new determinants of post-displacement reemployment outcomes … · 2020. 1. 1. · 1 . determinants...

1 Determinants of Post-Displacement Reemployment Outcomes and Occupation Changes Vasilios D. Kosteas Cleveland State University 2121 Euclid Avenue, RT 1719 Cleveland, OH 44115-2214 [email protected] Tel: 216-687-4526, fax: 216-687-9206 Abstract This paper estimates the effect of MSA labor market characteristics on employment outcomes for displaced workers. Specifically, we investigate the role played by MSA size and occupational distribution on the probability of being employed, the likelihood of changing occupations for those workers who are employed, and the degree of dissimilarity between the old and new occupations for those workers who do switch occupations. We find strong evidence the share of employment for the occupation of the job from which a worker was displaced has a positive effect on the likelihood of being employed and a negative effect on the likelihood of switching occupations. There is weaker evidence for a positive link between average occupational distance between the occupation of the job from which a worker was displaced and the other jobs in the individual’s MSA of residence and the distance between the old and new job for workers who did change occupations. JEL Codes: J24, J62, R23 Key Words: Occupation changes, displaced workers, agglomeration effects, market thickness

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Page 1: New Determinants of Post-Displacement Reemployment Outcomes … · 2020. 1. 1. · 1 . Determinants of Post-Displacement Reemployment Outcomes and Occupation Changes . Vasilios D


Determinants of Post-Displacement Reemployment Outcomes and Occupation Changes

Vasilios D. Kosteas

Cleveland State University

2121 Euclid Avenue, RT 1719

Cleveland, OH 44115-2214

[email protected]

Tel: 216-687-4526, fax: 216-687-9206


This paper estimates the effect of MSA labor market characteristics on employment outcomes for displaced workers. Specifically, we investigate the role played by MSA size and occupational distribution on the probability of being employed, the likelihood of changing occupations for those workers who are employed, and the degree of dissimilarity between the old and new occupations for those workers who do switch occupations. We find strong evidence the share of employment for the occupation of the job from which a worker was displaced has a positive effect on the likelihood of being employed and a negative effect on the likelihood of switching occupations. There is weaker evidence for a positive link between average occupational distance between the occupation of the job from which a worker was displaced and the other jobs in the individual’s MSA of residence and the distance between the old and new job for workers who did change occupations.

JEL Codes: J24, J62, R23

Key Words: Occupation changes, displaced workers, agglomeration effects, market thickness

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It has been well established that displaced workers suffer significant wage losses (see for example

Jacobson et al, 1993). Earlier research showed that wage losses after displacement are larger for workers

with longer industry (Neal, 1995) or occupational (Kambourov and Manovskii, 2009) tenure. These

findings have been interpreted as signifying the importance of industry and occupation specific human

capital, respectively, and indicate that changing industry or occupation of employment leads to greater

wage losses after experiencing job displacement. Rather than treating occupational changes as binary

events, recent literature looks at the importance of moving to a job that requires a different skill portfolio

(Poletaev and Robinson, 2008) or the occupational distance between the old and new job where

occupational distance is measured by the difference in the importance of various tasks in performing the

old and the new job (Gathmann and Schonberg, 2010). Given the negative wage effects associated with

occupation changes for displaced workers, uncovering the determinants of occupation changes and

occupational distance is an important part of understanding the economic losses associated with job

displacement. A few papers in the urban economics literature have examined the determinants of

occupational switching, focusing on population size or density in the metropolitan statistical area (MSA)

in which the individual resides (Bleakley and Lin, 2012) or the specificity of the prior occupation (Geel

and Backes-Gellner, 2011).

While urban economists have traditionally focused on measures of total labor market size

(generally proxied by population) or density (proxied by population density) when examining

occupational switching, we argue that the local distribution of occupations may be a more important

determinant of post-displacement employment outcomes. Displaced workers living in a large

metropolitan area may find it difficult to acquire another job in the same occupation if there are relatively

few jobs in that occupation locally. The fact that one MSA is larger than another does not mean there are

more jobs in the larger MSA in a given occupation compared with the smaller one. For example, The

Denver-Aurora-Lakewood MSA had total employment of approximately 1.37 million in May of 2015,

compared with total employment of 1.02 million for the Cleveland-Elyria MSA in Ohio. In terms of

employment, the Denver area was 34 percent larger than Cleveland. However, the Cleveland area had

more workers employed as registered nurses (29,070 versus 25,820) and more individuals employed in

the health care sector overall (75,720 compared to 72,500).1 For a more extreme example, consider the

fact that the greater Boston area had 920 people employed as economists and 550 employed as

postsecondary teachers of economics. The greater Chicago area, which is much more populous than

Boston, had only 310 economists and 200 postsecondary teachers of economics. Of course, local labor

1 All employment figures come from the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Employment Statistics database:

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markets might have less relevance for economics professors, who tend to search for jobs nationally (or

even internationally) compared with the typical registered nurse who might take a more geographically

focused job search.

The present paper contributes to the literature examining occupation changes by comparing the

importance of population measures (density and population size) against measures of occupational

distribution (occupation employment shares and the degree of dissimilarity between the occupation from

which the worker was displaced and all other jobs in the metropolitan area) in influencing whether

displaced workers take jobs in different occupations and the degree of dissimilarity between the old and

new jobs. Following the standard practice in the literature, we use information on the importance of

various job tasks for disaggregated occupations to construct a measure of occupational dissimilarity

between the occupation from which a worker was displaced and her current occupation. The tasks data

come from the Occupational Information Network (O*NET) which is sponsored by the Employment and

Training Administration which is under the U.S. Department of Labor. We also construct a measure of

the distance between the occupation of displacement and the other jobs in the worker’s MSA of residence

using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Employment Surveys (OES), where distance

is defined in terms of the degree of dissimilarity between the two occupations.

The analysis in the present paper is conducted using the 2004-2012 waves of the Displaced

Worker Survey (DWS) supplement of the Current Population Surveys (CPS). The DWS contains a rich

set of information, including the occupation codes for the job from which the worker was displaced and

the occupation of the current job (if she is currently employed). Neither MSA size, occupational share of

employment or average occupational distance have a significant impact on the probability a displaced

worker will be employed at the time of the survey. Conditional on being employed, results indicate that a

larger MSA population and higher occupational share of employment reduce the probability a displaced

worker will be reemployed in a different occupation, with the latter having a larger impact. Average

occupational distance does not affect the probability a displaced worker will switch to a new occupation.

Conditional on changing occupations, a higher average occupational distance significantly increases the

occupational dissimilarity between the pre and post-displacement occupations of employment for workers

in the DWS than does MSA size (measured in population). By contrast MSA size and occupational share

of employment do not affect the degree of occupational dissimilarity. These results are robust to the

inclusion of both MSA and occupation of displacement fixed effects to the model. The results are also

consistent when restricting the sample to workers whose job loss was the result of plant closure or to

those workers who did not move post-displacement. The results for the change of occupation models are

also robust to the use of alternative measures of occupational dissimilarity.

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Background and Literature Review

Traditionally, labor economists investigating occupational changes focused on simple measures such as

whether an individual changed occupations. This approach treats any two occupation switches as

equivalent. This is unlikely to be the case in practice. It would be reasonable to assume that switching

from operating an excavator to driving a delivery truck likely entails a smaller change in skill

requirements or tasks performed than switching to being a security guard, since the first two occupations

both entail operating large vehicles while the third does not (according to our occupational distance

measures, that assumption is indeed valid). Additionally, the rate of occupation changes is overestimated

due to misreporting and miscoding of occupations (Speer 2016).

A growing literature shows the importance of accounting for job skills or tasks when considering

occupation changes and the resulting wage changes. Occupation changes, particularly those which are

involuntary in nature, are likely to result in wage losses for a variety of reasons, including: 1) specificity

of human capital, 2) lower match quality/skill mismatch, 3) workers with long tenure losing the wage

premium when the employment relationship involved the posting of a bond. Using data from West

Germany, Gathman and Schonberg (2010) find that wage losses increase with the occupational distance

between the previous and the current job while task-specific human capital accounts for roughly half of

individual wage growth. Defining skill switches as a change in the primary or secondary skill of

importance for a worker’s job, Poletaev and Robinson (2008) use the 1984-2000 waves of the DWS to

show that switching skill portfolios after job displacement is more important in determining wages than

switching industry or occupation. Skill mismatch (defined as disconnect between a worker’s skill set and

job requirements) also has a significant impact on post-displacement earnings losses (Nedelkoska et al,

2013) and provides an important source of wage variation in general (Yamaguchi, 2012). When

examining occupation changes and skill matching, distinguishing between the transferability of skills

across occupations and the extent to which “the applied knowledge, skills, and abilities” employed in one

occupation qualifies an individual to work in another occupation is important (Ormiston, 2014).

Given the significant role of occupation changes and occupational distance following an

occupation switch in determining wage outcomes, identifying the determinants of these changes and the

accompanying occupational distance is an important research goal. Labor economists have shown that

greater specificity of an occupation is associated with fewer occupation changes but more changes within

a cluster of occupations (Geel and Backes-Gellner, 2011), that individuals tend to switch to occupations

that have a small occupational distance from their current/previous job (Gathman and Schonberg, 2010),

and that the distance between occupations declines with experience (Gathman and Schonberg, 2010).

Meanwhile, the urban economics literature has focused on the importance of population size and density

in explaining job matches, occupational changes and wage loss after displacement. Using IPUMS data,

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Bleakley and Lin (2012) observe less occupation switching in more densely populated areas (they also

find similar results when replacing population density with the occupation share of area employment).

Abel and Deitz (2015) show that agglomeration effects improve matching for college educated workers;

they are more likely to be employed in jobs requiring a college degree and in jobs related to their major in

more populated areas. Crossley et al (1994) find that wage loss after job displacement is smaller when the

plant is located in a more populated area.

The present paper focuses on the importance of occupational distribution (occupation shares and

average occupational distance) relative to population measures in post-displacement outcomes. In this

sense, we contribute to the urban economics literature which has focused on the importance of population

size and density in determining labor market outcomes, including the likelihood of switching occupations,

while also contributing to the labor economics literature examining the importance of occupational

distance for employment outcomes. The focus on outcomes for displaced workers makes the theoretical

foundations for the analysis less complex since we are not concerned with occupation changes which

result from voluntary job changes. Begin by considering the determinants of occupation switches.

Ignoring for now the case of tied movers, if a worker is making a voluntary job change, it is likely driven

by an attempt to improve the job match. In thicker labor markets, workers should achieve better initial

matches, decreasing the likelihood the worker will voluntarily make an occupation switch. Workers in

thicker markets may also be more likely to invest in specific human capital since involuntary job losses

are less likely to result in significant wage losses (Lazear, 2009). Both mechanisms indicate a negative

effect of labor market size on occupation changes connected to voluntary job changes. They would have

the same effect for involuntary job changes as well. Losing a job that was a very good match for the

worker’s skills increases the probability that switching occupations will result in a lower match quality

and lower wages on the new job. Thus, these displaced workers may be less willing to take job offers in

different occupations, preferring to remain unemployed and continue searching for a new job. Similarly,

greater investment in specific human capital makes the worker’s skills match the current job requirements

more closely. Again, this increases the likelihood that wage offers for jobs in other occupations will be

lower relative to the wage in the previous job.

However, when focusing on displaced workers, we also need to consider the scenario where a

worker loses her job in a metropolitan area which experiences significant job losses clustered in an a

particular industry (and which heavily employs workers in certain occupations). In particular, we might

think of production workers in cities with a traditional manufacturing base. In those cases, we might

expect that having a large fraction of jobs concentrated in these occupations will make it harder for her to

find a new job in the same occupation. However, residing in a larger metropolitan area is still likely to be

positively correlated with the probability of finding and accepting a new job in the same occupation.

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Finally, consider what may happen when there are a lot of jobs in similar occupations. When two

occupations are similar in terms of tasks or skill requirements, the wage losses associated with moving to

the new occupation will be, on average, considerably lower. Thus, workers residing in an MSA where

there are many jobs in closely related occupations are more likely to receive good wage offers for

employment in a different occupation from the one from which they were displaced, increasing the

probability they switch occupations. Thus, while market thickness is associated with fewer occupation

switches, a large number of jobs in proximal occupations should lead to a higher probability of being

employed in a different occupation post-displacement since moving to closely related occupations does

not carry as significant of a wage loss, but a smaller distance between pre and post-displacement

occupations in the event of an occupation change. Stops (2014) develops a model indicating the number

of matches in a given occupation is affected by the number of unemployed and job vacancies in similar

occupations. Generally, labor market size and occupational distribution may have different impacts on

employment outcomes post-displacement.

While theory clearly indicates market thickness should lead to fewer occupation changes, either

voluntary or as a result of job displacement, the question is how, empirically, should we measure market

thickness. From an individual worker’s perspective, what matters is the number of jobs in her current

occupation. In matching models, the probability of receiving a match depends on the ratio of job

vacancies to job seekers. Thus, from a matching perspective, the likelihood of receiving an offer for a job

in the same occupation depends not on the total number of jobs in the labor market, but how tight the

market is for a given occupation. Lacking data on the number of job vacancies and seekers at the

occupation level for different metropolitan areas, we need to proxy for availability of jobs. To that effect,

we use two variables: total population and occupation share of MSA employment. Alternatively, we could

multiply the two variables to obtain a proxy for the number of workers employed in each occupation in

each MSA. While this variable does contain additional information, including it alongside with

occupation share and MSA population does not improve the empirical model.

The present paper is most closely related to Bleakley and Lin (2012) and Gathmann and

Schonberg (2010). However, there are some key differences. While the bulk of the Bleakley and Lin

(2012) study examines occupation switches for all workers, they do provide estimates of occupation and

industry switches using a sample from the 1994-2002 DWS. However, their study does not include a

measure of average occupational distance, nor do they examine what factors impact the degree of

occupational distance between the pre and post-displacement occupations of employment. While

Gathmann and Shonberg (2010) examine which factors determine the occupational distance for job

movers, they do not assess the roles played by agglomeration or labor market thickness.

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Data and key variables

The empirical analysis examines the effect of local labor market size (proxied by MSA population), the

employment share for the occupation of displacement at the MSA level, and the average distance of the

occupation of displacement from other jobs in the MSA on three outcomes: 1) being employed at the time

of the survey; 2) conditional on being employed, whether the individual took a job in a different

occupation compared with the job from which she was displaced; and 3) conditional on being employed

and changing occupations, the distance between the occupation from which the individual was displaced

and the current occupation of employment. Conducting the empirical exercises requires combining data

from several sources. Individual level data on employment outcomes and worker characteristics come

from the displaced worker surveys (DWS) which are a part of the current population surveys (CPS). In

order to construct the occupational distance measures, we use information on job tasks and skills from the

Occupational Information Network (O*NET) which is sponsored by the Employment and Training

Administration in the U.S. Department of Labor, combined with data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics’

Occupational Employment Surveys (OES). Data from the Annual Social and Economic Supplement

(ASEC) of the CPS are used to construct MSA level measures for the unemployment rate and educational

attainment. Finally, the population data come from the U.S. Census.

Displaced worker survey

The displaced worker survey is a supplement to the current population surveys (CPS) conducted in

January (starting in 2002) in even numbered years. The survey collects information on the pre-

displacement occupation along with reason for displacement and whether the individual moved as a result

of the job loss, among other key information. The analyses performed in the present study use data from

the 2004-2012 DWS. The surveys include individuals twenty years and older who had experienced a job

displacement in the previous three years (i.e. the 2012 survey includes individuals who experienced a job

displacement between January 2009 and December 2011). In addition to key demographic information

(age, gender, race, education) the DWS contains information on the job from which the individual was

displaced, including occupation, tenure at the previous job, reason for displacement (plant/firm closure,

shift abolished, insufficient work), and how long ago the individual lost her job (one, two, or three years

ago). The DWS also contains information on the current job and geographic information on the

individual’s current location. The geographic information is crucial for incorporating the MSA level

variables. By focusing on individuals who live in metropolitan areas, and for whom we can identify the

MSA of residence, we lose approximately twenty-three percent of the workers in the DWS, with 17.5% of

workers not living in an MSA. Both the DWS and CPS also include the county of residence, which could

be used to include these individuals in the estimation sample. However, at this level, the populations

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become too small to construct a meaningful average distance variable. As it stands, the smallest MSA

included in the sample had a population of approximately 94,000. Due to this limitation, all results are

interpreted as applying only to individuals living in MSAs. The relatively small sample loss due to

missing geographic information does not raise any concerns about the sample.

Annual Social and Economic Supplement (ASEC) of the CPS

The ASEC is an annual, national survey of more than 75,000 households. We use two years of data to

map into each DWS wave. Restricting the samples to individuals between the ages of 24 and 65, we

construct MSA level variables for the area unemployment rate, and shares of the population whose

highest degree earned is a HS diploma, associate’s degree, bachelor’s degree, and graduate degree.2 Data

from the 2003 and 2004 ASEC are used to construct these variables for the 2004 DWS, the 2005 and

2006 ASEC are used to create the variables for the 2006 wave of the DWS, and so on.

O*NET Data- Tasks and Skills

I gather data on the importance of a variety of tasks and skills for each occupation from O*NET.

Measures of the Importance and Level of each task and skill are provided for each occupation, where

level measures how frequently this task is needed or the degree of the skill that is required. The

occupational skills requirements are generated through ratings by occupational analysts while the

occupational tasks data come from worker surveys. Thus, the skills and tasks data vary not just in terms

of what they measure, but the source of the information as well. For these reasons, occupational distance

measures based on the tasks data may be quite different from those based on the skills data.

O*NET employs the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) system, while the DWS uses

census occupation codes (COC). The SOC lists approximately 900 occupations while the COC contains

over 400 occupations. As an additional complication, the COC change at various times. Over the sample

period examined in this study, the COC underwent minor changes between 2010 and 2011. Creation of a

consistent set of occupation codes between the two data sources and across the sample period proceeds in

two stages. First, I map the 2003-2010 COC codes into the 2012 and later COC codes. Next, I construct a

bridge between the SOC and COC classification schemes, which results in several instances where

multiple SOC occupations are mapped into a single census occupation. In these cases, I take the simple

average of the score for that task across all SOC occupations included in the COC category. The common

2 Following Bleakley and Lin (2012) we also created a variable for the share of workers in the MSA employed in the manufacturing sector. However this variable was not significant in any of the models and subsequently dropped form the estimation routines.

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coding scheme contains 433 occupations. Changes in the COC between 2002 and 2003 were a significant

factor in limiting the sample period to start with the 2004 wave of the DWS.

O*NET contains information regarding work activities for each occupation. There are a total of

41 activities grouped into 4 categories: information input (estimating the quantifiable characteristics of

products, events, or information; getting information; identifying objects, actions and events; inspecting

equipment, structures, or material; monitor processes, materials, or surroundings), interacting with others

(assisting and caring for others; coaching and developing others; communicating with persons outside

organization; communicating with supervisors, peers, or subordinates; coordinating the work activities of

others; developing and building teams; establishing and maintaining interpersonal relationships; guiding,

directing, and motivating subordinates; interpreting the meaning of information for others; monitoring

and controlling resources; performing administrative activities; performing for or working directly with

the public; provide consultation and advice to others; resolving conflicts and negotiating with others;

selling or influencing others; staffing organizational units; training and teaching others), mental process

(analyzing data or information; developing objectives and strategies; evaluating information to determine

compliance with standards; judging the qualities of things, services, or people; making decisions and

solving problems; organizing, planning, and prioritizing work; processing information; scheduling work

and activities; thinking creatively; updating and using relevant knowledge), work output (controlling

machines and processes; documenting/recording information; drafting, laying out, and specifying

technical devices, parts, and equipment; handling and moving objects; interacting with computers;

operating vehicles, mechanized devices, or equipment; performing general physical activities; repairing

and maintaining electronic equipment, repairing and maintaining mechanical equipment).

O*NET also contains information on the skills employed different occupations, grouped into the

following categories: basic skills (active learning, active listening, critical thinking, learning strategies,

mathematics, monitoring, reading comprehension, science, speaking, and writing), social skills

(coordination, instruction, negotiation, persuasion, service orientation, and social perceptiveness),

complex problem solving, technical skills (equipment maintenance, equipment selection, installation,

operation and control, operation monitoring, operations analysis, programming, quality control analysis,

repairing, technology design, and troubleshooting), systems skills (judgement and decision making,

systems analysis, and systems evaluation), and resource management skills (management of financial

resources, management of material resources, management of personnel resources, and time

management). As a robustness check, I construct measures of occupational distance using skills

requirements instead of job tasks.

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Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Employment Statistics (OES)

We use the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ OES survey to construct the MSA-level occupation shares which

are included in the empirical model and are also used to create a measure of the average distance between

the individual’s occupation at the time of displacement and all jobs in the individual’s local labor market.

The OES is a semiannual establishment survey where the sample is selected so that data are available for

all industries and all metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas. The occupation coding scheme used by the

OES contains over 800 occupations, which are condensed into the 433 occupations of the coding scheme

common to the DWS and O*NET data described above. Occupation share is defined as the fraction of

workers in the CPS sample in the respondent’s MSA who are employed in the occupation. We use data

from the previous year’s OES to construct occupation shares for a given year’s DWS. That is, we use the

2011 OES to create the occupation shares for use with the 2012 DWS data, the 2009 OES for use with the

2010 DWS survey, and so on. Employment data is not available for all occupation-MSA cells. In these

cases, we set the employment share to zero. This affects approximately 3.8% of the observations in the

DWS sample.3

Monthly CPS surveys

We use the outgoing rotations from the monthly CPS surveys in order to generate alternative measures for

the MSA-level occupation shares and hence the average occupational distance variable. In order to

construct occupation shares from this data source, we match two years of CPS data to one year of DWS

data. This is particularly important for the smaller MSAs, for which we have far fewer observations than

there are occupations. For example, the MSA level occupation variables for the 2012 DWS use CPS data

for 2011 and 2012. One could argue these variables should be constructed using additional years of CPS

data since a worker in the 2012 DWS might have been displaced in 2009 or 2010. However, the more

recent years of data represent a better measure of the occupational mix at the time of the follow-up

survey; given the January survey date, the 2011 and 2012 monthly CPS surveys represent a twenty-four

month window around the DWS. In spite of our best efforts, the CPS data do not have any observations

for many MSA-by-occupation cells. In those cases, the employment share for that occupation in that

MSA is set to zero. In the DWS sample, roughly seven percent of observations are affected.

Population Data

The MSA population data come from the US Census Bureau. The US Census redefines MSA definitions

with each decennial census. Thus, while the MSA definitions are consistent from 2000-2009, they change

3 As a robustness check, we excluded these observations from the estimation sample. The results are highly consistent with the main results.

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with the 2010 census. Generally, the most significant changes involved the splitting of an MSA into two

separate MSAs. We are able to generate a fairly consistent set of MSA codes to span the entire sample

period by recombining the newly separated areas back into their original MSA definition. In some cases,

the MSA boundaries were redefined in 2010. In general, this did not pose a significant issue. A check of

the population did not show any significant jumps or drops in MSA population from year to year, outside

of the trends prior to 2010. As an additional complication, the MSA coding scheme used by the CPS and

the DWS is slightly different from the one used by the Census. We were able to map the two coding

schemes with minimal loss of observations. The final result is a set of 308 MSA codes which are

consistent across the different data sources and over the sample period of 2003-2012. The CPS MSA

codes include micropolitan as well as metropolitan statistical areas, allowing us to include smaller

population centers in the final estimation sample.

Measuring Occupational Distance

There is no singular definition of occupational distance. Rather, there are several ways to operationalize

this concept and multiple sources of data, resulting in a variety of alternative measures. The first choice

one must make when constructing the occupational distance variable is to decide whether that distance

should be measured in terms of occupational tasks or skills, or a combination of the two. Gathman and

Schonberg (2010) focus on occupational skills and use only the importance, not the level. This approach

treats two occupations as similar if they both use the same skills, but require different ability levels for

those skills (Nedelkoska et al, 2013). In light of this criticism, it would make sense to include the

task/skill levels in any measure of occupational dissimilarity. Our primary measures of occupational

distance are task based, and the level for a task is missing any time 75% or more of respondents indicate

that task is not at all important for their occupation. As a result, many occupations are missing

information on the level for one or more tasks. One approach is to set the value for the level to zero in

those cases. Alternatively, we follow Gathman and Schonberg (2010) and only use the importance

measure for each task.

After deciding whether to use information on skills or tasks to measure occupational distance, we

must then decide on the functional form for the distance variable. Gathmann and Schonberg (2010) use

the angle of separation for the vector of tasks while Speer (2016) employs the Euclidean distance between

the task measures for the two occupations. Following Speer, our basic measure of occupational distance

between the current occupation (i) and the occupation from which the individual was displaced (j) is

measured as follows:

(1) 𝐷𝐷𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 = �∑ �𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 − 𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖�2𝑁𝑁

𝑖𝑖=1 �1/2

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where N is the number of tasks, and task is the level of importance for each task n in occupation j. The

average distance between the occupation from which the individual was displaced (j) and all other jobs in

the MSA is defined as follows

(2) 𝐷𝐷𝑖𝑖𝑗𝑗𝑗𝑗 = ∑ 𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑖𝑗𝑗𝑗𝑗𝐽𝐽𝑖𝑖=1 𝐷𝐷𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖

for occupation i, in MSA m, in year t, where sjmt is the employment share for occupation i in MSA m at

time t. The average distance variable is a weighted average of the distance between occupation j and all

other occupations, where the weights are given by the employment shares. We construct an average

distance variable for of the 433 occupations in each of the 308 MSAs, giving a total of 133,364 average

distance values for each survey year.


We estimate the effect of MSA size, occupation shares, and occupational distance on three outcomes:

whether a displaced worker is employed at the time of the interview, whether a currently employed

displaced worker is employed in a different occupation compared with the occupation from which he was

displaced, and the distance between the previous and current occupation for those occupation switchers.

Since the first two variables are binary, those models are fitted via probit estimation with marginal effects

calculated at the mean values of the explanatory variables. The occupational distance models are fitted via

ordinary least squares. For each model, a benchmark specification includes controls for the log of the

population in the MSA where the individual resides, the occupation share, the average distance variable,

the MSA level unemployment rate, degree attainment shares at the MSA level, and the following

individual-level variables: gender and race indicators, degree attainment indicators, age and age squared,

marital status, tenure in the job from which the individual was displaced, and indicators for whether the

individual was displaced from her job two or three years ago (with one year ago serving as the excluded

category). All models also include indicator variables for year, state of residence, occupation of the job

from which the individual was displaced, and industry of the job from which the individual was

displaced. All standard errors are clustered by occupation of displacement.

In order to more readily compare coefficient estimates and marginal effects for our three key

explanatory variables, we standardize the occupational distance variables and the MSA population

variable. Occupation share is not standardized since it possesses a standard deviation equal to one in the

sample. Thus, all marginal effects are interpreted as the effect of a one standard deviation increase in the

explanatory variable in the outcome variable.

There is potentially significant measurement error in the occupation shares and occupational

distance variables. While it is also likely that measurement error in the MSA population variable exists,

the extent of that measurement error is probably not as significant. Measurement error in the population

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variable comes from the fact the MSA population numbers outside of the decennial census years are

projections based on estimates of birth and death rates and migration flows into and out of the MSA.

Actual population may differ from estimated population if the assumed values for those parameters differ

from the observed values. However, these errors are likely to play a minimal role in estimates where we

do not control for MSA fixed effects due to the fact that the within-MSA variance of the population

variable is equal to less than 3.6 percent of the between MSA variance. The change in MSA definitions

starting with the 2010 census does not pose an issue for the estimates. Only 16 out of 308 MSAs showed

population growth in excess of 15 percent between 2008 and 2010, affecting 0.67 percent of the

observations in the DWS sample. Removing those observations from the estimation samples does not

significantly alter any of the estimates.4 Overall, the population measures should be measured accurately

enough so as not to pose significant issues for our estimation routines.

The occupation share and average occupation distance variables, on the other hand, are likely to

suffer from significant measurement error for the following reasons: mistakes in the occupation codes

(both variables), small sample sizes for each MSA-by-occupation cell (both variables), and

misspecification of the functional form for occupational distance (occupation distance variable).

Occupation coding is subject to substantial measurement error in survey based datasets, leading to

overestimates of the frequency of occupation changes (Speer, 2016). Gathman and Schonberg (2010) tout

the fact that their study makes use of data taken from social security records, which they assert is less

prone to measurement error in wages and occupations. This miscoding of occupations is likely to generate

random measurement error in both the occupation share and average distance variables, resulting in an

attenuation bias for those coefficients. The small number of observations in the monthly CPS data for

some of the MSAs results in many occupation-by-MSA cells with zero observations. In those cases, we

assign an occupation share equal to zero, likely underestimating the true occupation share. More

generally, the small number of observations in each occupation-by-MSA cell likely results in significant

measurement error for the occupation share. Unless this mismeasurement is correlated with unobserved

individual characteristics (and we do not see any reason why it should), then this source of measurement

error will compound the attenuation bias resulting from the occupation coding errors. Finally, the

occupation coding variable is subject to measurement error based on the method used to construct the

variable from the underlying data. Our measure ascribes equal weight to each task when constructing the

average distance measure.

4 We chose 15 percent as the cutoff due to the fact that growth in excess of this rate was only observed between 2008 and 2010. Population growth in excess of 10 percent was observed in other years. At any rate, we obtain similar estimates when using the 10 percent cutoff.

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An additional complicating factor for the occupation share and average distance variables is that

they are based on the MSA of residence at the time of the interview, not the MSA where the individual

resided when she was displaced from her previous job. Nearly 12.6 percent of the individuals in the DWS

moved since being displaced (with roughly 7.3 out of the 12.6 percent having moved due to the job loss).

In order to address any bias introduced from this issue, we estimate each model only for those workers

who did not move since being displaced. The results are generally highly similar to those for the full


Errors in the occupation codes also affect two of our dependent variables: occupation changes and

occupational distance. We have no reason to believe the measurement error in the occupation change

indicator or the occupational distance variables is correlated with the residual or the explanatory

variables. As is well known, random measurement error in the dependent variables does not bias the

coefficient estimates, but leads to inflated estimates for the standard errors. This may cause us to

incorrectly fail to reject the null hypothesis of no relationship between the key explanatory variables and

the poorly measured dependent variables. To address this issue, we estimate the models using alternative

measures of occupational distance. Additionally, we take advantage of having multiple measures for

occupation share and average distance and use the alternative measures to instrument for our preferred

measures. In order to minimize the attenuation bias due to measurement error, we fit each model via

instrumental variables estimation using alternative measures for our MSA population, occupation share,

and average occupational distance variables as instruments for the primary measure, while still including

fixed effects for year, state, and occupation.

While the various sources of measurement error create the potential to underestimate the

relationships between the occupation based variables and the outcome variables, sorting into occupations

or industries based on unobserved worker characteristics may have the opposite effect. For example, in

some occupations, agglomeration effects may draw workers who are disinclined to change occupations in

the future into certain metro areas. Within occupation, the variation in 𝐷𝐷𝑖𝑖𝑗𝑗𝑗𝑗 comes from differences across

MSAs. This allows us to include occupation fixed effects for the occupation from which the individual

was displaced into our empirical specifications. Controlling for occupation specific fixed effects

eliminates any bias arising from the sorting of individuals into occupations along unobservable individual

characteristics which may also affect their ability or willingness to change occupations and possibly take

a new job in an occupation that is very different from the occupation of the job from which the individual

was displaced.

Table 1 provides summary statistics for the key variables for the full DWS sample, the MSA

sample used in the main estimation, and the non-MSA sample which includes all individuals who either

live outside of an MSA or for whom we could not identify the MSA of residence. These statistics clearly

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show the two samples are different in terms of key demographic variables. The individuals in the MSA

sample are more highly educated and a larger fraction of them are married and black compared with

individuals in the non-MSA sample. Additionally, we observe that displaced workers living in an MSA

are less likely to switch occupations upon reemployment. The fact that the individuals in these sample

differ in terms of some key demographic factors does not necessarily mean that the models estimated

using the MSA sample will yield very different estimates than they would for a full sample. Table 2

estimates models for the three outcome variables excluding the population, occupation share, and average

distance variables, first for the full sample, and then for the MSA sample. Qualitatively, the results are

very similar. Nonetheless, we err on the side of caution and interpret all of our main results as applying to

individuals residing with an MSA.



Table 3 presents the results for the employment models, with marginal effects reported in brackets. All

models include the MSA and individual level controls described in the methodology section. However,

for the sake of brevity, the coefficient estimates and marginal effects for those variables are not presented.

The baseline model (model 1) includes year and state fixed effects in addition to the control variables,

model 2 adds fixed effects for both the occupation and the industry of the job from which the individual

was displaced to control for worker sorting into occupations and industries based on unobservable

characteristics, and model 3 adds MSA fixed effects in place of the state fixed effects to control for

potential worker sorting into MSAs. According to the baseline model, a one standard deviation increase in

MSA population is associated with a 1.4 percentage point decline in the probability of being employed at

the time of the follow up survey, while a one standard deviation increase in the average occupational

distance is associated with a 1.1 percentage point decrease in the probability of being employed. The

negative relationship between MSA population and is contrary to our expectations. However, as we will

see, this finding is not robust to all specifications or samples. Occupation share of MSA employment does

not impact the probability of being employed. Adding occupation and industry fixed effects does not alter

the coefficient or marginal effect for MSA population, but does have a significant impact on the

occupation distribution variables. A one percentage point increase in the occupation share is associated

with a 2 percentage point increase in the probability of being employed, while average occupational

distance no longer affects employment likelihood. Finally, adding MSA fixed effects in place of the state

fixed effects indicates that only occupation share has any impact on the probability of being employed.

These results indicate that sorting on the basis of occupation or industry may have caused the model to

underestimate the effect of occupation share on employment.

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In a series of robustness checks, we replicate model 2 for subsamples of the data. First, we restrict

the sample to individuals who lost their jobs due to plant closure. This restriction serves to minimize any

sorting into the sample based on unobserved characteristics; when a firm or plant has layoffs but

continues to operate the firm may eliminate the least productive workers first, but when the plant closes

all workers lose their jobs. For the plant closure sample, we see that none of the agglomeration or

occupation distribution variables are correlated with the probability of being employed. We also estimated

model 2 restricting the sample to individuals who did not move out of the MSA after being displaced and

to those who were displaced from a full-time job. In both cases, the results are very similar to those for

the full sample for model 2. By restricting the sample to people who did not move, we eliminate any

measurement error arising from the fact that our MSA level variables are constructed for the MSA where

the individual currently resides, not the MSA where the individual lived when suffering the job loss.

Thus, these results indicate that measurement error from this source is not a significant problem in our

model. We might expect that individuals who lost a full-time job might have had more human capital that

was specific to the old job, therefore their employment prospects would be more significantly affected by

market thickness. This does not appear to be the case.

Occupation Changes

Next we present estimates for the relationship between our MSA-level agglomeration and occupation

distribution variables on occupation changes (table 4). As before, all models contain the full set of

covariates. According to the basic model, only the occupation share of employment has a statistically

significant correlation with occupation switching. Conditional on being employed, a one point increase in

the share of MSA employment for the occupation from which the individual was displaced results in a 3.2

percentage point decrease in the probability a displaced worker will be employed in a different

occupation. Given that roughly 70 percent of re-employed workers report an occupation change, this

represents a modest decrease in the likelihood of switching occupations.

Adding fixed effects for the occupation and industry from which the individual was displaced to

the model yields similar results, but with a stronger estimated relationship between occupation share and

occupation switching, indicating that worker sorting into occupations does not significantly bias our

estimates. If anything, the bias associated with occupational sorting tended to understate the link between

market thickness and occupation switching. Neither MSA population nor average occupational distance

exhibits a strong correlation with occupation switching. This is in sharp contrast with Bleakley and Lin

(2012) who found a statistically significant, negative relationship between population density and

occupation and industry switches in their sample of displaced workers. This difference is driven by the

lack of controls for state fixed effects in their models; when we exclude the state fixed effects, we

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estimate a negative and statistically significant effect of MSA population on the probability of changing

occupations post-displacement.

When adding MSA fixed effects in place of state fixed effects (model 3) we see the estimated

relationship between occupation share of employment and occupation switches grow even stronger and

observe a strong predicted impact of MSA size on occupational switches. The model estimates that a one

standard deviation increase in MSA population decreases the probability of switching occupations by 41

percentage points. This result is clearly out of line with the results from models 1 and 2 and caution must

be exerted when interpreting the coefficient. Since this model controls for MSA fixed effects, all variation

in the population variable is within MSA. Given the relatively short time frame (10 years) most of the

variation in the population variable is between MSAs. Furthermore, a large fraction of the within MSA

variation in population will be driven by the fastest growing MSAs. The coefficient and marginal effect of

the population variable are more accurately interpreted as the effect of population growth on occupation

changes. The same is not true for the occupation share of employment and average occupational distance

variables since they are constructed at the MSA-occupation-year level. Given these caveats, and the fact

that the results for model 3 are so dramatically different from the other models, we continue with model 2

as our preferred model. With respect to the occupation share variable, it appears that sorting by

occupation, industry, or MSA again causes the model to underestimate the importance of occupation

share for the outcome variable.

When restricting the sample to individuals who lost their job due to plant closure we observe an

even stronger effect of occupation share on occupation switching; a one point increase in the occupation

share of employment for the occupation from which the individual was displaced decreases the

probability the individual will be employed in a different occupation by 7.7 percentage points; this

represents a roughly ten percent decline from the rate of reported occupation switches. Thus, it appears

our results are not being driven by unobserved worker characteristics which affected the firm’s layoff

decisions. Finally, estimating model 2 on the sample restricted to workers who did not move or the

sample restricted to those who lost full-time job does not significantly change the coefficient estimates or

marginal effects. In all three sub-samples, only the occupation share of employment shows a significant

link with the probability of switching occupations.

Occupational distance between old and new job

Table 5 presents the estimates for the occupational distance models fitted on samples of occupation

switchers. Only average occupational distance (or dissimilarity) is consistently estimated to have a

significant effect on the distance between the occupation from which the individual was displaced and the

occupation in which the individual is currently employed. This result is robust to the inclusion of fixed

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effects for occupation, industry, and MSA. According to model 2, a one standard deviation increase in the

average degree of dissimilarity between the previous occupation and all other occupations in the MSA

increases the distance between the old and the current occupation by 0.138 standard deviations. Only

when the model is estimated for the sample of workers who lost their job due to plant closure do we not

obtain a statistically significant coefficient. However, much of this is due to the reduction in sample size

and attending increase in standard errors. Neither the occupation share of employment nor MSA

population has a statistically significant impact on the occupational distance between the old and current


Heckman correction models

Next, we estimate the baseline models using the Heckman selection model to determine whether the

models should be estimated simultaneously (Table 6). First, we simultaneously estimate the employment

and change of occupation models (Model 1) then we simultaneously estimate the change of occupation

and occupational distance models (Model 2). The estimated coefficients and marginal effects obtained

from these procedures are highly similar to those obtained when the models are estimated separately.

Wald tests for the independence of the equations also fail to reject the null hypothesis that the equations

are independent. Finally, the coefficient and marginal effects estimates for the change in occupation

equations in Model 1 and Model 2 are nearly identical, providing further evidence it is appropriate to

estimate these equations separately.

Alternative measures for occupation shares and occupational distance

As a next set of robustness checks, we use skills based occupational distance measures in place of the

tasks based measure. The results are presented in Table 7. The first three columns recreate the analogous

results presented in tables 3-5. Here, we continue to find a negative relationship between employment and

MSA population and between occupation changes and the occupational share of employment for the

occupation of displacement. Columns 4-6 present results for the models which use the skills requirements

data to create the occupation distance measures. These models show that employment status is positively

affected by the occupation share of employment and negatively affected by MSA population and average

occupational distance between the occupation of displacement and all other jobs in the MSA. Consistent

with the results presented in table 4, we continue to find a negative relationship between occupation

changes and occupation shares. However, we no longer observe a positive effect of average occupational

distance on occupational distance after occupation switches. Overall, this set of robustness checks

indicates the negative effect of occupation share on occupation switching is robust to using skills based

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measures of occupational distance. The positive relationship between average occupational distance and

occupational distance observed in the main results is not robust to these changes.

Sample split by educational attainment

Next, we split the sample according to whether the individual has any degrees beyond high school

(associates, bachelors, or graduate degree). The two groups are likely to differ in two important aspects.

First, less educated workers have not spent significant time investing in occupation specific human capital

through formal education (although they may do so through on the job training) while workers with

degrees are more likely to have invested in occupation specific human capital through their education.

This would make more educated workers’ occupation switching more sensitive to the local distribution of

occupations. Conversely, more educated workers may be more likely to search for jobs outside of their

current MSA of residence, making their occupation switches less sensitive to local labor market

characteristics. The results (Table 8) show some key differences for the two samples. For both types of

workers, a larger MSA population results in a lower probability of being employed while a higher

occupation share of employment for the occupation from which they were displaced results in a greater

likelihood of being employed and a lower probability of switching occupations. For more educated

workers, average occupational distance also increases the probability of being employed and decreases

the likelihood of switching occupations. Thus, it appears that more educated workers are more sensitive to

the mix of occupations in the MSA.

Instrumental variables estimation

Finally, in order to deal with potential attenuation bias that results from measurement error in our primary

explanatory variables, we instrument for our three primary variables of interest using alternative measures

for each. For MSA population, we include as an instrument total employment in the MSA reported in the

OES files. For the occupation share variable, we include occupation shares estimated via the outgoing

rotation files of the CPS. For each occupational dissimilarity index, we include three instruments. When

using the task (skills) based index, we instrument with the skills (task) based index and skilled and task

based indexes created using the CPS occupation shares. Thus, for each model we have five instruments

for three endogenous regressors, allowing us to calculate the J-statistic for the model. All models continue

to include the full list of control variables, state dummy variables, occupation, and industry dummy


The results from the IV regressions a largely consistent with the OLS based estimates with a few

notable exceptions. Focusing on the task based occupation distance measures, we observe that average

occupational distance is now correlated with all three outcomes, decreasing the probability of being

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employed, leading to a lower probability of changing occupations when employed, and resulting in a

higher distance between the pre and post-displacement occupations in cases where the worker did change

occupations. Occupation shows an even stronger, negative impact on the probability of changing

occupations while MSA population also shows a small, negative impact on occupation switching. The

models estimated using the skills based occupation distance measures yield similar results; however the

negative relationships between average occupational distance and occupational distance between the old

and new occupations and between MSA population and occupation switching are no longer statistically

significant. These results are consistent with the expectations outlined in the background section.


This paper estimates the effect of MSA labor market characteristics on employment outcomes for

displaced workers. Specifically, we investigate the role played by MSA size and occupational distribution

on the probability of being employed, the likelihood of changing occupations for those workers who are

employed, and the degree of dissimilarity between the old and new occupations for those workers who do

switch occupations. We find strong evidence the share of employment for the occupation of the job from

which a worker was displaced has a positive effect on the likelihood of being employed and a negative

effect on the likelihood of switching occupations. There is weaker evidence for a positive link between

average occupational distance between the occupation of the job from which a worker was displaced and

the other jobs in the individual’s MSA of residence and the distance between the old and new job for

workers who did change occupations.

While the theoretical literature on job matching provides some useful insights into what

determines occupation switching behavior, more work is needed to incorporate the importance of the

occupation distribution on these behaviors. Specifically, while existing models address how market

thickness in a worker’s given occupation and similar occupations affect occupation switching, these

models should be extended to address not just the switching itself, but the distance of the occupation

change. Also, future research should address how geographic mobility and decisions to look for jobs in

other metro areas interact with the distribution of jobs in the current area of residence to determine

whether an individual takes a job in a new occupation.

On the empirical side, future research should focus on developing better measures of occupational

distance in order to provide a better understanding of exactly what types of occupation changes are taking

place. Research should also focus on testing the links between occupation distribution and other worker

decisions, such as investment in occupation specific human capital, since this is posited to be one of the

key mechanisms through which occupation distribution impacts occupational mobility.

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Table 1: Summary Statistics




Variable Sample



T-test Employed indicator 0.617







Changed occupation indicator 0.7







Displaced 2 years ago indicator 0.315







Displaced 3 years ago indicator 0.275







Log years in displaced job 0.871







HS degree indicator 0.533







Bachelors degree indicator 0.19







Graduate degree indicator 0.07







Female indicator 0.437







Black indicator 0.103







Age 41.89







Married indicator 0.539







Observations 21174



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Table 2: Basic model estimates for full and MSA-only samples


Occupation Change

Occupational Dissimilarity

Full Sample

MSA Sample

Full Sample

MSA Sample

Full Sample

MSA Sample

Displaced 2 years ago indicator 0.166** 0.175**

0.032** 0.038**

0.005 -0.002

(0.007) (0.008)

(0.01) (0.011)

(0.025) (0.028)

Displaced 3 years ago indicator 0.216** 0.228**

0.062** 0.061**

0.027 0.018

(0.009) (0.009)

(0.011) (0.013)

(0.029) (0.034)

Log years in displaced job 0.007* 0.006*

0.002 0.006

0.003 0.008

(0.003) (0.003)

(0.004) (0.004)

(0.012) (0.013)

HS degree indicator 0.093** 0.091**

0.067** 0.092**

0.359** 0.369**

(0.012) (0.013)

(0.016) (0.019)

(0.039) (0.049)

Associates degree indicator 0.169** 0.169**

0.034 0.068*

0.383** 0.361**

(0.015) (0.015)

(0.029) (0.031)

(0.058) (0.069)

Bachelors degree indicator 0.193** 0.169**

0.052* 0.075**

0.291** 0.284**

(0.014) (0.015)

(0.026) (0.029)

(0.066) (0.072)

Graduate degree indicator 0.233** 0.232**

0.007 0.039

0.111+ 0.111+

(0.019) (0.02)

(0.036) (0.04)

(0.067) (0.067)

Female indicator -0.048** -0.049**

0.038+ 0.03

0.093* 0.063

(0.007) (0.008)

(0.021) (0.021)

(0.039) (0.039)

Black indicator -0.084** -0.093**

0.047** 0.047*

-0.007 0.008

(0.01) (0.01)

(0.018) (0.02)

(0.039) (0.042)

Age 0.02** 0.02**

-0.012** -0.013**

-0.011+ -0.017*

(0.002) (0.002)

(0.003) (0.004)

(0.007) (0.007)

Age squared -0.0003** -0.0003**

0.0001** 0.0001**

0.000+ 0.000*

(0.0000) (0.0000)

(0.00004) (0.0000)

(0.000) (0.000)

Married indicator 0.025** 0.02*

-0.002 -0.017

0.019 0.029

(0.008) (0.009)

(0.008) (0.011)

(0.023) (0.026)

Observations 21174 16239

13065 9979

9111 6851

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Table 3: Employment status determinants


Full Sample

Plant Did Not Full Time

1 2 3

Closure Move Job Lost

Log of MSA population -0.040* -0.048* 0.171

-0.013 -0.047* -0.053*

(0.019) (0.020) (0.407)

(0.034) (0.021) (0.023)

[-0.014] [-0.016] [0.0055]

[-0.004] [-0.015] [-0.017]

Occupation share of 0.001 0.062* 0.067*

0.004 0.051+ 0.067* employment in MSA (0.014) (0.028) (0.026)

(0.062) (0.029) (0.034)

[-0.004] [0.02] [0.021]

[0.001] [0.017] [0.021]

Occupational dissimilarity -0.032* -0.006 0.006

0.045 -0.010 -0.010 index at the MSA level (0.015) (0.046) (0.047)

(0.096) (0.049) (0.047)

[-0.011] [-0.002] [0.002]

[0.013] [-0.003] [-0.003]

Year Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes State Fixed Effects Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes

Occupation Fixed Effects No Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Industry Fixed Effects No Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

MSA Fixed Effects No No Yes

No No No

Observations 16026 15840 15800

4824 13914 13360 R-squared 0.1137 0.1457 0.1541

0.1988 0.1479 0.1558

Standard errors clustered by occupation from which the individual was displaced in parentheses. Marginal effects presented in brackets. +, *, * denote significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1* level, respectively. All models contain the full set of covariates.

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Table 4: Occupation change determinants


Full Sample

Plant Did Not Full Time

1 2 3

Closure Move Job Lost

Log of MSA population -0.024 -0.019 -1.362**

0.032 -0.016 -0.026

(0.022) (0.025) (0.518)

(0.043) (0.029) (0.029)

[-0.008] [-0.006] [-0.41]

[0.01] [-0.009] [-0.008]

Occupation share of -0.093* -0.157** -0.192**

-0.254** -0.152** -0.177** employment in MSA (0.044) (0.045) (0.042)

(0.079) (0.051) (0.061)

[-0.032] [-0.048] [-0.058]

[-0.077] [-0.045] [-0.054]

Occupational dissimilarity 0.021 -0.020 -0.030

-0.053 -0.006 -0.018 index at the MSA level (0.036) (0.069) (0.068)

(0.134) (0.076) (0.074)

[0.007] [-0.006] [-0.009]

[-0.016] [-0.002] [-0.005]

Year Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes State Fixed Effects Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes

Occupation Fixed Effects No Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Industry Fixed Effects No Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

MSA Fixed Effects No No Yes

No No No

Observations 9830 9284 9182

2853 7971 7869 Pseudo R-squared 0.0224 0.1372 0.1524

0.1731 0.1461 0.1424

Standard errors clustered by occupation from which the individual was displaced in parentheses. Marginal effects presented in brackets. +, *, * denote significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1* level, respectively. All models contain the full set of covariates.

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Table 5: Occupational Dissimilarity


Full Sample

Plant Did Not Full Time

1 2 3 Closure Move Job Lost

Log of MSA population -0.000 -0.003 0.098 0.006 -0.000 0.005

(0.010) (0.011) (0.222) (0.021) (0.011) (0.012)

Occupation share of 0.035** 0.022 0.021 0.002 0.027+ 0.004 employment in MSA (0.012) (0.016) (0.015) (0.031) (0.016) (0.021)

Occupational dissimilarity 0.155** 0.144** 0.138** 0.089 0.147** 0.112** index at the MSA level (0.017) (0.036) (0.036) (0.061) (0.041) (0.037)

Year Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes State Fixed Effects Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Occupation Fixed Effects No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Industry Fixed Effects No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes MSA Fixed Effects No No Yes No No No

Observations 6843 6843 6843 2284 5861 5875 R2/Pseudo R2 0.0887 0.2536 0.2781 0.4027 0.2576 0.2739

Standard errors clustered by occupation from which the individual was displaced in parentheses. +, *, * denote significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1* level, respectively. All models contain the full set of covariates.

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Table 6: Heckman selection model estimates

Heckman correction models: Model 1

Model 2

Employed Change Occ

Change Occ Occ Dist

Log of MSA population -0.048* -0.021

-0.019 -0.004

(0.02) (0.027)

(0.024) (0.01)

[-0.015] [-0.006]


Occupation share of 0.061* -0.156**

-0.157** 0.014

employment in MSA (0.029) (0.05)

(0.034) (0.018)

[0.019] [-0.046]


Occupational dissimilarity -0.008 -0.02

-0.02 0.141**

index at the MSA level (0.047) (0.07)

(0.065) (0.029)

[-0.003] [-0.006]


Wald test of indep eqns (p-value) 0.01 (0.92)

0.11 (0.88)

Observations 15964


Standard errors clustered by occupation from which the individual was displaced in parentheses. Marginal effects presented in brackets. +, *, * denote significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1* level, respectively. All equations control for year, state, occupation, and industry fixed effects. All equations contain the full set of covariates.

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Table 7: Tasks versus skills based measures of occupational distance

Distance Measure



Outcome: Employed Change Occ Occ Dist

Employed Change Occ Occ Dist

Log of MSA population -0.048* -0.019 0.098

-0.048* -0.019 -0.008

(0.020) (0.025) (0.222)

(0.020) (0.025) (0.013)

[-0.016] [-0.006]

[-0.016] [-0.006]

Occupation share of 0.062* -0.157** 0.021

0.051* -0.154** -0.021

employment in MSA (0.028) (0.045) (0.015)

(0.025) (0.042) (0.017)

[0.02] [-0.048]

[0.016] [-0.047]

Occupational dissimilarity -0.006 -0.020 0.138**

-0.101* -0.007 -0.003

index at the MSA level (0.046) (0.069) (0.036)

(0.050) (0.060) (0.046)

[-0.002] [-0.006]

[-0.033] [-0.002]

Year Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

State Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Occupation Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Industry Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes MSA Fixed Effects No No No

No No No

Observations 15840 9284 6843

15846 9291 6847 R2/Pseudo R2 0.1457 0.1372 0.2536

0.1459 0.1374 0.2451

Standard errors clustered by occupation from which the individual was displaced in parentheses. Marginal effects presented in brackets. +, *, * denote significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1* level, respectively. All equations control for year, state, occupation, and industry fixed effects. All equations contain the full set of covariates.

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Table 8: Results by educational attainment


Changed Occupation

Occupational Dissimilarity

No Degree Degree

No Degree Degree

No Degree Degree

Log of MSA population -0.039+ -0.071*

0.009 -0.033

0.014 0.002

(0.023) (0.031)

(0.034) (0.040)

(0.016) (0.019)

[-0.012] [-0.021]

[0.002] [-0.01]

Occupation share of 0.081* 0.059+

-0.158** -0.179*

-0.020 0.064+

employment in MSA (0.039) (0.035)

(0.044) (0.073)

(0.040) (0.038)

[0.027] [0.017]

[-0.048] [-0.055]

Occupational dissimilarity -0.019 0.156+

0.070 -0.250*

-0.012 0.039+

index at the MSA level (0.060) (0.092)

(0.107) (0.124)

(0.024) (0.023)

[-0.006] [0.046]

[0.021] [-0.076]

Observations 9598 5917

4857 3851

3898 2945

R2/Pseudo R2 0.1546 0.1658

0.1566 0.1578

0.3358 0.3303

Standard errors clustered by occupation from which the individual was displaced in parentheses. Marginal effects presented in brackets. +, *, * denote significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1* level, respectively. All equations control for year, state, occupation, and industry fixed effects. All equations contain the full set of covariates.

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Table 9: Instrumental variables estimates

Distance measure base:



Outcome: Employed Change

Occ Average Occ Dist


Change Occ

Average Occ Dist

Log of MSA population -0.014* -0.016* -0.002

-0.012+ -0.011 -0.009

(0.007) (0.008) (0.011)

(0.007) (0.008) (0.012)

Occupation share of -0.005 -0.288** 0.035

0.070 -0.160* -0.257* employment in MSA (0.019) (0.058) (0.051)

(0.058) (0.072) (0.129)

Occupational dissimilarity -0.036+ -0.154** 0.166**

0.044 -0.139+ -0.075

index at the MSA level (0.019) (0.046) (0.042)

(0.061) (0.078) (0.114)

Under-identification test (p-value)

10.0 (.02)

15.9 (.00)

15.5 (0.00)

16.3 (.00)

16.6 (.00)

18.3 (.00)

Weak ID Test 454.5 220.5 90.3

109.4 60.2 38.9

J-statistic (p-value)

1.89 (.39)

0.35 (.84)

2.97 (0.23)

0.22 (.63)

0.36 (.55)

2.24 (.13)

Observations 16026 9864 6843

16026 9864 6843 R2/Pseudo R2 0.1847 0.1385 0.2535

0.1831 0.1753 0.2178

Standard errors clustered by occupation from which the individual was displaced in parentheses. +, *, * denote significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1* level, respectively. All equations control for year, state, occupation, and industry fixed effects. All equations contain the full set of covariates.