neural network and fuzzy logic(lec2)

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  • 8/6/2019 Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic(Lec2)


    NN and FL -5th Software Engg. 1

    Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic EC5245


    Dr. Tahani Abdalla Attia

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    NN and FL -5th Software Engg. 2

    Architectures of Artificial Neural Networks:

    Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) have grown in popularity in the

    last ten years as novel architectures and algorithms have developed

    for solving a range of different problems. Many of the applications

    fall into one of two groupings: those which involve the allocation of

    patterns to known classes (pattern classification or supervised

    learning) and those which involve clustering of patterns into similar

    groups (unsupervised learning). General schematic diagrams forarchitecture of a neural network can be as shown in the following


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    NN and FL -5th Software Engg. 3

    Architectures of Artificial Neural Networks:

    Three different classes of network


    single-layer feed-forward neurons are organized multi-layer feed-forward in acyclic layers


    The architecture of a neural network is linked

    with the learning algorithm used to train

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    Single Layer Feed-forward

    Input layer


    source nodes

    Output layerof


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    Multi layer feed-forward





    Hidden Layer

    3-4-2 Network

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    Feedforward Neural Network

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    The neurons are arranged in separatelayers

    There is no connection between the

    neurons in th

    e same layer The neurons in one layer receive inputs

    from the previous layer

    The neurons in one layer delivers its

    output to th

    e next layer

    The connections are unidirectional (Hierarchical)

    Feedforward Neural Network

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    Fully Connected Feedforward Multilayer Perceptron With Biases

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    Neural Network With Feedback (Recurrent )

    Some connections are present from a layer to the previous layers

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    There is no hierarchical arrangementThe connections can be bidirectional

    Associative Neural Network

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    Part of a large initially random network

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    Attractor Neural Network

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    3-8-8-2 Neural Network

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    EX. Advanced System Modeling and Control of Bioregenerative Life Support

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    Ex.Feedforward ANN designed and tested for prediction oftactical air combat maneuvers .

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    NN and FL -5th Software Engg. 18

    Computational neurobiologists have constructed very elaborate

    computer models of neurons in order to run detailed

    simulations of particular circuits in the brain. As Computer

    Scientists, we are more interested in the general properties ofneural networks, independent of how they are actually

    "implemented" in the brain. This means that we can use much

    simpler, abstract "neurons", which (hopefully) capture the essence of neural computation even if they leave out much of the

    details of how biological neurons work.


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    Neuron Abstraction


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    Simple Artificial Neuron

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    Simple Artificial NeuronOur basic computational element (model neuron) is often called a

    node orunit. It receives input from some other units, or perhaps

    from an external source. Each input has an associated weight w,

    which can be modified so as to model synaptic learning. The unit

    computes some functionfof the weighted sum of its inputs:

    Its output, in turn, can serve as input to other units.

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    NN and FL -5th Software Engg. 22

    Simple Artificial Neuron

    The weighted sum is called the net input to unit i,

    often written neti


    Note that wij

    refers to the weight from unit j to unit i (not the

    other way around).

    The functionfis the unit's activation function. In the simplest

    case,fis the identity function, and the unit's output is just its net

    input. This is called a linear unit.

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    Simple neuron models, with and without bias

    ( )a f w p b!

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    Where, the scalar input p is transmitted through a connection

    that multiplies its strength by the scalar weight w, to form the

    product wp, again a scalar. Here the weighted input wp is the

    only argument of the transfer function f, which produces the

    scalar output a of the neuron on the left. The neuron on the

    right has a scalar bias, b. One may view the bias as simply

    being added to the product wp as shown by the summing

    junction or as shifting the function f to the left by an amountb. The bias is much like a weight, except that it has a

    constant input of 1

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    NN and FL -5th Software Engg. 25

    Most commonly used transfer functions are; the hard-limit

    transfer function, the linear transfer function, the log sigmoid

    transfer function and the hyperbolic tangential sigmoid

    transfer function.

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    Neuron model with vector input

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    The output is then:

    a=f(W P+ b)

    Where, p is the input vector.

    n=w1,1p1+w1,2p2+... + w1,R pR + b

    If the input to a neuron is a vector, the individual element

    inputs are multiplied (dot product) by weights and the

    weighted values are fed to the summing junction. Then

    added to bias and passed to the assigned transfer function.

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    A layer of neurons:

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    In this network, each element of the input vector p is

    connected to each neuron input through the weight matrix

    W. The ith neuron has a summer that gathers its weighted

    inputs and bias to form its own scalar output n (i). Various

    n(i)s taken together form an S-element net input vector n.

    Finally, the neuron layer outputs form a column vector a.

    The expression fora be as follows:

    a =f(W p +b)

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    1,1 1,2 1,

    2,1 2,2 2,

    ,1 ,2 ,



    S S S R

    w w w

    w w w

    w w w





    M O M


    The input vector elements enter the network through the weight

    matrix W, where W is represented as in the following equation :

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    Multiple Layers Neurons

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    The above example has R1 inputs, S1 neurons in the first layer, S2

    neurons in the second layer, etc. It is common for different layersto have different numbers of neurons. The output of Figure (12) is

    defined in the following equation :

    3 2 13, 2 2,1 1,1 1 2 3a ( ( ( ) ) )! 3f f f IW P b b b

    The layers of a multilayer network play different roles. A layer

    that produces the network output is called an output layer. All

    other layers are called hidden layers.

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    One perceptron neuron

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    The most influential work on neural networks in the 60s went

    under the heading of perceptrons, a term coined by Frank


    Perceptron architecture can be a single neuron with single

    transfer function whereas the Least Mean Square (LMS)

    algorithm is built around it, or can be a single layer of perceptron

    neurons connected to inputs through a set of weights, or it can

    consist of input layer, one or more hidden layers of computation

    nodes and an output layer. The latter networks are commonly

    referred to as MultiLayer Perceptrons (MLPs).

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    One Perceptron layer

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    A layer of Perceptrons

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    Multilayer Perceptron

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    MultiLayer Perceptrons MLP with sigmoid functions

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    Summary of Major Neural Networks Models

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    Summary of Major Neural Networks Models

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