new headway b2 workbook.pdf


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4 Conversations asking permissionIlp Look at the pictures of |ill and her father, |ack,and Sam, a businessman, and his boss Anna. Matchthe lines of the conversations with the correct Dersonand put them in order.

Sam, ,Anna






1 But l'm taking Dave to see his grandmother in hospital!2 Yes, what is it?3 | told you. / need it.4 Well, its not a very convenient time at the moment.

We're very busy.5 You know my father is having problems with his legs and

he can't walk. Wel[, he needs to go into hospital nextweek, and I was wondering if I could have the day off.

6 Thanks a [ot, dad. I won't be back late.7 Oh, please! He wont be abte to go if I don't give him a

Iift.8 Thatl very kind. Thank you very much. I'm very gratefut.9 No, you can't. / need it.

I0 Anna? Have you got a minute? Can I have a word?11 | know we're busy, but he won't be able to get to the

hospital if I don't take him.12 All right. I suppose I can walk. The exercise will do me

good.13 Well, if that's the case then you must take him, of

course.14 Dad, can I have the car tonight?


shouldGiving advice

I Read the sentences and give advice. Use should.

1 My son never wants to go out, he just playscomputer games all day!

You should tell hin to get a job.

2 My car keeps breaking down.

3 I'm not sleeping very well these days.

Since my mother died, my father doesn't know what

to do with himself.

I just don't know what to do with my hair. It looks


2 Complete the questions with should and a suitable verb.

Peter wants to go out with me. He's nice, but i only

like him as a friend. thouldl go out with him?

I've been offered a place at Oxford and Cambridge.

Which university

Everything on the menu looks wonderful!Whatt

4 I want to tell Mike that he has bad breath. but I'm

afraid of hurting his feelings.

or not(

I've got a terrible headache, and I can't read the

instructions on this aspirin bottle. How many2

My aunt has invited me to her picnic, but I don't

to her?want to go. What

Unit 4 . Doing the right thing 27

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KryI t tH..skiing.

I don't like snowboarding.Do you like skiing?My father likes skiing.My mother doesn't like skiing.Does your father like skiing?

2 I'm studying English.I'm not studying Spanish.Are you studying English?My father's studying English.My mother isn't studying English.Is your father studying English?

3 I saw the Empire State Building.I didn't see the Statue of Liberty.Did you see the Empire State Building?My father saw the Empire State Building.My mother didn't see the Empire StateBuilding.Did your father see the Empire StateBuilding?

4 I've met Muhammad Ali.I haven't met Pel6.Have you met Muhammad Ali?My father's met Muhammad Ali.My mother hasrit met MuhammadAli.Has your father met Muhammad Ali?

2 s t 4 F s F 6 A 7 F 8 F 9 Al 0 A 1 l A t 2 F

3 Z Sh.'r got fivo brothers and she doesn tget on with either of them.

3 He has no brothers and sisters - he's anonly child.

4 We weren't happy with the hotel so wedidn't stay there for long.

5 He didn t go to the party because he hada cold.

6 They're getting married when they'vesaved enough money.

7 John isn't sure where Jill is.8 She's parking the car. It's always difficult

in our street.9 I don't want them to know who I am.

l0 Don't you understand what I'm saying?

4 1 1 1 ' u . 2 i s n ' t 3 ' s 4 d o n ' t 5 ' m6 was 7 don't 8 did 9 didn'tl0 have 1l haven't 12 does

2 1 Why is Phil ringing the ComputerHelpline?Because he's got a problem with hiscompUter.

2 Which company does Phil work for?He doesn't work for a company.He's self-employed.

3 What was he doing when his. computer stopped?

He was working away happily.4 Why can't Phil remember the message?

Because he didn't understand it.5 Has he switched his computer of8

No, he hasn't.


5 Z Wtrat are you wearing at the momentS3 Do you play any sports at the weekend?4 What time didyou get up this morning?5 Have you ever met a famous person?6 Do you look like your mother?7 Where did you go on holiday when you

were a child?6 Student's own answers

2 What languages does he speak?3 What did you get?4 How much did they pay?5 How many kittens did she have?6 What film is she going to see?7 What's he going to buy?Mhere's he

going?8 Where did you go?9 What do you do?/Why is it interesting?

l0 Who's she talking to?

7 13hasn' t 4am 5dont 6didn ' t7 have 8 do 9 did l0 isn't

2 Sample answers2 Yel I am. I'm going skiing.3 No, we didn't. It rained every day!4 No, I haven't - but I'd like to go.'5 Yes, I do. I have to travel in my job.6 No, she doesn't. I always go with my


8 3 'u. got/have 4 's got/has 5 'll have6 haven't got/don't have 7 's had8 're having t have 10 Did you haveI 1 Have you got/Do you have 12 doesshe usually have

9 t edj""ti""musicalscientifichuppygreedydangerouswonderfirlNounachievementcompetrtlon competediscussion discussorganization organizeaPPearance apPearexploration explore

2 I musical 2 invite 3 wonder4 scientific 5 dangerous 6 discussion7 greedy 8 organization9 competition l0 explore

1 0 2 , z g 4 i 5 a 6 j 7 b 8 f e d l o h

1 1 z e 3 g 4 d , 5 c 6 b 7 i 8 k 9 o1 0 a 1 l l l 2 n 1 3 j 1 4 m 1 5 h


12 e,presidenthappinessD

B Cbreakfast affiordbusiness believeE

computer penicillinimportant politician

13 z ttt. birds to build a nest3 the moon is not quite round4 lights the stars5 the rainbow in the sky

14r* i t t 2n 3about 4to 5to6 about 7 on 8 of 9 for 10 aboutl1 for 12 with

Maria Hernandez 2,5,7Vichai l ,3 ,6Uma and Sanjit Singh 8,4,9

2 sell 3 doesn't close/is open 4 don'tvisit 5has 6takes Tfinishes8 doesn't provide 9 graduate, want10 have/eat l1 earn/make 12haIe

I What does the corner shop sell?2 What time does it open?3 Why don't Uma and Sanjit go to the

movies any more?4 Where does Maria's father work?5 Where does she live?6 How many students are in each class at

her school?7 What languages do her teachers speak?8 How does she usually go to school?9 What does she want to do when she


finishes school?Who does Vichai live with??What does he enjoy playing?Does he like living in Bangkok?

An atheist doesn't believe in God.In Britain, police officers don't carryguns.Selfish people don't think of otherpeople.Real Madrid players don't wear red.I'm unemployed. I haven't got/don thave a job.My father's bald. He hasn't got any hair.They're penniless. They haven't got any


money.l0 Kangaroos don t live in Mexico.

10l l



lsl lzlproducts boysminutes livesgraduates hourswants earnshates lovescooks lessons



Sample answersRita-AtworkRita is a basketball coach. Everv weekdavshe works with the players. They trainhard, and practise moves. She wears atracksuit and trainers.NowAt the moment she isn't working; she's inher kitchen. She's wearing a blouse andskirt. She's giving her children a meal.Graeme and Sally-At workGraeme and Sally are organic farmers.They get up very early and work in thefields most days. They grow vegetables,and raise chickens on their farm. Theywear boots and old clothes.NowAt the moment they aren't working.

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They're on holiday in the Caribbean.They're having a cool drink on the beach.They're wearing shorts, shirts andsunglasses.

7 t t tthinkyou should go to the dentist.2 . /3 Why are you leaving so early? Aren't

you enjoying the party?4 Nobody ever laughs at mv husband's

jokes. It's so embarrassing.5 , / 6 , /7 I don't see how I can help you.8 ' /9 He never knows the ans\\rer.

2 Conversation II 's that man doing 2 's waiting3 don't open 4 Do you think5 's

taking 6 's walkingConversation 27 are you doing B 'm packing 9 'm

leaving 10 don't understand I 1 areyou going 12 don't know l3 know14 is meeting

3 I I'm thinking, I think2 Do you see, are /0u sqqlng3 have, 're having

8z t3 I never have anything to eat in

the morning.4 , /5 I sometimes go abroad on business.6 I never have enough money.7 , /8 Our teacher always gives us too much

homework.9 Sonja is always late for class.

9 Z Nokiu phones are produced in Finland.3 Service is included in the bill.4 Our kitchen is being redecorated at the

moment.5 Champagne is made in France.6 Our company is being taken over by

another company.7 About 1,000 people are employed by the

company.8 All our vegetables are grown on the farm.9 That block of f lats is being pul led down

because it is unsafe.l0 Our newspapers are delivered before


l0 I ar.ive 2 are checked 3 keep 4 aretaken 5 is checked 6 are x-rayed 7 aregiven 8 is searched 9 wait 10 is calledI I are told 12 board I 3 are shown

1l Adjective Opposite Opposite(adj+prefix) (dif.word)

1 polite impolite rude2 expensive inexpensive cheap3 interesting uninteresting boring4 correct incorrect wrong5 attractive unattractive ugly6 fashionable unfashionable outofdateTintelligent unintelligent stupid

90 Workbook key


9t 0l i



strangei rarecruelcasualarrogant

2 looking for 3 Look out4 look forward/'m looking forward5 look it up 6 look after

l i n 2 a w a y 3 o n 4 o f f 5 u p t o6 r p 7 u p l i n , o n 8 o f f 9 o f f 1 0 u p

Past Simple

12- ran up Ls ldttea fi arrived.6 put up I cal led l3l rang-[ rescued

'81 ran him over

7 couldn't get down 7l invited themin fbr tea Zltr ied to tempt him downPast Continuous[{ was waiting ll was watering theplants 8l were leaving T was playing7_ were having tea

2 was playing 3 ran up ,1 caiied-5 couldn't get down 6 rang 7 waswait ing 8 tr ied to tempt him down9 arr ived 10 put up I I rescued|2 invited them in for tea l3 werehaving tea 14 were leaving I 5 ranhim over l6 ki l led

Mrs Taylor wasn't cutting the grass, shewas watering the plants.B i l l v rv rsn t s leep ing in thc garden, hewas playing.Billy didn't jump over wall, he ranup a trec.Mrs Ta,vlor didn't ring the police, sherang the Fire Brigade.The Fire Brigade didn't use a rope, theyused a ladder.

was reading, went, heardstood, walked, closedwalked, was carryingDidn't you meet, were living

2 while 3 for 4 While 5 for6 During 7 for 8 while 9 during10 during l l for 12 while 13 during

Infinitive Past Simple Past participlefall fell fallenfind found foundsell sold soldfeel felt feltdrive drove drivenfly flew flownleave left lefttravel travelled travelledlie lied liedwin won wonspend spent spent

8 2 hud b."tr 3 had lived 4 was5 hadn't managed 6 had taken 7 hadbeen 8 went 9 made 10 felt l l was12 had been 13 decided

9 2 pn"was furious because she hadoverslept and (had) missed the bus.

3 He hadn't studied enough and hadfailed his exams.

4 Before his accident, Peter had been thebest player in the team.

5 I had never flown before.6 He had done the same job for ten years.7 I rvas sure I had seen him somewhere

before.8 I hadn't had anything to eat all day.

l0: would 4 would 5 had 6 had7 would 8 had t had 10 would

ll Helen Keller2 didn't know 3 found 4 were told5 came 6 taught 7 had 8 was offered9 toured 10 rvas madeCharles Blondin2 was taught -3 became 4 was put5 walked 6 watched 7 were carried8 fell 9 rvasn't killed t0 diedAmy Iohnson2 was taught 3 was introduced 4 held-5 tried 6 didn't succeed 7 returned8 rvere married 9 was written1 0 disappeared

12 -t rn. lights were left on..l I was told about it yesterday.5 She wasn't invited to the party.6 We were taken to the hospital.7 They weren't given any information.8 \\'as the missing child found?9 Were you d is tu rbed in the n igh t?

1 3 t t " u r 2 D i d 3 w e r e 4 h a d 5 W a s6 were 7 had 8 was t had 10 were

'14 : I got up late this morning, but fortunately

I just managed to catch the bus.4 Actuaily, my name's John/My name's

|ohn, actually, but don't worry.5 In the middle of the picnic, it suddenly

began to rain./Suddenly, in the middleof the picnic, it began to rain.

6 I only saw Mary at the party. I didn't seeanyone else.

7 I oniy gave a present to lohn, not toanyone else.



l r




saw, were slttrngrvalked, handedwas l istening, was doingdidn't they visit, were stayingwere yorl writing, crashed

2 left 3 was raining 4 landed 5 r,r'asshining 6 was blowing 7 took 8 rvaschecking in 9 tapped l0 could notI I was staying 12 went 13 saw 1'l rvasgettrng l5 returned 16 spent 17 f 'el tI 8 ended

2 He pul led the young man out of the vanand took him straight to hospital.

3 He was watching TV when he heard thegood news.

4 He gave his wife a big kiss and took hiswhole family out for an expensive meal.

5 People were standing in queues chattingto each other when the robbers burst in.

6 He suffered a heart attack and was takento hospital.

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8 )ane and I have always been friends. Wewent to school together. We were ever-rborn in the same hospital.

9 A I didn't like it.B I didn't like it, either.

l 0 A I l i k e i t .B I like it, too.

I 1 Everybody in our family really loves ice-cream, especially me.

12 The traffic to the airport was so bad thatwe nearly missed the plane.

13 I 'm tal l enough to be a pol iceman, but Ihaven't got enough qualifications.

l5 z thr.*, through 3 wore, war 4 warn,worn 5 caught, court 6 blew, blue7 knew new 8 saw, sore 9 read, red10 rode, road

16 2 at, On, on, in, At, on3 In, in, -, in4 ln, at, at5 -, On, In, At6 At, in

1 2 b 3 b 4 a 5 c 6 a 7 b 8 b 9 c2 2 Why do you often have to travel

overseas?3 Why do you always have to be home

before midnight?a Why don't you have to get Lrp at 6.30

a.m. any more?5 Why does your dad usualiy have to

work in the evenings?6 Why does your wife have to go to

hospital every week?7 Why doesn't your sister have to help

with the housework?B Why does your husband have to take

the children to school every morning?9 Why do you have to get good marks

in your exams?

3 has to, doesn't have to 4 had to, didn'thave to 5 '11 have to 6 having to 7 Didyour grandfather have to 8 don't have to9 will we have to l0 Do we have to

I 2 A security off icer at . in airport3 A teacher at a school4 A librarian in a library5 A flight attendant on a plane6 A prisoner in a prison

2 Students'own answers

I l 4 I i l l , s l a c k , I ) i l l . I J a r k . : J i l l ,D lack,|6- ]il]

Z iO Sam. 2 Anna, 5 Sam, 4 Anna,E Sam, ffiAnna, lg. sam

I Sample answers2 You should buy another one.3 You should tryto cut down on coffee.4 He should start a new hobby.5 You should have a haircut!

2 2 Should I go to 3 should I order4 Should I tell him 5 should I take6 should I say

2 I must do my homework tonight. aI have to do my homework tonight b

3 We must go to Paris sometime. bWe have to go to Paris next week. a

4 I n rus t wear someth ing n ice to goclubbing. aMen have to wear a shirt and tie to gointo a posh restaurant. b

5 I must warter the plants today. aYcru have to water the plants daily. b

2 mustn't 3 don't have to 4 mustn't5 doesn't have to 6 don't have to7 don't har.c to 8 mustn't 9 mustn'tl0 don't have to

2 nrust, have to 3 must, have to-l mustn't, don't have to 5 must, have to6 don't have to, mustn't


Verbad vise




9l 0i 1t 2l 3l 4

in t ro 'duc t ion in t roduccinvi ' tat ion in'vi te'meeting

meetrelax'at ion re' laxdis cussion dis'cussre'fusa1'feel ing

o i f t




b ' ' '



Prayer prayin vention in'vent

l5 nation'al i ty 'national

l6 tra'dit ion tra'dit ional17pro ' fess ion pro ' fess iona llB

' i l lness i l l

19 'va lue ' va luab le

20 truth true21

'difference 'different

22 'freedont

free23 'cu l tu re

' cu l tu ra l

24 responsi 'bi l i ty re'sponsible25 ne cessity


t 0 M s MM s MM s M

M s M

Ir'smMaddox actuallv.l,rr@ruaddox.

)i9ltqt' I want to borrorv five

(h!Lr!!gl4rounds.N-o-. I *qq1qap.n u6r"")rhopfor nryQeugblgDDon't you thinkyou should read n.ry loanapp l ica t ion . Mr Sanders?

NIs l \ l But youGiirn. a form la.t@and I'm ringing because I havesome cueries about i t .

Vs M No, l6? i l " -bn l lea in the Io rm. I- - \^ - 'f++Uqt bPuse I don't\u!0sM4-!lllr I.q13$ why I' nrringing.

Ms M Not any more. I don't want to askyo u q u e s t i o n s ab o ut dnTt-h-i n-ilIGood bye!

112 look at it 3 Don't throw it away4 Turn it down 5 looking forward to it6 make it up 7 tried it on 8 Pick it up9 look alier it 10 Give it back

'll get 3 'll give're going to have, 'll getwil l you be, ' l l cal lwili win/is going to win, will win/isgoing to win'll fetchl l .8ive, are you going to do, 'm going to

are you going to start, ' l l do, ' l l startwill it take'll like, are you going to do

Where are they going?They're going shopping.Where are they going?They're going skateboarding.

4 Where's he going?He's going fishing.

5 Where's she going?She's going skiing.

6 Where are they going?They're going sailing.

2 'll feel better 3 he'll heip 4 won't giveme any 5 i t ' l l rain 6 ' l l get burnt7 won't like it

Sample answers2 I'll get you some water.3 I'll answer it for you.4 I ' l l lend you some.5 I'll give you a lift.6 I ' l l help you carry them.

2 are you inviting 3 're driving

4 're bringing 5 are you getting 6 isdel ivering 7 is . . . making 8 are yougiving 9 're travelling 10 (we're) staying

2 're going 3 's going to rain 4 won'ttell 5 'll lend 6 're going to have7 's being delivered 8 's taking

3 anybody/anyone, nobody/no one4 anybody/anyone5 somewhere6 anything7 somewhere8 nothing9 Anl"where

10 everybodyieveryoneI i Anything12 Nobody/No one, nothingl3 Everybody/Everyone14 anylvhere

1 make up your mind, a decision, a mess,a complaint, sure that, my bed, money, aspeech, a profit, a noise, a phone call,friends with, progressdo the shopping, someone a favour, thehousework, nothing, my best, exercises,the washing-up



9l 0l l





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2 1 made up her mind/made her mind up2 do exercises 3 do nothing4 make a noise 5 doing my best6 made a complaint7 does the washing-up 8 do me a favour9 made a speech 10 made friends with

I I make a phone call 12 make sure

| 2 lel 3 lal 4lul 5 hl 6 l t l 7 la.: l2 2break lerl 3 won't /eo/

4 wonder /,r./ 5 hungry /,r./6 breath /e/ 7 wooden /o/B work /s:/ 9 ferry lel

3 lbeach 2exp lo r ing 3churches4 museums 5 restaurants 6 favourite7 delicious 8 different 9 sculpturesl0 jewellery

ln, ln, lnin, on, in, in, on, on, at, in, onB A t C A t D I n E A t F I n G A tH O n

1 t Sample answers1 I like working in small groups most.2 I like working with a partner.3 I'd like to have less homework.4 It's very nice; it's not very big, but

there are some plants and it's lightand comfortable.

5 They're really nice!6 It's not very good, but it's gerting better.7 I'd like to speak more in class, and

write more at home.2 3 What's your job like?

4 Who do you look like in your family?5 What did you look like as a child?6 Would you like coffee or tea?7 Do you like tennis?8 Would you like to go to the cinema?9 \\rhat's your house like?

10 How are your parents?3 I was it like 2 what was that like

3 what were they l ike4 What do they look like5 What was that like?6 did you like 7 would you like

7 t z i 3 d 4 a s b 6 h 7 f 8 c 9 g2 2 What would you like to do tonight?

3 Where would you like to go on holiday?4 Would you like an ice-cream?5 What sort of music do you like

listening to?6 Do you like swimming?7 Would you like to go swimming?8 Would you like to be a teacher?

2 like 3 as 4 like 5 like 6 like 7 like8 as 9 like 10 like I I as, as 12 likel3 as 14 l ike

I you to be 2 smoking 3 to help4 to tell 5 to going 6 have 7 to go8 watching

2 Watching 3 mending 4 Finding5 wak ing up 6 wa lk ing 7 he lp ing8 Living 9 Giving up l0 working

l0 r23

92 Workbook key

S i HF ] E



l lt 2

Would you like to come round to ourhouse for dinner?I like it when you laugh at my jokes., / 5 , / 6 , /Alan thinks it's too expensive, and I agree.She thinks she's right, but I don't agree../ 10 ,/She thought we should go, and I agreed.They agreed to talk about i t againtomorrow.

2 a married person a return ticket3 a dark colour a hearry suitcase4 an easy test a soft pillow5 a long fi1m a tall man6 a mild curry a cold drink7 fa i r ha i r a l igh t room3 a well-off/wealthy woman4 an amusing story5 a messy room6 correct information7 nice/kindihelpful people8 a stupid/foolish person9 an intelligent person

l0 a great/brilliant/fantastic/an excellentidea

I 1 dreadful/terrible newsI 2 horrible/revolting food

9 2 Anrlu', got long blonde hair.3 Do you want a single ticket?4 Does Liz like red wine?5 Did he say that the film was boring?6 Do fane and Paul like going for walks?7 Would you like a hot drink?8 Have you got a headache?9 I liked school when I was a child.

2 j 3 g 4 k 5 a 6 t 7 b 8 l t h1 0 c l l f 1 2 e

2 find out 3 fill it in 4 sort it all out5 put it out 6 try out 7 try theseieans on 8 work out 9 cleareverything up l0 Thke them back

1 c has she made d did she makee did he make f has he madeg has he painted h did he paint

2 2 g 3 a 4 f 5 d 6 e 7 b 8 h3 2 d id he move 3 d id she wr i te

4 was he when he

I was born 2 has been 3 studied4 has travelled 5 went 6 was painted



7 has also designed E he. . .t has never 10 lives

3 t B W.'u. been on holiday.A Where did you go?B We went to Spain.A When did you get back?B Last night. The plane landed at 6.00

i ^ r l ' - - ' , - ^ i - ^

2 A What have you done to your finger?B I've cut/I cut myself.A How did you do that?B I was cooking and the knife slipped.A Have you put anything on it?B No. It's not that bad.

I gone 2 been 3 been 4 gone 5 been6 been 7 gone

1 Past Simple Present Perfect3 . / X4 , / X5 , / X6 , / , /7 , / /8 X , /9 X , /

r0 ,/ ./2 I I've just heard about your accident.

2 Have you had breakfast yet?3 I've already finished my exams.4 Have you ever been to Thailand?5 I haven't seen that film yet.

3 I I haven't finished yet.2 No, thanks. I've just had one.3 I'm sorry. He's just gone out.4 Has it/the match started yet?5 I haven't done my homework yet.6 I've already fed her.

Students'own answers.

1 How long have you known the teacher?2 This is the first time I've eaten Thai food.3 What did you do last night?4 I studied/I've been studying English for

four years.5 When did you get your hair cut?6 I saw Peter yesterdav.

I I Have you been to university?S Yes, I have. I went to Bristol

University from 1995 to 1998.I What subjects did you study?S Music and Sociology.I Doyou speak any languages?S Yes, I do. I speakSpanish fluently.I Have you ever lived in Spain?S Yes, I have. I lived and worked in

Barcelona for a year.I What kind ofwork didyou do there?S I was/worked as an English assistant

in a junior school.I What are you doing now?S I'm a music therapist at a children's

hospital near Exeter.I How long have you been working

there?S Since April 1998.

1 iives 2 studied 3 learned, lived 4 hasworked/has been working 5 likes6 worked


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9 Z'urapplied 3haveyoubeen injured4 has just lost 5 has passed6 has been given 7 has r isen8 has been called t haven't been offered

10 have you saved' l0 t

td ropp.d 2were los t 3 rang4 has been found 5 was discovered6 have been put 7 have ... announced8 have been stolen t have been valued10 were taken 1 1 did not go off 12 wasnot discovered l3 have .. . been found

2 2 When was his r,vallet discovered?3 What has been stolen fron.r the

Museum of Modern Art?4 Have the paintings been valued by

experts?5 When do police believe that they were

taken?6 Have any clues been found?

ll t Students'ownanswers.2 Students use their dictionaries.




Capplicanteditorinterestingjournal istF

behaviour Argentina experiencediscover absolutely interpreterpoilution competition political


13 Z o" 3 out of 4 for 5 on 6 between7 about 8 with 9 for 10 on I 1 in12 o f

i If you go to Paris, you must go to thetop of the Eiffel Tower. The views arefantastic.

2 If we can afford it, we'll buy a new carsoon. The one we have now is veryunreliable.

3 If I don't hear from you today I'll phoneyou tomorrow. I need to talk to youabout something.

4 If the music is too loud, you can turndown the radio. I don't mind.

5 If we don't leave soon, we'll be late forschool. It'll be the second time this rveek.

6 If there's nothing interesting in thewindow, go inside the shop. You mightf ind something you I ike.

7 If she has to work late, she'll phone youfrom the office. She might not be homeunti l 9.00.

8 If Daniel rings, tell him I never want tosee him again. He really hurt my feelings.

Shopping I Lisa, L2t ro-, f tisa,E to-, @ tisa, [9 rorn, ffi Lisa, E ro-

Barbeque E pete, [4 ]ody, 1l pete, [lIody,6 Pete, @ Jody

Sample answers2 Ifyou can't get to sleep, get up and

make yourself some hot chocolate.

3 Ifyou get sunburned, put some creamon and stay out of the sun.

4 If you want to stop smoking, throw allyour cigarettes away!

5 Ifyou have a problem at school, tell ateacher.

6 If you can't wake up in the mornings,get two alarm clocks!

1 2 I want to finish my work before we goout.

3 She's going to look after the cat whileI'm away on holiday.

.1 I'll email you as soon as I arrive.5 We'll find a hotel when we arrive in

Paris.6 She won't speak to him until he says

sorry.7 Drink your coffee before it gets cold.B Don't cross the road until you see the

green man.9 I'll give you a ring after we get back

from holiday.10 Are you going to stay with paola while

you're in ltaly?2 1 When 2 if 3 after 4 As soon as

5 before 6 until 7 As soon as S If9 unti l l0 while 1l after 12 when13 I f

2 If I didn't have a headache, I'd goswimming.

3 If I knew the answer, I'd tell you.4 If we had any money, we'd have a

holiday this year.5 If had sone spare time, I'd learn Russian.6 If we had a big house, we could/we'd be

able to invite friends to stay.7 If there were some eggs, I would make a

cake.8 If I were cleverer, I'd be a doctor.9 If I had a mobile, you could call me.

10 He could win the lottery i f he bought aticket.

I 1 If Francis didn't work so hard, he wouldhave time to spend with his family.

12 If we didn't have/hadn't got threechildren, we'd take a year off and travelthe world.

6 1 rains, won't be able 2 pass, ' l l post3 had,'d take up 4 were/was, could5 don't have, will go6 had, would .. . disappear7 need,'11 come 8 could, would open9 are, wi l l . . . buy l0 were, 'd go

7 Z. t t could go any.rvhere in the world, I'dgo to Fi j i .

3 I f I see ]ane, I ' l l tel l her to phone you.4 If I had lots of money, I'd buy an

aeroplane.5 \Vhen I go back to university, I'll email

you.6 If you knew my brother, you'd know

what I meanl7 If you came from my town, you would

recognize the street names.8 Ifyou aren't careful, you'll lose your bag.

8 Students'own answers


9 t No''ttcurrency, safe, accountant, waste, win,millionaire, economy, cash machine,credit card, ioan, will, windfall, salary,bet, savings, coins, spending spree,cashier, wages, cheque, fortuneVerbwaste, win, earn, save, loan, will, bet, investAdjectivewealthy, safe, broke, bankrupt,economic, penniless, economical

2 2broke 3economic 4invested5 currency 6 an accountant 7 cashmachine 8bet gwealthy

10 salary is 1l wi l l

1 0 t t u t B l u : t c : t tcooks spoon bloodwooden pool floodedlook poolsfootball foolishlybooked roomwoollen coolstood stool


l l t 2rou, 3country 4though 5cough6 mouse 7 doubt 8 though

2 I thought, counts 2 enormous, mouse3 doubt, furious 4 ought, cough5 trouble, neighbours

1 2 2 w o r k o u t 3 H a n g o n 4 H a n g o n !5 going on 6 Go on 7 put out8 put out 9 get over l0 get over11 make i t up 12 make up


2 h 3 d 4 j 5 g 6 i 7 c 8 b 9 f i 0 a

| 2 He mustbe i l l .3 He might be in the coffee bar.4 He could have a doctor's

appointment.5 He may be stuck in a traff ic jam.o H is bus migh t be la te .7 He must want to miss the test.

2 Sample answers2 He can't be ill because he phoned me

this morning.3 He can't be in the coffee bar because

it isn't open yet.4 He can't have a doctor's appointment

because the surgery is closed now.5 He can't be stuck in a traff ic jam

because the rush hour is over now.6 His bus can't be late because they go

every few minutes from his street.7 He can't want to miss the test, because

he always gets the best mark!

2 be listening, be having3 be sitting4 be reading5 be taking6 be holding, be going7 be digging, be mending

Sample answers2 He must have had an accident. He

might have been skydiving.

Workbook key 93

Page 75: New Headway B2 Workbook.pdf

3 She might have been for a long walk.She may have got sore feet.

4 He must be frightened. He might havegot lost.

5 They might have had an argument.They may be bored.

6 They might have won the lottery. Theymust have received some good news.

2 You can't have worked hard for yourexams.

3 They could have gone to the station.4 I might have left my mobile in the

Internet caf6.5 He can't have bought another new car.6 He must have been on a diet.7 They could have got married in secret.8 He may have called while we were out.

Possible answers2 2 ? They can't have been husband and

wife./They definitely lived together.

3 /They must have been together for along t ime.

I They can't have been together for along time.

4 X He might be glad she's gone./He must be missing her very much.

5 /The house must seem very quiet.? He might have pets to keep him

company.6 ? He must have done something to

upset her./She has definitely done something

to upset him.7 X He can't be using the bathroom

much./He might be trying to avoid using

the bathroom.B /She must have spent a lot of t ime in

the bathroom./The bathroom might have been her

favourite room.9 /He might be sleeping downstairs.

? He can't be sleeping in their oldbedroom.

I Adjective Nounshy shynessopt im is t i c op t im ismreliable reliabilityambi t ious ambi t ionlazy lazinesspessimist ic pessimismgenerous generositytidy tidinessmoody moodrnesssens i t i ve sens i t i v i t y

2 I moody 2 shyness 3 reliable4 ambition 5 optimistic 6 generosity7 tidiness 8 laziness

1 I She must have_eaten the cheese.2 You can't have seen him.3 He can't have_arrived_early.4 He might_have gone_out for_a cup_of

coffee.5 She might_have been_angry.6 They can't have been_in love.7 They might have written_it down.

94 Workbook key



l 0

8 He must have been to,Africa.2 1 He could have gone_abroad.

2 They might have eaten_it_all.3 She may be_arriving this;vening.4 They must be coming soon.5 They can't knorv him_at_all.

9 : U t , 4 p u t 5 t r a i n 6 a T m i g h tB can't

l 0 z * i t h 3 a t 4 t o 5 f r o m 6 a b o u t7 o f 8 f o r 9 t o l 0 o f l l o f 1 2 f o rl 3 o f 1 4 o f 1 5 i n 1 6 o f 1 7 a b o u t18 about 19 for 20 r,vi th

1 3 been wait ing 4 broken 5 eaten6 been running 7 n'ret 8 knorr'n9 been writ ing 10 rvri t ten I I beenwatching 12 watched


's hadhas moved,

' ve been look ing . har e r r t

found've been shopping, haven't bought've

. . . heardhave you been doing, 've been rr'orkins's been snowing've been l istening, haven't understood've

been working've been trying, 've lost

have you been iearning (to drirr. )Have you

3 has he been a teacherhas he taught in

4 have you been waiting5 people have they

has she6 have you been

have you7 has she been there/to the States8 startedt has she gone10 has she been going there/to France

2 b a 3 a b 4 b a 5 a b 6 a b ; ba 8 b a

2 comes 3 is coming 4 works 5 hasworked/has been working 6 has had7 had 8 wants 9 is thinking 10 don'tthink 11 to f ind 12 be working1 3 went 14 woke, was raining I 5 istaking, has 16 to go l7 be sit t ing

I When was Richard born?2 How long did he study at Chenvell School?

Until he was eighteen.3 How iong was he at Bath Universitt.?4 How long d id he go our rv i th He lena?

For four years.5 How long did he work in Madrid?

For six months.6 Where did he meet Heather?7 How long has he been working in the

bookshop?Since 1999.

8 How long has he been the manager?Since 2002.

9 When did he marry Heather?On 23 March 2001.

l0 How long have they had a house inWoodstock?Since Richard was 2o.

I I How long did Heather live in Australia?Unti l she was 18.

12 How long has she been interested indrama?Since she was 1 l.

l3 When did she meer Harry?While she was working in Hungary.

l4 When did she get married for the firsttin-re?In 1996.

15 When was loanne born?On 13 May 1997.

l6 Horv long was Heather married to Harry?For two years.

17 Horv long has she been teaching in theschool in Oxford?Since 1 998.

I B When did she meet Richard?At Christmas t ime in 1998.

6 Sample answersI 2 thoughtful, thoughtless,

thoughtlessness3 disagree, agreeable, agreement4 careful, careless, carelessness5 hopeful, hopeless, hopelessness6 unconsc ious ,consc iousness7 inhuman, humanity, inhumanity8 successful, unsuccessful9 impoli te, pol i teness

l0 helpful, unhelpful, helpless,helplessness

1 1 misunderstand, understandable,understanding

I 2 tasteful, tasteless, distaste, distastefull3 illegal, legality14 i l logical, logical lyI 5 distress, stressfull6 unpopu lar , popu lar i t yl7 misuse, disuse, useful, useless1B unl ike, disl ike, l ikeable, l ikeness,


2 2hopeless 3Poli teness 4helpful5 successful 6 unlike7 misunderstand 8 careful, useless9 stress, thoughtless l0 disagreements

7 1 I clear, beer 2 where, bear 3 stay,weigh 4 know, phone 5 shy, high6 enjoy, noise 7 now, aloud 8 sure, poor

2 I plane, south, Spain2 boy, coat, enjoyed3 known, nearly, f ivt4 wearing, rose, hair5 smoke, pipes, days6 likes, ride, motorbike

8 t ut 2 for, from, to5 For 6 Until 7 in

3 during, at 4 in, on8 since 9 at l0 At

I t z O o 3 D i d 4 W a s 5 H a s 6 H a v e7 Does 8 Did

2 Correct answers1 Yes, it is. 2 Yes, they do. 3 Yes, theydid. 4 No, he wasn't. TheodoreRoosevelt was. 5 No, there hasn't.

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6 Yes, the Olympic Games have beenheld in London twice, in 1908 and 19487 No, i t doesn ' t . I t has a p r ime min is te r .8 Yes, he did.

l 2 W h a t 3 W h e r e 4 W h o 5 W h a t6 Who 7 When 8 Which

2 Correct answersI Gibraltar, Spain, France, Monaco,

Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia andMontenegro, Albania, Greece, Turkey,Cyprus, Syria, Israel, Lebanon, Egypt,Libya, Malta, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco

2 Earthquakes 3 Greek 4 Yuri Gagarin5 National Aeronautics and Space

Administration6 Grace Kelly 7 1994 B Jamaica

2 what t ime i t i s /what the t ime is3 where you put them4 what I'm going to give himiwhat to give

him yet.5 whether I posted it/your letter or not.6 whose coat it is7 rf l 'm going (on the rol lercoaster).8 who . . . i st how much they/Frankie's trainers cost.

l0 what his job is.

4 Z W, don't know exactly how old he is.3 I wonder how he's going to celebrate his

birthday.4 Nobodyknows howhe managed to get out.5 I wonder who helped him to escape.6 I didn't know she'd been married so

many umes.7 I wonder if this will be the last time.8 I'd like to know what the score was.

9 The headline doesn't say who they wereplaying against.( ttonder Aow Ae graduated so qulcUy.

. I wonder if he is a good doctor.

- I've no idea how many have French.r ncestry.

,- Do ,vou know what the ofticial language is?- I'm not sure exactly where Montreal is

:ituated.i I haven't a clue who discovered Montreal.: I rvonder what the buildings are like.-

Could you tell me how long winter lasts?. Do you know why they have built an

underground city?' I don't know ifthere are any film or jazz

festivals.r Have you any idea where'poutine'is sold?

. 2 Who is he waiting forzI Who does she work for?-1 \\trat are you talking about?5 Who did you stay with?6 Who does that bike belong to?7 Who is the letter from?8 What did he die o1?9 What are you worried about?

10 Who are you writing to?,) ) b4ta,t arr you s/ai2e

2 What about? 3 Where to? 4 Whatfor? 5 Who with? 6 What about?7 What about? 8 What for? 9 Whatabout? 10'r\rtratwith?

8 rz


2 2





You don't want to go to.the party, doyou?You ate too much, didn't you?That dress is lovely, isn't it?That concert was wonderfui, wasn't it?You aren't enjoying the film, are you?Sue, you couldn't lend me fivepounds, could you?Nuria, you don't know where mysunglasses are, do you?Ravi, you haven't got a red pen, haveyou?Sarah, you haven't seen Bill, have you?Excuse me, you haven't got change for

It's your fault that we went toMexico. The holiday cost a fortuneand it was the worst I've ever had.There's nothing wrong withMexico - it's very beautiful. Thetravel agency are to blame. Theirbrochure promised all kinds ofth ings about the ho te l . And theywere all lies. You've no right toblame me.I'm sorry, Karen. I know it's notreally your fault. I'll go to thetravel agent first thing ir.r them o r n i n g a n d I ' l l t e l l t h e meverything that went wrong.I ' l l come too bec . ruse I 'm go ing toask for our money back or anotherholiday.

'z2z-rr?cr' t-rl<<r' 4were t wacr(drfas'e

3 t Z Str. said she was going to Berlin soon.3 I thought the film would be interesting.4 She said she couldn't helo me because

she had too nruch to do .

a twentv-euro note, have you?3 Exercise l : the question tags go down.

Exercise 2: the question tags go up.

9 I 2 aren't they? aren't we?3 are you? can't I? aren't you?4 isn't i t? doesn't he? would you?

l0'W}r." did thc world begin and hor,v?'I asked a lanrb, a goat, a cow.'What's it all about and why?'I asked a pig as he went by.'\\&ere will the whole thing end, and when?'I asked a duck, a goose, a hen.And I copied all their answers too,A quack, a baa, an oink, a moo.Anin.ral noises: quack (duck), baa(lamb/goat), oink (pig), moo (cow)

l l t roared 2wh isper 3screamed4 groaning 5 banged 6 smashed

7 scratched 8 whistling

(Z t going on 2 set off 3 came across4 put up rvith 5 takes up 6 keep on7 pick you up 8 let me down 9 fallenout with l0 Come on

7 2 do ynu 3 aren't you 4 didn't we5 isn't it 6 can you 7 ivill you 8 do wet have you l0 did they

5 I was told that Daniel had bought thetickets.

6 She said she thought it was a stupididea and it wouldn't work.

7 The tour guide explained that thebanks were closed on Saturdays.

B He compla ined tha t they 'd hadterrible weather on holiday.

9 They told me they'd never been toBrazi l .

2 2 She asked me if I wanted to go out fora walk.

3 They wondered why she was crying.4 He asked me if he could borrow my car.5 The custon-rs officer asked me where

I'd come fron-r.6 She wanted to know how long I was

going to be at the gym.7 Trudi rvondered if I'd bought any milk.B She asked us if we'd be back early.9 She asked me when I had to go to work.

3 2 And why do you need it?3 What do you do?4 And how much do you earn?5 Are you married?6 Have you got any children?7 How long have you lived there?8 When would you like the money?

4 2 Then she wanted to know why heneeded i t .

3 She needed to know what he did.4 He had to tell her how much he earned.5 Then she asked if he was married.6 For some reason, she wanted to know

if he had any children.7 She asked him how long he had lived

in his flat.8 Finally, she wondered when he would

)tke themonel:

2 He asked Sue if she could cook dinner.3 The teacher told the class to hand in

their homervork on Monday.4 My wife ren.rinded me to post the letter.5 Marta invited Paul to have dinner with

them.6 The judge ordered Edward Fox to pay a

fine of 1200.7 Flora persuaded Emily to buy the black

shoes.8 Marco encouraged Anthony to sing

professionally.9 She begged me not to tell her father.

2 He asked her not to go.3 He told Debra he was going to bed.4 Jeremy asked his father how much he

earned.5 The teacher told the class to turn to

page 34.6 The secretary asked Miss Fulton to call

back later.7 The teacher told the class they did very

well in the test.8 The police officer told the children not(<r rcrrr acrcrss (a1< r<r,<tr1Pam asked Roy i fhe rvas going to theconcert.Har ry to ld h is daughtc rs i t was t ime toget up.

I ro-




1 0

Workbook key 95

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2 lo agreed to lend Matt ten Euros.3 Harry admitted that he had broken the

camera.4 Timmy denied that he had pulled her hair.5 The professor boasted that he could

speak eleven languages perfectly.6 ]essica's dad promised to buy her a pizza

if she finished all her homework.7 Patrick complained that there was a fly

in his salad.8 Sarah refused to marry Adrian because

she didn't love him.9 Amanda offered to cook supper for her

and Duncan.

2 told 3 asked 4 said 5 asked6 explained 7 tell 8 speak9 replied/said l0 do you ask 1 I tell12 spealdtalk 13 said 14 talk l5 said

l 2 b i r t h d a y 3 b o r n 4 b i r t h 5 B I R T H6 birth 7 birthday

2 2 death 3 died 4 die 5 dead, die6 dying 7 death 8 dead 9 die, die

3 2 married 3 been married 4 marry5 wedding 6 got married 7 getmarried

A honeymoon, actually, terrible, opposite,counsellor, funeral

B cancelled, marriage, colleagueC forever, announcement, reception,

remindedD complained, invite, engaged, bouquet,


2 would 3 had 4 had 5 would 6 wouldI She said that she'd seen him.(had)2 She said that she d see him soon.(would)3 He told her he'd loved her for a lone

t i m e . ( h a d )4 He told her he d love her forever.(would)

2 down on 3 on with 4 away from5 on with 6 up with 7 back on8 forward to 9 out of

Tenses1 z t ' t 3 g 4 c 5 a 6 e 7 f 8 b

2 z Hur Madonna been in a film?3 I'm not doing a French exercise.4 He wasn't president in 1984.5 They haven't got any children.6 Where are you going after the lesson?7 What does'perform' mean?8 Did you have a sandwich for lunch?9 Do you enjoy learning English?

Present tenses1 Z u not eating 3 fly 4 go 5 is she

doing 6 don't visi t 7 Do .. . f ix 8 Are9 's snowing 10 're having 1i don't live... l ive 12 works .. . travels13 are studying 14 is going

2 z u 3 b 4 a 5 a 6 a 7 a

3 2 are kept 3 is being helped 4 areinvited 5 am paid 6 are being taken7 are being built 8 are thrown

l0 r2


96 Workbook key

Past tensesI 18 wa i ted . . . took

24 doesn't look28 isn't . . . phoned .. . was sleeping3A Did .. . watch38 saw .. . was doing4A. Were ... looking48 wanted5A started .. . was l iving58 didn't know

2 Z dia.r ' t r ing .. . had forgotten3 hadn't passed .. . drove4 got . . . remembered .. . had left5 didn't know .. . had walked6 heard .. . had applied7 went ... had never travelled8 didn't enjoy... had seen9 didn't know .. . had mer

10 had been . . . had

3 I n"a never met 2 owned 3 stood4 were 5 knew 6 seemed 7 werewalking 8 noticed 9 was l0 decided1l was 12 were walking 13 could hearl4 was crving 15 went 16 found17 was lying 18 had fal len 19 hadmanaged 20 was

4 2 *n. painted 3 was sent 4 were written5 rvas not brought 6 rvere helped

Modals I1 2 z Cun I use his car?

3 She/He can use his car.3 I I shouldn't rvr ire to them.

2 Should I rvr i te to them?3 HeiShe should rvri te ro them.

4 I I don't have to phone then.r.2 Must I phone them- l3 SheiHe must phone then.

2 z a 3 f 4 d 5 a 6 e

Future forms'| Z G..g will help you to move the computer3 Don't ask Al, he won't help l'ou.4 Kate is catching the train at 3.30 this

afternoon.5 They're not going to visit us next sumnter.

, 6 Are you going to meet them at the airport?2 z a 3 a 4 b 5 a 6 a 7 a 8 b3 e A.. you going A am applying

B I'm having A I'11 buyB I 'm gett ing A I ' l l see

Questions with /ike2 a 3 b 4 a 5 b 6 b

Verb patterns2 to turn 3 spending 4 to train5 to wait 6 working 7 to go8 speaking 9 waiting 10 to arrive

Present PerfectI A Huu. . . . started

A Have .. . foundB haven't . . . 've seenA Have .. . visi tedB have .. . 've been .. . haven't beenA Has .. . startedB has

2 2 didn't receive 3 learnt 4 worked5 went 6 has lived 7 have been8 Have ... won t hasn't spoken10 hasn't been

3 2 has sunk 3 have caused 4 have left5 have been put 6 has been arrested 7has been awarded

ConditionalsI Z Ifyou run, you'li catch the train.

3 I won't ring you, unless I'm late.4 If it's sunny, we'll go to the beach.5 I won't go to the football match if

Beckham isn't playing.6 She wili be very unhappy if he doesn't

ring her.

2 lAnr*.r, will vary.)

3 2 ur" 3 forgot 4' l l tel l 5'd take6 wouldn't run 7 is 8 'll be t had

Modals 22 c 3 g 4 a 5 b 6 i 7 f 8 d 9 e

Present Perfect Simple or Continuous?I 2 'r

b..n raining 3 I 've cleaned 4'vecooked 5 's

bought 6've beencleaning .. . 've done 7 has been sleeping8 have been looking

2 Z looking .. . hasn't 3 l iv ing .. . decided4 working 5 broken 6 seen ... gone7 s i t t i n g . . . w r i t t e n 8 t r y i n g . . . g o t9 f inished .. . read 10 heard .. . won/lost

Indirect questions'|

lAnr*... will vary.)

2 2 *h"r. he lives 3 he arrived? 4 he hasbeen 5 I was doing 6 he has put7 he thinks 8 you are ready

Question tags2 is it? 3 have you? 4 isn't he? 5 did I?6 haven t you? 7 wasn't i t? 8 wil lyou? 9 doesn't he? l0 had he?

Reported speechI Z n"a some champagne in the fr idge

3 had seen him yesterday4 he didn't know the answer5 had lived in London a long time ago6 hadn't known him long7 what his girlfriend's name was8 what school she had been to9 if he'd seen the news

l0 where her friend worked11 how long they were stayingl2 what time it began

2 2advised 3refused 4ordered 5asked6 reminded 7 told

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Phonetic symbols


I lpl as in pen /pen/

2 lbl as in big /brg/

3 ltl as in tea lti.l

4 ldl as in do /du:/

5 lkl as in cat /kiet/

6 lgl as in go /geoi

7 lfl as in four /f-o:/

8 lvl as in very / veri/9 lsl as in son /s,tn/

10 lzl as in zoo lzu:l

1 1 lll as in live /lrr,'/12 lml as in my /mar/

13 lnl as in near /nre/14 lhl as ir.r huppy / liiepi/15 lrl as in red /red/

16 ljl as in yes /jes/

17 lwl as in want /wnnt/18 l0l as in thanks /ercr1ks/19 16l as in the /de/20 l:l as in she /Ji:/

21 lSl as in television / tehvrSn/22 lltl as in child /tJarldll3 lfi l as in German /'dgs:men/1.1 ktl as in English / r4qlrJ/


t J i l : t as l n

26 l t l as in27 lrl as in

28 lel as in

2 9 l T l a s i n

30 le ' l as in

31 lol as in

32 lt:l as in

33 lol as in

34 lu. l as in

35 lr,l as in

36 l:t:l as in

37 la l as in

see /si : /

his ihrzl

twenty / twenti/

ten /ten/

stamp /st:emp/

father / fo:dei

hot /hot/

morning / 'mo:nrq/

football / fritbc:l/

you /1u:/

sun /s,tn/

learn /ls:n/

letter / lete/

Diphthongs (two vowels together)

38 letl as in name /nerm/

39 laol as in no /nao/

40 larl as in my /mar/

41 /aoi as in how /hao/

42 ltrl as in boy /bcr/

43 lnl as in hear /hre/

44 ,'eJ/ as in where /wea/

45 /rie/ as ir-t tour /tcle/

Phonetic symbols

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OXFORD ENGLISHlsBN 0-19-438754-2

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