new ulm review (new ulm, brown county, minn.) (new ulm...

'*** •4t. *t MARKET REPORT. (Corrected May HEAT— Mo. 1 :^o. 2 . ^o 3 e, per bushel ,rley . .. ts . . . r rn .OUR— Rye Flour, Compass .. 150 lbs Angelina orts, per 1( an, per 10( •eenmgs, p 30 lbs ) lbs er sack . eamery Butter, per lb. iry Butter, per lb -tatoes, per bu . gs, per dozen [ >gs, per 100 lbs. 9 1921.) $1.29 1.13 1.02 ... No. 2 1.15 . 51 .38 4.25 4 50 ... 4.50 4.85 4.30 4.60 1.15 1.25 90 1.00 90 1.00 , retail ... .38 34 45 . . . .18 7.50 | al Calves, live, per 190 lbs. .. 6. 0 f »\\s, live, per cwt eep, live, per cwt. lickens ay, per ton oft Coal, per ton ard Coal per ton 1IDES— Beef Hides, 45 lbs. and Beef Hides, 25-45 lbs. No. 1 Kip, 15-25 lbs. 3.00 5.00 3.00 7.00 .10 .16 .... 10.00 12.00 17.00 19.00 20.00 up .. ._ .05 05 05 No. 1 Calf Skins, 8-15 lbs, must be strictly short-haired ? ¥ ^ l^LJ r - j M H LV115 _ .06 VT> EJK OBITUARY MRS. LOUISE TOBERER. Death claimed another of the old pioneer settlers of this vicinity, when Mrs. Louise Toberer, nee Nagel, passed away at her home on North German street, Sunday evening at 8:15 o'clock. Her demise was due to leakage of the heart, with which she had been affticted for about a year. Some four weeks ago she suffered a nervous breakdown and since that time her condition grew gradually worse, until the end finally brought her relief from suffering. Deceased was born in Blandenloch, Baden, Germany, December 30, 1845, and was, therefore, 75 years, four months and eight days old whea the final summons came. When she was only four months old, her parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. August Nagel, came to America and located in Cincinnati, Ohio. After remaining in that city for 11 years, the family removed to New Ulm in 1857 and Mrs. Toberer made her home here continuously ever since. She was married October 12, 1862, to John C. Toberer, who preceded her in death March 27, 1911. Of the seven children born to them, only two survive. They are the Misses Anna and Elfrieda Toberer, both at home. Two children passed away while still quite young, one being four and a half and the other 10 years old. The three others grew to manhood and womanhood. They were Mrs. Martin (Amanda) Mueller and Charles and John Toberer, Jr. She is also survived by four grandchildren and seven great- grandchildren, as well as by one brother, Carl Nagel, of this city. Mrs. Toberer was a member of the Turner Ladies' Society and enjoyed a large acquaintance in New Ulm and vicinity. Obsequies will be held at Turner Hall this (Wednesday) after- noon, Captain Albert Steinhauser officiating, and the remains will be laid to rest in the City cemetery, be- side those of her deceased husband. JACOB SCHMIDT. Jacob Schmidt, for about 30 years a resident of New Ulm, but who spent Office over Arbes Bros.' new Drug Store | the past eight years or more in Sleepy Phones: ' Eye and vicinity, succumbed to cancer Shingle Roofing Paint. Save 1-4 on all building material. Order now while prices are low. Write or call for price list. We ship and deliver. Neubert Lbr. Co. North Mankato, Minnesota T. F. Hammermeister PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Offic \T. S. 63 (N. W. 85 Fes. I T. S. 892 1N.W. 50 William Pfaender Agency GENERAL INSURANCE insurance against fire, hail, torsade automobile, accident and death In the best of companies. Real eatate bought and sold. Legal documents executed, loans ne gotiated, Bteamshlp tickets sold, DR. F. J. PELANT PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Over Arbes Bros. Drug PHONE. PHONE. Over Arbes Bro Store Office, 360 Residence. 197 NEW ULM, MINN. DOC Strickler Dr F. H. Dubbe DRS. STRICKLER & DUBBE PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS Office Over State Bank of New Ulm Oflice hours. 10 to 12 a m , 1 to 4 p m Phones—Office, 60, Dr Strickler res,. 109; Dr Dubbe res 150. NEW ULM, MINNESOTA ALBERT STEINHAUSER ATTORNEY AT LAW Office over Eeview Special attention given to probating Estates. Practice in all Courts of the State and U. S. Courts. N«w Ulm. . . . . Minn. JOHN HENLE~ Fire Accident Tornado Health Hail Liability Auto Bonding Insurance Office: Ottomsyer Block. of the stomach at the Loretto Hospital here, Saturday noon. He had been receiving medical attention at the hospital since February 14 of this year, but owing to the fact that the disease had progressed to such an extent as to render his condition hopeless, an operation was performed upon him. Deceased was 58 years, nine months and 18 days of age, having been born July 19, 1862, at Milwaukee, Wis. When he was a little boy, his widowed mother, brothers and sisters removed to Home township, where the family resided on a farm until 1883, when they came to New Ulm. Sone eight years ago he removed to Sleepy Eye. He was not married. Mr. Schmidt is survived by two brothers, Albert Schmidt of Bismarck, N. D., and John F. Schmidt, residing on North Broadway in this city. Funeral services were conducted at the hospital chapel, yesterday morn- ing at 8 o'clock, interment being in the Catholic cemetery here. MISS HILDA CORA SANDMANN. New Ulm relatives and friends re- ceived the sad news of the death of Miss Hilda Cora Sandmann, sister of Adolph H. Sandmann of this city and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Sandmann, Sr., of Morgan, which occurred at the home of her parents at that place Wednesday of last week. Hodgkin's disease, with which Miss Sandmann had been afflicted for some three months, was the immediate cause of her demise. She was confined to her bed for the past six weeks as a result of her illness. Deceased was born in Lafayette township, Nicollet county, August 18, 1890, being 30 years, eight months and 16 days old when the final summons came. When about three years old, she removed to Morgan with her parents Mrs. R. Rubitschung and Miss Louise Schwinghammer of Springfield were guests of local friends recently Armin Kachel, for the past three years employed in the local office of the Western Union Telegraph Co., departed Thursday for Huron, S. D., to accept a position as telegrapher in the same company's office at that place. Armin is an aggressive young man and no doubt will make good in his new location^ Special services were conducted at the Methodist church here by Rev. Dr. C. G. Hohn, Sunday morning, in connection with the annual confirma- tion exercises. The Class of 1921 is composed of the following 10 young people: Marian Reineke, Lillian Moll, Lillian Alwin, Willard Cordes Lydia Meierding (Morgan), Roland Hohn, Leroy Haenze, Herman Juni, Leulla Cordes and Leona Gebhard. Miss Marie Korbel was most agree- ably surprised by about 20 lady friends at the home of her sister, Mrs. Clifton E. Smith, on Fourth North street, Sunday evening, the occasion being her birthday anniversary. "/§00" was played and prizes were awarded to Miss Mary StoJz, high, and Miss. Ida Haubrich, low. After enjoying a pleasant social evening, a delicious luncheon was served. Miss Korbel was presented with a suitable gift as a remembrance from the guests. State of Minnesota, County of Brown, ss. In District Court. Ninth Judicial District. Herman E. Zellmer, Plaintiff, vs. The German Land Association of Minnesota, L. Haeberle, Charles Mylius, Carl Mylius, Heinrich Hoffmann, Friderrich Timm, Charles C. Brandt, The Poor Hand Maids of Jesus Christ, a corpora- tion, also all other persons un- known claiming any right, title, estate, interest, or lien in the real estate described in the complaint herein, % Defendants. SUMMONS. The State of Minnesota, to the above named Defendants: You and each of you are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint of the plaintiff in the above entitled action,. which is filed in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of the Ninth Judicial District in and for the County of Brown and State of Minnesota, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscribers, at their office, in the City of New Ulm in said* County, within twenty (20) days after the service of this summons upon you, exclusive of the day of such service, and if you fail to answer the said complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the com- plaint. Dated May 10, 1921. PFAENDER & ERICKSON, Attorneys for Plaintiff, New Ulm, Minnesota. Order for Hearing Proofs of Will. State of Minnesota, County of Brown, ss. In Probate Court Special Term, April 23rd, 1921. - In the Matter of the Estate of Fred Rosenau, deceased. Whereas, an instrument in writing, purporting to be the last will and testament of Fred Rosenau late of said county, has been delivered to this Court; And Whereas, Ralph E. Rosenau has filed therewith his petition, repre- senting among other things that said Fred Rosenau died in said county on the 6th day of April A. D. 1921, testate and that Arthur L. Boock is the executor named in said last will and testament, and praying that said in- strument may be admitted to probate, and that letters testamentary be to him issued thereon: It is Ordered, that the proofs of said instrument and the^ said petition, be heard before this Court, at the Probate office, in the Court House, in the City of New Ulm, in said County, on the 24th day of May A. D. 1921, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, when all con- cerned may appear and contest the probate of said instrument. And it is Further Ordered, that public notice of the time and place of said hearing be given to all persons interested, by publication of a copy of this order for three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing in the New Ulm Review, a weekly news- paper printed and published at the city of New Ulm in said county. Dated at New Ulm, Minn., April 23rd A. D. 1921. By the Court, (Court Seal) WM. B. MATHER, 17-19 Judge of Probate. COUNCIL HAS BUSY SESSION (Continued from page 3.) t DR. A. V. SEIFERT DENTIST OFFICE IN OTTOMEYEK BLOCK Phone 11-L. New Ulm, Minn. State of Minnesota, County of Brown, ss. In District Court. , Ninth Judicial District. Herman E. Zellmer, Plaintiff, vs. The German Land Association of Minnesota, L. Haeberle, Charles Mylius, Carl Mylius, Heinrich Hoffmann, Friederrich Timm, Charles C. Brandt, The Poor Hand Maids of Jesus Christ, a corporation, also all other persons unknown claiming any right, title, estate, interest, or lien in the real estate described in the complaint herein, Defendants. NOTICE OF LIS PENDENS. Notice is hereby given that an Order to Hear Petition for License to Sell Land of Minor, Etc. State of Minnesota, County of Brown, ss. In Probate Court, Special Term. In the Matter of the Guardianship of Christian «Schultz, Incompetent. In reading and filing the petition of Albert Pfaender, Guardian of said Incompetent representing among other things that the said ward is seized of certain real estate lying and being in said county, as set forth in said petition, and that it is for the best interest of said ward that the same should be sold, and praying for license to sell the same; and it appearing, to the Court, from said petition, that it is beneficial to the said Christian Schultz to sell said real estate; ». It is ordered and directed that the next of kin to said ward, and all persons interested in said estate, appear before the Judge of this Court, on Tuesday, the 24th day of May A. D. 1921, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the Court House in New Ulm in said county, then and there to show cause (if any there shall be) why license should not be granted for the sale of said real estate, accord- ing to the prayer of said petition. And it is Further Ordered, that a copy of this order shall be published for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in the New Ulm Review a weekly newspaper printed at New Ulm in said county. Dated at New Ulm the 23rd day of April A. D. 1921. By the Court, (Court Seal) WM. B. MATHER, Judge of Probate. 17-19 Of Brown County, Minn. action has been commenced in this some 27 years ago and that place had | Court by the above named p i aintiff against the above named defendants. The street committee was instructed to look into this matter. Chief Henry Engel's request that the council donate $100 to cover the expenses of two delegates of the Fire Department to the annual state con- vention at International Falls next month, was granted to the extent of $75, being the same amount as last year. The street committee, together with the city attorney and City Engineer F. D. Minium, were given full power to act in the matter of sewer connec- tions for three residences owned by Otto Tappe, who appeared before the council and requested permission to connect all three houses with one lead from the main sewer. The request of the New Ulm Post, World War Veterans, for permission to hold their carnival in North German Park last week, was granted and the license fee was fixed at $25. Engineer Minium submitted a plat of the Herman Zellmer property, near the Loretto Hospital, the purpose of which was to secure a description by metes and bounds of several small parcels of land, containing a total of approximately 16 1-2 acres. The plat was approved, accepted and ordered placed on file by the city clerk. A communication from the Minne- sota Mutual Automobile Association, offering to place a few "silent police- men" at busy intersections on our principal streets, was turned over to the street committee and city en- gineer. These inanimate traffic cops are substantially constructed of con- crete, nearly six feet high and about three and a half feet wide at the bottom,|with an electric light at the top. The Ulrich Electric Co. and the Everling Electric Co. were granted electricians' licenses and a license to operate a soft drink establishment was granted H. A. Kretsch for the Union Restaurant on North Broad- way, formerly conducted by Charles Lindmeyer. Building permits were granted to Paul Sturm, Dr. Emil Mueller, Dr J. H. Vogel and Henry Beisinger for making various improvements on their properties. Contractor J. G. Robertson was allowed two monthly estimates in the sum of $4,023.83 and $2,840.25, re- spectively, for work on the installation of machinery and equipment in the new municipal electric light and waterworks plant. For plumbing work in the same structure, Gulden & Vercoe of this city received *an esti- mate in the sum of $532.20. The monthly estimate of $9,846.35 repre- sents work completed on the plant building by the Lawrence Construc- tion Co., general contractors. City Clerk Backer reported that all of the appointees of the mayor and the council had qualified, with the exception of Otto Hartman, member of the board of health. The matter of purchasing a small Tarvia heater for making repairs in the city's streets that have been treated with this anti-dust material, was re- ferred to the street committee. The cost of the heater is approximately $170. „ .The bi-ennial tri-state convention of Modern Woodmen of America was held at Mankato, yesterday, Dele- gates from Woodmen Camps in Min- nesota, North and South Dakota were present, as was Sovereign Commander W. A. Fraser, who delivered an address before the delegates. WM. J. VON BANK D. D. S. DENTIST ~ Office in Ottomeyer Bldg. Tel. Residence, 150; Office 237. NEW ULM, MINN. CHAS. EMMERICH PLUMBER Steam and Hot Water Heating Gas Fitting. Wa are prepared to dc all kinds o plumbing In a first-class manner. Do not fall to call upon us when plumbers' i«rvlceB are required, Minn, and Center Sts. Phone 281 New Ulm Bingham Bros. since been her home Aside from the sorrowing parents Miss Sandmann leaves one sister, Mrs Fred Zaske of Morgan, as well as the following six brothers to mourn her untimely death: Charles, William, Jr., Herman, Edward and Elmer Sand- mann, all of Morgan, and Adolph H. Sandmann of this city. One brother, Henry, died in the Phillipines while serving in the United States Army during the Spanish-American war in 1898. Following brief obsequies at the late home at 1 o'clock, funeral services were held at the Morgan city hall, Saturday afternoon, the M. E. church there being inadequate to accommodate the large throng of relatives and friends who gathered to pay their last respects to the departed. Rev. Dr. C. H. Hohn of the M. E. church here and an old friend of the family delivered the principal funeral address in German, while Rev. W. Stegner, pastor of the Morgan M. E. church spoke in English. Rev. H. J. Hoffert of the Springfield M. E." church also officiated. From New Ulm and vicinity the following relatives and friends attend- ed the funeral: * Dealers In Coal { Grain. NEW ULM MINN. Mrs. Ed. Wagner and children left for Fairfax and Gibbon, Saturday afternoon, for a brief visit with rela- tives. Mr. Wagner joined them at the latter place, Sunday morning and they all returned home via the auto rov|te; that evening -^ That the object of said action is to have said plaintiff adjudged the owner in fee simple and entitled to the possession of the real property, in the complaint and hereinafter described, and to further adjudge that the defendants above named, and also all other persons or parties unknown have no right, title, estate, interest or lien in or to said real property or any part thereof. That the real property affected by said action is situated in the County of Brown and State of Minnesota, and described as follows, to-wit: Outlots No. Four Hundred Nine- ty four (494), Two Hundred Four- teen (214), Four Hundred Fifty- three (453), Two Hundred Twenty- three (223), Four Hundred Ninety- five (495), Four Hundred Ninety-six (496), Four Hundred Ninety-seven (497), and Sublots No. Two Hund- red Thirteen (213) A, Two Hundred Fifteen (215) A, Four Hundred Fifty-four (454) A, all in the City of New Ulm, Brown County, Minne- sota, according to and as shown by the plat of F. D. Minium, dated April 22nd, 1921, and filed on May 9th, 1921, at 9 A. M. in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Brown County, Minnesota, file No. being 61847. s * ^ •; Dated May 10, 1921. ^ - :&f i% PFAENDER & ERICKSON Attorneys for Plaintiff, 19-21 M ; ^ - ^ e w Ulm, Minnesota, Order for Hearing Petition to Con- vey Lands on Contract. State of Minnesota, County of Brown, ss. In Probate Court. Special Term, May 9th, 1921. In the Matter of the Estate of Charles Stuebe, Sr., deceased. On reading and filing the Petition of Albert Pfaender, claiming to be entitled to a conveyance of certain real estate from the Executor of said estate setting forth that Charles Stuebe, Sr., deceased, was bound by a contract in writing to convey k said real estate to the said Albert Pfaender as assignor upon the terms and con- ditions therein stated, with a descrip- tion of the land to be conveyed, and the facts upon which such claim to conveyance is predicated, and praying that the Probate Court make a decree authorizing and, directing the said Executor to convey said real estate to said petitioner as the person en- titled thereto. It is Therefore Ordered, that all persons interested in said estate may appear before this Court, at a special term thereof to be held on Monday the 6th day of June A. D. 1921, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the Probate office in the Court House in New Ulm, in said County and oppose said petition. And it is Further Ordered, that this order shall be published once in each week for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing in the New Review, a weekly newspaper printed and published at New Ulm in said County. Dated at New Ulm the 9th day of May A. D. 1921. By the Court, (Court Seal) WM. B. MATHER, 19-21 Judge of Probate. A miscellaneous shower was recently held in honor of Mrs. C. G. Gatza by twenty of her lady friends. "500'! formed the afternoon diversion and prizes were awarded to Mrs. Anton Schmichock, Mrs. Herm. Schmidt and Mrs. H. G. Vogelpohl. Order for Hearing and Notice of Application for Appointment of Administrator. State of Minnseota, County of Brown, ss. In Probate Court. Special Term, May 9th, 1921. In the Matter of the Estate of William Thaemlitz, deceased: On receiving and filing the petition of Louise Thaemlitz of the County of Brown, representing among other things, that said William Thaemlitz left his home, wife and children ap- proximately twelve years ago; that he has never returned and that no tidings from-him were ever received by his family for more than seven years next preceeding the filing of the petiton about the 1st day of April A. D. 1914, at a place unknown to your petitioner died intestate, and bein? an inhabitant of this County at the than of his death, leaving goods, chattel a , and estate within this County, and that the said petitioner is a daughter of said de- ceased, and praying that administra- tion of said estate be to Alfred W. Mueller granted: It is Ordered, that said petition be heard before said Court, on Monday the 6th day of June A. D. 1921, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the Probate Office, in the Court House, in New Ulm, in said County. Ordered Further, that notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased and to all persons interested, by pub- lishing this order once in each week for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in the New Ulm Review a weekly newspaper, printed and published at New Ulm in said County. Dated at New Ulm, Minnesota, this 9th day of May A. D. 1921. By the Court, (Court Seal) WM. B. MATHER, 19-21 Judge of Probate. Order to Present Claims Within Three Months. State of Minnesota, . County of Brown, ss. In Probate Court Special Term, April 25th, 1&21. In the Matter of the Estate of Katharina Goblirseh, Deceased. Letters of Administration with the Will Annexed on the Estate of Katha- rina Goblirseh, deceased, late of the city of New Ulm in the County of Brown and the State of Minnesota being granted to John A. Sellner. It Appearing on proper proof by affidavit John A. Sellner made and filed herein, as provided by law, that there are no debts against the estate of said deceased: It is Ordered, that three months be and the same is hereby allowed from and after the date of this Order, in which all persons having claims or de- mands against the said deceased, if any there be, are required to file the same in the Probate Court of said County, for examination and allow- ance, or be. forever barred. It is Further Ordered, that the first Monday in August 1921, at 10 o'clock a. m., at a General Term of said Probate Court, to be held at the Court House in the City of New Ulm, in said County, be and the same hereby is appointed as the time and place when and where the said Probate Court will examine and adjust said claims and demands. And it is / Further Ordered, that notice of such hearing be given to all creditors and persons interested in said Estate, by forthwith publishing this Order once in each week for three suc- cessive weeks in the New Ulm Review, a weekly newspaper, printed and pub- lished in said County. Dated at New Ulm, Minn., this 25th day of April, 1921. , . , , 5 By the Court, r * ~\ (Court Seal) *gWM. B. MATHER, 17-19 'tWlMS Judge of Probate. •=£=- J|eaJ the aflvi*; l& tfcfReview today. Order to Show Cause on Filing Petition to Sell Land. State of Minnesota, County of Brown, ss. In Probate Court* Special Term, April 25th, 1921. In the Matter of the Estate of Katharina Goblirseh, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of John A. Sellner, Administrator with the will annexed setting forth the amount of personal estate that has come into his hands, the disposition thereof, and how much remains un- disposed of; the amount of debts out- standing against said deceased as far as the same can be ascertained; ,the legacies unpaid, and a description of all the real estate, excepting the home- stead, of which said deceased died seized, and the condition and value of the respective portions or lots thereof; the persons interested in said estate, with their residences; and praying that license be to him granted to sell. And it appearing, by said petition, that there is not sufficient personal estate in the hands of said administra- tor to pay said debts, the legacies or expenses of administration, and that it is necessary for the payment of such debts, legacies or expenses, to sell all of said real estate; It is Therefore Ordered, that all persons intersted in said estate, ap- pear before this Court on Tuesday the 24th day of May 1921, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at the Court House in New Ulm in said County, then and tlere to show cause (if any there be) why license should not be .granted to said John A. Sellner to sell so much of the real estate of said deceased as shall be necessary to pay such debts, legacies and expenses. And it is Further Ordered, that this order shall be published once in each week for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in the New Ulm Review, a weekly newspaper, printed and published at New Ulm in said County. ^^K x ^ tCJM^f^ ? Pj Dated at New Ulm this 25th day of April, A. D. 1921. ifcMtflS By the C o u r t P * ^ ' fe (Court Seal) WM. B. MATHER, 17-19 ' Judge of Probate, Our Most Complete Line of Wall Paper for Spring has arrived and is now ready for your inspection. The designs are new and very beautiful, with a range that will please everybody. And our prices are so reasonable that you will be agreeably surprised. Call early and make your selection. JOHN H. FORSTER FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING 120 N. Minn. St. Phone 151. New Ulm, Minn. 'Perhaps You Don t Know" says the Good Judge How long a little of the Real Tobacco Chew will last. Nor how much gen- uine chewing satisfac- tion the full, rich real tobacco taste will give. Ask any man who uses the Real TobaccoChew. He will tell you that this class of tobacco will give more satisfac- tion—and at less cost— than the ordinary kind. Put up in two styles W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobasco v RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco v Get Acquainted With Our Excellent Flours And Cereals * "V t i srJsT You will always find them dependable, always the same, just the qualities you want to be sure of. This is because they are always manu- factured from the best of the line'wheat of this section, carefully and expertly milled, with a ,. constant regard for purity and wholesomeness. Try "COMPASS" or "ANGELINA" and be con- " vinced. Made by ' > r » ~* T4- *-?£ -*~,i .-* ewfUlm Roller Mill CoJ ^m. NEW ULM, MINN.

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Page 1: New Ulm review (New Ulm, Brown County, Minn.) (New Ulm · Mrs. Louise Toberer, nee Nagel, ... Carl Nagel, of

' * * *

•4 t .


MARKET REPORT. (Corrected May

HEAT— Mo. 1

:^o . 2 . ^o 3 e, per bushel

,rley . .. ts . . .

r rn

.OUR— Rye Flour, Compass ..

150 lbs

Angelina orts, per 1( an, per 10( •eenmgs, p

30 lbs ) lbs er sack .

eamery Butter, per lb. iry Butter, per lb

-tatoes, per bu . gs, per dozen [ >gs, per 100 lbs.

9 1921.)

$1.29 1.13 1.02

... No. 2 1.15 . 51


4.25 4 50 ... 4.50 4.85

4.30 4.60 1.15 1.25

90 1.00 90 1.00

, retail... .38 34 45

. . . .18 7.50

| al Calves, live, per 190 lbs. .. 6. 0 f»\\s, live, per cwt eep, live, per cwt. lickens ay, per ton

oft Coal, per ton ard Coal per ton

1IDES— Beef Hides, 45 lbs. and Beef Hides, 25-45 lbs. No. 1 Kip, 15-25 lbs.

3.00 5.00 3.00 7.00

.10 .16 .... 10.00

12.00 17.00 19.00 20.00

up .. ._ .05 05 05

No. 1 Calf Skins, 8-15 lbs, must be strictly short-haired

? ¥ ̂ l ^ L J

r -


M H LV115

_ .06



Death claimed another of the old pioneer settlers of this vicinity, when Mrs. Louise Toberer, nee Nagel, passed away at her home on North German street, Sunday evening at 8:15 o'clock. Her demise was due to leakage of the heart, with which she had been affticted for about a year. Some four weeks ago she suffered a nervous breakdown and since that time her condition grew gradually worse, until the end finally brought her relief from suffering.

Deceased was born in Blandenloch, Baden, Germany, December 30, 1845, and was, therefore, 75 years, four months and eight days old whea the final summons came. When she was only four months old, her parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. August Nagel, came to America and located in Cincinnati, Ohio. After remaining in that city for 11 years, the family removed to New Ulm in 1857 and Mrs. Toberer made her home here continuously ever since.

She was married October 12, 1862, to John C. Toberer, who preceded her in death March 27, 1911. Of the seven children born to them, only two survive. They are the Misses Anna and Elfrieda Toberer, both at home. Two children passed away while still quite young, one being four and a half and the other 10 years old. The three others grew to manhood and womanhood. They were Mrs. Martin (Amanda) Mueller and Charles and John Toberer, Jr. She is also survived by four grandchildren and seven great­grandchildren, as well as by one brother, Carl Nagel, of this city.

Mrs. Toberer was a member of the Turner Ladies' Society and enjoyed a large acquaintance in New Ulm and vicinity. Obsequies will be held at Turner Hall this (Wednesday) after­noon, Captain Albert Steinhauser officiating, and the remains will be laid to rest in the City cemetery, be­side those of her deceased husband. JACOB SCHMIDT.

Jacob Schmidt, for about 30 years a resident of New Ulm, but who spent

Office over Arbes Bros.' new Drug Store | the past eight years or more in Sleepy Phones: ' Eye and vicinity, succumbed to cancer

Shingle Roofing Paint. Save 1-4

on all building material. Order now

while prices are low. Write or call for

price list. We ship and deliver.

Neubert Lbr. Co. North Manka to , Minneso ta


Offic \T. S. 63 (N. W. 85

Fes. I T. S. 892 1N.W. 50

William Pfaender Agency GENERAL INSURANCE

insurance against fire, hail, torsade automobile, accident and death In the best of companies.

Real eatate bought and sold. Legal documents executed, loans ne

gotiated, Bteamshlp tickets sold,



Over Arbes Bro Store

Office, 360 Residence. 197 NEW ULM, MINN.

D O C Strickler Dr F. H. Dubbe


Office Over S ta te Bank of New Ulm Oflice hours. 10 to 12 a m , 1 to 4 p m

Phones—Office, 60, Dr Strickler res,. 109; Dr Dubbe res 150.



Office over Eeview Special attention given to probating

Estates. Practice in all Courts of the State and U. S. Courts.

N«w Ulm. . . . . Minn.

JOHN H E N L E ~ F i r e A c c i d e n t

T o r n a d o H e a l t h H a i l L i a b i l i t y

A u t o B o n d i n g

Insurance Office: Ottomsyer Block.

of the stomach at the Loretto Hospital here, Saturday noon. He had been receiving medical attention at the hospital since February 14 of this year, but owing to the fact that the disease had progressed to such an extent as to render his condition hopeless, an operation was performed upon him.

Deceased was 58 years, nine months and 18 days of age, having been born July 19, 1862, at Milwaukee, Wis. When he was a little boy, his widowed mother, brothers and sisters removed to Home township, where the family resided on a farm until 1883, when they came to New Ulm. Sone eight years ago he removed to Sleepy Eye. He was not married.

Mr. Schmidt is survived by two brothers, Albert Schmidt of Bismarck, N. D., and John F. Schmidt, residing on North Broadway in this city.

Funeral services were conducted at the hospital chapel, yesterday morn­ing at 8 o'clock, interment being in the Catholic cemetery here. MISS HILDA CORA SANDMANN.

New Ulm relatives and friends re­ceived the sad news of the death of Miss Hilda Cora Sandmann, sister of Adolph H. Sandmann of this city and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Sandmann, Sr., of Morgan, which occurred at the home of her parents at that place Wednesday of last week. Hodgkin's disease, with which Miss Sandmann had been afflicted for some three months, was the immediate cause of her demise. She was confined to her bed for the past six weeks as a result of her illness.

Deceased was born in Lafayette township, Nicollet county, August 18, 1890, being 30 years, eight months and 16 days old when the final summons came. When about three years old, she removed to Morgan with her parents

Mrs. R. Rubitschung and Miss Louise Schwinghammer of Springfield were guests of local friends recently

Armin Kachel, for the past three years employed in the local office of the Western Union Telegraph Co., departed Thursday for Huron, S. D., to accept a position as telegrapher in the same company's office a t that place. Armin is an aggressive young man and no doubt will make good in his new location^

Special services were conducted at the Methodist church here by Rev. Dr. C. G. Hohn, Sunday morning, in connection with the annual confirma­tion exercises. The Class of 1921 is composed of the following 10 young people: Marian Reineke, Lillian Moll, Lillian Alwin, Willard Cordes Lydia Meierding (Morgan), Roland Hohn, Leroy Haenze, Herman Juni, Leulla Cordes and Leona Gebhard.

Miss Marie Korbel was most agree­ably surprised by about 20 lady friends at the home of her sister, Mrs. Clifton E. Smith, on Fourth North street, Sunday evening, the occasion being her birthday anniversary. "/§00" was played and prizes were awarded to Miss Mary StoJz, high, and Miss. Ida Haubrich, low. After enjoying a pleasant social evening, a delicious luncheon was served. Miss Korbel was presented with a suitable gift as a remembrance from the guests.

State of Minnesota, County of Brown, ss.

In District Court. Ninth Judicial District.

Herman E. Zellmer, Plaintiff, vs.

The German Land Association of Minnesota, L. Haeberle, Charles Mylius, Carl Mylius, Heinrich Hoffmann, Friderrich Timm, Charles C. Brandt, The Poor Hand Maids of Jesus Christ, a corpora­tion, also all other persons un­known claiming any right, title, estate, interest, or lien in the real estate described in the complaint herein, % Defendants.


The State of Minnesota, to the above named Defendants:

You and each of you are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint of the plaintiff in the above entitled action,. which is filed in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of the Ninth Judicial District in and for the County of Brown and State of Minnesota, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscribers, at their office, in the City of New Ulm in said* County, within twenty (20) days after the service of this summons upon you, exclusive of the day of such service, and if you fail to answer the said complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the com­plaint.

Dated May 10, 1921. PFAENDER & ERICKSON,

Attorneys for Plaintiff, New Ulm, Minnesota.

Order for Hearing Proofs of Will. State of Minnesota, County of Brown, ss.

In Probate Court Special Term, April 23rd, 1921. -In the Matter of the Estate of Fred

Rosenau, deceased. Whereas, an instrument in writing,

purporting to be the last will and testament of Fred Rosenau late of said county, has been delivered to this Court;

And Whereas, Ralph E. Rosenau has filed therewith his petition, repre­senting among other things that said Fred Rosenau died in said county on the 6th day of April A. D. 1921, testate and that Arthur L. Boock is the executor named in said last will and testament, and praying that said in­strument may be admitted to probate, and that letters testamentary be to him issued thereon:

I t is Ordered, that the proofs of said instrument and the^ said petition, be heard before this Court, at the Probate office, in the Court House, in the City of New Ulm, in said County, on the 24th day of May A. D. 1921, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, when all con­cerned may appear and contest the probate of said instrument.

And it is Further Ordered, that public notice of the time and place of said hearing be given to all persons interested, by publication of a copy of this order for three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing in the New Ulm Review, a weekly news­paper printed and published at the city of New Ulm in said county.

Dated at New Ulm, Minn., April 23rd A. D. 1921.

By the Court, (Court Seal) WM. B. MATHER, 17-19 Judge of Probate.


(Continued from page 3.) t



State of Minnesota, County of Brown, ss.

In District Court. , Ninth Judicial District.

Herman E. Zellmer, Plaintiff, vs.

The German Land Association of Minnesota, L. Haeberle, Charles Mylius, Carl Mylius, Heinrich Hoffmann, Friederrich Timm, Charles C. Brandt, The Poor Hand Maids of Jesus Christ, a corporation, also all other persons unknown claiming any right, title, estate, interest, or lien in the real estate described in the complaint herein, Defendants.

NOTICE OF LIS PENDENS. Notice is hereby given that an

Order to Hear Pet i t ion for License to Sell Land of Minor, Etc .

State of Minnesota, County of Brown, ss.

In Probate Court, Special Term. In the Matter of the Guardianship

of Christian «Schultz, Incompetent. In reading and filing the petition of

Albert Pfaender, Guardian of said Incompetent representing among other things that the said ward is seized of certain real estate lying and being in said county, as set forth in said petition, and that it is for the best interest of said ward that the same should be sold, and praying for license to sell the same; and it appearing, to the Court, from said petition, that it is beneficial to the said Christian Schultz to sell said real estate; ».

I t is ordered and directed that the next of kin to said ward, and all persons interested in said estate, appear before the Judge of this Court, on Tuesday, the 24th day of May A. D. 1921, at 10 o'clock A. M., a t the Court House in New Ulm in said county, then and there to show cause (if any there shall be) why license should not be granted for the sale of said real estate, accord­ing to the prayer of said petition.

And it is Further Ordered, that a copy of this order shall be published for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in the New Ulm Review a weekly newspaper printed at New Ulm in said county.

Dated at New Ulm the 23rd day of April A. D. 1921.

By the Court, (Court Seal) WM. B. MATHER,

Judge of Probate. 17-19 Of Brown County, Minn.

action has been commenced in this some 27 years ago and that place had | C o u r t b y t h e a b o v e n a m e d p i a i n t i f f

against the above named defendants.

The street committee was instructed to look into this matter.

Chief Henry Engel's request that the council donate $100 to cover the expenses of two delegates of the Fire Department to the annual state con­vention at International Falls next month, was granted to the extent of $75, being the same amount as last year.

The street committee, together with the city attorney and City Engineer F. D. Minium, were given full power to act in the matter of sewer connec­tions for three residences owned by Otto Tappe, who appeared before the council and requested permission to connect all three houses with one lead from the main sewer.

The request of the New Ulm Post, World War Veterans, for permission to hold their carnival in North German Park last week, was granted and the license fee was fixed at $25.

Engineer Minium submitted a plat of the Herman Zellmer property, near the Loretto Hospital, the purpose of which was to secure a description by metes and bounds of several small parcels of land, containing a total of approximately 16 1-2 acres. The plat was approved, accepted and ordered placed on file by the city clerk.

A communication from the Minne­sota Mutual Automobile Association, offering to place a few "silent police­men" at busy intersections on our principal streets, was turned over to the street committee and city en­gineer. These inanimate traffic cops are substantially constructed of con­crete, nearly six feet high and about three and a half feet wide at the bottom,|with an electric light at the top.

The Ulrich Electric Co. and the Everling Electric Co. were granted electricians' licenses and a license to operate a soft drink establishment was granted H. A. Kretsch for the Union Restaurant on North Broad­way, formerly conducted by Charles Lindmeyer.

Building permits were granted to Paul Sturm, Dr. Emil Mueller, Dr J. H. Vogel and Henry Beisinger for making various improvements on their properties.

Contractor J. G. Robertson was allowed two monthly estimates in the sum of $4,023.83 and $2,840.25, re­spectively, for work on the installation of machinery and equipment in the new municipal electric light and waterworks plant. For plumbing work in the same structure, Gulden & Vercoe of this city received *an esti­mate in the sum of $532.20. The monthly estimate of $9,846.35 repre­sents work completed on the plant building by the Lawrence Construc­tion Co., general contractors.

City Clerk Backer reported that all of the appointees of the mayor and the council had qualified, with the exception of Otto Hartman, member of the board of health.

The matter of purchasing a small Tarvia heater for making repairs in the city's streets that have been treated with this anti-dust material, was re­ferred to the street committee. The cost of the heater is approximately $170.

„ .The bi-ennial tri-state convention of Modern Woodmen of America was held at Mankato, yesterday, Dele­gates from Woodmen Camps in Min­nesota, North and South Dakota were present, as was Sovereign Commander W. A. Fraser, who delivered an address before the delegates.


Office in Ottomeyer Bldg. Tel. Residence, 150; Office 237.



Steam and Hot Water Heating Gas Fi t t ing.

Wa are prepared to dc all kinds o plumbing In a first-class manner. Do not fall to call upon us when plumbers' i«rvlceB are required,

Minn, and Center Sts. Phone 281 New Ulm

Bingham Bros.

since been her home Aside from the sorrowing parents

Miss Sandmann leaves one sister, Mrs Fred Zaske of Morgan, as well as the following six brothers to mourn her untimely death: Charles, William, Jr., Herman, Edward and Elmer Sand­mann, all of Morgan, and Adolph H. Sandmann of this city. One brother, Henry, died in the Phillipines while serving in the United States Army during the Spanish-American war in 1898.

Following brief obsequies at the late home at 1 o'clock, funeral services were held at the Morgan city hall, Saturday afternoon, the M. E. church there being inadequate to accommodate the large throng of relatives and friends who gathered to pay their last respects to the departed. Rev. Dr. C. H. Hohn of the M. E. church here and an old friend of the family delivered the principal funeral address in German, while Rev. W. Stegner, pastor of the Morgan M. E. church spoke in English. Rev. H. J. Hoffert of the Springfield M. E." church also officiated.

From New Ulm and vicinity the following relatives and friends attend­ed the funeral: *

Dealers In

Coal { Grain. NEW ULM MINN.

Mrs. Ed. Wagner and children left for Fairfax and Gibbon, Saturday afternoon, for a brief visit with rela­tives. Mr. Wagner joined them at the latter place, Sunday morning and they all returned home via the auto rov|te; that evening -^

That the object of said action is to have said plaintiff adjudged the owner in fee simple and entitled to the possession of the real property, in the complaint and hereinafter described, and to further adjudge that the defendants above named, and also all other persons or parties unknown have no right, title, estate, interest or lien in or to said real property or any part thereof.

That the real property affected by said action is situated in the County of Brown and State of Minnesota, and described as follows, to-wit:

Outlots No. Four Hundred Nine­ty four (494), Two Hundred Four­teen (214), Four Hundred Fifty-three (453), Two Hundred Twenty-three (223), Four Hundred Ninety-five (495), Four Hundred Ninety-six (496), Four Hundred Ninety-seven (497), and Sublots No. Two Hund­red Thirteen (213) A, Two Hundred Fifteen (215) A, Four Hundred Fifty-four (454) A, all in the City of New Ulm, Brown County, Minne­sota, according to and as shown by the plat of F. D. Minium, dated April 22nd, 1921, and filed on May 9th, 1921, at 9 A. M. in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Brown County, Minnesota, file No. being 61847. „ s* ^ •;

Dated May 10, 1921. ̂ - : & f i%

PFAENDER & ERICKSON Attorneys for Plaintiff,

19-21 M ; ^ -^ew Ulm, Minnesota,

Order for Hearing Pet i t ion to Con­vey Lands on C o n t r a c t .

State of Minnesota, County of Brown, ss.

In Probate Court. Special Term, May 9th, 1921. In the Matter of the Estate of

Charles Stuebe, Sr., deceased. On reading and filing the Petition

of Albert Pfaender, claiming to be entitled to a conveyance of certain real estate from the Executor of said estate setting forth that Charles Stuebe, Sr., deceased, was bound by a contract in writing to conveyk said real estate to the said Albert Pfaender as assignor upon the terms and con­ditions therein stated, with a descrip­tion of the land to be conveyed, and the facts upon which such claim to conveyance is predicated, and praying that the Probate Court make a decree authorizing and, directing the said Executor to convey said real estate to said petitioner as the person en­titled thereto.

I t is Therefore Ordered, that all persons interested in said estate may appear before this Court, at a special term thereof to be held on Monday the 6th day of June A. D. 1921, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the Probate office in the Court House in New Ulm, in said County and oppose said petition.

And it is Further Ordered, that this order shall be published once in each week for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing in the New Review, a weekly newspaper printed and published at New Ulm in said County.

Dated at New Ulm the 9th day of May A. D. 1921.

By the Court, (Court Seal) WM. B. MATHER, 19-21 Judge of Probate.

A miscellaneous shower was recently held in honor of Mrs. C. G. Gatza by twenty of her lady friends. "500'! formed the afternoon diversion and prizes were awarded to Mrs. Anton Schmichock, Mrs. Herm. Schmidt and Mrs. H. G. Vogelpohl.

Order for Hearing and Notice of Application for Appoin tment

of Admin i s t r a to r . State of Minnseota, County of Brown, ss.

In Probate Court. Special Term, May 9th, 1921. In the Matter of the Estate of

William Thaemlitz, deceased: On receiving and filing the petition

of Louise Thaemlitz of the County of Brown, representing among other things, that said William Thaemlitz left his home, wife and children ap­proximately twelve years ago; that he has never returned and that no tidings from-him were ever received by his family for more than seven years next preceeding the filing of the petiton about the 1st day of April A. D. 1914, at a place unknown to your petitioner died intestate, and bein? an inhabitant of this County at the than of his death, leaving goods, chattela, and estate within this County, and that the said petitioner is a daughter of said de­ceased, and praying that administra­tion of said estate be to Alfred W. Mueller granted:

I t is Ordered, that said petition be heard before said Court, on Monday the 6th day of June A. D. 1921, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the Probate Office, in the Court House, in New Ulm, in said County.

Ordered Further, that notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased and to all persons interested, by pub­lishing this order once in each week for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in the New Ulm Review a weekly newspaper, printed and published at New Ulm in said County.

Dated at New Ulm, Minnesota, this 9th day of May A. D. 1921.

By the Court, (Court Seal) WM. B. MATHER, 19-21 Judge of Probate.

Order to Present Claims With in Three M o n t h s .

State of Minnesota, . County of Brown, ss.

In Probate Court Special Term, April 25th, 1&21. In the Matter of the Estate of

Katharina Goblirseh, Deceased. Letters of Administration with the

Will Annexed on the Estate of Katha­rina Goblirseh, deceased, late of the city of New Ulm in the County of Brown and the State of Minnesota being granted to John A. Sellner.

I t Appearing on proper proof by affidavit John A. Sellner made and filed herein, as provided by law, that there are no debts against the estate of said deceased:

I t is Ordered, that three months be and the same is hereby allowed from and after the date of this Order, in which all persons having claims or de­mands against the said deceased, if any there be, are required to file the same in the Probate Court of said County, for examination and allow­ance, or be. forever barred.

I t is Further Ordered, that the first Monday in August 1921, at 10 o'clock a. m., at a General Term of said Probate Court, to be held at the Court House in the City of New Ulm, in said County, be and the same hereby is appointed as the time and place when and where the said Probate Court will examine and adjust said claims and demands.

And it i s / Further Ordered, that notice of such hearing be given to all creditors and persons interested in said Estate, by forthwith publishing this Order once in each week for three suc­cessive weeks in the New Ulm Review, a weekly newspaper, printed and pub­lished in said County.

Dated at New Ulm, Minn., this 25th day of April, 1921. , . , ,

5 By the Court, r * ~\ • (Court Seal) * g W M . B. MATHER, 17-19 'tWlMS Judge of Probate.


J|eaJ the aflvi*; l& tfcfReview today.

Order to Show Cause on Filing Pe t i t ion to Sell Land.

State of Minnesota, County of Brown, ss.

In Probate Court* Special Term, April 25th, 1921. In the Matter of the Estate of

Katharina Goblirseh, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of

John A. Sellner, Administrator with the will annexed setting forth the amount of personal estate that has come into his hands, the disposition thereof, and how much remains un­disposed of; the amount of debts out­standing against said deceased as far as the same can be ascertained; ,the legacies unpaid, and a description of all the real estate, excepting the home­stead, of which said deceased died seized, and the condition and value of the respective portions or lots thereof; the persons interested in said estate, with their residences; and praying that license be to him granted to sell.

And it appearing, by said petition, that there is not sufficient personal estate in the hands of said administra­tor to pay said debts, the legacies or expenses of administration, and that it is necessary for the payment of such debts, legacies or expenses, to sell all of said real estate;

I t is Therefore Ordered, that all persons intersted in said estate, ap­pear before this Court on Tuesday the 24th day of May 1921, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at the Court House in New Ulm in said County, then and t lere to show cause (if any there be) why license should not be .granted to said John A. Sellner to sell so much of the real estate of said deceased as shall be necessary to pay such debts, legacies and expenses.

And it is Further Ordered, that this order shall be published once in each week for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in the New Ulm Review, a weekly newspaper, printed and published at New Ulm in said County. ^^Kx^ tCJM^f^ ?Pj

Dated at New Ulm this 25th day of April, A. D. 1921. i f c M t f l S

By the C o u r t P * ^ ' fe

(Court Seal) WM. B. MATHER, 17-19 ' Judge of Probate,

Our Most Complete Line of

Wall Paper for Spring has arrived and is now ready for your inspection. The designs are new and very beautiful, with a range that will please everybody. And our prices are so reasonable that you will be agreeably surprised. Call early and make your selection.


120 N. Minn. St. Phone 151. New Ulm, Minn.

'Perhaps You Don t Know" says the Good Judge

How long a little of the Real Tobacco Chew will last. Nor how much gen­uine chewing satisfac­tion the full, rich real tobacco taste will give. Ask any man who uses the Real TobaccoChew. He will tell you that this class of tobacco will give more satisfac­tion—and at less cost— than the ordinary kind.

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