nebraska advertiser. (brownville ne) 1860-06-28 [p...

r. A 3 Dealer a is Ccin.T'r.crrr' C;.Vf.';." l ncie en ccc . and prompt stter.lion to a tret class Land Af e :cy. "'- - V -'- " - ...... ;.7r..r.ts. ail outice.'s aovkts rrn t"e Z'XITLD STATES EXPRESS CC.'JTM.VF, X safe a1 company lor the transmUsioa meney packages. Also zestsf :r the Hartford r' re Insurance Coc; f Hartluti, to V stb r f i'iOvf our o;T..-- e to the new building on Eaia street, cestdoor toJTbeodore lull's Store, and tear tie;;. S., : Cct 27, lii 3, nl6 I.USHBAUG" &. C ATiSON. The first impressions of rw and ecpcrb er ."rav- ings of Ilosa liouheur's cd. ilcd painting cf the IIorseFsir, printed in beuutuul oil olors, are now ready. It is exo.uted If the nnri railed artists. Fa-ron- y, Major & Knupp, who Lave undertaken to make .it the most splendid work of tho kind ever issued from their extensive establish nient. Its size isnear-.l- y twoTy three feet, embracing more than twenty different ti:;ts aed shades and colors, and it will pre- sent upon tbe walls of the parlor, drawing-roo- m or art gallery, all the rplendin effect cf a superb A eopy of this rich and costly engraving, hieh has recived the highest testimonial of fa- vor ty consoissieurs and the Press, can be obtained foronly 5150, delivered free of at any post CiUceiatho United .Stages. Acents ore wanted. J. M. EMERSON k Co., Publishers, . Nc 37, Tark-ro-w New York. April,:?, IS JO. P&..-- "- K- A ycrUin re'.iable charge AY I Tetes has lor.g c ted a public dor s'-- d for an effective purpntive piii which, could be rciird on as are and perfectly safe in its operation. Thia has been prepared to meet that demand, and an exten-ir- e tritd of its virtues has conclusively fchown with what rjecess it accomplishes the purpose designed. It is eay to make a physical yiJ, but not easy to make the bet of all pJU one which should have none of the ejections, but all the advantages, of every other. 1 Lis has been attempted here, and with whnt success we would respectfully submit to the public decision. It has been unfortunate for. the patient hitherto that almost every purgative medicine is acrimonious and irritating to the bow- els. This is not. Many cf them produce so much f riping pain and revulsion in the system as to more than counterbalance the good to be derived frort t. em. These pills produce no irritation or pain, Bie$ it arise from a previously existing obstruc- tion or derangement in the bowels. Being purely f fretable, no barm can arise from the'r use in any quantity ; "t it is better that any medicine should be taken iudiciouslv. Minute direct --- s for their use in the several psoases to whica they are plicable are given on the box. Amcr.g the com- plaints which have been speedily aired by them, we mr mention Lirer CompiR-'r.t- , in its various forms ef Jaundice, Indigestion, Languor and Loss of Ap- petite, Listieasre-- . Irritability, Elious Headache, fcilkms Fever, Fever and Ague, Fain m the Side and Loins ; for, in truth, all Ihese are but the con- sequence of diseased action in the liver As an aperient they afford prompt anA ur? re.ief in Cos-tivene- ss, Tiles, Colic, Dysentery, rjumrs. Scrofula mi Scurvy, Coldg with soreness of thO hoCT. Ulcers and impurity of iie blood, Irrc-r;,aritie'- inhort, r,r and every case where a purgative is ret1''uirel' They have also pro.dnced some singular) su" ssfulires in Rheumatism, Gor.t, Dropsy, Gra."eI Palpitation cf the Heart, Pains in thv tckrltoii,acrM and bide, ii eysnouia oe rreeiy tide n the sprir.g of the year, to purify the blood and prrpsre Ihe system for the change cf seasons.. JLn occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, ad restores the appe- tite and vigor. They purify t,.e blood, and, by their timi;lnt ct.-- ?i a the drcilatory system, reno-rat- e ti, stre A Ji of the buc, and restore the "ratted t lLvcDir4. energies of te whole organism. Hence aa ccasional doba is advantageous, evenv though .to serkws demrgement exists; but un CeeM-"- r loirr should never be carried too far, tf v r ndirine reduces the strength, Le a U.. en to excess. The thousand cases in which a physic is required cannot be enumerated here, but they fzzet themselves to the reason cf every Vodj ; and it is confidently believed this i ill will answer a better purpose than any thing which has fcilbr-rt- o been available to mankind. When their rirtues arc once known, ihe public will no longer doubt what remedy to employ when in need of a cathartic medicine. Being sugar -- wrapped, they are Eleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, no arise from their use in ar.y quantity, i'or minute directions, see wrapper on the Cox rcErAitErY m, JAMES C. ATER, rractltalnntl Analytical ChcKiist, LOWELL, MASS. Trie 25 Cesti pcr lex. rive Xoxei fcr SL AYEIl'S CHERRY For the rapid Cure of COrGIIS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, DROMIIITIS, WnCOPIXG-- l OIGII, CROI P, ASTII.1IA. AXD CQSSOIPTIGS. Tins remedy has won fcr itself such notoriety from its cures of every variety of pulmonary disease, that it is entirely unnecessary to recount the evi- dences of its virtues in any community where it has been employed. So wide is the field of its use- fulness, and so numerous the cases cf its cures, that almost every section cf the country abounds in persons publicfy known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs-b- its use. When once tried its superiority ever every other medicine of its kind is too appa- rent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affec- tions of "the pulmonary organs which are incident to our climate. Not only in formidable attacks upon tbe lungs, but for the milder varieties of Colds, Covghs, Hoarseness, &c. ; and for Chil deem it is the pleasantest and safest medicine that can be obtained, i Q As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best that it ever Las been, and that the genuine article is sold by ' " J. II. MAUN, Brcwnville, N. T. ' MILL . (Established IS35.) TODD'S CIIAIXESGE. AS the under stone revolves, tbey may be run to a ttgb speed without choking, ana haviog Rubber Epriagrs, Patterned ty us they Will not Bur si Whih Running, men p'.ecs, cf Iron get between them, ss msny mills fctve done on the stiff pvlncirie. Our spindles have EteeJ Toes and laces, with set screws t bth ends, so that the fsees of the stonea can be kept parraliel with ca ether and the meal ground even etionjrh for Cour, which re ltrpiriint improvements. Insuring Safety to tht Ten all lower mill er, and good wort, and ought put "IP, 01! BACK MILLS, select f- -r these the best quality Burrs our tewn imports:, t, and from our long experience a Mn-- '' tract uters, can sure cur customers tLat our mil la cau- - notte tics:'.?. Prices cf Challenge .Mills. S4 iO 16 53 ti 39 to CO to be In of of inch poller, do do Friers of Iron !0 5j do $tl5, gr-re- d 13. Co 175, do Back 1Lft&? Incasvoae w!:h pulley, with $160, r, do 125, do 1 1- -2 tor thick rtsrrra pul. SJ, cearci $r?9 pear, Importers cf Dutch Bolting Cloths, French Stones. Dealers, in. Mulber Lcltit Packing, a c. Kanufacturers pf Kachinc Stretche'l Leather Belting, Cemented and Riveted. Adress : G. & TODD 0. A'0.2i2 Xorth Xam Louis, ion a: r.DAvis, ATTORNEY EE'S PILL'S. FAMILY PHYSIC, PECTORAL, FURNISHINGS. AT LAW, AKD REAL ESTATE AG, Tails C.iy, .TUciardson Cotrnfy. : V, j pror rt attention to all profe sci tuircsteJto hiscare tu E.ichard4n r. 'jaties; th drawsnj ot deeds,? r- - iio 200. f3 z, 0. .50. Steam liose, C. Co., 5-- ot St., 67. Ho. nre tUoto ... ? iraskfi 1 a i.'ciniDg i liou pa cf 10 CO. 1 camnrto u:iaim. HANNIBAL iz ST. JO. R. JL '3?lOEZETS.":-- Arran?amer.L t are lcen tr.a.?e, by "the Hanni- bal and St. Jorej h Rail Uo&d Couipany, to torn-Earcn- ce with the opening of navigation, fcr a TSI-WEEKL- Y LINE OF PACKETS, to run in connection :th said Road restlnrly froa St. Joc:Ii to BroTrnTlIIc, and ell other intermediate points. The following new, popularand fast runainj packet boats constitute the line for the present : Captain ', - V Captain Captain f c STEAMER LI AH A STEAMER , r t t r t n s n LI 1 JL 1 XL STEAMER DE3 UMVI 18G0. 0r:alia, 12 BALTMARSn. A LEAKOE. CALVEET, For Freight or Passage appljto THEO. 1HILL, rHEIGIlT AXD TICILET AGET, Forwarding f Commission Merchant, Erownville, Ictraslia. Copt. Ur. FORD, Gen. Ticliet Aj't. St. Joseph. J. S. IL HA WOOD, Gen. Supt. NEBRASKA CITY Company. Capital Stock "50,000. WEBKASKA CITY, K. T. rnlllS Coajpanr, under liberal charter, is now JL fully organiied, and theirentirecapital stock of Fifty uhoiiand Dollars, paid in andsecured. hey are prepared, from this date, to grant open policies, and take risks, upon equal terms, witn tne most favored Insurance Company any where. Having adonted the mutual principle, its patrons, without incurring any liability, will share in tho profits of the company. The operations of the Company,wiIl bo confined, for the present, to marine, or CAKGO risks, with maximuraliabilityof $12,500 on any one bottom.; eing tbeonly insurance OSce, on the&bove pop-ularpl- West of the Missouri, it confidently ex- pects generous support from Western Merchants, We respectfully invite the Missouri Siter pa-rona- directors: S.F.NackolIs,- - .Chas. F.nolly, H. P.Uannet, J. L, Armstrocg, W. .Ilinchman, Miles W'jown, A. A. radford. officers: CHAS. F.HOLLY, President. J.GASSiDijSec'y. TTf St LoniSsenswl",iiUWru' ApVii 2a::M' mt timmuiM n In J j ft Tafni iinnatif 1i - a 1 . , a a i - i . . x . a . n T IT J ' - " ' p, r. 42- 1- Benevolent Institution eui1'?!? dowment.for the .' fXllAZ ' cjlheted with nruleniand K'Z tlZit THE Howard Association, in vie & t!?"1 tionof human life caused by Sexnal al"?,Z?"?Z deccDtions practiced ucon the unfortutiatk. ' " - ,i disease by Quacks, several years ngo uirei v -- sulting Surgeon, as charitable act worU r . . , , Yia Irmtnin. name, to open a aisp-ny- ai j i- - n"nT a ifi their Con- - class of diseases, in all their lorms, io give w of their it of this Advice Gratis to all whoapP'y ? letter, wttn sat ' tion of their condition (age, occupation, habits of . e, &.c.) and in case of extreme poverty, to f nrnish medicines free of charge. It is needless to add tha the Associa- tion commands thehigbest Medical skill of the age, and will furnish the most approved modern treatment. The Directors of the Association, in their Annual lte-nu- al Report upon the treatmentof Sexual Diseases, ex- press the highest satisfaction with the success which has attended tho labors of their Surgeonsia the cure ofSper-matorrhoe- a; Seminal Weakness; Gooorrboea ; Gleet; Syphilis ; the vice of Onanism or sell-abus- e, disease of iue Kidneys and Bladder, &.c, and brder a coutinuance of the same plan for the ensning year. The Directors, on a review of the past, feel assured that their labors in thissphere of benevolent effort have been of great benefit to the 3tiited, especially to the young, and they have resolved to devote themselves, with renewed zeal, to this very important and nuca de- spised - , cause. , An admirable Report on Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness, tbe vice of Onanism, Masturbatioa or self- - abuse, and other diseases of the Sexual organs, by the Consulting Surgeon, will be sent by mail (in a sealed envelope) FREE OF CIIARGE, on tbe receipt of TWO STAMPS fur postage. Other reports and Tracts on tbe nature and treatment of Sexu&l diseases, diet, &c, are constantly being published for gratuitous distribution, and will be sent to the afflicted. Some of the new re- medies and methods of treatnmets discovered during the last year are of great value. Address for Report or treatment, DR. J. SKILLTN TIOCGHTON, Acting Surgecn, Howard Association, No. 2, South Ninth Street, Philadelphia. By order of the Directors, EZRA D. DARTWELL, President. Eo. Fairchild, Secretary. July 14. 1853-l- y . A. LTFORD. J. T. HORN Lyford & Horn, . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealers in J r - HDxy Grocd ' GROCERIES, HARD WAKE,' QUEENSWARE, nooTO, jarxoxia, r.'ails.I'Iows, Stoves, rurnlturc, &,c SONORA, MO. April 9th, 1S58 43- -t Thepublic are now respectfully icformed thatthe undersigned have procured from Cincinnati and put in operation one of Homer A Co.'s flour mills of the latest patent, and the first brought to this Territory. They were induced to exchange their former mill for this one, from the high character they have gain ed io the east, an l from the personal testimony of millers whohave tried them throughout tbe Vestern Statf, and in view of tho increased demand for grin-.Mi:- which will txeeed that of any prerious year in Nebraska, requiring a mill that will do the workbettcr and quicker than any heretofore in ope- -, ration. In addition to their fiotir mill thsy will keep the Corn Mill constantly running, ready at all times to accomrr.ftlats the f.mners without detention, and by giving their undivided superintendence tothebuti nes? (n ?:sted by tfc eir former miller, Mr. Wells, ) they hi for the continuance acd increased patronage of their friends. Assorted Lust er, Shingles and iMl constantly on hand. CHELA & Jd AUXIN. Peru Mil!?, Sept. 1st, 1859. - . .. . .. , JOHN GARNETT & CO., ' S" fr"' AKD . i . innntf Lii;ore. Lngmcs, .Lavs. and. Grist Jilills, : With all kinds of Machinery and Implements. . Eo. 5S,2"orth Second Street. . . St. LOUIS, MO. - f KXFTS alwjTs on bands large stock of Garden and Gra Seel?, U warrante.1 fresh and pnre" " Our st.x t of Agricultural and Horticultural Impleaieiitii and i.actanes is also largo and selected with great care,. We invite an examination, atid knew ifcat we are og as good stock s any bouse in tne weei, nnd at as low prices. TET3Sd:ei CAKHi Catloeties luriUfcied gratis to applicants. 4f a. r. irsirr i : : n. .,' - :'. s.. a ' . LUDIH3AUGII Ci a ANKERS AND GENERAL . VAN 2 AGENTS, Dealers in Co;'-- i. mcurrentTToncy, Escharifrea"!! LaM TTzmntt, BROV, 'iiVULE, KEilAHA CO., H. T. E?peclal attention will be givea to Buyir g and JTeltlcg Exchange on the priacipal cities of the UnHei States, Gold, Silver, and uncartent Banlc Kctes. A constant sup ply of Land Warrants on harsd for sale, fok cash, or en- - teredon time for Pre-emptc- ra. All Warrants sold by us guaranteedin every respect. Will C3e Eeclaratory State ments of intention to pre-em- pt, and prepare Pre-empti- on Paiers at short notice. Money soanoa upon nest securi ties, at western rates of interest, ami investments made ia Lands or city propirty for distant capitaiiats. Collec tions upon all convenient points will be promptly attend ed to and proceeds remitted in exchange, at current rates. Eills of Exchange on England, Irelanl. and France, ob tained at usual rates, with cost of Kj.aiar.pc on the East added. Deposits received on Current account and interest al lowed on special de x-sit-s. OFFICE iainSt.,near U. S. Land Office. REFEHEKCES Lind, Brother & Co., Merchints, KcXaufrhton, Cardan & Co., Riser & White, - - , " Tonne, Carson ft Bryant, " Jno. Thompson llason, Col'rofPort, E. M. Punderson &C. Merchants, M. M. Yeakle k Co. No. 17, Broadway, Vt m. T. Smithsnn, Esq., Banker, J. T. Stevens, Esq., Att'y at Lai Philadelphia, Pa. Jno. S. Gallaher, Late3dAud. U. S. T., " " Taylor & K.ri03;h, Bar kers, . Chicago, 111. Scrugss & Co. Merchants, St. Louis, Mo. Hon. Ttios. G. Pratt. Hon. J. w. Geary, Ei-Go- v. Kansa3, Hon. Jas. O. Carson, J P. B. Small, Esq., Pres't S. Bank, Col. Geo. Schley, Att'y at Law, Charles Parsons & Co. Bankers, H.C. Kutt&Co. " Greene, Weare & Rice, " Douglass &. Watson, " Col. Sam Uambleton, Att'y at Law, Judce Thos. Perry, Prof. II. Tutwiler, Oct. 8, 5-tt Baltimore, ifd. New Tork. Washington. McClelland, Annapolis, Md. Penn. Mercersburg, Pa. Hagerstown, Md. Iowa. Council Pes Moine, Easton, Md. Cumberland, Md. Havana THE UNION SAFE ! PERU,NEMAHA COUNTY, N. T. R.W. FRAME & CO., LTaving engaged in the Mercantile Business, would respectfully invite the of Nemaha, and n? counties in Nebraska. Atchison county, Mo., and Fremont eounty, to call and examine their consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Que ens ware, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Drugs, Faints, , Oils, Medicines, 'Byestufis, And all other articles usually kept in All of which we will sell on the most rea sonable terms" for' CJSH OR PRODUCE. All are solicited to call and examine our We expect to keep a,Xull stock, and are det make interest of Keokuk, Bluff" Vinton, Alabama. citizens Iowa, stock, 37" . aox r TO DEAL WITH US. We also wish to Purchase 50.000 BUSHELS OF CORN, ppr which we will pay the highest rice. R. W. FRAME & CO. Peru, Fet, 1, I860. . .. n Designed Expressly for Emigrants and Trav- - ei.ero. NOW REaMx"i Edward's Xew Map of Missouri, With a portion of Kansas and Nebraska, price cts. New Map of Illinois:.. With a portion of iOWa and Missouri, prit e cents. Tie reopies Map and Gnaje for Iowa, Ilh'nois and Missouri. With a portion of Kansas and Nebraska, price $1,25. Same as above, onrol lers; suitable for Hotels, Offices, &c. &.c, price $3. New Internal Improvement Map the United-State- s Showing all tbe Railroads built and with the the contemplated routes, ihe diflerenturveys of the contemplated routes, the different surveys of the Pacif- ic Bailroad, the Overland Mail and Telegraph routes, and the Gold Regions of the Great West: This Map is drawn and engraved with the greatest care, and at im- mense expence, from Railroad and Government mrvej's and the latest authentic information. Handsomely put up In case for $5. to D. C. it u x- - o m 60 60 of Southern and Western Progress Published Monthly, with many fine Illustrations, Views of Cities and towns. Portraits, &c, &c, .stonly $3 per annum. Those subscribing for years, .or for two copies one year will be eutitled to a Map of the United States, as e premium. sale at all Bookstores, and at tne office, comer or Pine and Third Streets, St. Louis. . April 26, IS60. PIKES IEAIt DIGGINGS AHEAD And will produce more gold than any other diggings yet iscovered, snd .. OF THB City Boot & Shoe nrAW VTUl make you a superior pair of boots or shoes if you call or leave your measure, or he will sellyou a cheaper gaiter, a neater shoe, or prairie boots, and lady's fine gaiters or slippers, cheaper than any other house of Si. Louis. Employiaggood workmen, keeping a reriety of material snd trimmings for home manufac- ture, I' hope to receive that literal patronaee heretofore bestowed on me. Give me a call. W.T. DEN. BrownvilleJuly27, 1S53 n3 Agricultural Implements Just receired", per steamer a supply of . HAND RAKES, . PLOWS, HARROWS. , CULTIVATORS, ' HOES, : SPADES, SHOVELS, PITCH FORKS, PATENT CHURNS, &c, &c, , , . " FOlt SALS AT - THEODORE. HILLS.. brownville. 23. I860. - - ; TO& TBE Pilie's Peak Gold Lline There is now for sale in this two first-rat- e Steam Engines and toilers ia good order, suitable fcr running Quarts Hills. Saw an.i Grist Mills, said by machinest3 to beof the best quality. A bargain can be bad by making application socn they ean be had at half manufacturers prices. Inquire at the Advertiser offiee, brownville, ?T.T SrcwnTiUe, A'jxil, -- 6,1563. Waa t W '1 LUI'BER! 'LUIIBE?, ca LEWIS LAWRENCE, r . 7ell known in this region as a successful and! ac- commodating lumber dealer, has again taken the Mill on Sonera Island, And is prepared to famish every desirat'? quality of lumber for fencing or building purpose ; deliver- ed at the Mill, or at Browrrville Landing, Or at any point on the river as may bearetJ u;-o- a. ' 171ix Irioca Are as follows. AttfceMiil. foxcash, from 30 cents per 100 feet to $1 per 100 feet. On time, say three, six nine, or twelve months, from 45 cents per lOOfeet to 81.25 per 100 feet, with 10 percent, from delivery, note to secured by unincumbered renl estate. The lumber will bo deliver 1 at any point o.i Ihe Mipfonri River within 50 miles down stream, at 25 cents ner 100 feet m addition to the above prxjs when suSoient amounts are takea tojustify the coa struction of a raft. To those wishing lumber, particular attention is called to these propositions, which cannot fail to command consideration. Come with, or lond your orders, and they shall filled without delay. 1G0,0 CO feet cf Lumber on hand, And more making every day. L. LAWRENCE. March 1st, ISCO. 6ta. Land Warrants, 2?or Cash, and on. 27iz23.o We are prepared to loan Land Warrants of all sires to settlers on such time as they r..ay desire long or short at the usual rates. A constant supply of Warrants will be kept on band for sale as cheap at they can be bought elsewhere in town. " - . , Buy of regular dealers and beware of bogus warrants. All warrants sold by us will be guaranteed to be genuine in every respect and will be exchanged If de- - fective. Being permanently located ia Brownville, we canal- - ways be found at the old stand a few doors east Brownville House. ' LUSHBAUGH & CARSON, Bankers, and Dealers in Land Warrants. LOOK TO; YOUR INTERESTS ! " ' . t STEALI FERRY BOAT, " at Browsville, ( jf- - Nebraska. those States contemplating going Aebraska iwansns ' i GOLD MINES, ! To in the to the and The undersigned desire to say, and in so doing will not practice deceptionjthat there are advantages to be secured in Crossing the. Missouri rirer Brownville, and outfitting at, nnd starting from that point, not to be found at any other place on the .Missouri ba rer, in tne nrsi place, on botn sides or tne river are large ex tents of bottom lands in which grass makes a much earuerstart than on the uplands, and is much more abundant, being inexhaustible the entire season. Here, then, is a aesirable place to recruit stock before starting on tho Plains. Stock can also be purchased here on very favorable terms The Krownville to team Jeerry boat.beingthe best on the River, offers peculiar inducements i'or cross ing at this point. It islarge and commodious; with powerful machinery, which enables the proprietors to ferry emigrants and others in the most expedi tious manner. Por C3 TLTn -- ri rr We undertake to say that the business men of Brownville areas well propared to serve those wish ing supplies! with a superior quality and on as fa terms as can ha found elsewhere. Everything desirable can be purchased ?4 Brownville, such as Provisions,; Clothing, Miniflg: Imple- ments, &c, &c. The Route from Brownville to tho Mines is uni versally admitted by those who have traveled it ard others, to be superior in every respect. Brownville is about midway between St. Jo. and Omaha. As to distance, an examination of the map in all that is necessary to pruve to av one that it is nearer from Jiera t3 the mi.nes t,V? . f rom any othr point on the Missouri. On tbii souto WtKd a&d water abound the entire distant rhile i a many others. wood has to bo htuled fo rat-an- dJy:i. Th foreeoing faots arefnjly anc5 stitisfaetorilves- - tabnsnea oy tne immense travel last yoar, acd those who adopt it the present eoswn will have ito . . - . cause to regret having done so. Taereiore Cross the Missouri River and start ' i from Brownville. ; JOILV CODDIXGTON & CC Proprietors Steam Ferry Boat. Lime ! Lime ! ! Lime !!! The undersigned whose kilns are situated nine miles west of Brownville, on the road leading to Ft. Kearney, Keeps constantly on nana a very superior articlo of lime, to which he Invites the attention of those wish ing The Lime win be delivered at the kiln or at anv ouipr (Rum in iue county, asaesirea." Feb. 9, I860 6m K. M. LONG. An Improved Farm 3?OH OI-IjX- J. A very valuable and desirable imnrovpd farm itnit. 4 1- -2 miles from Brownville and 2 1- -2 from Nemaha viiy, can De naa on very lavorable terms, it mnsi.i. or io acres, u acres unuer cultivation; 24 acres in tim oer, koou wen, siock water, and pood frame house me stock a yoke of oxen, 7 cows, and 7 young cattle iue iarm implements, ana cousenold furniture will b sold with it If desired. - k rare opportunity is here nr sented. Enquire of R. W. Furnas, at th ,. ' " Tl i , - t Nov. 17, '69 nl8 . The Great Female Pills. wit. j. sr. iiiEAtxCK is me General Anrnt irv.i. uuieuu.rorur. nueaung's celebrated Pil is. These Pills are truh, naihi .i! they will restore the courses u,Ae .,. Mtoa from, unit Mux inhitim n. . J . y V- ' " .r 'UKy "ever nave rail- ed in any case where tbe directions around tho taining the Pills have been strictly followed; indeed mere ia no case oi lauure ever me to our knowledat ' Being purely vegetable they are perfect! Kf ' Single boxes, mailed to order uostDaid Baltimore City, Maryland. A liberal discount to druggists. 3 cent Dosta(rtm. t i.AMl mm mnnntr as vw sva uiouv i .' . . Fine Honey. Tt T QrrtWTl nf Oitl ...... . ... beautiful article of honey, equal, if not superior to any thine we ve saw. This honer was,.j v the given which she of two For West and one be be at at ijivj, tad. Any iraivunu gel mis receipt lor making honey, snd be im.'ependent of the honey-be- e, by writing to ur. creager, jno. ooa, west Baltimore street, Balti more City. Md , enclosing 60 cents Hawkinsville (Gel Ti--' I I T." ' ' A Good Farm Sale. iae suoscriuer win sen at b great Oargam a very cnoicequarier oi section or lana in jonnson county, Ne- - br.sEa. mere are rorty acres or nne timber land, 60 acres nnder cultivation," a good log house and other improvements, it is two ana a nair miles from Tecum, sen. on thi? road from thence to Pawnee City. Any person wishing to purchase a good tract of land on very reasonable terms, will apply to Cyrus Wright at Tecumseh, or John Li. carson, eanser, in Brownville, orvoueo. . ssaroai, cursiiiii)-- . p . , ROBEET WRIGHT, Residing atWorrallton, inNemaba Co, January 18, 1860 28-- tf NOTICE., I hereby caution all persons indebted 'to- - the lato firm of Green, Sprinkle k Sprinkle, Bakei' & Green, against paying any debts, notes of hand or boek accounts accruing to said firm except to myself from my office about a year ago, and as yet I have not' and cannot get any satisfaction as to the disposal of the collections. -- LC v i BPiiLNKE. We Will Purchase Wheat As money is scarce, we will pay in srods for wheat 65 cents per bushel ; and for flour 12,75 per hundred pounds. We will furnish sacks for wheat and re- ceive it, either at our Store; in Brownville or at Melvin's Mills. D; J. MAKTLN & CO. Brownville, Oct. 20, 1859. ;l ; . , otP-- 5 AH AUTHENTIC BIOfiBAFBT Of THE "Little Giant" of the TFcirt. Now ready for delivery the Life of Hon. Stepheh A. Douglas, with his most important speeches and "Prts: . . a Member or tee western car. -- rvw t, oonna in cloth, and 30 cents in paper cover. " No maa in the United States a n prebeni time is looked to with moreboperul inierev maa ice aisun-ecish- ed Senator from Illinois. Indeed his friends inall e Statesor tnetiuon iocs upuu mm uuij oiuc . . . . I. a M.nn , ? r r ' anil rising, nut cne rreseni. Bimi iui" mi for the couairy." . ' The most important of Mr. Douglas' Speeches are incorporated in this volume, and the wbole work sub- mitted before publication, for the criticism of scnieof itr. Hougias' most judicious friends, Inwhom he has per- fect confidence, and by them it ia cordially approved and ' Fcr sale at the Metropolitan Bookstore, PHILIP & SOLOMON3, 332, Penn avenue. Sntaffants for Lawrence's celebrated Foreiga Sta- - tionsiT-- for uo 12 FIIIG r. COMPOSITION OfZce, at - X f inih, bet. "l..':: Or II OOF.. I TG. d & ?:?or ' 2io.- - ST.- loi; . iO. THIS Composition is trni- ' i5? fr- Minerol, which are unchanpr i ty tie weatter. It is durable Fire .i.i.i U"s . applied ta roofs of any snaps, upon r;. boards, or over old shingle roofs, at .t i c shingling; and upon any me la lie rood) -- or c: surface for lesJtban paint. It is invaluable for coa tin if Rail lis; Ti Roofing Cars, Dep-t- s, &c. Weh-iv- to l. ferins it to the nuhhc as the.moj. i .. iable t ins PI) l; iot can sheetiD !ier tsers, Roof in use. We referto tbe following persons: T7 Barnum, Barn urn's H'el HP"k, Arcl icct JJ Anderson, Banker Geo 'it Tir'nr, Sner,Son. Brick Mak'rs. Melon Tiiton. Distil'rs J fhenck. Smith Jt 'Coriiika. build's Clark, Plant & Norri3, Oliver i ine't. Eon JasBBoland, A W Fa'in, J Shields, 7th and Morgan Hen L51 Kenno't, Wesley Conner, Cooper, cor Teeth and Walnut JdWe are at all times prepared to do roogns, and t furnish to order onr Composition. Also, superior ani c!e of Saturated Water-PrK- f Roofing Paper For ia formation or material, address W STEPHENSON, A'jrt. 4I-- ot St Louis, Mo. NEW ARRIVAL OF Two Mnnared' lUIPJSilAN DEUSEi:. ISrovrnvillc, 7e3rasli.a. A NNOUXCES to the public that he ha3just re il ceived, per Steamer Ityland, a very large and well assorted stock of Parlor and Cook Stoves, new and improved pattern3,as follows: u:k's Pattern, . Plymouth Hock, Elevated Oven, New Hi , olden Era. and every variety Parlor and Office Stores. Also, Japarsed ITare,' Hetties, Iintlicrns, Copper Wai e.SIao- - tc2s antl Ton3. All of which I pledge myself to sell at as fair rates and on a3 accomniodaung terms as any other estab lishment in this region of country. ' I have also now on haul every requisite variety of Tin, Copper aDd Sheetlron ware, and am prepared to put up gutteringand spouting and all other work in my line, at short notice, and in a workmanlike manner, which 1 warrantto sire satislaction. cost I pledge myself not to be undersold in the upper country. September 2, 1858. " - ulO-i- y Fun for the Jlillion I . Fun far the Steam boat I run Jor the llailroaa. run for the Pike's. Peak Emigrant cn ihe Wide Prairies ! jyiCXI-NA- X FOR A IX CSIEATIO? Is the most amusing and expensively gotten upaswell as the cheapest comic Magazine now published-i- tbe world. Each numbea contains thirty pge9 of matter, and frem sixty to ninety Pictures-al- ! tho contents be ing of a rich humorous characterr Nick-Na- x has at- tained its third year, and growing in popularity. It is a great favorite with all classes fathers and moth- ers, sons and daughters since it coutains nothing that may not bo read aloud in any family circle. It is thij publisher's desire to make it especially ' FUN FOR THB FAMILY. One of Its features is the prize puzzle department.- - The publishers have distributed during the last 6ix or eight months, Gold Pens, and valuable Books, which had the tendency to make tbe competition earnest interesting. ' ' . In fact, take it all in all, no more amusing sheetfor the family or village library, or hotl reading-roo- or to beguile tbe tedious hours of travel in car or steam boat, can be had anywhere. - - - Terms. One copy, one year . - - - $1 00 Five copies (to one address) 4 00 Postmasters who may wish to engage la obtaining subscriptions, will Any this an excellent opportunity at first-ra- te inducements will bo. given to them. ...... . LEVI SON &. HANET, Room 29, 119 Nassau Street, New Tork. 53"Jf6wspapers inserting the above as often as they may think proper, or give iu editorial notice, win be entitled to an exchange on forwarding copy with the advertisement marked to tbe Nick Nax office. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE ECOHO M Y. "A Stich in Time Saves Nine I" Despatch! Save The Pieces!-- . As accidents will happen in well-regulat- ed families, His very desirable tu have some cheap and convenient way for repairing ariutr, ToyaCrockerr,, - bpalding'a .Prepared tjfua tneet ail snch emer gencies, ant do iioiiehold ca ialiurd to be without it. is always reaay ana up to toe stitiiag point. There is no longer a necessity for limping chaiis, splintered veneers, headless dolls and broken cradles. It is just tbe article for cone, shell and other ornamental work. popular with ladies of refinement and taste. This admirable preparation is used cold being chem ically held in solution, and possessing all the valuable qnalitiesof the best cabinet-maker- s' Glue. It may be used me place or ordinary mucilage, being vastly more aunesive. "Useful m every family.' Jil V3 it & F I is it so in B. A Brush accompanies each le. Price 25c. Address: Henry C. Spalding & Co., Box No. 3,6000, N. Y. Put up for dealers In cases containing Four. Eight and Twelve dozen a beautiful Lithographic Show-Car- d ac companmg each package. 0"A single bottieof SDaldine'sPrenared Glue win ave ten limes us cost annually toevery nousenom Sold by all prominent Stationers, Druggists, Hard ware and Furniture Dealers. Groceries, and Fancy scores. Country merchants should make a note of Snald ing'3 Prepared Glue, when making op their list, it will stand any climaia JCfRemoved to 84 Cedar St., N. Y. 4I-- ot amxam SALE BY L. BUSEdSTEILIL,, (Successor Edwards & Bushcell,) 97 Fourth St., St. Lonls, Mo. American Farmers' Encyclopedia, valuable work, 4 00 Tbe Horse's i oot, ana now to Keep It Sound ; cloth 60 Uoie's American veterinarian - Stockhardt's Chemical Field Lectures " " 1 Johnson's Agricultural Chemistry " 1 Fessenden's Complete Farmer and Gardener I do American Kitchen Gardener - , Richardson on the Horse v do on the Hog do on the Pests of the Farm Milburn & Stevens on the Cow, and Husb'ry . Chinese Sugar Cane and Sugar Making -- Padder's Farmer's Land Ateasuae . 2 Guenon's Treatise on Milch Cows; cloth Domestic Ornamental Poultry, plain Randall's Sheep Husbandry Touatt, Randal & Skinner's Shepherd's Oon Book Barry's Fruit Garden - . . Stephens' Book of the Farm, 450 illustrations LdWard'S MonllllT. a JOUmalCf Mrs. Smith' according to directions in reccitt The American Architect, or Plans for Country purchased Dr. J. p. Creager. Baltimom L dwellings Eailie, Arril, plaeo, interest monthly Co..alia, By creommended. of Crass Brownville Smith's Landscape Gardening, Parks and Pleasure Grounds Weeks on the Bee; cloth Wilson on Cultivation of Fiax Elliott's American Fruit grower's Guide 1 be American Florist's Guide Every Lady bar own Flower Gardener, nan 3.1. et The Rose paper 25c. cloth Moore's Rural Hand Books. volumes TueUis Fruit, Flower and Vegetable Gardenor'a Companion Dadd's Modern Horse Doctor Dadd's American Csltle Doctor The Stable Book Bridgeman's Florist's Guide , do Gardeners' Assistant " " do ' Fruit Cultivator - " do Gardeners' Instrnrtnr Field Hand Book of Pear Onltnrn Cole's American Fruit Book Bulst's Family Bitchen Gardener American Flower Dirocforr Dana's Muck Manual, cloth " ' Norton's Scientiac and Praotical Agriculture Downing'sLanascape Gardening Breck's Book of Flowers Leucher's Hot Houses and Green Honses Nash's Progressive Farmer Allen on the Culture of the ' r- Allen's American Farm Book ' do Rural Architecture Pardee on the Strawberry and Martin on the Hog Touatt, Martin and Stevenson Cattla Touatt on the norse FOR Dairy Grsau Touatt Munn's Practical Land Drainer Miner's American Bee Keeper's Manual . Quimby's Mysterieacf Bee Keeping . Sorgho and Iraphec, Sugar Plants - , nittcry of Morgan Horse - '. .'"J Reemelin's Vine Dresser's Manual " ' Browre's American Poultry Tan! Waiing's Elements of Agriculture " , Hooper's Dog and Gun 1 Skillful Housewise, paper 25c, cloth White's Gardening ror the South Charlton's Grape Growers' Gnida Persoz on the Culturo of the Vine Thompson's Foid of amimals, cloth, Rural Essays, Downing Asbury's Illonois Form-Boo- Whittlesey's Missouri Form Book, almost indis- pensable to every man in Missouri Cf t a smoot; fo ,j ..itl'W C a , o . a ; l to a 4 5 do .. t 1 1 1 1 1 00 00 00 25 60 65 60 25 00 60 00 05 05 25 60 70 25 25 60 05 00 65 03 f5 6C 20 65 20 20 uswj vj ' boom c7ii oy mau Tree, on receipt price. 4i-- ot DISSOLUTION. liiij of o!l, Lake & Emerson, heretofore existing and transacting business at lirownviiie,:.. Thunder the name and style of Noel, uo.,isiais aay dissolved bymut'jai consent U. Kj. Johnson wiil adjust all unsettled business cf tne saia nrm. jlsse NOEL, HENRY EMZTiSON, HENRY LAKE, by O. F.Lake. A-e- nL Brownville, N.fJ, May lsf,16G0. i3-- tf thv sts. and bott and uvuvc of uajio " ' iryy.r - p r? T""T F in the coh;uvt spring, at ti- -: hi t',- - i toT.carly its present f z, ?n-- cerre.??-ndir-j-- improved in.ntany respe-- r t:.:- - t.:.-- . ? cr.'r r.3-v- , turned in the Rocky Moonta; si--- ta thil country 3 a the f turni-3- rration. wi;h at;:; arst aimct rtaaneiti; Region. Tran-:!-hc3rte- "'- wa' setup Uwoath iho Jltics wmtef storms, ue mi- -- tof noi.y mobs, bow iltg curs??, and threats of vea-nour-- ce agalnot every person and thing that ventured vzz em:oa.-ag:i-- 1 word for tii-- country at time when t5 man was iurtunate who knew day from i::s meals for the next would come; wis successful es- tablished, and ha. since continued ia tha even teaur its way, fearless and antra ntmeie.l. Tbe News was the nrt aeri.ito ti3 worli ihesar- - prising richness of the - - Kocky Mountain Gold Fields for which the abuse of tfce Eistern press was heaped np- - on without stint but time has satisfactorily proven end verified its every statement and prediction, and the News stands to-d- ay the most notod and universally quoted newspaper in the United States. Already has circulation ia every Slate of the Union, save four, and in both tbe Canadas. Arrangements are being perfected for special and re-,'-- correspondence from all tbe important cities of the East, and the personal acquaintance of the 'proprietors throughout tbe mining regions, will ever secure for the latest, most complete and reliable reports from ail parts of thegold fields. The New, published on' "RVlnesday of each week, and dispatched to thcStatesby the Express coach of the iollowing moruing, reaching ihe Missouri F.iver in from 6ix eijrht days, freeof expense the suSs-crlber- . TEEMS. Single copy, S3 00, per year five copies, 420 00; $2 CO for six months; $160, for three months. Advertisers will find the News, for all time to come. the best advertising medium In this region of country. HATES. Busiess cards, $i2,uo per year; one square, first Insertion, $2.00, per month, $5 00, tareo m.iaibs, $10 00, one yer, $20,000; one-four- th column, $25.00 per quarter. $60, CO per year; one column, $1C0 for six months, $1.50 per year, A POWER PRESS and complete Job Office will be set up in the spr:nc the beue.1t home patrons who desire work that l.r.e. In word, tie determination cf the proprietors, that the News, and the News Office, shall always, now, stand first ia Importance in the Territory and State Jenerson. Address WJU. CYEP.3 CO . i ueuver City. N EBR A S K A araoge at1 fl BrE. & J. T. ASTTOTHJCS that they hare ' cornmenced the Manufacture of CARRIAGES, WAGONS, BUGGIES, r tho City of Brownville. They have both had many years experience in Eastern Manufactunes, and 2atter themseves they will be able, to please the puDuo Dotn in work and prices. , All kiuds of repairing promptly attended to. - ",C7UFo -- flusslx. X3xit ci ,x;i,i. T. E. '& J. B. BrownviTIe, May, 3, 1860. VICTORIOUS o " ' . t . . ilk ;t.i V"'fi, . s 25 i .. 1 1 60 60 25 60 00 1 1 3 1 00 a. f u e- - eight , Numbers, n32-3t- a il v' s it. a ( 1 of .i c it i a m ; a on it to it ; it a la it - is to to ; a it is as ; & : : t wagon MA.iSrUFLCTOH'Y; BERKLEY, BEHKLET, uiiiiuu imviiv juniuijui Aony or case Sickcess or bealili! Ijl'o or denilil These ara the involved ia the adoption or rejection spe- cific by the mnrljrs to external dineasori injuries. Having re- ceived the indorsement of th dis- tinguished taran, lata Dr. KANK, mid itseUir-ac- tested dur- ing two an Tut l.iit-i- in the .-t of eieninl n, it in now com-i- "i itilo jr;m-r-- ' i -- a in evenr set lit t'i tiv.. i cikMi, maA liiurrelO'iK iero- evrr.'lt;l3 exciUiijf nKlotiihliiueiit. THE AFFLICTED KEJOICE. 't- - .'- - nUN'miEnS snl THOUSANDS ly have tented virtues, uud are fl Tj lfj'iicin in freedom from lonj i tV?' lingering PAIN aiul 1 H.FAf-K- . ' which iitiier remedies bud liu'ed h inn c i I this and t.!)it to cure. Have you the lir.O.N-Clllt- JS, NKL'ltALClA, 1111 KA1U )0 1 1 - re you " AUIKnrTt 1 nlllicted ri X J - : r..v;..n fw,.,. .: . .j u n l i'.'l in ill. SOUKS Suf-- . SI "RAINS, cuux.s. stilt k i'.vii. riiiar j U A C K A JTHE AECTIC XJXlMEtT ? will alTord yon iiislaut relief. Everybody m HaUo to For Uxo drcadriil tbe AI1CT1C should be blind, for it nlTortlit sure Viv I iiiiiu eui.-ii- reuei, mien wr VVlfvMt'.S rr"' F.very sleam- - i!rl' AZlX' Umt a"J tmiii should If i Y.r vZKV keep Who that bus beard the UIlU "''ricks or uttered by the jl , .xCKllg siMed arid maimed viclinm of 400 3 60 70 00 70 70 00 Z ly of 'ir of in of of cur il It it. 60 iiml does not tl nt wwue of Steel lor lure sliould aln nyx be T Such iloi exist in this i balmy pain coutniliiiigngeut. Ills THE nOTHERS' question.- - It cures T! It KA ST, :; IIi:flS.2, ncciiVnts J.IM.MNT iV'ii)' niigmsli exphvinn-- i cullUionH, reliovinf CAKF3 IN TTIp SOICK MlTLfX SOKE MI'S, 11511115, &c. IaI I dies who prize a pure skin, ' voitl orpiuiplen, bloteliCH, scurf 125 .- - X 125 OI.I) t means .2- 1 J s ' nuil nil UiKcolorations nnd ex- crescences, should Attack tiiese trespuKnen on beauty's i!omin bm soonns titer appear with the AKC1IC l.l.N l.MKNl It is excellent for the llai, givinsr it A lieallby, glossy ap. jiearunce. lti GOOD FOR MAN AIID BEAST. ?:hAl 6t.VJ SULKIES OVEHPAnT. VivVfL' co:jpauio:t. It Is a sovereign foj the various diseases with which liorsexarcnUlicted, eur i iter th" moxt nbirniiiigrnseo nitllSKS, SI'IJAINS, HALT, WOUNDS. SCIMTCif- YX, SWKKN V, Ji'A V1N, KING mSK, BKi-IIKA- U, 10IJ, EVIL, Ac. No former, livery stalilo keeper, or ny irnoa owning TaliitiMe JlOUb'i:, should li niluout tins vuluS' bio reined. For sale by all Teapectablo Druggista snd Dealers. Trices of the I i . 25 cents. 50 cents snd 11 a bot tle. A one-do!- r s cotiUins as jaucU liuiaieut as tweuty-Iivs- i .. atte I EXTRAORDINARY JirfiXOCXCEirEXT, FTerr purchaser of dollar botlle of the AIXTIC IJN- - IMF.XT receires. at Dr. Bmggs e.tpeiixtf, the LM'fKD STATES JOUKVAL, of New Voik, for one rear. The Journal is a large illustrated !aier each number con taining sixteen page, beautifully printed on clear whits paper, an i nileu wiUi original matter Irow tliemot bril liant writer o tne country, lerlilicate ot suOscnptioo and full particulars of tho norel and pliihinilin pic tn terprise, of which this oiler forms a part, will accompanj each bottle. An AGENT WANTED in TXTV.Y TOWN and V7T.TAC3 CIIAGU & ELIUtOWES, St. Iis, 3Io. Nkw Yohk Ovfick. No. 371 EKOAHWAT. Communications should always bo addrewted to St. l&ui J. H. MAUN, Erownville, N. T. 1350 -- VOIF IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE.' J60 'THE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN,' writes the lion. John Wentworth in the Chiengo Democrat, is the name of without question, Tuk Best AcsiccLTrBAi. Papeh ix xns Lxited &TATCS. remedy The Cocxtbt Gextlemax 13 published weekly 1G pogesquarto, and entered upoa its Fifceentli Volume with 1SC0 inaugnratirg at that timesev-er- al improvements among themaa enlarged page, larger type, and an increased amount of contents. Ins Cocntbt Gextlemas forms far the most complete and praciic.ilJoumal for the Farmer anJ tJountry Kesident, published m ta;s country. Jtrms, ico Dollars a year. Address wita rerautance, or fcr Sample LUTliEUTLLAMi fcO-- Albany,.-?- . 1 . Arranyemeots have just been completed lv which the publishers of the Country Gentleman are enablod to offer two hundred ami Jifn of the- l,it strawberry asa premium for five suhfcribers I accompanied by shecash(310 i. Write for further particulars with prospectuses and posters. L.T.Si: important to Farmers. Messrs. James Challen it Soa.PubUAaers will tend any Agricultural Wurk published la imn: postpaid, on receipt of ta prr o, V. 1 Tint f w W - 25 Park ii iZ'i tistefut j e2lj Rev, Floricslturin- - It TheDcr::t:5an.ic' i'J0 mors iuLcresre-- thaa any nrr and Fiowenrsar Plants a-- i shrub, an 1 teller to the irrv ""' III. Descrictioa and CWiiv' bla Plants, whica are, shouiT A llCL gardens. ' t1 ..IV. OarasrJnt tsaa Artcf Ta-- , Signs for Ornamrinl V. Eural Architecture 'Sl Cottages ana vn Para I' c.r;. Tinenes, Ico Houses, !tC, VI. Arboriculture, cf Forest and Orr.ajenla br A. J. I. ti8?:3t, VII Uotany UrAczzclcr anches connected taa hlch the is soc-cia'.l- dcvo?ed ssect'ia "I'll. W r C ! ltll... r. V ....... ,,..,,,,llsl,,,r,,. ing forty-e- i paes. embel'ishorf .::iJitttm', and several otS?r criiinal the end of tbe six hundred pages, fceaat Ul0.sVr hanJred engravin-,'- many of tieii Wtk flowers nature. Ul,rti TEU1IS -- I i.y C year' MyiM The Edition Colored PT' copy year. prtmien no Plain edition 13:t3; co: oiunies commence '6 50 A 53 - j v l.!vin receipt cu:c:on 12, c ....- - I , ; y f ,J , r it i f ... 1 in 1 1 - . J ' : v. ID ; 1 r. dexed accordingly, endV,"m ::,V3':'..-t:a.--' number at the '.rr.13 2 and '3, - .V. VI Cf n- -t or or r as. .., or a c3:t; anJ are wuh wt.rk """" ht incs. At vea f ally ""fc J 'sl-cai- s from co-- y uith C. niters r.:a tho with sf - ii j h r? 'i i. . $ 5 CO Ii :. 'ST The publishers of "LTort;cu:turm to thi periodical as a J, 1 t:"o' has a steadily increasing circuit and the Canadas Trass an!l "en and upjr. V.C1J lien 1- -1 and any $2 'be i,a9 a urserymen, Florists, Gardners, lm-- r ' memt Makers. PuUih. : and generally all those connected with r ., throughout the Union and Canada, w fl,5 f ' ' readiestmodeof communicating wtti tt their customers - . v'aUti4 Advertisements sh 20th of the month preeDVlmenScd p," f.? ? he is not always able to meet the demand. vertising columns, th have the preference. BotaMc n, 7s whig legibly written - As the space to be occnnieH h . f inJ'ciil8 'he manuscript rjii' wished for. "!",f and the number of insertions 1 sm 'i other should be address to SAITtJN, B.ARxVji " co , , 25Park Row, X8w Tor flowers, rnriTs, &c. vJ,NN'1C0TT- - theGrov-Num- ry Vt ., has ready for delivery:' ' Albany, higher Evergreens 20 l ioZlt'li'" cording to yariety and form-ave- rage 25 cent, Fruit Trees, in guod cutiome6 SmaUer th 'iritS XtidZ Small ' berries, Blackberries, ic.Tnuca tower ttsa eerre4 before. .. .. Ornamental Trees, Roses and other Eardv Stratbery in great variety and. abundance; and 10 000 small ta large plants of Upright Honeysucklei, Lilacs, Spireai, Deatzis Sea bra, Prim. 4r... at from $1 to $10 per hun- dred. And the beautiful Diebytra Specabalit n4 oti. er choice perennials at $150 t., $2 pe. d. iea, sad com- mon things all leirat)io at about half price. Catalogues by mail oa application ; sad every tb'.- -j safely packed for distant transpr rtation ; andisaru s " most things sold at about ten per eent., less ia autuica than Spring. noivl JUJjjjl - .. .... in (i (fHlu x GO OFF LIKE HOT CAKES! THOSE WISHING - ill Lose Bargains BY : DELAYING!:' iJrownville, May 3, 1350. . JOSEPH L. ROY, HAIRDRESSER. . Main Street, cntmYixLE, v. t: Sf r L'Roy has establised, In the rear of lis BarM-iho- o A BATHING BOOM, For the accommodation of those who eonsid elesa-lin- es a virtue. , -- . The Nebraska Farmer, DEVOTED TO Devoted to Agriculture, Slock Raising, Horticulture, .Mechanism, Juauccaitm. " Published at Brownville, N. T. On the first of every month at 5 1 a year ft"1"' gla copies; Six copies, $5; Thirteen copies, ; twenty copies, $15. The rolnine began Oct. Isf, 1359. Sptamen Baa-be- n furnished gratis on application. Back Bombers can b furnished. Will every friend of Agriculture andFJoeition in Nebraskn. Northern Kansa, Southern Iowa tni Northern Missouri, lend a helping band, to sstab.h and maintain a journal devoted exclusively toUie interests above named. There is not a pc.t c- -w 9 within tho region named bat can and famish a club of at least 1 lobscnbon. Sea, along without delny. Address FCRNAS k LYANNA. Drcwnville, N. T. CHOICE SEEDS! WARRANTED PLIILV Japan Applo-Pi- o ilelon; Ilabbard Sqnnsh, Fig Tomato, Sags: Stra,W berrr Tomat5, low Waterme'oa-Eradfcr- d W&tenaelon, YTatenaeloB, Odell's large WhitV'atermelon, yprry s tariy j'roli2? caenmoer, The aboTe are all new snd very saperiorvtrietias snd will be sent by mil free,a.tu cents pr ose. stamps tagen ior xraciion oi : Address, n32-3- a - . Clarendon . a VT.ItltT.. Crescent Ioww 'CO. American Stocli Journal.'CX The great success which has t4tnJe,r cation of thetirst orume ci . 'l STOCi; J0U2NAL, has inJnced the WP"1," JT nnrlcrtAka several improvements for the Vo.uri commencing and he now X the public with tbe asjuraaca that it F"9tB4'1, haracter wiil be fully sustsiaed.apa ba spared to render tho paper an iWmV""Z- - esMty to all interested in the L'roedm " ment of our Uomestw annua.". Ternary, tr. Cuy, wo January, IddO, :M V. nnt.f th TheVetcriaary Departmeo' O. La3d Editorial direction of Dr. Oc. fnrgeon. and lata EJ.t, a- -J euished Veterinary E Ji Jober cf tbe paper contains 321ary. octa-r- o rare', and is handsomely illustrated. It P"' lished monthly at 25. Park Bow, New 1 oaf. Term odsanc, wi:a a t.rai $1 per year, Uvariab 'tim ecpies gratis. Jlouey ha ssnt publher-- s riik in -- Y, Fr:pr:. C.M.Saww.BahkhACo,A?j. . . ... Nr 2j, PsrXKow, Nwlrk. as.' i j. i i U 1 . i ! II i

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Page 1: Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville NE) 1860-06-28 [p ] · tht Ten all lower mill er, and good wort, and ought put "IP,


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Dealer a is Ccin.T'r.crrr'C;.Vf.';." l ncie en ccc .

and prompt stter.lion toa tret class Land Af e :cy.

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aovkts rrn t"eZ'XITLD STATES EXPRESS CC.'JTM.VF,X safe a1 company lor the transmUsioameney packages.

Also zestsf :r the Hartford r' re Insurance Coc;f Hartluti,


V stb r f i'iOvf our o;T..--e to the new building onEaia street, cestdoor toJTbeodore lull's Store, andtear tie;;. S., : 27, lii 3, nl6 I.USHBAUG" &. C ATiSON.

The first impressions of rw and ecpcrb er ."rav-ings of Ilosa liouheur's cd. ilcd painting cf theIIorseFsir, printed in beuutuul oil olors, are nowready. It is exo.uted If the nnri railed artists. Fa-ron- y,

Major & Knupp, who Lave undertaken to the most splendid work of tho kind ever issuedfrom their extensive establish nient. Its size isnear-.l- y

twoTy three feet, embracing more than twentydifferent ti:;ts aed shades and colors, and it will pre-sent upon tbe walls of the parlor, drawing-roo- m orart gallery, all the rplendin effect cf a superb

A eopy of this rich and costly engraving,hieh has recived the highest testimonial of fa-

vor ty consoissieurs and the Press, can be obtainedforonly 5150, delivered free of at any postCiUceiatho United .Stages. Acents ore wanted.

J. M. EMERSON k Co., Publishers,. Nc 37, Tark-ro-w New York.

April,:?, IS JO.

P&..-- "-K- A





I Tetes has lor.g c ted a public dor s'-- d for aneffective purpntive piii which, could be rciird on asare and perfectly safe in its operation. Thia has

been prepared to meet that demand, and an exten-ir- e

tritd of its virtues has conclusively fchown withwhat rjecess it accomplishes the purpose designed.It is eay to make a physical yiJ, but not easy tomake the bet of all pJU one which should havenone of the ejections, but all the advantages, ofevery other. 1 Lis has been attempted here, andwith whnt success we would respectfully submit tothe public decision. It has been unfortunate for.the patient hitherto that almost every purgativemedicine is acrimonious and irritating to the bow-

els. This is not. Many cf them produce so much

friping pain and revulsion in the system as to morethan counterbalance the good to be derived frortt. em. These pills produce no irritation or pain,

Bie$ it arise from a previously existing obstruc-tion or derangement in the bowels. Being purelyffretable, no barm can arise from the'r use in anyquantity ; "t it is better that any medicine shouldbe taken iudiciouslv. Minute direct --- s for theiruse in the several psoases to whica they areplicable are given on the box. Amcr.g the com-

plaints which have been speedily aired by them, we

mr mention Lirer CompiR-'r.t- , in its various formsef Jaundice, Indigestion, Languor and Loss of Ap-

petite, Listieasre-- . Irritability, Elious Headache,fcilkms Fever, Fever and Ague, Fain m the Side

and Loins ; for, in truth, all Ihese are but the con-

sequence of diseased action in the liver As anaperient they afford prompt anA ur? re.ief in Cos-tivene- ss,

Tiles, Colic, Dysentery, rjumrs. Scrofula

mi Scurvy, Coldg with soreness of thO hoCT. Ulcersand impurity of iie blood, Irrc-r;,aritie'- inhort,r,r and every case where a purgative is ret1''uirel'

They have also pro.dnced some singular) su"ssfulires in Rheumatism, Gor.t, Dropsy, Gra."eI

Palpitation cf the Heart, Pains in thvtckrltoii,acrM and bide, ii eysnouia oe rreeiytide n the sprir.g of the year, to purify the bloodand prrpsre Ihe system for the change cf seasons..JLn occasional dose stimulates the stomach andbowels into healthy action, ad restores the appe-tite and vigor. They purify t,.e blood, and, by theirtimi;lnt ct.-- ?i a the drcilatory system, reno-rat- e

ti, stre A Ji of the buc, and restore the"ratted t lLvcDir4. energies of te whole organism.Hence aa ccasional doba is advantageous, evenvthough .to serkws demrgement exists; but unCeeM-"- r loirr should never be carried too far,tf v r ndirine reduces the strength,

Le a U.. en to excess. The thousand cases in whicha physic is required cannot be enumerated here, butthey fzzet themselves to the reason cf everyVodj ; and it is confidently believed this i ill willanswer a better purpose than any thing which hasfcilbr-rt-o been available to mankind. When theirrirtues arc once known, ihe public will no longerdoubt what remedy to employ when in need of acathartic medicine. Being sugar -- wrapped, they areEleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, no

arise from their use in ar.y quantity,i'or minute directions, see wrapper on the Cox

rcErAitErYm, JAMES C. ATER,rractltalnntl Analytical ChcKiist,

LOWELL, MASS.Trie 25 Cesti pcr lex. rive Xoxei fcr SL


For the rapid Cure ofCOrGIIS, COLDS, HOARSENESS,


CQSSOIPTIGS.Tins remedy has won fcr itself such notoriety

from its cures of every variety of pulmonary disease,that it is entirely unnecessary to recount the evi-

dences of its virtues in any community where ithas been employed. So wide is the field of its use-

fulness, and so numerous the cases cf its cures,that almost every section cf the country aboundsin persons publicfy known, who have been restoredfrom alarming and even desperate diseases of thelungs-b- its use. When once tried its superiorityever every other medicine of its kind is too appa-rent to escape observation, and where its virtues areknown, the public no longer hesitate what antidoteto employ for the distressing and dangerous affec-tions of "the pulmonary organs which are incidentto our climate. Not only in formidable attacksupon tbe lungs, but for the milder varieties ofColds, Covghs, Hoarseness, &c. ; and for Childeem it is the pleasantest and safest medicine thatcan be obtained, i Q

As it has long been in constant use throughoutthis section, we need not do more than assure thepeople its quality is kept up to the best that it everLas been, and that the genuine article is sold by'

" J. II. MAUN, Brcwnville, N. T. '

MILL. (Established IS35.)

TODD'S CIIAIXESGE.AS the under stone revolves, tbey may be run to a

ttgb speed without choking, ana haviog RubberEpriagrs, Patterned ty us they

Will not Bursi Whih Running,men p'.ecs, cf Iron get between them, ss msny millsfctve done on the stiff pvlncirie. Our spindles haveEteeJ Toes and laces, with set screws t bth ends, sothat the fsees of the stonea can be kept parraliel with

ca ether and the meal ground even etionjrh for Cour,which re ltrpiriint improvements. Insuring Safety totht Tenall lower mill

er, and good wort, and ought put

"IP, 01! BACK MILLS,select f- -r these the best quality Burrs our

tewn imports:, t, and from our long experience a Mn-- ''tractuters, can sure cur customers tLat our mil la cau- -notte tics:'.?.

Prices cf Challenge .Mills.





to be In

of of

inch poller,

do do

Friers of Iron



$tl5, gr-re- d

13. Co175, do

Back 1Lft&?

Incasvoae w!:h pulley, with $160,r, do125, do

1 1- -2 tor thick rtsrrra pul. SJ, cearci



Importers cf Dutch Bolting Cloths, FrenchStones. Dealers, in. Mulber Lcltit

Packing, a c.

Kanufacturers pf Kachinc Stretche'l Leather Belting,Cemented and Riveted.

Adress : G. & TODD 0.A'0.2i2 Xorth Xam Louis,

iona: r.DAvis,ATTORNEY






REAL ESTATE AG,Tails C.iy, .TUciardson Cotrnfy. :

V, j pror rt attention to all profesci tuircsteJto hiscare tu E.ichard4n r.

'jaties; th drawsnj ot deeds,? r- -






C. Co.,5-- ot St., 67. Ho.


... ?iraskfi

1 a i.'ciniDgi liou pa


10 CO.


camnrto u:iaim.


'3?lOEZETS.":--Arran?amer.L t are lcen tr.a.?e, by "the Hanni-

bal and St. Jorej h Rail Uo&d Couipany, to torn-Earcn- ce

with the opening of navigation, fcr a


to run in connection :th said Road restlnrly froa

St. Joc:Ii to BroTrnTlIIc,

and ell other intermediate points.The following new, popularand fast runainj packetboats constitute the line for the present :

Captain ', -








r t t r t n sn LI 1 JL 1 XL








For Freight or Passage appljto


rHEIGIlT AXD TICILET AGET,Forwarding f Commission Merchant,

Erownville, Ictraslia.Copt. Ur. FORD, Gen. Ticliet Aj't.

St. Joseph.

J. S. IL HAWOOD, Gen. Supt.

NEBRASKA CITY Company.Capital Stock "50,000.


rnlllS Coajpanr, under liberal charter, is nowJL fully organiied, and theirentirecapital stock of

Fifty uhoiiand Dollars, paid in andsecured. heyare prepared, from this date, to grant open policies,and take risks, upon equal terms, witn tne mostfavored Insurance Company any where. Havingadonted the mutual principle, its patrons, withoutincurring any liability, will share in tho profits ofthe company.

The operations of the Company,wiIl bo confined,for the present, to marine, or CAKGO risks, withmaximuraliabilityof $12,500 on any one bottom.;

eing tbeonly insurance OSce, on the&bove pop-ularpl-

West of the Missouri, it confidently ex-

pects generous support from Western Merchants,We respectfully invite the Missouri Siter pa-rona-

directors:S.F.NackolIs,- - .Chas. F.nolly,H. P.Uannet, J. L, Armstrocg,

W. .Ilinchman, Miles W'jown,A. A. radford.

officers:CHAS. F.HOLLY, President.


St LoniSsenswl",iiUWru'ApVii 2a::M'


timmuiM n In Jj

ft Tafni iinnatif 1i







a i

-i .

. x .

a . n T IT J' - " '

p, r.

42- 1-

Benevolent Institution eui1'?!?dowment.for the .' fXllAZ 'cjlheted with nruleniand K'Z tlZit

THE Howard Association, in vie & t!?"1tionof human life caused by Sexnal al"?,Z?"?ZdeccDtions practiced ucon the unfortutiatk. ' "

- ,idisease by Quacks, several years ngo uirei v --

sulting Surgeon, as charitable act worU r. . , , Yia, to open a aisp-ny- ai j i- -


aifi their Con- -

class of diseases, in all their lorms, io give


of theirit of this

Advice Gratis to all whoapP'y ? letter, wttn sat 'tion of their condition (age, occupation, habits of . e,&.c.) and in case of extreme poverty, to fnrnish medicinesfree of charge. It is needless to add tha the Associa-tion commands thehigbest Medical skill of the age, andwill furnish the most approved modern treatment.

The Directors of the Association, in their Annual lte-nu- al

Report upon the treatmentof Sexual Diseases, ex-

press the highest satisfaction with the success which hasattended tho labors of their Surgeonsia the cure ofSper-matorrhoe- a;

Seminal Weakness; Gooorrboea ; Gleet;Syphilis ; the vice of Onanism or sell-abus- e, disease ofiue Kidneys and Bladder, &.c, and brder a coutinuanceof the same plan for the ensning year.

The Directors, on a review of the past, feel assuredthat their labors in thissphere of benevolent effort havebeen of great benefit to the 3tiited, especially to theyoung, and they have resolved to devote themselves,with renewed zeal, to this very important and nuca de-spised - ,cause. ,

An admirable Report on Spermatorrhoea, or SeminalWeakness, tbe vice of Onanism, Masturbatioa or self- -abuse, and other diseases of the Sexual organs, by theConsulting Surgeon, will be sent by mail (in a sealedenvelope) FREE OF CIIARGE, on tbe receipt of TWOSTAMPS fur postage. Other reports and Tracts on tbenature and treatment of Sexu&l diseases, diet, &c, areconstantly being published for gratuitous distribution,and will be sent to the afflicted. Some of the new re-medies and methods of treatnmets discovered during thelast year are of great value.

Address for Report or treatment, DR. J. SKILLTNTIOCGHTON, Acting Surgecn, Howard Association, No.2, South Ninth Street, Philadelphia.

By order of the Directors,EZRA D. DARTWELL, President.

Eo. Fairchild, Secretary.July 14. 1853-l- y .



Dealers in J r -



nooTO, jarxoxia,r.'ails.I'Iows, Stoves, rurnlturc, &,c

SONORA, MO.April 9th, 1S58 43- -t

Thepublic are now respectfully icformed thattheundersigned have procured from Cincinnati and putin operation one of Homer A Co.'s flour mills of thelatest patent, and the first brought to this Territory.They were induced to exchange their former millfor this one, from the high character they have gained io the east, an l from the personal testimony ofmillers whohave tried them throughout tbe VesternStatf, and in view of tho increased demand forgrin-.Mi:- which will txeeed that of any preriousyear in Nebraska, requiring a mill that will do theworkbettcr and quicker than any heretofore in ope- -,

ration.In addition to their fiotir mill thsy will keep the

Corn Mill constantly running, ready at all times toaccomrr.ftlats the f.mners without detention, and bygiving their undivided superintendence tothebutines? ( n ?:sted by tfc eir former miller, Mr. Wells, ) theyhi for the continuance acd increased patronage oftheir friends.

Assorted Lust er, Shingles and iMl constantly onhand. CHELA & Jd AUXIN.

Peru Mil!?, Sept. 1st, 1859. - . .. . .. ,


' S" fr"'AKD .




Lii;ore.Lngmcs, .Lavs. and. Grist Jilills, :

With all kinds of Machinery and Implements.. Eo. 5S,2"orth Second Street.

. . St. LOUIS, MO.- f

KXFTS alwjTs on bands large stock of Garden andGra Seel?, U warrante.1 fresh and pnre" "

Our st.x t of Agricultural and HorticulturalImpleaieiitii and i.actanes is also largo and selectedwith great care,.

We invite an examination, atid knew ifcat we are og

as good stock s any bouse in tne weei, nnd at aslow prices.

TET3Sd:ei CAKHiCatloeties luriUfcied gratis to applicants. 4f

a. r. irsirr i : : n. .,' - :'. s.. a '


Dealers in Co;'-- i.

mcurrentTToncy, Escharifrea"!! LaM TTzmntt,BROV, 'iiVULE, KEilAHA CO., H. T.

E?peclal attention will be givea to Buyir g and JTeltlcgExchange on the priacipal cities of the UnHei States,Gold, Silver, and uncartent Banlc Kctes. A constant supply of Land Warrants on harsd for sale, fok cash, or en- -

teredon time for Pre-emptc- ra. All Warrants sold by usguaranteedin every respect. Will C3e Eeclaratory Statements of intention to pre-em- pt, and prepare Pre-empti- on

Paiers at short notice. Money soanoa upon nest securities, at western rates of interest, ami investments madeia Lands or city propirty for distant capitaiiats. Collections upon all convenient points will be promptly attended to and proceeds remitted in exchange, at current rates.Eills of Exchange on England, Irelanl. and France, obtained at usual rates, with cost of Kj.aiar.pc on the Eastadded. Deposits received on Current account and interestal lowed on special de x-sit-s.

OFFICE iainSt.,near U. S. Land Office.REFEHEKCES

Lind, Brother & Co., Merchints,KcXaufrhton, Cardan & Co.,Riser & White, - - , "Tonne, Carson ft Bryant, "Jno. Thompson llason, Col'rofPort,E. M. Punderson &C. Merchants,M. M. Yeakle k Co. No. 17, Broadway,Vt m. T. Smithsnn, Esq., Banker,J. T. Stevens, Esq., Att'y at Lai

Philadelphia, Pa.

Jno. S. Gallaher, Late3dAud. U. S. T., " "Taylor & K.ri03;h, Bar kers, . Chicago, 111.

Scrugss & Co. Merchants, St. Louis, Mo.Hon. Ttios. G. Pratt.Hon. J. w. Geary, Ei-Go- v. Kansa3,Hon. Jas. O. Carson, J

P. B. Small, Esq., Pres't S. Bank,Col. Geo. Schley, Att'y at Law,Charles Parsons & Co. Bankers,H.C. Kutt&Co. "Greene, Weare & Rice, "Douglass &. Watson, "Col. Sam Uambleton, Att'y at Law,Judce Thos. Perry,Prof. II. Tutwiler,

Oct. 8, 5-tt

Baltimore, ifd.

New Tork.Washington.

McClelland,Annapolis, Md.Penn.Mercersburg, Pa.Hagerstown, Md.

Iowa.CouncilPes Moine,

Easton, Md.Cumberland, Md.Havana




LTaving engaged in the Mercantile Business, wouldrespectfully invite the of Nemaha, and n?

counties in Nebraska. Atchison county, Mo.,and Fremont eounty, to call and examine their

consisting of

Dry Goods,Groceries,

Hardware,Que ensware,




, Oils,


'Byestufis,And all other articles usually kept in

All of which we will sell on the most reasonable terms" for'


All are solicited to call and examine our

We expect to keep a,Xull stock, and aredet make

interest of






37" . aox rTO DEAL WITH US.

We also wish to Purchase


ppr which we will pay the highest

rice.R. W. FRAME & CO.

Peru, Fet, 1, I860. . ..


Designed Expressly for Emigrants and Trav- -ei.ero.


Edward's Xew Map of Missouri,With a portion of Kansas and Nebraska, price cts.

New Map of Illinois:..With a portion of iOWa and Missouri, prit e cents.

Tie reopies Map and Gnaje for Iowa, Ilh'nois andMissouri.

With a portion of Kansas and Nebraska, price $1,25.Same as above, onrol lers; suitable for Hotels, Offices,

&c. &.c, price $3.

New Internal Improvement Mapthe United-State- s

Showing all tbe Railroads built and withthe the contemplated routes, ihe diflerenturveys of thecontemplated routes, the different surveys of the Pacif-ic Bailroad, the Overland Mail and Telegraph routes,and the Gold Regions of the Great West: This Map isdrawn and engraved with the greatest care, and at im-mense expence, from Railroad and Government mrvej'sand the latest authentic information. Handsomely putup In case for $5.


D. C.

it u

x-- o m




Southern and Western ProgressPublished Monthly, with many fine Illustrations,

Views of Cities and towns. Portraits, &c, &c, .stonly$3 per annum. Those subscribing for years, .or fortwo copies one year will be eutitled to a Map of theUnited States, as e premium.

sale at all Bookstores, and at tne office, comer orPine and Third Streets, St. Louis.. April 26, IS60.

PIKES IEAIt DIGGINGS AHEADAnd will produce more gold than any other diggings yetiscovered, snd ..


City Boot & Shoe nrAW

VTUl make you a superior pair of boots or shoes if youcall or leave your measure, or he will sellyou a cheapergaiter, a neater shoe, or prairie boots, and lady's finegaiters or slippers, cheaper than any other houseof Si. Louis. Employiaggood workmen, keeping areriety of material snd trimmings for home manufac-ture, I' hope to receive that literal patronaee heretoforebestowed on me. Give me a call. W.T. DEN.

BrownvilleJuly27, 1S53 n3

Agricultural ImplementsJust receired", per steamer a supply of .



' HOES, :


PATENT CHURNS, &c, &c, , , .

" FOlt SALS AT -

THEODORE. HILLS..brownville. 23. I860. - - ;


Pilie's Peak Gold LlineThere is now for sale in this two first-rat- e

Steam Engines and toilers ia good order, suitablefcr running Quarts Hills. Saw an.i Grist Mills, saidby machinest3 to beof the best quality. A bargaincan be bad by making application socn they eanbe had at half manufacturers prices.

Inquire at the Advertiser offiee, brownville, ?T.TSrcwnTiUe, A'jxil, -- 6,1563.

Waa tW




7ell known in this region as a successful and! ac-

commodating lumber dealer, has again taken theMill on Sonera Island,

And is prepared to famish every desirat'? qualityof lumber for fencing or building purpose ; deliver-ed at the Mill, or at

Browrrville Landing,Or at any point on the river as may bearetJ u;-o-


' 171ix IriocaAre as follows. AttfceMiil. foxcash, from30 cents per 100 feet to $1 per 100 feet.

On time, say three, six nine, or twelve months,from

45 cents per lOOfeet to 81.25 per 100 feet,with 10 percent, from delivery, note tosecured by unincumbered renl estate.

The lumber will bo deliver 1 at any point o.i IheMipfonri River within 50 miles down stream, at 25cents ner 100 feet m addition to the above prxjswhen suSoient amounts are takea tojustify the coastruction of a raft.

To those wishing lumber, particular attention iscalled to these propositions, which cannot fail tocommand consideration.

Come with, or lond your orders, and they shallfilled without delay.1G0,0 CO feet cf Lumber on hand,

And more making every day.L. LAWRENCE.

March 1st, ISCO. 6ta.

Land Warrants,2?or Cash, and on. 27iz23.o

We are prepared to loan Land Warrants of all sires tosettlers on such time as they r..ay desire long or short

at the usual rates.A constant supply of Warrants will be kept on band

for sale as cheap at they can be bought elsewhere intown. " - . ,

Buy of regular dealers and beware of bogus warrants.All warrants sold by us will be guaranteed to be

genuine in every respect and will be exchanged If de- -fective.

Being permanently located ia Brownville, we canal- -ways be found at the old stand a few doors east on.beBrownville House. '

LUSHBAUGH & CARSON,Bankers, and Dealers in Land Warrants.



Browsville,( jf- - Nebraska.

those States contemplating goingAebraska iwansns ' i



To in the tothe and

The undersigned desire to say, and in so doing willnot practice deceptionjthat there are advantagesto be secured inCrossing the. Missouri rirer Brownville,and outfitting at, nnd starting from that point, notto be found at any other place on the .Missouri barer, in tne nrsi place, on botn sides or tne riverare large ex tents of bottom lands in which grassmakes a much earuerstart than on the uplands, andis much more abundant, being inexhaustible theentire season. Here, then, is a aesirable place torecruit stock before starting on tho Plains. Stockcan also be purchased here on very favorable terms

The Krownville to team Jeerry boat.beingthe beston the River, offers peculiar inducements i'or crossing at this point. It islarge and commodious; withpowerful machinery, which enables the proprietorsto ferry emigrants and others in the most expeditious manner.Por C3 TLTn --ri rrWe undertake to say that the business men ofBrownville areas well propared to serve those wishing supplies! with a superior quality and on as fa

terms as can ha found elsewhere. Everythingdesirable can be purchased ?4 Brownville, such as

Provisions,; Clothing, Miniflg: Imple-

ments, &c, &c.The Route from Brownville to tho Mines is uni

versally admitted by those who have traveled it ardothers, to be superior in every respect. Brownvilleis about midway between St. Jo. and Omaha. Asto distance, an examination of the map in all thatis necessary to pruve to av one that it is nearerfrom Jiera t3 the mi.nes t,V? . from any othr pointon the Missouri. On tbii souto WtKd a&d waterabound the entire distant rhile i a many others.wood has to bo htuled fo rat-an- dJy:i.

Th foreeoing faots arefnjly anc5 stitisfaetorilves- -tabnsnea oy tne immense travel last yoar, acdthose who adopt it the present eoswn will have ito. . -.cause to regret having done so. Taereiore

Cross the Missouri River and start' i from Brownville. ;

JOILV CODDIXGTON & CCProprietors Steam Ferry Boat.

Lime ! Lime ! ! Lime ! ! !

The undersigned whose kilns are situated nine mileswest of Brownville, on the road leading to Ft. Kearney,Keeps constantly on nana a very superior articlo oflime, to which he Invites the attention of those wishing The Lime win be delivered at the kiln or at anvouipr (Rum in iue county, asaesirea."

Feb. 9, I860 6m K. M. LONG.

An Improved Farm3?OH OI-IjX-J.

A very valuable and desirable imnrovpd farm itnit.4 1- -2 miles from Brownville and 2 1- -2 from Nemahaviiy, can De naa on very lavorable terms, it mnsi.i.or io acres, u acres unuer cultivation; 24 acres in timoer, koou wen, siock water, and pood frame houseme stock a yoke of oxen, 7 cows, and 7 young cattleiue iarm implements, ana cousenold furniture will bsold with it If desired. - k rare opportunity is here nrsented. Enquire of R. W. Furnas, at th ,.' "Tl i , - t

Nov. 17, '69 nl8 .

The Great Female Pills.wit. j. sr. iiiEAtxCK is me General Anrnt irv.i.

uuieuu.rorur. nueaung's celebratedPil is. These Pills are truh, naihi .i!they will restore the courses u,Ae .,.Mtoa from, unit Mux inhitim n. . J . y

V- ' " .r 'UKy "ever nave rail-ed in any case where tbe directions around thotaining the Pills have been strictly followed; indeedmere ia no case oi lauure ever me to our knowledat 'Being purely vegetable they are perfect! Kf '

Single boxes, mailed to order uostDaid

Baltimore City, Maryland.A liberal discount to druggists. 3 cent Dosta(rtm.

t i.AMl mm mnnntras vw sva uiouv i

.'. .

Fine Honey.Tt T QrrtWTl nf Oitl ...... . ...

beautiful article of honey, equal, if not superior to anythine we ve saw. This honer was,.j v

the givenwhich she of









ijivj, tad. Any iraivunu gel mis receipt lor makinghoney, snd be im.'ependent of the honey-be- e, by writingto ur. creager, jno. ooa, west Baltimore street, Baltimore City. Md , enclosing 60 cents Hawkinsville (GelTi--' I I T." ' '

A Good Farm Sale.iae suoscriuer win sen at b great Oargam a very

cnoicequarier oi section or lana in jonnson county, Ne- -br.sEa. mere are rorty acres or nne timber land,60 acres nnder cultivation," a good log house and otherimprovements, it is two ana a nair miles from Tecum,sen. on thi? road from thence to Pawnee City.

Any person wishing to purchase a good tract of land onvery reasonable terms, will apply to Cyrus Wright atTecumseh, or John Li. carson, eanser, in Brownville,orvoueo. . ssaroai, cursiiiii)-- .

p . , ROBEET WRIGHT,Residing atWorrallton, inNemaba Co,

January 18, 1860 28-- tf

NOTICE.,I hereby caution all persons indebted 'to-- the lato

firm of Green, Sprinkle k Sprinkle, Bakei'& Green, against paying any debts, notes of hand orboek accounts accruing to said firm except to myselffrom my office about a year ago, and as yet I have not'and cannot get any satisfaction as to the disposal ofthe collections. -- LC v i BPiiLNKE.

We Will Purchase WheatAs money is scarce, we will pay in srods for wheat

65 cents per bushel ; and for flour 12,75 per hundredpounds. We will furnish sacks for wheat and re-

ceive it, either at our Store; in Brownville or atMelvin's Mills. D; J. MAKTLN & CO.

Brownville, Oct. 20, 1859. ;l ; . , otP-- 5


"Little Giant" of the TFcirt.Now ready for delivery the Life ofHon. Stepheh

A. Douglas, with his most important speeches and"Prts: . .

a Member or tee western car. -- rvw t, oonnain cloth, and 30 cents in paper cover.

" No maa in the United States a n prebeni time islooked to with moreboperul inierev maa ice aisun-ecish- ed

Senator from Illinois. Indeed his friends inalle Statesor tnetiuon iocs upuu mm uuij oiuc. . . . I. a M.nn , ? r r ' anilrising, nut cne rreseni. Bimi iui" mi

for the couairy." . 'The most important of Mr. Douglas' Speeches are

incorporated in this volume, and the wbole work sub-

mitted before publication, for the criticism of scnieofitr. Hougias' most judicious friends, Inwhom he has per-

fect confidence, and by them it ia cordially approved and'

Fcr sale at the Metropolitan Bookstore,PHILIP & SOLOMON3,

332, Penn avenue.Sntaffants for Lawrence's celebrated Foreiga Sta- -



uo 12



X f inih, bet.

"l..':: Or

II OOF.. I TG.d & ?:?or ' 2io.- -

ST.- loi; . iO.THIS Composition is trni- ' i5? fr-

Minerol, which are unchanpr i ty tieweatter. It is durable Fire .i.i.i U"s .

applied ta roofs of any snaps, upon r;.boards, or over old shingle roofs, at .t i c

shingling; and upon any me la lie rood) -- or c:surface for lesJtban paint.

It is invaluable for coa tin if Rail lis; Ti

Roofing Cars, Dep-t- s, &c. Weh-iv- to l.ferins it to the nuhhc as the.moj. i .. iable t

ins PI)

l;iot can




Roof in use.We referto tbe following persons:

T7 Barnum, Barn urn's H'el HP"k, Arcl icctJ J Anderson, Banker Geo 'it Tir'nr,Sner,Son. Brick Mak'rs. Melon Tiiton. Distil'rsJ fhenck. Smith Jt 'Coriiika. build'sClark, Plant & Norri3, Oliver i ine't.Eon JasBBoland, A W Fa'in,J Shields, 7th and Morgan Hen L51 Kenno't,

Wesley Conner, Cooper, cor Teeth and WalnutJdWe are at all times prepared to do roogns, and t

furnish to order onr Composition. Also, superior anic!e of Saturated Water-PrK- f Roofing Paper For iaformation or material, address

W STEPHENSON, A'jrt.4I--ot St Louis, Mo.


Two Mnnared'lUIPJSilAN DEUSEi:.

ISrovrnvillc, 7e3rasli.a.A NNOUXCES to the public that he ha3just re

il ceived, per Steamer Ityland, a very large andwell assorted stock of Parlor and Cook Stoves,new and improved pattern3,as follows:

u:k's Pattern, .

Plymouth Hock,Elevated Oven, New Hi ,

olden Era. and every varietyParlor and Office Stores.

Also,Japarsed ITare,' Hetties,Iintlicrns, Copper Wai e.SIao- -

tc2s antl Ton3.All of which I pledge myself to sell at as fair ratesand on a3 accomniodaung terms as any other establishment in this region of country. '

I have also now on haul every requisite varietyof Tin, Copper aDd Sheetlron ware, and am preparedto put up gutteringand spouting and all other workin my line, at short notice, and in a workmanlikemanner, which 1 warrantto sire satislaction.


I pledge myself not to be undersold in the uppercountry.

September 2, 1858."

- ulO-i- y

Fun for the Jlillion I . Fun far the Steamboat I run Jor the llailroaa. runfor the Pike's. Peak Emigrant cn iheWide Prairies !

jyiCXI-NA- X FOR AIX CSIEATIO?Is the most amusing and expensively gotten upaswell

as the cheapest comic Magazine now published-i- tbeworld. Each numbea contains thirty pge9 of matter,and frem sixty to ninety Pictures-al- ! tho contents being of a rich humorous characterr Nick-Na- x has at-

tained its third year, and growing in popularity. Itis a great favorite with all classes fathers and moth-ers, sons and daughters since it coutains nothing thatmay not bo read aloud in any family circle. It is thijpublisher's desire to make it especially '

FUN FOR THB FAMILY.One of Its features is the prize puzzle department.- -

The publishers have distributed during the last 6ix oreight months, Gold Pens, and valuable Books, whichhad the tendency to make tbe competition earnestinteresting. ' ' .

In fact, take it all in all, no more amusing sheetforthe family or village library, or hotl reading-roo- orto beguile tbe tedious hours of travel in car or steamboat, can be had anywhere. - - -

Terms. One copy, one year . - - - $1 00Five copies (to one address) 4 00

Postmasters who may wish to engage la obtainingsubscriptions, will Any this an excellent opportunity atfirst-ra- te inducements will bo. given to them....... . LEVI SON &. HANET,

Room 29, 119 Nassau Street, New Tork.53"Jf6wspapers inserting the above as often as they

may think proper, or give iu editorial notice, win beentitled to an exchange on forwarding copy with theadvertisement marked to tbe Nick Nax office.



"A Stich in Time Saves Nine I"Despatch! Save The Pieces!-- .

As accidents will happen in well-regulat- ed families,His very desirable tu have some cheap and convenientway for repairing ariutr, ToyaCrockerr,,- bpalding'a .Prepared tjfua tneet ail snch emergencies, ant do iioiiehold ca ialiurd to be without it.

is always reaay ana up to toe stitiiag point. Thereis no longer a necessity for limping chaiis, splinteredveneers, headless dolls and broken cradles. It is justtbe article for cone, shell and other ornamental work.

popular with ladies of refinement and taste.This admirable preparation is used cold being chem

ically held in solution, and possessing all the valuableqnalitiesof the best cabinet-maker- s' Glue. It may beused me place or ordinary mucilage, being vastlymore aunesive. "Useful m every family.'

Jil V3








B. A Brush accompanies each le. Price 25c.Address: Henry C. Spalding & Co.,

Box No. 3,6000, N. Y.

Put up for dealers In cases containing Four. Eight andTwelve dozen a beautiful Lithographic Show-Car- d accompanmg each package.

0"A single bottieof SDaldine'sPrenared Gluewin ave ten limes us cost annually toevery nousenom

Sold by all prominent Stationers, Druggists, Hardware and Furniture Dealers. Groceries, and Fancyscores.

Country merchants should make a note of Snalding'3 Prepared Glue, when making op their list, itwill stand any climaia

JCfRemoved to 84 Cedar St., N. Y. 4I-- ot

amxamSALE BY

L. BUSEdSTEILIL,,(Successor Edwards & Bushcell,)

97 Fourth St., St. Lonls, Mo.American Farmers' Encyclopedia, valuable work, 4 00Tbe Horse's i oot, ana now to Keep It Sound ; cloth 60Uoie's American veterinarian -

Stockhardt's Chemical Field Lectures " "1

Johnson's Agricultural Chemistry "1

Fessenden's Complete Farmer and Gardener Ido American Kitchen Gardener - ,

Richardson on the Horse v

do on the Hogdo on the Pests of the Farm

Milburn & Stevens on the Cow, and Husb'ry .

Chinese Sugar Cane and Sugar Making --

Padder's Farmer's Land Ateasuae . 2Guenon's Treatise on Milch Cows; clothDomestic Ornamental Poultry, plainRandall's Sheep HusbandryTouatt, Randal & Skinner's Shepherd's Oon BookBarry's Fruit Garden - . .

Stephens' Book of the Farm, 450 illustrationsLdWard'S MonllllT. a JOUmalCf Mrs. Smith' according to directions in reccitt The American Architect, or Plans for Country

purchased Dr. J. p. Creager. Baltimom L dwellings












Smith's Landscape Gardening, Parks and PleasureGrounds

Weeks on the Bee; clothWilson on Cultivation of FiaxElliott's American Fruit grower's Guide1 be American Florist's GuideEvery Lady bar own Flower Gardener, nan 3.1. etThe Rose paper 25c. clothMoore's Rural Hand Books. volumesTueUis Fruit, Flower and Vegetable Gardenor'a

CompanionDadd's Modern Horse DoctorDadd's American Csltle DoctorThe Stable BookBridgeman's Florist's Guide

, do Gardeners' Assistant " "

do ' Fruit Cultivator -"

do Gardeners' InstrnrtnrField Hand Book of Pear OnltnrnCole's American Fruit BookBulst's Family Bitchen Gardener

American Flower DirocforrDana's Muck Manual, cloth " 'Norton's Scientiac and Praotical AgricultureDowning'sLanascape GardeningBreck's Book of FlowersLeucher's Hot Houses and Green HonsesNash's Progressive FarmerAllen on the Culture of the ' r-

Allen's American Farm Book '

do Rural ArchitecturePardee on the Strawberry

and Martin on the HogTouatt, Martin and Stevenson CattlaTouatt on the norse





Munn's Practical Land DrainerMiner's American Bee Keeper's Manual .

Quimby's Mysterieacf Bee Keeping .

Sorgho and Iraphec, Sugar Plants - ,nittcry of Morgan Horse - '. .'"JReemelin's Vine Dresser's Manual " 'Browre's American Poultry Tan!Waiing's Elements of Agriculture "


Hooper's Dog and Gun 1

Skillful Housewise, paper 25c, clothWhite's Gardening ror the SouthCharlton's Grape Growers' GnidaPersoz on the Culturo of the VineThompson's Foid of amimals, cloth,Rural Essays, DowningAsbury's Illonois Form-Boo-

Whittlesey's Missouri Form Book, almost indis-pensable to every man in Missouri





,j ..itl'W











4 5
















uswj vj ' boom c7ii oy mau Tree, onreceipt price. 4i-- ot

DISSOLUTION.liiij of o!l, Lake & Emerson,

heretofore existing and transacting business atlirownviiie,:.. Thunder the name and style of Noel,

uo.,isiais aay dissolved bymut'jai consentU. Kj. Johnson wiil adjust all unsettled business cftne saia nrm. jlsse NOEL,


O. F.Lake. A-e- nL

Brownville, N.fJ,May lsf,16G0. i3-- tf








" 'iryy.r - p r? T""TF

in the coh;uvt spring, at ti- -: hi t',- - i

toT.carly its present f z, ?n-- cerre.??-ndir-j--

improved in.ntany respe-- r

t:.:- - t.:.-- .? cr.'r r.3-v-


turned in the Rocky Moonta;si--- ta thil country 3 a the f

turni-3- rration. wi;h at;:; arst


rtaaneiti;Region. Tran-:!-hc3rte- "'-

wa' setup Uwoath iho Jltics wmtef storms, uemi- -- tof noi.y mobs, bow iltg curs??, and threats of vea-nour-- ce

agalnot every person and thing that ventured vzzem:oa.-ag:i-- 1 word for tii-- country at time when t5man was iurtunate who knew day from i::smeals for the next would come; wis successful es-

tablished, and ha. since continued ia tha even teaurits way, fearless and antra ntmeie.l.

Tbe News was the nrt aeri.ito ti3 worli ihesar- -

prising richness of the - -

Kocky Mountain Gold Fieldsfor which the abuse of tfce Eistern press was heaped np- -

on without stint but time has satisfactorily provenend verified its every statement and prediction, and theNews stands to-d- ay the most notod and universallyquoted newspaper in the United States.

Already has circulation ia every Slate of theUnion, save four, and in both tbe Canadas.

Arrangements are being perfected for special and re-,'--

correspondence from all tbe important cities of theEast, and the personal acquaintance of the 'proprietorsthroughout tbe mining regions, will ever secure forthe latest, most complete and reliable reports from ailparts of thegold fields.

The New, published on' "RVlnesday of each week,and dispatched to thcStatesby the Express coach of theiollowing moruing, reaching ihe Missouri F.iver in from6ix eijrht days, freeof expense the suSs-crlber- .

TEEMS. Single copy, S3 00, per year five copies,420 00; $2 CO for six months; $160, for three months.

Advertisers will find the News, for all time to come.the best advertising medium In this region of country.

HATES. Busiess cards, $i2,uo per year; onesquare, first Insertion, $2.00, per month, $5 00, tareom.iaibs, $10 00, one yer, $20,000; one-four- th column,$25.00 per quarter. $60, CO per year; one column, $1C0for six months, $1.50 per year,

A POWER PRESS and complete Job Office will beset up in the spr:nc the beue.1t home patrons whodesire work that l.r.e.

In word, tie determination cf the proprietors,that the News, and the News Office, shall always,now, stand first ia Importance in the Territory and State

Jenerson. AddressWJU. CYEP.3 CO .

i ueuver City.


araoge at1 fl

BrE. & J. T.ASTTOTHJCS that they hare ' cornmenced the

Manufacture of




tho City of Brownville. They have both hadmany years experience in Eastern Manufactunes,and 2atter themseves they will be able, to please thepuDuo Dotn in work and prices.

, All kiuds of repairing promptly attended to. -

",C7UFo --flusslx. X3xit ci ,x;i,i.T. E. '& J. B.

BrownviTIe, May, 3, 1860.







. . ilk;t.i V"'fi,.


25i ..














e- -

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uiiiiuu imviiv juniuijuiAony or case Sickcess or

bealili! Ijl'o or denilil Theseara the involved ia theadoption or rejection spe-cific by the mnrljrs to externaldineasori injuries. Having re-

ceived the indorsement of th dis-

tinguished taran, lata Dr.KANK, mid itseUir-ac- tested dur-ing two an Tut l.iit-i- in the .-t

of eieninl n, it in now com-i- "i

itilo jr;m-r-- ' i -- a in evenr setlit t'i tiv.. i cikMi, maA

liiurrelO'iK iero- evrr.'lt;l3exciUiijf nKlotiihliiueiit.

THE AFFLICTED KEJOICE.'t- - .'- - nUN'miEnS snl THOUSANDSly have tented virtues, uud arefl Tj lfj'iicin in freedom from lonj

i tV?' lingering PAIN aiul 1 H.FAf-K- .

' which iitiier remedies bud liu'ed








to cure. Have you the lir.O.N-Clllt- JS,

NKL'ltALClA, 1111

KA1U)0 1 1 - re you" AUIKnrTt

1 nlllicted riX J - : r..v;..n fw,.,.

.: .

.j u



i'.'l in

ill. SOUKS Suf-- .SI "RAINS,

cuux.s. stilt k i'.vii. riiiar




JTHE AECTIC XJXlMEtT? will alTord yon iiislaut relief.

Everybody m HaUo to

For Uxo drcadriil tbeAI1CT1C should be

blind, for it nlTortlit sureViv I iiiiiu eui.-ii- reuei, mien wrVVlfvMt'.S rr"' F.very sleam- -

i!rl' AZlX' Umt a"J tmiii shouldI f i Y.r vZKV keep Who that bus beard theUIlU "''ricks or uttered by thejl , .xCKllg siMed arid maimed viclinm of










'ir ofin








iiml does nottl nt wwue of

Steel lor lure sliould aln nyx beT Such iloi exist in this

i balmy pain coutniliiiigngeut. Ills


question.- -

It curesT! It K A ST,






exphvinn-- i cullUionH,reliovinf


SOKE MI'S, 11511115, &c. IaII dies who prize a pure skin,

' voitl orpiuiplen, bloteliCH, scurf

125 .- -X



t means


1 J


'nuil nil UiKcolorations nnd ex-

crescences, should Attacktiiese trespuKnen on beauty'si!omin bm soonns titer appearwith the AKC1IC l.l.N l.MKNlIt is excellent for the llai,givinsr it A lieallby, glossy ap.jiearunce. lti







It Is a sovereign fojthe various diseases withwhich liorsexarcnUlicted, euri iter th" moxt nbirniiiigrnseonitllSKS, SI'IJAINS,HALT, WOUNDS. SCIMTCif-YX, SWKKN V, Ji'A V1N, KINGmSK, BKi-IIKA- U, 10IJ,EVIL, Ac. No former, liverystalilo keeper, or ny irnoaowning TaliitiMe JlOUb'i:,should li niluout tins vuluS'bio reined.

For sale by all Teapectablo Druggista snd Dealers.Trices of the I i . 25 cents. 50 cents snd 11 a bot

tle. A one-do!- r s cotiUins as jaucU liuiaieut astweuty-Iivs- i .. atte


EXTRAORDINARY JirfiXOCXCEirEXT,FTerr purchaser of dollar botlle of the AIXTIC IJN- -

IMF.XT receires. at Dr. Bmggs e.tpeiixtf, the LM'fKDSTATES JOUKVAL, of New Voik, for one rear. TheJournal is a large illustrated !aier each number containing sixteen page, beautifully printed on clear whitspaper, an i nileu wiUi original matter Irow tliemot brilliant writer o tne country, lerlilicate ot suOscnptiooand full particulars of tho norel and pliihinilin pic tnterprise, of which this oiler forms a part, will accompanjeach bottle.


Nkw Yohk Ovfick. No. 371 EKOAHWAT.Communications should always bo addrewted to St. l&ui

J. H. MAUN, Erownville, N. T.


writes the lion. John Wentworth in the ChiengoDemocrat, is the name of without question, TukBest AcsiccLTrBAi. Papeh ix xns Lxited&TATCS.


The Cocxtbt Gextlemax 13 published weekly1G pogesquarto, and entered upoa its Fifceentli

Volume with 1SC0 inaugnratirg at that timesev-er- al

improvements among themaa enlarged page,larger type, and an increased amount of contents.

Ins Cocntbt Gextlemas forms far the mostcomplete and praciic.ilJoumal for the Farmer anJtJountry Kesident, published m ta;s country. Jtrms,

ico Dollars a year. Address wita rerautance, orfcr Sample

LUTliEUTLLAMi fcO-- Albany,.-?-.

1 .Arranyemeots have just been completed lv

which the publishers of the Country Gentleman areenablod to offer two hundred ami Jifn of the- l,itstrawberry asa premium for five suhfcribers I

accompanied by shecash(310 i. Write for furtherparticulars with prospectuses and posters.

L.T.Si:important to Farmers.

Messrs. James Challen it Soa.PubUAaerswill tend any Agricultural Wurk published la

imn: postpaid, on receipt of ta prr




Tint f

w W -

25 Park

ii iZ'i tistefut j



Floricslturin- - ItTheDcr::t:5an.ic'


mors iuLcresre-- thaa any nrrand Fiowenrsar Plants a-- i shrub,an 1 teller to the irrv ""'

III. Descrictioa and CWiiv'bla Plants, whica are, shouiT A llCLgardens. 't1..IV. OarasrJnt tsaa Artcf Ta-- ,Signs for Ornamrinl

V. Eural Architecture 'SlCottages ana vn Para I' c.r;.

Tinenes, Ico Houses, !tC,VI. Arboriculture,

cf Forest and Orr.ajenla


A. J.


ti8?:3t,VII Uotany UrAczzclcranches connected taahlch the is soc-cia'.l- dcvo?ed ssect'ia"I'll. W r C ! ltll... r. V

....... ,,..,,,,llsl,,,r,,.ing forty-e- i paes. embel'ishorf .::iJitttm',and several otS?r criiinal

the end of tbesix hundred pages, fceaat Ul0.sVrhanJred engravin-,'- many of tieii Wtk

flowers nature. Ul,rtiTEU1IS -- I



year' MyiMThe Edition Colored PT'copy year.

prtmien noPlain edition 13:t3; co:

oiunies commence

'6 50

A 5 3

- j



cu:c:on 12,


....- -

I ,


y f



r it i

f ...

1 in

1 1- . J ' :






dexed accordingly, endV,"m ::,V3':'..-t:a.--'

number at the '.rr.13 2

and '3,

- .V.


n- -t


or r

as. ..,

ora c3:t;

anJare wuhwt.rk """"


incs. At veaf ally ""fc J 'sl-cai- s

fromco-- y


niters r.:a




- ii j h r? 'i i.


$ 5 CO



'STThe publishers of "LTort;cu:turmto thi periodical as a J, 1 t:"o'has a steadily increasing circuit

and the Canadas


an!l "en





1- -1





i,a9 a

urserymen, Florists, Gardners, lm-- r'

memt Makers. PuUih. :

and generally all those connected with r .,throughout the Union and Canada, w fl,5 f ' 'readiestmodeof communicating wtti tttheircustomers - . v'aUti4

Advertisements sh20th of the month preeDVlmenScd p," f.? ?he is not always able to meet the demand.vertising columns, thhave the preference. BotaMc n,7s whiglegibly written -

As the space to be occnnieH h .

f inJ'ciil8 'he manuscript rjii'wished for. "!",fand the number of insertions

1 sm 'i othershould be address to SAITtJN, B.ARxVji " co, ,

25Park Row, X8w Tor

flowers, rnriTs, &c.vJ,NN'1C0TT- - theGrov-Num- ry Vt., has ready for delivery:' '

Albany, higher Evergreens 20 l ioZlt'li'"cording to yariety and form-ave- rage 25 cent,Fruit Trees, in guod

cutiome6 SmaUer th 'iritS XtidZSmall '

berries, Blackberries, ic.Tnuca tower ttsa eerre4before. .. ..Ornamental Trees, Roses and other Eardv Stratbery

in great variety and. abundance; and 10 000 small talarge plants of Upright Honeysucklei, Lilacs, Spireai,Deatzis Sea bra, Prim. 4r... at from $1 to $10 per hun-dred. And the beautiful Diebytra Specabalit n4 choice perennials at $150 t., $2 pe. d. iea, sad com-mon things all leirat)io at about half price.

Catalogues by mail oa application ; sad every tb'.- -j

safely packed for distant transpr rtation ; andisaru s"

most things sold at about ten per eent., less ia autuicathan Spring. noivl


- .. ....

in (i (fHlu x



ill Lose Bargains

BY : DELAYING!:'iJrownville, May 3, 1350.



Main Street,

cntmYixLE, v. t:Sf r L'Roy has establised, In the rear of lis BarM-iho- o

A BATHING BOOM,For the accommodation of those who eonsid elesa-lin- es

a virtue. , --.

The Nebraska Farmer,DEVOTED TO

Devoted to Agriculture, Slock Raising,

Horticulture, .Mechanism, Juauccaitm."

Published at Brownville, N. T.

On the first of every month at 5 1 a year ft"1"'gla copies; Six copies, $5; Thirteen copies, ;

twenty copies, $15.The rolnine began Oct. Isf, 1359. Sptamen Baa-be- n

furnished gratis on application. Back Bombers

can b furnished.Will every friend of Agriculture andFJoeition

in Nebraskn. Northern Kansa, Southern Iowa tniNorthern Missouri, lend a helping band, to sstab.hand maintain a journal devoted exclusively toUie

interests above named. There is not a pc.t c- -w 9

within tho region named bat can and

famish a club of at least 1 lobscnbon. Sea,along without delny.


Drcwnville, N. T.


Japan Applo-Pi- o ilelon;Ilabbard Sqnnsh,

Fig Tomato,


Stra,W berrr Tomat5,low Waterme'oa-Eradfcr- d


Odell's large WhitV'atermelon,yprry s tariy j'roli2? caenmoer,

The aboTe are all new snd very saperiorvtrietiassnd will be sent by mil free,a.tu cents prose. stamps tagen ior xraciion oi :

Address,n32-3- a - .

Clarendon .

a VT.ItltT..Crescent Ioww

'CO. American Stocli Journal.'CXThe great success which has t4tnJe,r

cation of thetirst orume ci . 'lSTOCi; J0U2NAL, has inJnced the WP"1,"JTnnrlcrtAka several improvements for the Vo.uri

commencing and he now Xthe public with tbe asjuraaca that it F"9tB4'1,haracter wiil be fully sustsiaed.apa

ba spared to render tho paper an iWmV""Z- -esMty to all interested in the L'roedm "ment of our Uomestw annua.".




January, IddO,

:M V. nnt.f thTheVetcriaary Departmeo'

O. La3dEditorial direction of Dr. Oc.fnrgeon. and lata EJ.t, a- -Jeuished Veterinary

EJi Jober cf tbe paper contains 321ary. octa-r- o

rare', and is handsomely illustrated. It P"'lished monthly at 25. Park Bow, New 1 oaf. Term

odsanc, wi:a a t.rai$1 per year, Uvariab 'tim

ecpies gratis. Jlouey ha ssntpublher--

s riik in --Y, Fr:pr:.

C.M.Saww.BahkhACo,A?j. . .... Nr 2j, PsrXKow, Nwlrk.


i j.

i i




! II
