new planning format -

New Planning format With the children returning to school this week, the planning format has slightly changed. I am providing three days of home learning planning - to be carried out on the three days that your child is not at school. I will have a further two days of planning for the children on their school days which will be repeated for both groups. For those of you who will not be joining us, I have still provided the transition lessons we will be doing in school and would also suggest using the BBC bitesize website and following the daily lessons provided. Reminders… Could I have the following as soon as possible please: 1) A picture from your first day of school - or as close to that age as possible. 2) Two pictures of you now, both in your school uniform. - Firstly, one just of you smiling, head and shoulders with a clean, plain background (preferably white). - Secondly, one of you posing in a similar way to your first day photo (if you feel uncomfortable, I can just use the other picture of you smiling). 3) Don’t forget to keep checking for production updates! Thanks!

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Page 1: New Planning format -

New Planning format

With the children returning to school this week, the planning format has slightly changed.

I am providing three days of home learning planning - to be carried out on the three days that your child is not at school. I will have a further two days of planning for the children on their school days which will be repeated for both groups. For those of you who will not be joining us, I have still provided the transition lessons we will be doing in school and would also suggest using the BBC bitesize website and following the daily lessons provided.


Could I have the following as soon as possible please:

1) A picture from your first day of school - or as close to that age as possible.

2) Two pictures of you now, both in your school uniform. - Firstly, one just of you smiling, head and shoulders with a clean, plain background (preferably white). - Secondly, one of you posing in a similar way to your first day photo (if you feel uncomfortable, I can just use the other picture of you smiling).

3) Don’t forget to keep checking for production updates!


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KS2 Timetable - Week 10 [email protected]

Daily Activities

Kent Libraries site - Sign up via this site -

You will be given an online Card number to use along with your own Pin.

Times tables - 15 minutes a day. Physical activity - At least once a day

Home Learning Day 1

Home Learning Day 2

Home Learning Day 3

School Day 1

School Day 2

Transition Task “Your Network”

Support at home In September, you will be facing

lots of changes and you will need to be reassured that you have

people who are there to support you.

Have a discussion about who you could turn to for help or advice in your household or your family?

Create a diagram or a pyramid of family and friends you could turn to for different subjects and areas of your life when you are at your new


Support at Barham You know we love a good chat in

Year 6, talking about Donald Trump, about animals, about

memes or just endless questions about anything and everything. Sometimes we may get carried away with these things, but they

are all brilliant! Discussions and asking questions

are the best way to gain knowledge and build confidence. Every adult at Barham has been through this process, including

myself. Write a list of questions that you

would like to know the answers to with regards to transition and

general life at secondary school.

Staff At Barham you have been used to having a small number of staff in your day-to-day life. At secondary you will experience lots of different

adults, each with their own individual expectations, skills, techniques and mannerisms.

Remember they are normal human beings too!

You will have a different member of staff for each lesson, a form

tutor amongst many others. Research the staff on your new school’s website and find out which teachers are in different

departments. Make a list of important staff that you are likely to be seeing most

days. This could include the secretaries, the headteacher, the

deputy head, the head of year, the librarians etc.

Friendships Part 1 You might be attending a

secondary school that non of your friends are attending. Even if you are, you may not be in the same classes or on the same timetable as them. Therefore, you will need

to make some new friends. Make a top tips poster on the best way to

make new friends. Watch this short video to help you gather some ideas on the best way to make friends or speak to family members about how they made

friends when they went to secondary school (this could be parents, older siblings, aunties/

uncles etc).

Onine What online platforms do you use? This could be games, social media

or websites. How do you know they are safe? And what do you

have to do to keep yourself safe? Social media and technology will come into your lives more as you grow up. It may become a really useful way to stay in touch with

friends. If you are going to use them, it is

really important to use them wisely.

Discuss staying safe and come up with a set of guidelines on what

you can do to keep yourself safe.

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Maths Task

1st June

Challenge = ‘SIX LETTER WORDS’

Maths pack (Page 1, 2 + 3)

2nd June


Maths pack (Page 4, 5 + 6)

3rd June


Maths pack (Page 6 + 7)

Spirals Project Spirals Project

Topic History Watch this clip…


The start of WWII - Britain was at war.

Imagine you were Prime Minister at the time, prepare your speech to the public announcing that Britain were going to war with Germany Listen to Neville Chamberlain’s

speech (Prime Minister at the time)

Science - Classification


Make a list of 4 reptiles, 4 mammals, 4 birds, 4 insects and 4


RE - Picturing Christianity See booklet for details on this task

Art Transition Art

PE Athletics

Music Song writing

Computing Game design

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Year 6 - Maths Home Learning - Week 9 Day 1 - Main Task

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3Day 1 - Challenge

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4Day 2 - Main Task

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5Day 2 - Main Task

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6Day 2- Challenge

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7Day 3 - Main Task

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8Day 3 - Challenge

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Answer Sheet for: Year 6 - Maths Home Learning - Week 10

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Day 1 - Page 1 + 2

Part A: Rainfall is the undulating line graph; school lunches is the pictogram; football team is the randomly distributed bar graph; height is the steadily rising line graph; siblings is bar graph with reducing sized bars.

Part B: Top graph: distance covered by marathon runner (not linear). Left graph: conversion km to miles. Right graph: fuel in car.

Part C: Left graph is false: the cyclists speed will increase when riding downhill. Right graph is true: the distance travelled stops increasing, so the cyclist must have stopped.

Day 1 - Page 3

SIX LETTER WORDS: dozing, kicked, oxygen, prizes, zebras, chicks

Day 2 - Page 4 + 5

Act the Graph: Increase in speed at approximately 10 seconds and 30 seconds to reflect rise in graph.

Which Graph? The blue graph. The dip in speed in the middle was caused by the uphill climb. The sprint finish was a short, sudden increase in speed at the end. Create the Graph Example:

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Day 2 - Page 6

HAPPY FARMERS: 7 hamsters 9 doves, 5 rabbits 6 turkeys, 6 chairs 12 stools, 4 hens 6 spiders 8 bees

Day 3 - Page 7

Task A: 1) 9:24 2) 11 minutes 3) 35 minutes 4) 9:41

Task B: 1) 36 minutes 2) 9:01 3) Macclesfield and Poynton, normally a 12 minute journey 4) Example: How long does the first train take to travel between Macclesfield and Stockport?

Day 3 - Page 8


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RE for week beginning 15/06/20 – Picturing ChristianityWe would like you to explore the painting on the next page and find your own ways to respond to it.

What's this picture all about?The artist John Dyer has painted this image of the Garden of Eden with Cornwall's Eden Project very much in mind. The picture shows all of nature's amazing diversity, protected by a dome above the garden. No wonder it is called The Eden Project. The story of Genesis 2, from Jewish and Christian scripture, continues to provoke deep thinking about our world and our place in it.(Do visit for more images.)

Scripture: Genesis ch. 2, vv. 7-18Read this extract from the Bible, and connect it up to the picture. Can you see lots of different links?'The LORD God took dust from the ground and formed a man from it. He breathed the breath of life into the man's nose, and the man became a living person. Then the LORD God planted a garden in the east, in a place called Eden, and put the man he had formed into it. The LORD God caused every beautiful tree and every tree that was good for food to grow out of the ground. In the middle of the garden, God put the tree that gives life and also the tree that gives the knowledge of good and evil ... The LORDGod put the man in the Garden of Eden to care for it and work it ... Then the LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is right for him."'

Questions:What different creatures and plants can you see in John Dyer's painting? Which five colours has John Dyer used most in this painting?Why do you think this painting is connected to the story of the Garden of Eden from the Bible?

Activities: planning Eden for your areaWhen you have looked at this picture and understood it, work alone or with others in a small team. Imagine the Eden Project from Cornwall wants to open a visitor attraction in your area, which will help people to think about caring for the Earth. Use the story of Genesis 2 to plan the attraction: how many Bible ideas could you include?

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