new-york long kept. remington typewriter daily tribune. thursday. december 15, l

NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 15, l<n«. VALE HOCKEY VICTORY. Remington Typewriter Works •Showing New Addition by which the Capacity of the Plant has been increased to A Machine a Miniate The Remington Sales Organization Encircles the Glebe REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY, New York and Everywhere Uceun Steamer*. lAM3iIiIS-AMEfi!CAB UBE. LONDON- PAUIa-HAMBURG. Balajravt*. . t>ei. i;. 1 a> :.. tiir:.-:a... .d»c. 31. 1». m. ffclnrlltr* . Use -'.:. M a. iv. , li'ie.un*.. Jan. I. I 1 m. •lias Kirn tMOSi SjSk* g;. .i.i.-0.^.1l v«J t>v>ard. XEW YOIt tv-NA'i" '{.£<- ii ENO A. DETTSriiLAND. ..Jan 7. tUt a. \u25a0 . Feo. 7. 7:39 a. m. I i...\.. UrLiltftT . Jan. !••. a m. . Feb. 25. April U ;IIoLTKE Jan. J" 11 a ra. FRINZ I SK.\K Jan 31. 3p. m.. alar 21, May » ;v:a :<\u25a0.:<.•. Csdla \u25a0.. i <: .\...«». * Alters. orMc^s. 3S an<l 37 l;»a>. P.crj. N. 3- Fast Express Service. PLYMoI/TH—CriEKiiOUTtU— BREMEN. Kaiser lan. 3. 10 AM ka*a«* il«r. 7. 10 AM Xi r:nz ...Jin. 17 Noon K. nj r.r.a .. -Mar 21. A.'.l ICalso Feb. 7. id AM raiser ...Apr 4. li AM Kionprlr.i. . Feb 21, 7:3 D AM X Wm 11... Apr. 13. 3AM Twin-screw Passenger Service. TO ERfc:Mi.X BOUKT i»ra. Eec -v. IU A— brat*i«noui« .'\a. 31. to Alt irt....ljcc. '->*. iu.\Ji,jijn r\u25a0 -> 14. lv AM CWkd Jin. [<>. li >M •iia:ba;c?-sa- .re U3 10 Alt :., -.Li.. Jan - J4. |0 AM L.r>? bu F«b. £&. ooua •Will call at r'.ymcuth an.i Cberte urg. Mediterranean service. uib...— .\.VfUES— OENi.'.V Irene .. Ja li .1 AM Lea . 11 M, 11 AM Albert Jan .'. 11 AM Ailnlt .V.r *. U AM La.— ... Jan. •->. li AM LotM it - 11. 11 AM .\ctkar r«o, li. 11 Ail .\* . ..M^i ;*. 11 AU . .. br«m«n Hi-. a. ...l un^. .th >cs . ,-i ,> «^n OEIJUCUS ft CO.. NO. 3 BKOADWAT. .v. Louj if Meyer, \u25a0»;\u25a0 t-->uiu t.i .-j St.. p^iia. A few rrlnutes later, Marcus, from a clever pass, per,; the rubber into the cage for th« Hrst goai for Tale. Then the leal players got the puck and F«r.t ;t Into the cage, but the goal did not count. for :'. was another offE:ile play. Stewart then g:ivo joy to t v .e Mercury Too-, rooten by soortnc again. and rbout five rainates before thr- end of the half EhepErd. who had tcik'"n Dilworth'a plac^, evened up the score by tallying ;'or Vale. A few minutes later he ir. or a pretty ehot Into the cage. but as ilie \u25a0rtristlc blew at the same time for an offside play It did ::o: count. The half ended ! tc 2. Ffer Urn S" r a minute of pay in th? see* <i half the pock was kept going from one end of the :. kto tne -•-\u25a0: In a lively fashion. Then Ifarcus Tr.tit 8 shot which was nicely stapled by Williams, end a few minutes ;ater received consolation by ter.ti-.z it into the basket, making th< third gy^l for V-..» Then Col'ioan, from a scrimmage. did the aune for the 10-a! fern, and ?ie^in th*- score was a tie. -it I to 3. A little later Mar us rmi.: 1 the ;rFt!!fst shot of the r.icht. He brought the pii'-k from in Front of Ms own team's caye and f.^orn Msrly the centre, o' the rink phot wmt turned out htlc the Wtnßinif arottl «mii iip-ifo^irr chK-rs Th» Kew York AtH^tic Club players for the re-na'nirg f:w atfnutea of plnv tried thHr utmost to even up ti» rune, but without success. The line-up and etcrr. Telt Pr«itlon. Ksw-Torti K. C. Par , <~ra.; wi i:a-ns />'fr»r Prirt Hunt T""r^ r«v«r p-lnt-..Ccr.ntlly 'H W % i KaT fPlar'.ey> F-.nt»rf Bul'>-n rvtrrx^n Fo-»B'l Ft^war. I D«wUi qpard) -F fir 1 Co'Hean \u25a0aroos Fcrvard .B. White c-"'c -"'» v s'-. 4. Hew-Terk A. C. 3 Goal«— M•"\u25a0»-..!« a», EbSPSJd (I|. i=>:'Wß-t i.i, nsTlllSlll ID. Releree— Mr. Post. T:rr,t, 15 minute halves Marcus and Cornell started right In at the open- \r,g of the earr.e ;o rush things for Tale. Both brought tie puck Aenra the rink when it Tfas npar their own cage. ar.^i mad- shots that were stopped by Willlamft. BulSen also helped a few times In kr-tp!ng the rubber out of the New York cage. Then the Vale plfjrara sent it into the basket, and th*- ( r supporters shouted themselves hoarse. The tally «'as not sV.owed. however, as it was an offside play. A few minutes later Stevart brought the rubber up to within twenty yards of his opponents' ca*#. and there ecor«d the first point for the Ath. le'.ic Club. Th general playing of the New-Torii -Ath'etlc Club rc;resMi -itiv» via a kee-! (3is= o!ntirent If they wish to be up among Lh« leaders In the rham- p.o:.6hii' eerlt'f tins yar hey will have to show a VS9t trrproverr.fijt. V/ ! iam? was aaleep at goal Hsa be beer, alert he ajlghi we!! have Stopped some of -he co Us ars roal«. The Uam work and pass- lot! of the athede cart mer srere too- hu 1 as ;hu ctaaspionship seascn is cot on yet. there Is tlm«^ for Improvement Btawmrt end Collican 'a>«! a fart fame. The former made two of th« |oals mad? for his sice. Bind the latter one CoUican induced Hi too !<'-*! work rue; ihe clos? of the aweeaf half and was sent to the bench for a few IB'lflllf to cool off. He was the only p. aver pun- ished for roughness "\u25a0KTiat are wo tip urnirst this yenr?" asked a -\u25a0ell known player of the Amntrur Hockey l.oaptie hr left the St. KlCfafllM Pink l»«* evening, where the T«> «evc>n had fast defeated the newly formed team of the New-York Athletic Club. 4 tr, 3. "La* Saturday tight the PHnceton \u25a0 »en played a t.o of 2 to : artt* the Wanderers, the winners of the leairur championship last senson. and here again BMrfCh< «•«. are Betting it nibbed harder into na. Tb* <.o!icg:an* o«tplay«d the atercury Foot seven In sjl etages of th( oontest last night, and seemed near, as strong an a^rcc:;:. at the one Prince- ton sent here but -Rrek. Bbcpard. one of the new Sj! panto r.-,ir-.. Kew-Haven team, who took Dil- \u25a0ortb's place early in the game, gave- an account of tunnel! that was extremely gratifying to the ten' of Tale, and they com to the rink in force. ajepi rd proved nhnadf \u25a0 swift skater, and an ac- curate liafffft^ Another tower of strength tor tsJs was Marcus. He seemed to be all over the rink at once, and aha wed how well to had his eye on the cape by sending the puck three ttmps Into the net. The team work of the college seven was soc.3. and the material show* promise of further improvement. Blue Seven Defeats New Team of New-York Athletic Club. NEW BKEIDS OF DOGS lISTED. L>AIUV ;ci..KL. For Ob' Point CMatMt, Nu.i.ii.. i KrtMßnu'.tv P!nn»r« Pi-Irt anc N*\\iort .\»\>!>. v « . naMcnai tor l>lfr»ourg. EUcaotone VirsUKa l:«a-a. V.»».-.. i »: .3. D C, «aJ tout* kntti tad a*! F»?lst"» ami pa»»ens»r Meaaaesa -all "m Pier ZS. N. X Coot Reach St.. every »>-fk \u25a0!=«•. at .1 P M H. B. WAI.KKR. Vtr«-Ki»»tii*nt v TrartJc lUnaan -,1, 1 J U v -\u25a0) LJ Li uuuUc J> a MtejMshtpa of the R.liD "IT LINE mill »all tor Baa luan ..>.• I sa Wl wm. S. S. PiULADF.LFinA BMiifdSJ Dec^inber 24. soon 3. S. CARACAS . ?ai'Tc,'v January 7, dooa Ii f'rtt,r:t or r>as»<«K» a.'pi to BOrtTOS RT.r«g <• r > i.trrT, "•nfral StSBSCVTS, *- W I <- PlffyV* wl'l >*• mail"' m ar?!irat!oß far SFsfel \ ' ; i!Hi TOTHd^iT'K!!S3!IiS a CTXAJtD LINE. •"\u25a0* TO i rvrtrooi VtA orKctaiosm. F \u25a0>» i- ts 51 .'.?. v rth Hi - I.urania. De. IT. ft A M '\u25a0 *:' ..i Jan. 7. TA. It. fmbria.. ( \u25a0•\u25a0 \u25a0 ;t " A Mr * \u25a0\u25a0•'«ria Jan 14 II A. sl Campania l>pc. 31. 10 A.*Tia Jan. 21 a A. si. .-d. •>;. iates 1...H Nt» Tork. #."0; st«3n<l cabin. $30 up- wards, arco. 1-nn to *'.af.*r and afcummodatUoa. hi: ALTAR S.\ i\..-— A v i.i A , ;c. New HtAn Twin * rew St-arn«rs. S*!ixn Kairs $KJ upm: '.a slavoma .Bee. 20. ..fx.n; F«b. 7 Mar 2S PaNNONIA Jan .< no n: Feb 21. Apl IX \u25a0ARr'TrU... Jan 17 noon. Mar 7 •i:UTUMA Jan 31. noon. Mar a. May \u2666 •Tarrl » Fc«-«nrt an i Third i:.i« only. ArLiiv 2"« i r.T j"u.iv Kma Tort V^'.iv H BROWN C,rn-ra! Agent. SATISFIED JUDGMENTS. Th» fslVnrtag ?at.«(lo<! juoi;;m<>nts were amin? tkese fll'rl yesterday. The first nam? is that of the d^bti.r. the second that of the creditor, and data when jul£- .nt-r.i was filed: ..liinhatt.-.n Railway Company an<l Ir.ter'cor- ou r ;!i Rapid Transit C mpanj F S Freeman ai;.i another: Deoernber -.•. 1903 $3 Jj4 Arnold,« A Co X Dusgan; November \u26668. 10 4 «13 Boyd, F;o:cnre C. and Charles F. Watt H Samoela ar.i another; April 21. 1504 121 F*rksen, Leopold M Whit? Deceirber IS, '.'>"4 150 Haak.-r. H. nr;— Madcna Hill & Co; March :*. i»»7 Lisa Hyraan, Gcrs'>n. an>l Manuel Oppcnlftßl A Oaffßer; December V, 1914 BIS » FETITiOi>iS IN BANKRUPTCY. Th« fallowing petitions la iMMlhlllli'lirj wen amor; th.-se filed yesterday: Wilhaaa I.ang»r.ztn, salesman. No. 215 Ea_«t Se\enty- Or \u25a0 -.-• : liabilities, 11C.353; a * ts, 5. I Tnr prin '-.;.x. creditors are Ma.i et al . No -: ! We»( One-hundred-aad-twelftb-at., tS.4S3; J BunsL Sio r:- Wotir-st.. < :,y.: . Ninet<-"nth Ward Bam.. Fifty-aav- enth-st. rml Ttaird-ave., tf.'<2b. An invoiuntny petiiu>n «as filed agiin-<t Nathan I.f hrhaui>t. No 9 Washington Place, by M U. U»iae«r an.i nth creditors, wit.lielatms ai 6resat.ns -"-• In- sol \ en > is admitted. Proctor was appointed receiver. with a bond of 1). \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 Heih c rt L. t.'g£. iivir.g at the Hotel Vendome, Forty- flrst-su and Broadway: liahiiities. ((.301; as-^ts, $0} The principal c:ed:'or.< are emplo] I having a co. lective claim of $'..Jl~>, and Joaiah. Wroiner. Towreis vi...>. N ST., J1.594. secured b> ehatt*l mortuage Schedule* ot bbnlemoß I>.nsher-i übom debt* of JIS.&j: and a-ssetci of 1 11.77? The latter consist of cash, IK: atoek in trade. $ : \u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0. machinery. 11.000; accounts. list, and " poilotea, <\u25a0;_•><><> The principal creditors are F N Uoajo. No 12a Gr<-nis- Ft. 13.008; Kotli £- ('0. No 15* West Broadway, li.too. B rnhn. No 1(9 r,re«ne- t . H. 900 penchment trial the Speaker will appoint six man- agers for the House! who will prosecute the case before the Senate. In this case, however, the Speaker win be confronted bjr a p'-rpi'xin^ condi- tion. Ordinarily the managers would he selected from the members jt the special committee, winch prcpan d the articles or Impeachisect, tor the rea- son that they are thoroughly familiar with the rise and capable of handling it satisfactorily >. th* trio!. In the present instance the House will decide between the report signed by four members of the committee. recommending n\f arti?!is at im- peaebment, and the report of three member*, ad- vocating one aitirle. Whichever wa> :t may be de- cided, the members of the com nittee repon is rejected will, of course, be unwillingto serve as managers. htkl the Sr«»aKer will be compelled to se- lect two or thr^ nien:'o«.r«! who nave nd had an opportunity to make a careful study of the case. There is na foar. however, that the House man- agers nan f 'i by the SpeaKer will not maintain th*' Hgh standard of ability wrich ehaiaeterlaul loose who preceded thfm in similar impeachment prose- cntior.R. It is assumed that they will be ready to be«?:n th« trin! the Utter part of January, all i thtt. in the two or th>ee w?eK? necessary to con- clude It. they will acquit themselves with credit. < MELLEN GETS TWO ROADS. tbt TRjeoaukmi to the tribise.l Pittsfleld. Ma.«!=.. Dee. 14.—Charles S Mil>n. pres- ident of the Consolidated Railroad, to-day pur- chased through local agents the controlling Inter- ests in the Plttafleld and Stockbridge ami the Ferk>«riir» mllroads. These railroads have be«=n operated by the Consolidated ro. d under a lease o: ninety-nine years, tins cooitacj paying v p< . >\u25a0 on the stock he'd by about four nuntlred Berkshire stockholders. Daniel D. KirntKil. president of Ibe Housatonio Bank, In 9 ockbriilge, acted i<>r Mr. SCellen, end IjjS was pntd for tbe majority of t.e stock. After >.ne controlling Interest hud b*en sp- eured the i nee was dropped to IT I , wh:.'h was tne price quoted here to-day. I\u25a0' h roai a bavc a mile- age of aoout iwenty-two milts each. The r.prKs-.ire ixtenda tram Canaan. Conn., to the New-Tork State line, hi 0 ihe Plttsfieid n- i Siockbndge :rnm Vandeusenville to this city, "liv Consolidated wi !Immediately doubl< track th- Berkshire division American Kennel Club Admits Mexican Hairless Canines. Five new breeds of does were fidTnittcd to the lift of recopnited breads at the quarterly rreetir.? of 0 \u25a0 American Ke»;nf 1 Club. :i«!d in this city - er!33y They wer* German staeepdogs, l"=c;u!- C6- Mexican T lers. Pek!n«=^p spanie's, uni!er Ha) title of Chin Bare created tapdogs. ard Owtcbara. tie Tit", sheepdog's Srouc!:t from Russia this fall Hereafter records wll be kept of classes and aamdu at t l !office of the club. At the fall show of the Bryn Mawr K?nnel Club a trophy for the \u25a0ben tna was awarded to Mrs. "Jack" Brashier's aaadWi terriers. It erp'iired that the "Scottieaf* *fr* at the show or.iy to attend the first annual i chow of the Scottish Terrier Club, held in con- i Jcncuon, iir.d Lhe Bryn Mawr club ordered the re- j turn of the trophy. Mrs. 1 1 -ashler aypf-tiled the ; ease to the American Kennti Club, and the dele- ; Rtfs decided 3.ea:r:Si her. k r??o!ut!on thrt certificates of the br'-p'linc of 2a tir's ard dams, from the breder? of such dops, | aat hereafter be submitted with all applications . tor tbe reentry of a doc's pedigree was left to : tie rules- comaiittec for further action. In the ab- ttccc o.' Pr'.E .'vx August Belraont. associate presl. Beat. H K. Bioodgood, of the American Spaniel Club. r,-'i.7 !^a the chair, wiih Secretary A. P. \u25a0 VeriSer.burrh. in his accuttot.Ted seat. Prominent eriorig uos<? present srere Frank H. Croker. Bui! Terrier Club; Danle Buckley. St Ixtuis Collie Clu'u; Jarr.fs a. Caldr.f-i' jr.. Bryn Mawr Ken- nei a-jb; Ksrod \. Vtte. Sp->n:'ei Breeders' a.eso- ; aatioa: G. M Carncchan. Fox Terrier Club, Dr. J E. Jlur.d. KusiT!"! Wolfhound '"lub; .lames lurttmer. La lies' Kennel Association: W. B. J-mery. N. v- _•]-:,\u25a0: Keanei Club; J. B. I •ihcrr..:*, jr., Russian Wolfhound Club. Henry Jarrftt. La<ii«><= - Ke-ine" Association of Massichu- f*-?'s. and r'etor Van Bchaick. Irish Terrier Club; j. 6rrg(»arit Prise, jr., Atlantic City, K^nel , Huh; w C. Cortmftn, Rhode Island K«n' Club; -' S. BnsiUi v,.,. r . Terrier Club; E B. Woodward, '-hkaen K«mr.el Club and V.'. G. Rockefeller, Na- Reafls Club i Goes Off St. Sever as They Leave the Post at JS eve-Orleans. New-Orleans, Dec. 14.-Tou.esB and Aluddin were the only wir.mng favorites to-day. Crunnuns, who bad the moji.t on tit. Sever, tavorlle in tne last IUCe, fell <-"i as tiiey Ictt i.ho poet. lat ..coiner vvu.d c*eii.r autl vie track muddy. The sunuuary: First iac« ißtliirig; five furlongs) Totncss, 103 (J. Mbiua), . io -. •\u25a0•-, Oribkany, luo (A. fcitn^an,!, 60 io 1, ctcuud, LitUe \u0084 .i. i% tact, yu (Sc&iUlnOt i>-v i. in,r>i. X.nUt, I.UovS. W. L. u^-ui^t. jdj.a m.., CiOiU tapwk, inkuui aaojiiuy, Cusaj\ibju°tti. ropic, Uasseiiy, tiydran^da aii'j i_.oijnjti a»3O run. raoa (se.,;ns; one and one-quarter miles) A.aaaui. Ill) (Klc&«4), i) io 10. won; Gu^i^e Vivt&n, VI Ciituu/, i- to 1, second; Lee riir.s, fci> IJ. tjenpftnay), la U> 5, iniiu. Tj-uc, -f.Xi-n,. i.;«3ii»..icl aiau r :i. loird rin.e iiti.ins. live lux.ojibh;— <juio«,n, 110 (Mc- Ca'nityj, ij i" 1, w_n; Gaacouae, los (j. ;ua.Jiin/. 7 to 1, \u25a0ecoua; Esterre, 103 (bciuiiuig), a to 1, UUrd. Tim«, I :vo-b iljueaicltoa, bweaiaa Lad, limerick Girl, Girl !:\u25a0_!. j iJixie, Jim., ana a, ice Ltoyd aiso ra.i. i cuilii lace (selling; Kjt\<-. mile)—Auu>.igtjt. IUS ill. PhiliipSi. ii io l. won; Lermin. lv& (OocoJo), 5 tfl 1. b»c- .r.n, uii.j-. .ii US <Bchli:in»v. au> 1, Time. 1:•*!<•>». Cuiu.riai olsley, Merry A.ivbat ani cigmuna ran. Fifui rare t^iX furionge; Jung.e imp. UiU c.Nichol), 9 to 1, woo; JclicUl, lo- vi iii.i.lfß.i. 11 ,o 6, &;tunii; .ti^wi.n, i<j± (c. ji^i nun ilto 10, talra Time. I:IUTi. Kuty Pla.U. F,ui>nji»r. tuvtiiiiiii. Dr. Biiuiy and i.ux a.60 ran. ex ;i rac»- (one mile) Lady Char.ot.. 102 M (P. Fliiliipsj, fe to 1. won; S iweta. Vi (NictaoU, a lv 1. .-tcv/ni, RecktfTi r, t»ti (Wedacißtrandi, li to 1, Uuril. Time, 1 .m. Aratjiuo. Altzzo, >\u25a0 ieeuu, and Debenture also ran. fci. S^ er lost ricei. NEW-ORLEANS ENTRIES FOR TO-DAY. First race (soiling; five fu.-.unss) Shock the Talent, 98; a Pnnre, i.. Dixie- Andrew*, Iw; Halcyon ba's, 10O; Ethei t Pride. luo; Laaipilsbt, luo; r ail on a, l\-2. Uundali. l"4. squish Lad, Ijo, 'fne iiye, 103, Mon Ani'jur, lUI ! .-: 0] U-- .. IOU becund i ace (tu.linß. seven fur'.ongi) I^ady Free Knight 67; Ijuaxy. OS. l^jrd of the Vauey. 100; Federal, I' 4; Kieinvv^od. lu3; Little. Boy. a«, Viona. JW, Ogorila. 102: Jose;te, li/4, Milaol Love, 104, T:.i: ; race (one mile)— Ml rondale, 112, Birch Red. 112; Boutluuni t i), 110. licWiUiamS, 117, Worthlngtoo, I—; Aurumaster, US; Piautus, 11-; Stnor, liT: Wines-ap, Hi; (Jus IJcidurn, ;..". Fourth ra'e (handicap; ore- and one-eixtetnth miles) Minotaur, Bis; ntebank. lU2. I'r.nte balm balm, 103; Bankin. 106; Mauser '.•:<: Garnish, 102; Carelesa, km. i l!!.n raoa isii fu. iur.i.s>— Trossarhs. ICj; Luulbe ("onnor, W; Coortmsld. lu-i; Chanterelle, lot; Unmarked, 109; Dmleacaa. 111. Rodabek 98; Mimosa ii>4; Doeskin 104 riamboyant, 107; Ai,; Lewi-, 108 Old England, 114. Siii.ii race (one rr.i>' cigral Liaiit. 07. J. H. O'Brien 100; Matador. 108; lair he\eiler. 11^; Arah May 100l Kentc-n. 100; Trouvere. 108. BOMBARDIER OUTRUNS MILITARY MAN. San Francisco, Dea. 14.—A $i,<JOO handicap at a mile and seventy yards wat the feature of the racing at Oakland to-day. A field of Sve went to the post, with Military Man a heavily played fa- vorite. Bombardier, who went back in the betting to 5 to 1. assumed the lead early, and, holding it to the end, won by a neck from Military Man. The summary: Ea'i Francisco Dec. 14. First race (selling; one mile) —Lady Kent. 107 (Knapp). B 1, won; Bronzewinaj 107 tKelsf»>en>. fiec, second; Gin &piay. 102 (Kally), 25 to 1. third. Time, 1:43. Native. Glenarvon, Glennce, Pencil Mr, Vox JCider and Liable Candid also ran. Second race (selling; one and one-sixteenth miles) Arah, 1M (Greenfield), 0 to 5. won; Golden Bvick. 103 (Davis). 3 to 6. second; hay Templeton. 101 (Travera), 7 to 1. third. Tim*. 1. 10 Colleen L>has, Mizpah. Villa, Hi. re.ia ant) D!i». c also ran. Taini race (seroa In. Sherman, lofl (DavlE). P tn i. wan: Hippuoax, 111 CKnapp). 3 to 1. second ; Rc-d Damsel. 11l (Busaell). 10 to 1. third. Time, l:31 vj. r.Tyriu H.. Scotch Lad Young Marl.vw. Profitable, Flan \u25a0 cur and Waterspout a^o ran Fourth race (handicap m.« and seventy yards) Bom_ bardl.-r 103 (Mlchaelc). 2'/» to I, won; Military Man, 107 (Helites-Ti). 1 !\u25a0 8. Becond. Leila ftr> (Greenfield), 6 to I. thiri. Time 1:17'« Modloum ar.d Llf.le Wa!!j also ran. Fifth race i«"'.i:rp, Fiiturity Course) -Belle Reed 109 (Sherwood), I to 1. won: Allre Carey, 101» (Alarie) 4 to 1. sec ad; Albemarle. io; rrtaven) S\i to 1 third. Time, 1:13':. R.-ir) Burns, Carmelite. Puredale, E'lu.-aie, Troy. Prefidlo and Mato also ran M\th race (Belli ? fine and one-sixteenth mil«>F) Red Crosa N'urt-e 9S (Greenfield 1 ) 6 to 1. •TOO: Inabelllta, 10T> (Traver?). 4 to l. Bfeond; Ma lor T'-nr.\ 106 (Kelly). 2 to 1 third. TiTie, 1:."i1'4. Radly Used. Follow Me. Chica- d#e and G;M Finder »Ifo ran CRIMMIXS GETS A FALL. LONG SCHKDULE KEPT. National League Sticks to 154 Games —Cliampionship Favored. Tne National League governors, who began the annual meeting at the Victoria Hotel on Tuesday morning, after a six hours' session yesterday after- noon took a final adjournment at 6:30 last night. AViihout definite- plans for a post-stason series be- tween the champion* of the National and Ameri- can leagues, the meeting passed resolutions favor- ing such a series, and directed the national con,- miaadon to prepare all the rules and regulations for the series an.l submit It to the two leagues. Tl'e rid schedule of IM games for each club was re- tained, but the season must not extend beyond October S. The application of the- minor leagues for a change In tho refutations regarding the drafting of pl.iy- era from them was approved, and a new rule de- sign* d to restrict and properly punish players who sboali by their conduct be removed from the field was passed. Changes in the rules of the game were left to a rules committee— "Ned" Ilanlon. manager of Brooklyn; James A. Mart, president of Chicago, and Max Fleit=chmann. of Cincinnati The pr<i,araUon of th«s sciedule was left In the hands of President PulUam, who was directed to confer with President Johnsou of the American League In making It up. A:y -layer remo\ed by an umpire for violation cf the laying rules is to be Jined $10 for each removal, and if suj^ei'dcj he Is to be fined $10 for each subseqje-u day suspended. The fine must be paid within five days after It is levied. The oid playing committee. consisting of Hanlon. Hurt and Max Fleischmann. was reap- pointed. The committee on constitution was ap- potnted. to Uteludi Presidents Herrmann, Brush and Ebbets. These umpiies for the season of 1306 were up ointed: Robert Ln.Elie. Henry O'Day, J. E. Johnstoae, George Bausewine and William Klem. In cor.&equtnce of the arguments of Howard Qriffiths, repiesentln X the national board of the National Association of Minor Leagues, who pre- sented the claims of the minor leagues with re- gard to drafting of niayf-rs, the meeting of the ;uai,ue. after boom discussion, adopted a resolu- tion authorizing the representative of the national league to oe at ihe annual meeting of tne national conuniaEion to vote tor the amendment of the national agreement proposed by th« National Afcbociuuoii ol Minor Lea^uts for rearrangement .i Uie urai ting vsteau Xns. classes ait; Cla».-i aa. ti.^w ci^r one p«a.vej iionj o:ie ciuu^; Clatia a. »i.ou> tii^r out [>>*+} er fjom o;,e cluo>, Class ii i.iAj {tor two j.i.ii-ifcic;, i.i 4M c. Jojw mo hum " s lv nui^ae:>. class l>, w-jO (.no limit as to num- ber.) i :.c representative was directed to confer \u25a0••'- " \u25a0\u25a0•'\u25a0 American Leslie and ti;e National As- --ociatioii toward i..ah..;, o cnauges in the ua.uonal agreement and to le^ori to the ltaeue. Limited Copartnership ftottce*. Mi-.Ult an LINK. "*" rUMOrTi!-C!:rPEf>ITt! SOrTHAMPTO.V Salltßfl ran:. ta]r* '\u25a0• •• A St.. i'ler 13, X. It* N>w Tor* r>ff. IT Ft Lr>u!» Deo. «1 St. Paul l>" 24 > Philadelphia jjua. t i»Li-> SI AH LINK. *•* NEW YORK— ANTWERP— LONDON—PA RI2L i~.i!!ir.s at Dover f^r London ar<l Psrls. PniHns .-^tnrdays 10.3.' A M.. Pl«r 14, X It 7»»Ia:- 1 r>*T-. 17, Varterland D««. t] Kr-v nlar.'f P*o 24' ZesUnd J*uj- 14 \VTUIIE STAB LINE. "* NKW YOr.K-QLE;ENSTOvi-N-_t.l\Tritpoot Sailing U>,!;.ef ia> ». Fi»r 4-«. N. R Ma*««tk ...Pee, -1 10 v at <v,tn.- ... .Jan. 4, «:30A. Si. Battle... .Per. -"*. i> a. M Tvutnnlc. . .J*a. U 10 a. JV NKW ViIRK A X T< BOSTON p?t?Et-T MEDITERRANEAN oii^l:Al.TAK. N.Ml££. GS2COA, iI.t.XA.NtiKa. " (ROM m:w t«»kk. REPI BUC -Jon. 14 N on. F«b a K«aa CR£TIG Kb * .\our.. Jica. 13 Noon : k> m r. -t>'\ IANOPIC Jan 7 It IQ A. M . Fro. l-» 3:20 A. V. Romanic ... jiiu. 89 S: v f :.i .. v ;. ii i P. at, PAB3ESCGER OFFICB, » BKw.\t»«AV Fre.sht Oihu. Whitehall ii'l<. flattery H:ac«. SQUADRON A FORMS HOCKEY TEAM. The troopers of Squadron A. who have done so much for pulo in this city, are to tu-n their at- tention to hockey. A number ,f Kama are to be KtadoM, incluiilrg one with the team of the 'th Resjrre-nv. Practice tames will be h< id out of floor; W).r. possible ml In St. Nlch-»I3S Rink at •war tines. Tbc-ron R. Strong, of No. 43 Wail. •1., i^ manacer of the team. •Mat . J ...^JfjAim Intended Steamship Sa,ilir.|« (torn Tajaavaajaasj for Japan, «.ii i.-i a. . yaiiltpim ii s .ani». Emprrj« ox inU * ... .(•. t.u.p «a» «.. .!\u25a0:». . ..>**». 98 iu&prtaa si J. «;. . .Jan. j;< X •; .s T.iti: Xar. R. M 9. 4taas^a«...j>ek <i BiLiwaei of In^la Mar. Bawati riji Mbokss. A«otrana mat New ZnUnl. Ao. anitl Jan. fc. oo .Vi. .. *ia .. »!». a. '08 t\i r^ c* jr.,! lafMSMttao a;i.i> tj •*^> anJ 1 UrcaJway. HASVARD-N. Y. U. GYMNASTICS. \u25a0»\u25a0»\u25a0 P. ISctde. '5, iriWlffT Of the New- York Uni- f»rt ty uuuiasllc team, announced yesterday that Sr-&1 ur&ocemente had been completed for a joint *^ibio: J v,;th the Harvard team, to bo held at Ulv«r- ty Heights. January 20. This v.-iil be the s lJ»»e«tincl J»»e«tinc of the two universities in any branch eir r".. ,::.ri wi;i also be Harvard's first appear- rr* in the c.ty wi h a gymnastic team. It is Vf.r. ° 'hat a number of former New-York I'n.- "«-iy t ars v.ill perform. T!ic n.eet arranged Sarch a **** Leslish at University Heights, on "" ASCOT 100 TO 1 SHOT SECOND. I,o? Angeles. Dec. 14.— 1t was a day for favorites at Ascot, five Of them finishing first. Dug Martin. a 100 to 1 shot, prime to life suddenly, and was beaten out only half a length in the fifth race. Maggie Mai key finished third in the second race, but was disqualified for fouling Ralph, and the latter was placed third. The summary; KrFi ra<_e <;>ix furlorgp)— 108 (Herbert. 10 to I, (ran; Blneri< B», 107 Catoriarltjr), -\u25a0'< to 1. geeond; Leon- ado, 100 fMcDaclel), 15 to 1. third. Time. 1:18 Tizen, ij. Oriei t, Evermore, Heigerson and Br<-ti n also ran. Eeoond race 'five ani;f furlongs) El Otro* 110 (Hi;.;. b and). 10 to ". won; .-inli-ico. !•."• fW Millar), "' to 1. secoiiti; Kalph Ueeae. li" (Otla) 10 to I, third. Time. \:OU\~. £and*tctie. Per dc lAnce, Joe Kelly, L*na Le.'oiil and Maggie Mackey «ls< ran Third race laever furlongs)— Major, 110 'MrDanlel). 6 m 5 won; Galamhua, 106 <\ll.t.U brand"). II to 1, Mcotia Wacir. 103 (Lawience). 6 10 I third. Time. l^tt*. Landreer, Ectado, Blissful and 9tra<a>ler a!s>o ran. t'(, .r #1 : rare (One and OB<*-«lxlaeBth n-,l!^t) Chub, lot! a. Clark). " io 10, won, M.-G atbiasa Prince 107 (Dusant. o to l. second; Cineljuiaraa, u>s (.n. Po»'n«), 15 to l, n.lrd Tlnif, 1 18 Harbor a'..-o lan. Fifth tar* (seven furlon»»)—Phys, 80 (Knot). 9 to 2. won Hug Msrtui IO 'Mo('omas). 100 to I, serond . r-,skv Secret '.'» (MoiarUy). :< to 1. third. Time. l:40& Lr/U»eli-«-a. lot. William V. 11. Erne and Hindoo Pllneaei al^o ran. Flxtb rare (Siauaon Course)— inter'u'Te. 11l (HCd^branr!) 4 to 5. won; Po:rr-ro G:a: : |08 tMcOanlel). 4 to 1. sec- ond: /tactile. 108 iu«:tu.-. ,'; to 1 third Time. 1:11 I'aisr Ji.ov.n. Erlcula and Foxy Grandpa also ran. SCHEDULE OF COLLEGE CHESS. «c til. owing schedule of ocnufts to be played •a the romins Ir.ti rcoliepl.-ue chess tournament to he;ri here has been arranged: w^6-'-,.;. December 22, Columbia against Yale s«^fer.-i uga:nfct pr.nciton; Friday. December "'\u25a0' iff™* "* \u25a0jfa'nst Princeton, Yale atranft Harvard; fS^vay r<f-.en.b'r 25. Columb:a against Harvard. i «if aga.nst Printeton. CORNELL'S SOUTHERN BALL TRIP. Ithara, N. V.. [toe. 14 -Fans for the Southern - >t> of the Cornell baseball team to be taken in ** EE * fct * T ••oatlOß are now practically completed la* trr ' r ' Jliy m&ny choree- frcm tr.e schedule of " \u25a0*'•"' This jeer the team. infiteau of playlnf j^" fc widely sr/;,arat.'3 paint*, will >.'<> direct to a t2"t-i <! ; nn w r °' :r or flv * team* w-n he met wtf hL - *'\u25a0**' « jrnts All (,t Cornell's same* 'eaa. ';.,, '•?>•-« in ™« But- of Tomieesee. Th<t tr.rS Ml " v * ItJ: "-- 1 '\u25a0'\u25a0 March |«. It will pay ««ojflh2ii lVlth "•\u25a0 •''\u25a0•- Un:vcr,liy. one with Bt^^tJ*^ f t^ •S T -u:hern League, at «•»* M,i." i ,u'- uml: ' r ' ir<l I.nivf-rsity aiid on« th* bSSL«" ,to iv vrr-ty of Nashville and ««* tiiSSS oa Smf*- The team wm r - TICKtTS. *UULUesr-i TO TEXAS <MIA>HAIH«. Ur.X: O AL.. IMA -"Taw 41*. FLORIDA V..»> \M. •\u25a0 .•i^,-^.«lv««ii«, Kry VVcM, MntKle J«cU o \u25a0.!:». »c.». ttf.;.,.!v tXCWPSIONS TO r^'i::D.C feVwaAn "Pn. .:.i i* F'tits C H MAIXOH. % •\u25a0« >.» r'r ,niti >t . N T. •*\u25a0• Kor La v-u«_.... i-.)«r-.j Car-ello. CaraoH sod Man>- iai j', . i.» wuiaxaw, >\u25a0- -aw a- -»un j ._;,. t . .•;. Kum ffai 11. a.!>>inin« \v-»:! Km.. «.ya. ti .- i'lllUii.ii a.A .. ..-at_r;ai. V \u25a0•-•:".b«-r - 1. BWOBI c 6. CARACAS Setvday. January T. nooo Kir 1 * >j-j> :a <•\u25a0 r '.<•\u25a0\u25a0 M . . liba S 8. Zl LIA >atur!..>. llf.lwh— 17. iwsa a\. d M^K-\CAIBO rJ.u:C.I .. t: \u25a0 »l. u^o.i ".ht-s-i *uam*ra t.a\« aapjlor acvartacocjiUisj tor aesv - .., j BOUX-TON V.T. •\u25a0-•? A I-M.LKTr. \u25a0 , ... !-\u25a0\u25a0 s H \\ a.l M. It is doubtful whether the House will decide In favor of the majority or the minority report. Then* Is a feeling among the ablest lawyers In Congress that the evidence before the committee fails to Justi.'y the impeachment of Judge Bw«jrne for his judicial acts, and they will rigorous > oppose his arraignment be.'ore the tar of the Benate on more than the one article of false certification. On the other hard, there l 9l 9 a strong sentimeal led by Representatives Powers, of Massachusetts, and Palmer, of Ptn n»ylvania. who believe that Judge Swayr.e should be punished, not for falsely cert.fylrip bis expense accounts to the governmt-nt. but for his acts of omlislon and commission while on the bench. They win urge on the Boose the nececslty of taking cognizance of ail lbs crimes »!tb which he Stands charged. and behind them Is a for- midable ?ent!rr.ent favorable to their contention. Under the precedent established In the last Ira- First—Fa'se certification of expenses. Second— Non-residence in his district. Third— Unlawful personal use of a railroad while in th*' han^is of a receiver. Fourth— The O'Neill contempt case. Fifth— Belden and Davis contempt cases, which will be Incorporated in one count b> cause tho offences were committed at the s-imv time. The minority report. Msned by Representatives Uttlefield, Parker and Gillett. of California, will demand impeachrr.t nt on the single charge of false certification of travelling expenses. This wi.l make the committee stand four to .hree In f^vor ot articles of impeachment which will cover practically all the pcrioufc charges against the judse. While this division of opinion will result merely in the fc-utimieiion of two repot ts. all agrte.r.g on the neces- sity of tn.peachmtnt. but differir.g as to the number of urtlcieb. It will precipitate a heated discussion In the House. The House leaders are confident, however, that the debate on tr.e reports, which are prlvi.eged. will not last more than two or three d:iys rrooM the Tnrm-NE rrT,»A.r.l Washlcgton. Dec. 14— Majority and minority re- ports from the committee appointed to prepare articles of Impeachment in the case of Judge Bwaym will. In the opinion of members of that committee, bt presented to the House of Repre- sentatives about January IS, and a decision as to whether these articles shall contain five charges or a tingle count will rest with the entire body, and will be reached only after a more or less extended debate on the floor of the Hou«e. The special committee has decided that each of Its seven members shall prepare his written opinion In the holiday recess as to what charges should be Included in the articles of impeachment. The full committee lmme<!ir.te!y after Congress reconvenes on January 4 will meet and prepare Ha report, which will t-e presented to the House probably not later than January 12. It is not likely, however, that a unanimous conclusion can be reached, and it is expected that majority and minority reports will be submitted. The majority report, which will be signed by Represcntlves Palmer, Powers, of Massa- chusetts; Clayton and De Amend, will recommend t..<i Impeachment of Judge Swayne on the following charges: Swoyne Case Like to Cause a Lively Contest. " f \u25a0.. c rote i a ," 3. "C0 t3ti». will sasiM «br-- apecial v.**», sanies Jam. 4.:.. If .Ml «n^ .aa..i' ii : li-J... U> t..~ t.: . . 0... .NwCft k;.a Uai-.^:; \\ »; in..:*-.-, i «i..«.ji». l-uri« lUcw. CU3a> *.. 1 i, ip , U fe»i«a 1.-i tieac cr-.»i». «c<4«yam .. 13 it \u25a0• : . K'ir bratou <-' »..ut-iy and garfacUca of eUstatta ta«a*> cruli!'* at 'lasiirt*.-.- •• > i...?-,i \u0084t,. I'-inii». jiv- lcs a!l tnf iination. j«p'> 10 A t. ! : ::!i»Gfc, * co A^r....^ t»> «^«>- -v S Co. Ltd.. £.> Bru»4waj>. Nn» Yorii- a. Ai^-ir. oar**. Qa« at rirertay or flkm a < i; an».Aji>. \*« re**, ryjS, THE UNDERSIGNED, ALLBEING OF ru.l as«. eeslrlßS. M lorw a limited iart:nr»nn rursua.u to lue provtMußS "t U»* l*arlnirr»aip '— v ..| tH» biale id .\tw V..IK ibaiOS >;. lei SI v." Urn GrBOTOi l^iiv.s), do tureby make, b>«n. ii>.*n-.w.rilsr »:»J fi; B thi» ccrtdicau •; follows: 1 T:ie If""or tirm un >r which rai.l limited part:;»r- sh'.p is to be oiniucted i* Raym«.nd, Pynciton and cem laiiv. an', lit* V :': 'n p > «\u25a0:• '- n UM \u25a0rtnrtpal t/.j^e >,f iij»i Ctbs is to be located is New Y< ik County. 2. The BJ?a*(ttl nature •( th« l>-f::',-^- lriteni!»d t-> *# lran»acte«l ia a gen«r;»l commi?.sic>n and brokerat Suhi r.»-.-». including U>« dealing m uocka, l>>n ;- an! .>[.:-- tecurttlra ana in (fra:n. tution and vtfier mtrrhsiliilsa. i 3i 3 \u25a0•neraU] cum i \u25a0 :: in th« l.'iljof Nt-w Turk. 3. The nanu^ anil resi'Jentis uf the -.^1 partners, all of wnoin a:t .->f full ,m an as i 1 ma: Harrj K*ym nd N'r» Ti rk City Cr.igt M I*>ncacn. G:e nwic-.i. Conn. CharTe: M. Enton Sew T ik Cttf The name and llllllT* of Mm sp partner, who la abo of i V.I ace. li . _ , V.'tlliam E. Rei.i. New York (?lty. 4 Th* am bi el capital wMch He >ald special partner. William E r.ei«. has contributed tfl r*ie lIMIM st .tk of th' partnership if liftytnou.a'Ki doihwa '*."l».O«it). B. Tba lin.f at which the purtfl ruhlp is IQ I- Bin Noven b< r 1. r.' v. and It U to <n! OctobOT '•'.. f-»"7 Ib witni »s » h»reof. we have rr.a . ilaaad. Ktan» leticed and ''"\u25a0<* this c*rtit>at« this 7::. la] 9t XAtmiti XlxH. In presence of WJJ n PRITKn. HARRI RAYMOND (U S. GEORGE M. PYN( HON (L b. tHAI'LKS M EATON .I. ft WILLIAM 1.. r.FAS (L. > ' State of Itmm York. Crunty ol N « Tork, •».: On th \u25a0 Tth cay of November, l'-t'i !>-fo. •• me p»r«->« all-, api'Uifd Harry! <'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. f- M. Pyr .-*• .r , !,,.-!,- M. EaMfl and WllTlam E !:\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 W \u25a0• rvss :>i; v kni»r ani anowa to me to be th* m.hvl :ua's dMcrtN*>| in and wn» <-\!Cv.Lcd the foriC'tr:g ctrtlfleate, anJ th«w wvarattl sckaowladfjsd to me that UM) -xacuied i.ic eanie. MM BRVSER. Sea! 1 No-ary Pxiil'c N«« Y.rk County. Ftate of Nr« York. County of Yen- V ik i;»-oi«r M. Tynchtn. betn* fn.i-n. drp.isej «nil ia>.«. »' at i"- \u25a0» '"•:•' d t ie gen-ral pa:t:.e - njm« li* t:.« t: r-Kinp <<-tlfcate: thai th« - ot ptf tJ Thoujk.r.>J Dollar* iscoono> ipactficd In th* hM ( rttfeatt t iu.e i,..,. n ._ it- b '\u25a0\u25a0 '1 t' l \u25a0*"«» c ?»";\u25a0..« .• \ ' WlCtattß V. I*:*. the tpcrtal partiM* tH'rFirt ru<- I hna betn a.tni'ly anvl in s*> ; J paid by him lica?h to >h .e -ail eoawaa* stock. ,;'\u25a0(•»>.- :y M. ?YN« ' J '>N. fewoi-n to Ufcre me th;» Tth <luy .' v>\u25a0 t!*t. Hi"4 WH, M BRI'OKH. '?ea! > wol»rj Pnblte New V rk Counf Cl»rk O<*V-. To-intv .if N> w York •» [.•t >ie tir-n» \u25a0>* tr>» (\u25a0 mo: r , Lrmlred r-i"n-r«h •\u25a0 *«• 'iihl'fhf •>>\u25a0* \u25a0 >'\u25a0 -k for -'x imiifi n-**fc- \" '^* Sin York ' -\u25a0« '•' "">' r-1 -' V. XT- \u25a0 >-n two par'T* rut'llshed and havlni; a circulation tr. t' •\u25a0 C* " ! "•" '* Yrrk. !>!>'»(» V*h I>rk. Nrv " -fwi., •••an Twnn t. HX^TTT.TOV. ,-!^rk tV«.ea« Atramera. «f A YEI.OCE-—F«tt Imliaa; Lid*. " " EalMs* iviry l\'.'(?r»sday to N.-n>s. i>n a atUdlTcrtno Deo :tl'\ord Am#rtoa .ha 23 Ca v In I"• un Plrtiw •ar<n on n-,,m ., v \u0084 v-k LOUOOUCSL H.iRTFIEUO * CO.. la Wall St. Election of Graduate Football Captain Stands Approved. TBT TELEGRAPH TO THB TKIBrVB.I Cambrlcige. Macs.. Dec. 14.—Harvard men were pleased to learn 10-nlgnt of the ratification of the re-election of Dan Hurley, as captain of the foot- ball team next year by the athletic committt-e. Hurley is the first graduate ever elected captain of a Crimson team, and it has been a question for some time whether the authorities would approve such a bre«iK from, tradition. No step was taken to s«loct a head coach YALE'S BASEBALL SCHEDULE. New-Haven. Conn.. Dec. 14.— The official schedule of games for the Yale baseball nine was announced to-night, after being ratified by the faculty officers. There will be thirty games as follows: March 22. Trinity at New-Haven; 25. Fordham at Fordham: 2:-, Manhattan at New-Haven; April 1. Tufts at New-Haven; 6. Fordh?m at New-Haven. S. New- York National League at New- York City; 11. Amhcrst at New-Haven; 12. Brown at New- Haven; 15. Columbia at New- Haven. Kaster trip: April 20. Georgetown at Washing- ton; 21. open; 22. Virginia at Norfolk: U. open; Co. Georgetown at Washington; 26, Pennsylvania at Philadelphia. April 29. Pennsylvania at New-Haven; May 3. Maine «t New-Haven; r,. .An<l»v»r nt A ruiovnr; 6. Brown at Providence; 9. Lfhit-h at N w-Haven; I°. West Poißl nt W»et fntrt; 13 Holy rrox at Worcester; IT, XV;!!- !am« at Wlli:amsto« n. Mam.; 18. Syracuse at New- Haven; 20, Holy Cro« at N>w-Haven: 24. open: 27 >ori!etn\vn at Nen-!!avn: 80, cpen. June 3. Prince- ton at V.-\v-H-\ven: 7. Dnrtmouth at NVw-tlaven: l'>. Princeton at Princton: 17, Princeton at New-York, In -•ase of tie; 22. Harvard nt Cambridge; 27. Harvard at New-Haven; Ju'.y 1. Harvard in New-Tork •City, in cai* of Mo. N. Y. U. AWARDS NUMERALS. The executive committee of the New-York Uni- versity Athletic Association yesterday took action on the two amendments passed recently regarding the awarding of class numerals and 'varsity letters. Class numeral* were awarded to the following mem- birs of '07 track team: F. Sullivan. G. Piper. H. G. Streat. H. Krausman. C. Ton^.cr. M. L. Mear^em and G. Hyatt. H. E. Xagie, manager of the foot- bni; totm: R. E. Denike, former mannper of th*' football team, ard F. Russel. former manager of the track team, received the 'varsity letters. Th» \u25a0>•\u25a0 rren have tn*> tame privilege of wearing the N. V. U a«< does a rrertiber of o-e of the teams. A. B. Ward. manager of the :ra:k team, reeetved sanction to hold Meets with Wesleyan on May 1 at Middletown and -n i - h Ls high on May 13 it Orlo Field. Tin* itif»t with I-ehigh was arranged will the condition that a return contest be he J In 1906. FIGHT OVER CHARGES. HTHIIEY RATIIIED AT HARVARD. CRUISE TJIS UJtIKNT. **M UP. \u25a0*»»;ru.::. - \u25a0 . \-. . > ttfttM \u25a0 \u25a0».• a. a. X't-lAe. Etu:« Uifia .Belt •• : F c. :L-*tik. ::: urto v: \\ \Y. N. 1. COOK'S Nl.'.E STEAMEI:>. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-•\u25a0 per w—< fr.->m » aim tj Ftr-t anil *<?*<>r.d Catwaeii THOA. COOK A SON. Ztil * l.Ui Braadvwj.y. and •«» Ma^Laua A\x.. N. Y. W. A. BRADY. GETS $20,364 JUDGMENT. William A. Brady, the theatrical manager, whs for several years was Interested in six day bleycle races held at Madison Square Garden, won a suit some time ago against his former partners In those enterprise*. Patrick T. Power* and J. C. Kennedy, in which the court awarded him $17,000. his third of the profits having amounted to $14,716 99. which, with interebt added brought the total up to 117,000. Mr. Brady yea erday obtained a Judgment against lowers and Mre Kate Kennedy the latter being adminlsintor of Jarm«i Kennedy 1 estate. The •mount of the Judgment Is ltf.3t»i. The principal changes are In the regatta com- mittee, where all the members ore new. Oliver E. Oionjw^il is to the chairman, with C. I*F. Rob- inscn and H. De U. Parsons as assistants. The present chairman, 8. Nicholson Kane, who has filled that position tri fifteen years, Is to retire, and iiis SMid he will be presented by the clue witn a loving cup, In grateful recognition of hi* services. Francis \V. BeTknap is to be appointed measurer In place of Charlfs D. Mow.r. ere ire to be a tew changes in the committees op admiislons, on models.' nn club stations. in the library ana house committee*. Handicap Contests for Medals and Foils Be- gun at Morningsids. Columbia's fencers met yesterday In the opening competitions of the annual fall handicap meet. Medals will be given to the first three men. and F. Lags. '07, Science, captain of the team, has offered a pair of foils to the freshman scoring the greatest number of points, regardless of hand cap. Among those who will compete are C. L. Joly. •06. Science: H. Perrine. 07. College; F. J. Byrne. 'OH, Science: W. D. Murphy. '08. College: R. W. Dox. W College; L. V.'. Brldgeman. "Of. Science: E. V. Watson. '06. Science: C. G. Amend. "\u25a0 College; J c N< gus '03 Science; J. N. <_ nrysue, 08. Science: C. F. Cornell. ''06. Colieg'J. and W. C. Francis. '06. \u25a0nw°^andlcapi which eho^ the standing of the The handicaps which sho^ tlip standing of the men will be made known when the tournami nt is closed Joly leads thus far. with seven victories and no defeats, and Watson is second, with six victories and one defeat Tie handicap! will alter these standing*. The results are. Joly defeated Francis By ne, Christie. Negus. Amend. Cornell and BHdeetnan: Francis defeated Perrine, Byrne, Ne-us and Cornell; Perrine defeated Watson, Dox, Amend and Bridgeman ; Watson defeated Byrne, "wus Dox. Amend, Cornrll anri B .id?; i?\rn^' defeated Negua and OonjeS: Amend de- feated Byrne > t-r'st c. Pox and Bridgeman; Bridge, man defeated Byrne and Christie; Christie debated Dox, and Negus" defeated Christie. MOTOR BOATS MAY BACE TO CUBA. The first annual motor boat races and water car- nival at Lake Worth. Palm Deach. Fla.. will bo held from February l to 4. following the internation- al automobile tournament on the Ormond-Dayiona beach. Henry M FUgier Is a: the head of the Palm Beach Power Boat Association, and Fred Bterry is in tharce of the contests. At least six races each day, open to all kinds of power craft, will be given, and following the meet an ocean race may be la-id from Palm Beach to Havana, as Cu- ban sportsmen a:e said to be desirous of having the tournament extended to Cuba. Paul Morton, Secretary of the Navy. has been a*kt d to provide an escort of two torpedo boats to police the courts and assist in the r;u>-. Secretary Morton hm> written to W. J- Morgan. No. U6 Nas- sau-si who has charge •:£ the races, that he has , lend the Bureau of Navigation u> forward him a r< port on the subject, and on its tiie Sec- retary has prom to assist tne project all he can. SAMPSON TO MANUFACTURE CARS. Alden Sampson. 3d. of Plttsfleld. Mass.. who en- tered a car for the international cup rare last spring, but did not finish his racer in time, has been experimenting ever since, and has now made a move toward entering the field as a regular manufacturer. To gel under the shelter of the Selden patent, Mr. Sampson has purchased the en- tire capital stock of a manufacturing company, in Cambridge Mabs., to get the privtfeße liom the Association of Licensed Automobile Manufacturers. MEETING OF N. Y. Y. C. TONIGHT. The most Important meeting of the year for tbe Naw-York Yacht Club will be held in the model room of its clubhouse, In West Forty-fourth-st., to- night. The chief business in hand will be the elec- tion of officers and :he appointment of committees fur the year IMb. It is settled that the present Rag officer*—Frederick G. Bourne Henry F. Waiters and Cornelius Vanderbilt— wttl be re-elected to nil the positions of commodore, vice-commodore and r. iir commodore. George A. Cormack and Tarraat Putnam are al:o to continue as secretary and treasurer. COLUMBIA FEKCERS STAET SEASON The boird of control of the National Cycling Associ: t r'li. after capful cons deration of the ca* a of thf insubordinate riders a: the rec-.n. six-, a;. rrce at Madison Square Garden, ras decided to in flict p* na tt s imn-.edi -.tely ns'ea^ of wat.ig for the annual meeting in February. The act. on of th? board Is as f\u25a0>! o.vs: R. A Wai Iv ur. Atlanta. '"a., ami James F. Mr, an <"h< sea, Mass.. suspended for one ;. cur. Otio Maya Erie. Fern-. anl lames B. bowler Chi ago, suf-pen ed for Elx m nths Hut-h McLean. Chelsea Mass.. suspended for six reo-'ths. or i ay fin" of JIM "X t" Tutler. (amtrrige M-.f?.: "Jed" Nrwklrk CM ago; Menus Bedell an<l John B-el Lynbrook Lou*!;; "Bernle" Munroe Memphis, Term.. suspended for «-lx month? or pay fin* °\u0084*** .f n ,"• Chairman Poard of Control. N. C. A. Other Cyclists Who Quit Six-Day Race Also Punished. Bo«ton, Dec. 14.— fight bicycle riders who re- fused to finish In the six-days" race in New-York last week have been puni-h-:d by th- Nat.oval Cy- c ing Association. Walthour and Moran ant] Maya and Bowler have rein &u=re:.dtd "Ilu o her* re- co ye the choice of suspension or fine. The dec.Eion as announced to-day reads: WALTiiOUR GETS A YEAR. JUDGMENTS RELEASED. That's What This Legislator Would Do— He Has Bill All Eeady. fBT TELF.CRAPH TO THE TItIBUS'E.I L'r.ccln, NtL... Dec. li-— There will be no more football in Nebraska if Representative Cunning ham. of Hamilton County, has his way. and th- powers of the State are going to be called upo' to prevent the playing of the game in the corn beakers' territory. At the session of the legist* ture which convene* on January i, Mr. Cunning- ham will Introduce a bill prohibiting the playing or football within the confln-s of the State, and a* i-^-^JIy of games by students of the State Univer- sity. "1 believe that foot hall has been carried to ex- f«i,' nays the leg slator. "and thr-rt* are many brutal features which should be eliminated. If It were l*rs dangerous, and did nnt Interfere with studies, I might favor It. tut I will introduce a bill on the first day of the legislature prohibiting Uit> i>lay;ng of llvsby football." TO STOP FOOTBALL IN NEBRASKA.

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Remington Typewriter Works

•Showing New Addition by which the Capacity ofthe Plant has been increased to

A Machine a MiniateThe Remington Sales Organization Encircles the Glebe


Uceun Steamer*.


Balajravt*.. t>ei. i;. 1 a> :..•

tiir:.-:a... .d»c. 31. 1». m.ffclnrlltr*.Use -'.:. M a. iv.,li'ie.un*.. Jan. I.I1m.

•lias Kirn tMOSi SjSk* g;. .i.i.-0.^.1lv«J t>v>ard.

XEW YOIttv-NA'i"'{.£<-iiENO A.DETTSriiLAND...Jan 7. tUt a. \u25a0 . Feo. 7. 7:39 a. m.Ii...\.. UrLiltftT . Jan. !••. t» a m.. Feb. 25. AprilU;IIoLTKE Jan. J" 11 a ra.FRINZISK.\K Jan 31. 3p. m.. alar 21, May »

;v:a :<\u25a0.:<.•. Csdla \u25a0.. i <: .\...«». * Alters.orMc^s. 3S an<l 37 l;»a>. P.crj. N. 3-

Fast Express Service.PLYMoI/TH—CriEKiiOUTtU—BREMEN.

Kaiser lan. 3. 10 AM ka*a«* il«r. 7. 10 AMXi r:nz ...Jin. 17 Noon K. njr.r.a .. -Mar 21.


ICalso Feb. 7. id AM raiser ...Apr 4. liAMKionprlr.i..Feb 21, 7:3DAM X Wm 11... Apr. 13. 3AM

Twin-screw Passenger Service.TO ERfc:Mi.X BOUKT

i»ra. Eec -v. IU A— brat*i«noui« .'\a. 31. to Altirt....ljcc. '->*. iu.\Ji,jijn r\u25a0 -> 14. lvAM

CWkd Jin. [<>. li >M •iia:ba;c?-sa- .re • U3 10 Alt• :., -.Li.. Jan-J4. |0 AM L.r>? bu F«b. £&. ooua

•Will call at r'.ymcuth an.i Cberte urg.

Mediterranean—.\.VfUES— OENi.'.V

Irene .. Ja li .1 AM Lea . 11 M, 11 AMAlbert Jan .'. 11 AM Ailnlt .V.r *. U AMLa.— ... Jan. •->. li AM LotM it

-11. 11 AM

.\ctkar r«o, li.11 Ail .\* ..M^i ;*. 11 AU. .. br«m«n Hi-.a. ...l un^. .th >cs . ,-i ,> «^nOEIJUCUS ft CO.. NO. 3 BKOADWAT. .v.

Louj if Meyer, \u25a0»;\u25a0 t-->uiu t.i .-jSt.. p^iia.

A few rrlnutes later, Marcus, from a clever pass,per,; the rubber into the cage for th« Hrst goai forTale. Then the leal players got the puck andF«r.t ;t Into the cage, but the goal did not count.for :'. was another offE:ile play. Stewart then g:ivojoy to t v.e Mercury Too-, rooten by soortnc again.and rbout five rainates before thr- end of the halfEhepErd. who had tcik'"n Dilworth'a plac^, evenedup the score by tallying ;'or Vale. A few minuteslater he ir. or a pretty ehot Into the cage. but asilie \u25a0rtristlc blew at the same time for an offsideplay It did ::o: count. The half ended !tc 2.

Ffer Urn S"ra minute of pay in th? see*—

<ihalf the pock was kept going from one end of the:. kto tne -•-\u25a0: In a lively fashion. Then IfarcusTr.tit 8 shot which was nicely stapled by Williams,end a few minutes ;ater received consolation byter.ti-.z it into the basket, making th< third gy^lfor V-..» Then Col'ioan, from a scrimmage. didthe aune for the 10-a! fern, and ?ie^in th*- scorewas a tie. -itIto 3. A little later Mar us rmi.:1 the;rFt!!fst shot of the r.icht. He brought the pii'-kfrom in Front of Ms own team's caye and f.^ornMsrly the centre, o' the rink phot wmt turned outhtlc the Wtnßinif arottl «mii iip-ifo^irrchK-rs Th»Kew York AtH^tic Club players for the re-na'nirgf:w atfnutea of plnv tried thHr utmost to even upti» rune, but without success. The line-up andetcrr.

Telt Pr«itlon. Ksw-Torti K. C.Par , <~ra.; wii:a-ns/>'fr»r Prirt HuntT""r^ r«v«r p-lnt-..Ccr.ntlly 'H W% i e»KaT fPlar'.ey> F-.nt»rf Bul'>-nrvtrrx^n Fo-»B'l Ft^war.ID«wUi qpard) -F fir1 Co'Hean\u25a0aroos Fcrvard .B. White

c-"'c -"'»—

vs'-. 4. Hew-Terk A. C. 3 Goal«— M•"\u25a0»-..!« a»,EbSPSJd (I|. i=>:'Wß-t i.i,nsTlllSlll ID. Releree— Mr. Post.T:rr,t, 15 minute halves

Marcus and Cornell started right In at the open-\r,g of the earr.e ;o rush things for Tale. Bothbrought tie puck Aenra the rink when it Tfas npar

their own cage. ar.^i mad- shots that were stoppedby Willlamft. BulSen also helped a few times Inkr-tp!ng the rubber out of the New York cage.

Then the Vale plfjrara sent it into the basket, andth*-(r supporters shouted themselves hoarse. Thetally«'as not sV.owed. however, as it was an offsideplay. A few minutes later Stevart brought therubber up to within twenty yards of his opponents'ca*#. and there ecor«d the first point for the Ath.le'.ic Club.

Th general playing of the New-Torii -Ath'etlcClub rc;resMi -itiv» via a kee-! (3is= o!ntirent Ifthey wish to be up among Lh« leaders In the rham-p.o:.6hii' eerlt'f tins yar hey will have to show aVS9t trrproverr.fijt. V/!iam? was aaleep at goal

Hsa be beer, alert he ajlghi we!! have Stopped someof -he co Us ars roal«. The Uam work and pass-

lot!of the athede cart mer srere too- hu1 as ;hu

ctaaspionship seascn is cot on yet. there Is tlm«^

for Improvement Btawmrt end Collican 'a>«! afart fame. The former made two of th« |oalsmad? for his sice. Bind the latter one CoUicaninduced Hi too !<'-*! work rue; ihe clos? of the

aweeaf half and was sent to the bench for a fewIB'lflllf to cool off. He was the only p.aver pun-ished for roughness

"\u25a0KTiat are wo tip urnirst this yenr?" asked a

-\u25a0ell known player of the Amntrur Hockey l.oaptie„hr left the St. KlCfafllMPink l»«* evening, where

the T«> «evc>n had fast defeated the newly formed

team of the New-York Athletic Club. 4 tr, 3. "La*

Saturday tight the PHnceton \u25a0 »en played a t.o

of 2 to :artt* the Wanderers, the winners of the

leairur championship last senson. and here again

BMrfCh< «•«. are Betting it nibbed harder into na.

Tb* <.o!icg:an* o«tplay«d the atercury Foot seven

In sjl etages of th( oontest last night, and seemednear, as strong an a^rcc:;:. at the one Prince-ton sent here but -Rrek. Bbcpard. one of the new

Sj!panto r.-,ir-.. Kew-Haven team, who took Dil-

\u25a0ortb's place early in the game, gave- an accountof tunnel! that was extremely gratifying to the

ten' of Tale, and they com to the rink in force.ajepi rd proved nhnadf \u25a0 swift skater, and an ac-

curate liafffft^ Another tower of strength tortsJs was Marcus. He seemed to be all over the

rink at once, and aha wed how well to had his

eye on the cape by sending the puck three ttmps

Into the net. The team work of the college sevenwas soc.3. and the material show* promise offurther improvement.

Blue Seven Defeats New Team ofNew-York Athletic Club.


For Ob' Point CMatMt, Nu.i.ii.. iKrtMßnu'.tv P!nn»r«Pi-Irt anc N*\\iort .\»\>!>. v «. naMcnai tor l>lfr»ourg.

EUcaotone VirsUKa l:«a-a. V.»».-..i»: .3. D C, «aJ tout*kntti tad a*!

F»?lst"» ami pa»»ens»r Meaaaesa -all "m Pier ZS.N. X Coot Reach St.. every »>-fk \u25a0!=«•. at .1 P M

H. B. WAI.KKR. Vtr«-Ki»»tii*nt v TrartJc lUnaan

-,1,1J U v -\u25a0) LJ Li uuuUc J> a

MtejMshtpa of the R.liD "IT LINE mill »all tor Baaluan ..>.• I sa Wl wm.S. S. PiULADF.LFinA BMiifdSJ Dec^inber 24. soon3. S. CARACAS . ?ai'Tc,'v January 7, dooa

I i f'rtt,r:t or r>as»<«K» a.'pi toBOrtTOS RT.r«g <• r >i.trrT,•"•nfral StSBSCVTS, *- W I<-

PlffyV*wl'l >*• mail"' m ar?!irat!oß far

SFsfel \';i!HiTOTHd^iT'K!!S3!IiS


CTXAJtD LINE.•"\u25a0* TO irvrtrooiVtA orKctaiosm.

F \u25a0>» i-ts 51 .'.?. v rth Hi-

I.urania. De. IT. ft A M '\u25a0 *:' ..i Jan. 7. TA. It.fmbria.. ( \u25a0•\u25a0 \u25a0 ;t"

A Mr* \u25a0\u25a0•'«ria Jan 14 IIA. slCampania l>pc. 31. 10 A.*Tia Jan. 21 a A. si.

.-d. •>;. iates 1...H Nt» Tork. #."0; st«3n<l cabin. $30 up-wards, arco. 1-nn to *'.af.*r and afcummodatUoa.


S.\ i\..-— Av i.iA,;c.New HtAn Twin *rew St-arn«rs.

S*!ixn Kairs $KJ upm: '.aslavoma .Bee. 20. ..fx.n; F«b. 7 Mar 2SPaNNONIA Jan .< no n: Feb 21. Apl IX\u25a0ARr'TrU... Jan 17 noon. Mar 7

•i:UTUMA Jan 31. noon. Mar a. May \u2666•Tarrl » Fc«-«nrt an iThird i:.i« only.

ArLiiv 2"« ir.T j"u.iv Kma TortV^'.iv H BROWN C,rn-ra! Agent.

SATISFIED JUDGMENTS.Th» fslVnrtag ?at.«(lo<! juoi;;m<>nts were amin? tkese

fll'rl yesterday. The first nam? is that of the d^bti.r.the second that of the creditor, and data when jul£-.nt-r.i was filed:..liinhatt.-.n Railway Company an<l Ir.ter'cor-

our;!iRapid Transit C mpanj—

F S Freemanai;.i another: Deoernber -.•. 1903 $3 Jj4

Arnold,« A Co—

X Dusgan; November\u26668. 10 4 «13

Boyd, F;o:cnre C. and Charles F. Watt HSamoela ar.i another; April 21. 1504 121

F*rksen, Leopold—

M Whit? Deceirber IS, '.'>"4 150Haak.-r. H. nr;—Madcna Hill& Co; March :*.

i»»7 LisaHyraan, Gcrs'>n. an>l Manuel Oppcnlftßl A

Oaffßer; December V, 1914 BIS»

FETITiOi>iS IN BANKRUPTCY.Th« fallowing petitions la iMMlhlllli'lirjwen amor;

th.-se filed yesterday:Wilhaaa I.ang»r.ztn, salesman. No. 215 Ea_«t Se\enty-

Or \u25a0 -.-• : liabilities, 11C.353; a * ts, 5. I• Tnr prin'-.;.x. creditors are Ma.i et al. No -:!We»(One-hundred-aad-twelftb-at., tS.4S3; J BunsL Sio r:-Wotir-st.. < :,y.: . Ninet<-"nth Ward Bam.. Fifty-aav-enth-st. rml Ttaird-ave., tf.'<2b.

An invoiuntny petiiu>n «as filed agiin-<t NathanI.fhrhaui>t. No 9 Washington Place, by M U. U»iae«ran.i nth • creditors, wit.lielatms ai6resat.ns -"-• In-sol\ en > is admitted. Proctor was appointedreceiver. with a bond of 1). \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0

HeihcrtL. t.'g£. iivir.gat the Hotel Vendome, Forty-flrst-su and Broadway: liahiiities. ((.301; as-^ts, $0}The principal c:ed:'or.< are emplo] I having a co.lective claim of $'..Jl~>, and Joaiah. Wroiner. Towreisvi...>. N ST., J1.594. secured b> ehatt*l mortuage

Schedule* ot bbnlemoß I>.nsher-i übom debt* ofJIS.&j: and a-ssetci of 111.77? The latter consist ofcash, IK:atoek in trade. $ : \u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0. machinery. 11.000;accounts. list, and " poilotea, <\u25a0;_•><><> Theprincipal creditors are F N Uoajo. No 12a Gr<-nis-Ft. 13.008; Kotli £- ('0. No 15* West Broadway, li.too.B rnhn. No 1(9 r,re«ne- t. H.900

penchment trial the Speaker will appoint six man-agers for the House! who willprosecute the casebefore the Senate. In this case, however, theSpeaker win be confronted bjr a p'-rpi'xin^ condi-tion. Ordinarily the managers would he selectedfrom the members jt the special committee, winchprcpan d the articles or Impeachisect, tor the rea-son that they are thoroughly familiar with therise and capable of handling it satisfactorily >.

th* trio!. In the present instance the House willdecide between the report signed by four membersof the committee. recommending n\f arti?!is at im-peaebment, and the report of three member*, ad-vocating one aitirle. Whichever wa> :t may be de-cided, the members of the com nittee reponis rejected will,of course, be unwillingto serve asmanagers. htkl the Sr«»aKer will be compelled to se-lect two or thr^ nien:'o«.r«! who nave nd had anopportunity to make a careful study of the case.

There is na foar. however, that the House man-agers nan f'i by the SpeaKer will not maintain th*'Hgh standard of ability wrich ehaiaeterlaul loosewho preceded thfm in similar impeachment prose-cntior.R. It is assumed that they will be readyto be«?:n th« trin! the Utter part of January, all ithtt. in the two or th>ee w?eK? necessary to con-clude It. they will acquit themselves with credit.


MELLEN GETS TWO ROADS.tbt TRjeoaukmi to the tribise.l

Pittsfleld. Ma.«!=.. Dee. 14.—Charles S Mil>n. pres-ident of the Consolidated Railroad, to-day pur-chased through local agents the controlling Inter-ests in the Plttafleld and Stockbridge ami theFerk>«riir» mllroads. These railroads have be«=noperated by the Consolidated ro. d under a lease o:ninety-nine years, tins cooitacj paying v p< . >\u25a0 •

on the stock he'd by about four nuntlred Berkshirestockholders. Daniel D. KirntKil. president of IbeHousatonio Bank, In 9 ockbriilge, acted i<>r Mr.SCellen, end IjjS was pntd for tbe majority of t.estock. After >.ne controlling Interest hud b*en sp-eured the inee was dropped to ITI, wh:.'h was tneprice quoted here to-day. I\u25a0' h roai a bavc a mile-age of aoout iwenty-two milts each.

The r.prKs-.ire ixtenda tram Canaan. Conn., tothe New-Tork State line, hi0 ihe Plttsfieid n- iSiockbndge :rnm Vandeusenville to this city, "livConsolidated wi !Immediately doubl< track th-Berkshire division

American Kennel Club Admits MexicanHairless Canines.

Five new breeds of does were fidTnittcd to thelift of recopnited breads at the quarterly rreetir.?of 0 \u25a0 American Ke»;nf 1 Club. :i«!d in this cityy«

-er!33y They wer* German staeepdogs, l"=c;u!-

C6- Mexican Tlers. Pek!n«=^p spanie's, uni!erHa) title of Chin Bare created tapdogs. ard Owtcbara.tie Tit", sheepdog's Srouc!:t from Russia this fallHereafter records wll be kept of classes andaamdu at tl!office of the club. At the fall showof the Bryn Mawr K?nnel Club a trophy for the\u25a0ben tna was awarded to Mrs. "Jack" Brashier'saaadWi terriers. It erp'iired that the "Scottieaf**fr*at the show or.iy to attend the first annual i

chow of the Scottish Terrier Club, held in con- iJcncuon, iir.d Lhe Bryn Mawr club ordered the re- jturn of the trophy. Mrs. 11-ashler aypf-tiled the ;ease to the American Kennti Club, and the dele- ;Rtfs decided 3.ea:r:Si her.k r??o!ut!on thrt certificates of the br'-p'linc of

2a tir's ard dams, from the breder? of such dops, |aat hereafter be submitted with all applications .tor tbe reentry of a doc's pedigree was left to :tie rules- comaiittec for further action. In the ab-ttccc o.' Pr'.E .'vx August Belraont. associate presl.Beat. H K. Bioodgood, of the American SpanielClub. r,-'i.7!^a the chair, wiih Secretary A. P. \u25a0

VeriSer.burrh. in his accuttot.Ted seat. Prominenteriorig uos<? present srere Frank H. Croker. Bui!Terrier Club; Danle Buckley. St Ixtuis CollieClu'u; Jarr.fs a. Caldr.f-i' jr.. Bryn Mawr Ken-nei a-jb; Ksrod \. Vtte. Sp->n:'ei Breeders' a.eso- ;aatioa: G. M Carncchan. Fox Terrier Club, Dr.J E. d» Jlur.d. KusiT!"! Wolfhound '"lub; .lameslurttmer. La lies' Kennel Association: W. B.J-mery. N. v- _•]-:,\u25a0: Keanei Club; J. B. I•ihcrr..:*, jr., Russian Wolfhound Club. HenryJarrftt. La<ii«><=

-Ke-ine" Association of Massichu-

f*-?'s. and r'etor Van Bchaick. Irish TerrierClub; j. 6rrg(»arit Prise, jr., Atlantic City, K^nel ,Huh; w C. Cortmftn, Rhode Island K«n' Club;-' S. BnsiUi v,.,.r. Terrier Club; E B. Woodward,'-hkaen K«mr.el Club and V.'. G. Rockefeller, Reafls Club i

Goes Off St. Sever as They Leavethe Post at JS eve-Orleans.

New-Orleans, Dec. 14.-Tou.esB and Aluddin werethe only wir.mng favorites to-day. Crunnuns, whobad the moji.t on tit. Sever, tavorlle in tne lastIUCe, fell <-"i as tiiey Ictt i.ho poet.

lat ..coiner vvu.d c*eii.r autl vie track muddy.The sunuuary:

First iac« ißtliirig; five furlongs)—

Totncss, 103 (J.Mbiua), . io -. •\u25a0•-, Oribkany, luo (A. fcitn^an,!, 60 io1, ctcuud, LitUe \u0084 .i. i% tact, yu (Sc&iUlnOt i>-v i. in,r>i.X.nUt, I.UovS. W. L. u^-ui^t. jdj.a m.., CiOiU tapwk,inkuui aaojiiuy, Cusaj\ibju°tti. ropic, Uasseiiy, tiydran^daaii'j i_.oijnjtia»3O run. raoa (se.,;ns; one and one-quarter miles)—

A.aaaui. Ill)(Klc&«4), i) io 10. won; Gu^i^e Vivt&n, VICiituu/, i- to 1, second; Lee riir.s, fci> IJ. tjenpftnay), laU> 5, iniiu. Tj-uc, -f.Xi-n,. i.;«3ii»..icl aiau r :i.

loird rin.e iiti.ins. live lux.ojibh;—<juio«,n, 110 (Mc-Ca'nityj, iji"1, w_n; Gaacouae, los (j. ;ua.Jiin/. 7 to 1,\u25a0ecoua; Esterre, 103 (bciuiiuig), a to 1, UUrd. Tim«,I:vo-b iljueaicltoa, bweaiaa Lad, limerick Girl, Girl!:\u25a0_!. j iJixie, Jim., ana a, ice Ltoyd aiso ra.i.icuilii lace (selling; Kjt\<-. mile)—Auu>.igtjt. IUS ill.

PhiliipSi. iiio l. won; Lermin. lv& (OocoJo), 5 tfl 1. b»c-.r.n, uii.j-..iiUS <Bchli:in»v. au> 1, Time. 1:•*!<•>».Cuiu.riai olsley, Merry A.ivbat ani cigmuna ran.

Fifui rare t^iX furionge;—

Jung.e imp. UiU c.Nichol), 9to 1, woo; JclicUl, lo- vi iii.i.lfß.i. 11 ,o 6, &;tunii;.ti^wi.n, i<j± (c. ji^inun ilto 10, talra Time. I:IUTi.Kuty Pla.U. F,ui>nji»r. tuvtiiiiiii. Dr. Biiuiy and i.uxa.60 ran.

ex ;i rac»- (one mile)—

Lady Char.ot.. 102 M(P. Fliiliipsj,fe to 1. won; S iweta. Vi (NictaoU, a lv 1. .-tcv/ni, RecktfTi r,t»ti (Wedacißtrandi, lito 1, Uuril. Time, 1.m. Aratjiuo.Altzzo, >\u25a0 ieeuu, and Debenture also ran. fci. S^ er lostricei.

NEW-ORLEANS ENTRIES FOR TO-DAY.First race (soiling; five fu.-.unss)

—Shock the Talent,

98; a Pnnre, i.. Dixie- Andrew*, Iw; Halcyon ba's,10O; Ethei t Pride. luo; Laaipilsbt, luo; railona, l\-2.Uundali. l"4. squish Lad, Ijo, 'fne iiye, 103, Mon Ani'jur,lUI !.-: 0] U--.. IOU

becund iace (tu.linß. seven fur'.ongi)—

I^ady Free Knight67; Ijuaxy. OS. l^jrd of the Vauey. 100; Federal, I'4;Kieinvv^od. lu3; Little. Boy. a«, Viona. JW, Ogorila. 102:Jose;te, li/4, Milaol Love, 104,

T:.i: ;race (one mile)—Mlrondale, 112, Birch Red. 112;Boutluuni t i), 110. licWiUiamS, 117, Worthlngtoo, I—;Aurumaster, US; Piautus, 11-; Stnor, liT: Wines-ap, Hi;(Jus IJcidurn, ;..".

Fourth ra'e (handicap; ore- and one-eixtetnth miles)—

Minotaur, Bis; ntebank. lU2. I'r.nte balm balm, 103;Bankin. 106; Mauser '.•:<: Garnish, 102; Carelesa,!!.n raoa isii fu.iur.i.s>— Trossarhs. ICj; Luulbe ("onnor,

W; Coortmsld. lu-i; Chanterelle, lot; Unmarked, 109;Dmleacaa. 111. Rodabek 98; Mimosa ii>4; Doeskin 104riamboyant, 107; Ai,; • Lewi-, 108 Old England, 114.

Siii.ii race (one rr.i>'—

cigral Liaiit. 07. J. H. O'Brien100; Matador. 108; lair he\eiler. 11^; Arah May 100lKentc-n. 100; Trouvere. 108.

BOMBARDIER OUTRUNS MILITARY MAN.San Francisco, Dea. 14.—A $i,<JOO handicap at a

mile and seventy yards wat the feature of theracing at Oakland to-day. A field of Sve went tothe post, with Military Man a heavily played fa-vorite. Bombardier, who went back in the bettingto 5 to 1. assumed the lead early, and, holding itto the end, won by a neck from Military Man. Thesummary:

Ea'i Francisco Dec. 14.—

First race (selling; one mile)—Lady Kent. 107 (Knapp). B t» 1, won; Bronzewinaj 107tKelsf»>en>. fiec, second; Gin &piay. 102 (Kally),25 to 1.third. Time, 1:43. Native. Glenarvon, Glennce, PencilMr, Vox JCider and Liable Candid also ran.

Second race (selling; one and one-sixteenth miles)—

Arah, 1M (Greenfield), 0 to 5. won; Golden Bvick. 103(Davis). 3 to 6. second; hay Templeton. 101 (Travera),7 to 1. third. Tim*. 1.10 Colleen L>has, Mizpah. Villa, ant) D!i». c also ran.

Taini race (seroa—

In. Sherman, lofl (DavlE).P tni.wan: Hippuoax, 111 CKnapp). 3 to 1. second ; Rc-dDamsel. 11l (Busaell). 10 to 1. third. Time, l:31vj.r.Tyriu H.. Scotch Lad Young Marl.vw. Profitable, Flan \u25a0

cur and Waterspout a^o ranFourth race (handicap m.« and seventy yards)


bardl.-r 103 (Mlchaelc). 2'/» to I, won; Military Man, 107(Helites-Ti). 1 !\u25a0 8. Becond. Leila ftr> (Greenfield), 6 to I.thiri. Time 1:17'« Modloum ar.d Llf.le Wa!!j also ran.

Fifth race i«"'.i:rp, Fiiturity Course) -Belle Reed 109(Sherwood), Ito 1. won: Allre Carey, 101» (Alarie) 4 to 1.sec ad; Albemarle. io; rrtaven) S\i to 1 third. Time,1:13':. R.-ir) Burns, Carmelite. Puredale, E'lu.-aie, Troy.Prefidlo and Mato also ran

M\th race (Belli ? fine and one-sixteenth mil«>F)—

RedCrosa N'urt-e 9S (Greenfield 1) 6 to 1. •TOO: Inabelllta, 10T>(Traver?). 4 to l. Bfeond; Malor T'-nr.\ 106 (Kelly). 2 to1 third. TiTie, 1:."i1'4. Radly Used. Follow Me. Chica-d#e and G;M Finder »Ifo ran


LONG SCHKDULE KEPT.National League Sticks to 154 Games

—Cliampionship Favored.Tne National League governors, who began the

annual meeting at the Victoria Hotel on Tuesdaymorning, after a six hours' session yesterday after-noon took a final adjournment at 6:30 last night.AViihout definite- plans for a post-stason series be-tween the champion* of the National and Ameri-can leagues, the meeting passed resolutions favor-ing such a series, and directed the national con,-

miaadon to prepare all the rules and regulations forthe series an.l submit It to the two leagues. Tl'erid schedule of IM games for each club was re-tained, but the season must not extend beyondOctober S.

The application of the- minor leagues for a changeIn tho refutations regarding the drafting of pl.iy-era from them was approved, and a new rule de-sign*d to restrict and properly punish players whosboali by their conduct be removed from the fieldwas passed. Changes in the rules of the game wereleft to a rules committee— "Ned" Ilanlon. managerof Brooklyn; James A. Mart, president of Chicago,and Max Fleit=chmann. of Cincinnati

The pr<i,araUon of th«s sciedule was left In thehands of President PulUam, who was directed toconfer with President Johnsou of the AmericanLeague In making It up.

A:y -layer remo\ed by an umpire for violationcf the laying rules is to be Jined $10 for eachremoval, and if suj^ei'dcj he Is to be fined $10for each subseqje-u day suspended. The fine

must be paid within five days after It is levied.The oid playing committee. consisting ofHanlon. Hurt and Max Fleischmann. was reap-pointed. The committee on constitution was ap-potnted. to Uteludi Presidents Herrmann, Brush andEbbets. These umpiies for the season of 1306 wereup ointed: Robert Ln.Elie. Henry O'Day, J. E.Johnstoae, George Bausewine and William Klem.

In cor.&equtnce of the arguments of HowardQriffiths, repiesentln X the national board of theNational Association of Minor Leagues, who pre-sented the claims of the minor leagues with re-gard to drafting of niayf-rs, the meeting of the;uai,ue. after boom discussion, adopted a resolu-tion authorizing the representative of the nationalleague to oe at ihe annual meeting of tne nationalconuniaEion to vote tor the amendment of thenational agreement proposed by th« NationalAfcbociuuoii ol Minor Lea^uts for rearrangement.i Uie uraiting vsteau Xns. classes ait; Cla».-iaa. ti.^w ci^r one p«a.vej iionj o:ie ciuu^; Clatiaa. »i.ou> tii^r out [>>*+}er fjom o;,e cluo>, Classii i.iAj {tor two j.i.ii-ifcic;, i.i4M c. Jojw mo hum"s lv nui^ae:>. class l>, w-jO (.no limit as to num-ber.)i:.c representative was directed to confer


\u25a0\u25a0•'\u25a0 American Leslie and ti;e National As---ociatioii toward i..ah..;,o cnauges in the ua.uonalagreement and to le^ori to the ltaeue.

Limited Copartnership ftottce*.

Mi-.Ult an LINK."*"rUMOrTi!-C!:rPEf>ITt! SOrTHAMPTO.V

Salltßfl ran:. ta]r* '\u25a0• •• A St.. i'ler 13, X. It*N>w Tor* r>ff. IT Ft Lr>u!» Deo. «1St. Paul l>" 24 > Philadelphia jjua. ti»Li-> SIAH LINK.*•*

NEW YORK—ANTWERP— LONDON—PARI2Li~.i!!ir.s at Dover f^r London ar<l Psrls.

PniHns .-^tnrdays 10.3.' A M.. Pl«r 14, X It7»»Ia:- 1 r>*T-. 17, Varterland D««. t]Kr-v nlar.'f P*o 24' ZesUnd J*uj- 14


Sailing U>,!;.ef ia> ». Fi»r 4-«. N. RMa*««tk ...Pee, -1 10 v at <v,tn.- ... .Jan. 4, «:30A. Si.Battle... .Per. -"*. i> a. M Tvutnnlc.. .J*a. U 10 a. JVNKW ViIRK AX T< BOSTON p?t?Et-T


"(ROM m:w t«»kk.

REPI BUC -Jon. 14 Non. F«b a K«aaCR£TIG Kb * .\our.. Jica. 13 Noon

:k> m r. -t>'\IANOPIC Jan 7 It IQ A. M. Fro. l-» 3:20 A. V.Romanic ... jiiu. 89 S: v f :.i.. v ;. iiiP. at,

PAB3ESCGER OFFICB, » BKw.\t»«AVFre.sht Oihu. Whitehall ii'l<. flattery H:ac«.

SQUADRON A FORMS HOCKEY TEAM.The troopers of Squadron A. who have done so

much for pulo in this city, are to tu-n their at-tention to hockey. A number ,f Kama are to beKtadoM, incluiilrg one with the team of the'th Resjrre-nv. Practice tames will be h< id out offloor; W).r. possible ml In St. Nlch-»I3S Rink at•war tines. Tbc-ron R. Strong, of No. 43 Wail.•1., i m̂anacer of the team.

•Mat . J ...^JfjAimIntended Steamship Sa,ilir.|« (torn Tajaavaajaasj for Japan,

«.ii i.-ia.. yaiiltpim iis .ani».Emprrj« ox inU *... •

.(•. t.u.p «a» «.. • .!\u25a0:». ...>**». 98iu&prtaa si J. «;...Jan. j;< X •; .s T.iti: Xar.

•R. M 9. 4taas^a«...j>ek <i BiLiwaei of In^la Mar. a»

Bawati rijiMbokss. A«otrana mat New ZnUnl.Ao. anitl Jan. fc. oo .Vi... *ia .. »!». a. '08t\ir^c* jr.,! lafMSMttao a;i.i> tj•*^> anJ 1 UrcaJway.

HASVARD-N. Y. U. GYMNASTICS.\u25a0»\u25a0» \u25a0 P. ISctde. '5, iriWlffT Of the New-York Uni-

f»rt ty uuuiasllc team, announced yesterday thatSr-&1 ur&ocemente had been completed for a joint

*^ibio:J v,;th the Harvard team, to bo held atUlv«r- ty Heights. January 20. This v.-iil be thes lJ»»e«tinclJ»»e«tinc of the two universities in any brancheir r".. ,::.ri wi;i also be Harvard's first appear-rr* in the c.ty wi h a gymnastic team. It isVf.r.

°'hat a number of former New-York I'n.-"«-iy t ars v.ill perform. T!ic n.eet arranged

Sarch a****

Leslish at University Heights, on


I,o? Angeles. Dec. 14.—1t was a day for favoritesat Ascot, five Of them finishing first. Dug Martin.a 100 to 1 shot, prime to life suddenly, and wasbeaten out only half a length in the fifth race.Maggie Mai key finished third in the second race,but was disqualified for fouling Ralph, andthe latter was placed third. The summary;

KrFi ra<_e <;>ix furlorgp)— 108 (Herbert. 10 toI, (ran; Blneri< B», 107 Catoriarltjr), -\u25a0'< to 1. geeond; Leon-ado, 100 fMcDaclel), 15 to 1. third. Time. 1:18 Tizen,ij.Oriei t, Evermore, Heigerson and Br<-tin also ran.

Eeoond race 'five ani;f furlongs)—

El Otro* 110(Hi;.;. b and). 10 to ". won; .-inli-ico. !•."• fW Millar), "'

to1. secoiiti; Kalph Ueeae. li"(Otla) 10 to I, third. Time.\:OU\~. £and*tctie. Per dc lAnce, Joe Kelly, L*na Le.'oiiland Maggie Mackey «ls< ran

Third race laever furlongs)— Major, 110 'MrDanlel).6 m 5 won; Galamhua, 106 <\ll.t.U brand"). IIto 1, McotiaWacir. 103 (Lawience). 6 10 I third. Time. l^tt*.Landreer, Ectado, Blissful and 9tra<a>ler a!s>o ran.

t'(, .r #1: rare (One and OB<*-«lxlaeBth n-,l!^t)—

Chub, lot!a. Clark).

"io 10, won, M.-G atbiasa Prince 107 (Dusant.

o to l. second; Cineljuiaraa, u>s (.n. Po»'n«), 15 to l,n.lrdTlnif, 1 18 Harbor a'..-o lan.

Fifth tar* (seven furlon»»)—Phys, 80 (Knot). 9 to 2.won Hug Msrtui IO 'Mo('omas). 100 to I, serond .r-,skv Secret '.'» (MoiarUy). :< to 1. third. Time. l:40&Lr/U»eli-«-a. lot. William V. 11. Erne and HindooPllneaei al^o ran.

Flxtb rare (Siauaon Course)— inter'u'Te. 11l (HCd^branr!)4 to 5. won; Po:rr-ro G:a:: |08 tMcOanlel). 4 to 1. sec-ond: /tactile. 108 iu«:tu.-. ,'; to 1 third Time. 1:11I'aisr Ji.ov.n. Erlcula and Foxy Grandpa also ran.

SCHEDULE OF COLLEGE CHESS.«c til.owing schedule of ocnufts to be played

•a the romins Ir.tircoliepl.-ue chess tournament to"» he;ri here has been arranged:

w^6-'-,.;. December 22, Columbia against Yales«^fer.-i uga:nfct pr.nciton; Friday. December "'\u25a0'iff™*"* \u25a0jfa'nst Princeton, Yale atranft Harvard;fS^vay r<f-.en.b'r 25. Columb:a against Harvard.i«if aga.nst Printeton.

CORNELL'S SOUTHERN BALL TRIP.Ithara, N. V.. [toe. 14 -Fans for the Southern->t> of the Cornell baseball team to be taken in**

EE*fct*T ••oatlOß are now practically completed

la*trr'r'Jliy m&ny choree- frcm tr.e schedule of"\u25a0*'•"' This jeer the team. infiteau of playlnf

j^"fc widely sr/;,arat.'3 paint*, will >.'<> direct toa t2"t-i <!;nn

wr°':r or flv* team* w-n he metwtf hL ,°

-*'\u25a0**' « jrnts All (,t Cornell's same*

'eaa. ';.,, '•?>•-« in ™« But- of Tomieesee. Th<ttr.rS Ml "v* ItJ:"--1 '\u25a0'\u25a0 March |«. It will pay««ojflh2iilVlth "•\u25a0 •''\u25a0•- Un:vcr,liy. one withBt^^tJ*^ f t^ •S

T-u:hern League, at

«•»* M,i."i,u'-uml:'r'ir<l I.nivf-rsity aiid on«th* bSSL«" ,to ivvrr-ty of Nashville and««* tiiSSS oa Smf*- The team wm r


TEXAS <MIA>HAIH«. Ur.X: O AL.. IMA -"Taw41*. FLORIDA V..»> \M. •\u25a0 .•i^,-^.«lv««ii«,

Kry VVcM, MntKle J«cU o\u25a0.!:». »c.».ttf.;.,.!v tXCWPSIONS TO r^'i::D.C

feVwaAn "Pn. .:.i i* F'titsC H MAIXOH. % •\u25a0« >.» r'r ,niti >t . N T.

•*\u25a0• Kor La v-u«_.... i-.)«r-.j Car-ello. CaraoH sod Man>-iai j', .i.» wuiaxaw, >\u25a0- -aw a- -»un j._;,. t. .•;.

Kum ffai 11. a.!>>inin« \v-»:! Km.. «.ya.ti .- i'lllUii.iia.A .. ..-at_r;ai. V\u25a0•-•:".b«-r


c 6. CARACAS Setvday. January T. noooKir 1* >j-j>:a <•\u25a0 r '.<•\u25a0\u25a0 M. . liba

S 8. ZlLIA >atur!..>. llf.lwh— 17. iwsaa\. d M^K-\CAIBO rJ.u:C.I .. t:\u25a0 »l. u^o.i".ht-s-i *uam*ra t.a\« aapjlor acvartacocjiUisj tor aesv-.., j

BOUX-TON V.T. •\u25a0-•? A I-M.LKTr.\u25a0 , ... !-\u25a0\u25a0 s H \\ a.l M.

It is doubtful whether the House will decide Infavor of the majority or the minority report. Then*Is a feeling among the ablest lawyers In Congress

that the evidence before the committee fails toJusti.'y the impeachment of Judge Bw«jrne for hisjudicial acts, and they will rigorous > oppose hisarraignment be.'ore the tar of the Benate on morethan the one article of false certification. On theother hard, there l9l9 a strong sentimeal led byRepresentatives Powers, of Massachusetts, andPalmer, of Ptn n»ylvania. who believe that JudgeSwayr.e should be punished, not for falselycert.fylrip bis expense accounts to the governmt-nt.but for his acts of omlislon and commission whileon the bench. They win urge on the Boose thenececslty of taking cognizance of ail lbs crimes »!tbwhich he Stands charged. and behind them Is a for-midable ?ent!rr.ent favorable to their contention.

Under the precedent established In the last Ira-

First—Fa'se certification of expenses.Second— Non-residence in his district.Third—Unlawful personal use of a railroad while

in th*' han^is of a receiver.Fourth— The O'Neill contempt case.Fifth— Belden and Davis contempt cases,

which will be Incorporated in one count b> cause thooffences were committed at the s-imv time.

The minority report. Msned by RepresentativesUttlefield, Parker and Gillett. of California, willdemand impeachrr.t nt on the single charge of falsecertification of travelling expenses. This wi.l makethe committee stand four to .hree In f^vor otarticles of impeachment which will cover practicallyall the pcrioufc charges against the judse. Whilethis division of opinion will result merely in thefc-utimieiion of two repot ts. all agrte.r.g on the neces-sity of tn.peachmtnt. but differir.g as to the numberof urtlcieb. It will precipitate a heated discussionIn the House. The House leaders are confident,however, that the debate on tr.e reports, which areprlvi.eged. will not last more than two or threed:iys

rrooM the Tnrm-NE rrT,»A.r.l

Washlcgton. Dec. 14—Majority and minority re-ports from the committee appointed to prepare

articles of Impeachment in the case of Judge

Bwaym will. In the opinion of members of thatcommittee, bt presented to the House of Repre-

sentatives about January IS, and a decision as to

whether these articles shall contain five charges ora tingle count will rest with the entire body, andwill be reached only after a more or less extendeddebate on the floor of the Hou«e.

The special committee has decided that each of

Its seven members shall prepare his written opinion

In the holiday recess as to what charges should be

Included in the articles of impeachment. The fullcommittee lmme<!ir.te!y after Congress reconveneson January 4 will meet and prepare Ha report,

which will t-e presented to the House probably not

later than January 12. It is not likely, however,

that a unanimous conclusion can be reached, and itis expected that majority and minority reports willbe submitted. The majority report, which will besigned by Represcntlves Palmer, Powers, of Massa-chusetts; Clayton and De Amend, will recommendt..<i Impeachment of Judge Swayne on the following


Swoyne Case Like to Cause a LivelyContest.

"f \u25a0.. c rote ia ,"3. "C0 t3ti». will sasiM «br-- apecial v.**», sanies Jam.4.:.. If .Ml«n^ .aa..i'

—ii: li-J... U> t..~ t.:. . 0... .NwCft

k;.a Uai-.^:; \\•»; in..:*-.-, i«i..«.ji». l-uri« lUcw. CU3a> *..1i,ip, U fe»i«a 1.-i tieac cr-.»i». «c<4«yam .. 13 it•

\u25a0• : .K'ir bratou <-' »..ut-iy and garfacUca of eUstatta ta«a*>

cruli!'*at 'lasiirt*.-.-•• > i...?-,i \u0084t,. I'». jiv-

lcs a!l tnf iination. j«p'> 10 A t. • ! : ::!i»Gfc, *co A^r....^ t»> «^«>- -v S Co. Ltd.. £.> Bru»4waj>. Nn»Yorii- a. Ai^-ir.oar**. Qa« at rirertay or m» flkm a<i; an».Aji>. \*« re**,

ryjS, THE UNDERSIGNED, ALLBEING OFru.l as«. eeslrlßS. M lorw a limited iart:nr»nn

rursua.u to lue provtMußS "t U»* l*arlnirr»aip '— v ..| tH»biale id .\tw V..IK ibaiOS >;. lei SI v." Urn GrBOTOil^iiv.s), do tureby make, b>«n. ii>.*n-.w.rilsr »:»J fi;B thi»ccrtdicau •; follows:

1 T:ie If""or tirm un>r which rai.l limited part:;»r-

sh'.p is to be oiniucted i* Raym«.nd, Pynciton and cemlaiiv. an', lit* V :': 'n p > «\u25a0:•

'-n UM \u25a0rtnrtpal t/.j^e >,f iij»i

Ctbs is to be located is New Y<ik County.2. The BJ?a*(ttl nature •( th« l>-f::',-^- lriteni!»d t-> *#

lran»acte«l ia a gen«r;»l commi?.sic>n and brokerat Suhir.»-.-». including U>« dealing m uocka, l>>n ;- an! .>[.:--

tecurttlra ana in (fra:n. tution and vtfier mtrrhsiliilsa. i3i 3\u25a0•neraU] cum i\u25a0 :: in th« l.'iljof Nt-w Turk.

3. The nanu^ anil resi'Jentis uf the -.^1 partners,all of wnoin a:t .->f full ,m an as i1 ma:

Harrj K*ym nd N'r» Tirk CityCr.igt M I*>ncacn. G:e nwic-.i. Conn.CharTe: M. Enton Sew T ik Cttf

The name and llllllT*of Mm sp partner, who laabo of iV.I ace. li . _ ,

V.'tlliam E. Rei.i. New York (?lty.4 Th* am bi el capital wMch He >ald special partner.

William E r.ei«. has contributed tfl r*ie lIMIMst .tk ofth' partnership if liftytnou.a'Ki doihwa '*."l».O«it).

B. Tba lin.f at which the purtfl ruhlp is IQ I-Bin >»Noven b< r 1. r.' v. and ItU to <n! OctobOT '•'.. f-»"7

Ib witni»s »h»reof. we have rr.a .». ilaaad. Ktan»leticed and ''"\u25a0<* this c*rtit>at« this 7::. la] 9t XAtmitiXlxH.


State of Itmm York. Crunty ol N « Tork, •».:On th \u25a0 Tth cay of November, l'-t'i !>-fo. •• me p»r«->«

all-, api'Uifd Harry! <'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. f- M. Pyr .-*• .r,!,,.-!,- M. EaMfl and WllTlam E !:\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 W \u25a0• rvss :>i; v

kni»r ani anowa to me to be th* m.hvl :ua's dMcrtN*>|in and wn» <-\!Cv.Lcd the foriC'tr:g ctrtlfleate, anJ th«wwvarattl sckaowladfjsd to me that UM) -xacuied i.iceanie.

MM BRVSER.•Sea! 1 No-ary Pxiil'c N«« Y.rk County.Ftate of Nr« York. County of Yen- V ik ?»

i;»-oi«r M. Tynchtn. betn* fn.i-n. drp.isej «nilia>.«. »' at i"- \u25a0» '"•:•' d t ie gen-ral pa:t:.e

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fewoi-n to Ufcre me th;» Tth <luy .' v>\u25a0 • t!*t. Hi"4WH, M BRI'OKH.

'?ea! > wol»rj Pnblte New V rk CounfCl»rk'» O<*V-. To-intv .if N>w York •» •

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•••an Twnn t. HX^TTT.TOV. ,-!^rk

tV«.ea« Atramera.«fA YEI.OCE-—F«tt Imliaa;Lid*.

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EalMs* iviry l\'.'(?r»sday to N.-n>s. i>naatUdlTcrtno Deo :tl'\ord Am#rtoa .ha 23

Cav In I"•un Plrtiw •ar<n on n-,,m .,v \u0084 v-kLOUOOUCSL H.iRTFIEUO *CO.. la Wall St.

Election of Graduate Football CaptainStands Approved.

TBT TELEGRAPH TO THB TKIBrVB.ICambrlcige. Macs.. Dec. 14.—Harvard men were

pleased to learn 10-nlgnt of the ratification of there-election of Dan Hurley, as captain of the foot-ball team next year by the athletic committt-e.Hurley is the first graduate ever elected captainof a Crimson team, and it has been a question forsome time whether the authorities would approvesuch a bre«iK from, tradition. No step was takento s«loct a head coach

YALE'S BASEBALL SCHEDULE.New-Haven. Conn.. Dec. 14.— The official schedule

of games for the Yale baseball nine was announcedto-night, after being ratified by the faculty officers.There will be thirty games as follows:

March 22. Trinity at New-Haven; 25. Fordhamat Fordham: 2:-, Manhattan at New-Haven; April1. Tufts at New-Haven; 6. Fordh?m at New-Haven.S. New- York National League at New- York City;11. Amhcrst at New-Haven; 12. Brown at New-Haven; 15. Columbia at New- Haven.

Kaster trip: April 20. Georgetown at Washing-ton; 21. open; 22. Virginia at Norfolk: U. open; Co.Georgetown at Washington; 26, Pennsylvania atPhiladelphia.

April 29. Pennsylvania at New-Haven; May 3. Maine«t New-Haven; r,. .An<l»v»r nt A ruiovnr; 6. Brown atProvidence; 9. Lfhit-h at N w-Haven; I°. West Poißlnt W»et fntrt; 13 Holy rrox at Worcester; IT, XV;!!-

!am« at Wlli:amsto« n. Mam.; 18. Syracuse at New-Haven; 20, Holy Cro« at N>w-Haven: 24. open: 27>ori!etn\vn at Nen-!!avn: 80, cpen. June 3. Prince-ton at V.-\v-H-\ven: 7. Dnrtmouth at NVw-tlaven: l'>.Princeton at Princton: 17, Princeton at New-York, In-•ase of tie; 22. Harvard nt Cambridge; 27. Harvard atNew-Haven; Ju'.y 1. Harvard in New-Tork •City, in cai*

of Mo.

N. Y. U. AWARDS NUMERALS.The executive committee of the New-York Uni-

versity Athletic Association yesterday took actionon the two amendments passed recently regardingthe awarding of class numerals and 'varsity letters.Class numeral* were awarded to the following mem-birs of '07 track team: F. Sullivan. G. Piper. H. G.Streat. H. Krausman. C. Ton^.cr. M. L. Mear^emand G. Hyatt. H. E. Xagie, manager of the foot-bni; totm: R. E. Denike, former mannper of th*'football team, ard F. Russel. former manager ofthe track team, received the 'varsity letters. Th»\u25a0>•\u25a0

rren have tn*> tame privilege of wearing the N. V.U a«< does a rrertiber of o-e of the teams.

A. B. Ward. manager of the :ra:k team, reeetvedsanction to hold Meets with Wesleyan on May 1at Middletown and -ni

-h Ls high on May 13 it Orlo

Field. Tin* itif»t with I-ehigh was arranged willthe condition that a return contest be he J In 1906.



CRUISE TJIS UJtIKNT. **MUP.\u25a0*»»;ru.::. -

\u25a0 . \-. . > ttfttM \u25a0 \u25a0».• a. a. X't-lAe.Etu:« Uifia .Belt •• :

F c. :L-*tik. :::urto v: \\ \Y. N. 1.

COOK'S Nl.'.E STEAMEI:>. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-•\u25a0 per w—<fr.->m » aim tj Ftr-t anil *<?*<>r.d Catwaeii THOA.COOK A SON. Ztil* l.UiBraadvwj.y. and •«» Ma^LauaA\x.. N. Y.

W. A. BRADY. GETS $20,364 JUDGMENT.William A. Brady, the theatrical manager, whs

for several years was Interested in six day bleycle

races held at Madison Square Garden, won a suitsome time ago against his former partners In thoseenterprise*. Patrick T. Power* and J. C. Kennedy,in which the court awarded him $17,000. his thirdof the profits having amounted to $14,716 99. which,with interebt added brought the total up to 117,000.Mr. Brady yea erday obtained a Judgment againstlowers and Mre Kate Kennedy the latter beingadminlsintor of Jarm«i Kennedy 1 estate. The•mount of the Judgment Is ltf.3t»i.

The principal changes are In the regatta com-mittee, where all the members ore new. Oliver E.Oionjw^ilis to b« the chairman, with C. I*F. Rob-inscn and H. De U. Parsons as assistants. Thepresent chairman, 8. Nicholson Kane, who hasfilled that position tri fifteen years, Is to retire, andiiis SMid he will be presented by the clue witn aloving cup, In grateful recognition of hi* services.Francis \V. BeTknap is to be appointed measurerIn place of Charlfs D. Mow.r. ere ire to be atew changes in the committees op admiislons, onmodels.' nn club stations. in the library ana housecommittee*.

Handicap Contests for Medals and Foils Be-gun at Morningsids.

Columbia's fencers met yesterday In the opening

competitions of the annual fall handicap meet.

Medals will be given to the first three men. and

F. Lags. '07, Science, captain of the team, has

offered a pair of foils to the freshman scoring thegreatest number of points, regardless of hand cap.Among those who will compete are C. L. Joly.

•06. Science: H. Perrine. 07. College; F. J. Byrne.'OH, Science: W. D. Murphy. '08. College: R. W. Dox.

W College; L. V.'. Brldgeman. "Of. Science: E. V.Watson. '06. Science: C. G. Amend. "\u25a0 College;

J c N< gus '03 Science; J. N. <_ nrysue, 08. Science:C. F. Cornell. ''06. Colieg'J. and W. C. Francis. '06.

\u25a0nw°^andlcapi which eho^ the standing of theThe handicaps which sho^ tlip standing of themen will be made known when the tournami nt isclosed Joly leads thus far. with seven victoriesand no defeats, and Watson is second, with sixvictories and one defeat Tie handicap! will alterthese standing*. The results are. Joly defeatedFrancis By ne, Christie. Negus. Amend. Cornelland BHdeetnan: Francis defeated Perrine, Byrne,Ne-us and Cornell; Perrine defeated Watson, Dox,Amend and Bridgeman ; Watson defeated Byrne,"wus Dox. Amend, Cornrll anri;

i?\rn^' defeated Negua and OonjeS: Amend de-feated Byrne > t-r'st c.Pox and Bridgeman; Bridge,

man defeated Byrne and Christie; Christie debatedDox, and Negus" defeated Christie.

MOTOR BOATS MAY BACE TO CUBA.The first annual motor boat races and water car-

nival at Lake Worth. Palm Deach. Fla.. will bo

held from February lto 4. following the internation-

al automobile tournament on the Ormond-Dayiona

beach. Henry M FUgier Is a: the head of the

Palm Beach Power Boat Association, and FredBterry is in tharce of the contests. At least sixraces each day, open to all kinds of power craft,

will be given, and following the meet an ocean racemay be la-id from Palm Beach to Havana, as Cu-

ban sportsmen a:e said to be desirous of having thetournament extended to Cuba.

Paul Morton, Secretary of the Navy. has beena*kt d to provide an escort of two torpedo boats topolice the courts and assist in the r;u>-. SecretaryMorton hm> written to W. J- Morgan. No. U6 Nas-sau-si who has charge •:£ the races, that he has, • lend the Bureau of Navigation u> forward hima r< port on the subject, and on its tiie Sec-retary has prom to assist tne project all he can.


Alden Sampson. 3d. of Plttsfleld. Mass.. who en-tered a car for the international cup rare lastspring, but did not finish his racer in time, has

been experimenting ever since, and has now made

a move toward entering the field as a regular

manufacturer. To gel under the shelter of theSelden patent, Mr. Sampson has purchased the en-tire capital stock of a manufacturing company, inCambridge Mabs., to get the privtfeße liom theAssociation of Licensed Automobile Manufacturers.


The most Important meeting of the year for tbeNaw-York Yacht Club will be held in the modelroom of its clubhouse, In West Forty-fourth-st., to-

night. The chief business in hand willbe the elec-

tion of officers and :he appointment of committees

fur the year IMb. It is settled that the present Rag

officer*—Frederick G. Bourne Henry F. Waiters

and Cornelius Vanderbilt— wttl be re-elected to nil

the positions of commodore, vice-commodore and

r. iir commodore. George A. Cormack and Tarraat

Putnam are al:o to continue as secretary and



The boird of control of the National CyclingAssoci: t r'li. after capful cons deration of the ca* aof thf insubordinate riders a: the rec-.n. six-,a;.

rrce at Madison Square Garden, ras decided to inflict p*na tt s imn-.edi -.tely ns'ea^ of wat.ig forthe annual meeting in February. The act. on of th?board Is as f\u25a0>! o.vs:

R. A Wai Ivur. Atlanta. '"a., ami James F.Mr, an <"h< sea, Mass.. suspended for one ;.cur.

Otio Maya Erie. Fern-. anl lames B. bowlerChi ago, suf-pen ed for Elx m nths

Hut-h McLean. Chelsea Mass.. suspended for sixreo-'ths. or iay fin" of JIM

"X t" Tutler. (amtrrige M-.f?.: "Jed" NrwklrkCM ago; Menus Bedell an<l John B-el LynbrookLou*!;; "Bernle" Munroe Memphis, Term..suspended for «-lx month? or pay fin* °\u0084*** .fn ,"•

Chairman Poard of Control. N. C. A.

Other Cyclists Who Quit Six-DayRace Also Punished.

Bo«ton, Dec. 14.— fight bicycle riders who re-fused to finish In the six-days" race in New-Yorklast week have been puni-h-:d by th- Nat.oval Cy-c ing Association. Walthour and Moran ant] Maya

and Bowler have rein &u=re:.dtd "Ilu o her* re-co ye the choice of suspension or fine. The dec.Eionas announced to-day reads:



That's What This Legislator Would Do—He


L'r.ccln, NtL... Dec. li-—There will be no morefootball in Nebraska if Representative Cunning

ham. of Hamilton County, has his way. and th-powers of the State are going to be called upo'

to prevent the playing of the game in the cornbeakers' territory. At the session of the legist*ture which convene* on January i, Mr. Cunning-

ham will Introduce a bill prohibiting the playing orfootball within the confln-s of the State, and a*i-^-^JIy of games by students of the State Univer-sity.

"1 believe that foot hall has been carried to ex-f«i,' nays the leg slator. "and thr-rt* are many

brutal features which should be eliminated. If Itwere l*rs dangerous, and did nnt Interfere withstudies, Imight favor It. tut Iwill introduce a billon the first day of the legislature prohibiting Uit>i>lay;ng of llvsby football."