new squeeze test wisconsin - jorgensen laboratories · 2013. 7. 15. · title: squeeze test...

SQUEEZETEST® Modified Wisconsin fecal egg per gram count This technique using the SqueezeTest kit will help provide a quantitative count of the parasite loads in eggs per gram. 1. Mark the outside of the SqueezeTest with client information. 2. Collect 2-3 grams of fresh fecal material by using the attached spoon on the side of the SqueezeTest. A gram of feces is roughly the size of a marble. This estimate will get a sample of within ±10% of weighing it. 3. Remove SqueezeTest cap and deposit sample and spoon inside. Then put the cap back on to transport it back to the clinic. 4. Cut off ¼” of SqueezeTest tip cap with a nail trimmer (J84h). 5. Using a wash bottle (J818) filled with flotation solution (Sheather's Sugar Solution J1028g) add more or less 20mls of solution and keep the container tilt- ed, then add solution slowly to prevent air lock. Remember that LESS IS MORE when adding fecal solution because if you add too much solution to the test, you will be throwing away diagnostic ova. If you did not fill the centrifuge tube, you may top it off with fresh solution before centrifuging. For the Large Animal Veterinarian. A - Attached spoon B - Collection container and mixing chamber C - Cone-shaped sealed cap D - Built in mesh filter

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  • SQUEEZETEST®Modified Wisconsin fecal egg per gram count

    This technique using the SqueezeTest kit will help provide a quantitative count of the parasite loads

    in eggs per gram.

    1. Mark the outside of the

    SqueezeTest with client


    2. Collect 2-3 grams of fresh fecal material by using the attached spoon on the

    side of the SqueezeTest. A gram of feces is roughly the size of a marble. This

    estimate will get a sample of within ±10% of weighing it.

    3. Remove SqueezeTest cap and deposit sample and spoon inside. Then put the

    cap back on to transport it back to the clinic.

    4. Cut off ¼” of SqueezeTest tip cap with a nail trimmer (J84h).

    5. Using a wash bottle (J818) filled with flotation solution (Sheather's Sugar

    Solution J1028g) add more or less 20mls of solution and keep the container tilt-

    ed, then add solution slowly to prevent air lock. Remember that LESS IS MORE

    when adding fecal solution because if you add too much solution to the test, you

    will be throwing away diagnostic ova. If you did not fill the centrifuge tube, you

    may top it off with fresh solution before centrifuging.

    Forthe LargeAnimalVeterinarian.

    A - Attached spoon

    B - Collection container and

    mixing chamber

    C - Cone-shaped sealed cap

    D - Built in mesh filter

  • 6. Mix the solution with fecal matter by gently squeezing the SqueezeTest bot-

    tom. Be careful to avoid spillage.

    7. Fill test tube (J546a) completely and create a meniscus right in the swing arm

    centrifuge, place coverslip and spin. By using a swing arm centrifuge there is

    no waiting period after the centrifuge stops.The filter in the SqueezeTest will

    remove most extraneous matter. One can also use the SqueezeTest without a

    centrifuge, but yields will be less than if done with a centrifuge. When not using

    a centrifuge one should not use Sheathers solution. They should use Sodium

    Nitrate or Zinc Sulfate flotation solutions.

    8. Place coverslip (J336) on top of centrifuge tube and centrifuge using a swing arm centrifuge accord-

    ing to directions.

    9. Immediately place coverslip under a microscope under 10x and count all ova with a tally counter

    (J505). Then divide the total ova, by the number of grams of feces used, to get eggs per gram.

    Some heavy parasite load maybe too high to accurately count.

    Only a small amount of ova will remain in fecal matter. The SqueezeTest allows better mixing of fecal

    matter with flotation solution than any other test.

    J1250 SqueezeTest

    Box of 50

    Patent Pending

    Jorgensen Laboratories, Inc [email protected] (800) 525-5614