new patient participation strategy · 2019. 4. 9. · • make a simplified version of strategy...

Patient Participation Strategy The William Quarrier Scottish Epilepsy Centre April 2015

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Page 1: New Patient Participation Strategy · 2019. 4. 9. · • make a simplified version of strategy available to all patients. The William Quarrier Scottish Epilepsy Centre - Patient

Patient Participation StrategyThe William Quarrier Scottish Epilepsy Centre

April 2015

Page 2: New Patient Participation Strategy · 2019. 4. 9. · • make a simplified version of strategy available to all patients. The William Quarrier Scottish Epilepsy Centre - Patient

Patient particiation strategyThis strategy is informed by:

• Standard on Planning with the People Quarriers Supports, July 2003

• Quarriers Standard on Working in Partnership with Family Members and Carers, November 2006

• Quarriers Charter for People we Support

• Draft Healthcare Quality Standard - Assuring Person-Centred, Safe and Effective Care: Clinical Governance and Risk Management, July 2011

• William Quarrier Scottish Epilepsy Centre Patient Consultation

The William Quarrier Scottish Epilepsy Centre is committed to service delivery based on active partnerships and participation supported by a culture of patient involvement and engagement. This helps us to develop our service and practice to deliver best outcomes for every patient who accesses our service and their families in recognition of each individual’s needs and values.

Partnershipcanbedefinedas:‘Aworkingrelationshipthatischaracterisedbyashared sense of purpose, mutual respect and the willingness to negotiate. This implies a sharing of information, responsibility, skills, decision making and accountability’ (Pugh and De’Ath, 1989).

Our Vision

This vision is supported by the following key commitments:• Core elements at the centre of a person’s care will be their individual needs,

wishes, requirements and aspirations.

• Staff will involve the people we support, and those who know and care about them, in all aspects of their care and treatment.

• Plans will be kept up-to-date, relevant and under regular review, and developed in partnership with the patient.

• Planswillreflectthecultureandethnicityofthepersonbeingsupported.

• All staff will promote the rights of the person being supported at all times.

• People we support will have access to their individual care plan.

• Staff will work cooperatively with family members and carers of people we support.

• The service takes seriously the views of families and carers, while recognising that the welfare of the person being supported is paramount

• Staff will consult and involve family members and carers when appropriate and practicable.

• Promoting and maintaining positive relationships between family members, carers and the person being supported in accordance with the person’s wishes and where there are no legal constraints.

• Where applicable, staff will gain an accurate understanding and respect any legal issues which affect the links between the person being supported, family members and/or carers.

• The service recognises the needs of patients and families are core to decision making and all improvement activity.

The William Quarrier Scottish Epilepsy Centre - Patient Participation Strategy

Page 3: New Patient Participation Strategy · 2019. 4. 9. · • make a simplified version of strategy available to all patients. The William Quarrier Scottish Epilepsy Centre - Patient

The William Quarrier Scottish Epilepsy Centre - Patient Participation Strategy

In using William Quarrier Scottish Epilepsy Centre services, you can expect staff to:

• promote your right to equal treatment and ensure you are not bullied, harassed or otherwise discriminated against because of your gender, disability, race, age, religion, beliefs or sexual orientation.

• support you to maintain your own personal beliefs, values and culture.

• ensure you can take part in your care.

• support you to develop and maintain appropriate relationships with people who are important in your life.

• enable you to understand your rights and responsibilities.

• help you think about your needs, choices and things you wish to achieve.

• makesurethatyourpersonalinformationiskeptsafeandconfidential.

• work safely and promote your well being whilst protecting you from harm.

• listen to you and work at a pace and manner that suits you.

• consult with you to regularly review the support you require.

• encourage you to recognise your strengths and overcome barriers.

• support you to try new experiences and take reasonable risks.

What to expect

The William Quarrier Scottish Epilepsy Centre will:

• ensure that all patients are fully informed in all aspects of their mutually agreed treatment plan. This is explicit prior to and during all aspects of their treatment.

• ensure that all patients are fully informed of discussions about their treatment and feel in control of interventions required to enable them to achieve their agreed outcomes.

• provide access to appropriate support, nursing and clinical staff at individually acceptable timescales. This includes direct access to specialist staff and management when required.

• provide a variety of feedback mechanisms available including but not exclusive to weekly named nurse meetings, monthly patient meetings, Have Your Say, Quarriers Concerns and Complaints, HIS Complaints and Patient Satisfaction Survey.

• respond to feedback with appropriate formality and timescale.

• ensure that all feedback is collated and formal reports are systematically employed to develop actions and support continuous improvement.

What we will do

Page 4: New Patient Participation Strategy · 2019. 4. 9. · • make a simplified version of strategy available to all patients. The William Quarrier Scottish Epilepsy Centre - Patient

To meet our patient participation ambitions, we will:

• actively support formal mechanism of feedback to provide evidence to patients who use the service how their knowledge, experiences and suggestions have been actioned and how this has impacted on the service.

• developtheinfluenceofpatientsthroughrepresentationoncontinuousimprovement within the hospital service.

• developevidenceofsignificantimprovementtotheserviceinresponsetodirect inputs and measure the impact of this.

• monitor the effectiveness of current feedback mechanisms to measure their validity and reliability.

• develop outline of statement of agreeable commitments for patient expectations towards other patients and staff.

• support personal empowerment by ensuring all patients receive a copy of a version of this strategy and recognize the vision, commitments and priorities of the service.

• ensure all patients are fully informed of their assessment, treatment and results. and receive appropriate information at discharge and post discharge.

• makeasimplifiedversionofstrategyavailabletoallpatients.

The William Quarrier Scottish Epilepsy Centre - Patient Participation Strategy

Meeting patient participation ambitions

For more information, please contact us using the details below.

The William Quarrier Scottish Epilepsy Centre, 20 St Kenneth Drive, Glasgow G51 4QD

Call 0141 445 7750

[email protected]

Contact us