natural solutions for treatment mononucleosis

There are many things that you can do to keep yourself healthy if you have been diagnosed with mononucleosis. One of the things that you can do to help with the fever that you get, is to take Tylenol or some other type of pain reliever, such as ibuprofen. These are things that you can do for yourself as mononucleosis treatments.

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Post on 13-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Natural Solutions for Treatment Mononucleosis

There are many things that you can do to keep yourself healthy if you have been diagnosed with mononucleosis. One of the things that you can do to help with the fever

that you get, is to take Tylenol or some other type of pain reliever, such as ibuprofen. These are things that you can

do for yourself as mononucleosis treatments.

Page 2: Natural Solutions for Treatment Mononucleosis

A natural solution for treatment mononucleosis would be to use salt water to gargle with. If you have a severe sore

throat try sucking on ice, drinking tea with honey in it, and frozen fruit bars and Popsicles might help to relieve some of the soreness during treatment mononucleosis. Another aid with the sore throat would be to place small amounts

of apple cider vinegar in warm water to help the sore throat.

Page 3: Natural Solutions for Treatment Mononucleosis

The kissing disease mono can be prevented by getting a vaccination. Once you have been given the vaccination

you will develop a resistance making it next to impossible to get a bout of it. Another sure way not to get the very

infectious disease is to avoid undo contact while the disease is active.

Page 4: Natural Solutions for Treatment Mononucleosis

People can ease the symptom of mononucleosis, headache, with whatever they usually do for a headache. Some people will take over-the-counter

medications such as Tylenol or Advil and others may meditate their headaches away. Since the method of

treatment for each symptom of mononucleosis is up to the patient the choice that the sufferer knows has worked in

the past will work with this illness, too.

Page 5: Natural Solutions for Treatment Mononucleosis

Another treatment for mono kissing disease includes refraining from sex. Abstinence minimizes your chances of

contracting this and other contagious diseases from another person. Mono kissing disease is contracted

through the exchange of bodily fluids such as: mucus and saliva. As well, mononucleosis is nicknamed \'\'Mono

Kissing Disease!

Page 6: Natural Solutions for Treatment Mononucleosis

Kissing disease mono very rarely causes any kind of complications, however, if there are any complications they can become extremely serious. Your spleen may become enlarged and may burst because it causes the spleen to handle a lot more blood cells than it usually

does. Although it is very rare for the spleen to rupture it can be fatal if it is not treated very quickly. That is why it is

extremely important to be aware of the symptoms that may cause the spleen to enlarge or possibly rupture. If you

feel like your heart is beating extremely rapid or very hard, if you feel lightheaded, have trouble

breathing, experience any pain in the upper left part of your abdomen or you are easily bleeding more than

normal you should seek medical treatment immediately.

Page 7: Natural Solutions for Treatment Mononucleosis