negotiating parties role sheets

THE JUALLA ROYAL DELEGATION The Jualla Royal Delegation (JDL) consists of King Jualla and a set of loyal ministers. The King and his delegation have been trying to implement economic reforms that would encourage free market exchange and attract more foreign investment and trade to Ardan. He is keen to approve the casino project as it is lead by his lifelong friend Umad Sektar, one of the world’s richest men and a member of the ruling elite in a neighboring Saced country that is rich in oil. Umad Sektar is the prime backer of the casino project, which he sees in part as a beneficent gift to the Ardan people, and by extension his old friend the King. Having seen the economic miracle of free market capitalism in his friend Sektar’s home country, the King is also determined that the state retreat somewhat from the lives of the poor. He is saddened by the neighboring conflict in Panchal, and thus offered safe harbor to its refugees. However, he wants desperately to reclaim the Putari site for future development. He also believes that the best way to help the refugees would be to integrate them into the already existing fabric of Ardan’s urban centers. While a highly secular man, King Jualla and his delegation are keen to maintain peace in the interest of prosperity. Thus the delegation would like to appease the National Faith Party by awarding them some control over the economic and community development projects that would integrate the refugees into Ardanian life. You are skeptical of the Global Central Bank and its influence in the region. You feel its intervention is an affront to Ardan sovereignty, and it provokes your shame at having no oil. However, you are aware you need their funds, and thus you are willing to negotiate so that their funds might be used. You support a housing policy that allows as little state intervention as possible. You see self-help housing as a technique that will both offer economic benefits to the refugees and help them integrate into Ardanian life. Your primary goal,

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Post on 24-May-2017




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Page 1: Negotiating Parties Role Sheets


The Jualla Royal Delegation (JDL) consists of King Jualla and a set of loyal ministers.

The King and his delegation have been trying to implement economic reforms that would encourage free market exchange and attract more foreign investment and trade to Ardan. He is keen to approve the casino project as it is lead by his lifelong friend Umad Sektar, one of the world’s richest men and a member of the ruling elite in a neighboring Saced country that is rich in oil. Umad Sektar is the prime backer of the casino project, which he sees in part as a beneficent gift to the Ardan people, and by extension his old friend the King. Having seen the economic miracle of free market capitalism in his friend Sektar’s home country, the King is also determined that the state retreat somewhat from the lives of the poor. He is saddened by the neighboring conflict in Panchal, and thus offered safe harbor to its refugees. However, he wants desperately to reclaim the Putari site for future development. He also believes that the best way to help the refugees would be to integrate them into the already existing fabric of Ardan’s urban centers.

While a highly secular man, King Jualla and his delegation are keen to maintain peace in the interest of prosperity. Thus the delegation would like to appease the National Faith Party by awarding them some control over the economic and community development projects that would integrate the refugees into Ardanian life. You are skeptical of the Global Central Bank and its influence in the region. You feel its intervention is an affront to Ardan sovereignty, and it provokes your shame at having no oil. However, you are aware you need their funds, and thus you are willing to negotiate so that their funds might be used.

You support a housing policy that allows as little state intervention as possible. You see self-help housing as a technique that will both offer economic benefits to the refugees and help them integrate into Ardanian life. Your primary goal, however, is the relocation of the camp for the development of the future casino complex.

Potential allies are the Saced League and the Democracy and Progress Party.


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The Democracy and Progress Party is comprised of the minority East Ardanian Tribe, the historic inhabitants of Ardan. Secular, progressive on social issues, and far wealthier than the Suril refugee majority, you are an ardent believer in a strong central state as a means of securing and promoting the spread of capitalism and modernization. While slightly wary of King Jualla, you share a similar vision of economic progress and international trade as a means of attaining Ardanian modernity. Further, you fully support the casino megaplex project as you believe it will act as the centerpiece in an expanding Ardanian tourism industry.

At the same time, you are highly concerned with issues of poverty as they confront both the Putari camp refugees and native slum dwellers. You believe that the best way to provide for the poor is through state-built, subsidized public housing. Your base of support is the middle class, but because of your platform of social provision for the poor, you are also gaining support among the slum population and the urban poor. However, you are also adverse to the exclusive attitudes and religious intolerance of the National Faith Party, and you insist on a secular state. You are also looking for support in the formal sector, by advocating for improvements and allocation of resources in formal housing. You are proponents of formalization in both the housing and economic sectors.

Your major goals are to 1) remove the Putari camp to allow the construction of the casino megaplex, and 2) construct formal public housing for its residents. You believe that formal housing will push them onto the path of economic survival. Further, should they return to Panchal following the end of the civil war, you believe this public housing will provide great infrastructure for the Ardanian poor. Finally, you are extremely in favor of increasing foreign aid to Ardan so that the modernizing project can continue.

Potential allies include the Saced League and the Global Central Bank. You are wary of the King, but willing to partner with him for the economic benefit of Ardan.


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The National Faith Party represents the ethnic majority of Ardan. A group that faced repression under Muana, you have found acceptance under King Jualla, who is keen to please you and to try to design policy suitable for your clear demographic majority (around 65%). Despite the King’s willingness to negotiate and make concessions on your behalf, he has enraged you with the casino megaplex party. Staunchly religious, you find this project an affront to your moral code and believe such a development would pollute Ardan for generations to come. Worried about future generations of Ardanians, you are strongly opposed to the project and demand Putari stay where it is.

Furthermore, because of your history as descendants from refugees, you believe you know how best to guide the Putari inhabitants to more fruitful futures. The strongly conservative values of your constituency lean toward incremental improvements, religious and community infrastructure, and the provision of strong social services. You have been able to maintain strong grassroots organizations throughout the country, particularly in the growing squatter settlements and the large informal sector. You believe that funds for housing planning and reconstruction should not be spent on public housing and instead be channeled to these grassroots groups to use as they see fit.

You believe in self-help and you also believe that religious organizations should be in charge of development programs in the refugee camp. You are wary of the Global Central Bank, because it represents Western intervention, to which you are staunchly opposed. You are keen for aid from the Saced League, believing such a league would be a means by which the region could establish autonomy from the West and spread religious ideas of shared morality. However, you are disheartened that the Saced League demands relocation, and hope you might convince them to reconsider.

You are willing to accept certain offers but only if religious organizations are put in charge of the development programs. You further insist on the revival of religious subjects in mainstream education, and will push for the acceptance of this policy change, prior to the signing of any pact.

Potential allies include the Refugee Alliance Council.


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You represent an international bank that advocates a free market ideology tempered by a strong commitment to the needs of the poor. While you are sympathetic to the casino megaplex project, you believe that Ardan needs to put the needs of the refugees first. You are also skeptical of interference from Suktar and the Saced League, and you worry about their ulterior motives.

GCB funds must be spent on secure housing investments that will generate income for the government. Most importantly, a proposal signed by all parties and organizations must be submitted to the GCB by the deadline of March 18. Otherwise GCB will exit the negotiations, and the loan amount and terms you have offered may be withdrawn. Aside from these conditions, the GCB loan can be spent as deemed appropriate, provided that the government can provide a good accounting of how you will receive principal and interest on the loan. You have an interest in and capacity to loan $500 million. GCB loans typically have a 10-year term at a 5% annual interest rate.

You also support the provision of self-help upgrading. You believe the best way to help the refugees is by offering them employment in this way, in addition to economic development policies related to microloans. As a secular organization, however, you are resistant to the idea of religious intervention in free market programs such as the potential microloan program.


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The Saced League is the regional organization of Saced member states. You have been closely following the Panchal refugee situation, and hope to provide the best for the Putari residents. However, Umad Suktar, the leading businessman behind the casino megaplex project, is a member of the ruling elite in one of the Saced region’s wealthiest countries. As such, he has pressured you into advocating on behalf of the relocation of the camp. For the sake of internal harmony and your continued influence regionally, you are heavily pushing the relocation. To ensure the camp’s relocation, you are offering additional funds to cover relocation and provide additional support.

While you agree with the Jualla Royal Delegation on the need for relocation, you strongly oppose self-help housing measures. As an advocate for modernization with the benefit of deep pockets, you are major proponents of public housing provision. Tired of the squatter settlements that dot much of the urban landscapes in the Saced region, you believe the development of strong public housing programs is the future for pro-poor policies in the region as a means of ending poverty.

In order to appease the more religious member states and the majority NFP, you also push community and economic development programs run by religious grassroots organizations. You believe that such programs will be excellent complements to ensure the success of the new public housing program.

You are currently allied with the Jualla Royal Delegation. However, because of your role as a regional peacekeeper, you are open to negotiations as long as the relocation of the camp takes place.


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The Panchal Refugee Alliance is the regional alliance of refugees who have fled Panchal because of persecution. In part you have fled because their secular beliefs are in sharp contrast to the increasingly fundamentalist politics of the regime. Despite your deep dissatisfaction with the current regime, you are desperate for the overthrow of the Umar dictatorship and a return to your homeland. Many of you have left behind family, children, parents, and friends. Awaiting your return, you do not want to relocate farther away from the border. You are adamant that you stay in Putari. To ensure your position at the negotiating table, meanwhile, you have discussed the relocation plans with international media, which have condemned the casino megaplex project. Global humanitarian figures have come out in support of your plight to demand the Putari camp stay in place. Last month, Angelina Jolie visited with a UN delegation, and you hope her star power has the ability to sway public opinion.

Because of the grueling journey from Panchal, you are exhausted from your relocation efforts. Coming from middle class Panchal families, you are not accustomed to living in informal conditions of poverty, but you are highly resilient in the face of hardship. Given the choice, you would vastly prefer to live in new, public housing units. In part, you are unsure of your capabilities with regards to self-help housing endeavors, and as the former middle class, somewhat prejudiced to what you perceive as the squalor of informal settlements. However, because of your position as outsiders in Ardan, you are willing to negotiate on this issue.

In addition, the camp needs great improvements. You are in dire need of hospitals to take care of your sick residents, and schools to educate the scores of children who have left Panchal with you. Being highly secular, you are very resistant to the proposals of the NFP, and do not want religious organizations to run programs in the camp.

You are trying to establish some kind of alliance with the Saced League so that they can better advocate the needs of the Panchal refugees in the region. You also hope the Global Central Bank will support your positions.