national optical astronomy - q3... · technique using narrow filters with a bandwidth of...

V ., f National Optical Astronomy Observatories National Optical Astronomy Observatories Quarterly Report April - June 1988

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Page 1: National Optical Astronomy - Q3... · technique using narrow filters with a bandwidth of about 250 A. These filters will allow QSOs to be selected with an equivalent width

V ., f


National Optical Astronomy Observatories

Quarterly Report

April - June 1988

Page 2: National Optical Astronomy - Q3... · technique using narrow filters with a bandwidth of about 250 A. These filters will allow QSOs to be selected with an equivalent width
Page 3: National Optical Astronomy - Q3... · technique using narrow filters with a bandwidth of about 250 A. These filters will allow QSOs to be selected with an equivalent width




A. CTIO Survey on QSOs 2B. Low-Mass X-ray Binaries in the Magellanic Clouds '. 2C. Pulsating Planetary Nebula Nuclei in the Southern Hemisphere ............ 3D. II Zw 1305.4+2941: A Distant Cluster of Galaxies with no Evolution? 3E. Extreme Carbon Enrichment in a Planetary Nebula: Problems for Stellar Modeis? 4F. Lithium in Old Open Clusters: Cosmological Implications 5G. Dynamo Processes 5H. Coronal Holes \\\ 6


A. Visiting Scientists 8B. New Appointees ' ' ' 8C. Terminations gD. Change of Status [[ gE. Summer Research Assistants 9


A. Advanced Development Program 10B. GONG '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 12C. Instrumentation Projects 14D. Observatory Activities 21


A. Director's Office 23B. Publications and Information Resources 23C. Central Computer Services 24D. Central Administrative Services 25E. Central Facilities Operations 25


A. Telescope Usage Statistics 26B. Observational Programs 27

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Page 5: National Optical Astronomy - Q3... · technique using narrow filters with a bandwidth of about 250 A. These filters will allow QSOs to be selected with an equivalent width


The National Science Foundation conducted its annual presentation of programs of theNational Astronomy Centers May 18 - 19 in Washington, D.C. The centers wereasked to describe, in detail, programs and plans covering the 1988 - 1993 period witha special emphasis on 1990. The presentation was attended by J. Beckers,D. De Young, I. Gatley, J. Leibacher and S. Wolff as well as R. Noyes and G. Oertel.

Joint meetings of the AURA Executive Committee and the Observatories AdvisoryCommittee were held in Washington, D.C, May 24 - 27, 1988. The NSF ReviewCommittee joined the Executive Committee on Wednesday, May 25; the OAC met insession with the Executive Committee on Thursday and Friday. Issues discussed werethe NOAO budget and priorities; report of the NOAO Director on the FY 1989Program Plan; status of joint telescope projects; progress on the 8-m proposal; mirrorcasting; LEST workshop; MOU with the University of Hawaii; and NOAO tenurerecommendations. Other business included a draft compensation policy and rationalefor administrative salary increases at NOAO.

In preparation for the NSF Review Committee, S. Wolff prepared a document,"Program Description Prepared for National Science Foundation Review." Thisdocument, reviewed by the Tape Committee, gave background information onreviewing the priorities for NOAO's programs. The document outlined:

1) a brief description of the mission of NOAO;2) a description of the impacts of an across the board cut of 10 percent;3) a description of the facilities and programs operated by each of the divisions; and4) a partial listing of the Ph.D. theses completed since 1980 and based on use of

NOAO facilities.

The Large Optics Advisory Committee met in the NOAO conference room on May31; R. Kirshner chaired this first meeting. Projects or institutions represented were:ARC, Columbus, Magellan, MMT Upgrade, NOAO, NSF, University of Arizona andWIN. As a result of this meeting, technical cooperation is beginning to occur among8-m collaborators.

ACAST met in Washington, D.C. June 2-3. J. Beckers, D. De Young, J. Leibacher,G. Oertel and S. Wolff attended as well as P. Osmer, who gave a presentation onquasars and I. Gatley who spoke on the infrared program. Members of the NOAOstaff attended the June 5 - 9, 1988 meeting of the American Astronomical Society inKansas City.

NSF foreign travel funds expended this quarter amounted to $7,963.05; to date$19,909.18 has been spent.

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Page 7: National Optical Astronomy - Q3... · technique using narrow filters with a bandwidth of about 250 A. These filters will allow QSOs to be selected with an equivalent width


A. CTIO Survey on QSOs.

For several years, C. Hazard and R. McMahon (U. of Pittsburgh) have been engagedin a program aimed at: (1) showing that Quasi-Stellar Objects (QSOs) with z > 3.5really exist and can be found in reasonably large numbers, (2) determining the QSOspace distribution and luminosity function for 2 < z < 3.9, and (3) compiling a sampleof bright z > 3 QSOs for detailed absorption line studies in the Ly-a forest,particularly the damped Ly-a systems. This phase of the program has now beencompleted with a spectroscopic study of prism-selected candidates with the CTIO 4-mtelescope. The main focus was on a 36 sq. deg. field in which three QSOs with z >3.5 were already known. Their aim was to establish counts for 2 < z < 3.3 to link upwith the z > 3.5 studies, and not specifically to search for high z objects.Nevertheless, they did confirm one z = 3.5 QSO, eight new QSOs with z > 3, andfour new Broad Absorption Line QSOs.

The results of the CTIO survey are important in establishing the QSO spacedistribution. Although the field has probably been more intensively searched forQSOs than any other large area of the sky, only two QSOs with 2.9 < z < 3.3 hadbeen reported in it previously. Their survey, plus some earlier AAT observations,have now confirmed eight in this redshift interval. They now have reliable countsfrom z = 2 to z = 3.9 and have confirmed conclusions reached earlier, namely:(1) that there is no sharp redshift cut-off at z > 3, but rather the low density at z > 3.5represents the extrapolation of a decline in the QSO counts which sets in around z = 2and corresponds to a fall by a factor of 10 per unit redshift interval for a magnitudelimited sample, and (2) the luminosity function at high redshifts is relatively flat and,hence, high redshift QSO searches are better carried out over large areas of sky to arelatively bright limiting magnitude, rather than in deep searches over small areas.

The objective prism high-z surveys which rely mainly on the detection of emissionand are color-independent, have proven highly successful. They are, however, limitedto z < 3.9. Hazard and McMahon are now extending the studies to z > 4, using aselection based on broad-band colors and narrow-band filters. A detailed analysis ofthe principles behind the selection of high-z QSOs shows that Ly-a in the R filterplays a significant role in separating QSOs around z = 4. They have developed a newtechnique using narrow filters with a bandwidth of about 250 A. These filters willallow QSOs to be selected with an equivalent width in Ly-a as low as 25 A, farsmaller than other surveys. They also separate QSOs when other lines lie in the filtersbut the position of an object in the two-color diagram is an excellent indication of itsredshift. Spectra of the QSO candidates have been obtained with the CTIO 4-mtelescope and will provide precise redshifts.

B. Low-Mass X-ray Binaries in the Magellanic Clouds.

Galactic low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) exhibit the spatial distribution andkinematics of an old stellar population (=15 Gyr) and account for over two-thirds ofthe Galaxy's X-ray-luminous stellar sources. However, very little is known about theircounterparts in the Magellanic Clouds. Although 10-20 LMXBs should exist in theLMC, only a few sources have been found and studied. To identify additional optical

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candidates by their UV excess, P. Schmidtke and A. Cowley (Arizona State U.) haveinitiated a UBV search of the fields of selected X-ray sources using CCD photometrywith the CTIO 1.5-m telescope. This search has been highly successful. ExcellentLMXB candidates have been found in three new fields, with good candidates inanother 10 fields. A preliminary color-color (U-B,B-V) plot for one field shows thatthe suggested candidate lies on a blackbody line above the normal stellar sequence andhas the colors characteristic of galactic LMXBs. From several observations over fournights, the source is variable in UV light although the period is unknown. Subsequentspectroscopy of this object has revealed strong He II and N III/C III emission,confirming its identification as a LMXB.'to

C. Pulsating Planetary Nebula Nuclei in the Southern Hemisphere.

H. Bond (ST Scl) has begun a program to search for and study close-binary orpulsating planetary nebula nuclei (PNN) in the Southern hemisphere, using CCDphotometry. A similar program in the Northern hemisphere has yielded seven close-binary PNN and one pulsator. However, relatively little survey work has been done inthe Southern hemisphere. During a recent 10-night run with the CTIO 0.9-mtelescope, perfect weather was encountered, and several important new discoverieswere made, demonstrating the validity of this approach. A complete light curve forthe binary central star of Kohoutek 1-2 was obtained. The light curve is that of areflection-effect binary, with an orbital period of 16.22 hours. An additional close-binary nucleus, that of Sp 1, was also discovered during this run; this object isapparently seen nearly pole-on, since the amplitude is only 0.1 mag. The orbitalperiod appears to be near 18 hours, but additional data are necessary to establish thiswith certainty.

Perhaps the most exciting result from the run was the discovery of a second pulsatingcentral star, that of Longmore 4. This object is remarkably similar to the Northernhemisphere counterpart, K 1-16, both spectroscopically and photometrically; itsstrongest periodicity is near 30 minutes, but the complexity of the light curvesindicates the presence of numerous additional pulsation modes with only slightlydifferent periods. The pulsators are of major importance because of the possibility ofseismological investigations of the interior of the stars, as well as the possibility ofdirect observation of the PNN's rapid evolutionary contraction through the resultantshortening of the pulsation periods.

D. II Zw 1305.4+2941: A Distant Cluster of Galaxies with no Evolution?

In recent years a dramatic trend has been seen in the observations of distant clustersof galaxies and distant radio galaxies. As first found by H. Butcher (Kapteyn Obs.)and G. Oemler (Yale U.), there seems to be a trend for rich clusters of galaxies toappear more blue with distance. This effect, first reported in 1978, seems fairlycommon and is most easily seen in clusters of galaxies with redshift greater than about0.2. A plausible interpretation of this result is that we are observing a dramaticevolution with time of the galaxies in these clusters. The excess blue color of thegalaxies is taken to be an indication of the presence of star formation on a large scale.This is not seen in nearby clusters, whose component galaxies are usually old, highlyevolved elliptical galaxies. The increase in blueness with increasing redshift thenimplies more star formation at longer look back times or earlier epochs in the cluster

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history. This picture thus implies significant evolution of the galaxies over quiterecent times, and it has caused a revision of our thinking about the nature of galaxyevolution. Additional evidence in support of this idea also comes from theobservations of distant radio galaxies, where star formation appears to be taking placeon a massive scale, completely unlike what is observed in nearby radio galaxies.

However, recent observations using the KPNO 4-m telescope indicate that this picturemay be more complicated than previously thought. D. Koo (Lick Obs.), R. Kron (U.of Chicago), and D. Nanni, D. Trevese, and A. Vignato (Frascati) have observed arich, compact cluster of galaxies at a redshift of 0.24. This cluster, known asII Zw 1305.4+2941, would be expected to show a strong blue excess, given itsredshift, richness, and compactness. However, Koo et al., using three color data andspectroscopic redshifts, show that this cluster is in fact very red, and has no populationof galaxies which show a blue excess. The implication of this result is that this richcluster is not undergoing any epoch of star formation, and that it is not evolving onthe same timescale as other rich clusters with the same morphology. The reason forthis is unknown; only one other red, rich cluster has been found at large redshift, sothis population does not appear to be large. What is needed is an investigation of anyother properties of these clusters or their environment which might lead to a differentevolutionary path for them. In addition, as Koo et al. point out, the discovery of thisobject indicates the need for great care in the selection and analysis of clusters inorder to understand their evolution.

E. Extreme Carbon Enrichment in a Planetary Nebula: Problems for StellarModels?

The study of planetary nebulae provides, among other things, insight into the stars thatformed them. In particular, the stellar effective temperature can be found from thehydrogen beta and He II fluxes, and the chemical composition of the nebula can beused to deduce the nature of the progenitor star. Enrichment of the nebula in helium,nitrogen and carbon can occur as a result of thermonuclear reactions and mixing thatoccurred in the star just prior to ejection of the nebular debris. The amount ofenrichment in the heavy elements should be a simple function of the initial stellarmass, and hence observations of element ratios in the nebula can provide this number.The initial mass, together with the luminosity and effective temperature of theremnant, provide vital data in constructing models for the evolution of progenitor stars.

Objects which show extreme values of heavy element enrichment provide the mostserious tests for such models, and an unusual example of this has been found byJ. Kaler (U. of Illinois) using the KPNO 2.1-m telescope. The object, known asHf2-2, exhibits a C II line which is as strong as any heretofore discovered, and thederived C/O ratio is about 40 times greater than the solar value. Due to theuncertainties inherent in deriving this ratio, these observations imply that the nebularcarbon abundance lies between the third highest yet discovered at the low end to thehighest ever seen at the upper limit. The lower limit of the derived C/O ratio fits thetheoretical models for a star of initial mass seven times that of the Sun. Hence theseresults unambiguously imply a massive progenitor star, and therein lies the currentdilemma. Evolutionary models for massive progenitor stars predict fairly massive coreremnants; in this case from 0.7 to over one solar mass. The observations indicate acore remnant of mass less than 0.55 solar masses. Either the current theories are

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wrong in that the star has lost much more mass than predicted and/or lower mass starscan produce much more C/O and He/H than predicted, or the distance, and hence thederived luminosity, is incorrect. In any case the discovery of this object provides achallenge to current theories.

F. Lithium in Old Open Clusters: Cosmological Implications.

The origin and evolution of the light elements Li, Be, and B is a topic whoseunderstanding has implications for cosmology, galaxy formation and evolution, andstellar structure and evolution. An isotope of particular interest is Lithium-7, primarilybecause its evolution is affected by many factors, and because a knowledge of itsprimordial abundance is an important test for cosmological models. The interstellarabundance of this isotope exceeds that of the other light elements by an order ofmagnitude or more, yet evidence argues against its being produced by the three mainprocesses that give rise to the other light elements; primordial, stellar nucleosynthesis,and cosmic ray spallation. In order to unravel this mystery it is first necessary toascertain the initial primordial abundance of lithium. Such a measurement will notonly determine subsequent production rates but will also constrain the cosmic ratio ofbaryons to photons and will test models of the physical conditions in the universe at aredshift of three hundred million.

In an effort to determine this lithium abundance, L. Hobbs (U. of Chicago) andC. Pilachowski (KPNO) have been determining the variation of lithium abundancewith stellar mass along the main sequence for a series of progressively older stellarclusters. Using the KPNO 4-m telescope, they have now completed lithiumobservations on the oldest cluster in their sequence, NGC 188, with an age of 10billion years. Lithium-7 was detected in this cluster with Li/H ratios from 10 to 40times solar, although the stars observed are about twice as old as the Sun. Whencompared to previous observations of younger clusters, this unexpected high lithiumabundance shows that the lithium abundance in the galactic gas has shown noappreciable change over the last 10 Gyr, except possibly to have been somewhathigher at the beginning of this epoch. Important constraints emerge when this result iscompared to the lithium abundance found in very old extreme halo stars, where anabundance of 1/10 that in the open clusters is found. Two possibilities emerge. Thefirst is that the halo stars reflect the cosmic abundance, in which case some unknownmechanism must rapidly produce 90% of the lithium in the first few Gyr, with littlesubsequent production. The second is that the abundance in the open clusters is thetrue primordial value, and that the extreme halo stars have had 90% of their lithiumdestroyed (a destruction rate about 30 times higher than seen elsewhere), and inaddition there must be basically no net production or destruction of Li in the rest ofthe Galaxy. This last possibility, in addition to being somewhat contrived, also is inconflict with conventional big bang models in that high Li abundance would conflictwith the inferred Helium-4 primordial abundance.

G. Dynamo Processes.

There now exists widespread agreement among solar physicists that the dynamomechanism responsible for the generation of the solar magnetic field operatesprincipally in a thin interface region at the base of the convection zone and justoutside the radiative core, or in the overshoot region. This conviction is based on a

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combination of theoretical arguments and observations of the properties of the solarmagnetic field, and its variation, during the solar cycle. For example, a magnetic fieldthat was not initially confined deep in the interior would, through a process called"magnetic buoyancy", quickly float to the surface of the Sun before any significantamplification could take place to produce the strong concentrations of magnetic fluxthat are indeed observed during a cycle. From an observational perspective, theregular reversals in the polarity of the Sun's field imply that the magnetic fluxappearing on the surface has not been randomized by turbulent fluid motions. Hence,this flux originates in a region of weak turbulence. Through the use of a simpledynamo which includes buoyancy as the main non-linear mechanism, B. Durney(NSO) has been critically examining the physical basis of these arguments. He findsthat the Solar Convection Zone (SCZ)-proper can generate a rather weak, small-scalemagnetic field. However, it is unable to produce the larger scale fields that areassociated with the solar cycle. These fields must be produced and amplified in aregion of reduced buoyancy. Interestingly, it is the large-scale field which is mainlyresponsible for coronal emission in the outer atmosphere of the Sun. In the context ofthe dynamo model proposed by Durney, the corona of the Sun would be ultimatelylinked to the large scale cycle field while the lower-temperature chromosphericemission would be associated with SCZ-field combined with contributions from thelarge-scale cycle field.

These proposed mechanisms for the generation of the principal facets of the solarmagnetic field may have very different dependences on fundamental parameters suchas rotation. Durney finds that an increase in rotation does not increase the strength ofthe magnetic field generated by the SCZ. Instead, the characteristic length scale ofmagnetic flux ropes is reduced with more rapid rotation. In the case of the large-scalefield, if it is generated by a dynamo operating in a portion of the solar interiorcharacterized by reduced buoyancy effects, such as in the interface region at the baseof the convection zone, then this layer must be thin (-10 "24 km). This constraintimposes severe restrictions on the variation of the angular velocity in this part of theSun's interior. It should be noted that a non-zero derivative in the angular velocity isnecessary to produce dynamo action and the generation of significant magnetic flux.

H. Coronal Holes.

N. Sheeley (NRL), Y.-M. Wang (Applied Research Corp), and J. Harvey (NSO) havecompleted a study on the magnetic control of coronal hole boundaries. This workcompares the boundaries of polar coronal holes around the time of sunspot minimumwith potential magnetic field models of magnetic field lines presumed to be open tointerplanetary space. The observational basis is the long time series of 10830 A fulldisk observations made with the vacuum telescope on Kitt Peak. These data show thatthe polar coronal hole extends about 30° in latitude from the pole at sunspotminimum. With the assumption that this represents the extent of open magnetic field,modeling showed that the polar magnetic field can best be represented as having avariation following the eighth power of the cosine of colatitude. The strength of thepolar magnetic field was determined by comparing distortions of the polar holeboundary produced by eruptions of high latitude active regions with models in whichflux is introduced to simulate an active region. The model is constrained by actualmeasurements of flux from our daily magnetograms. The closest agreement was foundfor a polar field strength of 12 gauss. These results are in close agreement with

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deductions about the polar field made about a decade ago at Wilcox Obs. The resultsalso reopen the old question of why high resolution measurements of magnetic fieldsat the poles do not show these large values.

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A. Visiting Scientists.

The following visitors arrived at NOAO facilities for periods of one month or moreduring the quarter April 1 - June 30, 1988.







Charles PerryGuido Ceppatelli


Louisiana State U.Osservatorio Astrofisico di

Catania, ItalyWolfgang Schmidt Kiepenheuer Inst, fiir Sonnenphysik

Freiburg, GermanyMinoru Nishida U. of Kyoto, JapanShunde Wang Beijing Astronomical Obs.,

Beijing, China

NOAO facilityvisited






B. New Appointees.

The table below shows details of new appointments made to NOAO during the quarterApril 1 - June 30, 1988.

date of

appointment name position

4/20/88 Michael Fitzpatrick Scientific Programmer I6/27/88 David Armet Sr. Scientific Programmer


date name position

6/30/88 Clarence Johnson Business & AccountingManager








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D. Change of Status.

date name

4/11/88 John Leibacher

4/11/88 Robert Howard

4/16/88 Frank Hegwer

4/16/88 James Kennedy


Sam BardenMuriel Fults

NOAOposition division

GONG Project Sci/Astronomer Tenure NSOto Director NSO/Assoc. Dir. NOAO

Director NSO/Assoc. Dir. NOAO NSOto Astronomer/Tenure

Director Admin. Svcs., NSO to Asst. NSOto Dir./Dir Admin. Svcs., NSO

Program Manager to Asst. NSOto NSO Dir./Project Manager

Asst. Scientist to Assoc. Scientist KPNOTransfer to Tucson - reclassify NOAO

to Asst. to CAS Manager

Summer Research Assistants.


arrived name

5/16/88 Thien Trang Dang5/16/88 Robert Donahue5/16/88 Michael Smutko5/19/88 Christoph Keller5/23/88 Amar Gandhi5/25/88 Peter Tamblyn5/31/88 Teresa Wilson6/01/88 Kjirsten Grove6/03/88 Anthony Beasley6/03/88 George Roumeliotis

NOAOposition division

Reed Coll., Portland, Oregon KPNONew Mexico State U., Las Cruces NSOPenn State U., University Park NSOETH, Zurich, Switzerland NSOU. of Texas, Austin KPNOYale Coll., New Haven, Conn. NSOU. of Texas, Austin KPNOWhitman Coll., Walla Walla, Wash. KPNOU. of Sydney, Australia NSOU. of Sydney, Australia NSO

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A. Advanced Development Program.

1. Progress on the 8-m Telescopes Proposal. Many NOAO staff members arecontinuing to prepare various sections of the proposal for two national 8-m telescopes(one in Hawaii, one in Chile). The proposal will have three major sections:

• Scientific justification for the two 8-m telescopes. A draft of this section hasalready been written by several NOAO staff members. S. Wolff is leading theeffort to get the text into final form.

• Description of the first complement of instruments for the telescopes. Parts ofthis section are in hand (at various stages of completion), and P. Osmer has takenthe responsibility of bringing the parts together.

• Description of the telescopes themselves, including everything from the primarymirrors to the enclosures and environments. Under the general guidance ofL. Barr, several people are doing the calculations and the writing needed for thissection. After a summary of the performance goals, optical configuration, anderror budgets, this section goes on to specify in some detail the individualcomponents of the telescopes.

Two types of mirrors will be presented as options for the primaries: the borosilicateglass honeycomb and the liquid-cooled low-expansion meniscus. In addition to thetechniques for manufacturing the blanks, the proposal will describe methods forpolishing, optical testing, thermal control, support, coating, and handling the mirrors.The other optics—chiefly the f/6.6 secondary, the infrared chopping secondary, and thevarious correctors-also will receive attention, as will the plans for adaptive optics.The mechanical design of the telescopes will be based on an azimuth-disk mountingwith two Nasmyth platforms. Telescope control will be from a facility somewhatremoved from the telescope enclosure, to minimize the local heating that is soinsalubrious for seeing. Ways will also be sought to diminish the seeing inside theenclosure (by, for example, air circulation and possibly active thermal control) andeven outside the building (by making sure the ground cover does not retain heat).

2. Atmospheric Dispersion Correctors and Secondary Null Correctors. Forwide-field imaging with 8-m telescopes, work is underway to find ways to cope withthe atmospheric dispersion over a very wide range of wavelengths, 3300 A to 1.5 um.The problem is that the atmospheric dispersion corrector (ADC) may be set to correctthe dispersion at both ends of the range but still not do a good job at intermediatewavelengths. Although the ideal solution to this problem requires unobtainablematerials, C. Harmer did find a pair of materials that is acceptable. A prism pairmade of fused silica and Schott LLF6 gives good spot diagrams from 3750 A to 1 um,even at a zenith distance of 65°. Fine-tuning the prism pair for a given spectralregion will give the best results. For the small-field Cassegrain corrector the opticsare smaller and therefore a greater variety of materials can be used. However, theprism angles must be larger for this case because the corrector is closer to the focalsurface. Calculations are providing information on the performance of various


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materials and prism angles for an ADC + doublet combination. The null correctordesigns for testing large primary mirrors are now being checked for tolerancing andmanufacturing techniques. The wide-field secondary mirrors will also require largeoptics for their optical testing. A theoretical design is now in hand for a refractiveHindle test for the manufacture of hyperboloidal secondary mirrors. In the case of the8-m wide-field secondary this means acquiring a piece of Schott BK7 glass ofexceptionally high quality, 2.5 m in diameter.

3- Successful 3.5-m Casting OJ. of Arizona Mirror LabV The Mirror Lab's first3.5-m blank was cast between April and June, and it appears to be of high quality.On April 23 the oven was turned on, after 5020 pounds of E-6 glass had beeninspected, cleaned, and loaded into the mold. Furnace rotation began on April 25,when the temperature had reached 800°C, and continued for the next 33 hours. Whenthe temperature reached 1170°C, the glass level dropped visibly as the molten glassran down the spaces between the cores. After two hours at this temperature, coolingwas started. Cooling and annealing continued for the next six weeks and wasrelatively trouble-free. The blank was inspected closely for the first time on June 7,when the furnace lid was removed. The rib width is more uniform than in the 1.8-mcastings and the surface is good. On June 23 the blank was removed from the furnaceand the process of removing the base tiles and core material was started. As soon asthe casting began for the first 3.5-m blank, plans were being made for the second one.The equipment and procedures will be basically unchanged, but some componentsneed to be replaced or improved. The first blank gust completed) will be the heart ofa telescope for the Astrophysical Research Consortium, and the second will bepolished and thoroughly tested at NOAO. Both are planned to be f/1.75 mirrors.

4- NOAO Optical Shop Prepares for 3.5-m Blank. Polishing work is about to beginon the 1.8-m honeycomb mirror at NOAO. This is the first test of our refurbishedoptical shop equipment, in preparation for next year's delivery of the second 3.5-mblank from the University of Arizona Mirror Lab. The refurbishment included theinstallation of a platform elevator which can locate the test equipment at various focalpositions. A month of thorough testing established the baseline figure of the 1.8-mmirror (with and without a reflective coating) before the repolishing. This will allow aquantitative analysis of the polisher's effects on the quilting pattern over thehoneycomb pockets. During the past quarter we decided to polish the 3.5-m blank toan f/1.75 figure instead of f/1.5. An f/1.75 mirror will be approximately as difficult totest as an f/1.5, and so will provide a good check on the optical technology. A majoradvantage of going to f/1.75 is that the core-shapes and other spin-casting parametersdo not have to be recalculated at the Mirror Lab. The setup will be the same as forthe recent f/1.75 ARC casting. The purpose of our work on the second 3.5-m castingremains unchanged: to establish several aspects of mirror technology at a precisionlevel corresponding to an 8-m telescope capable of providing 0.25 arcsec (FWHM)images. We are continuing our work to specify the necessary aspherizing techniques,active and passive mirror supports, thermal monitoring, and optical testingrequirements.

5- Interferometer Array Test Facility. Construction of the two 0.6-m telescopes wasdelayed due to a funding freeze. However, work has been carried out on a number ofdifferent fronts.


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Image reconstruction simulations have shown that good maps can be obtained from anarray of five telescopes moving along radial tracks to a set of fixed pads. This is nowour preferred design. This configuration allows us to use short delay lines (10 m longfor a 100 m array) and gives dense (u,v) coverage. In the simulations the array isreconfigured every half-hour. We have successfully reconstructed the VLT four-startest image and a picture similar to M87 with its nucleus and jet (with realisticatmospheric noise). A full finite-element analysis of the telescope has been carriedout. The structure is extremely stiff with a minimum resonance frequency of 94 Hz.The struts are made of graphite epoxy, which enables us to use passive thermalcompensation to control the distance between primary and secondary optics. Theprimary will be an f/2 parabola. The 2 m delay line reported in the June 1987 NOAONewsletter is now built and is being commissioned. RMS velocity errors are of theorder of 1 um/s when the delay line is slewed at 5 mm/s.

We have measured the effect of atmospheric turbulence along a 60 m horizontal path1 m above ground at Kitt Peak. On a night when the measured r0 at the zenith was0.15 m, the horizontal r0 was 0.16 m. These experiments indicate that vacuum lightpipes between the telescopes and the central station may not be necessary, but furthertests are planned. We are testing InGaAs and HgCdTe detectors with a Frank Lowintegrating preamp, and we expect to obtain essentially photon-noise-limitedperformance in the near infrared. All the system components for a two-telescope arrayhave been under construction and will form the basis of a proof of conceptdemonstration.


The Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG) is a community-based project toconduct a detailed study of solar internal structure and dynamics usinghelioseismology. In order to exploit this new technique, GONG is developing asix-station network of extremely sensitive, and stable solar velocity imagers locatedaround the Earth to obtain nearly continuous observations of the Sun's "five-minute"oscillations, or pulsations. GONG is also establishing a major, distributed datareduction and analysis system to facilitate the coordinated scientific investigation ofthe measurements.

At this writing, the project's FY 1989 funding of $1.5M still seems to be intact in thecurrent versions of the appropriations bills in Congress, as is the rest of the NOAObudget. Planning is underway for the coming year based on these figures. Thoughfar below the originally requested $2.6M, nevertheless, limited acquisitions for the sixfield observing stations are expected in the latter part of FY 1989. Initial constructionactivities are scheduled to begin next summer.

NOAO chose GONG as its featured exhibit at the AAS meeting in Kansas City inJune. A colorful display describing the various aspects of the project was producedand attracted considerable attention at the exhibits.

Discussions have continued with the Stanford group developing the Michelson DopplerImager (MDI) for NASA's Solar Oscillations Imager experiment concerningcooperative processing of MDI data at the GONG data facility. Both the MDI andGONG groups have expressed a strong desire to take advantage of the obvious


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synergies and other opportunities to enhance the scientific return and minimize thecosts of both projects.

The major revelation of the GONG site survey in the last quarter is the taste thatfoxes have for the wrap-up cable on the tracker. Two cables were chewed through inthe space of a week at a single site! Other than this bit of fox trivia, the site surveycontinues to roll along, increasing our experience of coordinating many instruments inthe field. The data continue to validate the theoretical model, which will be improvedto use monthly weather statistics rather than semi-annual numbers. This should allowthe replication of the seasonal variation seen in the site survey data at a higheramplitude than the model predicts. There are plans to install a new instrument inRiyadh, Saudi Arabia in October, following the helioseismology meetings in Tenerifeand Nice.

The Tucson instrument team has been concentrating its efforts on the breadboardDoppler analyzer. Tests in integrated sunlight have revealed a consistent diurnal trendwhich has been traced to field effects in the instrument. When this trend is removed,power spectra of the data indicate that system noise is now less than solar noise forfrequencies between about 30 and 7000 umHz, a major design goal of the instrument.

A thorough investigation of commercially available camera systems has also beenundertaken in Tucson. All of the systems studied to date have defects. The bestcandidates investigated so far are cameras based on Texas Instrument's TC-241 virtualphase CCD. The noise level, sensitivity, and frequency response of this device appearto be adequate, although the rectangular pixel geometry will introduce complicationseither at the data acquisition level or in data reduction. A modified version of TI'sevaluation board will be placed in service on the breadboard interferometer as soon asintegrated Sun testing has been completed.

At Sacramento Peak, the GONG light feed turret has been installed outside of theHilltop dome for final tests prior to integration into the prototype system in Tucson.Some delays in the testing schedule have resulted from the onset of New Mexico'smonsoon storms in the early summer. Lightning strikes have twice damaged criticalelectronic components, giving the team valuable experience in running the systemunder conditions similar to many of the candidate GONG field sites.

D. Armet joined the GONG data reduction and analysis team in June. He comes to theproject with fifteen years of experience in data processing and software engineering.Armet is currently involved in preliminary tests of the Exabyte tape drive, an activitywhich will eventually expand to include the development of a system for readingGONG field tapes.

The end product of the GONG data reduction process will be tables of oscillationmode frequencies. These tables, rather than the more voluminous intermediate dataproducts, will likely be the focus of much of the attention of the GONG scientificcommunity. E. Anderson has been working on the implementation and testing of anIRAF/GRASP package which utilizes ST Scl's STTABLES for storing, inspecting,editing, and selecting the mode frequencies. In mid-July, this implementation of themode frequency data base, along with IRAF, was installed and demonstrated to theparticipants of the GONG Inversion Workshop which was held at JILA in Boulder.


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C. Instrumentation Projects.

Argus, the multi-fiber spectrograph, has been largely completed and has undergonetwo successful engineering runs on the CTIO 4-m telescope. The fiber feed is locatedat the 4-m prime focus, and the spectrograph, in one of the auxiliary coude rooms. Inits current configuration, there are 12 positioners, each with a pair of 100 um fibers.The hardware and software permit acquisition of individual objects. A certain amountof work needs to be done to make it more "user-friendly", so that it can besuccessfully used by visitors when it is made generally available next semester. Argusis probably the largest project undertaken by CTIO ETS during recent years, and itssuccessful (and on-schedule) completion is therefore especially noteworthy. Upgradingto a total of 24 positioners will take place once the instrument is fully debugged.

The IR preprocessor project consisted of development of a prototype device to performon-line image co-adding for the NOAO infrared imagers, where data rates at longwavelengths are beyond the capacity of the existing hardware. The pre-processor,based on Inmos "transputers," should also serve as a model for control of future long-wavelength cameras using arrays now under investigation by NOAO. The prototypedevice was assembled and tested at CTIO, and demonstrated in Tucson in May. Workis now underway to provide an interface to the LSI-11 computers and thereby fullyintegrate the pre-processor with the IR imagers.

The "workhorse" CCD for spectroscopic work at CTIO has been the GEC epitaxialCCD. A new batch has been received and coated for UV sensitivity (a new capabilityat CTIO). These new chips have excellent performance (both cosmetic and electrical),and the first two to be fully characterized have been installed on the CTIO 1.5-mtelescope spectrograph and the Blue Air Schmidt camera for the 4-m spectrographs.

Networking of the CTIO La Serena computers and the mountain Suns has beencompleted. The network provides a unified mail system, file transfer, and othercapabilities. The La Serena and Tololo computers are inter-connected by Ethernet; thepresent very slow link between La Serena and Tololo will be upgraded when amicrowave link is installed later this year.

The high point of project work within the infrared group this quarter was the firsttelescope test of a 256 x 256 PtSi array. This device represents the next generation ofIR array detectors and was provided for evaluation by the Hughes Aircraft Company.Following an intensive effort by R&D engineering staff, this array was successfullyturned on in the downtown laboratory at 4:00 P.M., April 25 and was then transportedto Kitt Peak for "first light" on the KPNO 1.3-m telescope later that night. The firsthigh-sensitivity, large-scale infrared picture of the central region of our Galaxy,obtained with this array, will shortly appear on the cover of Science. Other R&Dwork has centered on array operation at faster data rates, as will be required forlong-wavelength cameras. Tucson and La Serena are working jointly onimplementation of a transputer-based high speed digital signal processor. CTIO staffare taking the lead on this project, with Tucson providing electronics fabrication andsoftware support. Work was also done to implement efficient high speed dataacquisition for infrared speckle imaging with the present KPNO camera system.I. Gatley and A. Fowler visited J. Arens (U.C. Berkeley) and examined his 10 um


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camera. Arens' approach to high speed array control and data acquisition providedsome ideas which may see incorporation in our own next generation instruments.

The KPNO infrared camera continued in scheduled visitor use, including solar imagingand spectroscopy at the McMath telescope by personnel from the National SolarObservatory. A second daytime application was imaging features on the optically darkside of Venus, as part of a multi-observatory project involving KPNO, JPL, CalTech,and U. Hawaii. This program was carried out concurrently with nighttime use of the'instrument. New microcode has been incorporated in the user software, which bothhalves the read noise and doubles the system efficiency by eliminating dead timebetween frames. Commissioning of the cryogenic spectrometer continued, with ascientifically successful run on the KPNO 2.1-m. Further automation of instrumentcontrols was achieved, along with some modifications dictated by telescope experience.The 58 x 62 InSb detector in the spectrometer shows a radiation memory effect whichcan be controlled but is not yet well understood.

In the next generation imager Cryogenic Optical Bench (COB) project, we have foundthat the detector technology is moving rapidly toward smaller pixels in significantlylarger formats than those for which the COB was originally designed. As mentionedabove, we have successfully telescope-tested one such array and have it on hand as apossible detector for COB. The optical design has accordingly been re-specified totake optimal advantage of future arrays. This also requires some modification to themechanical design. The necessary delay in schedule is acceptable given the significantperformance improvement we stand to gain. Gatley delivered an invited talk and hadextensive discussions regarding Fabry-Perot fabrication during a visit to OpticalCoatings Laboratories, Inc. in Santa Rosa, California. They believe that they can meetthe technical challenge of producing a linear wedged etalon; we have talked with otherresearch groups to seek out contractual partners to share the cost. An agreement hasalso been reached with a group at Space Telescope Science Institute by which theywill inject funds into the project in return for participation in engineering andtelescope use of the instrument.

The comparison of zerodur vs. aluminum collimator optics for the cryogenic echellecontinues. One perceived advantage of aluminum, the ability to align and focus atroom temperature in a bench fixture, has proven to be incorrect. Zerodur optics wouldalso be cheaper and could be done in-house with existing optical shop facilities.However, it is felt that the diamond-turned aluminum alternative should be completelyexplored before being abandoned. A. Harper (Yerkes Obs.) has agreed to purchase asecond set of collimator optics; this reduces the unit cost. Discussions are continuingamong other potential collaborators. The mechanical engineer position which is vitalfor further progress on this project has been filled, with the new hire to report forwork in July.

I. Gatley gave a presentation on NOAO's infrared program to the AURA Board ofDirectors, the Executive Committee and the Observatories Advisory Committee in May1988. This talk was based on the scientific work of the infrared group and did muchto enhance our reputation with the astronomical community.

Observing support for the KPCA was provided for three separate telescope scheduledruns. Operational and maintenance problems are still being experienced with the


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KPCA and continued improvements have been necessary to enhance the operation.These improvements are meant to reduce dependency on variables such astemperature, cable length, cable routing, to simplify installation, and to facilitatemaintenance through improved test fixture use. Spare cards for the head/interfacehave been constructed and tested. Software updates include an autocorrelation routinefor focus and several changes to make observing more user friendly. The new echellebracket for the KPCA has completed fabrication and will soon be anodized andreassembled. This will enable the KPCA to be used with the long focus camera.

We have continued evaluation of NSF #251 TI 800 x 800. This device is not suitablefor imaging but can be used for spectroscopic applications. The device exhibitsnumerous partial column blockages and has some problems with parallel chargetransfer which requires an optical bias (preflash). The final destination (KPNO orCTIO) has not been determined. Both observatories have expressed an interest in thedevice. The Burrell Schmidt CCD filter wheel and mechanical interface have beencompleted. Remnants from the ancient 4-m prime focus mechanical interface weremodified to provide a filter bolt, focus mechanism and TV acquisition pickoffmechanism. The system has been tested using the downtown CCD controller and willget considerable use during July and August using the #1-36 CCD system. To makeeffective use of the Burrell Schmidt interface for CCD applications, another CCDsystem is required. On C. Pilachowski's suggestion, discussions are underwayregarding the "Kitt Peak" CCD system at CTIO. It appears that the system has notbeen used for some time now and there is a high probability that the "Kitt Peak"system could return to the Northern hemisphere for use at the Schmidt. We receivedand have begun testing of a Tektronix 512 x 512 thinned device. This device was oneof a yield of eight and the prospects at Tek appear to be brighter. They think thatthey have a handle on the pocket problems and are optimistic that more scientificdevices will be forthcoming. They have recently started a "lot" (wafers) which includesome 2048 x 2048 devices. None will be thinned because of delivery pressure for thethick devices and the potential of lower yields during thinning. We are first in linefor one of these thick devices. Tests on the new 512 x 512 device are not yetcomplete. Thus far, we have confirmed Tek's data from their final test. The device iscosmetically nearly perfect. The "A" register amplifier is useless; however, the "C"register amplifier has ~11 electrons rms read noise. This is not quite up to theirspecifications of <10 electrons rms. Perhaps the biggest problem is the horizontalcharge transfer efficiency (CTE). We have confirmed their tested values of .999949.Attempts to improve this parameter have been unsuccessful to this date. Originalspecifications from Tek are for CTE to be .99999. The measured dark current is wellbelow specifications.

With probability of a 2048 x 2048 delivery higher than ever, we have dusted off the4" CCD mechanical interface. Mechanically it is now completed and needs only to bewired for computer control. We shall watch the 2048 x 2048 forecast closely and beprepared to complete the electrical construction so a large CCD can be tested at atelescope in a timely manner. TI3 has had a persistent problem with high dark currentfrom a defective column. Integrations greater than 10 minutes are affected. Thisproblem has just manifested itself; however, it does come from a known bad area onthe CCD. Various attempts to quell the dark current by changing the parallel gatebias have been unsuccessful. More will be attempted during the summer shutdown.We have purchased a new calibration diode enhanced for UV. With the new diode


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and a new procedure for measuring quantum efficiency (QE), we have a preliminaryindication that the UV-enhanced TI and Tek devices do not roll off as our original QEcurves indicate. All dewars will be tested during the summer shutdown and new QEcurves generated and distributed.

Most of the preliminary design concepts that R. Smith presented for the nextgeneration controller (CCD and IR) to the O/UV group (transputer technology) weregenerally well-received and with minor modifications, could be used to control all ofour current CCD cameras from the head electronics. Our point being that the sizableinvestment in the dewars and low noise electronics and clock drivers are needed to beretained to minimize our investment in new hardware and the effects of the transitionto new controllers. Most, if not all, the benefits of the new controller can be realizedwith minimum perturbations to the existing operation.

Developing the instrument layout and mechanical specifications for the Kitt Peak fiberactuator device, as well as procurement of the positioning stages and controls occurredthis quarter.

Two positioning stages have been ordered from Daedal, Inc., and AC servo motorsand controls (motor drives and indexers) from Compumotor. The positioning stagesare low-profile rail tables with the base (drive) table modified for additional (andwider) bearing support; and both equipped with high resolution (1 um) linear encoders.The servo systems will provide adequate resolution and capability to drive thepositioning stages at a peak speed of over 8" sec, although average move velocity willbe less than this due to required acceleration times. A Thompson linear bearing wayhas been ordered for use in base support of the cross-stage. One hundred fifty 1.2mm right angle prisms were received and preliminary optical testing (for trueness ofthe right angle) was performed by the NOAO optics lab.

The design of a test fixture plate for mounting and coupling the stages in the "x" and"y" directions was started. This will be used for software development, alignment andcalibration of the positioning stages. This fixture plate will also be incorporated intothe instrument. Development of the mechanical layout and dimensions for theinstrument was also begun during this time period. In June a trip was made to theLawrence Livermore Nat. Lab. to see the Lick Obs. autocoupler and talk to itsdesigners. Mechanical drawings, documentation, and photos of their instrument werereceived. Analysis is still being performed as to the pickup mechanism to be used forthe instrument.

There were many developments in the 4-m Bench Fiber-Fed Spectrograph (BFFS)during the third quarter of FY 1988. A. Abraham was asked by S. Wolff to evaluatethe proposal by C. Pilachowski and R. Davies to place the BFFS in the large couderoom. An analysis was made by K. Abdel-Gawad on the thermal requirements for theBFFS in this location. This confirmed an earlier preliminary study which suggestedthat the impact on other 4-m systems would be minimal. A comprehensive thermalplan was made to accommodate the various conditions which the spectrograph mightencounter. Coordination began between the O/UV, maintenance, and mountain groupsto implement the new construction. A startup date was set at five days before summershutdown, with partial completion by the end of shutdown so equipment could bereceived into the room.


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Results from a conference hosted by S. Barden were reviewed. It was decided thatVaughnn should prepare an engineering and ergonomic analysis for all aspects of theBFFS. This was then broken down into two stages. In the first stage rough ideaswere tested by J. Simmons and Vaughnn with input from the BFFS scientists. Initialconcepts for the critical focal surface module were agreed upon. Capital expenditurerequired to implement a first generation version of the BFFS and meet the initialspecifications/design goals was determined.

The first stage report was released in early May. It was decided that the proposed5' x 8' optical table would satisfy the optical design requirements and the purchase wasmade. Also, an investigation of ways to build the collimators yielded a decision topurchase two zerodur blanks and do the grinding/polishing/coating in-house. A plan tofit interference filters into our focal surface module without a major degradation inobscuration was designed and bids solicited.

Further engineering analyses were made as a precursor to the second stage report.The cable run detail was ironed out with input from Barden and Abdel-Gawad. Inaddition to Vaughnn's work, J. Hoey began the architectural improvement drawings.Since the O/UV group has been short a mechanical designer and a bottleneck hadarisen, Vaughnn began the process of developing a workable conceptual design for thetable layout. With a final analysis to insure that the proposed BFFS room wouldfacilitate scientific and instrumentation requirements, the quarter ended with thecompletion of construction plans.

The National Solar Observatory strongly supports the MAX '91 program ofcoordinated groundbased, balloon-borne and space observations during the upcomingmaximum of solar activity, and we are enthusiastic about participating in MAX '91observing campaigns. To this end, we welcome members of the flare researchcommunity to NSO's facilities. NSO's potential for flare research resides in present ornearly completed instrumentation, including both synoptic facilities (which, by natureof their operations, can be substantially dedicated to supporting MAX '91) and generalpurpose instruments. NSO has accumulated considerable observing-campaignexperience at both the Kitt Peak and the Sacramento Peak sites, and has policies inplace for accommodating observing proposals which cannot be precisely scheduled inadvance. In addition to presently existing facilities, NSO is vigorously pursuing thedevelopment of new instrumentation that will find application in MAX '91 activities.Examples include an infrared spectrograph and detector package, an adaptive opticssystem, an advanced Stokes polarimeter (in collaboration with the High Altitude Obs.),a new longitudinal and/or vector magnetograph (in collaboration with JHU/APL), anear-limb emission-line coronagraph with array detector, an improved multi-band flarepatrol, and improved capability for rapid data acquisition during flares. We solicitadvice from potential users about which of these, as well as other, facilitiesimprovements would be most useful during MAX '91. The MAX '91 Working Groupconsists of R. Altrock, J. Harvey, K. Harvey, H. Jones (Co-Chair), D. Neidig(Co-Chair), D. Rabin, F. Recely, and R. Smartt.

Research-quality solar observations with the NOAO infrared imager were obtained forthe first time during an observing run at the McMath telescope, June 10 - 16. Theimager incorporates a 58 x 62 InSb array for detection in the 1 - 5 um range.


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R. Little and P. Foukal (Cambridge Res. and Instrumentation) studied facular regionsat the opacity minimum (1.62 um) using a small image scale (7 arcsec pix-1). Thescientific objective was to investigate the contrast (and thereby the temperaturestructure) of faculae in the deep photosphere. The data appear to contain reproducibleinformation on local photometric contrast at about the 0.3% level. Faculae will beidentified using simultaneous visible-light images from a video camera. D. Rabin andB. Graves (NSO) carried out both imaging (with the east auxiliary telescope) andspectroscopy (with the main telescope and spectrograph). Images of sunspots in J, H,K, and narrow continuum bands will be used to extend the limited data available onthe infrared contrast of umbrae and penumbrae. Previous studies employed singledetectors, pinhole apertures, and drift scans, and were therefore unable to considerasymmetrical or complex spots without model-dependent corrections. The present datawere taken in poor seeing, but some of the short-exposure (0.1 s) images clearly showpenumbral filaments. Analysis is in the early stages.

The spectroscopic observations, although of lesser quality, are quite encouraging forfuture work on magnetically sensitive lines in the near infrared. Zeeman splitting at anumbra-penumbra boundary was clearly observed in the lines Fe I XI5648.5 (Landefactor 3.0) and Fe I XI5652.9 (Lande factor 1.9), both in unpolarized and in right- andleft-circularly polarized light. An attempt to carry out rapid polarization modulationusing a ferroelectric liquid crystal variable waveplate was partially successful: imageswere successfully acquired at a rate of 40 Hz (in bursts) using special-purposemicrocode developed for the imager, but the waveplate introduced unacceptable opticalaberrations. Another waveplate has been ordered for evaluation.

O. von der Liihe and T. Rimmelle (Kiepenheuer Inst.), are putting the final touches tothe correlation tracker system at Sacramento Peak. The correlation tracker is thecentral part of an image stabilizing system that can lock on any small scale structureon the Sun; e.g., granulation, pores, sunspots, spot penumbrae and the like. Imagestabilization compensates atmospheric and instrumental image motion and significantlyimproves the resolution of long exposure observations, like spectra or narrow-bandfiltergrams. An engineering run of the correlation tracker at the NSO Sac PeakVacuum Tower Telescope in June 1988 was highly successful. The system maintainslock on granules even under bad seeing conditions, when hardly a granule is visible. Itloses lock during moments of complete blur, but immediately re-establishes lock assoon as seeing improves. Granular evolution requires reference image updating everyso often. The update process was not operational at the time the engineering run wasmade. It was found that tracking becomes unstable and lock is lost eventually some 3to 4 minutes after a reference is taken. New features currently under developmentinclude reference updating and removal of trends in the pictures, which allows thetracker to lock on structure on top of a strongly varying background, e.g., near thelimb.

The picture shows a 6 s average of stabilized (left) and unstabilized granulationrecorded with video cameras. The improved resolution on the stabilized half isobvious. The noise is caused by multiple video recording and playback.


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D. Observatory Activities.

Two safety projects are underway at the KPNO 4-m telescope. The first, a buildingice shield design has been completed and is presently out for bid; installation shouldbe completed before next winter. The second, new safety brakes have been installedon the primary mirror elevator and will be in service for the summer realuminizing.Afire pump was installed on Kitt Peak at the Southwest Ridee water tank to provideimproved firefighting capability for NRAO and McGraw Hilffacilities Also a fastattack pumper unit was received and installed on a 3/4-ton, four-wheel-drive pickup

Our increased efforts to upgrade Kitt Peak's vehicle fleet at little or no cost has paidoif. During the last two years, Kitt Peak Mountain Operations has obtained 10vehicles from surplus. These vehicles range from a small street sweeper to a 1500gallon tank truck. While the vehicles are not new, they are generally in very goodcondition. During this same period, we tried without success to locate an ambulanceon GSA surplus. As a consequence, we purchased a used ambulance, which will bein service by early August.

After reviewing input from the user community, it was announced that the IIDS(Intensified Image Dissector Scanner) will be retired beginning with the fall 1989observing semester. The instrument has been a workhorse for low-to-moderateresolution spectroscopy at the Observatory since 1975. The advent of the Gold CCDSpectroscopic Camera at the KPNO 2.1-m telescope has caused nearly all IIDSobservers to switch to the CCD camera. The Gold Camera offers considerably higherthroughput than the IIDS, particularly in the red, a two-dimensional format andextended red response to nearly one micron. Observers with ongoing IIDS projectshave the opportunity to finish their work before the fall 1989 semester through thenormal Telescope Allocation Committee process.

We have finalized the paperwork on some new and used photographic equipmentvalued at approximately $30,000. This was accomplished by trading in olderequipment, obtaining some by surplus and the purchase of used or reconditionedequipment. The photo lab will soon have better black and white processing facilitiesand the added ability to process Ektachrome, which will be a new service This wasall done within our FY 1988 budget and at a total cost of approximately $6,400.

The computer room in the Tucson Headquarters building to house the GONG and IRprogram computer systems was completed.

The first conference solely dedicated to Fiber Optics in Astronomy was held in Tucsonon April 11-14, 1988. With over 70 attendees from around the world, discussioncovered the basics of fiber optics, multi-object applications, and high precisionapplications. The proceedings of the meeting will be published by the AstronomicalSociety of the Pacific in the fall of 1988.


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CTIO's Chilean economic statistics, FY 1988:

Month %Change Cum, change Avr. monthly

Apr 0.8 8.7 268.07May 0.5 9.2 268.26Jun 0.6 9.9 270.44


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A. Director's Office.

During this quarter, the FY 1989 - 1993 Long Range Plan was submitted to theNational Science Foundation. The Director's Office asked the divisions to startcompiling material for the NOAO Annual Report, due to the NSF on December 1.We will also submit this document for publication in the Bulletin of the AmericanAstronomical Society.

The second "Dear Colleague" letter was sent to the community and generated a largeresponse. After review of this input, plans for balancing the FY 1989 budget wereapproved by AURA and submitted to the NSF. All necessary actions, includinglayoffs, have been taken.

Cancelling the distributed array combined with funds from the Director's Reserve willallow S. Wolff to provide $100K toward workstations on Sacramento Peak. She hasalready given $3K to CCS to maintain the satellite link to the San DiegoSupercomputer for this fiscal year. Wolff attended a meeting in Washington, D.C. onJune 23 hosted by NSF Director Bloch. He met with those interested in telescopes of8-m or greater aperture.

At its June 23 teleconference, the AURA Executive Committee approved the NOAOFY 1989 Provisional Program Plan; the OAC contacted AURA with its approval onJune 24. Tenure recommendations for J. Elias and M. Giampapa were also approved.

B. Publications and Information Resources Office.

PIR was very busy during the 1 April - 30 June 1988 quarter serving as primarycontact and escort for various media, film, and photographic visitors to Kitt Peak.During this quarter there were two major filmings on Kitt Peak. The first was for aneducational film by National Geographic on the solar system. The second was for afinancial investment firm in Japan. This firm also made a generous monetary donationto AURA towards the painting of the McMath Telescope, and donated a model of theMcMath which they had made for the filming.

Other activities included: revising and updating the AURA brochure and the Kitt PeakWalking Tour brochure, as well as designing a smaller informational brochure on KittPeak; assisting with editing the NOAO Provisional Program Plan; beginning a study ofthe reprographics activities at NOAO/Tucson; coordinating the AURA/NOAO exhibitsfor the AAS and IAU meetings.

Normal activities for the office included filling photo/slide orders, administering thefilm loan program for the NSF, answering a continual stream of public inquiries aboutNOAO and astronomy in general, and administering another "sold out" Public Eveningprogram.


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C. Central Computer Services.

A high-speed telephone modem link has been established between NOAO-Tucson andCTIO and low priority electronic mail and data files are exchanged over this link onan overnight basis. This link also serves as a backup for the SPAN network link.More general design work for the new KPNO 2.1-m telescope control system wasdone; some testing of concepts for the new software was done at the KPNO #l-0.9-mtelescope.

Various changes in the controlling microcode for the IR arrays were made to allow foroperation at 5 um, for control of 256 x 256 arrays, and for support of speckle andsolar observations. The processing algorithm has been revised again to support thisnew microcode. Code for fast readout of the large (256 x 256) arrays is beingdeveloped. Forty-one distributions of the IRAF system were exported during thisquarter: one UNIX/SOURCE system for a new port (IBM RT/PC), 20 Sun3/IRAFsystems, six Sun4/IRAF systems, 10 VMS/IRAF systems, two Ultrix/IRAF systems,and two UNIX/IRAF systems. Of these, 19 were new sites. The IRAF UserQuestionnaire distributed in-house last quarter was returned by 40% of the NOAOstaff. The Questionnaire was then distributed in a general mailing to approximately420 people in mid-May. Roughly 150 responses were returned by the June 18 returndate. The results of this survey are now being compiled into a summary.

A fully interactive image cursor read capability was developed and added to IRAF,eliminating one of the most significant remaining limitations of the early system.Similar facilities were implemented both for the Sun workstations (using IMTOOL),and for the IIS display. The display software was modified to allow use of the IISfrom a byte-swapped Sun as well as from the VAXes. Considerable work was doneconfiguring our major new Tucson data reduction facility, the Orion complex, a Sun4server networked with several disked and diskless Sun3 workstations. A singleversion of IRAF was configured to run both on the Sun4 server and on the Sun3nodes. An IRAFX facility was implemented to permit use of the Tucana based IRAFdevelopment system from the nodes in the Orion complex.

The $100K NASA grant money for the IRAF project finally reached the NSF onMay 9. These funds allowed us to hire a new programmer, M. Fitzpatrick, to work inthe area of science and systems applications programming and site support.Fitzpatrick comes to NOAO following several years of software development at theU. of Texas, mainly working in the area of spectral reductions and analysis; he iscurrently working on a cross correlation radial velocity analysis program for IRAF.

Work continues on the new IRAF systems software. As part of the image structuresproject, two new interfaces PMIO and MIO (for image masks) were designed andimplemented; these are related to the PLIO interface developed in the past quarter. Anew interface QPOE for storing image data from event (photon) counting detectorswas designed. A general purpose binary file manager interface FMIO was designedfor use in QPOE and the new image structures.


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D. Central Administrative Services.

During the quarter ended June 30, 1988 the following plans were completed:

NOAO Long Range Plan for FY 1989 - 1993

NOAO FY 1989 Provisional Program Plan

NOAO FY 1988 Program Plan, Revision I

In addition, the annual audit (preliminary) by Coopers & Lybrand and the annualequipment inventory were started the latter part of June.

The Personnel Office prepared NOAO's Definitive Recommendation for the FY 1989Salary Increase Pool and responded to a Corporate office request for informationregarding compensation issues. The Pool Recommendation was approved by theExecutive Committee of the AURA Board. Personnel Manager, J. Ruffino, met withthe U.S. hires at CTIO to discuss benefit plans and personnel matters in general. Theoffice also worked with an insurance broker in an attempt to save money on ourindemnity medical insurance. The end result was a revision of the MassachusettsMutual plan to reduce the May 1 premium increase by 10%.

A policy revision for part-time employees' vacation, sick leave, and severance payaccrual rates was written and this revision was submitted to the AURA Corporateoffice for further approvals. The Personnel Office arranged for interested employeesto have health risk appraisals by Intergroup. It held a semi-annual Red Cross blooddrive in Tucson, held an annual open enrollment for employees in Tucson and on KittPeak to change health and/or dental insurance plans, and attended a local seminar ondrugs in the workplace.

E. Central Facilities Operations.

The renovation of the old Air Glow Laboratory on Kitt Peak for the Goddard SpaceFlight Center (GSFC) Rapid Moving Telescope (RMT) and the Massachusetts Instituteof Technology (MIT) Explosive Transit Camera (ETC) programs was completedduring this quarter and now await the arrival and installation of the instruments.Under a negotiated agreement with GSFC and MIT, Central Facilities Operationsprovided personnel for on-site construction inspections and coordination assistancebetween the contractor and the architect.


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Page 33: National Optical Astronomy - Q3... · technique using narrow filters with a bandwidth of about 250 A. These filters will allow QSOs to be selected with an equivalent width


Appendix A




Astronomical Observations

Hours Used Hours Lost

Scheduled Maintenance,Engineering,Instrument Tests,Equipment Changes, etc.

Te Visitors Staff Weather Failure

4-m 1069.1 563.1 132.2 248.3 35.9 89.6

1.5-m 1051.5 563.6 174.4 254.9 16.6 42.0

1-m 820.9 411.2 44.8 244.9 0.5 119.5

CTIO 0.9-m 916.1 504.5 47.7 295.3 11.0 57.6

*0.6/0.9-m 240.4 135.9 17.0 53.5 0 34.0

0.6-m 648.8 255.4 0 393.4 0 0

4-m 978.95 526.22 140.73 213.0 65.0 34.0

2.1-m 818.75 490.43 154.57 132.25 30.75 10.75

CF 797.75 369.48 224.52 125.25 13.5 65.0

KPNO 1.3-m 844.0 468.01 68.49 255.5 20.25 31.75

#l-0.9-m 715.26 445.23 81.28 151.0 8.75 29.0

#2-0.9-m 710.25 360.86 87.14 239.5 10.75 12.0

Schmidt 157.5 81.5 0 69.0 2.0 5.0

HiUtop 2388.0 1507.0 424.0 421.0 15.0 21.0

Vac. Tower 1032.0 411.0 223.0 286.0 62.0 50.0

Evans Fac. 2071.0 791.0 492.0 713.0 75.0 0

NSO **FTS Lab 250.0 112.0 0 0 30.0 108.0

**McMath 1496.0 698.0 375.0 349.0 44.0 30.0

Vacuum 724.0 538.0 0 180.0 6.0 0

Note: Scheduled hours are calculated according to the ephemerides for CTIO:April - 11.5 hours/night; May - 12.1 hours/night; June - 12.4 hours/night.

* Use restricted to dark of the moon.

** Totals include both day and night hours. (All others are day only.)

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Page 35: National Optical Astronomy - Q3... · technique using narrow filters with a bandwidth of about 250 A. These filters will allow QSOs to be selected with an equivalent width


Appendix BCerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory

April-May-June: Individual telescope assignments are listed below. Graduate Studentsare indicated by an asterisk after their names. Nights assigned, (hours worked), andtelescope used are included. Service observing is denoted by S.O. instead of nightsassigned.

C. Anguita and M.T. Ruiz, U. de Chile: "CCD Parallaxes for Faint High ProperMotion Stars," 2(13)1.5-m.

B.J. Anthony-Twarog and B.A. Twarog, U. of Kansas: "Search for Photometric MainSequence Binary Candidates in NGC 6397," 2(21)4-m.

C. Bailyn and J. Grindlay, Harvard Smithsonian, H. Cohn and P. Lugger, Indiana U.,"Radial Distribution of Faint Blue Horizontal Branch Stars in Globular Clusters,"3(34)1.5-m.

T.S. Bergmann, M.G. Pastoriza, and A. Schmidt, Porto Alegre, Brasil: "SpectralPopulation Synthesis of Seyfert 2 and Liner Nuclei," 12(63)l-m.

V.M. Blanco and D.M. Terndrup, CTIO: "M-Type Giants in the Galactic Bulge,"3(13)4-m.

V.M. Blanco, CTIO, and M.F. McCarthy, Georgetown U.: "Test of Methods forSurveys of Ca II Triplet Emission Objects," 3(6)Schmidt

M. Bolte and P. Stetson, Dominion Astrophysical Obs., and D. Geisler, CTIO:"Deep Main-Sequence Luminosity Functions in Open Clusters," 3(33)0.9-m.

T.M. Brown and R.L. Gilliland, High Altitude Obs., and N.B. Suntzeff, CTIO:"Low Amplitude Oscillations in Solar-Like Stars," 6(57)1.5-m.

CTIO Staff: "Optical and Infrared Observations of SN1987A," 5(51)1.5-m, 8(45)l-m.

M. Davis and M. Strauss, U. California Berkeley, J. Tonry, MIT, and A. Yahil,SUNY Stony Brook: "A Redshift Survey of IRAS Galaxies," 6(58)1.5-m.

J.H. Elias, CTIO: "IR Imaging Survey of Herbig Haro Objects," 3(27)4-m, 2(23)1.5-m,3(12)0.9-m.

J.H. Elias, CTIO: "Faint End of the Initial Mass Function," 4(23)1.5-m.

I.N. Evans, H.C. Ford, and O. Dahari, ST Scl: "Emission Line Imaging of SouthernActive Galaxies," 8(73)0.9-m.


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H. Ford, ST Scl, R. Ciardullo and G. Jacoby, KPNO, and R. Williams, CTIO:"Novae in Elliptical Galaxies: Distribution and Novae Rate in NGC 5128 "2(00)4-m.

H. Ford, ST Scl, X. Hui*, Boston U., R. Ciardullo and G. Jacoby, KPNO: "HaloDynamics and the Mass Distribution in NGC 5128," 5(44)4-m.

L. French, MIT: "CCD Light Curves of Primitive Asteroids," 6(43)0.9-m.

E. Friel, U. of Hawaii, and D. Geisler, CTIO: "Photometry of the Most Metal-RichGlobular Clusters," 2(9)4-m, 4(20)0.9-m.

J. Frogel, KPNO, and D. Terndrup, CTIO: "Deep IR Color-Magnitude Diagrams of theNuclear Bulge," 4(40)4-m, 3(22)1.5-m.

J. Graham and M. Heyer, Carnegie DTM: "Outflows from Low-Mass Stars,"4(45)4-m, 3(16)1.5-m.

J. Grindlay and C. Bailyn, Harvard Smithsonian, H. Cohn and P. Lugger, Indiana U.,and P. Hertz, Naval Research Lab.: "Photometric Study of Galactic Plane X-raySources," 3(10)1.5-m.

J. Grindlay, Harvard Smithsonian, P. Lugger and H. Cohn, Indiana U., P. Hertz, NavalResearch Lab., and C. Bailyn, Harvard U.: "Spectroscopy of X-ray Sources in theGalactic Bulge and Globular Clusters," 3(35)4-m.

D. Hamilton, CalTech: "Kinematics of the Old Bulge Population," 4(43)4-m.

D.A. Hanes and T. Bridges, Queens U., W.E. Harris, McMaster U., and H.C. Harris,U.S. Naval Obs.: "Globular Cluster Systems in Giant E Galaxies," 3(33)4-m.

I. Hawkins, Lawrence Livermore Nat'l. Lab., and D.M. Meyer, Northwestern U • "InSearch of CN and CH+," 4(21)1.5-m.

J.E. Hesser, U. of Victoria, D. Geisler, CTIO, H.C. Harris, U.S. Naval Obs., G.L.H.Harris, U. of Waterloo: "Globular Clusters in NGC 5128," 3(24)4-m.

W.B. Hubbard, U. of Arizona, and F. Vilas, NASA/JSC: "10-11 May 1988 NeptuneOccultation" l(00)4-m.

T. Ichikawa and M. Nishida, U. of Kyoto: "IRAS Objects in the Ophiuchus MolecularCloud Complex," 2(27)1.5-m, 4(30)l-m.

G. Illingworth, G. Miley and C. Norman, ST Scl, and T. Heckman, U. of Maryland:"Are Nearby Radio-Loud Ellipticals Peculiar? - A Careful Comparative Study "3(12)4-m, 3(13)1.5-m.

M. Karovska, P. Nisenson, and L. Koechlin, Harvard Smithsonian, S. Strom and K.Strom, U. of Massachusetts, and S. Edwards, Smith College: "High AngularResolution Studies of Young Stellar Objects," 1.5(17)4-m.


Page 37: National Optical Astronomy - Q3... · technique using narrow filters with a bandwidth of about 250 A. These filters will allow QSOs to be selected with an equivalent width

J.B. Laird, U. of N. Carolina, and N. Suntzeff, CTIO: "The Chemistry of the ThickDisk Population," 4(32)4-m.

O.H. Levato, El Leoncito, Argentina, S. Malaroda, N. Morrell and B. Garcia, U. de LaPlata: "Percentage of Binaries in Open Clusters: Tr 15," 4(34)l-m.

J. Lutz, Washington State U.: "Morphologies and Radii of Planetary Nebula Shells,"6(55)0.9-m.

A. McWilliam, CTIO: "Spectroscopy of Blue Stragglers and Upper M-S Stars,"4(25)1.5-m.

A. Moneti, ESO, and H. Zinnecker, Max-Planck Inst.: "Infrared Imaging of SouthernCompact IR Sources," 3(24)1.5-m.

P. Nisenson, M. Karovska, C. Standley, L. Koechlin, and C. Papaliolios, HarvardSmithsonian: "Speckle Imaging of SN1987A," 1.5(17)4-m.

C. Papaliolios, B. Sams, B. Beletic, and N. Carleton, Harvard U.: "Speckle Imaging ofGlobular Clusters and SN1987A," 2(19)4-m.

C.L. Perry, Louisiana State U.: "Interstellar Reddening of the Solar Neighborhood. II.The Southern Hemisphere," 5(39)l-m, 54(240)0.6-m.

R.C. Peterson, Tucson, AZ: "Velocity Dispersions of Globular-Cluster Cores,"3(33)4-m.

H. Quintana, A. Ramirez, X. Cardenas, and G. Hertling, U. Catolica de Chile:"Survey of a Complete Sample of Dumb-Bell Galaxies," 5(48)l-m, 4(24)0.9-m.

M. Rao* and A.U. Landolt, Louisiana State U.: "A Study of Selected Open StarClusters," 4(5)0.9-m.

B.C. Reed, St. Mary's U. Canada: "Early-Type Stars as Tracers of Galactic GlobularCluster Foreground Reddening," 10(53)Schmidt.

B. Reipurth, ESO, and S.R. Heathcote, CTIO: "Visible Pre- Main-Sequence Stars inthe p Oph and Circinus Clouds," 4(40)1.5-m.

R.A. Remillard and W. Roberts, MIT: "Optical Identification of HEAO-1 X-raySources," 9(70)Schmidt.

R.M. Rich, Carnegie DTM, R.E. Luck, Case Western Reserve U., and J.R. Mould,CalTech: 1) "Echelle Spectroscopy of Very Strong Lined Giants in the GalacticBulge; 2) Continued Monitoring of Omega Cen Carbon Stars," 3(36)4-m.

M.J. Rieke and G. Rieke, U. of Arizona, and J. Frogel, KPNO: "SpectralClassification of Galactic Center Stars," 2(17)4-m, 3(38)1.5-m.


Page 38: National Optical Astronomy - Q3... · technique using narrow filters with a bandwidth of about 250 A. These filters will allow QSOs to be selected with an equivalent width

G. Rieke and M. Rieke, U. of Arizona: "Is Source 7 at the Galactic Center?," l(8)4-m.

G. Rieke and M. Rieke, U. of Arizona: "Radial Velocities of Galactic Center Stars,"l(8)4-m.

M. Roth, U. de Chile, P. Persei, Inst, di Astrofisica Spaziale, Frascati, M.T. Ruiz, Chile, and M. Tapia, ESO: "Study of Southern Massive Star FormingRegions," 1(7)1.5-m, 4(38)0.9-m.

M. Roth, and M. Rubio, and M.T. Ruiz, U. de Chile, and J.A. Lopez, UNAM: "NearInfrared Imaging of Bipolar Planetary Nebulae," 1(7)1.5-m.

B.E. Schaefer, U. of Maryland: "Infrared Counterparts of Gamma Ray Bursters,"3(27)4-m.

M.W. Schaefer and B.E. Schaefer, U. of Maryland: "Photometry and Astrometry ofNereid," 7(50)0.9-m.

B.E. Schaefer, U. of Maryland: 1) "On a Clear Day, Just How Far Can You See?"; 2)Orbital Periods of Recurrent Novae" 4(32)0.9-m, l(l)Schmidt.

P.C. Schmidtke, Arizona State U.: "Multicolor Photometric Studies of Galactic Low-mass X-ray Sources," 5(35)1.5-m.

R.A. Schommer, Rutgers U., R. Davies, KPNO, and J. Cavazzoni, Rutgers U.,"Investigation of the Tully-Fisher Relation," 3(36)1.5-m.

R.A. Schommer, Rutgers U., G. Bothun and D. Jerius, U. of Michigan: "EmissionLine Galaxies in High Redshift Clusters of Galaxies," 4(36)1.5-m.

R.A. Schommer, Rutgers U., J. Mould, CalTech, T. Williams, Rutgers U., N.Caldwell, Whipple Obs., and G. Bothun, U. of Michigan: "Large Scale StreamingMotions Around the Hydra-Cen Supercluster," 5(55)1.5-m, 3(21)0.9-m.

M. Shara and M. Potter, ST Scl, and A. Moffat, U. de Montreal: "SpectrographicStudy of Cataclysmic and X-ray Binary Stars in Globular Clusters," 3(29)4-m,l(12)Schmidt.

D.R. Soderblom and D.K. Duncan, ST Scl: "Age-Related Phenomena in Very YoungG and K Dwarfs," 2(14)4-m.

W.B. Sparks, F. Macchetto, and R. Jedrzejewski, ST Scl: "The Isophotal Structure ofElliptical Galaxies in the Infra-Red," 4(35)1.5-m.

J. Steiner and S. Kirhakos, Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais: "Looking for Edge-OnSeyfert Galaxies," 5(58)l-m.

P.B. Stetson, J.E. Hesser, and R.D. McClure, Dominion Astrophysical Obs., and G.H.Smith, ST Scl: "Globular Cluster Mass Functions and Ages," 4(52)4-m. P.B.


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Stetson, Dominion Astrophysical Obs., and N.B. Suntzeff, CTIO- "CepheidsOutside the Solar Circle," 5(ll)Schmidt.

N.B. Suntzeff, M. Phillips, S. Heathcote, M. Hamuy, and A.R. Walker, CTIO:"Southern Spectrophotometric Standards," 4(34)1.5-m.

D.M. Terndrup, CTIO: "The Structure and Stellar Population of the Galactic NuclearBulge," 4(10)4-m.

B. Twarog and B.J. Anthony-Twarog, U. of Kansas: "Extension and Expansion of theuvby Photometric System," 5(43)1-m, 5(16)0.6-m.

F.J. Vrba, U.S. Naval Obs., F. Walter and A. Brown, U. of Colorado, and P. MeyersHarvard Smithsonian: "Optical Photometry of Southern 'Naked T Tauri Stars',"'8(45)l-m.

A.R. Walker, CTIO: "Cepheids in NGC 5128," l(7)4-m.

A.E. Whitford, U. California Santa Cruz, and D. Terndrup, CTIO: "PhysicalProperties of Bulge M Giants," 4(20)4-m.


C. Heisler*, and P. Vader: "Imaging and Spectroscopy of a Far-Infrared SelectedSample of QSOs," 5(53)1-m, 6(48)0.9-m.

A. Sarajedini* and G. Da Costa: "Search for Blue Stragglers in Globular Clusters"8(73)0.9-m.


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Page 41: National Optical Astronomy - Q3... · technique using narrow filters with a bandwidth of about 250 A. These filters will allow QSOs to be selected with an equivalent width


Appendix BKitt Peak National Observatory

Executed Proposals 04/01/88 - 06/30/88 Page 1 Fri Jul 8 10:35:37 1988

Nights Hours Days Hours6708 s88

K Abt, Kitt Peak National ObservatoryImproved Study of Duplicity Among F9-G1 Stars

Coude Feed 9.00 62.00 0.00 0.00

7099 s88

H Abt, National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesMK Classification of Stars in the Suppl. to theBSC Nr. 1 0.9 meter 5.00 23.50 0.00 0.00

7100 s88

H Abt, National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesC Corbally, S.J., Vatican ObservatoryUBV Photometry with a CCD of Trapezium Systems

Nr. 1 0.9 meter 5.00 30.00 0.00 0.00

7158 s88

B Balick, University of WashingtonH Preston, Iowa State UniversityG Jacoby,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesSpectrophotometry of Knots and Jets of PlanetaryNebulae 2.1 meter 4.00 21.50 0.00 0.00

7087 s88

T Beers, Michigan State UniversityG Preston, S Shectman,Mt. Wilson & Las Campanas ObservatoriesA Search for Extremely Low Metallicity Stars inthe Galacti Burrell Schmidt 7.00 34.00 0.00 0.00

7303 s88

M Belton,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesP Wehinger, S Wyckoff, Arizona State UniversityH Spinrad, University of California, BerkeleyPhotometry of P/Halley Tie-in Fields and of CometP/Tempel2 Nr. 1 0.9 meter 5.00 21.00 0.00 0.00

7279 s88

G Bjoraker, M Mumma, D Jennings,NASA Goddard Space Flight CenterMeasurements of the Deuterium to Hydrogen Ratioand Hydroge 4 meter 1.50 14.00 2.00 7.25

Page 42: National Optical Astronomy - Q3... · technique using narrow filters with a bandwidth of about 250 A. These filters will allow QSOs to be selected with an equivalent width

Executed Proposals 04/01/88 - 06/30/88 Page 2 Fri Jul 8 10:35:37 1988

Nights Hours Days Hours6918 s88

H Bond, Space Telescope Science InstituteR Ciardullo,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesCCD Photometry of Bright Planetary Nebulae

Nr. 1 0.9 meter 9.00 69.50 0.00 0.00

7182 s88

H Bond, Space Telescope Science InstituteJ Bahcall, Institute for Advanced StudyPhotometry of a Complete Sample of Stars in SA57 Nr. 2 0.9 meter 10.00 83.25 0.00 0.00

7148 s88

S Boughn, Haverford CollegeJ Kuhn, Michigan State UniversityJ Uson, National Radio Astronomy ObservatoryCCD Surface Photometry of Rich Clusters ofGalaxies Nr. 1 0.9 meter 7.00 56.00 0.00 0.00

7163 s88

R Boyle, D Jennings, G Wiedemann,NASA Goddard Space Flight CenterJ Ready, Los Alamos National LaboratoryMass Loss from Heavily Obscured Carbon Stars

4 meter 0.00 0.00 5.00 24.00

7258 s88

R Burg, Space Telescoe Science InstituteR Giacconi, Space Telescope Science InstituteOptical Identifications for a ROSAT Field ofLowest Galacti 4 meter 1.00 8.50 0.00 0.00

7128 s88

D Burstein, Arizona State UniversityR Davies,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesG Wegner, Dartmouth CollegeM Colless, University of DurhamB McMahon,Harvard-Smithsonian Center for AstrophysicsElliptical Galaxies as Tracers ofNon-Uniformities in the.. 1.3 meter

Nr. 1 0.9 meter

2.1 meter

15 00 62 .25 0 00 0 00

5 00 32 00 0 00 0 00

3 00 24 75 0 00 0 00

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Executed Proposals 04/01/88 - 06/30/88 Page 3 Fri Jul 8 10:35:37 1988

Nights Hours Days Hours7067 s88

B Carney, University of North CarolinaD Latham,Harvard-Smithsonian Center for AstrophysicsDistances and Ages of Globular Clusters

4 meter

Nr. 1 0.9 meter

7058 s88

M Castelaz, T Persinger, Allegheny ObservatoryAbsolute Parallaxes of Stars

Nr. 2 0.9 meter 5.00 20.75 0.00 0.00

7230 s88

C Chapman, D Davis, S Weidenschilling, D Levy,M Magee, R Binzel, Planetary Science InstitutePhotometric Geodesy of Main-belt Asteroids

Nr. 2 0.9 meter 6.00 41.50 0.00 0.00

7220 s88

R Ciardullo, G Jacoby,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesH Ford, Space Telescope Science InstitutePlanetary Nebulae in the Leo I Group: Testing aNew ... 4 meter 4.00 39.00 0.00 0.00

7187 s88

A Crotts, University of Texas, AustinThe Spatial Clustering of QSO Absorption Systems

4 meter 3.50 19.50 0.00 0.00

7189 s88

A Crotts, University of Texas, AustinA Sample of QSOs for Studying Large ScaleStructure at Burrell Schmidt 6.00 24.50 0.00 0.00

7280 s88

R Cutri, F Low, University of ArizonaS Kleinmann, University of MassachusettsF Gillett, Kitt Peak National ObservatoryIdentification of Extreme Infrared Sources in theIRAS ... 1.3 meter 6.00 41.00 0.00 0.00

4.50 27.50 0.00 0.00

6.00 46.00 0.00 0.00

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Executed Proposals 04/01/88 - 06/30/88 Page 4 Fri Jul 8 10:35:37 1988

Nights Hours Days Hours7247 s88

K Ebneter, University of WashingtonW van Breugel,University of California, BerkeleyInfrared Imaging of Radio Ellipticals

2.1 meter 4.00 40.50 0.00 0.00

7125 s88

F Fekel, Vanderbilt UniversitySpectroscopy of Binary and Multiple Stars

Coude Feed 6.00 43.50 0.00 0.00

7123 s88

J Fix, University of IowaM Cobb, University of ArizonaInfrared Spectroscopy of OH/IR Stars

4 meter 0.00 0.00 4.00 22.00

9065 s88

T Fleming, University of ArizonaSerendipitous Stellar Detections from theEinstein Observat Nr. 2 0.9 meter 3.00 2.00 0.00 0.00

7140 s88

W Freudling, M Haynes, Cornell UniversityR Giovanelli, Arecibo ObservatoryDeviations from Hubble Flow around the HerculesVoid Nr. 1 0.9 meter 8.00 43.00 0.00 0.00

7293 s88

J Frogel, D Hamilton, P Seitzer,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesAn Infrared Search for Faint Red Stars

4 meter 4.00 27.50 0.00 0.00

7110 s88

R Garden, University of California, BerkeleyM Burton, NASA Ames Research CenterA Russell, Joint Astronomy CenterH2 Line Imates of the DR21 and NGC2071 MolecularJets 2.1 meter 4.00 24.00 0.00 0.00

Page 45: National Optical Astronomy - Q3... · technique using narrow filters with a bandwidth of about 250 A. These filters will allow QSOs to be selected with an equivalent width

Executed Proposals 04/01/88 - 06/30/88 Page 5 Fri Jul 8 10:35:37 1988

Nights Hours Days Hours7290 s88

I Gatley, R Joyce,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesT Hasegawa, Nobeyama Radio ObservatoryExcitation of Interstellar Molecular Hydrogen

2.1 meter 5.00 31.50 0.00 0.00

7286 s88

M Giampapa,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesJ Bookbinder, University of ColoradoThe Chromospheres and Coronae of K Dwarf Stars

2.1 meter 3.00 18.25 0.00 0.00

7162 s88

J Goebel, B Ragent, NASA Ames Research CenterD Crisp, R Preston, Jet Propulsion LaboratoryR Probst,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesW Sinton, University of HawaiiNear Infrared Observations of the Venus NightSide 1.3 meter 0.00 0.00 13.00 71.00

7061 s88

A Grauer, University of ArkansasTime-Series Photometry of Hot Evolved Stars

1.3 meter 14.00 85.50 0.00 0.00

7288 s88

R Green,

National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesJ Bechtold,Mt. Wilson & Las Campanas ObservatoriesD York, University of ChicagoPhysical Conditions in Distant Galaxy HaloRegions 4 meter 4.00 32.20 0.00 0.00

7306 s88

R Green,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesB Jannuzi, University of ArizonaSpectroscopy of Optically Selected BL LacCandidates 2.1 meter 4.00 28.75 0.00 0.00

Page 46: National Optical Astronomy - Q3... · technique using narrow filters with a bandwidth of about 250 A. These filters will allow QSOs to be selected with an equivalent width

Executed Proposals 04/01/88 - 06/30/88 Page 6 Fri Jul 8 10:35:37 1988

Nights Hours Days Hours7161 s88

J Hackwell, Aerospace CorporationG Grasdalen, S Gillam, University of WyomingMass of the Galactic Center from Stellar RadialVelocities 4 meter 4.33 12.00 4.00 2.00

7094 s88

E Halbedel, Corralitos ObservatoryThe Short Term Variability of Be Stars

Nr. 2 0.9 meter 7.00 27.00 0.00 0.00

7173 s88

D Hall, I Heyer, University of HawaiiK Hinkle,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesA Search for Dark Companions of K and M Giants

4 meter 0.33 2.50 0.00 0.00

7299 s88

D Hamilton,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesLarge Aperture Spectrophotometry of NearbyGalaxies Nr. 2 0.9 meter 5.00 13.00 0.00 0.00

7285 s88

T Heckman, University of MarylandG Miley, Space Telescope Science InstituteLyman Alpha Imaging of High Redshift Radio-LoudQuasars 4 meter 4.00 28.00 0.00 0.00

7196 s88

M Heyer, Carnegie Institution of WashingtonP Myers, N Ladd,Harvard-Smithsonian Center for AstrophysicsNear Infrared Imaging of Nearby Young StellarObjects 1.3 meter 4.00 22.00 0.00 0.00

7179 s88

J Houck, N Lu, E Salpeter, Cornell UniversitySurveying Extremes in Extinction and Reddening

Nr. 1 0.9 meter 5.00 60.00 0.00 0.00

Page 47: National Optical Astronomy - Q3... · technique using narrow filters with a bandwidth of about 250 A. These filters will allow QSOs to be selected with an equivalent width

Executed Proposals 04/01/88 - 06/30/88 Page 7 Fri Jul 8 10:35:37 1988

Nights Hours Days Hours7200 s88

D Hunter, J Gallagher, Lowell ObservatorySpectrophotometry of Anomalously Red IrregularGalaxies Nr. 2 0.9 meter 7.00 47.00 0.00 0.00

7071 s88

J Kaluzny, Warsaw University ObservatoryPhotometry of Two Extreme Intermediate Polars

1.3 meter 7.00 43.75 0.00 0.00

7083 s88

W Keel, University of AlabamaG Miley, Space Telescope Science InstituteM de Grijp, Leiden ObservatoryActive Galactic Nuclei from the IRAS Deep Fields

4 meter 3.00 22.00 0.00 0.00

2.1 meter 3.00 21.00 0.00 0.00

7214 s88

W Keel, University of AlabamaD Hamilton,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesMapping of Gaseous Outflows in Galactic Nuclei

4 meter 3.00 15.50 0.00 0.00

7151 s88

S Kent,

Harvard-Smithsonian Center for AstrophysicsPattern Speeds in Barred Galaxies

4 meter 3.00 25.50 0.00 0.00

7251 s88

J Kielkopf, University of LouisvilleCollision Broadening in the Spectra of DwarfStars Coude Feed 6.00 47.00 0.00 0.00

7252 s88

J Kielkopf, University of LouisvilleStructure in the Narrow Line Regions of SeyfertGalaxies Coude Feed 5.00 40.00 0.00 0.00

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Executed Proposals 04/01/88 - 06/30/88 Page 8 Fri Jul 8 10:35:37 1988

Nights Hours Days Hours6935 s88

T Kinman, Kitt Peak National ObservatoryM Rieke, G Rieke, University of ArizonaVisual and IR Photometry of Nearby RR LyraeStars 1.3 meter

Nr. 2 0.9 meter

7064 s88

T Kinman, Kitt Peak National ObservatoryR Kraft, University of California, Santa CruzN Suntzeff,

Cerro Tololo Interamerican ObservatoryAbundance Determinations for RR Lyrae Stars in'the Inner... 1.3 meter 5.00 33.25 0.00 0.00

7154 s88

S Kleinmann, University of MassachusettsB Goodrich, J Africano, B Binkert,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesBV Photometry of a Flux-Limited IRAS Sample

Nr. 2 0.9 meter 4.50 23.50 0.00 0.00

7195 s88

S Kleinmann, University of MassachusettsD Backman,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesFurther Observations of IRAS Sources HavingAnomalous Color Nr. 1 0.9 meter 5.00 29.50 0.00 0.00

Nr. 2 0.9 meter 8.00 50.00 0.00 0.00

7210 s8'8

S Kleinmann, University of MassachusettsI Gatley,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesThe Stellar Population of the Galactic Center

1.3 meter 2.00 16.00 0.00 0.00

7242 s88

R Kron, J Munn, S Majewski, M Bershady,University of Chicago, Yerkes Obs.D Koo, Space Telescope Science InstituteRedshift Survey Clean-Up

4 meter 2.50 18.50 0.00 0.00

9.50 74.75 0.00 0.00

6.00 19.00 0.00 0.00

Page 49: National Optical Astronomy - Q3... · technique using narrow filters with a bandwidth of about 250 A. These filters will allow QSOs to be selected with an equivalent width

Executed Proposals 04/01/88 - 06/30/88 Page 9 Fri Jul 8 10:35:37 1988

Nights Hours Days Hours7075 s88

C Lada, University of ArizonaI Gatley, NOAO-ADPNear-Infrared Imaging of M17

2.1 meter 6.00 39.75 0.00 0.00

7216 s88

D Lambert, Y Sheffer,University of Texas, AustinK Hinkle,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesCircumstellar CO Around Two Luminous YellowSupergiants 4 meter 0.00 0.00 3.00 18.50

7079 s88

A Landolt, Louisiana State UniversityBroad-band Monitoring of Space TelescopeSpectrophotometric 1.3 meter 6.00 18.25 0.00 0.00

7115 s88

R Luck, S Challener,Case Western Reserve UniversityChemical Abundances in SMR Stars

Coude Feed 7.00 55.50 0.00 0.00

7253 s88

B Madore, University of TorontoW Freedman,

Mt. Wilson & Las Campanas ObservatoriesIR Cepheid Distances to the Galaxies M81 and NGC2403 4 meter 3.00 28.25 0.00 0.00

7245 s88

S Majewski, R Kron,University of Chicago, Yerkes Obs.Y Zhan, University of TorontoAbsolute Proper Motions to B - 22 & A Survey ofFaint 4 meter 1.00 9.75 0.00 0.00

7085 s88

D Massa, Applied Research CorporationS Parsons, Space Telescope Science InstituteSpatial Resolution of High Contrast Cool + HotBinaries 2.1 meter 5.00 27.25 0.00 0.00

Page 50: National Optical Astronomy - Q3... · technique using narrow filters with a bandwidth of about 250 A. These filters will allow QSOs to be selected with an equivalent width

Executed Proposals 04/01/88 - 06/30/88 Page 10 Fri Jul 8 10:35:37 1988

Nights Hours Days Hours6858 s88

P Massey, Kitt Peak National ObservatoryC Pilachowski,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesThe Spectrum of the Kitt Peak Night Sky

Nr. 2 0.9 meter 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00

7059 s88

P Massey, S Barden,Kitt Peak National ObservatoryP Conti, University of ColoradoT Armandroff, Yale UniversityThe Hot, Massive Stellar Content of Local GroupGalaxies or 4 meter 3.00 11.00 0.00 0.00

7060 s88

P Massey, Kitt Peak National ObservatoryJ Barnes, E Anderson, NOAO-CCSFaint Spectrophotometry Standards

2.1 meter 5.00 41.00 0.00 0.00

9063 s88

P Massey, Kitt Peak National ObservatoryG Koenigsberger-Avena,Instituto de Astronomia, UNAMWolf-Rayet Stars with Low-amplitude VelocityVariations Coude Feed 6.00 45.50 0.00 0.00

6721 s88

H McAlister, W Hartkopf, J Sowell,Georgia State University0 Franz, Lowell ObservatoryBinary Star Speckle Interferometry

4 meter 5.00 47.75 0.00 0.00

7078 s88

P McCarthy, H Spinrad, W van Breugel,M Dickinson, University of California, Berkeley[Oil] Interference Filter Imaging of DistantRadio Galaxies 2.1 meter 4.00 24.00 0.00 0.00

Page 51: National Optical Astronomy - Q3... · technique using narrow filters with a bandwidth of about 250 A. These filters will allow QSOs to be selected with an equivalent width

Executed Proposals 04/01/88 - 06/30/88 Page 11 Fri Jul 8 10:35:37 1988

Nights Hours Days Hours7090 s88

D Meyer, Northwestern UniversityObservations of the (1,0) Vibrational Band ofInterstellar. Coude Feed 5.00 41.50 0.00 0.00

7294 s88

G Miley, Space Telescope Science InstituteK Chambers, Johns Hopkins UniversityR Joyce,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesInfrared Imaging of Ultra-Steep Spectrum RadioGalaxies 4 meter 3.00 14.50 0.00 0.00

7295 s88

G Miley, Space Telescope Science InstituteK Chambers, Johns Hopkins UniversityW van Breugel,University of California, BerkeleyStudy of Ultra-Steep Spectrum Radio Galaxies

4 meter 3.00 14.50 0.00 0.00

7213 s88

H Miller, J Wilson, Georgia State UniversityM Carini, George State UniversityB Goodrich, Kitt Peak National ObservatoryAn Investigation of Short-term Variability forSelected ... Nr. 1 0.9 meter 9.00 65.50 0.00 0.00

7132 s88

J Moody, Weber State CollegeJ Salzer, Arecibo ObservatorySpatial and Luminosity Distributions ofEmission-Line Galax 2.1 meter 5.00 32.75 0.00 0.00

7114 s88

M Nook, University of WisconsinProduction, Composition, Structure, and Evolutionof Dust.. 1.3 meter 3.00 9.00 0.00 0.00

Page 52: National Optical Astronomy - Q3... · technique using narrow filters with a bandwidth of about 250 A. These filters will allow QSOs to be selected with an equivalent width

Executed Proposals 04/01/88 - 06/30/88 Page 12 Fri Jul 8 10:35:37 1988

Nights Hours Days Hours6923 s88

W Oegerle, Space Telescope Science InstituteJ Hoessel, University of WisconsinD Schneider, Institute for Advanced StudyDynamics of Brightest Cluster Galaxies

2.1 meter 7.00 30.75 0.00 0.00

7109 s88

T Oswalt, Florida Institute of TechnologyP Hintzen, NASA Goddard Space Flight CenterE Sion, Villanova UniversitySpectroscopy of Faint Luyten White DwarfBinaries 2.1 meter 5.00 43.00 0.00 0.00

7246 s88

J Patterson, Columbia UniversityJ Caillault, University of GeorgiaPhotometry of Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables

Nr. 2 0.9 meter 10.00 53.50 0.00 0.00

7062 s88

G Peters, University of Southern CaliforniaHalpha, He I, and Fe II Observations of Be Starswhich... Coude Feed 5.00 44.00 0.00 0.00

7283 s88

R Peterson,The Dynamics of Late-type Spiral Nuclei

4 meter 4.00 32.75 0.00 0.00

6817 s88

C Pilachowski, J Africano,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesB Goodrich, B Binkert,Kitt Peak National ObservatorySky Brightness on Kitt Peak

Nr. 2 0.9 meter 4.00 19.50 0.00 0.00

7117 s88

C Pilachowski, D De Young,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesThe Search for Thorium in Halo Stars and the Ageof the ... Coude Feed 7.00 58.00 0.00 0.00

Page 53: National Optical Astronomy - Q3... · technique using narrow filters with a bandwidth of about 250 A. These filters will allow QSOs to be selected with an equivalent width

Executed Proposals 04/01/88 - 06/30/88 Page 13 Fri Jul 8 10:35:37 1988

Nights Hours Days Hours7159 s88

C Pilachowski,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesThe Composition of M13 - the Giant Branch

4 meter 5.00 31.00 0.00 0.00

7212 s88

R Probst,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesB Zuckerman, H Epps,University of California, Los AngelesSearch for Brown Dwarfs in the Ursa MajorCluster 2.1 meter 1.00 11.00 0.00 0.00

6637 s88

L Ramsey, D Huenemoerder,Pennsylvania State UniversityS Barden,

National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesSpectroscopic Monitoring of RS CVn and RelatedSystems 2.1 meter 5.50

Coude Feed 10.00

7138 s88

J Salzer, Arecibo ObservatoryNebular Abundances of Low LuminosityEmission-Line Galaxies 2.1 meter 4.00 22.50 0.00 0.00

7103 s88

P Schmidtke, Arizona State UniversityJ Africano,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesLunar Occultations of Double Stars

Nr. 2 0.9 meter 1.50 9.50 0.00 0.00

7227 s88

M Simon, SUNY at Stony BrookAn IR Emission Line Survey of Low LuminosityYSO's in Ophiu 1.3 meter 3.00 10.00 0.00 0.00

48.50 0.00 0.00

69.00 0.00 0.00

Page 54: National Optical Astronomy - Q3... · technique using narrow filters with a bandwidth of about 250 A. These filters will allow QSOs to be selected with an equivalent width

Executed Proposals 04/01/88 - 06/30/88 Page 14 Fri Jul 8 10:35:37 1988

Nights Hours Days Hours7139 s88

D Soderblom, Space Telescope Science InstituteTesting the Authenticity of Stellar KinematicGroups Coude Feed 6.00 10.50 0.00 0.00

7077 s88

H Spinrad, P McCarthy,University of California, BerkeleySpectroscopy of Distant 3CR Galaxies: ViolentPasts at... 4 meter 3.00 23.25 0.00 0.00

7088 s88

H Spinrad, M Dickinson,University of California, BerkeleyMorphologies and Photometry of Young and FormingGalaxies.. 4 meter 3.00 1.00 0.00 0.00

7281 s88

C Sturch, B Lasker, E Siciliano,Space Telescope Science InstituteCompletion of the Guide Star Photometry Catalog

Nr. 1 0.9 meter 6.00 22.50 0.00 0.00

6012 s88

E Tedesco, R Nelson, B Buratti, B Buratti,Jet Propulsion LaboratoryD Tholen, Institute for AstronomyPhotometry of Pluto-Charon Mutual Eclipse Events

1.3 meter 3.00 6.25 0.00 0.00

7119 s88

T Tsuji, Tokyo Astronomical ObservatoryS Ridgway, K Hinkle,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesSpectroscopy of Circumstellar Envelopes ofLate-type Giants 4 meter 1.84 10.00 4.00 15.50

7192 s88

S Vrtilek, J Swank,NASA Goddard Space Flight CenterJ Halpern, Columbia UniversityOptical Search for a Recently-discovered X-rayPeriod in... Nr. 2 0.9 meter 7.00 37.50 0.00 0.00

Page 55: National Optical Astronomy - Q3... · technique using narrow filters with a bandwidth of about 250 A. These filters will allow QSOs to be selected with an equivalent width

Executed Proposals 04/01/88 - 06/30/88 Page 15 Fri Jul 8 10:35:37 1988

Nights Hours Days Hours7265 s88

G Wahlgren,Space Telescope Science Institute (CSC)Ca II K-Line Emission in RV Tauri and SRd

Variables Coude Feed 3.00 18.50 0.00 0.00

7219 s88

P Wehinger, S Wyckoff, Arizona State UniversityM Belton,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesH Spinrad, University of California, BerkeleySpectroscopy of the CRAF Mission Comet:P/Tempel2 2.1 meter 2.00 14.75 0.00 0.00

7170 s88

M Werner, J Davidson, Y Pendleton,NASA Ames Research CenterI Gatley, R Joyce,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesImaging Polarimetry of the Galactic Center at 2microns 2.1 meter 4.00 33.50 0.00 0.00

7255 s88

B Whitmore, D McElroy,Space Telescope Science InstituteDynamics of Polar-Ring Galaxies and Galaxies withPeanut-.. 4 meter 3.00 22.25 0.00 0.00

7298 s88

G Wiedemann, D Jennings, D Deming,NASA Goddard Space Flight CenterT Ayres, University of ColoradoA Search for Oscillations in the Atmosphere ofthe Late ... 4 meter 3.00 34.50 4.00 5.00

7233 s88

R Wing, Ohio State UniversityHydrogen Deficiency in Late-type Stars

1.3 meter 7.00 43.50 0.00 0.00

Page 56: National Optical Astronomy - Q3... · technique using narrow filters with a bandwidth of about 250 A. These filters will allow QSOs to be selected with an equivalent width

Executed Proposals 04/01/88 - 06/30/88 Page 16 Fri Jul 8 10:35:37 1988

Nights Hours Days Hours9062 s88

S Wolff,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesAngular Momentum Loss in F-type Stars

Coude Feed 8.00 59.00 0.00 0.00

9064 s88

M Yuan, Drexel UniversityStudy of the Distribution and Evolution ofGalaxies in Clus Burrell Schmidt 5.00 23.00 0.00 0.00

7259 s88

S Zepf, B Whitmore,Space Telescope Science InstituteStellar Populations and Dynamics in MergerCandidates Nr. 1 0.9 meter 5.00 28.00 0.00 0.00

7150 s88

R Zinn, Yale UniversitySpectroscopy of HB Stars in Globular Clusters

2.1 meter 6.00 66.00 0.00 0.00

Total number of proposals: 102

Page 57: National Optical Astronomy - Q3... · technique using narrow filters with a bandwidth of about 250 A. These filters will allow QSOs to be selected with an equivalent width


Appendix BNational Solar Observatory

Nights Hours Days Hours1023 288

R Altrock,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesS/B003-Coronal ObservationsEvans Solar Facility/SP

1161 288

R Altrock,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesD Sime, High Altitude ObservatoryS/B230 Coronal Transient PatrolEvans Solar Facility/SP

1212 288

P Bemath, C Brazier, L O'Brien, D Perera,University of ArizonaT/Spectroscopy of Molecules of Astrophysical InterestMcMath Main

1357 288

D Bonaccini, Istituto de AstronomiaR Falciani, Osservatorio Astrofisico di ArcetriD Righini, Universita degli Studi FirenzeR Smartt,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesS/T306-Photospheric Observations of Velocity FieldsVacuum Tower/SP

1355 288

B Bopp, P Noah, R Dempsey, University of ToledoT/Doppler "Snapshots" of UX Ari VII Tau and HD 199178McMath Main

1231 288

D Deming, M Mumma, T Kostiuk, F Espenak,J Goldstein, NASA Goddard Space Flight CenterD Zipoy, University of MarylandD Glenar, Colgate UniversityT/Solar, Planetary & Stratospheric Infrared Heterodyne SpecMcMath Main

28 69

83 13

25 72


26 136


Page 58: National Optical Astronomy - Q3... · technique using narrow filters with a bandwidth of about 250 A. These filters will allow QSOs to be selected with an equivalent width

1361 288

R Dunn, National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesS/T310-Adaptive Mirror TestsVacuum Tower/SP

1186 288

P Foukal, R Little,Cambridge Research & Instrumentation, Inc.B Graves,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesT/IR Spectroheliograms w/IR 58 x 58 ArrayMcMath Main

1219 288

M Giampapa,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesT/Ha Emission & Rotation in Selected dM StarsMcMath Main

1353 288

M Giampapa, S Wolff,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesT/Li I X,6707 Strength and Activity in F Dwarf StarsMcMath Main

1025 288

L Gilliam,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesS/B057-Monitoring: CommunityEvans Solar Facility/SP

1026 288

L Gilliam,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesS/B062-Coronagraph MonitorEvans Solar Facility/SP

1034 288

L Gilliam,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesK Strand, High Altitude ObservatoryS/H001 -Flare Patrol (monitoring)Hilltop Dome/SP

a *

Nights Hours Days Hours

11 92


27 106.5


49 129

91 836

Page 59: National Optical Astronomy - Q3... · technique using narrow filters with a bandwidth of about 250 A. These filters will allow QSOs to be selected with an equivalent width


1035 288

L Gilliam,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesS/H002-White Light P-atrol (monitoring)Hilltop Dome/SP

1036 288

L Gilliam,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesS/H003-Multiple Bank Polarimeter (monitoring)Hilltop Dome/SP

1039 288

L Gilliam,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesS/H008-White Light Sunspot DrawingHilltop Dome/SP

1126 288

L Gilliam,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesS/BOlO-Ha Slitjaw MovieEvans Solar Facility/SP

1169 288

L Gilliam,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesS/B007-USG/Disk Activity Program Ha SJC, SpectraEvans Solar Facility/SP

1226 288

L Goad, K Merrill,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesT/Adaptive OpticsMcMath Main

1393 288

L Golub,Harvard-Smithsonian Center for AstrophysicsD Bonaccini, Istituto de AstronomiaR Falciani, Osservatorio Astronsico di ArcetriS/T321 -Rocket X-ray Imaging IIEvans Solar Facility/SPVacuum Tower/SP

Nights Hours Days













Page 60: National Optical Astronomy - Q3... · technique using narrow filters with a bandwidth of about 250 A. These filters will allow QSOs to be selected with an equivalent width


1399 288

L Golub, M Herant, A Quillan,Harvard-Smithsonian Center for AstrophysicsM Spillar, IBML Gilliam,

National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesS/B237-Rocket X-ray Film ProcessingEvans Solar Facility/SP

1343 288

D Haber,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesS/T303-Changes in Frequencies of Solar p-Modes due toVacuum Tower/SP

1386 288

J Harvey,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesT/General Community Support-Non-SynopticSolar Vacuum

3790 288

J Harvey,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesT/Vacuum Synoptic Program:Daily/CommunitySolar Vacuum

1055 288

D Jennings, G Wiedemann, R Boyle, D Deming,NASA Goddard Space Right CenterT Hewagama, University of MarylandT/Infrared Spectroscopy of Sun, Stars, & Planets..McMath Main

1321 288

S Koutchmy, C.N.R.S.S/B210-+0.19A CaK SpectroheliogramsEvans Solar Facility/SP

1326 288

S Koutchmy, C.N.R.S.C Nitschelm, Institut d'Astrophysique de ParisS/T298-Photospheric vs. Chromospheric Network Elements.Vacuum Tower/SP

Nights Hours Days Hours





Page 61: National Optical Astronomy - Q3... · technique using narrow filters with a bandwidth of about 250 A. These filters will allow QSOs to be selected with an equivalent width

1344 288

S Koutchmy, C.N.R.S.S/T304-Small Scale Magnetic FieldsVacuum Tower/SP

1359 288

S Koutchmy, C.N.R.S.S/T308-IR Granulation in the Opacity MimmumVacuum Tower/SP

1370 288

S Koutchmy, C.N.R.S.M Loucif, Institut d AstrophysiqueR Smartt, J Zirker,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesS/B225-Spectroscopic Coronal ObservationsEvans Solar Facility/SP

1371 288

S Koutchmy, C.N.R.S.G Stellmacher, Institut d Astrophysique de ParisS/B226-Ha, CaK SpectroheliogramsEvans Solar Facility/SP

1398 288

S Koutchmy, C.N.R.S.S/B229-Polar SurgesEvans Solar Facility/SP

1401 288

S Koutchmy, C.N.R.S.S/B240-Mirror Scattered TestsEvans Solar Facility/SP

1354 288

S Kukolich, R Bumgamer, D Pauley,University of ArizonaE Cohen, Jet Propulsion LaboratoryT/Molecular Beam Infrared Absorption StudiesMcMath FTS Lab

1402 288

M Kundu, University of MarylandS/B052-H-alpha, Ca K, D3 Full Disk or Special ObservationsEvans Solar Facility/SP

Nights Hours Days Hours

11 38



Page 62: National Optical Astronomy - Q3... · technique using narrow filters with a bandwidth of about 250 A. These filters will allow QSOs to be selected with an equivalent width

Nights Hours Days Hours

1149 288

W Livingston, L Wallace,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesT/Solar Irradiance Line BisectorsMcMath Main

1209 288

W Livingston, L Wallace,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesM Steffen, Kiel UniversityT/Spectrum Irradiance Variability of SunMcMath West

McMath Main

1135 288

P Mcintosh,National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, BoulderL Gilliam,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesD Marquett, California Institute of TechnologyS/B001-NOAA Monitoring ProgramEvans Solar Facility/SP

1136 288

H Neckel, Hamburger SternwarteD Labs, Landessternwarte HeidelbergD Marquett, California Institute cf TechnologyT/FTS SpectraMcMath Main

1103 288

D Neidig, Sacramento Peak ObservatoryA Kiplinger, B Dennis,NASA Goddard Space Flight CenterS/T217-Coordinated H-alpha/SMM Hard X-ray Observations/High.Vacuum Tower/SP

1316 288

L November,

National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesS/H022-Proper Motion TestsHilltop Dome/SP


1 2

1 88.5

91 153

11 27

Page 63: National Optical Astronomy - Q3... · technique using narrow filters with a bandwidth of about 250 A. These filters will allow QSOs to be selected with an equivalent width


1340 288

L November, G Simon,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesS/B218-Full Disk Images through CN FilterEvans Solar Facility/SP

1351 288

H Pickett, E Cohen, J Margolis,Jet Propulsion LaboratoryT/AO Ozone Absolute Infrared Cross SectionMcMath FTS Lab

Nights Hours Days Hours

1235 288

A Pierce,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesT/Solar Gravitational RedshiftMcMath Main

1223 288

A Potter, T Morgan,NASA Johnson Space Flight CenterT/Spatial Distribution of Sodium & Potasium in Atmosphere..McMath Main 6

1307 288

A Potter, T Morgan,NASA Johnson Space Flight CenterT/Search for a Sodium and Potasium Atmosphere on the MoonMcMath Main 3

1296 288

D Rabin, B Graves,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesT/Near-Infrared Magnetograms using Fe I a,15649McMath West

1368 288

R Radick, High Altitude ObservatoryD Dobson, National Solar Observatory/Sac PeakS/B223-Short Time Scale Solar K line VariabilityEvans Solar Facility/SP






12 65

Page 64: National Optical Astronomy - Q3... · technique using narrow filters with a bandwidth of about 250 A. These filters will allow QSOs to be selected with an equivalent width

1400 288

R Radick, High Altitude ObservatoryD Dobson, National Solar Observatory/Sac PeakS/B239-Ha & CaK SpectroheliogramsEvans Solar Facility/SP

1362 288

T Rimmelle, Kiepenheuer Institut fiir SonnenphysikS/T311 -Study of Supergranular Velocity FieldsVacuum Tower/SP

1300 288

C Rinsland, J Levine,NASA Langley Research CenterT/Studies of Atmospheric Gases from McMath FTSMcMath Main

1319 288

C Rinsland, M Smith,NASA Langley Research CenterV Malathy Devi, College of William and MaryT/Laboratory Measurements of 12^ and 12rH in the 6-...McMath FTS Lab

CH. "CH,

1057 288

S Saar,

Harvard-Smithsonian Center for AstrophysicsJ Linsky, University of ColoradoT/A Survey of Magnetic Fields on Late Type StarsMcMath Main

1123 288

S Saar,

Harvard-Smithsonian Center for AstrophysicsJ Linsky, University of ColoradoM Giampapa,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesT/Synoptic Observations of Stellar Magnetic Fields on ...McMath Main

1363 288

D Schmidt, Kiepenheuer Institut fiir SonnenphysikO von der Liihe,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesS/T312-Properties of Solar Granulation in Magnetic and..Vacuum Tower/SP

Nights Hours Days Hours





12 70.5


Page 65: National Optical Astronomy - Q3... · technique using narrow filters with a bandwidth of about 250 A. These filters will allow QSOs to be selected with an equivalent width


Nights Hours Days Hours1253 288

C Schrijver, ObservatoryS/B193-CaK SpectroheliogramsEvans Solar Facility/SP 36 43

1027 288

E Seykora, East Carolina UniversityR Smartt,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesS/Bl 13-Differential Photometry Limb DarkeningEvans Solar Facility/SP 6 17

1131 288

E Seykora, East Carolina UniversityS/B174-Ca K, Ha SpectroheliogramsEvans Solar Facility/SP 5 43

1251 288

E Seykora, East Carolina UniversityS/B 191-Investigation of Very Low Contrast White SolarEvans Solar Facility/SP 66 139

1053 288

M Smith,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesT/Radial Velocity Variations of Alpha Ori and Two other....McMath Main 4 16

1263 288

M Smith,

National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesD Gies, University of TexasG Penrod, University of California, Santa CruzT/Nonradial Pulsation/Outburst Interactions in Lambda EriMcMath Main 6 6

1336 288

M Smith,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesW Cochran, University of Texas, AustinT/Precise Radial Velocity Monitoring of ArcturusMcMath Main 18 115.5

Page 66: National Optical Astronomy - Q3... · technique using narrow filters with a bandwidth of about 250 A. These filters will allow QSOs to be selected with an equivalent width


1210 288

O White, Lazy FW RanchT/Sun as a Star: Ca II Profile MeasurementsMcMath Main

1024 288

S Worden, OSUDRE/ADEWS Keil, National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesS/B044-Solar Rotation 3898-3954 AEvans Solar Facility/SP

1081 288

H Yoshimura, University of TokyoS/H-017-Birth & Evolution of SunspotsHilltop Dome/SP

1372 288

J Zirker,

National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesS/B227-Ha, CaK O.OA, CaK +0.38A SpectroheliogramsEvans Solar Facility/SP

1358 288

O von der Liihe,National Optical Astronomy ObservatoriesT Rimmelle, Kiepenheuer Institut fiir SonnenphysikS/T307-Correlation Tracker TestsVacuum Tower/SP

Total number of proposals: 67

Nights Hours Days

