narrative text

The Mousedeer Stole the Cucumbers Long ago in Java island, lived a famous animal, the mousedeer. The mousedeer was famous of his cleverness, that he could always escape from troubles with his bright minds. The mousedeer’s favourite food was the cucumber. He loved to eat juicy cucumbers a lot, but the bad thing was he did not want to grow it himself, he liked to steal them from the farmers. The farmers disliked the mousedeer very much, since every time he wanted to harvest his cucumbers, the mousedeer had eaten them that the farmer could not get as many as he wanted. So that morning, before the farmer set out to his farm, he made a plan to catch the mousedeer with his wife. That night, the farmer and his wife made a scarecrow. When they had completed the scarecrow, the farmer put a lot of glue on the scarecrow’s shirt and took it to the middle of the farm and put him there. This time, the farmer was sure, he was able to catch the naughty mousedeer. Very early in the next morning, the mousedeer had already arrived in the farm. He was very surprised to see the farmer was already there. He did not know that it was only a scarecrow. So he was hiding behind the trees, and waited for the farmer to go away first from the farm before he came and took all the cucumbers he wanted. He waited for a long time, until he grew impatient. It was like the juicy cucumbers in th farm were calling his name to take them away with him. So he decided to come closer to the farm. The more he looked at the ‘farmer’, the more he realized that it was not the farmer who stood there all along. It was

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Contoh narrative text. Teks naratif dalam bahasa inggris.


The Mousedeer Stole the Cucumbers

Long ago in Java island, lived a famous animal, the mousedeer. The mousedeer was

famous of his cleverness, that he could always escape from troubles with his bright minds.

The mousedeer’s favourite food was the cucumber. He loved to eat juicy cucumbers a lot,

but the bad thing was he did not want to grow it himself, he liked to steal them from the


The farmers disliked the mousedeer very much, since every time he wanted to

harvest his cucumbers, the mousedeer had eaten them that the farmer could not get as many

as he wanted. So that morning, before the farmer set out to his farm, he made a plan to catch

the mousedeer with his wife.

That night, the farmer and his wife made a scarecrow. When they had completed the

scarecrow, the farmer put a lot of glue on the scarecrow’s shirt and took it to the middle of

the farm and put him there. This time, the farmer was sure, he was able to catch the naughty


Very early in the next morning, the mousedeer had already arrived in the farm. He

was very surprised to see the farmer was already there. He did not know that it was only a

scarecrow. So he was hiding behind the trees, and waited for the farmer to go away first

from the farm before he came and took all the cucumbers he wanted. He waited for a long

time, until he grew impatient. It was like the juicy cucumbers in th farm were calling his

name to take them away with him. So he decided to come closer to the farm.

The more he looked at the ‘farmer’, the more he realized that it was not the farmer

who stood there all along. It was just a scarecrow and did not move at all. The mousedeer

was very angry for he was cheated. He approached the scarecrow and kicked the scarecrow.

Remember, the farmer had already added some glue on the scarecrow’s body that made it

very sticky.

When the mousedeer kicked the scarecrow, he could not let his feet of the

scarecrow’s body. The mousedeer was panic. The harder he kicked, the stickier it got to his

legs. Finally, the mousedeer was strapped to the scarecrow’s body. He couldn’t free himself.

He cried and cried for help, but no one was there to help. When the farmer heard his cry, he

quickly went to his farm and caught the mousedeer. No matter how the mousedeer begged

for mercy and to let him go, the farmer refused to set him free.

So, that was how the farmer caught the mousedeer who was famous for his brain.

The Story of Jonah

Once upon a time there was a village in North Israel. All the people lived peacefully

there. One of them was Jonah. Jonah lived with his parents. They loved him very much.

In the north of Israel was Syria. It had powerful knights. They were very cruel and

liked to invade other countries.

One night when the people of Jonah’s village were sleeping, the Syrian knights attacked his

village. They burned down the houses. One of them threw a torch into Jonah’s house.

Jonah’s house was on fire.

Jonah and his parents avoided the fire burning their house. They saved themselves by

climbing a ladder to the upstairs. It was too high for them to jump down to the ground from

the upstairs. Jonah’s father took a rope to get down from the stairs to the ground. They

escaped to another village.

Jonah and his parents lived in a fishermen village. They became fishermen.

One day, when they were fishing in the sea, Jonah fell into the sea. Jonah was drawn

into the sea. A whale came closed to him. He tried to swim avoiding the whale as fast as

possible but he failed and at last the whale swallowed him. Jonah was still alive in the

stomach of the whale. He prayed to God to be released from the stomach of the whale.

Fortunately God granted his prayer. The whale came closed to an island. It opened

its mouth and Jonah came out from its stomach.

Jonah swam to the seashore and he lived in a new island.


Putri Kemuning and her mother lived in a jungle. They were poor. Putri Kemuning

helped her mother collect woods in the jungle and sell them to the market.

In the jungle, Putri Kemuning had animal friends. One day, Putri Kemuning’s

mother was very ill. Putri Kemuning was very sad because she did not have enough money

to buy medicine. She then collected many woods and plans to sell them. She wanted to

spend the money to buy medicine.

While She was collecting the woods, Putri Kemuning met her animal friend, the

rabbit. He was worried because Putri Kemuning looked very sad. Putri Kemuning told the

problem to the rabbit. “I can help you. Take this ring and then sell it,” says the rabbit. “Is

this your ring?” asked Putri Kemuning. “No. This is the King Ngarancang Kencono’s ring. It

fell when he was hunting here.” Putri Kemuning hesitated. She really needed the money but

it was not her ring. Finally she said, “No, I have to return this ring to the king.”

Putri Kemuning then went to see the king at his palace. “What is your name and

what is your purpose here?” said the king. “My name is Putri Kemuning. I want to return

your ring,” said Putri Kemuning. “Thank you very much. Now, I want to give you

something. What do you want?” “I don’t anything. I just want to go home. My mother is

very ill,” replied Putri Kemuning. “You are a very kind girl. Now, take this gift,” said the


Putri Kemuning went home. When she arrived, Putri Kemuning told her mother

about the king’s ring. Her mother was very proud of her. When they opened the gift, they

saw a bag full of gold coins. They were very happy because they can buy medicine.

Mrs. Marfuah and Old Heritage Ring

Once upon a time, in a village which is far from the town, there was an old woman

lived with her only daughter. She called Mrs.Marfu. Her husband had died since her

daughter was 5 years old. Her daughter, Ecy kept on bed for a long time be cause of sick.

One day, Mrs.Marfu was confused. There was no rice in their kitchen. There was no

money anymore. She only had a gold ring, old inheritance from her had been

saved in along time.

On the next day,Mrs.Marfu went to the gold shop in her village. Then, She sold the

ring and got enough money for buying rice for next month to come. The remain was used

for buying egss.

At home, she talked with her son. They made some conversation although her

daughter was in Cough.

“Ecy, now we can eat. These all for us, my daughter. Tomorrow, mom will look for

wood like usual and we can save the money”said her happily.

But she was confused, ecy didn’r respond her last sentence.

“You have slept,haven’t you?”said her by touching ecy’s shoulder.

It appeared that Ecy had gone back to God. Mrs.Marfu was very sad because was left

by her only daughter after she had sold ring. But, She was sincere with all thing happened as

sincere as when was left by her husband. Now, Mrs.Marfu lived a lone sincerely ever after.

Queen of Arabia and Three Sheiks

Maura, who like to be thought of as the most beautiful and powerful queen of

Arabia, had many suitors. One by one she discarded them, until her list was reduced to just

three sheiks. The three sheiks were all equally young and handsome. They were also rich

and strong. It was very hard to decide who would be the best of them.

One evening, Maura disguised herself and went to the camp of the three sheiks. As

they were about to have dinner, Maura asked them for something to eat. The first gave her

some left over food. The second Sheik gave her some unappetizing camel’s tail. The third

sheik, who was called Hakim, offered her some of the most tender and tasty meat. After

dinner, the disguised queen left the sheik’s camp.

The following day, the queen invited the three sheiks to dinner at her palace. She

ordered her servant to give each one exactly what they had given her the evening before.

Hakim, who received a plate of delicious meat, refused to eat it if the other two sheiks could

not share it with him.

This Sheik Hakim’s act finally convinced Queen Maura that he was the man for her.

“Without question, Hakim is the most generous of you” she announced her choice to the

sheiks. “So it is Hakim I will marry”.


Long time ago a remote village, in central China was inhabited mainly with farmers

and hunters. One day, a poor farmer lost his entire livestock to flood. He prayed hard to God

for help or his family would die of starvation.

Few days later, an old man with long grey beard, passed by his house took pity on

him. He gave him a goose and said “ I don’t have any expensive thing to give you and hope

this goose will help you to ease your hardship.”

A week later to almost surprise the farmer found and egg in his yard. This was no

ordinary egg. It was a golden egg. He was suddenly overcome with joy.

Thereafter, his livelihood had rapidly improved but the farmer had forgotten his

earlier hardship. He became lazy, arrogant and spendthrift.

Strangely, the goose only laid one golden egg every six months. The greedy farmer

lost his patient and slaughtered his goose thinking there were plenty of golden eggs inside its


Though he very much regretted for his foolishness, it’s already too late.