
Wonderware ® FactorySuite NetDDE for the Microsoft Windows Operating System Users Guide Revision B July, 1999 Wonderware Corporation

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Wonderware® FactorySuite™

NetDDE™ for the MicrosoftWindows Operating System

User’s GuideRevision B

July, 1999

Wonderware Corporation

Page 2: NetDDE

All rights reserved. No part of this documentation shall be reproduced, stored in aretrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical,photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of theWonderware Corporation. No copyright or patent liability is assumed with respectto the use of the information contained herein. Although every precaution has beentaken in the preparation of this documentation, the publisher and author assume noresponsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damagesresulting from the use of the information contained herein.

The information in this documentation is subject to change without notice and doesnot represent a commitment on the part of Wonderware Corporation. The softwaredescribed in this documentation is furnished under a license or nondisclosureagreement. This software may be used or copied only in accordance with the termsof these agreements.

© 1998 Wonderware Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

100 Technology DriveIrvine, CA 92618U.S.A.(949) 727-3200


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Wonderware, InTouch and FactorySuite Web Server are registered trademarks ofWonderware Corporation.

FactorySuite, Wonderware FactorySuite, WindowMaker, WindowViewer, SQLAccess Manager, Recipe Manager, SPCPro, DBDump, DBLoad, HDMerge,HistData, Wonderware Logger, Alarm Logger, InControl, InTrack, InBatch,IndustrialSQL, FactoryOffice, FactoryFocus, License Viewer, Scout, SuiteLink andNetDDE are trademarks of Wonderware Corporation.

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Chapter 1 - Introduction...................................... 1-1About NetDDE......................................................................................................1-2

What is DDE? ................................................................................................1-2What is NetDDE? ..........................................................................................1-3

NetDDE in the Windows 3.1 Environment ...........................................................1-4NetDDE in the WFW and Win95/98 Environments .............................................1-5NetDDE Connectivity with Windows NT.............................................................1-6NetDDE Connectivity with VMS..........................................................................1-7NetDDE Connectivity with UNIX ........................................................................1-8NetDDE Connectivity with Macintosh..................................................................1-9

Chapter 2 - Installation Considerations............. 2-1Installing NetDDE for Windows...........................................................................2-2General Installation Requirements ........................................................................2-3

Avoiding Adapter Memory Conflicts with Windows.....................................2-3Avoiding Adapter Memory Conflicts with DOS............................................2-3

Installation Requirements for NetBIOS ................................................................2-4Installation Requirements for Serial......................................................................2-5

Loading the Serial TSRs ................................................................................2-5WWCOMTSR Configuration Options...........................................................2-6

Custom Hardware Settings....................................................................................2-8Compatibility with Serial I/O Servers ............................................................2-8Assigning I/O Addresses to Communication Ports ........................................2-9

Installation Requirements for WinSock ..............................................................2-12DECnet from PATHWORKS 4.X ...............................................................2-12DECnet from PATHWORKS 5.X ...............................................................2-14Installing PATHWORKS for Windows 95/98 .............................................2-16

Chapter 3 - Starting NetDDE............................... 3-1Introduction...........................................................................................................3-2Starting in Windows 3.1 and Windows 95/98.......................................................3-3Defining a Local Node Name................................................................................3-4Selecting Network Interfaces ................................................................................3-5Viewing Version Information................................................................................3-7Closing NetDDE ...................................................................................................3-8

Chapter 4 - Customizing NetDDE Setup ............ 4-1Modifying the Local Node Name..........................................................................4-2Configuring Network Interfaces............................................................................4-3Configuring Preferences........................................................................................4-5Setting Up Network Routes...................................................................................4-7

Adding a New Route......................................................................................4-9Modifying a Route .......................................................................................4-10Deleting a Route ..........................................................................................4-10

Mapping Node Connections................................................................................4-11Adding a Logical Node Name......................................................................4-12Modifying a Logical Node Name.................................................................4-14Deleting a Logical Node Name....................................................................4-14

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ii Table of Contents

Chapter 5 - DDE Share Security......................... 5-1Introduction...........................................................................................................5-2

DDE Shares ...................................................................................................5-2DDE Share Permission Levels.......................................................................5-3Default DDE Share Security ..........................................................................5-4DDE Shares for the Windows for Workgroups and Windows 95/98 OperatingSystems..........................................................................................................5-4

Defining Default DDE Share Security ..................................................................5-5Customized DDE Shares.......................................................................................5-7Connecting to a Secured Windows NT Application ...........................................5-11Connecting to a Secured WFW or Win95/98 Application ..................................5-13

Chapter 6 - Additional Serial Interface Parameters.............................................................................. 6-1Introduction...........................................................................................................6-2Configuring Ports..................................................................................................6-3

Configuring Modem Details ..........................................................................6-5Modem Initialization String Sequences .........................................................6-6

Defining Connection Information .........................................................................6-7Adding a Serial Link......................................................................................6-8Modifying a Serial Link.................................................................................6-9Deleting a Serial Link ....................................................................................6-9

Viewing Port Status ............................................................................................6-10Port Status for Direct Connect Ports ............................................................6-13

Chapter 7 - NetDDE Status and Statistics Display.............................................................................. 7-1Introduction...........................................................................................................7-2Viewing Status and Statistics Information ............................................................7-3

Viewing Network Interfaces ..........................................................................7-4Viewing Connections.....................................................................................7-5Viewing Routes..............................................................................................7-6Viewing Hops ................................................................................................7-7Viewing Conversations..................................................................................7-8Viewing DDE Routes ....................................................................................7-9Viewing Statistics ........................................................................................7-10Showing the Wonderware Logger................................................................7-11

Configuring Child Windows...............................................................................7-12Tiling ...........................................................................................................7-12Cascading.....................................................................................................7-13Tiling Horizontally ......................................................................................7-13Arranging Icons ...........................................................................................7-14Adding a Horizontal Scroll Bar ...................................................................7-15Changing the Display Font...........................................................................7-16Determining Open Child Windows..............................................................7-16

Chapter 8 - NetDDE Test and Debug Commands

.............................................................................. 8-1Introduction...........................................................................................................8-2Testing an Open Connection.................................................................................8-3

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Table of Contents iii

Closing an Open Connection.................................................................................8-5Enabling Debug Menu Commands........................................................................8-6

Control Menu Debug Commands...................................................................8-7Configuring Additional Interface Parameters......................................................8-11

Dialog Box Options for Additional Parameters ...........................................8-11Additional NetBIOS Configuration Parameters...........................................8-16Additional Serial Configuration Parameters ................................................8-17Additional WinSock Configuration Parameters...........................................8-18Additional DECnet Configuration Parameters.............................................8-19

Appendix A - WW Logger Messages .................A-1NetDDE Messages ...............................................................................................A-2Security Messages..............................................................................................A-11NetBIOS Messages ............................................................................................A-13Serial Messages..................................................................................................A-16WWCOMTSR Messages ...................................................................................A-18SDDETSR Messages .........................................................................................A-20WinSock Messages ............................................................................................A-22DECnet Messages ..............................................................................................A-28

Appendix B - DDEView .......................................B-1Introduction to DDEView .................................................................................... B-2Starting DDEView ............................................................................................... B-3Refreshing the Spreadsheet .................................................................................. B-4Configuring the Focus.......................................................................................... B-5

Selecting a Focus .......................................................................................... B-6Adding a Focus Entry ................................................................................... B-7Deleting a Focus Entry.................................................................................. B-7

Retrieving Data .................................................................................................... B-8Inserting a Tagname...................................................................................... B-8Retrieving Current Data .............................................................................. B-10Retrieving an Array..................................................................................... B-13Sending Data............................................................................................... B-14Retrieving Historical Data .......................................................................... B-15Monitoring Tag Values ............................................................................... B-18Retrieving Current SPC Data ...................................................................... B-20Retrieving Selected SPC Data..................................................................... B-21

Appendix C - Special Topics ..............................C-1Reserving Onboard Memory................................................................................ C-2Cable Diagrams.................................................................................................... C-3Modems Tested with NetDDE ............................................................................. C-4Setting Up a DDE Conversation from Microsoft Excel ....................................... C-5NetDDE Application Notes.................................................................................. C-8

Index..................................................................... I-1

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C H A P T E R 1


This chapter introduces you to NetDDE and explains how NetDDE is used in theWindows, Windows for Workgroups (WFW), Windows 95 (Win95) and Windows98 (Win98) environments. The connectivity information for other platforms is alsoincluded in this chapter.

Contentsn About NetDDE

n NetDDE in the Windows 3.1 Environment

n NetDDE in the WFW and Win95/98 Environments

n NetDDE Connectivity with Windows NT

n NetDDE Connectivity with VMS

n NetDDE Connectivity with UNIX

n NetDDE Connectivity with Macintosh

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1-2 Chapter 1

About NetDDEIf you are a new NetDDE for Windows user, we recommend that you read thisentire chapter to familiarize yourself with NetDDE for Windows and its role inproviding DDE connectivity between various operating environments.

What is DDE?DDE is the acronym for Dynamic Data Exchange. DDE is a communicationprotocol designed by Microsoft to allow applications in the Windows environmentto send/receive data and instructions to/from each other. It implements a client-server relationship between two concurrently running applications. The serverapplication provides the data and accepts requests from any other applicationinterested in its data. Requesting applications are called clients.

DDE is often used to gather and distribute "live" data such as productionmeasurements from a factory floor, scientific instrument readings, or stock pricequotations. Client applications can use DDE for one-time data transfers or forongoing data exchanges in which updates are sent as soon as new information isavailable. DDE can be used to dispatch control instructions to process-connectedinstruments. For example, in a factory automation system, DDE client applicationsmay send control temperature set points to ovens.

DDE compliance is a standard feature for Windows applications needing data linksto other applications. For example, DDE-compliant applications include,Microsoft Excel, Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows, InTouch, and others.

Network extensions are available to allow DDE links between applications runningon different computers connected via networks or modems. For example, NetDDEsupports DDE between applications running on IBM PCs connected via LAN ormodem and DDE-aware applications running on non-PC based platforms underoperating environments such as VMS and UNIX.

To obtain data from another application, the client program opens a channel to theserver application by specifying two things: the server’s application name and thetopic name of interest. Once a channel is open, items in the topic can be read orwritten. For example, in the case of Excel, the application name is "Excel." Thetopic name is the name of the spreadsheet that contains the data. The item name isthe specific cell on the spreadsheet containing the data. With InTouch, theapplication name is "View." When reading or writing a tagname in the InTouchdatabase, the topic name is always the word "Tagname." The item name is theactual tagname defined in the InTouch database.

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Introduction 1-3

When a client application sets up a link to another DDE program, it asks the serverapplication to advise the client whenever a specific item’s value changes. Thesedata links remain active until either the client or server terminates the link or theconversation. This is an efficient means of exchanging data because once the linkhas been established no communication occurs until the specified item changes.InTouch uses DDE to communicate with I/O device drivers and other DDEapplication programs.

What is NetDDE?NetDDE for Windows extends the standard Windows DDE (Dynamic DataExchange) functionality to include communication over local area networks andthrough serial ports. To use NetDDE, two or more IBM compatible PCs runningWindows (3.1 or later), Windows for Workgroups (3.1 or later), or Windows 95/98are required. NetDDE must be installed on all network nodes between which DDEdata is to be exchanged. The services provided by NetDDE are independent ofother available network services such as file sharing, E-mail, terminal emulation,database query, etc. NetDDE does not require a file server to function, but it canbe installed to and loaded from a file server if desired.

The diagram below illustrates a feasible network configuration utilizing the familyof NetDDE products to provide DDE connectivity between applications running ondifferent platforms and operating systems:

Windows 3.1 PCNetDDE for Windows



WFW PCNetDDE for Windows


UNIX WorkstationNetDDE for UNIX


Windows/NT PCNetDDE for NT



MacintoshNetDDE for MacIntosh


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1-4 Chapter 1

NetDDE in the Windows 3.1 EnvironmentMicrosoft Windows 3.1 does not include built-in networking support. To useNetDDE for Windows in this environment, you must first purchase and install athird-party networking software package. The networking software chosen forinstallation on the local node will depend on what other PCs and workstations youintend to connect to with NetDDE.

If the primary objective is to connect to other PCs running Windows 3.1 (or later),Windows for Workgroups (3.1 or later), Windows 95/98 or Windows NT,networking software with good support for the NetBIOS interface is a commonchoice. If the primary objective is to connect to DEC’s VAX workstations runningVMS, DEC’s PATHWORKS software with support for DECnet is the obviouschoice. If the primary objective is to connect to UNIX workstations, a goodnetworking software package with a robust TCP/IP protocol stack and support forthe WinSock 1.1 standard is required. No networking software package is requiredfor stand-alone remote PCs that dial in to a network. NetDDE includes all of thesoftware necessary to provide access to the PC’s communications ports andattached modems.

NetDDE for Windows includes an implementation of the DDE Share Securityarchitecture defined by Microsoft and implemented in their WFW and Win95/98products. With NetDDE for Windows running on a Windows 3.1 PC, you canaccess secured DDE data on other WFW, Win95/98, and Windows NT nodes aswell as secure local DDE data for controlled access by remote nodes.

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Introduction 1-5

NetDDE in the WFW and Win95/98 EnvironmentsMicrosoft’s Windows For Workgroups (3.1 or later) and Windows 95/98 include alicensed version of NetDDE and support for the NetBIOS network interface. BothWFW and Win95/98 include built-in support for the NetBIOS/NetBEUI basedMicrosoft Networking. If you meet all connectivity requirements using theNetBIOS protocol, no other network software package is needed to run NetDDEfor Windows.

The NetDDE software that is packaged by Microsoft in WFW and Win95/98 onlysupports the NetBIOS networking interface. It does not offer any user interface tocontrol networking options, view network status or log network events. NetDDEfor Windows, when installed on a WFW or Win95/98 node, replaces all ofMicrosoft’s NetDDE components while remaining completely compatible with thereplaced versions (including providing support for the DDE Share Securityarchitecture).

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1-6 Chapter 1

NetDDE Connectivity with Windows NTMicrosoft’s Windows NT includes a licensed version of NetDDE and support forthe NetBIOS network interface. To gain access to DDE data stored on a WindowsNT platform, the remote PC must be running either NetDDE for Windows or theNetDDE software included with Microsoft’s WFW and Win95/98 softwarepackages.

The Windows NT implementation of NetDDE enforces a user-based DDE securityarchitecture. All users attempting to access DDE data from remote workstationsmust be authenticated by NetDDE running on the Windows NT node. TheNetDDE for Windows software (installed on the client PC) is capable of engagingthe required security protocol with the Windows NT node and attempts toauthenticate the logged on user on behalf of the Windows NT node. On PC nodesconfigured with either the Microsoft Network or LanMan, NetDDE for Windows isable to authenticate the user based on the user’s logon to the respective network.On PC nodes configured with other "foreign" networks, the user is prompted by theNetDDE for Windows software to enter a valid user name, domain and passwordwhen attempting to access DDE data on the Windows NT node.

Note When connecting NetDDE for Windows, using the WinSock interface, toNetDDE for NT, the Validation Method must be set to Checksum.

For more information, see "Additional WinSock Configuration Parameters" inChapter 8.

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Introduction 1-7

NetDDE Connectivity with VMSDEC’s VMS 5.X for the VAX and OpenVMS 6.X for the VAX and AXPworkstations does not provide any native support for DDE within the node or withremote nodes. However, applications running in the VMS environment can beendowed with DDE capabilities by using the NetDDE for VMS product.Applications programmed to the NetDDE API (defined in the NetDDE for VMSSoftware Development Kit) are able to access remote DDE data as well as makedata stored at the VMS node accessible via NetDDE by remote nodes.

The NetDDE for VMS runtime software provides support for two networkinterfaces on the VAX or AXP workstation: DECnet and TCP/IP. DECnet isincluded as a standard option in most VMS environments. However, the onlyTCP/IP protocol stack currently supported by NetDDE in the VMS environmentmust be installed from DEC’s UCX TCP/IP Services software package.

On a PC workstation, NetDDE for Windows must be configured to support eitherthe DECnet networking interface or the WinSock 1.1 networking interface in orderto access DDE data on the VMS workstation. Since the current shipping version ofNetDDE for VMS does not support the DDE Share Security architecture, DDEdata at the PC workstation that is to be accessed by NetDDE on a VMSworkstation should not be secured. The DDE share for this data must beconfigured for "Full Access."

For more information on DDE Share Security, see Chapter 5, "DDE ShareSecurity."

Since none of the DDE data on a VMS workstation is secured by NetDDE,applications from all workstations have full access to it via NetDDE.

Note When connecting NetDDE for Windows, using the WinSock interface, toNetDDE for VMS, the Validation Method must be set to Checksum.

For more information, see "Additional WinSock Configuration Parameters" inChapter 8.

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1-8 Chapter 1

NetDDE Connectivity with UNIXUNIX workstations do not provide any native support for DDE within the node orwith remote nodes. However, applications running in the UNIX environment can beendowed with DDE capabilities by using the NetDDE for UNIX product.Applications programmed to the NetDDE API (defined in the NetDDE for UNIXSoftware Development Kit) are able to access remote DDE data as well as make datastored at the UNIX node accessible via NetDDE by remote nodes. Currently theNetDDE for UNIX product supports several UNIX variants: HP-UX, SunOS, AIX,SCO, Interactive UNIX, and OSF/1.

The NetDDE for UNIX runtime software supports only one network interface onthe UNIX platform: TCP/IP. The TCP/IP protocol stack is a standard feature ofmost UNIX variants.

On a PC workstation, NetDDE for Windows must be configured to support theWinSock 1.1 networking interface in order to access DDE data on the UNIXworkstation. Since the current shipping version of NetDDE for UNIX does notsupport the DDE Share Security architecture, DDE data on the PC node that is tobe available for access by NetDDE on a UNIX workstation should not be secured.The DDE share for this data must be configured for "Full Access."

For more information on DDE Share Security, see Chapter 5, "DDE ShareSecurity."

Since none of the DDE data on a UNIX workstation is secured by NetDDE,applications from all workstations have full access to it via NetDDE.

Note When connecting NetDDE for Windows, using the WinSock interface, toNetDDE for UNIX, the Validation Method must be set to Checksum.

For more information, see "Additional WinSock Configuration Parameters" inChapter 8.

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Introduction 1-9

NetDDE Connectivity with MacintoshMacintosh workstations do not provide any native support for DDE within thenode or with remote nodes. Microsoft applications, such as Excel and Word, onthe Macintosh do support DDE implemented via Apple events. Using NetDDE forMacintosh, users can access remote DDE data from the Microsoft applicationsrunning on the Macintosh as well as make the DDE data in those applicationsaccessible to remote nodes via NetDDE.

The NetDDE for Macintosh runtime software supports only one network interfaceon the MacIntosh: TCP/IP. The TCP/IP protocol stack on the Macintosh mustfirst be installed from Apple’s TCP/IP Connection for the Macintosh softwareproduct.

On a PC workstation, NetDDE for Windows must be configured to support theWinSock 1.1 networking interface in order to access DDE data on the Macintoshworkstation. Since the current version of NetDDE for Macintosh does not supportthe DDE share security architecture, DDE data on the PC node that is to beavailable for access by NetDDE on a Macintosh workstation should not be secured.The DDE share for this data must be configured for "Full Access."

For more information on DDE Share Security, see Chapter 5, "DDE ShareSecurity."

Since none of the DDE data on a Macintosh workstation is secured by NetDDE,applications from all workstations have full access to it via NetDDE.

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1-10 Chapter 1

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C H A P T E R 2

Installation Considerations

This chapter describes any additional installation requirements and considerationsfor specific network interfaces.

Contentsn Installing NetDDE for Windows

n General Installation Requirements

n Installation Requirements for NetBIOS

n Installation Requirements for Serial

n Custom Hardware Settings

n Installation Requirements for WinSock

Page 17: NetDDE

2-2 Chapter 2

Installing NetDDE for WindowsNetDDE for Windows is installed by running the SETUP.EXE program on theNetDDE for Windows Program Disk.

½ To install NetDDE for Windows:

1. Start Windows.

2. Insert the NetDDE for Windows Program Disk into the appropriate drive.

3. For Windows 3.1 and Windows for Workgroups, in either Program Manageror File Manager, click Run on the File menu. For Windows 95/98, clickStart, and then point to Run.

The Run dialog box appears.

4. Enter either x:\setup (where x identifies the drive), and then click OK.

The Destination Directory for Wonderware NetDDE for Windows dialogbox appears, showing the default installation directory.

5. By default, NetDDE will be installed in your InTouch directory. To changethe directory, enter the new path, then click Continue to begin the installation.If the system detects an existing copy of Network DDE or NetDDE forWindows, you will be prompted to rename the existing files.

6. When the installation is complete, the NetDDE Setup Utility dialog boxappears, prompting you to restart Windows.

7. Click OK.

Important Note Be sure to restart Windows before using NetDDE.

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Installation Considerations 2-3

General Installation RequirementsThe following sections describe general considerations for preparing a PC node fornetworking. Most of these considerations pertain to all applications using theinstalled network interfaces, not just for NetDDE.

Avoiding Adapter Memory Conflicts with WindowsIf NetDDE is to be used in Windows 386 Enhanced Mode, Windows must beprevented from allocating or attempting to manage the memory that may be on thespecific network adapter card. Most local area network adapter cards map theironboard memory in the C000-DFFF range. To prevent Windows from using theonboard adapter memory, modify the SYSTEM.INI file (located in the Windowsdefault directory) to exclude the adapter’s onboard memory address range fromWindows access. Using a text editor program such as SysEdit or Notepad, openthe SYSTEM.INI file. Locate the [386Enh] section and enter or modify thememory exclude line. For example:


If the exact memory range used by the configured network adapter(s) is known,enter the bounds for that range. Otherwise, exclude the entire range as shown inthe above example.

Note Windows must be restarted once the SYSTEM.INI has been edited in orderfor the changes to take effect.

Avoiding Adapter Memory Conflicts with DOSMS-DOS Version 6.0 and above provide the ability to manage upper memoryblocks and sometimes load installed drivers and other programs into that range.Most local area network adapter cards map their onboard memory into the uppermemory range. To prevent MS-DOS from using or managing the onboard adaptermemory, modify the CONFIG.SYS file (located in the root directory of the bootdrive) to exclude the adapter memory from MS-DOS access. Using a text editorprogram, such as SysEdit or Notepad, open the CONFIG.SYS file and locate theline responsible for loading the EMM386 driver. In this line enter or modify thememory exclude command ’X=aaaa-bbbb’. For example:


If the exact memory range used by the configured network adapter(s) is known,enter the bounds for that range. Otherwise, exclude the entire range.

Note The PC node must be rebooted once the CONFIG.SYS file has been editedin order for the changes to take effect.

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2-4 Chapter 2

Installation Requirements for NetBIOSEnsure that the local node is set up to support the NetBIOS interface and protocolstandard. The NetBIOS network interface is supported by various LAN vendorson top of physical networks, such as Ethernet, Token Ring, 10 Base-T, and so on.The NetBIOS interface can usually support up to two network adapters (theMicrosoft NetBEUI and NetBIOS implementations are capable of supporting morethan two network adapters), with each network adapter addressing up to 255 nodes.In most cases, NetBIOS support is usually in the form of a NetBIOS driver, loadedas part of the network installation procedure. Ensure that such a driver has beenproperly loaded and configured by referring to the specific network installationinstructions.

At initialization, the NetBIOS network interface automatically attempts todetermine the available LAN adapters supporting the NetBIOS protocol. This canbe overridden if, for example, the PC node has two LAN adapters, but NetDDE isrestricted to the use of only one of them. It can also be overridden if theunderlying network does not support standard LAN adapter configuration querycommands and you wish to "manually" identify the specific LAN adapter(s) to beused by NetDDE. The NetBIOS network interface can be configured by addingthe following entries to the NETDDE.INI file (located in the Windows directory):






The "NumNetBIOS=nnn" parameter instructs the NetBIOS network interface touse, at most, the first ’nnn’ LAN adapters found. If not limited by this parameter, itwill attempt to use all configured LAN adapters found at the node.

The "LanaNums=nnn,n1,n2,n3" parameter instructs the NetBIOS network interfaceto use ’nnn’ LAN adapters at the node and specifies that the ’nnn’ LAN adapters areaddressable by LAN numbers ’n1’, ’n2’, and ’n3’. This parameter is used primarilyto bypass NetDDE’s automatic LAN adapter configuration query. Therefore, youmust know beforehand how the NetBIOS LAN adapters are configured.

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Installation Considerations 2-5

Installation Requirements for SerialWhen NetDDE is installed, the Wonderware WWCOMTSR.EXE andSDDETSR.EXE TSRs will automatically be copied into the directory whereNetDDE was loaded. To select the Serial network interface in the NetDDEprogram, both TSRs must be loaded prior to starting Windows. This can be doneby modifying the AUTOEXEC.BAT file to reference WWCOMTSR andSDDETSR in the installation directory. The WWCOMTSR provides the hardwareinterface to the serial communication ports on the PC. The SDDETSR provides aninterface to the SERIAL.DLL used by NetDDE in the Windows environment.

If the serial network interface is to be used, follow the general installationprocedure and then exit Windows to load the TSR programs. The procedure forloading TSRs is described in the following section. The TSR must be loaded eachtime the computer is rebooted. Next, restart Windows, run NetDDE and select theSerial network interface by using the Interface command on the Configure menu.

For more information on configuring the serial interface, see Chapter 6,"Additional Serial Interface Parameters."

Loading the Serial TSRsThe serial interface TSRs must be loaded at the DOS prompt. Make sure that thedirectory into which NetDDE was installed is in your path. To load the TSRs, typethe following at the DOS prompt. For example:


Starting these programs with no command arguments reserves PC communicationport 1 and 2 for NetDDE use and should satisfy the requirements of mostinstallations.

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2-6 Chapter 2

WWCOMTSR Configuration OptionsFor details on the various options available for loading the WWCOMTSR at theDOS prompt, enter the TSR name followed by a blank space and a question mark.For example:


The following will appear:Usage:

WWCOMTSR ? ;Displays this usage screen.

WWCOMTSR ;Install at first available vector between 60hand 66h

;with the default COM port configuration.

WWCOMTSR [xx] [[[[[COMn:e],tx],rx],io],int]. . .

;Install at soft interrupt vector ’xx’(xx:60h..66h)

;with COM port ’n’ (n:1..4) enabled (e=1) ordisabled (e=0)

;Tx buffer of size ’tx’ and Rx buffer of size’rx’ (tx,rx >= 4).

;at i/o address of ’io’ and with interrupt’int’assigned.

;COM port configuration parameter can be repeatedfor each port.

;Unspecified or omitted parameters assume defaultvalues.

Default Configuration: ISA BUS MCA

COM1:1,2048,2048,3F8,4 COM1:1,2048,2048,3F8,4

COM2:1,2048,2048,2F8,3 COM2:1,2048,2048,2F8,3

COM3:0,2048,2048,3E8,4 COM3:0,2048,2048,3220,3

COM4:0,2048,2048,2E8,3 COM4:0,2048,2048,3228,3

SDDETSR Configuration OptionsFor details on the various options available for loading the SDDETSR at the DOSprompt, enter the TSR name followed by a blank space and a question mark. Forexample:


The following will appear:Wonderware Serial NetDDE TSR Version 1.02

Copyright (c) 1991 Wonderware Software Development Corp. All rightsreserved.


SDDETSR ? ;Displays this usage screen.

SDDETSR ;Install at first available vector between 60h and 66h

;with the default COM port configuration.

SDDETSR /U ;Unload existing instance of SDDETSR.

SDDETSR [xx] [COMn:e] ...

;Install at soft interrupt vector ’xx’ (xx:60h..66h)

;with COM port ’n’ (n:1..4) enabled (e=1) or disabled (e=0)

;The COM port enable parameter can be repeated for each


;Unspecified parameters assume default values.

Default port configuration: COM1:1 COM2:1 COM3:0 COM4:0

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Installation Considerations 2-7

Common TSR Configurations

The default settings for the TSRs will enable COM1 and COM2 and provide atransmit and receive buffer of 2048 bytes for each port.

To use COM1 only:


To use COM2 only:


To use COM3 only:

C:\INTOUCH.16>WWCOMTSR COM1:0 COM2:0 COM3:1,2048,2048,3E8,5C:\INTOUCH.16>SDDETSR COM1:0 COM2:0 COM3:1

Note When enabling COM ports greater than COM2, it may be necessary toprovide the specific I/O base address and interrupt level assignment for that port.

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2-8 Chapter 2

Custom Hardware SettingsThe following sections describe custom hardware settings regarding compatibilitywith serial I/O Servers, assigning I/O addresses to communication ports, andconfiguring software interrupts.

Compatibility with Serial I/O Servers

Note WWCOMTSR must be configured with communication ports that are to beused by both the NetDDE Serial interface and by some I/O Servers. TheSDDETSR should only be configured with communication ports to be used byNetDDE. Only one instance of each TSR is allowed.

To use an I/O server that requires the WWCOMTSR on COM1 and SerialNetDDE on COM2 (with default settings):



C:\INTOUCH.16>WWCOMTSR COM1:1,2048,2048,3F8,4COM2:1,2048,2048,2F8,3C:\INTOUCH.16>SDDETSR COM1:0 COM2:1

To use an I/O server that requires the WWCOMTSR on COM2 and SerialNetDDE on COM1 (with default settings):



C:\INTOUCH.16>WWCOMTSR COM1:1,2048,2048,3F8,4COM2:1,2048,2048,2F8,3C:\INTOUCH.16>SDDETSR COM1:1 COM2:0

After loading WWCOMTSR and SDDETSR, complete the setup proceduresrequired by the serial port based I/O Server.

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Installation Considerations 2-9

Assigning I/O Addresses to Communication PortsThe following defaults are used for assigning I/O addresses and interrupt levels forCOM1 through COM4:




























If you are enabling a specific communication port when the default values differfrom the I/O address base and interrupt level assignment (as configured on the I/Ocard), change the TSR’s defaults by entering the custom I/O address and interruptlevel assignment on the command line. For example:

C:\INTOUCH.16>WWCOMTSR COM1:0 COM2:0 COM3:1,2048,2048,2E8,5

This example allows the TSR to be configured for one communication port,COM3, using rx/tx buffer lengths of 2048, an I/O address base of 2E8, and aninterrupt level 5.

When entering custom I/O and interrupt (IRQ) configurations, ensure that the

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2-10 Chapter 2

values entered actually correspond to the hardware configuration and that there areno conflicts with other hardware installed in the system. One way to check for IRQconflicts is to use the Microsoft Diagnostic (MSD) utility that is included inWindows 3.1. MSD is a character-based DOS application that is best run afterexiting Windows. From the DOS prompt, type:


From MSD’s main menu of options, select IRQ Status to list the current IRQs andthe devices currently assigned.

Although WWCOMTSR allows interrupt (IRQ) assignments ranging from 2-15,few serial interface adapters or boards support interrupts greater than 7. On anIBM PC/AT compatible system, interrupts cannot be shared between devices.Unique IRQs must be assigned to each of the active communication ports.

Warning! If configuring more than two ports, the default will never be adequateand specific IRQ assignments must be made to the selected communication ports.

Note Typically, the first IRQ to consider for configuration of an additionalcommunication port is IRQ5. IRQ5 is the default for LPT2. If two LPT ports areused, select another IRQ, e.g., 10 or 11. Many network cards will also attempt touse IRQ5. Use caution.

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Installation Considerations 2-11

Configuring Software Interrupts

WWCOMTSR and SDDETSR utilize soft interrupts in the range of 0x60 - 0x66 tocommunicate with NetDDE. As part of the configuration process, these interruptscan be explicitly assigned to each TSR. However, both TSRs are able to find andclaim (by default) the next unused software interrupt. We recommend that theseTSRs be loaded last so that they can work around less flexible TSRs using fixedsoftware interrupts.

If the automatic software interrupt selection used by the TSR is inadequate, assignspecific software interrupts to each TSR when they are loaded into memory. Forexample:


In the above example, WWCOMTSR is instructed to use software interrupt 0x63and SDDETSR is instructed to use software interrupt 0x65.

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2-12 Chapter 2

Installation Requirements for WinSockPrior to installing NetDDE for Windows and enabling its TCP/IP interface, aTCP/IP stack that conforms to the WinSock 1.1 standard must be installed.

After installing the TCP/IP protocol stack software, verify that a network name andaddress have been declared for the local node and for each of the nodes with whichyou intend to establish NetDDE conversations.

Installation Requirements for DECnetTo successfully configure the DECnet network interface for NetDDE, the DECnetsoftware must first be installed at the local node, either from the DEC’sPATHWORKS for DOS 4.X, PATHWORKS for DOS 5.X package, orPATHWORKS 1.0 for Windows 95/98. After installing DEC’s PATHWORKSsoftware, the local node name and the names of remote nodes with which NetDDEwill connect must be defined through the PATHWORK’s NCP utility on the localnode.

DECnet from PATHWORKS 4.XTo use DECnet as a network interface in NetDDE, DEC PATHWORKS software(Version 4.0 or 4.1) is required. Install PATHWORKS on the node by followingthe installation procedures accompanying the PATHWORKS software. Aftercompleting installation of DEC PATHWORKS, the Microsoft Windows networkconfiguration must indicate that the installed software is indeed "PATHWORKS4.X."

Starting WIN3SETU

A key PATHWORKS support component for Windows is the WIN3SETUprogram. This utility installs the DEC-specific support components for Windowsand allows NetDDE to access DECnet.

Note Failure to run the WIN3SETU program before running NetDDE will causethe computer to stall or require you to reboot!

WIN3SETU can be started either from the DOS command line or within Windows.

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Installation Considerations 2-13

½ To start WIN3SETU from the DOS command line:

1. Change your directory to the system service where the network files arelocated. For example, if your files are located on the "J" drive, enter from theroot:

\> J:

2. Change to the Windows directory. For example:

> cd\MSWINV30

3. Enter the WIN3SETU command. For example:


The utility will display its initial screen.

½ To start WIN3SETU from within Windows

1. In the Windows Program Manager, click the Run command on the File menu.

2. Enter the path where WIN3SETU is located. For example:



½ To use WIN3SETU:

1. At the prompt, verify the drive letter of the system service on whichPATHWORKS for DOS is located. If it is incorrect, enter the appropriatedrive letter.

2. At the second prompt, verify the directory where Windows is installed. If it isincorrect, enter the appropriate directory location.

Based on the response to the second prompt, WIN3SETU determines whether youare a System Administrator, allowed to install all of the support components to thenetwork service, or an End User.

System Administrator

If you are a System Administrator, enter the location of the network service wherethe Windows files were copied (for example, K:\WINDOWS) at the secondprompt. WIN3SETU copies all support components into this directory and thenexits.

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End User

1. If you are an End User, verify the Windows default directory shown at thesecond prompt. If it is incorrect, enter the correct path. For example,C:\WINDOWS.

2. WIN3SETU will prompt you to answer questions about your particularhardware configuration. After you have responded, WIN3SETU will displayall of the entered information.

3. Press RETURN to confirm the information and exit the utility. If theinformation was entered incorrectly, press the ESCAPE key. The entries will becanceled and WIN3SETU must be restarted.

Once the information is confirmed, WIN3SETU completes the support componentinstallation by modifying the SYSTEM.INI file and copying all DEC-specificsupport components into the Windows directory.

DECnet from PATHWORKS 5.XTo install and configure PATHWORKS 5.X, install the PATHWORKS 5.X forOpenVMS server software on the OpenVMS server and configure or upgrade thePATHWORKS databases for users, groups, services and access rights to work withPATHWORKS 5.X. Next, install PATHWORKS 5.X for DOS and Windowsclient software on the network server’s file service (for example, \\SRV\PWV50,where SRV is the server’s node name, and PWV50 is a directory on that serverwhere the client software resides). Once the file service is installed, each PC clientmust be configured from that file service to use PATHWORKS 5.X clientsoftware. When a PC is configured, files are copied to that PC’s local hard diskfrom the file service. Startup files are also modified and/or created that load thePC’s network software.

For more information on the PATHWORKS installation and configurationprocedures, refer to the PATHWORKS V5 for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) ServerInstallation and Upgrade Guide , the PATHWORKS V5 for DOS and WindowsClient Installation and Configuration Guide , and the release and installation notesdistributed with updates and patch kits.

Once the PATHWORKS 5.X server and client software are installed, the PCclients must be configured by running the PWSETUP program. This configurationutility allows you to add PATHWORKS services such as DECnet to your PCclient.

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Installation Considerations 2-15

Starting PWSETUP

Prior to running PWSETUP, ensure that Microsoft Network is configured on yourPC. PWSETUP can be started either from the DOS command line or withinWindows.

½ Starting PWSETUP from the DOS command line:

1. Change your directory to the system service where the network files arelocated. For example, if your files are located on the "J" drive, enter from theroot:

\> J:

2. Enter the PWSETUP command. For example,


½ Starting PWSETUP from within Windows:

1. From the Windows Program Manager, click Run on the File menu.

2. Enter the path where PWSETUP is located. For example:



½ To use PWSETUP:

1. Initially, PWSETUP will prompt you for verification of the softwaredestination directory and drive where it can find PATHWORKS for DOS andWindows. If these are incorrect, enter the appropriate origin and destinationdirectory and drive.

2. To customize a configuration, click Customize in the Select a ConfigurationOption dialog box.

The Customize: Select a Workstation Template dialog box appears.

3. Select a template to represent the basis of your configuration.

It is mandatory that you select a template that includes DECnet. For example,select the LAN Manager #1 template for Windows 3.1 or select the WFWv3.11 #1 template for Windows for Workgroups 3.11. The Customize:Modify Workstation Configuration dialog box appears. The default settingsshould be adequate, but for information on modifying these configurations,click Help.

4. Click OK.

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5. Once you select a template that approximates your desired configuration, youcan modify it. For example, if you want your PC to run SETHOST TerminalEmulation, add PATHWORKS Terminal Emulation to the Run onWorkstation box in the Customize: Select PATHWORKS Services forWorkstation dialog box. When it appears in this box, select it and clickDetail. Double-click on SETHOST for DOS.

6. PWSETUP will ask questions about your particular network configuration.Enter the network connection and network adapter information.

Once you have entered the requested information, the Customize: SaveTemplate to Disk dialog box appears.

7. In the Customize: Save Template to Disk dialog box, name yourconfiguration template and enter the description (for example, TemplateName: NetDDE; Description: DECnet, Terminal Emulation), and click Save.PWSETUP copies the associated files for the PATHWORKS services yourequested, modifies the startup files, and creates a template file(CFGnnnn.TPL, where nnnn is a number) that characterizes the configurationyou specified.

8. After the configuration utility completes, reboot the PC to start the network.

Note To modify the above configuration, run PWSETUP and select yourtemplate (by the name and description given in Step 7). You can nowadd/delete specific PATHWORKS services to/from your configuration.

Installing PATHWORKS for Windows 95/98To install the PATHWORKS software for Windows 95/98 platforms, insert theCD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive and follow the instructions on the screen.

You can also run the PATHWORKS installation directly from the CD-ROM byentering:


where x: identifies your CD-ROM drive.

Note The contents of the CD-ROM can also be shared or copied to a network fileservice and installed from there. Refer to the Windows 95/98 help for additionalinformation on sharing and using network resources.

To start PATHWORKS for Windows 95/98, click the Start menu on the taskbar,point to Programs, and then click PATHWORKS.

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Installation Considerations 2-17

DECnet Node Name/Address Configuration

The network name and address assigned to the local node (and to the remote nodeswith which conversations will be established) must be defined before startingNetDDE and selecting the DECnet network interface. After installingPATHWORKS, assign a node name and address to the local node by typing thefollowing at the DOS prompt:

>NCPNCP>DEFINE EXECUTOR NAME node_name ADDRESS area_num.node_numNCP>SET EXECUTOR NAME node_name ADDRESS area_num.node_numNCP>EXIT>

This information is stored in the DECNODE.DAT file and is read by NetDDE onDECnet each time it is started. PATHWORKS restricts node names to a 1 to 6alphanumeric character sequence. Node addresses are two-decimal, 3-digitnumbers separated by a period. Area_num represents an area (network) code andnode_num represents the specific node number. All node names and addressesmust be unique on a network. If the local node and/or address defined is differentfrom the one defined during PATHWORKS installation, EXECINFO.BAT (in theC:\DECNET subdirectory) will need to be modified to reflect the changes.

Note Make note of the node name assigned to the local node. You will need toenter it when NetDDE initially runs.

For more information, see "Defining a Local Node Name" in Chapter 3.

The node name and address of each remote node with which the local node willcommunicate (via NetDDE) must be defined by typing the following at the DOSprompt:

>NCPNCP>DEFINE NODE area_num.node_num1 NAME node_name1

...NCP>DEFINE NODE area_num.node_numN NAME node_nameNNCP>EXIT>

Note All defined nodes a remote machine can automatically be defined on thelocal node by using the "copy known nodes from X command." Where "X"identifies the name of a node from which to retrieve the DECnet node namedefinitions.

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2-18 Chapter 2

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C H A P T E R 3

Starting NetDDE

This chapter describes how to start NetDDE and what occurs the first timeNetDDE runs after installation.

Contentsn Introduction

n Starting in Windows 3.1 and Windows 95/98

n Defining a Local Node Name

n Selecting Network Interfaces

n Viewing Version Information

n Closing NetDDE

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3-2 Chapter 3

IntroductionNetDDE for Windows supports the Windows (3.1 or later), Windows forWorkgroups (WFW) (3.1 or later), and Window 95 operating systems. Themethod used to start NetDDE in each of these environments is different. DuringNetDDE startup, the Wonderware Logger (WWLOGGER.EXE) is optionallystarted to record and display error and diagnostic messages generated by NetDDE.

After NetDDE is installed and configured, a NETDDE.INI file is automaticallycreated in the Windows default directory. All operating parameters, routes andconnections configured in the NetDDE program are stored in the NETDDE.INIfile. NetDDE reads the NETDDE.INI each time it starts. We highly recommendthat you do not manually edit NETDDE.INI without consulting Technical Support.

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Starting NetDDE 3-3

Starting in Windows 3.1 and Windows 95/98During Windows 3.1 installation, the NetDDE icon is placed in the InTouchProgram Group. During Windows 95/98 installation the NetDDE icon is placed inthe StartUp group. By placing the icon in the StartUp group, NetDDE willautomatically run each time you restart Windows 3.1 or Windows 95/98.

½ To manually start NetDDE for Windows:

1. Double-click the NetDDE icon, or

2. Double-click the filename, NETDDE.EXE, in File Manager (Windows 3.1) orin Windows Explorer (Windows 95/98).Starting in Windows For Workgroups

NetDDE automatically runs each time Windows for Workgroups is restarted.

Note During installation, NetDDE for Windows terminates and replaces anyNetwork DDE or NetDDE programs. You will be prompted as to whether youwant to rename these files during the installation.

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3-4 Chapter 3

Defining a Local Node NameEach node on the network must be identified by a unique node name, for example,Local Node Name or Logical Node Name. The Logical Node Name can be thesame as the network node name used for the configured network interface.

The Logical Node Name cannot be more than 15 characters in length and cannotcontain any embedded spaces or any of the following characters: + * \ / , ? ( ) " ’.

½ To define a local node name:

1. The first time that NetDDE for Windows is run, the Name for this Nodedialog box appears, prompting you to enter a node name:

2. Initially, the box will be blank. Type a unique name to identify the local node.

All nodes on the network must have unique logical node names. Unless thelogical node name entered in this dialog box is re-mapped to a network nameduring network interface selection, the name entered must match the namedefined for the node when the network software was installed.

Note If you are connecting to a VAX system through DECnet, the node namemust be all UPPERCASE letters.

3. Click OK.

4. The Network Interface Selection dialog box appears. Go to the next section,"Selecting Network Interfaces," to complete the configuration.

In the Windows environment, NetDDE obtains the logical node name from thename that was assigned to the node during Windows configuration. It assumes thatthe logical node name is equivalent to the network node name used on theWindows network. If this is not satisfactory, you can change the derived logicalnode name.

For more information on changing the derived logical node name, see"Customizing NetDDE Setup" in Chapter 4.

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Starting NetDDE 3-5

Selecting Network InterfacesNetDDE provides connectivity over one or more selected network interface(s).When NetDDE initially runs after being installed on a computer running Windows,you are prompted to select at least one network interface.

Before selecting an interface, see Chapter 2, "Installation Considerations," forspecific installation instructions and requirements for each supported networkinterface.

½ To select network interfaces:

1. In the Network Interface Selection dialog box, click Add.

The Add a Network Interface dialog box appears.

2. Add each network interface that is to be configured for NetDDE.

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3-6 Chapter 3

Select the interface to add, enter the network node name to be used on theselected network interface, and click OK. A message box will appearconfirming that the interface was successfully added. For example:

3. After you have added one network interface, the Modify and Delete buttons inthe Network Interface Selection dialog box become available. You may nowadd more network interfaces, modify existing interfaces, or delete interfacesfrom the list.

4. Click Done.

5. The NetDDE program window will appear displaying any newly configurednetwork interfaces:

By default, when NetDDE initially runs, the NetDDE program window displaysinformation for Network Interfaces, Internode Connections and DDEConversations. These default settings can be changed by using commands fromthe View menu.

Also, by default, the Terminal font is used for the text in the window. You canchanges this font by using the Fonts command on the View menu.

For more information, see Chapter 7, "NetDDE Status and Statistics Display."

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Starting NetDDE 3-7

Viewing Version InformationTechnical Support will usually request version information for the NetDDEprogram when assisting in troubleshooting.

½ To view the version information:

1. From the Help menu, click About NetDDE.

The version information box appears.

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3-8 Chapter 3

Closing NetDDE

½ To close NetDDE:

2. Press Alt+F4. Or, from the Control menu, click Close. (To access theControl menu, click the NetDDE icon in the top left corner of the programwindow.)

Note To close NetDDE in Windows 95/98, either click the "X" button in theupper right corner of the program window, or right-click in the programwindow’s title bar and click Exit from the pop-up menu.

2. The following confirmation dialog box will appear:

3. Click Yes to end NetDDE or No to continue running NetDDE. If you attemptto close NetDDE while a DDE conversation is in progress, the followingwarning box will appear:

4. NetDDE should not be closed during a DDE conversation. If a conversation isin progress, click No, end the DDE conversation, and then close NetDDE.

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C H A P T E R 4

Customizing NetDDE Setup

This chapter describes how to modify the NetDDE configuration.

In most cases, the default configurations will adequately handle standard networkconfigurations. However, to successfully operate in complex networkenvironments, you may need to modify or define some of the configurationsoptions.

For more information on security, see Chapter 5, "DDE Share Security."

Contentsn Modifying the Local Node Name

n Configuring Network Interfaces

n Configuring Preferences

n Setting Up Network Routes

n Mapping Node Connections

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4-2 Chapter 4

Modifying the Local Node NameAll nodes on the network must have unique logical node names. Unless mapped toa network node name through the Network Interface Selection dialog box, thelogical node name must correspond to the node name assigned by the underlyingnetwork interface to that PC.

½ To change the local node name:

1. On the Configure menu, click Local Node Name.

The Name for this Node dialog box appears.

2. In the box, type a logical node name for the local node.

The logical node name is limited to a maximum of 15 characters. It cannotcontain any embedded spaces or any of the following special characters: + * \/ , ? ( ) " ’. If an existing logical node name is changed to a new node name,NetDDE must be restarted to recognize the change.

3. Click OK.

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Customizing NetDDE Setup 4-3

Configuring Network InterfacesYou can add new network interfaces, delete existing network interfaces, and/ormodify the network node name assigned to a network interface.

½ To configure network interfaces:

1. On the Configure menu, click Interfaces.

The Network Interface Selection dialog box appears.

2. To change the node name for a particular interface, select the interface in theConfigured Interfaces window, edit the name in the Node Name on SelectedInterface box, and then click Modify.

By default, the logical node name for the local node will appear in this box.You have the option to modify this box in order to enter the node name usedby the PC on the selected network interface. The network node name enteredin this box must be valid for the selected network interface. For example, if itis a TCP/IP network interface, the network node name entered here must beeither in the local host table or known to the TCP/IP name server. Thenetwork node name is limited to 128 characters, but can include anycombination of special characters.

3. To delete a network interface, select the network interface to delete and clickDelete. A confirmation dialog box will appear:

4. To add a network interface, click Add.

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4-4 Chapter 4

The Add a Network Interface dialog box appears.

The Available Interfaces list displays all of the available network interfacesthat NetDDE is capable of supporting. It does not necessarily represent thenetwork interfaces that are currently installed on the node.

5. Select an interface and then click OK. A confirmation dialog box will appear.For example:

6. Click OK to return to the Network Interface Selection dialog box.

7. When you are finished configuring interfaces, click Done.

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Customizing NetDDE Setup 4-5

Configuring PreferencesYou can modify miscellaneous NetDDE program control preferences. Thepreferences chosen will affect all network interfaces and connections.

½ To configure NetDDE preferences:

1. On the Configure menu, click Preferences.

The NetDDE Preferences dialog box appears.

2. To close all network connections when no DDE conversations occur for aspecific time period, select the Close when no Conversations option andenter the time period in the seconds box.

By default, NetDDE is configured to automatically close all networkconnections that are "not used" for 30 seconds. "Not used" means that no DDEconversations are actively sending or receiving data over the particularroute/connection. You may want to enable this option in a situation where aserial modem is being used. If no data is being transferred, closing theconnection would conserve toll charges. The default time can be increased ordecreased. Deselecting the checkbox disables the automatic close function.

3. To configure the local node to use a specific route for all of its connections,type the route name in the Default Route box.

For example, the default route can be used when a laptop computer dials into aLAN. If a salesperson dials his/her company’s LAN network, this default routeestablishes the node to which he/she is initially connected. For example, thenode on the company LAN with a modem accepting incoming connections.

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4-6 Chapter 4

4. Configure preferences for the Wonderware Logger.

Start WW Logger on NetDDE Startup

By default, the Wonderware Logger is automatically started whenNetDDE is run. To prevent the Wonderware Logger from startingautomatically, disable this option. You will now need to start theWonderware Logger manually.

Log Permission Violations

By default, all occurrences of security violations are logged to theWonderware Logger. Security violations occur when a remote clientattempts to access data at the local node for which adequate permissionhas not been granted.

Log Failures Starting Applications

By default, all occurrences of failure to successfully start an applicationthat is not already running are logged to the Wonderware Logger. Unlessprohibited by the prevailing security configuration, if a client referencesan application that is not already running on the local node, NetDDEattempts to start the application first.

Log Transmission Retries

By default, all data transfers that are re-transmitted due to data errors ortimeouts are logged to the Wonderware Logger. It may be desirable toinhibit such logging for noisy serial connections.

5. Configure the times for the time slice and status display update periods.

Time Slice Period, XX milliseconds

NetDDE is event-driven, however, it uses the time-slice timer toperiodically service the protocol layers and configured network interfaces.The time period between services can be modified (minimum value is 55msec. and maximum value is 32K-1 msec.). The default value of 1000msec. is used if NetBIOS is the only configured interface. For othernetwork interfaces, we recommend changing the time slice period value to55 msec.

Status Display Update Period, XX milliseconds

By default, NetDDE updates the statistic values in the status displays onceevery 1000 msec. This time period can be modified. It must be equal toor greater than the defined time slice period. Increasing the frequency ofstatus display updates will impact NetDDE performance.

6. Click OK.

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Customizing NetDDE Setup 4-7

Setting Up Network RoutesThis command is used to set up and save the network routes to be used by the localnode to access remote nodes not directly connected to the PC. In most cases,routes will not need to be defined. For example, route definition is not requiredwhen all nodes reside on a single LAN.

Routes are only used to bridge multiple networks and/or provide the capability ofdial-in support from remote computers. For example, in the following illustration,the node named "Chet" has a serial port connected to a modem and two networkcards installed: one for a TCP/IP network and one for a NetBIOS network. Allnodes on the TCP/IP network can communicate with the nodes on the NetBIOSnetwork or communicate with Linda (who is serially linked to Chet), by setting uproutes through "Chet."

Note All routes are saved in the [Route] section of the NETDDE.INI file.

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4-8 Chapter 4

½ To configure network routes:

1. On the Configure menu, click Routes.

The Network Routes dialog box appears.

2. Initially, the Network Routes dialog box will be blank. Any routes that youadd, along with their configuration information, will appear in this dialog box:

Destination Node List

Allows you to select a route definition to modify or delete. Routedefinitions are referenced by the destination logical node name.

Route to Destination Node

Route to the selected destination node. The last name in this box is thedestination node. Any node name before the destination node is the nameof a hop node in the link to that destination node. No edits can be made inthis box.

Using the previous network illustration, if "Phil" wants to communicatewith "Linda," the route shown in the Network Routes dialog box abovewould be defined on Phil’s machine. The route Chet+Linda tells NetDDEthat in order to get to "Linda" from "Phil," a connection must be madefirst to "Chet" and then a hop through "Chet" to the final destination of"Linda."

3. To add a route, see "Adding a Route" later in this section.

4. To modify a route, see "Modifying a Route" later in this section.

5. To delete a route, see "Deleting a Route" later in this section.

6. When you are finished configuring routes, click Done.

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Customizing NetDDE Setup 4-9

Adding a New Route

½ To define a new route:

1. Click Add.

The Add Route dialog box appears.

2. In the Destination Node Name box, type the name of the destination node.

3. In the Route to Destination Node box, type a route specification.

The last node name entered in this field is the destination node. Any nodename entered before the destination node name is a hop to the destinationnode.

4. Click OK.

5. The new route will be added to the Destination Node List:

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4-10 Chapter 4

Modifying a Route

½ To modify a route:

1. In the Network Routes dialog box, select the destination node from theDestination Node List window.

2. Click Modify.

The Modify Route dialog box appears. (This dialog box is the same as theAdd Route dialog box.)

3. Make the necessary modifications to the route.

4. Click OK.

All modifications will be reflected in the Network Routes dialog box.

Deleting a Route

½ To delete a route:

1. In the Network Routes dialog box, select the destination node from theDestination Node List window.

2. Click Delete.

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Customizing NetDDE Setup 4-11

Mapping Node ConnectionsTo make a connection from one node to another, the logical node name of theremote node is specified by the application initiating the DDE conversation.Unless a connection name mapping for that logical node name is defined throughthis command, NetDDE first assumes that the logical node name is equivalent tothe network node name. It then assumes that in order to reach the remote node, allconfigured network interfaces will be tried in the order that they were defined. Ifeither of these assumptions is incorrect, you must define a mapping between thelogical node name of the remote node and the network interface to be used and/orthe network node name to be used on that interface.

½ To configure logical node names:

1. On the Configure menu, click Connections.

The Connection Names dialog box appears.

2. Initially, the Connection Names dialog box will be blank. Any logical nodenames that you add, along with their configuration information, will appear inthis dialog box:

Logical Node Names

Logical node names of the remote nodes that are normally accessed fromthis node.


Network interface to be used in connecting to the selected logical nodename.


Port number on the defined network interface to be used in connecting tothe selected logical node name. Not all network interfaces supportmultiple ports or allow the ports to be addressed.

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4-12 Chapter 4

Network Node Name

Network node name on the defined network interface to be used inconnecting to the selected logical node name.

3. To add a logical node name, see "Adding a Logical Node Name" later in thissection.

4. To modify a logical node name, see "Modifying a Logical Node Name" laterin this section.

5. To delete a logical node name, see "Deleting a Logical Node Name" later inthis section.

6. When you are finished configuring logical node names, click Done.

Adding a Logical Node Name

½ To add a logical node name:

1. In the Connection Names dialog box, click Add.

The Add Connection Name dialog box appears.

2. In the Logical Node box, type a logical node name for the remote node.

The logical node name cannot exceed 15 characters and cannot includeembedded spaces or the following special characters: + * \ / , ? ( ) " ’.

3. In the Network Interfaces list, select a network interface to be used forconnecting to the remote node represented by the logical node name.

NetDDE allows you to select network interfaces that are not currentlyconfigured. For example, you can select the NetBIOS interface even if youhave not added it to the NetDDE configuration using the Network InterfaceSelection dialog box.

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Customizing NetDDE Setup 4-13

4. If the selected network interface supports multiple ports, a list of possible portselections will appear in the Ports list. Select a port to be used in connectingto the remote node represented by the logical node name.

Not all network interfaces support multiple ports and not all ports listed arevalid references. NetDDE does not validate the selection. If a networkinterface does not support a specific port reference or you are not sure of thevalid selection, select the Any option.

For example, if the NetBIOS network interface is configured to support twonetwork adapters (’lana0’ and ’lana1’), you may wish to specify that allconnections to a specific logical node name be made by going directly to theadapter that services the LAN to which the corresponding remote node isconnected. In this case, click on the down arrow in the Ports field and selecteither Port 0 or Port 1 depending on which adapter is connected to the remotenode.

Note If you are using the Serial interface, the communication ports map to thefollowing logical ports:

COM1: Port 0 COM3: Port 2

COM2: Port 1 COM4: Port 3

5. In the Network Node box, type a network node name that corresponds to thelogical node name of the remote node.

The network node name entered in this field must be valid for the selectednetwork interface. For example, if it is a TCP/IP network interface, thenetwork node name entered here must be either in the local host table orknown to the TCP/IP name server. The network node name is limited to 128characters, but can include any combination of special characters.

6. Click OK to accept the entries and return to the Connection Names dialogbox. The added logical node name will appear in the Logical Node Nameslist.

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Modifying a Logical Node Name

½ To modify a logical node name:

1. In the Connection Names dialog box, select the connection name to modifyfrom the Logical Node Names list.

2. Click Modify.

The Modify Connection Name dialog box appears.

3. Make any necessary changes to the network interface selection, port selection,and/or network node name mapping.

4. Click OK.

All modifications to the selected connection name will be reflected in theConnection Names dialog box.

Deleting a Logical Node Name

½ To delete a logical node name:

1. In the Connection Names dialog box, select the connection name to deletefrom the Logical Node Names list.

2. Click Delete.

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C H A P T E R 5

DDE Share Security

This chapter describes DDE Share Security and the procedure for creating a DDEShare database.

Contentsn Introduction

n Defining Default DDE Share Security

n Customized DDE Shares

n Connecting to a Secured Windows NT Application

n Connecting to a Secured WFW or Win95/98 Application

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5-2 Chapter 5

IntroductionBecause NetDDE enables access by other workstations to DDE data stored on thelocal node, a security policy has been put into place to prevent unauthorized accessto information by remote workstations. With a DDE Share Security policy inplace, access must be explicitly granted to shared DDE data available at the localnode. Likewise, a remote workstation that wants access to secured DDE data mustbe able to respond appropriately to the requirements exacted by the DDE ShareSecurity subsystem in NetDDE.

NetDDE allows you to configure a DDE Share Security policy and to administerthe configured DDE Share Security policy when remote workstations attempt togain access to DDE data available at the local node. The DDE Share Securityarchitecture implemented by NetDDE was first introduced by Microsoft in itsWindows for Workgroups 3.1 product.

DDE SharesDDE shares correspond to DDE data maintained by DDE-aware serverapplications. Some applications, such as Wonderware InTouch and MicrosoftExcel, can be both DDE clients and DDE servers on the local node. DDE sharesare defined in the DDE shares database maintained by NetDDE on each node. TheDDE shares database stores the name of each application and topic pair that can bereferred by a remote node in a NetDDE conversation. The DDE shares databasealso identifies the security permission levels for each DDE share that defines theaccess nodes available to that share.

A DDE share can be created for each DDE topic supported by a DDE-awareapplication. Or, a "wild card" DDE share, specifying "*" as the topic name, can bedefined to enable access through NetDDE to all topics supported by the givenDDE-aware application.

Note The DDE shares database is currently maintained in the Window’sSYSTEM.INI file. Future versions of NetDDE may not retain the format orlocation of the DDE shares database. Do not attempt to edit the DDE sharedatabase directly.

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DDE Share Security 5-3

DDE Share Permission LevelsA DDE share representing an application and topic pair that has been explicitlydefined in the DDE shares database is referred to as a "custom" DDE share. Each"custom" DDE share defined in the DDE shares database has a specific permissionlevel assigned to it. The permission level assigned to the DDE share determineswhat type of access will be granted by NetDDE to remote workstations. Thefollowing permission levels can be assigned to a DDE share:

Full Access

Allows access to the specified application and topic from all remote workstationswithout any restrictions.

No Access

Allows no access to the specified application and topic from any remoteworkstation.

Read Only Access

Allows only DDE Request and DDE Advise access to the specified application andtopic from any remote workstation. No DDE Poke or DDE Execute access isallowed.

Read Only with Password

Allows DDE Request and DDE Advise access to the specified application andtopic only from remote workstations that have the correct password. No DDEPoke or DDE Execute access is allowed.

Full Access with Password, else Read Only

Allows DDE Request and DDE Advise access to the specified application andtopic from any remote workstation. DDE Poke and DDE Execute access isallowed only from remote workstations that have the correct password.

Passwords Required to Read and Write

Allows access to the specified application and topic depending on the passwordsupplied by the remote workstation. One password is defined for DDE Requestand DDE Advise access and another password is defined for DDE Poke and DDEExecute access.

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Default DDE Share SecurityDefault DDE Share Security is applied to all application and topic pairs that are notexplicitly itemized in the DDE shares database. When NetDDE receives an initiateto a specific application and topic, it first interrogates the DDE shares database tosee if specific security permission levels have been assigned. If a share for thespecific application and topic pair has not been defined, NetDDE will use thesecurity permission levels assigned to the default DDE share and apply them to theinitiated DDE conversation. The default DDE share can be assigned the samesecurity permission levels as "custom" DDE shares.

DDE Shares for the Windows for Workgroups andWindows 95/98 Operating Systems

DDE shares defined in the DDE shares database by the DDESHARE.EXE utility(distributed with Windows for Workgroups and Windows 95/98) are compatiblewith NetDDE. NetDDE will enforce the security permission levels assigned to theDDE shares defined by the Windows for Workgroups and Windows 95/98 utilities.The NetDDE security configuration editor (accessed using the Security commandon the Configure menu) can only be used to create or modify application and topicpair type DDE shares.

To create and modify DDE shares, commonly used by Microsoft ClipBook andother DDE-aware programs, you should run the DDESHARE.EXE utility. Refer tothe resource kit for the Windows environment you are using for a completedescription of DDE share types and guide to the DDESHARE.EXE utility.

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DDE Share Security 5-5

Defining Default DDE Share SecurityThe default DDE share can be defined and modified from the Custom DDESecurity Browser.

½ To define default DDE share security:

1. On the Configure menu, click Security.

The Custom DDE Security Browser dialog box appears.

The current security level for the default DDE share is displayed in theDefault DDE Security on This Node is box. For example, "Full Access."

2. To modify the default security level, click Configure Default Security.

The Default DDE Security dialog box appears.

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Descriptions for the options you select will appear in the message window atthe right of the dialog box.

3. In the Default Access group, select a default access option for the node.

By default, NetDDE assumes "Full Access" for the node and creates acorresponding default DDE share when it is activated (unless a DDE sharealready exists in the DDE shares database). This ensures a smooth transitionfrom the Windows 3.1 environment, allowing you to become graduallyaccustomed to securing DDE data in this manner.

For more information on the available permission levels, see "DDE SharePermission Levels" earlier in this chapter.

4. To start an application that is not already running on connection from theremote node, select the Default Startup option.

5. Click OK to return to the Custom DDE Security Browser dialog box.

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DDE Share Security 5-7

Customized DDE SharesThe DDE shares database can be edited through NetDDE. New "custom" DDEshares can be added and existing shares modified. The Custom DDE SecurityBrowser allows you to view existing "custom" DDE shares and initiate actions toadd, modify or delete selected DDE shares. The Custom DDE Security Browseralso allows you to access the default DDE share editor.

½ To customize DDE shares:

1. On the Configure menu, click Security.

The Custom DDE Security Browser dialog box appears.

The default security level for the local node is displayed in the Default DDESecurity on This Node is box. For example, "Full Access."

2. To configure the default DDE share security, click Configure DefaultSecurity.

For more information, see "Defining Default DDE Share Security" earlierin this chapter.

3. To view the security permission level assigned to a custom DDE share, selectthe application from the Application Name window and then select the topicfrom the Topic Name window.

Once a custom DDE share is selected, the security permission level associatedwith that share will be displayed in Security for Selected App/Topic window.

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4. To flush the client password cache, click Flush Client Password Cache.

Note If you are using Windows 3.1, the Flush Client Password Cachebutton will remove all client passwords in the cache without offering aselection.

For more information, see "Flushing Cached Passwords" later in this chapter.

5. Click Done.

Adding a DDE Share

½ To add a DDE share:

1. In the Custom DDE Security Browser dialog box, click Add.

The Custom DDE Security Configuration dialog box appears.

Descriptions for the options you select will appear in the message window atthe right of the dialog box.

2. In the Application box, type an application name.

3. To specify a particular topic name, select the Topic Name option and type atopic name in this box. To allow access to all topics, select the Any Topicoption.

If you wish to only allow access to certain topics in an application, securitylevels can be assigned to each topic. In the example above, SHEET1.XLS ofthe application EXCEL requires a password to read and write.

4. In the Select Required Access Security group, select the desired securitypermission level to be assigned to the custom DDE share.

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DDE Share Security 5-9

For more information on the available permission levels, see "DDE SharePermission Levels" earlier in this chapter.

5. To start an application that is not already running on connection from theremote node, select Application Startup Option.

6. To specify a read password, type a password in the Enter Read Passwordbox.

This box will only appear if the Passwords Required to Read and Writesecurity level is selected.

7. To specify a write password, type a password in the Enter Write Passwordbox.

This box will only appear if the Passwords Required to Read and Writesecurity level is selected.

8. Click OK to return to the Custom DDE Security Browser dialog box.

Modifying a DDE Share

½ To modify a DDE share:

1. In the Custom DDE Security Browser dialog box, click Modify.

The Custom DDE Security Configuration dialog box appears.

2. Make any necessary modifications to the configuration.

For more information on dialog box options, see "Adding a DDE Share"earlier in this chapter.

3. Click OK to return to the Custom DDE Security Browser dialog box.

Deleting a DDE Share

½ To delete a DDE share:

1. In the Custom DDE Security Browser dialog box, select the DDE share todelete.

2. Click Delete.

3. Click OK to return to the Custom DDE Security Browser dialog box.

The share will be removed from the DDE shares database and the displays in theCustom DDE Security Browser dialog will be updated.

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Flushing Cached Passwords

When an application first accesses remote data through NetDDE that has beensecured by a password, the application user is prompted to enter the currentpassword(s). When entering the password(s), the user has the option to haveNetDDE cache the entered password associated with the DDE share beingaccessed. This allows future references to the same DDE share to avoid the userprompt for the password. (Occasionally, it is desirable to flush the cachedpasswords.)

You can remove a client’s cached password(s) associated with DDE share(s) thathave been accessed in the past.

½ To flush cached passwords:

1. In the Custom DDE Security Browser dialog box, click Flush ClientPassword Cache.

The Flush Client DDE Share Password Cache dialog box appears.

2. To remove a cached password associated with a DDE share, select the DDEshare name in the above dialog box and click Flush.

3. To flush all passwords for all cached DDE shares, click Flush All.

4. Click Done to return to the Custom DDE Security Browser dialog box.

If an entered password for a particular share is not removed, NetDDE will use theentered password each time access to that share is attempted.

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DDE Share Security 5-11

Connecting to a Secured Windows NTApplication

DDE security in the Windows NT operating environment is "user-based" ratherthan "share-based" as in Windows for Workgroups. This means that a DDE-awareapplication running in the Windows NT environment secures its DDE data bydefining a DDE share associated with the application and topic being secured. Itthen identifies the user names or groups that can have access to that share and thetype of access to be permitted.

From the client’s perspective, running a DDE-aware application that accesses asecured Windows NT node through NetDDE, the user in whose context the clientapplication is running must be known to the Windows NT node in order to gainaccess to any shared DDE data. After the client application issues the first DDEInitiate to the remote Windows NT node, the Windows NT node queries NetDDEfor the user’s identity. A user’s identity is usually established during Windows orWindows for Workgroups startup (when the user logs on to the appropriate domainserver). If the user’s identity has been established at the local node, NetDDEpasses it on to the secured Windows NT node for validation.

However, if a user’s identity has not been established through an appropriate logonin the Windows or Windows for Workgroups environment, then, in response toWindows NT’s query, NetDDE prompts the user for his/her identity by displayingthe Enter Network Access Password dialog box. This dialog box allows the userto establish correct identity in order to gain access to the secured DDE share on theremote Windows NT node:

The User Name box displays the user name. The Domain box displays either thename of the remote Windows NT node to which the connection is being initiated orthe name of a domain server that the Windows NT node trusts.

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½ To gain access:

1. In the Password box, type the user password that was defined when the user’sidentity was established (either at the remote Windows NT node or at thedesignated domain server).

2. To save the entered user identity at the local node for future accesses to thesame DDE share, select Save Password for Future Access.

3. Click OK.

If the entered information is correct, you will be granted access to the desired DDEshare.

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DDE Share Security 5-13

Connecting to a Secured WFW or Win95/98Application

If a DDE-aware client application attempts to initiate a DDE conversation with asecured WFW or Win95/98 node, the user may be prompted to enter a password.When DDE shares are defined, three of the six security permission levels can be setup to require passwords.

If a DDE share that requires a password is accessed by remote node, NetDDE willrequest a password from the accessing client node. This, in turn, prompts the userfor the appropriate password with the Enter NetDDE Share Access Passworddialog box:

½ To gain access:

1. In the Password box, type the appropriate password for the desired DDEshare.

Clients must be informed of valid passwords by the user defining the DDEshare.

2. To save the entered user identity at the local node for future accesses to thesame DDE share, select Save Password for Future Access.

3. Click OK.

If the entered information is correct, you will be granted access to the desired DDEshare.

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C H A P T E R 6

Additional Serial InterfaceParameters

This chapter describes the additional operating parameters that need to beconfigured when the Serial interface is selected.

Contentsn Introduction

n Configuring Ports

n Defining Connection Information

n Viewing Port Status

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6-2 Chapter 6

IntroductionAfter the Serial interface has been selected using the Interfaces command on theConfigure menu, additional parameters need to be configured for NetDDE tosuccessfully access remote nodes. These parameters include definition of the PCcommunication port to use, modem configuration, and connection informationincluding dialing instructions.

½ To configure the Serial interface:

1. On the Configure menu, click SERIAL Parameters.

The Serial Configuration dialog box appears.

2. To configure the communication port(s) or modem(s) being used by the localnode, click Port Configuration.

For information on configuring ports, see "Configuring Ports" later in thischapter.

3. To set up the connection names that define the serial links between the localnode and a specific remote node name, click Define ConnectionInformation.

Connection information associated with a defined serial link identifies the portto use for the link and the modem dialing instructions for that link (if that linkis a dial-up connection).

For information on configuring connections, see "Defining SerialConnections" later in this chapter.

4. To view the status of ports, to disconnect telephone connections to modems, orto re-initialize modems, click Port Status.

For information on port status, see "Configuring Port Status" later in thischapter.

5. To configure other serial parameters, click General Serial Parameters.

This button will appear in the Serial Configuration dialog box only if youhave enabled the Enable Debug Menu Items command on the Test menu.

For more information, see Chapter 8, "NetDDE Test and DebugCommands."

6. Once all entries are made, click Done to close the dialog box.

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Additional Serial Interface Parameters 6-3

Configuring PortsYou can change the communication port(s) and/or modem(s) being used byNetDDE at the local node.

Note When connecting a PC communication port to a modem or to the remotePCs communication port, you must use a cable that enables full-handshakingcapability. For direct PC-to-PC connections (DTE-to-DTE), use a NULL modemcable. For PC-to Modem (DTE-to-DCE), use a "straight cable." For moreinformation, see the "Cable Diagrams" section of Appendix C.

½ To configure serial ports:

1. In the Serial Configuration dialog box, click Port Configuration.

The Port Configuration dialog box appears.

The Port Configuration dialog box allows you to enable PC communicationports for NetDDE use, select the data transfer speed (baud) for each serialport, and configure the port for modem communication (if applicable). Serialcharacter size, parity and stop bit parameters are not configurable. NetDDEuses internal defaults for these parameters.

2. In the Port list, select the communication port to be enabled or configured.

The only accessible PC communication ports will be those that were definedfor NetDDE use when the "SDDTSR.EXE" TSR was installed.

For more information, see "Installation Requirements for Serial Port" inChapter 2.

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3. Select the Enabled option to activate the selected PC communication port forNetDDE use.

Multiple communication ports may be enabled concurrently by reselecting theport box.

4. In the Com Port Baud Rate list, select the appropriate baud rate to beassigned to the selected PC communication port. If you select Other from thelist, you can specify a baud rate.

Note The 38,400 baud rate is not supported reliably by all PC communicationhardware. If the NetDDE connection is terminated frequently whenconfigured at this rate, reduce the selected baud rate to a value that is morecompatible with the PC and communication hardware being used. Otherwise,upgrade PC hardware with support for higher performance UARTs, such asthe 16550.

5. In the NetDDE Port Type group, select type of port that NetDDE will use.The following options are available:

Direct Connection

Nodes are directly connected with a serial cable.


The selected PC communication port is attached to a modem. When youselect this option, the Modem Configuration group becomes available.

For more information on configuring the modem, see "ConfiguringModem Details" later in this chapter.

Leased Line Modem

If two nodes are connected by two modems using a leased or "direct" line,select the Leased Line Modem option. (Such modems must support andbe configured for leased line mode.)

6. In the Flow Control group, select a transmit option.


Enables RTS/CTS flow control.


Enables DTR/DSR flow control.

7. Click OK to return to the Serial Configuration dialog box.

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Additional Serial Interface Parameters 6-5

Configuring Modem DetailsWhen you configure modem details, you configure the modem options to be usedto initialize the modem attached to the selected PC communication port.

½ To configure modem details:

1. In the Port Configuration dialog box, select Modem in the NetDDE PortType group.

The Modem Configuration options will become available.

In most cases, the default settings for modem parameters provide goodperformance and do not require modification. However, they can be changedto fine-tune the modem for a specific environment.

2. In the Init String box, verify or change the Hayes-compatible commandsequence that is issued to the modem to initialize and configure itappropriately for communications.

For more information, see "Modem Initialization String Sequences" laterin this chapter.

3. The Dial Prefix string is prefixed to the phone number (specified as part of theConnection Information configuration) each time NetDDE dials the remotenode via the modem. Different modems or connected telephone carriersrequire different options at dial time. (Specific modem requirements fordialing should be found in the manufacturer’s documentation.) The defaultprefix specifies the following:

’D’ Tells the modem to dial the appended number.

’T’ Tells the modem to use the "Tone" mode rather than the "Pulse"mode when dialing.

4. In the Dial Timeout box, type the number of seconds NetDDE will allow forthe modem to connect (after the dial string was issued) before NetDDE timesout.

5. In the Dial Retries box, type the number of times NetDDE will redial theremote when the dialing timeout is exceeded. (NetDDE does not detect thebusy signal or count rings to determine when to give up.)

6. In the Hangup Timeout box, type long to delay before issuing a hang-upsequence to the modem (after a conversation has terminated).

Different modems and telephone carriers may have different requirements forthis parameter. Issuing a hang-up command to some modems can prematurelycut off the last control message being sent to the remote modem.

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Modem Initialization String SequencesThis Init String box in the Modem Details dialog box contains a Hayescompatible command sequence that is issued to the modem to initialize andconfigure it appropriately for communications. The initialization command stringis issued to the modem when the specific communication port is opened forcommunication or when the modem is reinitialized.

The initialization sequence may vary according to the modem being used(initialization sequences will always begin with an ’AT’ prefix). To determine theinitialization sequence for the modem, see the manufacturer’s documentation.

The default sequence that initially appears specifies the following minimummodem operating characteristics required by NetDDE:

’Q1’ Inhibits the modem from sending responses to commandsback to NetDDE. NetDDE does not support symbolic ornumeric command responses from the modem.

’E0’ Inhibits the mode from echoing the command stringsthemselves. This is relevant when dialing and initializing.NetDDE does not support command echoes from themodem.

’S0=1’ Enables the modem to answer on the first ring if you wantto allow the attached modem to receive connections fromremote nodes. Otherwise, the command must be changedto S0=0 to disable answering.

When changing the initialization command string, you may need to cycle power onthe modem or reset the modem before sending it the new initialization string.Modems do not respond to command strings while in data mode. NetDDE uses theDTR signal to reset modems into command mode. If the modem was not initiallyenabled to respond to the DTR signal, it could ignore DTR and require a manualreset.

In some cases, you may need to add the following common parameters to theinitialization string:

&F Restores factory default configuration.

&D2 Configures the modem to respond properly to the DTRsignal from NetDDE. For example, to reset the modem intocommand mode when the DTR signal is toggled byNetDDE.

&C1 Configures the modem to properly present the Carrier Detect(CD) signal from NetDDE after a connection to the remotemodem has been established. NetDDE uses the state of theCD signal to determine when the dialed remote node hasanswered or when the remote node has hung up.

Note For NetDDE to connect properly to a modem, the modem must present theDSR (Data Set Ready) signal after initialization. If the DSR signal is low orfollows the CD signal, an error will occur. If this occurs, refer to the modemmanual for the appropriate DIP switch setting and/or initialization string parameterto use. In general, DSR should NOT follow CD, and should be ON afterinitialization while the DTR signal from the PC is active. The modem must alsorespond to the DTR signal and present the CD signal only after a connection hasbeen established.

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Additional Serial Interface Parameters 6-7

Defining Connection InformationYou must define the connection information needed to set up the serial linksbetween the local node and the specific remote node. For example, if the seriallink to the remote node is direct, you must associate the communication port to beused with the remote node name. If the serial link to the remote node is via a dial-up modem, you must associate the communication port and telephone number to bedialed with the remote node name.

½ To define connection information:

1. In the Serial Parameters dialog box, click Define Connection Information.

The Connection Information dialog box appears. Initially, the ConnectionInformation dialog box will be blank.

The Connection Information dialog box displays a list of defined serial linksand the port and phone number of the selected link. No changes can beentered directly into the text fields of this dialog box.

2. Before defining connection names, verify that the required communicationports have been correctly configured and enabled. The options are describedas follows:

Connection Name List

Contains the remote node names to which serial links can be made fromthe local node. Added remote nodes will also appear in this list.

To add a connection name mapping, see "Adding a Serial Link" later inthis chapter.

To modify a connection name mapping, see "Modifying a Serial Link"later in this chapter.

To delete a connection name mapping, see "Deleting a Serial Link" laterin this chapter.

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Port being used to connect to the selected remote node.

To select a different port, see "Modifying a Serial Link" later in thischapter.

Phone Number

Phone number being used to connect to the selected remote node.

To enter a different phone number, see "Modifying a Serial Link" later inthis chapter.

3. Click Done to return to the Serial Configuration dialog box.

Adding a Serial LinkWhen you add a serial link, you will define a new serial link to a remote node.

½ To add a serial link:

1. In the Connection Information dialog box, click Add.

The Add Serial Connection Information dialog box appears.

2. In the Connection Node Name box, type the remote node name to which theserial link will be made.

This name must match the remote node’s logical node name.

3. In the Port list, select the PC communication port to be used to connect to theselected remote node.

If the serial connection is a direct connection (via RS-232 NULL modemcable) from the local node to the remote node, select the appropriatecommunication port.

4. In the Phone Number box, type the telephone number for the modem to bedialed.

If the connected modem or telephone carrier supports outside line access orrequires pauses during the dialing process, control characters for thesefunctions (for example, commas) can be entered in this box.

5. Click OK to return to the Connection Information dialog box.

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Additional Serial Interface Parameters 6-9

Modifying a Serial Link

½ To modify a serial link:

1. In the Connection Information dialog box, select the serial link (representedby the remote node link) to modify.

2. Click Modify.

The Modify Serial Connection Information dialog box appears.

3. The options in the Modify Serial Connection Information dialog box aresimilar to those in the Add Serial Connection Information dialog box.Make any necessary modifications.

4. Click OK.

The revised information will now appear in the Connection Information dialogbox.

Deleting a Serial Link

½ To delete a serial link:

1. In the Connection Information dialog box, select the remote node nameassociated with the link in the Connection Name List.

2. Click Delete.

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Viewing Port StatusYou can view the status of communication ports, to disconnect active serialconnections, or to re-initialize modems.

½ To view port status:

1. Click Port Status In the Serial Configuration dialog box:

The Port Status dialog box appears.

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Additional Serial Interface Parameters 6-11

Port list Select the communication port for viewing. (Onlythe ports enabled using the Port Configurationcommand will be listed.)

Note: If the communication port being viewed isdirectly connected to the remote node (via RS-232), the Port Status dialog box will have slightlydifferent options.

For more information, see "Port Status for DirectConnect Ports" later in this chapter.

Hang Up To terminate the telephone connection that hasbeen established via an attached modem, clickHang Up.

This option appears only for selectedcommunication ports that have a modem attached.A message box will appear to confirm thetermination. Click Yes to terminate or No tocancel.

Initialize Modem To send the initialization information entered forthe modem, click Initialize Modem.

Prior to sending the initialization information to themodem, NetDDE toggles the DTR signal to resetthe modem and place it into command receptionstate. This option appears only for selectedcommunication ports that have a modem attached.

Configuration Displays the Configuration settings for theselected communication port.

Status The status area of the dialog box displays the statusof the selected communication port and displaysone of the following messages reflecting thecurrent status of the selected communication port:

Hanging up

Waiting Xmt Read to send dial sting

Dialed, attempt #N of NNN, waited T ofTTT seconds

Waiting for connection response fromremote node

Waiting Xmt Ready to send connect rsp

Connected ... no data received



Unknown state: NNNN


Transmit Ready Transmit Ready will appear in this

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field if the line is ready to accept datafrom NetDDE. If the line istransmitting, Transmitting will appear.

Xmit Queue Size In the Xmit Queue Size box, the size ofthe serial driver queue for transmittingdata is displayed.

Rcv Queue Size In the Rcv Queue Size box, the size ofthe serial driver queue for receivingdata is displayed.

Modem Status This Modem Status group displays thereal-time state of the primary controlsignals from the connected modem ordirectly connected PC. If a particularsignal is asserted, the correspondingradio button will be highlighted. Thefollowing describes each displayedsignal:

CD Carrier Detect. Attached modem or PCis successfully connected to the remotenode, if set.

DSR Data Set Ready. Attached modem orPC is powered on and physicallyconnected, if set.

CTS Clear To Send. Attached modem or PCis ready to accept data from the localnode, if set.

RI Ring. Remote modem is ringing, if set.Not all modems support this signal.NetDDE ignores this signal.

When finished click Done to return to the Serial Configuration dialog box.

Page 82: NetDDE

Additional Serial Interface Parameters 6-13

Port Status for Direct Connect PortsIf the communication port being viewed is directly connected to the remote node(via RS-232), the Port Status dialog box will appear as follows:

Click Close Port to close the connection to the remote node via the selected PCcommunication port.

The descriptions on the Configuration, Status, Transmit, and Modem Statusoptions are the same for both modem and direct connect ports.

For more information on these options, see "Configuring Port Status" earlier in thischapter..

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6-14 Chapter 6

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C H A P T E R 7

NetDDE Status and StatisticsDisplay

This chapter describes the NetDDE status and statistics display commands foundon the View menu. It also describes the Window menu commands used to controlthe display of the status/statistics child windows in the NetDDE program window.

Contentsn Introduction

n Viewing Status and Statistics Information

n Configuring Child Windows

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7-2 Chapter 7

IntroductionNetDDE allows you to view the status of ongoing DDE conversations, connections,and routes, as well as the statistics associated with them. Status displays areupdated as soon as they happen. Statistics displays (when enabled) are updated ata user-defined poll rate or "manually" when the user requests the update. Use theView menu to choose the type of status and statistics to be displayed. Use theWindow menu to control the arrangement and presentation of the status andstatistics display windows.

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NetDDE Status and Statistics Display 7-3

Viewing Status and Statistics InformationYou can select the type of NetDDE status and statistics information to be displayedin the NetDDE program window. You can also activate and show the WonderwareLogger, which is used to display logged error and advisory messages.

By default, the status for Network Interfaces, Internode Connections, and DDEConversations will be displayed when NetDDE is initially started up:

The selected status and statistics (optional) displays appear as child windows withthe NetDDE program window.

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7-4 Chapter 7

Viewing Network InterfacesThe Network Interfaces child window displays the status and statistics (optional)for each configured network interface and network interface adapter.

To view network interfaces, on the View menu, click Networks.

The following table describes the columns for this display.

Column Description

Pkts Sent Number of network packets that have been transmittedfrom the local node over the corresponding networkinterface.

Pkts Rcvd Number of network packets that have been received by thelocal node over the corresponding network interface.

Bytes Sent Number of bytes that have been transmitted from the localnode over the corresponding network interface.

Bytes Rcvd Number of network packets that have been received by thelocal node over the corresponding network interface.

Network Interface Configured network interface.

Status Current state of the connection. "OK" indicates that thenetwork interface is ready and available to establish andconduct internode DDE connections.

Note The Pkts Sent, Pkts Rcvd, Bytes Sent, and Bytes Rcvd columns are onlydisplayed if you have enabled the Statistics command on the View menu. (Youmust also select View Statistics on the Control menu. Access the Control menuby clicking on the NetDDE icon in the top left corner of the program window.)

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NetDDE Status and Statistics Display 7-5

Viewing ConnectionsThe Internode Connections child window displays status and statistics (optional)on the DDE connections between the local node and all directly connected remotenodes with which NetDDE is actively communicating.

To display current DDE connections to remote nodes, on the View menu, clickConnections.

The following table describes the columns for this display.

Column Description

Pkts Sent Number of network packets that have beentransmitted from the local node to the correspondingdirectly connected remote node.

Pkts Rcvd Number of network packets that have been receivedby the local node from the corresponding directlyconnected remote node.

Layer Network interface through which the DDEconnection is being made.

Node Name of the remote node to which the local node isconnected.

Status Current state of the connection. The following statusinformation may be displayed in this column:


"Wait Network Connect"

"Wait Connect Cmd"

"Wait Connect Rsp"

"Pause for Memory"


"Unknown (XXXX)"

Note The Pkts Sent and Pkts Rcvd columns are only displayed if you haveenabled the Statistics command on the View menu. (You must also select ViewStatistics on the Control menu. Access the Control menu by clicking on theNetDDE icon in the top left corner of the program window.)

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7-6 Chapter 7

Viewing RoutesThe Routes child window displays the status and statistics (optional) for all DDEroutes originating from the local node or terminating at the local node. A DDEroute is defined as a connection between two endpoint nodes irrespective of thenumber of intermediate hops that are involved in the connection.

To display DDE routes, on the View menu, click Routes.

The following table describes the columns for this display.

Column Description

Pkts Sent Number of network packets that have been transmittedfrom the local node to the corresponding remote node.

Pkts Rcvd Number of network packets that have been received bythe local node from the corresponding remote node.

Dest Name of the remote endpoint to which the connection isbeing made.

Status Current state of the network connection. The followingstatus information may be displayed in this column:

"Wait Network Interface"

"Wait Route Response"



"Unknown (XXXX)"

Note The Pkts Sent and Pkts Rcvd columns are only displayed if you haveenabled the Statistics command on the View menu. (You must also select ViewStatistics on the Control menu. Access the Control menu by clicking on theNetDDE icon in the top left corner of the program window.)

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NetDDE Status and Statistics Display 7-7

Viewing HopsThe Through Node Hops child window displays status and statistics (optional) forall DDE routes on the network that use the local node as a hop node. Although thelocal node is not an endpoint for any of the DDE traffic displayed in this window,through node traffic does have an impact on available NetDDE resources andperformance.

To display hop information for the local node, on the View menu, click Hops.

The following table describes the columns for this display.

Column Description

Pkts Sent Number of network packets that have beentransmitted from the local node to thecorresponding remote destination node.

Pkts Rcvd Number of network packets that have beenreceived by the local node from thecorresponding remote source node.

Source Name of the remote node that is using thelocal node as a hop on its route to thedestination remote node.

Dest Remote node name to which the hop is beingmade from the source remote node.

Status Current state of the hop connection. Thefollowing status information may bedisplayed in this column:

"Wait Network Interface"

"Wait Route Response"



"Unknown (XXXX)"

Note The Pkts Sent and Pkts Rcvd columns are only displayed if you haveenabled the Statistics command on the View menu. (You must also select ViewStatistics on the Control menu. Access the Control menu by clicking on theNetDDE icon in the top left corner of the program window.)

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7-8 Chapter 7

Viewing ConversationsThe DDE Conversations child window displays the status and statistics (optional)for all DDE conversations originating or terminating at the local node. It identifiesthe conversing nodes, applications and topics.

To display the current DDE conversation information, on the View menu, clickConversations.

The following table describes the columns for this display.

Column Description

Pkts Sent Number of DDE messages that have been transmittedfrom the source (client) node\application to thecorresponding remote destination (server)node\application|topic.

Pkts Rcvd Number of DDE messages that have been received by thesource (client) node\application from the correspondingremote destination (server) node\application|topic.

Conversation Source (client) node\application and the remotedestination (server) node\application|topic engaged in aDDE conversation at the local node via NetDDE.

Status Current state of the DDE conversation. The followingstatus information may be displayed in this column:

"Wait Init Ack"



"/SN" (Terminate sent on Net)

"/RN" (Terminate received from Net)

"/SL" (Terminate sent locally)

"/RL" (Terminate received locally)

"Wait Net Init Ack"

"Unknown (XXXX)

Note The Pkts Sent and Pkts Rcvd columns are only displayed if you haveenabled the Statistics command on the View menu. (You must also select ViewStatistics on the Control menu. Access the Control menu by clicking on theNetDDE icon in the top left corner of the program window.)

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NetDDE Status and Statistics Display 7-9

Viewing DDE RoutesThe DDE Routes child window displays status and statistics (optional) informationon DDE conversation routes. This information indicates whether or not DDE-aware applications on the local node have established intranode DDE conversation(Local <-> Local) or internode DDE conversations (Local -> Net or Net -> Local).

To display DDE route information, on the View menu, click DDE Routes.

The following table describes the columns for this display.

Column Description

Pkts Sent Number of DDE messages that have been transmitted fromeach DDE route.

Pkts Rcvd Number of DDE messages that have been received by eachDDE route.

Type Type of DDE route. The following type information maybe displayed in this column:





Status Current state of the DDE route. The following status onthe DDE route may be displayed in this column:





Note The Pkts Sent and Pkts Rcvd columns are only displayed if you haveenabled the Statistics command on the View menu. (You must also select ViewStatistics on the Control menu. Access the Control menu by clicking on theNetDDE icon in the top left corner of the program window.)

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7-10 Chapter 7

Viewing StatisticsNetDDE allows you to control whether or not statistics are displayed in the enabledchild windows. You can enable or disable display of the number of packets (PktsSent and Pkts Rcvd) or the number of bytes (Byte Sent and Bytes Rcvd) in openchild windows. Byte level statistics are only available for the Network Interfacesdisplay.

When you enable statistics, you can choose whether to gather the information"automatically" or "manually." If you choose to display statistics automatically,information is updated in all open child windows periodically by NetDDE (basedon the selected poll rate in the NetDDE Preferences dialog box). If you choose todisplay statistics manually, information is only updated when you position themouse cursor in the child window and click the left mouse button.

To enable statistics, on the View menu, point to Statistics and then click theappropriate command.

Once you have enabled either automatic or manual statistics, you can control thedisplay of statistics for each child window. On the Control menu of child window,click View Statistics.

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NetDDE Status and Statistics Display 7-11

Showing the Wonderware LoggerThe Wonderware Logger records and displays error, warnings and other advisorymessages generated by NetDDE. Although the recorded information can beviewed through the use of a standard text editing tool (for example, Notepad), theWonderware Logger provides convenient access to the recorded data as well asconcurrent viewing of the information being logged in "real time." The logger filesgenerated by NetDDE are named using the date they were created. For example,"19980707.AEH" is the log file for information logged by NetDDE on July 4,1998.

The log file used by NetDDE is shared with other applications, such as InTouchand DDE Servers. Messages logged in the file by NetDDE may be interspersedwith messages from other applications, all recorded in chronological order.

To bring the Wonderware Logger program display to the forefront of your desktop,on the View menu, click Show WW Logger.

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7-12 Chapter 7

Configuring Child WindowsThe Window menu contains commands used to arrange information in theNetDDE program window. Since all NetDDE status and statistics information aredisplayed through specific child windows, you may want to control how the openchild windows appear in the NetDDE program window. You can add a horizontalscroll bar to open child windows, or change the font style for the data displayed inthe NetDDE program window.

TilingTo tile information in the program window vertically, click Tile on the Windowmenu. For example:

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NetDDE Status and Statistics Display 7-13

CascadingTo cascade information in the program window, click Cascade on the Windowmenu. For example:

Tiling HorizontallyTo tile information in the program window horizontally, click Tile Horizontallyon the Window menu. This display format is the default. For example:

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7-14 Chapter 7

Arranging IconsTo arrange child window icons in the NetDDE program window, click ArrangeIcons on the Window menu. For example:



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NetDDE Status and Statistics Display 7-15

Adding a Horizontal Scroll BarYou can scroll each status and statistics display child window horizontally whenthe NetDDE program window is too small to display all relevant information. Toadd a horizontal scroll bar to all open child windows, click Horz Scroll on theWindow menu. For example:

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7-16 Chapter 7

Changing the Display FontYou can choose the font used to display status and statistics information in thechild windows (only fixed pitch fonts are supported).

½ To change the font:

1. On the View menu, click Font.

The Font dialog box appears.

2. Select the desired font from the Font list.

3. Configure the font attributes, such as color, font style, and size.

4. Click OK.

The NetDDE status and statistics information will be displayed using the new font.

Determining Open Child WindowsThe lower section of the Window menu lists all open child windows. A checkmarkis displayed next to the child window that currently has focus. For example:

In the above example, the Network Interfaces, Connections and Conversationswindows are open, with the focus on Network Interfaces.

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C H A P T E R 8

Testing and Debugging NetDDE

This chapter describes some of the available NetDDE test, trace and debug options.

Contentsn Introduction

n Testing an Open Connection

n Closing an Open Connection

n Enabling Debug Menu Commands

n Configuring Additional Interface Parameters

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8-2 Chapter 8

Introduction NetDDE provides inter-node connectivity to DDE-aware Windows applications(under most normal circumstances) without testing. However, from within theNetDDE program window, you can:

Validate network connections.

Enable logging and tracing of DDE messages.

Dump the state of NetDDE and configured network interfaces.

Modify the additional operating parameters supported by each configured networkinterface.

Warning! Enabling the debug and trace options described in this sectionsignificantly impacts NetDDE performance and system resources. Logging shouldnot be enabled unless directed by Wonderware Technical Support.

You can verify connectivity between NetDDE programs operating on differentnodes of the network or across serial interfaces. You can also enable additionalmenu items in both the NetDDE Control and Configure menus.

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Chapter 8 8-3

Testing an Open Connection You can open a test connection between the NetDDE program on the local nodeand a NetDDE program on a specified remote node. You should only verifyconnectivity between two nodes. After successfully verifying connectivity, be sureto close the test connection.

To test an open connection:

On the Test menu, click Open Connection….

The Name to Connect to... dialog box appears.

In the box, type the logical node name of the remote node to which you want toconnect.

Click OK .

Once the connection is established, information regarding the connection willappear in the Internode Connections window, according to the options enabled inthe View menu. For example:

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8-4 Chapter 8

If the test connection fails, verify that proper configuration and installationprocedures were performed for the local node and the remote node to which youare attempting to connect. Most connection failures are due to improper orincomplete configuration of the underlying network interface.

If the connection is serial, ensure that you are using the correct cable and that bothnodes are using the same Baud Rate and the same Flow Control protocol. If usingmodems, make sure that the proper initialization string has been given and themodems are configured properly. Verify that the destination node name is properlymapped to a communication port.

If the connection is DECnet or TCP/IP, make sure that the destination node nameand address were properly configured when you installed the network interface.Verify that the local node name and address are entered in the remote node’s hosttable.

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Chapter 8 8-5

Closing an Open Connection Test connections should be closed after successful verification of remote nodeconnectivity. You can also break or terminate connections established throughnormal conversation initiation procedures, but this is not recommended.

To close an open connection:

On the Test menu, click Close Connection.

The Close Connection With dialog box appears.

To close a single connection, in the Name list, enter the logical node name of theremote node connection to close (or select a remote node name from the list).Then, click Close.

In the validation box that appears, click Yes to close the connection or No to returnto the Close Connection With dialog box.

To close all open connections, click Close All.

In the validation box that appears, click Yes to close all open connections or No toreturn to the Close Connection With dialog box.

When you are finished closing connections, click Done.

The closed connections will no longer appear in the NetDDE program window.

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8-6 Chapter 8

Enabling Debug Menu Commands You can enable access to additional debug configuration parameters for eachnetwork interface and access to additional logging and trace options.

To enable debug menu commands:

On the Test menu, click Enable Debug Menu Items.

Debug menus will appear in the Control menu and the Configure menu.

To disable debug menu commands:

On the Test menu, click Disable Debug Menu Items.

Debug menus will be removed from the Control menu and the Configure menu.

To access the Control menu in Windows 3.11 or Windows for Workgroups, clickthe button in the top left corner of the NetDDE program window.

To access the Control menu in Windows 95/98, click the icon in the top leftcorner of the NetDDE program window.

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Chapter 8 8-7

Control Menu Debug Commands If you check the Enable Debug Menu Items command on the Test menu, thefollowing log, trace, and dump options will appear in the Control Menu:

To access the Control menu in Windows 3.11 or Windows for

Workgroups, click the control button in the top left corner of the NetDDEprogram window.

To access the Control menu in Windows 95/98, click the NetDDE icon

in the top left corner of the NetDDE program window.

Warning! Enabling the log, dump, and trace options described in this sectionsignificantly impacts NetDDE performance and system resources. Logging shouldnot be enabled unless directed by Wonderware Technical Support.

Log DDE Traffic Enabling this option causes NetDDE to log all DDE related Windows messages(sent or received by NetDDE on the local node) to the Wonderware Logger. Theformat of the logged data is similar to the example below:

94/08/29 13:27:54.870/NETDDE /rcvd WM_DDE_ADVISE 51F8 5574 4A9EC2B2 [s01:TEXT] 0/1

94/08/29 13:27:55.040/NETDDE /sent WM_DDE_ACK 5574 51F8 8000C2B2 [s01]

94/08/29 13:27:55.090/NETDDE /sent WM_DDE_DATA 5574 51F8 4A9EC2B2 [s01:TEXT] "1


94/08/29 13:27:55.260/NETDDE /rcvd WM_DDE_REQUEST 51F8 5574 0001C2B2 [s01:TEXT]

94/08/29 13:27:55.260/NETDDE /rcvd WM_DDE_ACK 51F8 5574 8000C2B2 [s01]

94/08/29 13:27:55.370/NETDDE /sent WM_DDE_DATA 5574 51F8 4A9EC2B2 [s01:TEXT] "2 INITIALIZED" 1/0

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8-8 Chapter 8

Log Info Enabling this option causes NetDDE to log the various internal NetDDE functioncalls and parameters associated with all DDE data transfers to the WonderwareLogger. This information has no meaning to the general user and is provided onlyfor use by Wonderware Technical Support. The format of the logged data issimilar to the example below:

94/08/29 13:30:46.240/NETDDE /PKTZ: Received packet 000000C2 oflength 124

94/08/29 13:30:46.300/NETDDE /RouterPacketFromNet( hPktz:0CC777C8,0CC73546 )

94/08/29 13:30:46.350/NETDDE /RouterProcessDderPacket( 0CC777C8,0CC73546 )

94/08/29 13:30:46.350/NETDDE /DderPacketFromRouter( 0CC7791C,0CC73546 )

94/08/29 13:30:46.350/NETDDE / hDder: 0CC735E3

94/08/29 13:30:46.410/NETDDE /IpcXmitPacket( 000051F8, 0CC735E3,0CC73546 )

94/08/29 13:30:46.410/NETDDE /PKTZ: Transmitting packet 00000000 oflength 40 ...

94/08/29 13:30:46.460/NETDDE /DderPacketFromIPC( 0CC735E3, 000051F8,0CC7356F )

94/08/29 13:30:46.520/NETDDE /RouterPacketFromDder( 0CC7791C,0CC735E3, 0CC7356F )

Log DDE Packets Enabling this option causes NetDDE to log the contents of all DDE messages(received and sent by NetDDE at the local node) to the Wonderware Logger. Theformat of the logged data is similar to the example below:

94/08/29 13:30:52.670/NETDDE /

94/08/29 13:30:53.270/NETDDE /DDEPKT: 0CC7356C

94/08/29 13:30:53.270/NETDDE / WM_DDE_DATA

94/08/29 13:30:53.330/NETDDE / format: 0001

94/08/29 13:30:53.330/NETDDE / offsFormat: 0000

94/08/29 13:30:53.330/NETDDE / fResponse: 00

94/08/29 13:30:53.380/NETDDE / fAckReq: 01

94/08/29 13:30:53.380/NETDDE / fRelease: 01

94/08/29 13:30:53.440/NETDDE / offsItem: 0034

94/08/29 13:30:53.490/NETDDE / item: "s01"

94/08/29 13:30:53.490/NETDDE / offsData: 0038

94/08/29 13:30:53.550/NETDDE / sizeData: 0000001C

94/08/29 13:30:53.550/NETDDE / 0CC735A4: 32 20 49 4E 49 54 49 41-4C49 5A 45 44 00 00 00 2 INITIA-LIZED...

94/08/29 13:30:53.600/NETDDE / 0CC735B4: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-0000 00 00 ........-....

94/08/29 13:30:53.600/NETDDE /

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Chapter 8 8-9

Dump NetDDE State Enabling this option causes NetDDE to do a one-time dump of its current state tothe Wonderware Logger. This information has no meaning to the general user andis provided only for use by Wonderware Technical Support. The format of thelogged data is similar to the example below:

94/08/29 13:30:56.680/NETDDE /

94/08/29 13:30:59.590/NETDDE /DDEINTF State [Normal Windows]:

94/08/29 13:30:59.640/NETDDE / 51F8: 0CC73663 \\PROMETHIUM\WWCLIENT-> \\LITHIUM\TESTPROT|TOPIC

94/08/29 13:30:59.640/NETDDE / 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 51F8 55740CC735E3 2 0000 0000 187 187

94/08/29 13:30:59.700/NETDDE /DDEINTF State [Terminating Windows]:

94/08/29 13:30:59.700/NETDDE /DDER State:

94/08/29 13:30:59.750/NETDDE / 0CC735E3: 00000000 00000000 5 10013D560 0CC7791C 000051F8 00000000 00000000 00000000 1 1 1 1 0 186186

94/08/29 13:30:59.750/NETDDE /ROUTER State:

94/08/29 13:30:59.810/NETDDE / 0CC7791C: 00000000 00000000 3 1"PROMETHIUM" "LITHIUM" "nickel" 188 188

94/08/29 13:30:59.810/NETDDE / 0 30 0 0 100 0 30 "lithium"0CC735E3

94/08/29 13:30:59.860/NETDDE / 0: 0CC777C8 10D7003C 00000000 000000000 0 1 0 0

94/08/29 13:30:59.860/NETDDE / 1: 00000000 00000000 00000000 000000000 0 1 0 0

94/08/29 13:30:59.920/NETDDE /PKTZ State:

94/08/29 13:30:59.920/NETDDE / 0CC777C8: "NETBIOS" 11377E36 1 0000000D0 000000D0 02 000000CF 000000CF 000000CF

94/08/29 13:30:59.970/NETDDE / 000000D0 0 "NICKEL" "nickel" 147010 60000 60000 10000 60000 120000 60000

94/08/29 13:31:00.030/NETDDE / 3 3 3 0 30 413 394 0CC7371800000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

94/08/29 13:31:00.080/NETDDE / 00000000 00000000 0CC771EC0CC73D30 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 000000000CC7791C 0

94/08/29 13:31:00.080/NETDDE /

Dump NetDDE Memory Enabling this option causes NetDDE to do a one-time dump of its global memoryusage summary to the Wonderware Logger. This information has no meaning tothe general user and is only provided for use by Wonderware Technical Support.The format of the logged data (for the NetBIOS interface) is similar to the examplebelow:

94/08/29 13:31:00.080/NETDDE /

94/08/29 13:31:02.060/NETDDE /0B470000: "NETDDE" used 1 of 128 32767byte Chks, 1024 granules

94/08/29 13:31:02.110/NETDDE / # : hMem Address Alloced/BlkSizeFrLs Hg

94/08/29 13:31:02.110/NETDDE / 1: 0CC6 p 214368256 19104 7FFF 0

94/08/29 13:31:02.170/NETDDE /

Dump "Interface" State

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8-10 Chapter 8

Enabling this option causes NetDDE to request a one-time dump of the selectednetwork interface’s state to the Wonderware Logger. The format and content of thedata dumped is dependent on the selected network interface. This information hasno meaning to the general user and is provided only for use by WonderwareTechnical Support. The format of the logged data for the NetBIOS interface issimilar to the example below:

94/08/29 13:31:04.310/NETBIOS /NetBIOS State ...

94/08/29 13:31:04.370/NETBIOS /"NICKEL" session: 7E3E state:005F1137rcvState:0009 xmtState:0000

94/08/29 13:31:04.370/NETBIOS /Receiving NCB

94/08/29 13:31:04.420/NETBIOS /NCB Cmd: 95, RetCode: FF, Lsn: 5F,Num: 00

94/08/29 13:31:04.420/NETBIOS /BufAddr: 113772AE, Length: 1470,CallName: , Name:

94/08/29 13:31:04.480/NETBIOS /Rto: 00, Sto: 00, PostAddr: 0C07005B,LanNum: 00, CmdCplt: FF

94/08/29 13:31:04.480/NETBIOS /

Page 110: NetDDE

Chapter 8 8-11

Configuring Additional InterfaceParameters

When you select the Enable Debug Menu Items command from the Test menu,an additional command for each configured interface will appear at the bottom ofthe Configure menu. These commands access additional network interfaceconfiguration parameters. Any modifications that you make using these parameterswill affect all connections using the selected network interface.

Warning! The default parameters used for each network interface are optimal formost network configurations. It is recommended that you consult withWonderware Technical Support before attempting to change them.

Dialog Box Options for AdditionalParameters

The following sections describe all of the options for the network parameter dialogboxes. You can configure a subset of these options for each type of network.

Port Option For the WinSock network, you can configure the local port number.

Option Description

TCP/IP Port Local port number used by TCP/IP whenattempting to connect to a host. All hostscommunicating with each other must have thesame port number.

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8-12 Chapter 8

Packet Options Use the packet options to configure the size of the packets and maximum numberof unacknowledged packets. Packet options are as follows:

Option Description

Packet Size Size of network packets to be used over the interface.

For the Serial interface, the default value of 512 bytesis optimal for most configurations. Increasing thepacket size may improve performance, but it may alsomake communication susceptible to line-induced dataerrors.

For the WinSock and DECnet interfaces, the defaultvalue of 2048 bytes is optimal for most configurations.

Max Unacked Pkts Number of unacknowledged packets that NetDDEallows. During normal operation, NetDDE allowsseveral unacknowledged network packets to beoutstanding at the interface before pausing to wait foracknowledgment. If the values for this parameter aredifferent at two connecting nodes, the minimum valueis used by NetDDE.

Timeout Options Use the options in the Timeouts group to configure the timeout values (measuredin seconds) for the interface. Timeout options are as follows:

Option Description

Connect to Remote Number of seconds that NetDDE will wait beforetiming out on the connection.

Low-Level Connect Number of seconds NetDDE will wait for asuccessful low-level connect at the networkinterface. Low-level connect is command-basedrather than packet-based.

Receive Connect Cmd Number of seconds NetDDE will wait from the timeof the initial connect to the time it receives an initialconnect packet from the remote node.

Receive Connect Rsp Number of seconds NetDDE will wait from the timeit sends an initial connect packet to the time itreceives an initial connect response packet from theremote node.

Out-of-Memory Pause Number of seconds NetDDE will wait to re-transmita message to the remote node after receivingnotification that the remote node is out of memory.

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Chapter 8 8-13


Option Description

No Response Number of seconds NetDDE will wait for atransmitted packet to be acknowledged by theremote node before attempting to re-transmit theunacknowledged packet.

Keep Alive Period Number of seconds between keep-alive packets thatare exchanged between connected NetDDEprograms. Keep-alive packets are used as positiveacknowledgment that the connection is stillfunctional in the absence of normal DDE messageactivity.

Xmit Stuck Number of seconds NetDDE will wait forpermission from the network interface to transmit anoutbound packet before timing out and closing theconnection.

Partial Xmit Retry Delay Number of seconds NetDDE will wait before re-transmitting an unsuccessfully transmitted packet.

Logging Options In the Logging group, configure the amount of information that the specificnetwork interface will log to the Wonderware Logger. The following mutuallyexclusive options are available:

Option Description

Log All Problems Log all problems detected at the network interface.

Log Unusual Problems Only log problems that are unusual for the networkinterface. This is the default option.

Don’t Log Problems Disable problem logging.

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8-14 Chapter 8

Retry Limits Options In the Retry Limits group, configure the retry limits enforced by NetDDE after theassociated timeout expires. The following options are available:

Option Description

Transmission Errors Number of times NetDDE will retry transmission ofa specific packet to a remote node after that packethas been rejected by the remote node.

Out-of-Memory Errors Number of times NetDDE will retry transmission ofa specific packet to a remote node after that nodehas requested that NetDDE "back off" (due to lowmemory conditions).

No Response Errors Number of times NetDDE will retry transmission ofa specific packet to a remote node without receivingany response from the remote node for that packet.

Low-Level Connect Number of times NetDDE will attempt to re-establish a low level connect across the interface to aremote node before terminating the connection.

Partial Xmit Retries Number of times NetDDE will try to re-transmit anunsuccessfully transmitted packet before closing theconnection.

Page 114: NetDDE

Chapter 8 8-15

Validation Method Options In the Validation Method group, configure the options to control dataauthentication performed on NetDDE message packets.

For the WinSock network interface, since WinSock uses the TCP/IP transport,providing data authentication, the recommended validation method is None. Theother validation methods exist for compatibility with other systems imposing avalidation method.

For the DECnet network interface, packets transferred over the network interfacecan be validated for data integrity by computing either a CRC-16 or 32-bitchecksum.

The following mutually exclusive options are available:

Option Description

None Disable packet validation. Since TCP/IP guaranteesdata integrity at the transport layer, this option is thedefault for the WinSock interface.

Checksum Enable a Checksum validation method. Thismethod uses a checksum (summing of messagecontents) to verify data integrity.

Note Select this option if you are using the WinSockinterface and are connecting NetDDE for Windowsto NetDDE for NT, NetDDE for VMS, or NetDDEfor UNIX.

CRC-16 Enable a CRC-16 validation method. This methoduses a 16-bit cyclic redundancy check to verify dataintegrity.

CRC Enable the CRC validation method. This methoduses a 16-bit cyclic redundancy check to verify dataintegrity.

Page 115: NetDDE

8-16 Chapter 8

Additional NetBIOS ConfigurationParameters

To configure additional NetBIOS configuration parameters:

On the Configure menu, click NETBIOS Parameters.

The NetBIOS Configuration Parameters dialog box appears.

Configure the options for the NetBIOS network.

For a list of all dialog box options and their descriptions, see "Dialog Box Optionsfor Additional Parameters" earlier in this chapter.

To restore all of the parameters to their original settings, click Restore.

To accept all entries, click OK.

Page 116: NetDDE

Chapter 8 8-17

Additional Serial Configuration Parameters To configure additional serial configuration parameters:

On the Configure menu, click SERIAL Parameters.

The Serial Configuration Parameters dialog box appears.

Click General Serial Parameters…. (This button appears in the SerialConfiguration dialog box only if the Enable Debug Menu Items command isselected on the Test menu.)

The General Serial Configuration Parameters dialog box appears.

Configure the options for the Serial network.

For a list of all dialog box options and their descriptions, see "Dialog Box Optionsfor Additional Parameters" earlier in this chapter.

To restore all of the parameters to their original settings, click Restore.

To accept all entries, click OK.

Page 117: NetDDE

8-18 Chapter 8

Additional WinSock ConfigurationParameters

To configure additional WinSock configuration parameters:

On the Configure menu, click WWINSOCK Parameters.

The WWINSOCK Configuration Parameters dialog box appears.

Configure the options for the WinSock network.

For a list of all dialog box options and their descriptions, see "Dialog Box Optionsfor Additional Parameters" earlier in this chapter.

To restore all of the parameters to their original settings, click Restore.

To accept all entries, click OK.

Page 118: NetDDE

Chapter 8 8-19

Additional DECnet ConfigurationParameters

To configure additional DECnet configuration parameters:

On the Configure menu, click DECNET Parameters.

The DECNET Configuration Parameters dialog box appears.

Configure the options for the DECnet network.

For a list of all dialog box options and their descriptions, see "Dialog Box Optionsfor Additional Parameters" earlier in this chapter.

To restore all of the parameters to their original settings, click Restore.

To accept all entries, click OK.

Page 119: NetDDE

8-20 Chapter 8

Page 120: NetDDE



Wonderware Logger Messages

This appendix lists and defines the error and warning messages that may appear inthe Wonderware Logger for NetDDE and for each network interface.

Note Informational messages that may appear in the Wonderware Logger as aresult of activating any of the log or dump options (using the Enable Debug MenuItems command on the Test menu) are not included in this appendix.

Contentsn NetDDE Messages

n Security Messages

n NetBIOS Messages

n Serial Messages

n WWCOMTSR Messages

n SDDETSR Messages

n WinSock Messages

n DECnet Messages

Page 121: NetDDE

A-2 Appendix A

NetDDE MessagesThe following messages may be displayed in the Wonderware Logger for NetDDE:

"Adding atom "ITEM_NAME" => NULL"

NetDDE needed to add an atom on behalf of client. Client should have done it.Probably a client application error where an atom used in a DDE conversation hasbeen released prematurely.

"Cannot load address of ""PROC_NAME"" function from ""DLL_NAME""DLL"

Cannot successfully access the named procedure from the identified networkinterface DLL. Incorrect DLL version or NetDDE internal error.

"Cannot load DLL "DLL_NAME": ERROR_CODE"

Cannot load a network interface DLL. Make sure that the named network interfaceDLL is in the current path.

"Couldn’t create window for DDE conversation."

Could not create a window for the initiated DDE conversation. InsufficientWindows system resources.


A DDE_MSG acknowledge was addressed by a client to an application that didnot have that DDE_MSG outstanding. Application programming error. Thefollowing DDE_MSGs could be subject to this error:


"Data Checksum Error: computed CKS=XXXXXXXX vs. receivedCKS=XXXXXXXX""XX XX XX XX ... {a multi-line dump of packet in error}... XX"

The computed checksum of a received packet data did not match the checksumvalue transmitted in the header by the packet source.

"Data CKS Err: COMPUTED_CKS vs. DATA_CKS""XX XX XX XX ... {a multi-line dump of packet in error}... XX"

The computed checksum of a received packet data did not match the checksumvalue transmitted in the header by the packet source.

"Data CRC Error: computed CRC=XXXXXXXX vs. receivedCRC=XXXXXXXX""XX XX XX XX ... {a multi-line dump of packet in error}... XX"

The computed CRC of a received packet data did not match the CRC valuetransmitted in the header by the packet source.

"*** DDEQFree releasing invalid handle XXXX"

An invalid handle for a DDE message was passed to be freed. Internal error.

"DDER: Detected duplicate node name ""NODE_NAME"""

Received a request from another node on the network that has the same node nameas the local node. Connection will be aborted. Sort out node naming conventionsused on the network.

"Error adding atom ""ITEM_NAME"" XXXX ""ATOM_NAME"""

Page 122: NetDDE

Wonderware Logger Messages A-3

After attempting to add an atom on behalf of client, the resulting atom name didnot match the client’s item name. Application programming error where an atomused in a DDE conversation has been pre-maturely freed and re-used.


Requested DDE_EXEC of the submitted command line failed due to the reasonidentified by FAILURE_REASON. Verify the command line represented byCOMMAND_LINE is correct.

"Extraneous WM_DDE_ACK from DDE Client ""CLIENT_NAME"":XXXXXXXX"

The client application submitted an unexpected acknowledge message to NetDDE.The lParam value in the acknowledge message is represented by XXXXXXXX.Application programming error.

"Extraneous WM_DDE_ACK_EXECUTE from DDE Client""CLIENT_NAME"""

A DDE_ACK_EXECUTE was addressed by a client when there was nooutstanding DDE_EXEC message requiring an Ack. Application programmingerror.

"Extraneous ACK apparently to a DDE_MSG "CLIENT_NAME" ->"APP_NAME""

A DDE acknowledge apparently for a DDE_MSG was addressed by a client to anapplication that did not have anything outstanding requiring an Ack. Applicationprogramming error. The following DDE_MSGs can potentially receive extraneousacknowledges:


"Extraneous WM_DDE_DATA response from DDE Server""SERVER_NAME"""

The named DDE server sent a data response that was not solicited by the clientapplication. Application programming error at the server.

"Failed creating server hPktz."

Received a connection request from the low-level network interface but could notcreate a NetDDE packet server. Insufficient Windows system resources.

"GetShareInfo Error: SHARE_NAME"

NetDDE was not able to successfully access the identified share name(SHARE_NAME) when attempting to validate a client’s credentials for accessingthe data represented by the share. Verify that the share name database is notcorrupted.

"GetShareInfo Size Error: SHARE_NAME"

The information associated with the identified share name (SHARE_NAME) is toolarge for internal NetDDE buffers. Verify that the share name database is notcorrupt.

Page 123: NetDDE

A-4 Appendix A

"Header CRC Error: computed CRC=XXXXXXXX vs. receivedCRC=XXXXXXXX""XX XX XX XX ... {a multi line dump of packet in error}... XX"

The computed CRC of a received packet header did not match the CRC valuetransmitted in the header by the packet source.

"Header Checksum Error: computed CKS=XXXXXXXX vs. receivedCKS=XXXXXXXX""XX XX XX XX ... {a multi line dump of packet in error}... XX"

The computed checksum of a received packet header did not match the checksumvalue transmitted in the header by the packet source.

"Init of ""DLL_NAME"" failed"

Could not successfully initialize the loaded network interface DLL. The networkinterface DLL may need appropriate network interface drivers to be loaded andnetwork connected. Verify correct installation of the specific network interface.

"Invalid application name: ""DST_APP"" from ""SRC_APP"""

The destination application name for a DDE conversation submitted by therequesting application is incorrectly formatted.

"Invalid network node name: ""NODE_NAME"" from ""SRC_APP"""

An incorrectly formatted network node name was submitted by the requestingapplication. The node name is either greater than the maximum allowed length of15 characters or it is improperly formatted (contains embedded illegal characters).

"IpcInitConversation: null App or Topic atoms"

An application attempted to initiate a DDE conversation but supplied a NULLtarget application or topic name atom. Application programming error.

"IpcXmitPacket(%s): null Item atom"

An application attempted to transmit a DDE message but supplied a NULL targetitem name atom. Application programming error.


An unknown command was received. Internal error.

"Memory alloc failed for RESOURCE"

Unable to allocate enough memory for the identified resource. Memory allocationfailure can occur during packet data format conversion or copying of DDEmessages. The following RESOURCE formats can be affected:

� metafile� bitmap� metafilepict� WM_DDE_DATA� WM_DDE_POKE

Page 124: NetDDE

Wonderware Logger Messages A-5

"Memory lock failed for RESOURCE"

Unable to lock down memory allocated for the identified resource. Memory lockfailure can occur during packet data format conversion or copying of DDEmessages. The following RESOURCE formats can be affected:

� metafile� bitmap� metafilepict� bitmap handle� metafile handle� WM_DDE_ADVISE� WM_DDE_DATA� WM_DDE_EXECUTE� WM_DDE_POKE

"Message: XXXX to non-existent window: XXXX"

A message was addressed to a non-existent window. NetDDE internal error.

"No application name: ""SRC_APP"""

The requesting application did not identify a destination application name in therequest. Application programming error.

"No metafile in metafilepict"

Incorrect metafile request format.

"Not enough memory for NNNNNN bytes msg: WM_DDE_EXECUTE"

Could not allocate enough memory (NNNNNNNN bytes needed) to perform theDDE_EXECUTE request.

"Not enough memory to init heap."

Could not allocate sufficient memory to create a private NetDDE heap.

"NULL hData from WM_DDE_ADVISE Client: ""CLIENT_NAME"""

A DDE_ADVISE request was submitted by a client application for a null dataitem. Application programming error at the client.

"Overflow of queue (NNN) waiting for initial advise"

Depleted internal DDE message queue resources attempting to queue a pendingadvise request.

"PKTZ: Connection won’t auto-close ... not enough timers"

Unable to terminate a connection due to lack of timers. Too many conversations orNetDDE internal error.

"PKTZ: Dest ""NODE_NAME"", Memory error on pktid XXXXXXXX"

Receiving node could not accommodate transmitted packet (id XXXXXXXX) due tolack of memory. Packet will be re-transmitted after the "Memory Pause" delay(specified in the configuration parameters of the underlying network interface) hasexpired.

"PKTZ: Dest "" NODE_NAME "", No connect cmd from other side ... closingconnection"

Results from the "Connect Cmd" timer expiring. The network interface reported alow-level connection with another node but no NetDDE connect command packetwas received for a long time (usually 60 seconds).

Page 125: NetDDE

A-6 Appendix A

"PKTZ: Dest "" NODE_NAME "", No connect rsp from other side ... closingconnection"

Result from the "Response Cmd" timer expiring after establishing a low-levelconnection with another node and sending a NetDDE connect command packet, noresponse was received for a long time (usually 60 seconds).

"PKTZ: Dest "" NODE_NAME "", No response NNN1/NNN2 for pktidXXXXXXXX"

No response for a transmitted packet was received for a time period determined bythe "Response" timer configuration value. The packet will be retranslated for thenumber of "Retries" specified (NNN2) by the configuration parameter (usually 3retries) before failing the connection. NNN1 represents the current retry number onthe specific packet.

"PKTZ: Dest "" NODE_NAME "", Out of timers for memory pause ... closingconnection"

Could not start a "Memory Pause" timer due to lack of timers after receiving a"memory error" on a transmitted packet from the receiving node. Closingconnection as a result.

"PKTZ: Dest ""NODE_NAME "", Paused for remote side to get memory,retrying ..."

The other side of the connection ran out of memory and requested this node tosuspend sending data for the time specified by the "Memory Pause" timerconfiguration value.

"PKTZ: Dest "" NODE_NAME "", Rcvd PACKETID1 ExpectingPACKETID2, status: XXXXXXXX"

Received a packet (PACKETID1) with a sequence number other than the oneexpected (PACKETID2). One or more packets have been lost in transit betweenconnected nodes. The other node should detect the error and re-transmit the lostpackets. Unreliable connections are the usual cause for packet sequence errors.

"PKTZ: Dest "" NODE_NAME "", Too many no response retries (NNN) forpacket id XXXXXXXX ... closing connection"

No response for a transmitted packet was received after several attempts (NNNretries) at re-transmitting the subject packet (id XXXXXXX). The connection willnow be terminated.

"PKTZ: Dest "" NODE_NAME "", Too many retries for memory errs (NNN)... closing connection"

Sending node retried too many times (NNN times) transmitting a packet to a nodethat could not accommodate the packet due to lack of memory. The connection asa result is broken.

"PKTZ: Dest ""NODE_NAME"", Too many timeout retries for no response(NNN) ... closing connection"

Too many timeout retries (NNN) attempting to reach a connected node(NODE_NAME) without any response from that node. Verify that the two nodesare still physically connected and that the underlying network interface software atboth nodes is still functional.

"PKTZ: Dest "" NODE_NAME "", Too many xmt error retries (NNN) ...closing connection"

Too many retries (NNN) for transmission errors on the same packet. Connectionwill be broken.

Page 126: NetDDE

Wonderware Logger Messages A-7

"PKTZ: Dest "" NODE_NAME "", Xmt error on pktid PACKETID "

Errors were detected during packet (PACKETID) transmission. Packet will be re-transmitted.

"PKTZ: Dest "" NODE_NAME "", Xmt timeout (NNN secs) ... closingconnection"

Results from the "Transmit Stuck" timer expiring. The network interface did notrespond to the transmit request for a long time (usually after 120 seconds). This isusually an indication that the underlying network interface has failed abnormally.

"PKTZ: Node "" NODE_NAME "", does not speak any of our protocols"

A NetDDE connection could not be established because the connecting node didnot support any common protocol dialects with this node. Different NetDDEimplementations may support additional proprietary protocol dialectscommunicating nodes; however, need to support at least one common "core"dialect. Incompatible NetDDE versions attempting to communicate.

"PKTZ: Node "" NODE_NAME "", returned an invalid protocol: NNN"

The connected node selected an invalid protocol dialect from the list of supportedprotocol dialects offered during the session negotiation process. Connectioncannot be established. Incompatible NetDDE versions attempting to communicate.

"PKTZ: Their name ""THEIR_NAME"" was same as ours"“ OUR_NAME"""

The remote node (THEIR_NAME) reported that its name was the same as ours(OUR_NAME). Connection will be broken. Verify that the assigned network nodenames are unique and all communicating nodes are properly configured.

"PKTZ: Their name was not "" NODE_NAME """

The network interface delivered a NetDDE packet to a node whose NetDDE localnode name was not the one addressed by the packet. This can occur when theNetDDE local node name is not the same as the one used by the network interfaceand it was not declared as an alias at the destination node. Node name mismatchcommonly occurs on TCP/IP and DECnet networks. Make sure that appropriate"alias" definitions have been made at the remote node when the network interfacewas selected.

"PKTZ: Unusual connect error with "" NODE_NAME "": XX/XX"

An unusual response was returned by the node to which a connection wasattempted. Verify proper NetDDE versions on connecting nodes.

"PKTZ: Unusual connect name error from "" NODE_NAME "": XX"

An unusual name class response was returned by the node to which a connectionwas attempted. Verify proper network interface node address configuration.

"ROUTE ERROR 001: " SRC_NODE"->"DEST_NODE" @ " HOP_NODE":no memory"

Memory resources required to establish route depleted.

Page 127: NetDDE

A-8 Appendix A

"ROUTE ERROR 002: "SRC_NODE"->"DEST_NODE" @ "HOP_NODE":connection with the next node failed"

Unable to connect to the destination node. This is the most common errorlogged when one node is unable to reach another node . Connection with nextnode in the route path was broken. Route will be terminated. Check the routestable, underlying network interface or destination node for correct networkinterface configuration. Check network interface host tables, if relevant.

"ROUTE ERROR 003: "SRC_NODE"->"DEST_NODE" @ "HOP_NODE":addl info after final destination reached"

Route definition improperly formed. Extraneous information in route definition.

"ROUTE ERROR 004: "SRC_NODE"->"DEST_NODE" @ "HOP_NODE":no addl info and final destination not reached"

Route definition improperly formed. Insufficient information in route definition.

"ROUTE ERROR 005: "SRC_NODE"->"DEST_NODE" @ "HOP_NODE":connection failed during route setup"

Unable to establish defined route due to connection failure.

"ROUTE ERROR 006: "SRC_NODE"->"DEST_NODE" @ "HOP_NODE":route string too long (circular?)"

Route definition exceeds maximum length of 512 bytes. Check for circulardefinitions.

"ROUTE ERROR 007: "SRC_NODE"->"DEST_NODE" @ "HOP_NODE":node name in route string too long"

Route definition improperly formed. Node name string exceeds maximum allowednode name size of 16 bytes.

"ROUTE ERROR 008: "SRC_NODE"->"DEST_NODE" @ "HOP_NODE":connection table netintf not found"

Specified network interface for the route was not found in the connection table.Verify route definition.

"ROUTE ERROR 009: "SRC_NODE"->"DEST_NODE" @ "HOP_NODE":connection table: no netintf to map name"

All network interfaces in the connection table were tried unsuccessfully to establishthe defined route. Verify route definition.

"ROUTE ERROR 010: "SRC_NODE"->"DEST_NODE" @ "HOP_NODE":too many hops ... likely circular route"

Detected too many hops in the defined route. Route definition circular.

"ROUTE ERROR 011: "SRC_NODE"->"DEST_NODE" @ "HOP_NODE":Circular route ... same node in and out"

Route definition is circular. Redundant node specified.


Unknown route error code XXX. (NetDDE internal error.)

"Route won’t auto-close ... not enough timers"

Unable to terminate a route due to lack of timers. Too many conversations, hops,or an NetDDE internal error.

Page 128: NetDDE

Wonderware Logger Messages A-9

"RTR: Exceeded 100 expands in routing lookup!"

A route for connecting to a node must have been defined incorrectly and containedan implied loop. Verify route definition.

"RTR: Unexpectedly got a NULL router in ProcessHopBroken!"

A node serving as an intermediate node for a connection could not find a ’Router’after detecting the hop broken. NetDDE internal error.

"Shutting down NetDDE."

NetDDE is being terminated. User selected the Close command from the NetDDEControl menu.

"Too many terminates received or wrong window""hWnd: XXXX, wParam: XXXX, hWnd->localWnd: XXXX" "SL: n, RL: n,SN: n, RN: n"

A DDE conversation terminated improperly with either too many terminatemessages or mis-addressed messages. The subject window handles are identifiedalong with state information. NetDDE internal error or application programmingerror.


Not enough memory to do duplicate a DDE message in preparation for transfer.Insufficient system memory resources.

"USERDDE: Too many private clipboard formats (NNN max)"

Number of available clipboard format structures exhausted trying to register a newprivate clipboard format.

"VerifyData: Verify method specified in received packet unknown:XXXXXXX "

The selected verification method for the packet was invalid. Currently only thevertical 32-bit checksum and CRC-16 methods or no verify method are supported.

"VerifyHdr: Verify method specified in received packet unknown:XXXXXXXX "

The selected verification method for the packet was invalid. Currently only thevertical 32-bit checksum and CRC-16 methods or no verify method are supported.

"WM_COMMAND wParam: XXXX, undefined interface select", or"WM_SYSCOMMAND wParam: XXXX, undefined interface select"

An undefined network interface was selected from the Configure or debug menu.NetDDE user interface internal error.

"WM_DDE_ACK_EXECUTE from DDE Server "" SERVER_NAME "" notmatching DATA: XXXX "

The server application submitted a DDE acknowledge message for a DDE Executecommand that did not match the DDE data needing an acknowledge. Applicationprogramming error.

"WM_DDE_ACK from DDE Client "" CLIENT_NAME "" not matchingDATA: XXXX "

The client application submitted a DDE acknowledge message that does not matchthe DDE data message requiring an Ack. Application programming error.

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A-10 Appendix A

"WM_DDE_ACK rcvd, WinInfo Unknown state: NNN "

A DDE acknowledge was received while the NetDDE was in an unknown internalstate. NetDDE internal error or application programming error.

"WM_DDE_DATA from DDE Server "SERVER_NAME" not matchingREQUEST: XXXX"

The named DDE server sent a data response that does not match the outstandingclient data request. Application programming error at the server.

"Wrong version of "DLL_NAME": SPEC_VERSION.""Disabling this interface."

The network interface DLL supports an incorrect protocol specification version.NetDDE is not able to communicate to it effectively. Check for correct version ofthe selected network interface DLL. This can happen when old versions ofnetwork interface DLLs are kept around.

Internal NetDDE Errors

The following internal NetDDE errors may be logged to Wonderware Logger. Ifany such error message is found in the logger, please report it to WonderwareTechnical Support along with a description of the circumstances under which suchan error occurred.

"Bad NetDDE child window type: NNN"

"Bad paint call: NNN"

"Could not create password dialog box"

"Unable to add ""NODE_NAME"" alias. Too many declared."

"Unable to add to msg queue. Newest: NNN, Oldest: NNN, Entries: NNN"

"Unable to delete "" NODE_NAME "" alias. Not declared."

Page 130: NetDDE

Wonderware Logger Messages A-11

Security MessagesThe following security messages may be displayed in the Wonderware Logger:

"AddPasswordToCache: invalid security type: NNN"

Unable to cache a password due to an invalid security type code. Internal error.Verify that the correct NDDEAPI.DLL is in the current path.

"Domain name buffer too small."

Buffer supplied to capture the domain name for an NT connection is too small.Internal error.

"GetPasswordFromCache: invalid security type: NNN"

Unable to get a password from cache due to an invalid security type code. Internalerror. Verify that the correct NDDEAPI.DLL is in the current path.

"Invalid share: SHARE_NAME."

The share name (SHARE_NAME) used to access security information is improperlyformatted.

"Loading security information failed."

Attempt to load ’old style’ security information from the NETDDE.INI file failed.Security information in the NETDDE.INI file was available but improperlyformatted. Verify that the NETDDE.INI file is not corrupted and that the securityinformation entered in that file is properly formatted.

"NetWkstaGetInfo() returned error: NNN"

Call to get workstation information from the Windows for Workgroups operatingsystem returned an error (NNN). Verify that the proper version of the Windows forWorkgroups operating system is being used.

"PasswordGetFromUserModeless: invalid security type: NNN"

Invalid security type returned by dialog used to get password from user. Internalerror.


The permissions associated with the addressed item (ITEM_NAME) do not allow"’read" access. Verify that security for this node is configured appropriately.


The permissions associated with the application and topic for this conversation donot allow "execute" access. Verify that security for this node is configuredappropriately.


The permissions associated with application and topic name at this node do notallow initiation of DDE conversations from remote nodes. Verify that security forthis node is configured appropriately.


The permissions associated with the addressed item (ITEM_NAME) do not allow"write" access. Verify that security for this node is configured appropriately.


The permissions associated with the addressed item (ITEM_NAME) do not allow"read" access. Verify that security for this node is configured appropriately.

Page 131: NetDDE

A-12 Appendix A

"Share name size limit exceeded."

The referenced share name formed from the addressed application name and topicname is not valid. It is too long (greater than 64 bytes).

"User name buffer too small."

The buffer used to get the user name is too small. Internal error.

"WNetCachePassword() returns odd status: XXXX"

Call to Windows for Workgroups password cache API returned odd status. Verifythat proper Windows for Workgroups version is installed.

"WNetGetCachedPassword() returns unknown status: XXXX"

Call to Windows for Workgroups get password cache API returned odd status.Verify that proper Windows for Workgroups version is installed.

Page 132: NetDDE

Wonderware Logger Messages A-13

NetBIOS MessagesThe following messages may be displayed in the Wonderware Logger for NetBIOSnetwork interface:

"Install check for 2.0 version failed. Version installed: NNN"

Checking for a NetBIOS of version 2.0 or greater. Instead, found installedNetBIOS to be version NNN. Informative message under LogAll option.

"Lana enum requested failed: 0 size buffer returned ( int21 0x5f80 )"

Although a NetBIOS of version 2.0 or greater is installed, the request to enumeratethe number of LAN adapters supported by the interfaced failed. NetDDE willassume that at least one adapter is supported and its lananum is 0.

"Listen failed: "ERROR_MSG""

Unable to set up a listen for connections on the NetBIOS interface. The errormessage returned by the NetBIOS network interface is appended in the followinglist of ERROR_MESSAGES.

""NODE_NAME": Connect failed: "ERROR_MSG""

The low level network interface was unable to connect to the specified node name.The error message returned by the NetBIOS network interface is appended in thefollowing list of ERROR_MESSAGES.

""NODE_NAME": Recv err: "ERROR_MSG"",

The low level network interface detected an error while receiving from thespecified node name. The error message returned by the NetBIOS networkinterface is appended in the following list of ERROR_MESSAGES.

""NODE_NAME": Send err: "ERROR_MSG"",

The low level network interface encountered an error while sending to the specifiednode name. The error message returned by the NetBIOS network interface isappended in the following list of ERROR_MESSAGES.

"Node Name too long for connect on NetBIOS: "NODE_NAME""

The node name of the destination node to which a connection is attempted is toolong for the NetBIOS interface. The destination node name must be 16 charactersor less.

"Not enough memory for Listen NCB"

Depleted memory resources attempting to allocate memory for a listen networkcontrol block.

Page 133: NetDDE

A-14 Appendix A

"Unable to delete our name "NODE_NAME", status = XX"

While shutting the network interface down, the node name could not be retractedfrom the NetBIOS interface.

The following list of ERROR_MESSAGES can be returned to NetDDE by thelow-level NetBIOS network interface implementation:"01: Invalid buffer length"

"02: Buffers are full, no receive issued."

"03: Invalid command"

"05: Command timed out"

"06: Incomplete received message - packet size mismatch?"

"07: Local No-Ack command failed"

"08: Invalid local session number"

"09: No resource available in remote session table"

"0A: Session has been closed by remote partner"

"0B: Command was canceled"

"0C: PC DMA failed"

"0D: Duplicate name in local NetBIOS name table"

"0E: NetBIOS name table full"

"0F: Name has active sessions and is now deregistered"

"10: Name was not found or no valid name exists"

"11: NetBIOS local session table full"

"12: Session open rejected because no remote listen is outstanding"

"13: Illegal name number"

"14: Cannot find name called or no answer"

"15: Name not found"

"16: Name in use on remote adapter"

"17: Name deleted"

"18: Session ended abnormally"

"19: Name conflict detected"

"1A: Incompatible remote device"

"21: NetBIOS Interface busy"

"22: Too many commands outstanding"

"23: Invalid LAN Adapter number"

"24: Command completed during cancel attempt"

"25: Reserved name specified for Add Group Name"

"26: Command not valid to cancel"

"30: Name defined by another process"

"33: Multiple requests were made for the same session"

"34: NetBIOS environment not defined"

Page 134: NetDDE

Wonderware Logger Messages A-15

"35: Required O/S resources exhausted"

"36: Maximum applications exceeded"

"37: No SAPs available for NetBIOS"

"38: Requested resources not available"

"40: Undocumented system error"

"41: Hot carrier from a remote adapter detected"

"42: Hot carrier from local adapter detected"

"43: No carrier detected"

"45: Interface failure occurred"

"4E: Status bit 12, 14, or 15 on Longer than 1 minute"

"4F: One or more of status bits 8-11 on"

"50: Network adapter malfunctioned"

"F7: Error on implicit DIR.INITIALIZE"

"F8: Error on implicit DIR.OPEN.ADAPTER"

"F9: IBM LAN support program NetDDE internal error"

"FA: NetDDE internal error on NetBIOS card"

"FB: NetBIOS program not loaded in PC"


"FD: Unexpected adapter close"

"XX: Hardware error on NetBIOS card"

"XX: Unknown NetBIOS error"

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A-16 Appendix A

Serial MessagesThe following messages may be displayed in the Wonderware Logger for theSERIAL network interface:

"COMn: already in use"

The port selected for making a connection is already in use. Try using another portor close the other connection first.

"COMn: No memory for new connection"

Depleted memory resources while attempting to start a new connection.

"COMn: not enabled"

An attempt to connect via COM "n" was made without the selected port beingenabled. Enable the port using the "Port Configuration" dialog box beforeattempting connections.

"COMn: restarted"

COM port "n" is restarted as a result of receiving a new connection while thepreceding one was still active.

"COMn: Unknown frame rcvd: XX"

Unknown frame type "XX" received over COM "n".

""NODE_NAME": CD never went low after DTR set low"

The modem carrier signal did not go low after NetDDE attempted to break theconnection to "NODE_NAME" by toggling the DTR signal.

""NODE_NAME" connect failed, no carrier after N dials"

The connection attempt to "NODE_NAME" failed when a carrier was not sensedafter "N" retries. This characteristic applies only to modem connections. Verifythe proper baud rate and phone number.

""NODE_NAME" connect failed, no connect response after N tries"

The connection attempt to "NODE_NAME" failed when a response was notreceived after N retries.

""NODE_NAME": COMn: configured as modem, must specify phonenumber"

The communication part was configured for a modem, so when connecting to"NODE_NAME" via the COM "n" port, a phone number is required. Verify that aphone number is specified for "NODE_NAME" in the Define Connection Namedialog box.

""NODE_NAME": COMn: not a modem "

An attempt was made to connect to the specified "NODE_NAME" by dialing aphone number over COM "n" port, however, a modem was not configured on thatport. Verify proper configuration of serial ports in the Port Configuration dialogbox.

""NODE_NAME": Lost carrier"

The modem carrier signal was lost while connected to "NODE_NAME".Connection broken. The communication line link must be broken or was hung up.

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Wonderware Logger Messages A-17

""NODE_NAME": New connection - closing existing"

A new connection was received over the same port. Existing connection is closed.

""NODE_NAME": no modem port available"

An attempt was made to connect to the specified "NODE_NAME" by dialing aphone number, however, a modem was not configured for the Serial interface.Verify proper configuration of serial ports in the Port Configuration dialog box.

""NODE_NAME" not enough memory"

Not enough memory was available to setup a connection to the named node.

""NODE_NAME": Other side closed connection"

A connection to "NODE_NAME" was dropped by the other side.

"No ports configured in SDDETSR - failing initialization"

The SDDETSR must be configured with at least one port that the Serial interfaceDLL can use.

"SDDETSR Not Loaded - failing initialization"

The Serial interface DLL requires the SDDETSR be loaded and resident beforeinvocation of Windows.

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A-18 Appendix A

WWCOMTSR MessagesThe following are the messages and their definitions which may be displayed onthe screen when attempting to load the Wonderware WWCOMTSR:

"*** Cannot find parent. Can only be executed as a child.""*** Invoke Serial Comm TSR via WWCOMTSR.EXE"

Attempted to execute the distributed file WWCONF.EXE which can only beexecuted when it is spawned by WWCOMTSR. Do not execute WWCONF.EXEdirectly.

"*** Cannot unload WWCOMTSR. Other users still active."" Unload other users (e.g., SDDETSR) first."

The previous two messages appear together when the user attempts to unload theTSR while it is being used by another TSR.

" COMx serial port configured."

Acknowledges successful configuration of each specified or defaultedcommunication port.

" Enter any key to exit ..."

Appears after all error messages to bring attention to the preceding error messagebefore it scrolls off.

" Installing Serial Comm TSR at interrupt XX"

Acknowledges successful installation of the TSR at the specified or defaulted softinterrupt vector.

"*** Invalid parameter: XXXXXX"

An invalid parameter was entered on the command line. This message shows theinvalid parameter XXXXXXX.

"*** No current instance of WWCOMTSR found to unload."" Unload request superfluous."

An attempt to unload the TSR was not successful since no current instance exists.

"*** No free soft interrupt between 60h and 66h. Installation failed"" Remove one of the drivers or programs using soft interrupts."

Unable to automatically find a free soft interrupt vector in the valid interrupt vectorrange. All interrupts must be occupied by other drivers.

"*** Port I/O address assignment "BAD_PARAMETER" parameter error."

Incorrect syntax was entered on the command line assigning an I/O address to theCOM port. For example, valid syntax is "... COM3:1,4,4,3E8 ...".

"*** Port interrupt assignment out of range: NNN."

An out of range value was entered on the command line assigning an interrupt levelto the COM port. Valid interrupt assignments range between 2 and 7.

"*** Receive buffer size of NNNN is out of range"" Acceptable receive buffer size ranges from 4 to 32768."

Unsuccessful attempt to assign an out of range buffer size was received.

"*** Selected Soft Interrupt XX already occupied."

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Wonderware Logger Messages A-19

" Try selecting another soft interrupt or use auto mode."

The specified soft interrupt vector conflicts with an existing driver.

"*** Selected Soft Interrupt XX is out of range."

Unsuccessful attempt to assign an out of range soft interrupt vector to the TSR.Valid range is 60 to 66.

"*** Too many extraneous characters in parameter string:BAD_PARAMETER"

Characters entered on the command line do not belong to any acceptableparameter. Please check the syntax.

"*** Transmit buffer size of XXXX is out of range"" Acceptable transmit buffer size ranges from 4 to 32768"

Unsuccessful attempt to assign an out of range transmit buffer size.

"*** TSR parent version PARENT_VER differs from TSR child versionCHILD_VER."," Make sure that WWCOMTSR.EXE and WWCONF.EXE are from samerelease.");

The two files used by the TSR are of different revision levels. Please make surethey are correctly copied from the same release.

" Unloading Serial Comm TSR from XX"

Acknowledges successful unloading of the TSR from the interrupt vector XX towhich it was previously hooked. Memory occupied by TSR is freed. This is inresponse to the /U command line switch.

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A-20 Appendix A

SDDETSR MessagesThe following are the messages and their definitions which may be displayed onthe screen when attempting to load the Wonderware SDDETSR:

"*** Cannot find parent. Can only be executed as a child."" Invoke Serial NetDDE TSR via SDDETSR.EXE"

Attempted to execute the distributed file SDECONF.EXE which can only beexecuted when it is spawned by SDDETSR. Do not execute SDECONF.EXEdirectly.

" COMx serial port configured."

Acknowledges successful configuration of each specified or defaultedcommunication port.

"*** COMx serial port not configured in WWCOMTSR."" To use this port, reload WWCOMTSR specifying all desired ports."

The communication ports selected for use by the Serial NetDDE TSR, via thecommand line or default, was also selected when the Wonderware Serial CommTSR (WWCOMTSR) was loaded.

" Enter any key to exit ..."

Message appears after a severe message, allowing the user time to read the errormessage before proceeding.

" Installing Serial NetDDE TSR at interrupt XXh"

Acknowledges successful installation of the TSR at the specified or defaulted softinterrupt vector.

"*** Invalid parameter: XXXXXX"

An invalid parameter was entered on the command line. This message is showingthe bad parameter XXXXXXX.

"*** No current instance of SDDETSR found to unload.""Unload request superfluous."

Unsuccessful attempt to unload the TSR when it was not loaded.

"*** No free soft interrupt between 60h and 66h. Installation failed"" Remove one of the drivers or programs using soft interrupts."

Unable to automatically find a free soft interrupt vector in the valid interrupt vectorrange. All interrupts must be occupied by other drivers.

"*** Selected Soft Interrupt XX is out of range."

Unsuccessful attempt to assign an out of range soft interrupt vector to the TSR.Valid range is between 60 and 66.

"*** Selected Soft Interrupt XXh already occupied."" Try selecting another soft interrupt or use auto mode."

The specified soft interrupt vector conflicts with an existing driver. Try anotherone.

"*** Serial Comm TSR needs to be loaded first. Load by invokingWWCOMTSR."

The low-level Serial Comm TSR (WWCOMTSR) must be loaded first andcurrently resident, before the Serial NetDDE TSR can be loaded. It is possible thatinterrupt vector to the WWCOMTSR has been overwritten or re-mapped.

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Wonderware Logger Messages A-21

"*** Serial Comm TSR already loaded - reboot to reload, or"" Unload by invoking WWCOMTSR with the /U option."

Only one instance of the TSR can be resident in memory at one time. An attemptwas made to load a redundant instance of the TSR.

"*** Serial NetDDE TSR already loaded - reboot to reload, or"" unload by invoking SDDETSR with the /U option."

Only one instance of the TSR can be resident in memory at one time. Anattempted was made to load a redundant instance of the TSR.

" Unloading Serial NetDDE TSR from XXh"

Acknowledges successful unloading of the TSR from the interrupt vector XX towhich it was previously hooked. Memory occupied by TSR is freed. This is inresponse to the /U command line switch.

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A-22 Appendix A

WinSock MessagesThe following messages may be displayed in the Wonderware Logger for theWinSock network interface:


A WinSock message was received indicating an error has occurred for a specificasynchronous event.

"Changing the TCP/IP Port will require you to change on this every node inyour system! Are you sure you want to change this?"

This warning message states that changing the port number on the local hostrequires that all hosts which will connect to the local host will need to havematching port numbers to establish a connection.

"ConnectToHost: connect() failed, WSAERRORCODE"

The connect call to the specified host failed with the error specified byWSAERRORCODE.

"Copyright (c) 1993 Wonderware Software Development Corp. All rightsreserved."

Informational copyright message.

"Local host HOST_NAME is not in the host table. Please add HOST_NAMEto host table."

The local host name was not found in the host table. HOST_NAME is theNetDDE node name and must be entered in the host table for the WinSockinterface to initialize properly.

"Maxiumum Sockets supported: NNNNNN"

Maximum number of sockets supported by the TCP/IP vendor’s WinSock.

"NDDEAddConnection: bind() failed, error: ERROR_CODE"

Unable to bind a socket. The error code specifies the reason.

"NDDEAddConnection: connect() failed, error: ERROR_CODE"

Attempt to connect failed. The error code specifies the reason.

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Wonderware Logger Messages A-23

"NDDEAddConnection: socket() failed, error: WSAERRORCODE"

Unable to create a socket. The error code specifies the reason.

"NDDEAddConnection: Unknown host HOST_NAME. error:WSAERRORCODE"

Host name and address were not in the host table. Enter the host name and Internetaddress into the host table.

"NDDEShutDown: No listen was outstanding at shutdown."

No listen socket existed at shutdown. This is an internal anomaly which indicatesthat the listen socket was destroyed before NetDDE shutdown.

"NODE_NAME not in host table. Please configure host table properly."

Specified node name was not found in the host table. Enter the host name andInternet address into the host table.

"ReceiveAllData: Receive Error = WSAERRORCODE, Socket = NNNNN,BufferSize = NNNNN"

A receive error occurred while trying to read data. The most common occurrenceof this message is for a WSAEWOULDBLOCK. In this case, there is eitherinadequate buffer space or no data pending to be read. If the buffer is less than theNetDDE buffer size, then the buffer space for WinSock should be increased.

"SendData: Too many partial Tx retries on same packet: NNN/NNN.NNN"

Too many attempts were made to transmit the same packet. The connection will beclosed.

"SetAsyncEvents: socket NN, hwnd NNNN"

A bad socket identifier or Async window handle was identified while settingasynchronous socket attributes. Internal application error.

"SetupListen: bind() failed. WSAERRORCODE"

Unable to bind the listen socket. The creation of listen socket failed duringbinding. The WSAERRORCODE specifies the WinSock error.

"SetupListen: listen() failed. ERROR_CODE"

Unable to create the listen socket. The creation of listen socket failed during theinitialization. The WSAERRORCODE specifies the WinSock error.

"SetupListen: socket() failed. WSAERRORCODE"

Unable to create the listen socket. The creation of listen socket failed during theestablishment of the socket. The WSAERRORCODE specifies the WinSock error.

"Unable to resolve address for host HOST_NAME. error:WSAERRORCODE"

WinSock was unable to resolve the hostname. Verify that the host name is in thehost table or if a DNS is being used, the DNS is reachable, and the host nameexists.

"WinSock initialization error: ERROR_CODE"

WinSock initialization error in WSAStartup. WinSock internal error. WWinSockinitialization will fail.

"WSAAsyncGetHostByName failed: WSAERRORCODE"

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A-24 Appendix A

WinSock was unable to resolve the host name because the function which retrievesthe host name reported an error. Verify that the host name is in the host table. Or,if a DNS is being used, verify that the DNS is reachable and the host name exists.


Informational message providing WinSock version number and node name.

Log All Problems Option

The following error messages will appear if the Log All Problems option isselected in the WINSOCK Configuration Parameters dialog box.

"NDDETimeSlice: Closing Connection to host HOST_NAME on socketNNNNN"

Informational message stating that WinSock is closing a connection.

"SendData: Connection closed while trying to send"

WinSock received a close indication while trying to send data. The connectionwill be closed.

"SendData: NN partial Tx retries on same packet: NN/NN.NN NN"

Informational message stating that a packet has been partially transmitted Nnumber of times.


WinSock vendor provided text. WinSock receives this text as part of its WinSockinitialization procedure.

Log Unusual Problems Option

The following error messages will appear if the Log Unusual Problems option isselected in the WINSOCK Configuration Parameters dialog box.

"AcceptConnection: accept() failed, error: ERROR_CODE"

An attempt to accept a connection from another host failed. The error codespecifies the reason.

"Changes take effect next time NetDDE is run"

For the WinSock configuration parameters that were changed to take effect,NetDDE will have to be closed and reopened.

"CreateAsyncWindow: CreateAsyncWindow failed"

WinSock was unable to create its Async window. WinSock initialization will fail.

"CreateAsyncWindow: Register failed."

WinSock was unable to register its window class. WinSock initialization will fail.

"NODE_NAME: Verify Error, closing connection"

A validation error on a packet occurred in the message header or message data.The connection will be closed.

"SendData: Retxmt required. WSAERRORCODE"

An unusual error occurred which requires retransmission of a packet. The errorcode specifies the reason.

"SendData: send() failed, error: WSAERRORCODE"

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Wonderware Logger Messages A-25

A packet was unsuccessfully sent, with the error code specifying the reason. Thepacket will be resent.

"SetAsyncEvents() Failed"

WinSock was unable to properly initialize the new socket with asynchronousattributes.

The following ERROR_CODEs are returned by the low-level WinSock interface inresponse to various commands.


Permission denied.


The specified address is already in use. (See the SO_REUSEADDR socket optionunder setsockopt().)


The specified address is not available from the local machine.


The specified address family is not supported by this protocol.


Bad file number.


The virtual circuit was aborted due to timeout or other failure.


The attempt to connect was forcefully rejected.


The virtual circuit was reset by the remote side.


A destination address is required.


The addrlen argument is too small (less than the size of a struct sockaddr).


The host is down.


Unable to connect to specified host.


A blocking Windows Sockets call is in progress.


The (blocking) call was canceled via WSACancelBlockingCall().


listen() was not invoked before an accept().


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A-26 Appendix A

The socket is already connected.


An illegal loopback operation.


The queue is empty upon entry to accept() and there are no descriptors available.


The datagram was too large to fit into the specified buffer and was truncated.


The specified name is too long.


The Windows Sockets implementation has detected that the network subsystem hasfailed.


The connection must be reset because the Windows Sockets implementationdropped it.


The network can’t be reached from this host at this time.


No buffer space is available.


The option is unknown or unsupported. In particular, SO_BROADCAST is notsupported on sockets of type SOCK_STREAM, while SO_ACCEPTCONN,SO_DONTLINGER, SO_KEEPALIVE, SO_LINGER and SO_OOBINLINE arenot supported on sockets of type SOCK_DGRAM.


The socket is not connected (SOCK_STREAM only).


The descriptor is not a socket.


The referenced socket is not a type that supports connection-oriented service.


Protocol format not available.


Protocol not supported.


The specified protocol is the wrong type for this socket.


The socket has been shutdown; it is not possible to sendto() on a socket aftershutdown() has been invoked with how set to 1 or 2.


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Wonderware Logger Messages A-27

Socket type not supported.


The attempt to connect timed out without establishing a connection


Too many references.


The socket is marked as non-blocking and no connections are present to beaccepted.

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A-28 Appendix A

DECnet MessagesThe following messages may be displayed in the Wonderware Logger for theDECnet network interface:

"Bind failed: ERROR_CODE"

While setting up for a listen on the network, binding of a created socket failed dueto ERROR_CODE (listed in the following section).


Setting up a listen for new connections failed due to the error identified by theERROR_CODE and ERROR_MSG (listed in the following section).

""" NODE_NAME "": connect failed (LL_DISCONNECTING "

Logical link is in the process of disconnecting. The attempt to establish a connectto NODE_NAME failed.

""" NODE_NAME "": connect failed (LL_INACTIVE)"

Logical link is inactive. The attempt to establish a connect to NODE_NAMEfailed.


An attempt to add a new connection to NODE_NAME failed due to the erroridentified by the ERROR_CODE and ERROR_MSG (listed in the followingsection).

""NODE_NAME": Connect failed ... timed out internally"

The attempt to establish a connection to NODE_NAME failed due to an internaltimeout. Connections must complete within a predetermined period of time.

""" NODE_NAME "": Connection closed (EBADF) while checking datareceive"""" NODE_NAME "": Connection closed (EBADF) while checking hdrreceive"

Connection to NODE_NAME was found closed while checking for a header or datareceive packet due to the underlying DECnet network interface receiving a badframe packet.

""" NODE_NAME "": Connection closed (EBADF) while trying to send"

The connection to NODE_NAME was closed while trying to send.

""NODE_NAME": Couldn’t create new socket:RETURN_CODE:ERROR_CODE=>ERROR_MSG"

An attempt to create a socket while establishing a connection to NODE_NAMEfailed due to the returned ERROR_CODE and ERROR_MSG (listed in thefollowing section).

""NODE_NAME": Data Verify Error, closing connection"

A packet was received from NODE_NAME whose data section did not verifyproperly. Connection will be closed.

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Wonderware Logger Messages A-29

""" NODE_NAME "": EOF on RS_WAITHDR, closing connection,ERROR_CODE =>ERROR_MSG ", or""" NODE_NAME "": EOF) on RS_WAITRESP, closing connection,ERROR_CODE =>ERROR_MSG"

An EOF was received on the connection to NODE_NAME. The EOF was eitherduring packet header reception (RS_WAITHDR) or during the data portion(RS_WAITRSP). The Connection is being closed. The returned ERROR_CODEand ERROR_MSG are listed in the following section.

""NODE_NAME": getsockopt() checking connect failed:RETURN_CODE:ERROR_CODE=>ERROR_MSG"

An attempt to check on the status of a socket being opened for a connection toNODE_NAME caused an error. The returned ERROR_CODE and ERROR_MSGare listed in the following section.

""NODE_NAME": Hdr Verify Error, closing connection"

A packet HEADER received from NODE_NAME did not verify properly.Connection will be closed.


An unusual receive error was reported by the underlying DECnet interface whilereceiving either the packet header (RS_WAITHDR) or packet data(RS_WAITRSP). The returned ERROR_CODE and ERROR_MSG are listed inthe following section.


An unusual transmission error was detected while sending a packet toNODE_NAME. The returned ERROR_CODE and ERROR_MSG are listed in thefollowing section.

"sioctl() setting non-blocking mode on socketListen NNN: ERROR_CODE=>ERROR_MSG"

A DECnet interface error was detected while attempting to set the listen socketNNN to non-blocking mode. The returned ERROR_CODE and ERROR_MSG arelisted in the following section.

"sioctl() setting non-blocking mode on connect socket NNN: ERROR_CODE=>ERROR_MSG"

A DECnet interface error was detected while attempting to set the connect socket(NNN) for a new connection to non-blocking mode. The returned ERROR_CODEand ERROR_MSG are listed in the following section.

"sioctl() setting non-blocking mode on socketAccept NNN: ERROR_CODE=>ERROR_MSG "

A DECnet interface error was detected while attempting to set the new socket(NNN) in response to a completed listen to non-blocking mode. The returnedERROR_CODE and ERROR_MSG are listed in the following section.

"Socket allocation failed: socketListen=NNN, errno= ERROR_CODE "

While setting up for a listen on the network, socket creation failed due toERROR_CODE listed in the following section.

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A-30 Appendix A

"Unknown host name "" NODE_NAME """

An attempt to connect to NODE_NAME failed because it is not defined in theDECnet host table. Verify the correct setup of the DECnet host table.

The following ERROR_CODEs are returned by the low-level DECnet interface inresponse to various commands. The codes are included in the message but not thetext.

1 /* Not owner */

2 /* No such file or directory */

3 /* No such process */

4 /* Interrupted system call */

5 /* I/O error */

6 /* No such device or address */

7 /* Arg list too long */

8 /* Exec format error */

9 /* Bad file number */

10 /* No children */

11 /* No more processes */

12 /* Not enough core */

13 /* Permission denied */

14 /* Bad address */

15 /* Block device required */

16 /* Mount device busy */

17 /* File exists */

18 /* Cross-device link */

19 /* No such device */

20 /* Not a directory */

21 /* Is a directory */

22 /* Invalid argument */

23 /* File table overflow */

24 /* Too many open files */

25 /* Not a typewriter */

26 /* Text file busy */

27 /* File too large */

28 /* No space left on device */

29 /* Illegal seek */

30 /* Read-only file system */

31 /* Too many links */

32 /* Broken pipe */

33 /* Argument too large */

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Wonderware Logger Messages A-31

34 /* Result too large */

35 /* Operation would block */

36 /* Operation now in progress */

37 /* Operation already in progress */

38 /* Socket operation on non-socket */

39 /* Destination address required */

40 /* Message too long */

41 /* Protocol wrong type for socket */

42 /* Protocol not available */

43 /* Protocol not supported */

44 /* Socket type not supported */

45 /* Operation not supported on socket */

46 /* Protocol family not supported */

47 /* Address family not supported by protocol family */

48 /* Address already in use */

49 /* Can’t assign requested address */

50 /* Network down */

51 /* Network unreachable */

52 /* Network dropped connection on reset */

53 /* Software caused connection abort */

54 /* Connection reset by peer */

55 /* No buffer space available */

56 /* Socket already connected */

57 /* Socket not connected */

58 /* Cannot send after socket shutdown */

59 /* Too many references: cannot splice */

60 /* Connection timed out */

61 /* Connection refused */

62 /* Too many levels of symbolic links */

63 /* File name too long; should be rearranged */

64 /* Host down */

65 /* No route to host */

66 /* Directory not empty */

67 /* Too many processes */

68 /* Too many users */

69 /* Disc quota exceeded */

70 /* Type of socket and protocol do not match */

71 /* Send diagram, socket not connected */

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A-32 Appendix A

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This appendix includes installation and user instructions for DDEView. DDEViewis a Microsoft Excel add-in client application designed to make DDE (DynamicData Exchange) and NetDDE easy to use and demonstrate.

Contentsn Introduction to DDEView

n Starting DDEView

n Refreshing the Spreadsheet

n Configuring the Focus

n Retrieving Data

Page 153: NetDDE

B-2 Appendix B

Introduction to DDEViewIn any manufacturing or processing plant there are engineers, managers, andoperators who want data from all parts of the manufacturing enterprise. DDEViewwill access this data from any DDE-aware server running on any computer nodeaccessible through NetDDE. The DDE-aware servers may have been developedwith the Wonderware NetDDE SDK. Using DDEView, you can easily and quicklyconnect simultaneously to several databases and view the data on a singlespreadsheet.

DDEView users must be able to start Microsoft Excel, open a spreadsheet, entervalues into cells, and know how to use the cut-and-paste functions. Users mustknow the tagnames for data values needed from the plant or process area and thecomputer network node names where the data resides. Knowledge of DDEmessage syntax is not required since the correct formulas will be generatedautomatically from point-and-click choices.

The DDEView software package includes the application and two support files:

1. The DDEView application DDEVIEW.XLA

2. A Microsoft Windows Help File DDEVIEW.HLP

3. A support DLL DDEVDLL.DLL

These files are automatically installed into your INTOUCH directory whenNetDDE is installed.

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DDEView B-3

Starting DDEViewDDEView executes from an Excel add-in macro file called DDEVIEW.XLA.

½ To load DDEView from Microsoft Excel:

1. Open an existing or new spreadsheet.

2. On the File menu, click Open.


Note For DDEView to be fully functional, you should not place in the XLSTARTdirectory. Always open DDEView from within a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

You will be informed that the add-in is loading, and the percentage of progressmessage will appear. Once open, the add-in macro adds the DDEView menu onthe Microsoft Excel main menu bar.

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B-4 Appendix B

Refreshing the SpreadsheetUse the refresh mode options to update the spreadsheet. You can either manuallyrefresh the DDE links or have the spreadsheet update each time the server sendsnew data. The default mode is for a manual refresh.

½ To manually refresh the spreadsheet:

1. On the DDEView menu, click Manual Refresh.

2. All DDE links on the current spreadsheet will be updated.

3. The links will only update again when you reselect the Manual Refreshcommand.

½ To automatically refresh the spreadsheet:

1. On the DDEView menu, click Auto Refresh.

2. The DDE links on the spreadsheet will update whenever the server applicationsends new data.

3. To turn the automatic refresh off, click Manual Refresh.

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DDEView B-5

Configuring the FocusA focus is used to simplify the creation of DDE formulas in spreadsheet cells. Ofthe four parameters required for NetDDE addressing, three of these are: Node,Application, and Topic.

On the DDEView menu, the names that appear next to Node, Application, andTopic indicate the current settings. In combination, the three specify the focus ofall operations in DDEView. To access data values, only enter tagnames. Selectinga data function creates DDE message formulas according to the tagname and thecurrent focus.

For more information on selecting a data function, see "Retrieving Data" later inthis chapter.

Note Initially, a worksheet starts up with Node, Application, and Topic all set toNONE. These must be set to "real" entries before any actions can be taken.

You can change the focus at any time, and it is retained until changed again.Consequently, you can retrieve data from many DDE-aware servers throughout anetwork enterprise. The same functions are used, but the focus is changed toredirect their effect.

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B-6 Appendix B

Selecting a Focus

½ To select the focus:

1. Select any one of the three items (Node, Application, or Topic).

The Assign Connection dialog box appears.

2. Select any item from the Node, Application and Topic lists to become thefocus.

To add an item to the list, see "Adding a Focus Entry" later in this section.

To delete an item to the list, see "Deleting a Focus Entry" later in thissection.

In the example shown in the dialog box, LOCAL is selected for the Node,VIEW is the Application and TAGNAME is the Topic.

3. Click OK. The DDEView menu will reflect any modifications.

Note DDEView does not check the validity of any entered Node, Application, orTopic names until the user attempts to access data.

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DDEView B-7

Adding a Focus Entry

½ To add a focus entry:

1. Under the Node, Application, or Topic list, click the corresponding Addbutton.

The Add New dialog box appears. For example, if you click Add under theNode list, the Add New Nodes dialog box appears.

2. In the Enter New Node box, type the node name to be added.

3. Click OK.

DDEView automatically embeds the name into the spreadsheet, where it ispreserved when the file is saved.

When a spreadsheet with added names is saved and then later recalled, DDEViewwill automatically load the embedded names into the Node, Application, andTopic lists. You don’t need to retype names each time a spreadsheet is used,allowing you to maintain customized lists.

Deleting a Focus Entry

½ To delete a focus entry:

1. Select the entry to delete in the Node, Application, or Topic list.

2. Click the corresponding Del button.

A confirmation dialog box appears. For example:

3. Click Yes to delete the entry or No to cancel.

Note You cannot delete the LOCAL node.

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B-8 Appendix B

Retrieving DataAfter you have set the focus, you can access data using the data retrieval functionson the DDEView menu.

Inserting a TagnameDDEView provides this special utility for connecting to an InTouch database on alocal node.

Note WindowMaker must be running in order to retrieve the tagname selectionlist.

½ To insert a tagname:

1. Select an empty cell in the spreadsheet.

2. On the DDEView menu, click Insert Tagname.

The standard InTouch system Tagname Dictionary selection list appears.

3. Select the tagnames to insert.

4. Click OK.

The selected tagnames will be pasted in a vertical list, starting at the selectedcell.

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DDEView B-9

You can also manually type or paste tagnames into a COLUMN of cells manually.After you have entered the tagnames, you can then retrieve data for them.

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B-10 Appendix B

Retrieving Current DataUsing the Retrieve Data function is the most straight-forward DDEView methodfor data access.

½ To retrieve data for tags:

1. Select the cells with the tagnames.

If a list of tagnames is typed or pasted into a column, select the whole column.Selecting a single tagname in the middle of a list is not recommended.

The selection mechanisms in DDEView accommodate spaces (or blanks) in avertical list of tagnames and writes the data with appropriate spaces betweenthe resulting data values.

2. On the DDEView menu, click Retrieve Data.

DDEView reads the selected tagnames and constructs NetDDE formulas(according to the Node, Application, and Topic specified by the focus) in theappropriate cells to the right of the tagnames.

3. Microsoft Excel then activates the DDE conversations and presents real data.For example:

Where Microsoft Excel does not find data values (due to network unavailability,invalid server names, invalid tagnames, and so on), it presents appropriatemessages where the values should be:

#N/A Data was not returned from the server.

#REF The application or topic may not exist.

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DDEView B-11

Modifying the NetDDE Message Syntax

After you have retrieved data for one or more tagnames, you can edit the NetDDEmessage syntax.

½ To edit the message syntax:

1. Select the cell containing the current value.

The NetDDE message syntax will appear in the Microsoft Excel formula bar.

Tip To have the message syntax appear in the value cell, press F2.

2. Position the mouse cursor in the syntax and manually make the changes.

Once the NetDDE formula has been entered for each tagname, the actual tagnamescan be deleted (if desired).

By convention, if a tagname is used without a parameter name (.Field), DDEViewwill fetch the current value of the tag (or process variable). To retrieve other validparameters from the InTouch database, enter the appropriate .Field name after thetagname, delimited by a period. For example, for FIC101 ’HiLimit,’ enterFIC101.HILIMIT.

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B-12 Appendix B

Automatically Retrieving a .Field

DDEView allows a simple method for collecting several parameter values .Fieldsfor multiple tags in one operation. DDEView assumes text entries in the row abovea tag list are .Fields. DDEView allocates appropriate space on the spreadsheet andconstructs the formula for each cell. Microsoft Excel then returns the appropriateparameter values into a block of cells to the right of the tagnames.

DDEView will retrieve .Fields (or tag attributes) from any database that uses thetagname.attribute convention. Thus, it is possible to retrieve tag attributes(parameters) from databases other than InTouch.

½ To auto-retrieve .Fields for tags:

1. Type the desired .Fields into the row of cells above and to the right of the firsttagname.

2. Select the tagnames.

3. From the DDEView menu, click Retrieve Data. from the DDEView menu.

4. Microsoft Excel then returns the appropriate parameter values into a block ofcells to the right of the tagnames. For example:

Page 164: NetDDE

DDEView B-13

Retrieving an ArrayDDEView can automatically access any DDE source supplying data in theMicrosoft Excel Table (XlTable) format. Sources for XlTable format data includesome Wonderware I/O Servers, other Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, and manyfinancial programs.

½ To retrieve data from an array:

1. Type an array reference in a cell.

2. Select the cell.

3. On the DDEView menu, click Retrieve Array.

The Array Size dialog box appears.

4. Enter the table array size (in rows and columns). This allows DDEView toselect and prepare the destination cells for the data.

5. Press Enter.

6. The array will be returned to the worksheet:

Page 165: NetDDE

B-14 Appendix B

Sending DataDDEView can send (or POKE) data to any DDE-aware application that will acceptthe operation.

½ To send data:

1. In a column of your spreadsheet, type the names of tags for which you want tosend data.

2. In the column directly to the right of the tagnames, type the actual data valuesto send.

3. Select the column of tagnames (not the column of data).

4. From the DDEView menu, click Send Data.

A message box appears, prompting you to confirm that the data values to sendare correct:

5. Click OK. The specified data will be sent to the DDE-aware application.

Page 166: NetDDE

DDEView B-15

Retrieving Historical DataDDEView can retrieve InTouch historical data through the InTouch HistoricalData Access Manager (HistData). It is similar to retrieving real-time data.

Normally, accessing historical data from Microsoft Excel requires sending manydifferent values to HistData using conventional POKE statements in macros.

½ To retrieve historical values:

1. Select the desired tagnames arranged in a ROW.

2. From the DDEView menu, click Retrieve HISTDATA.

The HISTDATA Configuration dialog box appears.

3. In the Use Node list, enter the node name where the history is stored andwhere HistData is running.

4. In the Date/Time Range group, enter the time range for the period of historyfor which you want to retrieve values.

You must enter at least two of the three parameters. If you provide all threeparameters, the Start Time will be recalculated based on End Time, Numberof Values, and the Time Between Values (described below).

5. In the Value Type list, enter the value type. Instantaneous is currently theonly value type available.

6. In the Time Between Values group, enter the time interval between datasamples to be returned to the spreadsheet.

If you only supplied two parameters in the Date/Time Range group, this timeinterval is used to calculate the third parameter.

7. To automatically compute and update the missing parameter in the Date/TimeRange box, click Update.

8. To erase the Start Time and place the current time in the End Time box, clickCurrent.

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B-16 Appendix B

9. In the Labels group, select the types of labels to be placed in the columns tothe left of the resulting historical data.

DDEView requires one column for each option selected.

10. In the Tagname Database Dictionary box, type the directory location on thehistory node where the InTouch database files are located.

This directory location is embedded in the spreadsheet and is retained if thespreadsheet is saved and re-opened.

11. In the InTouch History File Directory box, type the directory location on thehistory node for the historical (.LGH) files.

This directory location is embedded in the spreadsheet and is retained if thespreadsheet is saved and re-opened.

12. To perform a summary calculation on the retrieved data, click Summary. Ifnot, click OK.

The History Summary dialog box appears.

13. Configure the summary calculation. You can calculate a mean, standarddeviation, maximum and/or minimum for none, all, or a selected portion ofdata.

Summary calculations are performed on each tag (or column of data) retrievedfrom HistData. Calculation results are listed directly below the actual dataextracted from the historical log files.

14. Click OK.

DDEView will read the historical data for each of the tagnames, place the date andtime labels appropriately, and return the values to the spreadsheet. For example:

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DDEView B-17

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B-18 Appendix B

Monitoring Tag ValuesDDEView can be used as a limited real-time monitor and simple trend service forany of the NetDDE-accessible servers.

Note The Monitor function should not be used as a heavy-duty automationtrending system and is intended only for light, occasional use. For higherperformance trend functions, use the InTouch WindowViewer trend objects.

1. Arrange a number of tagnames in a ROW.

2. From the DDEView menu, click Monitor.

The Monitor Configuration dialog box appears.

3. In the Report On group, select the condition to trigger the NetDDE client tolog data. The following options are available:


Data will be logged according to the defined interval.


Data will be logged only when the value changes in the server.


Data will be logged according to the defined interval and when the valuechanges in the server.

4. In the Time Between Values group, enter an integer number (1-100) in thebox and select a particular time identifier (seconds or minutes) to determinethe interval of time separating logged data entries (reporting on Time-Basis orTime+Change).

5. In the Keep XX Value[s] box, type the maximum number of values (2-25) tobe contained in the data table in this field.

When the Monitor function starts, DDEView inserts values into the table untilit reaches the limit. After this limit is reached, the oldest entry in the table isdeleted to allow for the newest. The data table only keeps the last xx values(as defined by the entry in this box.)

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DDEView B-19

6. In the Log Latest Values group, select whether to log the latest data record atthe top of the data table (generating a table with data at descending times) or atthe bottom (generating a table with data at ascending times).

7. In the Labels group, select the Date and/or Time options to display date andtime markers when the data is logged.

Date/Time labels are displayed in the columns directly to the left of the actualdata. DDEView requires one column for each option selected. The current (orlatest) data values are labeled "Currently."

8. Click OK.

The following example of the Monitor function shows data reporting on a time-basis of 10 second intervals and retaining 5 values of data at a time.

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B-20 Appendix B

Retrieving Current SPC DataDDEView can retrieve InTouch SPC data and build a table of values representingthe current sample of one or more datasets. Using this function is similar toretrieving real-time data using the Retrieve Data function.

Normally, accessing SPC data requires the creation of various DDE links for eachdataset that you want to get data from. DDEView makes that process easy bybuilding all of the links for you and putting them in a table on your currentspreadsheet.

½ To retrieve SPC information from current samples:

1. Select the desired datasets arranged in a ROW.

2. From the DDEView menu, click Retrieve Current SPC.

3. DDEView will set up the DDE links for each of the datasets you have selectedand present the values for the current sample in a table.

For example:

The data items that the Retrieve Current SPC command will retrieve are from thecurrent (or last) sample for each dataset in the selection.

For information on retrieving data from a particular sample, see "RetrievingSelected SPC Data" later in this chapter.

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DDEView B-21

Retrieving Selected SPC DataDDEView can retrieve InTouch SPC data for a particular sample of a particulardataset and build a table of values representing this data. Using this function issimilar to retrieving real-time data using the Retrieve Data function.

Normally, retrieving SPC data for a particular sample requires the user to first sendthe selected sample number to SPC (using conventional POKE statements inmacros) and then create various DDE links for the data that they want to see.DDEView makes that process easy by building all of the links for you and puttingthem in a table on your current spreadsheet.

½ To retrieve SPC information from a particular sample:

1. Select the desired dataset (only one).

2. From the DDEView menu, click Retrieve Selected SPC.

The Desired SPC Sample dialog box appears.

3. In the SPC Sample to Retrieve box, type the desired sample number.

4. DDEView will first POKE the specified sample number to SPC and thencreate the required DDE link functions to retrieve the values for the selectedsample in a table.

For example:

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B-22 Appendix B

You can use the Retrieve Selected SPC command multiple times for one dataset,or after the Retrieve Current SPC command is used for a dataset. Each time youuse the command, DDEView will shift the previously retrieved information to theright, effectively building a running log of sample information.

The following is an example of requests for samples 50, 36, and 24(consecutively):

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DDEView B-23

The data items that the Retrieve Selected SPC command will retrieve are from theselected sample for one dataset only.

For more information on retrieving current data from one or more datasets, see"Retrieving Current SPC Data" earlier in this chapter.

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B-24 Appendix B

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Special Topics

This appendix includes information on various topics related to using NetDDE forWindows.

Contentsn Reserving Onboard Memory

n Cable Diagrams

n Modems Tested with NetDDE

n Setting Up a DDE Conversation from Microsoft Excel

n NetDDE Application Notes

Page 177: NetDDE

C-2 Appendix C

Reserving Onboard MemoryA range of memory addresses that are not used by any other devices on the systemmust be identified in order to successfully configure a network card with onboardmemory. The following address ranges are typical for most PC-compatibles. Thebest candidate for allocating to a network adapter is indicated by an asterisk (*).

Memory Range Typical Use

0000 A000 System memory; do not use.

A000 B000 Graphic video display memory; do not use.

B000 B800 Monochrome display memory; okay to use if using a color only system.

B800 C000 Color display memory; okay to use if using a monochrome onlysystem.

C000 C400 EGA BIOS; do not use if display controller is EGA.

C000 C800 VGA BIOS; do not use if display controller is VGA.

C800 D000 Sometimes used by video cards; use with caution.

*D000 E000 Usually available.

E000 F000 Sometimes used by system BIOS; use with caution.

F000 FFFF System BIOS; do not use.

If applicable, the chosen memory address should be set in the switches on thenetwork card. The memory reserved for the network adapter should also be placedoff limits for use by Window and MS-DOS.

For more information on reserving memory allocated to a network adapter, seeChapter 2, "Installation Considerations."

Page 178: NetDDE

Special Topics C-3

Cable DiagramsPin-out equivalents for null modem cables used to connect two PCs (over a shortdistance) with full handshaking are defined below:

25-25 Pin Cable 25-9 Pin Cable

Pin-out equivalents for 9 to 25 pin cables used to connect a PC to an externalmodem are defined below:

9-Pin 25-Pin

Page 179: NetDDE

C-4 Appendix C

Modems Tested with NetDDEThe following are modems that have been tested with NetDDE by Wonderware:

� Hayes Ultra96

� Anchor 2400E

� Telebit T2500

� US Robotics Courier HST with ASL

� Intel Satisfaction

� Zoom 2400

� Intel 2400B MNP

� Viva 9642e

� MultiTech MT1432BA MultiModem

� MultiTech MT932BA MultiModem

Page 180: NetDDE

Special Topics C-5

Setting Up a DDE Conversation from MicrosoftExcel

The DDE protocol identifies an element of data using a three-part address. Thethree parts of a DDE address are the application name, topic name and item name.In a network DDE conversation, the application name is simply prefixed with adestination node name.

Application Name The name of the Windows program (server) whichcan access the data element (for example, MicrosoftExcel). For NetDDE, when a client application opensa conversation with an application residing on aremote node (server), the name of the remote nodemust precede the application name in the DDEAddress. To distinguish the node name from theapplication name, it must be preceded by twobackslashes and followed by one backslash. Forexample:


Note If the remote node resides on a networkinterface other than the default interface, the nodename must have a route set up for it in the localnode’s [Routes] section of the NETDDE.INI file.

Topic Name An application-specific sub-group of data elements.For example, when conducting a DDE conversationwith Excel, the topic name is the name given for thespreadsheet on the remote node, for example,Sheet1.xls.

Item Name A specific data element within the specified topic.For example, when conducting a DDE conversationwith Excel, the item name is the identification of acell in the row/column format (R1C1).

Note If the network node name in the Excelspreadsheet contains any non-alphanumericcharacters, the node name reference and theapplication name must be enclosed in single quotes.For example:


To set up a DDE conversation between two nodes, NetDDE must be installed andrunning on each network workstation. The DDE-aware application to be accessedmust also be running on the server node while the application requesting the DDEconversation must be running on the client node. The client and server roles areinterchangeable for NetDDE purposes. Microsoft Excel and Wonderware InTouchare examples of applications capable of playing both roles.

Page 181: NetDDE

C-6 Appendix C

On the server node, the DDE data to be accessed must be identified as "shareable"by defining a "DDE share." This share will represent the data and permissionattributes to control access to the data. DDE shares are created by identifying theapplication name and the topic name controlling the data to be shared.

For information on how to define a DDE share on the server node, refer to Chapter5. "DDE Share Security."

In the following example, a DDE share would be created using the applicationname of "Excel" and the topic name of "sheet.xls" to represent the data that will beaccessed by the client Excel application.

As an example of DDE addressing from the client node, if Excel on the local nodewanted to establish a conversation with Excel running on a remote networkworkstation, NODE1, the DDE address of the data to be accessed would be enteredin a cell as follows:

\\node1\excel The node name of and application name on the server node(application name).

sheet1.xls The spreadsheet to be accessed on the server node (topicname).

r1c1 Identification of the cell in the spreadsheet containing thedata (item name). This can also be a range name.

Note With Excel 5.0, the topic must include a reference to Workbooks. Theworkbook name must be enclosed in square brackets [ ] and is identified with the.xls extension. The spreadsheet is identified as the name of the sheet without the.xls extension. For example:


Page 182: NetDDE

Special Topics C-7

NetDDE responds to any DDE initiate message with application names beginningwith "\\". NetDDE on the local node passes the DDE message to the NetDDEprogram running on NODE1. NetDDE running on the server NODE1 receives theinitiate request and validates whether or not the user on the server node haspermitted access to the requested DDE data by defining a DDE share to representthe subject data. If access is permitted, NetDDE on the server node completes theconversation by establishing a connection to the Excel program on NODE1.Except for the extended application name, there is no difference betweenspecifying a local DDE conversation and specifying a network DDE conversation.

Once the conversation is established, the NetDDE program window will displaythe following if Connections command is checked on the View menu.

Page 183: NetDDE

C-8 Appendix C

NetDDE Application NotesNetDDE Application Notes are available from Wonderware Technical Support onthe following topics:

� Configuring NetDDE with FTP PC/TCP v2.3 on Windows and Windows forWorkgroups

� Configuring NetDDE with NetManage Chameleon v3.11 on Windows andWindows for Workgroups

� Configuring NetDDE with Novell NetWare v3.12 and NetWare Lite v1.1

� Using the NetBIOS Debug Menu

� Using DDE Share with Windows for Workgroups

� Using NetDDE with Multi-Tech Modems

� NetDDE Frequently Asked Questions

� Configuring Networked InTouch Applications

If you are interested in any of these topics, please refer to the WonderwareComprehensive Support CD or call Technical Support at (949) 727-3299 .

Page 184: NetDDE



AAdd a Network Interface dialog box, 3-5Add Connection Name dialog box, 4-12Add Route dialog box, 4-9Add Serial Connection Information Dialog Box, 6-8authentication, 8-15

Ccable diagrams, C-3cached passwords, 5-10cascade, 7-13child windows

adding horizontal scroll bar, 7-15arranging icons in, 7-14cascading, 7-13configuring font for, 7-16determining open windows, 7-16tiling, 7-12tiling horizontally, 7-13

Close Connection with dialog box, 8-5closing NetDDE, 3-8communication ports, 4-11, 4-13, 6-8

Direct Connect, 6-13Connection Information Dialog Box, 6-7Connection Names dialog box, 4-11connections

testing, 8-3, 8-5viewing status and statistics, 7-5

conversationsviewing status and statistics, 7-8

Custom DDE Security Browser dialog box, 5-5, 5-7Custom DDE Security Configuration dialog box, 5-8

Ddata authentication, 8-15DDE, 1-2DDE conversations

from Microsoft Excel, C-5DDE conversations. See also conversationsDDE share security

adding a DDE share, 5-8connecting to a secured WFW application, 5-13connecting to a secured Windows NTapplication, 5-11customized DDE shares, 5-7default DDE share security, 5-4defining default, 5-5deleting a DDE share, 5-9flushing cached passwords, 5-10introduction, 5-2modifying a DDE share, 5-9permission levels

Full Access, 5-3Full Access with Password, else Read Only,5-3

No Access, 5-3Passwords Required to Read and Write, 5-3Read Only Access, 5-3Read Only with Password, 5-3

Windows for Workgroups DDE shares, 5-4DDE share utility, 5-4DDEView

configuring the focus, B-5data retrieval

arrays, B-13inserting a tagname, B-8retrieving current data, B-10retrieving historical data, B-15sending data, B-14

dialog boxesAdd New Nodes, B-7Array Size, B-13Assign Connection, B-6Choose InTouch Tags, B-8Desired SPC Sample, B-21HISTDATA Configuration, B-15History Summary, B-16Monitor Configuration, B-18

installation, B-2introduction, B-2menu, B-3refresh mode, B-4retrieving data

current SPC, B-20monitoring tag values, B-18selected SPC data, B-21

retrieving data:, B-8starting, B-3

debugging, 8-6, 8-7DECnet

additional parameters, 8-19Wonderware Logger messages, A-28

Default DDE Security dialog box, 5-6destination node, 4-8dialog boxes

Add a Network Interface, 3-5Add Connection Name, 4-12Add Route, 4-9Add Serial Connection Information, 6-8Close Connection with, 8-5Connection Information, 6-7Connection Names, 4-11Custom DDE Security Browser, 5-5, 5-7Custom DDE Security Configuration, 5-8DDEView

Add New Nodes, B-7Array Size, B-13Assign Connection, B-6Choose InTouch Tags, B-8Desired SPC Sample, B-21HISTDATA Configuration, B-15History Summary, B-16Monitor Configuration, B-18

Default DDE Security, 5-6Enter NetDDE Share Access Password, 5-13Enter Network Access Password, 5-11Flush Client DDE Share Password Cache, 5-10Font, 7-16Modem Details, 6-5

Page 185: NetDDE

I-2 Index

Modify Route, 4-10Name for this Node, 3-4Name to Connect to, 8-3NetBIOS Configuration Parameters, 8-16NetDDE Preferences, 4-5Network Interface Selection, 3-5, 4-3Network Routes, 4-8, 4-9Port Configuration, 6-3Port Status, 6-10, 6-13Serial Configuration, 6-2, 6-10WWINSOCK Configuration Parameters, 8-18

Direct Connect Ports, 6-13Dynamic Data Exchange, 1-2

EEnter NetDDE Share Access Password dialog box, 5-

13Enter Network Access Password dialog box, 5-11

FFlush Client DDE Share Password Cache dialog box,

5-10font, 7-16Font dialog box, 7-16

Hhops, 7-6

viewing status and statistics, 7-7horizontal scroll bar, 7-15

Iicons, 7-14interfaces. See network interfaces

Llocal node name, 3-4

modifying, 4-2logger files, 7-11logging errors, 8-13logical node name, 3-4

adding, 4-12deleting, 4-14mapping, 4-11modifying, 4-14

MMacintosh, 1-9memory

reserving, C-2Microsoft Excel conversations with NetDDE, C-5modem cable pin-outs, C-3Modem Details Dialog Box, 6-5modems (tested), C-4Modify Route dialog box, 4-10

NName for this Node dialog box, 3-4Name to Connect to dialog box, 8-3NetBIOS

additional parameters, 8-16Wonderware Logger messages, A-13

NetBIOS Configuration Parameters dialog box, 8-16NetDDE

application notes, C-8closing, 3-8configuring preferences, 4-5connectivity

Macintosh, 1-9UNIX, 1-8VMS, 1-7Windows NT, 1-6

Windows 3.1 environment, 1-4Windows for Workgroups environment, 1-5Wonderware Logger messages, A-2

NetDDE Preferences dialog box, 4-5NETDDE.INI, 3-2, 4-7, C-5Network Interface Selection dialog box, 3-5, 4-3network interfaces

adding, 4-3configuring, 4-3DECnet

additional parameters, 8-19deleting, 4-3modifying the network node name, 4-3NetBIOS

additional parameters, 8-16selecting network interfaces, 3-5Serial

Additional Parameters, 8-17Serial Parameters/Define ConnectionInformation, 6-7Serial Parameters/Port Configuration,6-3Serial Parameters/Port Status, 6-10

viewing status and statistics, 7-4WinSock

additional parameters, 8-18network node name, 4-11Network Routes dialog box, 4-8, 4-9node connections, 4-11

Ppackets, 8-12password cache, 5-8passwords, 5-10, 5-11, 5-13Port Configuration Dialog Box, 6-3Port Status Dialog Box, 6-10, 6-13preferences

configuring, 4-5

Rretry limits, 8-14routes

adding, 4-9configuring, 4-7deleting, 4-10modifying, 4-10viewing status and statistics, 7-6

routes (DDE)viewing status and statistics, 7-9

Page 186: NetDDE

Index I-3


Wonderware Logger messages, A-20security. See DDE share security

Wonderware Logger messages, A-11Serial

Additional Parameters, 8-17Serial Parameters/Define ConnectionInformation, 6-7Serial Parameters/Port Configuration, 6-3Serial Parameters/Port Status, 6-10

Direct Connect Ports, 6-13Wonderware Logger messages, A-16

Serial Configuration Dialog Box, 6-2, 6-10Serial Parameters

Define Connection Information, 6-7Port Configuration, 6-3Port Status, 6-10

shares, 5-2SPC data, B-20starting NetDDE

Windows 3.1 environment, 3-3Windows for Workgroups (WFW) environment,3-3

statisticsdisplaying, 7-10viewing, 7-3viewing for connections, 7-5viewing for conversations, 7-8viewing for DDE routes, 7-9viewing for hops, 7-7viewing for network interfaces, 7-4viewing for routes, 7-6

statusviewing, 7-3viewing for connections, 7-5viewing for conversations, 7-8viewing for DDE routes, 7-9viewing for hops, 7-7viewing for network interfaces, 7-4viewing for routes, 7-6

TTCP/IP port, 8-11testing

closing connections, 8-5enabling debug menu commands, 8-6introduction, 8-2opening connections, 8-3

tile, 7-12, 7-13timeout values, 8-12

UUNIX, 1-8

Vvalidation, 8-15version information, 3-7VMS, 1-7

Wwindows. See also child windowsWindows 3.1, 1-4, 3-3, 1-4Windows for Workgroups (WFW), 1-5, 5-13, 1-5Windows NT, 1-6, 5-11, 1-6WinSock

additional parameters, 8-18Wonderware Logger messages, A-22

Wonderware Logger, 8-7, 8-8, 8-13, A-1messages

DECnet, A-28NetBIOS, A-13NetDDE, A-2SDDETSR, A-20security, A-11Serial, A-16WinSock, A-22WWCOMTSR, A-18

preferences, 4-6showing, 7-11

WWCOMTSRWonderware Logger messages, A-18

WWINSOCK Configuration Parameters dialog box,8-18

Page 187: NetDDE

I-4 Index