neuroeconomics: decision making and the brain · neuroeconomics decision making and the brain...

NEUROECONOMICS Decision Making and the Brain SECOND EDITION Edited by P AUL W. GLIMCHER New York University, New York, NY, USA ERNST FEHR University of Zurich, Switzerland AMSTERDAM BOSTON HEIDELBERG LONDON NEW YORK OXFORD PARIS SAN DIEGO SAN FRANCISCO SINGAPORE SYDNEY TOKYO Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier

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NEUROECONOMICSDecision Making and the Brain


PAULW. GLIMCHERNew York University, New York, NY, USA

ERNST FEHRUniversity of Zurich, Switzerland




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Computational and Process Models ofDecision Making in Psychology and

Behavioral EconomicsEric J. Johnson and Roger Ratcliff


Introduction 35History 35

Models of Risky Choice 36Normative Origins 36Descriptive Modifications 36Heuristic Models of Risky Choice 37

Models of Riskless Choice 38Multi Attribute Utility Theory 38Cognitive Limitations and Context

Effects 38Heuristic Models of Riskless

Choice 39

Models of Choice Over Time 39

Computational Process Models 40

Diffusion Models of Rapid Decisions 41Boundaries, Speed-Accuracy, and Bias Effects 42Model Constraints 42Competing Models 43Use in Neuroscience 44

Judgment 44

Conclusion 45

References 45



At first glance, historically, models in decision-making research seem to have very little in commonwith neuroscience. Most decision-making models havebeen concerned with predicting outcomes, or more pre-cisely choices, from a set of inputs, the characteristics ofthe options, and have been mute about the underlyingcognitive and neuronal processes underlying choice.This interest in predicting outcomes has been associatedwith a reliance on algebraic models that specify a trans-formation of these properties of external options to arank ordering of the attractiveness of options, an ideadeveloped in some detail in Chapter 1. These modelssaid little about how the brain and cognition might trans-form these inputs into output.

These days, that first glance would be very mis-leading. Neuroeconomics today makes great use ofboth models that are meant to provide accountsof what should be chosen (normative models) andmodels that describe what is actually chosen (descrip-tive models). This has been facilitated by two impor-tant trends: the first is that there is increasingevidence of brain processes that correspond, in someareas, to the output generated by the mathematicalexpressions employed by some of these historicalmodels. For example, for simple choices, the value ofan option described by some of these models seemsto be encoded by the medial orbitofrontal cortex andventral striatum (see Chapters 8 and 20; Kable andGlimcher, 2007; Knutson et al., 2007; Plassmann et al.,2007; Rangel et al., 2008). The second is thatmodels of decision making are changing: faced with

35Neuroeconomics. DOI: © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

a plethora of possible accounts mapping inputs tooptions, there is an emerging consensus that modelsthat make predictions about additional data, dataemerging from an understanding of cognitive pro-cesses, would both winnow this plethora of possibleaccounts and would help build more robust, usefuland reliable models.

This chapter consists of two parts. The first partdescribes the history of modeling in choice with anemphasis on the psychological, from normative todescriptive and from algebraic to process models.This review of the major areas of the psychologyof decision making focuses on three topics that arecentral to the study of choices: (1) choice underuncertainty (such as deciding whether or not to buya lottery ticket, a stock, or an insurance policy),where the outcomes are uncertain; (2) choice undercertainty where the outcomes are known (such asdeciding which car to buy); and finally (3) choiceacross time (such as deciding whether to study inhopes of doing better in a distant exam or to,instead, party tonight). The second part of this chap-ter illustrates the newer style of computational pro-cess models which describe the psychological andneural processes in addition to predicting choices,and illustrates this class of models in detail usingone important subclass that has had a great impactin neuroscience: diffusion models.


Normative Origins

Most theories of choice are either normative modelsthat advise people about how they should makechoices, or descriptive models, portraying how theyactually make choices. The origins of normativemodels of how to make choice under risk occurredin the eighteenth century, in response to questionspresented by gambling. Recall that most gamblesconsist of a set of outcomes and their associatedprobabilities. Imagine simply flipping a coin to dou-ble your money, say an initial stake of $10, or loseit all. The coin flip gives each outcome a probabilityof .5, and the two outcomes are either $0 or $20. Theearly normative advice about how to choose betweentwo gambles was simply to choose the one with thehighest expected payoff:


pðxÞUx ð3:1Þ

where x is the payoff for each outcome, 1. . .X, and p isthe probability associated with that outcome. Thus,

in our coin flip example, .53 $01 .53 $205 $10.However appealing the idea of weighting payoffs bytheir probability might have been in this early expectedvalue theory, this approach implied the uncomfortablefact that the value of each increasing dollar to everychooser was the same: it required that the pleasure gen-erated by increasing one’s wealth, x, from $10 to $20 is,according to Expected Value, exactly the same as theimpact of an increase from $999,980 to $1,000,000.

In response to this uncomfortable fact, Bernoulli(1738) proposed that the decision maker should insteadpick the gamble with the highest expected utility where:


pðxÞuðxÞ ð3:2Þ

The function that maps actual wealth, x, on thex-axis into utility for wealth, u(x), is in this formulationno longer linear but usually “concave,” for example,a power function of the form, u(x)5 xθ, where θ is anumber less than or equal to 1. The exponent θ is thusa parameter that describes the curvature of this func-tion and serves as an index of an individual’s degreeof risk aversion. Put another way θ, 1 corresponds tomoney having diminishing marginal returns, a pointdeveloped in Chapter 1. This idea of expected utilityhas been the dominant normative theory in economics,in part because von Neumann and Morgenstern (1953)provided an intuitively appealing axiomatic founda-tion for expected utility (EU) maximization, whichmade it a normatively attractive decision criterion notonly for repeated decisions in the long run, butwhen extended by Savage (1954) also for unique riskydecisions even when the true probabilities are notknown to the decision maker. Here we gloss over thevery foundational conceptual differences between theclassical economic approach of Bernoulli and the neo-classical approach of von Neumann and Morgensternthat are the subject of Chapter 1.

Descriptive Modifications

Starting as early as the 1950s, empirical evidence,however, began to cast doubt on EU as a descriptivechoice model (Allais, 1953). While these data did notcatch the attention of many economists, by the early1970s there were a significant number of empiricalobservations that could not be accounted for byexpected utility (Kahneman and Tversky, 1979; see Wuet al., 2004 for a historical overview). While there hadbeen piecemeal attempts to account for each of the fail-ures of expected utility, prospect theory (Kahnemanand Tversky, 1984; Kahneman and Tversky, 1979)presented three major changes to expected utilityintended to account for many of these known failures



as well as several new problems identified by Kahnemanand Tversky (see the Appendix for a detailed descrip-tion of prospect theory). These changes were: (1) intro-ducing a transformation relating objective probabilitiesto subjective probabilities; (2) defining outcomes(utilities) not on total wealth as in expected utility butrather on gains and losses relative to a dynamic referencepoint; and (3) allowing losses to have a differentmapping into value than that of gains, a phenomenonthey called loss aversion.

Prospect theory is a descriptive theory of choicebecause it attempts to describe the choices that peoplemake, and not, like a normative theory, how choicesshould be made. In the intervening three decades, pros-pect theory has flourished as the leading descriptivemodel of decision under risk, and has been used toaccount for many empirical phenomena (Kahnemanand Tversky, 2000). There have been many successfulattempts at implementing prospect theory in realisticsettings such as medical decision making (Bleichrodtet al., 2001), consumer reactions to supermarket prices(Hardie et al., 1993) and behavior in labor and realestate markets (Camerer et al., 1997; Genesove andMayer, 2001). Paralleling recent developments in neu-roscience, individual differences in prospect theoryparameters are serving as explanations for differencesin observed behavior in games (Tanaka et al., 2010)and researchers have developed technologies for mea-suring these parameters quickly (Toubia et al., 2012).For a comprehensive review of prospect theory see theAppendix; for a review of its applications see Wakker(2010) and Camerer (2004).

Several different descriptive theories have, however,emerged as alternative mappings between options andchoices (for example: Birnbaum, 2008; Birnbaum et al.,1999; Loomes, 2010; Loomes and Sugden, 1982). Onerobust set of findings is that the rank order of theoutcomes matters: the extreme outcomes of a gamblehave more impact on choices than would be expected.In economics, these so-called rank-dependent models(see Quiggin, 1993 for a review) and Tversky andKahneman’s Cumulative Prospect Theory (Tversky andKahneman, 1992) were developed to address theseresults. The basic intuition that guides these models isthat decision makers give more weight to outcomesthat are particularly good, or particularly bad in theset of possible outcomes when considering the relativevalues of the available options.

These models have been very successful in predict-ing choice, and in establishing insights into phenomenasuch as framing and loss aversion. For all of their suc-cess and impact however, prospect theory and

these related models share important properties withexpected value and expected utility theories: they definea mapping between characteristics of the objects underconsideration and their value, but are mute to the cogni-tive computations that may construct this mapping(Brandstatter et al., 2006; Johnson et al., 2008), as in factdo most of the alternatives to this class of theory.

Two particular properties of this entire class ofmodels that they share are: (1) the assumption that out-comes are weighted by their probabilities; and (2) thatall outcomes are examined. Thus, if the decision makeris faced with a complex decision with hundreds ofoutcomes, all must be examined and combined. As wewill see, this is an important feature, perhaps even aconstraint, to which we will turn next.

Heuristic Models of Risky Choice

Developed in response to these observations, heuristicmodels (see Payne et al., 1993 for a review) describeshortcuts for making a choice or judgment that do notnecessarily include these two properties. For riskychoice, heuristic models differ from the precedingclasses of integration models with regard to both proper-ties we have described: first, these models do notalways weight outcomes by their probabilities. Insteadthey may, for example, calculate the differences in pay-offs (Gonzalez-Vallejo, 2002; Gonzalez-Vallejo et al.,2003; Tversky, 1969), or make a series of comparisonssuch as which gamble has the biggest and most likelyoutcome (Brandstatter et al., 2006). Second, they mayintentionally ignore available information; they may forexample not even consider outcomes with small payoffsor small probabilities. If a gamble has a small probabil-ity (say .01) of a small outcome (say losing $.10) thisoption might be ignored entirely during the decisionprocess. These approaches present a stark contrast withintegration models, such as prospect theory.1

Heuristic models have strengths and weaknesses. Oneimportant strength is that they often make predictions ofnot only what is chosen, but also make predictions forother characteristics of the choice process, such as howlong it will take to make a choice (reaction time), or whatinformation will and will not be examined while makinga choice. This kind of information can be very impor-tant in separating models, because often very differentmodels can make very similar predictions. For example,the priority heuristic (Brandstatter et al., 2006) proposedthat people made choices through a series of compari-sons: first compare the amounts to win in the minimumoutcome, then the probabilities of the minimumoutcome, then the amounts of the maximum outcome.

1The original description of prospect theory described similar ideas as editing operations that were applied before gambles were




At each stage, if the difference between the optionsexceeds 10%, the process stops and the gamble betteron that attribute is chosen. This process seems very dif-ferent from the process implied by integration modelslike prospect theory or expected utility, which bothweight outcomes by their probabilities and look at allinformation. Despite these differences, the priorityheuristic makes choices that are very similar to prospecttheory and in some cases fit the data better. If it werenot for the predictions about what information is exam-ined, the two models would both be strong candidatesas choice models. However, when one examines theinformation that is acquired by the decision maker,the priority heuristic appears to be a poor predictorof information choice (Johnson et al., 2008). That is animportant distinction for fields like neuroeconomicswhere the underlying process is of tremendousimportance.

More generally, the emphasis in heuristic models onmaking predictions for different kinds of heuristicbehavior, and not just choices, is a real strength: bymaking predictions for multiple dependent measures,extra constraints are placed on the model and modelsthat mimic on one measure can often be discriminatedwhen both measures are examined. At the same time,these models have not reached the point where they areeasily applied to real-world decision problems: thereis not much in the way of off-the-shelf technology thatallows these models to be applied to problems ofconsumer choice and public policy, for example. Thus,models like expected utility, and to a lesser extent,prospect theory, remain the mainstay of applications.


Multi Attribute Utility Theory

Riskless choices involve choosing options where theoutcomes are known, like buying a car or smartphone,and these options are usually thought of as consistingof a set of features or attributes. In the case of a car,these attributes might include price, gas mileage,room, appearance, and acceleration.

The history of riskless choice, in many ways, paral-lels the origins of the choice models described above.The multi-attribute utility model served, in many waysthe role of expected utility in more classical models.In such a model the utility of an offer is defined as:

Ui 5α1XQ

q51Viq ð3:3Þ

where Viq�fq(Xiq) represents a possibly nonlinear valuefunction for the qth attribute of the alternative i. Thismodel has lesser normative status because it does not

originate from a strong set of appealing axioms, butthe similarities between this model and expectedutility are striking. In this framework, all the pieces ofinformation about each of the alternatives consideredare summed, producing an aggregate utility for eachof the alternatives. In our car example, each attributeof each car, like price or gas mileage has a value(called a part-worth in the marketing literature), theViq in the equation above, and these are summed intoan overall utility for each car, the Ui. In some of themost popular versions of this model, the probabilityof an option being chosen is given by the p(choosingoption i)5Ui/

PUi or the ratio of the utility of the

option over the sum of the utilities of all the options.This property is called the Luce Choice Axiom (Luce,1977).

These models and their close relatives have been thedriving force behind much applied work in manysocial sciences, in particular in marketing and econom-ics and have been useful in thousands of studies.However, such value maximization models (Tverskyand Simonson, 1993) make two kinds of strong predic-tions that suggest that they do not correspond to theunderlying psychological properties that are actuallyproducing these choices in people. As detailed in thenext section, these concern both predictions for choiceprobabilities as the number of options changes, andpredictions for the choice process itself.

Cognitive Limitations and Context Effects

The multi-attribute utility model, as a descriptivemodel, falls short on two grounds. The first problem isthe assumption that the value of an option should beindependent of the choice set. To illustrate briefly, con-sider Figure 3.1, and imagine that a decision maker isfaced with choosing between two choice options t (fortarget) and c (for competitor). Figure 3.1 plots theoptions in a space defined by two attributes. We areinterested in how the proportion of choices in a set ofdecision makers might change when we add thirdoptions, called decoys (and labeled d in Figure 3.1) todifferent places in Figure 3.1. If choices obey the Lucechoice axiom (as we might hope they would), addingan option can only reduce the share of existing options,because the option can only make the denominator inthe ratio larger, lowering its probability. This propertyis called regularity, and says that, if a set of decisionmakers chose between c and t, then the addition of da

can only reduce the share of choices of both (Huberet al., 1982; Tversky and Simonson, 1993). Empirically,however, the choice share of the t is usually increased,a result known as the attraction effect because da

seems to attract choices to t.



More generally, these violations are termed contexteffects (discussed in more detail in Chapter 24), becausethe characteristic of the choice set, the context of thechoice, influences what is chosen. Two other contexteffects also pose problems for most multi-attributeanalysis, compromise, in which the addition of dc inFigure 3.1 increases the share of t more than predictedby value maximization and similarity, where the addi-tion of ds reduces the share of t more than predicted.Together these three context effects provide a strongset of constraints for models of riskless choice thathave not yet been entirely met by current models.

The second challenge is plausibility: as was the casefor integration models of risky choice such as expectedutility and prospect theory, a multi-attribute utilitymodel of riskless choice must by design considerall relevant information, for all the alternatives. Thisseems computationally implausible for larger sets ofoptions and attributes. This is, essentially, the sameassumption that proved problematic for risky choice.Patterns of information search have been examinedusing eye movement recording, verbal reports, andmanual information acquisition, all of which show thatfor large choice sets some information is ignored. Infact, a common pattern of search suggests that multi-ple processes are employed with large sets of options:the first compares the options on a limited number ofattributes, followed by a closer and more completeexamination of a small subset of attributes. The obser-vation that decision makers can be quite selective ininformation acquisition, particularly with larger sets ofoptions and attributes, supports the idea that heuristicshortcuts are involved in riskless choice as well.

Heuristic Models of Riskless Choice

Together, these considerations led to the develop-ment of a set of simplified choice procedures for

making choices. Paralleling heuristics for risky choice,these heuristic models both ignore information andcombine information using shortcuts such as directcomparison or by computing differences. A large listof potential alternative choice procedures arose fromthese changes in assumptions. One example would beelimination by aspects (Tversky, 1972), a model thatsuggests that a decision maker has a cutoff for eachattribute (for price: “I won’t buy any car costing morethan $30,000”) and compares each to that standard,selecting the option that first passes all of these cutoffs.Other heuristic choice procedures include comparisonof alternatives on each attribute, the additive differencerule (Russo and Dosher, 1983; Tversky, 1969), and pro-cedures that chose the alternative that is best on themost important attribute, a lexicographic procedure(Johnson and Payne, 1985; Gigerenzer and Goldstein,1996). These heuristics stand in stark contrast to theidea that the value of each option is calculated exhaus-tively, an idea that motivates much contemporaryneuroeconomic thinking about choice. But that may bechanging. It has recently been argued that relativeevaluation, how options compare to each other, is avery important, if not the most important, componentof choice even in a neuroeconomic domain (Vlaevet al., 2011).

While there are clearly a profusion of models, therichness of description seems necessary to understandchoice in complex settings with many options and/orattributes. But this richness may also be a weakness:many different procedures appear to be used, even inthe course of a simple decision (Payne et al., 1991).This complexity makes the application of these proce-dures for understanding choice challenging, and theseapplications have been quite limited.


A third major stream of theory concerns choicethat involves time, a subject dealt with in detail inChapter 10. This is, prototypically, a choice between asmaller reward that is received sooner, and a largerreward that is received afterwards. Again an algebraicinput�output model, discounted utility, has served asthe basis for much theoretical and empirical work andhas normative basis in a set of axioms (Rubinstein andFishburn, 1986). The basic idea of the model is that oneassumes two things: first that the longer one has towait for a reward the less it is worth and second thatthis rate of decline in value with delay is exponential.That is to say that the value of a reward is assumed todecline by a constant fraction at each period of time.The standard form for this model describes the utilityof consuming a reward at each time period as simply

0 1 2 3 4 5










Attribute 2



d sd a

d c

FIGURE 3.1 Context effects in choice.



the product of the reward’s intrinsic utility and thefractional decline in value imposed by a delay ofduration d:

Uðx; dÞ5UðxÞαd ð3:4Þ

where the utility of x is reduced by a proportion α,each time period or α to the d for each of the d timeperiods. The proportion, α is often called the discountrate.

While the idea was not originally thought of as anormative model (Frederick et al., 2002), this equationhas been appealing, in part, because it has a markedsimilarity to the standard formulas for discountingcash flows and compounding interest in the financialworld.

While this form has been the dominant model andbasis for extensive work in economics, empirically,there have been many departures from its predictions.In their classic review Frederick et al. (2002) describeseveral findings that are inconsistent with DiscountedUtility. The first, hyperbolic discounting, refers to thefact that the empirically observed discount rate is notconstant but decreases with time; the longer the delaythe lower the apparent discount rate. The second, themagnitude effect, refers to the fact that the observeddiscount rate depends upon the amounts involved,with larger amounts being discounted at lower rates.Finally while the model would say that discountingshould be constant independent of whether one isaccelerating a reward closer to now, moving consump-tion forward, or delaying a reward to later in time,the direction effect shows that the observed rate of dis-counting depends on whether one is accelerating ordelaying a reward. Roughly speaking, people areabout twice as impatient when a reward is delayedthan when it is pushed forward.

The first of these anomalies is usually modeledby changing the way that rewards are valued, fromassuming a constant discount rate to one which dis-counts rewards more when they will be receivedsooner, these models are called hyperbolic (Kirby andHerrnstein, 1995) or quasi-hyperbolic (Laibson, 1997)models and have been the subject of intense interestand debate in neuroscience, much of which is dis-cussed in Chapter 10 (Glimcher et al., 2007; Kableand Glimcher, 2007; McClure et al., 2007, 2004). Incontrast, modeling the other two anomalies has notdrawn as much attention until recently. Scholten andRead (2010) have recently proposed a model that pro-vides accounts for all three anomalies. It, like many ofthe heuristic models of risky and riskless choice sug-gests that decision makers compare the rewards thatwill be received and the times at which they will bereceived.

An additional anomaly concerns discount ratesthemselves. In real economic settings there should bea relationship between how much it costs to borrowmoney, the market interest rate, and a person’sdiscount rate. The reason is simple: if one is temptedby an immediate reward, but if waiting increases thereward, one could always borrow the larger amountnow, and repay the loan when the larger amountarrives. This is profitable if the discount implied bythe choice is greater than the cost of borrowing. Thus,people should never choose a smaller sooner optionif the rewards to waiting are larger than the cost ofborrowing. However, not only are stated personaldiscount rates higher than the cost of borrowing insurveys and laboratory experiments, but this is alsotrue in classic field studies with real and financiallycostly choices. For example, members of the militaryfrequently chose lump sum payments (Warner andPleeter, 2001) rather than a series of payments thatwere much larger, implying a personal discount rate ofover 20%. There is to date no formal model thataccounts for this, but the idea that people overestimatefuture money and time resources (Zauberman andLynch, 2005) is one appealing explanation. There isboth behavioral (Read et al., 2005) and neural evidence(Peters and Buchel, 2010) that the predicted accessibil-ity mediates discounting: concrete dates for futureevents increases patience.


A separate effort to model very simple choicesoriginated in psychology over the last 30 years thatdiffers in several ways from the models described inthe previous section. The main domain of study forthese popular models has been the analysis of tasksthat require two alternative decisions that are madereasonably quickly in what is assumed to be a one-step process. Decisions with mean reaction times(RTs) less than 1.0�2.0 s are the typical subject ofthese models. Very importantly, these models makepredictions not only about the choices of subjects butalso about other features of the decision processlike the RTs or the reported confidence that subjectshave in their decisions. This is a point developed indetail in Chapter 13.

Such models have recently been quite influential inneuroscience, in part because the tasks they describeare close to the simple tasks typically used in bothhuman brain imaging experiments and in the study ofnonhuman primate decision making. They have alsobeen influential because they make specific predictionsabout the structure of the underlying neural processes.The remainder of the chapter focuses on one class of



these models that has proven to be very useful, diffu-sion models. Two closely related accounts, importantbecause they have been able to account for some con-text effects of the kind described above are: DecisionField Theory (described in Chapter 4; Roe et al., 2001)and Leaky Competing Accumulator Models (Usherand McClelland, 2004).


Diffusion models assume that noisy information isaccumulated to one of two or more decision criteria,and that the time taken by the model to reach a crite-rion accounts for the response time (RT) distributionsobserved for both correct and error responses made bysubjects. In the classic diffusion model of Ratcliff andcolleagues (Ratcliff, 1978; Ratcliff and McKoon, 2008),we begin by assuming a process which drifts to theright at a constant rate from an initial position asshown in Figure 3.2. Typically time is treated as a dis-crete variable that starts at 0. The horizontal positionof the particle at any time, t, is thus simply t. The parti-cle is hypothesized to diffuse upward or downward asmall amount at each increment of time with theupward and downward directions reflecting twopossible alternatives in a two alternative choice task.The magnitude of the particle’s diffusion is controlledby the amount of evidence provided to the modelin that increment supporting either the “upward” or“downward” decision. The vertical position of theparticle at any given point of time thus reflects thesum of the evidence for the upwards and downwardsdecisions available at that time. Once the particle isobserved to cross a fixed upper or lower criterion line,the model records a decision, as shown in Figure 3.2.If, as is usually assumed to be the case, the evidence isnoisy or stochastic then the path traced by the processenroute to the boundaries will vary from repetition to

repetition � yielding an estimate of the reaction timedistribution for each alternative under any given set ofconditions.

To take a concrete example, consider a brightnessdiscrimination task in which subjects report whetheror not a stimulus is brighter or darker than someremembered reference intensity. In a diffusion modelof that decision-making process, a bright stimulus willinduce a positive drift rate (towards the top boundary)and if the accumulated evidence reaches the topboundary, a “bright” response is executed � a “dark”response would then correspond to the bottom bound-ary. In Figure 3.2A, the arrows show the drift ratefrom the starting point to the “bright” boundary for abright stimulus (red arrow), a slightly bright stimulus(green arrow) and a dark stimulus (blue arrow).

The three paths in Figure 3.2A show three differentdecisions all from the same drift rate. Because the deci-sion process is noisy, particles can of course occasion-ally hit the wrong boundary, produce error responseslike those observed in behavior. Interestingly, bothcorrect responses and errors show right-skewed distri-butions of response times consistently with the sameshape just like those observed in real behavior (seeRatcliff and McKoon, 2008, Figure 8). This is one of thevery powerful things about the model. Empirical RTdistributions are right skewed with an approx.exponential tail and hundreds of subjects have been fitthat keep showing this shape. The diffusion modelkeeps producing exactly this shape.

Non-Decision Component

Outside of the accumulation of evidence capturedby the drifting particle, there are other processes suchas stimulus encoding, memory access, and movementprocesses that produce the behavioral response of thesubject. There is also the process of transforming thestimulus representation into a decision-related variablethat drives the decision process. These components ofprocessing take time that is not captured directly by



(A) (B) (C)

FIGURE 3.2 (A) Quality of evidence from perception or memory. (B) Speed/accuracy tradeoff reflected in boundary separation changes.(C) Bias towards top boundary (blue) changes to bias towards bottom boundary (red).



the model and are combined into one “non-decision”component which has a mean duration of Ter. The totalprocessing time for a decision is thus taken to be thesum of the time taken by the decision process and thetime taken by the non-decision component.

Boundaries, Speed-Accuracy, and Bias Effects

Experiments have examined biasing subjects usinginstructions such as “be fast” or “be accurate,” byrewarding the two responses differentially or by mak-ing one response more likely to be correct than theother. Perhaps surprisingly, nearly all of these variablescan be captured in the model by adjusting the locationsof the upper and lower criteria, or boundaries. Forexample, as shown by the red arrows in Figure 3.2B,responses can be speeded at the expense of a highererror rate by moving the decision criteria closer to eachother, from the blue to the red settings. The model canbe biased toward one versus another response by mov-ing the decision criteria from the blue to red settings asin Figure 3.2C. And perhaps most interesting is theobservation that changes in accuracy and RT withmanipulations that change either the speed�accuracytradeoff or that induce bias in responding are wellaccounted for by changes in the simple boundaries thatrepresent the two decision criteria.

Across-Trial Variability

There was a significant problem with early modelsof these kinds, which were originally implementedas random walk models (the discrete version of a dif-fusion process) (Stone, 1960), as well as with the sim-plest diffusion model. If the starting point is midwaybetween the boundaries, correct and error RT distribu-tions are identical � a feature that is not observed inreal data. One way to handle this problem is to allowmodel parameters to vary from trial-to-trial. If

parameters are drawn from a distribution, observedpatterns of correct versus error RTs are easily pro-duced. This is presumed to reflect the notion that sub-jects cannot hold the parameter values exactly constantfrom one trial to the next (Ratcliff, 2013). There isdirect evidence for variability in drift rates from trialto trial in perceptual judgments using single trial EEGregressors to divide data based on the quality of thestimulus as judged by the electrical signal (regressor).Drift rate estimates differ as a function of the regressor(Ratcliff et al., 2009).

Figure 3.3 illustrates how this mixing of parametersworks with just two values of the parameter insteadof with a full distribution as would normally be done.Figure 3.3A shows two drift rates, the red one pro-duces high accuracy and fast responses, the blue oneproduces lower accuracy and slow responses. Themixture of these produces slow errors because 5% ofthe 400-ms process averaged with 20% of the 600-msprocess gives a weighted mean of 560 ms which isslower than the weighted mean for correct responses(491 ms). Figure 3.3B shows the effect of differentstarting points: the red distributions are for processesthat start further away from the correct boundary.Processes that start near to the correct boundary havefew errors and the errors are slow (because there is agreater distance to travel), while processes thatstart further away have more errors and the errors arefast. The combination leads to errors faster than correctresponses.

Model Constraints

The separation of drift rate from the decision crite-ria and non-decision processes is one key contributionof the model. In the model, stimulus difficulty affectsdrift rate but not criteria, and speed�accuracy shiftsare represented in the criteria, not the drift rate.

RT = 400 msPr = 0.95

RT = 400 msPr = 0.05

WeightedMean RT= 491 ms Weighted

Mean RT= 396 ms

WeightedMean RT= 560 ms

WeightedMean RT= 370 ms



Error responses Error responses

a av v



(A) (B)


z = a/2

RT = 600 msPr = 0.80

Pr = 0.80RT = 450 ms

Pr = 0.95RT = 350 ms

Pr = 0.05RT = 450 ms

RT = 600 msPr = 0.20

Pr = 0.20RT = 350 ms



FIGURE 3.3 (A) Effect of different drift rates. (B) Effect of different starting points.



Thus if difficulty varies, changes in drift rate alonemust accommodate all the changes in performance-accuracy and the changes in the spreads and locationsof the correct and error RT distributions. Likewise,changes in the criteria affect all the aspects of perfor-mance. In these ways, the model is tightly constrainedby data.

Model Fitting

It is important to note that to fit this model todata, accuracy and RT distributions for correct anderror responses have to be simultaneously fitted asdescribed in the next chapter. Also, it is worth notingthat in any data set there is a potential problemimposed by so-called outlier RTs (Ratcliff, 1993). Tofit RT distributions, a good compromise that reducesthe influence of outliers is to use quantiles of the RTdistribution and fit the model to the proportion ofresponses between the quantiles. Because propor-tions are used, accuracy is automatically included inthis computation. For details of how to fit the modelto data, see Ratcliff and Tuerlinckx (2002) and fittingpackages by Vandekerckhove and Tuerlinckx (2007)and Voss and Voss (2007).

Mapping from Accuracy and RT to Drift Rate

In simple tasks, as task difficulty increases, accuracygoes from near 100% correct to chance (50% correct)and RT changes from fast to slow. An example of thisis shown in Figure 3.4 in a simple numerosity discrimi-nation task in which an array of asterisks is presentedon the screen and subjects have to decide whether thenumber is larger or smaller than 50. The diffusionmodel was fitted to these data and the right panelshows drift rate, which is approximately linear. Thisshows that the diffusion model (which fits the accu-racy values as well as RT distributions for correctand error responses) extracts a simple (in this case)linear function from the nonlinear accuracy and RTfunctions.


One aspect of research on diffusion models inpsychology is in their applications to answer questionsabout the effects of differences in groups of subjectsand individual differences among subjects. Theseapplications are usually embedded in the literatures of,for example, aging, clinical applications, development,sleep deprivation, ADHD, dyslexia, numeracy, and soon. In aging research, for example, in many but not alltasks, age does not affect drift rates but does result ina larger non-decision time and wider boundary settings(though boundary separation can be altered in olderadults by convincing them it is ok to go faster at theexpense of making a few more errors). In the samestudies, differences in IQ across individuals within agegroups affect drift rates but not non-decision times orboundary separations. The values of these three modelparameters for each subject are highly correlated acrosstasks which show that the model uncovers stable indi-vidual differences in quite different tasks (e.g., numer-acy, word/nonword discrimination, and memory, seeRatcliff et al., 2010, 2011). This set of dissociations pro-duces quite a different view of the effect of age on speedof processing. Also, the size of these effects is large andindividual differences three- to five-times larger thanestimation error are achieved in just one 40-min sessionof data collection per task. From a practical point ofview, because of the stable individual differencesobtained from fitting the model, this approach offersthe possibility of practical applications in clinical andneuropsychological testing domains.

Competing Models

The diffusion model described to this point is one ofa class of models that have related features. Othersinclude the leaky competing accumulator model(Usher and McClelland, 2001) that assumes two racingdiffusion processes, and the linear ballistic accumula-tor (Brown and Heathcote, 2008) that assumes two rac-ing deterministic accumulators. Both these models also






0.020 40 60Number of asterisks




e” r


nses 700

20 40 60Number of asterisks

80 200 40 60Number of asterisks




n R

T (







t rat







FIGURE 3.4 Numerosity discrimination.



assume variability in model components across trials.In studies that have been carried out, interpretations ofthe major effects of different independent variables arethe same across the models (Donkin et al., 2011;Ratcliff et al., 2005). This means, that within reason,conclusions from one model will produce about thesame conclusions for the other model.

Multichoice Decision Making, Confidence,and Simple RT

The two-choice diffusion model is quite well estab-lished, but there is considerably less research on (but agrowing interest in) how these models can be extendedto choice problems with more than two optionsbeing considered. It is more difficult to conduct welldesigned experiments that vary the number of alterna-tives alone and there is more model freedom becausedifferent parameters are needed for the differentchoices. Models have been advanced to examine visualsearch (Basso and Wurtz, 1998; Purcell et al., 2010)to motion discrimination (Niwa and Ditterich, 2008),and other more cognitive approaches (Leite andRatcliff, 2010). Also, confidence judgments in decisionsand memory are multichoice decision and these arebeing seriously attacked (Pleskac and Busemeyer,2010; Ratcliff and Starns, (in press); Van Zandt, 2002).In many of these approaches, a variety of competingmodels are compared, but as yet, conclusions aboutwhich architectures are more promising are only juststarting to develop.

In contrast, relatively little work has been donerecently on simple RT or “one-choice” decisions. Inthese kinds of tasks, there is only one key to hit whena stimulus is detected. Ratcliff and Van Dongen (2011)presented a model that used a single diffusion processto represent the process accumulating evidence. Themain application was to the psychomotor vigilancetask, a task in which the subject is seated in front ofa millisecond timer which starts some variable timeafter the prior response. The data are a single RT dis-tribution and the model is designed to fit that (there isno accuracy measure). Results showed good fits, andthat drift rate tracked an independent measure of alert-ness. There were correlations in drift rates for a simplebrightness detection task and a two-choice brightnessdiscrimination task. These results provided validationbeyond goodness of fit of the model to data.

Use in Neuroscience

One of the major advances in understanding decisionmaking is in neuroscience applications using single cellrecording in monkeys (and rats), and human brainactivity including fMRI, EEG, and MEG. All thesedomains have had interactions between diffusion modeltheory and neuroscience measures. Hanes and Schall

(1996) suggested a connection between diffusion modelsand single cell recording data, and this was taken upin work by Shadlen and colleagues (e.g., Gold andShadlen, 2001). Ratcliff and colleagues (2003) showedthat the buildup in single neuron activity in the monkeysuperior colliculus neurons was mirrored by simulatedpaths in a diffusion model, so that the average of anumber of paths moving to a decision bound in themodel matched the average firing rate for neuronsinvolved in producing a decision. Pouget and collea-gues (2011) have used single cell data (from the fron-tal eye fields) and behavioral data in a visual searchparadigm with monkeys to discriminate among clas-ses of diffusion models. Their research program isaimed at directly linking neural and behavioral levelsof analysis by using the input from one class ofvisual neurons in the FEF to drive decision-relatedneurons. There have also been significant modelingefforts to related models based on spiking neurons todiffusion models (e.g., Deco et al., 2012; Roxin andLedberg, 2008; Wong and Wang, 2006). Diffusionmodels are also being used in human neuroscienceusing fMRI and EEG techniques, although often innon-reaction time tasks. One effort is to look forstimulus independent areas that implement decisionmaking (e.g., vmPFC, Heekeren et al., 2004). Otherapproaches have mapped diffusion model parametersonto EEG signals (Philiastides et al., 2006). Reviewingthis research would require a chapter by itself, andindeed, Chapters 8 and 20 provide just such reviews.


We have emphasized choice in our short review ofconcepts from Judgment and Decision-making research.There are many other topics, normally grouped underthe label of “judgment” that should be of interest toneuroeconomics. Concepts in areas such as probabilisticinference have strong parallels to the issues that we haveexamined in choice: there are normative models in manycases, and heuristic models that have more descriptiveaccuracy, but known departures from normative pre-dictions. One general theme that might be both usefulfor, and informed by neuroeconomics is the idea ofattribute substitution (Kahneman, 2003; Morewedgeand Kahneman, 2010; Shah and Oppenheimer, 2008).The basic idea pursued in this line of research is thatif one is trying to estimate one quantity, such as thesoundness of an argument, one might, without aware-ness, substitute another quantity that is easier to com-pute or more available, such as the ease with which onecan read the font in which the argument is presented.These, and many other related issues would benefit



from an understanding of the neural substrate of thesemeta-cognitive processes.


In this brief overview, we have shown two differentapproaches used in psychology to model choice. Thefirst, with a long historical tradition covers both simpleand complex choices in three different domains: deci-sions under risk, riskless choice, and over time. Whilebroadly they can predict choices in many domains,the development of concerns with underlying cognitiveand neuronal processes is relatively recent. This contrastswith more recent computational process models that areconcerned with simpler choices but make predictions forchoices and errors, and have a strong conceptual connec-tion to neural firing rates. As seen in Chapter 8, we arestarting to see models at the intersection of the two, forexample explaining context effects using a type of diffu-sion model. We think this melding of approaches is avery promising area for future explorations.


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