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  Psychiatrist of Ia "Psychiatric Division"  The "Bellevue Hospital in New York,Professor of Psychiatry at the University of New York


Clinical applications and uses  (B. G. )

Introduction and Appendix  By


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Original Title: A visual Gestalt Motor Tesst and its clinical useEdited by The American Orthopsychiatric Association, New York

Translation of Delia Carnelli said


Bender, LaurettaVisual-motor Test guestaltico B. G. : uses and applicationsClinics. - 1ª. ed. 17ND. REIMP. - Buenos Aires: Granta Books, 2003.P 264.: 22x16 cm.- (psychological evaluation)

Translation: Delia Carnelli said

950.12 -6007-0 ISBN

I. Title - 1. Test Guestaltico

1st edition, 195517th reprint, 2003

Are strictly prohibited without the written permission of the copyright holders under thePenalties laid down in the laws, the total or partial reproduction of this work by any means orProcedure, including the reprographics and computer processing, and distribution of copies ofShe through rental or public loan.

© 1955 OJ all editions in Spanish  Paidos SAICF Editorial  Defense 599, Buenos Aires  E-mail: [email protected]

It is made the deposit law that prevents the 11,723Printed in Argentina - Printed in Argentina

Printed in Color EfeStep 192, Avellaneda, in October 2003Spin: 1500 copies

ISBN 950-12-6007-0

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THE TEST OF BENDER, by Jaime Bernstein ........ x

Scientific Foundations ........................................................................................... x

Characterization of the Test x Bender ................................................................................X Applications ................................................................................................................PREFACE, by Paul Schilder ....................................................................................... x






INTRODUCTION X .....................................................................................................THE PROCESSES OF MATURING 1NFANTIL AND FACTOR X ENGINE ......



IV. THE MATURING IN THE PRIMITIVE CHILD X ...........................................................


FOR ORCANIZAR REPRESENTATION X ................................................................





BETWEN GUESTÁLTICA FUNCTION X ....................................................................

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Dementia Paralytic x ............................

Alcoholic Psychosis ........................................................................................... xTraumatic Psychosis RESOLUTIONS..................................................................................................................... xAcute States confounding variables x ................................................................................

IX. Schizophrenia .................................................................................................... X

X. Manic-depressive psychosis ........................................................................ X

IMPLEMENTING CHILD X ................................................................................



AND IN Daniele Ganser SYNDROME X ........................................................................

XIV. PSYCHONEUROSIS ....................................................................................... X

BIBLIOGRAFÍA... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...X




I. OTHER TECHNIQUES QUANTITATIVE X ................................................................

Technical Galifret-Granjon Santucci and for the assessment of the level ofDevelopment in subjects aged 6 to 10 years x ............................................................................Technical and Suttel Pascal for the differential diagnosis between healthyAnd sick in subjects 15 to 20 years x .........................................................

II. THE B. G. AS PROJECTIVE TEST X .................................................................

Other tests of drawing simple figures for the consideration of the personality ........ xB. G. as personality test x .........................................................................

III. EXPERIENCES IN THE RIO OF PLATA X ...............................................................

........................................................................................ Uruguayan Research xArgentinian investigations ................................................................................... x


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The school of Berlin

In the first decade of the twentieth century - the decade of revolutions psychological

Creative, psychoanalysis, of the psychology of the individual, of behaviorism, of the

Personalistica-, bursts in Germany the Gestaltheorie to make your own

Revolution against the old psychology. As Freud, Adler, Watson, Stern ... , each one to hisWay and due to their special reasons, three other psychologists joined in Frankfurt

Frankfurt am Main in 1910-1911 to wage battle against the psychology wundtiana: Max Wertheimer(1880-1934), Kurt Kaffka (1886-1941) and Wolfgang Köhler (1887-1949) - the three

Disciples of Stumpf, disciple of Brentano.

This group has in the Austrian psychologist Ch. von Ehrenfels (1859-1932), a

Defined precursor in the criticism of the theory of the elementalistic perception that underpinned theTraditional psychology. His famous example of that perception is not the product of a

Mere aggregation of parts, as shown by the fact that even transposing a whole

Melody to another tone - that is to say, changing all your notes - the melody remains

The same for the listener, the Ehrenfels stated already in 1890, in its Ueber Gestalt Qualit en.But then pass unnoticed. Greatest impact obtained Felix Krüger (1874-1948)

By 1900, in its development of the topic of the entirety or structure. But the psychologyContemporary only paid due attention to this point of view with Max Wertheimer.

Wertheimer development the ideas of von Ehrenfels, and discrepancy with the doctrine

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Brentanista began its work investigating the perception of motion in the then

Akademie für Socialwissenschaften (now the University of Frankfurt). His two young

Collaborators, and Köhler Kaffka, were the subjects of that experimentation, whose

Result, the historic monograph Experimentelle Studien über das Sehen von Bewegung,Published in 1912, was the act of birth of one of the largest schools

Psychological of our time. Wertheimer was then thirty-two years, Kaffka

Twenty-six and twenty Köhler. For more than twenty years the three psychologists workedExemplarily united. This collaboration began and lasted for a long time in the

University of Berlin, which was formed in the first center for the psychology of the

Gestalt. The school had its own organ, the Psychologische Forschung, whose first

Number appeared in 1922 and to 1935 reached twenty numbers. The School of

Berlin - as it was known since then - reaches its peak between 1930 and 1935,

When his disciples and heads are transferred to US. And publish their major treaties:

Köhler its Gestalt psychology in 1928, and Kurt Kaffka his Principles of Gestalt

Psychology in 1935, both in New York.

To it were adhering a pleiad of distinguished researchers, Europeans, and

Americans; including figures of the likes of K. Lewin, A. Gelb, K. Goldstein and R.


The Gestalt is raised against the atomism, the associations, the introspectivisino,

Enrigidecedora conception of the nervous system of traditional psychology, in particularAgainst the psychology wundtiana. You want to rescue the psychology of its old artificiality,Build on the experience and good sense, and respecting the uniqueness of their essentialPhenomena, lead it "to the reality and the life" (Guillaume).

On strictly experimental databases, starting from the study of the perception of the

Movement, the Gestalt was getting deep into more areas of the domain

Psychological: animal psychology (Köhler), child psychology (Kaffka), psychopathologyChild (Lewin, Werner, Wolff), a survey of postimagenes of the reasoning

(Wertheimer, Duncker), memory (Wulf, Lewin, Birenbaum), of the emotional life

And of the conduct (Lewin), aesthetics (H. Read), of the psychic disturbances

(Goldstein, Gelb, Gotschaldt)… Schilder could say therefore, that "the psychology of theGestalt, as it was developed by Wertheimer, Köhler and Kaffka, gave a new

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Impetus to psychology". Then it was also introduced in biology and physics -

By joining here with his famous theories of Planck- up to provide a design

Philosophical whose line blends with Anaxagoras and with the guidance Aristoteles-Brentano .Not without reason that Heidbreder the psychology of form has "promoted a change inThe practices of science". Its penetration has been so deeply and has managed to express soFully one of the capital ideas of our time, although it has raised the critical

Figures on the scale of McDougall, Spearman, K. Bühler, Allport, Calkins,

Woodworth, and the famous controversy Köhler-Rignano (1928), the school has been

Comparatively the least discussed by the great schools of our psychological

Time. This supports the assertion of Guillaume: the psychology of form is a philosophy andA psychology "global resonance. You can, of course, discuss it, but is no longer

Has the right to ignore it".

The Test of Bender and the Gestalt theory

Within the line of ideas and the methodological guidance of Gestalt, Lauretta

Bender, one of the greatest figures of the American psychiatry1, built between

The years 1932 and 1938 its Test guestaltico visual-motor, briefly known corno B. G.

(Bender Gestalt).

The clinical test of Bender is, quite simply, to ask the subject to copy 9

Figures (gestalten) given and to analyze and evaluate through reproductions as well

Obtained as the subject has structured these perceptual stimuli.

The psychology of perception, in particular as it has been treated by the Gestalt

Psychologie, thus constitutes the scientific basis of the B. C. The primary influence -

Indicated by L. Bender2- exercised, in effect, the body of the theoretical principles

Guestalticos and the concept of "gute Gestalt" as established by Max

1  Dr. Lauretta Bender - wife of the eminent psychiatrist psychoanalyst Paul Schilder, died a fewYears - is a professor of Psychiatric Clinic of the University College of Medicine of N. York, psychiatrist of the"Bellevue Medical Center" in the same city and the Children Service of the Division of Psychiatric6nBellevue Hospital. She is the author of various works well known and esteemed, of which only rememberTheir last two: agression, hostility and anxiety in children, edited in 1953, and A DynamicPsychopathology of childhood, published in 1954.2In the collective work Child Psychiatric Techniques, Charles C. Thomas (ed. ). Springfield, Illinois, 1952,P. 19.

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Wertheimer. Also its investigations on the genesis of the perception of form

In the child developing Bender allowed him to reach personal conclusions

Different and formulate new principles. Other influences theoretical that mediated the

Conception of the B. G. the exercised the investigations of child psychology and normalAbnormal - some already published in Spanish - Kurt Kaffka (Basis of evolution 

Psychic. Introduction to child psychology), Kurt Lewin, Heinz Werner (Psychology

Evolutionary) and W. Wolff. Finally, are also linked with the B. G. investigations

David Rapaport and its partners on the thinking and conceptual structures of the

Emotion and memory.

Bender guestaltica defines the function "as that function of the integrated agency

Why this responds to a constellation of stimuli given as a whole, being the

Same response a constellation, a pattern, a Gestalt". The integration does not occur

By addition, subtraction or combination, but by differentiation or by increased or

Decrease of the internal complexity of the pattern on your table. Is the total picture of theStimulus and the state of integration of the agency that determines the pattern of response.On this thesis, Bender conceived the possibility of using a constellation stimulating

Given, in tables more or less similar, in order to study the role guestaltica in

The various pathological conditions conducive to the various organic disorders

And functional, nervous and mental. Bender understood that any pattern of the field

Sensory can be considered as a potential stimulus, but preferred the patterns

Visomotores more satisfactory in virtue of which the visual field is better suited to the

Experimental study and, in particular, because of the cooperation that generally the subjectIt provides when you are asked to copy a few drawings. AND found that the guestaltenDeveloped by Wertheimer were appropriate to their purposes. This, in sum, the

Terms with that Bender was the raised on which he built his test. (See page xx.)


The name of the test of Bender -Visual Motor Gestalt Test- notes already its location

In the psychometric family. In effect, on the one hand belongs to the group of tests

Visomotores and, on the other hand, to! Group of tests guestalticos.

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A visual-motor test

B. G. is a visual-motor test in the strict sense: the examined performs the task graph

With the models to the view. This instrument is emparienta with the evidence

Graphic reproduction of a drawing, the Binet-Simon type . To illustrate this with kinshipsIt should be pointed out my recent test psychomotor of Prudhommeau for the measurement of theAnd the intelligence review caracterologico subjects of up to 12 years. The Prudhommeau youPresented to the subject of an obituary printed sheet format, divided into six columns, and those in

Six lines, forming a

Dashboard 36 lockers, each

One of the size A

Stamp. The pigeonholes of

The columns first, third

AndFifth Lead



6:3 PMDrawings(In

Geometric figures; 9 figures

Human of the opposite sex,

Age And In Different

Positions; 3 animals, 1

Tree and 2 objects), that the

Considered must play

In the locker room in white




A test guesta1tico

As has been said above, the B. C. belongs also to the group of tests guestalticos.3



SameIn This

  It should be pointed out, even if only in passing, that also Werner Wolff (The Personality of the Preschool Child.The Child's Search for- His Self. New York, groaning & Stratton, 1947), study the personality of the childPre-school through its graphical expression, using the psychology of how to interpret it,Highlighting the importance of the innate rhythmic perceptual experiences as part of the dynamics of theGrowth of personality. IDEO also Wolff (1942) a Method Grafometrico ( "Grafometry"; a new

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We will describe this group only mentioning some tests of the psychometric battery

Guestaltica: those who, like the B. C. , consist in reproducing drawings, that is to say,

They are also visomotores.4 Among the latter are distinguished by their importance, in orderChronological: the Visual Designs Test (1927; standardization, 1940) of Ellis and Graham(1946), in which must be reproduced from memory a acne of geometrical drawings (10 inThe Ellis, 12 in Graham) of increasing difficulty; the test of drawing complex, 

King and Osterrieth (1941): the subject must reproduce a model, view, and in a secondTime of memory, to explore their level of structuring of the perceptual activity,

The visual-motor control and attention, visual memory and with immediate effort of

Memorization and the speed of mental functioning. (See illustration.) The Test

Visual retention (Visual Retention Test) of Arthur L. Benton (1945), of vast application

In clinical psychiatric practice, and administration of individual or collective to subject

From 8 to 65 years: the subject must play from memory several series of drawings, in order toMeasure your immediate memory, its perception of its form and delayed memory. But

None of the tests identified guestalticos visomotores has achieved the prestige and

Global dissemination of the B. C.

Diagnostic method): The subject should draw six simple geometric shapes in four accommodationsDifferent: eyes closed-right hand; eyes closed-hand left; eyes open-hand right; eyesOpen-hand left. (See Appendix.)   There are 4 other tests guestalticos that operate only by track perceptual, such as the test of perception6n figure-Fund, Rubin-Harrower (1939), application of psychiatric, inspired by Goldstein, and using theMaterial of ambiguous figures of Rubin (as interpreter a part as figure or as a background drawingIt is visualized as a glass or as a profile), examines the perseverance, the inability to interpret aAmbiguous figure, the rigidity of the perception, the addition of new objects in the figures. There are also testsCompounds, such as the test of abstract and concrete thinking (Tests of abstract and concrete thinking),K. M. Goldstein and Scheerer ( "abstract and concrete behavior, an experimental study with SpecialTests". Psychol., Development.,1941, 53, N° 239), which in addition to the task perceptual-motor require other more:Classification of form-color, object classification, classification of colors.

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A projective test

Despite its net definition of gestalt-test, the B. C. is commonly used as a test

Projective. For this purpose is used the technique of free association on the figures

Drawn and other similar procedures. Thus, both J. E. Bell5 as Dr. Max L.

Hutt of the University of Michigan have been able to classify it as a projective test.6


B. G. is a clinical test of numerous psychological and psychiatric applications.

Proved to have considerable value in the exploration of the development of intelligenceInfant and in the diagnosis of various clinical syndromes of mental deficiency,

Aphasia, organic brain disorder, psychosis, and simulation of diseases

Psychoneuroses, in both children and adults.




THE NHIAH OF MADURACIÓN OF THE NIÑOS. The function guestaltica

Projective Techniques. Buenos Aires, Paidos, 2nd ed. 1964.See the Appendix.

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Subscale is a critical function. It is associated with the language capability and

With various functions of the intelligence (visual perception, motor skills manual,

Memory, temporal and spatial concepts and organizational capacity or

Representation); hence, measuring at the subject level of maturation of the function

BETWEN guestaltica by copying the guestalticas figures, you can establish your

Level of maturation. Bender standardized its test on a sample of 800 children from 3 to11 Years ago. Under supervision, the B. G. denounced a satisfactory correlation with severalTests of realization (Scale of Randall, Test of Goodenough, Scale of Pintner-



Interesting child in schizophrenia, and provides useful information for the purposes of theDiagnosis of mental weakness and child of the dementias (Heuye, Lebovici's Symposia).

ANDITS OF THE PATOLOGÍA M-eastern seaboards OF THE FULL TARIFF. The test is susceptible to differentiate:

A) global Delays ripening.

B) Disabilities specific verbal.

C) phenomena of dissociation that disrupt the whole of the personality.

D) drive Disorders.7

E) perceptual disorders.

F) Disorders confounding variables.

The test has been applied also to the study of aphasia (Bender, Victoria,

Ajuriaguerra and Hecaen), dementia paralytic, alcoholism, syndromes

Post traumatic stress disorder, manic-depressive psychosis, schizophrenia and simulation. By virtue of itsSimplicity and its special interest for the study of the problems to the consecutive

Brain injuries, the B. C. has been widely applied in the last war

7  Paul Schilder and Lauretta Bender described with this name (1941) a neurotic disturbanceSpecifies in children from 4 to 12 years. The drive gives the observer the impression of compulsion and obsession.But for the child that the experience has a different value. The authors describe their symptoms as well:Desire that is rewarded your desires immediately, inability to withstand a frustration, a lust forFood or money, a trend the antiquarian, stubbornness, aggressiveness, and concerns with hypochondria because theirASOCIAL employment records to meet their strong desires. The electrical impulse originates in the firstSituations and infantile desires, and is always related with the family situation; it is, therefore, in manyAspects, the result of transformations of sexual needs or attacks, never its expressionDirect.

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World (Bell). There are proved its effectiveness for the diagnosis and control of the neurosis ofCombatants in the medical organizations of the army, in the services of

Neuropsychiatry at general hospitals, in units of convalescing from the

Military hospitals, in units of mental hygiene and in the rehabilitation centers.

It has also been used in research in social psychology, such as that under the

Sponsorship of the scientific body of the Pacific, the National Research Council,

The doctors made Alice Joseph and Veronica F. Murray, in 149 native children of the

Mariana Islands from 6 up to 17 years. Finally, it should be pointed out that its use will be generalisingIncreasingly. In France, for example, has already been adopted by the Center de Psychologie Moteur Appliquée as Test of structuration visuelle.


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LTO PSICOLOGÍA Gestalt, as it was developed by Wertheimer, Köhler and

Kaffka, gave a new impetus to the psychology, and also with a new understanding

To apprehend the relationships between the whole and its parts, thus showed that the perceptionCannot be interpreted as a sum of unique sensations. This school postulates that

The field is filled with sensory qualities and properties that are beyond our

Understanding if we consider the sensations as units. The agency is not

Local reacts to stimuli with local responses. Responds to constellations

Stimuli with a total process, that is the response of the organism as a whole to the

Total situation. A process of such nature has its own self-regulation and distribution

Dynamic. The school of Gestalt psychology has highlighted the internal factor

Dynamic, self-regulation of perception. Previous experience of the subject cannot

Explain the existence of separate units in the experience, such as, e.g. that of the

Clusters of points and lines in the star configurations. In addition, you cannot

Specify what will be in the first piano and what will be in the background of the experiencesPerceptual of the individual. This is determined by the total situation. Simple ConnotationsAs figure, hole, foreground, background, group, open, closed, circle; full or

Incomplete, heading, beginning, end, good or bad gestalt, acquire a new

Significance. Without the determination of the total situation the children do not learn toOrganize a visual field, even after several years of trial and error.

The Gestalt psychology has emphasized the perceptual processes, but has the

Belief that its fundamental principles are also valid in other

Sectors of the psychic life. In this sense studies have been conducted on the

Configuration, the will and action.

Psychology and psychiatry american have tended to reject the theories

Psychological mechanistic and noted the preponderance of the dynamic factors in the

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Total situation. In addition, they have developed the concept of pattern, as a result of theInteraction between the dynamic organization of the organism as a whole and the situation.

The Psychology of the Gestalt actually carries a significant step forward in

Accentuate the reaction total and the total situation. Has abolished the mechanistic theory of thePerception and of the association. But, while it enhances the importance of experienceDynamic in contrast with the static, it has not always been able to see that those are basedIn previous experiences, in the effort or in the testing and human error. Often has

Overestimated the internal factors of the development and the rigidity of the

Configurations. The organization only acquires its full meaning in relation to the

Specific situations of life, that adapt the patterns to the actions and experiences of

Individuals. In the field of perception that psychology has deepened

Considerably our understanding and constitutes another defined proof of the validity ofThe psychology that complements the dynamic ideas of cardinal psychiatry



The profound conviction of the intrinsic value of the basic ideas of the psychology of the

Gestalt, has led to LAURETTA BEnder to investigate the issue that promises to relate

The field of perception with the problem of personality and its dynamic patterns.

This book by Dr. BEnder widely acknowledged the work done by the

Gestalt psychologists. The method developed by it - the copy of forms

Guestalticas- immediately has expanded the field of observation, since it will not only

Sheds new light on the question of what the subject perceives, but also the use of

Your perception. His method makes it possible, therefore, an expression of the factors

Much more direct biological experiments in which the subject is reduced

Merely to describe their experiences. Psychological experimentation often

Artificially dislocates the perception and motor.

LAURETTA BEnder saves that hurdle with the simple file to make the subject

Draw what you perceive.

In my opinion, this is one of the main reasons for the profusion of interesting

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Results of this book. Addresses the fundamental problems of the

Perception and movement from a new angle of approach. Sample forms

Primitive experience and the process of maturation in the course of its

Development, as well as the continuous interaction between the factors and engines

Sensory. Opens up a whole new world of primitive perceptions, and what is even moreSignificant, has led to the standardization of the development of the function guestalticaSubscale. In addition, their research indicates the close relationship that exists between theProcess of development of the optical forms and the visual imagination. Very interested inSpecial comments on the fact that the primitive forms of the

Experiences are also visomotoras even when the time of perception are shorten.

One has the impression of foot every individual in almost all their experiences through theWhole process of maturation through which development during his childhood.

I believe that these results are fundamental to the problem of perception.

Be that as it may, this test offers something more than a theoretical interest. Provides a

Correct estimation of the visual-motor development that, in general, runs parallel to theMental development of the child; enabling the understanding of the different forms of

Disturbance of the development, and points toward a differentiation of the various forms of theMental deficiency.

The Psychology of Gestalt has been often used in psychopathology, and the

Valuable results have enhanced our understanding of psychopathology

Of perception. However, by what has come to my knowledge, this is the first

Once again that the problem must be faced in a systematic manner the results achieved in theSchizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis, afasias and organic brain diseases,

Reach its full significance when compared with the course of the standardized

Development. Personal experience has taught me that the clinical value of this

Test is considerable. Among other things, allows the formulation of the differential diagnosisBetween the organic deterioration - called functional mental illness- and the

Simulation of disease.

Dr. BEnder does not forget that the patterns are guestalticos experiences of a

With individual problems, and that the final configuration of the experience is not a mereProblem of perception but of personality. This is manifested with special clarity

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When studying the function guestaltica in neurotics.

This work has impressed me from the beginning. I think that opens an important

Perspective and provide considerable assistance to psychologists and psychiatrists.

Also has been of interest to all those that were concerned with the fundamental problemsOf the development. I must confess that this book gives me an intimate family pride.


Former professor of Psychiatric Research for the

University Of New York. Director

The Division of Clinical Psychiatry in the Bellevue

Hospital, New York

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LAS ENSEÑANZAS classic of the Gestalt School are represented by the

Work of Wertheimer, and Köhler Kaffka who primitively formed the School

In Berlin. At present they are all based in the United States. These

Lessons are based on relatively static concepts. Their efforts to

Build a system of psychology did not succeed, in part by its failures in the

Fields of the psychology of personality and psychopathology.

Their best results have been achieved in the field of perceptual psychology, even

When Kurt Lewin noted the important need to close a Gestalt or complete

An experience. The most dynamic teachings of Sander achieved show that part

Puts the individual whether the gestalten experienced; and Schilder was even further

When he proved that you cannot ignore the factor engine. Schilder introduced, also, theConcept of gestalt in his study of the body image and recognized that this image

Body is a gestalt that is experienced in the form changing, never static; that

Always bankruptcy and reconstructs each new situation in life. The Gestalt could not

Beyond this point, because not managed to explain the pulses, the trends, developments andRegressions of the conduct.

In this book will not attempt to analyze the teachings of the clinical psychology of the

Gestalt. Kaffka, Hartmann and many others, whose publications can be read in English andIn German,8 they have dealt with this issue with sufficient detail.8 In Spanish can be read the following works: Buhler, K. : Psychology. Madrid, Morata,

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This volume provides clinical material. Visually perceptible Configurations

That Wertheimer first be used in their experiments with visual gestalten,

Both were presented to children and adults as well as patients deficient and weak

Mentally, for that copy. The final product is a visual-motor pattern that reveals

Modifications in the original pattern by the action of integrating mechanism of

Individual who has experienced.

The guestaltica function can be defined as a function of the integrated agency

Why this responds to a constellation of stimuli given as a whole, being the

Same response a constellation, a pattern, a gestalt. All processes

Integrators of the nervous system occur in constellations, patterns or gestalten.

This integration occurs not by addition, subtraction or association, but by differentiation or by theIncrease or decrease of the internal complexity of the pattern in its framework. To whatIt seems, an integrated agency never answers otherwise. The scenario of the total

Stimulus and the state of integration of the agency determine the pattern of response.Based on this thesis can be used a constellation stimulating given in mark more

Similar or less, and consider the role guestaltica in various conditions

Pathological inclusive of the different organic and functional disorders, nervous

And mental. Such is the technique used in this study. Any pattern of the field

Sensory can be considered as a potential stimulus. But the patterns

Visomotores proved to be the my satisfactory, given that the visual field fits

With greater ease to the experimental study and, in particular, due to the cooperation thatUsually the patient can provide the simple test of copy a few drawings.

Were chosen nine of the original patterns that Wertheimer presented in his classic

Monograph published in 19239 (see Plate 1).

1962; Guillaume, P. : The psychology of the form. Buenos Aires, psyche, 1964; Katz, D. : Psychology of theForm. Madrid, Espasa Calpe, 1945; Kaffka, K: Principles of psychology. Buenos Aires,Paidos, 1953; Köhler, VT.: Psychology of the form. Buenos Aires, Argonauta was, 1948; Köhler, W. , Kaffka,K. and Sander, F. : Psychology. Buenos Aires, Granta Books, 1969. [E]9The author refers to "Untersuchungen zur Rousseau's von der Gestalt". Ps. Forsch. I, pp. 47-58 and 1V, 1923,PP. 301-350. [E. ]

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Figure A was chosen as introductory, on the grounds that it is clear that the

Experience quickly as closed figures on a background. In this configuration,

Agreement with Wertheimer, it recognizes it as consisting of two figures quotas, to

Because each one of them represents a "gute Gestalt"10. This principle governs on

Another, whereby the parties that are more close to each other are displayed

Usually seals. In this case, the adjacent parts of the circle and the square are

10 Good Way

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My next if that between the two sides of the square. As Wertheimer Fig 1 should

Be perceived so that the points appear as a series of pairs certain

For the shorter distance, with a loose point at each end. Such pairs of points

They would receive more easily if the differences in the distances have been greater.

This is an example of a gestalt built on the principle of proximity

Of the parties. Fig 2, according to Wertheimer, is generally perceived as a series of

Short oblique lines consist of three units, arranged so that the lines

They are inclined from top left to bottom right. This gestalt also

Is determined by the principle of the proximity of the parties, that is, also, that

Determines the Fig 3. Fig 4 is commonly perceived as two units certain

By the principle of continuity of the geometric or internal organization; the square

Open and the line in the form of campaign in the lower right corner of the first. For theFig. A, which serves as an introduction, governs the same principle as for Fig 5,

Viewed as an incomplete circle with a canted stroke straight, consisting of

Dotted lines. Fig 6 is formed by two lines of different length sinusoidal

Waveforms that are cut at an oblique angle. The Figs. 7 AND 8 are two composite configurationsBy the same units, but are seldom perceived as such, because in the Fig 8

The principle of continuity of geometric forms - which in this case is

A straight line at the top and bottom of the figure-.

The Gestalt psychology argues that the organized units or the

Structured configurations are the primary forms of reactions

Biological, at least at the psychological level of animal behavior, and that, in the field

Sensory, these units organized or gestalten correspond to configurations of the

World stimulator.

There is a tendency to just experience the innate gestalten (Schilder) not only as

Wholes greater than its parts (Wertheimer, Kaffka, Köhler), but in the state of

Transformation (Eddington), by which the setup integrates not only in the

Space, but also in time. In addition, the act of perceiving the gestalt the individual

Contributes to the configuration. The resulting "most gestalt, therefore, of the pattern

Original space (visual pattern), the time factor of transformation and the factor

Sensomotor staff. Also, the resulting gestalt is more than the sum of all these

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Factors. There is a tendency not only to perceive that gestalten but to supplement them andRearrange them in accordance with principles biologically determined by the pattern

Sensomotor of action. It is hoped that this pattern of action may vary in the different

Levels of growth and maturation or in the pathological states or organic

Functionally determined.

In the thinking being, fitted with mechanisms sensomotores, reveal a trend

Toward a continuous experimentation with the external stimulant pattern and trends toThe action. The end pattern may represent a momentary point of balance in the

Balanceante function and is susceptible to change.

The factor of transformation that is located in the physical world (Eddington) explains the

Continuous integrators physical processes and trends. Is also present in the

Personality of the individual, and she also explains how the trends toward the action and thePulses. In the last analysis are the two aspects of the same process (working)

Directed to complete the gestalten in all regions of the nature.

The destructive forces through which simplify or destroy all the

Gestalten, struggle in favor of and against the trend toward transformation. This

Trend appears in the experimental work that is presented in this book when the

Individual that reacts the stimulus is a diverted. Even in these individuals whether it wasAlways present a tendency to experience gestalten complete and to contribute to its

Integration. A gestalt is always experience, but it tends to emerge in a form more

Primitive, still whole and even greater than the sum of all its parts.

Through these experiments has failed to build up a repertoire of data such as

Contribution to the psychology of the Gestalt, the functioning of the personality and toThe clinical medicine. In addition the author has proposed indicate how these new

Data are susceptible to facilitate a new understanding of the functions of the mind

Normal and the various forms of pathological mental states.

To make this work the author has used parts of previous works of yours,

That appeared in the Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, The Journal of Psychoastenics andThe Pedagogical Seminary and Journal of genetic psychology.

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IBOTH SEE As genetically arise the gestalten in children and which are the

Processes of maturation. It is clear that the child doesn't experience the perception as

The adult; however, the school able to read and write must have experiences

Visomotoras similar to those of the adult. Dorotea (Plate 2), which was a girl

Smart 14 years, you could copy the forms of the test as he had done a

Normal adult top. We will see now as the child passes through many stages of

Ripening before reaching this level of efficiency.

We know that the first drawings of children (see Goodenough: intelligence Test

Child by means of drawing the human figure)11 are scribbles that express a pure

Game engine. Are performed for the pleasure of driving the expression, and scribbling sameConstitute a secondary product devoid of sense. They are run through extensive

Movements dextrorsos (dextrad) of the arms in the form of spirals in the direction of

The needles of the clock pendulum or waves, if the child uses his right hand; and by

Movements sinistrorsos (sinestrod) in spiral in a counterclockwise direction

The clock, if you use the left hand. Very soon the child will make such scribbles

Whatever the foil you present to copy, or in response to any test

We offer you, and you will be given another name, if it occurs to him. Such were the scribbles ofEva at 2 years and 8 months, when asked to draw a man and then copied the

11 Spanish edition: Buenos Aires, Granta Books. 33 ED. 1961 [E. ]

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Sheet 2

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Forms of the test (Plate 2). Was thrilled with the game and called "ropes" to their

Scribbles. Sara, at 2 years and 11 months, showed a tendency to perform her scribblesIn a more continuous spiral shape. In addition, he observed the examiner while

Executing the act engine to draw some new figure, and what has been observed could have onShe an influence greater than the figures that you had to copy. Using

Arm movements similar to those toward the examiner, i run the Fig.

Displays A, which represents a limited part of a curve made with a single

Stroke. Persevered in this response several times happily, tending to emphasize the partThe game that should be done by a single stroke. The same response in the obtuvose

Fig. 1, Although it was completely inappropriate. Then you are taught to make points;

Motor part of the game of plot points it was very pleasant. Pulled the pencil against thePaper and drawing more curve on the basis of points, rather than doing it with a singleMovement of the arm. At this time had a sudden total understanding of the meaning

Of the game. He discovered that some of the figures were formed by curves of a singleStroke and other by points and, as the case may be, carried out the various remaining figures without moreAid. There is really a similarity between the Figs. 4 AND 6, especially in the last,

Whose long line horizontal curve bends backwards and crosses back into itself in the middle.But the examiner could not resist the temptation to show her how to do this figure. SaraObserved the movement of the arm in a zigzag pattern and he tested it, leaving evidenced his joy toContemplate the result. He had observed, also, that this movement included two

Parties: first began and then stopped, but she could not guide exactly the

Two zigzag lines as to make the crossing. Compared to the Figs. 7 AND 8 showed

An accurate understanding of the problem, and by the modification of the curves warns thatDue to the guestalticos principles involved in each of the forms of the test, with

Exception of Fig.7, which shows the relationship between the two concentric curves,

That is the most primitive form of relationship between the two parts of a whole. The relationshipBETWEN guestaltica is the simplest that appears in a closed curve placed on

A fund. As we have seen, the principle of this relationship emerges from the motor behavior ofSmall, that adapts to resemble the perceived stimulus in the optical field.

Eleonora, even at 3 years and 6 months, understood very well the use of the curves, although to

Times didn't spoil their drawings because of the lack of government on the tendency to close the

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Lines. This girl just could not make the points of Fig 1 then that he was there was shownHow to proceed; but he left to continue experimenting with curves and parts of

Curves. In the Fig A stroke two curves and expressed the relationship between them by means of aGraphical connection. This tendency to point graphically the relationships observed withFrequency. Eleonora was not satisfied with the results obtained and tried to dominate

More the features of both curves, but did not get it. His third effort, which

Offered a real distinction between the two parties, was very good; conducted freely theCurve of the first part, and in the second constructed a figure with multiple segments ofCurves, to whose number did not give it importance. In Fig 1 framework points by imitating theExaminer. Test some tracitos curvilinear in Fig 2, but did not feel satisfied

Of everything, until finally she called "man" one of them and then interrupted the

Path. Fig 3 is a single closed curve qua resembles the whole figure on a

Fund. Fig 4 shows the relationship of two adjacent parts; one of the curves as less

Round to the other, but both are closed. Fig 5 allows you to appreciate this trend

Dominant to close 1a line - a trend that could be seen better by looking at the girl

While rea1Izaba test. Drawing the line first and then the round stingray

Corresponds to the top right. Also this figure would have been excellent.

Even when the arc outside a full circle, if the girl had stopped there, but she

The study for several seconds in an attitude of doubt and finally completed the side

Right of the figure. Note the close resemblance between the Fig and the parties of the

Fig. 2. It is own of the child use forms similarly built for purposes

Different. When copying the Fig 6 stroke a bottom line undulating, made an effort to

Crossing it with another smaller, but, after a moment of hesitation, closed all the

Figure. The result obtained was better in a second attempt, because he managed to bringPrimitive trends; but it was still difficult e1 crossing and only succeeded in capturing

Contact with the end of the line first Fig 7 equated to a, 2 and 5, but

1A is modified in order to better adapt to the model. Fig 8 as the typical response of

Young children, and is easy to implement because it represents the relationship of concentricTwo figures enclosed.

Eva, at 3 years and 8 months, that is to say, a year after the time in which draws

Scribbles that was called "ropes", showed how much it had won in the maturation of his

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Ability to control the scribbles. At this age is running the Fig A as two curves

Adjacent; Fig 1 as a series of spirals, until it shows you how to draw

The points; Fig 2 as a series of small roundels; Fig 3 as a set

Of points; the Fig 4 as two curved segments (somewhat misguided in their relationshipReciprocal); Fig 5 as a set of points; the Fig 6 as a curved line that

Crosses to the other; the Fig 7 as two roundels bound, and the Fig 8 possibly

As a continuation of the line drawn in Fig 7.

Evelina, at 3 years and 9 months, shows a considerable motor control and a

Tendency to differentiate the various forms and principles guestalticos. Let's take a look at firstThe term human figure that is capable of drawing. The scale of Goodenough confers

A mental age of 4 years to the doodle that called "man". Fig A as a

Modification of this man; Fig 2 offers a special interest because it shows that not

The experience in accordance with the laws oj Wertheimer, but as a series of horizontalCurves. Eva was satisfied with a single series, but Evelina discovered that there were threeHorizontal series, although the exact reciprocal relationship between the three lacks

Important to her. Fig 3 is always the most difficult; Evelina perceived only

As a series of points. Fig 4 is somewhat misguided. Fig 5 appears just

As a sketch, but it respects the principle. In the Fig 6, although with difficulty,

Performs the crossing. In Figs. 7 AND 8 achieves the proper ratio, which is what

Essential, but not the exact sizes, distances and the details of form.

Of the studies of these patterns visomotores carried out in children of 2 and a half years to

4, We can deduce the following principles: doodles are at the beginning, the result

OJ a mere physical activity; often acquire meaning after his execution.

In addition, to be carried out in closed curves or fragments of curves tend to acquire

A distinct form. The patterns or gestalten resulting from the combination of those

That, in turn, are adapted to resemble the perceived stimulus or to represent

Symbolically. The child finds it difficult reproduction of the patterns, but using

Several experiments motor is able to produce figures that, finally, usually

Represent the given model. It is easier the imitation of the movements of another

Person, in a way quo doodles can be limited to a single movement of the

Arm, stripes, dots or zigzagues. Once you have learned, through imitation

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Motor, and the experimentation, you can use them with greater freedom with the end of thatMore closely resemble the figures of the test. In this way, any way you will be able dottedOf cause the motor behavior that produces the points, although still persist the

Primitive tendency to plot your data in the form of curves, sets or series. The closed curveIt constitutes the basis of all perceived. There is also a tendency to persevere

In a pattern has already been learned, even if it is autodescubierto, in all cases where it wasAdaptable to other figures perceived, or in the most primitive level to use the first

Experienciada form or pattern of behavior in response to any figure that is present withLater challenges. This means, for the child merely a stimulus causing the pattern. The

Address, in particular the metallic horizontal, in the child who uses his right hand,

Of greater importance that the distance or size. It is more dominant than the

Principles of Wertheimer relative to the proximity (as in Fig 2) to the similarity of

The parties. The dominance of the directional factor is probably due, in part, to traits

Engines and, in part, to the principle that establishes that the optical field is organized on theMovement. Children understand more quickly the concepts of "series" and

"Masses" that the absolute number or size. The principle of continuity of

Wertheimer has importance to the extent that it implies the idea of direction and series."Gute Gestalt" and the one of the geometric figures imported natural in the sense of

Arising from the primitive curve. But otherwise, the principles guestalticos given by

Wertheimer are not applicable to the genesis of gestalt in the maturation of the patternsChildhood visomotores.

Between 4 and 7 years there is a rapid differentiation of the form (Plate 3).

This is the age at which children attend school and in the that is expected to learn

Read and write. Enriqueta, 4 years and 8 months, reproduced the figures of the test with quiteFidelity. For her, copy the Fig A involves making two closed shapes: the one on the rightLess round; the distance between the two is immaterial. Fig 1 is formed

By a series of small scratches that appear to points. Fig 2 presents three series

Horizontal small roundels. Fig 3 is formed only by a series of

Points. Fig 4 is composed of two open forms widely separated, as in the

Fig. A. Fig 5 is very well done. Fig 6 presents the crossing in your way

More simple. The Figs. 7 AND 8 show the ratio of lateral position and concentric of the

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Normal Children from 4 to 8 years  Sheet 3

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Roundels primitive. It should be noted that at this level of maturation is not express

The relations of tilt and skewness. Norman, of 4 years and 11 months, in all its

Answers used some form of heavy hoofs or closed figure. In the Fig A drawing a

Square fairly well done, but without oblique orientation. Fig 1 comprises a

Series of small roundels, but are not represented in pairs. In the Fig 2 appear

For the first time the vertical series of three roundels, but without tilt. Fig 3 is

Still too difficult for the. Fig 4 is a variant of the A. Fig 5 shows a

Interesting displacement of the straight. Perhaps the same amount of effort required to this child toThat plot lines when he was still in the stage of the heavy hoofs caused the

Displacement. In the Fig 6 included the existence of two wavy lines, but it was

Incapable of crossing. Comparing this with the copy of Enriqueta, we see that often

A child is usually reached in a gestalt a new principle, but you cannot combine two of

Them in the same gestalt.

Leon, at 5 years, shows progress in various aspects. In an effort to make

Inclined the vertical series of Fig 2, has shifted the entire figure. In Fig 3 are

Appreciates the first real effort to reproduce this pattern. He made a series of curves

Concentric by points, where the number of series or of points in each series

Seems to lack of importance. Fig 6 is formed by undulating lines that have been

Crossed without tilt. However, in the Fig 7 oblique appears a overlap.

Paul, at the age of 6 and 5 months, drawing a true diamond in the Fig A, and showed in

Details of the relationship of the Figs. 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8 a higher degree of loyalty that theYounger kids, but I still use roundels instead of points, although sometimes the

Padding to make them appear as such. Was unable to make the crossing of the

Lines of the Fig 6 or form with the angles of the 3. Ricardo, at the age of 7 and 10 months,Made all these drawings, but still its points appear as small roundels,

And lack accuracy in reproducing relations oblique; nor drawing by pairs

The points of Fig 1. In terms of the perfection in the size, shape, distance and control

Engine, their paths are still not comparable with those of Dorothy, the 14-year-old girl toWe referred to earlier.

From these experiences seemed to be implied that the visomotores patterns arise from the

Motor behavior as amended by the characteristics of the visual field. This field is

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Organizes around the primitive spirals closed with tendencies toward certain

Addresses (usually dextrorsas and horizontal to the top) and conduct

Perseverativa. There is a constant interplay or integration between the characters and enginesThe sensory, which can never be separated, even if one or the other as capable of advancingWith faster during the ripening process and even appear as dominant

At a certain stage in evolution guestaltica.

For all acquisition motor Kaffka, even during development, you have a component

Sensory. Katz also argues, quo movement as a necessary condition for the

Perception, at least in the early stages of development. Thus, the agency

Constitutes a unitary whole, or it is not agency at all. Köhler considers that the

Conduct is not the body's response to a stimulus, but the response of the body

To their own organization of the sensory stimulus. For that reason, the child responds to aConception of the world much more simple than the adult. Hartmann speaks of a greaterDynamic unity in the child, where Restu1ta that the isolation of a single action

Offers much greater difficulty for this that for e1 adult. This author the Appointment

Experiments that made with the colored box of Köhler, who carried out with their daughter of 3Years ago, to demonstrate that the primitive and innate perceptual responses of the childHighlight the wholes and assemblies. In the children's drawings can spontaneous

Found similar principles.

In 193112 i became interested in the spontaneous drawings that children draw with chalk on the

Sidewalks and pavement of the parks. The numerous small parks that exist in the

This New York provide a rich material during the spring and autumn, time

In the that are covered in children's drawings. Until the present have not been performedSystematic studies on them, in spite of which they offer advantages over those who areMade in the paper or the blackboard in the first place, because they are an expression of an absoluteSpontaneity. Children are drawn by the taste of drawing and with the sole purpose

Immediately of the activity and the production, except in some cases, such as the

Rayuela, the drawing is the scenario of the game.

The drawings on the sidewalk also provides the opportunity to study its

Production in different driving conditions. Children draw usually seated

12  "Gestalt Principles in the Sidewalk Drawings and Games of Children", Pedagogical Seminary andJournal of genetic psychology, 1832, 41, 192-210.

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Or kneel on the ground, or inclined of foot, or precariously balanced on their

Shoes, running the strokes with vast movements of the arms. But the drawings

Made in such a way are similar to those that are made with pen and paper,

Widely described in the literature.


The most important difference between both cases comes from the amount of space

Available to them. A child, with enough chalk and pavement around her, without limitation ofTime and without that it knows what monitors, rarely draws a full figure isolated. DrawsAnd he scribbles with both more pleasure as soon as most unexpected are the forms that deployedHer scribbles; experimenting with them the changed because in a way, already in another,Through a simple variances, is widening a heavy hoofs, extending any line or

Leaving unfinished a drawing in order to attempt another variant. You can leave that

Place for any reason and start the game again in any other part, or other

Peers tend to take your idea and play with it in their own way. A defined type of drawingIt can prevail as well, for a few days, and at the same time, in neighboring places. TheseScattered profusely recaptioned on sidewalks and made with the desire to

Experimentation are of considerable interest. In the sheet No. 4 We see a drawing in the

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That dominate the spirals, sometimes made by the simple taste of draw, as in the

Left edge, other represent the tail of a cat, in the bottom right hand corner.

But more often as the central theme of a human figure, of which they form the

Hair. The rest of the body has been omitted, in different aspects: in a design are missing theLegs and feet, but have been exaggerated hands; in another it is omitted the arms, butThe legs are better represented; more, even when the different parties are well

Made, lack of importance in comparison with the hair. Always displays when

Body in a similar way, as also to the face, in which only the eyes appear

As factions. Even in "the cat" can be seen a similar pattern. Various

Variations of this drawing appeared for several days in different parts of the same

Park. It is reasonable to consider this period, in that special place, such as characterized byThe predominance of reason of the spirals as artistic trend.

It is clear that the satisfaction that produces the layout of these drawings is experienced

In the piano engine, especially in young children, although the same could be said

With respect to the elderly. They often perform simply, through extensive movements ofThe arms, hesitant circular lines, until they have used all the space immediately

Or all the chalk available. In general, any given area is covered with the result of

Many different activities, such as the drawings better organized for the children

Higher. The roundels and circles of various types are gradually forming part

More elaborate drawings. Sully has emphasized that the first drawings are forms

Circulars and moles of the human face. Shinn recognizes the features of the letter or , already at the 12 Months, and those of the C and Q, very shortly after. Dora Musold, working with Vokelt,Considered a group of children for the purpose of investigating its ability to distinguishAreas, circles, circles and straight lines. Found that the more

Small distinguished with greater ease than older children and adults; but

They possess a power of discrimination much less with respect to the straights. The child takesKnowledge, first, of his own body and that of his mother, the chest and face of this,

And in their own faeces. Sully has made the interesting comment that the first

Pictorial forms have embryonic characteristics. We have been impressed by the possibilityThat the mold body postural (Schilder) constitutes the first experience

Perceptual and helps determine the organization of the visual field, because, as he says

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Kaffka, "are not the most simple ways but those most biologically important,

Which first appear in the infant perception". However, the visual field may

Have own physiological characteristics underlying, which determine their organization inMovements spirals, circles or wavy lines. Kanner and Schilder have shown

That the characteristic properties of the imagination are represented by optical

Movements of a type and circular ripple with titilaciones, flashes and

Multiplications, or further weakening and dissemination of the image, or any part thereof, andParticipation6n of the fund in the same process. The tedious problem of explaining howBegins the form (Kaffka, 1935) would be resolved if the recognition of the movement and thePerception cannot be separated and, as we study the genesis of the form in the perceptionChild, so you will find that it emerges from the movement.

In relation to this point, I am going to examine certain children's games, such as the

Rayuela. This game features several variants, but if it is observed as children play,

It should be noted that they depend on the various age levels; that is to say, the levels ofMaturation of the perceptual patterns-engines. This assertion is not, of course,

Absolute, as the older children often play with other children, and vice versa; the

Older people usually fall into forms more entertaining simple and small to emulate the first.In general, the smaller ones, which are barely able to stay in the leg.

Make a spiral on the pavement, divided into sectors (Plate 5, Fig 1) and

Jumping from sector to sector until you reach the center. The goal is always to jump

On one foot without supporting the other on the floor and without touching the lines. Sometimes use aYew or other object that push from one space to another -but this is not essential part of theGame-. The size of the heavy hoofs is in relation to the possibilities of the members

Of the group, and can easily through ampliarselo aggregates in the outer edge. The

Hopscotch is a very simple game that, obviously, provides great satisfaction to the

Children between 4 and 6 or 7 years. Is a near-pristine example of a game engine

Perceptual that puts into action the principles of visual pattern of the type of the spiralsPrimitive, as well as a motor pattern that involves the simplest rhythmic jump in the

Direction of the spiral. To make the spirals is an activity that appeals to young children, andThat might depend on primitive and postural reflexes vestibular sensations (Schilder,

Brain and Personality), pulse engines and perceptual principles. The monkeys

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Studied by Köhler made similar games.

The children of greater maturity playing hopscotch with a design similar to the No. 2

The lamina 5. The contour

General is more rectangular, if

Well rounded in the party

Above, an area where located

The sector which they called "Heaven","Home" to "rest".

The drawing is divided into



Or Ten Sections

It is More

Quadrangular. In this case


Complicated. It uses a

Stone that, when the child

Salta, the thrust of sector in

Sector until you reach the end, withoutTouch the lines nor support the

Other foot. In each case you mustLaunch The Tejo Until The

WithoutSquare Because

Stop in any line.

It involves several processes

More Complicated. The

Primitive form circular only is organized from the periphery to the center, in the sense ofClockwise or counterclockwise. But in this second way we have a

Upper and lower part, a number of sectors to the right and one to the left and,

In addition, a certain amount of straight lines that intersect. The motor pattern requires a better fit andIncludes the precise control of an inanimate object, at the same time that the realization ofMoves backward and forward.

In the Fig 3 of the 5 foil can be seen a way more complicated than often use

Girls aged 8 to 10 years. This sketch includes the position of the alternate form, and the

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Motor activity includes an extra step on the spaces pairs, where the girls

Settle both feet between each leap in the odd spaces, pushing the yew of

A box to another.

The first activities of the child in the drawings and spontaneous games represent

Experiments with shape, spatial and temporal relations, rhythms and various forces

Physical, such as, for example, gravity. This issue has already been examined by SchilderAnd by me in a paper entitled "as a principle in children's games".

Well that we are in agreement with Isaacs in that the child has no interest in the knowledge of ifSame, and we disagree with Piaget, who in any child behavior create view trends


Also disagree with the teachings of Melanie Klein, for those who love the

Knowledge -or trend epistemofilica - is a trend to knowledge


For both authors the early trends of the child are essentially instinctual, in

An emotional sense. In the drawings, games and activities for children, these authors

Child find a tendency to just experience or experiment with physical phenomena.

In both quo in their questions or "whys" will discover its trend toward the experiments

Cognitive of the same nature. Susan Isaacs has highlighted this early desire to

Know, but was inclined to interpret this as a trend toward the absolute, due to the

Fear, insecurity or incomplete knowledge or wrong.

On the other hand, my research would lead to the conclusion that the child

Truly experience with the various phenomena, obtaining satisfaction with each

New experience, which is complete for that stage of maturation of the agency in

Evolution, enriched by the level of previous experience.

In addition, there is a continuous search of new experiences in which the child realizes

Freely, so that their activities become an active part of the

Acquired knowledge. This knowledge becomes a creator of gestalten in

Uninterrupted expansion, always adopting new forms in the experience of the child

In growth, which in turn is experienciada and produced by the child. In the drawings ofThe forms guestalticas obtained in the various age levels can be seen with

Ease that the child accepts not as absolute truths or patterns of forms

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Exhibited, but as the representation of constellations of stimuli, with whom the

Different agencies react and experience in a different way, and that the response or

Experience of each child is complete and satisfactory for the.

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 P S Igrilled up now to study the responses of adults deficient, subjects with a

Motor reaction pattern of mature, but very low intellectual level, we can get

Answers that are close to the primitive perceptual patterns. The delay in the

Maturation appears to simplify the reaction pattern, in a little the mode of the exhibitionTaquitoscopica, and delete the integration of the time factor, which is the one that modifies thePerceptual experience. Working with weak deep was part of my first

Experiments with the function guestaltica subscale.


Mentally handicapped. This is a woman with a mental age between 1 and 2

Years ago, which responded to its own name, knew walk, could be maintained clean, but notWas able to speak. Stroke on a piece of paper forms of their preference (Plate 6), which areConsiderable interest, especially if they are studied in the light of the productions of theMental levels progressively higher. These paths do not resemble the model,

But they are very similar to the handwriting of some unknown language. For this

Patient lack an obvious meaning, but are made up of all the elements of the

Written language and are fragmented into units similar to the words. Suggest the

Idea that the author had seen and learned prior to imitate these traits,

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But when you have in

Note that these minds

Simple are unable not

Only Of Copy These

Characters but also

Forms of much greater

Simplicity, Because Are

Incapable of such feat

Mnemica, includes

The impossibility of that

What Hague Able to

Occur. It was interesting to note,However, appropriation lines are necessary so that, in its

Study of the spontaneous productions and copies in young children, demonstrated thatThose whose ages range between 2 and 4 years produce similar meaningless gibberish.The examples he gives are considerably more coarse than the productions of the

Sheet 6, due, no doubt, the best development of motor control of the adult poor

Mental. Understands Appropriation Lines are necessary so that the child scribbles probably constitute aImitation or copy of the writing of the adult; but contradicts then when you add that in theNext higher mental levels children are unable to copy or imitate (because

Drawn forms without intention or likeness with the models) and to recognize or namingTheir own productions. Therefore, it could happen that this low level the

Productions are the result of a response from the motility, as maintains Pinzhorn,

WHO considers the children's drawings are merely an expression of

Joy, which originated in the rhythmic movement, and that their productions lack

Meaning for them. Gaupp also has stated that the scribbles and smudges on

Children from 1 to 3 years are only an expression of activity, and that the meaning of theForm or the ability to copy does not appear until the 3 6 4 years.

A woman with a mental age of around 3 years, was able to understand the

Instructions and tried to copy the drawings submitted to him. The result appears in

The lamina 7. Still to be seen, in the first place, a part of his writing, but spontaneous

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Close resemblance to the

Previous case. Almost all the



Patient Previous.

That ConductedFor

Play the forms that you will


Such Once again

Also, in the deployed by the

Requires a careful analysis

Say convincingly

That the copies of the Sheet 7

Efforts are genuine

By Play The Figures

Observed in the lamina 1. The

Most of the plots are

Roundels repeated online

Horizontal, each one with a

Slight variant in the form with

With respect to the previous heavy hoofs, so that in several of the drawings gives a gradualDeviation from the simple heavy hoofs; but then the variation would be reversed and used to the waySimple. The Figs. 1, 2 and 3 are of the perseverance of the horizontal plane in the directionVertical, without taking into account the gestalt. In Fig 1 there is no tendency to draw in pairs;The points are converted into roundels and even sticks to the horizontal piano. The

Fig. 2 Is similar to the previous one. In this patient the trend to the repetition does not go beyondOn the third line. Other subjects of a similar age level in both perseverarian

Directions to cover the paper. Also Fig 3 are reproduced in the same

So, without considering the principle guestaltico implies that there is. This figure comprisesThree horizontal lines of roundels, of which the part of the media have a

A little more length. Fig 4 does not seem to resemble the way offered. The

Playback is much smaller than the model and is more in line with the

Units of the other figures, but os diverted from other reproductions enough

To make your porte resembles something central to the form given. But, again, we have been

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Respected the principles guestalticos, because despite the fact that the figure of three sides thisFairly complete and there is a form in the lower right corner, the patient did not

These two parts separately, in the manner that appeared more mental levels

High; therefore, there is recurrence of roundels on both sides. Fig 5 it seems

Resemble even less to the test, while note effort to enlarge the curved forms and

Tilt the upstroke; but the drawings were not made in separately, as

If there should be organization guestaltica of the figure. Fig 6 implies a decided

Effort to draw a sinusoid continues with three attempts at crossing by the

Less. Note should be taken, in addition, a fragmentation of the figure, which could be interpretedAs a trend was moved from the figures above, formed by units

Round, to this figure. Such a tendency to carry a part or the totality of a first

Drawing to the next object offered, it is a known child trend (Appropriation Lines are necessary so). But thisFragmentation of the perceived form has also been recognized by Kanner and SchilderAs a common trend in optical imaging, and Schilder and Bromberg in the

Sensory perception. In the Fig 7 shows a vast effort to draw two forms

Rectangular right, separate from one another, parallel, which are not skewed or

Cross. The difficulties in crossing and tilt will be reviewed again in

Another part, where it is possible to illustrate this point with clarity. In Figs. 7 AND 8

The only evidence: gestalt produced by this patient; and here in

Truth, really are exaggerated. In response to this we can already begin to think that there isDifferent classes of gestalten, which are perceived or propagated in the different levelsMental. The Figs. 9 AND 10 (not reproduced) took the patient through a

Repetition of the round shapes, as shown in Figs 1 through 6, but without

Similarity evident with the forms of the test.

A review of the foil 7 takes us to point out that the horizontal lines

They are never straight lines, but that show an address in regard to revolving vertical. InSubsequent cases are, also, that these lines are never parallel, but always

Radiated, converging or diverging among themselves, so that the directional movement, suchAs expressed by the perseverance, is in all cases radial. In consequence, the

Vertical movement, directional, radial and wavy, in one way or another it looks like

Form the basis of the primitively visomotores patterns reproduced.

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From the foregoing, it is derived from the following corollaries: fixed points not only reproduced

As such, but as roundels; the straight line is not reproduced as a function of two

Fixed points but as a function of radial movement, directional, undulating. Hence

Offering great difficulties for both the parallel lines as the angular forms and


We have found many similar phenomena in young children. Baldwin study

The evolution of the drawing and the copy on your daughter from the 19th or until the 27th month. The firstDemonstration consisted of the "more simple, vague and general imitation of movementsOJ his master; there was no trace of the mental image, there was no likeness nor

Concordance between the model and copy; or the same author could identify them".

Baldwin also noted that the 19 months, the girl only toward broad movements

With all of the arm from the shoulder. Shortly after he began to flex the elbow

And the wrist, and the 27 months he could handle the fingers and make roundels following theClockwise direction, accentuating the horizontal plane. It also noted that

In each new drawing there was a tendency to carry, total or partially, the drawing

Previous. Thus, the importance that in the small child have the elements

Engines, and as seem to be unlinked to the perceptual. Prinzhorn and

Appropriation Lines are necessary so, already quoted, have made similar remarks. The latter noted that the drawingsAt the age of 3 years have no resemblance to the models, but the child would seem draw ofMemory (sic.) and not the natural, even when the object was in view.

In the intelligence test for preschoolers ages Merrill-Palmer , the child is able to

Copy circle 3 years, a cross at the 4 and a star to the 5; the Stanford-Binet

Determines that a normal child of 4 years you can copy a square, in both the 7 is

Able to copy a diamond.

Kanner and Schilder have pointed out that in the optical images there are normal

Movement, fragmentation and encurvamiento of forms; the last of the appointed,

Together with Bromberg, adds that, in addition, there are difficulties in crossing and

In the angulation of the forms in the skin sensory images. Stein and von

Weizsäcker also noted that the disintegration of the pathological phenomena

Sensory is frequent that instead of a cross is perceived a circle or arc. In types

Similar disturbance, Stengel showed that, in general, there was a

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Propensity to experience a class of lines or curved tabs at inclined instead of straight.

Von Weizsäcker also found that the cross lines or that form an acute angle

They were perceived as being parallel in the case of optical disturbances.

The subject who correspond the drawings on board 8, with a mental age of 3

Years ago, confirms many of the principles set forth, and even adds others.

Fig 1 is a series of small roundels that do not form pairs, with a trend

To vary the training of those so to accentuate the horizontal base. Observed a

Indefinite continuation toward the right, but not in the piano horizontal Fig 2 is

Also drawn by horizontal lines and note should be taken a slight suggestion of planes

Vertical, although not tilt. In consequence, in none of the two cases have been

Considered the gestalten. Fig 3 was perceived as a problem different from the

Earlier, but it proved impossible to implement. The subject attempted the persistence in senseHorizontal and vertical. His second essay, however, could be seen as a

True representation of guestalticos principles involved. Stengel has found

The tendency to play a series of points in a line, in subjects with disturbances

The optical thalamus, and Stein and von Weizsäcker in subjects with signs of poisoning byMescaline. Fig 4 is attempt four voices. Note that the first drawing is small,

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That closely resembles the unit used, for example, in Fig 1, and that there can be

Been transported from the first figures. However, in each trial thereafter departs from

More of that size small. Also interested to note that in what this figure

Apparently it is interpreted as crossed lines was obtained with a considerable

Effort and, in addition, there are indications that the same has been perceived as two

Units or gestalten, although is not complete. In the Fig 6 reaches a crossing

Simple with a defined training suggestion of sinusoidal, even when it comes to a

Right angle and not from a crossing oblique. Fig 8, while imperfect, illustrates

Properly the principles of the Gestalt. I don't know if it is significant from the point of

View of the consideration of the determinants of addresses the fact that in both

This level as in the previous the left end of the figure is closed.

The foil 9 corresponds to a woman for 5 years of mental age. He spoke and was able

To help with the tasks of the hospital room, for example, washing up; but he didn't know how to writeYour name and could not make any sign with sense of its spontaneous is the drawing that isLocated at the top of the foil, and was drawn from right to left, direction

Common among the children of this age, as well as among the mentally retarded

(Orton, Gordon). In Fig 1, the roundels tend to become focal points, but still

predominates the primitive form. In Fig 4 the principle guestaltico not only is it obviousBut even exaggerated. Persevered in this figure (there were several more). The tendency toPerform the units guestalticas so small, you can serve as an example of oculomotor

Or do simple reproduction of the small units by repetition, as in Fig 1. The

Separation of the two units guestalticas is a trend in the frequent cases

Following, and could represent an index of movement in the sensomotores phenomena.The Figs. 5, 6 and 7 are imperfect efforts, although it is present the principle

Guestaltico. However, in the three has been neglected the most elaborate function of theExact relationship between the parties and the whole.

The copies of gestalten simple carried out by weak-minded people, seem to provide

Some suggestions about the development of genetic patterns that are visomotores

Are in agreement with other studies in children and in pathological cases of

Diverse type. This one might infer that the most primitive patterns sensomotores

Depend on the principles of constant movement, which seems to be, in large part, an

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Rotary motion in swirling in a clockwise direction and against

Them, with a radial directional component associated with a tendency to accentuate theHorizontal planes. It is difficult to obtain fixed points, and the straight lines are not drawn asThe shortest distance between two of those, but as an expression of a tendency to theRadiation. The parallels are found before the infinite and the crosses of lines and the

Angular forms offer great difficulties. In the radial lines and in the planes,

Whatever its use and expression is always given the tendency to turn in the direction

Clockwise or anti-clockwise. The first evidence of explicit, the level

The second year, is presented as small units of spirals or roundels that is

Repeated freely in the horizontal plane and to the right. It could be

Primarily an expression of motor. In the perseverance of the roundels there is a

Although slight variation constant progressive from one to the other, which makes it deviate from theInitial form to return to it after a certain period of time. The series of such roundels

Horizontal reduplicarse can, although not in parallel lines and radial but with

Tendency to encurvarse. At 3 years are evidence of gestalt in the form of figures

Rectangular, close to each other, one within another. But some of the principles

Guestalticos are functions of a motor perceptual capacity and more elaborate,

Therefore, only appear in the higher mental levels. After 3 years,

Spied a tendency to accentuate the horizontal line basic, to control the perseverance and toProduce wavy lines in place of ravines for the representation of the straight, and

Also, any attempt to crossing the lines. At 5 years, tiendese to reduce the

Roundels primitive to points, which can also be given to the contrary, even in

The upper level adult. Similarly there is the tendency to draw more straight and gestaltenBetter perceived, and in all levels manifiestanse all the original principles and the

Tendency to make a rollback to them. It is always the tendency to claim that the pointsBecome roundels, the straights in curves, the radial lines in parallel

Convergent or divergent. But, above all, in the patterns always sensomotores

There is a tendency to version toward the principles more primitive, and to express

Movement in any way.

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CIERTOS DATOS that allow us to infer that the evolution of gestalten corresponds more

A maturing process to an educational process or imitative, were obtained in

Drawings made by some African children. The material i was kindly granted

By Dr. H. W. Nissen, of the

Yale University, who had

Met in Pastoria, a laboratory of the

Pasteur Institute (Paris), located in the

French Guinea, Africa. In May

1930, In opportunity to perform

Studies on the life of the chimpanzee,

Administered ten psychometric tests of

Type individual to a group of fifty

Native black 5 to 13 years (the age

Accurate it could not be established and theCalculation by approximation). Between theQuo applied tests were the drawings

You see in the Sheet 10, the

Same as are used in the tests

OJ implementation of the army. While

These pictures are not the same as

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I have used in my study on the gestalten visomotoras, prestanse to identical class

OJ analysis. In the tests of the army has been used for standardized valuation

Adults, which allows only accredit a score 2 to 5 to each drawing. If it is analyzed how

African children playing these drawings, it will warn you that it is implementing a more comprehensiveMargin of possible answers. It would be justified, therefore, considered to be a revision and re-Standardization of such tests in a way that also usable with children. Should

Be noted that the computation of the standard drawings of the negritos native applied byNissen and his collaborators resulted in a zero score for many of the children,

Even when a further analysis of the drawings revealed that in each case the child drawingShowed that the response was directly related to the stimulus. The term

"Primitive" used here to designate the child naive and inexperienced, that has not been submittedThe educational or cultural regime of a civilized one. Assumes no difference

In terms of its natural intelligence. Approximately half of these children never

Had used pencil, or paper. In analyzing results put the

Dr. Nissen, Machover has pioneered computer and Kinder examined the entire theme of the intelligencePrimitive. These authors contend that there is no evidence of a racial difference

Defined in the intelligence and that of the application of the tests may not be known

Drawing conclusions about the overall capacity, adaptability to the potential

Primitive innate. However, some tests show differences in the "skills

Specific immediate current". In its own battery found that the best results

Obtenianse with tests that included the measurement of the functions of imitation,

Immediate memory, perception and retention of items and suggestive visokinestesicosDevoid of content representative, in both the poorest results were made by the

Tests of pictorial content of material representative or symbolic, to the imposing

A combinatorial activity based on the perception of the relations of part to whole.

These authors believe that such data is not possible to draw any conclusions concerningThe natural intelligence. In contrast, emphasize the influence of the cultural patterns andThe group phenomena "in the conditioning of the development of functions with the

Therefore differentiation cumulative". AND are expressed in terms similar to those of

Child: "The development is a process of functional construction; that is to say, that fromA structure and function of a given, the continuation of the function modifies the

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Structural substractum, and this, to his ves, amended again to that, and so


Dr. Nissen i supply the drawings prior to completion of the analysis. It

Studied and classified in accordance with the principles guestalticos we noticed in the

Observation of hundreds of children that drew the figures guestalticas employed in

This work. Have been unable to discriminate seven levels to stages of realization.

I. - In the first level, or primitive level, broad scribbles executed:

With all of the arm and made so that cover the space allotted without tonga

Very much in the way. Three children made observational drawings of this type (see the foil 11 of theCase 23 of the series of Nissen). The drawing identified with the letter X is a scribble withoutSense; in the one who carries the letter A is seen an effort to employ the doodle

In order to draw a cross; the B is but the repetition or transfer of the previous;

The C shows a certain similarity with the model, in which is seen as a horizontal figure;But again the production

The child could have been

Influenced by both the space

Assigned as by the way

Presented, but also

Media the fact that in the







Perseverance of the lines

Vertical. The drawing is D

Repetition The C. This

Tendency to repetition is

Powerful and possibly this

Determined by the pattern

Engine, or by the suggestive

Items kinestesicos. The child

He was left-handed and drew in

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Address sinistrorsa, doing spirals in the sense and counter-clockwise.

These results represent the simplest form of the motor response to the stimulus. WithoutHowever, there is a slight indication of responses to sensory pattern, at least in the extensionIn adapt it to the fund, first principle oj the gestalten according Kaffka.

II. - In the second level of production appears a good training of roundels

And note a tendency to play patterns by repeating roundels in

Horizontal line, with the clear purpose do fill the allotted space unattended in

Nothing in the form provided. Noticed also a propensity to draw roundels about

Within the other. Two children made observational drawings oj this type. In one case, in the drawing to beMade an obvious effort to form a cross across the extension of the end of

A heavy hoofs outside with a part of the heavy hoofs inside. On the other hand, the roundelsOnly show trends perseverativas; were plotted in the clockwise direction of the

Clock and against them and repeated in metallic and sinistrorsa address.

III. - At this level are the first evidences of gestalten with a structure

Internal. They are produced by the

Relations Space Of

Roundels properly trained in

Similar and by perseverance, in

The piano horizontal lines

Vertical, radial and wavy.

This group comprises four

Children (Plate 12, Case 43). In

The drawing X, then three

The reviewed trials gives a

Idea Of The Form



Using Roundels

Including. In the one who carries the letterA: four of these

Appropriate forms that saved

Relationship, but without crossing linesThat connect them. So

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Similar, the drawing B consists of a grouping of roundels. With regard to Fig.

C, were a mere repetition of vertical lines; in the Fig D appear roundels

Included within other roundels.

IV. - In the next stage of development are already traced the connections between

Reed and roundels and between the lines themselves. Until now, these have not been more thanSegments of roundels. Even in the drawing of the foil C 12, the strokes maybe only

Segments are repeated large arches in the form of wavy lines. The inclusion of

Such repeated segments within other roundels, or the connection of the segment

Isolated with a heavy hoofs or their interbreeding or angulation, constitutes a stadium

In the special development of the gestalten. In those primitive levels of development alreadyWe found the child experimenting with some of these new combinations; but

So that they can be used more than one in a single design requierese a highest level.

Thus, in the sheet 13 (case 28), we see the roundels on the end of the lines, without

These may have been crossed, so it stays horizontal and parallel. In the

Drawing B there is a square with angles paths through the employment of the lines alreadyMarked on the paper. This child also used points. My experience working with children i have beenTaught us that the use of points instead of small roundels represents a level of

Higher realization.

This Drawing Shows,

Also, the organization

In three different ways

Including and, despite the














Of The







Similar with the stimulus

Good integration of the

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Design. In the drawing C -again, thanks to the successful use of the offered material andTo the accentuation of the two more lines side-, the child achieves draw vertical lines

Repeated within a box. In the drawing D, the test seems to prevail in a manner

Suspicious to a repetition of the previous. Even in the second did not get a lot my, suchVES confused by their memories kinestesicos and by the visual pattern that was offered.

Interested to note that, once you're done, my analysis was compared with that carried out the

Dr. Nissen and his collaborators. Checked6 that using the standard method they do notThey had been able to prove any score to these drawings, even if my analysis accused aGradation defined in the implementation.V. - In the most advanced stages we found a better use of the same

Elements, as could be seen in the drawing of the B 13 foil, or the ability to

Employ various combinations in a

Same drawing. Here we consider the

Drawings of eight children that obtained theLowest score given by Dr. Nissen

And their collaborators. In the foil 14

(Case 40) we note that the Fig.

Is In Lines Crusades With

Roundels on each end; the lines,

However, they are vertical, and the roundelsThey are not on the sides but in the

End of the lines. The drawing B has

Four rectangular shapes more or

Less correctly related between

And if material with inclusion of irregular

In mass and in quantity.

The drawing C, almost correct in its

Shape, form right angles with respect to the appropriate level. This detail was

Characteristic in five children in this group, but in these cases, it is not easy to interpretClearly its meaning, even when - as checked in subject sick people - the bad

Orientation of an entire figure on your fund is a sign of confusion. The

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Examined drew a single

Figure in this design, a fact that

Suggests that not noticed any

Difference between the two patternsNor were impressed torque the

Presence of the two figures.

Also observed that the



Of Lines










Stimuli, index that they


Number Or




Not It Warns

Any effort to represent

The various spatial relations

Between the lines. The drawing D

Accuses an attempt to make three

Forms Including With

Fragmentation, which could be the best effort of the child to draw angles. The

Skewness and the drawing in the form of diamond are even more difficult to obtain than theLas Cruces.

VI. - At this level we find better produced and more exact relations. This

The group comprised eleven children. The drawing of the foil C 15 (case 41) os located inCorrect horizontal relationship and is composed of two separate figures. All the

Drawings exhibit a definite likeness with the models.

VII. - In the best group of drawings, made pon eleven children that obtained the

Highest possible score of Dr. Nissen and his collaborators, we observed a greater degreeOf perfection. Notemore greater accuracy in the playback of details, number of

Parties and spatial relationships. For the first time we see the ability to run the

Gestalten diagonals with acute and obtuse angles (see Plate 16, case (II).

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The Best Of These

Productions is capable of

Be favorably compared with

The copies of the same

Models made by children

Black Americans Of

Average intelligence, born in

New York and educated in their

Schools. To carry out this

Comparative study were chosen

Fifty black children of this

Latest nationality. Some of

The drawings of the letter A are

In the sheet 17. Among children

Native Africans were found

Drawings of the most primitive type,But in them appear all the

Maturity levels that are found in the group of American children civilized.

In the foil will be mentioned recently that the drawings of an American child of 4 yearsAre comparable to those of one oj African children, whose age was estimated only for 8 years.In the same way, in the American child standard it is possible to set several levels

Ripening in recognizable mental levels progressively higher, making

The comparison with children of various ages. However, the Mojares drawings,

Virtually normal, were conducted by a North American school of 11 years and

For an African child of the same age that he had not received systematic instruction. TOTitle of contrast we show the drawings of a 12-year-old boy, who from the age of 8

He was admitted to a hospital. I was 12 years old when he was administered the test and accreditedA mental age of 9 years 11 months. His drawings show the processes of accented

That dissociation is presented in schizophrenia, a fact which will be the subject of more arrestedReview in a later chapter.

In conclusion, it can be argued that the African child without normal education and without

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Previous experience is able to copy with pen and paper with the same ease that the

Average american polite. Even among native children would appear to be no levels

Higher levels of maturation by collating age equal to similar. These children

Presented signs which are identical to those observed in normal children standardized

Different age levels. It should be noted that the copying drawings develops as a

Motor pattern adapted to a particular fund. The most simple structural principles

Depend on the roundels that can be repeated inside each other or in planes

Horizontal. The lines are produced by the perseverance of the horizontal segments

Roundels, interconnected to the way of waves. The structures are more integrated

Achieved by the connection of these roundels with segments of curves and angles in

Las Cruces. The small roundels are converted into dots, the segments represent

Lines, and the angular shapes, rectangles. Several of these relationships can be used inImmediately. There are children who achieve the perfection of form, the special relationship and byInhibition of perseverance the accuracy in the number of parties. The best drawings

Exhibit forms oblique angles, not straight, relations and alternating diagonals. ChildrenThey produce such drawings produced obtained the highest score in the battery of

Psychometric tests administered by Dr. Nissen. Most of these groups includes

The older children. The analysis of this material that made Dr. Nissen and their

Collaborators led them to believe that the variability of this test was somewhat less than theThe test of the Maze, while the drawings seem to possess for them a higher value

Discriminative in the estimate of the age level of the group as a whole.

The analytical study of the individual drawings allowed them to assert the following: "The

Design is designed to enable the recognition of a rotation of 45 degrees which

Appears in the playback. The implementation of nearly 50% of our subjects (46% of

Minors and 50% of the largest) showed this rotation, whose effect was the

Crossing of a vertical line by a horizontal, in ves to be oblique as in the

Model. With regard to this feature, the drawing produced three types of results:

Inability to perform a copy similar to the model, reproduction in the form of

Crossing of a horizontal line and a vertical, and playback of the crossing

Diagonal. The implementation of the group of younger children was limited, with one exception, toThe first two categories. In the group of the largest were present the three

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Categories, but only 17% of responses could not be included in the first.

"The drawing B was much more difficult for our subject. While in the TO

There were fifteen scores zero and thirty subjects received, each, a point out of 3

The standard score possible accredited by the tables, in the drawing B we found thirtyAnd three scores 0 and only twelve above this. The highest score was 4 points (the

Maximum possible was 5) and won one of the older children. About the the

Registry browser the following comments: "Great, well, the only one that feels

To taste with the pencil'.

"In the drawing C, all except two children of the group of minors, were obtained in 0

The two parts of the drawing, and each part is worth 1 point; in the meantime in the group of the elderly,Seven children were obtained in the first score and nine in the second. With the drawing D,They were all score 0 with the exception of two children in the older age-group. Could

Be seen in the copies C1 and C2 a number of rotations similar to those that are

Warn in Fig A, with the difference that in those arrived at 90 degrees, of

So that in the reproductions the predominantly horizontal extension appeared

As predominantly vertical extension. This rotation is less frequent in the Fig.

C than in the A (9% of the attempts in the group of small and the 21% in the of the

Older). This suggests that for our subject the size of the drawings was the trait

More important, in both direction was secondary. The tendency to rotation shown

In the copy A, C1 and C2 will probably be the expression of the priority of the ontogeneticVerticality and horizontality with respect to the skewness, and the first with respect

To the second; and perceptual organization and adjust engine with respect to the extensionSpace. This priority in the development of certain directional trends in the copy of

Drawings was also recognized by Gesell and used in its inventory of standards.13

The trends to rotation in the tests with drawings - such as investment in the test

Imitation of the cubes - suggests the general problem of orientation; in addition, it deservesIf investigated this phenomenon has so much importance among blacks age

Comparable to that of the Americans."

The material from this study investigates the problem and indicates that the orientation in the

13  See, in Spanish: A. Gesell and C. Amatruda, diagnosis of normal and abnormal development of the child,Buenos Aires, Paidos, 3rd ed. 1962. AND Gesell and F. L. Ilg, a child of 1 to 5 years, Buenos Aires, Paidos, 2ndEd. 1958. [E. ]

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Space cannot be approached from the point of view of the ontogenesis, but from the

Organization of the perceptual patterns engines, and that this organization follows a

Pattern defined in the different maturity levels, which are similar in children

And civilized in the so-called primitive, unless in the studied by Nissen

There was something more than the primitive patterns.

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KANNER ANDCHILDER S studied the optical images and came to the conclusion that

The movement is one of the qualities inherent in the representation, be it

Through perception to the imagination. Both the optical perception as the

Postimagenes, images eideticas (Urbantschitsch and Commission) and the optical imagesThey are governed by similar laws. Even when the comments of those researchers

Referianse in particular to the imagination of figures quite complicated, and the

Movements of the various parts of the body, or the external objects, also made

Experiments with the imagination of more simple figures. From the point of view of

Our study, particularly interested in the results obtained with the test subjects

The review of the imagination of circles. The first said: "The circle begins to

Evolve in the direction of the needles of the clock and gear in a spiral shape,

Describing circles that are becoming increasingly large". The second subject said: "A

Part of the periphery is fading with small undulating movements; the change in the

Circumference is experienced as a movement lived". The third: "The radio becomes

Increasingly large and the contour of the circle expands up to immerse yourself in the

Darkness of the background". In a second attempt this subject added: "It is becoming increasinglyChico and the line darkens until disappear". A fifth subject displays a series of

Concentric circles are moving more slowly in the opposite direction of the needles of theClock. Kanner and Schilder claim that in this type of simple figure could be seen

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Two forms of movement: one, elementary and primitive, as broadcast (fading),

Irradiation, scintillation, expansion, contraction and curl; and another determined by theForm of the figure, in this case, it would be circular.

The experiment that he says was then carried out with four subjects: two

Men and two women, two of whom were artists, one teacher and another a nurse. TheProceed to the selection of the subjects could not be verified that they are not all suitable forThis type of experimentation, not because some experiencian optical imaging, at leastNot in a manner sufficiently adequate to describe them. It was also

He discovered that some of the subjects do not constrict the experienciaciones in their fieldIn the optical images, but that used stimuli to elicit experiences in

Other fields: sometimes, for example, is caused images in the auditory field;

There was even a subject that so freely associated with the stimulus fro1os of

Conceptual and emotional experiences, that the experiment tended to lose all value

From the point of view of the optical images. None had knowledge of the nature

The experiment that was done with them. They are presented in figures guestalticas

Separate cards and they were asked to carefully review the until it made

Clear concept, they are usually for about a minute. At the end of

This time they were withdrawing from the card, so i indicated that the foreclosing eyes, seek toImagine the object, make the description of your image, the withhold everything as much as possibleAnd describe, also, that was happening with that image until the optical field

Will be again at rest. Then they were asked to chart the drawing of the different

Experienciadas images. The lamina 18 shows drawings of figures observed by

These subjects.

Figure A. - The subject to (master) describes this figure by saying that the two parties

"They tend to be separated. The circle remains in the same position, but has a propensityTo get bigger and stretches in the horizontal direction, tending to move toward the right; theSquare, meanwhile, has disappeared". The subject B (artist) describes it as a

Circle and a diamond placed on a fund, and increase in size in relation to the

Fund; the circle is more prominent than the square, as if it were in the foreground, andIt would seem have a thick, oily consistency. Now os formed several circles

Concentric; the internal, smaller, recede back toward the fund". When you are

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Asked by the square replied that he had forgotten. The subject C (artist) describes

In the following way: "a circle and a square that touch each other at one point, they move

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Slightly, approaching and getting away from me; now they form two circles that are

Superimposed by tracing the well known drawing that used Hauptmann in the kidnapping of the sonLindbergh; now there are three intertwined circles that are the trademark of

Krupp (he said which was the symbol of the machine gun); now there are five circles

Intertwined that represent the five nations of the Olympic Games; now it is

Reduced to a small point". (Does the square?) "i don't even care about it." (See

Sheet 18). The subject D (nurse) expresses: "There is a circle with my square; the firstMagnified, and the second is shrinking; the first continues to widen and overlaps the secondUntil the circle encloses completely to the square, and then it disappears".

(See Plate 18).

Figure 1. - The subject to says: "There is a row of dots in groups of two or

Pairs. The space between the two groups is higher and the space between the two pointsThey belong to a torque is lower. A couple tends to be separated from the row and inclined toward theOther. All tend to grow larger and smaller alternately, and the line loses its

Regularity because each pair, one after the other, moves outward and inward another

Once again". The subject B said: "The points of a line are very clear, but there are otherLine points (dots of lines); these are up and tend to move a bit toward

The right and seem to be in the distance and be pushed in these three directions, as

If they were extended, and they tend to become less accurate in the distance. Then, theLast line is placed exactly on the other hand, as if it were a product of thought

Further" (see Plate 18). The subject C expresses: "I see twelve black spots on a

White background. If the color out to the reverse, that is to say, twelve white spots on fundBlack, appear to six pairs of eyes. The points I suggest the idea of a movement of

Jump, so i have to jump from one point to the next, to the right. Seem To

The keys of a piano that sound produced when tightening. Now imagine to

Different depths, so that some are nearly oj my and other more far away and

Form a rectangle on a horizontal plane, but I can't see it because the points

They are in the same plane. This is just imagination. Now there are imaginary circles

Connecting the points of two by two, as the diagram of the tones of the physical.

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Now there is so much movement in them, that one can imagine as a sled

Skiing down the mountain". The subject D reports: "There are points in a straight line moving

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Up and down, back and forth and around, until going to a kind of

Cell circular; there is no outline in this figure, i don't know which is what makes them stay inThe circle; are all the time moving and spinning, but can't leave".

Figure 2. (Plate 19). - The subject to express: "This is an intricate pattern, but

Not that retains its shape. At the beginning there is a series of small circles in three linesOblique from left to right. But, the position of the circles tends to change. In the

First of a series of three circles to the left, the two above are separated from the that is inThe bottom, which is located directly below and that enlarges. Now the drawing

Original is entirely lost and there are three parallel lines, but that are not

Exactly one below the other. Now there is a single line tilted down, and

Now the line is multiplied, and they are not parallel, but that, of sustaining them, tend

All to be found. There are no circles". The subject B says: "There is a lot of movement

Fast in this drawing. First, a series of three points, sloping downwards and to the

Right; after another serial, leaning from the left; then both are there

Forming a series of crosses, but are no longer points, but lines. Now some of the

Crosses of the right have become circles; now all las cruces os open in a

Row of circles and these os move and constitute a framework round". The subject C

Expresses: "There are rows of three circles arranged in vertical form, but it is difficult

Retain any impression because of the relentless movement. It gives me a

Coma feeling that something goes well. Could become the heads of soldiers in

Training; it is assumed that they are facing to the left, but they turn over and i

Look, even when I cannot see their faces, but the top of their heads as if the look

From above. Now, instead of being kept in vertical lines of three, seem to jump in

Two extensive vertical rows, but there is not enough space and try to be settled in all

The possible ways, also forming two or a long horizontal line. Should not be

In this way, and as there is no space for the movement, try to return toward

Back to the original position. They are like molecules to atoms that jumping around and notHave the necessary space". The subject D said: "There are small ovals in groups of three.At the beginning move up and down, the three together in the direction of the

Oblique; after rush and hurry, and move backwards and forwards,

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Since even row to the next, and suddenly jumps out of the line on their own initiative andForm a circular table".

Figure 3. - The subject to says: "There is a drawing of points; one large, and toward its

Three more right, and five others, etc. ; these are angular in training. Figure

Preserves the shape, but everything is being enlarged, both the points as the spaces between them.The great point in the middle (note) is stationary; the other is moving away from

To the right. Now, the middle row and the farthest sharp are well done, the other

Points pale, so it seems a right-pointing arrow". The subject B

Expresses: "It is a fan. There are four rows of points; with one that is only and the otherDistributed in the form of arches slightly curved. It seems that the figure was formed

From the point solo, which increases and opens. Could be part of a funnel, as

A drop that fell in the water and form circles that tend to be absorbed between two". TheSubject C declares: "points are arranged in series one, three, five and seven; the threeLatest form angles of more than 90 degrees. At the beginning might imagine that outside theChristmas tree, lying down. Then, takes the form of something that is pushed from left toRight, with such force, that the ends are bending backwards. The middle points are

Move faster than the other and tend to leave them behind; finally, the line

Average will move away and leaving the rest in the air. I am trying to imagine the

Movements from right to left, but I can't achieve this. Now, I can imagine the

All such as a comet that moves to the right in the wind, but then moves

On the axis of the point that is 45 degrees and is raised. At this time, the points

Interiors have disappeared, only it is possible to receive the diamond contour". The subject DDoes this description: "There were 4 rows of points in circles. Seem To move toward

Right, but not so the first thing that always stays still. It is as is the whole

You will lengthen in that direction and then back again; but each time that this movement ofElongation and reverse repeats, one of the points of the periphery is lost, so

That in the end, only the middle row left stretching to the right from the

First point and back again backwards".

Figure 4. (Plate 20). - The subject to said: "The two sides of the figure are separated.

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The top of the

Curved line extends

Back in the direction of the

Square. The square is

Closes and the curve line

Disappears". The subject B:

"The line of the box

Square, at the point

Which is closest to the

Shaped like a hat,

It is thicker and tends

To absorb the hat, and

Both lines, to be

Parallel. Another line crosses

The same point, and all the

Set becomes

An intricate drawing. The

Ends of the design in

Shaped like a hat is curling up in circles. Now, there is the tendency to form numerousDrawings complicated; it is difficult to understand or even one, but finally form

Two circles: one in the box and the other in the hat". The subject C: "I see a square withA wavy line that I produce displeasure because there is no balance; the square

Fall, but turning at an angle of 45 degrees and the wavy line is balanced on a

Vertex of the square, as if it were an object that was placed over the nose of a

Foca. Now turned again, and the square rests with your entire database at the top of theWavy line and then we are sinking into it; now, the wave tends to expand and

Contract and the ends are joined and cannot be separated. Now, the whole

It is a closed figure". The subject B: "The square seems to shrink and become enlarged.The line that was missing is drawn and the square turns in the clockwise direction of theClock. The curve becomes a simple circle, and is widening, and shrinks at the same timeThat. None of them reduces their size in relation to the real dimensions.

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The everything tends to grow, stop then return to the normal measure".

Figure 5. - The subject: "The figure has come too near the bottom in a

Point. The line up has been made longer and larger dots. The drawing

It looks more like a circle, even when there is the suggestion of a point in the background, which is goingLosing your way to point to become a circle. No longer perceive the line of

Above; has been transformed into an almost perfect circle formed by a continuous line, notOf points. Where the line touches the area appears another line; now, two semi-circles areLocated in the same place; and also where they begin to develop many other

Points of light, but nothing comes from them, everything seems to happen at that point. The pointsTend to merge in a continuous line, but this only really occurs in the

Point at which you touch". The subject C: "The points immediately, form lines

Continuous. The straight i am not satisfied because of the angle it makes with the circle. ThatDown the side of the circle and is aligned along the side (tangent) of the

Circle round, and the circle turns and i see two semicircles with this line in the middle.

Then, these spin and form a circle with diameter as the line, but then return

To the previous position of two semicircles with the line situated perpendicularly betweenThem". The subject D: "There is a semicircle of points; then form a circle. The line of

Points that comes out of the moves down and the inside of the circle and after amountsTo return to its original position. Lengthens and shortens. When is shortened, the pointsForm a compact line, and when lengthening the points are separated again. The

Points come together in a quick motion, but as it spread out and separate from what they doSlowly. Now the circle turns and turns in a clockwise direction. The

Straight line is all inside, but does not rotate with the circle, but remains in the same

Oblique position. It is a full line while the circle formed by continuous


Figure 6. (Plate 21). - The subject to said the following: "The ends of the line

Horizontal tend to lower; the vertical lines seem to move toward the right, both

Lines tend to achatarse; now give the impression that they do not cross at all, and i

It costs a lot viewing". The subject B: "Are wavy lines that intersect; if i

I seem to be drunk snakes. There are other wavy lines on the point of

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But Are




Near the end of the

And horizontal figure resembles

A bug with legs. Now

One of the wavy lines more

Faint was in the form of a

Semicircle or of the moon. I

It seems that i have been influenced byThe drawings i saw before, such as

If i had retained a

Print AndThe Was

Using now. They form a

Series of circles in the point in

That is crossing the lines, and move to the head of the thing (to the right). The

Subject D: "The image begins with two lines move, first around, then

And then as separate parallel. There are many more, similar, and all together,

Confused between if they take the form of a ball or a circle. Finally, there is no

A crossing clear that I can see and, however, so you have that are, since the

Lines are very haphazardly mixed".

Figure 7. - The subject to communicates: "The two figures are lengthening. The two lines that are

Go to a certain extent is prolonged that the sides and are estimated in a phased manner.Now, instead of two figures there is only one: the one on the right disappears. The other is lengthenedExtremely". The subject D: "The torpedo down makes fire and is projected in a series

Points longer. The second torpedo, also, it extends on a black background,

In the same manner as the cartoonists indicate the speed". The subject D: "First

There is a figure stuck to the other, after they are separated, and then are sitting in the sameAngle. Now there is only one. The one on the left moves toward the right, and may enlargeNarrows again, but always has a size greater than any of the two alone. The

Extensive os peak extends even more".

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Figure 8. - The subject: "The Diamond of the east has become very long widening the

Figure. This has lost its vertices and has become two parallel horizontal lines

They are not closed at its ends and they seem to be extended indefinitely". The subjectB: "the whole dance to riela because the diamond center of the replicas that throws tendTo close. Then there is the whole design that casts the images; now resembles a cylinderThat tour, on which reflects the light that creates duplicate images of the cylinder and muchMovement". The subject D: "Both the object as long the small diamond of the East

Enlarge and shrink together without something else".

It should be noted that these few adults, in a few minutes of experienciacion

Aware of its optical images, have returned to just experience all the processes that

Children displayed in the different periods of maturation. There is some variation in theResponses from the four adults examined, but virtually all are displayed, the


In the Fig A, the circle is, to all appearances, the most important figure. Is enlarged or

Multiplies and absorbs the square; or to this you forget. The square on the right seems toIndicate the beginning of the address metallic, finance that the circle will lengthen or

Double in that regard. The movement occurs by expansion to contraction of the

Center of the circle set, or is circular in the course of the needles of the clock.

In Fig 1, the points are exaggerating the trend toward molecular motion; this can

Occur in pairs in the subjects that they recognize the pairs, in metallic address, throughThe duplication of the lines in three dimensions, or forming a circle and, finally, a

Solid ball.

Fig 2 is a problem for the examined. All complain that this is a

Design shaky or unsatisfactory. It will be recalled that Wertheimer used this drawing toProve that the proximity of the parties could dominate what would otherwise be

Considered the natural settings, so that appear in this drawing together the three

Roundels vertically inclined, rather than the horizontal lines. Children

Small, however, perceive preferably in the form of gestalt lines

Horizontal, and in optical imaging these subjects show a fight between the two

Trends. The first one starts talking about the training vertically inclined,

After the horizontal and, finally, it establishes a configuration in which combine

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The two trends. The second also reaches a satisfactory result

With the crossing of vertical lines which are inclined in both directions, and to the that

After it is replaced by horizontal rows of the pitch circle. The third subject seen

Moving backward and forward, in a desperate struggle in both directions,

To view a report table. The fourth solves the problem quickly mixing

All the formations in a small circular primitive earth.

With regard to Fig 3, the subjects recognize that this is also a design

Intricate, tending to see it at different times as a mere outline on a

Fund: a kite, a range to a Christmas tree. In all cases, the point

Isolated is displayed as a "center" or fixed point of the figure. The term "center" is usedEven for those subjects that do not describe consciously the drawing as a segment

Circle, while one of them is visualized as a possible funnel or as a drop that

Falls on the water forming circles that tend to be absorbed. The other people

Examined had the tendency to accentuate the trait of the metallic address because, suchOnce again, to the presence of the horizontal line in the drawing, especially of the middle lineDetermined by the point only. The design tends to expand and contract in relation

With this point and, generally, to lose the other parts of the drawing, with the exception of theGood horizontal media.

With regard to Fig 4, each observer mode the experience of something different, but

The ultimate result is for all at least a closed figure. Some subjects the

Experience in a way very unsatisfactory, until in the end reach a solution

Of the problem. Complain that there is no balance, that some parts of it

Fall, that moves without rest, until, finally, the reduced to a mere figure

Closed. The subject B does not get as simple design, but a fairly elaborate drawing thatIncludes several closed circles around to the point of contact between the two figures,

That appears highly reinforced in the representation. This reinforcement obviously determinesResting the figure in a mounting point. The subject experience the same phenomenonIn the figure below.

In the Fig 5 quickly formed a circle and the top line maintains a relationship

With the more natural, is becoming its diameter or in its tangent. Again the subject

B tends to form a reinforced mounting point, at the point of contact between the line and

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The semicircle and, therefore, their figures are not enclosed but duplicate. The subjectC ranges from a similar experience and the closed configuration.

In the Fig 6 different subjects expressed in various ways the difficulty offered

By the interbreeding. The subject to swipe the vertical line outside of the right end of

The horizontal as the two become more thin and wispy. The subject B takes again

The point of crossing as an attaching point, but it cannot relax the lines

This way, and, in contrast, form small circles that roll out of the end

Right of the figure. The subject D frankly separates the two lines and then rolls

Many other, corrugated, and form a ball; makes it with such rapidity that can never

Observe the point of crossing.

In Fig 7 The oblique rotation of the two figures tends to be straight and the figures

Are separated and then are merged into one. Long points constitute the index of a

Further extension; they represent a vector in one direction.

In the Fig 8 connections are fairly stable; the long points, with the small

Diamond inside, suggest the elongation of this figure and therefore, the expansion of

The figure that surrounds it. The two large points at the end of the major figure suggestA indefinite elongation of the two parallel lines.

In summary, we come to the conclusion that the inherent quality to all the

Optical imaging is the movement. This is based on the basic movements of

Spiral, cockling, expansion, contraction, scintillation, molecular motion, etc.

Simplest form is that of a closed circle with a fixed center, but not a fixed contour.

A point is the center of a circle as possible. The line indicates an address, and address

Most primitive is the horizontal to the right. All configurations tend to

Use some elementary forms of the movement in order to realign themselves in a

Primitive form of inactivity.

Individual variations can be noticed. The subject to attempts to cling to drawing

Offered and resists as much as possible to their own biological trends, often arriving

A sort of combination of both factors. The subject B shows an easy and excessive

Ease of experimentation with the figures, but at the same time complains that were

Unsatisfactory or quicksand. It also brings into play the elaboration and the associationsFrom other fields and expresses a certain satisfaction aware when

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Reaches a solution. The subject C decommitting individual some trends to ensure a

Place of rest, through the reinforcement of a securing point6n for his elaborate drawing,That was often unbalanced and open; this subject was a professional graphic artist.

The fourth subject (D) proved to be more simple, and quickly led his figures to the

More primitive setting. This person appeared to be heavily eidetic.

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OLDSTEIN G, POPPELBEUTER and Pötzl have employed the taquitoscopio to demonstrate the

Disturbances agnostics that otherwise do not manifest themselves with clarity. Matthaei hasSuggested that the genesis of the gestalten could be studied under certain conditions inWhich reduced the stimulus from abroad to the minimum of the limited time that requires theTaquitoscopica exposure. Lindeman refers to changes eidotropicos (G. E.

Mueller) that occur when you are done the exhibition mentioned, since the form

Perceived is less objective and is in agreement can the biological laws of the field

Optical. Schilder and Ross conducted experiments showing incomplete figures in the

Taquitoscopio and showed that the subjects assessed the contemplating of agreementWith their wishes. Schilder argues that the world of the aforesaid instrument is more primitive, andThat by this method can be considered the origin of the primitive forms.

For my part, I have tried to investigate the laws of the function in a certain guestaltica

Number of adults (doctors, nurses, medical students, etc. ) through the

Exposure of the taquitoscopica gestalten with the minimum exposure time required

To allow the individual report on some form of perception. The result

In the experiments confirmed in many ways the principle of the genesis of the

Gestalten visomotoras already shown in the children's drawings.

The figure was described by several people as two circles together or separated, or

Viewed the picture to the right as a square approximately (see Foil

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Figure 1  was generally perceived eat a series of dots or small

Roundels aligned horizontally, and from left to right. One of the subject

He said that the line was double, and in the second test which was threefold; but to this observerHe was exhibited first figure 2 and then 1.

In regard to the Figure 2, some subject display as two, three, four, or

Five rows of small roundels, parallel, dextrorsas, horizontal, arranged in

So that each line underlying bulge out a bit more to the right, thus forming a

Drawing tilted (see Plate 22). However, when they were given more time to

Perceive the figure, expressed that the experienciaban immediately as rows

Horizontal dextrorsas, formed by oblique series consisting of three roundels. This

Experiment reveals to us that the surprising observation that a mature individual

Perceives this design in a different way to that of the child under the age of 6 years, constitutes aProblem is that in the most intrinsic organization of the material. The first principle

He is represented by the horizontal direction metallic, in which the level more

Primitive, perceived a row at a time, and in the level of greater maturity denoting the

Drawing in its entirety as a series of horizontal rows formed by small

Roundels inclined in the vertical direction and oriented toward the right. This could

Explain to us why the children, when faced with a complicated drawing, only

Displayed the parties and not the whole, a phenomenon that gives the impression that ran counter to theEstablished rules of the Gestalt. This prompting the significance of the time factor in theGuestaltica function, which in the mature adult is fully integrated within the

Guestaltica function. But if in the adult reducese the temporal factor to a minimum, warnsA tendency to make a regression to the primitive reaction. Hence we infer that this

This is the first essential factor in the maturation and that seems to truly integrate theIndividual's ability to just experience things. We find, therefore, that the problem

Guestaltico playback of forms received, the factors that contribute to the

Integration are the following:

1) The biological nature of the visual field, or the principles of perception that is

Based on the spatial relationships; 2) the temporal relationships that are based on the courseFrom past experiences of the individual and, therefore, the duration of the process of

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Maturation; 3) the factors engines that are closely related to the

Impulses and attitudes with respect to the problem itself. In general, it can be said thatThe higher is the extension of the experience that preceded the act immediately, moreIntricate is the temporal factor built into the pattern fully experienced. By

It happens that in ordinary circumstances the adult perceives the Fig 2 as series

Metallic landscape of a group of three roundels vertically inclined, while the

The child appears as a series of horizontal metallic roundels that are repeated in

Parallel series, one below the other, an indefinite number of times. An adult, obliged toPerceive the pattern in a insufficient time, the experience of the same way.

With respect to Figure 3 , often the described verbally as "a bunch of

Points; I can barely say as they are". In a second trial, or with a time of greater

Exposure, report that constitutes a succession of horizontal metallic arches, or a

Segment of concentric circles that begin at a point that is on the left, and

The reproduced in this manner. There is insecurity with regard to the actual number of arches;Some describe three, four or five. Some observers reported that there was a

Metallic horizontal series of vertical lines more or less parallel, composed of a

Uncertain number of points (see Plate 22). This experience has undoubtedly suffered theInfluence of Fig 2, immediately preceding. Ross and Schilder found that in

The exposure of human figures in the taquitoscopio, the perception of a can be

Influenced by the earlier, even when the latter has not been completely

Reproduced or described, and the same subject has the idea that has view more of whatYou can remember. This also suggests that the temporal element of the real perceptionIs an important element in the "Gestaltung" of the experience. In addition, by

Course, acentuas the trend for all gestalten to organize themselves in the form of patternsCircular closed, which obviously represents a biological characteristic

Fundamental of the visual field.

Figure 4  is perceived and played as two figures partially closed and

Next to each other; often they are not touching the tilt and often it is not observed.

Ordinarily, the emphasis has been placed on the square of the top figure, while to the otherUsually dibujarsela as a wavy line. This seems to also be due to reduced

Exposure time that allows only the clear perception of the first figure, because

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That the figure on the left is always the first.

Figure 5 is  experienciada in various ways: as a curve completely

Closed or nearly closed with a line up, already as two roundels partially

Closed, either as a series of arches with a line (see Plate 22). This shows

Clearly that arcs tend to become completely closed circles and that

An arc segment tends to make manifest in the visual field experience of the

Forms vortiginosas or circular. Ross and Schilder have pointed out, in addition, that whenThe exposure of human figures incomplete, the subjects that the observed tend to

Perceiving them complete.

With the Figure 6 ponense

Of Manifest The

Difficulties in capturing the

Crossing the lines.

Some subjects refuse the

Fact that the lines

They are crossed, even when

It Les Question

Specifically on it

(Plate 22), and many

Express uncertainty.

The Figure 7 It is

Almost always interpreted

As two angular figures

Equipped with four to six

Sides and put a united

Connection Metallic

Horizontal. Observers often expressed their doubts as to whether those are

They played, there was considerable overlap to were separated, and if the relationship was parallel or oblique. InSometimes, one of the figures preceded the act immediately, it is more intricate

The temporal factor built into the pattern fully experienced. That is why it happens that inOrdinary circumstances the adult perceives the Fig 2 as metallic horizontal series of a

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Group of Three roundels vertically inclined, while the child the displays as a

Metallic horizontal series of roundels that are repeated in parallel series, one under

The other, an indefinite number of times. An adult, obliged to perceive the pattern in a periodInadequate and did not experience the same way.

With respect to Figure 3 , often the described verbally as "a bunch of

Points; I can barely say as they are". In a second trial, or with a time of greater

Exposure, report that constitutes a succession of horizontal metallic arches, or a

Segment of concentric circles that begin at a point that is on the left, and

The reproduced in this manner. There is insecurity with regard to the actual number of arches;Some describe three, four or five. Some observers reported that there was a

Metallic horizontal series of vertical lines more or less parallel, composed of a

Uncertain number of points (see Plate 22). This experience has undoubtedly suffered theInfluence of Fig 2, immediately preceding. Ross and Schilder found that in

The exposure of human figures in the taquitoscopio, the perception of a can be

Influenced by the earlier, even when the latter has not been completely

Reproduced or described, and the same subject has the idea that he has seen more of whatYou can remember. This also suggests that the temporal element of the real perceptionIs an important element in the "Gestaltung" of the experience. In addition, by

Course, a growing trend of all the gestalten to organize themselves in the form of patternsCircular closed, which obviously represents a biological characteristic

Fundamental of the visual field.

Figure 4  is perceived and played as two figures partially closed and

Next to each other; often they are not touching the tilt and often it is not observed.

Ordinarily, the emphasis has been placed on the square of the top figure, while to the otherUsually dibujarsela as a wavy line. This seems to also be due to reduced

Exposure time that allows only the clear perception of the first figure, because

That the figure on the left is always the first.

Figure 5 is  experienciada in various ways: already eat a curve completely

Closed or nearly closed with a line up, already as two roundels partially

Closed, either as a series of arches with a line (see Plate 22). This shows

Clearly that arcs tend to become completely closed circles and that

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An arc segment i tend to highlight in the visual field experience of the

Dizzy or circular forms. Ross and Schilder have pointed out, in addition, that when

The exposure of human figures incomplete, the subjects that the observed tend to

Perceiving them complete.

With the Figure 6 ponense revealed the hampered to capture the crossing

The lines. Some subjects deny the fact that the lines are crossed, even when

It is lee ask specifically about it (Plate 22), and many express


Figure 7 is  almost always interpreted as two angular figures provided with

Four to six sides and united with a horizontal metallic connection. The observers to

They often express that doubts as to whether those were played, overlapped or were

Separate, and the relationship was parallel or oblique. In some occasions, one of the figures,An ordinary the first, or the one on the left, it was bigger than the other.

Figure 8  was simply perceived as something closed and elongated in sense

Horizontal, with a small closed figure in its center. Sometimes the perceived

As two closed figures superimposed on metallic horizontal direction; that -interested inUnderline - was the way that Wertheimer was built, while recognizing that the

Continuation of the horizontal lines tend to dominate the composition.

In these experiments we have noticed that if you in the experience guestaltica

Subscale is limited the time factor, revelanse many primitive traits, which seems to

Indicate that the time factor is of great importance to the experiences of individuals ofGreater maturity. It is almost as if in each new act of perception, in a unit of

Small but measurable time, an individual back to just experience the process of

Full ripeness of the sensory field, and that the experienciarlo will integrate it into the

Pattern. Not enough, then, that there is a pattern in the external physical world that represents aGiven pattern, and a visual receptive field that is precisely because it exists in the a

Constant movement that allows any pattern fits properly in the

Array, but that the pattern and the mobile field must have time efficient for

Aligned in complete harmony, and the ability of the mobile field to align itself in the formWith the harmonic pattern depends on the maturity period.

Let's look at an example: a young girl (V. G. ) of lower intelligence, but not

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Mentally Deficient, with a constitutional defect of the hysterical personality type

Child, you were introduced to the figures with the taquitoscopio first and then with theUsual technique. Their reproductions appear on the plates 23 and 24; it can be seen hereThe drawings that originated in the experience with the taquitoscopio are much more

Primitive that the other, with which it possessed sufficient time. But, even in their

Best drawings, the gesta1characteristics productions are very childlike. With the taquitoscopioThere is a tendency to the separation of the parts that compose the whole, as seen in theFig. A, 4 and 7. The organization in Fig 3 is accomplished by means of dotted lines

Parallel. The painted figure probably represents something more that the insecurity of

Observer with regard to the formation of conglomerates luminances. In the Fig 6

We note the difficulty for frogs; and in the following, the 7 and 8, the trend

To persevere is contained in figure.

In summary, the reduction of the exposure time of figures through the

Taquitoscopio leads to experienciacion of most primitive forms, suggesting the

Importance of the time factor in the total experience. It is, also, that the index

Active relationship that exists between the observer and the stimulus - which is what creates the gestaltBETWEN or experience - requires a certain amount of real-time unit to be created, and that

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This time factor gives, in addition, as a result, a different type of experience

Guestaltica. If the time is insufficient, the pattern experience circumcision is similar to that of the childSmall (as in Fig 2). Therefore, it seems that the integration of the factor

Temporary in the overall situation is an important factor in the maturation of the

Visomotores patterns and that it is not possible away from the total pattern without that of asResult a more primitive reaction. To contrive to philosophize, could conjeturarse that

The ability to integrate the time factor in the newly created perception requires

Some course vital experience. In the auditory patterns - such as the tone-,

The above-mentioned factor is more evident and the ability to perceive or to create suchPatterns of a quickly - as in the case of the composers of music-

Represents a mature type of capacity. The concept of maturity involves the idea of

In the ripening time.

This factor never lack in the subscale guestaltica function. In that small can

Be seen as if it were more aware, or at least the observer of the child may have

Awareness of this factor. The child perceives a row first, then another, and after a

Third, in a succession default, which is conditioned by the biologically and

Laws of the gestalt. In the adult this happens in an unconscious manner and in a periodSo brief that it might even seem instantaneous, though long enough for that if

That shortens the perception is interrupted in a stadium or incomplete integration


Another way to study the relationship of factor with the temporary gestalten is to

Determine the effect of a certain period on the experiential gestalten, either through theMemory or the constant repetition of the pattern visual-motor. The evocation of the figureAfter a certain period, tends, also, to reduce the figure to a configuration more

Closed, moderate and balanced. A visiting doctor, a day was asked to chart

The figures, and two days later, without notice, he was asked to the reproduce of

Memory. He recalled the Fig A so that the shape of the right was a square and not

With the orientation of the diamond. With regard to the Fig 6 i thought that the cross was towardAt a right angle. Could not evoke properly any other figure, with the exception of the

8. Also we have been able to observe the case of a normal child of 11 years that in someOpportunity drawing figures and that to see the satisfaction of the examiner, three days

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After sought to conquer his praise by repeating the memory drawing. Fig A was

Reproduced with the square within the circle; evoked Fig 5 as a dotted circle

With a vertical line above. A doctor, friend of the author, and very interested in

The experiments of the gestalt, made during a certain time trials with himself, but

Then she lost that interest for several weeks. When in the course of a

Conference attempt illustrate the Fig 4 on a whiteboard, it did so by drawing as a tableClosed.

Curran and Schilder carried out some studies on memory, requesting to the

Subjects that repetition the same story as many times as they wanted, and that will runThe figures also guestalticas as repeatedly as they could persuadirselos that the

To do so. The foils 25 A and 25 B show the drawing of Fig 4 made by a

Affected patient pair Korsakoff's syndrome. This subject, of course, suffered from

A serious disturbance in the memory, but among ordinary people were found

Similar phenomena, with the difference that in the cases of disorders of the Korsakoff

Tendency to reduce the settings to the most simple ways and primitive happened in

A shorter time. It emphasizes a configuration repeatedly

Experienciada tends to return to the primitive structure determined more by the laws

Biological functioning of the body in that by stimulating the original pattern.

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Wulf Kaffka and have come to the conclusion that the footprints are mnemicas

Determined by these principles of simplicity and balance of the figures mentioned.

Schilder and Curran have dealt with the problem of memory oj repetition. The first

Researcher discusses the more general problem in a book currently in press, in which

Defines the difficulties mnemicas in cases of Korsakoff's excessive forget a comma, andShows that the memories are images pale, simplified, primitive and balanced

The original experience.

The first principle of perception is the motility, which it accuses of regular

In the swirls of the visual field, that in itself implies the notion of the time. The second

It is the of the address, generally in a horizontal direction and toward the right, that alsoPRESUPPOSES time. The third is that of conglomerate, which consists of a address

Dimensional and that also involves time. They arise out of real forms due to the

Inhibit movement of eddies in closed circles or segments of circles;

The address on one line and of the maca in a way that is situated on a fund.

Inhibition means use of a unit of time. The complexity of the pattern

Experience circumcision depends on the ability to perceive immediately the different unitsIn accordance with the principles laid down by the perceptual patterns and engines. SuchCapacity is determined by the level of maturity.

Finally, we can say, therefore, that the factors that determine the

Gestalt are the following:




Stimulating the pattern of the physical world, which also must obey certain

Laws guestalticas.

The motility of the visual field, which determines spatial relationships.The temporal factor determined by relations of motility and succession,

That at the time of the processes of maturation, they tend to integrate moreIntricate spatial relationships and that, therefore, are determined by the

Temporary factor of course vital of the individual.



The pattern of motor reaction of the individual, their attitudes and participationIn the real experience individually created.

The immediate trend of each of these factors to not be separated from the