napoleon hill think and grow rich specialized knowledge part2

Website: ©2012 All rights reserved. * In Search Of Heroes™ Program 1 SPECIALIZED KNOWLEDGE Is The Most Valuable Information You Can Possess That Insures A Lifetime Of Success and Accomplishment

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The In Search Of Heroes Program presents Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich in a super-learning program. It incorporates all the different forms of learning: colorful mind-maps, outlines, three column text and beautiful PowerPoints that appeal to both brain hemispheres. Think and Grow Rich provides an understanding of how to work in harmony with the universe pro-actively to accomplish your goals and experience your dreams in real time.


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SPECIALIZED KNOWLEDGE Is The Most Valuable Information You Can

Possess That Insures A Lifetime Of Success and


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Ralph Zuranski * 619-795-9034 * ©2006 All rights reserved. * In Search Of Heroes™ 2

Anything Acquired Without Effort And

Without Cost Is Generally

Unappreciated and Often Discredited

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This Is Why We Students So Little From The Marvelous

Opportunity In Public Schools• We have the greatest public school system

in the world. We have invested fabulous sums for fine buildings.

• We have provided convenient transportation for children living in the rural districts.

• Students attend the best schools.

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The Major Astounding Weakness Of The School

System Is That IT IS FREE!

• Human beings value something only if they have to par a price.

• The free schools of America and the free public libraries, do not impress people because they are free.

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This Is The Major Reason Why So Many People Find It Necessary To Acquire Additional Training After They Quit School And Go

To Work• SELF-DISCIPLINE one receives from a

definite program of specialized study makes up to some extent, for the wasted opportunity when knowledge was available without cost.

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Correspondence Schools Are Highly Organized Business Institutions

• Their tuition fees are low and they require advance payments.

• Student must pay whether they make good grades or poor.

• If individuals have to pay for a course they usually complete the lessons so they get their money’s worth.

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Correspondence Schools

Teach Students• Decision• Promptness• Action• The habit of finishing what you begin

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Employers Give Greater Consideration To Employees

Who Take Home Study Courses

• Any person who has the ambition to give up a part of their spare time to studying at home has leadership qualities.

• This recognition is not a charitable gesture.

• This is sound business judgment.

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People For Which There Is No Remedy

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• People who schedule their spare time, to provide for home study, seldom remain at the bottom very long.

• Their action opens the way for the upward climb.

• Home study removes many obstacles from their path.

• They gain the friendly interest of those who have the power to put them in the way of OPPORTUNITY.

• Home study courses provide specialized knowledge.

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Changing Economic Conditions Make It Necessary For

Thousands Of People To Find Additional, Or New Sources Of

Income.• If your services do not bring adequate

income you must change to another where broader opportunities are available.

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• The person who stops studying merely because he has finished school is forever hopelessly doomed to mediocrity.

• The way of success is the way of continuous pursuit of knowledge.

• Specialized knowledge, plus imagination, create unique opportunities.

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Ralph Zuranski * 619-795-9034 * ©2006 All rights reserved. * In Search Of Heroes™ 13

There Are Thousands Of People, All Over The

Country, Who Need The Services Of An Individual

Who Can Create An Attractive Book For Use In Marketing Their Personal


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The Personal Marketing Book

• Neatly typed and beautifully formatted pages

• Properly organized information telling a story about you

• Include your abilities, schooling, personal experiences, and every relevant piece of information

• Describe the position you desire

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The Personal Marketing Book

• Create a marvelous word picture of the exact plan you will use to fulfill your position

• Gather information on all the competitors of your prospective employer

• Suggestions for the use and benefit of the prospective employer

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“Why Go To All This Trouble To Secure A Job?”

• “Doing a thing well never is trouble!• You can get a job after the first

interview.• You can fix your own salary.• You can start as a junior executive at

an executive’s salary if you do your homework first.

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“Why Go To All This Trouble?” Do You Ask?

• A PLANNED PRESENTATION can eliminate the ten years of time that would have been required to get to the same position.

• Those who start at the bottom and try to work their way up often never manage to lift their heads high enough to be seen by OPPORTUNITY.

• They often remain at the bottom.• The outlook from the bottom is not so

very bright or encouraging.

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The Bottom Is A Monotonous, Dreary, Unprofitable Place

• It has a tendency to kill off ambition.• There is a real possibility of “getting

into a rut.”• You accept your fate because you form

the HABIT of daily routine.• The habit becomes so strong you cease

to try to throw it off.

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Form The HABIT Of Looking Around For Opportunities

• That is another reason why it pays to start one or two steps above the bottom.

• Observing how others get ahead• Look for and see available

opportunities• Embracing opportunities without


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Do Not Mistake Temporary Defeat For Failure

• Set high goals for yourself.• Place yourself where OPPORTUNITY

Can SEE YOU.• Both success and failure are largely

the results of HABIT!

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“The World Loves A Winner, And Has No Time For A

Loser.”• Have an abundance of that very rare

quality known as IMAGINATION.• Refuse to compromise with life by

accepting and keeping a job you do not want

• You rise to high positions or remain at the bottom because of conditions you can control if you desire to control them.

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Truly, There Is Something To The Idea That Hero

Worship Is Helpful, Provided One Worships A

WINNER.• Business associations are vital

factors, both in failure and in success.

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Close Association With Anyone Who Refuses To

Compromise With Circumstances They Do

Not Like, Is An Asset That Can Never Be Measured In

Terms Of Money.

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Associate With Entrepreneurs Who Are Following Their

Dream• More money changes hands in return

for personal services than for any other purpose.

• The sum paid out monthly, to people who work for wages and salaries, is so huge that it runs into to billions of dollars.

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Associate With Entrepreneurs Who Are Following Their

Dream• You will find in an IDEA the nucleus

of the riches you DESIRE!• Ideas are the seedlings from which

great fortunes have grown.• By applying the Master Mind

principle, you can form an alliance and turn it into a paying business very quickly.

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Successful Entrepreneurs Need To Have A Skill In the

Following Areas

• Copywriting• Advertising• Sales• Technology• Working with people

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Be So Confident Of Your Ability That You Accept, As A Major Portion Of

Your Fee, A Percentage Of The Increase In

Money Earned By Your Clients.

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There Is No Fixed Price For Sound IDEAS!

• Behind all IDEAS is specialized knowledge.• There is a universal demand and an ever-

increasing opportunity for the person capable of helping men and women to sell their personal services advantageously.

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There Is No Fixed Price For Sound IDEAS!

• Capability means IMAGINATION, the one quality needed to combine specialized knowledge with IDEAS, in the form of ORGANIZED PLANS designed to yield riches.

• If you have IMAGINATION this chapter may present you with an idea sufficient to serve as the beginning of the riches you desire.

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There Is No Fixed Price For Sound IDEAS!

• Remember, the IDEA is the main thing.

• Specialized knowledge may be found just around the corner—any corner!