nasje-aja effective leadership – an overview what, why, and how seattle, october 4 – 7, 2015 dr....

NASJE-AJA Effective Leadership – An Overview What, Why, and How Seattle, October 4 – 7, 2015 Dr. Yvonne Stedham University of Nevada, Reno [email protected] 1

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Page 1: NASJE-AJA Effective Leadership – An Overview What, Why, and How Seattle, October 4 – 7, 2015 Dr. Yvonne Stedham University of Nevada, Reno


Effective Leadership – An OverviewWhat, Why, and How

Seattle, October 4 – 7, 2015

Dr. Yvonne StedhamUniversity of Nevada, Reno

[email protected]


Page 2: NASJE-AJA Effective Leadership – An Overview What, Why, and How Seattle, October 4 – 7, 2015 Dr. Yvonne Stedham University of Nevada, Reno

Why are we here … at this conference, in this session?


Page 3: NASJE-AJA Effective Leadership – An Overview What, Why, and How Seattle, October 4 – 7, 2015 Dr. Yvonne Stedham University of Nevada, Reno

Speaker is here …

Because I think about and know something about organizational effectiveness and efficiency, management, leadership, and quality of work life … in the Judiciary.

Because I am an educator, and think, I know something about teaching and learning.


Page 4: NASJE-AJA Effective Leadership – An Overview What, Why, and How Seattle, October 4 – 7, 2015 Dr. Yvonne Stedham University of Nevada, Reno

Audience is here …

Because ……


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The National Association of State Judicial Educators (NASJE) is a non-profit organization, founded in 1975, that strives to improve the justice system through judicial branch education.


Page 6: NASJE-AJA Effective Leadership – An Overview What, Why, and How Seattle, October 4 – 7, 2015 Dr. Yvonne Stedham University of Nevada, Reno

AJA The objective and purpose of the

American Judges Association (AJA) is: to promote and improve the effective administration of justice; to maintain the status and independence of the judiciary; to provide a forum for the continuing education of its members and the general public; and for the exchange of new ideas among all judges.


Page 7: NASJE-AJA Effective Leadership – An Overview What, Why, and How Seattle, October 4 – 7, 2015 Dr. Yvonne Stedham University of Nevada, Reno

Professional Development

On NASJE Website – Featured News (9/16/15):

Judicial educators create opportunities for transformative education that strengthens the administration of justice.

One of the most important and valuable transformations we can facilitate is that from new hire to supervisor, manager, executive and beyond.


Page 8: NASJE-AJA Effective Leadership – An Overview What, Why, and How Seattle, October 4 – 7, 2015 Dr. Yvonne Stedham University of Nevada, Reno

Transformative Education Transformational Learning (TL) is a learning

experience that induces more far-reaching change in the learner than traditional content-based education and especially those learning experiences which reshape the learner, provide a paradigm shift, and affect the learner’s subsequent experiences.

In TL, the learner’s existing mental models are challenged, shifted, and, thereby, expose experiences to new interpretations which in turn leads to changed behaviors


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Transformative Education TL requires the experience of a deep, structural

shift in the learner’s basic premises of thought, feelings, and actions. It is a shift of consciousness that dramatically and irreversibly alters our way of being in the world

A core aspect of TL is “to become aware of one’s

own tacit assumptions and expectations and those of others and assessing their relevance for making an interpretation” Mezirow


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Leadership Development and Transformational Learning

Transformational Leadership (Today – In this Session)

Developing Leadership Skills through Mindfulness• Mindful Leadership


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Purpose, Topics, and Learning Objectives


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To provide participants with an understanding of the need for leadership in the judiciary and to motivate and assist participants in developing their own leadership potential.

And, a few words about “teaching” leadership!


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Learning Objectives

1. Understand the need for leadership in organizations in general and in the judiciary in particular.

2. Know about different ideas of effective leadership.

3. Learn about transformational leadership and the associated leadership practices.


Page 14: NASJE-AJA Effective Leadership – An Overview What, Why, and How Seattle, October 4 – 7, 2015 Dr. Yvonne Stedham University of Nevada, Reno


1. Leadership – WHY• Relevance• The Need for Leadership in the


2. Leadership – WHAT• Describe, explain, demonstrate• Who would you “follow”?

3. Leadership – HOW• From Transaction to Transformation• The Leadership Practices


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Leadership – WHY


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Which of the following pictures ….

…. appropriately represents the leader ???


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Why are we talking about leadership ….

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Leaders shape “how we live”

Leadership and Change• Leaders identify the need for change, initiate

and implement change

Page 23: NASJE-AJA Effective Leadership – An Overview What, Why, and How Seattle, October 4 – 7, 2015 Dr. Yvonne Stedham University of Nevada, Reno

Leadership in Organizations and

the Judiciary Why do organizations exist?

(private, public; for-profit, not-for-profit)

Success of an organization?


Page 24: NASJE-AJA Effective Leadership – An Overview What, Why, and How Seattle, October 4 – 7, 2015 Dr. Yvonne Stedham University of Nevada, Reno

Leadership in Organizations and the Judiciary

Success of an organization

• Efficiency

• Effectiveness


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Leadership in Organizations and the Judiciary

How does an organization maintain its effectiveness over the long term?


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The Organization



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Organization’s External Environment




Strategic Management


Organization’s Internal Environment

People Structure

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External Environment

PESTEL Factors Political Economic Social Technological Environment-Physical Legal


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Processes Structure



Internal Environment


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Leadership in Organizations



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Leadership – WHY?

Organizations need to change over

time to provide the products or

services that society wants or needs

efficiently and effectively


Page 32: NASJE-AJA Effective Leadership – An Overview What, Why, and How Seattle, October 4 – 7, 2015 Dr. Yvonne Stedham University of Nevada, Reno

Need for Leadership in the Judiciary


Need for Change?

Efficiency and Effectiveness• Tension• Ethical Dilemmas


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Resistance to Change

Why is it so difficult to create change?

Why resistance to change?

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Resistance to Change

Uncertainty ….. Fear …..

• Can I perform in the changed environment?

• Can I deliver the newly defined outcome?

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Leadership – WHAT


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Group Exercise What makes a person an effective leader??

Gather in groups of 4-5 – 5 minutes

Based on your actual experience ……

1. Describe an effective leader? Traits? Skills? Behaviors?

2. Based on your answer to Q #1, how do you “teach” someone to be an effective leader?

3. Pick a spokesperson

Page 38: NASJE-AJA Effective Leadership – An Overview What, Why, and How Seattle, October 4 – 7, 2015 Dr. Yvonne Stedham University of Nevada, Reno

Typical AnswersBehaviors Provides direction - vision Asks for input and participation - empowerment Treats people with respect and trust Walks the talk

Traits and Skills Is honest and has integrity Is knowledgeable and has experience Good listener – communications skills


Page 39: NASJE-AJA Effective Leadership – An Overview What, Why, and How Seattle, October 4 – 7, 2015 Dr. Yvonne Stedham University of Nevada, Reno

Influence and Power

Five Bases of Power (French and Raven)

1. Legitimate Power

2. Coercive Power

3. Reward Power

4. Expert Power

5. Referent Power (Charisma)

Position-based vs. Person-based Power


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What People Value in Leaders

88% Honest 71% Forward-

looking 66% Competent 65% Inspiring 47% Intelligent 42% Fair-minded 40% Broad-

minded 35% Supportive 34%

Straightforward 33% Dependable

28% Cooperative

24% Determined

23% Imaginative

21% Ambitious 20%

Courageous 20% Caring 17% Mature 14% Loyal 8% Self-

controlled 6% Independent

Source: The Leadership Challenge

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TRUSTthe willingness to be vulnerable


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TRUST depends on

• Perceiving someone as having ability (competent …)

• Perceiving someone as having integrity (honesty …)

• Perceiving someone as having benevolence (fair minded …)

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Creating Trust - Ability You will be more likely to follow someone

who you perceive as competent, as someone who knows what they are talking about.

How do you know whether someone is competent?• Observations - past behavior• Experience• Training• Conversations - relationship


Page 45: NASJE-AJA Effective Leadership – An Overview What, Why, and How Seattle, October 4 – 7, 2015 Dr. Yvonne Stedham University of Nevada, Reno

Creating Trust - Integrity You will be more likely to follow someone

who you perceive as having integrity.

How do you know whether someone has

integrity?• Tells the truth• Consistency in behaviors

Words and actions Across different people

• Observations - past behavior• Conversations - relationship


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Creating Trust - Benevolence You will be more likely to follow someone

who you perceive as being benevolent towards you – has your best interest in mind.

How do you know whether someone is benevolent?• Cares about you • Knows what is important to you• Respects you


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…is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to

achieve a common goal.

Trust ……is the foundation for effective


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Leadership – HOW


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Leadership Effectiveness?

1. Leader Traits – Leaders are Born

2. Leader Behaviors and Styles

3. Situational Leadership

4. Transformational - Leader Practices

Relate to a person’s ability to identify, initiate, and implement change through

influencing others.

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Leadership Effectiveness?

1. Leader Traits • Traits• Personality• Emotional


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Leadership Failure Leaders failed because they were

viewed as having the following traits

• intimidating, insensitive, abrasive• cold, aloof, arrogant• not trustworthy• self-centered, overly ambitious

Relate to TRUST

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Leadership Effectiveness?

2. Leader Behavior and Styles• Job centered and

employee centered styles


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Leadership Effectiveness?

3. Situational Leadership• Define the “situation”

– Commitment and ability of followers

• Leader must be able to use different styles –Supportive and Directive

• Match Situation and Style


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Leadership Effectiveness?

4. Leader Practices • Transformational

Leadership• The Leadership

Challenge• Leadership Practices


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Name the Following …

First Question

The two wealthiest people in the world

Academy Awards – last two best movies, actors or actresses


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First Question The 2 wealthiest people in the world

Academy Awards – Last two best movies, actors, or actresses

Name the following …

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The 2 wealthiest people in the world:

Bill Gates, Carlos Slim, (Warren Buffet).

Academy Awards – last best best pictures: 2014 Birdman; 2013 12 Years a Slave;

(2012 Argo)

Name the Following …

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Academy Award Best Actors:

2014 Eddie Redmayne – The Theory of Everything; 2013 Matthew McConaughey – Dallas Buyers Club; (2012 Daniel Day-Lewis – Lincoln)

Name the Following …

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Academy Award Best Actress: 2014 Julianne Moore –

Still Alice 2013 Cate Blanchett –

Blue Jasmine (2012 Jennifer

Lawrence – Silver Linings Playbook)

Name the Following …

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Second Question

A teacher or coach who helped you through school

Two friends who helped you through difficult times

Name the following …

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Name the following ….

Which one of the two questions was easier to answer?


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Name the following … The people who make a difference in

our lives are not the ones who have the most credentials, the most money, most awards.

They are the ones who care about us.

It’s all about relationships62

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Therefore ….. Leadership is not about position or fame or fortune.

Leadership is a relationship between those that aspire to lead and those who choose to follow.

If we want to make a difference in the lives of others, those people have to see us as someone who can develop them.

But to develop others, we have to develop ourselves

The leader’s primary instrument is the self.63

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Transformational Leadership Linking roles of leadership and followership

• Leaders are people who tap into the motives of followers in order to better reach the goals of leaders and followers

• Different from power – inseparable from the followers’ needs


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Leadership Theory Development

Leader Traits

Leader Behaviors and Styles


Leader Practice



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Transactional Transformational

Leader Traits

Leader Behaviors and Styles


Leader Practice



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Transactional Transformational Focus on Leader Focus on Follower

Leader Traits

Leader Behaviors and Styles


Leader Practice



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Developing Leadership Skills


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Leadership Practices

1. Model the way

2. Inspire a shared vision

3. Challenge the Process

4. Enable others to act

5. Encourage the heart


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The more frequently people engage in these practices, the more likely it is that they are effective as a leader

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Leadership Practices Judicial context

• Challenging the process?• Enable others to act?

General• Most difficult – Inspiring a shared

vision and Encouraging the heart• Not difficult – Model the way


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Kouzes and Posner

To lead, create a shared vision

The best way to lead people in the future is to connect with them deeply in the present. The only visions that take hold are shared visions


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Transactional Transformational Focus on Leader Focus on Follower

Leader Traits

Leader Behaviors and Styles


Leader Practice



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Final Example

Franklin Roosevelt


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Session Summary


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1. Leadership – WHYNeed for change – Leaders identify the need for change, initiate, and implement change

2. Leadership – WHATInfluence others’ actions by creating relationships based on trust (perceived ability, integrity, and benevolence).

3. Leadership – HOWUsing transformational leadership practices to create relationships based on trust - Modeling the way, Inspiring a shared vision, Challenging the process, Enabling others to act, Encouraging the heart. 77

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Readings James Kouzes and Barry Posner (2012). “Leadership

Challenge” James Kouzes and Barry Posner (2009). “To lead, create a

shared vision.” Harvard Business Review, January: 20-21

Northouse (2007). “Leadership: Theory and practice” Robert Sutton (2007). “The No Asshole Rule” Mezirow (2000). “Learning as Transformation: Critical

Perspectives on a Theory in Progress.”. Senge, Scharmer, Jaworski, Flowers (2005). “Presence:

The Exploration of Profound Change in People, Organizations, and Society.”

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Go to the people,Learn from them,Live with them,

Start with what they know,Build with what they have,

The best leaders,When the job is done,

When the task is accomplished,

The people will say,We have done it ourselves

Lao Tzu (600 B.C., China)