new-york little of the

¦ if im waist the mmi mm m H3ELI? AnTlSTli". tfeorOOSk dressmaker; hifthest referenc < . desires sngagesaents; r!ay or - ntry. THOROUGH. Box 144. Tribune . DOMESTIC SITL'ATIONS"WANTED. Male. SPECIAL RATE TO I'NEMPI.OYED. »» arils. a times ...15 cent* 7 time rate. ........... .;{<• pi-iil« ATTENDANT. NURSE and MASSEUR.— By an Englishman: thoroughly experi- enced and compateat; h.ghest personal ref- erences from nrominent gentlemen In city. HENKY. 3>* West 43d-st. CUTLER. VALET.— Trencn; long «pert- eace; sciter and honest: be« city personal references; wages $40 to 856. JOSEPH. Box 74, Tribune Uptown G_tce. 1.2 1_ Broadway. ' POMES-TjgJITCATIO-iS WAITED. Female. SPECIAL RATE I «> WEMPLOTEB. -i word*. .1,,,. , 1.1 Bt » time rate 3O cents CHAMBERMAID.— •« .-, to do cham- berwork; wlU.n« tatmr* for growing ehll- aren; bent given. Address MAID. care cf McCarty. 64S Colambua-ave. " CHAMBERMAIX>.— lady wishes to place her chambermaid whom she can thor- oughly recommend. Call 292 Madisoo-ave. CHAMBERMAID and mending: will assis- in laundry or other work: well recom- mended. Addr-sa DOWN&Y. 3M Ease Stirh-st. ... DRESSMAKER.— A French woman, having had the direction of the workroom of one of the best dressmaking establishments in Boston for the last twelve years, wishes to secure a few patrons for high class work at her home in New- York City. X. X.. Kox 3. "Trio H ¦¦ Oflice. COOIC. By Japanese: first clas*; recom- menJeii with first class references; cap- able of taking full charge: gentleman's place preferred. OKA. lb^ Sands-st.. B'klyn. (SHAKER, experienced, reliable, takes work home or by <Try; s-kltt. wui;-'-, also •Iterations, remodelling, misaas* an.l ehil dreaces. Mis. HOOD. l">(j \V,=t I<HK-St. CHAMBERMAID or WAITRESS.— By neat young girl iprlvat« family; good refer- er.r>. call 114 Washington Place. OOA :RNECS (n *. rmrseirjr) ot iimiatiiliin . He; (i . ¦•:; Fren a. German. Ei Ssperienc . I travi 11 -r; best refareri .-.- M. M-. 657 West U4th- nt 51. SPECIAL RATE Tt?*ITxEMPI.OYRD. SPECIAL RATE TO INEMPLOYEO. -I words. 9 tluieM ...... t.~ cents 7 time rate SO cent* WORK W \STED. COOK. Ey Japanese; first class: In prlvat* family; best references. COOK. IS3 Sands-st.. Brooklyn. COOK. 4c— CHAMBERMAID. &c— First class cook, laundress, roasts, soups, bak- *~j als " chamhermaid and waitress: city or •»« n i r secarate or together: reference. £4» «th-avp.. ;; st Coor. back BUTLER. Two Japanese; long ex- perience; work same place in country. Y. X.. 147 Cherry- at, DRESSMAKER.— Mrs. «"ooke, 235 West 44th-st.. near Broadway. Correct styles; perfect fit: faultless skirt droop; reasonable; msiblc COOK. 22. rrlvate family, boarding boose or betel; city referees*. MORRIS, care Elerman. 12 \Vllset-st. COOK and r_\UNDREi«— CHAMBERit VII> and WAITRESS —By two rear, willing. ob.iginsr English Protestant girl*: not afraid or work: best oi reference*. COLLIER. 15- I th—31,31 , DRESSMAKER.— FormerIy witn B. Alt- man .v CO.; thoroughly cocipetent: best work; modctatc prices. 3d. FLYNN. '•'' West »2d-st. COOK ! ¦ small farrv- or country. MATSU. 3'J - DRESS and i !><>'<K MAKER.— AII: parni'-ni« Hl!«ro.l snd remodelled, I velvet steamed ¦ ¦ ' IJRKIG. I"l W< t i COUK. &c—German girl aa good plain. coo« ami laundress, or general hous*- ,T'',1 K\.ln^!K \. ln^ ! " nal! Orally: country preferred, Call owdsnr. 147 East 52d-st.. basement. STENOGRAPHER, etc.— Youns woman as stenographer or stenographer &nd book- keeper; has had eleven years' commercial and law experience; is Ihuroughly comp- etent and is capable of acting as conri- Je.itlal clerk or private secretary; salary, $18 to $20. Address MISS D.. Bos 10, Trib- une Offlce. COOK. Japanese; first class; In private family, be-t references; wages $50 up. JAMES. IS3 Sani3-st.. Urooiilyn. STBAMIMd, fa-ial massact itnd scalp treatment; at lady's r dden :e; by en ! udy. B-, ¦':.">" B COOK— WAITRESS.— A lady desirej t> place her cook and also her waitress; both nrst class In every way. Apply between. 11 and 1 O'clock. 145 West SSth-st. COACHMAN; 31. Swiss; married; 5 ft. 11 in.; thoroughly «xperlenced; itrtctly sober an.l reliable: careful driver: excellent city referents. MICHEL. 305 West 117th-St- ¦v ' Xl 1 r we. h; hest clt ' v a. . ¦¦':'::;,. ¦.'MAN— Toons man; stylish driver; bept city reference. DOBFON^. 336 40th-st. -: ss privata family. where a kitchenmald is kept or asslstancw ¦ g* Eaal ll:h-st.. Eer.ney's bell. 3TENOORAPHER-— Germaa or Dullik tup; :1";: 1"; with oi nifi-n Ben m.»- chlne, KXPERT, Centre-st., Newark, K. J. DRESSMAKER..— StyIish; pood cnttei and lH;er wants few more families; $'.'SO per day. Apply by letter. DRESSMAKER. L7SS l>-x;nKton-a\e. ' -K>K. *c— Reliable, neat German Prot- eitant as good cook; assist washing. Iron - rence; city or country. 14* iii«c 4tth-et. FURS. Sealskin paiments ma over, re- jjuircj, redy«d, altered and remodel in- to jut-»t styles: finest work; estimates «Ivenj home preferred. CREIU. i.;: West ta COACHMAN. GARDENER and USEnn. MAN; English; wife to do general house- work; wages ?;.'¦> a month: both strictly temperate: Connecticut preferred. Address Box SSW. Sajnrilts Loss] Island. CO^K.—Competent woman; no objection to> liule washing: city or .-"untry; good r**- i :e. 3i-J ui-ave ; second] TEACHER.— Vlsitingr privata lessor.s In English literature, rhetoric grammar, mathematics, history; by former high school rancher; be*r city reference. MIS3 NYE, Boa >«. lrlbune Uptown Office. 1,242 Bros '.•• GOOD DRESSMAKER going out by the fiay. apply ROYAL PATTERN CO.; 2S ffefi 23.1-«t. COOK. Younjr woman: flrsr class eooki reference. SI. C. 121 Wes; lSJtb-at. ona tt'.ftr.i up. 1 BUSINESS CHANCES. fiC flTiffTfrfl INVESTED In a company that ¦JO W-t!Hl.|^h«s be-n a Clvldcnd payer for seven yesrs^wlll earn *lo«» per month. cash dividend. For full particular* address DIV- IDEND. Box lUO Advertiser O;:ic-o. Newark, ; NO HAIR NO PAY. J A natural mineral w«ter that grows a I r»w and luxuriant ?n ai of hair upon heads \ that have be<-n bald for decades; certified to by !;.«- Board c? Health to the Chamber of | Commerce. Will stop hair from falling out ¦ ¦a.thin it-.:--*days. Proposition maik f free, I-rith recoro* at eminent j-.t-i j.lf you know, 1 A greai offer. A. ire-= [SHAM'S CALIFOR- . NIA WATERS OF LJFK. 1.142' i lircadway. LAN INCOME of $!.< per year can be j teemed by any one who will take the trouble to Investigate our plans*; no gold mine, oil well or gambling scheme; simple. >trelirh.tfc.T-»ard busln<— « proposition. THE , .U'MIAP CO.. 61.-.-621 Fullrrtnn DullJing. St, L>)u!s. Mo. Al-MTIONAL CAPITAL l--'. ••",•]{¦-¦!. for tiierchanm. manufacturers sn-i others d*- : slrtnc tv extend their basineMi: utoros. I l>USine«F plac^o sold quickly. M' DONALD & WIGGINS. 257 Broadway. Tel. call 2409 Cordt. ! _ jINVENTIONS m '. Im-Movements prodaced, j perfected, "by practical expert. Address IB Bos: 2i>. Tribune Ofßce 'OWNER of plot cheap lots, near city line. ! 23 minutes from 42d"-»t.. will =e!l noirn from 8988 up; $!(• cash, balance *•'• month- ly: will pay agents 2»i per cent. LAW- HEXCE, 53 West :U"d-»t. i PRACTICAL electrical ani niechaniral ex- pert; Mi vices, puamnteej .satisfactor>'- Address i:.. Box -."•. Tribune OSke. bbOAIID AM) ROOMS. j A!—A!—A!— ATTENTION! ' HICh class apartments «nd rooms, with j and without board; doctors' nSi.fs; ill '•>- 'cations; rcfercr.ces excjwnpei'': information free. •. .- C. LBt-AND .v <>"•-. ' 2 West x; : -• :AN elegantly furnishr-d Fecon.l floor and i sds< r rooms, with board*; references ex- rtianped. 23 West lOlb-ct. iA— EAST 24Til >X.. rear Mart'.fcn-ave. ! Large and fmall rooms, ¦th board; I references exchanged. j PRIVATE) FAMlLY.—\ Mm has « : pretty apartment alone old like to share It With another woman of refinement i elevator; h^His*near Oetral Park Weft nnJ |i'_d-ft.; references exchange 1. Addre«a M., P •* 72 Ttinuie Upttjr.-n OtTi.v. 1.242 B'way. ISTH-CT.. 12. EAST ovarta king Grainen y I I'ark. Rooms wuh lx^arj; parlor dining: i extra- clioloe astalc: small. hom«-;.k* tatlri.. i:«TH-i:T.. 122 BAST, com r lr\ iri<! Place. Sunny rooms, with l«>ard; i-arlor (3:n ir.g: extra choice m«s'«; references •»- CJu inged. 12TH-ST.. 4" WEST.— In quiet, rrfir.e.l. absolutely clean house: sitting room and bedroom; breakfast served; references. ! . i 26Tn-ST.. 51 WEST. su;>*rior aecom— lo- I dations. families and gentl.niei; ; suite?; ! sqnare and tingle rooms; excellent table | tx>ard. i 24TH ST.. 11 EAST.— Large room, with frivate bath; ether rooms: with board; '29 EAST 22D FT . Denraole '.a:c» and ' small room?, with board, f or families an* ' gentlemen. References. BBTH-ST.. 88 aTEST. Furnished rooms and suites with private baths (or gentlemen. COACHMAN. &c—r.y English Protestant couple; man coachman, gardener, gen- erally useful: wife excellent cook. as.-:-t laundry; 4 years' personal reference: city or country. COLLIER. 152 West 34th-st. rEACHERV— Young lady desires visitins position as teacher of primary English branches, or as secretary or reader; highest references furnished. Address U. Z. L.. Tribune Ofrice. H. I'.UKO. Indies- Tail' «nd Furrier. :.UO Wett 117t;i-st.. liftweni £th and Manhat- tan ave?.— i^ul!.- made to order. latest style?, perfect U Rnnrar.teed. BS3 up; suits of your own n..<:- lal. $12. perfect tit cuaranteeif: cleaning ar.d repairing In all Its branches. O">A<:!.\:.\N.— r'irst claaa aSBSSMI arid written Hlwiuin; understands the treat- ment of horses and lino carriages; no ob- jection to the city or country. Address D. C. » East Uftttb-^t. DAY'S WORK.- Swedish woman to do cooking, washing, Ironing and cleaning by ta* day. LARSBN. 220 Kast 57th-st. TEACHER.—Experienced laiy teacher will take charge cf home or pupils; visltlnjr or resident; higher English languases and music. Addrjia METHOD, Rosebank, Stat< - Island. COACHMAN or USEFUL MAN.— By will- ins;, experienced ycung man; married; cot- tage or tenement; mo«lerat^ wages; good reference. JOHN BAICE, 152 6th-ave. H LEVT * BON Mfc Furriers. 1.«54 Lex- |oßd and 10«th l".i:s redyed, rr-paired ¦ modellca. HOUSHWORK— By English woman: good cook, laundress ; small faml'y. short dh»- t;n.-e in eooatry. J. w.. care of Mia* V. or,<!s. 121 West 19th-st.. rear house. SUITS of ynur own materisl. Jl2 up; skirts 13 up; al»o repairing, alterl;-.-; cleaning f.nd dyeing; skirt* rebound M) cents; h!jrh- trt era.V work guaranteed. HARRIS. 56 Wett ISth-st. COACHMAN.—Single, aged 20; thoroughly understands care horses, harness, car- riage* capable man in every respect: city or country. c. M.. Box 42. Tribune Office. VISITING GOVERNESS Parisian, desires pupils; •oak) make arrangements fcr classes; highest references. Maw. H. Has 43. Triboaw Uptown Office. 1.21- Broadway. HOUSEKEEPER. Ac—By refined worktng housekeeper or companion; do upstairs wcrk. sewing, in family where servant la kept; city, country. Address AMERICAN. 708 Cbhimtras-ave. HOUSKWORK.—Good woman for general housework: city or country- good refer-. ence. FAY. Mi West 41st-st. 2 flights. \Miiik WAIsTKHh COACT (MAN— First class; married : city or country: win be disengaged November I; present employer can be seen: best lares'. ences from present and past employer*. Call o r address H HEITMANN. 717 Pros- pect Place. Brooklyn. Male. AMERICAN, former relent of Mexico. wishes to communicate with firm deair- In? an employe speaking Spanish. Address AMERICAN. Boa Jo. Tribune Offlce. HOW TO USE THE VOICE. I HOW to speak withease, power and fluency tangnt In a few practical lessons. DB TiPI'lE. 7Q7 Sth-ave. HAT HOSPITALS. HILCKBN. 750 6th-ave.. near 4Sd-st. Gents' hats cleaned, blocked and made pv't: straw hats -, gpecialty. _^ V HOW TO ~j GET arrßOXGllg_ HANDBALL, b..xlng, fencing, baths, etc Wood's Gymnasium. 6 Bast 2Sth-st. En- | trance. jr,.vo. monthly dues. t2.ou. INSTITI'IK 01-'MnRATION. j VIBRATION INSTITUTE 1.931 I 'way, j corner '';.i!i--t, Room 'Mi. Vibration I cures rheumatics. K(J ,u and all diseases I caused l.y ba.j olrcul.-nion of the bloiM. JtST A LITTLE O1 " I)\ KHYTHING. TRIGGER'S Modern Curiosity Shop, 41 3.1- ave., buys arth les you don't want; sells I «'tjf!.»a yi.. t i do cant. I _ l\lM)l.i.\<; WOOD. BUY your kindling wo. direct from fac- tory. A Epeclalty of *u;pl>ln? families. I v '•'• or telrphono 5.274—18 th. 1". J. 1 U CL.VSKK . Murray Hill Steam Kindling .. \u0084...| Factory, -:. . ¦ and 11 th aye. _ .M T -. i: f* AHV _ WOKK I'I.ACBP.^ AUTHORS' MSS. REVISED CRITICISED. PLACED on reasonable terms. Write j PRIZE STORIES under our direction. Bock ai.a I'lay MSS. wanted. Send stamp for Booklet to HAWTHORNE AGENCY. 141 ; Hn'idwny. Room 615. New-York. i.k i:nsi 1 K-'inALMEKS. THR WOMAN'S ASSOCIATION of Gradu- ate Licensed Embalmers for th« cars of the .jf-a,i woman and children.- Calls from undertakers, doctors and. private families receive proript :iti..ii. Offlc*, S.SI tali- avo., open day and night. Tel. 425 Colum- liu.s. LADIES' rAIHSIAN HAIBDRESS- __^ ¦ »_»?•.. -. n HAIRDRESSING with Trench Marcel Wave \u0084;'.''' <2o « l ";prices nasonable. CLE- mi-.nt. 1,151 Broadway, between Ltith anJ -¦tit fl«. ! jLOST. LOST OR STOLEN.—Passbook No. 50.041 of the Excelsior Saving* Bank, 79 West -M-*t., New- York. All persons are cau- tioned igalnil pui basing oc negotiating the tame, in: any person havlnK a claim to ¦aid na»»^ok is heresy called upon la rretent th« same to the hank on or before 6th day or November, 1801, or submit to having the passbook declared cancelled and extlr.Riiished and a new book 1 sued In lieu thereof. LOST or STOLEN.— No. 865.518 nr..l Bankbook No. ;::t1.i»43 of the rial Srant Industrial Savings Hank. Payment stopped. I'leas-e return books to bank, 51 Chambers-st LOST OR STOLEN.— Bankbook No. 553.881 of the lifrman Savlnga Bank In the City of N'ow-York. corner 4th-ave. and 14th-»t.. i'sue- 1 to Lizzie Kr;u.:a. All persons are cautioned against D«a*OUatlng the same. If not •• turn< d to the bank on the 13th & '>¦ of November. 1801, a. duplicate will be issued. ANYONE holding or laying claim to Bank- : book No. 21.000 »f the I nlted States Fay- Ings Dank Is n.juried* to pirscr.t it at the bank, as a cew boifc la about to be Issued. L.Al'.\DniES. OUR SPECIALTY is Ex.mes.tlc Shirt. (v.iiar sn<3 Cuff work. HOFFMAN ARMS LAUNDRY. sVt!i-st. anl MadUoo-ave. AMSTERDAM LAUNDUY.— S(i rt. Collar ar. : Cuff work. 4:« Columbus-avc.. Blst an<l 02-1 sts. LINOTYPE COMPOSITION. ANY type or measure at astonishingly low price*; puttteatlons, rrc»«work. PAYNE printing, 103 Park Pla :e. I.AWYKHS. ; THE Empire State Legal Aid Co.— Estates. wlllh. accident cases, family .llfferences; a-ivjco Ir-o. lsfl M-nt^gue -»t . Hrr-klvn. ¦>ii- i i ; \r.oi'«. WANTED— Uy th« N -Yorfc Klr.<ierg»r- ten Asaoctation. West 42J-st.. a small ofßce faff and a letter prcn. the »»me to be contributed by some m- . of ••.. Atso- clatlon. ——MACHI\KIIV. !AT REDUCED PRICES.— 3OO •e-rnl-ha'n« ¦rood and iron working machine.; fully guaranteed : machinery bought ani ex- | charred. OHO IJ. EDDY. SM Mad ron-*t. I THE MIETZ A WEISS Kerosene si '. Gas Engines for power a' ' i-umrlng purposes; fully guaraiitccJ. A. MILTZ. 128 Mott-tt | M\M<-||||M.. SHAMPOOING. ETI . ; BREWSTER'S SYSTEM of Manicuring, Racial Ma>saK». Scalp Treat- i in*. &c. Removed Iron 12 Uist I7ih-«t. to ; C45 'Madison ¦ . over Produc« Exchanxe | Bank, between .">t>f. and 80th us. Pupils jcarefully taught Unique shampoo bajln. i VAPOR BATHS.—Curei i it. rheumatism, all nervous troubles. Expert operators, j manicuring. BTEWABT. <-• \\>*t 25th-st I M\«.i« i\«i;it i;\ h:hmi\ator. | BALLADE I CO.'s rr.o«.qulto bite euro and Insect exterminator never fails; destroys I all Insect*, and cures bite* or »tln«»; for . ..•• at al! dealers', Office, life West _3'l-st., I ¦•.w fork | MAM OK MATTRESSES ' 5 COS A"NDBY7 - m^vVest ~2?th^»T^3laT^ resets 'Boad fl o~«r at residences; up*iol- > ''-- arnj jecnrnt'.r: bent ot references. OPTIII \ s - nn ip iitoii. cup ' can be fitted to any eye- clasit. Try it on yours. Lorgnettes in ehrll. ¦liver, gilt .... ! * «I<J MEYER A ELTINU. «17 Uh-ave.. New-York, block ¦<l. ¦•? Her.i.l Building. ~~ OLD (IIIKISITV SHOP. ( - THE ORIGINAL Did Curiosity sn-.p. guns. tnuchinUts' tools. malheuiatlcal and •urglca) Instrumcms, antiques, etc. NlCK- ;.i\'.', lCt r.n.. Row. OLD GOLD A I)!< l l. VKit W.\ NTKD. fpfffi' l Iffi Bouf-ht. CEO. N. JOYCE. llC'.li).-- \u) Je«tll«r. 123 Nassau-st.. <&~H r HT) I near Beekman. Best prices I§) 'U*'!* :^ ' paid- Established 1822. OLD GOLD AND SILVER bought; old Jew- 1 elry, MC : highest prices paid. A. ROB- I I N.- N. 3 Catharine-tit. I OLD Jewelry and duplicate wedding pres- ents at the a«ay on of B. P. HOW- ARD^ '" John-bt. WORK-OUT OOLD AND SILVER bought by R. IyON'GMAVS SONS. Gold and Bii- Vl.' RellPt-a. S John-!-t. OLI> FEATHER wJliftt WANTED. -Old feather beds; htghest prl-<"« paid; t-t «ny offer. fttATHERS, 107 North Kth-m.. Brooklyn. ___ PLATE AND AVINDOW (iLVSS. A. MILLER, 67 E. 50th-st.. 1 caler In Plate ur.i Window i ilai Leaded snd Stained i.; 1 .-,::- Telephone No. »'>' -¦*'¦"- "-••"¦ TURKS IIUSTOIIKDAND HE- i,im;o. PKNELS cradled; oiiT engravings cleaned, etc establlshe I 1678; hlgl esl vtfer- j enrm. CHA6. V. SNOW. «02 Cth -ave. j 'Herald" f-jii-r^;. I'KIIKKI TO CIIKAM. i rrrFpCTO CREAM is a delicate) white bleach, bkln food, wrinkles, tan remover for &> cents, by mall. LIA RAND. 11* !Washlncton-st.. r-ro«.Kiyr.. K. Y. PILES. ; A CERTAIN CURB or no pay for PILES. EPILEPSY: month's medicine free on i trial- "0 years* experience. Writ* for par- ticulars. Dr. TUCKER CO.. Broadway <>n- tral Hotel. ..-¦:..>.. New-York. ntIVATi: MAILINGCARDS. I EKTIRSI new line. Just published; also World's Fair edition reprinted, postpaid I IR<» dfwen; «T>eelal views made to on.«r. JOSEPH KOEHLER. Publisher. 150 Park : Row. N. Y. _^___ PARQVET FLOORS. ; CIIARLEaTnOAk, 212 West 38th-st.. Wax and Varnish Polisher and Repairer of Antique Furniture. Parquet Floors cleaned ! and i«olished. All kinds of waxing, vatntsh- :Ingand polishing. China, glass and house- 1 tula Buuda packed. HOUSEWORK.— By a young girt to do gen- eral housework ir. small American fanstty. Call Monday at 116 West IDlst-st TANNEW & LEVIN, 1.586 Hroadway. near 47t1--«t.. lacif.s' tal'.ors and furTieri-.— I>adif>s' gB.-ir.oius remodelled, lined. Into th» te«t styles; goods called for and de- livered. Tel. t,229A—3Sth it. Tailor made ftiits to order of importp.l material!', tllk llr.ed throughout. *4.'i. worth $70. Allwork under our personal sup< iFlon. as.«ur- lnff y<<u h. perfect fit and entire satisfaction. MRS. BAUBR, mai y years in best house*. makes stylish gowns, fancy and" plain waists, new atyli petticoats, at S3 West S4th~st.. r.ear sth-ave,; liJlea' own nia- tpria'.s; prices very low. ADV'f:RTI3ER would like to hear from wholesale druggist or manufacturer of druggists' specialties wishing Canadian rep- resentation; travelling preferred. P. O. Box t>74. Montreal P. 0.. Canada. COACHMAN.—Married; aged 37: heisht. 5 ft. 5 in. ; 13 \ ears' best references, written and personal; thoroughly under- stands bu.«lne<s: willing and oblig- ing. Address T. D.. Box l'\ Tribune Up- town Office. 1.242 Broadway. HOUSEWORK.— By Swedish girl to do up- stairs work or general housework In small family: no washing. Call Monday at th<» Swedish Lutheran Emigrant Home. Water-st. BOOKKEEPER 20 years of age; 3 years' experience In wholesale business; can fur- nish best of reference and bonds. SPIEL- MANN. 335 Plea.ant-aye, ¦ COACHMAN and USEFUL-U AN.— Single: Thoroughly understands care of horse-. harness. carriages, flower*. veg*tabl«>s, lawns, furnace: moderate wages: best city references. 11.. Box 12. Tribune Office. M ROSENBERG Artistic Ul Ing Habits and all U-,r..'s of Kur-;; nl ;cr!rc I ' '• Suits at the . ¦ 423 L*O ¦ LADY going abroad wishes struattona ftw> waitress cook: also chambermaid and to* washer: best references. Apply 2S EJajt 33th— st. BOOKKEXPER. AbOtty and honesty ?oaebed for by former employer>; also recommented by public accountant. J. R., - Tribune OBHS LADY'S MAID.— Mrs. William H. Don* «U Madison-ay».. desire* a position far a lady's maid who has been Is her employ seven years. Call Monday. WE TEACH cutting, Bttlag. making and flr.l«hlng of corsets. dres»ss and millinery; bis money in it: patterns cut. Apply v 1 FIX'S RIO 318 «ith-ave. COACHMAN— By middle aged Englishman a> family coachman, to taks entire charge of !tdy"3 or gentleman's stable; best refer- >>ars in last place. Address J. E. HBICU. 7th-ave. ST. ALBAX'P—B. W. DB FOREST, PROP. S. 7. 5* East 3IM-«t. Room* single. *n suite; private baths: r arl"r dialog ro?rri; t ;esn: htat; l!gtt; >arll OXrUonal. KMPLOYMEXT AGENCIES. LAUNDRESS. First class laundress take* home fine washing-: experienced la all branches; five years' city references. O'NEILL. 7 St. Mark's Place. BOY, U, active, bright, in ottice or iarge wh :• nW h use; ran furnish re' from last ampl yer. Address UKILL.Y. 1,234 IM-ave. COACHMAN.— Married: city or country; best ci:v references. P. G.. care Dr. Cat- 88 W*H 44th-st. COSTIMEItS A\D ARMORERS. LAUNDREdS.^Young woman aa first .a,* laundress; expert on shirts; 6 years* per sonal reference. 100 East 54!h-st. IT BAOTHQIWOT'S EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 211 East s?it at l'irst clase domestics are supplied. COACHMAN.—By young man ; first class in every respect: very beat references; dls- enxaired. this week. J. 11.. care Duggan. H*s 3.1 aye. CARETAKER. Country place: fully com- petent to take full charge horses, garden. lawns, roads: best of references. C. MOORtX 1-1 East 52d-st. ¦ OLORfiO ] Sing man »-|«!;es work even- lua-j of any k:r..l: ran furnish best refer- ence. a. C., Tribune iifßce. LAUNDRES3.— Work at home for •• - or gentlemen's washing; no i aula "M»s^ 112 West 100th-4t. VAN HORN & SON. 34 EAST SOTH-ST.. near Broadway.— Theatrical, Historical. Eal 'Masque and Tableau Costumes tr.ade to order and to hire. Telephone. CERTIFIED accountant's assistant la open for engagement: first class references. Address C. A.. Tribune Office. AT CARPENTER'S Employment House. 108 Cth-ave. . can be found best coachmen, grooms, gardeners, farmers; married or sin- gle, all nationalities; well recommend 'd; all female help. COACHMAN. By a young man havins: best references; has live! the last year as sec- ond coachman in the largest establishment in this city; city or country, where a well trained servant is wanted. J. 11.. care l>;iKk ir, t?tV Mslis CAST OFF CLOTHING. !LEMD© LAUNDRESS. &c By woman, to go out washing, ironing and cleaning. Monday*, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. LIMEURGER. 249 East 77th-st. EF=T Southern help furnished, and general iiousewcii kerr. Call or write B. \ AI- DEN, 72 Fleetest . Brooklyn. ELDERLY MAN. Preach, strictly honest. suber aud r-llable. desires position of trust nswfal man in business h 'Use; salary no ohjert; no ageni-y. HUXBERT. 254 War- ren-st.. Hrooklsn. tM Mf illKW Br-ckl.-r. fealaT hi n»-w sfii clothing: hlghcal prl<*i paM r*f : tothlnc. C LAUNDRESS and CHAMBERMAID.— By German woman: good city references; par- rranent position ; private faml>y: also seam- stress. Mm ISHLHNCH. caxa of Mrs. Wer- iruoJ. 1.335 3d-ave. COACHMAN. An Al coachman: never uses liquor or tobacco; is an expert driver, reference. X.. care J. W. Renwlck. 223 West 46th-st. BEST HCBVANTB. BEST STSTHM. IR- «rr»ra en aye. ano uth-st. . .;-.n-::. IXX-ESTIGATBO. TtLl-3- PIIONB IS* UTH-ST. ATTENTION! IadIes <J»rinr.g ti lilspnas of their discarded clothing, furs, weir , &c. will receive highe*t prices for him. Address Mrs. COHEN. 6'J9 Cth-ave. ENGINEER. Marine, stationary; licensed; 23; just finished season on yacht: all around mechanic: dynamos. Ice machine*; references: repairs tools. WARNER. 322 Wett Houston-st. COACHMAN— Eight ye»r»" references, last employer can be seen ; understands his huaines-i thoroughly. W. bIIARKY, 115 East 7Mh-st. MRS. LESTER. 7* West 35th-st— ment Bureau: French. German. Swedish and English first class help. Telephone 3Sth. USDEGRBNF First Clasi fwe.Ush Em- ployment Agency. 407 Gth-ave. Male and ferrale help for city and country. ATTENTION !—Htgriwi prl<*s paid '<T la- die*' cast-off clothing. b>nd postal; »»;i caiL FALK. 471 7th-av*. MAID and SCAMSTttCSaV— By first class "*) woman. In a first class family. Address Mrs. M. W . 223 Eaat SSth-st.. ht- ter h. x 1. ENGINEER.— City and marine license; scber ani reliable, with reference: coun- try n^> objection. BACON. 188 Freeman-st.. FARM MANAGER or foreman on gentle- man's plsce; many years' experience) aa4 best of references to ability. Address FARMF3R. 6«1 Fulton-st.. Brooklyn. F.-KMKR and GARDKXER —Experienced; refer^::c«s. J. SMITH. 154 6th-ave. Mii> n.ARA minami. Employment Of ¦ ' . 19A >' ultl D M ir.l all natl n- ELEVATOR MAN. 4c. colored man. running elevator or as door man; with good Call *-''' West 33.1-st. HIGHEST PRI '• r»!d ?°r ladies', gentle- Liens and children's discarded Clclhing. fine Even'.rg and Street Costumes. Jewelry. Bric-a-Brac. Furs, etc. Mr. cr Mrs. NAF- TAL 744 C-.1-ave.: telephone l.oib B swtk. HARRIS Select Emplo mam ilra, <i Btmms), B3J , PHOTOGRAPHERS' SUPfLIES. NEW-YORK CAMERA EXCHANGE. 114 Fulton. Largest supply; lowest prices; Cameras bought sold, exchanged: send for bargain list. r " ' PHYSICAL CIXTIRE &. BOXING. WHY NOT be a perfect man?— Prof. A. i>arker guarantees to make you. in a oourea of physical culture lessons. 1.164 Broadway Call or write for full partlcu- ' :ai«; leigona by mail. , IMAXOS. [PD-A-ROdD© TT© RitEKilY ¦ Keasonable rates. Rent allowed it pur- chased. gyll^^ij^— lit? Fulton 14th St.. N. Blila. !Vj IS, Im Fulton & Kifctbush. BUS. TAINTING AXD DECORATING. THE LILIAN Contractor Co.. 257 2J-st. i r.oonu painted 51. 25 up; kalsomlning. $1; papering, Jl 75 up. PHYSICAL CLLTI'RE AM) BOXING. iTuTSM^NNr^a^Sw^s^u^nr^trotrr^aTe. Laili*>s, gentlemen, children; $12 month; three lessons week; highest references; se- lect patronage. STORAGE. CONTINENTAL Stcrajn Ware!io"S?». t\3- ! 31'j W. 4.'M, just off Sth-ave. Tel. 2.597 SSth it HAEGER BTURAaB WAREHOUSES. »th aye., 33d to 34th sts.— Storage for lurni- ture. etc.; : .. 1.'.c ,! x-ans for moving, city or country: boxing, packing, shipping and in- surance; estimates furnished. Telephone call. a. 21Q 3Sth-st. CAGNEY"B STOBAGB WAREHOUSE. 21S U#st :;7th-st.; established 1SG0; this oM. reliable wnrehcusa handle: with unsurpassed care boxing. l , aiding. moving; city and country. SILVER PLATING & REPAIRING. TABLEWARE repaired and replated. equal to new at moderate prices. LANDGRAF MFO •"i i . 127 East 6§th _. ¦ATKa. DIEBOLD SAFE CO. (Beadle) makers. 30 Reade-st.. near Broadway. Some second ban.!. Easy terms. STAMPS, COINS. ETC. STAMPS of all kinds sold at Sf> per cent discount. MONARCH STAMP CO.. 2 West 14th-st. i:\DKHTAKKUS A EMBAUtGRs! CAMPBELL BURIAL AND OMBM ATXON CO., 241. 243 West 23d St. Telephone 3200 ISth St. Chapel on premises. I'MniIKLLAS AND CANES. STEIN3CHNEIDERS T'mhr-llas are the best. 124 Fulton s:. cor. Nassau. Fin De P'..>c'e best Silk Tmbrella, $3 S, Umbrellai r«© rarad witii Imported Silk, ii i>>. All repairs 18c VIGOR PILLS. DR. BLOOSrs^TonTc iriis.Tor "mal«Tor~ fe- mal' . 2"i years before the public: $2 per bottle. nroad-st.. New- York. I WIGS— TOUPEES. \!JC?O(LILQ^DffI Dd'CEPKIEOB- man AND TOUPEES. 124 WEST 36T11 STREET. TWO DOORS WEST OF BROADWAY. Tel. 32v-3sth. Hepner"s Wl^s «re acknowledged the best In the world for bcth Ladles and Gentle- ' men. mi ip was rep. j A nEAUTIFTL pair of link cuff buttons and our Illustrate Catalogue of Chrlit- ' ma*Novelties for 4 cents. D. A. BYRON* liV.-j.. IW» ti'h a\e . New- York. Male. ATTENTION!—Men wanted; {3 takes you to it ::¦ il European ports. London. erpool. Glasgow. Hull. Antwerp, etc.: also ! free pi'--"'.' steady positions procured. | Shipping Offices 5 Clinton or 73 West-st. I ATTENTION:— Men wanted: $5 and $7 j takes you to IJverpool. Load n; 110 to Germany; *-'> to Cap* Town. South Africa. I Aiso experience.! cattlemen wanted. Call j personally. Shipping Office. 03 Ist-st. CIVIL ftatVICE government positions; fI.SS* appointments made last year; prob- ably 10.0<X> this year; only common school education required for examination: cata- los;u« ... information free COLUMBIAN 1 CORRE*PONDENOII COLLEGE. Washinf- ' ton. D C. ' homo WORK.— The year round: no can- ! vasslng; $3 !. weekly; working even- ings- experi*nce unnecessary: Inclose •tanir; wort malted on application. -'/TU CENTURY MFG. CO.. Toledo. O. MAN AND WIFEi. colored, to do entire woik of family; must h«v« good refer- tn »•». Apply at gentleman's office. 212 Church-st.. .NVw-York City, after Tuesday morning, or ad.lre*!>. stating particulars. W. E. POWERS. Rldg«wowl-ave.. Glen Rl :-;•.. N. J. SALESMEN WANTED.— Experienced can- ¦ for tewing machine business in i Brlds»i>ort and vicinity; best contra-; to I reliable men. Call or address, with refer- i ences. WHEELER A WILSON MFG. CO.. IM Falrfleld-ave.. Bridgeport. Conn. YOUNG MEN for Railway Vail Clerks. 1 Inter-Stato Const Inst.. Cedar Rapids. 1: lowa. 1 YOUNG- IfBN everywhere wanted: we pay $8 per thousand for writing letters for us: ¦« can use twenty thousand weekly; send addressed envelope particulars. F. M. "'. t)«pt. S3. Box 1.411. Philadelphia. WANTED. A shoemaker at seconil-hand 1 work; steady. SCHWARTZ, i«J Attor- ; ney-st. : WANTED.— First class men who can sell copper Ftock in a number one mln«. AV- d!.-.- FISCAL AGENT, care Empire Cop- per CO.. 10 Broad New -York City. WANTED. Men who can be depended upon to wort 12 days on special assignment; |M cash paid for th« Job; If satisfactory. *'.•"<) and expanses in cshli per year on per- manent assignment; our reference ar y bank: Inclose references and felf-addresseil stamped envelope. THE NATIONAL. 307 : Caxton Block. Chicago. SALESMAN WANTED.— One of the 'ending gas fixture manufacturers in this city re- null-'-!, a thoroughly competent salesman in : their retail department. Address, stating experience, M. P. T. Box 88, Tribune Up- town Ofilcc. 1.212 Broadway. ' WANTEO>.—Man and wife. conKenlal, le!n ' rite, strong, able, as gardener and cook ' ' for permanent, desirable horns in country: only those seeking a permanent, good home ' answer. Address GOOD WAGES*. Tribuno Office. _____ i 11F.1.P WAXTED. FtMiinl**. ' LADY practising physician would" give In- terest In KOvd eaah paying business to . lady with Soo<> to $I.ikk» cash capital. Dr. ' WILSON. 31 West Csth-3t. JIBS. HO —DEN'S Brnployment Bureau and i Training School for Servants, Ssi (Ith- ¦ aye. ; jnen iui4 women .servants; references guaranteed. _______ ' YOUNG LADIES everywhere wanted: we pay >.-» per thousand for writing letters for us; we can use twenty thousand weekly; , send addressed envelope particulars. F. M. I C. Dept. S3. Box 1.411. Philadelphia. $9 TO $15 WEEKLY working piecework for us at home; no canvassing; if now employe.! an horn or two evenings will add $5 to 16 to your weekly Income; write to- day; Inclose stamp: work mailed on appli- cation. Address »TII CENTURY MFO. Co -- 'felt do. Ohio. ; WORK WANTED. ! l-'enmlr. '- SPECIAL RAT— TO I.VEMPI.OYED. , «4 noniK. 3 time- IS cent* 1 7 time rate "t> cents 1 BOOKKEEPER or OFFICE ASSISTANT. . I —Young girl. 17: beginner: willing to , work for small .salary to get experience. j Address ANNA GATBLY. &>i Madlaon-st. ! COMPANION.— By companionable woman of refinement to aged lady or gentleman; 1 excellert rurEe; highest references. Ad- dress all we-k. Mrs. D. C. SMITH. 34 West 13Ist-st . ¦ COMPANION, ie. Kenned young lady. speaking French. German and English, as companion. lady's maid or nurse to Invalid lady; good traveller. ROCKWELL. 733 > 6th-ave.. (tore. COMPANION. &c.—Required shortly by l Protestant English woman, as companion. housekeeper to lady; would go South: good ! references. Address Miss 11.. 202 Wyckoff- i St.. Brooklyn. . ¦ GRADUATE KINDHRGARTNER of sev- : eral year*' experience: reference unex- r ceiled. M. F. If . 124 i Broadway. . GOVERNESS.— French visiting governess -i desires pupils; best references. Address 1 ifinrlhilcDl T :.¦ I"X T_»YtnrrnTi.av* MAID. Respectable colored woman would wait upon lady as day maid: take car* of wardrobe; reference. PHILLIPE. 108 West 134th-st. - •-, - (HIKOIOIiY, MAMUHIM.. ETC. FURNACE MAN— Steam and hot air; cel- lars cleaned, ktilaomlned: roofs painted; hnn''y al any kind of work around house. EAGL .-. 3Tt"] ::. ITS Kast *<>th -¦«£. NTRSE.— By a thoroughly- competawt t»- fam's num« tOerraani. or children unJsi' five: best dty reference; in or out 'own; wages BJB. P. M. M.. Bos 24. Trlban* Uptown Office. 1.242 Broadway. GARDENER and general caretaker of gentleman's plat*: thoroughly under- stands under glass, lawns, horses, cows and poultry; wife first class laundress or gen- eral housekeeper: eighteen years' best ref- ererce. or families car; be heard from; no family. Address JOHN KEEFE. 42 Belt-st.. Stamford. Conn . ¦ PH. J. WHITNEY GREENE Twentieth Or.tury up t/> ..Kte Manicuring. C*tlro;>- ody iwi HalrdresFir.g Parkre o'amraeyer Ba!Mir.g. Room £). Cth^ave. and SOch-ac Btndenta tak«>!i. Open evening!. V LDAWE VIRET Employment Agency. •Co. BM Sth-avi , !¦<• •• ii tSth .•:. ; «**» FURNACE MAN.— Steam or hot air. anit sidewalks to attenl. or other work: by reliable man: first class reference. ROB- ERT GREEN. 154 East 2£th-st. KM a. UNDQCIST, SM ath w-s»''- lak ; nd all n it •¦¦-¦ n*aai i I COMPLEXION SPECIALIST. Mttß. KOGERS'S Select 1-Tr.ploy- Bureau; best help constantly on hand. 879 titli-ave. JANITOR.— Man and wife; no children; like to care two or more flats: understand all about steam and can do all repairing. GRADY. 221 East 27th-st. NURSE and SEL\MSTRESSL— EngIish Prot- estant: willing to assist chamberwork; particularly neat: * years' reference taac employer. COLLIER'S. 152 West 34U*-st. NT' First class Infant's nnrse; undar- stands bottl* fe*d!nsr: good reference. Call cr address KENNEALY. 130 East 5251-st.. twa Jaya. GARDENEH. By nurseryman and land- scape gardener. ,m la^t month head gar— det eff In foreign country; best references: arvca experience in greenhcuse. hothouse, orchids: energetic man: in nursery or pri- vate place. Address DUNNE ii CO.. 'i West SOth-st. JANITOR. Garman, sot>»r. want* more houses, undarslaada Fteano. JAXITOU. ;¦.'• West Il«th-et L.l - . ¦»pen^^. 117 W«St Pd 1852 Male and 1 f.-rences. VR I>YS* Special Cream, La Dysalia*. 60fteii» and whitens the skin, prevents freck>E and remove* wrinkles; |Ti<e 7.V.; ly man. Me. V. DABSY. -. We« 00:1.- M., New-York. GARDENER. FUngle; vast experience: culture of greenhouse plants, hothouse grapes, flowers and vegetables: general care and demand-. of country place; highest ref- erences. INDUSTRIOUS. Tribune Uptown Office-. 1.242 Broadway. i; J.V,! ¦, ¦ - , ¦ rnent Bnraan for 1 A: ICARLOT. S3 rtTLERV. GARDENER. German Protestant: married, no family; full charge of gentleman* plac« -reenhouses. etc.: 7 years' highest r»f»r»,"vsa from last place. F. FOERSTEK. 18 Collide Place. Yonkera, MERCANTILE MAN. considerable experi- ence (office In the best part of the West Er.<f of London*, is open to take up a high class agency: correspondence solicited. Ad- dress H. DRUMMOND, 161 A Piccadilly. London. England. , THE ALUANCB BMPIOYMENT mT- RBAU euipli«-s rapal.lo heir f"<e to fac- toriea ar.d strrfs. 218 Kayt 3UI)-st- AT S2D ST.. a ILERY BHOP Baron*, et<-.; ¦ . j W. tiANSBURY. 123 ' - urt. NURSE. Respectable widow as nurse tr» Invalid lady or gentleman: no objection to country: best city references. 456 West jlj.^.-.f.. rtaa 1 four bells. NUF.SB.— By young lady, as invalid ¦ curse or full charge of 3 child: hospital experience. Address NURSE. 630 3d-av«. NIQHT WATCHMAN. as): expertencecT; JaniUV; are ot st am heater; handy all around: city or country; Rpntleman's pri- vate residence. El S.. caie Mr. Franke. 40a \\ -t Hth-at, A I 11*1 Good, trustworthy, affectionate woman as competent nurse to infant or children; best references. PATERSON. !.l-\*. 2d-av».. top bell. GREEN'S se* 1 employment agency. ¦ White and colored help constnmly on hand; references in\e»tifate<l. 314 Weal .V.»ih-s.t. GARDENER. Single, to take charge of gentleman's place; thoroughly practical man In greenhouses, vegetables etc. : S years' reference. GARDENUIi. 243 West 13th-st. PAIKTESR, *¦••— By iran aadssjataadtai palr.ting. carpentry and etoatiiclty: (•••l>er. M'CORanCK. 20H Wamt sx)h .-v Xt'HSQ— Reflie-! 'man as infant's nnrs*: takes baby from birth; 1- years with two families. M" East 54th-s*. CUTLEIiY of every description on r.ari-1. raaV ••• order and repaired, st O KXAUTHS. SI John-st. ».ud 71 Niasau-tt PORTER'S SELECT EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 477 «;th-ave. White and col- ored help; Eoutlwra people a specialty; r. f - < ARPF.TS AM) li»n"HTil Illc.v. NURSE.— Fir*t class refined Nona tier- man, from Hanover: fun charge of chil- dren from three years up. wages $2,%: beet references. K. r.. Box 19. Tribune Uptown. Office. 1.242 Broadway. GARDENER. Scotchman, age 35. single, strictly sober, ileslres car- gentleman's place: thoroughly understands care of greenhouse, flowers and vegetables; 19 years' experience: disengaged November 1; reference. R. W.. Box 4. Tribune Office. PAINTING, paperhanjring. kalsominlng. plastering, for landlords, estates: reason- able. Drop postal; will call. KRAUS. IS2 Eiist Houston -st. i;u:s EXAMISBD FREE. RUGS and Carpets r«-pairrl and cJaaned beautifully at the establishment of ItOU- PEN B. KEVORKIAN". 57 W«si 21st-st. I BUY your old gold, silver «nd Jewelr: MAX WOLF. Optician. 273 Welt ÜBtl Ft., near elevated. GARDENER. Scotch, married, no children, desires position on private place; first class references. GEORGE KENNEDY. South Norwalk. Conn GROOM an<l footman: English; 3 ft 41n.; single, good ride and driver; references. H. W.. 13d W 21ith-Bt. CARPET GUBAJdM*. NURSERY GOVERNESS. Experienced; German: some kinc-ergsrten training; needlework. r>. R.. Bos 79. Tribun* Up- town Office. 1242 Broadway. PAINTER and PAPERUA.NCBB.-Ameri- can, nil'.•'.'.•• aged; steady place by the year- best of reference; steady and sober: will'do anything. M. B. CROSBY. «sl Jaokson-ave. Jersey City. NURSERY GOVERNESS or mother's help- er: by refined American young woman; coo.l references. Address I*. S.. Tribun* Office. BLKCTKICmI «rPPLIE«. PORTBR. &c. By colored man. as porter, office cleaning, furnaces; generally use- ful- good references. LEfIN MITCHELL. 3J* West -an st rj. aj. w. volmiis; Ftearr Carpet Cleaning. 233 West 54th-st. Telei.nona V'H Columbus. I'.elayinj a specialty. Established 1875. RICH & WAEB, 161' West tUb it (former- ly with Newman a. <"*apron>. manufactur- ers i.i the Swinging Ball Annunciator*. HANDY MAN. experience as superintendent of apartment houses, with first class ref- erences, either apartment or business bulM- Ings. ASSVR. 24 Weal 90th-st. PORTER or WAITER. By colored man. 2t'.; crood references. L. JONEti, 524 West 37th-st. NfRSB. By neat Protestant, as mms> to grown children or charoberworfc *al waiting in small family: letters answered M stamped. COMPETENT. 53i> «ith--ave. FOR SALE. v. S DW.77T§IIST.£^S CARPET CLEANSING. Established 1875. MARRIKD COUPLE for private family: city or country: man for general work; wife as chambermaid and waitress. T. W.. 153 East SSth-st. PROTESTANT WAITRESS, competent t«» nil butler's place, understar. Jin? wines. carving, table ill 11 Hi. for short distance) in country: $39 paid to capable person; bring best references. Apply 37 3th-are.. Monday, between 10 and 11 a. m. TWO SEALSKIN SACKS, elzes 88 and 44; new prices very reasonable. MAX BERNSTEIN. 271 West ITSib-at. II us EIXGAMLV nEMOIJELLIiD RKPA.IRINJ. Ac. Work done at your own home at mechanic's wages; fine furniture repairing; mattressea made over; carpets laid- varn'.shlmc an.l polishing of furniture. Send postal and I will call. CHARLES STUPE. Creston-ave.. near l><lst-st. NURSE By a trained male; by the hour. day or week: understands massage: refer- ence. Telephone S&s Bedford or address jIALH NURSE. 262 Ryerson-st. CAHBUL CARPET CLEANING CO.— Carpets cleaned by steam, by hand or on the floor 1,666 Broadway, til East 4bth- ft. COE «V BRANDT. Tel. IK -38th LADIES bring your furs now to have them stylishly remodelled. S. BROWN. Prac- tical Furrier. 'JO West 12ith-st. DOG AXD CAT HOSPITAL. KKSi-'ECTABLE won.un In uaxheior*! apart- r i.ry kind of work whera an* t . lin s >ep; btst reference. OAVIN. ,-4t_ SECRETARY.— College graduate. stenog- rapher and typist, desires secretaryship to corporation or to of means; SMi'd references. SECRETARY. Box 1:.. Tribune Office. NKW-YORK VETERINARY HOSPITAL* " 117 TV.- 1 2.*>tV «t.: telephone 4!>l—181 Treatment, bearding, clipping and washing: managers Canine Cersetery. SE \M9TRESS thor^ujrhly competent, take* work home or by day: curtains, cushions, reiai-insr dresses: faml!y sewing- by nan» ani machine HITH. is* West lOlst-<t. 1 iKM I t Iti: AJTD < -ARI'KTS. SECOND MAN or FXX7TMAN in stable, by younp Swede, who has excellent experi- ence an.l lias taken full charge of gentle man's horses during last summer; last em- ployer can be seen: reference. Address BECOXD man. 49 COlumbus-ave.. store. SECRETARY, &c. Gentleman. 37. where integrity and ability willbe appreciated; secretary or confidential clerk; excellent reference. M. E. O-, Box 11. Tribune Office. X Y. CANINE INFIRMARY.— H. K. Mil- ler Vetrrlnarlnn. IIS West :.::.:-«t. tn- tlra brownstone house divided In n^idii for dor* and tats. Kxerci*lng grounds. Tel. - •dion*- fcsl ».'olumbu*. USEFUL MAN. Temperate youns Ger- in. In private family: no waltlns on table- city or country. RUDLOPH XOL- DEN' f>* Bank-st.. Newark. N. J. SOUTHERN COLORED MISSION.— Eigh- teen colortd men nrnl women on hand; city or country. Sl3 West '23th—et- Branchy gT West 9S:h-?t. Telephone 1,287 Ittver- B'de. Rev. fc-PPS. Proprietor. 9TENOORAPHKR ani TYPBWRITEK.— Operaiea Remington and Smith Premier; experienced. Deal accurate, willing. E. JUiOOKS. 10 East KWth-st. OITR ANNUAL April pale of Furniture and Carpets now going on at a reluct lon of x -;' per \u0084,.t oa all poods for cash. D. M. BROWN, northwest corner sth aye. and 11-.1.-pt. USEFUL MAN. 27. at anything where he can advance himself. Address P. M.. 13U North 'st-st.. Brooklyn^ DI \li VMM \l -> >1 »l>i. LIFELIKE FACK AM* HAIR M'IHIAMST. . :NOGRAFHBR.—Ihorou«BI» competent, experienced: first ciaes in »-very respect; highly recommended; permanent eagage- nient with rcltablo firm; law preferred; no agencies. D. I^. V.. Tribune Office. WARRAXTS to remove vrinUM. I - frerkli-s. tan, liver ;p"t»; sealed •„ . ¦ AROLJNB. 119 I WHY parr» rear <5»«B »nimal pets when tbey can be mounted In lifelike ';;?;, at n.<*t reasonable prleesT C H. STOU'-K. Y-V5 s . h .. tvf . ard **.* !>>t lfth-st. «nAMSTRE33 desires eewlrg at home: KB " kind< of family -• v:r.< takers: eompetena to remodel gowns: skirts cleaned and bound. Address COMPETENT. "02 *!th-ave.. atoro. SEAXSTRKSa and c*re of children: dty reference. FAY. 323 West 41st-st.. 3 flights. USEFUL MAN. porter, houseman: respect- "'.;<. public or private family: duo house nrefertwi; best city references. T. ¦SCIILKMMEK. 252 West l»IUl «\LK*MAN. liuHe; tailoring or anythlrtr. CHARLES U. SENZEL. 433 W. 16th--t. FOI \1 Ah Im:n aVAJUaAnUL DIAMONDS. WATCHES.' BUT USEFUL MAN, German-American; experi- enced night -watchman, or caretaker of private property: itentleman's private resi- dence- handy all around. SIMON. 'JS and SS East -tnh-et. TUTOR. By Oxford man as private tutor; ten years" experience in New-York; will also* a.'t aa secretary. H. A.. 301 West lllth-st. ¦ £ MAHLJ^R. n*tabliiihesl«i7. .0^ «th- ut -Special barr»«r.s In diamond Jew- ,l,v fine diamond teitlns. watch and clock rerwirlng. TH-\INED TEACHER (Wellesley) In school or family; specialty. S:igMsh. granssjar. literature, tetter Y^J*£ •SSSbSevctS 6 city reference. AJlre»« EXFURIi.NCEI}. •J4 De Kaib-are.. Brooklyn. A EOLin GOLD FOUNTAIN PEN. worth SJSo. iriall*rt to v.m for 7tt^ in silver or Ham;'?. BANK CO.. 2.",1 Broadway, N«w \v>rk ur«t*irs. WATC'IMAN or PORTE3K. German, mar- ried, mi.ldle aged: trustworthy, honest iran; references. LCD PrUES. 340 East .'.-It^-ct. . FIKMSKKD ROM.VB T»» LET. iti \ r 1- 1 10 WAITRESS.— rint class; wtlUnar ,»*« oMi^ins: w*«e» J2r> to . 523: Crst elas* city reference: no canls. fail Monday. 388 od-ave.. first floor. VISITING VALET. Youns Englishman would take charge of bachelor apartment*; giLdWate In massage; first class reference from preeer: employer. PTTZGERAUJ^ 213 East Olst-st. HANDSOMELY furnished rooms to let in a private family: reference. Apply 3S EUst 22d-st. YOUNG MAX 23. colored: ail around; with tools, elevators, bollera, furnace; private family; ballman. J. S.. Box 73. Trlban« Uptown OaVr. 1.212 Broadway. VALET or BI.TLiiK.— By experienced col- ored man: gtw! personal references, it. Box 25. Tribune Office. a ~ TAYLOU. JW. Surgeon Dentist. over =0 y'Vrif prsctical «l»crlence I'M Hxth^e.-L*p-to-<l-te aenttrtfT at moder- Li^ lirices- teeth extracted by Rats. «*¦¦<»- : futely without P^ln: teeth without plates; all work gu*r»n««ed; cien evenings. -— t tiut^MES. Dental Surgeon. OSO "d-ive OperT «venin K s and Sundays. n "»«<¦!» work M^>n.te rriOK. J _. DBTECTIVB ACEXCIEg. ""¦ METTtOPOLITA-V DETrX-riVE AOENCT. 2iS BROADWAY. ImaRIANVP Agrnry u«earj i; . .c^'^fTn^aU^s; tru. solicited. » ' Eatt fJd-nt. | . .„„„!,.,; nP-TBCTIVES are the beat. Old p(ttMAMP orytCE^KXITCRE. i i".r-~"KH -Tnolltop de«ks and «Of« furniture. U^wen~rtce.! Pal»oP al»o «ccnd d«k*. .«¦ ! MASOX. la Warrca-st. .unerior furniture and plurio i B SSuf*etarer; .K«t. wanted. E. U. MAiON. IV Warren- at. ! |.;U-:< IK!< MAI111-VKHV- ~7~ i r~ i ¦¦ ¦-• ¦ IV. I'itb-tt.. Xtw-yorlt 77TH-ST.. 302 Back parlor, other lam»? rooms, in private houw*: molern I mpro vastest s; desirable, fashionable l^-a-- W MTRESS.— Rescectafcla y^ung girl M first class waitress ta small private fam- ily- wtllt^s to assist with chamberwor*: test recommecdatiocs. . Address W.%IT- PESS 134 East 2Sth-st. .^. YOUNG MAN. '.'.•. in factory. T. BROOKS. 1.435 De Kalb-ave . Brooklyn. ir rOMATIC SCUTTLE OPBXBR. « .-* WAT. OLO WAT. A PULL DOE? IT. AUTOMATIC SELF - LOCKING FCUTTLE OPEN- ER. S- .--: mm Quick escape to case of IE Send for Book'.et. ¦LBITnmTT SKYLIGHT WORKS. ' 213 & 245 West 47th St. Tel. CTS Ma, N. Y. <*— ' ¦ j ASTIUt'E FtHSITI'HE. | grtaiiTit collection of antiques, ma- '*^Jt»« all descriptions; reasonable "^ibi, repalrt_e. MCLLER. 415 East ! •_!_ 1 E JEWELHY. ! with J. M. Guggenheim. : *'\u0084J«*iflt jewelrj. silverware and an- *_fo3' goli. silver and Jewelry bought Il c*»n«*'^ « W »th-«t.. near Sth-av». i AVTIQ li; .UN X Ri:i» *l I% ' Specialist on Antique.! E^«,the'. Hall. O.ime and French r °Sb-CHV.-t:i/KR. S-l Nassau-Pt. -^"^^ * a\ Tigris ;»-?<.'- | ""i^n.wtoftt Pf«fa«, Tables, Borcaus, i *2SrCbira ."..ffts U^a^B. real old. j - _I^_ . ZTriiJD CLT.IOrITV FHOP.— Curio*, an- ot4l Rind, silver and l»ok£ bougut ; rjg_ ?«- l^^ Ct<«n-«%->. 4 ,l^«i" - k _*»Aa.Mt»Tat». j J^r*^^rKnNS(-ieritinc Astrologer. SO I i.i.m. ' Con?""" •'¦'" * - : S. LDLIA. "th> New-«?rl<»an« Astrologer. floor, tro"'-- I «B «ni«t fam.'U? l'a:mi«. I^' o ''; 10 ".;'. B?r BP '- Nou at J -i igffMCTHOP OK Tn*BATW<£ Tm T)i«n\SES nfthe fkln, blood. ne.n - ous ST^A^ E^r^s. n kijaey. I S^-- ¦ --: "^"u ; 'kS"aN ' WOMEN, infiamma- removed: minJ. nerve*, vitalrjr. " ,!k fcw."ei« vs\oTi-<i. Consultation IT. NELDEN. 13 East! 9A-rt. j Airrivric rnivTiNo. | CATU/WrES. pampMew. circulars wt- 1 Su^^^E^ l pK^Nb^M:! '• i(T w AX rik'T.lC I. I»IIOl.STi;tl V. ISnsnC UPHoLsTERING^nd attractive I iVmations; i , BMTIRB n.ade to order. 4*5. rem«lc:ied policed or . renn^Ehed; KATTKE. i si-> made and CARPtTs lt- HBdei to: packing end "hipping. \>ILL- BIRXS. l&O Weet 34th-i.t.. Broadway. aX OSTEOPATIIIC^IXSTITrTE^ CF B. A. HOL.UF.NKERG. K. D.. »< Lfilnston-ave. <«M-«.). is now open tor rerepticn of patient*, highest references if pttler.ts cured. A. GREAT OFFER. H-HT PAT CASH lor high trade Tailoring? You can g<" li )u« as cheap on Weekly Piymerts. WRITE. ¦-•:•- will call. FAX-AMBFiIO.N CO.. 1.442 Ist-ave. AXTifttcs. c_fnius._ » I LVI . " OLD CURIOSITY SHOP. H. A. LANTHIER. lit rourth Aver.ue. I* :ween 2oth and 2«th sts.. New- York. teener ar.d ct^ler in Fin* Oil Palntiiss, lUr<- Old Portraits ar.d Gexs by the Old JUstert. Old Je»-fls, Silver. Ancient Anns ( tsi arror. Wciks of Art. ArrnisemenTs for Insurances, Transfer i Tn and Airropate's Court. I (SAG6AVTIQ ES CO. 116 West 4£d-£t.. buj-s »:. stV.s c.i mahogar.y. silver, jeweiry. ColanUl china. AT EELE-g ART GALLERY. ICS West «*i ¦ •*.. KirCth-ave.— Antique?, curie*, old J'ireis. silverwart-. rare fact. painMrgs, -•.urei and weapons. Old gold b-jught. j ALL FACIAL A; SKI^ A ' T j*j : : FERFU:OL'P Hair. Wart*. re- moved fEBBTSTSteed> v .:. electricity; Ptlalea. ato*. WEEER. 03 West 2ltu-«. kaaws. ASTS, ETC.. EXTKnMIXATIMI. DEADixa fataTT ! 5" i.i<-y '¦¦ baat. | cbtipest. cleanest; r.ever fai'.s; keeps j ¦%iy aoQultoes; cures mosquito bites; not poisosou*; at aU dtaiers. OSlo*. t9 6ih- st« . New-TttTk. AXOEST PAI>TIX«.S A VIOLINS. »- . :iTK)S ralntlnrs. Maratti. Tjntoret- tlTerbnrr. Vnrillo. rioltas. f'radi\arius, I . AK4U. HENRY WEL3TENBEBG. lm- wrrer. 13t Fa«t rtt-h-i-t. AnCADB TIUKISII BATHS. TTODSOTI ARCADE BATHS.—Turkirh. Bn».ur.. Roman, Sulphur. Electric. Na>j- >»la; tapenor apr>; skilled at- uttou pot. prlc<i>; Ja<lief' depart mer.t. ¦Qtait entraa twery r^qulfit*- Vt an •Ktolvr. luxurious and satisfactory Lath. •Mi* Eat; 4CU.-SI. ART ITHOL«TKni:iI AM» DECO- ,_^^_^ KATOU. *• PARSOCT. 483 Columbus -a ye.—Mat- y ! *"*» cade over and to order. Antique twi'.uic- rtpairti. etc. Curpeu tlear.ed «^ _^2 _ ALL FOOT DISEASES. KsmyELy iurce*!if"uliy~Vnd""palnlesslr _l{*-M; itgrc.wn r.ail* a sr^— laity: mani- | 2?*- V'- LESCU. i*74 3d-ave. t "between -J**»UI*l. 11l M* \ EVE*. fgT?' MADE TO ORDEK and fitted: T> terms reasonable, Mucc-r it __^ . loi Ea*t 1-tU Eu .^^CALP SI'ECIAiagT. i^RVFI'. failinr hair, baldness pre- ,2?™: J'eial and scalp electrical treat- ntircreh.i-g and manlcurlns; parlors; CHJ'*»r. : •.»!: drees. i>c taucht. Mme. . COOKS. 31 SALE. »2r, ER OAI>T\AY. NEAR I2TH ST. r^ 10 * ry reUucUons iutve been rniflo tin i.7 "* cl<J ** out ouc stock of , Ur. „!!! **>* b*«t books. Never befo»e | •* ' klJl " » i«n offered. Prices have aST rf°y r-«i't aii« left. r^jardle«» ft ' •mc.t artlle «f profits. Stock taking '•• < a»Z^. tl ht »4- Midsummer clearance to , a ,«* ln « n< l ?"«. AUkinds of bock* HCL™ ttl1 '*- H'tortcal. biographical. * ¦ a «tlnc books. Bo«ks of fiction. &*£!!?— *— children. song, includ- tj%*«'»* on .ale Jor a s«»s. inclua- «« X ,**• «iamber«. Britann'.ca. P*o- I'-'tar* ,,lir<I ir<1 haee new. the chano; of a ISO J * »!.: not occur attain. LOVER- _ «*» nrcadway. sear ISth. _»OOIiJiELI.ER. UU TCT C 2 W Jor'lif of biK«riiilr!i cUt «'¦;"». «>»ewkere. to BOOKSELLER. - "t it -J^Al^p^^^ foot. TACI.Eg. £Jir*li». aaa Pool Tables, new. »eeond thOs t ut>: easiest payments. MARX - -* JnUin Square. i&C>£P™W M LAUOHUN'S Private f^'JJ'Bßchfxjl. Cl'4 llad.sou-ave., 8. \V. hr Pra«ti-T Private Individual Instruction I *r»r»BVf,: r ItJ '*«£hllti, billiard «x^rt; day I -?**¦¦ optn all summer. I l itt^l'JJr-EELL— i,AMU. manufactur- Iala&BV rJ^"* v '- «t>pc*lte Wanatnak^r"*. I 'tlifrr «JS._S2l nUn * tt v " tables; suprlie*. I I 7I 7 !^W^EaT <**»»*; prlcet low. I ««r *T^ I:n Billiard. Pool and ComMna- I frJ,*** "" ?"PP"'*- <Est IH.V).) I -> -^IX-2*. > . t i"A«;KH a: CO-CAItTS. I^-j '; ;'¦;*• •*« *ji »uw>ii«r. «B«t. ima.) ' . :¦.:. i .¦-¦ :t-!. :**A 4 _'_*' •«'*.! v a «.o-. iim. CoT.^wX Sd-ave.. llv? t^»-<.VTlf er . cf Uiby Cumaete w.d pit- ¦ «*o*B *t^r ** °* - newest and best etylei; ¦ vji W4jerooms; open tveninas. VALET. Visiting: Swedish; will take entire charge of wardrobe; term* nuxS- erate: beat personal city references. SWENSON. 90 East _7th-st. W \rTRES3.— Disengaged Norember 2. w»«» very test reference. »n small AMleaa family- wasres. *23- SWEDISH. Box TO. Trisuae Uptown OSce. 1.212 Broadway. ¦i.l(iK«.l\ PEACUEB." YOI'NO MAN. 21. anything: neat, quick, willing, trustworthy; fair education; ref- erences, bond: experience at collecting. \VM BNOEBSER. -11 Christopher-st. WASHING— Family; at home or out by SsfT ««>• washing a spectalrr. 3. T. C. 40 Weal 67th-s.t.. first goor. west side. VALET. by » riMflt* aged man; would like to take Charge of «m* sr nm-» centie- men In bachelor apartments: best i- ence from last and former employer*. Ad- dress J.. 1% East 32d-Bt. «. \- WO (iASOLKMi i:>GIXFS. A <X>LORUD appetizer, the, most original two-step on the market. JOSEPH J. KAIFEft. 40 West Us:!. - VAJLBT or EUTLER.— ByJapanese, experi- enced, recommended, in prominent family. FRANCOIS. l<i« Sands-at.. Brooklyn. YOUNG MAN. 2 years' experience as a:*- s'star.t bookkeeper in cr;.- of the largest tanking houses In this city: best of refer- ent*: Kur-1 ;v;r.m;-.n. WILLIAM BARKER. .->.» East sih-st. W\SIIINC A competent laundress would like waahtnjt at home. ilts. BERGMAN. 521 Si-a***- VALET. &c. Norwegian. 25. as valet or second man.: beat of references. MEL2Y. care Freret. 3.53 Park-aye. STAR GAS AND GASOLSJNB BSGINE3 Mmi>!'-»t. most reliable and economical. Pave ainney by buying of manufacturers Street. J. i li IIOMAS, 3SO West Broad- w»v. ; YOUNG MAN. in store, factory, farm. dairy or stock farm, or gentleman's place; South or Middle South nrefemed. Address FARMER. Farmlngdale. Lor.^ Island. ! VISITING MAID. Understanding ear* ef ; wardrobe, shampooing, clipping-, smsjafn- i and manicuring; few more ~niiTlis»«si ' MAID. Box 33. Trtboa* Uptown aS? I 1.242 Broadway- <.<*!. l) I1 KM II Ml. A HI[\... I :7: 7 vr: ¦•..¦..¦:. Male. BUTUER and MAID: Italian; recommend- ed highly ; capable In every particular. O. MAIRBSCHI. 21 Gramcrcy Park. VALET or MESSENGER- By yuung col- ored man: high class* reference from last employer. Address HOLT. 311 Wet 3t>- .t. WAITER, &.C.—By young colored man; at- texd door, care of furnace; in coot pri- vate family: moderate wages. NICHOLAS. l~t West C3rh-st. DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WASTED. Female. ' A LADY wishes - position as managing housekeeper .or companion. Reference! f .'- and required. Address MH9. ISAIRD. ; lus Summer-si.. PittsneM. Mass. . * CARETAKER colored woman and mother would take care of aoaae for family for the winter or longer; reference. PHILLIPE. 102 West 134ta-st, DOM i*l< »':' VT!.»>s WATTED. P.EUILOINU picture frames, furniture; rold leaf guaranteed; if-SKon&ble charts: estimates furnished. GOLD FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS. I*o f:»th-ave. HAIR AMI SCALP TREATMENT. DR. GKO GYLLSTROM has removed from 217 eih-ave.. oppcslte, to 212 and 211 6th- nve. Examination* fre». BUTLER. Young man colored. In Drtvate family or bachelor's apartment- RIUCT, ?..V1 West 54th-«t. BUTLER. By a neat young colored j foreigner. In prtvata family, or as valet for a gentleman. \\" 123 West 31st-«t., j car* Taylor. BUTLER or USEFUL. MAX.— By Japan— young man in private family; Boston ur 1xvajihlnetoru K. W.. 32 Prosaect-st.. ilkljn. MUMIONS ICE CREAM. IIORTONS ICE CREAM Is always pure. hencs the reason for universal conHiM and acknowledged superiority over all oilier. OrciM II trjta ifltst ccnvaiueat tiepou NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. BtJNDAY. OCTOBER 27. 1901. LITTLE ADVERTISEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE,— CLASSIFICATIONS ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. DRESSMAKING. A A.— Seal nrmenu and other fine furs repaired, redded and remodelled Into latest styles at except', low prices. Ladies waited on at their residences. Mrs E. J. BARKER, 116 West 33th-«.. late with C. G. Gunther*s f»ons. sth-ave. IX

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ifim waistthe mmi mm

m H3ELI?AnTlSTli". tfeorOOSk dressmaker; hifthestreferenc <. desires sngagesaents; r!ay or-

ntry. THOROUGH. Box144. Tribune .


Male.SPECIAL RATE TO I'NEMPI.OYED.»» arils. a times ...15 cent*

7 time rate............ .;{<•pi-iil«

ATTENDANT. NURSE and MASSEUR.—By an Englishman: thoroughly experi-

enced and compateat; h.ghest personal ref-erences from nrominent gentlemen In city.HENKY. 3>* West 43d-st.CUTLER. VALET.—Trencn; long «pert-

eace; sciter and honest: be« city personalreferences; wages $40 to 856. JOSEPH.Box 74, Tribune Uptown G_tce. 1.21_Broadway.


Female.SPECIAL RATE I«> WEMPLOTEB.-i word*. .1,,,. , 1.1 Bt»• time rate 3O cents

CHAMBERMAID.— •« .-, to do cham-berwork; wlU.n« tatmr* for growing ehll-aren; bent given. Address cf McCarty. 64S Colambua-ave."

CHAMBERMAIX>.— lady wishes to placeher chambermaid whom she can thor-oughly recommend. Call 292 Madisoo-ave.

CHAMBERMAID and mending: willassis-in laundry or other work: well recom-mended. Addr-sa DOWN&Y. 3M EaseStirh-st. ...

DRESSMAKER.— A French woman, havinghad the direction of the workroom of one

of the best dressmaking establishments inBoston for the last twelve years, wishes tosecure a few patrons for high class workat her home in New- York City. X. X.. Kox3. "Trio H ¦¦ Oflice. COOIC.

—By Japanese: first clas*; recom-

menJeii with first class references; cap-able of taking full charge: gentleman'splace preferred. OKA. lb^ Sands-st.. B'klyn.

(SHAKER, experienced, reliable, takeswork home or by <Try; s-kltt. wui;-'-, also•Iterations, remodelling, misaas* an.l ehil

dreaces. Mis. HOOD. l">(j \V,=tI<HK-St.

CHAMBERMAIDor WAITRESS.— By neatyoung girl iprlvat« family; good refer-er.r>. call 114 Washington Place.

OOA :RNECS (n *. rmrseirjr) ot iimiatiiliin.He; (i. ¦•:; Fren a. German. Ei

Ssperienc . I travi11 -r;best refareri .-.- M. M-. 657 West U4th-

nt 51.

SPECIAL RATE Tt?*ITxEMPI.OYRD.SPECIAL RATE TO INEMPLOYEO.-Iwords. 9 tluieM ...... t.~ cents7 time rate SO cent*



Ey Japanese; first class: Inprlvat*family; best references. COOK. IS3

Sands-st.. Brooklyn. • COOK. 4c—CHAMBERMAID. &c—Firstclass cook, laundress, roasts, soups, bak-*~j als" chamhermaid and waitress: city or

•»«nir secarate or together: reference.£4» «th-avp.. ;;st Coor. back


Two Japanese; long ex-perience; work same place in country.

Y. X.. 147 Cherry- at,

DRESSMAKER.— Mrs. «"ooke, 235 West44th-st.. near Broadway. Correct styles;

perfect fit:faultless skirt droop; reasonable;msiblc

COOK. 22. rrlvate family, boarding booseor betel; city referees*. MORRIS, care

Elerman. 12 \Vllset-st.

COOK and r_\UNDREi«—CHAMBERit VII>and WAITRESS —By two rear, willing.ob.iginsr English Protestant girl*:not afraidor work: best oi reference*. COLLIER. 15-Ith—31,31,

DRESSMAKER.— FormerIy witn B. Alt-man .v CO.; thoroughly cocipetent: best

work; modctatc prices. 3d. FLYNN. '•''West »2d-st. COOK ! ¦small farrv-

or country. MATSU. 3'J-DRESS and i!><>'<K MAKER.— AII:parni'-ni« Hl!«ro.l snd remodelled,

I velvet steamed ¦


IJRKIG. I"l W< t i

COUK. &c—German girl aa good plain.coo« ami laundress, or general hous*-

,T'',1K\.ln^!K \.ln^!"nal! Orally: country preferred,

Call owdsnr. 147 East 52d-st.. basement.

STENOGRAPHER, etc.— Youns woman asstenographer or stenographer &nd book-

keeper; has had eleven years' commercialand law experience; is Ihuroughly comp-etent and is capable of acting as conri-Je.itlal clerk or private secretary; salary,$18 to $20. Address MISS D.. Bos 10, Trib-une Offlce.


Japanese; first class; In privatefamily, be-t references; wages $50 up.

JAMES. IS3 Sani3-st.. Urooiilyn.

STBAMIMd, fa-ial massact itnd scalptreatment; at lady's r dden :e; by

en • !udy. B-, ¦':.">" B

COOK— WAITRESS.— A lady desirej t>place her cook and also her waitress; bothnrst class In every way. Apply between. 11and 1O'clock. 145 West SSth-st.

COACHMAN;31. Swiss; married; 5 ft. 11in.; thoroughly «xperlenced; itrtctly sober

an.l reliable: careful driver: excellent cityreferents. MICHEL. 305 West 117th-St-


Xl 1r we. h;hest clt

'v a. . ¦¦':'::;,.

¦.'MAN—Toons man; stylish driver;bept city reference. DOBFON^. 336


-: ss privata family.where a kitchenmald is kept or asslstancw¦ g*Eaal ll:h-st.. Eer.ney's bell.

3TENOORAPHER-— Germaa or Dulliktup; :1";:1"; with oi nifi-n Ben m.»-chlne, KXPERT, Centre-st., Newark,K. J.

DRESSMAKER..—StyIish; pood cnttei andlH;er wants few more families; $'.'SO per

day. Apply by letter. DRESSMAKER. L7SSl>-x;nKton-a\e. '-K>K. *c—Reliable, neat German Prot-

eitant as good cook; assist washing. Iron-

rence; city or country. 14*iii«c 4tth-et.


Sealskin paiments ma over, re-jjuircj, redy«d, altered and remodel in-

to jut-»t styles: finest work; estimates«Ivenj home preferred. CREIU. i.;: Westta

COACHMAN. GARDENER and USEnn.MAN;English; wife to do general house-

work; wages ?;.'¦> a month: both strictlytemperate: Connecticut preferred. AddressBox SSW. Sajnrilts Loss] Island.

CO^K.—Competent woman; no objection to>liule washing: city or .-"untry; good r**-i:e. 3i-J ui-ave ; second]

TEACHER.— Vlsitingr privata lessor.s InEnglish literature, rhetoric grammar,

mathematics, history; by former high schoolrancher; be*r city reference. MIS3NYE,Boa >«. lrlbune Uptown Office. 1,242Bros '.••GOOD DRESSMAKER going out by the

fiay. apply ROYAL PATTERN CO.; 2Sffefi 23.1-«t.


Younjr woman: flrsr class eookireference. SI. C. 121 Wes; lSJtb-at.ona tt'.ftr.i up.


fiC flTiffTfrflINVESTED Ina company that¦JO W-t!Hl.|^h«s be-n a Clvldcnd payer forseven yesrs^wlll earn *lo«» per month. cashdividend. For full particular* address DIV-IDEND. Box lUO Advertiser O;:ic-o. Newark,

; NO HAIR NO PAY.J A natural mineral w«ter that grows aIr»w and luxuriant ?n ai of hair upon heads\ that have be<-n bald for decades; certified toby !;.«- Board c? Health to the Chamber of|Commerce. Will stop hair from fallingout¦¦a.thin it-.:--*days. Proposition maik f free,I-rith recoro* at eminent j-.t-i j.lf you know,1 A greai offer. A. ire-= [SHAM'S CALIFOR-.NIA WATERS OF LJFK. 1.142'ilircadway.

LAN INCOME of $!.< per year can bej teemed by any one who will take thetrouble to Investigate our plans*; no goldmine, oil well or gambling scheme; simple.>trelirh.tfc.T-»ard busln<—« proposition. THE,.U'MIAP CO.. 61.-.-621 Fullrrtnn DullJing.St, L>)u!s. Mo.

Al-MTIONAL CAPITAL l--'. ••",•]{¦-¦!. fortiierchanm. manufacturers sn-i others d*-

:slrtnc tv extend their basineMi: utoros.Il>USine«F plac^o sold quickly. M'DONALD& WIGGINS. 257 Broadway. Tel. call 2409Cordt.!

_jINVENTIONS m '. Im-Movements prodaced,j perfected, "by practical expert. AddressIB Bos: 2i>. Tribune Ofßce'OWNER of plot cheap lots, near city line.! 23 minutes from 42d"-»t.. will=e!l noirnfrom 8988 up; $!(• cash, balance *•'• month-ly: will pay agents 2»i per cent. LAW-HEXCE, 53 West :U"d-»t.

iPRACTICAL electrical ani niechaniral ex-pert; Mivices, puamnteej .satisfactor>'-

Address i:.. Box -."•. Tribune OSke.


jA!—A!—A!—ATTENTION!'HICh class apartments «nd rooms, with

jand without board; doctors' nSi.fs; ill '•>-'cations; rcfercr.ces excjwnpei'': informationfree. •. .- C. LBt-AND .v <>"•-.'

2 West x;:-•

:AN elegantly furnishr-d Fecon.l floor andi sds< r rooms, with board*; references ex-rtianped. 23 West lOlb-ct.

iA— EAST 24Til >X.. rear Mart'.fcn-ave.!

—Large and fmall rooms, ¦th board;

Ireferences exchanged.

jPRIVATE) FAMlLY.—\ Mm has «: pretty apartment alone • old like toshare ItWith another woman of refinementielevator; h^His*near Oetral Park Weft nnJ|i'_d-ft.; references exchange 1. Addre«a M.,•P •* 72 Ttinuie Upttjr.-nOtTi.v. 1.242 B'way.

ISTH-CT.. 12. EAST ovarta king Grainen yI I'ark.

—Rooms wuh lx^arj; parlor dining:

iextra- clioloe astalc: small. hom«-;.k* tatlri..

i:«TH-i:T.. 122 BAST, com r lr\iri<! Place.—Sunny rooms, with l«>ard; i-arlor (3:n

ir.g: extra choice m«s'«; references •»-CJuinged.

12TH-ST.. 4" WEST.— In quiet, rrfir.e.l.absolutely clean house: sitting room and

bedroom; breakfast served; references.! .i26Tn-ST.. 51 WEST.

—su;>*rior aecom— lo-

I dations. families and gentl.niei; ; suite?;!sqnare and tingle rooms; excellent table|tx>ard.

i24TH ST.. 11 EAST.—Large room, withfrivate bath; ether rooms: with board;

'29 EAST 22D FT.—Denraole '.a:c» and' small room?, with board, for families an*'

gentlemen. References.

BBTH-ST.. 88 aTEST. Furnished rooms andsuites with private baths (or gentlemen.

COACHMAN. &c—r.y English Protestantcouple; man coachman, gardener, gen-

erally useful: wife excellent cook. as.-:-tlaundry; 4 years' personal reference: cityor country. COLLIER. 152 West 34th-st.

rEACHERV— Young lady desires visitinsposition as teacher of primary English

branches, or as secretary or reader; highestreferences furnished. Address U. Z. L..Tribune Ofrice.

H. I'.UKO. Indies- Tail' «nd Furrier. :.UOWett 117t;i-st.. liftweni £th and Manhat-

tan ave?.— i^ul!.-made to order. latest style?,perfect U Rnnrar.teed. BS3 up; suits of yourown n..<:- lal. $12. perfect tit cuaranteeif:cleaning ar.d repairing In all Its branches.

O">A<:!.\:.\N.—r'irst claaa aSBSSMI aridwritten Hlwiuin; understands the treat-

ment of horses and lino carriages; no ob-jection to the city or country. Address D.C. » East Uftttb-^t.

DAY'S WORK.- Swedish woman to docooking, washing, Ironing and cleaning byta* day. LARSBN. 220 Kast 57th-st.

TEACHER.—Experienced laiy teacher willtake charge cf home or pupils; visltlnjror resident; higher English languases andmusic. Addrjia METHOD, Rosebank,Stat<

-Island. COACHMAN or USEFUL MAN.—By will-

ins;, experienced ycung man; married; cot-tage or tenement; mo«lerat^ wages; goodreference. JOHN BAICE, 152 6th-ave.

H LEVT * BON Mfc Furriers. 1.«54 Lex-|oßd and 10«thl".i:s redyed, rr-paired

¦ modellca.

HOUSHWORK— By English woman: goodcook, laundress ; small faml'y. short dh»-t;n.-e in eooatry. J. w.. care of Mia*V. or,<!s. 121 West 19th-st.. rear house.

SUITS of ynur own materisl. Jl2 up; skirts13 up; al»o repairing, alterl;-.-; cleaning

f.nd dyeing; skirt* rebound M) cents; h!jrh-trt era.V work guaranteed. HARRIS. 56Wett ISth-st.

COACHMAN.—Single, aged 20; thoroughlyunderstands care horses, harness, car-

riage* capable man in every respect: cityor country. c. M.. Box 42. Tribune Office.

VISITING GOVERNESS Parisian, desirespupils; •oak) make arrangements fcr

classes; highest references. Maw. H. Has43. Triboaw Uptown Office. 1.21- Broadway. HOUSEKEEPER. Ac—By refined worktng

housekeeper or companion; do upstairswcrk. sewing, in family where servant lakept; city, country. Address AMERICAN.708 Cbhimtras-ave.

HOUSKWORK.—Good woman for generalhousework: city or country- good refer-.ence. FAY.Mi West 41st-st. 2 flights.

\Miiik WAIsTKHhCOACT (MAN—First class; married:city or

country: win be disengaged November I;present employer can be seen: best lares'.ences from present and past employer*.Call or address H HEITMANN. 717 Pros-pect Place. Brooklyn.

Male.AMERICAN, former relent of Mexico.

wishes to communicate with firm deair-In? an employe speaking Spanish. AddressAMERICAN. Boa Jo. Tribune Offlce.


IHOW to speak withease, power and fluencytangnt In a few practical lessons. DB

TiPI'lE. 7Q7 Sth-ave.

HAT HOSPITALS.HILCKBN. 750 6th-ave.. near 4Sd-st.

—Gents' hats cleaned, blocked and made

pv't: straw hats -, gpecialty.

_^V HOW TO~jGET arrßOXGllg_HANDBALL, b..xlng, fencing, baths, etc

Wood's Gymnasium. 6 Bast 2Sth-st. En-| trance. jr,.vo. monthly dues. t2.ou.

INSTITI'IK 01-'MnRATION.j VIBRATIONINSTITUTE 1.931 I'way,j corner '';.i!i--t, Room 'Mi.


Icures rheumatics. K(J,u and all diseasesIcaused l.y ba.j olrcul.-nion of the bloiM.


TRIGGER'S Modern Curiosity Shop, 41 3.1-ave., buys arth les you don't want; sells

I«'tjf!.»a yi..tido cant.

I _ l\lM)l.i.\<;WOOD.BUY your kindling wo. direct from fac-

tory. A Epeclalty of *u;pl>ln? families.I v '•'• or telrphono 5.274—18 th. 1". J.1 UCL.VSKK . Murray HillSteam Kindling.. \u0084...| Factory, -:.. ¦ and 11th aye.

_ .MT-.i:f*AHV_ WOKK I'I.ACBP.^


jPRIZE STORIES under our direction. Bockai.a I'lay MSS. wanted. Send stamp forBooklet to HAWTHORNE AGENCY. 141

;Hn'idwny. Room 615. New-York.

i.k i:nsi 1 K-'inALMEKS.THR WOMAN'S ASSOCIATION of Gradu-

ate Licensed Embalmers for th« cars ofthe .jf-a,i woman and children.- Calls fromundertakers, doctors and. private familiesreceive proript • :iti..ii. Offlc*, S.SI tali-avo., open day and night. Tel. 425 Colum-liu.s.


»_»?•.. -.n

HAIRDRESSING with Trench Marcel Wave\u0084;'.''' <2o«l";prices nasonable. CLE-mi-.nt. 1,151 Broadway, between Ltith anJ-¦tit fl«.

! jLOST.LOST OR STOLEN.—Passbook No. 50.041

of the Excelsior Saving* Bank, 79 West-M-*t., New-York. All persons are cau-tioned igalnil pui basing oc negotiating thetame, in: any person havlnK a claim to¦aid na»»^ok is heresy called upon larretent th« same to the hank on or before6th day or November, 1801, or submit tohaving the passbook declared cancelled andextlr.Riiished and a new book 1 sued In lieuthereof.

LOST or STOLEN.— No. 865.518nr..l Bankbook No. ;::t1.i»43 of the rial

Srant Industrial Savings Hank. Paymentstopped. I'leas-e return books to bank, 51Chambers-stLOST OR STOLEN.—Bankbook No. 553.881of the lifrman Savlnga Bank In the Cityof N'ow-York. corner 4th-ave. and 14th-»t..i'sue- 1 to Lizzie Kr;u.:a. All persons arecautioned against D«a*OUatlng the same. Ifnot •• turn< d to the bank on the 13th & '>¦ ofNovember. 1801, a. duplicate willbe issued.ANYONE holding or laying claim to Bank- :

book No. 21.000 »f the I nlted States Fay-Ings Dank Is n.juried* to pirscr.t it at thebank, as a cew boifc la about to be Issued.

L.Al'.\DniES.OUR SPECIALTY is Ex.mes.tlc Shirt. (v.iiar

sn<3 Cuff work. HOFFMAN ARMSLAUNDRY. sVt!i-st. anl MadUoo-ave.

AMSTERDAM LAUNDUY.— S(i rt.Collar ar. :Cuff work. 4:« Columbus-avc..Blst an<l 02-1 sts.

LINOTYPE COMPOSITION.ANY type or measure at astonishingly low

price*; puttteatlons, rrc»«work. PAYNEprinting, 103 Park Pla :e.

I.AWYKHS.;THE Empire State Legal Aid Co.— Estates.

wlllh. accident cases, family .llfferences;a-ivjco Ir-o. lsfl M-nt^gue -»t . Hrr-klvn.

¦>ii- i i; \r.oi'«.

WANTED— Uy th« N -Yorfc Klr.<ierg»r-ten Asaoctation. S» West 42J-st.. a small

ofßce faff and a letter prcn. the »»me tobe contributed by some m- .of ••.. Atso-clatlon. ————


!AT REDUCED PRICES.— 3OO •e-rnl-ha'n«¦rood and iron working machine.; fully

guaranteed : machinery bought ani ex-|charred. OHO IJ. EDDY. SM Mad ron-*t.

ITHE MIETZ A WEISS Kerosene si '. GasEngines for power a''

i-umrlng purposes;fully guaraiitccJ. A. MILTZ. 128 Mott-tt


of Manicuring, Racial Ma>saK». Scalp Treat-iin*.&c. Removed Iron 12 Uist I7ih-«t. to;C45 'Madison ¦ . over Produc« Exchanxe|Bank, between .">t>f. and 80th us. Pupilsjcarefully taught Unique shampoo bajln.

iVAPOR BATHS.—Curei iit. rheumatism,all nervous troubles. Expert operators,

jmanicuring. BTEWABT. <-• \\>*t25th-st

I M\«.i« i\«i;iti;\h:hmi\ator.| BALLADEICO.'s rr.o«.qulto bite euro and

Insect exterminator never fails; destroysIall Insect*, and cures bite* or »tln«»; for. ..•• at al!dealers', Office, life West _3'l-st.,I ¦•.w fork



resets 'Boad fl o~«r at residences; up*iol-'¦ > ''-- arnj jecnrnt'.r: bent ot references.


nn ip iitoii.cup—'can be fitted to any eye-

clasit. Try it on yours. Lorgnettes inehrll. ¦liver, gilt .... !*«I<J MEYER AELTINU. «17 Uh-ave.. New-York, block¦<l. ¦•? Her.i.l Building.



-THE ORIGINALDid Curiosity sn-.p. guns.

tnuchinUts' tools. malheuiatlcal and•urglca) Instrumcms, antiques, etc. NlCK-;.i\'.', lCt r.n.. Row.


fpfffi'lIffi Bouf-ht. CEO. N. JOYCE.llC'.li).-- \u) Je«tll«r. 123 Nassau-st..<&~H rHT) I near Beekman. Best prices

I§) 'U*'!*:^'

paid- Established 1822.

OLD GOLD AND SILVER bought; old Jew-1 elry, MC : highest prices paid. A. ROB-IIN.- N. 3 Catharine-tit.IOLD Jewelry and duplicate wedding pres-

ents at the a«ay on of B. P. HOW-ARD^



Vl.'RellPt-a. S John-!-t.

OLI> FEATHER wJlifttWANTED. -Old feather beds; htghest prl-<"«

paid; t-t «ny offer. fttATHERS, 107North Kth-m.. Brooklyn.


A. MILLER,67 E. 50th-st.. 1caler In Plateur.i Window iilai Leaded snd Stained

i.;1.-,::- Telephone No. »'>' -¦*'¦"-"-••"¦


PKNELS cradled; oiiT engravings cleaned,

etc• establlshe I 1678; hlgl esl vtfer-

jenrm. CHA6. V. SNOW. «02 Cth -ave.j 'Herald" f-jii-r^;.


i rrrFpCTO CREAM is a delicate) whitebleach, bkln food, wrinkles, tan remover

for &> cents, by mall. LIA RAND. 11*!Washlncton-st.. r-ro«.Kiyr.. K. Y.


EPILEPSY: month's medicine free oni trial- "0 years* experience. Writ* for par-

ticulars. Dr. TUCKER CO.. Broadway <>n-tral Hotel. ..-¦:..>.. New-York.

ntIVATi:MAILINGCARDS.IEKTIRSI new line. Just published; also

World's Fair edition reprinted, postpaidIIR<» dfwen; «T>eelal views made to on.«r.

JOSEPH KOEHLER. Publisher. 150 Park:Row. N. Y. _^___

PARQVET FLOORS.;CIIARLEaTnOAk, 212 West 38th-st.. Wax

and Varnish Polisher and Repairer ofAntique Furniture. Parquet Floors cleaned

!and i«olished. Allkinds of waxing, vatntsh-:Ingand polishing. China, glass and house-1tula Buuda packed.

HOUSEWORK.— By a young girt to do gen-eral housework ir. small American fanstty.

Call Monday at 116 West IDlst-st

TANNEW & LEVIN, 1.586 Hroadway. near47t1--«t.. lacif.s' tal'.ors and furTieri-.—

I>adif>s' gB.-ir.oius remodelled, lined. Intoth» te«t styles; goods called for and de-livered. Tel. t,229A—3Sth it. Tailor madeftiits to order of importp.l material!', tllkllr.ed throughout. *4.'i. worth $70. Allwork

under our personal sup< iFlon. as.«ur-lnff y<<u h. perfect fit and entire satisfaction.

MRS. BAUBR, mai y years in best house*.makes stylish gowns, fancy and" plain

waists, new atyli petticoats, at S3 WestS4th~st.. r.ear sth-ave,; liJlea' own nia-tpria'.s; prices very low.

ADV'f:RTI3ER would like to hear fromwholesale druggist or manufacturer of

druggists' specialties wishing Canadian rep-resentation; travelling preferred. P. O. Boxt>74. Montreal P. 0.. Canada.

COACHMAN.—Married; aged 37: heisht.5 ft. 5 in.; 13 \ears' best references,written and personal; thoroughly under-stands M« bu.«lne<s: willing and oblig-ing. Address T. D.. Box l'\ Tribune Up-town Office. 1.242 Broadway.

HOUSEWORK.— By Swedish girl to do up-stairs work or general housework Insmallfamily: no washing. Call Monday at th<»

Swedish Lutheran Emigrant Home. •Water-st.

BOOKKEEPER 20 years of age; 3 years'experience In wholesale business; can fur-

nish best of reference and bonds. SPIEL-MANN. 335 Plea.ant-aye, ¦

COACHMAN and USEFUL-UAN.—Single:Thoroughly understands care of horse-.

harness. carriages, flower*. veg*tabl«>s,lawns, furnace: moderate wages: best cityreferences. 11.. Box 12. Tribune Office.

M ROSENBERG Artistic UlIng Habits and all U-,r..'s of Kur-;; nl

;cr!rc I' '• Suits at the—. ¦ 423 L*O ¦

LADY going abroad wishes struattona ftw>waitress cook: also chambermaid and to*washer: best references. Apply 2S EJajt33th—st.


AbOtty and honesty?oaebed for by former employer>; also

recommented by public accountant. J. R.,- Tribune OBHS

LADY'S MAID.—Mrs. William H. Don* «UMadison-ay».. desire* a position far alady's maid who has been Is her employseven years. Call Monday.

WE TEACH cutting, Bttlag. making andflr.l«hlng of corsets. dres»ss and millinery;

bis money in it: patterns cut. Applyv 1FIX'S RIO 318 «ith-ave.

COACHMAN—By middle aged Englishmana> family coachman, to taks entire charge

of !tdy"3 or gentleman's stable; best refer-

>>ars in last place. Address J. E. HBICU.7th-ave.

ST. ALBAX'P—B. W. DB FOREST, PROP.S. 7. 5* East 3IM-«t.

—Room* single. *n

suite; private baths: rarl"r dialog ro?rri;t;esn: htat; l!gtt; >arll OXrUonal.



First class laundress take*home fine washing-: experienced la allbranches; five years' city references.O'NEILL. 7 St. Mark's Place.

BOY, U, active, bright, in ottice or iargewh :• nW h use; ran furnish re'

from last ampl yer. Address UKILL.Y.1,234IM-ave. COACHMAN.—Married: city or country;

best ci:v references. P. G.. care Dr. 88 W*H 44th-st.COSTIMEItS A\D ARMORERS. LAUNDREdS.^Young woman aa first .a,*

laundress; expert on shirts; 6 years* personal reference. 100 East 54!h-st.


211 East s?it at l'irst clase domestics aresupplied.

COACHMAN.—By young man;first class inevery respect: very beat references; dls-

enxaired. this week. J. 11.. care Duggan.H*s 3.1 aye.


Country place: fully com-petent to take full charge horses, garden.

lawns, roads: best of references. C.MOORtX 1-1 East 52d-st.¦ OLORfiO ] Sing man »-|«!;es work even-

lua-j of any k:r..l: ran furnish best refer-ence. a. C., Tribune iifßce.LAUNDRES3.— Work at home for •• -or gentlemen's washing; no iaula "M»s^112 West 100th-4t.

VAN HORN & SON. 34 EAST SOTH-ST..near Broadway.— Theatrical, Historical.

Eal 'Masque and Tableau Costumes tr.ade toorder and to hire. Telephone.

CERTIFIED accountant's assistant la openfor engagement: first class references.

Address C. A.. Tribune Office.

AT CARPENTER'S Employment House.108 Cth-ave.. can be found best coachmen,

grooms, gardeners, farmers; married or sin-gle, all nationalities; well recommend 'd;all female help.


By a young man havins: bestreferences; has live! the last year as sec-

ond coachman in the largest establishmentin this city; city or country, where a welltrained servant is wanted. J. 11.. carel>;iKk ir, t?tV Mslis




By woman, to go outwashing, ironing and cleaning. Monday*,

Tuesdays and Wednesdays. LIMEURGER.249 East 77th-st.EF=T Southern help furnished, and general

iiousewcii kerr. Call or write B. \ AI-DEN, 72 Fleetest . Brooklyn.

ELDERLY MAN. Preach, strictly honest.suber aud r-llable. desires position of trust

a« nswfal man in business h 'Use; salary noohjert; no ageni-y. HUXBERT. 254 War-ren-st.. Hrooklsn.

tM MfillKW Br-ckl.-r. fealaT hi n»-wsfii clothing: hlghcal prl<*i paM r*f: tothlnc. C

LAUNDRESS and CHAMBERMAID.—ByGerman woman: good city references; par-

rranent position;private faml>y: also seam-stress. Mm ISHLHNCH. caxa of Mrs. Wer-iruoJ. 1.335 3d-ave.


An Al coachman: neveruses liquor or tobacco; is an expert

driver, reference. X.. care J. W. Renwlck.223 West 46th-st.BEST HCBVANTB. BEST STSTHM. IR-

«rr»ra en aye. ano uth-st...;-.n-::. IXX-ESTIGATBO. TtLl-3-PIIONB IS* UTH-ST.

ATTENTION! IadIes <J»rinr.g ti lilspnasof their discarded clothing, furs, weir ,

&c. will receive highe*t prices for him.Address Mrs. COHEN. 6'J9 Cth-ave.


Marine, stationary; licensed;23; just finished season on yacht: all

around mechanic: dynamos. Ice machine*;references: repairs tools. WARNER. 322Wett Houston-st.

COACHMAN—Eight ye»r»" references, lastemployer can be seen ; understands his

huaines-i thoroughly. W. bIIARKY, 115East 7Mh-st.

MRS. LESTER. 7* West 35th-st—ment Bureau: French. German. Swedish

and English first class help. Telephone—3Sth.USDEGRBNF First Clasi fwe.Ush Em-

ployment Agency. 407 Gth-ave.—

Male and

ferrale help for city and country.ATTENTION!—Htgriwi prl<*s paid '<T la-die*' cast-off clothing. b>nd postal; »»;i

caiL FALK. 471 7th-av*.MAID and SCAMSTttCSaV— By first class

"*) woman. In a first class family.Address Mrs. M. W. 223 Eaat SSth-st.. ht-ter h. x 1.

ENGINEER.— City and marine license;scber ani reliable, with reference: coun-

try n^> objection. BACON. 188 Freeman-st..

FARM MANAGER or foreman on gentle-man's plsce; many years' experience) aa4

best of references a» to ability. AddressFARMF3R. 6«1 Fulton-st.. Brooklyn.

F.-KMKR and G ARDKXER —Experienced;refer^::c«s. J. SMITH. 154 6th-ave.

Mii> n.ARA minami. Employment Of¦'. 19A >'ultl DM ir.l all natl n-


colored man.running elevator or as door man; with

good Call *-''' West 33.1-st.

HIGHEST PRI '• r»!d ?°r ladies', gentle-Liens and children's discarded Clclhing.

fine Even'.rg and Street Costumes. Jewelry.Bric-a-Brac. Furs, etc. Mr. cr Mrs. NAF-TAL 744 C-.1-ave.: telephone l.oib B swtk. HARRIS Select Emplo mam

ilra, <i Btmms),

B3J •



Largest supply; lowest prices;Cameras bought sold, exchanged: send forbargain list.

r " •'PHYSICAL CIXTIRE &. BOXING.WHY NOT be a perfect man?— Prof. A.i>arker guarantees to make you. in aoourea of physical culture lessons. 1.164Broadway Call or write for full partlcu-':ai«; leigona by mail.


[PD-A-ROdD© TT© RitEKilY¦ Keasonable rates. Rent allowed it pur-


gyll^^ij^—lit? Fulton14th St.. N.

Blila.!VjIS, Im Fulton & Kifctbush. BUS.


THE LILIAN Contractor Co.. 257 2J-st.i r.oonu painted 51.25 up; kalsomlning. $1;papering, Jl 75 up.



Laili*>s, gentlemen, children; $12 month;three lessons week; • highest references; se-lect patronage.


CONTINENTAL Stcrajn Ware!io"S?». t\3-! 31'j W. 4.'M, just off Sth-ave. Tel. 2.597

SSth it

HAEGER BTURAaB WAREHOUSES. »thaye., 33d to 34th sts.— Storage for lurni-

ture. etc.; :.. 1.'.c ,! x-ans for moving, city orcountry: boxing, packing, shipping and in-surance; estimates furnished. Telephonecall. a.21Q


CAGNEY"B STOBAGB WAREHOUSE. 21SU#st :;7th-st.; established 1SG0; this oM.reliable wnrehcusa handle: with unsurpassedcare boxing. l, aiding. moving;city and country.


TABLEWARE repaired and replated. equalto new at moderate prices. LANDGRAF

MFO •"ii. 127 East 6§th _.¦ATKa.

DIEBOLD SAFE CO. (Beadle) makers. 30Reade-st.. near Broadway. Some secondban.!. Easy terms.

STAMPS, COINS. ETC.STAMPS of all kinds sold at Sf> per cent

discount. MONARCH STAMP CO.. 2West 14th-st.


CO., 241. 243 West 23d St. Telephone3200 ISth St. Chapel on premises.


STEIN3CHNEIDERST'mhr-llas are the best.

124 Fulton s:. cor. Nassau.Fin De P'..>c'e best Silk

Tmbrella, $3 S,Umbrellai r«© rarad witiiImported Silk, iii>>. Allrepairs 18c

VIGOR PILLS.DR. BLOOSrs^TonTc iriis.Tor "mal«Tor~ fe-

mal' . 2"i years before the public: $2 perbottle. 7» nroad-st.. New- York.




Tel. 32v-3sth.Hepner"s Wl^s «re acknowledged the best

In the world for bcth Ladles and Gentle-'


mi ip was rep.jA nEAUTIFTL pair of link cuff buttons

and our Illustrate Catalogue of Chrlit-'ma*Novelties for 4 cents. D. A. BYRON*liV.-j.. IW» ti'h a\e . New- York.

Male.ATTENTION!—Men wanted; {3 takes you

to it ::¦ ilEuropean ports. London.• erpool. Glasgow. Hull. Antwerp, etc.: also!free pi'--"'.' steady positions procured.| Shipping Offices 5 Clinton or 73 West-st.

IATTENTION:—Men wanted: $5 and $7

j takes you to IJverpool. Load n; 110 toGermany; *-'> to Cap* Town. South Africa.

IAiso experience.! cattlemen wanted. Callj personally. Shipping Office. 03 Ist-st.

CIVIL ftatVICE government positions;fI.SS* appointments made last year; prob-• ably 10.0<X> this year; only common school

education required for examination: cata-los;u« ... information free COLUMBIAN

1CORRE*PONDENOII COLLEGE. Washinf-'ton. D C.'homo WORK.—The year round: no can-! vasslng; $3 !.l« weekly; working even-

ings- experi*nce unnecessary: Inclose•tanir; wort malted on application. -'/TUCENTURY MFG. CO.. Toledo. O.

MAN AND WIFEi. colored, to do entirewoik of family; must h«v« good refer-

tn »•». Apply at gentleman's office. 212Church-st.. .NVw-York City, after Tuesdaymorning, or ad.lre*!>. stating particulars. W.E. POWERS. Rldg«wowl-ave.. Glen Rl :-;•..N. J.

SALESMEN WANTED.—Experienced can-¦ for tewing machine business in

iBrlds»i>ort and vicinity; best contra-; toIreliable men. Call or address, with refer-i ences. WHEELER A WILSON MFG. CO..IMFalrfleld-ave.. Bridgeport. Conn.

YOUNG MEN for Railway Vail Clerks.1 Inter-Stato Const Inst.. Cedar Rapids.


YOUNG- IfBN everywhere wanted: wepay $8 per thousand for writing letters

for us: ¦«can use twenty thousand weekly;send addressed envelope particulars. F. M."'. t)«pt. S3. Box 1.411. Philadelphia.


A shoemaker at seconil-hand1 work; steady. SCHWARTZ, i«J Attor-;ney-st.

:WANTED.— First class men who can sellcopper Ftock in a number one mln«. AV-

d!.-.- FISCAL AGENT, care Empire Cop-per CO.. 10 Broad New -York City.


Men who can be depended uponto wort 12 days on special assignment;

|M cash paid for th« Job; If satisfactory.

*'.•"<) and expanses in cshli per year on per-manent assignment; our reference ar ybank: Inclose references and felf-addresseilstamped envelope. THE NATIONAL. 307:Caxton Block. Chicago.

SALESMAN WANTED.—One of the 'endinggas fixture manufacturers in this city re-

null-'-!, a thoroughly competent salesman in: their retail department. Address, stating

experience, M. P. T. Box 88, Tribune Up-town Ofilcc. 1.212 Broadway.

'WANTEO>.—Man and wife. conKenlal, le!n' rite, strong, able, as gardener and cook''for permanent, desirable horns in country:only those seeking a permanent, good home' answer. Address GOOD WAGES*.Tribuno Office.

_____i 11F.1.P WAXTED.

FtMiinl**.'LADY practising physician would" give In-

terest In KOvd eaah paying business to. lady with Soo<> to $I.ikk» cash capital. Dr.'WILSON. 31 West Csth-3t.

JIBS. HO—DEN'S Brnployment Bureau andi Training School for Servants, Ssi (Ith-¦ aye.; jnen iui4 women .servants; references


'YOUNG LADIES everywhere wanted: we

pay >.-» per thousand for writing lettersfor us; we can use twenty thousand weekly;, send addressed envelope particulars. F. M.

I C. Dept. S3. Box 1.411. Philadelphia.

• $9 TO $15 WEEKLY working pieceworkfor us at home; no canvassing; if now

employe.! an horn or two evenings willadd$5 to 16 to your weekly Income; write to-day; Inclose stamp: work mailed on appli-cation. Address »TII CENTURY MFO.

• Co--

'felt do. Ohio.


! l-'enmlr. '-

SPECIAL RAT— TO I.VEMPI.OYED., «4 noniK. 3 time- IS cent*1 7 time rate "t> cents1

BOOKKEEPER or OFFICE ASSISTANT.. I —Young girl. 17: beginner: willing to•, work for small .salary to get experience.j Address ANNA GATBLY.&>i Madlaon-st.

!COMPANION.—By companionable womanof refinement to aged lady or gentleman;

1 excellert rurEe; highest references. Ad-•

dress all we-k. Mrs. D. C. SMITH.34 West•13Ist-st .


Kenned young lady.speaking French. German and English, as

companion. lady's maid or nurse to Invalidlady; good traveller. ROCKWELL. 733> 6th-ave.. (tore.

• COMPANION. &c.—Required shortly byl Protestant English woman, as companion.

housekeeper to lady; would go South: good! references. Address Miss 11.. 202 Wyckoff-iSt.. Brooklyn. .

¦ GRADUATE KINDHRGARTNER of sev-: eral year*' experience: reference unex-r ceiled. M. F. If. 124 iBroadway.

. GOVERNESS.— French visiting governess-i desires pupils; best references. Address1ifinrlhilcDl T :.¦ I"X T_»YtnrrnTi.av*


Respectable colored woman wouldwait upon lady as day maid: take car* of

wardrobe; reference. PHILLIPE. 108 West134th-st. -•-, -


FURNACE MAN—Steam and hot air; cel-lars cleaned, ktilaomlned: roofs painted;

hnn''y al any kind of work around house.EAGL .-. 3Tt"] ::. ITS Kast *<>th -¦«£.

NTRSE.— By a thoroughly- competawt t»-fam's num« tOerraani. or children unJsi'

five: best dty reference; in or out 'own;wages BJB. P. M. M.. Bos 24. Trlban*Uptown Office. 1.242 Broadway.

GARDENER and general caretaker ofgentleman's plat*: thoroughly under-

stands under glass, lawns, horses, cows andpoultry; wife first class laundress or gen-eral housekeeper: eighteen years' best ref-ererce. or families car; be heard from; nofamily. Address JOHN KEEFE. 42 Belt-st..Stamford. Conn . ¦PH. J. WHITNEY GREENE Twentieth

Or.tury up t/> ..Kte Manicuring. C*tlro;>-ody iwi HalrdresFir.g Parkre o'amraeyerBa!Mir.g. Room £). Cth^ave. and SOch-acBtndenta tak«>!i. Open evening!.

V LDAWE VIRET Employment Agency.

•Co. BM Sth-avi , !¦<• •• ii tSth .•:.;«**»FURNACE MAN.—Steam or hot air. anit

sidewalks to attenl. or other work: byreliable man: first class reference. ROB-ERT GREEN. 154 East 2£th-st.

KM a. UNDQCIST, SM ath w-s»''-lak ;nd all n it •¦¦-¦ n*aai iI—

COMPLEXION SPECIALIST. Mttß. KOGERS'S Select'¦ 1-Tr.ploy- Bureau; best help constantly onhand. 879 titli-ave.

JANITOR.— Man and wife; no children;like to care two or more flats: understand

all about steam and can do all repairing.GRADY. 221 East 27th-st.

NURSE and SEL\MSTRESSL— EngIish Prot-estant: willing to assist chamberwork;

particularly neat: * years' reference taacemployer. COLLIER'S. 152 West 34U*-st.

NT' First class Infant's nnrse; undar-stands bottl* fe*d!nsr: good reference. Call

cr address KENNEALY. 130 East 5251-st..twa Jaya.


By nurseryman and land-scape gardener. ,m la^t month head gar—

det eff In foreign country; best references:arvca experience in greenhcuse. hothouse,orchids: energetic man: in nursery or pri-vate place. Address DUNNE iiCO.. 'iWest SOth-st.

JANITOR.—Garman, sot>»r. want* more

houses, undarslaada Fteano. JAXITOU.;¦.'• West Il«th-et

L.l- . ¦»pen^^. 117 W«St

Pd 1852 Male and 1• f.-rences.

VR I>YS* Special Cream, La Dysalia*.

60fteii» and whitens the skin, prevents

freck>E and remove* wrinkles; |Ti<e 7.V.;ly man. Me. V. DABSY. -. We« 00:1.-M., New-York.


FUngle; vast experience:culture of greenhouse plants, hothouse

grapes, flowers and vegetables: general careand demand-. of country place; highest ref-erences. INDUSTRIOUS. Tribune UptownOffice-. 1.242 Broadway.

i;J.V,! ¦, ¦

-, ¦ • rnent Bnraan for


—German Protestant: married,

no family; full charge of gentleman*plac« -reenhouses. etc.: 7 years' highestr»f»r»,"vsa from last place. F. FOERSTEK.18 Collide Place. Yonkera,

MERCANTILE MAN. considerable experi-ence (office In the best part of the West

Er.<f of London*, is open to take up a highclass agency: correspondence solicited. Ad-dress H. DRUMMOND, 161 A Piccadilly.London. England. ,THE ALUANCB BMPIOYMENT mT-

RBAU euipli«-s rapal.lo heir f"<e to fac-toriea ar.d strrfs. 218 Kayt 3UI)-st-

AT S2D ST.. a ILERY BHOPBaron*, et<-.;

¦ .j W. tiANSBURY. 123 ' -



Respectable widow as nurse tr»Invalid lady or gentleman: no objection

to country: best city references. 456 Westjlj.^.-.f..rtaa1 four bells.

NUF.SB.— By young lady, as invalid¦curse or full charge of 3 child: hospital

experience. Address NURSE. 630 3d-av«.NIQHT WATCHMAN.

—as): expertencecT;

JaniUV; are ot st am heater; handy allaround: city or country; Rpntleman's pri-vate residence. El S.. caie Mr. Franke. 40a\\ -t Hth-at,

AI11*1 Good, trustworthy, affectionatewoman as competent nurse to infant or

children; best references. PATERSON.!.l-\*. 2d-av».. top bell.

GREEN'S se* 1 employment agency.—

¦ White and colored help constnmly onhand; references in\e»tifate<l. 314 Weal.V.»ih-s.t.


Single, to take charge ofgentleman's place; thoroughly practical

man In greenhouses, vegetables etc. : Syears' reference. GARDENUIi. 243 West13th-st.PAIKTESR, *¦••—By iran aadssjataadtai

palr.ting. carpentry and etoatiiclty: (•••l>er.M'CORanCK. 20H Wamt sx)h .-v

Xt'HSQ—Reflie-! 'man as infant's nnrs*:takes baby from birth;1- years with two

families. M" East 54th-s*.

CUTLEIiY of every description on r.ari-1.raaV

•••order and repaired, st O

KXAUTHS. SI John-st. ».ud 71 Niasau-tt


—White and col-

ored help; Eoutlwra people a specialty; r. f -< ARPF.TS AM) li»n"HTil Illc.v.NURSE.— Fir*t class refined Nona tier-

man, from Hanover: fun charge of chil-dren from three years up. wages $2,%: beetreferences. K. r.. Box 19. Tribune Uptown.Office. 1.242 Broadway.


Scotchman, age 35. single,strictly sober, ileslres car- gentleman's

place: thoroughly understands care ofgreenhouse, flowers and vegetables; 19years' experience: disengaged November 1;reference. R. W.. Box 4. Tribune Office.

PAINTING, paperhanjring. kalsominlng.plastering, for landlords, estates: reason-

able. Drop postal; will call. KRAUS. IS2Eiist Houston -st.i;u:s EXAMISBD FREE.

RUGS and Carpets r«-pairrl and cJaanedbeautifully at the establishment of ItOU-

PEN B. KEVORKIAN". 57 W«si 21st-st.

IBUY your old gold, silver «nd Jewelr:MAX WOLF. Optician. 273 Welt ÜBtl

Ft., near elevated.

GARDENER. Scotch, married, no children,desires position on private place; first

class references. GEORGE KENNEDY.South Norwalk. Conn

GROOM an<l footman: English; 3 ft 41n.;single, good ride and driver; references.

H. W.. 13d W 21ith-Bt.


Experienced;German: some kinc-ergsrten training;

needlework. r>. R.. Bos 79. Tribun* Up-town Office. 1242 Broadway.

PAINTER and PAPERUA.NCBB.-Ameri-can, nil'.•'.'.•• aged; steady place by the

year- best of reference; steady and sober:will'do anything. M. B. CROSBY. «slJaokson-ave. Jersey City.

NURSERY GOVERNESS or mother's help-er: by refined American young woman;

coo.l references. Address I*. S.. Tribun*Office.


By colored man. as porter,office cleaning, furnaces; generally use-

ful- good references. LEfIN MITCHELL.3J* West -an st

rj. aj. w. volmiis;Ftearr Carpet Cleaning. 233 West 54th-st.

Telei.nona V'H Columbus. I'.elayinj aspecialty. Established 1875. RICH & WAEB, 161' West tUb it (former-

ly with Newman a. <"*apron>. manufactur-ers i.i the Swinging Ball Annunciator*.

HANDY MAN. experience as superintendentof apartment houses, with first class ref-

erences, either apartment or business bulM-Ings. ASSVR. 24 Weal 90th-st.


By colored man.2t'.; crood references. L. JONEti, 524 West



By neat Protestant, as mms>to grown children or charoberworfc *al

waiting in small family: letters answered Mstamped. COMPETENT. 53i> «ith--ave.FOR SALE.

v.S DW.77T§IIST.£^S

CARPET CLEANSING. Established 1875.MARRIKD COUPLE for private family:

city or country: man for general work;wife as chambermaid and waitress. T. W..153 East SSth-st.

PROTESTANT WAITRESS, competent t«»nil butler's place, understar. Jin? wines.

carving, table ill11Hi. for short distance)

in country: $39 paid to capable person;bring best references. Apply 37 3th-are..Monday, between 10 and 11 a. m.

TWO SEALSKIN SACKS, elzes 88 and 44;

new prices very reasonable. MAXBERNSTEIN. 271 West ITSib-at.



Work done at your ownhome at mechanic's wages; fine furniture

repairing; mattressea made over; carpets

laid- varn'.shlmc an.l polishing of furniture.Send postal and I will call. CHARLESSTUPE. Creston-ave.. near l><lst-st. NURSE

—By a trained male; by the hour.

day or week: understands massage: refer-ence. Telephone S&s Bedford or addressjIALHNURSE. 262 Ryerson-st.

CAHBUL CARPET CLEANING CO.—Carpets cleaned by steam, by hand or on

the floor 1,666 Broadway, til East 4bth-ft. COE «V BRANDT. Tel. IK-38th

LADIES bring your furs now to have themstylishly remodelled. S. BROWN. Prac-

tical Furrier. 'JO West 12ith-st.DOG AXD CAT HOSPITAL.

KKSi-'ECTABLE won.un In uaxheior*! apart-r i.ry kind of work whera an*

t.lin s >ep; btst reference. OAVIN.


SECRETARY.— College graduate. stenog-rapher and typist, desires secretaryship to

corporation or to of means;

SMi'd references. SECRETARY. Box 1:..Tribune Office.NKW-YORK VETERINARY HOSPITAL*"

117 TV.-1 2.*>tV «t.: telephone 4!>l—181—

Treatment, bearding, clipping and washing:managers Canine Cersetery.

SE \M9TRESS thor^ujrhlycompetent, take*work home or by day: curtains, cushions,

reiai-insr dresses: faml!y sewing- by nan»ani machine HITH. is* West lOlst-<t.

1 iKMIt Iti: AJTD <-ARI'KTS.

SECOND MAN or FXX7TMAN in stable, byyounp Swede, who has excellent experi-

ence an.l lias taken full charge of gentleman's horses during last summer; last em-ployer can be seen: reference. AddressBECOXD man. 49 COlumbus-ave.. store.


Gentleman. 37. whereintegrity and ability willbe appreciated;

secretary or confidential clerk; excellent

reference. M. E. O-, Box 11. TribuneOffice.

X Y. CANINE INFIRMARY.—H. K. Mil-ler Vetrrlnarlnn. IIS West :.::.:-«t. tn-

tlra brownstone house divided In n^idii for

dor* and tats. Kxerci*lng grounds. Tel.-

•dion*- fcsl ».'olumbu*.


Temperate youns Ger-in. In private family: no waltlns on

table- city or country. RUDLOPH XOL-DEN' f>* Bank-st.. Newark. N. J.

SOUTHERN COLORED MISSION.—Eigh-teen colortd men nrnl women on hand;

city or country. Sl3 West '23th— et- BranchygT West 9S:h-?t. Telephone 1,287 Ittver-B'de. Rev. fc-PPS. Proprietor.

9TENOORAPHKR ani TYPBWRITEK.—Operaiea Remington and Smith Premier;

experienced. Deal accurate, willing. E.

JUiOOKS. 10 East KWth-st.

OITR ANNUAL Aprilpale of Furniture andCarpets now going on at a reluct lon of

x-;'per \u0084,.t oa all poods for cash. D. M.BROWN, northwest corner sth aye. and11-.1.-pt.

USEFUL MAN. 27. at anything where hecan advance himself. Address P. M.. 13U

North 'st-st.. Brooklyn^DI \li VMM \l -> >1 »l>i. LIFELIKE FACK AM* HAIR M'IHIAMST. . :NOGRAFHBR.— Ihorou«BI» competent,

experienced: first ciaes in »-very respect;highly recommended; permanent eagage-nient with rcltablo firm; law preferred; noagencies. D. I^. V.. Tribune Office.

WARRAXTS to remove vrinUM. I-frerkli-s. tan, liver ;p"t»; sealed

•„ . ¦• AROLJNB. 119 I

WHY parr» rear <5»«B »nimal pets whentbey can be mounted In lifelike ';;?;,

at n.<*t reasonable prleesT C H.STOU'-K.Y-V5 s.h..tvf. ard **.*!>>t lfth-st.

«nAMSTRE33 desires eewlrg at home: KB"kind< of family -• v:r.< takers: eompetena

to remodel gowns: skirts cleaned and bound.Address COMPETENT. "02 *!th-ave.. atoro.

SEAXSTRKSa and c*re of children: dty

reference. FAY. 323 West 41st-st.. 3flights.

USEFUL MAN. porter, houseman: respect-"'.;<. public or private family: duo house

nrefertwi; best city references. T.¦SCIILKMMEK. 252 West l»IUl

«\LK*MAN.— liuHe; tailoring or anythlrtr.

CHARLES U. SENZEL. 433 W. 16th--t.FOI \1Ah Im:n aVAJUaAnULDIAMONDS. WATCHES.' BUTUSEFUL MAN, German-American; experi-

enced night -watchman, or caretaker ofprivate property: itentleman's private resi-dence- handy all around. SIMON. 'JS andSS East -tnh-et.


By Oxford man as private tutor;

ten years" experience in New-York; willalso* a.'t aa secretary. H. A.. 301 Westlllth-st.


£ MAHLJ^R. n*tabliiihesl«i7. .0^ «th-

ut -Special barr»«r.s In diamond Jew-,l,v fine diamond teitlns. watch and clockrerwirlng.

— TH-\INED TEACHER (Wellesley) In schoolor family; specialty. S:igMsh. granssjar.

literature, tetter Y^J*£ •SSSbSevctS 6city reference. AJlre»« EXFURIi.NCEI}.

•J4 De Kaib-are.. Brooklyn.

A EOLin GOLD FOUNTAIN PEN. worthSJSo. iriall*rt to v.m for 7tt^ in silver or

Ham;'?. BANK CO.. 2.",1 Broadway, N«w\v>rk ur«t*irs.


German, mar-ried, mi.ldle aged: trustworthy, honest

iran; references. LCD PrUES. 340 East.'.-It^-ct. .

FIKMSKKD ROM.VB T»» LET.iti\ r 1- 1 10 WAITRESS.— rint class; wtlUnar ,»*«oMi^ins: w*«e» J2r> to. 523: Crst elas*

city reference: no canls. fail Monday. 388od-ave.. first floor.


Youns Englishmanwould take charge of bachelor apartment*;

giLdWate In massage; first class referencefrom preeer: employer. PTTZGERAUJ^ 213East Olst-st.

HANDSOMELY furnished rooms to let ina private family: reference. Apply 3S

EUst 22d-st. YOUNG MAX 23. colored: ail around;with tools, elevators, bollera, furnace;

private family; ballman. J. S.. Box 73.Trlban« Uptown OaVr. 1.212 Broadway.

VALET or BI.TLiiK.—By experienced col-ored man: gtw! personal references, it.

Box 25. Tribune Office.


TAYLOU. JW. Surgeon Dentist.over =0 y'Vrif prsctical «l»crlence I'M

Hxth^e.-L*p-to-<l-te aenttrtfT at moder-Li^ lirices- teeth extracted by Rats. «*¦¦<»-:futely without P^ln: teeth without plates;all work gu*r»n««ed; cien evenings.-— —

t tiut^MES. Dental Surgeon. OSO

"d-ive OperT «venin Ks and Sundays.

n "»«<¦!» work M^>n.te rriOK.J




ImaRIANVP Agrnry u«earj i;..c^'^fTn^aU^s; tru. solicited. »'Eatt fJd-nt. |

—..„„„!,.,;nP-TBCTIVES are the beat. Old

p(ttMAMP orytCE^KXITCRE.ii".r-~"KH-Tnolltop de«ks and «Of« furniture.U^wen~rtce.! Pal»oP

al»o «ccnd d«k*. .«¦

!MASOX. la Warrca-st..unerior furniture and plurio

iBSSuf*etarer; .K«t. wanted.

E. U. MAiON. IV Warren- at.

! |.;U-:< IK!< MAI111-VKHV-~7~ i r~ i ¦¦ ¦-• ¦

IV. I'itb-tt.. Xtw-yorlt

77TH-ST.. 302—

Back parlor, otherlam»? rooms, in private houw*: molernImpro vastest s; desirable, fashionable l^-a--

WMTRESS.—Rescectafcla y^ung girl Mfirst class waitress ta small private fam-

ily-wtllt^s to assist with chamberwor*:test recommecdatiocs. . Address W.%IT-PESS 134 East 2Sth-st. .^.YOUNGMAN. '.'.•. in factory. T. BROOKS.

1.435 De Kalb-ave. Brooklyn.





S- .--:—

mmQuick escape to

case of

IESend for Book'.et.

¦LBITnmTT SKYLIGHT WORKS.'213 & 245 West 47th St.

Tel. CTS Ma, N. Y.




ASTIUt'E FtHSITI'HE. |grtaiiTit collection of antiques, ma-

'*^Jt»« all descriptions; reasonable"^ibi,repalrt_e. MCLLER. 415 East !•_!_ 1

E JEWELHY. !with J. M. Guggenheim. :

*'\u0084J«*iflt jewelrj. silverware and an-*_fo3' goli. silver and Jewelry bought

Il c*»n«*'^ « W »th-«t.. near Sth-av». i

AVTIQli;.UN X Ri:i»*ll« I%'

Specialist on Antique.!E^«,the'. Hall. O.ime and Frenchr°Sb-CHV.-t:i/KR. S-l Nassau-Pt.-^"^^ ™ *

a\Tigris;»-?<.'- |""i^n.wtoftt Pf«fa«, Tables, Borcaus, i*2SrCbira ."..ffts U^a^B. real old. j-

_I^_ .ZTriiJD CLT.IOrITV FHOP.— Curio*, an-

?« ot4lRind, silver and l»ok£ bougut ;rjg_ ?«- l^ Ct<«n-«%->.


k _*»Aa.Mt»Tat». jJ^r*^^rKnNS(-ieritinc Astrologer. SO I

i.i.m.'Con?""" •'¦'"

* -:

S. LDLIA."th> New-«?rl<»an« Astrologer.

floor, tro"'-- I

«B «ni«t fam.'U? l'a:mi«. I^'o'';10".;'.B?rBP '- Nou at J-i

igffMCTHOP OK Tn*BATW<£Tm T)i«n\SES nfthe fkln,blood. ne.n


ST^A^E^r^s. nkijaey. I

S^-- ¦ --:"^"u;'kS"aN ' WOMEN, infiamma-

removed: minJ. nerve*, vitalrjr." ,!k fcw."ei« vs\oTi-<i. ConsultationIT. NELDEN. 13 East!

9A-rt. j

Airrivric rnivTiNo. |

CATU/WrES. pampMew. circulars wt-1

Su^^^E^ lpK^Nb^M:!'•

i(T w -¦

AXrik'T.lC I.I»IIOl.STi;tlV.

ISnsnC UPHoLsTERING^nd attractive IiVmations; i ,BMTIRB n.ade to order.4*5. rem«lc:ied policed or. renn^Ehed;KATTKE.isi-> made and CARPtTs lt-

HBdei to: packing end "hipping. \>ILL-

BIRXS. l&O Weet 34th-i.t.. Broadway.


Lfilnston-ave. <«M-«.). is now open torrerepticn of patient*, highest references

if pttler.ts cured.


H-HTPAT CASH lor high trade Tailoring?

You can g<" li )u« as cheap on WeeklyPiymerts. WRITE. ¦-•:•- will call.FAX-AMBFiIO.N CO.. 1.442 Ist-ave.

AXTifttcs. c_fnius._ »ILVI:»."OLD CURIOSITY SHOP.

H. A. LANTHIER.litrourth Aver.ue. I*:ween 2oth and 2«th

sts.. New-York.teener ar.d ct^ler in Fin* OilPalntiiss,

lUr<- Old Portraits ar.d Gexs by the OldJUstert. Old Je»-fls, Silver. Ancient Anns (tsi arror. Wciks of Art.

ArrnisemenTs for Insurances, Transfer i

Tn and Airropate's Court. I(SAG6AVTIQ ES CO. 116 West 4£d-£t..

buj-s »:. stV.s c.i mahogar.y. silver,jeweiry. ColanUl china.


•*.. KirCth-ave.— Antique?, curie*, oldJ'ireis. silverwart-. rare fact. painMrgs,

-•.urei and weapons. Old gold b-jught. j

ALL FACIAL A; SKI^A 'Tj*j: :FERFU:OL'P Hair. Wart*. re-

moved fEBBTSTSteed> v .:. electricity;Ptlalea. ato*. WEEER. 03 West 2ltu-«.



DEADixa fataTT ! 5" i.i<-y '¦¦ baat. |cbtipest. cleanest; r.ever fai'.s; keeps j

¦%iy aoQultoes; cures mosquito bites; notpoisosou*; at aU dtaiers. OSlo*. t9 6ih-st«. New-TttTk.

AXOEST PAI>TIX«.S A VIOLINS.»- . :iTK)S ralntlnrs. Maratti. Tjntoret-

tlTerbnrr. Vnrillo. rioltas. f'radi\arius, I. AK4U. HENRY WEL3TENBEBG. lm-wrrer. 13t Fa«t rtt-h-i-t.


TTODSOTI ARCADE BATHS.—Turkirh.Bn».ur.. Roman, Sulphur. Electric. Na>j-

>»la; tapenor apr>; skilled at-uttou pot. •• prlc<i>; Ja<lief' depart mer.t.¦Qtait entraa twery r^qulfit*- Vt an•Ktolvr. luxurious and satisfactory Lath.•Mi*Eat; 4CU.-SI.


PARSOCT. 483 Columbus -aye.—Mat-y!*"*»cade over and to order. Antiquetwi'.uic- rtpairti. etc. Curpeu tlear.ed«^ _^2

_ ALL FOOT DISEASES.KsmyELy iurce*!if"uliy~Vnd""palnlesslr_l{*-M;itgrc.wn r.ail*a sr^—laity: mani- |2?*- V'- LESCU. i*74 3d-ave. t "between

-J**»UI*l.11l M*\ EVE*.

fgT?' MADE TO ORDEK and fitted:T> terms reasonable, Mucc-r it

__^ . loiEa*t 1-tU Eu


i^RVFI'. failinr hair, baldness pre-,2?™: J'eial and scalp electrical treat-ntircreh.i-g and manlcurlns; parlors;CHJ'*»r. : •.»!: drees. i>c taucht. Mme..


31 SALE.»2r,EROAI>T\AY. NEAR I2TH ST.• r 10*ry reUucUons iutve been rniflo

tin i.7"*cl<J**out ouc stock of,

Ur. „!!!**>* b*«t books. Never befo»e |•*'

klJl"» i«n offered. Prices haveaST rf°y r-«i't aii« left. r^jardle«» ft

'•mc.t artlle*» «f profits. Stock taking '•• <

a»Z^. tl ht»4- Midsummer clearanceto,a™

,«*ln «n<l?"«. AUkinds of bock*HCL™ ttl1'*- H'tortcal. biographical.*

¦a«tlnc books. Bo«ks of fiction.

&*£!!?—*—, includ-tj%*«'»* on .ale Jor a s«»s. inclua-

«« X ,**• «iamber«. Britann'.ca. P*o-I'-'tar* ,,lir<I ir<1haee new. the chano; of a

ISO J* »!.: not occur attain. LOVER-_ • «*» nrcadway. sear ISth.


TCT C2W Jor'lif of biK«riiilr!icUt«'¦;"». «>»ewkere. to BOOKSELLER.-

"t it

-J^Al^p^^^ foot. TACI.Eg.£Jir*li». aaa Pool Tables, new. »eeond

thOs tut>: easiest payments. MARX- -*

JnUin Square.

i&C>£P™W MLAUOHUN'S Privatef^'JJ'Bßchfxjl. Cl'4 llad.sou-ave., 8. \ Pra«ti-TPrivate Individual Instruction

I *r»r»BVf,:rItJ'*«£hllti, billiard «x^rt; dayI -?**¦¦ optn all summer.Ilitt^l'JJr-EELL— i,AMU. manufactur-Iala&BV rJ^"*v'- «t>pc*lte Wanatnak^r"*.I'tlifrr «JS._S2l nUn*ttv" tables; suprlie*.II7I7 !^W^EaT <**»»*;prlcet low.

I ««r *T I:nBilliard. Pool and ComMna-I frJ,***""

?"PP"'*- <Est IH.V).)

I->-^IX-2*.>.ti"A«;KH a: CO-CAItTS.I^-j';;'¦;*• •*« *ji»uw>ii«r. «B«t. ima.)' . :¦.:. i.¦-¦ :t-!.

:**A4 _'_*' •«'*.! va «.o-. iim.

CoT.^wX Sd-ave..llv?t^»-< Uiby Cumaete w.d pit-¦«*o*B*t^r

**°*-newest and best etylei;

¦ vji W4jerooms; open tveninas.


Visiting: Swedish; will takeentire charge of wardrobe; term* nuxS-

erate: beat personal city references.SWENSON. 90 East _7th-st.

W \rTRES3.— Disengaged Norember 2. w»«»very test reference. »n small AMleaa

family- wasres. *23- SWEDISH. Box TO.Trisuae Uptown OSce. 1.212 Broadway.

¦i.l(iK«.l\ PEACUEB." YOI'NO MAN. 21. anything: neat, quick,willing,trustworthy; fair education; ref-

erences, bond: experience at collecting.\VM BNOEBSER. -11 Christopher-st.

WASHING—Family; at home or out bySsfT««>• washing a spectalrr. 3. T. C.

40 Weal 67th-s.t.. first goor. west side.


by » riMflt*aged man; wouldlike to take Charge of «m* sr nm-» centie-

men In bachelor apartments: best i-—

ence from last and former employer*. Ad-dress J.. 1% East 32d-Bt.

«. \- WO (iASOLKMi i:>GIXFS.

A <X>LORUD appetizer, the, most originaltwo-step on the market. JOSEPH J.

KAIFEft. 40 West Us:!.-

VAJLBT or EUTLER.—ByJapanese, experi-enced, recommended, inprominent family.

FRANCOIS. l<i« Sands-at.. Brooklyn.

YOUNG MAN. 2 years' experience as a:*-

s'star.t bookkeeper in cr;.- of the largesttanking houses In this city: best of refer-ent*: Kur-1 ;v;r.m;-.n. WILLIAMBARKER.

.->.» East sih-st.W\SIIINC

—A competent laundress would

like waahtnjt at home. ilts. BERGMAN.521 Si-a***-VALET. &c.

—Norwegian. 25. as valet or

second man.: beat of references. Freret. 3.53 Park-aye.


Mmi>!'-»t. most reliable and economical.Pave ainney by buying of manufacturersStreet. J. iliIIOMAS, 3SO West Broad-w»v. ;

YOUNG MAN. in store, factory, farm.dairy or stock farm, or gentleman's place;

South or Middle South nrefemed. AddressFARMER. Farmlngdale. Lor.^ Island.


Understanding ear* ef; wardrobe, shampooing, clipping-, smsjafn-iand manicuring; few more ~niiTlis»«si'MAID. Box 33. Trtboa* Uptown aS?I1.242 Broadway-

<.<*!.l)I1 KMIIMl. A[\...

I:7: 7 vr: ¦•..¦..¦:.


BUTUER and MAID: Italian; recommend-ed highly ; capable In every particular. O.

MAIRBSCHI. 21 Gramcrcy Park.


By yuung col-ored man: high class* reference from last

employer. Address HOLT.311 Wet 3t>- .t.

WAITER, &.C.—By young colored man; at-texd door, care of furnace; in coot pri-

vate family:moderate wages. NICHOLAS.l~t West C3rh-st.



A LADY wishes-

position as managinghousekeeper .or companion. Reference!

f .'- and required. Address MH9. ISAIRD.;lus Summer-si.. PittsneM. Mass. . *

CARETAKER colored womanand mother would take care of aoaae for

family for the winter or longer; reference.PHILLIPE. 102 West 134ta-st,

DOM i*l< »':' VT!.»>s WATTED.P.EUILOINU picture frames, furniture;

rold leaf guaranteed; if-SKon&ble charts:estimates furnished. GOLD FURNITUREMANUFACTURERS. I*o f:»th-ave.


DR. GKO GYLLSTROMhas removed from217 eih-ave.. oppcslte, to 212 and 211 6th-

nve. Examination* fre».


Young man colored. In Drtvatefamily or bachelor's apartment- RIUCT,

?..V1 West 54th-«t.


By a neat young colored jforeigner. In prtvata family, or as valet

for a gentleman. \\" 123 West 31st-«t., jcar* Taylor.

BUTLER or USEFUL. MAX.—By Japan—young man in private family; Boston ur

1xvajihlnetoru K.W.. 32 Prosaect-st.. ilkljn.


IIORTONS ICE CREAM Is always pure.hencs the reason for universal conHiM

and acknowledged superiority over alloilier.

OrciM II trjta ifltst ccnvaiueat tiepou





Seal nrmenu and other finefurs repaired, redded and remodelled Into

latest styles at except', low prices.Ladies waited on at their residences. MrsE. J. BARKER, 116 West 33th-«.. latewith C. G. Gunther*s f»ons. sth-ave.