need of banking

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  • 8/2/2019 Need of Banking


    Alok RustagiKaushik Sadhu

    Paresh NemadeSwapnil Deshapnde

  • 8/2/2019 Need of Banking


  • 8/2/2019 Need of Banking


    Old scenarioWhy do we have banks ?

    To answer this question imagine a situation without

    banks existing in society.

    What will I do with my surplus units?

    Where to go in case I need finance ?

    All other intermediaries do not provideliquidity(checking deposits) and surety .

  • 8/2/2019 Need of Banking


    Can we write off banks ? the theory suggests

    liquidity creation,

    credit origination, &financial innovation,

    without banks issuing claims susceptible to runs

    and thus being financially fragile. In breaking upbanks into finance companies and money marketfunds (the so-called "narrow" bank proposals),

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    But in doing so we risk throwing the baby out withthe bath water. Thus part of the Faustian bargainthat we have to live with is that periodic banking

    disasters will occur and public money will be used.Innovations in regulation and supervision canattempt to reduce the magnitude of the problem,but we should recognize that the alternative ofdoing away with the banks, at least in theforeseeable future, could be much worse.

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    A bank can achieve economies of scale

    Lower fixed costs relative to its assets .

    It will have less need for liquidity.

    It will be able to lower its equity ratio without increasingthe danger of insolvency.

    Economies of Scope

    While economies of scale result from doing more of the

    same thing, economies of scope result from doing different,but related, things.(Story of 3 M)(Regulations often standin the way)

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    Evolution of Banking 15th Century -------Money changer banks.

    13th -17th centuryMerchant banks.


    Century -----Bank of Deposits - suspension ofconvertibility.

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    Type of banking

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    Bank Rate- @ central bank lends fund to commercialbanks

    Repo rate -@ RBI lends short term debt to banksagainst securities.

    Reverse repo- @ banks kept their short term excessliquidity with RBI.

    CRR- Reserve Bank of India(Amendment)Bill,2006

    SLR- Minimum proportion of Net Demand and Time


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    Bank Rate 24%

    CRR 6%

    SLR 7% Repo 8%

    Reverse Repo 6%

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    Bank Rate 24%

    CRR 6%

    SLR 7% Repo 8%

    Reverse Repo 6%

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    Mobilisation of funds across Time

    & Space

    Surplus Units Deficit Units

    Surplus offunds

    Users offunds

    Flow of funds

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    Sources of funds Demand deposit (Current account and savings account


    Time deposit & term deposit Short term borrowings from other banks and RBI

    Equity capital

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    Investment of funds Lending short term loan

    Loan providing to other banks

    Funded to RBI

    Lending long term loan

    Households- auto loan, home loan, personal loan,Education loan, Corporate loan

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  • 8/2/2019 Need of Banking


    Q: By eliminating the middle man the saver could get a

    higher return.Why, then ,do so many people use Bankas a financial intermediary?

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    Cost advantage

    Time advantage

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  • 8/2/2019 Need of Banking


    How banks earn profits?

    Bid/Ask Spread

    measured in terms of netinterest income(NII)

    and net interestmargin(NIM).

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    Risk management Risk involved in banking structure is broadly classified


    Credit risk.

    Market risk.

    Operational Risk.

    Regulatory Risk.

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    Credit Risk

    Exposure CeilingsReview/RenewalRisk Rating Model

    Risk based scientific pricingPortfolio Management

    Loan Review Mechanism

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    MARKET RISKMarket Risk may be defined as the possibility of lossto bank caused by the changes in the market variables.

    Types of market risk:

    Liquidity Risk

    Interest Rate Risk

    Forex Risk

    Country Risk

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    Operational risk Banks always live with the risks arising out of human

    error, financial fraud and natural disasters. E.g.,

    WTC tragedy

    Barings debacle

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    Other functions performed by

    banks as Financial Intermediaries Maturity Transformation

    Risk Transformation

    Convenience denomination

  • 8/2/2019 Need of Banking


    Growth Hurdle-NPAA NPA is a loan or an advance where

    Interest and/ or installment of principal remainoverdue for a period of more than 90 days inrespect of a term loan

    In 2009 Gross NPA of commercial bank was about70k crore

    Increasing NPA implies moral hazard problem inbank.

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    FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO NPAs Poor Credit discipline

    Inadequate Credit & Risk Management

    Diversion of funds by promoters

    Funding of non-viable projects

    Banks has little freedom to price products and investin their best interest

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    IMPACT OF NPAs ON OPERATIONS Drain on Profitability

    Impact on capital adequacy

    Adverse effect on credit growth Excessive focus on Credit Risk Management

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    NPA MANAGEMENT - SOLUTION Sale of NPA to ARC/ SC under Securitization and

    Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcementof Security Interest Act 2002 (SRFAESI)

    Willful defaulter reported to RBIA NPA is eligible for sale to other banks(Transfer of


  • 8/2/2019 Need of Banking


    Payments System Realization of transaction

    Inseparable part of trades and goods.

    The primary goal of any national payment system is toenable the circulation of money in its economy.

    Payment system is part of business model

    Substantial source of income.

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    Payment characteristics It is expected safe, secure, sound and efficient

    payment and settlement systems for the country

    Commonly known as Triple-S + E.

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    Efficiency of payments Minimum transaction cost

    Competitive Pricing

    Integration Stability

    Minimizing systemic risk in inter bank paymentsystems

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    Types of payment Electronic payment-RTGS,NEFT

    Cash payment-Bank branch,ATM

    Paper payment- Cheque, Pay order, Demand Draft

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    Money Laundering Money laundering is disguising illegal sources of

    money so that it looks like it came from legal sources.

    The objective of KYC/AML RBI guidelines is to preventbanks from being used, intentionally orunintentionally, by criminal elements for moneylaundering or terrorist financing activities.

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    Know Your Customer (KYC)a) Customer Acceptance Policy;

    b) Customer Identification Procedures;

    c) Monitoring of Transactions;d) Risk Management.

  • 8/2/2019 Need of Banking


    DFIs Formed by Indian government to lend long term debt

    to development work in.

    In 1992 Narsimhan committee report suggested toconvert into banks.


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    Informational Role of Asset PricesWhat are assets?

    Asset prices appear to contain some informationregarding future realizations of inflation and output.

    What happens to prices in case of scams bubbles?

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    Informational role of asset prices Banks provide many secured loans

    They may be backed by different assets such as shares,land etc.

    To take loan decision banks need real time data onasset prices.

    If asset price is less than loan amount then it will

    create problem for banks.

  • 8/2/2019 Need of Banking


    Regulations As per banking regulation act 1949

    Assets of banking company should not be less than75% of its demand and time liabilities.

    Liabilities above should not include paid up capital.

    Banking company has to report this status at the endof every quarter to RBI

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    Managerial IncentivesWorking for self interest creates incentive problem

    Measures to avoid this problem

    -Employee stock options

    -concentrated ownership In India RBI put some guidelines to avoid incentive

    problem such as

    he should not be director partner in any other trading

    commercial firm

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    he should not have substantial interest in any otherfirm or be engaged in any other company.

    RBI holds right to change the director if it feels it is inpublic interest.

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    Basel II Norms

    These norms based on three pillars

    Minimal capital requirement

    Supervisory review process

    Market discipline Banks need to maintain 9% CRAR and PSB 12% CRAR

    Tier I capital norm is at 6%

    Banks require to hold 2% common equity.

    Basel III Norms

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    New Banking Regulation Eligibility norms

    -promoter holding at least 40% for 5 years.

    -minimum paid-up capital should be 500 cr. FDI is capped to 49 % for first five years after that 74%

    is upper limit.

    Min CAR of 12% should be maintained.

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    Regarding directors 50% of directors should be totallyindependent.

    25% of branches should be in rural sector.

    Priority lending as applicable to other domestic banks

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    Opportunities Banking penetration is 45% in middle and high

    income group

    5% in lower income group

    Increased use of technology in rural parts providesnew medium to increase penetration

    Continuous GDP growth demand more funding from

    banks for development

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    Challenges To raise the bar of service and speedy redresser of

    customer grievances

    How to increase rural penetration


    Increase use of technology

    Demographical Diversifications

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    Fulfill growing demand for finance from infrastructureand real estate sector

    More transparency in banking system

    Consolidation of KYC Norms.

    Increase financial depth.

  • 8/2/2019 Need of Banking


    Thank You

  • 8/2/2019 Need of Banking

