neaa celebrates 20th anniversary

May 1980 continued lrom p 20 languages and cultures for entrance to postsec- ondary institutions. the addition of forelgn language studies and International studies as re. quirements for college graduation, the improve- ment of international studies in the curriculum at all levels of education. and plactng greeter em. phasis on the IeaChlng of foreign languages and cultures for elementary schooi children. H Con Ras 301 has been referred to the House Subcommittee on Select Education, chaired by Paul Simon (D4L). If pessed. the resolution would demonstrate legislatlve recognition of the impor. lance of internationally minded dlsclpiines such as anthropology, and anthropologist8 are en. couraged to support the resolution. Letlers should be senl to the Representative. with a copy to Paul SlmM. Chair. Subcommittee on Select Educatlon, US House of Ffepresentatlves, Washington. DC 20515. A copy should also be senl to Ihe Executive Office so that we may monitor the situation. In a reialed development, another bill (HR 6905) was introduced in the House to establish a pro. gram oi student grants for toreign language and International studies. Quaillled advanced students In foreign language or International StudIBs programs would be ellglble to receive up to S1,W per year toward tuition and fees. Students In preliminary programs would be eligi. bie for S500. The bill ha6 been referred to the House Commitlee on Educallon and Labor. Regions of Refuge GONZALO AGUlRRE BELTWN rh. Sosrcr k, W.d Anihrcpd Homgl.r*l %*I YOHOORAPH NU&% 13 Chicanos and the Police: Anthropology Newsletter 21 NEAA Celebrates 20th Anniversary The Northeastern Anthropological Assoclation celebrated Its 20th year wlth well over 550 people attending the Annual Meetlng at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst from March 27-30, 1980. Program Chairman Martln Wobst, with the active help and support of the undergraduate. graduate. faculty and staff members of the anthro- pology department. organized over 40 ees8ions In which 209 papers were presented. Three 898910n9 focused on marltlme ethnology, three on Iasuea of language. culture and society, and a large number dealt speclfically with the data and problems of northeastern archeoiopy. At the bullet dinner held to honor past presi- dents and celebrate the 20th annlversary. John Roberts (Pittsburgh). the NEAAs founder, spoke of the value that small, informalassociations have for anthropologists as well as for anthropology. He further sounded a warning about thedlsclpiine becomlng too derivative and not sutfidentiy seminal. Durlng the buslneas meeting, before passing the gavel to incoming President Dan McCail (Boston). retiring President George Eppie (Rhode leland) presided over the election of Bannla Mc. Cay (Cook College, Rutgers) as VlcePreaident (Presldent 198182). Alice Manning (Drew) as SecretawTreasurer, and Andrew Petto (Massa- chusettsAmherst) as student Member-At-Large, replacing Douglas Fay (Central Connecticut State). Ruth Buckley (Brown) won the 5100 Undergrad. uate Student Paper Prize for "Marxism and Kln- AAAS Sollclts Women, Mlnorlty and Hendlcapped Scientists The AAAS Office of Opportunities in Science ha8 recently begun a pmlect to facllltate the Inctu. don of women, minority and handicapped sclen- tlstS a, adrteory:m'Cevlsw.~with+n~HEw. This technical asslstanm project wtil Involve four mnQr componentis: (I) the wtWtation of rowmea for Inclusion in the NIH compulerized registry; (2) workshop sessions for agency personnel with responsibillty for identifying and recrulllng ln- dlviduais for committees; (3) direct assistance In identifying persona for specific panels where vacancies occur durlng the prolect: and (4) the development of a guide on how to Identify and recruit minority, women and handicapped scien- tists. Women, minority and handicapped sclentists working or trained in the natural or soolai sciences are encouraged to submit resumes. Those who have received a request directly from NIH for reviewer information should respond to NIH; otherwise. reaponees should be addresebd to Karen Ehrllch, Technical Assistance Project. AAAS Office of Opportunitles in Science, 1776 Massachusetts Av NW, Washington, DC 20036; 2W467.5438. Asian American and Paclflc Educatlon Is Focus of Paper Competition The Nallonal Association for Asian American and Pacific Educatlon has announced an awards program to encourage and promote scholarly writing on the educational concerns and issues facing persons of Asian or Pacific Island ancestry in the United States. Papers dealing with. but not llmited to. social policy analysis. polltlcal science. hlstorical or aconomic analysls. basic and applied psychological and educational research are en. couraged. Manuscripts must focus on some aspect of education or have relevance to the education of persons of Asian or Pacific Island ancestry in the United States. Two award categories have been established: one for scholars early in their careers and one tor advanced scholars. An honorarlum of t500 and a certlficate of recognition will be awarded to the best original scholarly paper in each category. Graduate students are encouraged to compete. Entrlea must be gostmarked no later than July 15, 1980. For full information. contact Kenyon S Chan. Asian Amer Res Seminars, Asian American Studies Ctr, U California. 405 Hilgard Av, Los Angetes. CA WO24. ship." while Jiyul Kim (Pennsylvanla) recelved honorable mention for "The Appllcabllity of Stanley Souths Methods as Testtsd on the Walnut Street Prison Site In Philadeiphla." No graduate award was glven because the quallty of the papers submitted tell below the standards 861 by the judges. Members of a new committee to revlew options regsrdlno a polenllnl NEAA p~bll~!if~~ Era Man Snow (SUNY-Albany), Terence Hays (Rhode Island). Martin Wobst (Massachusetts-Amht), Denis Wrlght (Franklin Pietoe), Charles Blbhop (SUNY-Oswego), Herman Jaffe (BrOokiyc-CUNY), Barbara Hagaman (Curry) and Ethel 8olsaevain (Lehman-CUNY). Skidmore College. Seratoga Sprlogs. NY, will hoat the 1981 meeting. with Henry Sohwartz and Gerald Erchak as organlrera. Exact mwtingdatsa WIII be announced NEW and INTERESTING PUBLICATIONS Hlsfory 01 Zsnibia 1he remarch bullelin 01 lha historical asrmclciliori ul Zambia. weIcDmb8 sub scribers and contributors The bulletin 18 imw- disclpllnsry inclur)lny prehlbtory. hl8tory. othrro hlblory, piwgraphy. ~InguIalm, cvMnal rn&W$+z4- ogy. sociology and poiilld sbenca. exrends IO work in PMB -1 sucn an Angda Zalm, TanmnWlt8ht,- blqm. Zimbabwe and Botsrmr' -6' un research, publlc8llonS. confsrbncea, Wmfnarn and other noten snW mists to WD In touch Write' Kusum Dalta, Dspl of HMW, U ZamMa. PO Box 2378. Lusakq Zambia ~un.d -8,i. B priodimi lrorni tR8 Corn- rruMIon on Noma+: Rlople:, 01 IN? IUAES. cE*7~ CBrllInLBn -1 'WIWm "MtknU UXY fUfU8 pwa6. Inlilm of nmadit, and pa8tmI p+x@sS In .(1 paris af tnu *horIc 4 V J ~ O ~ Y of original conlribu lions nre puti8iSheu. including mhnogrqhc rnhonrch r s w b . crllkal an0 th.oretica1 d(tars. s~ons. rmew amcm and new8 01 CamtsSrOn .w tivitlei. Sample coulee are rrdabie and IosvM~a l r m potantla1 contnbutors are rdm Wrlte 10 Philip Carl Salrrnan bpi of Anth, McGlll U. 855 Sherbrooke S1 Wml. Montreal. PO, Canada H3A 27 7 Working Papers on South Arnerlcan Indlan8 Is a serian created to provide rapid dloseminatlon b tween epeclallats of new data. interpretations, theoretical perspectives, symposia, etc, wlthout the normal lmpedlments and delays of journal and book publication. Now available are Number 1, 1979, "Social Correlates of Kin Terminology," edited by Davld John Thomas ($2) Md Numbdr 2, Sprlng 1880, "Studies of Hunting and Flehing In the Neotroplca," edited by Raymond B Hamee(S4). Send prepayment to Kenneth M Kenslnger. Editor. Bennlngton C. Bennlngton, VT 05201. Standing orders are ale0 accepted. The Handbook for the Study of PWWfal Amp lancw and Relection summarizes the current Uate of theory and evidence in Mi8 &ma and provides instruments (eg. self-report queatlonnalrw. Inter- views, behavior observation format, etc) and pre cedures recommended for uniform and cumule. tlve cros9culluraI reaearch. Copies are $8.50. Checks 8houtd be made payable to the Unlverslty of Connecticut and sent to Ronald P Rohner. Clr for the Study of Parental A c c ~ ~ ~ M c $ and Rejec- tion. Box U-58. U Conn, Storrs, CT 06268. Food: Custom and Nurtum, An Annotated Blb Ilography on SocIocuIturaI and Blocullural Aspects ol Nutrltion, has been released by the Society for Nutrltlon Education. The work repre sent6 materials published over the past 45 years, Including those recognlzed &a doIIIlcs and new hypotheses and reaeafch toplu. Stnple copies are 55 or $4 to teachers ordering for classroom use. Write Soc for Nutrltlon Educ. 2140 Shattuck Av. Euite 1110, Berkeley, CA 94704. Publlcetlon cata- logues are avallable upon request. '

Post on 15-Jul-2016




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Page 1: NEAA Celebrates 20th Anniversary

May 1980 continued lrom p 20

languages and cultures for entrance to postsec- ondary institutions. the addition of forelgn language studies and International studies as re. quirements for college graduation, the improve- ment of international studies in the curriculum at all levels of education. and plactng greeter em. phasis on the IeaChlng of foreign languages and cultures for elementary schooi children.

H Con Ras 301 has been referred to the House Subcommittee on Select Education, chaired by Paul Simon (D4L). If pessed. the resolution would demonstrate legislatlve recognition of the impor. lance of internationally minded dlsclpiines such as anthropology, and anthropologist8 are en. couraged to support the resolution. Letlers should be senl to the Representative. with a copy to Paul SlmM. Chair. Subcommittee on Select Educatlon, US House of Ffepresentatlves, Washington. DC 20515. A copy should also be senl to Ihe Executive Office so that we may monitor the situation.

In a reialed development, another bill (HR 6905) was introduced in the House to establish a pro. gram oi student grants for toreign language and International studies. Quail l led advanced students In foreign language or International StudIBs programs would be ellglble to receive up to S 1 , W per year toward tuition and fees. Students In preliminary programs would be eligi. bie for S500. The bill ha6 been referred to the House Commitlee on Educallon and Labor.


rh. Sosrcr k, W.d Anihrcpd Homgl.r*l %*I YOHOORAPH NU&% 13

Chicanos and the Police:

Anthropology Newsletter 21

NEAA Celebrates 20th Anniversary The Northeastern Anthropological Assoclation

celebrated Its 20th year wlth well over 550 people attending the Annual Meetlng at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst from March 27-30, 1980. Program Chairman Martln Wobst, with the active help and support of the undergraduate. graduate. faculty and staff members of the anthro- pology department. organized over 40 ees8ions In which 209 papers were presented. Three 898910n9 focused on marltlme ethnology, three on Iasuea of language. culture and society, and a large number dealt speclfically with the data and problems of northeastern archeoiopy.

At the bullet dinner held to honor past presi- dents and celebrate the 20th annlversary. John Roberts (Pittsburgh). the NEAAs founder, spoke of the value that small, informal associations have for anthropologists as well as for anthropology. H e further sounded a warning about thedlsclpiine becomlng too derivative and not sutfidentiy seminal.

Durlng the buslneas meeting, before passing the gavel to incoming President Dan McCail (Boston). retiring President George Eppie (Rhode leland) presided over the election of Bannla Mc. Cay (Cook College, Rutgers) as VlcePreaident (Presldent 198182). Alice Manning (Drew) as SecretawTreasurer, and Andrew Petto (Massa- chusettsAmherst) as student Member-At-Large, replacing Douglas Fay (Central Connecticut State).

Ruth Buckley (Brown) won the 5100 Undergrad. uate Student Paper Prize for "Marxism and Kln-

AAAS Sollclts Women, Mlnorlty and Hendlcapped Scientists

The AAAS Office of Opportunities in Science ha8 recently begun a pmlect to facllltate the Inctu. don of women, minority and handicapped sclen- tlstS a, adrteory:m'Cevlsw.~with+n~HEw. This technical asslstanm project wtil Involve four mnQr componentis: (I) the wtWtation of rowmea for Inclusion in the NIH compulerized registry; (2) workshop sessions for agency personnel with responsibillty for identifying and recrulllng ln- dlviduais for committees; (3) direct assistance In identifying persona for specific panels where vacancies occur durlng the prolect: and (4) the development of a guide on how to Identify and recruit minority, women and handicapped scien- tists.

Women, minority and handicapped sclentists working or trained in the natural or soolai sciences are encouraged to submit resumes. Those who have received a request directly from NIH for reviewer information should respond to NIH; otherwise. reaponees should be addresebd to Karen Ehrllch, Technical Assistance Project. AAAS Office of Opportunitles in Science, 1776 Massachusetts Av NW, Washington, DC 20036; 2W467.5438.

Asian American and Paclflc Educatlon Is Focus of Paper Competition

The Nallonal Association for Asian American and Pacific Educatlon has announced an awards program to encourage and promote scholarly writing on the educational concerns and issues facing persons of Asian or Pacific Island ancestry in the United States. Papers dealing with. but not llmited to. social policy analysis. polltlcal science. hlstorical or aconomic analysls. basic and applied psychological and educational research are en. couraged. Manuscripts must focus on some aspect of education or have relevance to the education of persons of Asian or Pacific Island ancestry in the United States.

Two award categories have been established: one for scholars early in their careers and one tor advanced scholars. An honorarlum of t500 and a certlficate of recognition will be awarded to the best original scholarly paper in each category. Graduate students are encouraged to compete.

Entrlea must be gostmarked no later than July 15, 1980. For full information. contact Kenyon S Chan. Asian Amer Res Seminars, Asian American Studies Ctr, U California. 405 Hilgard Av, Los Angetes. CA WO24.

ship." while Jiyul Kim (Pennsylvanla) recelved honorable mention for "The Appllcabllity of Stanley Souths Methods as Testtsd on the Walnut Street Prison Site In Philadeiphla." No graduate award was glven because the quallty of the papers submitted tell below the standards 861 by the judges.

Members of a new committee to revlew options regsrdlno a polenllnl NEAA p ~ b l l ~ ! i f ~ ~ Era Man Snow (SUNY-Albany), Terence Hays (Rhode Island). Martin Wobst (Massachusetts-Amht), Denis Wrlght (Franklin Pietoe), Charles Blbhop (SUNY-Oswego), Herman Jaffe (BrOokiyc-CUNY), Barbara Hagaman (Curry) and Ethel 8olsaevain (Lehman-CUNY).

Skidmore College. Seratoga Sprlogs. NY, will hoat the 1981 meeting. with Henry Sohwartz and Gerald Erchak as organlrera. Exact mwtingdatsa WIII be announced


Hlsfory 0 1 Zsnib ia 1he remarch bullelin 01 l h a historical asrmclciliori u l Zambia. weIcDmb8 s u b scribers and contr ibutors The bullet in 18 imw- disclpllnsry inclur)lny prehlbtory. hl8tory. othrro hlblory, piwgraphy. ~InguIalm, cvMnal rn&W$+z4- o g y . sociology and po i i l l d sbenca.

exrends IO work in PMB -1 sucn an Angda Zalm, TanmnWlt8ht,- blqm. Zimbabwe and Botsrmr' -6' un research, publlc8llonS. confsrbncea, Wmfnarn and other noten s n W m i s t s to WD In touch Write' Kusum Dalta, Dspl of HMW, U ZamMa. PO B o x 2378. Lusakq Zambia

~un .d -8,i. B priodimi lrorni tR8 Corn- rruMIon on Noma+: Rlople:, 01 IN? IUAES. cE*7~ CBrl l InLBn -1 'WIWm "MtknU UXY f U f U 8 pwa6. Inlilm of nmadit, and p a 8 t m I p+x@sS In .(1 paris af t n u *ho r I c 4 V J ~ O ~ Y of original conlribu lions nre puti8iSheu. including m h n o g r q h c rnhonrch r s w b . c r l l k a l an0 th.oretica1 d(tars. s ~ o n s . r m e w a m c m and new8 01 C a m t s S r O n .w t i v i t l e i . Sample coulee are r r d a b i e and IosvM~a l r m potantla1 contnbutors are r d m Wrlte 10 Philip Carl Salrrnan b p i of Anth, McGll l U. 855 Sherbrooke S1 W m l . Montreal. PO, Canada H3A 27 7

Working Papers on South Arnerlcan Indlan8 Is a serian created to provide rapid dloseminatlon b tween epeclallats of new data. interpretations, theoretical perspectives, symposia, etc, wlthout the normal lmpedlments and delays of journal and book publication. Now available are Number 1, 1979, "Social Correlates of Kin Terminology," edited by Davld John Thomas ($2) M d Numbdr 2, Sprlng 1880, "Studies of Hunting and Flehing In the Neotroplca," edited by Raymond B Hamee(S4). Send prepayment to Kenneth M Kenslnger. Editor. Bennlngton C. Bennlngton, VT 05201. Standing orders are ale0 accepted.

The Handbook for the Study of PWWfal Amp lancw and Relection summarizes the current Uate of theory and evidence in Mi8 &ma and provides instruments (eg. self-report queatlonnalrw. Inter- views, behavior observation format, etc) and pre cedures recommended for uniform and cumule. tlve cros9culluraI reaearch. Copies are $8.50. Checks 8houtd be made payable to the Unlverslty of Connecticut and sent to Ronald P Rohner. Clr for the Study of Parental A c c ~ ~ ~ M c $ and Rejec- tion. Box U-58. U Conn, Storrs, CT 06268.

Food: Custom and Nurtum, An Annotated Blb Ilography on SocIocuIturaI and Blocullural Aspects ol Nutrltion, has been released by the Society for Nutrltlon Education. The work repre sent6 materials published over the past 45 years, Including those recognlzed &a doIIIlcs and new hypotheses and reaeafch toplu. Stnple copies are 55 or $4 to teachers ordering for classroom use. Write Soc for Nutrltlon Educ. 2140 Shattuck Av. Euite 1110, Berkeley, CA 94704. Publlcetlon cata- logues are avallable upon request. '