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    National Security Agency

    Agency overview

    Formed November 4, 1952



    Armed Forces Security Agency

    Jurisdiction United States

    Headquarters Fort Meade, Maryland

    Employees Classified

    Annual budget Classified



    General Keith B. Alexander, USA,


    John C. Inglis, Deputy Director

    Parent agency United States Department of



    National Security AgencyFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The National Security Agency/Central Security Service (NSA/CSS) is

    a cryptologic intelligence agency of the United States Department of

    Defense responsible for the collection and analysis of foreign

    communications and foreign signals intelligence, as well as protecting

    U.S. government communications and information systems,[1] which

    involves cryptanalysis and cryptography.

    The NSA is directed by at least a lieutenant general or vice admiral. NSA

    is a key component of the U.S. Intelligence Community, which is headed

    by the Director of National Intelligence. The Central Security Service is a

    co-located agency created to coordinate intelligence activities and

    co-operation between NSA and other U.S. military cryptanalysis

    agencies. The Director of the National Security Agency serves as the

    Commander of the United States Cyber Command and Chief of the

    Central Security Service.[2]

    By law, NSA's intelligence gathering is limited to foreign

    communications, although incidents such as the NSA warrantless

    surveillance controversy have occurred.


    1 Organization1.1 Role

    1.2 Facilities1.3 National Computer Security Center1.4 History1.5 Insignia

    2 Effect on non-governmental cryptography2.1 Data Encryption Standard (DES)

    2.2 Clipper chip2.3 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)2.4 SHA

    2.5 Dual EC DRBG random number generator2.6 Academic research

    3 NSANet

    4 Patents5 NSA programs

    5.1 ECHELON5.2 Domestic activity

    5.2.1 Wiretapping programs5.2.1.1 Domestic wiretappingunder Richard Nixon IT projects:ThinThread, Trailblazer,Turbulence5.2.1.3 Warrantless wiretapsunder George W. Bush5.2.1.4 AT&T Internet

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    Cray X-MP/24 (ser. no. 115)

    supercomputer on display at theNational Cryptologic Museum.

    monitoring5.2.1.5 Wiretapping underBarack Obama

    5.2.2 Transaction data mining

    6 Criticisms

    7 In fiction8 Staff

    8.1 Directors8.2 Notable cryptanalysts

    9 NSA encryption systems10 Some past NSA SIGINT activities11 See also

    11.1 NSA computers

    12 References

    13 Further reading14 External links

    OrganizationThe National Security Agency is divided into two major missions: the Signals Intelligence Directorate (SID), which produces

    foreign signals intelligence information, and the Information Assurance Directorate (IAD), which protects U.S. information



    NSA's eavesdropping mission includes radio broadcasting, both from various

    organizations and individuals, the Internet, telephone calls, and other intercepted

    forms of communication. Its secure communications mission includes military,

    diplomatic, and all other sensitive, confidential or secret government

    communications. It has been described as the world's largest single employer of

    mathematicians,[4] and the owner of the single largest group of supercomputers,[5]

    but it has tried to keep a low profile. For many years, its existence was not

    acknowledged by the U.S. government, earning it the nickname, "No Such Agency"

    (NSA). Because the agency rarely makes any public remarks, it has been quipped

    that their motto is "Never Say Anything".[citation needed].

    According to the Washington Post, "[e]very day, collection systems at the National

    Security Agency intercept and store 1.7 billion e-mails, phone calls and other types

    of communications. The NSA sorts a fraction of those into 70 separate databases."[6]

    Because of its listening task, NSA/CSS has been heavily involved in cryptanalyticresearch, continuing the work of predecessor agencies which had broken many

    World War II codes and ciphers (see, for instance, Purple, Venona project, and


    In 2004, NSA Central Security Service and the National Cyber Security Division of the Department of Homeland Security

    (DHS) agreed to expand NSA Centers of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education Program.[7]

    As part of the National Security Presidential Directive 54/Homeland Security Presidential Directive 23 (NSPD 54), signed

    on January 8, 2008 by President Bush, the NSA became the lead agency to monitor and protect all of the federal

    government's computer networks from cyber-terrorism.[1] In 2010, Robert Gates called for DHS to have a "cell" that would

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    NSA headquarters in Fort Meade, Maryland

    be able to apply the full surveillance powers of NSA for domestic cyber security.[8]


    Headquarters for the National Security Agency is at Fort George G.

    Meade, Maryland, about 15 mi (24 km) southwest of Baltimore. The

    NSA has its own exit off Maryland Route 295 South labeled "NSA

    Employees Only." The scale of the operations at the NSA is hard to

    determine from unclassified data; some 18,000 parking spaces arevisible in photos of the site. In 2006, theBaltimore Sun reported that the

    NSA was at risk of electrical overload because of insufficient internal

    electrical infrastructure at Fort Meade to support the amount of

    equipment being installed. This problem was apparently recognized in

    the 1990s but not made a priority, and "now the agency's ability to keep

    its operations going is threatened."[9]

    Its secure government

    communications work has involved the NSA in numerous technology

    areas, including the design of specialized communications hardware and

    software, production of dedicated semiconductors (at the Ft. Meade

    chip fabrication plant), and advanced cryptography research. The

    agency contracts with the private sector in the fields of research and equipment.

    In addition to its Ft. Meade headquarters, the NSA has facilities at the Texas Cryptology Center in San Antonio, Texas; at

    Fort Gordon, Georgia, and elsewhere.

    On January 6, 2011 a groundbreaking ceremony was held to begin construction on the NSA's first Comprehensive National

    Cyber-security Initiative (CNCI) Data Center; the "Utah Data Center" for short. The USD $1.5 billion data center is being

    built at Camp Williams, Utah, located 25 miles (40 km) miles south of Salt Lake City. The data center will help support the

    agency's National Cyber-security Initiative.[10]

    National Computer Security Center

    The National Computer Security Center, once part of the National Security Agency, was established in 1981 and was

    responsible for testing and evaluating computer equipment for use in high security and/or confidential applications. NCSC

    was also responsible for publishing the Orange Book and Trusted Network Interpretation (Red Book) detailing trusted

    computing and network platform specifications. The two works are more formally known as the Trusted Computing System

    Evaluation Criteria and Trusted Network Interpretation, part of the Rainbow Series, however, they have largely been

    replaced by the Common Criteria.


    The National Security Agency's predecessor was the Armed Forces Security Agency (AFSA), created on May 20,


    This organization was originally established within the U.S. Department of Defense under the command of the

    Joint Chiefs of Staff. The AFSA was to direct the communications and electronic intelligence activities of the U.S. military

    intelligence units: the Army Security Agency, the Naval Security Group, and the Air Force Security Service. However, thatagency had little power and lacked a centralized coordination mechanism. The creation of NSA resulted from a December

    10, 1951, memo sent by CIA Director Walter Bedell Smith to James S. Lay, Executive Secretary of the National Security


    The memo observed that "control over, and coordination of, the collection and processing of Communications

    Intelligence had proved ineffective" and recommended a survey of communications intelligence activities. The proposal was

    approved on December 13, 1951, and the study authorized on December 28, 1951. The report was completed by June 13,

    1952. Generally known as the "Brownell Committee Report," after committee chairman Herbert Brownell, it surveyed the

    history of U.S. communications intelligence activities and suggested the need for a much greater degree of coordination and

    direction at the national level. As the change in the security agency's name indicated, the role of NSA was extended beyond

    the armed forces.

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    National Cryptologic Memorial

    The NSA's insignia.

    The creation of NSA was authorized in a letter written by President Harry S. Truman in June 1952. The agency was formally

    established through a revision of National Security Council Intelligence Directive (NSCID) 9 on October 24, 1952,[12] and

    officially came into existence on November 4, 1952. President Truman's letter was itself classified and remained unknown

    to the public for more than a generation. A brief but vague reference to the NSA first appeared in the United States

    Government Organization Manual from 1957, which described it as "a separately organized agency within the Department

    of Defense under the direction, authority, and control of the Secretary of Defense [...] for the performance of highly

    specialized technical functions in support of the intelligence activities of the United States."[13]

    National Cryptologic Memorial

    Crews associated with NSA missions have been involved in a number of

    dangerous and deadly situations. The well known USS Liberty incident in 1967

    and USS Pueblo incident in 1968 are a small sample of the losses endured

    during the Cold War.[14]

    The National Security Agency/Central Security Service Cryptologic Memorial

    honors and remembers the fallen personnel, both military and civilian, of these

    intelligence missions. It is made of black granite, and has 163 names (as of

    2011) carved into it. It is located at NSA headquarters. A tradition of

    declassifying the stories of the fallen was begun in 2001.[15]


    The heraldic insignia of NSA consists of a bald eagle facing its right, grasping a key in its talons,

    representing NSA's clutch on security as well as the mission to protect and gain access to secrets.

    The eagle is set on a background of blue and its breast features a blue shield supported by 13 bands

    of red and white. The surrounding white circular border features "National Security Agency"

    around the top and "United States of America" underneath, with two five-pointed silver stars

    between the two phrases. The current NSA insignia has been in use since 1965, when then-Director,

    LTG Marshall S. Carter (USA) ordered the creation of a device to represent the Agency.[16]

    Effect on non-governmental cryptography

    NSA has been involved in debates about public policy, both indirectly as a behind-the-scenes adviser to other departments,

    and directly during and after Vice Admiral Bobby Ray Inman's directorship. NSA was a major player in the debates of the

    1990s regarding the export of cryptography. Restrictions on export were reduced but not eliminated in 1996.

    Data Encryption Standard (DES)

    Main article: Data Encryption Standard

    NSA was embroiled in some minor controversy concerning its involvement in the creation of the Data Encryption Standard

    (DES), a standard and public block cipher algorithm used by the U.S. government and banking community. During the

    development of DES by IBM in the 1970s, NSA recommended changes to some details of the design. There was suspicionthat these changes had weakened the algorithm sufficiently to enable the agency to eavesdrop if required, including

    speculation that a critical componentthe so-called S-boxeshad been altered to insert a "backdoor" and that the

    reduction in key length might have made it feasible for NSA to discover DES keys using massive computing power. It has

    since been observed that the S-boxes in DES are particularly resilient against differential cryptanalysis, a technique which

    was not publicly discovered until the late 1980s, but which was known to the IBM DES team. The United States Senate

    Select Committee on Intelligence reviewed NSA's involvement, and concluded that while the agency had provided some

    assistance, it had not tampered with the design.[17][18] In late 2009 NSA declassified information stating that "NSA worked

    closely with IBM to strengthen the algorithm against all except brute force attacks and to strengthen substitution tables,

    called S-boxes. Conversely, NSA tried to convince IBM to reduce the length of the key from 64 to 48 bits. Ultimately they

    compromised on a 56-bit key."[19]

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    Clipper chip

    Main article: Clipper chip

    Because of concerns that widespread use of strong cryptography would hamper government use of wiretaps, NSA proposed

    the concept of key escrow in 1993 and introduced the Clipper chip that would offer stronger protection than DES but would

    allow access to encrypted data by authorized law enforcement officials. The proposal was strongly opposed and key escrow

    requirements ultimately went nowhere. However, NSA's Fortezza hardware-based encryption cards, created for the Clipper

    project, are still used within government, and NSA ultimately published the design of the SKIPJACK cipher (but not the key

    exchange protocol) used on the cards.

    Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

    Main article: Advanced Encryption Standard

    Possibly because of previous controversy, the involvement of NSA in the selection of a successor to DES, the Advanced

    Encryption Standard (AES), was initially limited to hardware performance testing (see AES competition). NSA has

    subsequently certified AES for protection of classified information (for at most two levels, e.g. SECRET information in an

    unclassified environment) when used in NSA-approved systems.


    The widely-used SHA-1 and SHA-2 hash functions were designed by NSA. SHA-1 is a slight modification of the weaker

    SHA-0 algorithm, also designed by NSA in 1993. This small modification was suggested by NSA two years later, with no

    ustification other than the fact that it provides additional security. An attack for SHA-0 that does not apply to the revised

    algorithm was indeed found between 1998 and 2005 by academic cryptographers. Because of weaknesses and key length

    restrictions in SHA-1, NIST deprecates its use for digital signatures, and approves only the newer SHA-2 algorithms for such

    applications from 2013 on.[20]

    A new hash standard, SHA-3, is currently under development. An ongoing competition, closely resembling the successful

    AES process, will select the function used by the standard and is scheduled to end in 2012.

    Dual EC DRBG random number generator

    Main article: Dual EC DRBG

    NSA promoted the inclusion of a random number generator called Dual EC DRBG in the U.S. National Institute of

    Standards and Technology's 2007 guidelines. This led to speculation of a backdoor which would allow NSA access to data

    encrypted by systems using that random number generator.[21]

    Academic research

    NSA has invested many millions of dollars in academic research under grant code prefix MDA904, resulting in over 3,000

    papers (as of 2007-10-11). NSA/CSS has, at times, attempted to restrict the publication of academic research into

    cryptography; for example, the Khufu and Khafre block ciphers were voluntarily withheld in response to an NSA request to

    do so.


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    Behind the Green Doorsecure communications

    center with SIPRNET, GWAN, NSANET, and

    JWICS access

    NSANet is the official National Security Agency intranet.[22]

    It is a

    classified internal network,[23] and TS/SCI.[24] In 2004 it was reported to

    have used over 20 commercial off-the-shelf operating systems.[25]


    universities that do highly-sensitive research are allowed to connect to

    it.[26] In 1998 it, along with NIPRNET and SIPRNET, had "significant

    problems with poor search capabilities, unorganized data and old

    information".[27] In 2001 it was reported on the PR Newswire that NSA

    bought Auto-Trol's product KONFIG NM to help "document and

    manage" NSANet.[22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29]


    NSA has the ability to file for a patent from the U.S. Patent and Trademark

    Office under gag order. Unlike normal patents, these are not revealed to the

    public and do not expire. However, if the Patent Office receives an application for an identical patent from a third party,

    they will reveal NSA's patent and officially grant it to NSA for the full term on that date.[30]

    One of NSA's published patents describes a method of geographically locating an individual computer site in an Internet-like

    network, based on the latency of multiple network connections.[31]

    NSA programs


    Main article: ECHELON

    NSA/CSS, in combination with the equivalent agencies in the United Kingdom (Government Communications

    Headquarters) , Canada (Communications Security Establishment), Australia (Defence Signals Directorate), and New

    Zealand (Government Communications Security Bureau), otherwise known as the UKUSA group,[32] is widely reported to

    be in command of the operation of the so-called ECHELON system. Its capabilities are suspected to include the ability to

    monitor a large proportion of the world's transmitted civilian telephone, fax and data traffic, according to a December 16,

    2005 article in theNew York Times.[33]

    Technically, almost all modern telephone, internet, fax and satellite communications are exploitable due to recent advances

    in technology and the 'open air' nature of much of the radio communications around the world. NSA's presumed collection

    operations have generated much criticism, possibly stemming from the assumption that NSA/CSS represents an infringement

    of Americans' privacy. However, NSA's United States Signals Intelligence Directive 18 (USSID 18) strictly prohibits the

    interception or collection of information about "...U.S. persons, entities, corporations or organizations..." without explicit

    written legal permission from the United States Attorney General when the subject is located abroad, or the Foreign

    Intelligence Surveillance Court when within U.S. Borders.[34] The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that intelligence agencies

    cannot conduct surveillance against American citizens. There are a few extreme circumstances where collecting on a U.S.

    entity is allowed without a USSID 18 waiver, such as with civilian distress signals, or sudden emergencies such as theSeptember 11, 2001 attacks; however, the USA PATRIOT Act has significantly changed privacy legality.

    There have been alleged violations of USSID 18 that occurred in violation of NSA's strict charter prohibiting such

    acts.[citation needed] In addition, ECHELON is considered with indignation by citizens of countries outside the UKUSA

    alliance, with numerous allegations that the United States government uses it for motives other than its national security,

    including political and industrial espionage.[35][36] Examples include the gear-less wind turbine technology designed by the

    German firm Enercon[37][38]

    and the speech technology developed by the Belgian firm Lernout & Hauspie. An article in the

    Baltimore Sun reported in 1995 that aerospace company Airbus lost a $6 billion contract with Saudi Arabia in 1994 after

    NSA reported that Airbus officials had been bribing Saudi officials to secure the contract.[39][40]

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    Domestic activity

    NSA's mission, as set forth in Executive Order 12333, is to collect information that constitutes "foreign intelligence or

    counterintelligence" while not"acquiring information concerning the domestic activities of United States persons". NSA has

    declared that it relies on the FBI to collect information on foreign intelligence activities within the borders of the USA, while

    confining its own activities within the USA to the embassies and missions of foreign nations.

    NSA's domestic surveillance activities are limited by the requirements imposed by the Fourth Amendment to the U.S.

    Constitution; however, these protections do not apply to non-U.S. persons located outside of U.S. borders, so the NSA's

    foreign surveillance efforts are subject to far fewer limitations under U.S. law.[41] The specific requirements for domestic

    surveillance operations are contained in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (FISA), which does not extend

    protection to non-U.S. citizens located outside of U.S. territory.[41]

    These activities, especially the publicly acknowledged domestic telephone tapping and call database programs, have

    prompted questions about the extent of the NSA's activities and concerns about threats to privacy and the rule of law.

    Wiretapping programs

    Domestic wiretapping under Richard Nixon

    Further information: Church Committee

    In the years after President Richard Nixon resigned, there were several investigations of suspected misuse of Central

    Intelligence Agency (CIA) and NSA facilities. Senator Frank Church headed a Senate investigating committee (the Church

    Committee) which uncovered previously unknown activity, such as a CIA plot (ordered by President John F. Kennedy) to

    assassinate Fidel Castro. The investigation also uncovered NSA's wiretaps on targeted American citizens. After the Church

    Committee hearings, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 became law, limiting circumstances under which

    domestic surveillance was allowed.

    IT projects: ThinThread, Trailblazer, Turbulence

    NSA created new IT systems to deal with the flood of information from new technologies like the internet and cellphones.

    ThinThread contained advanced data mining capabilities. It also had a 'privacy mechanism'; surveillance was stored

    encrypted; decryption required a warrant. The research done under this program may have contributed to the technology

    used in later systems. Thinthread was cancelled when Michael Hayden chose Trailblazer, which did not include Thinthread's

    privacy system.[42]

    Trailblazer ramped up circa 2000. SAIC, Boeing, CSC, IBM, and Litton worked on it. Some NSA whistleblowers

    complained internally about major problems surrounding Trailblazer. This led to investigations by Congress and the NSA and

    DoD Inspectors General. The project was cancelled circa 2003-4; it was late, overbudget, and didn't do what it was

    supposed to do. The Baltimore Sun ran articles about this in 2006-07. The government then raided the whistleblower's

    houses. One of them, Thomas Drake, was charged with 18 U.S.C. 793(e) (

    /18/793.html#e) in 2010, part of Obama's unusual use of espionage law against leakers and whistleblowers.[43][44]

    Turbulence started circa 2005. It was developed in small, inexpensive 'test' pieces rather than one grand plan like

    Trailblazer. It also included offensive cyber-warfare capabilities, like injecting malware into remote computers. Congress

    criticized Turbulence in 2007 for having similar bureaucratic problems as Trailblazer.[44]

    Warrantless wiretaps under George W. Bush

    Main article: NSA warrantless surveillance controversy

    On December 16, 2005, theNew York Times reported that, under White House pressure and with an executive order from

    President George W. Bush, the National Security Agency, in an attempt to thwart terrorism, had been tapping the

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    telephones of select individuals in the U.S. calling persons outside the country, without obtaining warrants from the United

    States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, a secret court created for that purpose under the Foreign Intelligence

    Surveillance Act (FISA).[45]

    One such surveillance program, authorized by the U.S. Signals Intelligence Directive 18 of President George Bush, was the

    Highlander Project undertaken for the National Security Agency by the U. S. Army 513th Military Intelligence Brigade.

    NSA relayed telephone (including cell phone) conversations obtained from both ground, airborne, and satellite monitoring

    stations to various U.S. Army Signal Intelligence Officers, including the 201st Military Intelligence Battalion. Conversations

    of citizens of the U.S. were intercepted, along with those of other nations.


    Proponents of the surveillance program claim that the President has executive authority to order such action, arguing that

    laws such as FISA are overridden by the President's Constitutional powers. In addition, some argued that FISA was

    implicitly overridden by a subsequent statute, the Authorization for Use of Military Force, although the Supreme Court's

    ruling in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld deprecates this view. In the August 2006 caseACLU v. NSA, U.S. District Court Judge Anna

    Diggs Taylor concluded that NSA's warrantless surveillance program was both illegal and unconstitutional. On July 6, 2007

    the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals overturned Judge Taylor's ruling, reversing her findings.[47]

    AT&T Internet monitoring

    Further information: Hepting v. AT&T, Mark Klein, NSA warrantless surveillance controversy

    In May 2006, Mark Klein, a former AT&T employee, alleged that his company had cooperated with NSA in installing

    hardware to monitor network communications including traffic between American citizens.[48]

    Wiretapping under Barack Obama

    The New York Times reported in 2009 that the NSA is intercepting communications of American citizens including a

    Congressman, although the Justice Department believed that the NSA had corrected its errors.[49] United States Attorney

    General Eric Holder resumed the wiretapping according to his understanding of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of

    1978 Amendments Act of 2008 which Congress passed in July 2008 but without explaining what had occurred.[50]

    Transaction data mining

    NSA is reported to use its computing capability to analyze "transactional" data that it regularly acquires from other

    government agencies, which gather it under their own jurisdictional authorities. As part of this effort, NSA now monitors

    huge volumes of records of domestic emails and Internet searches as well as bank transfers, credit-card transactions and

    travel and telephone records, according to current and former intelligence officials interviewed by the Wall Street



    The NSA received criticism early on in 1960 after two agents had defected to the Soviet Union. Investigations by the House

    Un-American Activities Committee and a special subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee revealed severecases of ignorance in personnel security regulations, prompting the former personnel director and the director of security to

    step down and leading to the adoption of stricter security practices.[13] Nonetheless, security breaches reoccurred only a

    year later when in an issue of Izvestia of July 23, 1963, a former NSA employee published several cryptologic secrets. The

    very same day, an NSA clerk-messenger committed suicide as ongoing investigations disclosed that he had sold secret

    information to the Soviets on a regular basis. The reluctance of Congressional houses to look into these affairs had prompted

    a journalist to write "If a similar series of tragic blunders occurred in any ordinary agency of Government an aroused public

    would insist that those responsible be officially censured, demoted, or fired." David Kahn criticized the NSA's tactics of

    concealing its doings as smug and the Congress' blind faith in the agency's right-doing as shortsighted, and pointed out the

    necessity of surveillance by the Congress to prevent abuse of power.[13]

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    STU-III secure telephones on display at the

    National Cryptologic Museum

    The number of exemptions from legal requirements has also been criticized. When in 1964 the Congress was hearing a bill

    giving the director of the NSA the power to fire at will any employee, the Washington Post wrote: "This is the very

    definition of arbitrariness. It means that an employee could be discharged and disgraced on the basis of anonymous

    allegations without the slightest opportunity to defend himself." Yet, the bill was accepted with overwhelming majority.[13]

    On January 17, 2006, the Center for Constitutional Rights filed a lawsuit, CCR v. Bush, against the Bush Presidency. The

    lawsuit challenged the National Security Agency's (NSA's) surveillance of people within the U.S., including the interception

    of CCR emails without securing a warrant first.[52][53]

    In fiction

    Main article: NSA in fiction

    Since the existence of the NSA has become more widely known in the past few decades, and particularly since the 1990s,

    the agency has regularly been portrayed in spy fiction. Many such portrayals grossly exaggerate the organization's

    involvement in the more sensational activities of intelligence agencies. The agency now plays a role in numerous books,

    films, television shows, and video games.


    Main article: Director of the National Security Agency


    November 1952November 1956 LTG Ralph J. Canine, USANovember 1956November 1960 Lt Gen John A. Samford, USAF

    November 1960January 1962 VADM Laurence H. Frost, USNJanuary 1962June 1965 Lt Gen Gordon A. Blake, USAFJune 1965August 1969 Lt Gen Marshall S. Carter, USAAugust 1969August 1972 VADM Noel A. M. Gaylor, USNAugust 1972August 1973 Lt Gen Samuel C. Phillips, USAFAugust 1973July 1977 Lt Gen Lew Allen, Jr., USAF

    July 1977April 1981 VADM Bobby Ray Inman, USNApril 1981May 1985 Lt Gen Lincoln D. Faurer, USAFMay 1985August 1988 Lt Gen William E. Odom, USA

    August 1988May 1992 VADM William O. Studeman, USNMay 1992February 1996 VADM John M. McConnell, USNFebruary 1996March 1999 Lt Gen Kenneth A. Minihan, USAFMarch 1999April 2005 Lt Gen Michael V. Hayden, USAFApril 2005present GEN Keith B. Alexander, USA

    Notable cryptanalysts

    Lambros D. CallimahosAgnes Meyer Driscoll

    William F. FriedmanSolomon KullbackRobert MorrisFrank RowlettAbraham SinkovLouis W. Tordella

    Herbert Yardley

    NSA encryption systems

    Main article: NSA encryption systems

    NSA is responsible for the encryption-related components in these systems:

    EKMS Electronic Key Management SystemFNBDT Future Narrow Band Digital TerminalFortezza encryption based on portable crypto token in PC Card

    formatKL-7 ADONIS off-line rotor encryption machine (post-WWII-1980s)

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    KW-26 ROMULUS electronic in-line teletype encryptor (1960s1980s)KW-37 JASON fleet broadcast encryptor (1960s1990s)KY-57 VINSON tactical radio voice encryptor

    KG-84 Dedicated Data Encryption/DecryptionSINCGARS tactical radio with cryptographically controlled frequency hoppingSTE secure terminal equipment

    STU-III secure telephone unit, currently being phased out by the STETACLANE product line by General Dynamics C4 Systems

    NSA has specified Suite A and Suite B cryptographic algorithm suites to be used in U.S. government systems; the Suite Balgorithms are a subset of those previously specified by NIST and are expected to serve for most information protection

    purposes, while the Suite A algorithms are secret and are intended for especially high levels of protection.

    Some past NSA SIGINT activities

    Gulf of Tonkin IncidentKorean Air Lines Flight 007

    Operation Ivy BellsUSS Liberty incidentUSS Pueblo (AGER-2)

    VENONA project

    See also

    James Bamford

    Biometric ConsortiumBureau of Intelligence and Research

    Central Intelligence Agency

    Central Security ServiceCounterintelligence Field Activity

    Cryptographic Quarterly

    Defense Intelligence Agency

    Defence Signals DirectorateDiplomatic Security Service

    EspionageFederal Bureau of Investigation

    Federal law enforcement in the United States

    Government Communications HeadquartersMartin and Mitchell DefectionNarus (company)

    National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency

    National Reconnaissance Office

    National Security Whistleblowers CoalitionNon-commissioned officer

    NSA Hall of Honor

    Ronald PeltonProject SHAMROCK

    Security-Enhanced Linux

    Signals intelligence

    Skipjack (cipher)TEMPEST

    Thomas Andrews Drake (whistleblower)Type 1 product


    United States Department of Homeland SecurityU.S. Air Force Office of Special InvestigationsJohn Anthony Walker

    NSA computers

    IBM 7950 Harvest



    ^ ab Ellen Nakashima (2008-01-26). "Bush Order Expands

    Network Monitoring: Intelligence Agencies to Track

    Intrusions" ( . The

    Washington Post. 2008-02-09.

    1. ^


    ^ "The National Security Agency Frequently AskedQuestions" ( .National Security Agency.

    /faqs/index.shtml. Retrieved 2010-04-15.


    ^ Davis, Harvey. "Statement for the Record"4.

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    /12mar02.shtml) . 342 Dirksen Senate Office Building,Washington, D.C. (12 March 2002). Retrieved on2009-11-24.

    ^ "Rigging the game" (

    . Baltimore Sun. December 4, 1995.


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    ^ "CCR v. Bush" (

    cases/ccr-v.-bush) . Center for Constitutional Rights. June 15, 2009.


    Further reading

    James Bamford,Body of Secrets: Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency, Doubleday, 2001,ISBN 0-385-49907-8.James Bamford, The Puzzle Palace, Penguin Books, ISBN 0-14-006748-5.Hanyok, Robert J. (2002). Spartans in Darkness: American SIGINT and the Indochina War, 1945-1975( . National Security Agency.

    /index.html. Retrieved 2008-11-16.Johnson, Thomas R. (2008).American Cryptology during the Cold War( . National Security Agency: Center for Cryptological History. Retrieved 2008-11-16.Levy, Steven, Crypto: How the Code Rebels Beat the GovernmentSaving Privacy in the Digital Agediscussion of the development of non-government cryptography, including many accounts of tussles with the

    NSA.Radden Keefe, Patrick, Chatter: Dispatches from the Secret World of Global Eavesdropping, Random House,ISBN 1-4000-6034-6.Liston, Robert A., The Pueblo Surrender: a Covert Action by the National Security Agency, ISBN

    0-87131-554-8.Kahn, David, The Codebreakers, 1181 pp., ISBN 0-684-83130-9. Look for the 1967 rather than the 1996 edition.Tully, Andrew, The Super Spies: More Secret, More Powerful than the CIA, 1969, LC 71080912.

    Bamford, James, New York Times, December 25, 2005; The Agency That Could Be Big Brother( .Sam Adams, War of Numbers: An Intelligence MemoirSteerforth; New Ed edition (June 1, 1998)

    John Prados, The Soviet estimate: U.S. intelligence analysis & Russian military strength, hardcover, 367 pages,ISBN 0-385-27211-1, Dial Press (1982).Walter Laqueur,A World of secretsSherman Kent, Strategic Intelligence for American Public Policy

    Matthew Aid, The Secret Sentry: The Untold History of the National Security Agency, 432 pages, ISBN978-1596915152, Bloomsbury Press (June 9, 2009)Richard J. Aldrich, GCHQ: The Uncensored Story of Britain's Most Secret Intelligence Agency

    ( , HarperCollins, 2010. ISBN9780007278473.

    External links

    NSA official site ( of the National Security Agency/Central Security Service (

    History of NSA ( NSA charter ( The NSA - The Spy Factory ( Documentary via EducatedEarth."The Origins of the National Security Agency, 1940-1952" ( newly declassified book-length report provided by The Memory Hole( .

    The National Security Archive at George Washington University ("United States Intelligence Community: Who We Are / NSA section" ( . Archived from the original

    ( on 2006-09-25.

    nal Security Agency - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    14 7/26/2011

  • 8/6/2019 National Security Agency - ..


    / person account of NSA interview and clearance ( January2004

    James Bamford Big Brother Is Listening ( The Atlantic,April 2006James Bamford Inside the National Security Agency (Lecture) ( ACLU,

    KUOW-FM, PRX, NPR, February 24, 2007 (53: minutes)GCHQ: Britain's Most Secret Intelligence Agency (

    Retrieved from ""Categories: National Security Agency | United States Department of Defense agencies | Signals intelligence agencies | Masssurveillance | United States government secrecy | Government agencies established in 1949 | Supercomputer sites |

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