nanoscopic quantum rings: anewperspective · the gauge-invariance interpretation of the integer...

Nanoscopic Quantum Rings: A New Perspective Tapash Chakraborty Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai 600 113, India Abstract. With rapid advances in fabrication of nano-scale devices, quantum rings of nanometer dimensions that are disorder free and contain only a few (interacting) electrons have gained increasing attention. Accordingly, the emphasis of theoretical research has also shifted from the problems involving the persistent current which is indirectly related to the energy levels, to a direct probe of the low-lying energy spectrum of a single quantum ring. Transport and optical spectroscopies have re- vealed many interesting aspects of the energy spectra that are in good agreement with the theoretical picture presented here. 1 Introduction A metallic ring of mesoscopic dimension in an external magnetic field is known to exhibit a wide variety of interesting physical phenomena. One spectacular effect that has fascinated researchers over a few decades is that the ring can carry an equilibrium current (the so-called persistent current) [1,2] which is periodic in the Aharonov-Bohm (AB) flux Φ [3,4] with a period Φ 0 = hc/e, the flux quantum. This effect is a direct consequence of the properties of the eigenfunctions of isolated rings, which cause the periodicity of all phys- ical quantities. The reason for this behavior is well known and is briefly as follows: In a ring which encloses a magnetic flux Φ, the vector potential can be eliminated from the Schr¨ odinger equation by introducing a gauge transformation. The result is that the boundary condition is modified as ψ n (x + L)= e 2πiΦ/Φ0 ψ n (x), where L is the ring circumference 1 . The situa- tion is then analogous to the one-dimensional Bloch problem with Bloch wave vector k n = (2π/L)Φ/Φ 0 . The energy levels E n and other related physical quantities are therefore periodic in Φ 0 . For a time-independent flux Φ, the equilibrium current (at T = 0) associated with state n is I n = ev n L = c ∂E n Φ , (1) where v n = ∂E n /¯ h∂k n =(Lc/e)∂E n /∂ Φ is the velocity of state n. An impor- tant condition for I n to be nonzero is that the wave functions of the charge 1 The magnetic flux Φ is assumed to thread the ring axially but the electron motion is uninfluenced by the magnetic field. Then the Φ0 periodicity of the electron wave function is strictly AB type. B. Kramer (Ed.): Adv. in Solid State Phys. 43, pp. 79–94, 2003. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2003

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Page 1: Nanoscopic Quantum Rings: ANewPerspective · the gauge-invariance interpretation of the integer quantum Hall effect and the current carrying edge states [5]. The phenomenon is resticted

Nanoscopic Quantum Rings:

A New Perspective

Tapash Chakraborty

Institute of Mathematical Sciences,Chennai 600 113, India

Abstract. With rapid advances in fabrication of nano-scale devices, quantum ringsof nanometer dimensions that are disorder free and contain only a few (interacting)electrons have gained increasing attention. Accordingly, the emphasis of theoreticalresearch has also shifted from the problems involving the persistent current whichis indirectly related to the energy levels, to a direct probe of the low-lying energyspectrum of a single quantum ring. Transport and optical spectroscopies have re-vealed many interesting aspects of the energy spectra that are in good agreementwith the theoretical picture presented here.

1 Introduction

A metallic ring of mesoscopic dimension in an external magnetic field is knownto exhibit a wide variety of interesting physical phenomena. One spectaculareffect that has fascinated researchers over a few decades is that the ring cancarry an equilibrium current (the so-called persistent current) [1,2] which isperiodic in the Aharonov-Bohm (AB) flux Φ [3,4] with a period Φ0 = hc/e,the flux quantum. This effect is a direct consequence of the properties ofthe eigenfunctions of isolated rings, which cause the periodicity of all phys-ical quantities. The reason for this behavior is well known and is briefly asfollows: In a ring which encloses a magnetic flux Φ, the vector potentialcan be eliminated from the Schrodinger equation by introducing a gaugetransformation. The result is that the boundary condition is modified asψn(x+L) = e2πiΦ/Φ0ψn(x), where L is the ring circumference 1. The situa-tion is then analogous to the one-dimensional Bloch problem with Bloch wavevector kn = (2π/L)Φ/Φ0. The energy levels En and other related physicalquantities are therefore periodic in Φ0. For a time-independent flux Φ, theequilibrium current (at T = 0) associated with state n is

In = −evn

L= −c∂En

∂Φ, (1)

where vn = ∂En/h∂kn = (Lc/e)∂En/∂Φ is the velocity of state n. An impor-tant condition for In to be nonzero is that the wave functions of the charge1 The magnetic flux Φ is assumed to thread the ring axially but the electron motionis uninfluenced by the magnetic field. Then the Φ0 periodicity of the electron wavefunction is strictly AB type.

B. Kramer (Ed.): Adv. in Solid State Phys. 43, pp. 79–94, 2003.c© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2003

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carriers should stay coherent along the circumference L of the ring. The ringgeometry and the thermodynamic current have also played a central role inthe gauge-invariance interpretation of the integer quantum Hall effect andthe current carrying edge states [5]. The phenomenon is resticted only tomesoscopic rings, i.e., rings whose size is so small that the orbital motion ofelectrons in the ring remains quantum phase coherent throughout.

Strictly one-dimensional rings – Buttiker et al. [2] were the first to propose thepossibility of observing a persistent current in diffusive normal metal rings.They considered a one-dimensional ring enclosing a magnetic flux Φ, andnoted the analogy between the boundary condition and the one-dimensionalBloch problem discussed above. Let us first consider the impurity-free single-electron Hamiltonian in a magnetic field. The Schrodinger equation is thensimply


2m∗ ψ(x) = Eψ(x)

with usual periodic boundary conditions. The solutions are, of course, planewaves with wave vector k = p/h, and due to periodic boundary conditionskn = 2πn/L, where n is an integer. If we apply a magnetic field B perpen-dicular to the ring then p → p+ eA/c and the vector potential is

A = 12Br0 = BL/4π

where r0 is the ring radius. Magnetic flux Φ through the ring is then Φ =BL2/4π. The wave vector is then modified accordingly

kn =2πLn+


hA =












The energy levels are then radily obtained from

En(B) =h2k2


2m∗ =h2





. (2)

that are parabolas as a function of Φ. The equilibrium current (which is nota transport current) carried by the n-th level is then (Eq. 1)

In = − 2πehm∗L2



). (3)

The total persistent current is I =∑

n In, where the summation is over Nlowest occupied levels 2. For weak impurity potentials, the degeneracies at thelevel crossings are lifted (Fig. 1). The magnetic moment for each occupiedlevel is

M = − dEdB

= − eh




). (4)

2 We consider the case of T = 0 and unless otherwise specified, only spinlessparticles.

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Fig. 1. Energy levels of a one-dimensionalelectron gas (non-interacting) on a ring as afunction of the magnetic flux. The dashed linescorrespond to the disorder-free case and thesolid lines are for the weak impurity case

As we see from Fig. 1, because of the alternating signs of ∂E/∂Φ for eachconsecutive levels, the total moment is of the order of last moment around EF.The total persistent current is therefore,

I(Φ) = −I0

2Φ/Φ0 for N odd and − 12 ≤ Φ/Φ0 <


[2Φ/Φ0 − 1] for N even and 0 ≤ Φ/Φ0 < 1 , (5)

where I0 = evF/L and vF = πhN/m∗L is the Fermi velocity. It is periodic inΦ/Φ0 with period 1.

Early experiments were carried out on relatively large (µm-size) metallicrings containing a large number of electrons and impurities [6]. The observedresults have not yet been explained to everyone’s satisfaction [7]. A semi-conductor ring in a GaAlAs/GaAs heterojunction [8] (also of µm size butin the ballistic regime) displayed the persistent current to be periodic witha period of Φ0 and the amplitude of 0.8 ± 0.4evF/L, in agreement with thetheoretical predictions. The electron-electron interaction did not change thevalue of persistent current. These experiments inspired a large number ofresearchers to report a large number of theoretical studies involving variousaveraging procedures, dependence on the chemical potential, temperature,different realizations of disorder, and often conflicting conclusions about therole of electron-electron interactions. We will not go into those aspects of thework on a mesoscopic ring any further.

2 Electronic Structure of a Parabolic Quantum Ring

In an attempt to clearly understand the role of electron-electron interactionsin a quantum ring (QR) without getting encumbered by a variety of otherissues mentioned above, we have constructed a model of a QR [9] that isdisorder free, contains only a few interacting electrons and most importantlycan be solved via the exact diagonalization method to obtain the energy levelsvery accurately. One advantage of this model is that, with the energy levelsthus calculated, other physical quantities in addition to the persistent current,such as optical absorption, role of electron spin etc. can also be studied veryaccurately [10,11]. Interestingly, over the years, the model has received a

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large following. The model is also most relevant for recent experiments onnano-rings [12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19].

2.1 Theoretical Model

The Hamiltonian for an electron in a ring with parabolic confinement andsubjected to a perpendicular magnetic field is

H =1

2m∗(p− e




0 (r − r0)2 (6)

where the vector potential is A = 12 (−By,Bx, 0) (symmetric gauge). The

Schrodinger equation (in polar coordinates) is then written as

− h2







− ieBh





0 (r − r0)2 − E

]ψ = 0. (7)

Introducing the ansatz

ψ =1√2π

f(r)e−ilθ ,

and the quantities, N = BeA/hc = Φ/Φ0, α = ω0m∗A/h, x = r/r0, E =

2m∗πAE/h2, where A = πr20 is the area of the ring, the radial part of theSchrodinger equation is

f ′′ +1xf ′ +

[4E + 2N − 4α2 − (N 2 + 4α2

)x2 + 8α2x− l2


]f = 0, (8)

where l is the usual orbital angular momentum of the single-particle level.Parameter α is inversely proportional to the width of the ring. As shown

in Fig. 2, large α means a narrow path for the electrons to traverse and


=20α α




Fig. 2. Confinement potential α (r − r0)2 for

various values of α

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hence the electron motion is close to that of a strictly one-dimensional ring.For small α, the electron motion is almost two-dimensional. These two limitscan indeed be achieved in our model [9].

For a δ-function confinement (x = 1), the radial equation (Eq. 8) becomes[4E + 2N l− 4α2 − (N 2 + 4α2) + 8α2 − l2

]f = 0 (9)

with the solution, E = 14 (l −N )2, derived above for a strictly one-dimensional

ring (Eq. 2). In the other limit, i.e., when the magnetic field is large comparedto the confinement α, the radial equation reduces to

f ′′ +1xf ′ +

[4E + 2N l −N 2x2 − l2


]f = 0

with the solution [9], E =(n+ 1


)N , corresponding to the Fock-Darwin levels[20]. The single-electron energy levels are obtained from numerical solutionsof the radial equation (Eq. 8) and are shown in Fig. 3. For α = 20 (Fig. 3(b)),the lower set of energy levels are still similar to those of the ideally narrowring and are given by a set of translated parabolas (as in Fig. 3(a)). As αdecreases, i.e., the ring becomes wider, the sawtooth behavior of the narrowring is gradually replaced by the formation of Fock-Darwin levels as in thequantum dots.

In a quantum ring, or in any cylindrically symmetric system, the wavefunctions are of the form

ψλ = Rnl(r) eilθ , n = 0, 1, 2, . . . , l = 0,±1,±2, . . . , (10)

and the interaction matrix elements are evaluated from [9]

Vλ1λ2λ3λ4 = δl1+l2,l3+l42π∫ ∞



×∫ ∞



×∫ ∞


dr2r2J|l2−l3|(qr2)Rn2l2(r2)Rn3l3(r2) (11)

Fig. 3. Energy levels of a single electron ver-sus the magnetic field for (a) ideally narrowring, and (b)–(d) parabolic confinement modelwith various values of the confinement poten-tial strength. The second Fock-Darwin level isplotted as dotted lines

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where λ represents the quantum number pair n, l, Ji is the Bessel functionof order i. All our numerical results correspond to the case of Coulomb in-teraction in a plane, V(q) = 2πκ/q, where κ = e2/4πε0ε. We have consideredthe case of m∗ = 0.07m, ε = 13, and the ring radius, r0 = 10 nm.

Energies of a QR containing four interacting and non-interacting electrons[9] are shown in Fig. 4. It is clear that for the spinless electrons, the only effectof the inter-relectron interaction is an upward shift of the total energy. Thisis due to the fact that in a narrow ring all the close-lying states are in thelowest Landau band and cannot be coupled by the interaction because of theconservation of the angular momentum. The situation is however differentonce the spin degree of freedom is included, as described in Sect. 3.

2.2 Persistent Current

The magnetic moment (proportional to the persistent current) (Eq. 4) iscalculated in our model from its thermodynamic expression

M = −∑m




e−Em/kT , (12)

where ∂Em/∂B are evaluated as the expectation values of the magnetizationoperator in the interacting states |m〉. In our ring geometry, the magnetizationoperator is M = 1/2m∗ [

e/cLz +(e2Br2


]. Our calculations revealed

that the interaction has no effect on magnetization which remains periodicwith period Φ0 [9].

Fig. 4. Energy spectrum of a QR containing four non-interacting and interactingspinless electrons and for two different widths of the ring

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We also studied the persistent current of a QR in the presence of a Gaus-sian impurity and/or with Coulomb interaction included [21]. The impurityinteraction of our choice was,

V imp(r) = V0e−(r−R)2/d2, (13)

where V0 is the potential strength and d is the width. The impurity matrixelement in our model is then

Tλ,λ′ = 2πV0eimθ0

∫Rλ(r)Rλ′ (r)e−(R2+r2)/d2



)rdr, (14)

wherem = l′−l, (R, θ0) is the impurity position and Im is the modified Besselfunction. We found that the effect of impurity is simply to lift the degeneraciesin the energy spectrum and reduce the persistent current (Fig. 5), but it doesnot change the phase of the oscillations as a function of the magnetic flux.Even for the strongest impurity, the inter-electron interaction had no effecton the persistent current (except to shift the spectrum to higher energies).

Our result verified the conjecture of Leggett [22]. Based on variationalarguments and two important proiperties of the many-particle wave functionin a mesoscopic ring, viz., the antisymmetry and the single valuedness, heproposed that, for arbitary electron-electron interactions and an arbitaryexternal potential, the maxima and minima of the energy curves for even andodd numbers of electrons would be the same as for non-interacting systems.

Fig. 5. Single-electron energy spec-trum and magnetization (unit of en-ergy is 2h2/m∗r2

0) versus Φ/Φ0 for(a) α = 20, V0 = 1, d = 0.2; (b)α = 20, V0 = 4, d = 0.5; (c) α =5, V0 = 0.5, d = 0.2; and (d) α =5, V0 = 1, d = 0.5 [21]

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3 Optical Absorption Spectra

After watching a not so spectacular performance of the persistent current,and from our past experience on the important effect of the inter-electroninteraction on a few-electron quantum dot [20], we chose to turn our atten-tion on optical spectroscopy of QRs [10], well before any such experimentson nano-rings were reported. We found that optical spectroscopy is indeed adirect route to explore impurity and interaction effects on a quantum ring.In our work, intensities of the optical absorption are evaluated within theelectric-dipole approximation. For parabolic quantum dots (obtained by set-ting r0 = 0 in Eq. 6), the radial part of the wave function (Eq. 10) is givenexplicitly as Rnl = C exp


n (r2/a2), where C is the normal-ization constant, a =

√h/(m∗Ω),Ω =


0 + ω2c/4, L

kn(x) is the associated

Laguerre polynomial, and ωc is the cyclotron frequency. In our QR model(r0 = 0) the radial part Rnl has to be determined numerically. We define thesingle-particle matrix elements as

dλ,λ′ = 〈λ′|reiθ|λ〉 = 2πδl+1,l′

∫ ∞



The dipole operators are thenX = 1


∑λλ′ [dλ′λ + dλλ′ ] a†λ′aλ,

Y = 12i

∑λλ′ [dλ′λ − dλλ′ ] a†λ′aλ.


The probability of absorption from the ground state |0〉 to an excited state|f〉 will then be proportional to

I = |〈f |r|0〉|2 = |〈f |X |0〉|2 + |〈f |Y |0〉|2.In the calculated absorption spectra presented below, the areas of the filledcircles are proportional to I.

3.1 Quantum Dots with a Repulsive Scattering Center

Far-infrared (FIR) spectroscopy on µm-size QR arrays that were created inGaAs/AlGaAs heterojunctions was first reported by Dahl et al. [23]. Therings were of two different sizes: The outer diameter being ≈ 50 µm diameterin both the cases, but the inner diameters were 12 µm (“broad rings”) and30 µm (“narrow rings”). These rings were also described by these authorsas disks with a repulsive scatterer at the center of the disk. The observedresonance frequencies as a function of the applied magnetic field are shownin Fig. 6. Around zero magnetic field the resonances are similar to what oneexpects for a circular disk. At larger B two modes with negative magneticfield dispersion were found that were interpreted as edge magnetoplasmonsat the inner and outer boundary.

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Fig. 6. Frequencies of magnetoplasma resonances for an array of (a) “broad” and(b) “narrow” rings [23]

Our theoretical results for absorption energies and intensities [10] of aquantum dot containing an impurity (modelled by a Gaussian potential) andone to three electrons are shown in Fig. 7 as a function of the magneticfield. We have included spin but ignored the Zeeman energy. The two uppermodes of the one-electron spectrum behave almost similar to the experimentalresults of Dahl et al. [23]. However, the two lower modes behave differently (inthe one-electron case) from those experimental results. The lower modes, i.e.,the edge magnetoplasmon modes, reveal a periodic structure similar to the

Fig. 7. Absorption energies and intensities ofa quantum dot (r0 = 0), hω0 = 4 meV, in-cluding a Gaussian repulsive scatterer (Eq. 13)with V0 = 32 meV, d = 5 nm, as a functionof the applied magnetic field. The dot containsone to three electrons. The areas of the filledcircles are proportional to the calculated in-tensity [10]

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case of a parabolic ring discussed below. That is true only for the one-electronsystem.

When the number of electrons in the system is increased the periodicstructure of the edge modes (the two lowest modes) starts to disappear dueto the electron-electron interaction. Since the spin degree of freedom is alsoincluded in our calculations, the difference between the one- and two-electronresults in Fig. 7 is entirely due to the Coulomb force. The lowest mode (whichis also the strongest) behaves (even for only three electrons) much the sameway as does the lowest mode in the experiment (where the system consistsof the order of one million electrons).

3.2 A Parabolic Quantum Ring

The results reported below correspond to that of a narrow parabolic ringwith α = 20 and r0 = 10 nm. In a pure one-electron ring the dipole-allowedabsorption from the ground state can happen with equal probability to thefirst two excited states and all other transitions are forbidden. An impurityin the ring will mix the angular-momentum eigenstates of the pure systeminto new states between which dipole transitions are allowed. For an impurityof moderate strength (Fig. 8(a)), an appreciable part of the transition prob-ability still goes to the first two excited states while for a strong impurity,absorptions taking the electron to the lowest excited state are more favorable(Fig. 8(b)). One important result here is that in a system with broken rota-tional symmetry, transition probability depends strongly on the polarizationof the incident light. For example, if instead of the unpolarized light consid-ered here, we were to consider the case of light polarized along the diameterpassing through the impurity [24], the absorption would prefer the secondexcited state. The other interesting feature observed in Fig. 8 is the periodic

Fig. 8. Absorption energies of a single electronin a parabolic QR versus Φ/Φ0 for α = 20 and(a) V0 = 1.0, d = 0.2 and (b) V0 = 4.0, d = 0.5[10]

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behavior of absorption energies as a function of the applied field that followsclosely the behavior of the persistent current. Blocking of this current by astrong impurity is reflected as the flat curves of absorption energies versusthe field.

In order to study the effect of impurity potential and electron correlations,we have considered a ring with four spinless electrons. Compared to thecase of impurity-free single-electron results, here the dipole transitions to thefirst excited state are forbidden (|∆L| > 1). However, impurities will againpermit transitions to the forbidden states. In general, effect of an impurity onthe absorption spectrum as a function of the external magnetic field can bequalitatively explained by the single-particle properties. For example, whenwe compare Figs. 9(a) and (b) we notice that lifting of the degeneracy in theenergy spectra of non-interacting electrons is reflected by a smoother behavioras a function of the applied field. The sole effect of the Coulomb interactionon the energy spectrum is to shift it upwards and to increase the gap betweenthe ground state and excited states (see Sect. 1). As a result, the Coulombinteraction moves the absorption to higher frequencies (Fig. 9 (c) and (d)).The effect of electron-electron interaction is evident in the intensity: for thenon-interacting system (Fig. 9 (a) and (b)), intensity of each absorption modedoes not depend on the magnetic field, but for the interacting system (Fig. 9(c) and (d)) there is a strong variation of intensity as a function of the field.



Fig. 9. Dipole-allowed absorption energies for four non-interacting [(a) and (b)]and interacting [(c) and (d)] electrons in a QR versus Φ/Φ0. The parameters arethe same as in Fig. 8

4 Role of Electron Spin

Until now, we have considered only spinless particles in our theoretical modelof a parabolic QR. However, at low fields, electron spins are expected to play

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Fig. 10. Ground state energy versusΦ/Φ0 for up to ten non-interactingelectrons. The energies are scaled toillustrate how the periodicity dependsupon the number of electrons on thering [11]

an important role. In Fig. 10, we show the ground state energies calculatedfor up to ten non-interacting electrons on a ring [11]. Clearly, the majorconsequence of the spin degree of freedom is period and amplitude halvingof the energy with increasing number of the flux quanta. It is also stronglyparticle number dependent. This result for a non-interacting system was re-ported earlier [25] and can be accounted for by simply counting the numberof spins, following the Pauli principle, and noting that the up and downspins contribute identically to the energy. The particle number (modulo 4)dependence can also be trivially explained in this way.

The Coulomb interaction in our model was found to have a profoundeffect on the energy spectra when the spin degree of freedom is included[11]. The calculated low-lying energy states for a two non-interacting (a)and interacting (b) electron system are shown in Fig. 11. As the flux is in-creased, the angular momentum quantum number (L) of the ground state ofa non-interacting system is increased by two, i.e., the ground state changesas 0,2,4,... The period is as usual, one flux quantum. The ground state of thenon-interacting system is always a spin-singlet. The first excited state is spindegenerate. As the Coulomb interaction is turned on, the singlet-triplet de-generacy is lifted. This is due to the fact that, as the interaction is turned on,states with highest possible symmetry in the spin part of the wave functionare favored because that way one gains the exchange energy. As a result, thetriplet state comes down in energy with respect to others and therefore theperiod (as well as the amplitude) of the ground state oscillations is halved.Similar results are also evident with three electrons (Sz = 1

2 ) (Fig. 11(c) non-interacting and (d) interacting electron systems), where the ground stateoscillates with a period Φ0/3. We found similar behavior for QRs containingup to four electrons [11]. In the four electron system, we noticed that with-

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Fig. 11. Few low-lying en-ergy states for a ring contain-ing two (a) non-interactingand (b) interacting electrons.Three electron results aregiven in (c) and (d) fornon-interacting and interact-ing systems respectively

out the Zeeman energy included the spin configuration Sz = 0 has the lowestenergy and a Φ0/2 periodicity is observed. However, if the Zeeman energy istaken into account the Sz = 1 configuration becomes lower in energy and theΦ0/4 periodicity is recovered.

The final message that emerges from these studies is that: the Coulombinteraction (in fact, any type of repulsive interaction) favors the spin-tripletground states for reasons explained above. In the absence of any interaction,the ground states are spin singlets and as a function of Φ/Φ0 are parabolaswith minimum at about the integer values (exactly at integer values for anideal ring). When a repulsive interaction is turned on, singlet states rise inenergy more than the triplet state and for strong enough repulsion, a decreasein period of oscillations is observed.

Can one observe the fractional oscillations of the ground state energy inoptical spectroscopy? We present in Fig. 12 our theoretical results for theoptical absorption in a QR containing two electrons and also an impurity ofmoderate strength [10] (V i

0 = 1.0, di = 0.2). The strong effect of the Coulombinteraction on the electrons with spin is quite obvious. The system of non-interacting electrons but a impurity-free system (Sz = 0) is shown in (a),while the interacting (impurity-free) case is shown in (b). A system contain-ing an impurity of moderate strength is shown for the non-interacting (c)and interacting (d) electrons. The absorption spectra clearly reflect the be-havior of the energy levels and the impurity does not destroy the fractionalperiodicity of the electronic states.

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Fig. 12. Absorption spectraof a QR containing two (a),(c) non-interacting, or (b),(d) interacting electron. In(c), (d), additionally, the sys-tem also has an impurity ofmoderate strength. The sizeof the filled circles is propor-tional to the calculated ab-sorption intensities

5 Recent Works on Nano-Rings

Quantum rings of nanoscopic dimensions are usually created as self-organized[12,13,14,15] or fabricated on AlGaAs/GaAs heterojunctions containing atwo-dimensional electron gas [16,17,18]. Self-organized QRs in InAs/GaAssystems were created by growing InAs quantum dots on GaAs and a processinvolving a growth interruption when In migrates at the edge of the dot. Thiscreates nanostructures that resemble a volcano crater with the center holeof 20 nm diameter and the outer diameter of 60-120 nm [12]. Only one ortwo electrons are admitted in these clean nano rings and FIR spectroscopywas performed to investigate the ground state and low-lying excitations ina magnetic field that is oriented perpendicular to the plane of the rings.The low-lying excitations were found to be unique to QRs first exploredtheoretically by us [9,10,11]. Similarly, the observed ground state transitionfrom angular momentum l = 0 to l = −1, when one flux quantum threads thering, is also well described by our parabolic ring model. Warburton et al. [13]reported a successive population of these self-assembled structures by up tofive electrons. They investigated the exciton luminescence of charged rings.Recombination-induced emission by the systems from a neutral exciton toa quintuply charged exciton was reported. In magnetotransport experimentsin Coulomb blockade regime reported in Refs. [16,17], QRs contain a fewhundred electrons. The deduced energy spectra was however well describedby the single-electron picture. Keyser et al. [18] recently reported transportspectroscopy on a small ring containing less than ten electrons. The deducedenergy spectrum was found to be strongly influenced by the electron-electroninteraction. They also observed a reduction of the AB period that is in linewith our theoretical results of Sect. 3.

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Following our original work on parabolic quantum rings, many theoreticalworks on such systems have been reported [26,27,28,29,30,31]. Chaplik [26]investigated a parabolic QR having a small finite width. He noted that themagnetic field dependent component of the energy does not depend on theinter-electron interaction. He also investigated the behavior of charged andneutral magnetic excitons in a QR. In Ref. [28], a single QR containing up toeight electrons was investigated using path integral Monte Carlo techniques.Addition energies, spin correlations, etc. were evaluated for different values ofring radii, particle number and the temperature. There are many other issuesrelated to the QR that were investigated theoretically in recent years. Withthe advent of nanoscopic quantum rings research on parabolic QRs has takena new dimension. Like all other nanostructures investigated in recent years,QRs have proven to be a very useful device to investigate many fundamentalphysical phenomena and perhaps in a near future will also be found to beimportant for practical applications.


Many thanks to Rolf Haug (Hannover) for inviting me to present the talk.I also thank Christian Schuller and Detlef Heitmann for their hospitalityduring a visit at the University of Hamburg as a guest Professor in March2003.


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