new-york daily tribune.(new york, ny) 1853-06-14 [p 4]. · btjbinesa hotioes._ 'taa kaox...

BTJBINESa HOTIOES._ 'Taa Kaox Hat.-Ibe eatabliehad aad ___*_£_ . t ^.aaaw-aat Hat. M tbat ef the iadefttigAka. e-" " |B9§ ***** IT _T__i tt._«__lB. at.iiah a*at. darabl. a.. I . Ai_* .en.d M by a. leworto aaa «.'". . . -.-. ___a_! thBattoaaca-aat Wgreerly euhte P"1" TTJr_"tjTr T»b-» *. prae ik aj *cait'tie eio* n-r>eo'. telVrtfi.i t a^ r... g . ,,,,. ,,..... t 0,:v :n t - kaok" xeaar Baavaa, ^t__IVb Ce L**d*r» «id lagmdu- er* ef Fe*h on for fUtWe-'. llata, Aior Haa. Broadway, N. V ... ....T,B,j. the tattl- uhroe-1 f aietart. ixbua ~ jjju.., .-¦ futori- 5Tr.d7.iy Su rprt,.,.t- Thair atact A tt. . - . ffrlce* h^ ..* e-t-BBiB AaitAaoraisTS at <«esix« 1 aa cfc"" . lf Ne».Vork ix.w ... *^_*i?_?!K-a^^atott I. aow atodked with . g-r 1 ;;i_,*^.'i^ fttaitttoWta.B*a»MJB tttii.-* th-. a^ ^V/f*J__l_^h-'lre-.«yl.f.rtl.Bf*' . a.h-r. Cl* ^_^lehexaab_s.b.fearvd h.p Drab be*__*" ^ ___£^".,, ,t v. . (Itxi.v rwx»t rltrawa and at. C.«ir tii a ar '..ra.y ar'..r .- li e j. aa tb ( ^ ,, Fanama, or » .. ''*!'' *. **^~_i __g lakwaiili ini|T ----- Will h. d a itrr* cn ia. 1,1a fto . ocfc et rrari-i ra-^-,: .. httae raede, arrera all Ui. ni-w- A^fde.-ay,,. QaRTt.aaaa'8 Beawaa Hvt«, Wmri, Oroi a«d «-., .tiii oicb. BitD eor, rr Piaeaal N.a.u .-.., iieiie* > I - -alakyleeo . ataaa ot the verjoaa a i- l.t . tt Oeattemf ii a wexr. . ar.d Naaeu-t/i. '*>'~. ! p% Silk* Hhaals, Maiatillaa, Paraaola, aad *je_i.|t .¦><¦! I.bjti. a' Drea (rotala, for j | r: « todeettaer wetr juat , i itat atearoer, tie now ready -. O M. I .a Ottod-rt, coruf r Oreaud. ABa. dirret from an- , ¦, aplridid alwk o' turn ..rr ftiiil*, l. r i.iru * td but** weer- L*t« a»d Morlin Diaj.. rt. ai. raery .'ocgiaeMr B ak ug ili-a* j, irclinet, lUbeatre tafuiid rTcry.lui.c uu>*. i.t nca aod fa.M x | r-ca. 1 ti R.fiARBEnas i-oK 8»Bata.Tbe lheic.v.,,1 r: -.. Airnltf»ri.r.«n: VValnvite B'teuBo to ll axtaa-vi aocko! te*.«av.b.r iibxU, tod feel t.ared thateoeUi acxrvreee ei y oi r lha' * r a aod taj.tiy, b .. 101 ,tmU A Rtxx-x *\ SDERIJAgStM al. lloSl-KY.-l'il"' Ittl th* very baet g< oiIa ai Ihe low, . h tbey ae . .J lb tlia touiiry, bay ol the Imponei tun mitralaot*rat, .' ~ v " * ADAMa, N-. trJt i'-roadway, I); potile Metrepoliian Hotel am! Nible'.Gudea. \a\< i t ir -Mr -in CtarAins ar RaovocD Paioas.. .t ai Kii.ii » .Vindew k Broadway, oae doot ahon lt .i -. Wat a-RRBB, H't hy the buretiuK ol 8 wiu. in * gtaas in Miu.-Bt tt, oi R tl r.lay lat ai.d inor. fore ne: da-a- aa'd a*»lr toaid at l.-i- " k lnt!.»LAii.Ka. .S.....47 Mr ad Vay' ca.irr UoB«*-»t. La.le* *B0 cail e,rl.. wiil bo rnre u bu.l ttiijcbeii...a khat eui plra* lb-% '" Tat 8uiutuer C'lothing at'iiiug oil at a griaat aacritice, bi ciaa-qaeoce of leu.i.t.i !'. tttt la waat of M-..i aa i eilido eelltogite l.t cail. liotolilo.-l A « As EvTKAOHiHrtAxr DaMkau..The ruxh at C'aa- LL'i, I'O. :>J.j Uowery. lor bia Su :.*i*r ii*tj.r,, , X| aug, tiu aod tithe iow |ince ol ti itP'tab i.a lor tb* la.i l.w weeka beea ni".' tod Uiey aie.i iX.ii .ea by .t.iv IkkJ. ... sy trticie .tn-g, ai.dtt ibetaiaatttt*thec aapett.rei re.jf.rt .. lAdi.f. li.*aa. rmiBja-t..ti.e.' e Sa-iooau t rroBa..ade ld vgrj, e-Craci. g a.l qa l laa l.iaia Ovcit.i.a..Thoae of otu ladiea who. in their (tr* v-.-i. ti. coi - ' «»niA.n.i. .t. f). I haveaoair ol SaiTU'al! l.i*o..U.- tiia lor aumuier weat they are tne ae.y ea. ..: n- >f gn a e*a a-t. if.e'tit r 6*Iith hx» r - g- nd' _Bjrtu..t,l n! L.U. ¦ *jtB*.l» oalaxea r, No. 8A lili < i L> r-^t, neai Hruadway. MovRRtwa JaooaRTi abd ^IiiaLisa.BAaTHetoaaw A VViilJ l*ve nreivid Baothtt ltt(. lol ol tbuttcbeap Jar- Muil'i* aaeoirfialiilliBg, ..Moije nduspea . .. e.l isotfi.. rvei odtitd. Niw MiaamBu mokx, 331 Mroadway. "dj|k/i., Moii, CaarBTiaai roa Braiao Balri I--' at.iin i Lol tt.aaaBV So 448 Pealax-are now rejrni'ig ia tu>re, |>tr latr * ui**a. a l»rge »t i.:k ol V. It. > J_. lPt, ..t ihate ai.d el»g*ut wluci vioua to .- at, tbey aaa me Bhdux Biaaia CARraTinoa^-PktTERsorf i. HiMiiiKkv, No Biuwiwty, are d4iiyrec*iviuit. pn pacVet trou, Ku-ope.alJitiooii tup- ., eiagaa. Ca'petingt, ol *n|wrioi f«lim: auil .'. ¦teltll) .ui )¦'. - tt eltj tra-ie. For aale loll i.u p -r . a i.'l ... o "-iiioga ii.i .fv llauulacturora ot 8hoo8, Boots, CluthiuR M Sttaaa, CatpetAaaa, Cttkiagea, Baga, aod Of all clolh aud laati . ftoB. Ih. ll.) - tXK. B SrtWIUg __a>,, k . a<-am faiaio. Will aol, a* all - out 1 in, ktioto #lflo. leniiiiBia* Bea paeooa aa.g . aaatloaii t.howi.- Onov..*. Bab "^ era-.l, N. Y. DbFII A 8AI AVIAMiIK SaI tia.-ti tli 8 ¦ 1'k l.U. . Il.SI ..1 M. IVAlailb lt Uir MauulAiI'iri . ie I'H- l':i,-- ajf tbe - - >ttt<t, tnd 1 Btlatiifl Lmkl cnmhiued in the world Ur pdt 110. l'i ailat, one dooi balea Maiden-laoe, f.-nui rly No li' Johu-at. !li -'M-ss Atiaacr i.v IJostcm.The has ajRabdki4 8 OsbbibI Baalaiaa IganiiT iaBnaiim iii.u.g * atcl.iiil iu ...rr., partM elarly at bi, 4 ttd M41IB iMunnce Aiei.t, will faiibfaUy to any thal uu I la bure lid o am, M a ut .kgri.t or oil- . ai.ruA.i-. »'ti'C" ei.t ..: Ra.ala tdjaatiog Aceou Oalioi' i -il'itioBa, .*-i.:rA ol Merchandiee, * \ Btairti' 1. -A-Oli. , . '-.>-' mia. Mrara Hill, ( haniberlaln fc ( u Hia. OrAT-Co.; l: a J P iIah.a*. ia i f«i. Bottoa. ta* Wa.DiBBLEi.llair Draaooraad Wi;: M i. nap»tlflillj iiifcgB* Ue public Ihal be haa op-nrd ¦ new ai.d eiegtntly tuii.iak.d .un at No.''1 ttp.iug t: i. I .1 tal. Mr DlB- Bixab. I.iaioouia to m. ri ta. Br.n u.d. «., hi»c.ti r.ieo. Th.D.n,' t-.r tbe lilaeral patrouag-' iB-iiailtl i.ifal.. .toie, No. 4." Broadwny, wl r.i.r ed I-r UM tt Mr* Plhrr, BB iiu.ui lt in i att..'.t;ori tobia bunoettbe mty leiit a coM.Baboe of tl.e aau e._ |jr*''lbe C'oetal l'nliice ia aotyetopeaod, bal tbe apleudid tt, reol Ht Joiix i-.-EASO.a, al No. _di (ireeaw^li-^, it wlieie H.e umjj* tlegabl aiudow cuitaua are oou.utntly k..^t n l.tul. ,11 o, l.xiili. ioriac-i Itattla, aai tii ha little Bl i eiertl W Our* ttt.UuoB io ihe ii:o*t lac in.n*. ata la. A tiu. 11. arl r!*or oil cioihi ae tlao kr(,l, whica lor b- aaiy -a .-li xance are BOt atllj.fce tli. I'lM.kkiH-piiik.'- Writiiii;, Ao., are taii^lit b) B. I* Fatiix, auili.iot -I'l./e 1-a.a ea Fenttanabip," ..I'.n!.. ri, tntl oll.ei p. iaar workr, tl No JI..I VV Inir aad VV .Ikrr-al*., u. au expeditioua aad au;.4nor luauu. i. .- Mitiiuci. o.y aiiJ i tn Pr. ii. Thd Bo.t-11 Rr-piibliiAB "We aie p, r- * '.¦¦ Mi loier a take gr*Ti II ... o o m iuii oi-riauo... ». d ar. ii. mviB d Ol Itat r lt, bt-yiiidali i-hu mttliod*, Ihe altauuuoi.l il t Imai, Uco liutu t.* I.Aid." Manna uut luaurano*. Gbbsral Mntxi [ Coar-at. Aaaataoa tlia 13U jAatA.) . j. pn> rat*. .,. . ., iicdo t-.winea with tiir Cottpaaj .'dio. tio.i Mortlituur Rxc.uae, boatt of VV 4ii aad VV lUam-eta. RoaalikintioelL Wm li **i nwali, Morumet Lit g Lo-B.vwb. PaalSj ¦ aa. It MwabalL VV «.. t* kuruia IroriiiBjaWaT. kZarVVt^ ebT^ '-"¦ N«' " 7K'^J, (r-T'i. ,t itaeraa. Wm II 4m ' ."*, "';u.. w!Tg_S IIKt »i 1 ,'.' ur, j Ai i a..- a C aloabia, M»_4.ry. HiMtt i ti ». Ba FBorxait it Ak\ in 9F( « . - aahla lu H-f laiga ul« " i. Fa.A.t. Aa. 1 I STRAKt-BOS AM' ClTltRNI.11 JVB BrO r. .,' jcut Vj laataiu. a. .um«tii.a lattrioi tfaattna saaatttai.aa*¦"taAvatau. ?^.^« aaa7 aaiog iw e CBBBBBBBt) aaa aa.i »*«. .* 8 'iUl'' WU PA', | him ibaa a a.y IV llouaekeetiers aud aU iitlu-r* iu wmt ot U b_ia_bfcc.,wrf_dda u, cail tl R_*'l_*-»_D'»J_____C ^dwae.oo-a.No.l.'aChBibe- *. _"^* y a bwia th« laia*a aeaurtmeu. . ttttaradla.e aakvii- crttkctt'i g DaadruB, rur*mg, r htir, t* aaid ly al. tobethe b-tteaoir. ih .k the ladiea wiold aii try it. c*Kau>)y. Piace -3 ceot., ia Uig* bxruie*. Sti.d by a.l ?leelintteiyabere. Itsbi » aa EiRiBiTBBt..Th.iatheconataot ezcla... tHMe wbo via.1 the eixht *ptxcioat Sala Roeua of RlBAM il_i.iA_Ih 10 Bowery, wbe.« ibe iaiiau* wnety of Mj..ic a V>ive4 Thaett-- ¦ JRag' L-itlaaf.*, 1 ejaaite aarpn** and _,, oiiful, wBaalaw A-AC Na. ¦Bowery, wben lue lor.auc vanwy ot Mj.j afi.l Veia'et ftfattry. Bru«*!a, Tbrer-I SC> i ._Ir_*T TaVle F'aao Covera fe. ^'rtvT^ --r-^1 '- -J'- « -*5 -a atid fcc.utifki!, witba: **'o: . >HADa >lk Bewar* aflaapba**. rrtaeh*-, mctth* aad aato, Ab' tea, "o* tery weU ut aay. bawar*. Bat bew deetro* the ert-Anre* ia their haaota 1 The meaia, tf any meara rh-re be. decler*' A fair rpqaeat endanbv al) the *etrt. . That r'n wtre ratxmiard I a.y and *w«»r, That Lvop's Powi.ta, poi»onlea» to man^ VAil! kfll theae itaAweta, .ad th.t aaal il r:*a «A1 l-tr-Central Dip't |..r Lto_i'« Mao-eti'' I owdkr snv i iiLS,for__aa__lx*eti_Bofi__eet«, raUand nuc*. N*. 4J4 B-.-l- ¦ .' _ _.- nrtt.-r and be li,!.!.- diteaae, wh for s r-er infte i rsn 1- m*de pnre .nd «ho .-"Tn.1 Tb* Ir.a >a < M'B Faira ia l.lihly'r.drd hy u.aar o o t r n.'fl rtlfarnlty. fo; lt* . li. ac i. puri . a; N *ll Broid. r.t_ (,,,,. ,,Aik Cha.v .1) at, in r DrBlBfl it..i'v I , Batfc* ~ « of he I air. oneea a r I ,.. i d pradasi. r .,- ¦ *v|. * Hi.taiow ia . ...... - r peada bat a trial I td .e n ita u .'aii-aa Ni SWi Ortnd-lU ai'l 't _ (a> FowLaaa A W-L-s, PhreoologiaU and . 1 I, No. 1*1 Nbwab -«t. Bj w-Yoii._ .¦..---TIi"f8 who would __S to a. ail . . Ht o'.*ervstion aal . X I.i Mi.8, tl.e Advariitiig .gept. can d> .. »t k** pr* BaOJ-TAga, w),. rr l,r n.ey U re'.BBlt-d peraoaaa. t t*t»e»r ll. hn-r-ot 10 and 2 o'elock._^^ ?.ctB^OTit)PatIg gribun?. TUEBDAT. JI'aNE 14, W>3. CtT Peraot.awa: tl .. TA* 7V~_a* B at thrir reaidaBrear- ¦ -t ofT_el<i_i wi ; '. _.. ie»vr their .ddxeaa st the PaMieatior, <) .: Fric*_8_*-u*we_k-*ey__to to tkaCArrirr __.. - TO eOBBJ sr'<M'f:sT< Bo notfee r*a br t.ken of ar ouymoo* Cll ¦BlllhlHirdl ____**___ bi, te ,i"d for ta*. . . . jy_... rc_B___ylUrB*b-_a-*-,-ataia|asg. ante. of hia good fahtb. _. ---. Waeam.otBLd.ra.krt. r. -tirt, rej'fed Camrnani atJo-B. Tke Trlbon* for Barepr. The neit nutnU-r ol IV -VttRM fm Fttrnp.n Circ*/aita«v.iil he __*_-dTO-MORRoW .lOi:Ni\ 0 o'clock. li w'iH con'ain all ibe Lat.-at Newsap ta Ihe tifiic ol Bobbj te Bfeae. -_BfM eeatea, in amipere, readv for iimilitiir, cac he had at the dok. PlMM BU Ceot.. The Anibia sail* from this port IViu.rrotV at Yi o'cioch. _ tSTAtE Tlilliti PA(,E.**J In St-nate yesteyd.y the Maine Law bill waa, after a ceiiriderable gparring, refcrred to a C.imuiii'.i- i-on ¦ii'ing of Meeara. CJark, Briatd and Corn.-il) la report coniplite Aii afeti ta make it the .p.-nal order lor tlii. BM-B-Bfi f-iltd by a tie rote. A few bill. of lo .al O-taaee were ad.ptid. In, noibing of note wa. done beyonJ fixing tl 8 Caiial buiinea. for debbte thia j ,., \\ c gire in our T ehagraabk _o__-_na a correct rersion of the reaorl atr.-. d upon bx the < *_aal -*____ree_M Com mitteeao- tba Beaate aml Aaaemhlj. A mo.em.Bl was a_a_e la tbe As.enibly yeaterday to nforui our Grand Jury factory iu this City, by iatm- duciiic a bill, (wbieh wa. rcfern-d.) proTidiai that the .ludf l of the Sopreme Court of the Firnt Judwifil Di4- tni't, ti t< Jadajea afthe Saaerio- Caar_,aBd __eJ_d|oa *f tht- Court of Conmion Pleas. aud tha Mixor. Re- cordrr and Cny Jodgaa, tha eaaetitata a Board af (on mLatieeera foa the Baleetioa of (..and Jumra. Thiy aia to prej-are a liat of 'M>'> nnuit-s. Tbe Board of A-demea were io testion laat oight, but no hurinea. ol iiuportan'-o w.a tran-. i.t ed. Iu their ei'S'ion an Superx iaor. tb. had a cbar- acteriHtic di-biite upon the bill of COfaaef Gh H TBAIM'H I IBB-iiAW Tllll T1PI1AMT. Jud^e 1'ai:( it..., j. aunlaj liii.rniiit', at tlu- City Hall in Erookixn, gars hie dcci.ion in thia leeRj-aeateeted t na A very iart:*' and intensely intcrcstcd aadieaoe xxa' in BtteRaSaaaa, II- acconipsnied bin dt-riHion with a writt.-n ojiitnon, alii(h ourr.-id.rexxiii peree-Te,b> reforenee toi w*t replete xxith s..ui.d iuw, .nd heelthy Beatimeat. I!.- look the child from Ro t- I'.-ift-r aiid B__r_e_ ii ta tba fotber. Hia *i'cnicd to give tatiafaetinn. It had l.ii-u nr. ;>art of th.- programBRB, ti,o. up l.x tb_eeefpoaiag theelaba af rraiaar, that the ch'ld theald lake on sadiy at being d--lir.-n-d o.i-r t.. the fm i dr ot her fotber, eapeci-llj a. sho ha.l i-'-'n udd tlux vxtre noing to ttiut her upmid starve h.-r. Sno I'laxed the jiart verx w> T while in.d.r tbe exeof Iot mUlTi-B but fo eooii m h.-r la bet t.n.k her ia hi. BfBBB ucil out. she xi.ia tritn.{uil a. a latnb, aud .eeated happ) la hir featOTRtiea. Thu. eud. thia" Ntgtt Buhy" aaaai a casc ahieh, bad aal the aahjeat ef it heea /<."./. nud ¦.laimi-d by ii litnaa. would hara haea di.«poai-d <.t ka eaa hour f*»n the time of tbe Ban iaa c.i tbe fi_*t writ. W'c ar» happx to I. arn thal tba aaaa wai d.' bi^li Ai.d iiidtpi nd. nt ground., unaid.-d l.x tlie l'n ui Safety Counnittee, uiicfili-li'-i.i-d l>y tha E.Uaiir.- Club, and uiiaft'i-c't.l b] ai.> ftar of a diaaeintion of tho Inion. Wabatkrrea raat majoritj ef thi BB_ hon. at li.-ars in tba Btata will retpoud to the lxxv, ihe 8i'iiiimu;i. aad tba dee-Kwa af Jodfa r>. It will t-aeh rowdiea, harieti u^i de_-ag_gaea that. t-xtii in New-Tork t Ity,a eolored maR.ahild ctaaot b- witMiclil fioiti him xxi-h Hiipuiuir. Treiner app.-ark to bt- a reej ectable e don .1 mtn, ani Laa ¦Mieef-fonable eredeat ali froui the Mayor af M i- Iri'e. 11 ia _if.«, a xirtuoua. recpeetable, Chi xxonian, ia a slaxf in th.-t'. i-i'y. Suih aro ih.'law* of Alixi.fiiiia tbat Traim-r aad his reeeaed ehild weeJd b.- i-xiM.scd totke los* of tht-ir fr.cdim .htuld thej r.-aru llo i* ih. i i-«r aid te aalaTcd arifo aad *Ul md tba aeor folloa m meh an onderi tl THE MKB1LLA VAtLEY. The Waahl-tgto« Praaa, aaBahaieted and eeadaetod m nt, is one ef the ehief aeourf-8 ofevaaaa* trx. Waeaaaotaaaaappeal to Nat-oaalpride it, like .^livi-rv, a cul'ur inrtitii.'ici.." lor i* i. exa.-ti;. aach a BerrOe and BoaUfH t-RBM t m thflRmo** carruiu and arbiR_rj di -[oi .-Ina te tn. A\ e la ar-tgpof cotirtc, iiiclude lathildeaei ii ib j 11 iKt.i j-.;n._!i oci . or mota " oruaaa" of "otll iho 1'rrtsi:-. l.x tl.< tbe De, ' to., __o f independrneoand of ,,f uu (i m. It .- their b. UtJaetLfj . e, i- .1 dn_, t.-. ,e .I policy thaa e n alrj h it of tho aar inxiliih li.- ii .ix bee lv a Ja' :::_c '-ut ¦ Maod-J to n :' I'iiittl to extarBiinata il mn ! aith tha ¦ pub- A_v. rtii . aud it* K.iitora | n-d i.-.ui the acaodaloea prafttt Congrrssiuoal Piiutir.g.undertakc* to c«>rrret aud rc- buhe The Tnluxi Uiua- It voochgaf-. balf a tratlirticca of our laat article on this suiy thaBaaatfea intoadenial tbat Mrtjor E-i.xry, aa - - .rxexor ata.-hed to tbe Baaalaryl :ht¦ agr.emem betwcea the two Comiai.tionct- a^tot.' it lt-. -ti ) et which the new Riaa- dnrx ahould etrike laa Weat from the Kio d.l N'orte. AitLoujib ba'.f our anie'e it BBRtted iu Tke I'mon't re- piy, ao allusion it maiU in il to the /art that ttt copied tba ttati tn- i.i rt BIBBRjBI Maj Emorx fr .m TAg Ltpntt ftd it thcrcto. ta)in15 only on onr part that "ttt«nta" to be tho fact that Maj Emory aiRtvedtbe Bartlett line.under inatnietioRa from the Departuitnt at WaabuiRton Every reader "f Ta. t ***a ia dtuberately miiled into the be'it-f tbat Tkt Tnhnne had iiriflual'itjedly asaerted tbat M*j. Eu*->r) "'..' the Conunisaioners' line. aud had rested on noauthority for ita statereent but that of the Sarvevor'* BRB Be- port. bat palare-bounda that bark as they eja fed to do would ever deal with a Rrare pa i .' <livi'.i'»u g>> tr. kily. Well Ihe Uuion haa Major EQiory1' #61 " tl R - Rt .,t, which we had tot and bave nor; yet Tae DWeo/e citation. froin ditferetit parta of cbat Bipirt, iDt. td. d 'O d.aprtve our BtaleaataaTt, leew to us enire- ,r. i har «ur read.-s mtt hare tbe sam- a.,e,.. .Lat we have. *'" #B .'a . very vvord ai Maj. Eu.on'a Report tLat The (awa cit-a to make out U8 eaBB, exactly ea laa Waa haa coaked u up, aid witbaat tbe JatRfR-Bg port.-ni on orbiai Iba » SeysM.; I'.tnor/. rort ta HM .Secretary Ojf the lu'erior. 03t. 1, I8tt: ' ... . _i,j>~ rhei re-era* H'r'rl v xa fo I . l ad n. beaa c ¦_- t .- ,...,., u ',.-..-.< * tha tbe attrrcTor - ... ... * lTit»;.ri - '.* -' ' ' | "ta ap- ' .. uh, , , ,- ol. and tkt a: ¦| .-^ III Bi' ' *. aa impirtttt .... H I .t baa Rl -aia/xr at lil pr*| k work tt tbe rtte I waa ,.-...- ¦ ¦ tigi >d. * '' ( fur tlg tlan bal be rei.-j ... - 1 (ot'lai: .... .'. tiyttti Vtti l .i r..e:..e .1 wa* nrter inlendrrl . tii .. r. ie the .om laeao , .,,.... r l adt i o: ii -. n i- |^.*tr af lb* | waie I xl aoreti pen -u by | . the M I - ktthe tun "1 .... . ra tr.. i Ir. Ua ./a- li gaiixai'i ii ] ' . . . - .t ..!.« a-- "i t: laafcra r luawni i .. i .Thoa, yoa aee, oa roadiag ' ¦.. tioooy li vkliiile ot it.oadaatbiag aiaf, tbal tbe boM tbal Ba En orj evei aigaed I away, in tli-' twidf oci, taa araaatawhielibeeigaedlt.tbatoree a leel whioh be int.'ii.ii bia aignatare to bave. Ihe Btatement we / Exxrtxt tbal be b ita i'.- iU _ d tl bi tweea tbe Bartletl .there ia VOTJ i' . BOt Bt a!. Tkt tVaaea'B d izte - -aj his Beport. Oa tl"' eoatra .aiill irrii DSOOthci iid aign ii.-,' lot IY>I U-... Og tl y .t.i . i ... t. t.i- i aa .! theoj m p u- (i axpreea eaiora froai the Cabtael ai '-¦ att. r ' ¦ Bartlatt aay/ar and Barreyer G <> eyaiaR il potat agreed on by .if two Coini.iisionera.and beeaaae he (afaior Emory c lidered enatl raa ae led,aad "ih(t a.l or : il " Wa tf in ire .. . [f saeb at aot bind lf ibe aigi atore ' aae of itjtioaa I'mni Waal ingtoo, oar G rrerntaoRi d; buttodii an ac .1 |' iolll. 1 aboat. tl l.'T t. ld | 7 tbia ia our Arm] "foir t. !. 1 - oat of o ra B larit, aa - didiaa. ' Bl ,,u, i'- -iretruo Wara, iu J. l#Roa afbba faaal Rbotta a bbJb ¦.. i:it wbo al* BI thoir o-vu .. hiiil BM rudianly t ha |B tor .. " l_y( , * ar.'' thiUI IU IfXraa-l 1-8 blOOtttoet, Now, beiicvu." all huinan atTairs to bo uudcr the Laine- diate aod rontrol of a joat Ood we hold that Jittti,,- Tuat bf the real interest of every humao bemg -.b.titia.nfioitely preferable to suff.-r wront; rath-r than do i'-and tbat there ia far BBOfR probahility of a gtro,,!iNationiuiP'..i~t-nBw, reverae Aml il there were aay doubt aa tothe pn-per point Bt r Ibmndary «*"«*. "art W* from l.h%K'° aetb-dltb. to !.. RiT.-n ,n favor .f tbe week power wbicb. in th" Treatr ea _*.!isLi >* the ..1»rv, baa justsiirrendere,! hall her f.irmer tar- rit.rT.nfher'thsntl-eafron^-pokreralii-h hat ai-ri;r-d all tbat, BBdlt nr.torio.iak BBRpJ f-r m.-re aa initial I*>iut "n th'" Kio <irim,,> h-v" b*en eetablidbed v tbe B «adary CuBaaalfiliaan ofthe twa »,«, m aH H "*1,!t'r thp Treaty of *Vace aa,i rpl"°n' bi ti.RfkRoWoaB, ia .:,- rraoay rao^tirea. T- thia pt-int to he th- tie* on.-, aiid oertainly o lioui.t that, pn-raa jaBuB, the paababi-ty ..,,r fc immeiiaeh ttJORf. We brli.-.e. tOft, tkatthia point baa been dt-funtivrly eatablhhad Bktd rati- led by the lifBBtafB tf tht V. B Banfrrot at-taehad to a.iarv (^BOoiaBioa, aoiin_ tuidcr the OKptaaa gsjfthe tahin-t at WaabtagCoa, thoiijh TA* ,,il, rtnkod to deny it iu tho following gingerly iiiijjccr: ... -Tbe offi. iai rap-rt ofMalor Emory on this very paint "is e'i'"ie ii- aotfitehowauat, so tar Groat Bgaiag aad ai m tha manoer re jairad by "tle'tr'e ty.b . r#thotltao valldlty, Ralor B Ho-r.thoagb wroogfaliy m.o ili. Raliy taatntetod by tha Um li.i.ri r 'to deferto1 Mr H* n, aod be. a.« an offirer, tegarded that Eaatruction .s dO aa iiitei.. v- hiflfl of aay laapoaoi- in the iin".-r-dii yet wbolly r- .. r, r.",y tb.. B.'.-ura.-y f Mr Barthrtt'l,'ti any | " aaii -i ia'itii-'ka "t it'.iT u.e ii.,.- daooribed oy ihe ¦ ..(,. ], i>ii?ier inttructions ner i:n|>>.-r Emory t" do aaytbiiig laoreft 11 tign . e tttt, M u and tkt Jf if i -ai .i Th»se Italics aro The I'n'on's.and what do thry bB'.< oat to ' ."^ap; o*e _Uj. Emory tateaded to eiaiu the daeBBMata nely "in a Pickwiekian aeuse ". auppose ke d d ii"'. r.aliy balieve the iuitial p.m: oaght to bo wbere ihe CbBRBa.aRBta liad plaod ii. bat a.-'t-J, not cl hia own judgment, but ou the ordersof his superiors rt Waabiagton.-howweald that ofeet tbe qoaotioa aa bttvren tAir lionrnnunt und that of M'ZiCn.' What praaei firce h»>ve theie cavils of T'Ae i'nion, h_flylag, bm 11 at 'he 1'iHiida'y aettlnneut bai not beeu - by («ur Ltairejor, but tuat it haa not boea ai_ni d " ta "fJic rrioarrrrtiiiiiri'd b> tbat Treaty, [which re.juirea ld iiianuir" at all] in order bt tiive that line v_iniiy ' Bal i-oiicide away leven f igh'lia uf our £; mit ihat tbeiaittol poiat ograee> apaa by tba twa Cooa- auaaioBara ia wraag tbal tba -gaatare af t-tj Baaofy is iioeiiiianire.that n* line haa been run, no hoiin darj t.,t.", -i.,1 in qecardeaee with ibe riijiilreinents #| bba 1 e,.tr.and arill it it ni.ilfiiiai.lo that i-'Uie iort ol Bi'Uiniaiy Imi uiua. 1." prorisionally rei^ec'ral until n,. tiu-li.e i- n be eatahliabed. It each Nation ii tB i. r itoeB, and tabe poageaiion of all it olaima, :i 11. «i ii aeeaf% fttaa War. Obrtaaaty, tkrre muat be furievr.iiiri', or WB are pr.-rp'tated irit > hoscilitiea. line niusi be laopof' '1 BBtO tlie true liin' shall have baaatraaad Kaw tbere f\iats but oae ttaa tbat baa eaat baa pbb hy taeteflited tgeata of the twaCo.o> ttie-, ai.d iar is the Ooaaaaiaoaaaaia' liae. Who can d'tibi tbat botb VatbB.i aogbt ta taa Batterwbal i rita.aatll aaatbar .iv.- beea raa Wba eaa donbt tb .' ibe Bati >u 1. n .!a 'io. pa aeraaa tbal 1" e t" ot_oree its di4- elaitua will he «uilf> oeforo (ioJ aud tho fributiil ,. Pai of waufonly pr#*/obi-| and i .v oa b<- it BBOV r- '1 liob has j ipniag up i. eniirely oi oar ereatioa ibletathe Me.illa Valiey. aatraope ti.. r.. until our c.iivcnior Laaa of New-Blexioo ieoaed b Pieclaiiiat . n Ut lag ekfaa ta tbal Valiey, overritlitii,' 1L1 a.-iO'ii i-t'tbe ('oiiniiir-ei.iiera, and ta'a-ly aoaatRiBg tt nt ii had beea repudia'id by "ur Cobiaat, wbtah ear> aaa no) lAea 'mr, abaterer bbrj have trana- piredtdoee IiiorderiiigCol Saaaaor ta a-raaaa witb ble irooj-a at:d tal-e paaoeooioa Ot* tbit Valiey, Gov. Loaaetaarl] adau*ttedtbal it waa aad ta-.i taffarpoo* eesaiun, bal i ad l.ei n ul andnoed hy oar Iroop* afier tbe > itrx Mi-vii-n, rbboi aajaagtaf taaa Coaua ¦aioRaf .oi i' liiit i.-.-.-s* 1> i-. I Ivyeoaigraata New-Moxif laaatfaiod will ."ir rale there, and ,..' | r»tiii> ii.iT.-tri.mbiuti.u tba) aappoaotlto ba \i. g mitary. l><> ».. reuiiy wiabtaoabjogate tlit-ae people Bfaiii to oursvvay I . TA. I aaaa Laa oovei yai dbawowad ba reeeat Edi* torlfcl oi Raoafataad laboradalteaapl taabow tbat the polley oftbe Aotoeral ia aeeordaal with our oikii, ii,. i..i ib.-it oil'-.- ' evary An.< iii.iii taattaet baa baaa dtireB iato tbe wiUa We bave tTnated, bawever, tbal aotbtag oiore of the aaii vvi.iil ba foin.'lI iu Iba eotamaa ef tbe CoertorgaR Bnt it Tba ' oioakk, ed Haad bytboAalo. . i re <i n '¦'> gabeerve l ii | bi j-- ei arae m tl ia o_a i Ifesi.a To Ibe torti-i dra ia i .i (earfall) al thi- I'.; keep bereetf oafettered eaabro-m.ata with brr aeithbore, aad ao r. a.l> t.. throa bet wbole Bora' eal weigbt iato .u i iriaa Tbe flama now kindling on the i eBeephonu oftba Latei I it ai :. j -.ratiou from oar at thii _________ di i tion in t Bin V \M> 1N I rops. ¦( ttie i Btor oa i ie 1 Of BB* -ure, -d the Iv. -.ici.. praaei aad anJ ji i ai'iiui wi'k abi.-h tbe rtCB. it taay aeeoia ... age,aadav< for republican freedota aad 'bev. .tbRHRRtj I a aad tba ooaaaajaead HhoMbond of agua bdoi uda-1 may HLd r . ria^ t^ cn. _bataacea of cauat-a. andwt.a*. f may assutue, that hare '. aht.ut thc a luha grjcg in _ai. ua br ab.ut ten years paac, and noti in on* forniidable rtvo.u'.iou. f.Le aaOMioa of tbia oa*- break has unquestiocahly hraen affu-rded by the i. aBRBOB I rcug upi.n Lhrua that aafOttta dru^ Beliew tL.- r.r'i ith arn.s the BBtkoritf of the l-RMboa dyRaat] ,; tle aupernitiooa (aith in Uie eteruity ofthe CeleatiAl Euipire broke down: tbe barbarma and Leruietic isolation from tbe ci*il_:cd w.rld waa infrtoged; and an opening waa mad* for that intercourae which baa Bine* proceeded eo rapidly uudor 11 e kolden gttractioas of Califoroia aod Aus-ra'T* A' U,e came time the tilTi-r coia t-f :be E npire, itt life- bbai d, began to be drained away to the Briiish Exst Indiet. I ptol-_t>, the J.alance of trade being coatinually in favor of tha Chineae. there etisted an uniuterrupt-d importation of tilver from Iodia. Bmam aud the Statet intoChtna. Sin.-o 1-5 >. and e.peeially a mo 1840, the export of .ilror from China to Iudia hat .. almost exhausting for the Celeatial Empire. Hcnce the str>>ng decreet of the Emperor agaluni the opium trade, re.ponded to by aull 8tr«>ii<*r N8b-Bb-BS to bit meaauret. Beaides thia iinmt-diate ccoaomi-al ceiiacqurnce, the bribery eonnectcd with opium ¦Rugglingbas entirely demoralized the Chioeae State iC.cert in the Southcrn proYinc-t. Jutt a. the Empe¬ ror xx at wcn'. to be contidercd the fatht-rof all Chinv io hia oflicer. were looked upon at tusfaiuing the pater- ta! r. laiii.ii ta rh. ir respective diatricta. But thia pa- triarchal authority. the only moral link embraeing the va.t niachinery ofthe State, haa gradually been eor- rciii.lby the corraptioa of those otheert, who have made great gniiit by cooniviog at opium snii Tlii lut octurn d priucipally in the .anie Snu fhero provincet where the rebellion commenced. It ia alm.m needleti to obterre that, in the tame nn-.tire in which apiom baaobtaiued tbe .evereignty over the Chineae, the Emperor and his ttaff of pi-dantic maudanus have LiCk-nicditpogacedoftheiro-ntotereigaty. It w uild tteui as th-Ugh b:-:tory had first to mike thit wliele tt apla drank before it could IBMBB them out of their .j.raiy tmpidity. TTai _li m.-.. | cxii-tinc in fonner timct. the import i' F-fBak g-k-fct-aa, nud fo a amall exteut ofE-fliah xto. II. i.a, has rnpi.ily aince 1833, the epo.-li when tha BM BOforj f traii.- xxith Ch-BB was trausfcrred frotn j.ftiix ta private coiiiinerc-.'. aal BBB much L'rcater acalo aitice 1840,-88 BpOth when other n. tious, nud < FpeiiaP.x oorovm. also obtaiuod a thare in the Chin-r-e trade. Thia ifif.odiioti.iiii.fforeign inanufac- ; ,i. ihai l.a>' . fimilar . Aet «.n tho nativo hiJRRtrj 88 tl -t xxl ' it f-nncrly had ou .\sia Mm ir, i'or.ia and Ii.di.v Iii Clina the .pinners and w. i;l'ertd greath undor tbifl foiaifB oompetitio:i, and th.« Baaa .x- ..(-. BM unti ttlcd in proportion. Tbe tribata ta ae paid te B_f_md af: -r (ba tnfortu- cate war o 1840, tiie.reitt unprod'u- .:<tionof opium. tba drain ef the* bj thia trade, the tlestinctixe ii.l'iuniv of for.-ign coinpotition on na¬ tivo mntiufaoti'T-i. the demorali/ed eOttdBfoa ef tlie pu_- .i.i«trati>>.i, ptOdaeedtWO thfaagl th- old taxafi tt beeaaae more bn__8_BB-BBe and haraaelng, and now tai. itioo wataddedtothe old. __-a_Bae_.ii.f tba Ea* ¦aiar, dated Pehia, Jaa. .">. 18-3, ae lad o _en % ihe ricerayaaa goTerao-i af the Beathern prafiaaei af \\o,( haafaad Hun Ysn. to remit r.ud d.-f.-r th¦ pv.- ii:i nt Ol taxea. ai.l t'-pooia!!y uofiu n 8-801 more ti.aii tha P _ular BRMMBl forai ,.41** deeree, " haa a_l tha p__» ___fda ba ablo t.i bear if.'" haa, perhape," a__a_aaaatha Baperor, - n.ii my , people, iu a p.-riod of hard .' l.o xoiupt. .1 I...111 t'uo t-viis of behlg pursii.'d ar - ri. <i bj the tai-gatbeiar." Saeh langange at this, and .uchoi'ti'. aab aaaa r. m.-iiil.or tohare heard from Aus- tria. liern.nux. in 1848. All theee ditaairh leting togetheroa aaneea, the atonla, the hadnttry, and polltioaJ ttroctare l, locoiv.'.l tbelr fill d.'V,-! >;. ii¦¦:t illil r niK-a t_ 1840. whieh taeho down the aatho I- orcr. fiid li.rced tho ('. lertial Einpirr .: 11.» 0..11- ini't vA.tii theterreet-ial aarM. C implete laoiatioa waa Ihe prima eooditloa oftba preaarTaiioa af OM 1 --__! Uolatiai r' deal aad by tba bbo- .,-,m ,,, Eng] ...n folloa uaarelj u iu a berm Iracaied eofla, aba-erei it b broaghl into eeare tl,,'..] en air. Noxx. hnirland hariqg bro«_fhtabool tha reTolntioRofCbb__,tba (aaeaiaaibi how thal rerolatloo, xwll iii titi-e raact 0:1, au.i thi ..11 .;i Enrope. This aaaatioa ii aol difflea-l ..f tolatioR. The allta-thia af our readari l.a.a aftea 1.1 eaOed to tho ui.paraili'b-d -loxxili ofBa-b-b m_Q_t j.,-,) An i.i tba bmbI larprWaf B-oeaeiilji, it baa aol been di__aall to point aal tbe efoer aymptomg of an ap- proachha] __b__i_al eriau No-witbahindhaj Californbi ,.,;,,! AuatraUa, -otwBhBl-adtng the ImBkaoaaaad anprae .. ,1, i.t, ,ioi: Ifratwei,therebmmIeaer,__healBRypartiealar n,.,i,1,1,1, iinliio tiiiii- airiv. a-HMaeal abaatbeexl ,, tbe ii.ark.-t-- fa Baable t-- kaep paeawith tbeexteo- l!riti-h Mwo-k-tarea, ar.d thia diiprop IngahoRtRBOB iiirii adth tbe aame eertainty ii j, i.. done in the pa*t. Bat, if oaa ef tba .a eoatracted, tha arrira) of ,.iily nt'.-olorat.-.! tli.-r.-liy. ROtT, thi 1 1 .-.11 ii.u.-t. lor !.' | p... claelytl 1 ¦'.' Tbeaaaeaaitaforopaa* irei -iag tbe old of Ihe i t!"" ri.-.lii,-r..i;i of tbe British xxith aa iiior.-a-id impeetatioool laonfcetarea t. China waaex. porti :.. ed, be- the repeal in 1834 ofthe trading B-oaopolf p-n Eaat lndia Company, to onli £<, "i .: ¦1 I-./., it amoontod i > of tea iiiipor'.o.l from 16,167,3.] l_s.: but in 1845, it ... .',7 11 - in 1 r .. it is i.ov. al Its. a eref ¦¦! Bf }>.; r 'i iBk-faiR ie Oa one han 1 I of 1851 xa large -nrpini etock left bai 1 .' *>u the in'' r land, * of the altered Bri' .ard 'D iinjiorr.a China, hve d ail tba 1.', af _n Ij ei: Thia -;.rio ni LaOBd-OO ther bj . A * ttiinly 1 aaopPraaeb ali trani-ct;. r'itigsea paa .. niroid) aemaaRBaed u l. ¦1 eaaaa a laifa deficic i* as go-<l at certain. Xor it this a.'!. The Chteeee, road.. be. a. are all p. op!e in poriiid. of __wT0__t__RRTJ convul- si-11 .li ia (ba t'orc .uer a 1 iba milky oinmod- ) have on hand, «iU, as the Orientala are used t.> do in the ap[ n hen.ion of grear. changee, aet '.0 hi»ard- iog, not takitig much in return for their tea and silk, t BBB) t '..ard uioiiey. England haa accordingly to cxpect a Ti*e iu the price of one of her chief arriciea of con- tunipri'.n a draiu of lullion, and j-great contraction of an important market for her cotton and woolea good* Even 7A< frouomiet, that optuniac conjuror of bQ tbinga uieuacing tbe traniiuil mioda of tbe mereaatua n n mutiify. is compelled to use language like thia: VV e nuH nr»t rixtter "ura. IveB with uud'na; aa eit-neir* a n«aiket i..r our etp-rt* I' a Bioea probahle tb.t .ur-t, < . .aldaaA fer aaB tbat there aboald Baad far tha k, r-t.r ana ti It must not be forgotteo tha tbe riee in the price of ae tudieptiiralle au artiole aa tea, aud the Bf nrract.oa ef aoiuiporUkUt a market aa Cbtna, vill oiocide with # deficient harvegt in Wesorn Europe. aud, tbere- fore. witb rieing prices of meaf, c«»rn, aud aii u'her ag- riculiural produce IL-nco couiraited niarke'g f,,r mauufacturee.becauae every riae in the prc.g of tha lirst nect'Sranes of life is couutrrbalau-ed. a' l.oiue aad abroad. by a correspondiuK dtductien io the dem _-d for manufacturea. From e*ery part of Great brittia couiplaints have been rm-ived un the bat-kaard atate of moat of the crop*. Ila tlfonomist aaya ou thia sub- ject: In the loatb Of FiiRland n.-t only will tbere ba l*R ta, imiii teo la i--r * i-r.-p "t any Borf, l.ut n.uii. oi tbe aowa laad will p^rova to b* Ibal or.ther. wire ta a bad atate for ooia graanag Oo tbe wat iiiif.i tor ktb. :t aigae that ttlaohb ia going -narea l n r ptaattog gi « ntSftl ui iy a,v baaaM t<> have paaaed away. ¦:!?> u.ia i..a ... wbile Ihe time for prvftW Og laad lor lb* 'urnip a .- by, without ai.y adeqaate paaoarotloa for _iu iatportanl crop baving h en a.. ouipl tkad Oataowiag baa aita bj -laand r.vti re« .-a'.. w.-re rowti early. hi. i late OOWO ,;.,u produc* a 1 irge r.-|. .... Inuiuiy. - aaoag the brvading Boeka hava Tbe price of other t'ainu-produce thau c.-rn is frRRnU to '30, ard B9CR Ml per cent. hLgher 'hnn laat year. Oa the (.'outincnt, corn baa risen ii.uiparatively more rlan ln England. BfB bns riaeu in 1>.-I.niiu aud liollan I I'uli lOOpercvUt. Wheat aud othor araius are followiug luit. fjadfjt ibcaa circuniatanccs, as the graat#r tl.e r.gular couiiut-rcial circle haa already Ix-en rua through by lltitieh trade, it may safel. be aBBJBfad rhat tbe Chineae revolution- wili thfaR tba apark into tl.e ovt-rloetled miue W% tho JtaiaRt iiuliistnal iya- ttm ai.d caui-e tbe ex|'l"aian ot the loBg ffapoiadgBR. eralcrisia, wbicb, aproaiiing abroa.l wiil tie fol- lowed by political revolutious on tba t'.itiniieut. It would be a curious apecfucle, tha' tt* (Vnua aeulmg lii-oril. r iii'o the Wee'.-ru World tkhiie th-tWes'-rn t-ovkerr, I'V Eiigii.Ii, l-'reiich and Atiierifiu war era.are convi-ying "order" to Shanuhai, Naiikif. and tfaemouthaof tbe Great Canal. Do the.eorder-uionger. b a aowara, arbli li would attempt to support the ini; alai.t.-l.i.ii ilynaaty, foryet that the hatred agaiuft foreigaereand L* *r axelaafaRi from thi-Euipir.- tlie niere reault tit'Chm t'a geographtivil aud et l.n .j-raphi- cii iliaaiatB. liavo hacRaaa a paU iaal areaaBi only ainoa oaaal of Bm country hy tba raaa »> t m M;mt- il.nuTaitara I Tl.ere catu baaaawBBt tbal tl.e turhu- Irtit ilisn'iiaionsauioiik' ibe Europefiii tia'ious aiio, at tlehtirt-nd uf thc ITib ceiitury, rivatad .-t.-ii oli.-r in tlietratie wuh t'l ina, leut a uiigli'y a;d t«» tbe excluaivo poiicv adeptod BJ the Man'cbtms. Bat more taaa (hi* waaiii'Ue by tlie fear af the nen ilwiaarv, 1, to. the for. e'gtieta night fakor tl.e dhbMBtent i-xisting auioui, a large ptaportloa oftbe Chtaaoe dariag th.. Irat half eaBtaiy bbibaraabaRtaaf t-bbteabjaotiea t<> bba Tar- tara. Knun tbaoa #ai aidera'ioui, lorei.ticra u. re then BTObibltcd fri'in 3ll coiimiiitiicatiiiti kvi-hthe t'hineae, hi- cepi tbraagb CeoRoa>k,aaoaBatBgTtiatd'etaa-afraBi Pa> kin i.inl tlie tin-tl stricfa and iheir C'lMiiin-n-e r- a-ri.-vd totatereaareo u ith tbaBLoafflMrebatata,.aaaaadbj tuo Qgja, ii ii, ti' MBtltttlj f.»r '.he foreigB trtule, in ord-r fo keep tbe reet af ita aa_fjaeta fraa uil coui.ti.m with t),, ,,!.,: ra. iu iiny aaaa aa tatatateaaea <." tht jiia-f of Iba W.sterii OBfwfRatf BU Bl this time can ra to roadar tba ratahttlafl BacaTkaaaRj, aml aratraet iba atagBBibM af trade. Ai fn- Baaaattaaa it ia ta ae ai arrad kkith ragard bi Iiidiii, »!'at thc Dri'iah Ci'iViTiimi'iit af 1-BlBBMl IJ BR* Bf Bd lor l"'1 aBR aeven'll of Ita reveuue ou tbe opiiiiu t" Iba ( Kiih ae, kihile ,i i-oii-iiloriililo pru;>nrtion Of the Indian ih ini.ial for Hii'i-li iiuiiiiificture* dapaada oiitl.e proiltctiou ot that opinm in iu Ita. Tbe < it ia true, are no nmre likely to r.-n OBfM tba BBB of* opinm ibaa af Ibe Gtot.taaeto fotowaar tabaaea. Mut na tl.e io a Emperor ia nnderatood t-. be favorable to tho iiilmre of ihe poppv iiihI the pe|iinitioii nf opi'im iu Cbinti itM-il, i' il evidi'iit thut a doatbbloW ia very like- atr.tbat on.-e at the builaeeoai op4aaa-iaia8.| in Iiulijt, the iii'iiHii revi-iiiie, tba eaataaardal i> aoaireeof B_tdaa... Tboagh tbba Maa vaahl aot nn uu iliufeiy l.e i. lt by tha .Batraata eoaaaraad, it aaall etleeriiiillk in il,..-tim. aiu! w"ill-l eoiii.- iu lo iu- teaiafy aad prolaaf tha a_rraraaJ ilnaaetal ttra_awbaai hofooeope a e have cuet above Btaoatbe oo_.leneement of the eightaaath eaatBiy Bt been no serio'is revelit'ioii in Ivimpc whieh bad Bat beaB precadad by a aoataaaaTata* and Irrhb. criaie. Tbia BRpUaa un leaa ta tha revolii'ioii of lr-O tban to thal of 1-K Ii ia Inta, BBi onl) tbat ae every day b-huld inoro tbreatcniug t.wi-en tl.e rab-g pokk. ra auu tt.. irBnbjeete, i.. k, .n 'ho Sfbff a.ul Bo'.-ieiy, beiwi. ,a cUanes but also _iato.flietof the e-iatitig pawen ts-aaajaaahaahaf giadua'iy n-aehing that. iiigi.t »!:. re ;he av-ml inaii be drawn ii nd the ultima rutw uf prncea he re-nr. .! fo. latbe Earepeaa capical*. arary day brlogaaaaj ofthe foliokvnngday, boai nRBBt af p awi-i-1- .r -.1 Wt i"ay hR -in-, nevcrih. l'fa, tl af to wha'evir bigbt tha aaB rapeau ]. i i:- I lafthB ,; {.', !; . .- il-i ll I: ll) Up; '-(Ueilta ¦aaj ba a'tempted byaon. Lfl thia Bba rage ofprtaeaa aml thc lary #1 tho pe.o leage aMbaeaauatad b] - braatl 11 praepecBf, i-.a.e or re-.i.i.o: iBIBfg ea of Rgai . rai* tial aial tadaatrial erlah ilaf Rbl t'iveof j, c .nae- nmeo, ¦¦ '. witb Aa ti "fi wnmp errrywl _ MIT J<»'- Pogf twal > -.'the of ai i it two Ideao i I 1 -' - -, a:id some m BB . bi-paa. ti.e B'»"d limoaBaRtag.ooaataf aa. and bave nwihiug to a_BR R* the principlea their Uador* bave diepoetd of. Ucnce the lugubrioua exultatioa of TU rott.

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Page 1: New-York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1853-06-14 [p 4]. · BTJBINESa HOTIOES._ 'Taa Kaox Hat.-Ibe eatabliehad aad ___*_£_ |B9§. t *****^.aaaw-aatIT_T__iHat. M tbat ef the iadefttigAka

BTJBINESa HOTIOES._'Taa Kaox Hat.-Ibe eatabliehad aad ___*_£_

. t ^.aaaw-aat Hat. M tbat ef the iadefttigAka. e-" "

|B9§ ***** IT _T__i tt._«__lB. at.iiah a*at. darabl. a.. I

. Ai_* .en.d M by a. leworto aaa «.'". . . -.-.

___a_! thBattoaaca-aat Wgreerly euhteP"1" TTJr_"tjTr T»b-» *. praeik aj *cait'tie eio* n-r>eo'.telVrtfi.i t a^ r... g . ,,,,. ,,..... t 0,:v :n t -

kaok" xeaar Baavaa,^t__IVb Ce L**d*r» «id lagmdu- er* ef Fe*h on for

fUtWe-'. llata, Aior Haa. Broadway, N. V

... ....T,B,j. the tattl- uhroe-1 f aietart. ixbua ~ jjju.., .-¦

futori- 5Tr.d7.iy Su rprt,.,.t- Thair atact A tt. . - .

ffrlce* h^

..* e-t-BBiB AaitAaoraisTS at <«esix«1 aa cfc""

. lf Ne».Vork ix.w ...*^_*i?_?!K-a^^atott I. aow atodked with . g-r 1

;;i_,*^.'i^*a»MJB tttii.-* th-. a^^V/f*J__l_^h-'lre-.«yl.f.rtl.Bf*' . a.h-r.Cl* ^_^lehexaab_s.b.fearvdh.p Drab be*__*"^___£^".,, ,t v.

. (Itxi.v rwx»t rltrawa and at. C.«ir tii a ar

'..ra.y ar'..r .-

li e j. aa tb( ^ ,, Fanama, or » ..

''*!'' *. **^~_i __g lakwaiili ini|T -----

Will h. d a itrr* cnia.1,1a fto . ocfc et rrari-i

ra-^-,:.. httae raede, arrera all Ui. ni-w-

A^fde.-ay,,.QaRTt.aaaa'8 Beawaa Hvt«, Wmri, Oroi a«d

«-., .tiii oicb.BitD eor, rr Piaeaal N.a.u .-.., iieiie* > I- -alakyleeo .

ataaa ot the verjoaaa i-

l.t .

tt Oeattemf ii a wexr.. ar.d Naaeu-t/i.



p% Silk* Hhaals, Maiatillaa, Paraaola, aad*je_i.|t .¦><¦! I.bjti. a' Drea (rotala, for j | r: « todeettaer wetr juat, i itat atearoer, tie now ready -. O M.

I .a Ottod-rt, coruf r Oreaud. ABa. dirret from an-

, ¦, aplridid alwk o' turn ..rr ftiiil*, l. r i.iru * td but**weer- L*t« a»d Morlin Diaj.. rt. ai. raery

.'ocgiaeMr B ak ug ili-a* j, irclinet,lUbeatre tafuiid rTcry.lui.c uu>*. i.t nca aod fa.M

x | r-ca.

1 ti R.fiARBEnas i-oK 8»Bata.Tbelheic.v.,,1 r: -.. Airnltf»ri.r.«n: VValnvite B'teuBo to ll

axtaa-vi aocko! te*.«av.b.r iibxU, tod feel t.ared thateoeUiacxrvreee ei y oi r lha' * r a aod taj.tiy, b .. 101

,tmU ARtxx-x

*\ SDERIJAgStM al. lloSl-KY.-l'il"'Ittl th* very baet g< oiIa ai Ihe low, . h tbey ae . .J

lb tlia touiiry, bay ol the Imponei tun mitralaot*rat,.' ~ v " * ADAMa,N-. trJt i'-roadway,

I); potile Metrepoliian Hotel am! Nible'.Gudea.\a\< i t ir -Mr -in CtarAins ar RaovocD Paioas..

.t ai Kii.ii » .Vindewk Broadway, oae doot ahon lt .i -.

Wat a-RRBB, H't hy the buretiuK ol 8wiu. in * gtaas in Miu.-Bt tt, oi R tl r.lay lat ai.d inor. fore ne: da-a-aa'd a*»lr toaid at l.-i- " k lnt!.»LAii.Ka. .S.....47 Mr ad

Vay' ca.irr UoB«*-»t. La.le* *B0 cail e,rl.. wiil bo rnre u bu.lttiijcbeii...a khat eui plra* lb-%

'"Tat 8uiutuer C'lothing at'iiiug oil at a griaat aacritice,

bi ciaa-qaeoce of leu.i.t.i !'. tttt la waat of M-..i i eilido eelltogite l.t cail.

liotolilo.-l A «

As EvTKAOHiHrtAxr DaMkau..The ruxh at C'aa-LL'i, I'O. :>J.j Uowery. lor bia Su :.*i*r ii*tj.r,,

, X| aug, tiu aod tithe iow |ince ol ti

itP'tab i.a lor tb* la.i l.w weeka beea ni".' tod Uieyaie.i iX.ii .ea by .t.iv IkkJ. trticie

.tn-g, ai.dtt ibetaiaatttt*thec aapett.rei o» re.jf.rt ..lAdi.f. li.*aa. rmiBja-t..ti.e.' e

Sa-iooau t rroBa..ade ld vgrj, e-Craci. g a.l qa l

laa l.iaia Ovcit.i.a..Thoae of otu ladiea who. intheir (tr* v-.-i. ti. coi - '

«»niA.n.i. .t. f). I haveaoair ol SaiTU'al! l.i*o..U.-tiia lor aumuier weat they are tne ae.y ea. ..: n- >f gn a

e*a a-t. if.e'tit r 6*Iith hx» r - g-nd' _Bjrtu..t,l n! L.U. ¦

*jtB*.l»oalaxea r, No. 8A lili < i L> r-^t, neai Hruadway.MovRRtwa JaooaRTi abd ^IiiaLisa.BAaTHetoaaw

A VViilJ l*ve nreivid Baothtt ltt(. lol ol tbuttcbeap Jar-Muil'i* aaeoirfialiilliBg, ..Moije nduspea . ..

e.l isotfi.. rvei odtitd. Niw MiaamBu mokx, 331 Mroadway."dj|k/i., Moii, CaarBTiaai roa Braiao Balri I--'at.iin i Lol tt.aaaBV So 448 Pealax-are now rejrni'ig ia tu>re,|>tr latr * ui**a. a l»rge »t i.:k ol V. It. >

J_. lPt, ..t ihate ai.d el»g*ut wlucivioua to .- at, tbey aaa me

Bhdux Biaaia

CARraTinoa^-PktTERsorf i. HiMiiiKkv, NoBiuwiwty, are d4iiyrec*iviuit. pn pacVet trou, Ku-ope.alJitiooii tup-

., eiagaa. Ca'petingt, ol *n|wrioi f«lim: auil .'.

¦teltll) .ui )¦'. - tt eltj tra-ie. For aale loll i.u p -r

. a i.'l ... o "-iiioga ii.i

.fv llauulacturora ot 8hoo8, Boots, CluthiuR MSttaaa, CatpetAaaa, Cttkiagea, Baga, aod Of all clolh aud laati

. ftoB. Ih. ll.)- tXK. B SrtWIUg__a>,, k . a<-am faiaio.Will aol, a* all -

out 1 in, ktioto #lflo. leniiiiBia* Bea paeooa aa.g .

aaatloaii t.howi.- Onov..*. Bab"^ era-.l, N. Y.

DbFII A 8AI AVIAMiIK SaI tia.-ti tli 8 ¦ 1'k l.U.. Il.SI ..1 M. IVAlailb lt Uir MauulAiI'iri . ie I'H- l':i,--ajf tbe - - >ttt<t, tnd 1

Btlatiifl Lmkl cnmhiued in the world Ur

pdt 110. l'i ailat, one dooi balea Maiden-laoe, f.-nui rly No li' Johu-at.

!li -'M-ss Atiaacr i.v IJostcm.The hasajRabdki4 8 OsbbibI Baalaiaa IganiiT iaBnaiim iii.u.g *

atcl.iiil iu ...rr., partM elarly at bi, 4

ttd M41IB iMunnce Aiei.t, will faiibfaUy to anythal uu I la bure lid o am, M a ut .kgri.t or oil-

. ai.ruA.i-. »'ti'C" ei.t ..: Ra.ala tdjaatiog AceouOalioi' i -il'itioBa, .*-i.:rA ol Merchandiee, * \

Btairti' 1. -A-Oli., .


mia. Mrara Hill, ( haniberlaln fc ( u Hia. OrAT-Co.;l: a J P iIah.a*. ia i f«i. Bottoa.

ta* Wa.DiBBLEi.llair Draaooraad Wi;: M i.

nap»tlflillj iiifcgB* Ue public Ihal be haa op-nrd ¦ new ai.d eiegtntlytuii.iak.d .un at No.''1 ttp.iug t: i. I .1 tal. Mr DlB-

Bixab. I.iaioouia to m. ri ta. Br.n u.d.«., hi»c.ti r.ieo. Th.D.n,' t-.r tbe lilaeral patrouag-' iB-iiailtl i.ifal...toie, No. 4." Broadwny, wl r.i.r ed I-r UMtt Mr* Plhrr, BB iiu.ui lt in i att..'.t;ori tobia bunoettbe mty

leiit a coM.Baboe of tl.e aau e._|jr*''lbe C'oetal l'nliice ia aotyetopeaod, bal tbe

apleudid tt, reol Ht Joiix i-.-EASO.a, al No. _di (ireeaw^li-^, it

wlieie H.e umjj* tlegabl aiudow cuitaua are oou.utntly k..^t n

l.tul. ,11 o, l.xiili. ioriac-i Itattla, aai tii ha little Bl i eiertl WOur* ttt.UuoB io ihe ii:o*t lac in.n*. ata la. A tiu.11. arl r!*or oil cioihi ae tlao kr(,l, whica lor b- aaiy -a .-li xance are

BOt atllj.fce tli.

I'lM.kkiH-piiik.'- Writiiii;, Ao., are taii^lit b) B. I*Fatiix, auili.iot -I'l./e 1-a.a ea Fenttanabip," ..I'.n!..

ri, tntl oll.ei p. iaar workr, tl No JI..IVV Inir aad VV .Ikrr-al*., u. au expeditioua aad au;.4nor luauu. i. .-

Mitiiuci. o.y aiiJ i tn

Pr. ii. Thd Bo.t-11 Rr-piibliiAB"We aie p, r- * '.¦¦ Mi loier a take gr*Ti

II ... o

o m iuii oi-riauo... ». d ar. ii. i« mviB d Ol Itat rlt, bt-yiiidali i-hu mttliod*, Ihe altauuuoi.l il t Imai, Uco

liutu t.* I.Aid."Manna uut luaurano*.

Gbbsral Mntxi [ Coar-at. Aaaataoatlia 13U jAatA.) . j. pn> rat*. .,. . .,

iicdo t-.winea with tiir Cottpaaj .'dio. tio.i Mortlituur Rxc.uae,boatt of VV 4ii aad VV lUam-eta.

RoaalikintioelL Wm li **i nwali, Morumet Lit gLo-B.vwb. PaalSj¦ aa. It MwabalL VV «.. t* kuruiaIroriiiBjaWaT.kZarVVt^ ebT^ '-"¦ N«' "

7K'^J, (r-T'i. ,t itaeraa. Wm II 4m' ."*, "';u.. w!Tg_SIIKt »i 1 ,'.'


Ai i a..-

a C aloabia, M»_4.ry. HiMtti ti ». Ba

FBorxait it Ak\ in 9F( « .-

aahla lu H-f laiga ul« "



Aa.1 I


r. .,'



laataiu.a. .um«tii.a lattrioi tfaattnasaaatttai.aa*¦"taAvatau.?^.^« aaa7 aaiog iw e

CBBBBBBBt) aaa aa.i »*«. .*

g» 8 'iUl''WU PA',

| him ibaa a a.y

IV llouaekeetiers aud aU iitlu-r* iu wmt ot U

b_ia_bfcc.,wrf_dda u, cail tl R_*'l_*-»_D'»J_____C^dwae.oo-a.No.l.'aChBibe- *. _"^* ya bwia th« laia*a aeaurtmeu. . ttttaradla.eaakvii-

crttkctt'i g DaadruB, rur*mg, r htir, t*

aaid ly al. tobethe b-tteaoir. ih .k the ladieawiold aii try it. c*Kau>)y. Piace -3 ceot., ia Uig* bxruie*. Sti.d by a.l

?leelintteiyabere.Itsbi » aa EiRiBiTBBt..Th.iatheconataot ezcla...

tHMe wbo via.1 the eixht *ptxcioat Sala Roeua of RlBAMil_i.iA_Ih 10 Bowery, wbe.« ibe iaiiau* wnety of Mj..ica V>ive4 Thaett-- ¦

JRag' L-itlaaf.*, 1ejaaite aarpn** and_,, oiiful, wBaalaw Na. ¦Bowery, wben lue lor.auc vanwy ot Mj.j

afi.l Veia'et ftfattry. Bru«*!a, Tbrer-ISC> i ._Ir_*T TaVle F'aao Covera

fe.^'rtvT^ --r-^1 '- -J'- « -*5 -a atid

fcc.utifki!, witba: **'o: .

>HADa >lk

Bewar* aflaapba**. rrtaeh*-, mctth* aad aato,Ab' tea, "o* tery weU ut aay. bawar*.

Bat bew deetro* the ert-Anre* ia their haaota 1

The meaia, tfany meara rh-re be. decler*'A fair rpqaeat endanbv al) the *etrt. .

That r'n wtre ratxmiard I a.y and *w«»r,That Lvop's Powi.ta, poi»onlea» to man^VAil! kfll theae itaAweta, .ad th.t aaal il r:*a «A1

l-tr-Central Dip't |..r Lto_i'« Mao-eti'' I owdkrsnv i iiLS,for__aa__lx*eti_Bofi__eet«, raUand nuc*. N*. 4J4 B-.-l-¦ .'


nrtt.-r and be li,!.!.- u» diteaae,wh for s r-er infte i rsn 1- m*de pnre .nd «ho .-"Tn.1 Tb*Ir.a >a < M'B Faira ia l.lihly'r.drd hy u.aar o o

t r n.'fl rtlfarnlty. fo; lt* . li. ac i. puri . a;

N *ll Broid. r.t_(,,,,. ,,Aik Cha.v .1) at, in r DrBlBfl it..i'v I

, Batfc* ~ « of he I air. oneea a r I,.. i d pradasi. r .,- ¦

*v|. * Hi.taiow ia .

...... - r peada bat a trial Itd .e n ita u .'aii-aa

Ni SWi Ortnd-lU ai'l 't


(a> FowLaaa A W-L-s, PhreoologiaU and .

1 I, No. 1*1 Nbwab -«t. Bj w-Yoii._.¦..---TIi"f8 who would __S to a. ail

. . Ht o'.*ervstion aal .

X I.i Mi.8, tl.e Advariitiig .gept. can d> .. »t k**pr* BaOJ-TAga, w),. rr l,r n.ey U re'.BBlt-d peraoaaa. t

t*t»e»r ll. hn-r-ot 10 and 2 o'elock._^^

?.ctB^OTit)PatIg gribun?.TUEBDAT. JI'aNE 14, W>3.

CtT Peraot.awa: tl .. TA* 7V~_a* B at thrir reaidaBrear- ¦ -t

ofT_el<i_i wi ; '. _.. ie»vr their .ddxeaa st the PaMieatior, <)

.: Fric*_8_*-u*we_k-*ey__toto tkaCArrirr __.. -

TO eOBBJ sr'<M'f:sT<Bo notfee r*a br t.ken of ar ouymoo* Cll ¦BlllhlHirdl ____**___

bi, te ,i"d for ta*. . . .

jy_... rc_B___ylUrB*b-_a-*-,-ataia|asg.ante. of hia good fahtb. _. ---.

Waeam.otBLd.ra.krt. r. -tirt, rej'fed Camrnani atJo-B.

Tke Trlbon* for Barepr.The neit nutnU-r ol IV -VttRM fm Fttrnp.n

Circ*/aita«v.iil he __*_-dTO-MORRoW .lOi:Ni\...at0 o'clock. li w'iH con'ain all ibe Lat.-at Newsap ta Ihetifiic ol Bobbj te Bfeae. -_BfM eeatea, in amipere,readv for iimilitiir, cac he had at the dok. PlMM BUCeot.. The Anibia sail* from this port IViu.rrotV at

Yi o'cioch._

tSTAtE Tlilliti PA(,E.**J

In St-nate yesteyd.y the Maine Law bill waa, aftera ceiiriderable gparring, refcrred to a C.imuiii'.i- i-on

¦ii'ing of Meeara. CJark, Briatd and Corn.-il) la reportconiplite Aii afeti ta make it the .p.-nal order lor

tlii. BM-B-Bfi f-iltd by a tie rote. A few bill. of lo .alO-taaee were ad.ptid.

In, noibing of note wa. done beyonJ fixingtl 8 Caiial buiinea. for debbte thia j ,.,

\\ c gire in our T ehagraabk _o__-_na a correct rersionof the reaorl atr.-. d upon bx the < *_aal -*____ree_M Committeeao- tba Beaate aml Aaaemhlj.A mo.em.Bl was a_a_e la tbe As.enibly yeaterday to

nforui our Grand Jury factory iu this City, by iatm-duciiic a bill, (wbieh wa. rcfern-d.) proTidiai that the

.ludf l of the Sopreme Court of the Firnt Judwifil Di4-tni't, ti t< Jadajea afthe Saaerio- Caar_,aBd __eJ_d|oa*f tht- Court of Conmion Pleas. aud tha Mixor. Re-cordrr and Cny Jodgaa, tha eaaetitata a Board af(on mLatieeera foa the Baleetioa of (..and Jumra.Thiy aia to prej-are a liat of 'M>'> nnuit-s.

Tbe Board of A-demea were io testion laat oight,but no hurinea. ol iiuportan'-o w.a tran-. i.t ed. Iutheir ei'S'ion an Superx iaor. tb. had a cbar-acteriHtic di-biite upon the bill of COfaaef Gh H


Jud^e 1'ai:( it..., j. aunlaj liii.rniiit', at tlu- City Hall inErookixn, gars hie dcci.ion in thia leeRj-aeateeted t na

A very iart:*' and intensely intcrcstcd aadieaoe xxa' inBtteRaSaaaa,

II- acconipsnied bin dt-riHion with a writt.-n ojiitnon,alii(h ourr.-id.rexxiii peree-Te,b> reforenee toi w*t

replete xxith s..ui.d iuw, .nd heelthy Beatimeat.I!.- look the child from Ro t- I'.-ift-r aiid B__r_e_ ii

ta tba fotber.Hia *i'cnicd to give tatiafaetinn.

It had l.ii-u nr. ;>art of th.- programBRB, ti,o. upl.x tb_eeefpoaiag theelaba af rraiaar, that the ch'ldtheald lake on sadiy at being d--lir.-n-d o.i-r t..

the fm i dr ot her fotber, eapeci-llj a. sho ha.l i-'-'n uddtlux vxtre noing to ttiut her upmid starve h.-r. SnoI'laxed the jiart verx w> T while in.d.r tbe exeof IotmUlTi-B but fo eooii m h.-r la bet t.n.k her ia hi.BfBBB ucil out. she xi.ia tritn.{uil a. a latnb, aud.eeated happ) la hir featOTRtiea.Thu. eud. thia" Ntgtt Buhy" aaaai a casc ahieh, bad

aal the aahjeat ef it heea /<."./. nud ¦.laimi-d byii litnaa. would hara haea di.«poai-d <.t ka eaa hour f*»nthe time of tbe Baniaa c.i tbe fi_*t writ.W'c ar» happx to I. arn thal tba aaaa wai d.'

bi^li Ai.d iiidtpi nd. nt ground., unaid.-d l.x tlie l'n ui

Safety Counnittee, uiicfili-li'-i.i-d l>y tha E.Uaiir.-Club, and uiiaft'i-c't.l b] ai.> ftar of a diaaeintion of thoInion. Wabatkrrea raat majoritj ef thiBB_ hon. at li.-ars in tba Btata will retpoud to the lxxv,ihe 8i'iiiimu;i. aad tba dee-Kwa af Jodfa r>.It will t-aeh rowdiea, harieti u^i de_-ag_gaea that.t-xtii in New-Tork t Ity,a eolored maR.ahild ctaaot

b- witMiclil fioiti him xxi-h Hiipuiuir.Treiner app.-ark to bt- a reej ectable e don .1 mtn, ani

Laa ¦Mieef-fonable eredeat ali froui the Mayor af M i-

Iri'e. 11 ia _if.«, a xirtuoua. recpeetable, Chixxonian, ia a slaxf in th.-t'. i-i'y. Suih aro ih.'law* ofAlixi.fiiiia tbat Traim-r aad his reeeaed ehild weeJd b.-i-xiM.scd totke los* of tht-ir fr.cdim .htuld thej r.-aru

llo i*ih. i i-«r aid teaalaTcd arifo aad

*Ul md tba aeor folloa m meh an onderi tl

THE MKB1LLA VAtLEY.The Waahl-tgto« Praaa, aaBahaieted and eeadaetodm nt, is one ef the ehief aeourf-8 ofevaaaa*

trx. Waeaaaotaaaaappeal to Nat-oaalprideit, like .^livi-rv, a

cul'ur inrtitii.'ici.." lor i* i. exa.-ti;. aach a BerrOe andBoaUfH t-RBM t m thflRmo** carruiu and arbiR_rjdi -[oi .-Ina te tn.

A\ e la ar-tgpof cotirtc, iiiclude lathildeaeiii ib j 11 iKt.i j-.;n._!i oci


or mota " oruaaa" of

"otll iho 1'rrtsi:-.l.x tl.<

tbe De, ' to., __o

f independrneoand of,,f uu (i m. It .- their b.UtJaetLfj

. e, i- .1 dn_,

t.-. ,e .I policy thaa e n alrj h it of tho aar

inxiliih li.- ii .ix beelv a Ja' :::_c '-ut ¦ Maod-J to n :'

I'iiittl to extarBiinata il

mn ! aith tha ¦


A_v. rtii .

aud it* K.iitora | n-d i.-.ui the acaodaloea praftttCongrrssiuoal Piiutir.g.undertakc* to c«>rrret aud rc-

buhe The Tnluxi Uiua-It voochgaf-. balf a

tratlirticca of our laat article on this suiythaBaaatfea intoadenial tbat Mrtjor E-i.xry, aa

- - .rxexor ata.-hed to tbe Baaalaryl:ht¦ agr.emem betwcea the two Comiai.tionct-

a^tot.' it lt-. -ti ) et which the new Riaa-dnrx ahould etrike laa Weat from the Kio d.l N'orte.AitLoujib ba'.f our anie'e it BBRtted iu Tke I'mon't re-

piy, ao allusion it maiU in il to the /art that ttt copiedtba ttati tn- i.i rt BIBBRjBI Maj Emorx fr .m TAg Ltpntt

ftd it thcrcto. ta)in15 only on onr

part that "ttt«nta" to be tho fact that Maj Emory

aiRtvedtbe Bartlett line.under inatnietioRa from the

Departuitnt at WaabuiRton Every reader "f Ta. t ***a

ia dtuberately miiled into the be'it-f tbat Tkt Tnhnnehad iiriflual'itjedly asaerted tbat M*j. Eu*->r) "'..'

the Conunisaioners' line. aud had rested on noauthorityfor ita statereent but that of the Sarvevor'* BRB Be-port. bat palare-bounda that bark as they eja

fed to do would ever deal with a Rrare pa i .' <livi'.i'»ug>> tr. kily.Well Ihe Uuion haa Major EQiory1' #61 " tl R - Rt

.,t, which we had tot and bave nor; yet Tae

DWeo/e citation. froin ditferetit parta of cbat Bipirt,iDt. td. d 'O d.aprtve our BtaleaataaTt, leew to us enire-

,r. i har «ur read.-s mtt hare tbe sam-

a.,e,.. .Lat we have. *'" #B .'a . very vvord ai

Maj. Eu.on'a Report tLat The (awa cit-a to make

out U8 eaBB, exactly ea laa Waa haa coaked u up,aid witbaat tbe JatRfR-Bg port.-ni on orbiai Iba» SeysM.; I'.tnor/.

rort ta HM .Secretary Ojf the lu'erior. 03t. 1,I8tt:

'... . _i,j>~ rhei re-era* H'r'rl v xa fo


. l adn. beaa c ¦_-

t .-

,...,., u ',.-..-.< * tha

tbe attrrcTor -


... *

lTit»;.ri - '.* -' ' '

| "ta ap-'

.. uh, , , ,- ol. and tkt a:

¦| .-^



*. aa impirtttt

....H I

.t baa Rl -aia/xr at lil pr*|k work tt tbe rtte I waa ,.-...- ¦ ¦

tigi >d. *' '

( fur tlg tlan bal be rei.-j ...-


(ot'lai: ....

.'. tiyttti Vttil

.i r..e:..e .1 wa* nrter inlendrrl . tii.. r. ie the .om laeao

, .,,.... r ladt i o: ii -. n i-

|^.*tr af lb* |waie Ixl aoreti

pen -u by|

. the MI - ktthe tun "1

.... .

ra tr.. i Ir. Ua ./a- li

gaiixai'i ii ] ' . .



.t ..!.« a-- "i t: laafcra r luawnii .. i

.Thoa, yoa aee, oa roadiag ' ¦.. tioooyli vkliiile ot it.oadaatbiag aiaf, tbal tbe boMtbal Ba En orj evei aigaed I

away, in tli-' twidf oci, taaaraaatawhielibeeigaedlt.tbatoree a leel whiohbe int.'ii.ii bia aignatare to bave. Ihe Btatement we

/ Exxrtxt tbal be b ita i'.- iU_ d tl bi tweea tbe Bartletl.there ia VOTJ i' . BOt Bt a!.

Tkt tVaaea'B d izte - -aj his

Beport. Oa tl"' eoatra.aiill irrii DSOOthci

iid aignii.-,' lot IY>I U-... Og tl

y .t.i . i ... t. t.i- i aa .! theoj m p u-

(i axpreea eaiora froai the Cabtael ai '-¦

att. r ' ¦ Bartlattaay/ar and Barreyer G <> eyaiaR il potatagreed on by .if two Coini.iisionera.and beeaaae he

(afaior Emory c lidered enatl raa ae led,aad"ih(t a.l or : il " Wa tf in ire

... [f saeb at

aot bindlf ibe aigi atore ' aae of

itjtioaa I'mni Waal ingtoo, oar G rrerntaoRi

d; buttodii

an ac .1 |'iolll.

1 aboat.

tl l.'T t. ld|7 tbia ia

our Arm]"foir


!. 1


oat of o



larit, aa


didiaa. ' Bl

,,u,i'- -iretruo

Wara, iu J. l#Roa afbba faaal Rbotta a bbJb ¦..

i:it wbo al* BI thoir o-vu

.. hiiil BM rudianly t ha |B tor .. "

l_y( , * ar.'' thiUI IU IfXraa-l 1-8 blOOtttoet,

Now, beiicvu." all huinan atTairs to bo uudcr the Laine-

diate aod rontrol of a joat Ood we hold that

Jittti,,- Tuat bf the real interest of every humao bemg-.b.titia.nfioitely preferable to suff.-r wront; rath-r

than do i'-and tbat there ia far BBOfR probahility of a

gtro,,!iNationiuiP'..i~t-nBw, reverae

Aml il there were aay doubt aa tothe pn-per point Bt

r Ibmndary «*"«*. "art W* from l.h%K'°aetb-dltb. to !.. RiT.-n ,n favor

.f tbe week power wbicb. in th" Treatr ea _*.!isLi >* the

..1»rv, baa justsiirrendere,! hall her f.irmer tar-

rit.rT.nfher'thsntl-eafron^-pokreralii-h hat ai-ri;r-dall tbat, BBdlt nr.torio.iak BBRpJ f-r m.-re

aa initial I*>iut "n th'" Kio <irim,,> h-v" b*en

eetablidbed v tbe B «adary CuBaaalfiliaan ofthe twa

»,«, m aH H "*1,!t'r thp Treaty of *Vace aa,i rpl"°n'

bi ti.RfkRoWoaB, ia .:,- rraoay rao^tirea.T- thia pt-int to he th- tie* on.-, aiid oertainly

o lioui.t that, pn-raa jaBuB, the paababi-ty..,,r fc immeiiaeh ttJORf. We brli.-.e. tOft,

tkatthia point baa been dt-funtivrly eatablhhad Bktd rati-

led by the lifBBtafB tf tht V. B Banfrrot at-taehad to

a.iarv (^BOoiaBioa, aoiin_ tuidcr the OKptaaagsjfthe tahin-t at WaabtagCoa, thoiijh TA*,,il, rtnkod to deny it iu tho following gingerly

iiiijjccr: ...

-Tbe offi. iai rap-rt ofMalor Emory on this very paint"is e'i'"ie ii- aotfitehowauat, so tar Groat Bgaiag aad

ai m tha manoer re jairad by"tle'tr'e ty.b . r#thotltao valldlty, Ralor BHo-r.thoagb wroogfaliy m.o ili. Raliy taatntetod by tha

Um li.i.ri r 'to deferto1 Mr H*n, aod

be. a.« an offirer, tegarded that Eaatruction .s

dO aa iiitei.. v- hiflfl of aay laapoaoi-in the iin".-r-dii yet wbolly r-.. r, r.",y tb.. B.'.-ura.-y f Mr Barthrtt'l,'ti any |" aaii -i ia'itii-'ka "t it'.iT u.e ii.,.- daooribed oy ihe ¦

..(,. ], i>ii?ier inttructions ner i:n|>>.-rEmory t" do aaytbiiig laoreft 11 tign


e tttt,M u and tkt Jf if i

-ai .i

Th»se Italics aro The I'n'on's.and what do thrybB'.< oat to ' ."^ap; o*e _Uj. Emory tateaded to eiaiu thedaeBBMata nely "in a Pickwiekian aeuse ".aupposeke d d ii"'. r.aliy balieve the iuitial p.m: oaght to bowbere ihe CbBRBa.aRBta liad plaod ii. bat a.-'t-J, not

cl hia own judgment, but ou the ordersof his superiorsrt Waabiagton.-howweald that ofeet tbe qoaotioa aa

bttvren tAir lionrnnunt und that of M'ZiCn.' Whatpraaei firce h»>ve theie cavils of T'Ae i'nion, h_flylag,bm 11 at 'he 1'iHiida'y aettlnneut bai not beeu -

by («ur Ltairejor, but tuat it haa not boea ai_ni d " ta

"fJic rrioarrrrtiiiiiri'd b> tbat Treaty, [which re.juireald iiianuir" at all] in order bt tiive that linev_iniiy '

Bal i-oiicide away leven f igh'lia uf our £; ihat tbeiaittol poiat ograee> apaa by tba twa Cooa-auaaioBara ia wraag tbal tba -gaatare af t-tj Baaofyis iioeiiiianire.that n* line haa been run, no hoiin

darj .¦ t.,t.", -i.,1 in qecardeaee with ibe riijiilreinents#| bba 1 e,.tr.and arill it it ni.ilfiiiai.lo that i-'Uie iort

ol Bi'Uiniaiy Imi uiua. 1." prorisionally rei^ec'ral untiln,. tiu-li.e i- n be eatahliabed. It each Nation ii tB

i. r itoeB, and tabe poageaiion of all it olaima,:i 11. «i ii aeeaf% fttaa War. Obrtaaaty, tkrre muat

be furievr.iiiri', or WB are pr.-rp'tated irit > line niusi be laopof' '1 BBtO tlie true liin' shall have

baaatraaad Kaw tbere f\iats but oae ttaa tbat baaeaat baa pbb hy taeteflited tgeata of the twaCo.o>ttie-, ai.d iar is the Ooaaaaiaoaaaaia' liae. Who can

d'tibi tbat botb VatbB.i aogbt ta taa

Batterwbal i rita.aatll aaatbar.iv.- beea raa Wba eaa donbt tb .' ibe Bati >u 1. n .!a 'io. pa aeraaa tbal 1" e t" ot_oree its di4-elaitua will he «uilf> oeforo (ioJ aud tho fributiil

,. Pai of waufonly pr#*/obi-| and i

.v oa b<- it BBOV r- '1 liob hasj ipniag up i. eniirely oi oar ereatioa

ibletathe Me.illa Valiey. aatraopeti.. r.. until our c.iivcnior Laaa of New-Blexioo ieoaedb Pieclaiiiat . n Ut lag ekfaa ta tbal Valiey, overritlitii,'1L1 a.-iO'ii i-t'tbe ('oiiniiir-ei.iiera, and ta'a-ly aoaatRiBgtt nt ii had beea repudia'id by "ur Cobiaat, wbtah ear>

aaa no) lAea 'mr, abaterer bbrj have trana-

piredtdoee IiiorderiiigCol Saaaaor ta a-raaaa witbble irooj-a at:d tal-e paaoeooioa Ot* tbit Valiey, Gov.Loaaetaarl] adau*ttedtbal it waa aad ta-.i taffarpoo*eesaiun, bal i ad l.ei n ul andnoed hy oar Iroop* afier tbe

> itrx Mi-vii-n, rbboi aajaagtaftaaa Coaua ¦aioRaf.oi i' liiit i.-.-.-s* 1> i-. I Ivyeoaigraata New-Moxif laaatfaiod will ."ir rale there, and,..' | r»tiii> ii.iT.-tri.mbiuti.u tba) aappoaotlto ba\i. g mitary. l><> ».. reuiiy wiabtaoabjogatetlit-ae people Bfaiii to oursvvay I. TA. I aaaa Laa oovei yai dbawowad ba reeeat Edi*

torlfcl oi Raoafataad laboradalteaapl taabowtbat the polley oftbe Aotoeral ia aeeordaal with our

oikii, ii,. i..i ib.-it oil'-.- ' evaryAn.< iii.iii taattaet baa baaa dtireB iato tbe wiUaWe bave tTnated, bawever, tbal aotbtag oiore of theaaii vvi.iil ba foin.'lI iu Iba eotamaa ef tbe CoertorgaRBnt it Tba '

oioakk, ed Haad bytboAalo.. i re <i n '¦'> gabeerve l

ii | bi j-- ei arae m tl ia o_a i Ifesi.aTo Ibe torti-i dra ia

i.i (earfall)al thi- I'.;

keep bereetf oafettered eaabro-m.ata withbrr aeithbore, aad ao r. a.l> t.. throa bet wbole Bora'

eal weigbt iato .u

i iriaa Tbe flama now kindling on thei eBeephonu

oftba LateiI

it ai :.


-.ratiou from oarat thii


di i tion in t Bin V \M> 1N I rops.¦( ttie i Btor oa i ie

1 Of BB*-ure, -d the Iv.

-.ici.. praaeiaad anJ ji

i ai'iiui wi'k abi.-h tbe


it taayaeeoia


age,aadav<for republican freedota aad

'bev. .tbRHRRtjI

a aad tba ooaaaajaead HhoMbond ofaguabdoi uda-1

may HLd r .

ria^ t^ cn._bataacea of

cauat-a. andwt.a*.f may assutue, that hare

'. aht.ut thc a luha grjcg in br ab.ut ten years paac, and notiin on* forniidable rtvo.u'.iou. f.Le aaOMioa of tbia oa*-break has unquestiocahly hraen affu-rded by the i.aBRBOB I rcug upi.n Lhrua that aafOttta dru^

Beliew tL.- r.r'i ith arn.s the BBtkoritf of thel-RMboa dyRaat] ,; tle aupernitiooa (aithin Uie eteruity ofthe CeleatiAl Euipire broke down: tbebarbarma and Leruietic isolation from tbe ci*il_:cd

w.rld waa infrtoged; and an opening waa mad* for that

intercourae which baa Bine* proceeded eo rapidly uudor

11 e kolden gttractioas of Califoroia aod Aus-ra'T* A'

U,e came time the tilTi-r coia t-f :be E npire, itt life-

bbai d, began to be drained away to the Briiish ExstIndiet.

I ptol-_t>, the J.alance of trade being coatinuallyin favor of tha Chineae. there etisted an uniuterrupt-dimportation of tilver from Iodia. Bmam aud the

Statet intoChtna. Sin.-o 1-5 >. and e.peeiallya mo 1840, the export of .ilror from China to Iudia hat

.. almost exhausting for the Celeatial Empire.Hcnce the str>>ng decreet of the Emperor agaluni the

opium trade, re.ponded to by aull 8tr«>ii<*r N8b-Bb-BSto bit meaauret. Beaides thia iinmt-diate ccoaomi-alceiiacqurnce, the bribery eonnectcd with opium¦Rugglingbas entirely demoralized the Chioeae StateiC.cert in the Southcrn proYinc-t. Jutt a. the Empe¬ror xx at wcn'. to be contidercd the fatht-rof all Chinvio hia oflicer. were looked upon at tusfaiuing the pater-ta! r. laiii.ii ta rh. ir respective diatricta. But thia pa-triarchal authority. the only moral link embraeing theva.t niachinery ofthe State, haa gradually been eor-

rciii.lby the corraptioa of those otheert, who havemade great gniiit by cooniviog at opium snii

Tlii lut octurn d priucipally in the .anie Snu fheroprovincet where the rebellion commenced. It ia alm.mneedleti to obterre that, in the tame nn-.tire in whichapiom baaobtaiued tbe .evereignty over the Chineae,the Emperor and his ttaff of pi-dantic maudanus have

LiCk-nicditpogacedoftheiro-ntotereigaty. It w uildtteui as th-Ugh b:-:tory had first to mike thit wlielett apla drank before it could IBMBB them out of their

.j.raiy tmpidity.TTai _li m.-.. | cxii-tinc in fonner timct. the import

i' F-fBak g-k-fct-aa, nud fo a amall exteut ofE-fliahxto. II. i.a, has rnpi.ily aince 1833, the epo.-li whentha BM BOforj f traii.- xxith Ch-BB was trausfcrred frotn

j.ftiix ta private coiiiinerc-.'. aal BBBmuch L'rcater acalo aitice 1840,-88 BpOth when other n.

tious, nud < FpeiiaP.x oorovm. also obtaiuod a thare inthe Chin-r-e trade. Thia ifif.odiioti.iiii.fforeign inanufac-; ,i. ihai l.a>' . fimilar .Aet «.n tho nativo hiJRRtrj 88

tl -t xxl ' it f-nncrly had ou .\sia Mm ir, i'or.ia andIi.di.v Iii Clina the .pinners and w. i;l'ertdgreath undor tbifl foiaifB oompetitio:i, and th.« Baaa

.x- ..(-. BM unti ttlcd in proportion.Tbe tribata ta ae paid te B_f_md af: -r (ba tnfortu-

cate war o 1840, tiie.reitt unprod'u- .:<tionofopium. tba drain ef the* bj thia trade,the tlestinctixe ii.l'iuniv of for.-ign coinpotition on na¬

tivo mntiufaoti'T-i. the demorali/ed eOttdBfoa ef tlie pu_-.i.i«trati>>.i, ptOdaeedtWO thfaagl th- old taxafi tt

beeaaae more bn__8_BB-BBe and haraaelng, and now tai.itioo wataddedtothe old. __-a_Bae_.ii.f tba Ea*¦aiar, dated Pehia, Jaa. .">. 18-3, ae lad o _en %ihe ricerayaaa goTerao-i af the Beathern prafiaaei af\\o,( haafaad Hun Ysn. to remit r.ud d.-f.-r th¦ pv.-ii:i nt Ol taxea. ai.l t'-pooia!!y uofiu n 8-801more ti.aii tha P _ular BRMMBl forai ,.41**deeree, " haa a_l tha p__» ___fda ba ablo t.i bear if.'"

haa, perhape," a__a_aaaatha Baperor, - n.ii my, people, iu a p.-riod of hard.' l.o xoiupt. .1 I...111 t'uo t-viis of behlg pursii.'d ar

- ri. <i bj the tai-gatbeiar." Saeh langange at this, and.uchoi'ti'. aab aaaa r. m.-iiil.or tohare heard from Aus-tria. liern.nux. in 1848.

All theee ditaairh leting togetheroaaaneea, the atonla, the hadnttry, and polltioaJ ttroctare

l, locoiv.'.l tbelr fill d.'V,-! >;. ii¦¦:t illil r

niK-a t_ 1840. whieh taeho down the aathoI- orcr. fiid li.rced tho ('. lertial Einpirr .: 11.» 0..11-

ini't vA.tii theterreet-ial aarM. C implete laoiatioa waa

Ihe prima eooditloa oftba preaarTaiioa af OM 1

--__! Uolatiai r' deal aad by tba bbo-

.,-,m ,,, Eng] ...n folloa uaarelj uiu a berm

Iracaied eofla, aba-erei it b broaghl into eeare

tl,,'..] en air. Noxx. hnirland hariqg bro«_fhtabool thareTolntioRofCbb__,tba (aaeaiaaibi how thal rerolatloo,xwll iii titi-e raact 0:1, au.i thi..11 .;i

Enrope. This aaaatioa ii aol difflea-l ..f tolatioR.The allta-thia af our readari l.a.a aftea 1.1 eaOed to

tho ui.paraili'b-d -loxxili ofBa-b-b m_Q_tj.,-,) An i.i tba bmbI larprWaf B-oeaeiilji, it baa aolbeen di__aall to point aal tbe efoer aymptomg of an ap-proachha] __b__i_al eriau No-witbahindhaj Californbi,.,;,,! AuatraUa, -otwBhBl-adtng the ImBkaoaaaad anprae ..

,1, i.t, ,ioi: Ifratwei,therebmmIeaer,__healBRypartiealarn,.,i,1,1,1, iinliio tiiiii- airiv. a-HMaeal abaatbeexl,, tbe ii.ark.-t-- fa Baable t-- kaep paeawith tbeexteo-

l!riti-h Mwo-k-tarea, ar.d thia diipropIngahoRtRBOB iiirii adth tbe aame eertainty

ii j, i.. done in the pa*t. Bat, if oaa ef tba.a eoatracted, tha arrira) of

,.iily nt'.-olorat.-.! tli.-r.-liy. ROtT, thi11 .-.11 ii.u.-t. lor !.' | p...

claelytl 1 ¦'.' Tbeaaaeaaitaforopaa*irei -iag tbe old

of Ihe i t!"" ri.-.lii,-r..i;i of tbe Britishxxith aa iiior.-a-id impeetatioool

laonfcetarea t. China waaex.

porti :.. ed, the repeal in 1834 ofthe trading B-oaopolf p-n

Eaat lndia Company, to onli £<,"i .:

¦1 I-./., it amoontod i

> of tea iiiipor'.o.l from16,167,3.] l_s.: but in 1845, it

... .',7 11 - in 1 r ..

it is i.ov. al Its.a eref ¦¦!

Bf }>.; r 'iiBk-faiR ie Oa one han 1

I of 1851 xa

large -nrpini etock left bai 1.' *>u the in'' r land,

* of the altered Bri'.ard 'D iinjiorr.a China, hve

d ail tba1.', af _n Ij ei:


-;.rio ni LaOBd-OO

ther bj




ttiinly 1 aaopPraaeb

ali trani-ct;.

r'itigsea paa

.. niroid) aemaaRBaed u l.¦1 eaaaa a laifa deficic i* as go-<l at certain.

Xor it this a.'!. The Chteeee, a. are all p. op!e in poriiid. of __wT0__t__RRTJ convul-

si-11 .li ia (ba t'orc .uer a 1 iba milky oinmod-) have on hand, «iU, as the Orientala are used

t.> do in the ap[ n hen.ion of grear. changee, aet '.0 hi»ard-iog, not takitig much in return for their tea and silk,t BBB) t '..ard uioiiey. England haa accordingly to cxpecta Ti*e iu the price of one of her chief arriciea of con-

tunipri'.n a draiu of lullion, and j-great contraction of

an important market for her cotton and woolea good*Even 7A< frouomiet, that optuniac conjuror of bQtbinga uieuacing tbe traniiuil mioda of tbe mereaatuan n mutiify. is compelled to use language like thia:

VV e nuH nr»t rixtter "ura. IveB with uud'na; aa eit-neir*a n«aiket i..r our etp-rt* I'berto.ltaBioea probahle tb.t .ur-t, < . .aldaaAfer aaB tbat there aboald Baad far tha

k, r-t.r ana ti

It must not be forgotteo tha tbe riee in the price ofaetudieptiiralle au artiole aa tea, aud the Bf nrract.oa efaoiuiporUkUt a market aa Cbtna, vill oiocide with #deficient harvegt in Wesorn Europe. aud, tbere-fore. witb rieing prices of meaf, c«»rn, aud aii u'her ag-riculiural produce IL-nco couiraited niarke'g f,,rmauufacturee.becauae every riae in the prc.g of thalirst nect'Sranes of life is couutrrbalau-ed. a' l.oiue aadabroad. by a correspondiuK dtductien io the dem _-d formanufacturea. From e*ery part of Great brittiacouiplaints have been rm-ived un the bat-kaard atateof moat of the crop*. Ila tlfonomist aaya ou thia sub-

ject:In the loatb Of FiiRland n.-t only will tbere ba l*R

ta, imiii teo la i--r * i-r.-p "t any Borf,l.ut n.uii. oi tbe aowa laad will p^rova to b* Ibal or.ther.wire ta a bad atate for ooia graanag Oo tbe wat

iiiif.i tor ktb. :t aigae that ttlaohb ia going -nareal n r ptaattog .¦ gi « ntSftl ui iy a,v

baaaM t<> have paaaed away. ¦:!?> u.ia i..a... wbile Ihe time for prvftW Og laad lor lb* 'urnip a

.- by, without ai.y adeqaate paaoarotloa for_iu iatportanl crop baving h en a.. ouipl tkadOataowiagbaa aita bj -laandr.vti re« .-a'.. w.-re rowti early. hi. i late OOWO,;.,u produc* a 1 irge r.-|. .... Inuiuiy. -

aaoag the brvading Boeka havaTbe price of other t'ainu-produce thau c.-rn is frRRnU

to '30, ard B9CR Ml per cent. hLgher 'hnn laat year. Oa

the (.'outincnt, corn baa risen ii.uiparatively more rlan

ln England. BfB bns riaeu in 1>.-I.niiu aud liollan I I'uli

lOOpercvUt. Wheat aud othor araius are followiugluit.

fjadfjt ibcaa circuniatanccs, as the graat#rtl.e r.gular couiiut-rcial circle haa already Ix-en rua

through by lltitieh trade, it may safel. be aBBJBfad rhattbe Chineae revolution- wili thfaR tba aparkinto tl.e ovt-rloetled miue W% tho JtaiaRt iiuliistnal iya-ttm ai.d caui-e tbe ex|'l"aian ot the loBg ffapoiadgBR.eralcrisia, wbicb, aproaiiing abroa.l wiil tie fol-lowed by political revolutious on tba t'.itiniieut. Itwould be a curious apecfucle, tha' tt* (Vnua aeulmglii-oril. r iii'o the Wee'.-ru World tkhiie th-tWes'-rnt-ovkerr, I'V Eiigii.Ii, l-'reiich and Atiierifiu war

era.are convi-ying "order" to Shanuhai, Naiikif. andtfaemouthaof tbe Great Canal. Do the.eorder-uionger.b a aowara, arbli li would attempt to support the

ini; alai.t.-l.i.ii ilynaaty, foryet that the hatred agaiuftforeigaereand L* *r axelaafaRi from thi-Euipir.-tlie niere reault tit'Chm t'a geographtivil aud et l.n .j-raphi-cii iliaaiatB. liavo hacRaaa a paU iaal areaaBi only ainoa

oaaal of Bm country hy tba raaa »> t m M;mt-il.nuTaitara I Tl.ere catu baaaawBBt tbal tl.e turhu-

Irtit ilisn'iiaionsauioiik' ibe Europefiii tia'ious aiio, at

tlehtirt-nd uf thc ITib ceiitury, rivatad .-t.-ii oli.-r intlietratie wuh t'l ina, leut a uiigli'y a;d t«» tbe excluaivo

poiicv adeptod BJ the Man'cbtms. Bat more taaa (hi*waaiii'Ue by tlie fear af the nen ilwiaarv, 1, to. the for.

e'gtieta night fakor tl.e dhbMBtent i-xisting auioui, a

large ptaportloa oftbe Chtaaoe dariag th.. Irat half

eaBtaiy bbibaraabaRtaaf t-bbteabjaotiea t<> bba Tar-

tara. Knun tbaoa #ai aidera'ioui, lorei.ticra u. re then

BTObibltcd fri'in 3ll coiimiiitiicatiiiti kvi-hthe t'hineae, hi-

cepi tbraagb CeoRoa>k,aaoaBatBgTtiatd'etaa-afraBi Pa>kin i.inl tlie tin-tl stricfa and iheir C'lMiiin-n-e r- a-ri.-vdtotatereaareo u ith tbaBLoafflMrebatata,.aaaaadbj tuo

Qgja, ii ii, ti' MBtltttlj f.»r '.he foreigB trtule, in ord-r fo

keep tbe reet af ita aa_fjaeta fraa uil coui.ti.m witht),, ,,!.,: ra. iu iiny aaaa aa tatatateaaea <."

tht jiia-f of Iba W.sterii OBfwfRatf BU Bl this time can

ra to roadar tba ratahttlafl BacaTkaaaRj, amlaratraet iba atagBBibM af trade.Ai fn- Baaaattaaa it ia ta ae ai arrad kkith ragard bi

Iiidiii, »!'at thc Dri'iah Ci'iViTiimi'iit af 1-BlBBMl IJ BR*Bf Bd lor l"'1 aBR aeven'll of Ita reveuue ou tbe

opiiiiu t" Iba ( Kiih ae, kihile ,i i-oii-iiloriililo pru;>nrtionOf the Indian ih ini.ial for Hii'i-li iiuiiiiificture* dapaadaoiitl.e proiltctiou ot that opinm in iu Ita. Tbe <

it ia true, are no nmre likely to r.-n OBfM tba BBB of*opinm ibaa af Ibe Gtot.taaeto fotowaar tabaaea. Mutna tl.e io a Emperor ia nnderatood t-. be favorable to thoiiilmre of ihe poppv iiihI the pe|iinitioii nf opi'im iuCbinti itM-il, i' il evidi'iit thut a doatbbloW ia very like-

atr.tbat on.-e at the builaeeoai op4aaa-iaia8.|in Iiulijt, the iii'iiHii revi-iiiie, tba eaataaardal i>aoaireeof B_tdaa... Tboagh tbba Maa vaahl aot nn

uu iliufeiy l.e i. lt by tha .Batraata eoaaaraad, it aaalletleeriiiillk in il,..-tim. aiu! w"ill-l eoiii.- iu lo iu-

teaiafy aad prolaaf tha a_rraraaJ ilnaaetal ttra_awbaaihofooeope a e have cuet above

Btaoatbe oo_.leneement of the eightaaath eaatBiyBt been no serio'is revelit'ioii in Ivimpc whieh

bad Bat beaB precadad by a aoataaaaTata* and Irrhb.criaie. Tbia BRpUaa un leaa ta tha revolii'ioii of lr-Otban to thal of 1-K Ii ia Inta, BBi onl) tbat ae everyday b-huld inoro tbreatcniugt.wi-en tl.e rab-g pokk. ra auu tt.. irBnbjeete, i.. k, .n 'hoSfbff a.ul Bo'.-ieiy, beiwi. ,a cUanes but also_iato.flietof the e-iatitig pawen ts-aaajaaahaahafgiadua'iy n-aehing that. iiigi.t »!:. re ;he av-ml inaii bedrawn ii nd the ultima rutw uf prncea he re-nr. .! fo.

latbe Earepeaa capical*. arary day brlogaaaaj

ofthe foliokvnngday, boai nRBBt af pawi-i-1- .r -.1 Wt i"ay hR -in-, nevcrih. l'fa, tl af to

wha'evir bigbt tha aaB rapeau

]. i i:- IlafthB,; {.', !; . .- il-i ll I: ll) Up; .¦ '-(Ueilta

¦aaj ba a'tempted byaon. Lfl thiaBba rage ofprtaeaa aml thc lary #1 tho

pe.o leage aMbaeaauatad b] - braatl 11 praepecBf,i-.a.e or re-.i.i.o: iBIBfg

ea ofRgai . rai*

tial aial tadaatrial erlah ilaf Rblt'iveof

j, c .nae-


¦¦ '.

witb Aa ti "fi wnmperrrywl


MIT J<»'-

Pogf twal>


of ai i

it two Ideao





-, a:id some m BB .

bi-paa. ti.e B'»"d limoaBaRtag.ooaatafaa. and

bave nwihiug to a_BR R* the principlea their Uador*bave diepoetd of. Ucnce the lugubrioua exultatioa ofTU rott.