended i B .' « n sr. Ml pot ...... .TnenU under n liai severe. I en rose a. . ¦ . ... a - **rl*t».». ¦¦¦ill Uw, J.. «a j»pfw*m«ai > tbe Chair, / « of Stockkald . Ltar/Jura.'uets. Uwur ¦ ret . Lob K amencitn.' ; .1 a '.:.'.. « | The Mr. renewct bal asteJn : . .i 4 . I a third read |¡riLT. Mr. VaBstbm ht th* M ¦ a-' -J it«-re Steam Bat «ny. - II tUlement ?r.k tbal have been rompr M' e k^r tae otner day mat m./hl otfer an amend mrr.t carry riaf lue iBouiry larth'r »:. 1 thai tna» mo »er mignt satú'y timse.t wft«'; rt made te the nu.D a., ihe r.t irmati.n That ... red the f«nl.eman wa* aatiabed of M auo shamld nave IB« iBiorroaiion in th.* *bape. the tncfuiry «hoal. eaBMÉ IB abhat aWMled we.i c m^rotnued.tor were case« where the eoti-e »mount due bad ¦j-eea received !n olc ihape and »Bolh -r lie moved to -.meni BSSartl » smrn.imei.t wat a-.-e«*d tv. Ami. as ABMaeV rasa M n «uied. Mr i B. 1 « t-. .n si ennl . ? r the ex tt- i" -tr.m.-c a a: j me names of th* lllflll « .a in* appuial asnal of sack Coo .which wa« .»-. » '.'. M ... n loua up th- .¦ra ka .: . BBS Lake si Rouses I . n recurre.: C SNBLL I pi^oposittoa. aaposisg e«ai i'ompanv d--« «tied to taCS . -a»tw«*B New Vor« and Ho«toa. Mr. C 'Risi'i i sut: . . »a.A.n«t .dial ta Mr. FrriHTiair «ni to r»t» y to to« MSB urred that a* tbe sn is» was tanaaatol t* Uve Burlier toe Ra. ros » » . .* tk» coodi- ttoaa M propessed « a the bridge tu be r. . : '. »--- ¦'¦ w;i6 w, u.d :- t- waire sU the advantages intended to be teear»d. at there would be ao rssssSy to preveot .*.» .- Mr W, U. EaitiarsoA »astsiüed the »>Ia1 bnefiy .... j Bao ri i »cd can« --' «a ^ H ' -i amena T- ¦-». a,, nst s .. ...... » . 't thspe. Th .cm pr. . la M i . .1 ' I Net .-.....-- was th . » werbt -.- ,-, . a » i a on oar Canal wüuI be redu<Nrd tbst n, tier channel to mart » t was S ptad i u to pre : on th, »-is msiii .-?».:«.. . .-nru I » kl ' i I A ' In lb.- sir. took apI then Mi-sera. »nd it was laid ttld« . n .«»n By roniei I, the lew York Sag tbM time sxj passed >V irutbarsrii »ny a . -1 .a f tads it- .unîtes where .* Mr B. h I in i measure but sroeld NBsto t* pas . «. ami . TIIINI.» IN A I It t> . . 1 ommon I oiin.-ll el New-York ». Ihe Hem- her« of Aaae.nkit Irnm Net». . erk. I'ne Tribune. AlSav. V\ . ¦ - '.'I'» 1 peres ¦ lew York -: n n a::.' '.»ututo ,,t t-utt: t a . The n . d*n<e- th" in: a thai the I«, t ol the Mil being y had »attl .. -I the New » ,-»n a**ure lb-, » t »pprebended as Mr Dot ¦. s. . lad ..'! amendmrnt laser! » ' In tt.. .... Coat mon i «¡*o and the « « .«! their lea T » . BV« » r « ». lihs » . «tal bills -, -, » II» reed a bill a i . Oops « ears is bead las - .... . . . .: ,, orar ih» ; . - , f.. .,.'-.- Va ¡,nain, .urna »'-n- t oatpeaj us* « A . » . tclMlii providsa Iba > . . i'rh or I . » a I r ore. for ih* perpo« .re w»i»r ThU »el ii«y u.» -. t a Aid De 9. ata ti ses Mils a I a '. »I Ih« C«p1tOl (I sere la tame sort . '.. I BOS t,,,,«JltlU»d l Select I « »irrji »r ... . | aa . - a T .l 1 . . a - M HaifieldaMDal --a M ay *r tsfcad be n,-u«*d. Pr*i is» a It «" ra mhtoataeeas ChslrsMS .»,d Cnasmlnaa a Jsjnlof Ih« B. »ri WM a ..« BB BW r » Coal . a. . a ap a -. » igslm .«»».- .. »«.and N w v,»d t I. !'.' t ore« »oy 111 lerrourse wir Rea < " n »««embty. . I, and arblch seam to « is . . a -. Wharf bills w«re also looked alter long ruiau m \-» .. log ra: at thl« l**h «t them, bad . t n , a. .;.- f ,r s a a V I- the h th.y *ere «pp. i.t« I ax.d tr. I ,- n by th» A»» Is, s , f .'erry was passed I f ef these dougbl nou.'ht. and tbe t>e«t lb!i.«' Iheycan do » I cleao sblrts and . then go back*,« v -ma The t ode el Practice. . Thursday that baiy di«c-u««ed tc- a ¦» Mr. Cook desired to MM a it-p to these n. i «. t ... a m «fad ot going in sew M > . sreal t BW »as gained, c.s '.' mm more m.i Mr Hawlki* »aid that more than thr-e r¡ja" .a » It rerers ed by '-¦ 'tt »cd w- ace Mr I been BBS laty < .'*.» rater the t »ystem w- l i .-. A -t w ¡id «bow aa tbM I Whe knew what Ike law» w.'¦¦ ..: * ¡.roptrr.y and .. » iji, tara i a . »r» cor.peteBt. and iic« of the peop.e as r- 1 . -nor« i i ,, . the say-r» wb' a- «t We The liU'.ng party desire« i... .»wyer to . i '«r a* .-... ,-_ ..-.« * «a | --ck a litige!.- « a, ¿ i .-U '.and be «uli. . M r. Coal u possible t . .. i was whoa il ¦ wer« appiarr He to usht .-. ». to reTerae in« » ' m . .-«.--. ....--..- docidi ' »aiUD-d that N W ,- M rxa .... .. »ch had be- oatl the srtaaiog party i-'' «tal me loser iad hu farm a M Kt-otD ssi.. to maay m«n the pr . Barátateme tasan and «¦. »x» r*a*oe «t;- who wished to aajoy it sboa i be priveai» rl mi doing. No act: in Di'TRiuiN v I as: a I-y. owned vf«s«r» a iwo Ishorer« aunsd by th« (,. .man *! IB- SaBBb ». " J- - «--.,-. . w- j va , . -. y SBorateg »t .' ed mata* lotersa"y M'l. surnt. p .o-- » tsr'ng «.reaoy o*t BM STS, aed <mt»rrtaleir « tar y BMs hopes of aviad the abba* ..'artey City tstnt Jin ciTT mesas. »t M»-cü I Cm V ::c- w»» read I .-enate en Tharttday «.lire.ed to the Judiciary com BhB t'x .: 1} ran Jadget.'cxi. ' . ¦ : U «._*-. af tie .-uprerrre Qaaai »if the «.. a » . th* nu-ocoa if the Senate the . ..«rie,--.- c the ("ode wht«h sximpe;» xne of the . .d.-»s t, tttend Bj chamber b««i t Tbe pi-vartical effect «. say the ..dges thst « tnu»ry. March. May -September »nd Va veoiber, »» ».. togaa «-e «s»:gned M « general tins, '..-- ta mut be violated, or .so« .1 tbe t'ourta aual 'i lirjogh They think thai it It n.t pracCcab:« to s». »: aj e»r;.e'hour than tbey n. w Obj or I tie the.r dally scm'.oo The .ti -t t »nd t the people. » :, o Sxed and Bo givod would reeult 'rutn an at hange tnem > s V . ,. , s| »h r.aliivan bo!» his emp'oy tt preeeal on the . ;n an htcd». with ¦ patata »ttached to the end of the « ...'... »ttendxnce o! ne man waa out of wort »nd ar.x . a ., r BBl vt ; n » .»a» character.itic engaged him in lb« above but: <. tw lay« at g: per lay VV» .-, odder th» . uncertain, teeing that > . .u CMidered very mikl potat.«*« b| the - « . - ¦> viert, *m»i tne Suten Ulan.I t WM lat-n hv «apt Abm >»lraon»on " ton Kiki » | , '-roke « « ... i be .'»me« were ex Bg damage x n gruir» i NlW'YomB.«.IT V' , partait I ... menee 0 VV »dnetd»«- night CbbbBBBBI F a«i DMBB > <«*< - i tbe l''-gr»»e» and the »»'...,Ccf ry «,. v irrito*. rofe«ior of Aeatomy The fol lowing i a lit ot the graduate« I I the pre»oot «eMloa. «moDul Bf| x > r.»a«, ) j tv | .. ... I. x i t. ,a0 H.acoua«. .. s i n s .s. s XI H II W o .. h. » 1\ I a x r K X 1 H. ., , « x - x r sV r««* FMI ,\ s » .. I VV S K . 1A ». . .SI . .si K- .. ; « j t x r g..< x i x « t I'. - S > » .. . » s .S 1 V X y M.lia «AI r¦¦.» J,, '. t s x > - t x »... r «t J M « ..XI ..-. tv » s I ... J H » V .- s ... | ,. r x n .- t r.-. k a a -. s i.. - DT,a I ... s ,. » . ... tV. Ai« s x -- s s ! .1X1 V s t ... a- ». X J , ... ». I . .. X 1 V , . v .. \ .... 4 V . tV ...... . . t . H « . w -. 'V | .... s ... -a x s s «i o. . o s I Util o x.. XI o.. r x t x u .. s .. I . x s ts X... sM X Y >...... a s « . s , s . \ .M »v »,,i ILDBKI IBBBM M .11 .R M«n\ of oiir eili/eril «ro under ttu' irapreu t tal BAbbBbBB render . it y t.. the 'it y V r'leraii.-t« to . It.p rt will th w that they «r« very BaO pi: I ntldenng tnxt n MM them »iandon their a Bg Oto tara I Baa BaMapl atamaf wti»u they he! laeltaed to nag BviaM t.. vv aabtagl aa, i .1 r rWBM . »t the pub.ic charge . .01.31000 .. Iget ». . BBly Mvaeaen M|i <*' [i nun .. 'I .t Kl M I »a ... 1 »l-r ity .. Bip». K... kl M »tal n.ry Kefreihm.-nti for I'.itnmltteei ntlngant Flap . i Meoib.ri r i' 01 < 'iiakes an average of #1"". It 'or each Mem H it Oto Ceaaanaa CaaaaB ih« AMaraMa i«ra the best M to pay. and dbbAbbBI I'm«« of thera who h«ve no other ?»i!ing reallia a good thing oat jf tbe oltl.-e Now tr may be all right enough but hope they will n ,t «ny IbbBBJ BBB the merit it giving «w«y their valuable time tor tbe public good A Ti« Parca :!iihi »Tl k, I'lirtl àBO ToBaMi ParOat I I - aata fsrh Oaajaaa I »I -i«ni »nd .-»urgeons. at a recent clinical lecture. . nan wh wa» tr ,u-,i»-d with palpitation ol the he«rt laM» report »t»te« that no ptiyaica! »ign» A . tea of th» heart could be detected »nd t . le m «rk»r with much «i Haaaaa p ,r«iy g ,n 1,'rangement of th« l!g«»tlve . in depending on the tree um of tu , , armement w.ihlu d...r» VVhkt. then »r« the asBBBBMBM af treatment I -»hall -.yilr In fach a e»«.- VV!!! phy*!c ir" bal ha Ml Bot I the p»tient »imply throw away Bto I ¦ ... i .1»*- -adopt a pialo, wboie»-" g m eaeretoe to Ato .pen s » * -! r»m..»e the cauae» ,. '. " ti w;l, ceaae kTTBBBTBO A « IA1 i',x.~Ai. el i »r «nd anvaater by the BBBBBBBÍ I'Diiciit » r.'.erej ih« »i,,re of vf- «an « ..eBp.rt «r. 1 . '.,¦: , gg »bout him t ,r . ew u.,i. .te», M if in »««r. h .,1 . or.e ,r,.- i.» nyaaan adew n.,t »gala » .. < when a eenared th« Men » new »» haaaaa «. i » M Bad « BH "t « »tru, k Mr Da * ¦* «c «v »'fllrig him . BBB .. t »uppeCed to be . ing under . menta. der»r.gem»nt i « t une as 1er ^ue». w»t . i. tr,:i I avut- « / » . i MBOtotoptanav . x '.[. , .1 «A BBM morning it «ppeart that on the morning ot the -th intt the ^-¦¦m.eei wer» aaMMCMBad t" be ,n fir» and It »It lOan evident thkt an incendiary nad te-ao al w rk A liit.e ich Ibi« m ir, ci tw BtabhnrB named n.-ard the BAajM . AM -ne paMing their Bg '., tne attic, ai.d « .',«et, ,»r,t.y ,n tbe alt. ne ».a '. a : ,-y » cupied aanaatomlyapcaag .i afbel ata witnvutstop dr«M them«eiv»t went up itairi wnere ln»y a.-- met -¿j J.,n»i. »n« l* a p.iw»rf'a. man. and who »t-- «t- .«« - W *p- would have . ¡ed m ha had aaiaraly hart ene af them waen ineir crt. . ittract^d tue «tti altOB of oAVer Me'Uilam vtn '.V*r 1, who K-rur»d .' ,r.e» »nd Wltn tn» look him to the BBMtoa I BBB ''Q turning home, Wfii'i di»co».»red tl. o. ,.»a I», be ob Sie -. « j.are«. bnt«acea«ded :r. .-«tlrigyiiriin» tb« dame« lapeilf '.* wned by M.- Jam»* P'.'teos. and , : mpleted the ¦ :»... - «*.. w^» wn»n ». i bMBBBBI *.. ." y tne tu .ding :t « tinderst'»^ »t tne i. ,w«r m (.'»art tbat tbe ac- :i naOtag aaait-. n-easiv.« tx>d«y in » ..»cu ,n with it!« »nd ther e«»..» j| »rein. fon ¦ Cec»T < . »«t «ventng «Treated . «f Caexaa Bra: , s». ng .».anii.tA ¦ ta* pat««! af JA. Wins», wtvu aa* »av, tataa wtvu ctwtt»*» to u t »attar» ¦* artAaw. tea fa*** The «teami <.'a; t. Thompa.^., « -t .-. 1 u i.nagrea. after t.>ucc , wyeeearaayei i.ooard the mail aad Btangen «..t atom \'Jj BaBBBBjl . . II » ¦'¦ ¦*-'- i»»tlr.ed for ''ad . ir. r. x-w« .in \CiT - f. baa I of «ata -, itolen J 'x ii t.w:xt, of Washing!**», followed tbe rogue to Laxcaswr wBera BBl n.m and tbe «toten «Beep, «nd r»>a-»4lved amp* pa party and tne trouble A hading it X\e~ Ma- af 01.001 »tatst vVtlaam M M atom »t i-^rtsmoutn, N B aOtm »>.»«» . rbraata I ai aaaa v «jana »m courted I y»art and men married «n.ABer f-fv* .. . m H OaaBBsi Prjebdrg. tor merly Preeideat >t the ixeeate af Baiee, ha» «tarted for ¦¦¦.:* w-.U th» Intention f m»« ¦«* .' bis perme aeet ml lean He took with b.m hi« iaw library. nr k .:t vt. ^"«tnct foart M x-w -...¦ »t. r had 'jeea married pretdotwiy to «airtbcr woman .r-g-r* ;,,,- t » t -- --:»- Sir. vVaxbc« met MOB . BbmbI «ad quito brtlbent recap v. .r. M tovaanak on tto ItAA tnet Mr. I la»'« Leiter. P»« >a Maskats« «hâta ¦.»** T li-e ar«t tel M Mr t .sv's pS aSBal *e w s st.-.«-. e 'or »«raiual einer»«-»; atk>n m ken tu It Tiav ht» that Ils o.ustn <u« career w *e the a-!v,» w»-y t the isms cause. ¦". when »«or State wa» p-. par in*- tor t 'orm»t.. . .,ii«. .,, ihk.uaib Il a : balas] Cta.aetl lus majority y> t re«-«-j: t ».-.. tt g . I caerte», a.l t euer»; »i bis ¡»owerfa. to «Sture «tTAdusaxem ival irons her eon The effort was j IBsBeaaflBws- an 1 M- a' ay bowed with anbtniaa: l. Bis rtt**b| íaaae a »«mewtjBt SasV .i BJ tbS :«.'. .' HM "a'ojli hat he . ,t hu erlorta L.-.r retant oaa. The ; rtncip ea whi.l he then «so ear eetlj . baa steadfast y adhered r. even pesara .H-tation Le h spoken of the ut.a jejas] »ati.'a tion with wbt-ch sub act. aa.] e '<-<-« t tbat the ja- icy w BaM s -ate la a taMeb before tl Ame- a taten m let i e w , laasyaagnj uid be ¡natraiBa-ota. m aradW-stiog the des e«t ita n s aterv from lbs character of ou coast: and rem .ve «...«.;.a f p»pro*ch m acvouat of It I ! fk-eign aatbrai " I could »*nly be lTi«Trsmssitsl ta ding of . foal Mot that revered -»«»a. tAat BBSS a birth, er Ibal o i ess beloved «tats wktok kktd asVipSed me ss her ana I woald aol rx.-b»a** U 1 tarifac-J. n w»icb I ahouad enoy for ik* boa. ta al. tbe triumphs »sr decreed tv the moot *u«>«t»sar cta»)ueror ... . iv a ,r » », j . t.' .1.. ng m.ecb'«'! l'y th« «g tatter; of th:» ..¦.«!. n Collateral >-on«*v]«««oe<»s w tr«n l -.»»la.B», »l,'i ¡I not th« !*ochHy which bi iced the great e: « utton which ths «g* Si -, VV «t » i .1 t.'iey who thus represch bs« don.- ' It they would re, re»« all tenjencie« toward ill mancipation they luuil d.- more thi pag Seers Ih« »eneto-enl e-*,iru it-.« S»<-iery The mini go luck to Ihe era ».! our liberty snd tadepea. MSB sod Basais the cann. n which thunders iu si annual return Thev musí reti«e tbe «uve trade, with ¦ :U train .t alxoctUe« 1 hey ami b.o» eut the mon . «- ».nd ,i». and "xunguiak thai . »i «l tor.-r | . wkich BAMrtot preeeau lo a benighted wor!« t : at tbe way to tbetr rtghU. t..»'r .tbertU* ao their happlnem Aud wbes they have a»hteved a the*" pu-pose*. ihsir work will yet be Ua. ompiaM Tbey ,-etvl »t» the .Ininan .-u and eradicate Ih reeera »r ! the .«« af ;t'»*rt* Then »ad BS till then, when uniterssl Jaitu««* and deapslr pre« el can pea paraag .ale >l»»«ry. »ad '»pre»« »o »ympalht« and ». hurTUneand .'«ne» M t I '. »m n«; Ireeni* to behtif ,'f ihe uuh«¡ py portion of our ra.* doomed t Sindas« H' M over Baal rrar agai'i rt'iti' lab sam, and «.n a- s«'i,t -i-,' ,'* I 'i g bCTS l'oeti es «»a. ' ni ','¦ -i al* throuchust his whol» . K.-ntu.k; have love.l him tbe "otnett sou ta tlie »sale basa i- , . BaVaaWM »Uk . t -.miration. Tliev have iwaored an liotior no other man. Ami MW . se M his cmicnic, at a turn when it is pr, pst 'or lum to speak, vahan he BH | a- .. tu th n»; hut V t .t>un try at heart, he ».ves lull utter»:.,-.. t. tie sauu opiaioai W letner tboj will he t.l.pted by ¦ ma oiitv' ot t .' paaaAt ol the ï*tate is a matter ,. ii'iht It it i one who have sjpportisl h in ».. a ni v 'hrouafliout his wliold career with a . .-w',.-.Ice si In« opinion», will «utter th« « :.«t tbothfbt I i-i iiileiniiatii't» M ante i" their min.I« agatiut him tor ex;.:e««iii«< aud tnaiBtainin them i«'w. The letter is is the best style of Mr Clay . tun p«i»lt:oii it« iluregard ot the pre »dice« which auinnto uisny IU relstion to the «ilijeet of wbieh it treat«, displays a moral Saartgja whi.h collar to it* ilutinx'iuhed author lie BSJbbb, wall ,,oui,tere,I «ml temperate char i.'te- will .It» tuuih to ,uiet the excitement wht, h would he likely tu arise train the <iie«'U**lt.<i ol the |ue«tion It eau >t hut eSanara a salutary inliiieii.-e in allaying Hi«' harshness "I thus«- who regard with no toler anee ami "inlerou as tauati.'al ail ¡Abg-eroot all effort» in lavor ot k-railual «., ,; ition in Kan t n ky Mr Clay s opiuimis on the »ubjecl «jl S » an.I 11,,'ipatioii a . llhfl Ih '1'' MsdlSa'li. I'-ankim .l-ller»nu, Mnral.aó ami VAailnutrtou I' e « líeme» .1 t oh in. i,... h. -e»'«nle«l aa ¦»- anl vmoiiary. Circumstance« may lead to the pe', e far a til « Hut when -lSlions ot the moment bave » ltuided aud .¦aim ami .le herate rerlf. ti.'ii eiu'i". thsj- will be I, red «ml sijopted a* prom.dive ot th« trae «ml hiitlteet glor) ,,i tiie oiuutry. The Laat Nlfhl la Ike »enaie VI ebster aad fee te. W a«i '- -, ,i re«c ni.l.Hit tó" F.ifHimg l'on give« in., t, II iwtog account ol «ome of the «.ens« whiib marked the lain ,.. aal Night ol th* X.XAtB n g reu Ih.» letter u dated ob Suaday mornlag vtar-h 1 It la reported that the Prenden! «terlañad yesterday that »hould »Ign no bill after l'J o'clock to o'tht, oa 'h>- ¿round thai his doing «" wnul I be trenehlas «>*> lb* rights el bis nSaaasar. Hut tt u «sid thst Mr Bacbsa .n Wve bun a wntla'ii ooiulou that hi» power» lootluuad B fall riera lor l»- .>>¦ hours loBter. and accordingly now »n hour »n . half alu.r nildaigbt, while Mr roota m ma» »Be ot hi» peculiar oralortcal daiurlakea la he -».uate It, i.ppotlllon tu Ih» ll.iu«« «m.iodmeDl. ths I'rlraU' -e.-i«i«ry ..f the l're«ident I* dellverlag a ineaaage announcing thai hi» «uperlor ha» »tgaed Ml ..ral »i-u It i* pruluhle th«t Mr root* bad tteon apprised thsl ¦..¦ «til »i,iu« «rrangsmeoU t< be perlectsal *nn li would rannit« the few retnalalng Impediments 10 MW emolen MSSSSSta the Wslker arbeme In th* .... Ile aVaba «.»ml time, to give fall opportlially IM the AsBaral «xperitneoUto be uitde I'be At BBS went on at greater leugth than wa* bar .'alned tor New* ram« that they were eatertalns mo n na I,, atttoan Mat Ab la the Hou»* Ha Mr JefTer an liavi» de»|red that the Benate should now osase larther effort* lo incorporate the** projects with the mil The ..... way n w was lo raise another Commit lee o! ni. en,-» wiih lostiuotloB to withdraw from the -»rate « amendment! Mr «v ¦ belag ,.n the tl .or. sod »peak tag lo au particular purpose, but vary vebstnsBlly, Mr Pools alled him to order al s jusrter to 3 o'cloek. beeauae Uta authority ta the Thirtieth Ceasreas bad departed on! u .y BaW »at there a ahsdow fur ¦ »riada Mr u!e* »laled bis doubts, sod moved to adjeura Stag dl< Mr Webster would tonsanl to nothing uf th« Sla.1 II wat their duty to pee* the bill -that waa their duty tad n the I'r..« d. nl left th« Cap loi aad weal hua»*, 1*4 them attend to their own responsibility I he del ate r jntinued at onsiderable ieBgth, In Ike naiW "l »hi. b Ibere BWarrSal some harsh language BStsren Mi ^ ¦¦ t»i raf Mr Cassarra ta t'enn in which ill« latter in reply to sn aessalt by Mr loots, flstly inautted him Mr VV'ebtUr was «peaklag against th« po.icy ot pul ting thl« Incoogruoui «mendmsal Into this bill, whan vfr Kutier and Mr K'Mjte ro«e to Interrupt He bore Mr Hurler patiently bul farther of Mr lutria. Mr Peon . Wi.l the honorât.* iseoelor from Masts «. tu «...w tue tor a moment Mr WsBSTSa. very il.i.uling at »he top ol bU . e, ra» ¡'.nl '.- itirt. for UwdS BBS« he »HOBT Mr r 'e wa« struck a., ot s heap, aud for the first l me tlnce be tame to tbe Jr:nta»> «ppeiued »hashed Mr i ...t« and Mr Webster itm-d within » f«w feet ,-f me another Wehater luoklog a very Jupiter aura««-! and Pool« Ike aoiuelhlng rarj interior, not !.. « mor* -, ti.« lomparUoo Mr K.e.t» judiciously sal town Mr W«h»ter went on la a »train of msgBltceat or« L,ry to enforce upon the ."-nal»» Ike B«e«a*lty aad pro artoty "I -elreaOng from laalr it>'o*gruotU «mendaient Mr iw-rrtei. i.n,led lo Mr Webtlar Mr f.'sm*roa . ed n m t., order, aad read the rule applicable lo the BW W :..-n BS bad retakes bit seal, sir t'aibi ua« -j. lo the deis -etore non. asd after ssyiog a lew w..rd*. was observed to abake b.« tat m his fee* With the quickness %4 thonsbt Mr CamsrnO t apped Mr t- with tbe bark -7 bis hand, in the moath Mr amerita tpraos t»i his ls*(. but la th* act of doing au «a« seized by Mr HUpalrick of Ala wbosat neat him, «ad y raeumed bU seal, Mr fuoM aa qitletiy re weed t" au. '»en ' «ss rose, snd «aid insl he h«d beea i lain g her« merely ss . tpmtsAor for three hour« thst be should use i, ^»: t in any farthsr pr «-«sealing« tod «ooa slier ne loot a.« bat sad >*ft the place. Mr I '.'tier ,ve» lead tajik« -onr.ttntloB» ty of pressât r jcaaedtBfS There w*rs now «Itllng thaare more la in« eharscter of a tows maaviaog than a Utgulattvs bsjdy joe iklrd ol lb* gent.emen Sera, Ib hU Judgoteat, wars as tasto ba*Mstoa to ,th«r« The presiding olBcer refused to ant motli.a* I». adJoorn Mr Berrtaa .ad moved lo «trtBe ont of the Hoass irsntdrsttt thsl .". whii h proposed V. rslssa la tor, e, Is lb««» Terri . the Isw« ol Mexico tagalnat Hlavery, but to iaaert . I «. .-e'erring the , ie»'.io», of their VBltdtty to the BjnraB Court of the Catted »tale* This «msadmTil was rejected-.Aye« t¡, Moaa 17. Mr p.eite moved to adjoorn i,«, -tu, protsstlBt that they had do right to sit there While ih« all waagofaf-n Mr r eta h*«eene a little uproanou* and iaformod th- BaMtl »hat tke Pr«arid*et *>1 gon* a rne «ad h* sdviav-d >b * .. nd.y manaev all hU frleod* wuo bo »«at« bSVe. to retire Mr Msson of Va, cussed him Int.. g ^»d order The ¦'.otiiiB to adjourn wss deleaje.j. Ay- . N' ¦.». TA He« rai Morthern «sa «Sor«, wb.-ae term* Bad saptrM. ksr as »itkdrswB. Mr Bngbtmsdssp'.wsrtA «vpp»aJ I the Harass, Is» ., .. -t a.'i, .-«,.- r ir 'h.'r nissttnutl. aiu the bill without *«*,:.n^ t '/*¦ k to Ik* Moos* Mr Webster said that eou.d But tie duos. AU they asesa do «as to accept or reject the House anvndmeol Mr 1- 'e in somewhat tklck aceeata, eapanatsd i^jaan in« AssarttoB« that thU bajdry has ao longer a eoa .iitutlonai exuience ils», thnr* bewa * pBaaTgatal of «i -yes tk* Wslkasr nassdawt, 1 presaasa there aawhi have te-r-a tvi «ueh ¡Dten«* eieisUtatk-eal »cnt- .: the S-juthern .«enst had beeom« tborteighly Alarmed. !a»«t the Hoase amasadmesrt. r»early tke s*vm* «a Mr Webeasr'a. »hoald pas* wblr.a probably «a Mae trae secret ot their ansdety to n,o«rt.for the loes ol too bill «as s matter they eared oothlag abont. B Y'.ttr. .A Ire ttaok place at B.nrhamton, M. Y a the I ¡a. by arfaba* tke »team r> .rlBg mill of Mr ¦Vised tv»e ie»:r»T-l Mtsek of th* Auos aad grasa was Mved 1. gag Bal üuuranca Bi.CsjO \5jT lbs Lu:U ¡¿ikM Ark liitiKer ot the oth art Bays that so attempt waa main by «-Ifht priw^aar* . e«a-*p« from l»v Per..teBtiary it thst place, hot was . :r.-- : by toe g'tard. wBo tread apoa the prUnaw». inre« ot whom w-r« Wkjanded. oaa severely. nP" Mr. Jamea Jtardsa, 79 year« of agre, has o»seo vtwasad is buuer Co la. tor ike warder ot* Wa mMa

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Page 1: NEW-YORK TRIBUNE. NEW-YORK DAILY Jkmi » i. and.1 J Si-Ken ll.'i sr« mentioned f.y tbe Maryland papen as


VOL. Till. M> «tfti. VH1WIKK «triBDtt 'lOBM.ti. ntBITH 1?. 1**I9 tt HOI K \0, «VITA.

NEW-YORK TRIBUNE.tHI M" ToriK iiaiiT r murai is PUBUSMBB

gVKBT a.iRsia,. 1-IM.4TS KA(APTID)ât The Trlhaae Hullrtlas«, coraer of »sprae»»and Msssss airen«, appoalte Ihe City Hall,

A».*» '- - 12 I-A '-.,-. «.« '

s akesii'> .- »a ..

0m i¦. f> a" t" «.,.».,

, >-.> 1- .1> ...'-, «4»»oc» rar/o-rwl#, ,. »¦-.»'.. ..a... .... i>, aasars sssaetat md» f.. .»¦-'.... , . aaSI "' Tla« Trrtjatw ar» »,t

.". - y

mmt kTSSBtag » liU"'»


.. »



Ul.ll I HilLkl

NEW-YORK TRIBUNE.New.liaaateshlre Klerttao.

A ill,, tromtlief',,,,,,,,,/ /¦... vei re.

tirnt from ntiiety-aix town» ISSBSpitolllg nr-«

thsn BBsflba S;.te. In the«« tow« »>..- i's:n i» ;,ii ¦- a libaBTsiaia than

.«.a I .. a n-a,.

T..e I'atnot saja that . loWM in the Itt Dis¬trictI.» > * I e II Kittr.

»re I" towns iatbt I'utri.-t. Tie« ;


mrnt t .." t -.

tn,,w a«t..i .-r.-ater piwfjsalieiiAte fais V, trei

the mi ¡"-Tuck in i-i7, arbaoh was

»boutToe I'utrui! also sta'.js tliat retaras have

received from .'. Uivans m 11..- Ill,]res are nul given. The remark hi mtv!.-.

k. a?, that " tío* probability is that Wilaon ia

The Lcnsl'itui.» will ha BtrMafjli |.»,r-«.-K<«.«».... I.. K.-pr-u. » t r. t .. |« -.,

. VV1.11'». aii'l iàniii-rswi."

VlrtolMa I..,i S I''"' 'H>M. -T: I /.' I MM /"-/»,». »»y» the f wing 1« one of a BSglaSta NSSBsMeMtuat were pasted at a I. >co Koco m ¦. t *k] ¡r, .irginis,Utely

/..air»-..»'!i of ut determines by activityand zrsl t" il" morn than A . Ii

day. sad that, by tu« h ¦aaaa thr t tb< Dlsliietw, » Il t n y in. I,ut a» WS hop.- and believey a d.a-iiiv.. m» nity.'Thii Lasal ara i ta éetai 'raerá than

c»»t nn« v .t.«'1» n ,t, we aro iiicliiiH.i to think ¡'t, th« Old Iiomlnn.n That party tloubtle«» ,,-*.. matyof tbatr lormer ti tori.» In this latitude to «irni'.ar pract .


Ha TmaBBS FOB H la tl Missouri !..lure on on the -'7th. * M> .ni., i proposed to ra i

I tut the thank« ta Mht people id this Mate are due.,, (SB l'avili'. At, lu».,h lor ihn manly and unwaver¬

ing rourae pur»u«d by him in refjard to tbe a'i imporUnt «acattoa oi -¡«very, hy Mb»tcribh»| hit nao

lUry »n't »lone, to the Artdre»« ot th» Southern I Mé¬

sate« in CeaarssB ht shah aoeMilaaata,but on poltlnii it totola, U wm rti-ct-d.11 to I'.

Oihel reeolutbins (accompanyIng the one tliaiiktnic Mr

Atrbltoni declaring that the iia-onl« ,,f Mi.aourl endor»"

Mr Calhoiiii'a Addrt-«», »har.-d the »ame fate.

fy Kx i.,iv. si uno., Kx <io-. Pratt, Hobii.MAi Jkmi » i. and .1 J Si-Ken ll.'i sr« mentioned

f.y tbe Maryland papen as suitable eandldate» for the

Senatorial srat made vacan», hy the resignation ai Km«BUY J"HMU\

fMf* CeJ vV> II «»Kill I.HS li.-.o, l.,,||,ll,ate,l ns

. cstiilld«!»'tor ("iigr.»! from Ihe Id Dutrlrl ol 1 I

-,. ..> >


QF WILLIAM B Clarrb ul VV aehingtnn Co.¡itak.'l I a« MM Wh ,í .»iidi.tat" f .! (¡overnor ol


.«¦»i .Tbe H »nip li.'i-iii.'intiivai,.

tn«nder Hat-,.bio, and »h» Aliiaiiv. Tant Kavuoi ».»«

stüed Irom Si. Thoinaa on the 4th. on a cruise

(tT Mr (in i.iii ti,.- Veui. rVkig, Ib asidtobare hSM nominated few K. unter ot tho Treasury

PjT /.eniiii Lahssarre i« spahsa oi u '.

d«te tor Q ivt rri'.r ta Louulan«

l"try" llu- ekasing Lecture »i tbaootATM beforethe It «ton Metcantli« A»«ocl»tion »a» delivered ..n

VV.>,1r.e»d«y eii'nlng. I,y Hon. lUrrs I'noate.bis sail.

)eet Thought* suggested >iy Macaulay a Hi*»ory

Irn »«coil unit I.en. Taylor Hrmoaala mi.I' A I>|<n it in» ii I » I mu« un.¡ 'lleaourt lloin,

dary.»Vaiiiinu.oV Wednesday March 14

llilcpeii'lt'tit avilies to tin / SortiAmri.ciiii a« l.'llow »

den MaeM »rri.i'.t her« tota ni«ht ai. 1 peM In» re

.p. it» to the I'relldetH till« 111 ,11,Ulli ill-' Illli'tlli.' between Ihese two .-»liant and i1itt¡ugiil»b»d ir'il,.-ii I.

described as hat inn been eordial atid worthy ol theexalted reputation whieh both Iihvh Kt-,|uire,l in isSBBaiIng Ihe honor ol ttu« eouiitry. and which each enjoy»». a manWhat was th" ftovernnient organ, lut t* now the

v-'ill^e ol a de'iarled ,1vna«ty the ¿ BW -rntie« a ho.and cry. bSMMS the Heads ol IVpartim lit« have raleJ upon th" »utxirdinate bureaux lor a »tateiin'tit oi

Irte aaataerei .¡«ikaand Ihe datea ol th« ir appointmenu I he object of the »iinounceioeiit vta» to eonveytne trie» that an immediate and g,ne-»l tysti ia ot re

inor»l aweoaWmplaled It tbe apprehensions ol the.i «1,1 I.oi. I t.y th.- «tatetnent, I am au

to aware aba aM IM p iblle thai tltit. a wra to saabta tbe saw Mas

i.-tarle» t-, ,-ar: v Ml the pi. i ¡»ton» OÍ tl"' litath» Il m.- De* .'Ion nt b] «afin h all the clerk* atln.-h,.,!ti. the dilereut illici'S named atct'inp«ulB| th" l>.pailUnlit WONIS !'.' »all,l|i.,| It» »lip»ervl«lo|i.That remórala will ¡>e mad«». I» not to b« doubted toi

they »re «-.juaUy demaiid« d by publn- opiiium anil a

»ist regard to the interest« Of IBS I lovernmeiit The« frire* «re now tilled tsith uiroino.-tent m.-n »li. »,-r«

spp. Int.d wnlioul reference to character or ,justifieslieu, aii.l »I I its ami lullueiiee were openly con

in the tee. nt r«nva»» |o Mfesl MM I'aylor1*0 retalu «ueh tin timhelil« would involve adepaitureIremeveiy pruicipl" it ju»llce. and eatablUh a prece«tent that Would be dangeroua. il not latal

am no adtoi-Bte ot proscription It opinion « »ake.but tbe polb | Si p' ,'pitlatin»' eti.-mlet at the eapen*»' olI'.end» ii Mite and bate »ml wh. th r tried to pah h

private lite, will prove to bbsM who «tleinpl it

There need ban no appréhension M thlt «core w.thtrie Maní Vltiiinnt'Al -n While II will ohierve in ,i«ration and caution It will practico i.uli.e and impartuilly It m»y proceed »lowly, but it will Bdiai.c,turely fititta Irali . a motto which alive« aourane"

of prudent«- t'ut e'l'ia'ly oi firmness Mr Adam» madeIhe expar o.. t «rating his enemies and waa detested Mr Met Irn d pi.,, and waa deboUBced ties I'aylor may profn ! y tht-ir example

Heloie the a.l oerarasal ol ill" supreme C oirt >ei«ii important opinion waa delivered, »ettltng the

aaaaÈra ai houndiary between Mu»ouri,»uid low», in

BBS« "t Ihe ¡sit. ihe J«-.'i.;,'» ,1 raM J the »ppolnt¦sal ta CoinmiMtoners lo run th" ¡Ine aotlditid. dtbe espeuies ot litigation e.|U«l'y tn'tw«'« n the twoabaasj

Namlnailaas bs ihr i'» m.

. \ «a josterilaynioriiin.' has the tollowin«. t. l.-.-i apln.' iltspnt.1.

Wasmini.ton Ms-Among the nom nation« »eut loto the Senat

Was ihr«»- fadatse lor Miriemu Terril :y r.e fromOhio one Ir >m Kentucky on« trotn Teune«aeo and MrTatLos of Mtaraata ». BaeretaryThe name ot /iiiina Kiao or I obbbt Kbnson, It

hasta, bBB bees s-nt M lor Surveyor it tho tort sitaw VerbAla,. SkaTon r.tTK« ha» lavii nominated a» Savre

Ury ot .'«atioii at Bel in aud Mr. BoTi-B. as PostinesMr si Annap.lit. Maryland.Flbtcmicb WkhnTKB ha» r-«»'n nominated f r

.oBtrlct Att irney at I ut, n and the name aj Mr l.r

iotssBsvy Agent at V-* V rk

In.linn Treablra Aheadti. :i. o.« tarbaara Bsass.-»an in, asa, r. »a*, fleh

KriiMj llu hak:.»',a 1' a in.stkk" i:.

.J ¡SSI letter. In naming a mountain MOM route I»

Callloniia It Bbou.d have bea-n Sierra Nt vata. n I S»¦a Madre All thelaformatítm i can father eon»a* more and more that the rouU' *»«' p.-op.'se« to any olher thai u talked .I A I

¦».titjuad oi twelve men i.-u here a«t Bstbl M rstog¦'«ok oat the beat wagon rout«'for the ireàfS wh are

aipr.led to be here ab..ut the rirel ta Apii t'o. liar¦r* arrived here lut rn«-.,t I he ttotitiersrn.'n are be

.awhig dubeatleki-d I b-i Indian« h»»e bsM downIbem «t.d «lolen ».'. ady a hundred hor«. » !'n"UId Col He.I that It they were ¡ett mu. n

¦near wtkh,tut protection they would bave to driv« the IBrians out .,t ihe carantry in aeii eeasaea

|»k«»k be call« ihe principle tribe trie Apache« Many"Vbem curse from the dir. rtlon of K.-d Wear Cm


¿J**'- bttl 't tar from Ving «o «t present I am 1m."* to be oa oar " winding way Ui Cadtornla

Vours ac R. t«. BARRY

'Eii»»ti >a oi ras Hssosasont -t irral mi**"** bendersoo. convicted st the lut t ourt ot S,.«

J**e»»>r Fleten« Diitrit-t ..r the murder of Rot-eit VV:

jj*^»«re executed on latt I riday «t i'l.-keot Court¦*.*.¦ V\e BBderataod thai Thomas lienderaon uader

kj itaraT"*' irt,Us<i having an y th ug U< do with tbe trans~~*. »Bd waa «attained In hit ttatemeot t.y bl» brothmvtn^ ,Peitalett>n S 0 | Ideesentter. *b

Or. Itedlietrt'« Lecture aa Pktilsgssmr

t OB Pbyt.nomy

a I' nT.»»t|g»et»r »r,d of a Character CtâêU .

. ¦¦ | lo. »t r r.

. -s*, M

p>et. a

gal i aa, ere '.n>., «. ama . b .

Be api ha n.»r. . ha a

afhB tMBB idir.'.ty be;Dg mo-e r»-»JI y par« » s on th» right «ide. It «

the ».; cd im th» :.» gi%»de» t.t hindi,.»« MOB the !»'t »Id« of the f r»be»

which to ',< to prove the id<- ».. ..

tint'..- .the 1er« of pareeu-,

;,..», fc;vc'i-ce «rkleh cleietto the hi » t- .

.0 woman than In have « «TealIt *n !. MM ;». a, while ail

M"MI the lave ¦.

caled ligktbroa-

«f a kind »position,«r.l tr.o.e u.r. «M vtro, de ,,,,1 ..».¦ Í. :.. ,

'".' ira. 1 , ,-,,,.dthen teeth ta Otonppnr jaw i'.

».." m V .r.l ri !.-.. r »r.»ci arelit «teg wi...u th. »...

'h. :n «r. n-., fond .,) ',. ,-'. r.l»*"

ir-n. l'erion» wh.» lack tí.endowment are directly ol an op, ¦-.,».

ireau endoi smtkaaaBy, »heattV¡«ck t .y ore of «cold dltp.i.tion it»-.»t» .ti »orn.. degree in the !ower »t.,ma.», bat r, t»uch «n extent m pa

ws fron th- foret '.t,e» ourirtt ;,,..- i»t, iMTpareatn,Beat totaanaour own hood 1 h ;* faculty B lertkated I,y the.I the » » axert« much

o'i th"»..c.i ayatom ,r tr.... who love t.-.¦. Beatlova aaanhfal «. »uch and BtoevBto

their own k.n make but vt-i.1..I If -. Dl

.¦an. fheaJty of I by »he muic..jr.- no!» the Upa ¡ if largi t

,- » ,\T..

the .!- , -i iBaton la fact H i a moat Conjaplfoanlcl in youth 'a»t wltb life x«

person baring tats Inraa Is ¦ ,t »

rtevi anytl lag ol kB IX, a kc aaaki i» naa aa, aal toeli ti,»t kitthey »r.- «low in making «n BBVC bw flatail t, and ar

very car. !..: ,n oritract.n^- new hjaalaklpcbto t.. «aflar aeeeHngly it th. y abo ild not pi-'i | rnaaee arU i oily h»t

; talk Witt un M and :. » t .,' it,.-, ulh. aal ge over .¦

-I.BlBB by the hn ." fthl . lorward. p.-:

aon« who have thl» far u:ty «re very (rank »tul are rt

mark'-d tor IhetropcaaaM each peraoMaantile to i Bee la whteb they »-¦. t i apt Iauka tricad« v»,.,( Apycttaattoa m Oto latbc ;

'. «i. t.. be «(.[... t...i ^t-r»oi,» kavtoway» ihow th» teeth when they no-, B4

» .r.» wio'ii th.y I,«», thoy bava.mttotoappi .. tenalwayeptoeeaM lav aegrokitint tactilty large: to UhM M to told that to h»» donto eat) ao am -, tat » m » faati* amtto thi» o

that look tine.he like» thi». it I« hi» Batan and he wieel ban aa m approved Baa] pemoaa ar

ed t thiak tall faculty a tailing.a weak- .¦.»

MB to Botm persone aoBOl Ihn to epprovaproved ii anything bad Ihey a ,. all

!.. a H Mil ta r 'i xnd i» h croxt gnMiairalnit evil. All KáepcblIcBM hate t:

leatt large, 'iud it gtvM a earn naa ttppearaacc to Ihm mtii nal il It the ne ol approbation lor goal Aand Oto napaaaloB ni Ota Baa toatal »y»tem whid

., the BepabtleaaI be ove Ol I>litlnction It a itronii feeling B IAto tore t" be rnlrrhralal. to h»w on, < i mm aa

al " patena h«vng this Ataaltj iik»-» t.known In hi» [i»n»h, hi» town eOBBty »y.m«, ka| latthei by the wl a world

aaetag .h.araamrd fn sth« ti,. ar angle of the eye to the Baontb «a

vat'-a th.' iij.«er By It ii largo la lergyBMB who wi.lto take the laprCBM authority over their Hock»; in law

yen yol lotions »uJ thtaaortti,-!'.oi eral i m ah i a ol DtetiacBoi >« io..-ol r»"t Anil «' t: n y BOBBl

.in tl > ' ii the ItopoBlion I ¦¦' | a Ii'.!. ilion t ii.ti ii by unlit >.r l.¦ We would My »it» ralor or writoihut It would Dot b» x(.ji!y Ihxt term t

pningai naeay, ** ha to as Eaataeal Am»; Potoalthe u»rit ral o iliO'ïm; e Ir IH »ti lui on -sight or oceu

genrrally large la ArttaB The taatoaMiai of the toann nanee >. by a »mall muacle pat»ing downwart

loin Ute iioii-r »ntlt- oI the eye t. the BtMtTil wh;cldraw« it «oiiiewli«! BBWard voluntary motion» r ,....... o t tale lacuiiy trail t" sneering and looktnjIowaaa pereoM laa i «¦. ai avBaatraOaa, to beadmirad lor ln-auty or .oiiiothii'g MM pone»». BOaMgtl

t Nxturo or nijiroveriifiit y art. In: our rt'i,>e»rariciin dre»s m lor our »tyle id living, paintings we mxjkava abont aa of athMeeaae la .natoaaad by a «tn«:aiata who h prodaeee a ptr-ttaaaaaaa aaa. tin- c.-r 1.1

)e it ii tore* r n woman than In insr, and »h.IC the . g n "I t ao M on »'.' a woman tvHI

out Bataeertata toUawM which InattsanethisfaenltyPan o* who have It generxliv expie»» themselves en

thuilnstli a!!\ChnerfelneM ii indicated by a muscle passing Iron

the outer angle "I the eye M the sngle of the mouth.¦ Hitloii id thi» (acuity prBBBBM a happy and cheer

fui espraaB 'ti of faceof th.« Col 1 aal BaepieiaBa PaeahaM they ..-

rally th,»e which act againtt BBMC mentioned OBSocial Chain, t,-r or by their pMfMBoa; hut there »re

other» which more liraetly c meto the a »tion Th»Iret, Scorn, it ladteated y » tmail mui, la to II *

i«w which anaara atoahmep There to a UBenne toawaaa eenra xnd Coatempl In the laltliru.i tin- u: 1er Np H v tl." nitxnt worktag .'.

th.- family ol « fw m i met yI by e earteta fnllacM la the

.. |i I.,,, .i tl ». » ho BBBJ earn laa in talentor other inallttot Uli llrnlnd bythecarltagai t-

der Up downward in i'roii.w.: I MkM BjaWB '. flBBltad ¦' mm] t »o.! m v tin- ahto area

lipa thrust out Hatred la in noted in thetin» faculty B the opcMMfta of taca of Aparaban1 ¦ :'

thi» :» large the mouth ,i drawn downward and snows

the lower t.-eth It is seen in carnivorous l»exitiMelad minen. ii Indicated hy a muscle

pti«inr. waward to the chin 0 oía the angle..t the Monta hm,i pntaacm that aaanar] ktoRwaita

»o to mistaken lor t'heer tu neu

In the courte ol the OObbbb] the ectursr anteered

mmiy queitloni and explalried many »ígnito the »ttt I

live »udli nee which ihey did not comprehend «t the

ft:»t glance the lac.» »I ihre.- person! were rx«iu:ned.

and, BtMBM-flBB] t>> the teiltniony ai their tnendt pre. reading proved very tru¬

ll I« next lecture t«ke» place on Saturday evening

i ...«j '.. Tneaday,VNreh II Rotea I'alendai -Jac ¦'¦ i'arp-nter. app'tr». BgiA- -, -, t BoCjOB tOdlltnt»» «ppe»!leatod I II detective pa;-er*. without c.wU »nd withoui

,. Mr A J >>i ,oii-r ,r reap t and rn

Mr lward .-»»nlord opp sod »Be I«;, t. i. John Analta and ..there reepw M

tl..n t.. disni'.ts appeal (aunto on Prlaaj ,«i

without c.iti Mr i" Q. Mean Bar reapat and ateOtoas No. &. Uatoey Itocer«, appelleat, m

r.i.ihra'.iii Bewland re.p i Iñc dci»u.t kkanfl 'n th .

sMbMag the apaaal taarata w.-.h

¦o»t». aBMMBl kyeCBBBBl and m «lion argued.Id,.,' - "nent Mr D. Bitel, Jr forraepl»ndin.i: :. Bl N Util. Jl I" ! -JedeIIah Ml Bl Btat, ', '- n error, r. il»i,ry I' .-».herder.

left ta erro* The eigBMtal of thi« bbbbb ¦. mraeeMlreetord I ...Bo. 14.r« ed «ad patead

raacli V-rnilr .« i a.

lagatoa CmapaoB leB ta error, ihn c»u«>-w»«argned,. s, to | > .:auged by aoaaaal Mr. B.I>«t is Noxoi. tor plrls m error. Mr. J A Spenom lotlelt inWm. 1. i x Mt. x) BBIB.- B

:he Amnesty bBBato bat retu'ii.-

... and ¡snow I Baa It we could be »ur

»t anything em«i.«t ht| U MB tr ! ..¦¦.»¦

IthOBJIbC »urontedal 1U darae brutal and¡one toward thia retarned exüe. Atter the pa.»a g. nera! Amnt-»ty. it is highly indecorous to »upiy theu mu rt t-1 »nd' t-aitor to »ny m»n who ::.-

. v taker: a pa't iu eis;, comul.... M

Itanenaed rim».'!! t itcard Mr MaahaBria to a manner

that! di»c,«er» tb. «u gal mind and the |guard. Kind ng Mr M in lie '.ilrxtyol the :

»ddrened mon in»u.:i: . 1*1 .».'¦

t ai,d went so tar as to threaten MB . i»

vttsJence. It i« doubtless . coniolation U.> Ool Prince

B| to ean now an can tata him lower tn pubic ettimaliou lie vViu4*s>r murdi r l.xed h » un»ltcr

g(,;H ,. IbBBMBI F'x»m ner

P DWhaU WO i*aam a IdAtBC I Ii-owera. written to B Otead to ibis I'ny. dated F

Jan 17 I"1!* It arrived here in on- month and two

day« Power« speaks conclusively «a to the question.sctweei, himself au.l Mr '. to New irleans ; and

i the |elter were given to the pjh i-. we are tun Bl

|{ won d at nee t-e eonticted ot ir'uatiee The great«ru ptot »tatet that he it now eng-ge.l on Am.ilc«.

»national lUlue and Mfa be II w ng hi» fame an I

f.,rtune aha'! re.t upon it Ire bl k ..t mar'ue cut

g; -Xi' Popact has BO order 1or It, and does r: 0 w:.h

lor one a« tbtnk tonlhcii n w Bato to fet « B|without «nythln« of the kind. We »re not »t ib-rtyto.le«cri!>e th« «Uton. but we «re «are it will meet, a«

tt deserve«, iinivcr«»! «dmiratlon ii'mcln. limes.

V ,,, ig Obobou (l;i -TwtèJ}ak¡mMtgt¡ H-th tn.t s«ts last S.turdav we vlsitej f a

newly oitu-i «ered lioid m oe belonging to Mr F i-uni-

merour H I« » t"w hundred yards »oulbwesi ol the

rich vein di«. ..veredón Dr McAtoaatol Br fummer

our hkd opened the mine in m»ny pl«cm. In t:

thotvt p!«re. It *n exceedingly neb. and in aevera:

other place« Indicated a profitable yield It if on a veryhigh bill and it It probable will be much more r«,u»bleon that accouot

/if «lili Al M THE QlAKANTINt.x>Ue|rh of Ihr Debite In the l.trmhli, t

TaaBBBty I'- 'I., on the Hill for the K»mvnl o' tk» guarantiee from »talen I«Bata

tUforu* Lr lae AM*:...-.-.

the «,*-*jry He w ,t

*a W -.¦

A « ..

M- Hi.'tr a .

ir -.-.»need «nieta Use1' n M «

the Lar.d 'jice w<-- »t the H BBanl« kt.d r»t ¦. ted tberewllc w

». i t

nnde» tr.,t »et ff. the .-

-.t*e who had *xarr..n»d it. tn»t :.


¦ entai t then g it;r 01 . ...-.. * : i

.«"tab* He was anxi MM tfcattr.» «mrantlDe shnuid tI -»..- .- w » .- ; vr»i satts' «d that

f Mew-Yo rk ei.»-..:: w

. thennrpnBM-

aays that this e»tablisr.m'r,t e»n be er»-c'. a

anee« for g¦I i'.'. v :.-.-»,.. the rottI

»ta>»Mr. B - x Tr -.. it no loch tbi

Bary, Bamenât*! that the aeneeaarbraakweMi alone« arlyI MX).Mr In- um ti There .» provit i


Mr.. ...

vm .» .Mtsmurh M ven*)» could iin lh'

break BBBB referred lot ..

il x Barbt r met M CI a , -nry neth'-r wr .d It do »ny g

got «n urne: a

will an I move to strike out th>-alease, I laugh

all W. 8- Itiavto all eeaM of eoMplatat v. t

-iey batag at» tn iAtora ware BBnben ofboapliaJa and

I New Yorkeid:d not ¦¦?>..¦ .

. f »Dy moment Ifhad tw n t ,.ii by tag that th» Iw,r i» lo heve t

ting ar

leeraaUng xt -andy H «. !!..t a rr | »ay where the furxlier th» new estaSlishm»!.

Ueraetel totoOto breahwaaar, atora w«i but anMe an»

that wa« i. attb the.... .

«. I tht* gent:» mm weret« t ,-xn ly r . tbei i ' "¦ rence

a aa 11 th.. a»BaeM « t:.»t | « aae, enl an vsnttae alatloa

It w«s n t X »at.- .¦ 'i St' g WeCtol t a la w ..

v '. i.nd tackle. hut that i B Wtall... m during the jua-antln» aeaton

Mr - re«d In un the tealn « il ttaal .' I tbto | mm th*

-' ....

¦. taoagbt it wottM bom .

n «¦ 'i w aid at aaly H «

Mr Diaoawai i i

.I «t . m r.. y Hook rim r . .-. ¦horag»'wltn the u.c. iiir«, g|

Mr. Va* Irdi i remarhadrM ver* rui

i the Hou»e who wa» a piSit »ml who to | p w ,jo- practical Information on the r

rJ.J. Allai'¿i.artintlne II.. f I be «n

rjury not only t" Ato» ai New V.-'x. H th.-late Ht ,»ige. to ierre ve it trorn BBBBM n'and Abcaakwah i M Baal} Book wonld . a, work

" )ury to the Iti lid .

t« It h« '.t . iraatiM tFi»at H »t,,. -., .

the Uwi.... , fair wind» wiy« came through The gre»! Beult] wxi

yean lb« -, -,

» » I M. il» toBcvt f.-- a' .',¦ ,.i,tcry lor lit re

». ¦¦ (non the people w

i, -»'iiti wh wi.

ia regarded «n ,t be .1 n- m the!

» ». kaoad and a Iw t »\ With even

¦ |i,«nxi',.ri s».

. it the it-uiition RbmovbK toBtntay Hook,. an ». x |

rig that it w

Rea v -k . I .i tfctak Itlèverai illow trua .»:¦, i»hm, t

>. ¦n ot the

i-1 New 1 'it I tow ftr. ag. .r

BOl wrecker« to dc ¦. | »»r-.ore with lalseight» in comeij leiice which the li-iit-r»! OnVMM

Ihndforl id.t'-n «ny per»on t

III Hi- B » It t.a a rein n.stru:.Ma I» -,

Hi |i -mi Yaa, t Ff on t...xraiiline whose BeOBpaBOB will :¦- gSM

bill peeeedMr Fitat s»i that ti,. .

h.- na stag some ot the re....'- i. s. « lot, m avail aa residents ot Otataa

¦»- The remonstrants all told, were:n Bnmber

M '. 11 . . away with aiprend n the rem«rkt of the gent iinxn trun New V. r«Mr UiKX, might ha«« h*,l n the m indi ol m»m

ttrong arms, stout hearts,«mi act -: .n- It li an I trie wave» of

tool pie. Bot I way« right In;.g. and also v»Ty apt to talo

». if he would I¦ I gad tint many of hn

¦aa who had Ml fears -»led thestatea sa ama

» .


.,.'«- . a V o r k...».. W«'

teit m nyHaut, who t, .- MB fot ve»r»M \ r x had rill;.!Itllti he

eould riud but one p. B ...» uraeoda Bnj r Ho a, ahne hriQ taraatiaa, «i i

» m kr.owu t, ktoBM r t»g| I w«t M ncer:.,

rweal I . v w k hatana atol.»h.iin-« get» B Ntrrows his veftel isa t .n

-a'etyMi Puai aaaed ,: i w h» i». . to lay In the lower bay, and II he ever koew

leturnM- At i x ¦'

.t Vocéela boaa.r.. summer season. tt»n - - b«y. with the..ew to get the,.cení ',». »ie« but be defied «n Instance

a ! ¦ voue .¡oing lor a harbor to the lowerhe winter »ea»ori.

v .» ataaraati aana

III \ x

a , ant:De. Is «omefiBM«.. I He

.ic up to 'piarantlne In v.ste . with»!. and one man. nit enough to throw over an an

chor a> fathom».an :

keys when Oto]», ..-. ....

il ¡.ay have t t . » N » :'»:,-.:known * do.-en »-,»».».!» t » aah w th tw

.ut The a*Bp Bew Teal aaaj «way...,-..:., . a i veemli

tt ti.e tame time laid at quarantine with only one I

ahn and chain

v: ..r.-. | -.. m oat t.- «u»e

Mr A. tilt EKT tki'l th»'. «'aaraEUne. »rose r.

. «nag*of tuch mangenj, : »

with tftote in V. h,.»pit«. lato WM ¦ medí, »

» ! ne etireii Jeci i- .t w»» tt»¦l tr.e in.-d.. al ;« tt that pr vided a om

j«-rfeet i» atoO . . lutancv».1 m t. g bObBBBB w«* .»t a* .«'- .

Quarantine takvlf, M » Mrw,.. » -ttve »nd report progr«»». TBM t tkciet n ot »n I:),!:a» woman was t .:. : ait W »i

¦neaa) »tterr on in the »»nd bank leevm »d- ;n

ng Niagara River immedate'y » » r WhO.iey » new residence We BBBarM »ted ;n

a «itttag p-ature with ,u to«s,i»i t w trie »u-tace Im

ya: «. g-»"w a « tn ". .a iiAta-aata0B0 yaaaaall wnose huge r...u ea>«-a*etod

.» . «******! " Bto tr »t in tne

.*nd. and Bto nu«T~- '»ed It wai

ahaBBaO wBO great diAcnltj H. . .

.nd w'.tn:t. N.»«;ar« Falls Irts.

Tni Stiamkr M. Kit H Otar ra-¦ -.y 1 y s .-.

«rd the ftearr:»' BeK r» ¦»

thatv,«., w«t -, '-»ve Key Wect o«

¦iheputr; . Wetl not In dUtreM.M WM--

: protrnre s !-w idd.iiona. nandaToe paacenger« »nd crew were ami »t lh* eBA.etter »nd «II were :o »p rite. c«lcul»U»g <«a »qii.ctand p>»»«r.t paBBBBI The«cbo.mer Ke.ampag «

1»« here . ..-n- t -De . r, for *i»B FrMcMco. Bad tocaUtinlinii -'-.«¦.-» Wett «nd thep..-'- .

.»<¦. tog this port in « few dsys I»ag IBBBBIBI «

mmates of th« H' us- ol Industry. «I -«'UtB BotBon.Mas« 00 the 1st inst was ..- of wboni -T «

,f gatnbaa i»rent«,«Bd |gj we*e kara in tbisconn-

tr t foreign laVrenU Tb» t'tltlf". ¦*.'" »'*» Vt II

fore gn c «nntriee. «»d 153 arrlred ta the Lotted -tstoa

¦unce January l, .-A-


a a- « tar. viednesday, March ¡4sxr

Air »


» : ««eating report

laid' loote oim the


thiet the books inuodersUodiBg. there «o Botalsg in bu repon

jlnginanydeg'ee rn that bank.the Mechar .

Parrr.--» . « n «arañad»' » aha Board of Directors He

ited thati .. rajaet i m rel»

¿onto legs Bserery to t ttate, -.

mbert of tk



-. ir« «'.«tute at it ttood naded.

na -ports on the CasaiHank

M ve.l the smer.U



laeat at a M . atare'. tuns

K in the aff.rmativ. tan IB lint,dus and s II i1 Ha;

:.g Mrfifhtt . «e»L on the Ml

4 1 4 «

is then ti 10,1 » il.


.»Ir. on the bill re-sau


a :

k .

.... ... .

whenMr. u . i it sed

In m capitalpuriithitj.nt Mr W -: a Bktt «vr,

»te,y »pK.y th« Is '. n liary t : '.we n¿houae where | ... r BMlSt

» Jrn.i.aj.


.Dvie-.- ¦. || a

I was a a Fart thatil wa» a iaiaty od puo -

.. ,. pre»ni a ta cris.-.rid it w»« f ,'»rt tir human 1:1"

ai. which by Us si

\|- i

. B V ti.Al »,. 'der.that t,

-a I| mi.nlihment BOt

.«¦ Is t:. » ... »agiMr. Wilbii

a'« n dark a dye at to de«err. the highiniihrr.enti

Mr. : Metal« a

late a» :

. -. ........ ,« .,| ate h«.i'red.

\i I the flrst tee-V the

». a.

a-teda iptrll.


¦a a

m»n «...» ..« had

«. n;,r,,ve,1 iriort!. or .' .ndlll.'n of .«)

lei) thai a ¦ .


. :n»'|ce.

wh» t. BBktal 1 pr«I a

astea . '..-n. h«st the a h » ».

. ¦.¦ .-. Hearoaldth--««

i anfielen! . »

.,.' iti in - .

a A

« |y VVhalrrvi¦.- a t J

rtoe to Berry eat tbe tow savtaa] to the EsaeaiI that clemency when tt w«» deaerved.

Mr. ]v «en a man w«a no in

... trial.thai¦all bit tympathy ended i

B .' « n sr.

Ml pot......

.TnenU undern liai severe.

I en rose a..

¦ . ...


- **rl*t».».¦¦¦ill a« Uw, J.. «a

j»pfw*m«ai >

'» tbe Chair,/ « of Stockkald

. Ltar/Jura.'uets.Uwur ¦ ret .

Lob Kamencitn.' ;

.1 a '.:.'.. « |

TheMr. renewct bal asteJn : .


4 .

I a third read

|¡riLT.Mr. VaBstbm ht

th* M ¦ :« a-' -J it«-re Steam Bat .»


II tUlement?r.k tbal have been rompr

M'e k^r tae otner day mat b« m./hl otfer an amend

mrr.t carry riaf lue iBouiry larth'r »:. 1 thai tna» mo »er

mignt satú'y timse.t wft«'; rt made te thenu.D a., ihe r.t irmati.n That

... red the f«nl.eman wa* aatiabed ofM auo shamld

nave IB« iBiorroaiion in th.* *bape. the tncfuiry «hoal.eaBMÉ IB abhat aWMled a« we.i a» c m^ were case« where the eoti-e »mount due bad¦j-eea received !n olc ihape and »Bolh -r lie moved to

-.meni BSSartl »

smrn.imei.t wat a-.-e«*d tv. Ami. as ABMaeVrasa M n «uied.

Mr iB. 1 « t-. .n si ennl

. ? r the extt- i" -tr.m.-c

a a: j me names of th*lllflll

« .a in* appuialasnal of sack Coo.which wa« .»-. »

'.'. M... n loua up th-

.¦ra ka .: . BBS Lake si RousesI

. n recurre.:C SNBLL I pi^oposittoa. aaposisg e«ai

i'ompanv d--« «tied to taCS .

-a»tw«*B New Vor« and Ho«toa.Mr. C 'Risi'i i sut: . . »a.A.n«t

.dial ta Mr. FrriHTiair «ni to r»t» y to to« MSBurred that a* tbe sn is» was tanaaatol t* Uve Burliertoe Ra. ros » » . .* tk» coodi-ttoaa M propessed « a the bridge tu be

r. . : '. »--- ¦'¦

w;i6 w, u.d :- t- waire sU the advantages intended to

be teear»d. at there would be ao rssssSy to preveot.*.» .-

Mr W, U. EaitiarsoA »astsiüed the »>Ia1 bnefiy


j Bao ri i »cd can« --' «a

^ H ' -i amenaT- ¦-». a,, nsts .. ...... »

. 't thspe. pr.

. la

M i . .1' I Net .-.....-- was th

. »

werbt -.- ,-, .

a » i a on oar Canal wüuIbe s» redu<Nrd tbst n, tier channel to mart


t was S ptadi u to pre

: on th,

»-is msiii.-?».:«.. . .-nru


i IA '

In lb.- sir. took apI then

Mi-sera.»nd it was laid ttld« . >¦ n

.«»nBy roniei I, the lew York

Sag tbM time sxjpassed

>V irutbarsrii»ny


. -1

.a f tads it- .unîtes where.*

Mr B. h

I in i

measure but sroeld NBsto t* pas

. «. ami.

TIIINI.» IN A I It t> . .

1 ommon I oiin.-ll el New-York ». Ihe Hem-her« of Aaae.nkit Irnm Net». . erk.

I'ne Tribune.AlSav. V\ .

¦ - '.'I'»1 peres ¦ lew York

-: n n a::.' .» '.»ututo,,t t-utt: t a .

The n .

d*n<e-th" in:

a thai the I«, t ol the Mil beingy had »attl .. -I the New

» ,-»n a**ure lb-, »

t »pprebendedas Mr Dot ¦. s.

. lad ..'!

amendmrnt laser! » i»


Intt.. .... Coatmon i «¡*o and the

« « .«! theirlea T » . BV«»

r « ».

lihs » .

«tal bills -,

-, » II» reed a bill a

i .Oops « ears is bead las-


. .

. .: ,, orar ih» ;. - ,

f.. .,.'-.- Va ¡,nain,.urna »'-n- t oatpeaj us* «

A . » .

tclMlii providsa Iba >. . i'rh orI . » a

I rore. for ih* perpo«.re w»i»r ThU »el ii«y u.» -. t


Aid De 9. ata ti ses Mils aI a '. »I Ih« C«p1tOl (I

serela tame sort. '.. I BOS t,,,,«JltlU»d

l Select I « »irrji »r...

. | aa

. - a T . l 1 . . a - MHaifieldaMDal --a M ay *r tsfcad be n,-u«*d.

Pr*i is» a It «" ramhtoataeeas ChslrsMS .»,d Cnasmlnaa a

Jsjnlof Ih« B. »ri WM a ..« BB BW r » Coal. a. . a

ap a -. » igslm .«»».- .. »«.and

N w v,»d t I. !'.' t ore« »oy 111

lerrourse wir Rea <" n »««embty.


I, and arblch seam to« is

. .


-. Wharfbills w«re also looked alter long ruiau

m \-» ..

log ra: at thl« l**h «t them, bad .

t n ,a. .;.- f ,r s


a V I- the

h th.y *ere «pp. i.t« I ax.d tr.

I ,-n by th» A»»

Is, s, f .'erry was passed I

f ef these dougblnou.'ht. and tbe t>e«t lb!i.«'

Iheycan do » I cleao sblrts and. then goback*,« v


The t ode el Practice..

Thursday that baiy di«c-u««ed tc-

a ¦»

Mr. Cook desired to MM a it-p to these n.i «. t ... a

m«fad ot going in

sew M >

. .¦ sreal t BW »as gained, c.s '.'

mm more m.iMr Hawlki* »aid that more than thr-e r¡ja"

.a » It rerers

ed by '-¦ 'tt »cd w-


Mr I been BBSlaty < .'*.» rater the t »ystem w- l i.-. A

-t w ¡id «bow

aatbM I Whe knew whatIke law» w.'¦¦ ..: * ¡.roptrr.y and .. »

iji, tara ia . »r» cor.peteBt. andiic« of the peop.e as

r- 1 . -nor«i

i ,, . the say-r» wb' a- «t WeThe liU'.ng party desire« i... .»wyer to

. i '«r a*.-... ,-_ ..-.« * «a |

--ck a litige!.- « a, ¿i

.-U '.and be«uli. .

M r. Coal u possible t .

.. i was whoa il ¦ wer«

appiarr He to usht .-.

». to reTerae in«»


m . .-«.--. ....--..-

docidi ' »aiUD-d that

N W ,-

M rxa.... ..

»ch had be-oatl the srtaaiog party i-'' «tal me loser iad hu farma

M Kt-otD ssi.. to maay m«n the pr .

Barátateme tasan and a« «¦. »x» r*a*oe «t;-who wished to aajoy it sboa i be priveai» rl midoing. No act: in

Di'TRiuiN v I as:a I-y. owned vf«s«r»

a iwo Ishorer«aunsd by th« (,. .man *! IB- SaBBb

». " J- -

«--.,-.. w- j va , . -. y

SBorateg »t .'ed mata* lotersa"y M'l.surnt. p .o-- »

tsr'ng «.reaoy o*t BM STS, aed <mt»rrtaleir « tar y BMshopes of aviad the abba* ..'artey City tstnt Jin

ciTT mesas.»t M»-cü

I Cm V ::c- w»» read I.-enate en Tharttday «.lire.ed to the Judiciary com

BhB t'x .: 1} ran Jadget.'cxi.' . ¦ : U «._*-. af tie .-uprerrre Qaaai »if the

«.. a » . th* nu-ocoa if the Senatet« the . ..«rie,--.- c the ("ode wht«hsximpe;» xne of the . .d.-»s t, tttend Bj chamber b««i


Tbe pi-vartical effect «. say the ..dges thst« tnu»ry. March. May -September »nd Va

veoiber, »» ».. togaa «-e «s»:gned M « general tins,'..-- ta mut be violated, or .so« .1 tbe t'ourta aual'i lirjogh They think thai it It n.t pracCcab:« to

s». »: aj e»r;.e'hour than tbeyn. w Obj or I tie the.r dally scm'.oo The

.ti -t :« t »nd t the people.» :, o Sxed and Bo givod would reeult 'rutn an at

hange tnem> s V . ,. , s|

»h r.aliivan bo!» his emp'oy tt preeeal on the.

;n an htcd». with ¦ patata »ttached to the end of the«...'... »ttendxnce o!

ne man waa out of wort »nd ar.x

. a -¦., r BBl vt ; n » .»a»

character.itic engaged him in lb« above but:<. tw lay« at g: per lay VV» .-, odder th»

. uncertain, teeing that > .

.u CMideredvery mikl potat.«*« b| the

- « . - ¦> viert,*m»i tne Suten Ulan.I

t WM lat-n hv «apt Abm >»lraon»on "


Kiki » | , '-roke« « ... i be .'»me« were ex

Bg damagex n gruir» i NlW'YomB.«.IT V' ,

partait I ...menee

0 VV »dnetd»«- night CbbbBBBBI F a«i DMBB > <«*<- i tbe l''-gr»»e» and the »»'...,Ccf ry «,.

v irrito*. rofe«ior of Aeatomy The following i a lit ot the graduate« I I the pre»oot «eMloa.«moDul Bf|

x > r.»a«, ) j tv | ..

... I. x i

t. ,a0 H.acoua«. .. s i ns

.s. s

XI H II W o .. h. » 1\ Ia x r

K X 1 H. .,

,« x - x r

sV r««*FMI ,\

s » .. I VV S K. 1A ». . .SI. .si K- .. ; « j

t x r g..< x ix « t I'. -

S > » .. .

» s.S 1 V X yM.lia«AI h« r ¦¦.» J,,

'. t s

x > - t x »... r «t JM «

..XI ..-. tv» s I ... J H » V .-

s ... |,. r x n .- t r.-. k a a

-. s i.. - DT,a I

... s ,. » . ... tV. Ai«s x

-- s s !.1X1 V s t ... a- ». X J

, ...

». I . .. X 1 V ,

.v .. \ .... 4 V .tV ......

. . t . H « . w -. 'V |.... s ... -a

x s

s «i o. . o s

I Util o x.. XI o.. r x tx u .. s .. I .

x s ts X...sM X Y

>...... a s


. s , s .\.M»v »,,i

ILDBKI IBBBMM .11 .R M«n\ of oiir eili/eril «ro under ttu'

irapreu t tal BAbbBbBB render. it y t.. the 'it y V r'leraii.-t« to

. It.p rt will th w that they «r« veryBaO pi: I c« ntldenng tnxt n MM BÍ them »iandon their

a .» Bg Oto tara I Baa BaMapl atamafwti»u they he! laeltaed to nag BviaM t.. vv aabtaglaa,

i .1 r rWBM . »t the pub.ic charge. .01.31000

.. Iget ». .

BBly Mvaeaen M|i <*'

[i nun .. 'I .t Kl MI »a ... 1 »l-r ity


Bip». K... kl M »tal n.ryKefreihm.-nti for I'.itnmltteei

ntlngant Flap . i Meoib.ri r i'

01< 'iiakes an average of #1"". It 'or each Mem H

it Oto Ceaaanaa CaaaaB ih« AMaraMa i«ra the bestM to pay. and dbbAbbBI I'm«« of thera who h«ve no

other ?»i!ing reallia a good thing oat jf tbe oltl.-eNow tr !» may be all right enough but hope they willn ,t «ny IbbBBJ BBB the merit it giving «w«y theirvaluable time tor tbe public good A Ti« Parca

:!iihi »Tl k, I'lirtl àBOToBaMi ParOat I I - aata fsrh Oaajaaa

I »I -i«ni »nd .-»urgeons. at a recent clinical lecture.. nan wh wa» tr ,u-,i»-d with palpitation ol

the he«rt laM» report »t»te« that no ptiyaica! »ign» A. tea of th» heart could be detected »nd

t . le m «rk»r with much«i Haaaaa :« p ,r«iy

g ,n 1,'rangement of th« l!g«»tlve. in depending on the tree um of tu

, , armement w.ihlu d...r»VVhkt. then »r« the asBBBBMBM af treatment I -»hall w«

-.yilr In fach a e»«.- VV!!! phy*!c ir" bal haMl Bot I the p»tient »imply throw

away Bto I ¦ ... i .1»*- -adopt a pialo,wboie»-" g m eaeretoe to Ato .pen

s » * -! r»m..»e the cauae»,. '. " ti w;l, ceaae

kTTBBBTBO A « IA1 i',x.~Ai.el i »r «nd anvaater by the

BBBBBBBÍ I'Diiciit » r.'.erej ih« »i,,re of

vf- «an « ..eBp.rt «r. 1 . '.,¦: , gg »bouthim t ,r . ew u.,i. .te», M if in »««r. h .,1 . or.e ,r,.- i.»

nyaaan adew n.,t »gala » .. < whena eenared th« Men » new »» haaaaa «. i

» MBad « BH "t « »tru, k Mr Da* ¦* «c "¦ «v »'fllrig him

. BBB .. t 1» »uppeCed to be .

ing under . menta. der»r.gem»nt

i « t une as1er ^ue». w»t . i. tr,:i I r»

avut- « / » . i MBOtotoptanav. x '.[. , .1 «A BBM morning

it «ppeart that on the morning ot the -th intt the^-¦¦m.eei wer» aaMMCMBad t" be ,n fir» and It »It lOanevident thkt an incendiary nad te-ao al w rk A liit.e

ich Ibi« m ir, ci tw BtabhnrB namedn.-ard the BAajM . AM -ne paMing their

Bg '., tne attic, ai.d « .',«et, ,»r,t.y ,n tbe alt..» ne ».a '. a : ,-y » cupiedaanaatomlyapcaag .i afbel ata witnvutstopdr«M them«eiv»t went up itairi wnere ln»y

a.-- met -¿j J.,n»i. »n« l* a p.iw»rf'a. man. and who»t-- «t- .«« - W *p- H» would have

. ¡ed m ha had aaiaraly hart ene af them waenineir crt. . ittract^d tue «tti altOB of oAVer Me'Uilam

vtn '.V*r 1, who K-rur»d .' ,r.e» »nd Wltn tn»look him to the BBMtoa I BBB ''Q r»

turning home, Wfii'i di»co».»red tl. o. ,.»a I», be ob Sie-. « j.are«. bnt«acea«ded :r. .-«tlrigyiiriin» tb« dame«

lapeilf '.* wned by M.- Jam»* I» P'.'teos. and, : mpleted the

¦ :»... - «*.. w^» wn»n

». i bMBBBBI *.. ." y tne tu .ding:t « tinderst'»^ »t tne i. ,w«r m (.'»art tbat tbe ac-

:i naOtag aaait-. n-easiv.« tx>d«y in »

..»cu ,n with it!« »nd ther e«»..» j| »rein.

fon ¦ Cec»T < . »«t «ventng «Treated. «f Caexaa Bra: , s». ng .».anii.tA ¦

ta* pat««! af JA. Wins», wtvu aa* »av, tataa wtvu ctwtt»*» to ut »attar» ¦* artAaw.


fa*** The «teami <.'a; t. Thompa.^.,« -t .-. 1 u i.nagrea. after t.>ucc ,

wyeeearaayei i.ooard the mail aadBtangen «..t atom \'Jj

BaBBBBjl . . II » ¦'¦ ¦*-'- i»»tlr.ed for ''ad. ir. r. x-w« .in

\CiT - f. baa I of «ata -, itolenJ 'x ii t.w:xt, of Washing!**»,

followed tbe rogue to Laxcaswr wBeraBBl n.m and tbe «toten «Beep, «nd r»>a-»4lved amp*

pa party and tne trouble A hading it

X\e~ Ma- af 01.001»tatst vVtlaam M M atom »t i-^rtsmoutn, N B aOtm»>.»«» . rbraata I ai aaaa v «jana »m courted

I y»art and men married «n.ABer

f-fv* .. . m H OaaBBsi Prjebdrg. tor

merly Preeideat >t the ixeeate af Baiee, ha» «tarted for¦¦¦.:* w-.U th» Intention f m»« ¦«* .' bis perme

aeet mllean He took with b.m hi« iaw k .:t vt.

^"«tnct foart Mx-w -...¦ »t. r had 'jeea married pretdotwiy to

«airtbcr woman.r-g-r* ;,,,- t » t -- --:»- Sir.

vVaxbc« met MOB . BbmbI «ad quito brtlbent recapv. .r. M tovaanak on tto ItAA tnet

Mr. I la»'« Leiter.P»« >a Maskats« «hâta ¦.»** T

li-e ar«t tel M Mr t .sv's pS aSBal *e w s

st.-.«-. e 'or »«raiual einer»«-»; atk>n m ken tuIt Tiav ht» that Ils o.ustn <u« career w *e

the a-!v,» w»-y t the isms cause.¦". when »«or State wa» p-. par in*- tor t

'orm»t.. . .,ii«. .,, ihk.uaibIl a : balas] Cta.aetl lus majority y> t re«-«-j:

a« t ».-.. tt g . I caerte», a.l teuer»; e« »i bis ¡»owerfa. to «Sture«tTAdusaxem ival irons her eon The effort was

j IBsBeaaflBws- an 1 M- a' ay bowed with anbtniaa:l. Bis rtt**b| íaaae a

»«mewtjBt SasV .i BJ tbS :«.'. .' HM "a'ojlihat he . ,t hu erlorta L.-.r retant

oaa. The ; rtncip ea whi.l he then «so eareetlj . baa steadfast y adhered

r. even pesara .H-tation Le hspoken of the ut.a jejas] »ati.'a tion with wbt-ch sub act. aa.] e

'<-<-« t tbat the ja- icy w

BaM s -ate la a taMeb before tlAme- a taten m let

i e w , laasyaagnjuid be ¡natraiBa-ota. m aradW-stiog the des

e«t ita n s aterv from lbs character of ou coast:and rem .ve «...«.;.a f p»pro*ch m acvouat of It I

! fk-eign aatbrai " I could »*nly be lTi«Trsmssitsl ta r»ding of :¦ . foal Mot that revered -»«»a. tAat BBSS a

birth, er Ibal o i ess beloved «tats wktok kktdasVipSed me ss her ana I woald aol rx.-b»a** U

1 tarifac-J. n w»icb I ahouad enoy for ik* boa.ta al. tbe triumphs »sr decreed tv the moot *u«>«t»sarcta»)ueror ....

iv a ,r -» » », j . t.' .1.. ng m.ecb'«'! l'y th« «gtatter; of th:» ..¦.«!. n Collateral >-on«*v]«««oe<»s w

tr«n l -.»»la.B», »l,'i ¡I i« not th« !*ochHy which biiced the great e: r« « utton which ths «g* Si

-, VV «t » i .1 t.'iey who thus represch a« bs«don.- ' It they would re, re»« all tenjencie« toward ill

mancipation they luuil d.- more thipag Seers Ih« »eneto-enl e-*,iru it-.« S»<-iery Themini go luck to Ihe era ».! our liberty snd tadepea.MSB sod Basais the cann. n which thunders iu siannual return Thev musí reti«e tbe «uve trade, with ¦

:U train .t alxoctUe« 1 hey ami b.o» eut the mon. :« «- ».nd ,i». and "xunguiak thai . »i «l tor.-r |

. wkich BAMrtot preeeau lo a benighted wor!«t : at tbe way to tbetr rtghU. t..»'r .tbertU* ao

their happlnem Aud wbes they have a»hteved athe*" pu-pose*. ihsir work will yet be Ua. ompiaMTbey ,-etvl »t» the .Ininan .-u and eradicate reeera »r ! the .«« af ;t'»*rt* Then »ad BS

till then, when uniterssl Jaitu««* and deapslr pre« elcan pea paraag .ale >l»»«ry. »ad '»pre»« »o »ympalht«and ». hurTUneand .'«ne» M t I '. »m n«; Ireeni*to behtif ,'f ihe uuh«¡ py portion of our ra.* doomed t

Sindas«H' M over Baal rrar agai'i rt'iti' lab sam,

and «.n a- s«'i,t -i-,' ,'* I 'i g bCTS l'oeti es«»a. ' ni ','¦ -i al* throuchust his whol»

. K.-ntu.k;have love.l him a» tbe "otnett sou ta tlie »sale

a« basa i- , . BaVaaWM »Uk

. t -.miration. Tliev have iwaoredan liotior no other man. Ami MW

. se M his cmicnic, at a turnwhen it is pr, pst 'or lum to speak, vahan he BH*¦ | a- .. tu th n»; hut V t .t>un

try at heart, he ».ves lull utter»:.,-.. t. tie sauu

opiaioai W letner tboj will he t.l.pted by ¦ma oiitv' ot t .' paaaAt ol the ï*tate is a matter ,.

ii'iht It it i one who have sjpportisl h in

».. a ni v 'hrouafliout his wliold career with a. .-w',.-.Ice si In« opinion», will «utter th«

« :.«t tbothfbt I i-i iiileiniiatii't» M ante i" theirmin.I« agatiut him tor ex;.:e««iii«< audtnaiBtainin them i«'w.The letter is is the best style of Mr Clay . tun

p«i»lt:oii it« iluregard ot the pre »dice« whichauinnto uisny IU relstion to the «ilijeet of wbiehit treat«, displays a moral Saartgja whi.h i« p«collar to it* ilutinx'iuhed author lie BSJbbb, wall,,oui,tere,I «ml temperate char i.'te- will .It» tuuihto ,uiet the excitement wht, h would he likely tuarise train the <iie«'U**lt.<i ol the |ue«tion It eau

>t hut eSanara a salutary inliiieii.-e in allayingHi«' harshness "I thus«- who regard with no toleranee ami "inlerou as tauati.'al ail ¡Abg-eroot alleffort» in lavor ot k-railual «., ,; ition in Kant n ky Mr Clay s opiuimis on the »ubjecl «jl S »

an.I 11,,'ipatioii a . llhfl Ih '1'' SÍ MsdlSa'li.I'-ankim .l-ller»nu, Mnral.aó ami VAailnutrtouI' e « líeme» .1 t oh in. i,... h. -e»'«nle«l aa¦»- anl vmoiiary. Circumstance« may lead to

the pe', e far a til « Hut when-lSlions ot the moment bave » ltuided aud

.¦aim ami .le herate rerlf. ti.'ii eiu'i". thsj- will beI, red «ml sijopted a* prom.dive ot th« trae«ml hiitlteet glor) ,,i tiie oiuutry.

The Laat Nlfhl la Ike »enaie VI ebster aadfee te.

W a«i '- -, ,i re«c ni.l.Hit tó" F.ifHimgl'on give« in., t, II iwtog account ol «ome of the «.ens«

whiib marked the lain ,.. aal Night ol th* X.XAtBngreu Ih.» letter u dated ob Suaday mornlag

vtar-h 1

It la reported that the Prenden! «terlañad yesterdaythat h« »hould »Ign no bill after l'J o'clock to o'tht, oa

'h>- ¿round thai his doing «" wnul I be trenehlas «>*> lb*

rights el bis nSaaasar. Hut tt u «sid thst Mr Bacbsa.n Wve bun a wntla'ii ooiulou that hi» power» lootluuadB fall riera lor l»- .>>¦ hours loBter. and accordinglynow »n hour »n . half alu.r nildaigbt, while Mr rootam ma» »Be ot hi» peculiar oralortcal daiurlakea lahe -».uate It, i.ppotlllon tu Ih» ll.iu«« «m.iodmeDl. ths

I'rlraU' -e.-i«i«ry ..f the l're«ident I* dellverlag a

ineaaage announcing thai hi» «uperlor ha» »tgaed Ml..ral »i-u

It i* pruluhle th«t Mr root* bad tteon apprised thsl¦..¦ «til »i,iu« «rrangsmeoU t< be perlectsal

*nn li would rannit« the few retnalalng Impediments10 MW emolen MSSSSSta the Wslker arbeme In th*

.... Ile aVaba «.»ml time, to give fall opportliallyIM the AsBaral «xperitneoUto be uitde

I'be At BBS went on at greater leugth than wa* bar.'alned tor New* ram« that they were eatertalns mon na I,, atttoan Mat Ab la the Hou»* Ha Mr JefTeran liavi» de»|red that the Benate should now osaselarther effort* lo incorporate the** projects with themil The ..... way n w was lo raise another Commitlee o! ni. en,-» wiih lostiuotloB to withdraw fromthe -»rate « amendment!Mr «v ¦ belag ,.n the tl .or. sod »peak tag lo au

particular purpose, but vary vebstnsBlly, Mr Poolsalled him to order al s jusrter to 3 o'cloek. beeauae

Uta authority ta the Thirtieth Ceasreas bad departedon! u .y BaW »at there a ahsdow fur ¦ »riadaMr u!e* »laled bis doubts, sod moved to adjeura

Stag dl<Mr Webster would tonsanl to nothing uf th« Sla.1

II wat their duty to pee* the bill -that waa their dutytad n the I'r..« d. nl left th« Cap loi aad weal hua»*, 1*4them attend to their own responsibility

I he del ate r jntinued at onsiderable ieBgth, In Ike

naiW "l »hi. b Ibere BWarrSal some harsh languageBStsren Mi ^ ¦¦ t»i raf Mr Cassarra ta t'enn in whichill« latter in reply to sn aessalt by Mr loots, flstlyinautted himMr VV'ebtUr was «peaklag against th« po.icy ot pul

ting thl« Incoogruoui «mendmsal Into this bill, whanvfr Kutier and Mr K'Mjte ro«e to Interrupt He boreMr Hurler patiently bul farther of Mr lutria.Mr Peon . Wi.l the honorât.* iseoelor from Masts

«. tu «...w tue tor a momentMr WsBSTSa. very il.i.uling at »he top ol bU

. e, ra» ¡'.nl '.- itirt. for UwdS BBS« he»HOBTMr r 'e wa« struck a., ot s heap, aud for the first

l me tlnce be tame to tbe Jr:nta»> «ppeiued »hashedMr i ...t« and Mr Webster itm-d within » f«w feet ,-fme another Wehater luoklog a very Jupiter aura««-!and Pool« Ike aoiuelhlng rarj interior, not !.. « mor*

-, ti.« lomparUoo Mr K.e.t» judiciously saltownMr W«h»ter went on la a »train of msgBltceat or«

L,ry to enforce upon the ."-nal»» Ike B«e«a*lty aad proartoty "I -elreaOng from laalr it>'o*gruotU «mendaientMr iw-rrtei. i.n,led lo Mr Webtlar Mr f.'sm*roa

. ed n m t., order, aad read the rule applicable lo theBW W :..-n BS bad retakes bit seal, sir t'aibi ua«

-j. lo the deis -etore non. asd after ssyiog a leww..rd*. was observed to abake b.« tat m his fee* Withthe quickness %4 thonsbt Mr CamsrnO t apped Mr

t- with tbe bark -7 bis hand, in the moath Mramerita tpraos t»i his ls*(. but la th* act of doing au

«a« seized by Mr HUpalrick of Ala wbosat neat him,«ad y raeumed bU seal, Mr fuoM aa qitletiy reweed t" au.'»en ' «ss rose, snd «aid insl he h«d beea ilaing her«

merely ss . tpmtsAor for three hour« thst be shoulduse i, ^»: t in any farthsr pr «-«sealing« tod «ooa slierne loot a.« bat sad >*ft the place.Mr I '.'tier ,ve» lead tajik« -onr.ttntloB» ty of pressât

r jcaaedtBfS There w*rs now «Itllng thaare more lain« eharscter of a tows maaviaog than a Utgulattvs bsjdyjoe iklrd ol lb* gent.emen Sera, Ib hU Judgoteat, wars

as tasto ba*Mstoa to ,th«r« The presidingolBcer refused to ant motli.a* I». adJoorn Mr moved lo «trtBe ont of the Hoass irsntdrsttt thsl.". whii h proposed V. rslssa la tor, e, Is lb««» Terri

. the Isw« ol Mexico tagalnat Hlavery, but to iaaert. I «. .-e'erring the , ie»'.io», of their VBltdtty to theBjnraB Court of the Catted »tale* This «msadmTil

was rejected-.Aye« t¡, Moaa 17.Mr p.eite moved to adjoorn i,«, -tu, protsstlBt that

they had do right to sit thereWhile ih« all waagofaf-n Mr r eta h*«eene a little

uproanou* and iaformod th- BaMtl »hat tke Pr«arid*et*>1 gon* a rne «ad h* sdviav-d >b * .. nd.y manaev

all hU frleod* wuo bo »«at« bSVe. to retireMr Msson of Va, cussed him Int.. g ^»d order The

¦'.otiiiB to adjourn wss deleaje.j. Ay- . N' ¦.». TA He«rai Morthern «sa «Sor«, wb.-ae term* Bad saptrM. ksras »itkdrswB.Mr Bngbtmsdssp'.wsrtA «vpp»aJ I the Harass, Is»

., .. -t a.'i, .-«,.- r ir 'h.'r nissttnutl.aiu the bill without *«*,:.n^ t '/*¦ k to Ik* Moos*

Mr Webster said that eou.d But tie duos. AU theyasesa do «as to accept or reject the House anvndmeolMr 1- 'e in somewhat tklck aceeata, eapanatsd

i^jaan in« AssarttoB« that thU bajdry has ao longer a eoa

.iitutlonai exuience ils», thnr* bewa * pBaaTgatal of«i -yes tk* Wslkasr nassdawt, 1 presaasa thereaawhi have te-r-a tvi «ueh ¡Dten«* eieisUtatk-eal »cnt-

.: the S-juthern .«enst r» had beeom« tborteighlyAlarmed. !a»«t the Hoase amasadmesrt. r»early tke s*vm*«a Mr Webeasr'a. »hoald pas* wblr.a probably «a Maetrae secret ot their ansdety to n,o«rt.for the loes oltoo bill «as s matter they eared oothlag abont. B

Y'.ttr. .A Ire ttaok place at B.nrhamton, M. Ya the I ¡a. by arfaba* tke »team r> .rlBg mill of Mr¦Vised tv»e ie»:r»T-l Mtsek of th* Auos aad grasawas Mved 1.gag .¦ Bal üuuranca Bi.CsjO\5jT lbs Lu:U ¡¿ikM Ark liitiKer ot the oth

art Bays that so attempt waa main by «-Ifht priw^aar*. e«a-*p« from l»v Per..teBtiary it thst place, hot was

. :r.-- : by toe g'tard. wBo tread apoa the prUnaw».inre« ot whom w-r« Wkjanded. oaa severely.nP" Mr. Jamea Jtardsa, 79 year« of agre, has

o»seo vtwasad is buuer Co la. tor ike warder ot* WamMa