natural progression by robert bridge

Natural Progression Author and Editor: Robert Bridge. Table of Contents Chapter One: Discovering you way around information Chapter Two: Natural Progression and online portals

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Page 1: Natural Progression By Robert Bridge

Natural Progression

Author and Editor: Robert Bridge.

Table of Contents

Chapter One: Discovering you way around information

Chapter Two: Natural Progression and online portals

Chapter Three: Tactics and strategies to slow down

Chapter Four: History of the Media’s intentions

Chapter Five: Information techno progression

Chapter Six: Popular and mainstream

Chapter Seven: Conclusion

Page 2: Natural Progression By Robert Bridge
Page 3: Natural Progression By Robert Bridge


Today on Natural Progression (np) not all good news is good, so

be warned before reading, some of what you read may make you

sad and confused, but most of it will make you smile and make

you happy.

If you like many are surfing around looking for more

information, reading the lines of copyright sales letters or

churning away with implementing the new strategies people are

sharing with you online and considering how to approach people

online with relevant selling information then I am sure you will

get something from reading this E-book. So what’s it all about?

Well recently, the economy has moved into a new spin, but the

good news is that if you relate with the introduction, or maybe

even you are already a practising copywriter you will be glad to

see people are actually interested. So regardless of what you are

saying people generally statistically are going to read what you

write, but as you know having a camera on your phone can be

very helpful; as they say images often, when churning out

content and feeding the search engines is great food for viewers.

Also please remember many of us read our blog subscriptions

through our readers, you remember your Google Reader right?

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But whats often missing is a call for action, I mean something

more related to what it is you have just said. So, what is it I have

just said? Well I have not said anything yet, but natural

progression is something that lives within ourselves, the good

news is, as we already know the information portals have been

open for quite some time now. You have many ways of sharing

your message with the world and similarly if you read the news

and read opinions and reports from people within relevant fields

of thought you can mastermind your own ideas with regards to

just about anything.

The downside of this is we are the masters of many and

delegating chores between each other and meeting up and

creating think tanks could one day, well deplete as people

become empowered to individually run there own castles. Now I

stop for a minute and ask you to visualise this and imagine many

thousands of castles with little motes and electronic doors to

stop humans in there tracks, for just a minute. Then think

history; think what you learned about dinosaurs and the

information we get from fossils to think how long we have all

been here. Not long really, so this new wave of receiving new

information is helping us progress but at the same time has not

just instantly appeared.

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Similarly many of the online investments are still going strong,

most of which is actually happening offline. Friendships are

very strong, an old friendship that is but questions arise about

the importance of inviting new people into our world. Its also

always good to remember new people everyday have just

bought their computer. Many people are just learning how to

send their first e-mail. Many people are very worried when they

hear the word traffic, especially if they are just learning to drive

or something like this.

Likewise by concentrating on traffic to content you provide not

propped up by the cost of information online can in some

instances be very offsetting. For example getting keywords

wrong or stepping into a stream of information that provides

nothing about what is actually inside the tin.

If you want to understand more about this paragraph, you can

try Googling Branding again.

Remember even though you know or maybe you do not but

every platform that has any reputable amount of members,

writers and photographers blogging the new platforms are

constantly adjusting settings.

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Keeping up with all these things can be very inspiring, but when

you are focusing on new ways of doing things this can stop you

in your tracks.

The good thing about living in castles hundreds of years ago

things could be very simple, but actually they were just as

complicated then as they are today. We choose to have many

settings and new apps on our phones and similarly, in castles

kings chose recipes for lunch that were very creative, if not

totally bizarre and over the top but I am sure very tasty. The

castles had many people contributing within the walls to survive

so remember how lucky you are to have a roof over your head

let alone having Internet access.

No this post is not about property but if it was or if you are in

the property industry its OK like everything else it is business as

usual. If you are looking at trends and reading the footsie or the

Financial Times, you will have spotted a few money pots. You

will maybe have noticed on the news where the future lies, and

notice new investments with our money. But money in the hands

of individuals can be very disconcerting if no money really

exists, so why spend money when you do not have it yet? This I

call living in the red. Don’t get me wrong red used to be my

favourite colour but now I am more drawn to more pastel and

oblique colours, why do you think this is?

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The chances and I will end here are your eyes are viewing many

different types of media, and the levels of communication shift

between automated and pre-scripted. Now, by being able to

differentiate between the two and have the knowledge that

giving is something that has been taken for centuries as a nice

model to follow a better option to choose, I recommend this to

everyone I meet. Similarly, an admiration of people who do this

offline, but just wish you could all meet them too. It is a

quandary, and the dichotomy is I actually really do enjoy what

has been called the “chip landscape”.

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Chapter One: Discovering you way around


The information is very special, its worth a lot of money and

some would not hesitate in saying its even worth more than

money. But money is something we hand over or withdraw

from. This chapter looks at ways in which money can be an

obstacle from your own progression, and hopefully unfolds

these notes into your pocket and out on the table. Discovering

money again is nothing compared to information but

discovering new information is about as familiar as the character

you see on the back of any note, but like a sense of smell and

sense of touch information is a visual thing. By flattening out

the sound of information the noise can be removed, so you can

continue to automatically think, create and learn tried and tested

strategies into your original developing mind.

So why discover something that has already been created?

Information is all around us, we see an interpretation through

our own sense of sight but the bits of information that are

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dribbling into our being is an important part of documenting the

after image of the 1990’s well into the first couple of decades of

the second decade since the birth of time. Before this

handwriting would get stronger, artists would get old and their

art should get better, but if the continuity depleted or the

backdrop of nature changed depending on the progression of

technology changing the input of their creativity would

obviously be determined by no single shortcut. What transport

would determine speed or what type of time would it take to

develop such a masterpiece? Photography is just one example of

this pleasure.

The Natural Progression of colour is a key part of copywrite,

sales techniques and as we know this type of maintenance

management is a considerable point of any online community.

This continuity of color gives room for expansion, the borders

and banners should stay the same but the evolving of art and the

image and the sub text attached to the site is an evolving theme,

this all in a sense would seem natural. Similarly the difficulty in

learning language in speech in a country you chose to create as

an artist or a writer or a singer, musical, sporty, healthy, fitness,

motivations the additional help of mentors, text books and idiots

guides were not around then. Around when the  artists, poets,

philosophers, biographic artistic impressions would be seen and

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interpreted, revered shared, swapped and most importantly

remembered for ever and ever.

Though this imagery is distorted without thoughts of

monetization, considering the after image of life after death and

these theological legacies that many of us intrinsically think of

as time and technology and invariably information comes to

consciousness. As desires and fashions progress, anyone who

denies this is because these desires and fashions are already

manifested naturally because they have aligned themselves with

the source of this type of food that feeds the body the chip body

(you have to seriously consider this concept before you ask your

pupils anything. This a key point in the shift of understanding

natural progression online. Some malformed misinterpretations

when we draw upon the knowledge or evidence of history is

energy. We discovered electricity through a series of discoveries

some of these equations were latent.

And its this latency which hold us back from naturally

progressing; we did not see this as much as fifty or sixty years

ago, maybe we did but we just did not think it comprehensively

contracted any industrial debate, until of course a business man

took his experience and shared it or bought it from the inventor.

Its funny though because much of these types of debates are

determined by our own thoughts and we are the master of our

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own thoughts depending on our age, knowledge and experience.

There’s thankfully no guide for this but when we see a great

blog, or a great sunset or imagine a great environment there’s no

magnetism. I find this funny because those moments of not

knowing and not experiencing any emotional attachment to the

content around me, to the socks on my feet.

To put this into some relevant context without plagiarising the

previous good of all is part of what natural progression is

automatically about. Its this inertia I hope you recognise, but as

an individual reading this text you will inevitably detract from

any wanting to understand unless of course you can unveil the

current confusion. In politics and society small time - big

contributors call leverage, and its here we come out of ourselves

and start thinking again about those around us, our team that

help us progress.

There is a great deal of hesitation in any content and that is why

images shine through, because our ability to imagine is

changing. The documentation of the past as we have seen lasts a

lot longer than what it does today. From Fossils of

uncontaminated soil and stone to scrolls and filafaxes, each in

turn become obsolete replaced by something new, extenuated

with an air of pressure on technology, technology, which will

inevitably disappear.

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Even if you have your files saved on CD without electricity or

some understanding of ones and zero’s the image will not

recollected, and its not like you can find it again in some dusty

pink panther loft. This debate is as old as the tree’s and the

printing press or the laboratory and the private color depletion of

printer ink. The good news is there are lots of new important

jobs sprouting up to replace and maintain the convenience of

technology. But not enough jobs are being monitored because of

borrowing, and lack of honest tales of long-term residual


The terminology we are seeing hopefully is just blowing over us

because the nostalgia of the past goes deep. From an early age if

we are lucky we have been educated and even worked in the

physical industry, and even vegetarians could align with the

struggles of picking brussle sprouts in those cold hard winter

months. Society drip-feeds the land, in the context of the

Internets natural progression. Do not think your computer as this

land, or the man who provides the bandwidth let alone the server


Think more about the bigger picture and the old and tested

etiquette that has branded and served us well before any image,

before any product that needed to be explained and conjoined

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with an online community before it can possibly be sold; and

remember: for the duration of that community the product

extension will continue to be distributed. Distribution is another

change that’s thankfully evolving; things always seem to canter


A magazine would take the pictorial image and somehow place

it in a complimentary position ideal for the folds and size of the

glossy continual theme of the magazine. But in a E-book the

words take presidence. Many people in magazines especially

women turn starlight to the agony aunts because they like the

fact agony aunts are able to help people, and deal with big

topics. They are also in a postion where they can give very

positve advice about relationship problems. They turn negative

situations into motivational sentences to boost the readers self

eesteem. It’s about real people with problems and this makes

people feel better than themselves and relate to them. This type

of information is helpful for making people feel better with there

with own problems but also fills the void in times of less


The soap opera’s deal with real issues and although the topics

are more random and less real the forced examples of reading

information delivered by news media is very similar. Although

this is another example of how people escape into the narrative

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of a geographical location, often outside of the proximity and

generally contructed specifically for the country. Soaps have

become a necessary channel that people turn to replace the

missing communications within the home. The information is

general and is no personal to the viewer.

Stigma’s arise in society and can make people worry, drama can

seem quite worrying but really its not personal information and

These stigma’s iron themselves out as people from different

cultures share and discuss information in focus groups, 20th

century self help groups even media companies hold these

meetings, this is how movies are created. Information online is

sold on a more punchy and quirky level stimulated by the

wonderful abundance of information available. My favourite

part of this is that when reading there is less trawling through

the analogies. The key points are punchy bullet points. The

paragraghs are short and sweet. The terminology is far less

incrypted. The portals that exist as gate ways into understanding

have been wide open for a while and any misunderstanding

linguistically has dramatically changed with the power of

reference, Wicapedia and online university research. Not

forgetting the grassroots free information prepared by the

internet original supporteds like Stanford and Harvard

Massacusettes and Illionios university.

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The previous investments on stacking up the information online,

started during the late eighties was leveraged by the same people

who stand in the background of the screen developments we

stare at today. These kind of wavers need to be considered when

trying to understand the monetising of the internet. Its here I

pose the question about monetising information. Information

sells we are taught this and see the information this type of

inteligence is reveared by the government and you only have to

look at a governmental website you will seee the authority of

information. The restrictions of information online with free

tools are far less restricted but the bonus of this is there is a far

less chance mixing with the contraband of red tape. Using the

same sources and being able to look outside of the box or

bandwidth. Winning information is just one way you will notice

the power of information, when you aquire trusted information

that is well beyond your presidence of class.

When you take the principles of what people want and use the

thermal powers of nature information seems relatively small but

when you put the new information made in the places of thermal

power the healing information is closer to nature and would

work is these types of geographical individual instances of

alternative information then be replicated in the places where

these types of studies were noticed then the ideas are shared and

the information is wealth, because health is wealth.

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Chapter Two: Natural Progression and online portals

If you wish to adapt the principles of Natural Progression online

I feel it adequate to explain the broad portals principles. By

talliying together with sound, image, through ears and vision

and reignite the need for spoken word within the home. Bring

the storytelling principles back into fruition. By jumping straight

into the online portals principles we can avoid the symbolic

psychology of symbols, these types of tickets are very plain

compared to the practicalities and experience of the parralel

worlds that exists in each others minds. Mix this with the gorup

mind the gorup conciousness and understand the the parenthesis

of research is nothing compared to concious shift that is

happening again over the next couple of years. There are many

growing concerns about reality and some of the factors of

natural progression online and off are more understood when the

heurology and symbology of opening portals for spirits to come

back into the third or whatever number of worlds that live in the

distraction of the imagination. Creativity is creating new

paradigms and these portals where people play safe or unsafe

are creating new content. Natural progression online is looking

for new content, to enhance the content that works, and at some

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point the creativity must have been evoked at some point in

history so cultivating these types of taboo’s and fears are in this

case hopefully not needed.

Portals are not exclusive be the cost of the imagination and the

restrictions of the imagination are no way restricted by the

creativity, but applying these types of extensions to the online

platforms extracting them from the places of otherworlds and

bring back into the world of the living are limited by proxy of

understanding, but information is coming from these resources.

Often people pull the ideas into a world of imagination before

anything can ever be fergotten.

Coming away from memory loss for me was and still is an

important part of enhancing natural progression. The matrix of

understanding old ideas seems trivial in the information age.

The openings are something humans always had that eliminated

the posibilities of the human condition. They have been seen in

walls that prove that everyone has the capacity; the only

explanation of this is a portal. The only accurate explanation of

these portals is related to appeciated science since this is the

study that has taken these known principles of human

understanding and conditions of laws.

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Shifting between time and relationships with friends from time

and space online and offline we see another convergence of

confusion. The filing of connections and the cement between the

friends is rapidly changing. This analogy of tiles normally takes

years to ware away and the more attention you give to the tiles

maintanance the quicker you will need to replace or fill the gaps

in between. Finding a balance and patching up our movements

can help and finding synchronity offline and online is something

worth considering. Natural progression is a constellation of

these things, we spend time, energy and everything we do skill

based, routine, communications, time spent on consuming media

and sharing tips, and help with our friends is one. The

documenting and observing the changes as they shift and just as

the tiles that slip can be the struggles we see across the board.

Is it possible to unite and share for longer than the time it takes

to manifest a portal? Storytellers, video’s, examples of any

narrative and observing nature both equally contribute to the

quantative data, we recreate everyday.