nestle pakistan - key accounts, large groceries, general trade & small stores branding proposals...

Proposal Stair’s Entrance & Aisle Branding at National Key Accounts

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Proposal Stairs Entrance & Aisle Branding at National Key Accounts


Stairs Entrance & Aisle Brandingat National Key Accounts

Stairs Entrance BrandingDescription:Branding at entrance will increase recall and provide visibility at start of purchasing.

There are Design 4 Options.

Branding Areas:Entrance of stairs for grocery floor at key accounts.

Rationale:Increase brand recall at entrance.

Preferable Material: Steel or Lasani structure & Frontlit or Backlit Skin


Stairs Entrance Option 1 & 2


Stairs Entrance Option 3 & 4



National Key Accounts VisitedNational key accounts at Lahore were visited

Al-Fatah Gulberg & DHA

CSD Cantt


Jalal Sons Gulberg & DHA

The following presentation will try and explain solutions to challenges at Al-Fathat

Visit Report on Al-Fatah StoresNo.ChallengeSolutionsNestles Presence1Branding on walls near entrance.Branded security booth or entrance of stairs.None.2Front & side walls of stairs already covered.Trivision or backlit scroll sign to immensely increase brandable area.Only at front wall.3Immense clutter due to product carriage in shelves up to the roof. No space left between adjacent shelves. Aisle branding:Ceiling branding, floor branding, talkers & dividers.Increase visibility of current pillar branding with innovation.Branding on pillars with limited visibility.4In consistent & dim lighting.Use of LEDs in shelf talkers facing upwards & downwards.None.5Branding area on horizontal beams already taken by competitor or any other brand.Hangable lightweight branding.Multiple pillars are covered with vinyl branding or acrylic sandwiches.6End modes already made by retailer.Change with creative end modes or rebrand current endmodes.Headers and some creativity already done.7High traffic causes floor branding to fade quickly.High quality and long lasting 3M laminations.None.8Increase impulse buying at cash counter.Small floor stands and innovative branding of checkout counter.None.

Security Booth BrandingDescription:Branding of security booth introduces a fun element when passing through the security booth and also hides it.

Branding Areas:Outsides of security booth.Inside walls of security booth.After security booth or entrance door is passed.

Rationale:Increase brand recall at entrance.

Preferable Material: Steel & Frontlit or Backlit Skin

Tri-Vision & Scroll SignsDescription:Scroll sign is a backlit sign with automatically revolving artwork. You can show between 3-8 brands depending upon size of the sign. Size can be adjusted with respect to site.

Trivision is a revolving sign with three brandable sides which triples the available brandable area.

Branding Areas:Infront of stairs or on top of them as shown in video above.

Rationale:Immensely increase available brandable area.

Size: Modifyable according to sitePreferable Material: Steel, electronic circuit & Backlit Skin/Vinyl.Note: Click on image to view it in full screen

Ceiling BrandingDescription:Three Options

Dual side tilted backlit box is hung from ceiling and provides visibility from both sides of the aisle. It can be visible from far away. Branding can be changed easily.Unlit cutout is made of thin lasani or pvc sheet with vinyl pasted on top and is hung from ceiling. It starts from the top of shelf and spreads in front of Nestles product shelf only. 3D elements & pointers are hung from the ceiling and can be backlit or unlit. It consists of brand elements and pointers.

Branding Areas:Infront of Nestles product shelves or can direct consumers towards them.

Rationale:Breaks through clutter & makes it easy for consumer to spot their favorite brands.

Dual Sided Tilted Backlit BoxUnlit cutout 3D Elements & Pointers123

Size(WxDxH): 6x5x1Preferable Material: Steel, electronic circuit & backlit Skin or backlit Vinyl.Size(WxDxH): 6x6 Preferable Material: Steel, electronic circuit & backlit Skin or backlit Vinyl.

Trolley BrandingDescription:Trolley branding at Key Accounts can massively increase brand visibility. Four sides can be branded with different and same brand.

Branding Areas:Front sides and back.

Rationale:Breaks through clutter & gives a subtle reminder.

Floor BrandingDescription:Two Options

Floor projection can be done on store floors where there is large traffic and lamination would not last long.Floor graphics can be utilized with 3Ms floor vinyl & floor lamination which are specifically designed to be tough and long lasting without changing the look & feel of the artwork.We can develop 3D artwork for Nestle which can have a massive visibility and effect.

Branding Areas:Store floor leading to products.

Rationale:Breaks through clutter & makes it easy for consumer to spot their favorite brands.

Floor Projection

Floor Graphics with 3Ms Lamination

Headers, Talkers & Dividers

Description:Three Options

Headers will not be possible at Al-Fatah due to product placement till the roof.Talkers will have LED strips at their bottom & top to enhance visibility of products as lighting is not good at Al-Fatah. Specially for products that are in lower shelves. Brands Logos area backlit.Dividers are put between two adjusent shelves to make Nestles products standout. They can be in 3D form or have LEDs for increases visibility.

Branding Areas:At store owned shelves.

Rationale:Breaks through clutter & makes it easy for consumer to spot their favorite brands.

Headers, Talkers & Dividers

HeaderTalker with LEDs on top & bottomDivider with LEDs & 3D Logo

Size(WxDxH): 4x9x6 Preferable Material: Plastic, dye casting, lasani, electronic circuit & vinyl.

Headers, Talkers & Dividers

Backlit logo & LEDs on top & bottom

Size(WxDxH): 4x5x4 Preferable Material: Plastic, dye casting, electronic circuit & vinyl.

Counter Stand - 1

Counter Stand - 2

Counter Stand - 3

Counter Stand - 4

Counter Stand - 5

Chiller Branding

Counter Branding

Checkout Counter Branding

Description:Small easily manageable floor stands for checkout counter and branding of bill display.Branding of screens in the same fashion can be done at other Key Accounts.

Branding Areas:Infront of checkout counter for floor stands.Branding of checkout counter computer or bill display screen.

Rationale:Increase impulse buying.Bill screen brandingSmall checkout counter stands

Checkout Counter Screen Branding

Size(WxDxH): 9x1x4 Preferable Material: PVC.

Checkout Counter Small Floor Stands 1

Header of Kitkat & front of Crunch large pack are backlit with flasher to enhance brand pull.

Size(WxDxH): 10x10x14 Preferable Material: Lasani, wire, plastic, dye casting, electronic circuit & vinyl.

Checkout Counter Small Floor Stands 2

Header of KitKat is made too look like broken KitKat bar.

Crunch logo, Sharky & Crunch treat are backlit with flasher.

Size(WxDxH): 10x10x14 Preferable Material: Lasani, wire, plastic, dye casting, electronic circuit & vinyl.

Checkout Counter Small Floor Stands 3

Description:Small easily manageable floor stands for checkout counter with two brands within a space.Logos and brand elements are in backlit acrylic.

Branding Areas:Infront of checkout counter for floor stands.

Rationale:Increase impulse buying.Size(WxDxH): 30x24x30 Preferable Material: Lasani, acrylic, electronic circuit & vinyl.

Checkout Counter Small Floor Stands 4

Description:Logo based floor stand with one big pocket for Kit Kat & two large shelves for crunch packs.KitKat logo is in backlit acrylic.

Branding Areas:Infront of checkout counter for floor stands.

Rationale:Increase impulse buying.Size(WxDxH): 30x16x30 Preferable Material: Lasani, acrylic, electronic circuit & vinyl.

Description:Front brandable floor stand with four big pocket for Kit Kat & four large shelves for crunch packs.

Branding Areas:Infront of checkout counter for floor stands.

Rationale:Increase impulse buying.Checkout Counter Small Floor Stands 5Size(WxDxH): 30x25x25 Preferable Material: Lasani, acrylic, electronic circuit & vinyl.

Checkout Counter Small Floor Stands 6Description:Floor stand SLIDE OUT option to get the product. It has two vertical columns for Kit Kat & three vertical columns for crunch packs.

Kit Kat bars are in 3D.

Branding Areas:Infront of checkout counter for floor stands.

Rationale:Increase impulse buying.Size(WxDxH): 34x15x25 Preferable Material: Lasani, acrylic, electronic circuit & vinyl.

Gondolas Option 1

Header can be backlit or Unlit.Shelves will be illuminated with LEDs.Cutouts in side walls are made to look like fruits.By replacing the vinyl other brands can use the same gondola

Size(WxDxH): 16x18x5 Preferable Material: Lasani, electronic circuit & vinyl.

Gondolas Option 2

Header can be backlit or Unlit.Logo & Tagline on sides are illuminated with LEDs.By replacing the vinyl other brands can use the same gondola.

Size(WxDxH): 16x18x5 Preferable Material: Lasani, electronic circuit & vinyl.

Gondolas Option 3

Header can be backlit or Unlit.Orange peels on sides are illuminated with LEDs.By replacing the vinyl other brands can use the same gondola.

Size(WxDxH): 18x18x5 Preferable Material: Lasani, electronic circuit & vinyl.

Gonolas Option 4

Header can be backlit or Unlit.By replacing the vinyl other brands can use the same gondola.

Size(WxDxH): 18x18x5 Preferable Material: Lasani, electronic circuit & vinyl.

Gonolas Option 5Header can be backlit or Unlit.Logo & Tagline on sides are illuminated with Acrylic & LEDs.Preferable Material: Lasani, electronic circuit, acrylic & vinyl.Size(WxDxH): 24x24x48

Gonolas Option 6Header can be backlit or Unlit.Logo & Tagline on sides are illuminated with Acrylic & LEDs.Preferable Material: Lasani, electronic circuit, acrylic & vinyl.Size(WxDxH): 60x36x18

Pillar Branding

Logos are in cutout form and are in 3D.Sachets can be slided out from the bottom.Size(WxDxH): 14x3x12 Preferable Material: Acrylic & vinyl.

Large Groceries BrandingResearch Findings and Solutions

Large Groceries

Stores Visited

Branding at Stores

Customer ProfileCustomers of Nestle products are usually married females aged between 25 & 55.About 80% of them shop with their husbands or servants for assistance.

Loyal to their brand.Health conscious & prefer to buy packaged products.They do not bend down to pick anything.Tend to buy products at arms length and do not like to put their hands up to grab products.2nd and 3rd shelf from top get most visibility.They buy substantial amount of products for a month long usage.Do not like to visit the shop multiple times for a specific item.Try new products and if they are healthy and good tasting the brand earns their loyalty.Tend to buy tea and tea whitener together or bread, milk and eggs.Have separate amount of money for snacks or confectionaries in their monthly shopping budget.Products placed at front tend to be picked up by customers.Do immediately send back products that they dislike.

Retailer and Shop Point of ViewThere are two types:Self ServiceOver the CounterBuy large quantity from company truck and keep buffer quantity to decrease chances of not having a product, variant or packing later.Pack maximum products in shelves without taking in to account if branding is hidden by product placement on top shelf. Large quantity of products with large packing brings a challenge to retailer for shelf space.Place chillers together in a certain area of the store.Require financial incentive to promote a product.Do not spend regularly on renovation of shop.Tend to keep utilities bills as low as possible and do not spend or like to spend on lighting the store.It is not necessary that all energy savers, bulbs or tubelights will be turned on at all times.Have gondolas along with home shelves or dedicated shelves.Have wall, window, floor branding or glass branding on outsides.Have multiple or single cash counter with a machine that prints out the bill.Competitor & other brands have headers, talkers, dividers/fins & buntings.

Current BrandingHeadersTalkersFins/DividersCategory FramesWobblersBuntingsGondolasFloor branding

Current Branding Cons & Branding Proposal

HeaderCons of Current BrandingToo high Customers do not prefer to look that much high to locate required product.Limited visibility Branding gets hidden behind top shelf product display.Branding ObjectiveIncrease brand visibility in aisleProposed Branding SpecificationsRoof hanging branding in middle of aisle. Size can be changed w.r.t aisle width.Ideal size: 3X2 It should be mounted at 7 from the ground.Pros of Proposed BrandingVisibility as soon as customer enters the aisle.Acts as a pointer to home shelf of Nestle brands.Bring the header lower & near to eye level of customer.Brings the brand out of the shelf and increases visibilityWill be suitable for aisle based and over the counter stores.

Current Home Shelf Branding


Current Branding Cons & Branding Proposal

TalkerCons of Current BrandingLack of flow Customers do look at talkers which do not have motion or curves in them.Branding No area is specified for brand logo or message. Background graphics a applies which do not convey the message.Branding ObjectiveIncrease brand visibility on shelves.Proposed Branding SpecificationsTalker is backlit with bulge on one side to emphasize brand logo. 2/3 of area is left for branding with brand elements and tagline as required.Ideal size: 38X3 It should have LEDs on top and bottom to illuminate products. It will cater to low lighting by retailer and illuminate lower shelves where illumination is lower.Pros of Proposed BrandingSubstantially increased brand visibility.Attracts attention of customers even if they are not looking at products.Brightens up brand compared to other brands at store.Will be suitable for aisle based stores.

Current Talker Branding

Proposed Branding


Current Branding Cons & Branding Proposal

Fins/DividerCons of Current BrandingNo fins of Nestle were found currently at stores.Branding ObjectiveIncrease brand visibility at aisle.Proposed Branding SpecificationsFin will start from top of 3rd shelf and go till top of shelves. Its height should be kept above 3 from floor & It will be made from a flexible material to increase its life by reducing chances of damage with hits.from trolleys.A cutout of the product will come out of the cutout to increase visibility.Ideal size: 36X9 It can be illuminated with backlit acrylic with LED.Pros of Proposed BrandingSubstantially increased brand visibility.Grabs attention of customers from far away even if they are not looking at products.Brings the brand & its products out of the shelf & in the eyes of customer.Will be suitable for aisle based and over the counter stores.


Current Branding Cons & Branding Proposal

Category FramesCons of Current BrandingNo frames of Nestle were found currently at stores.Branding ObjectiveIncrease brand visibility at aisle.Proposed Branding SpecificationsIt will be installed for 2nd and 3rd shelf. As usually customers do look at these shelves at first glance.It can be backlit for increased visibility. Ideal size: 38X30 It can be illuminated with backlit acrylic with LED.Pros of Proposed BrandingSubstantially increased brand visibility.Grabs attention of customers from far away even if they are not looking at products.Will be more suitable for aisle based & over the counter stores.


Current Branding Cons & Branding Proposal

Floor BrandingCons of Current BrandingNo floor branding of Nestle were found currently at stores.Branding ObjectiveIncrease brand visibility at store.Proposed Branding SpecificationsMaterial proposed is 3Ms vinyl with floor graphics lamination. 3M has given 6 months warranty of lamination or vinyl breakage without color fade.Pros of Proposed BrandingSubstantially increased brand visibility.Grabs attention of customers from far away even if they are not looking at products.Will be suitable for aisle based & over the counter stores.


All Proposed Branding OptionsHeaderTalkerFramesFins/DividerFloor Branding

Co BrandingCash Counter DisplaysKey Accounts

Four Options

All Options have brand logs at the front for INCREASED BRAND VISIBILITY. Front walls are branded with products for APPETITE APPEAL.

Option 1Curved floor stand with three shelves for Kit Kat & two large pockets for crunch packs.

Materials: Acrylic & Lasani

Alternate Branding Materials: LED strips at top of shelf talker to increase visibility. Logos in backlit acrylic

Size (WxDxH): 30x24x30

Product Amount Kit Kat: 1.9 cubic feetProduct Amount Kit Kat: 3.3 cubic feet

Option 2Logo based floor stand with one big pocket for Kit Kat & two large shelves for crunch packs.

Materials: Acrylic & Lasani

Alternate Branding Materials: LED strips at top of shelf talker to increase visibility. Logos in backlit acrylic

Size (WxDxH): 30x16x30

Product Amount Kit Kat: 3.3 cubic feetProduct Amount Crunch: 2.1 cubic feet

Option 3Front brandable floor stand with four big pocket for Kit Kat & four large shelves for crunch packs.

Kit Kat bars are in 3D.

Materials: Acrylic & Lasani

Alternate Branding Materials: LED strips at top of shelf talker to increase visibility. Logos in backlit acrylic

Size (WxDxH): 36x25x25

Product Amount Kit Kat: 3.5 cubic feetProduct Amount Crunch: 3.5 cubic feet

Option 4floor stand SLIDE OUT option to get the product. It has two vertical columns for Kit Kat & three vertical columns for crunch packs.

Kit Kat bars are in 3D.

Materials: Acrylic & Lasani

Alternate Branding Materials: LED strips at top of shelf talker to increase visibility. Logos in backlit acrylic

Size (WxDxH): 34x15x25

Product Amount Kit Kat: 1.25 cubic feetProduct Amount Crunch: 1.5 cubic feet

Small Stores BrandingResearch Findings and Solutions

Typical Small Store

Stores Visited

Customer DemographicsGenderQuantityPercentageFemale5032.05%Male10667.95%Total156100%

AgeSample Size 156

Customer ProfileCustomer of Nestle products is usually made aged 10 20 years of age. If female they are married and between 25 30 years of age.

Loyal to their brand.Require maximum value for money in terms of quantity and somewhat health conscious.Shop as needed daily and buy small quantities in multiple quantities rather than one bigger pack.May visit a shop multiple times in one day if required.Try new products if it falls in their buying power.Tend to buy tea and tea whitner together or bread, milk and eggs.Buy confectionaries from money left after buying required items for themselves or children.Products placed at front tend to be picked up by customers.Do immediately send back products that they dislike.

Retailer and ShopUsually buy least amount of required product.Heavily rely on company truck to visit and deliver products or buy from whole seller in the vicinity.Pack maximum products in shelves. As they usually do not have large space to maintain product stocks.Do place chillers and products outside the store due to small packed Promote or demote products based on margin for them or frequency of sale.Do not spend on renovation of shop.Tend not to turn on lights as long as possible.Usually have one energy saver in the shop.Mostly have outward facing counter blocking the entrance and maximizing shelf space.Have multiple posters on counter or side pillars.Have fascia of either Coca Cola or Mobilink and pillar branding.Have available here signs for Coca Cola, Mobilink, Warid & other companies depending on location along with paper buntings.Shelf branding is minimal with low visibility.

Branding OpportunitiesAvailable here signs.Umbrellas / canopies.Counter branding with cutouts placed on front of counter, vinyl or acrylic sandwich.Nestles Branding on space between roof and pillars.Counter stands (12x12x12 maximum size smaller the better)Backlit frames for shelf branding.Brand colored vinyl inside the shelf with one top mounted LED strip.Foldable shelves on both pillars.Talkers with prominent branding.Shop brandingPillar mounted stand for display.Pay some amount to retailer for preferrance and better display.Introduce a smaller pouch/pack with reduced price.

Proposed Solutions for Everyday UHTCounter branding with cutouts placed on front of counter.Counter stands (12x12x12 maximum size smaller the better).Foldable shelves on one pillars (12x14x12).Pillar mounted stand for display.Pay some amount to retailer for preference and better display area.Buntings.Flex banners.Introduce a smaller pouch/pack with reduced price.

Proposed solutions for all brandsAvailable here signs.Counter branding with cutouts placed on front of counter, vinyl or acrylic sandwich.Counter stands (12x12x12 maximum size smaller the better)Backlit frames for shelf branding.Brand colored vinyl inside the shelf with one top mounted LED strip.Foldable shelves on both pillars.Talkers with prominent branding.Pillar mounted stand for display.Pay some amount to retailer for preference and better display.Introduce a smaller pouch/pack with reduced price.

Maggi Yum In Store Solutions

Standee Option 1Size (WxH): 2x5

Standee Option 2Size (WxH): 2x5

Bowl GondolaSize (WxDxH): 2x2x5

Curved GondolaSize (WxDxH): 2x2x5

Re-Brandable GondolaSize (WxDxH): 2x2x5

Semi-Circular GondolaSize (WxDxH): 2x1.5x5

Thank You!

Wall & Counter Stands

Wall Mount Single SidedSpace on wall (HxWxD): 12x8x3Preferable Material: AcrylicAlternate Material: Lasani/WireNo of Sachets: 30

Wall Mount Double SidedSpace on wall (HxWxD): 12x16x3Preferable Material: AcrylicAlternate Material: Lasani/WireNo of Sachets: 40 - 50

Counter Top Four ColumnsSpace on wall (HxWxD): 14x8x9Preferable Material: AcrylicAlternate Material: Lasani/WireNo of Sachets: 60 - 80

Tilted Counter Top Horizontal SachetsSpace on wall (HxWxD): 12x8x6Preferable Material: AcrylicAlternate Material: WireNo of Sachets: 25-35

Counter Top Vertical SachetsSpace on wall (HxWxD): 12x8x6Preferable Material: AcrylicNo of Sachets: 36Additional Comments: Sachets from back pockets can be pulled from side.

Round Counter Top Vertical SachetsSpace on wall (HxWxD): 12x14x14Preferable Material: AcrylicNo of Sachets: 40 - 50

Counter Top SleekSpace on wall (HxWxD): 12x12x12Size: 12x12Preferable Material: AcrylicNo of Sachets: 80 - 100

Counter Top Semi CircularSpace on wall (HxWxD): 9x9x9Preferable Material: AcrylicNo of Sachets: 70 - 80

Thank You

Proposed Pharmacy Branding

Window Mounted Stand 1Window mounted stand with backlit option.Fully branded side will be outward facing.Pack facings will be visible from inside the shop only.Used as an available here sign while providing one touch point for the brand, inside & outside the shop.Size (WxHxD): 24x12x4Proposed material: Acrylic with vinyl brandingAlternate material: lasani or wire frame with PVC branding.

Outside View

Inside ViewAdaptation at shops

Window Mounted Stand 2Window mounted stand with backlit option.Fully branded side will be outward facing.Pack facings will be visible from inside the shop only.Used as an available here sign while providing one touch point for the brand, inside & outside the shop.Size (WxHxD): 12x12x6Proposed material: Acrylic with vinyl brandingAlternate material: Lasani or wire frame with PVC branding.

Adaptation at shops

Outside ViewInside View

Window Mounted Stand 3Window mounted stand with backlit option.Fully branded side will be outward facing.Pack facings will be visible from inside the shop only.Used as an available here sign while providing one touch point for the brand, inside & outside the shop.Size (WxHxD): 9x18x9Proposed material: Acrylic with vinyl brandingAlternate material: Lasani or wire frame with PVC branding.

Adaptation at shopsOutside ViewInside View

Window Mounted Stand 4Window mounted stand with backlit option.Fully branded side will be outward facing.Pack facings will be visible from inside the shop only.Used as an available here sign while providing one touch point for the brand, inside & outside the shop.Size (WxHxD): 9x18x9Proposed material: Acrylic with vinyl brandingAlternate material: Lasani or wire frame with PVC branding.

Adaptation at shopsOutside ViewInside View

Window Mounted Stand 5Window mounted stand with backlit option.Fully branded side will be outward facing.Pack facings will be visible from inside the shop only.Used as an available here sign while providing one touch point for the brand, inside & outside the shop.Size (WxHxD): 10x16x6Proposed material: Acrylic with vinyl brandingAlternate material: Lasani or wire frame with PVC branding.

Adaptation at shopsOutside ViewInside View

Counter Stand 1Counter stand with branded back and front.Can be placed near window for visibility from outside.Pack facings will be visible from inside the shop only.Size (WxHxD): 12x12x6Proposed material: Acrylic with vinyl brandingAlternate material: Lasani.

Counter Stand 2Double sided counter stand with branded back and front.Can be placed near window for visibility from outside.Pack facings will be visible from inside & outside the shop only.Size (WxHxD): 12x12x6Proposed material: Acrylic with vinyl brandingAlternate material: Lasani.

Counter Stand 3Double sided counter stand with branded back and front.Header can be backlit and LED stars to attract and make the stand prominent.Can be placed near window for visibility from outside.Pack facings will be visible from inside & outside the shop only.Size (WxHxD): 12x12x6Proposed material: Acrylic with vinyl brandingAlternate material: Lasani.

Counter Branding 1

Branding at store with a cutout in PVC or Lasani.It will be placed parallel to top of the counter to make it non obstructive for shop owner and visitor.Size (WxH): 12x6Proposed material: PVCAlternate material: Lasani.

Counter Branding 1

Branding at store with a cutout in PVC or Lasani.It will be placed parallel to top of the counter to make it non obstructive for shop owner and visitor.Size (WxH): 12x6Proposed material: PVCAlternate material: Lasani.

Counter Branding 1

Branding at store with a cutout in PVC or Lasani.It will be placed parallel to top of the counter to make it non obstructive for shop owner and visitor.Size (WxH): 12x6Proposed material: PVCAlternate material: Lasani.

In-Store SolutionsC & D Category

Round Counter Stand Size (WxDxH):16x8x16Material: Foam Board/LasaniNo of Packs: 5 (depth can be extended for 4 more)

Counter Stand with RodsSize (WxDxH):12x11x18Material: Foam Board/LasaniNo of Packs: 6 (depth can be extended for 4 more)

Wall Mounted BearSize (WxDxH):12x5x15Material: Foam Board/LasaniNo of Packs: 3 (depth can be extended for 4 more)

Bear on CounterSize (WxDxH):18x5x15Material: Foam Board/LasaniNo of Packs: 3 (depth can be extended for 4 more)

Round Sachet HangerSize (WxDxH):16x16x12Material: PVCNo of Sachets: 48

Bib Sachet HangerSize (WxDxH):12x5x15Material: PVCNo of Sachets: 36

Semi Circular Sachet HangerSize (WxDxH):12x8x15Material: PVCNo of Sachets: 48

Wall Mounted Sachet HangerSize (WxDxH):20x1x18Material: PVCNo of Sachets: 48


Everyday Parasite - 1

Everyday Parasite - 1

Description: An innovative design with a cup to hold large pack with another pocket below it & sachet hangers of both sides.It will be placed on shelf with screws.

Materials: Acrylic/Lasani with screen printing on vinyl.

Everyday Parasite - 2

Everyday Parasite - 2

Description: A simpler design with capacity of four packs behind the branding. Sachets can be hung from the bottom.It will be placed on shelf with screws.

Materials: Wire structure with powder coating.Branding on steel/PVC sheet.

Everyday Parasite - 3

Everyday Parasite - 3

Description: A creative design with shelves placed to show the whole pack. Sachets can be hung from the bottom of each stair.It will be placed on shelf with screws.

Materials: Acrylic/Lasani structure.Branding with vinyl or sticker.