nclex updates june 2010

1. 4 y/o with hemoplhillia, what kind of activity. (eto po nasa prio naming ni Dra., pero my naibang option po) a. Rollerskating in the sidewalk b. Playing in the jumping garden c. Tricycle with helmet d. Playing soccer with kneepads -eto po, I parang tama po ata yung letter B kasi po I was given a prio after.. 2. Client has full thickness burns 8% what body part is important to consider? a. Two anterior and dorsal palms b. Two anterior palms c. Two palm length of the client measured in the forearm d. Two palm length of the nurse measured in the client’s forearm 3. Neuro po: dami pos akin SCI’s example question po.. the patient has c5 injury, the nurse understands that the priority nursing care would be: a. Allowing the client to go to the bathroom without assistance b. Allowing the client to eat without assistance c. Allowing the client to undress by himself d. Nakalimutan kop o yung isa 4. SATA questions: sorry po hindi ko matandaan yung mga exact na nakalagay pero mostly po mga s/sx lahat: Endocarditis Osteoporosis Hypothyroidism Hyperthyroidism DVT PAD Ulcerative colitis Cervical cancer ESRD Seizure precautions—ilan beses po to bumalik sakin na SATA 5. Dubutamine compu.. 5mcg/kg/ml weight 185lbs. stock 500/500 6. Pt with dual disorder—psyche questionnakita ko po to sa dating my update, lumabas din po sa akin luckily nabasa ko nap o sa net kung ano yun: parang ganito po yung choices a. Treat the psychological symptoms first and then the drug dependency b. Treat the dependency first then the symptoms c. Treat both dependency and the psychological disorder d. D ko po matandaan 7. Pedia.. 8 yrs old after a traumatic fire, what would be the best a. Allow the client to draw the fire b. Allow the client talk with the same age of the same situation

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Page 1: NCLEX Updates June 2010

1. 4 y/o with hemoplhillia, what kind of activity. (eto po nasa prio naming ni Dra., pero my naibang option po)

a. Rollerskating in the sidewalk

b. Playing in the jumping garden

c. Tricycle with helmet

d. Playing soccer with kneepads

-eto po, I parang tama po ata yung letter B kasi po I was given a prio after..

2. Client has full thickness burns 8% what body part is important to consider?

a. Two anterior and dorsal palms

b. Two anterior palms

c. Two palm length of the client measured in the forearm

d. Two palm length of the nurse measured in the client’s forearm

3. Neuro po: dami pos akin SCI’s example question po.. the patient has c5 injury, the nurse understands that the priority nursing care would be:

a. Allowing the client to go to the bathroom without assistance

b. Allowing the client to eat without assistance

c. Allowing the client to undress by himself

d. Nakalimutan kop o yung isa

4. SATA questions: sorry po hindi ko matandaan yung mga exact na nakalagay pero mostly po mga s/sx lahat:







Ulcerative colitis

Cervical cancer


Seizure precautions—ilan beses po to bumalik sakin na SATA

5. Dubutamine compu.. 5mcg/kg/ml weight 185lbs. stock 500/500

6. Pt with dual disorder—psyche questionnakita ko po to sa dating my update, lumabas din po sa akin luckily nabasa ko nap o sa net kung ano yun: parang ganito po yung choices

a. Treat the psychological symptoms first and then the drug dependency

b. Treat the dependency first then the symptoms

c. Treat both dependency and the psychological disorder

d. D ko po matandaan

7. Pedia.. 8 yrs old after a traumatic fire, what would be the best

a. Allow the client to draw the fire

b. Allow the client talk with the same age of the same situation

c. Allow the client to play with fire drill with friends---parang ganito po yung dating ng question

d. Allow the client to talk about what happened in detail

8. Drugs: mga A/E po yung mga binibigay na choices





Page 2: NCLEX Updates June 2010




a. shempre po remain upright early in the morning

b. after breakfast

c. I will lie down after after drinking



St. john’s wort—mild depression


Amiodarone---ang tanong po ditto best time hala d ko po alam kelan

RHYTHMOL---ayun!! Hindi ko po to alam nung ngexam ako

Sildenafil – Q: action




Motrin—hay, iruprofen lang pala to--- wala po kasi generic,


9. Rheumatoid arthritis which of the following would be reported to the physician—1st question pero hindi kop o maalala yung choices

10. Client has 8 PVC’s in the past hour:

a. Notify physician

b. D ko na po matandaan

11. Client had seizure while in the ER: SATA

-Bed rails up

-tongue depressor

-turn on suction


12. Cardio—hindi po sinabi na heart block pero ang sabi po is the client had two absent ventricular contraction

a. Asa choice po ang pacemaker

b. Defib

c. D ko nap o maalala

13. Pericarditis…reportable??

a. Muffled heart sound

b. Dizziness

c. Pain when lying at the bed

d. Eto po naguguluhan talaga ko sa tanong nay an kasi lahat reportable—dizziness lang ang natatandaan ko pinaka reportable cguro.. waah..

14. Cardiac cath.. reportable?

15. Standard precaution--- eto po ang mga lumalabas sakin everytime mgeencounter ako ng correct understanding…

Lahat po ng binigay sakin dito maching type..

e.g. a. surgical mask for RSV

b. gloves for clostridium deficille

c. gown for measles

d. particulate mask for HIV

16. MG---Baclofen best taken daw po--- in the morning after breakfast or after getting out of bed yung tanong

17. MS—ang tinatanong po dito is when is the best time to take the meds para daw po mgmaintain ng daily activities:

a. Morning-to finish all the household chores

b. Before eating---

c. D ko nap o matandaan iba

18. Nursing issues:

Page 3: NCLEX Updates June 2010

Orthodox jewish



Mexican American

--puro po diet ang tanong

19. Pedia: 8 y/o task:

a. Collecting stickers

b. Riding tricycle

c. ---

d. ---

20. Cohorting.. dami po.. but pedia to pedia ang lumalabas and sari saring sakit

21. Blood and immune—my mga sicle cell crisis—o2 priority

22. IDA

23. AML

24. Respi--- CPAP

*yan na po lahat ng natandaan ko, basta po pag pedia puro developmental po.. lalo na yung mga after trauma po lagi, then cohorting, delegation…tapos neuro—pinakamarami po is SCI’s t1, t8, c5, puro functionality ng tao tinatanong po. ESRD, ewan ko po bat puro ita tanong sakin mapa SATA, PRIO, 1st assess, reportable… sadly wala po ako mashado endo, maternal, GI- ulcerative colitis saka colon cancer..yan po lhat.. waah.. wala nap o ako maicip pero I hope maka help po.. thank you po.. lalo na to all my mentors, talagang ng bigay ng time sakin sila…---- etc.!!! hehe hindi pwde yun!! Sa mga makakabasa nito na student who will take the exam, Godbless.. and pray pray pray pray.. nothing is impossible just have faith..

Updates: June 11, 2010

1. 8 year old child, what to expect?

a. Copy what you are doing

b. Has a collection of stamps

2. During cardiac catheterization, it is important for you to do which of the ff?

a. NPO for 8 hours

b. Assess for allergies to seafood

3. A patient with psychosis is prescribed Artane, which of the ff would be a correct health teaching about the prescribed medicine?

a. It is given to counteract the side effect of Prolixin (d ko po sure,hehe)

b. Advise to take it in the morning to prevent insomnia


a. Edema

b. Warmth

c. Purpura

d. Petechiae

e. Bruising

5. What do you expect to see in a patient with Hypercalcemia?

a. Abdominal cramping

b. Paresthesia

c. Skeletal muscle weakness

6. What to see in a patient with Pheochromocytoma?

a. Bradycardia

b. Diaphoresis

7. Hypothyroidism?

a. Increased cholesterol level

8. Atorvastatin (Lipitor), which of the ff indicates a correct understanding?

a. I will take it in the morning

b. I will have my annual eye exam

Page 4: NCLEX Updates June 2010

9. Patient with Na level of 120 meq/L. What type of IVF to infuse?

a. D5W c. LR

b. .3 NaCl d. .45 NaCl(Ms.,wala po akong idea,hehe)

10. A client who is homeless and a substance abuser. What will be your priority to include in the healthcare plan?

a. Help client to acknowledge denial on being a substance abuser

b. Provide information on Community Services for the homeless

c. Assess mental status

d. Provide with a well-balanced meal (Ms, naloka po ako dito, 5mins ko ata tinitigan to)

11. Dysthymic disorder?

a. Alternating feeling of hyperactivity and depression

b. Chronic feeling of depression (Hula hula hoo! haha)

12. RSV precaution (SATA)

a. Wear a heap-filter mask

b. Place in a Negative pressure room

c. Remove gloves before leaving client’s room

d. Provide with own BP cuff for client’s use

13. What do you expect in a patient with Peritonitis?

a. Rigid, board-like abdomen

14. Which is incorrect?

a. Symmetrel for a patient with Influenza A

b. Heparin for a patient with DVT

c. Librium for a patient with alcohol withdrawal(nde ko rin po alam kung tama)

15. In caring for a patient with dysphagia, which of the following is/are correct?

a. Assist patient in a sitting position before eating

b. Provide patient with a straw

c. Ask the patient to flex the neck while swallowing

d. Provide with sips of water every after swallowing(tama po ba ung last?)

16. Patient with Spinal cord injury, realistic goal?

a. C6 injury – able to feed self

b. C7 injury – able to dress self

c. C4 injury – able to turn from side to side every 2 hours (nabaliw lang ako ma’am,haha)

17. Purpose of skeletal traction?

a. Keep bones aligned until healed

18. What to advise for a patient with insomnia

a. Read a novel or watch television to aid in sleeping

b. Perform aerobics one hour prior to bedtime

c. Provide a consistent schedule for sleeping and waking

19. Normal for an elderly

a. It takes an hour for me to sleep

b. When I wake up after a 3 hour sleep, i find it hard to sleep again

20. RN floated from MS department to Pediatric unit, which client to assign?

a. 10 year old with cystic fibrosis

b. 13 year old with Reye’s syndrome(pang pedia lng po ba ung reye’s?..)

21. How to prevent medication error (SATA)

22. Correct about Hepatitis (SATA)

23. Adalimumab (Humira), (SATA) (grabe ma’am, parang out of this world, SATA pa daw eh! Haha!)

24. Liquid oxygen

Updates - April 27, 2010

Review and master the ff: Prioritization, Delegation Assignment by La


Triage: internal & external

Page 5: NCLEX Updates June 2010

Precautions/Infection Control: VRE

Shigella Scabies Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C

Delegation: for CNA

SATA s/sx:• Addison’s • Laryngitis• Physical and physiological changes among

elderly or Aging process• Myocarditis• Endocarditis• BPH – particularly the description of the

voiding patternEg. Feeling of not yet emptied after voiding

Medical-Surgical: Dysphagia

a. flex the neck on swallowing – (I chose this, im not sure..pwede din yung B but this is more safer)

b. use straw when drinking liquids – (tanda ko kasi dapat thick liquids eh kaso may straw,hahaha! Para walang hassle A na lang)

Huntington's disease, what to expect? - eg. Jerky movements

Pulmonary Embolism s/sx SCI on T6, what to expect? – facial flushing (an

autonomic dysreflexia s/sx) Post total hip replacement, what to follow up? –

“I feels that I am running out of breath.” COPD, what to follow up? - low O2 sat Hypoparathyroidism – give Ca supplement Addison’s – weigh the patient daily when taking

Prednisone TIA – use of thrombolytics Cardiac Tamponade underwent

pericardiocentesis. If it is effective, what to expect? – absence of muffled heart sounds

a pt with pre hypertension, what statement needs immediate intervention? – a report of abdominal pain radiating to the back

Risk factors of CAD – Emo (remember the E’s) Post Chemotherapy complains of sore throat,

what order will be the priority? – have a culture and sensitivity of the throat

Sickle Cell Anemia HT when having a vacation – “we will have rest periods of every 2hrs as I drive the car.” (sabi kasi ano daw ang correct statement ng mother kasi plan nilang magbakasyon ng anak niya w/ sickle cell anemia)

Evisceration, what to do? – cover with gauze soaked in normal saline

Gouty arthritis – low purine diet Pancreatitis diet –

a. menu + skim milk – I chose this, dapat low fat

b. menu + whole milk c. and d. obvious na fatty foods

What to expect on the ABG result of an Elderly? – Respiratory Alkalosis (they are in numerical values, I chose this coz mas madami silang CO2 na inilalabas….plus the fact na dalawa ang respiratory acidosis sa choices so out na yun)

Maternal & Child: Cystic Fibrosis nsg management or HT – 4 ang

questions ko jan di ko na po tanda eh Myelomeningocele HT Full term newborn what to expect? SIDS prevention or HT MMR vaccine – Contraindicated with allergy to

eggs Post partum complications

Drugs:- the structure of the question is…what doctor’s order needs to follow-up? (check the route, dose and the patient or the disease it is given for….sometimes they adjunct two drugs on one disease)- nsg considerations

Diazoxide – C/I with hyperinsulinism Enoxaparin – give only thru SQ Meridia (brand name) Terazosin Irbesartan Plavix Digoxin – DOC for 3rd degree heart block; wof:

hypokalemia -triptan – adverse effects Symmetrel Concerta – administer before going to school Nicorette chewing gum and nitroglycerin Protonix – incorrect if mixed with applesauce

(dapat take it with out food) Fludrocortisone – check sodium level

- Needs immediate intervention?a. Vardenafil – erection for the past 4 hours (I

chose this coz in a matter of short time prone siya na magschemia then magnecrosis)

b. Lisinopril – with dry hacking cough for 48hrs-my other unknown drugs di ko na po tanda, bumagyo sa akin ng drugs!tsktsk

Diagnostics/Procedures/Equipments: Post Esophagogastroduodenostomy WOF -

bloated abdomen (kasi may trauma so possible bleeding)

Post Colonoscopy WOF bleeding s/sx – rectal bleeding

CPAP – indications for using PEG Tube – nursing consideration

Page 6: NCLEX Updates June 2010

A pt w/ post implanted defibrillator 2 hrs ago. What statement is the correct understanding of the health teachings? (my last question kaya super tanda ko siya!hahaha)

a. avoid soccer sports until next month (NO contact sports!!!) b. avoid tight fitting clothes in the incision site – I chose this ‘coz the procedure was just 2hrs ago so the focus is the incision site and tight fitting clothes is really contraindicated) c. out na, kasi not connected d. resched MRI scan (NO MRI!!!) Hypothermia blanket, how will you know if it is

malfunctioning? - the fever does not subsides (they will give you the abnormal temperature)

Abdominal Assessment – auscultation first then palpation (remember the IAPP)

BUN – for fluid volume deficit or dehydration CBC procedure – what to expect of an 8 year old

pt a. a prick on your finger will be done and you can hold my hand (the nurse) during the procedure b. use of a needle in your arm, there’s pain but it will be away immediately – I chose this ‘coz an 8y/o pt can already understand and has already good judgement and the procedure is done on the arm not on the finger)

Glycosylated Hemoglobin

Psyche: Therapeutic Communication – eg. Sit with the

client High risk for suicide – major depressed patient

(the choices is thru diff. statement of diff. patients)

Primary caregiver wants to take over the responsibility of caring the patient, how will you assess? - Readiness and his coping ability


MAY 31, 2010

1. A nine month old infant who has iron deficiency anemia anong food ang dapat ipakain?

A. Cereal fortified with iron

B. Give a minimum of 32oz of milk a day

C. Give iron supplement with milk

Ans: A hahaha kasi ang milk at iron ay hindi friends.. nyahaha

2. A client who will undergo CT scan of the head with contrast medium ano ang indication that the patient understand the procedure?

a. I will be sedated papasundo sa husband after the procedure

b. NPO for 8 hrs prior to the procedure

c. I should stop metformin a day before the procedure

Ans: C. NPO pag abdomen.. METFORMIN is contraindated sa patient with CRF, ischemia, and contrast medium

3. A patient with DM type1 what will notify the physician?

- Forgot the choices pero ang sagot ko ung may pH of 7.2 kc diba possible na metabolic acidosis which is ABG ng patient with DKA

4. AAA what to notify?

a. Pulsation on the abdomen

b. Flank pain

Ans: AAA+ Pain= impending rapture! Hahaha thanks Sir Pascual

5. Patient with right leg lang ang pwedeng mag weight bearing ano ang correct teaching?

a. Left crutch and right leg sabay ifoforward then right leg and lift crutch naman

b. Left leg and left crutch sabay ifoforward then right leg and right crutch

c. Left crutch then right leg then right crutch the left leg naman

d. Ifoforward ang both crutch followed by the right leg then the left leg

Ans: D.. hahaha di ko alam why basta eto ung nafeel kong isagot e hehehe

6. Patient using walker.. pano ang tamang pag gamit.

Page 7: NCLEX Updates June 2010

a. Advance the walker 6 inches tapos ung patient na

b. Advance the walker tapos ung patient pag pantay na sila ning walker tatangalin nung patient ung both hands nya sa walker

c. Ililift ng patient ang walker while walking

Ans: A.. parang pinaka ok na sagot e.. hahaha

7. May ECG strip e.. A. Fib xa tapos ung tanong anong complication daw ang makukuha sa ganung klaseng ECG tracing..

a. Hypertension

b. Sinus arrhythmia

ANS: B.. diba sabi ni sir pascual 90% nagkakaron ng dysrythmias..

8. Assessment sa lungs

a. Titignan ang AP diameter by looking in front

b. Ascultate the lung field using the bell on one side of the lung then on the other side

c. Lalagay ung thumb m sa may spinal cord the spread ung fingers tapos painhale ung patient to assess for symmetry

Ans: C.. tamang assessment un diba?haha


Therapeutic Communication

Substance abuse

Nizoral- what to notify the physician

SATA- hypothyroidism

Cushing- ano ang changes stated by the patient

Precaution sa MRSA

Care sa patient with MRSA

Precaution: heap C and smallpox


Insulin “alog”

Tapos tadtad ng prio.. as in puro prio talaga number 30+ pa lang ata or early 40’s puro prio na.. so magbasa ng La Charity..^_^

March 16, 2010- 9am

1. Amphetamine- take 6 hours before sleeping

2. Soma- decrease pain and muscle spasm

3. SATA- addisons, co sleeping, CVA, inform consent (nkalimutan yung iba)

4. Ordered response- abdominal assessment (void, lie, inspect, auscultate, percuss, palpate)

5. Infection control- memorize lahat ng airborne,droplet, contact

6. ABG correct understanding

7. EMG-needles will be inserted into muscle

8. Crutches further teaching- resting on axillae while walking

9. Allopurinol-increase OFI

10. Sign of fluid volume excess sa TPN- hyperglycemia

11. Pt. With nephrotic syndrome sign n effective ung treatment- pinili q decrease periorbital edema

12. Psyche therapeutic communication

13. Delegation- nurse to LPN/LVN

14. Floaters- Psyche nurse to ER

Wala akong computation pero mdaming drugs ung iba kakaiba tlg..The rest puro health teaching and prio.. sana nakatulong to khit konti.. Gudlak sa mga susunod..


MAR.10,2010my update: nhoz

unang tanong sakin eh ACE!! hehe! who needs further teaching?-"it's ok to have edema!"

tpos prio, napakadami..buti na lang close kami ni Linda kaya medyo ok naman cguro..

Page 8: NCLEX Updates June 2010

meds: Indomethacin, Morphine, steroids, pyridium (PAINridium)..tapos meron pa dko matandaan eh..sayang nga di lumabas yung bacloPAIN!

SATA: (gaya ng pinagpray ko! hehe!) hyperthy,hypothyroidism 2x pero iba ng choices, Addisons,cushing, tapos Hypomagnesemia, tapos IMPETIGO(contact precaution yung isa protection sa nurse, tpos yung isa transporting the client), tpos HIV patient prevent infection (handwashing, fresh flowers), tapos what to expect sa hepatic cirrhosis, SIADH...di ko na matandaan eh, meron kasi ko 4 and 3 sunod sunod na SATA from 16-19 yata yun.. tapos sa 30's yung isa..

safety: >both hands on handle of walker from standing to sitting down,

>prio:who to see first? a.)bipolar on manic phase patient shouting b.)patient who says "even if you're God, i

wont do it" -eto sagot ko eh kasi baka kung anu na sinasabi ng isip nya! hehe! pero di ko sure kung tama..

> what to expect sa TEF/esophageal atresia: excessive salivation

>EMG:I may feel a little discomfort because needles will be used..mali ako dito eh! di ko nabasa nasa update pala!

>what supports diagnosis of retached retina? floaters and description ng curtain vision hehe

>what to report sa hepB? sagot ko i can see large veins in my stomach, (kala ko kasi AAA),tpos nakita ko sa update my wife told me i speak slowly(hepatic enceph) yun pala tama, hehe!

>how to assess bronchial breath sound? auscultate in front of trachea

>what to expect in 3 yr old child? sagot ko tie shoelaces kasi autonomy??!

>patient with low self-esteem,what to include in planning? -sagot ko low level task in which the patient can succeed,,parang ganun..

>what to expect in a patient with acute gastritis?

>what to include in teaching for pre ERCP patient? di ko lam eh,sagot ko pa nga dito you might have sore throat after procedure!! hehe! wla kasing absent gag reflex eh,tpos yung isa naman NPO 2 hours prior,.dko matandaan yung isa baka yun pa tama! hehe! basta tanong nyo na lang din..:)

>what to report post liver biopsy? a.) pulse 130,bp 96/54 b.)patient on L sidelying pos'n muntik na ko maloko nito!!

report pala kaya yung a sagot ko!

>correct understanding on Pt. with Gonorhea? i will contact my sexual partners for check up.

>yan lang natandaan ko eh.. basta harapin si Linda, few days before daanan nyo yung updates, pero wag kabisaduhin..kasi naiiba choices and way ng pagtanong..and syempre Pray lagi na sana lahat tayo makapasa na! imagine what can God not give us when he gave up his only son for us?? sabi nga sa Edsa,"pray hard,it works!" =)

Haayyiiihh… eto po mga updates ko.. pasenxa na sa sobrang dami e2 lang naalala q.. helf!!

- What do you expect to see in a patient with partial thick burn?


b. blisters

(1st question ko to..yan lang naalala kong choices.. ehehe)

- What is the ABG value for a px with GBS?

( literal na ABG values ang choices.. ehehehe)

- You are a psyche patient and as u enter the room you saw 2 patients with schizophrenia that are having sex. What would you do?


b.tell them that they should stop what they are doing

c.inform the heatlth care team

(promise nagising ako sa tanong na to.. ehehehe..)

Page 9: NCLEX Updates June 2010

- Who among the ff. patients would be at higher risk to develop CAD?

a. a male px with low cholesterol and high LDL

b. a male px 15% over body weight with normal cholesterol and low HDL

c. a female px who has asthma with low cholesterol and high LDL



Pedia – MS

Psyche nurse – MS











(mostly po SATA about Health teaching at what assessment ang question)





DM meds (bgo kea d q maalala)

(memorize nyo turo ni sir bri!!!..SIR BRI SUPER THANKYOU PO TALAGA!!! )♥♥♥




(eto ang di ko makalimutan xe tinadtad ako ng tanong about ditto!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr)


before and after the exam… goodluck and GODBLESS!!


Pag aralan ninyo mabuti:inuulit ko, I memorize ninyo by heart, by memory, by kidney, by pancreas, by your stomach….he he short, kabisaduhin and I internalize ninyo:

a. cushing’sb. addissonc. hyper/hypothyroidism – s/sx:satad. hyper/hypoparathyroidism – manifestations:


Prioritization – sobrang,sobrang, sobrang dami!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Delegation – konti lang!!

Zafirlukast – when to take

8 mo.old child food may be given – choices: crackers, hotdog, from high fat to low fat milk, forgot the last choice.(konti lang sa pedia, and ob)

Computation ng dobu-dopa.sobrang dami!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(di ko ito masyado pinag aralan, akala ko di lalabas)

Page 10: NCLEX Updates June 2010

Legal liabilities - re: a.clients self determination

b. false imprisonment

infection control - sobrang, sobrang, sobrang dami!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Review nyo yung binigay ni man dreenah)

a. mrsa – what to put on/wear

ung acid-base imbalance.ex. bigyan na kayo ng mga pO2, HCO3,,pH, etc.

ang tanong,ano Nx intervention ang dapat mong gawin?nakakabaliw!

psyche: u saw 2 psyche Pts making ger-ger, what will you do?

4 point gait, how will you teach patient?

s/sx ng increased ICP

Pharma, medyo marami din.

Pril, sartan, olol,

Bumex, prednisone,

Pasensya na kayo, konti lang na I contribute ko, kc sa sobrang dami ng questions sa akin, di na ako tumitingin sa counter/time kung ilan/what time na.basta hinintay ko na lang mag shut down.

UPDATES Feb 2010 w/ hyperthyroidism what to expect:periobital edemafatiguepalpitations - my answerweakness2. Infection control - Impetigo - Sata3. Alzheimer's - safety sa client - 3 questions 4. Client with Migraine- what to avoid - Sata4. External Disaster - prio 5. Psych - Therapeutic Comm for Manic, Major Depression6. Spironolactone - teaching7. Cefotan8. Risperdal9. Enoxaparin10. Pedia client @ 5month weight should be approximately:25% birth wt50% birth wt double birth wt - my answer kasi closest?triple birth wt

11. Aids, Hiv - infection control, cohorting12. Hepa D & Hepa E13. Siadh - ssx14. DI - ssx15. Peritonis16. Peritonial Dialysis17. Mech Vent High alarm - patient needs suctioning ?18. Metoprolol not to give to - answer ko pt with asthma19. Client w/ right Bell's Palsy - drooping of eyelidsright sided paralysis - my answerno movement of tongue20. DIC 21. Patient more prone to ulceration 22. Activity for Schooler 23. 3-way lumen - correct teaching when there is plaque formation on tube24. Post Thyroidectomy assessment25. Pedia around 5-6 questions


February 5, 2010 9:00

Metamucil (psyllium) sata: -Increase oral fluid intake-red brown urine-s/e abdominal crampingforgot the two choices.. CVA client, what to ask in assessment?Sata- are there any family member who had a heart attack- when was you last cholesterol check- do you have HPN or DMwhat is the best instruction when delegating assignment to a NA?-help the client with MS in feeding-assist the client with parkinson’s in ambulating to the bathroom and the hallway-patient post op 1 day ago, have him sit first at the edge of the bed before helping him stand--- eto sagot ko kasi ininstruct ng mbuti nung RN yung NA..- yung isang option, pang rn na yun. What will you delegate to a NA? SATA-patient post CVA 2 days ago needs help in feeding and is advancing to a pureed diet--- di ko sinama to kasi I think kelangan muna iassess nung RN kung kaya na itolerate ng patient yung pureed diet..-post hip arthroplasty, needs assistance in ambulatingsoma—decrease painanzemet (dolasetron)—nausea neutropenic precaution, what is correct- my spouse will clean the litter box and gardening—eto answer ko- I will throw my silk flowers

Page 11: NCLEX Updates June 2010

Measles- airborne precautionWhat to clarify to md? Cardiogenic shock-morphine IV now-trendelenburg-dopamine IV ERCP, what to report post ercp SATAEGD, what to report post EGD SATAWhat will support the diagnosis of hyponatremia- headache- my answer- positive trousseau- dizziness 2 y/o, what to suggest to the mother- cutting shapes using blunt scissors- playing with someone- stacking blocks

what is an example of a break in the confidentiality- informing the client’s adult children in other state regarding their mother’s discharge status- informing the crisis counselor of the client of the liver biopsy status of the client

nursing dx IDDM, glycosylated Hgb of 11%-risk for injury-activity intolerance-ineffective coping-ineffective compliance of therapeutic regimen- my answer

correct teaching of MDI- 2 in away if not using spacerWhich drug would the nurse question?Prozac for client with bulimiaseroquel for client with schizophreniaBuspar for client with OCD****** for client with Parkinson’s—my answer kasi the rest are correct and im not familiar sa gamut n un.. sickle cell manifestation—jaundiceXigris, wof? Increase crea or bun ung sagot ko..Alcohol abuse, what to report-vomiting and insomnia-abdominal bloating and constipation-dizzinesshuntington’s disease—genetic counselingsequencing abdominal assessment—void, lie down then IAPerPal SATA Co sleeping SATA—pinili ko sila lahat

i. It will increase the incidence of SIDSii. Minimize the child’s night time awakeningsiii. You need to lower the temp of your room than usual if your child is co sleeping with parentsiv. Promotes closeness to sibling that are co sleeping

Psych patient with major depression and states: “Some day things will be fine”

a. Are you planning to kill yourself?b. What do you mean about fine?

tandaan lahat ng mga diseases under airborne, droplet and contact!!



Eto po lng ung naalala ko… ung iba di ko na maalala pero pg meron ako maalala isend kop o agad…….

Computation ng meds dobutamine….

What to bring to a patient under neutropenia precaution

a. Flowersb. Applec. Apple sauced. Toss salad

Risk Factor for Bladder Cancer and Stomach Cancer


- Hypo/Hyper thyroidism s/sx

Which of the following drugs should you question.. may diagnosis na binigay.. then dun sa upper left na portion may click ka para makta ung mga vital sign, lab result, history ng patient etc.. same ng la charity part 3…

- Answer ACE drugs kasi BP 98/60 hypotensive na patient

Ace Inhibitor drugs to be reported and correct health teaching

- Persistent dry cough

Infection Control

RSV – gloves and gown

Cohorting ng same organism

12.04.09 Updates

Hypothyroidism S/Sx Hyperthyroidism S/Sx- SATA Cohorting Staldol** Eldepryl** Flexeril** – answer is not the usual “to decrease

pain” Droplet, Contact, Airborne prec.

Page 12: NCLEX Updates June 2010

HIV, AIDS “Statin” – don’t give on pt. with Hepa. Flova** Liver biopsy – wrong statement – post-op remain

on left side-lying Toddler – appropriate play/activity Trache care – correct “sterile technique” “Pril” – persistent cough for 2 weeks GBS – ABG analysis- set of lab values are given

then identify which is the ABG result for GBS Meniere’s S/Sx – SATA Seroquel** – health teachings Flexxor** Normal findings for a 58 y.o client Therapeutic communication Nasa updates** “Are you thinking about hurting

yourself?” Which patient should the nurse DISHARGE in

order to have a vacant bed “Litigation” – situations are given

a. Nurse charting…..b. Nurse suspected & told other staff that a

patient is involved in “drugs” Prio: pt. with asthma had pulmonary function

test 80% 30 mins. Ago Pt. undergone thyroidectomy – what to w.o.f if

parathyroid is damaged School age – appropriate activity Chest tube – indicates that is functioning

properly? Prio: a. lung ca with hyponatremia

c. Pt. with hepatitis – spiderweb-like in abdomen

Community- Nurse received a call- who needs care first?

Abdominal assessment: ask pt. to void first School nurse: need to send home first?

a. Infection with yellow crusting in eyesb. Child with bright red lesionsc. Fighting with other childrend. Child falls

Delegation: Pedia nurse floated to MS ward Abnormal finding for 3 y.o?

a. BP- 94/57b. PR- 100c. RR- 23

Bumex- what to ff.up before admin.?c.2x urination @ nightd.dizzy when getting up from bed too quickly

CPR correct procedure: how many inches is the correct depth of compression

Liothyronine** not the S/E- health teachings COPD – health teaching Diet Pt. with continuous NGT feeding- correct

procedure Romberg test- correct instruction by the nurse

on how to perform

Mech vent: low pressure alarm- check connection

High pressure alarm- obstruction Scoliosis- health teaching Clostridium.. MRSA VRSA Diltiazem- check for calcium levels? Wrong statement: pt. with Type 1 IDDM taking

pioglitazone Breast cancer risk: Age of menarche? Family

history of Ovarian Ca? Safety- stay calm & stay with the pt. GBS- respi. Failure Pt. with implantable pacemaker

a. Airport- ask for manual inspection? SIADH & DI – kaloka po questions dit0- super

haba ng situation kaya di ko na tlga matandaan MRI Medicines that are not compatible to give to the

pt. Computation: Dobutrex, Garamycin BT: stop infusion – pt. develops hives & pruritus Expected on Aplastic anemia – Neutropenic prec Hemophilia- health teachings Bago po sa paningin ko- dami ganito sa exam ko :

Given ung situation & question—then click na word “Exhibit” w/c is on the upper left part ng screen. Pag click nun meron appear na window with the pt’s vs, ecg result, utz, u/a CBC, cxr result, electrolytes, etc. Naalala ko lng na question is- what drug should not be given to the pt. based on the findings given?

Guys sorry sobrang late na nito.

FEBRUARY 11, 2010

9 A.M.

1. which of the following requires follow up before doing Mantoux test?

a. Night sweatb. Green sputumc. Negative rubeola titerd. BCG being given

2. gastrostomy tube(cyclic feeding)- irrigate3. what to observe on anorexa nervosa and hepatic

encephalopathy4. Cardiac Assessment of extra heart sounds


Page 13: NCLEX Updates June 2010

5. who to see first:a. pneumonia with cofusionb. lobectomy with 100ml dark drainage

a. Multiple Sclerosis reporting blurry of vision

b. Fractured feur with chest rash

6. which of the following shows normal situational transition?

a.“my spouse, one of my sibling and close friend died within the past year, im next”

b. I let my children to do the grocery and to go to the bank becoz I don’t wanna leave home.

c. since retirement, I stayed at home watching tv and wait for my spouse to come home.

7. Meds:Enoxaparin


Plendil (felodipine)



8. Cognitive therapy negative reconstructive9. no delegation10. madaming priority to assess first11. Contact precaution 12. airbourne precaution13. droplet precaution14. No computation15. meniere’s disease- etiology unknown16. what to expect : Iron Deficiency Anemia,

hemolytic anemia, DKA17. Floaters from MS-PEDIA,PEDIA-MS,OB-MS.

SATA: (madugo sobrang dame)

18. addison’s disease19. DM120. Clostridium difficile21. HIV22. Hypothyroidism23. Hyperthyroidism24. Hyperparathyroidism

25. Hypoparathyroidism26. hypercalcemia27. hypocalcemia (DIET) high calcium low




February 24, 2010 @ 9:00 AM

1. Soma given for: muscle spasm -correct

2. Baclofen effect: decrease pain -correct

3. Anti-Parkinsonian drug, needs further teaching?“I can take meds with cheese and crackers”


4. What to expect in patient with HypoMg? SATAa. Chvostek’s signb. Trousseau's signc. Cullen’sd. Homan’s

5. What to expect in px with SIADH?a. Bradycardiab. Lethargy

6. Px taking Prednisone, what to expect? SATAa. Increase serum glucoseb. Increase WBCc. Increase serum Nad. Increase platelet

7. Advance Directives, proper understanding

8. Which to see first:a. Post op px with UO=150 ml for the past 4

hoursb. Px who underwent cholecystectomy 24h

ago with 100ml drainage for the past 16 hours

9. Clozaril: regular monitoring of CBC (aggranulocytosis)

10. Px taking STATIN, needs further teaching?a. Will report to my doctor if I experience

muscle tenderness -correctb. Will take med in PM – correct c. Will wear sunglasses and protective clothing

when I go out

Page 14: NCLEX Updates June 2010

d. Will decrease Tyramine intake

11. Niacin: WOF facial flushing

12. Gave birth 24 hours ago, needs further assessment:a. Fluctuating HR from 50 to 60 (this is really

how I saw it)b. Diaphoresisc. Palpable supra-pubic bulge

13. Amniocentesis position: supine

14. Memorize Precautions! -This will save your life.

15. Bone Marrow Biopsy preparation

16. Px who will undergo CABG, correct px understanding:a. “I will be asked to bear down as catheter is

being inserted” -PTCAb. “Chest pain during insertion is expected” -

PTCAc. “Puncture sit will be monitored for bleeding

and infection after procedure” -PTCA

17. Px with central line suddenly experiences DOB, SOB. What to do?a. Slow IVb. Auscultate breath soundsc. Place on left trendelenburgd. Notify MD

18. Correct assessment: a. auscultate bronchial breath sounds over

tracheab. percuss right lung first then left lung

19. Px on neutopenic precaution, correct px understanding:a. “I will monitor my temp every hour”b. “I will remove silk flowers in our bedroom”

(artificial flowers) -incorrectc. “I will ask my husband to clean the cat litter

box everyday”

20. Best source of Iron:a. Cup of cranberriesb. A cup of yoghurtc. 1 medium potato with skind. 2 carrots

21. Post surgery, which to remove first:a. Glovesb. Gogglesc. Surgical maskd. gown

22. Px on Morphine, needs further teaching:a. “I may experience fever and anorexia if I

stop taking medications”b. “I may take anti-emetic when I experience

nausea”c. “I may experience abdominal cramps and

diarrhea when taking this drug” -constipation

23. Expected to find in px with Hypo/hyperthyroidism, Addison’s, Cushing’s(Not necessarily SATA)

24. Correct px understanding of newborn care at home:a. “I keep my breastmilk in the ref for up to 24

hours before giving to my baby”b. “I put my baby lying on his stomach on my

lap and rub his back to calm him”

25. Post Transsphenoidal Hypophysectomy. Priority:a. Assess mustache dressing for bleedingb. Monitor urine Sp. Gravityc. Provide frequent oral hygiene

26. Etiology of Meniere’s Disease:a. Unknownb. Hereditaryc. Bacterial infection

27. (Psychiatric) Px with dual diagnosis. Correct understanding:a. Treat substance abuse before psychiatric

disorder.b. Treatment include both pharmacologic and

behavior modification--I don’t have a clue what this is!

28. How to prevent osteoporosis?a. Include weight bearing in exerciseb. Avoid contact sports to prevent fracture

29. What question is a priority to identify high risk for Gonorrhea? –Saunders a. “How many sex partners have you had for

the past year?”b. “Are you using any form of contraceptive?”c. “Are you currently sexually active?”

30. Informed consent, correct understanding: SATAa. Nurse explains procedure to px before

signing consentb. Nurse asks px to demonstrate what was

taught to the px before signing as a witnessc. Nurse may sing as witnessd. A written document stating risks and

complications of procedure is provided to px

Page 15: NCLEX Updates June 2010


Give drugs first?1. psychotic patient with delusion2. severe depression with suicide ideation3. patient with anxiety who is agitated4. patient with bipolar manic phase

Who to see first?1. post colectomy with abdominal cramping2. patient post bone marrow transplant with diarrhea3. patient with cast 30 mins. Ago with muscle spasm4. patient chemo with n/v


- Paranoid schizophrenia - borderline

c.DRUGS:-dexamethasone-viramune (HIV drug)-Liothyronine-indomethacin -selegiline-aricept-eskalith- Azythromycin-ACE- calcium channel blockers- “Sartan”

d.TOPICS:-Transcranial Doppler study-Quality management-heart sounds-SIADH-huntingtons-ALS-AFP-Bone scan-Acute gastritis-contact and airborne precaution-Floaters (ob to ms; pedia to ms)




NCLEX updates

I took the exam last Feb. 15, 2010…. (9:00 a.m)

My first question was about “pril” drugs,,, ACE inhibitor.. ang saya ko nung nabasa ko yung question…


1. Cushings Disease2. DI – URINE SPECIFIC GRAVITY, OSMOLARITY3. Manifestation of hyponatremia4. Normal Aging Process5. Mineare’s disease, s/sx6. DKA 7. Co-Sleeping8. IMPAIRED NURSE

A. MOOD SWINGSB. Refuses patient assignment.

Yung questions ko about delegation eh hindi lang basta may 4 choices kundi nasa SATA.

Patient with scoliosis wearing braces,, needs to follow up,,, sagot ko eh “ I am glad I can remove my braces at night”

ERCP- what to monitor after 3 hoursa. sore throatb. absence of gag reflex

NIACIN drug,,,what to report, may choice dun na facial flushing, may nabasa kasi ako na article about niacin and flushing kaya FLUSHING ang sagot ko, check nyo na lang.

Page 16: NCLEX Updates June 2010

Tapos sa cohorting cohorting… madami din mga tatlo siguro

Tapos nakakawindang pa ang haba ng mga choices, How will you teach your patient using crutches in going up the stairs. Ayusin mo in order assume tripod position

A. transfer the weight of the body to the crutch

B. Assume a tripod positionC. transfer the weight of the crutch to the

bodyD. rest the feet and crutch on the stairs.

Parang ganyan yung statement,,,,

Aralin ang rubeola, meningococcal pneumonia, kung alam mo yung mga transmission precaution alam mo na ang sagot.

How to uscultate the hearta. Kung diaphragm ba tapos

sitting b. O bell tapos sidelying (eto

ang sagot ko)

How to assess the abdomen.. yung sequence

How to care for a patient with RSV

a. surgical mask during transportationb. heap filter maskc. remove gloves before exiting the room,

How to care for client with measles.

Always close the door?

Bone scan preparation

Statin (needs further teaching) ang sagot ko the client uses sunblock and long sleeves. (din ako sure) kasi yung ibang choices parang tama naman.


May big words din silang ginagamit like “BOISTEROUS, ROARING” actually parang loud/noisy lang yan. Sa mineare’s disease yan ginamit.

WALA AKONG COMPUTATION, pero ang daming SATA.. siguro more than fifteen, di ko lang matandaan yung iba. Pati mga drugs di ko matandaan ,,,, kasi panibago sa pandinig.

Eto lang yung mga natatandaan ko, tapos nag stop na ako at 75.

GOODLUCK SA MGA SUSUNOD. Sana makatulong etong mga isi-share ko,,,

UPDATES Dec 2009

* "statin"drug what to report? - muscle weakness

* myelomeningocele - latex

* delegation about sa newly graduate RN

* further teaching about liver biopsy after the procedure - left side ...

* manifestation of AIDS

* s/sx of hypothyroidism -SATA

* s/sx of hyperthyroidism-SATA

* a patient with addison's disease.What to expect?

* how to ambulate using a 4 pt.gait

Page 17: NCLEX Updates June 2010

*sign of infiltration - erythema on site

*form of negligence

*which to expect in pt. with hypothyroidism? - periorbital edema

* post thyroidectemy w/c to report?

* low pressure alarm, correct understanding by the nurse

* best statement by the nurse to a pt with peripheral arterial occlusive disease

*psychiatric unit.w/c should be assessed first?

* w/c statement indicates correct understanding about "good samaritan law""

*SATA: decreased WBC (neutropenic precaution)

*SATA: Infection control and correct understanding

*SATA:principles nurse should do in computerized nursing documentation

*battery and negligence

* psyche: borderline and bipolar

* geriatric : normal aging process

* spinal nerves


* cohorting

* hemodialysis

* proper use of cane

1. Infection control Airborne MTB-HZDroplet DROPLETISM

2. Most at risk of having breast canceri. Menarche at 9 years oldii. Menopause at 50iii. First child born at age of 22 iv. Diagnosed with fibrocystic breast

3. At risk for stdi. Multiple sex partnerii. Herpes simplex 1

4. Drug Aderal (for adhd) correct understandingi. I’ll take it at least six hours before

bedtime5. EMG what should the nurse instruct the pt.

i. You will feel a little discomfort as the NEEDLES are inserted

6. EMG which of the following incates correct understanding by the patienti. I may feel a little discomfort because

needles will be used7. SATA hypomagnesemia (s/sx)

i. (+) Cullen’s signii. (+)Homan signiii. (+)Trousseu signiv. (+)Chvostek signv. (+) turner’s sign

8. Cushing’s which is expectedi. Muscle wasting (thin extremities)ii. Yellow striae (mali dapat purple striae)iii. Hypoglycemia (dapat Hyperglycemia)iv. Hyperpigmentation (addison’s disease)

9. What should be delegated to NAi. Ask the nursing assistant to give cheese

cubes to patient with Addison’s10. Risk for Abuse

i. A child with cerebral palsy living with both parents

11. Patient with erythema migrans what disease is associated with this?i. Lyme’s Disease

12. Quality improvement control (nasa La Charity ata to or anywhere sa assessment pero di ko alam sagot basta sinagot ko yung may simultaneously to all facilities wahahahahah)

13. Which to remove first? (twice to lumabas sakin yung isa TB yung isa Impetigo)i. Gloves (I choose this for both)ii. Gown iii. Maskiv. Goggles

14. SIADH which is usually observedi. Bradycardia (eto sagot ko mali)ii. Lethargy (eto tama s/sx of fluid overload

kasi dapat)15. SIADH

i. Decreased serum osmolalityii. Increased serum osmolality (D.I)

16. Sickle cell which is usually observedi. Smooth, sore, tongue (pernicious)ii. Jaundice (eto po sagot ko kinutuban ko

lang po!)iii. Nakalimutan ko na po kulang po ito

17. Safety which is to ff upi. Smoke detector placed outside the

kitchen……….ii. Uses cane to go in and out of the bath

tubiii. Water heater is set @ 43OC (109.4OF)

Page 18: NCLEX Updates June 2010

18. Dobutamine effectivenessi. Increase urine output

19. Anzemet (DolaSETRON)i. For nausea

20. SATA amniocentesisi. Let the patient void prior to the

procedureii. Instruct patient NPO for 8 hoursiii. Let the patient position on her side

during the procedureiv. Ask for allergiesv. The procedure will last for 30 mins

21. Metered dose inhaler correct teachingi. Put mouth piece two to three inches

away from mouth if spacer is not usedii. Be sure to have three puffs for 1

minuteiii. Wash with warm and soapy water

every 10 days22. Steroid use (health teaching)23. Which among the following is incorrecti. Olol for patient with migraine (may same

question daw na kagaya nito sa lacharity di ko matandaan)

24. AFP purposei. To detect spina bifidaii. To detect down’s syndrome

25. Verapamil what potentiates the drugi. Grapefruit juiceii. St. john’s worth

26. Prio School nursei. 14 y/o with scrotal pain started 30

mins ago27. 1 hour Post cataract extraction which needs

immediate follow upi. Pain unrelieved by NSAIDS

28. Patient with HEPA B, nurse’s immediate concerni. My wife told me that I often had

slurred speechii. My skin is yellow

29. SATA Co sleepingi. It will increase the incidence of SIDSii. You need to lower the temp of your

room than usual if your child is co sleeping with parents

iii. Promotes closeness to sibling that are co sleeping

30. Correct teaching AV fistulai. Permanent

31. Robust patient which is expected?i. 40 mmHg pulse pressure

32. AIDS correct understanding SATAi. I will not use the razor that my wife is

usingii. I cannot carry and kiss my childreniii. I will use condom for even for oral sexiv. My wife has to clean the litter box

v. I will eat fresh green salads even in between meals

33. Scoliosis need further teachingi. I can’t wait to sleep to remove my

braceii. I will remove my brace to do sit ups

(eto po sagot ko kasi lumbar spine po affected nung scolio)

34. Coumadin needs further teachingi. I enjoy lettuce and tomato on my

vegetable garden35. How to assess extra heart sound?

(huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?)i. Ask the patient to lean forward and

use the bell to auscultate at the back base of thorax

ii. Right sternal marginiii. Use bell @ 2nd intercostal space

36. Alzheimer’s patient wander’s night what should the nurse do?

i. vest restrainii. have a relative to stay with

the patient37. patient had 2 previous surgeries and is

scheduled for another on (I forgot the procedure) states that “I already had it done successfully twice and I don’t think I can make it this timei. what made you think of that?ii. it seems that you’re hopeless

38. a woman arrived at ED with contusions and several bruises.i. It’s obvious that you’re hurt can you

tell me what exactly happenedii. Most women are abused by their

husband because blah blah blah39. SATA 20 month old suspected deafness what will

the nurse observe?i. Prefers to play aloneii. Speaks in a low soft voiceiii. Unintelligible soundsiv. Uses gesture to communicate

40. Newborn baby of a 13 year old mother dx with TEE. The doctor asked the nurse to obtain a consent, whom should the nurse ask to sign the consent? (wahahah nung binasa ko to sabi ko mali na nurse ang kumuha ng consent dapat doctor! witness lang ang nurse. binasa ko ulit yung tanong after ko basahin yung choices di pala yun ang issue. Echuserang frog!)i. father of the newbornii. 13 year old mother (emancipated

minor)iii. Parents of the 13 year old mother

41. Tapos lumabas ulit sakin yung situation kailangan nang pirmahan what should the nurse tell the 13 y/o motheri. We’ll wait for your parents

Page 19: NCLEX Updates June 2010

ii. You are “john hancock” the consent needs to be notarized due to your age

iii. If you understand it then sign it42. Immediate attention colostomy after 1 week

i. Excoriation of skinii. Dark red stomaiii. Smell of flatus coming out from stomaiv. Small bleeding spurt from stoma (dun

po ako naalarm sa spurt)43. Cataract

i. Blurring of vision44. Correct care for stage 3 ulcer sacrum

i. Elevate head of bed 45O to relieve pressure

ii. Use pressure caution when patient wants to sit up

iii. Place transparent dressingiv. Use sheep skinv. Put all soiled gauze into plastic and

into trash can

Moral lesson

(kailangan na nating isama sa ating tropa si la charity habang nagrereview saka don’t take unanswered updates for granted. We (students) have to do our part. WE DO HAVE THE RESPONSIBILITY/ OPPORTUNITY TO RESEARCH FOR THE ANSWERS)

UPDATES Nov 11-09

1. SATA: DM Risk factors, Cushing’s, Addison’s, Hypo and Hyperthyroidism

2. Liothyronine-which indicates effectiveness?a. Bradycardiab. Weight lossc. Improvement in mental...d. Restlessness

3. EGD – what should you question post-op4. Shark attack: Assess incision site5. Patient taking dexamethasone: “I will wear sunglasses

when I go out.”6. Infection control, which is correct:

a. Put particulate mask in patient with TB while being transported to X-ray

b. Mix MRSA patient with patient that has the same causative agent.

7. “PRIL”: Avoid taking sodium substitute8. Amphetamine, watch out for?9. Patient with HIV states, “I am so tired, my life is

useless, I am going to die anyway.”a. Refer to support groupb. Why are you tired?c. What is the specific cause that makes you feel


d. Do you think you are dying?10. PRIO: Patient who had undergone cardiac cath with

360ml drain in 2 hrs.11. Pyridium:

a. Decreased bacterial count in the urineb. Decreased pain in urination

12. Risperidone: give to patient with hallucinations13. Health teaching: School nurse, who will you send

home first?a. Staph infection w/ crusting in the eyesb. Child with bright red lesionsc. Fighting with other children

14. Hypomagnesemia (SATA)a. Positive Trosseaub. Positive Chvostekc. Positive Turner’sd. Positive Homane. Positive Cullen

15. Confidentiality, which will be reported / needs intervention?a. Tell manager that client is undergoing crisis.b. Tell family that the client is planning to disinherit

themc. Tell the child of the patient what care should be

given to themd. Tell NA to assist the client

16. What should be delegated to the NA: Give cheese cube to client with Addison.

17. Nifedipine, what to question.18. Which should you question?

a. Captopril for patient with hypertensionb. Nitates taken 1 dose per dayc. “zepam” for seizured. Isosorbide for patient with angina

19. Reynaud’s disease, BEST teaching:a. Relaxation technique & smoking cessation

20. Multiple sclerosis, what to teach?a. Assist in hot bathb. Bed restc. Put bed at semi-fowler’s while eating

21. Floater Medsurg to OBa. Post-op C/S with PIHb. Baby with Tetralogy of Fallotc. Post C/S with full term baby

22. Infection control: MRSA, Scabies, TB23. AIDS with TB: Place patient in a (-) pressure room24. Scabies: what to wear25. Scabies: Should have own BP cuff26. Scoliosis w/ brace w/c will require follow-up?

a. I will wear loose clothes over braceb. I can’t wait to sleep to remove my bracec. I remove my brace when I sit upd. I avoid lifting heavy things

27. Cor Pulmonale (SATA)a. Dyspneab. Clubbing of finger nailsc. Green productive, mucous coughd. Antero-posterior rising of chest cavity

Page 20: NCLEX Updates June 2010

e. Pettechiae28. Drugs for asthma

a. Corticosteroidb. Leukotrene antagonistc. Bronchodilator

29. A patient who will undergo lumbar puncture, which of the following should you question?a. My husband will bring 3 pillows to make me

comfortable.30. Which assessment can be observed in a patient with

dehydration?a. Hematuriab. Hematocrit 36%c. Creatinine 0.8d. BUN 28 ug/dL

31. Flu vaccine: what to assessa. Allergy to eggs

32. Client with paranoid thinks he is the son of the US president. During interaction, he began to have hallucinations again.a. Stop the sessionb. Divert the interactionc. Ignore hallucination

33. DM risk:a. 20% overweight Body Massb. GDMc. Hypertensiond. Health history of DMe. Glucocorticoids

November 5, 2009

Anzemet (Dolasetron) – for nausea Risperidone for Schiz – administer first (update) Clozaril – effectiveness of the drug Dopamine with CHF – effectiveness of the drug Indocin – decreased pain (update)

GBS – expected ABG values Pericarditis Hypothyroidism manifestation Food low in Magnesium Which appropriate snack to give… 1.peeled

apples with traction 2.cheese cubes with Addison’s

Infection Control : Correct Understanding… Tuberculosis questions

HIV – most at risk Mantoux test Active patient…what to do? 1.

Invite family members to be tested… 2. Isolate family members until TB is ruled out

Correct statement: TB patient with particulate mask to be transported to the xray room…

School Nurse to advise patient to go home : With yellow crust in eye… -conjunctivitis (update)

Cushing’s Manifestation : Striae (update) Postmenopausal with high cholesterol…

Teaching: Do weight bearing exercises (update) Teaching for AV Fistula (update) School Nurse : Assess First… 14/16? year old who

reported scrotal pain 30 minutes ago Anorexia : Behavioral Manifestation… 1. Finishes

all homeworks, chores… 2. Wears tight paisley clothing 3. Likes to be around friends always…

Health Teachings Therapeutic Communication with Psych patients Exhibit – Pernicious Anemia: What to question…

1.Vit. B12 IM everyday 2. Ferrous Sulfate (oral) every 6 hours SATA

Heparin Administration Blood Transfusion Decreased WBC Teachings (Neutropenic Prec.) Drugs for Asthma (update)


Sata : addisons, cushings, hypomagnesemia

Sata: pt wid constipation. Wat to include in patient’s care:

>increase OFI

>increase fiber in diet

XCBR while having constipation

Xtake laxative daily

Sata: lung cancer (see updates)

Infection control: impetigo, measles..basta alamin lang MTV-Hz, DROPLETISM- buhay ka na

-pril: avoid salt substitutes

-pril: C/I patient with CHF

Pyridium: decrease pain in urination

What medication should you administer first?

1. Risperidone to a client with paranoid schizo exhibiting hallucination and paranoid delusions.

2. Antidepressant to client with suicidal/severe depression

Page 21: NCLEX Updates June 2010

3. Aprazolam to a client exhibiting manic gestures