nanopartikel aseklofenak

Colloids and Surf aces B: Bioin terfa ces 114 (2014) 36–44 Con tents lists available at ScienceDirect ColloidsandSurfacesB:Biointerfaces  j ourna l h ome p a g e: Carbopolgelcontainingchitosan-eggalbuminnanoparticlesfor transdermal aceclofenacdelivery Sougata Jana a,,SreejanManna a ,AmitKumarNayak b , KalyanKumarSen a , SanatKumarBasu a a Divisi on of Pharmaceuti cs, Depart ment of Pharmaceuti cal Tecno logy, Kolka ta-70 0032, W.B. , India b Depart ment of Pharmaceutics, Seema nta Instit ute of Pharmaceut ical Scienc es, Mayurbhan j 757086, Odisha, India articl einfo  Article history: Recei ved 3 June 201 3 Received in revised form 18 Sept embe r 2013 Acce pted 20 September 2013 Available online 30 September 2013 Keywords: Carb opol 940 Chitosan Egg albu min Nanoparticles Tra nsder mal drug deliv ery abstract In thepresentwork, variousaceclofenac-loaded chitosan-egg albuminnanoparticles wereprepared throughheatcoagulationmethod. Theseaceclofenac-loaded nanoparticles werecharacterized byFE- SEM, FTIR,DSCandP-XRDanalyses. Theinvitrodrugreleasefromnanoparticles showedsustaineddrug releaseover8h.Aceclofenac-loaded nanoparticles (preparedusing200mgchitosan, 500mgeggalbu- minand2%(w/v)NaTPP)showedhighestdrugentrapment (96.32±1.52%), 352.90nmaverageparticle diameterand22.10mVzetapotential, whichwasusedforfurtherpreparationof Carbopol 940gelfor transdermal application. Thepreparedgelexhibitedsustainedexvivopermeationof aceclofenac over8 h throughexcisedmouseskin.Theinvivo anti-inammatory activityincarrageenean-induced ratsdemon- stratedcomparative higherinhibitionof swellingof ratpawedemaby th epreparedgelcomparedwith thatof themarketedaceclofenacgelover4 h. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Intr oduc ti on Tr a ns d er mal dru g de li ve r y sy st ems are pr ep a re d to del iv er dr ugs through skin at predetermined rate escapi ng the rst -pass ef f ec t by li ver [1]. The m os t d if cult as pe ct of transd e rm al d r ug delivery system is to overcome the skin barrier. There is evidence tha t the rat e-l imi tin g step in tra nsdermal transp ort occurr ed at the outer mostlayer of the skin,stratumcorneu m [2]. Many appr oaches have been invest igat ed to enhance the dr ug permeati on through the barrier of skin for the use in tr ansdermal dr ug deli very [1,3–7]. Currentl y, nanopart icles have shown gr eat potential as novel dr ug carr ie rs for transd e rm a l dr ug deli very [7–9]. The smal ler size of nanopart icles could ensure close cont ac t with the st ratum corneum and inc reases the enca psu lat ed dru g amount pen etr ati ng into theskin. Theadvantages of the use of these kinds of col- loidal carriers are prot ecti on of unstable dr ugs from degradat ion and contro l of dru g rel ease rate fro m the se col loi dal car riers [9,10] . Nano part iclesare solidparticle s rangi ng in size,1–1000nm [11,12]. Pre sently , pol yme ric nanopa rti cles have rec eived lot s of att ent ion due to thei r st ab il ity and ease of surf ace mo di c ation speci ci ty [13]. Corr espo ndin g auth or. Tel.: +91 943 4896683. E-ma il address: janapha rmacy@rediffmail. com (S. Jana ). C hi to s an is a cat io ni c b i oc ompa ti b le and bi od egra da bl e nat- ural polysacchari de obtained by al kali ne deacet yl at ion of chit in, which is composed of  -1,4 -link ed 2-amino 2-deo xy -d-glucose (N-ac etyl gluco samin e) [14,15]. Al though chitosan is used in dr ug deli ver y, it has a li mi ted capaci ty for controlling dr ug release. So resear chers invest igated various chemical modi cations of chi- tos an to dev elop chi tosan- bas ed for mulat ions for contro lled dru g relea se appli cati ons [16–18] . Egg al bumi n has recent ly received at tent ion for it s us e in food and pha rma ceutic al app lic ations [19,20]. It beh av es as an io ni c po lyme r a bo ve it s i so elec tr ic po in t (p H 4. 8) [21]. Therefore, it is hy po thes iz ed th at an ioni c egg al bu mi n and ca ti on ic chit os an mi ght f orm a pol yel ec tr olyt e co mpl e x, if pr oce ss ed wi th ea ch ot her. Ad di ti on al ly , this ap pr oa ch coul d be be nec ia l to con tr o l th e drug re le ase . Ca rb op ols are pol yme rs of a cryl ic ac id c ros s- linked wi th polyalkenyl ethers or di vi nyl gl ycol [22]. Becaus e of  their hyd rop hil ic nat ure, the cross- lin ked structures of Car bop ols make them potential candidates for the use as gel- type formul a- tio ns fortopi caluse [23,24]. In the previ ous liter ature, Carbo pol gels conta ining drug- loade d nanoparti cles were investigat ed for tran s- dermal deliv ery [7,22] . In the pre sent invest iga tion, we att emp ted to de velo p a tr an sder ma l Ca rbop ol gel c on t ai ni ng acec lofen ac - loade d chito san-e gg albu min nanop articles. Ace clofenac is a non-steroidal ant i-ina mma tor y dru g (NSAID) withshort half- life(4 h) indic atedfor the symptoma tic treat mentof painand inammation [15,25] .It is repor ted to prod uce side-effects 0927-776 5/$ see fron t matte r © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. /10.1016/j. colsurfb.2013 .09.045

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Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 114 (2014) 36–44

Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces

 j ournal homepage: www.elsevier .com/ locate /colsur fb

Carbopol gel containing chitosan-egg albumin nanoparticles for

transdermal aceclofenac delivery

Sougata Jana a,∗, Sreejan Manna a, Amit Kumar Nayak b, Kalyan Kumar Sen a,Sanat Kumar Basu a

a Division of Pharmaceutics, Department of Pharmaceutical Tecnology,Kolkata-700032,W.B., Indiab Department of Pharmaceutics, Seemanta Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Mayurbhanj 757086, Odisha, India

a r t i c l e i n f o

 Article history:

Received 3 June 2013

Received in revised form

18 September 2013

Accepted 20 September 2013

Available online 30 September 2013


Carbopol 940


Egg albumin


Transdermal drug delivery

a b s t r a c t

In the present work, various aceclofenac-loaded chitosan-egg albumin nanoparticles were prepared

through heat coagulation method. These aceclofenac-loaded nanoparticles were characterized by FE-

SEM, FTIR, DSC and P-XRD analyses. The in vitro drug release from nanoparticles showed sustained drug

release over 8 h. Aceclofenac-loaded nanoparticles (prepared using 200 mg chitosan, 500 mg egg albu-

min and 2% (w/v) NaTPP) showed highest drug entrapment (96.32±1.52%), 352.90 nm average particle

diameter and −22.10 mV zeta potential, which was used for further preparation of Carbopol 940 gel for

transdermal application. The prepared gel exhibited sustainedex vivo permeation of aceclofenac over 8 h

through excised mouse skin. The in vivoanti-inflammatoryactivity in carrageenean-inducedratsdemon-

strated comparative higher inhibition of swelling of rat paw edema by the prepared gel compared with

that of the marketed aceclofenac gel over 4 h.

© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Transdermal drug delivery systems are prepared to deliver

drugs through skin at predetermined rate escaping the first-pass

effect by liver [1]. The most difficult aspect of transdermal drug

delivery system is to overcome the skin barrier. There is evidence

that the rate-limiting step in transdermal transport occurred at the

outermostlayer of the skin,stratum corneum [2]. Many approaches

have been investigated to enhance the drug permeation through

the barrier of skin for the use in transdermal drug delivery [1,3–7].

Currently, nanoparticles have shown great potential as novel

drug carriers for transdermal drug delivery [7–9]. The smaller

size of nanoparticles could ensure close contact with the stratum

corneum and increases the encapsulated drug amount penetrating

into the skin. The advantages of the use of these kinds of col-

loidal carriers are protection of unstable drugs from degradation

and control of drug release rate from these colloidal carriers [9,10].

Nanoparticlesare solidparticles ranging in size,1–1000nm [11,12].

Presently, polymeric nanoparticles have received lots of attention

due to their stability and ease of surface modification specificity


∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 9434896683.

E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Jana).

Chitosan is a cationic biocompatible and biodegradable nat-

ural polysaccharide obtained by alkaline deacetylation of chitin,

which is composed of -1,4-linked 2-amino 2-deoxy -d-glucose

(N-acetyl glucosamine) [14,15]. Although chitosan is used in drug

delivery, it has a limited capacity for controlling drug release. So

researchers investigated various chemical modifications of chi-

tosan to develop chitosan-based formulations for controlled drug

release applications [16–18].

Egg albumin has recently received attention for its use in food

and pharmaceutical applications [19,20]. It behaves as anionic

polymer above its isoelectric point (pH 4.8) [21]. Therefore, it

is hypothesized that anionic egg albumin and cationic chitosan

might form a polyelectrolyte complex, if processed with each

other. Additionally, this approach could be beneficial to control

the drug release. Carbopols are polymers of acrylic acid cross-

linked with polyalkenyl ethers or divinyl glycol [22]. Because of 

their hydrophilic nature, the cross-linked structures of Carbopols

make them potential candidates for the use as gel-type formula-

tions fortopicaluse [23,24]. In the previous literature, Carbopol gels

containing drug-loaded nanoparticles were investigated for trans-

dermal delivery [7,22]. In the present investigation, we attempted

to develop a transdermal Carbopol gel containing aceclofenac-

loaded chitosan-egg albumin nanoparticles.

Aceclofenac is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)

withshort half-life(4 h) indicatedfor the symptomatic treatmentof 

painand inflammation [15,25]. It is reported to produce side-effects

0927-7765/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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S. Jana et al. / Colloids andSurfaces B: Biointerfaces114 (2014) 36–44 37

like gastric irritation, ulcer, abdominal pain and flatulence, as a

result of prolonged treatment [26]. In view of the side-effects asso-

ciated with the oral administration of aceclofenac, it is increasingly

administered through topical route [27]. Furthermore, the trans-

dermal route of administration eliminates side-effects, increases

patient compliances, avoids first-pass metabolism and maintains

theplasma-drug levelfor a long period. Inthe current study,we pre-

pared aceclofenac-loaded chitosan-egg albumin nanoparticles by

heat coagulation method, incorporated these nanoparticles within

Carbopol 940 geland evaluatedthis newly formulated gelfor trans-

dermal delivery of acecalofenac, in vitro and in vivo.

2. Materials and method

 2.1. Materials

Aceclofenac was received as a gift sample from Drakt Phar-

maceutical Pvt. Ltd., India. Chitosan (85% deacetylated) was

commercially purchased from Indian Sea Foods, Cochin, India. Egg

albumin,Carbopol 940,crospovidoneand sodium tripolyphosphate

(NaTPP) were purchasedfromLoba ChemiePvt.Ltd.,India. Allother

chemicals, and reagents used were of analytical grade.

 2.2. Preparation of aceclofenac-loaded chitosan-egg albumin


Aceclofenac-loaded chitosan-egg albumin nanoparticles were

prepared by heat coagulation method [28]. Different strength of 

chitosan solutions were prepared by dissolving required amount

of chitosan in 1% acetic acid solution and egg albumin solutions

were prepared dissolving them in distilled water. Then, accu-

rately weighed amount of aceclofenac (100 mg) was dispersed into

the chitosan solutions and mixed thoroughly using a homoge-

nizer (Remi Motors, India). Chitosan-aceclofenac mixtures were

added drop-wise into egg albumin solutions under continuous

stirring (500 rpm) for30 min. Theresultant pHof these aceclofenac-

polymeric disperpersions was observed in between 4.00 and 4.30,

and was finally adjusted to 5.4 with the help of 0.1 N sodium

hydroxide. These adjusted dispersions were heated at 80◦C for

30min to aid in developing nanoparticles due to heat coagula-

tion. The prepared nanoparticles were collected by centrifugation

and were lyophilized (Eyela FDU 1200) to obtain dried samples.

Different chitosan-egg albumin nanoparticles formulations con-

taining aceclofenac along with amounts of chitosan, egg albumin,

and NaTPP were enlisted in Table 1.

 2.3. Characterization of aceclofenac-loaded chitosan-egg albumin


 2.3.1. Estimation of drug entrapment efficiency10mg of lyophilized nanoparticles containing aceclofenac from

each formulation batch were accurately weighed and were taken

separately in 50ml phosphate buffer, pH 7.4 to keep for 48h under

continuous stirring followed by centrifugation at 2000rpm for

10min. Then, the supernatant fraction was further filtered through

Whatman® filter paper (No. 40). The aceclofeanc content in the

filtrate was determined using a UV-VIS spectrophotometer (Shi-

madzu, Japan) by measuring absorbance at Max   of 274nm. The

drug entrapment efficiency of nanoparticles was calculated using

the following formula:

Drugentrapment efficiency (%) =theorticaldrug content in nanoparticles− amount of drug present in thefiltrate

theoretical drugcontent in nanoparticles  (1)

 2.3.2. Particle size and zeta potential determination

The nanoparticles were dispersed into 10ml phosphate buffer,

pH 7.4 and sonicated for 5 m in before size measurement. The

obtained homogeneous suspensions were examined for particle

size andzeta potentialusinga laser scattering particle size analyzer

(MAL500999, UK).

 2.3.3. Field emission-scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM)

Thelyophilizedparticles were spreadonto metal stubs andplat-inum coating was applied by using an ion-sputtering device. The

coated particles were then examined under FE-SEM (JSM 6701;

 JEOL, Japan).

 2.3.4. Fourier transform-infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy

Samples were powdered and analyzed as KBr pellets by

using a FTIR spectrophotometer (Perkin Elmer Spectrum RX I,

USA). The pellet was placed in the sample holder. Spectral

scanning was taken in the wavelength region between 4000

and 600 c m−1 at a resolution of 4 cm−1 with scan speed of  

2 mm/s.

 2.3.5. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)

Moisture free nanoparticles (7 mg) were placed into a platinumcrucible 40-l aluminum pan in hermetically sealed condition,

where alumina powder was used as a reference. Thermograms

were recorded from 29.80 to 351.90 ◦C at the heating rate of  

5 ◦C/min under a constant flow of an inert nitrogen gas atmosphere

with the flow rate of 20ml/min. These analyses were done using

a Differential Scanning Calorimeter (Perkin Elmer® Instrument,


 2.3.6. Powder X-ray diffraction (P-XRD)

Samples were exposed to CuK radiation (40 kV × 20mA) in a

wide-angle X-ray diffractometer (Siemens D5000, Germany). The

instrument was operated in the step-scan mode in increments of 

0.050◦ 2 . The angular range was 10◦–60◦ 2 , and counts were

accumulated for 1 s at each step.

 2.4. In vitro release study of aceclofenac-loaded chitosan-egg 

albumin nanoparticles

Invitrorelease of aceclofenacfrom thesepreparednanoparticles

was measured using dialysis bag diffusion technique. Accurately

weighed quantities of nanoparticles containing drug equivalent

to 50 m g aceclofenac were placed in one end of the dialysis bag

(Cellophane membrane, molecular cut off 10,000–12,000 Da, Hi-

Media, India) containing 5 ml of phosphate buffer, pH 7.4. After

that, other side of the dialysis bag was tied and immersed in

phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) contained in the USP type II dissolu-

tion apparatus (Veego VDA-6D, Veego Instruments Co-operation,

India). The system was maintained at 37±1◦

C under 100 rpmspeed. The dialysis bag acts as a donor compartment, and the ves-

sel of dissolution apparatus acts as the receptor compartment. 5 ml

of aliquots was collected at regular time intervals, and the same

amount of fresh dissolution medium was replaced into dissolution

vessel to maintain the sink condition throughout the experi-

ment. The collected aliquots were filtered, and suitably diluted

to determine the absorbance using a UV-VIS spectrophotometer

(Thermo Spectronic UV-1, USA) by measuring absorbance at Max

of 274 nm.

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38   S. Jana et al. / Colloids andSurfaces B: Biointerfaces114 (2014) 36–44

 Table 1

The composition chart for the preparation of different aceclofenac-loaded chitosan-egg albumin nanoparticles with their drug entrapment efficiencies, average particle

diameters and zeta potentials.

Formulation code Composition Drug entrapment

efficiency (%)

(mean±S.D.; n= 3)

Average particle

diameter (nm)

Zeta potential


Chitosan (mg) Egg albumin (mg) NaTPP (% w/v)

F-1 350 350 – 69.37 ± 0.93 553.40 −1.16

F-2 250 450 – 74.30 ± 0.95 501.25 −3.10

F-3 300 400 – 81.26 ± 1.38 489.52 −3.32

F-4 200 500 – 90.54 ± 1.03 446.30 −5.77

F-5 200 500 1 93.68 ± 1.08 388.94   −12.21

F-6 200 500 2 96.32 ± 1.52 352.90 −22.10

 2.5. Analysis of in vitro drug release kinetics and mechanism

The in vitro drug release data were evaluated kinetically using

various important mathematical models like zero-order, first-

order, Higuchi, and Korsmeyer–Peppas models [26].

Zero-order model: Q = k0t +Q 0; where Q  represents the drug

remaining to be released at time t , and Q 0  is the amount of drug

present in the formulation initially; k0 is the rate constant.

First-order model: Q =Q 0 ek1t ; where Q  represents the drug

remaining to be released at time t , and Q 0  is the amount of drugpresent in the formulation initially; k1 is the rate constant.

Higuchi model:Q =kHt 0.5; whereQ represents the drug released

amount per unit area at time t , and kH is the rate constant.

Hixson–Crowell model:Q 1/3 = kt +Q 01/3; whereQ represents the

drugreleasedamountattime t ,andQ 0 isthe amountof drug present

in the formulation initially; k is the rate constant.

Korsmeyer–Peppas model:Q = kt n; whereQ represents the frac-

tion of drug released at time t , k is the rate constant and n is the

diffusional exponent, indicative of drug release mechanism.

Again, The Korsmeyer–Peppas model was employed in the in

vitro drug release behavior analysis of these formulations to dis-

tinguish between competing release mechanisms: Fickian release

(diffusion-controlled release), non-Fickian release (anomalous

transport), and case-II transport (relaxation-controlled release).When n is ≤0.43, it is Fickian release. The n value between 0.43

and 0.85 is defined as non-Fickian release. When n is ≥0.85, it is

case-II transport [26].

 2.6. Preparation of Carbopol 940 gel containing 

aceclofenac-loaded chitosan-egg albumin nanoparticles

In brief, 100mg of Carbopol 940 was dissolved in 6.50ml of 

deionized water through a continuous stirring at 500 rpm by mag-

netic stirrer (Remi Motors, India) for 1 h to prepare Carbopol

940 solution. Then, accurately weighed quantities of aceclofenac-

loaded nanoparticles equivalent to 50mg aceclofenac were mixed

thoroughly with the above mentioned Carbopol 940 solution.Finally, weighed quantity of triethanolamine was added as a neu-

tralizer to increase the pH of the prepared Carbopol 940 mixture

and formation of gel occurred.

 2.7. Characterization of Carbopol 940 gel containing 

aceclofenac-loaded chitosan-egg albumin nanoparticles

 2.7.1. pH determination

pH of the prepared gel was measured using a digital pH

meter (Systronics Instruments, India) by placing the glass elec-

trode completely into the gel systemand compared with marketed


 2.7.2. Viscosity measurement 

The viscosity of gel was determined by using a Brookfield DV

III ultra V6.0 RV cone and plate viscometer (Middle-boro, MA) at

25±0.3 ◦C the software used for calculation was Rheocalc V2.6.

 2.8. Ex vivo permeation study

 2.8.1. Preparation of the skin

The ex vivo permeation of aceclofenac from Carbopol 940 gel

containing aceclofenac-loadedchitosan-egg albumin nanoparticles

were measured using excised skin of Swiss albino mice (weight

170–192 g). The experiment was approved by Institutional Animal

Ethical Committee, under registration number 955/A/06/CPCSEA.

The animals were sacrificed using anesthetic ether. The hair of 

abdominal skin was removed by using an animal hair clipper. A full

thickness of skin was taken out and the fat adhering to the dermis

side was removed by using a surgical scalpel. Finally, the skin was

rinsed with phosphate buffer of pH 7.4and was kept in refrigerator

at temperature of −20 ◦C in aluminum foil packing. The stored skin

sample was used within 24h.

 2.8.2. Ex vivo permeation by Franz diffusion cells

The ex vivo permeation through excised mouse skin was per-

formed by Franz diffusion cells. The cells consist of two chambers,

the donor and the receptor compartment with an available dif-

fusion area of 0.949cm2. The donor compartment was open at

the top and was exposed to atmosphere. The excised mouse skin

was mounted between the compartments of the diffusion cell with

stratum corneum facing the donor compartment and clamped into

position. Magnetic stirrer bars were added to the receptor cham-

bers and filled with the receptor phase. Phosphate buffer saline,

pH 7.4 was used as the receptor medium. The small concentration

of sodium azide (0.0025%, w/v) was added to prevent any micro-

bial growth [29]. The entire setup wasplaced over magnetic stirrer,

and the temperature was maintained at 37±0.5 ◦C. The skin sec-

tions were initially left in the Franz cells for 2 h in order to facilitate

hydration of the skin samples. After that 1 g of gel was applied

onto the excised mouse skin fitted on the Franz diffusion cell. 1 ml

of medium was collected from the receptor compartment at pre-

determined intervals over study period and was replaced with the

same amount of the fresh buffer. The amount of permeated drug

was analyzed by UV-VIS spectrophotometer (Thermo Spectronic

UV-1,USA) at 274nm wavelengthusing appropriate blank solution.

 2.8.3. Permeation data analysis

The amount of aceclofenac permeated from gel through excised

mouse skin was plotted against the function of time. The slope and

intercept of the linear portion of plot were derived by regression.

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S. Jana et al. / Colloids andSurfaces B: Biointerfaces114 (2014) 36–44 39

The permeation flux for gel was calculated as the slope divided by

the skin surface area [30]:

 J SS   =






where  J ss  is the steady-state permeation flux (g/cm2/h),  A is the

area of skin tissue (cm2) through which drug permeation takes

place, and (dQ /dt )ss is the amount of drug passing through the skin

per unit time at a steady state (g/h).

 2.9. In vivo evaluation

The animal experiment was approved by Institutional Animal

Ethical Committee (Registration number 955/A/06/CPCSEA). The

carrageenean-induced rat-paw edema model [31] was performed

to assessthe anti-inflammatory activityevaluation of the optimized

gel. Male Sprague Dawley rats weighing 200–250 g were used for

the experiment. The acclimatized rats were kept fasting for 24h

with water ad libitum. The anti-inflammatory effect was evaluated

by applying 1 g of Carbopol 940gels containing aceclofenac-loaded

chitosan-egg albumin nanoparticles (F-6) on the rat paw. The con-

trol group was treated with the normal saline. After 3h interval,

0.1ml of a 1% carrageenan solution in physiological saline as thecontrol was injected intradermally in the right hind paw of the

rat. The edema volumes are measured using plethysmometer (Ugo

Bacile, model 7150) after 3 h of carrageenan injection. The extents

of swelling (%) were calculated from the difference in the volume

between immediately and 3 h after the carrageenan injection (6

rats in each group) using the following formula:

Swelling (%) =V − V 1V 1

× 100

whereV is thevolume 3 h after thecarrageenaninjectionin thesole

of the foot and V 1 is the volume immediately after the injection.

 2.10. Statistical analysis

The in vivo data was tested for significant differences ( p< 0.05)

by paired samples t-test. All other data was analyzed with simple

statistics. The simple statistical analysis and paired samples t-test

were conducted using MedCalc software version

3. Results and discussion

 3.1. Preparation of aceclofenac-loaded chitosan-egg albumin


Various aceclofenac-loaded chitosan-egg albumin nanoparti-

cles were prepared based on heat coagulation method at pH 5.4

and 80◦C. Chitosan is a polycation having pK a of about 6.3 and egg

albumin is a polyanion above its isoelectric point, pH 4.8 [21,22].Therefore, an insoluble polyelectrolyte complex could be formed

in the form of nanoparticles due to electrostatic attraction of these

two oppositely charged polymers at pH above the isoelectric point

of albumin.

 3.2. Characterization of aceclofenac-loaded chitosan-egg albumin


 3.2.1. Drug entrapment efficiency

The results described that the drug entrapment efficiency

of these nanoparticles was within the range, 69.37±0.93 to

96.32±1.52% (Table 1) and formulation F-6 had the highest

drug entrapment efficiency (96.32±1.52%). The results of drug

entrapment efficiency of these formulations also described that,

increasing drug entrapment was found with the decrease of chi-

tosan amount and the increment of egg albumin amount in their

formulations. The increasing drug entrapment was also found with

the increase addition of NaTPP in the preparation of aceclofenac-

loaded chitosan-egg albumin nanoparticles. This could be due to

ionic cross-linking NaTPP with free chitosan in the dispersion.

 3.2.2. Particle size and zeta potential

Average particle diameters of aceclofenac-loaded chitosan-

egg albumin nanoparticles were ranged within 352.90–553.40nm

(Table 1). Particle size distribution of 2% (w/v) NaTPP cross-linked

aceclofenac-loaded chitosan-egg albumin nanoparticles (F-6) pre-

pared using 200mg chitosan and 500mg egg albumin is presented

in Fig. 1a and average particle diameter was measured 352.00 nm.

Decreasing average particle diameter of these nanoparticles was

found with the decrease of chitosan amount and the increment

of egg albumin amount in their formulation. However, decreasing

average particle diameter of nanoparticles was also observed with

the addition and concentration of NaTPP used in their preparation,

which could be due to ionic cross-linking of chitosan by the NaTPP.

This phenomenon of decreased particle size with the addition of 

NaTPP could be due to the shrinkage of polymeric gel by higher

degree of cross-linking with the high concentration of cross-linker

(i.e. NaTPP).

The measurement of the zeta potentialallows predictions about

the storage stabilityof various colloidaldispersions. In general, par-

ticle aggregation is decreased for charged particles with high zeta

potential due to electric repulsion. The zeta potentials of various

aceclofenac-loaded chitosan-egg albumin nanoparticles are pre-

sented in Table 1 and found within the range between 1.16 and

22.10 mV. From these results, it was clearly evidenced that the

zeta potential of these nanoparticles decreased with the increase

in addition of NaTPP.

 3.2.3. FE-SEM analysis

FE-SEM of aceclofenac-loaded chitosan-egg albumin nanoparti-

cles (F-6) was performed. In the FE-SEM photograph at 65000×

magnification (Fig. 1b), these particles were appeared denselypacked to each other. Particles were mostly in the nanoscale range

and spherical in shape.

 3.2.4. FTIR spectroscopy

FTIR spectrum of aceclofenac, chitosan, egg albumin and TPP

cross-linked aceclofenac-loaded chitosan-egg albumin nanoparti-

cles (F-6) is shown in Fig. 2. The FTIR spectra of aceclofenac showed

that principal peaks at 3028cm−1 due to aromatic C H stretch-

ing vibrations and 2937cm−1 due to aliphatic C H stretching

vibrations, a band at 1717cm−1 due to C O stretching, a sharp

band at 1772cm−1 due to C O stretching of carboxylic acid, band

at 3320cm−1 due to secondary N H rocking vibrations, and two

sharp peaks at 716 cm−1 due to 1,2 di-substituted C Cl stretching.

In case of FTIR spectra of chitosan, peaks at 3411.86 cm−

1 for O Hstretch, 2972.72 cm−1 for aliphatic C H stretch, 1650.00cm−1 due

to amide,1560.37cm−1 due toN H bending vibration ofsecondary

amine, 1076.08cm−1 for C O stretch of ether, 560.37cm−1 for 1◦

N H groups and bands at 1100–1000cm−1 are due to the saccha-

ride structure were observed. In addition, characteristic peaks at

1464.72cm−1 and 1431.03 cm−1 were seen due to bending vibra-

tion of CH2 group and OH group, respectively. The FTIR spectra

of egg albumin showed characteristic peaks at 3300.78 cm−1 for

N substituted amide, 2969.92 cm−1 for aliphatic C H stretching,

1645.34cm−1 due to amide band, 1560.63cm−1 for N H bend-

ing vibration, 1403.22 cm−1 for aliphatic C H bending vibration

and 1157.99 cm−1 due to C N stretching vibrations. Characteris-

tic peaks appeared in the FTIR spectra of aceclofenac were also

appeared clearly in the aceclofenac-loaded chitosan-egg albumin

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Fig. 1. (a) Particle sizedistributionof 2% (w/v) NaTPP cross-linked aceclofenac-loadedchitosan-eggalbuminnanoparticles (F-6) preparedusing 200mg chitosan and 500mg

egg albumin; (b) FE-SEM image of 2% (w/v) NaTPP cross-linked aceclofenac-loaded chitosan-egg albumin-nanoparticles (F-6) at 65000× magnification.

nanoparticles (F-6). A small but distinct change or shifting of the

amide band was observed in these spectra. Thus, it can be said

that aceclofenac was successfully entrapped into the nanoparticleformulation and no significant changes occurred in drug proper-

ties.However,the spectrumof theaceclofenac-loadedchitosan-egg

albumin nanoparticles (F-6) exhibited the characteristic absorp-

tion bands, which were appeared in both egg albumin and chitosan

spectrum with only intensity differences except the appearance

of two additional peaks at 1080.88 cm−1 and 1028.23 cm−1. These

peaks were not present in either chitosan or egg albumin spec-

trum. This phenomenon indicates the interaction between anionic

egg albumin and cationic chitosan.

 3.2.5. DSC analysis

DSC thermograms of pure aceclofenac and aceclofenac-loaded

chitosan-egg albumin nanoparticles (F-6) were presented in Fig. 3.

The thermal graph of pure aceclofenac showed sharp endother-

mic peaks at 152.5 ◦C, indicating the melting point of aceclofenac.

In case of aceclofenac-loaded chitosan-egg albumin nanoparticles

(F-6) two sharp endotherms were observed at 156◦C and 280 ◦C.

The first peak indicates that the drug remains in the polymer

matrix as a separate entry as well as in stable condition and the

second peak at 280◦C denotes the melting point of polymers of nanoparticles.

 3.2.6. P-XRD analysis

P-XRDpatternsof aceclofenacand aceclofenac-loaded chitosan-

egg albumin nanoparticles (F-6) are presented in Fig. 4. P-XRD

of aceclofenac showed diffraction peaks at about 18.50◦, 19.11◦,

22.18◦, 23.89◦, 25.92◦ (2 ) with different signal intensities, indi-

cating important crystallographic characteristics of aceclofenac.

In the P-XRD pattern of aceclofenac-loaded chitosan-egg albumin

nanoparticles (F-6), slightly less intense peak were observed at

23.4◦ and 24.2◦ (2 ) indicating that the drug (aceclofenac) main-

tain little bit of its crystalinity in the nanoparticle formulation. The

above result suggests that most of the aceclofenac was convertedfrom crystalline to amorphous form in the aceclofenac-loaded

chitosan-egg albumin nanoparticles (F-6), which could be due to

the effect of polymers or formulation process.

Fig. 2. FTIRspectrum of aceclofenac, chitosan, egg albumin and aceclofenac-loaded chitosan-egg albumin nanoparticles (F-6).

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Fig. 3. DSC thermograms of aceclofenac and aceclofenac-loaded chitosan-egg albumin nanoparticles (F-6).

 3.3. In vitro drug release from aceclofenac-loaded chitosan-egg 

albumin nanoparticles

In vitro drug ( aceclofenac) release from these prepared

aceclofenac-loaded chitosan-egg albumin nanoparticles was eval-uated using dialysis bag diffusion technique in phosphate buffer,

pH 7.4. The cumulative percentage of drug release from these

aceclofenac-loaded nanoparticles was found sustained over a

period of 8 h (Fig. 5). The in vitro drug release from all the for-

mulation batches of nanoparticles showed an initial burst release

of drugs, which might be attributed due to the presence of free

drug crystals and/or weakly bound drug on the surface of the

nanoparticles. The cumulative percentage of drug released from

these aceclofenac-loaded chitosan-egg albumin nanoparticles (F-1

to F-6) in 8h was within the range of 54.10±1.61–88.02 ±1.33%.

The drug release from these nanoparticles was mostly dependent

on theamount of drug-load. Thedrug release wasfoundfaster from

the nanoparticles of lower drug entrapment efficiency. The com-

paratively sustained release of drug was evidenced in case of TPP

cross-linked aceclofenac-loaded chitosan-egg albumin nanoparti-

cles (F-5 and F-6). However, slower drug release was found for TPP

cross-linked aceclofenac-loaded chitosan-egg albumin nanoparti-

cles prepared using higher concentration of ionic cross-linker, TPP,

indicating that the delayed drug release was due to presence of 

higher degree of cross-linking.

The in vitro drug release data from various aceclofenac-loaded

chitosan-egg albumin nanoparticles were evaluated kinetically

using various important mathematical models like zero order, first

order, Higuchi, and Korsmeyer–Peppas models. The correlation (R2)

values of these models were determined for evaluation of accuracyfor the best fitting of models and values nearer to 1 considered as

best fitting of models. The result of the curve fitting into various

mathematical models was given in Table 2. When the respectiveR2

were compared, it was found that all these nanoparticles followed

the Korsmeyer–Peppas model over a period of 8h. The value of 

release exponent (n) determined from in vitro aceclofenac release

data of various aceclofenac-loaded chitosan-egg albumin nanopar-

ticles rangedfrom 0.64 to 0.82, indicating anomalous (non-Fickian)

diffusion mechanism of drug release. The anomalous diffusion

mechanism of drug release demonstrates bothdiffusion controlled,

and swelling controlled drug release.

 3.4. Preparation of Carbopol 940 gel containing 

aceclofenac-loaded chitosan-egg albumin nanoparticles

In the current investigation, we attempted to develop Car-

bopol 940 gel containing aceclofenac-loaded chitosan-egg albumin

nanoparticles for transdermal use using 2% (w/v) NaTPP cross-

linked aceclofenac-loaded chitosan-egg albumin nanoparticles

(F-6). We have selected that nanoparticles formulation for the

Fig. 4. P-XRD patterns of aceclofenac and aceclofenac-loaded chitosan-egg albumin nanoparticles(F-6).

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42   S. Jana et al. / Colloids andSurfaces B: Biointerfaces114 (2014) 36–44

Fig. 5. The in vitrodrug release from various aceclofenac-loaded chitosan-egg albumin nanoparticles in phosphate buffer, pH 7.4 (mean±S.D.; n =3).

 Table 2

Results of curve fitting of the in vitrodrug release profile of various aceclofenac-loaded chitosan-egg albumin nanoparticles.

Formulation code Correlation coefficient (R2) Release exponent (n)

Zero order First order Higuchi Korsmeyer–Peppas

F-1 0.9733 0.9744 0.9886 0.9994 0.82

F-2 0.9693 0.9166 0.9042 0.9736 0.81

F-3 0.9422 0.8681 0.8589 0.9674 0.64

F-4 0.9492 0.9307 0.9483 0.9860 0.76

F-5 0.9312 0.8846 0.8454 0.9736 0.79

F-6 0.9811 0.9577 0.9203 0.9792 0.80

Fig. 6. (a) The comparative ex vivo drug permeation from Carbopol 940 gel containing aceclofenac-loaded chitosan-egg albumin nanoparticles and a marketed aceclofenac

gel through excised mouse skin (mean±S.D.; n = 3); (b) comparative percentage inhibition profile of paw edema edema for Carbopol 940 gel containing aceclofenac-loaded

nanoparticles and marketed aceclofenac gel at various time intervals in carrageenan-induced rat model for anti-inflammatory activity evaluation.

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S. Jana et al. / Colloids andSurfaces B: Biointerfaces114 (2014) 36–44 43

preparation transdermal Carbopol940 gel due to its maximum drug

entrapment than other nanoparticles formulated in the study.

 3.5. Characterization of Carbopol 940 gel containing 

aceclofenac-loaded chitosan-egg albumin nanoparticles

 3.5.1. pH 

In the development of transdermal formulation, the pH of the

formulation isimportant.The more acidicor more basicpH oftrans-

dermal formulations may change the skin environment. This can

produce skin irritation upon application. The pH of the prepared

Carbopol 940gel containing aceclofenac-loaded chitosan-egg albu-

min nanoparticles was found 7.10, which is close to normal pH of 

the human skin.

 3.5.2. Viscosity

The viscosity of prepared Carbopol 940 gel containing

aceclofenac-loaded chitosan-egg albumin nanoparticles was com-

pared with a marketed aceclofenac gel. The prepared Carbopol 940

gel containing aceclofenac-loaded chitosan-egg albumin nanopar-

ticles showedviscosityof 523.26±2.08 cps, which washigher than

that of the marketed aceclofenac gel (303.47±1.44cps).

 3.6. Ex vivo permeation

The prepared Carbopol 940 gel containing aceclofenac-loaded

chitosan-egg albumin nanoparticles and a marketed aceclofenac

gel were studied for ex vivo skin permeation through excised

mouse skin. The drug permeation from both the gels was found

sustained over a period of 8 h, which was evidenced in ex vivo

skin permeation study results (Fig. 6a). The permeation flux for

preparedCarbopol940 gel containingaceclofenac-loadedchitosan-

egg albumin nanoparticles was found 0.0681±0.0008g/cm2/h,

which was significantly higher ( p< 0.05) than that of the marketed

aceclofenac gel (0.0316±0.0004g/cm2/h).

 3.7. In vivo evaluation

The in vivo anti-inflammatory activity of the prepared Car-

bopol 940 gel containing aceclofenac-loaded chitosan-egg albumin

nanoparticles and a marketed aceclofenac gel were evaluated in

male Sprague Dawley rats using carrageenean-induced rat-paw

edema model. The percent inhibition of swelling of rat paw edema

for Carbopol 940 gel containing aceclofenac-loaded nanoparticles

and marketed aceclofenac gel at various time intervals were pre-

sented in Fig. 6b. The prepared Carbopol 940 gel containing F-6

formulation showedhigherinhibition of swelling of ratpaw edema

compared with that of the marketed aceclofenac gel over a period

of 4 h, indicating improved permeation profileby thenewly formu-

lated Carbopol 940 gel containing F-6 formulation

4. Conclusion

Various aceclofenac-loaded chitosan-egg albumin nanoparti-

cles were prepared based on heat coagulation method at pH 5.4

and 80 ◦C. The drug entrapment efficiency of these nanoparticles

was within the range, 69.37±0.93 to 96.32±1.52%. Highest drug

entrapment efficiency (96.32±1.52%) was found in case of formu-

lation F-6, prepared using 200mg chitosan, 500 mg egg albumin

and2% (w/v) NaTPP.Averageparticle diameter andzetapotential of 

2% (w/v)NaTPP cross-linked aceclofenac-loaded chitosan-egg albu-

min nanoparticles were found 352.90nm and −22.10 mV, respec-

tively. The stabilityand physical conditionof the loaded aceclofenac

within the nanoparticles were confirmed using FE-SEM, FTIR, DSC

and P-XRD analyses. The in vitro drug release from all aceclofenac-

loaded nanoparticles showed sustained drug release over a period

of 8h, which followed Korsmeyer–Peppas model and anoma-

lous (non-Fickian) diffusion mechanism of drug release. Carbopol

940 gel containing 2% (w/v) TPP cross-linked aceclofenac-loaded

chitosan-egg albumin nanoparticles was prepared for transdermal

delivery of aceclofenac. The prepared gel was characterized by pH

and viscosity. The Carbopol 940 gel containing aceclofenac-loaded

nanoparticles showed sustained permeation of aceclofenac over

8 h in ex vivo skin permeation study using excised mouse skin.

However, this Carbopol 940 gel formulation showed faster per-

meation of aceclofenac than that of the marketed aceclofenac gel.

The permeation flux for prepared Carbopol 940 gel was found sig-

nificantly higher ( p< 0.05) (0.0681±0.0008g/cm2/h) than that

of the marketed aceclofenac gel (0.0316±0.0004g/cm2/h). The

in vivo anti-inflammatory activity in male Sprague Dawley rats

using carrageenean-induced rat-paw edema model demonstrated

comparative higher inhibition of swelling of rat paw edema by

Carbopol 940 gel containing aceclofenac-loaded nanoparticles

compared with that of the marketed aceclofenac gel over a period

of 4h. Overall, these results indicated the promise of Carbopol

940 gel containing 2% (w/v) NaTPP cross-linked aceclofenac-loaded

chitosan-egg albumin nanoparticles for transdermal delivery of 

aceclofenac with improved permeation profile and thus, improved

patient compliance.


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