natural healing natural wellness spring 2013 issue

A Word from the Publisher: Aurora Paradise Featured Article: e Skinny On Skin 39 DAILYOM: Sharing Your Giſts 2 Alexandra’s Insights: 12 Genius Tips 3 Notes From the Natural World: Natural Skincare 5 Physical Advantage: “Under Pressure” 8 e Detox Diva: Detox Bath Basics 10 e Mindful Parent: Baby Steps 13 Dreamworks: Uncovering the Quantum Dream 18 Quickie Chick: 8 Ways to Lose Weight 22 Health On Point: Acupuncture Unlocks Physical & Emotional Pain 27 Healing Scents: A Natural Approach to Raynaud’s 29 Natural Remedies: Cure What Ails You 36 Nutritional Bites: Kicking Junk Food 42 & MUCH MORE! WELCOME NEW COLUMNIST: Elyn Jacobs Options for Life: Hope: e Miracle Medicine 15 PLUS: Healing Innovations Topricin In e News A t long last, spring is in the air! A most welcome new season, herald- ing this new issue of our Natural Healing, Natural Wellness. As the weather warms, thoughts start turning to aquatic adventures. Whether you swim competitively or do leisurely laps, swimming pools can be tough on your skin, making it dry and uncomfort- able. Our feature article gives you the skinny on keeping skin happy and tips for keeping it soſt and supple. And Elise’s “Notes from the Natural World” offers more skin-saving advice and skincare recommendations. We are pleased to welcome our newest columnist, Elyn Jacobs, who is writing “Options for Life” to inspire and provide hope to cancer survivors and their loved ones. In her debut with us, she explores why “Hope” is the miracle medicine. What else is inside: To help you stay in the best of health, we offer two potent natural remedies to cure what ails you, along with Annie’s detox bath secrets. And if you are trying to “clean up your act” when it comes to eating, you will be inspired as Roufia offers important advice for kicking the junk food habit (along with a “Superfood” powerhouse recipe). Laurie talks about the toll stress takes on the body and ways to cope, and Nicole explains how acupuncture helps un- lock physical and emotional pain. Our Quickie Chick Laurel recommends eight ways to lose weight—without dieting or exercise—and Alexandra gives you 11 tips for loving your life and your body. In Healing Scents, Joan provides a natural approach to coping with Raynaud’s; in DreamWorks, Doug explains how to uncover the Quantum Dream; and our Mindful Parent Christina muses on the torn feelings we have about protecting our children while letting them enjoy their freedom. Here’s to a most splendid spring! Feature Article “e Skinny On Skin: Caring for Our “Largest Organ” -By Patricia Martin, page 39 dedicated to your well-being From the makers of the Topricin® family of healing pain relief products find us on... A Word from the Publisher Inside this issue: Aurora Paradise is Chief Operations Officer of Topical BioMedics. Besides publishing the monthly newsletter, Aurora oversees the day-to-day operations of the company. Wishing you good health and joy, Aurora Aurora Paradise, Chief Operations Officer and Publisher Topical BioMedics ©2013 6565 Springbrook Ave PMB# 207 Rhinebeck, NY 12572 845.871.4900 Contact: [email protected] **May be excerpted or reprinted by permission. NATURAL Healing Wellness Spring 2013 NATURAL President and Chief of Research: Lou Paradise Publisher: Aurora Paradise Managing Editor: Patricia Martin Art Director: Elizabeth Chen Graphic Artist: Elizabeth Paradise Contributors: Joan Apter Annie B. Bond Doug Grunther Laurel House Elyn Jacobs Alexandra Jamieson Elise Muller Roufia Payman Laurie Towers Christina Towle

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A spring mix of exciting articles on healing the mind, body, and soul. Healthy eating tips, essential oils, & MUCH MORE!


Page 1: Natural Healing Natural Wellness Spring 2013 Issue

A Word from the Publisher: Aurora Paradise

Featured Article:The Skinny On Skin 39

DAILYOM:Sharing Your Gifts 2

Alexandra’s Insights:12 Genius Tips 3

Notes From the Natural World:Natural Skincare 5

Physical Advantage:“Under Pressure” 8

The Detox Diva:Detox Bath Basics 10

The Mindful Parent:Baby Steps 13

Dreamworks:Uncovering the Quantum Dream 18 Quickie Chick:8 Ways to Lose Weight 22

Health On Point:Acupuncture Unlocks Physical & Emotional Pain 27

Healing Scents:A Natural Approach to Raynaud’s 29 Natural Remedies:Cure What Ails You 36

Nutritional Bites:Kicking Junk Food 42


WELCOME NEW COLUMNIST:Elyn JacobsOptions for Life:Hope: The Miracle Medicine 15

PLUS:Healing InnovationsTopricin In The News

At long last, spring is in the air! A most welcome new season, herald-

ing this new issue of our Natural Healing, Natural Wellness.

As the weather warms, thoughts start turning to aquatic adventures. Whether you swim competitively or do leisurely laps, swimming pools can be tough on your skin, making it dry and uncomfort-able. Our feature article gives you the skinny on keeping skin happy and tips for keeping it soft and supple. And Elise’s “Notes from the Natural World” offers more skin-saving advice and skincare recommendations.

We are pleased to welcome our newest columnist, Elyn Jacobs, who is writing “Options for Life” to inspire and provide hope to cancer survivors and their loved ones. In her debut with us, she explores why “Hope” is the miracle medicine.

What else is inside: To help you stay in the best of health, we offer two potent natural remedies to cure what ails you, along with Annie’s detox bath secrets. And if you are trying to “clean up your act” when it comes to eating, you will be inspired as Roufia offers important advice

for kicking the junk food habit (along with a “Superfood” powerhouse recipe). Laurie talks about the toll stress takes on the body and ways to cope, and Nicole explains how acupuncture helps un-lock physical and emotional pain. Our Quickie Chick Laurel recommends eight ways to lose weight—without dieting or exercise—and Alexandra gives you 11 tips for loving your life and your body.

In Healing Scents, Joan provides a natural approach to coping with Raynaud’s; in DreamWorks, Doug explains how to uncover the Quantum Dream; and our Mindful Parent Christina muses on the torn feelings we have about protecting our children while letting them enjoy their freedom.

Here’s to a most splendid spring!

Feature Article“The Skinny On Skin: Caring for Our “Largest Organ”-By Patricia Martin, page 39

dedicated to your well-beingFrom the makers of the Topricin® family of healing pain relief products

find us on...

A Word from the Publisher

Inside this issue:

Aurora Paradise is Chief OperationsOfficer of Topical BioMedics. Besidespublishing the monthly newsletter,Aurora oversees the day-to-dayoperations of the company.

Wishing you good health and joy,AuroraAurora Paradise,Chief Operations Officer and Publisher

Topical BioMedics ©2013 6565 Springbrook Ave PMB# 207 Rhinebeck, NY 12572 845.871.4900 Contact: [email protected] **May be excerpted or reprinted by permission.



Spring 2013


President and Chief of Research:Lou ParadisePublisher: Aurora ParadiseManaging Editor: Patricia MartinArt Director: Elizabeth ChenGraphic Artist: Elizabeth ParadiseContributors:Joan ApterAnnie B. BondDoug Grunther Laurel HouseElyn Jacobs

Alexandra JamiesonElise MullerRoufia PaymanLaurie TowersChristina Towle

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Spring 2013




Sharing Your GiftsDAILYOM

--By Madisyn Taylor


When the holidays, birthdays, or other celebrations

come around, most of us join the masses in

shopping for gifts, wrapping them, and giving them away.

Once we are in the mind-set that this is what we are going

to do, we don’t hold back or struggle with the process. We

simply give the presents we have acquired, letting them go

in the awareness that they were never ours anyway. If we

could apply some of this unquestioning generosity with

our own inner resources and gifts, we might be able to

give of ourselves more freely.

In truth, our gifts only make sense when we give them

away. Imagine carefully procured and wrapped presents

that remain in the house of the giver, never getting to the

people who were meant to have them. If we hold back,

not knowing quite when to share our gifts, we all lose.

Ironically, the more we give of ourselves, the more we have

to offer. For example, if we have a talent for singing

but we hold it back, we sing less and have less experience.

On the other hand, if we offer the gift of our voice to

the world at every opportunity, our talent develops and

becomes still greater, and we have that much more to give.

How we present our gifts can be likened to wrapping

paper and ribbons. When we truly value what we have

to offer, our presentation honors what lies inside it.

We speak well of our talents and introduce them with

confidence and panache. Like a performer who chooses

carefully what to wear and how to set the stage, we provide

an environment that complements and enhances what

we have to offer. Far from being superficial, a beautiful

presentation is as much a part of the energy of gift giving

as the gift itself. All these things together—the gift, the

presentation, and the giving away—make up the joyful

experience of bestowing our offerings

upon the world.

Reprinted from DailyOM- Inspirational thoughts for a happy, healthy and fulfilling day. Register for free at

We all know how to give the gift of a present, but it is more important

to share your gifts that you were born with

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Spring 2013




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--By Alexandra Jamieson12 Genius Tips For Loving Your Life & Body

Sometimes a small act can create big changes in your

life. Eat a simple food for breakfast that gives you

energy instead of zapping it away? The rest of the day

will transform.

What small change might transform your life?

Choose one or two from the list below—I promise that

all of them will make a world of difference.

I made this list after asking some Facebook friends and

on Twitter: “What’s your best tip that has made your life

better and healthier?”

The result was a great list of genius ideas. Thank you,




1.“Live a story-free life—not fantasy, wish fulfillment…

Be in your life—not what was, or might be. There is a

unified energy to things. Have an appreciation for your

whole life.”

~ Annie Fox, homeopath and host of

2. “Start the day with a shake!

Blend a high quality vegan

protein powder, unsweetened

almond or coconut milk, freshly

ground flaxseeds or chia seeds,

organic berries & greens for

steady sustained energy, great

focus and improved fat burning.” ~ JJ Virgin, Celebrity

Nutrition & Fitness Expert, New York Times Bestselling

Author, “The Virgin Diet”

3. “Eating low nutrient foods fuels overeating

behavior; flood your cells with nutrients to beat food

addictions.” ~ Dr. Joel Fuhrman, author of “Eat to Live”

and “Super Immunity”

4. “Your life will transform the moment you allow

yourself to be kind to yourself in your thoughts.” ~ Ariel

& Shya Kane, my personal coaches and authors of “How

To Have A Match Made In Heaven”

5. “I’m all about ‘Gut Rebuilding’ so the #1 thing I’d

recommend (besides laughing and dancing) is to eat

raw-unpasteurized sauerkraut everyday for the natural

probiotics and digestion-boosting powers!” ~ Summer

Bock, fermentationist, gut health coach, and founder of


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6. “Turn off your

phone and shutdown the

computer. These days

it’s way too easy to get

sucked into technology

and loose track of time. We can spend hours on social

media, internet shopping or seeking some other kind of

online simulation. Try to take a technology break at least

once a day. During this break take a walk around your

neighborhood, write in your journal or dance around

your house. Lay low on the technology and recharge

your spirit.” ~ Gabrielle Bernstein, author of May Cause


7. “Learn to tell the difference between

biological hunger and emotional hunger, cut

down your sugar, and stay hydrated.”

~ Melissa Schumi Jones, Facebook friend and

past client

8. “Follow Alex’s plan in ‘The Great American Detox.’

Worked for me, I recommend it to everyone who wants

to do something about their weight and eat healthier.”

~ Suzieann Harts, Facebook friend

9. “Eat more whole plant foods.”

~ Angela Wortley, Facebook friend

10. “Cut down or eliminate sugar and dairy as much

as possible! This is super hard for me but

I feel a lot better when I follow this rule.”

~Jenni Dillard, Facebook friend

11. “Get a strong support system, a diet buddy. All

of the above are great but I have found having someone

to cheer with me through the victories and support me

through the tough spots makes all the difference in the

world.” ~ Sarah Cornsnake, Facebook friend

12. “Start small. Set realistic goals. Know right off

the bat that it’s going to be a long road.” ~ Samantha, @



12 Genius Tips For Loving Your Life & Body --continued from page 3

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12 Genius Tips For Loving Your Life & Body --continued from page 4

And finally, my own thoughts:

If your goal is happiness, it’s time to focus on the inner

game. Stuff like making a difference or contribution to

your community, developing richer relationships, and

personal growth. You’ve probably seen the Reality-TV

outer goals of getting rich, looking “hot,” and being

famous that our culture is obsessed with are not your

path to fulfillment and joy. Listen to your soul—and

connect with the highest version of yourself. It is

possible to express that in every moment. And have

some FUN with it all.

Without the fun, you can’t really enjoy the ride.

Now let’s get ready to ROCK!


Super Natural Skincare --By Elise Muller

All year long—whether it’s hot, cold, or mild—it’s im-portant to keep the skin hydrated and supple. Here

are a few suggestions:Besides drinking lots of water, I find it beneficial to “spritz” the complexion often throughout the day. The “spritz” can be pure spring water or an herbal tea of your choice. I find these to be extremely hydrating as well as toning for the complexion.To slough off dead skin cells and encourage the formation of new skin cells, dry skin brushing is an excellent inter-vention. The benefits of dry skin brushing are too numer-ous to list, but here are a few: tightens the skin; helps the lymphatic system release toxins; tones muscles; regener-ates overall skin health. Always use a natural fiber brush.

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Super Natural Skincare --continued from page 5

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• When my skin is very dry and especially during the winter months I lean towards my formulas containing Bees’ Wax—this ingredient locks in moisture as well as protects the skin from harsh elements. It’s great year ‘round, too.

• Always apply pure natural ingredients—they supply the skin with vitamins and minerals which contribute to our overall health and well-being (vs.) products con-taining chemicals and synthetic ingredients which clog the pores resulting in a dull, aged complexion.

• During the day when my complexion feels dry I com-press my face with a warm cloth and apply my Comfrey Facial Cream for a luxurious pampering. Comfrey is an exceptional ally for dry, sensitive skin and along with its natural anti-inflammatory and soothing properties, Comfrey stimulates blood circulation to firm the skin. For details visit

• Exercise, stay faithful to your regime to avoid getting “winter blues.”

More Skincare & the Bee’s Knees If you expose yourself to harsh sun or cold, this is a wonderful remedy for protecting while deeply nourish-ing your skin.

The formula in question is “Coconut Hair Cream,” crafted with oils, butters and bee’s wax. Bee’s wax locks in moisture, protects the skin, and leaves you with a “dewy” complexion and soft, plump radiant skin.Suggestions for use: take a dollop of Coconut Hair Cream and spread it onto a damp, hot wash cloth. Fold the cloth around the cream, run under hot water and “squish” the cloth to release the essences, making sure the cream has penetrated the cloth. Compress your face a few times (repeat running the cloth under hot water before each compress) and then “go face the cold”.

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Super Natural Skincare --continued from page 6

Another method for use: this cream may also be applied

directly to the skin after cleansing while the pores are open.

It’s a wonderful ally for winter’s chapped, exposed skin.

You may be wondering “hair cream on my face”? If so,

remember that all of my formulas are multi-faceted and

can be used anywhere. I work only with pure botanical

ingredients beneficial for the hair, skin and spirit.

Last Note:

As I am as obsessive about my implements as I am about

my ingredients, most wash-cloths (for me) are too thick

/ absorb too much. Some are too thin/don’t hold the

essence. I purchase my wash-cloths in auto-parts stores

(rags/cleaning section). They’re 100% white cotton (no

dye), perfect weight, and inexpensive.

For details on the products mentioned above, visit http://


For details visit


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“Under Pressure” --By Laurie Towers

Your spouse just lost a job you were hoping

was recession proof..Your elderly parent has

encroaching health concerns...Your newly-licensed

teenager has your car out way past the curfew and isn’t

answering your anxiety- fueled texts.

To take your mind off these little morsels of concern,

you place yourself in front of your television to only

escape into a world of natural disaster, a crumbling

economy and a dismal outlook on humanity. YIKES!!!

Most likely you can’t change the channels fast enough

as you try to remind yourself of the lyrics to “It’s A

Wonderful World.”

Can’t get around it, can’t get over it, and honestly it

wouldn’t be reality without it...Stress is a part of our

daily intake and makes a cameo appearance in our lives

on a regular basis. In fact, even after the smoke clears

and the tension has lifted a bit, the residue of stress

sometimes remains. It makes itself known with elevation

of blood pressure, tension headaches and--more often

than imagined--weight gain.

Stress will affect individuals in a different ways but

several common relationships between stress and weight

have been established in many people.

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“Under Pressure” --continued from page 8

Stress hormones and weight gain:

When a person is under a great deal of stress, their body

goes through physiological changes. The most common is

its release of the chemical cortisol, a stress hormone that

studies have linked to the manifestation of abdominal fat.

When our body releases an excess of this chemical, it

interferes with the metabolic process in only one way: it

slows it down. Ergo, when you are hit with a barrage of

stress, while you may be consuming the same amount of

food as before, you aren’t burning a many calories as you

used to.

Stress and food cravings:

Ahhhh...this is easy math. A majority of the populous

tend to eat when under stress. This is the “emotional

eating” that takes its toll on the body if it has a long shelf

life. We reach out for food for solace and it’s never in the

direction of that stalk of celery. It’s the comfort foods

packed with salts, fats and sugars that keep us company

when we feel like we haven’t a friend in the world.

There is definitely both a weight-related value as well as

an overall health one to invest in time to decompress.

In addition to the secretion of body fat hormones, stress

will also sabotage sleep. Studies indicate that those who

sleep less often have a higher body fat content. Lack

of sleep also results in the increased production of the

hormone ghrelin which is a key feature in increasing


Here comes the broken record...

Oftentimes the best way to combat stress on a multitude

of levels is physical activity. Duh! Did you really expect

me to say



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Not only does a daily workout burn extra calories and

support and increase overall health and well-

being, it also releases those wonderful endorphins…

The endorphins that stabilize our moods, combat

depression, and even allow us the luxury of a descent

night’s sleep.

That said, now it’s time to put down that remote and put

on a little music. Perhaps a suggestion of some Louis

Armstrong, and I guarantee within a few short minutes

you’ll come to the realization that Pops was right.


“Under Pressure” --continued from page 9

THE DETOX DIVADetox Bath Basics --By Annie B. Bond

For centuries, people have honored the power of

the bath, not only to cleanse the body, but to heal

the skin and soothe the soul. Water has been known

as a healer since the dawn of human history, revered

throughout the ancient world as a simple and effective

cure for many conditions, both physical and spiritual.

Heat stimulates the immune system to fight off viruses

and bacterial infections. Cold water baths stimulate

circulation and reduce inflammation.

Most of us have heard about the recommendation to take

saunas to sweat the poisons out. But baths? Absolutely.

Epsom salts and hot water help you sweat, and as you

release the fluid, toxic chemicals go with it. We store a

lot of toxic chemicals in our fat, chemicals that are long-

lasting in the environment, and sweating reduces fat

stores, hence releasing the toxic chemicals at the same

time. In fact, it is said that the skin eliminates over one

pound of waste acids every day through the sweat glands.

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Detox Bath Basics --continued from page 10

Hydrotherapy makes our cells more malleable, helping

their membranes to release. Soaking in water is great for

our bodies in this way. After all, our cells are 75 to 90

percent water.

Hot water opens the pores, and cold water closes them.

Hot water draws toxins out of the body to the skin’s

surface, and while the water cools it pulls toxins from the

skin, according to Naturopath Dr. Hazel Parcells. Epsom

salts augment this detoxification by causing you to sweat.

The Skin’s Acid Mantle

When I recommend salts, I am speaking of Dead Sea

salt, Epsom salt, and sea salt. Not baking soda. There is

another consideration for your skin, and that is a thin

layer on the surface of the skin, called the acid mantle.

The acid mantle is typically a pH of 5.5 (with neutral

being a pH of 7, and anything over that an alkaline pH),

which kills germs and bacteria protectively for the body.

Baking soda is alkaline and will destroy the acid mantle.

If you use it you need to help the skin to return to an acid

mantle at the end of the bath. Some do this by adding a

cup of vinegar to the tub at the end of a bath, neutralizing

the alkaline salts (and you will get bubbles while you do

this, and make sure to keep the vinegar water from your

eyes); others rub the body with coconut oil, an oil with an

acidic pH.

pH Chart

Neutral pH: 7

Optimal pH level of healthy skin surface: 5.5

Dead sea salts 5.8 pH

Sea salts: generally around neutral once dissolved

Epsom salts: 5.5-6.5 (considered a neutral salt)

Baking soda: 8.2

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Detox Bath Basics --continued from page 11

I don’t recommend baking soda baths because they will

remove the skin’s acid mantle. Too much use of soap

will do this as well. If you choose to have a baking soda

bath do it with a commitment to restore the acid mantle

of your skin once you are done. However, an alkaline

water wash can neutralize acidic and polluted matter,

as well, and a baking soda and Epsom salt bath is often

recommended after ionizing radiation.

Positive and Negative Ions

Clays are rich in negative ions, the good ions like what

you find at the ocean. By soaking in clay baths, or

rubbing clay on your body, you surround and saturate

yourself with the negative ion charge, revitalizing you

while eschewing pollution. Negative ions bind positive

ions to them (toxic chemicals are rich in positive ions),

and pull them from the body.

Dry Skin Brushing

Before you hop into the tub, consider dry brushing your

skin, which also opens the pores to release toxins. Many

recommend you do this once a day. Dry skin brushing

is also considered to give an internal massage, stimulate

skin renewal, remove cellulite, cleanse the lymphatic

system, and a host of other benefits.

Hot Water Bottle Pillow

Why not make your homemade detox bath experience

as comfortable and mesmerizing relaxing as possible by

filling a hot water bottle and using it as a pillow against

the rim of the tub?

Bath Cautions

Very hot baths can be harmful for people with high

blood pressure, multiple sclerosis, or diabetes, as well as

for pregnant women. Even if you don’t have one of these

conditions, extremely hot baths can actually dry the skin

and make you feel drained, so be sure to use water that

feels comfortably warm, not too hot.

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Detox Bath Basics --continued from page 12

If you are sick or have a chronic illness, heart disease,

or take medications, check with your doctor before

using these detox baths. Before using detox therapies

for children, check with their pediatrician. Pregnant or

nursing women shouldn’t detox.

Hot detox baths can be very enervating. You might even

feel dizzy when you get out of the tub, so be aware and

have a place to sit or hold as you get out of the tub. Start

your experience of detox baths by only staying in the tub

for 10 minutes or so to start, and gradually increase as

you better gauge your person reaction to the experience.

THE MINDFUL PARENTBaby Steps --By Christina Towle

A baby’s first steps. There is little more that needs to

be written to trigger emotions of deep joy, elation,

gratitude, and amazement. Humans wait a year to witness

their young’s first steps, deer a few hours, horses mere


No matter the wait to witness wobbly limbs achieve stability

and gain momentum, we recognize that life’s first signal of

physical independence is purely awesome. Though, for us

as parents, it is bittersweet bewilderment… Especially for

mothers who have to experience another let go.

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THE MINDFUL PARENTBaby Steps -- continued from page 13

Birth is the first surrendering, baby’s first steps comes

next, then the first day of school, followed by more

ongoing rites of passage for years to come.

At this time as a nation—in the wake of unthinkable

tragedy—we are trying to deal with the anxiety of letting

our children walk without us by their sides. Every step

they take away from us we appreciate while at the same

time we try to “talk our fear” down to keep it from

overwhelming us. We intellectually comprehend that

children are meant to go beyond parental grasp but

emotionally, feeling so raw, we are reluctant to let them

go on without us to protect them.

A friend of mine recently came back from Thailand and

gifted me with a photo of a six year-old boy who literally

lives on a river and gets around curled up in a floating

bucket while paddling with his hands. When he opens

his home’s front door, instead of landing on a road he

can run on, this little boy has to curl up his tiny little legs

and squeeze into a bucket--returning to the fetal position

instead of spreading his wings to fly.

The boy looks similar to my six-year-old son. And

together, my son and I often look at his picture, asking

questions and creating answers about The Boy in the

Bucket. What does he eat? Where does he play? Is his

superhero one that leaps and flies or swims? Our stories

always end with a discussion on how lucky we are to

open our front door and easily walk across the street to

our neighbor’s house to play.

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THE MINDFUL PARENTBaby Steps --continued from page 14

During this story time, I observe my son recognizing

and appreciating freedom. When he took his first steps

was the moment he first felt freedom but talking about

the Boy in the Bucket is when I see him appreciate his

freedom. I sense he quietly respects that he is able to

walk and run freely.

So as we struggle to understand recent national

tragedies and struggle with our torn feelings about

allowing our children to enjoy their freedom, my

preliminary remedy is to go back to step one: return to

the moment little feet first touch the earth. No matter

how long these footprints impact our earth’s soil and

no matter what paths they take, we must celebrate,

appreciate, and capture every step forever in our souls.


Hope: The Miracle Medicine -- By Elyn Jacobs

Hope: It gives us the opportunity to do what we

must do to heal from our cancer.

Hope is the miracle medicine of the mind. It inspires

the will to live. Hope is the physician’s strongest ally.

Hope is our strongest ally.

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Hope: The Miracle Medicine -- continued from page 15

A physician is in a powerful position to influence

the outcome of disease. Even in the face of the most

advanced of cancers, there is usually room for some

words of encouragement and support, which can

make all the difference in the patient’s attitude towards

their disease and their treatment. Yet, physicians

don’t always offer hope. Many patients are told to go

home and get their affairs in order, there is nothing we

can do, or deliver a grim prognosis. Many hear these

words upon their initial diagnosis, as the cancer has

already progressed.

Martin Seligman has a term he coined “learned

helplessness.” While the concept is strongly tied to

animal psychology and behavior, it can also apply to

the cancer patient.

“You have cancer.” Three of the most dreaded words

you can hear from your doctor. Your world has

changed and you feel a loss of control. Many of

us immediately imagine the worst-case scenario—

death. A moment ago you were a student, parent,

wife, maybe even a doctor. Now, suddenly, you are a

patient, facing mortality.

If we believe that there is no hope and that we have

no control over our situation, we may begin to behave

in a helpless manner; we may feel utterly helpless to

think clearly and make informed choices. People start

telling us what to do and this further relinquishes our

much-needed control. However, those entering the

world of cancer must take control of their treatment—

they need to remain in charge of their health. They

need hope.

Hope, it brings life to survival. Cancer does not

survive in a vacuum. To treat the cancer we need to

change the environment in which it was permitted

to grow. The lack of hope may dissolve our will to

make the lifestyle changes which may enhance our

treatment and improve survival.

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Putting hope in the proper context is important, and

false hope is not always beneficial. However, there are

countless stories of patients who were offered little

chance of survival or a cure, yet who are here years later

to tell their tale, so “false hopelessness” (coined by Dr.

Keith Block) is clearly not beneficial either. We hear

of “unexpected remissions”, a term doctors use when,

by medical standards, the patient should have died,

but instead, patients denied death its victim by seeking

alternative treatments and healing from their cancer.

Early state or late stage— Hope, it gives us the

opportunity to do what we must do to heal from our

cancer. No matter what path we choose for our healing,

hope shall be ever present, for even if we cannot hope

for a cure, we can hope for peace, comfort and relief

from pain as we live each day we are given. We can hope

for a long life, living with our cancer. We can focus on

living, not dying. While there is Hope there is life.

The well-known maxim, “While there is life there is

hope,” has a deeper meaning in reverse: “While there

is... hope there is life.”

Hope comes first, life follows. Hope gives power to life.

Hope rouses life to continue, to expand, to grow, to reach out, to go on.

Hope sees a light where there isn’t any.

Hope lights candles in millions of despairing hearts.

Hope is the miracle medicine of the mind. It inspires the will to live. Hope is the physician’s

strongest ally.

Hope is our shield and buckler against defeat.

“Hope,” wrote Alexander Pope, “springs eternal in the human breast.” And as long as it does we will

triumph and move forward.

Hope never sounds retreat. Hope keeps the banners flying.

Hope revives ideals, renews dreams, revitalizes visions.

Hope scales the peak, wrestles with the impossible, achieves the highest aim.

“The word which God has written on the brow of every person,” wrote Victor Hugo, “is Hope.”

As long as we have hope no situation is hopeless.

--Wilferd A Peterson


OPTIONS FOR LIFEHope: The Miracle Medicine -- continued from page 16

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continued on next page

OPTIONS FOR LIFEHope: The Miracle Medicine -- continued from page 17

“While there is life there is hope, has deeper meaning

in reverse. While there is hope there is life. Hope comes

first, life follows. Hope gives power to life. Hope rouses

life to continue to expand, to grow, to reach out, to go

on. Hope sees a light where there isn’t any. Hope lights

candles in millions of despairing hearts. Where would I

be without hope?” ~ Wilferd A. Peterson May 23, 1933


Uncovering The Quantum Dream -- By Doug Grunter

The year 1900 ushered in the 20th century, the

modern era most of us have spent a good deal of

our lives in. In order to get a better sense of the new 21st

century, it would be interesting to get a “bigger picture” of

the underlying forces which helped define the preceding


The year 1900 which launched the 20th century saw

three extraordinary events which at the time seemed

disconnected. I hope to show in this column just how

connected they were and just how fascinating and

important this connection is. The bold type of certain

words are my emphasis.

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Uncovering The Quantum Dream -- continued from page 18

Event 1:

Dr. Sigmund Freud publishes the ground-breaking

book, xcd. While dreams had been observed with great

interest at various points in ancient history, they had

never been considered worthy of a more scientific and

cross-cultural investigation. Freud changed all that. He

created psychoanalysis, a deep study of how our dark,

unconscious energy patterns control most of our behavior.

Further, he showed how a detailed study of our dreams

are, as he phrased it, “the royal road to the unconscious.”

Event 2:

Physicist Max Planck discovers quantum phenomena

and is the first to suggest a quantum theory to explain

mysterious phenomena which had baffled scientists

for decades. Quantum physics would go on to greatly

influence Albert Einstein and become the most successful

scientific theory of all time, leading to the computer

revolution so greatly affecting

our lives. One of the most

mysterious results of quantum

theory is that the world we

observe at any one time is but

one of a multi-layered potential

of realities existing at the same time.

Event 3:

L. Frank Baum publishes The Wizard of Oz, a spiritual

allegory based on a dream.

So what connects these three significant events? Well,

it’s easy to see the connection between Freud and The

Wizard of Oz—the dream. And connecting the dream to

Quantum theory?

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Uncovering The Quantum Dream -- continued from page 19

Since Quantum Theory leads to the mysterious

conclusion that at any one time there are a number of

potential parallel realities, this ties into a strategy for

dream work I have discussed in previous dream columns,

namely that one of the most important methods of

uncovering the hidden meanings of our dreams is to

remember that every person and object in our dreams

has many metaphorical layers of meaning all at the same


For example: The Wicked Witch on one level is

Dorothy’s nasty neighbor who wants Toto destroyed

for digging up her garden and chasing her cats. But

on a deeper, metaphorical level the Wicked Witch can

represent the dark fear within which, when encountered,

leads to liberation and enlightenment.

Let’s dig deeper. The nasty neighbor’s name is Elvira

Gulch. A gulch is a ravine with a dry creek bed (a lack

of water). In the dream world water often represents

emotion. So the nasty neighbor displays a lack of

emotional connection and in Dorothy’s dream, as the

witch, she is destroyed when water gets poured on her

(as a result of Dorothy’s attempt to save the scarecrow

from fire; in other words, Dorothy’s emotional concern

for a companion overcomes the emotionless gulch of the

witch’s psyche).

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Uncovering The Quantum Dream -- continued from page 20

After the defeat of the Wicked Witch, Dorothy then learns

the spiritual lesson her quest was always after: All along

she had the power to return to her “spiritual” home—she

just needed to learn that the answer was never going to

come from someone else such as the Wizard—the answer

was always “within” her.

As I’ve noted in previous dream columns, our dreams are

both unique to each of us and at the same time collective

(that is each dream has a more universal meaning which

according to the great psychologist Carl Jung comes out

of a Collective Unconscious). Since the dream and the

quantum theory of multi-layered realities were keys to

three important events which launched the 20th century,

let’s look at a potential collective meaning of Dorothy’s


The dream is a result of a tornado. A tornado in waking

life is a terrifyingly destructive physical force. As we

launch into the year 2013 we are all well aware of the

terribly destructive force of tornadoes, hurricanes, and

tidal waves which are increasing due to climate change.

So we can look at the 20th century quantum dream as

an anticipation of the need to identify climate change,

become aware of its present and potential impact, and

come up with solutions.

In the dream world a tornado is a multi-layered metaphor

whose meanings include: A “clearing of the air” about a

significant issue; a wiping out of previously held beliefs,

opening up the potential to see a deeper reality;

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Uncovering The Quantum Dream -- continued from page 21

and the mark of being “torn” over an issue (“torn” being

the root “tornado”), in this case being torn between

changing our destructive consuming habits to address the

causes of climate change or giving into our comfort zone

and continuing to consume as we’ve been conditioned to


On the metaphoric level where dreams operate, a

dramatic tornado (“clearing the air”) may be necessary

so that we can see with a fresh, new vision what is

required to deal with the deep changes taking place, both

personally and collectively. Are we willing to take the

spiritual trip “within” and encounter our darkest fears and


Watching our cherished consumer habits which no

longer serve the bigger picture get blown away can be

emotionally terrifying. Seeing The Wizard of Oz as a

quantum dream, we may well need the combination of

brains (Scarecrow), heart (Tin Man), courage (Lion), and

spiritual awareness (Dorothy) to deal with these life-

altering issues.


8 Ways to Lose Weight Without Dieting or Exercise -- By Laurel House

continued on next page

Want to lose weight without going to the gym?

Take advantage of some of life’s greatest

(and surprisingly fat burning) pleasures like sleep, sex,

acupuncture, laughter, and just breathing deeply—no

diet, no sweat.

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8 Ways to Lose Weight Without Dieting or Exercise -- continued from page 22

1. Lose Weight by Having Sex

Sex is a great way to lose weight. In fact, the average

sex session burns 150 to 250 calories per half hour—

depending on how athletic your sex tends to be. Dr.

Laura Berman, PhD, LCSW, a clinical assistant professor

of obstetrics-gynecology and psychiatry at the Feinberg

School of Medicine of Northwestern University in

Chicago, and director of the Berman Center has said

that sex is definitely a good workout—even if you aren’t

extremely acrobatic—as sex naturally gets your heart

rate up, which in turn improves circulation and burns

calories and fat. By practicing positions other than

just missionary, you are also engaging different muscle

groups, so it can be both a cardio and toning exercise.

2. Lose Weight with Acupuncture and Herbs

The point of acupuncture is to balance specific organ

systems in the promotion of a healthy body. But more

than tonifying the blood and keeping the Qi in check,

acupuncture has been used for centuries to regulate

weight by helping with metabolism and energy

production. According to acupuncturist Douglas

Eisenstark L.Ac., who has served as a Clinic Supervisor

at Emperor’s College and Yo-San University, “Weight loss

is a part of the ‘middle burner’ or the spleen, stomach

and liver organ systems of Chinese Medicine.” Focusing

on those meridians address digestion and the clearing,

which are also related to stress—a common cause of


In conjunction with the acupuncture, herbs are a vital

part of Chinese Medicine. Doug doesn’t just put his

patients on an across the board weight loss formula since

the impetus for weight gain is different for each person.

“Weight loss formulas generally help in digestion.

However, there are different formulas for different

conditions and each case is different. One should see an

experienced Chinese herbalist to get a proper formula.”

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8 Ways to Lose Weight Without Dieting or Exercise -- continued from page 23

3. Lose Weight by Sleeping

Sleep is more than just a pretty-making mechanism.

While you get your beauty rest, your body is working

away to regulate your systems and heal any damage

done from daily wear and tear. More than the necessary

mending, your digestive system is also pumping hard

to process your food, metabolizing carbohydrates and

breaking down fats.

Some studies have linked sleep deprivation to weight

problems, with the likely culprit being changes in

hormone levels—cortisol and insulin in particular.

Cortisol’s main responsibility is the regulation of sugar,

protein, fat, mineral and water metabolism. When

physical or emotional stress throws us out of whack,

cortisol reacts by pumping up the produced levels. Sleep

deprivation also triggers cortisol production. Insulin is in

charge of blood sugar and fat storage. Sleep deprivation

has been linked to increased levels of insulin, which

makes weight loss more challenging. Bottom line: unless

you want your bottom to continue to expand, treat

yourself to a good night sleep– nightly.

4. Lose Weight by Getting a Massage

Massage improves circulation, helping in the interchange

of oxygen and nutrients between the blood and tissue

cells which increases muscle recovery and strengthening.

More than muscle, massage is believed to be able to

move toxins and water weight from the body as well as

burst fat cells, forcing them to be absorbed away instead

of bunching up on your thighs. More than releasing

water weight and breaking down fat cells, according to

reflexology there are certain pressure points on the feet

that can stimulate the metabolism and encourage weight


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8 Ways to Lose Weight Without Dieting or Exercise -- continued from page 24


5. Lose Weight by Volunteering

Whether you’re collecting trash along the ocean’s shore,

helping out at a retirement home, or walking shelter

dogs, volunteering is undoubtedly a great green activity

that lets you get out of your box and do something for

someone other than yourself.

Now, more than a do-good pursuit, you might also be

able to make your contribution a multi-tasking activity,

especially when it comes to hanging out with rescue

pups. Research from the University of Missouri at

Columbia showed that volunteers who walked shelter

dogs for an hour a week also lost weight—about 12

pounds a year. Up your dog walking activity to 20

minutes a day for five days a week and the average

weight loss goes up to 14 pounds a year! Volunteering

at a shelter is, sure, great for the dogs, but it’s great for

your mind and body too. Some studies have shown

that about 70% of people who commit to those weekly

walks keep it up long term (and often stay longer than

an hour)– which is a much high rate of return than any

average exercise program.

Not sure that dog walking is your cup of tea?

Determine your volunteer personality then make

sure to incorporate an active angle, like walking along

a local trail picking up trash or preparing food at a

neighborhood food bank. The great news is, even if you

don’t lose weight, you know you’ve done your part to

help the environment or another person today.

6. Lose Weight with Spice

If you want to start shedding pounds tonight, toss an

extra clove of garlic into your crock pot. The Endocrine

Society’s annual meeting in San Francisco showed that

spicing up your meals with garlic and pepper can help

curb overeating. Research revealed that overweight

people who added extra calorie-free and salt-free

flavors to their meals lost an average of 30 pounds in

six months. Alan Hirsch, M.D., founder of the Smell

& Taste Treatment and Research

Foundation in Chicago says that

“The flavors made people focus

on the sensory characteristics of

the food — its smell and taste.”

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8 Ways to Lose Weight Without Dieting or Exercise -- continued from page 25

When foods are more enjoyable, eaters tend to feel fuller

faster and therefore aren’t tempted to overeat. A few spices

to try: onions, garlic, hot peppers, and horseradish. A

note: try to skip the salt which promotes water weight

gain—it may not be fat, but the swell sure makes it seem

like it.

7. Lose Weight with Every Breath You Take

We couldn’t live if we didn’t breathe. The question is: Are

you reaping all of the rewards of your breath? Breathing

correctly can actually help you to lose weight. Problem

is—few people do.

Scientists from the University of New Mexico in

Albuquerque found that women who relaxed in

meditation class once a week lost an average of 4 lbs a

month. Billy Blanks Jr,. who helps thousands lose weight

with his “Dance with Me” classes and DVDs, believes that

breath is one of the best no-equipment necessary, easy

green exercises that so many people do incorrectly.

“Singers breathe correctly.” Billy says, “It is the kind of

breath that you are supposed to do in daily life. It’s called

diaphragmatic breathing– in through your nose and

out through mouth. As you breathe in your stomach is

filled with the maximum amount of oxygen and so your

stomach expands and goes out. When you exhale your

stomach goes in.” It makes sense when you think about

it, but it’s opposite of how the average person breathes.

Full deep diaphragmatic breathing actually burns more

calories and helps to tone your abs because you are

actively using the muscles in your core over and over

again all day long. It also delivers more oxygen to your

blood and muscles, allowing you to workout harder and


Not sure if you’re doing it right? Billy suggests that you

lay on your back. When we lay on our backs we naturally

breathe correctly. Place your hand on your stomach and

naturally inhale, watching your belly and your hand

raise up. Then slightly open your mouth and slowly, with

control exhale. The goal is to exhale for 35 counts. Once

you master it, diaphragmatic breathing becomes second


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8 Ways to Lose Weight Without Dieting or Exercise -- continued from page 26

8. Lose Weight with Laughter

Laughter really may be the best medicine. Not only does

it calm the nerves, improve the immune system, and

break the ice, but it also burns calories. Yes, a good giggle

provides a natural cardiovascular workout for your

insides, by increasing your heart rate and circulation,

and toning your abdominal muscles. Dr. William Fry of

Stanford University says, “Laughing heartily five times

a day has the same beneficial effects as ten minutes on

a rowing machine.” What’s more? Ten to 15 minutes of

solid laughter can burn 50 calories which can translate to

4.4 pounds in a year– hey, every little bit counts!


Acupuncture Unlocks Physical & Emotional Pain -- By Nicole Cutler, L.Ac.,MTCM

Most people perceive their body’s aches and pains as signs

of a physical problem—such as a pulled, strained or

sprained muscle, ligament or tendon. Lower back pain beginning

immediately after lifting a heavy box from an awkward position

may simply be a physical manifestation of unfortunate body

mechanics. However, some episodes of chronic pain may have little

to do with the physical body. More often than not, some types of

pain are a result of emotional blockages. Because acupuncture does

not distinguish between physical and psychological etiologies, pain

treatments frequently unlock stuck emotions.

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Acupuncture Unlocks Physical & Emotional Pain -- continued from page 27

Acupuncture theory is based on the understanding

that smooth ‘qi’ movement forms the basis for health.

Westerners typically correlate the concept of what qi is

most with the term ‘energy.’ Although qi encompasses

much more than energy, it has similar characteristics:

• heatincreasesitsmovement

• coldslowsitdown

• itsabsenceleadstoareductioninactivity

• itscontainmentleadstoanincreaseininternal


By recognizing that qi flows all throughout the body,

it is easy to recognize that an interruption in qi flow

has the potential to be problematic. Acupuncturists

are extensively trained in the pathways in which qi

travels, and the points used are intended to influence

qi flow. Thus, acupuncture needles have the capacity

to encourage qi movement where it is constricted,

regardless of if the problem has a physical or emotional


From a western perspective, energy can be interpreted

as either a physical or psychological entity. Typically

viewed in terms of energy quantity, examples include:

• Anabundanceofphysicalenergycanhelp

someone run a marathon or shovel the driveway.

• Adeficitofemotionalenergycanleavesomeone

feeling drained, apathetic or depressed.

Although energy quantity is also considered by

acupuncturists, a prominent imbalance for which people

seek treatment is energy congestion. Known as ‘stagnant

qi,’ energy congestion can be physical, psychological

or a combination of the two. While stagnant qi has

various etiologies, it frequently manifests as acute or

chronic physical pain. Thus, an acupuncture treatment

for a headache, dislocated rib, stiff neck or low back

pain can easily consist of the same points as a treatment

addressing post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, anger

or despondency.

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Acupuncture Unlocks Physical & Emotional Pain -- continued from page 28

From another perspective, receiving acupuncture usually

helps simultaneously improve physical and emotional

issues. As such, an acupuncture treatment designed to

increase qi flow for a stiff neck can have two outcomes;

relief of the neck pain and a release of congested

emotions. This ‘emotional release’ often comes as a

surprise to someone who is unaware they are harboring

emotional tension. Luckily, acupuncturists are well aware

of the interconnectedness between physical pain and

psychological issue—and will assure their patients that

their unexpected crying outburst is normal and healthful.

Acupuncture’s demonstration of the link between

emotional and physical stagnant qi does not imply that

someone’s pain is all in their head. Rather, it confirms

that the origins of physical and emotional types of

pain can be one and the same. Likewise, receiving

acupuncture treatment can help ease aches and pains

while simultaneously opening the gates of an emotional



A Natural Approach to Raynaud’s with Therapeutic Essential Oils -- By Joan Apter

Raynaud’s disease (syndrome or phenomenon) is a

condition wherein the arteries to an area of the body

narrow reducing the blood flow. The most common areas

are the hands and feet and occasionally the ears, lips, or nose

may be affected. Usually these are brief episodes and the

fingers or toes become cool and may turn blue or white. As

blood flow returns there may be numbness or throbbing and

a reddish color. Another result reported is the nails forming

ridges and becoming brittle.continued on next page

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A Natural Approach to Raynaud’s with Therapeutic Essential Oils-- continued from page 29

The narrowing of the blood vessels is known as

vasospasm and is a natural response of the body in times

of stress, reducing blood flow to the extremities and

protecting the core organs. In Raynaud’s the sympathetic

nervous system over-reacts to an external trigger and

reduces or cuts off the blood supply to one or more areas

of the body. The most common triggers are temperature

changes or stress.

Raynaud’s tends to be worsened by use of tobacco and

caffeine, and often develops in the early teens. It is most

prevalent in females.

The use of drugs such as beta-blockers, and close

proximity to low temperatures are known to exacerbate

Raynaud’s syndrome.

When approaching Raynaud’s disease with essential

oils, we are primarily choosing oils that are analgesic,

antispasmodic, assist circulation, decongestant, repair

fragile skin, balance the endocrine system, increase

oxygenation to the body’s cells and detoxify, repair and

nourish the skin.

Methods of Application

We can apply the oils topically, with massage, in baths

(always use a dispersant such as sea salt or Epsom salts

before adding oils to bath water), compresses, inhaling

or with a diffuser. A cold air diffuser is the most effective

way to finely vaporize essential oils without harming or

altering their vital components and valuable properties.

Unlike aroma lamps or candles, a diffuser disperses

oils without the heating or burning that damages the

fragile essential oil constituents and can even create toxic


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A Natural Approach to Raynaud’s with Therapeutic Essential Oils-- continued from page 30

Recommended Essential Oils for Warming:

Nutmeg, Mace, Clove, Black Pepper, Geranium,

Palmarosa, Lavender, Fennel and Rosemary.

This treatment is a two-part regime of baths and

massage, using two formulas on alternate weeks. For

the first week:

Formula 1:

Nutmeg 15 drops

Lavender 5 drops

Geranium 10 drops

Make a blend using these proportions or use these

amounts to 2 tablespoons vegetable oil for a massage


Bathe twice a day in the morning and evening (before

bed) using 6-8 drops of the blend. The water should be

hot but not uncomfortable. Massage your fingers and

toes. Add 5 drops blend to each tablespoon of vegetable

oil to make a massage oil and apply it all over your

body except your face. Get your partner or a friend to

massage your back for you. Pay special attention to your

toes and fingers as well as arms, legs, bottom, tummy,

chest, and shoulders. Do this daily. During an attack,

use the massage oil as often as you like and double up

on the fingers and toes.

The second formula is used alternately with Formula 1

until the condition eases off and relief is obtained. Use

exactly as directed above for one week, in the bath and

as a massage oil.

Formula 2:

Black Pepper 10 drops

Geranium 10 drops

Nutmeg 10 drops

Essential Oils for Circulation

Essential oils may be extremely useful for promoting

circulation. Myrtle, lemon, and cypress have been

used to strengthen and dilate capillaries and increase

circulation. Helichrysum, clove and citrus oils are

natural blood thinners, balancing the viscosity or

thickness of the blood, and they amplify the effects

of cypress. Marjoram relaxes muscles and dilates

blood vessels, while nutmeg acts as a circulatory

stimulant and anti-inflammatory. Goldenrod is a vein


Niacin (nicotinic acid) is effective for dilating blood

vessels and increasing circulation. The amino acid

L-arginine and cayenne pepper have similar properties.

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A Natural Approach to Raynaud’s with Therapeutic Essential Oils-- continued from page 31

Single Oils:

Goldenrod, Helichrysum, Marjoram, Cypress, Myrtle,

Orange, Grapefruit, Clove, Peppermint, Geranium,

Nutmeg, Cistus, Lemongrass


*Aroma Life- (Helichrysum, Ylang Ylang, Marjoram

and Cypress) Improves cardiovascular, lymphatic and

circulatory systems. Reduces stress.

*Pan Away- (Wintergreen, Helichrysum, Clove and


*En-R-Gee- (Rosemary, Juniper, Lemongrass, Nutmeg,

Idaho Balsam Fir, Clove and Black Pepper) Warming

and stimulating.

*Citrus Fresh- (Orange, Tangerine, Lemon, Mandarin,

Grapefruit and Spearmint) The citruses promote joy

and peace and are euphoric.

*Harmony- (Geranium, Rosewood, Lavender,

Sandalwood, Frankincense, Orange, Lemon, Angelica,

Hyssop, Spanish Sage, Jasmine, Roman Chamomile,

Bergamot, Ylang Ylang, Palmarosa, Rose and Spruce)

Creates a harmonic balance for the energy centers of the

body. Uplifting and elevating to the mind.


TOPICAL: Dilute 50-50, 2-4 drops on affected area 2-3

times daily. Also apply over carotid arteries and pulse

points, wherever arteries are close to the skin surface.

BODY MASSAGE, 2-3 times weekly, start at the feet and

work up to heart.

Additional CirculationSupport:

*Rub 2-4 drops Aroma Life on the carotid arteries and

pulse points, wherever an artery comes close to the skin,

two times daily

*Apply 2-4 drops Harmony over areas of poor

circulation, one to three times daily, as needed

*Take 1/4 tsp of cayenne pepper with a full glass of pure

water daily. Avoid using at bedtime.

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A Natural Approach to Raynaud’s with Therapeutic Essential Oils-- continued from page 32

To Improve Circulation

Circulation Blend #1: • 5 drops Basil • 8 drops

Marjoram • 10 drops Cypress • 3 drops Peppermint

Circulation Blend #2: • 3 drops Basil • 2 drops

Peppermint • 4 drops Cypress • 8 drops

Marjoram • 10 drops Wintergreen

Dilute either of the above recipes in one-teaspoon pure

fatty oil (i.e. olive or jojoba) and massage on location, one

to three times daily.

Essential Oils for Stress

*Peace and Calming (Blue Tansy, Patchouli, Tangerine,

Orange and Ylang Ylang)

*Lavender- (Lavandula angustifolia) has a fresh, sweet,

floral, herbaceous aroma that is soothing and refreshing.

Because it is the most versatile of all essential oils, no

home should be without it. Lavender is an adaptogen,

and therefore can assist the body when adapting to stress

or imbalances. It is a great aid for relaxing and winding

down before bedtime, yet has balancing properties

that can also boost stamina and energy.

*Joy (Rose, Bergamot, Mandarin, Ylang Ylang, Lemon,

Geranium, Jasmine, Palmarosa, Roman Chamomile and


Inhale deeply; apply on chest or under nose. Diffuse.

Essential Oils for Pain Control

To pinpoint the most effective essential oil for quenching

pain, it may be necessary to try each of the essential oils

in these categories to find the one that is most effective

for your particular pain situation.

One of the most effective essential oils for blocking pain

is peppermint. A recent study by in 1994 showed that

peppermint oil is extremely effective in blocking calcium

channels and substance P, important factors in the

transmission of pain signals.

Other essential oils that have unique pain-relieving

properties include Helichrysum, Idaho Balsam Fir, and

Douglas Fir.

The blend PanAway is powerful for pain reduction.

When applied on location or to the Vita Flex points on

the feet, it can act within seconds. Alternate with Relieve

It. These two blends are powerful combination for deep-

tissue pain as well as bone-related pain.

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A Natural Approach to Raynaud’s with Therapeutic Essential Oils-- continued from page 33

Single Oils for Pain:

Peppermint, Helichrysum, Spruce, Wintergreen, Ginger,

Clove, Elemi, Oregano, Douglas Fir, Idaho Balsam Fir,



*Relieve It- (Spruce, Black Pepper, Peppermint and


*PanAway- (Wintergreen, Helichrysum, Clove and


*Aroma Siez- (Basil, Marjoram, Lavender, Peppermint

and Cypress)

*Sacred Mountain- (Spruce, Idaho Balsam Fir,

Cedarwood and Ylang Ylang)

To increase oxygenation to the body’s cells


*R.C. (Eucalyptus globules, Eucalyptus radiata,

Eucalyptus citriodora, Myrtle, Pine, Spruce, Marjoram,

Lavender, Cypress and Peppermint)

*Raven (Ravensara, Eucalyptus radiata, Peppermint,

Wintergreen and Lemon)

Mix with Frankincense, especially if you smoke cigarettes.

Massage Oils to detoxify, repair and nourish the skin--

will also aid in circulatory stimulation.

Massage into skin vigorously, after your shower or bath,

always towards the heart.

Young Living massage oil blends:

*Cel-Lite Magic Massage Oil combines the health-

enhancing benefits of specially selected vegetable oils

with vitamin E and therapeutic grade essential oils to

nourish and tone skin. Grapefruit essential oil benefits

skin texture and Juniper essential oil helps detoxify

and cleanse skin. Ingredients: Coconut Oil, Grape Seed

Oil, Wheat Germ Oil, Sweet

Almond Oil, Olive Fruit Oil, with

Grapefruit Peel Oil, Cypress Oil,

Cedarwood Bark Oil, Juniper Oil,

Clary Sage Oil.

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A Natural Approach to Raynaud’s with Therapeutic Essential Oils-- continued from page 34

Ortho Sport Massage Oil is designed for both

professional and amateur athletes, as well as anyone

who works or plays hard. Ortho Sport Massage Oil has a

higher phenol content, which has been used traditionally

to produce a warming sensation and provide relief to

tired muscles.

Ingredients: Coconut Oil, Grape Seed Oil, Wheat Germ

Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Olive Fruit Oil, with Wintergreen

Leaf Oil, Peppermint Oil, Oregano Leaf Oil, Eucalyptus

Globulus Leaf Oil, Elemi Gum Oil, Vetiver Root Oil,

Lemongrass Oil and Thyme Oil.


Essential oils can deeply influence our physical

imbalances, psychological well-being and our spiritual


With Raynaud’s and any other condition, essential

oils can uplift mood and emotion, bring back a feeling

of hope, and assist the systems of the body to regain

function. I have seen profound shifts with clients, family,

friends and pets using this safe and effective form of

plant medicine.

Essential oils are considered one of the most powerful

magnifiers of human intention due to the interaction

between their electromagnetic frequency with our own.

They assist the body to regain balance or homeostasis,

and are truly one of the miracles of nature’s pharmacy!

NOTE: The Importance of Purity

In this article, I mention blends and essential oil

products from Young Living Essential Oils. Young

Living Essential oils are unadulterated, uncut and free of

chemicals, pesticides and heavy metals. They are grade A

medicinal grade and can be used knowing they are safe to

use as described. Please do not buy off the shelf essential

oils that are often extended and adulterated.

Medicinal grade oils cost more, but are safe and effective

to use as described.

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A Natural Approach to Raynaud’s with Therapeutic Essential Oils-- continued from page 35

If an essential oil is going to be applied to the body or

inhaled, then it needs to be of the highest quality to

achieve the desired healing effects. Therapeutic grades

of oil require proper distillation as well as attention to

growing, harvesting, packaging and distribution. There are

international standards for therapeutic grade essential oils.

ISO and AFNOR standards are generally the two referred

to most often. The AFNOR standards state the percentages

of certain chemical constituents that must be present for

an essential oil to be considered therapeutic grade. In

order to gain the AFNOR stamp of approval, the oils must

be sent to France for testing. Young Living oils meet and

often exceed industry requirements.

NATURAL REMEDIES Cure What Ails You -- By Patricia Martin

It’s been a particularly bad flu and cold

season, and in spring there’s still plenty of

bugs and viruses that will spring to life along

with the crocus. Here are some natural

remedies to help cure what ails you and keep

you healthy.

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Cure What Ails You -- continued from page 36

Ginger Honey Tea for Colds and Flu

Terri Lundquist, who is the owner of The Village

Herbalist in Millerton, kindly shared her special

concoction Ginger Honey Tea with me. It’s delicious,

soothing, and will help relieve those unpleasant cold

and flu symptoms. Wrap your hands around a nice hot

mug and enjoy! (Take a peek at Terri’s shop at http://


• 1/2 inch to 1 inch piece of

fresh ginger root (to taste, no

need to peel)

• 2 cups of water

• 1/2 cup local honey (or more)

• Optional ingredients: garlic slices, echinacea root,

fresh squeezed lemon juice, cayenne pepper


Slice the ginger root into coins. Gently simmer ginger in

the water for 15 – 20 minutes. Remove from heat, pour

into a mug and add honey (again, to taste). You can add

as much as equal parts ginger tea to honey if desired.

Additions: garlic slices or echinacea root can be added

with the ginger; fresh squeezed lemon juice or a pinch

of cayenne pepper can be added at

the end after the honey.

“Maggie’s Home Remedy” via Nancy

Vienneau of “Good Food Matters”

We came across this wonderful remedy from Nancy

Vienneau that’s good for all kinds of things that can

ail you—including coughs, sniffles, colds, and the flu.

Nancy has graciously allowed us to reprint excerpts

from her original blog post with the dynamite recipe,

which we have found to be very potent, and highly

recommend! Here’s the recipe, and what she had to

say about it. (Be sure to visit Nancy’s blog at http://

It’s an easy one,using four items found in most

pantries: Apple Cider Vinegar, Honey, Ginger, and

Cayenne…plus some water.

And, so quick to put together, so beneficial.

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NATURAL REMEDIES Cure What Ails You -- continued from page 37

Combined, I learned from Maggie, that quartet of

pantry ingredients creates a potent remedy to some

of the ails of winter: Sore throat, hacking cough, tight


Combined, they turn into a curious orange syrup that

can cut through the croup. And, the taste is really good!

Like you, we’ve been trying to duck the dreaded cold

germs: wash our hands, eat well, get enough sleep, stay

warm. Sometimes even the most valiant efforts get


I first mixed up a batch for Bill over the holidays, when

he caught a cold accompanied by a strangling cough.

The Remedy went right to work, acting as both a

calming agent and expectorant.

So, last month, when I felt run down, tight with a tickle

in the throat, I shook up a little Remedy. A spoonful

or two seemed to break its hold, suppress the devilish


Just last night, Bill came home after a long workday. His

voice was spent, and he had that dull, woozy feeling you

get when the onset of a cold is trying to make its way

into your head. He snatched up the little bottle, gave it

a vigorous shake, and poured a tablespoonful. “Ahhhh.

This is the Good Stuff,” he said.

I’m not saying it’s a cure-all, or some homeopathic

miracle drug. But it did a mighty fine job taking the

place of store-bought cough suppressants, expectorants,


Wouldn’t you rather have a dose of spicy honey-cider

syrup from a little jar mixed up in the kitchen than any

of those bottles lurking in the medicine cabinet?

I thought so.

Stay warm. Stay healthy. Take good care. And, if need

be, take your remedy.

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The Skinny on Skin: Caring for Our “Largest Organ” -- By Patricia Martin

There’s nothing sweeter than a baby’s skin….And

no matter what page of the calendar we are on, we

should all baby our own skin.

Made up of two main layers—the epidermis and the

dermis—skin is the body’s largest organ. In adults it

covers about 3000 square inches, weighs around six

pounds, and receives about one third of the blood that

circulates through the body. Plus, skin is impressive: it’s

rugged, flexible, and practically waterproof. Our great

protector, it has the unique ability to regenerate and

repair itself.

Love the skin you’re in by keeping it soft and supple, the

natural way.

Tips for Babying Your Skin

Drink lots of water. Staying hydrated helps plump skin

up and makes it healthier.

Choose gentle, natural moisturizers.

Common ingredients found in many

commercial moisturizers include petrolatum and silicone,

which are not good for skin, can cause skin irritation or

allergic reactions in some people, and can exacerbate

dryness over time, as well as allowing your skin to absorb

their irritating and potentially toxic ingredients. Look for

moisturizing ingredients like aloe vera, cocoa butter and


Skip harsh soaps. The soap you’re using—even if it says

“gentle” on the package—might be leaching your skin of

its lipids. All-natural soaps and body

washes are a better choice.

Shower in warm water. Hot water is hard on skin and

strips it of its natural oils. Use warm water, keep the

shower/bathing time short, and close the bathroom door

to retain moisturizing humidity in the room.

Don’t rub! After bathing or showering, quickly and

gently pat the skin partially dry with a towel.

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The Skinny on Skin: Caring for Our “Largest Organ”-- continued from page 39

Lock in the moisture. Within a few minutes of getting

out of the shower apply a moisturizer to seal the water

in the skin so it stays hydrated longer. (Topricin is an

excellent moisturizer and can be applied many times a

day as needed.)

Exfoliate regularly. Help your body shed the dead skin

cells that build up by using a loofah or body scrub made

with coarse ingredients to buff your skin so it becomes

soft and smooth.

Use a humidifier. Increase the humidity level of air

of your home and workplaces, and consider adding a

humidifier to the central heating system of your home (if

you use a portable humidifier, make sure to use it in your

bedroom at night).

Don’t forget to use sunscreen. It is just as easy to get

sunburn in February as it is in July. Slather on a natural

sunscreen and you’ll prevent damage and dryness.

Stay in the swim. Whether you like to swim

competitively, for exercise, or just for fun, keep in mind

that chlorinated pools can wreak havoc on skin. Treating

it right and preventing it from drying, damaging pool

chemicals can help keep you in the swim! Protecting skin

from water damage is key. Applying Topricin 10 minutes

before you jump in the pool helps to keep skin healthy

by locking out excess moisture and forming an occlusive

film that protects the skin’s natural oils.

Eat right. Maintain a regular intake of fresh fruits and

vegetables with vitamin C and A to keep skin glowing.

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Why Topricin is Tops for skin

Topricin soothes the skin, moisturizes, and provides

vibrancy and energy to the skin while giving your year-

round skincare regimen a boost.

Topricin contains highly purified water, plus coconut

oil, which is emollient for skin and provides natural,

healthy moisture The synergy of its 11 natural medicines

work together help to achieve overall health and vitality

to the skin by naturally helping the body to detoxify

and stimulate blood flow to increase and enhance

oxygenation of the skin.

Other key active ingredients in Topricin include: arnica

for injuries and bruising, Echinacea to help reduce

inflammation, heloderma for relief from burning

sensation in the hands/feet, and graphites that are

beneficial for most skin conditions. But it’s the synergy

of the natural biomedicines working together that make

Topricin the ideal formula for taking care of skin.

Topricin brings soothing relief to skin on the face, hands

and feet, it also provides rapid healing and relief for

symptoms associated with:




Calluses and dry flaky heels

Dry, cracked skin

Sun and wind burn

Skin Deep

Now that you know the skinny on skin, treat it right and

it will love you back! Now that’s skin deep!


The Skinny on Skin: Caring for Our “Largest Organ”-- continued from page 40

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Kicking The Junk Food Habit (And Why It’s Not So Easy) -- By Roufia Payman


Junk food lays in wait for us everywhere…lurking

in fast food and chain restaurants, on grocery store

shelves, at convenience markets, and inside vending


Some food choices are obviously not nutritious—chips,

fried appetizers, sodas, processed cold cuts, sweets, and

so on. Other types of junk food are sneakier and less

obvious, hidden inside boxes of so-called natural cereal

or so-called healthy frozen entrees, for instance.

The fact of the matter is that junk food is not only not

good for you, it’s also addictive—making it a habit that’s

hard to kick. Unfortunately, the food industry knows

this and some companies deliberately manipulate

consumers by “designing” foods that tickle our taste

buds and wire our brains to desire more.

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Kicking The Junk Food Habit (And Why It’s Not So Easy) -- continued from page 42

In his book, The End of Overeating: Taking Control of

the Insatiable American Appetite, Dr. David Kessler

reveals how it’s the nearly irresistible combination of

sugar, fat, and salt in processed junk food that keeps us

coming back for more. A former commissioner of the

U.S. Food & Drug Administration, Dr. Kessler says this

unhealthy trio makes for “hyper-palatable” foods that

stimulate a biological response, flooding our brains with

pleasure while leaving us nutritionally deprived and

wanting more.

According to Paige Einstein, a registered dietician with

the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI),

“This year, we found the highest-calorie menu items

we’ve ever seen.” In the CSPI’s latest “XTreme Eating

Awards,” it found that a heavyweight meal at one major

fast food chain tallied up to a staggering 3,500 calories,

with 88 grams of saturated fat, 3,720 milligrams of

sodium, and about 1/3 cup of sugar. (This “winning”

toxic feast consisted of a bacon cheddar double

cheeseburger, sweet potato fries, and a milkshake.)

The availability, proliferation, and palate appeal of

junk food are contributing to the obesity epidemic in

our country, along with ever-larger portions. In fact,

studies show that one in three adults and one in five

children are considered clinically obese. Another

alarming statistic is that 24 million Americans have

been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, and 79 million

people are pre-diabetic.

Eating junk food stimulates us to overeat, and the

empty calories lead to weight gain. These unhealthy

meals make us crave yet more sugar, fat and salt, when

what our bodies really require are healthy foods that

are nutritious and leave us satiated. We need to make

conscious choices about how we fuel and nourish


David Satcher, former surgeon general and director

of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,

agrees. After reading The End of Overeating, he

said, “Dr. Kessler thoroughly examines the nature of

our relationship with food and why it is critical to

understand and modify our behavior to reverse this

global threat to health and well-being.”

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Kicking The Junk Food Habit (And Why It’s Not So Easy) -- continued from page 43

Another book just released—Salt Sugar Fat by Michael

Moss, a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter for the New

York Times—further explores the grip “Big Food” has on

consumers and why the obesity rate continues to climb.

He explains that the food industry has distorted the

American diet by formulating products for maximum

“bliss”—and hence over consumption.


So how can we loosen the grip of junk food’s allure

and achieve and maintain a healthy diet?


For starters, eliminate as many “culprits” as you can from

your diet. Want a sweet? Eat a piece of fruit. Crave

salt? Turn to tasty herbs and spices. Make a creamy

soup without the fat by leaving out cream and pureeing it

instead. Your palate will soon become accustomed to the

change and soon sugar, salt, and fat

will no longer appeal to your taste buds.


Go for foods that have little or no processing, and

arrive at the table in as natural a state as possible. Good

choices are steamed or roasted vegetables, salads with

dressing on the side, and meats without heavy sauces

or gravy. Keep it simple. Food that’s baked, steamed,

grilled, or poached is healthier than food that’s friend,

coated/crusted, or stuffed.


Read labels to see what’s inside that

frozen food entre or cereal. Pay

particular attention to the first four

or five ingredients, and if salt, sugar, non-whole grain

carbohydrates, saturated fat/partially hydrogenated oil

or corn syrup are listed, put the item back on the shelf.

Ditto with chemical enhancements, artificial flavoring,

and dyes. Keep your eye out for anything ending in

“ose” because sugar

can be listed as

sucrose, dextrose,

lactose, maltose,

fructose, and glucose.

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Kicking The Junk Food Habit (And Why It’s Not So Easy) -- continued from page 44


Jazz up simple, nutritious food with a punch of flavor

to keep your taste buds happy and your body healthy.

Experiment with spices, which have benefits beyond

taste. For example, cinnamon lowers blood sugar

and cholesterol levels, and turmeric has antioxidant

and anti-inflammatory properties.

Here are some ideas for adding a blissful twist to

healthy foods without adding calories.

• Carrots: Roast with a splash of lime juice and

season with chopped cilantro

• Beans: Sauté onion and garlic, add diced

tomatoes, a dash of cumin, chili powder, turmeric,

and bay leaves to dried beans or canned beans that

you rinse and drain.

• Milk. Add a spoonful of local honey and a dash

of cinnamon to a hot cup of milk (dairy, almond,

rice, soy). If you add hot black tea, a dash of ground

cardamom and nutmeg, you have homemade chai.



This is an easy and filling meal to make, and super

nutritious as well as delicious.

1 bunch kale

2 cloves of garlic, minced

1 can cannellini or black beans, drained and rinsed

2 cooked beets, diced

1 small shallot, chopped

1 Tablespoon Olive oil

Balsamic vinegar

Salt & pepper

• Wash kale and tear into bite-size pieces. Place in

a large saucepan with a little water and cook on

low until the kale is soft and tender.

• Turn up heat a little, add 1 tablespoon olive oil

• Add garlic, shallot, cooked beets (boiled or

roasted), and beans.

• When all is warm, add balsamic vinegar and salt &

pepper to taste.

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Stay In The Swim!

Many people are surprised to know that the

chemical agents used in swimming pools—

while having issues of their own—generally aren’t the

cause of dry skin associated with doing laps. The real

cause: Immersion in water for long periods of time

tends to remove the thin, protective layer of oil in our

skin, disturbing the skin’s natural moisture balance,

and causing dry, itchy skin. So protecting your skin

from water saturation is key to keeping it comfortable

and healthy.

One of the best ways you can care for your skin pre

and apres swimming is to protect it with Topricin.

Topricin is beneficial because:

• It balances moisture in the skin to keep it healthy

• It locks out excess moisture by forming an occlusive

film that protects skin’s natural oil

Apply Topricin 10-minutes before going in the water

to maximize its effectiveness, and then after drying

off to help balance moisture in the skin and keep it

healthy and supple.

For more tips, check out this issue’s feature article

“The Skinny on Skin!”


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IN THE NEWS Lou Takes Center Stage

It’s been a very busy season, with lots of exciting happenings! Here are

some highlights:

Ever inspirational, our Lou has been busy with speaking engagements,

providing vital information and tips to help people live a healthier lifestyle

and avoid the deadly dangers of toxic and addictive chemical pain


In the past few months he’s spoken to veterans at Project New Hope, to

doctors and professionals at the Integrative Healthcare Symposium, to

breast cancer survivors, their families, and friends on Denise’s Breast Cancer

Survivor’s Foundation’s “Cruise for a Cause” in the Bahamas, and at the

Dutchess County Economic Development Corporation’s Green Symposium.

More presentations are booked in the coming months, and we’ll be sure

to keep you posted if you sign up for our email announcements, (info@ and join us on Facebook, (

IN THE NEWS Ready To Rumble

We are a proud sponsor of the

Rhinebeck Karate Academy and

Team Rumble. Whether they are practicing or

competing, Topricin helps martial artists of all

ages kick pain away!

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IN THE NEWS Topricin Is Instrumental

Like “The Boss,” Topricin was “Born in the USA…” Which is why we

were excited to be featured at MusiCare’s fund-raising silent auction at

the Grammy kick-off gala honoring Bruce Springsteen as Person of the Year.

Proceeds from the benefit provide essential support to MusiCares, which

ensures that musicians and other industry professionals have a place to turn to

in times of financial, medical, and personal need.

Topricin is popular with amateur and pro musicians alike, who use it to treat

the aches and pains that come from the physical demands of being on the

road and performing. We are honored to know that Clarence Clemons—a

prominent member of Springsteen’s E Street Band who played tenor sax—was

a big fan of Topricin, and used it for many years prior to his passing.

From rockers to classical musicians, performers know Topricin is

“instrumental” for pain-free playing!

IN THE NEWS A Top Green Product

Healthy Holistic Living honored Topricin by selecting

it as one of the 100 Top Green Products of the

Year! “When we talk about ‘green’ we are talking about the

holistic approach,” says Michelle Toole, author and founder

of Healthy Holistic Living. “What that means is not only

is the product healthy for Mother Earth, it must also be

good for you. And not just the physical you, but also your

mind, body, and soul.” Thank you, Michelle, for including

Topricin on your list!

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IN THE NEWS For The Kids

We were delighted when Penn State students Lia

Michos and Elizabeth Chang contacted us asking

if we would sponsor them at the THON dance-a-thon—

which is the largest student-run philanthropy endeavor in

the world. The THON raises money for pediatric cancer

research, and funds raised go to the Four Diamonds

Fund at the Penn State Hersey Children’s hospital. The

participants dance continuously for 46 hours FOR THE

KIDS—so they needed the Topricin we provided for their

backpacks! It is a very worthwhile and inspiring event,

and this year the dancers broke last year’s record by raising

$12.374 million. CONGRATULATIONS to these inspiring

young men and women!


Topical BioMedics Sponsers Inspiring & Innovative New Resource

Are you in pain? Do you know someone who is in pain? Enter The Are-You-

In-Pain Campaign--Pathways to Healing, produced by TheWellnessWire.

com. Sponsored by Topical BioMedics, is an interactive

global resource for pain-related issues, providing a home base for connecting all

those who are experiencing pain and seeking solutions. The stories featured on this

worthy website help educate and encourage people to discover pathways toward

healing. Be part of the investigation, the education, and the solution…working

together towards improving lives. Twitter: https://twitter.

com/AreYouInPain Facebook:

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Lou Paradise Lou is the President and CEO of Topical BioMedics and the inventor of Topricin. He frequently serves as an expert speaker on the use of natural medicines, and has participated in addressing compliance issues related to the regulation of natural medicines as a member of the American Association of Homeopathic Pharmacists (AAHP). He is especially interested and active in issues regarding the care and treatment of the elderly, women and children, and his fellow veterans in VA medical centers around the country.

Lou is a Marine Corps helicopter combat and rescue veteran who served two rotations in Vietnam. He is very modest about his combat service but his many decorations are for bravery in combat and the rescue of wounded solders, sailors, and fellow Marines and the humanitarian rescue of Vietnamese civilians.

Natural Healing, Natural Wellness Contributors

Joan Apter A sought-after public speaker, Joan Apter, licensed massage therapist, offers aromatherapy massage, Young Living Essential Oil products, health consultations and classes. Contact Joan at [email protected]. Visit and

Annie B. BondBest-selling author Annie B. Bond has been called “The foremost expert on green living” by Body & Soul magazine. Honed by her own experience with chemical poisoning, Annie now offers others information on pursing a healthy way of life that is in harmony with the earth. Her books include Clean and Green, Better Basics for the Home, Home Enlightenment, and the most recent release True Food, published by National Geographic. For more information, visit and She is also Editor-in-Chief of The Wellness Wire, which is a site for day-to-day, hands-on inspiration and help for detox, relaxation, menus and recipes, spa remedies, personal care solutions, fitness and wellness-related articles from around the world, at

Nicole Cutler, L.Ac., MTCMNicole Cutler, L.Ac., MTCM is a long time advocate of integrating perspectives on health. With a Bachelor’s degree in Neuroscience from the University of Rochester and a Master’s degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine from Five Branches Institute, Nicole has been a licensed acupuncturist since 2000. She has gathered acupuncture licenses in the states of California and New York, is a certified specialist with the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association and has earned diplomat status with the National Commission of Chinese and Oriental Medicine in Acupuncture and Chinese Herbology. In addition to her acupuncture practice that focuses on stress and pain relief, digestion and immunity, Nicole contributes to the integration of healthcare by writing articles for professional massage therapists and people living with liver disease.


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Natural Healing, Natural Wellness Contributors

Doug Grunther Doug is a certified dream work facilitator and regularly holds dream work study groups. He has been Woodstock, NY’s most noted radio talk show host for over 25 years. His popular program, “The Woodstock Roundtable,” can be heard over 100.1 WDST-FM and over the Internet at To contact Doug, email [email protected] or go to

Laurel House Laurel is a healthy living expert, author, personal trainer, and journalist covering travel, relationships, healthy food and fitness in national print and online publications. She has a weekly Fitness and Healthy Food channel on Yahoo! Shine, a “Screwing the Rules” dating/relationships column on Giuliana Rancic’s, is a regular contributor to, a Dating Coach with, and a lifestyle contributor to E! News. Laurel has been featured on E! News, Weekend TODAY, The Daily Buzz, CBS, Fox, NBC, and ABC Morning News, and other TV shows. Her most recent book, QuickieChick’s Cheat Sheet to Life, Love, Food, Fitness, Fashion and Finance on a Less than Fabulous Budget, was published by St. Martin’s in May 2012. She also doles out dating/relationship advice at

Patricia Martin Patricia is the managing editor of Natural Healing, Natural Wellness and the director of marketing for Topical BioMedics, Inc. She is also an author, poet, copywriter, journalist, and lifestyle columnist who frequently co-hosts Doug Grunther’s Woodstock RoundTable radio talk show on WDST 100.1 fm, Woodstock, NY.

Alexandra Jamieson Author, chef, and certified health and nutritional counselor, Alexandra is an advocate of holistic nutrition and healthy living. She has been seen on Oprah, The Final Word, 30 Days and the National Health Test with Bryant Gumble, and was featured in the award-winning documentary Super Size Me. In her books, Living Vegan for Dummies (Wiley, 2009) and The Great American Detox Diet (Rodale, 2005), Alex offers sensible and tasty advice on how to detox, live healthfully, and feel fantastic. For more information, visit

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Laurie Towers Founder and CEO of Physical Advantage, NY, NY, Laurie is a fitness expert, former professional bodybuilder, and now Manhattan’s main massage maven. Perennially listed in New York Magazine’s “Best Of ” issue and featured on numerous television news shows and radio programs, Physical Advantage has established itself as the premier “serious” rehabilitative massage center in New York City, with a clientele that includes professional athletes, marathoners, dancers, actors, and singers. She is also the creator of the “Bridal Body Shop,” which helps brides-to-be get in shape with personal training sessions in their own home, and was recently named one of the top businesses primed for success in 2011 by Business News Daily. For more information visit

Elise Muller Elise’s understanding of the medicine and wisdom of plants was passed on to her in folkloric tradition by people who held onto their customs, beliefs and stories. She received standard education in related fields as well—including Massage Therapy, Aromatherapy, and Plant Spirit Medicine – but her mentors and main influences have always been “the people” and the traditions she feels blessed to be a part of. Her company, Mountain Spirit Botanicals, is a reflection of these traditions. As an alternative to products that are chemically mass-produced, Elise has created a product line exclusively from plant material, with every ingredient either a plant or by-product of a plant/ tree that has been organically cultivated or ethically wild-harvested. She works only with companies that adhere to Fair Trade agreements and organic and sustainable practices. She believes that the song of birds, the buzz of bees, the caring intent of the farmer, the manner in which she “stirs the pot” all go into the end result: products born of integrity and love. For more information visit

Natural Healing, Natural Wellness Contributors

Roufia Payman Roufia is the Director of Outpatient Nutritional Services at Northern Dutchess Hospital in Rhinebeck, NY, where she directs the Bariatric Support Group, “New Leaf,” and “Get Real Weight Results” programs. For more information call 845-871-3600 or visit

Christina Towle Christina is Senior Editor of The Wellness Wire, which is a site for day-to-day, hands-on inspiration and help for detox, relaxation, menus and recipes, spa remedies, personal care solutions, fitness and wellness-related articles from around the world, at She received her B.A. from Princeton University. She has worked in production for Manhattan media companies including Wiley, Forbes Magazine, and ABC News. Her penchant towards news stories on health and wellness steered her towards obtaining her degree in Clinical Nutrition from the Natural Healing Institute of Naturopathy. In 2009, she left Manhattan to raise her son in the rural setting of Rhinebeck, NY. Prior to joining The Wellness Wire, Christina wrote for and handled public relations for Gigi Hudson Valley – a farm-to-fork food company.


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Natural Healing, Natural Wellness Contributors



Elyn Jacobs is a breast cancer survivor, professional cancer coach, radio talk show host, speaker, and the Executive Director for the Emerald Heart Cancer Foundation. She is also on the peer review board of the Natural Standard Database. Elyn empowers women to choose the path for treatment that best fits their own individual needs. She is passionate about helping others move forward into a life of health and wellbeing. Elyn lives in New York with her husband and two young boys.; Twitter@survivelivewell; Facebook @Elyn Jacobs Consulting; LinkedIn @Elyn Jacobs;

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