new features in .net framework 4.0 by nyros developer

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New Features in .Net Framework 4.0 By Nyros Developer



2. New Features in .NETFramework 4.0 3. * Visual Studio 2008 may be better than sliced bread, but the development team at Microsoft has already been working on the next release. * They have recently given us Visual Studio 2010 and the .NET Framework 4.0 as a Community Technology Preview (CTP); it boasts several features that would appeal to developers. 4. * This article will go into features that are the most relevant to .NET developers. * Please note that because this is a CTP, it doesn't mean that the final release will be exactly as you see in the CTP or as is described here.* I can go over the features roughly as follows : 5. * Call Hierarchy of methods * A New Quick Search* Implicit Line Continuations * The dynamic type * Optional Parameters * Named and Optional Arguments 6. * In complicated solutions, a single method may be used from several different places, and attempting to follow how a particular method is being called can be difficult.* In other words, you can look at what calls your method and what your method calls in a treeview format. 7. protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { BindDataControls() } private void BindDataControls() { //DataBinding here } protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BindDataControls(); } 8. * Now, if you wanted to figure out what calls BindDataControls(), you can right-click on it and choose "View Call Hierarchy. * This is a helpful visual cue for very complicated projects that we've all worked on at some point or another. * This gives you a window with a treeview format, as shown below : 9. 10. A New Quick Search : * This isn't the same as the Search or Search and Replace window that searches for specific textual strings. * It's different in the sense that it searches across symbols (methods, properties, and class names) across your solution and filters them in the result view for you. 11. Example : 12. Implicit Line Continuations : * C# has had this for a long timelong lines of code can be split across several lines for more readability. * VB.NET has had it, but you've always had to add an underscore (_) at the end of each line, which could get a little annoying.* Certain types of statements can now be split across several lines without the _ required. 13. Example : Dim breakfast = { New Crumpets With { .CrumpetAge = 221, .CrumpetSmell = "Foul" }, New Crumpets With { .CrumpetSmell = "good", .CrumpetAge = 1 } } 14. The dynamic type : * C# 4.0 introduces a new static type called dynamic. When you have an object of type dynamic you can do things to it that are resolved only at runtime: * dynamic d = GetDynamicObject(); d.M(7); 15. * The C# compiler allows you to call a method with any name and any arguments on d because it is of type dynamic. *At runtime the actual object that d refers to will be examined to determine what it means to call M with an int on it. 16. Optional Parameters : *A parameter is declared optional simply by providinga default value for it: public void M(int x, int y = 5, int z = 7); * Here y and z are optional parameters and can beomitted in calls: M(1, 2, 3); // ordinary call of M M(1, 2); // omitting z equivalent to M(1, 2, 7) M(1); //omitting both y & z equivalent to M(1, 5, 7) 17. Named and optional arguments : *C# 4.0 does not permit you to omit arguments between commas as in M(1,,3). * This could lead to highly unreadable comma-counting code. Instead any argument can be passed by name. * Thus if you want to omit only y from a call of M you can write: 18. M(1, z: 3); // passing z by name Or M(x: 1, z: 3); // passing both x and z by name Or M(z: 3, x: 1); // reversing the order of arguments 19. Thank You