nanobiotechnology in medical diagnostics

Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química Revista Mexicana de Ingenier´ ıa Qımica Vol. 13, No. 1 (2014) 9-18 NANOBIOTECHNOLOGY FOR MEDICAL DIAGNOSTICS NANOBIOTECNOLOG ´ IA PARA EL DIAGN ´ OSTICO M ´ EDICO K. Kourentzi 1 and R. C. Willson 1,2,3,4* 1 Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204, USA. 2 Department of Biology & Biochemistry, University of Houston, Houston, TX 77004, USA 3 Houston Methodist Research Institute, Houston, TX, 77030, USA 4 Centro de Biotecnolog´ ıa FEMSA, Departamento de Biotecnolog´ ıa e Ingenier´ ıa de Alimentos, Tecnol´ ogico de Monterrey, Monterrey, NL 64849, Mexico Received June 14, 2013; Accepted December 31, 2013 Abstract Traditional core areas of chemical engineering education are being extended by new expertise in science and engineering at the molecular and nanometer scale. Chemical engineers have been pursuing a dynamic role in the design and development of new generations of diagnostic platforms exploiting dierent nanomaterials and “are the forefront of this rapidly developing field, with the potential to propel discoveries from the bench to bedside” (Ruan et al., 2012). Nanobiotechnology leverages existing expertise from engineering and biology, promotes interdisciplinary discoveries and addresses key elements of next-generation clinical applications. In the present review we attempt to give an overview of the latest technologies that in our opinion hold great promise as the basis of powerful biodiagnostic tools. Keywords: bioassays, ELISA, Immuno-PCR, phage, nanofabrication. Resumen La ´ areas tradicionales de la educaci´ on en ingenier´ ıa qu´ ımica est´ an siendo extendidas por nuevas experiencias en ciencia e ingenier´ ıa a escalas molecular y nanom´ etrica. Los ingenieros qu´ ımicos has estado persiguiendo jugar un rol din´ amico en el dise˜ no y desarrollo de nuevas generaciones de plataformas de diagn´ ostico explotando diferentes nanomateriales y “son el frente de este campo que se encuentra r´ apidamente en desarrollo, con el potencial de impulsar descubrimientos que vayan desde el laboratorio hasta el tratamiento de pacientes.” (Ruan et al., 2012). La nanobiotecnolog´ ıa sirve como palanca en la experiencia que se tiene en ingenier´ ıa y biolog´ ıa, promueve descubrimientos interdisciplinarios y atiende elementos clave de la siguiente generaci´ on de aplicaciones cl´ ınicas. En la presente revisi´ on tratamos de proporcionar un visi´ on general de las ´ ultimas tecnolog´ ıas que en nuestra opini´ on constituyen una gran promesa como base para herramientas poderosas de diagn ´ ostico. Palabras clave: bioensayos, ELISA, Inmuno-PCR, fago, nanofabricaci´ on. 1 The state of the art-ELISA and PCR We begin with a brief discussion of the two most widely-used technologies, which are being advanced by the integration of nanoscale elements and to which new approaches are inevitably compared. For 40 years, the gold standard for detecting protein molecules has been ELISA (enzyme -linked immunosorbent assay) in which a surface-captured analyte is detected by binding an antibody conjugated to a signal- generating enzyme reporter. Enzymes can generate absorbance, fluorescence, chemiluminescence or luminescence from appropriate substrates, and each of these is commonly used with proper instrumentation. Technical innovations such as miniaturization, integration with microfluidics (e.g. GyroLab) and au- * Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] +1-713-743-4308 Publicado por la Academia Mexicana de Investigaci´ on y Docencia en Ingenier´ ıa Qu´ ımica A.C. 9

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Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química


Volumen 8, número 3, 2009 / Volume 8, number 3, 2009

213 Derivation and application of the Stefan-Maxwell equations

(Desarrollo y aplicación de las ecuaciones de Stefan-Maxwell)

Stephen Whitaker

Biotecnología / Biotechnology

245 Modelado de la biodegradación en biorreactores de lodos de hidrocarburos totales del petróleo

intemperizados en suelos y sedimentos

(Biodegradation modeling of sludge bioreactors of total petroleum hydrocarbons weathering in soil

and sediments)

S.A. Medina-Moreno, S. Huerta-Ochoa, C.A. Lucho-Constantino, L. Aguilera-Vázquez, A. Jiménez-

González y M. Gutiérrez-Rojas

259 Crecimiento, sobrevivencia y adaptación de Bifidobacterium infantis a condiciones ácidas

(Growth, survival and adaptation of Bifidobacterium infantis to acidic conditions)

L. Mayorga-Reyes, P. Bustamante-Camilo, A. Gutiérrez-Nava, E. Barranco-Florido y A. Azaola-


265 Statistical approach to optimization of ethanol fermentation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae in the

presence of Valfor® zeolite NaA

(Optimización estadística de la fermentación etanólica de Saccharomyces cerevisiae en presencia de

zeolita Valfor® zeolite NaA)

G. Inei-Shizukawa, H. A. Velasco-Bedrán, G. F. Gutiérrez-López and H. Hernández-Sánchez

Ingeniería de procesos / Process engineering

271 Localización de una planta industrial: Revisión crítica y adecuación de los criterios empleados en

esta decisión

(Plant site selection: Critical review and adequation criteria used in this decision)

J.R. Medina, R.L. Romero y G.A. Pérez

Revista Mexicanade Ingenierıa Quımica


Academia Mexicana de Investigacion y Docencia en Ingenierıa Quımica, A.C.

Volumen 13, Numero 1, Abril 2013

ISSN 1665-2738


Vol. 13, No. 1 (2014) 9-18



1Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204, USA.2Department of Biology & Biochemistry, University of Houston, Houston, TX 77004, USA

3Houston Methodist Research Institute, Houston, TX, 77030, USA4Centro de Biotecnologıa FEMSA, Departamento de Biotecnologıa e Ingenierıa de Alimentos, Tecnologico de

Monterrey, Monterrey, NL 64849, Mexico

Received June 14, 2013; Accepted December 31, 2013

AbstractTraditional core areas of chemical engineering education are being extended by new expertise in science and engineering at themolecular and nanometer scale. Chemical engineers have been pursuing a dynamic role in the design and development of newgenerations of diagnostic platforms exploiting different nanomaterials and “are the forefront of this rapidly developing field, withthe potential to propel discoveries from the bench to bedside” (Ruan et al., 2012).

Nanobiotechnology leverages existing expertise from engineering and biology, promotes interdisciplinary discoveries andaddresses key elements of next-generation clinical applications.

In the present review we attempt to give an overview of the latest technologies that in our opinion hold great promise as thebasis of powerful biodiagnostic tools.

Keywords: bioassays, ELISA, Immuno-PCR, phage, nanofabrication.

ResumenLa areas tradicionales de la educacion en ingenierıa quımica estan siendo extendidas por nuevas experiencias en ciencia eingenierıa a escalas molecular y nanometrica. Los ingenieros quımicos has estado persiguiendo jugar un rol dinamico en eldiseno y desarrollo de nuevas generaciones de plataformas de diagnostico explotando diferentes nanomateriales y “son el frentede este campo que se encuentra rapidamente en desarrollo, con el potencial de impulsar descubrimientos que vayan desde ellaboratorio hasta el tratamiento de pacientes.” (Ruan et al., 2012).

La nanobiotecnologıa sirve como palanca en la experiencia que se tiene en ingenierıa y biologıa, promueve descubrimientosinterdisciplinarios y atiende elementos clave de la siguiente generacion de aplicaciones clınicas.

En la presente revision tratamos de proporcionar un vision general de las ultimas tecnologıas que en nuestra opinionconstituyen una gran promesa como base para herramientas poderosas de diagnostico.

Palabras clave: bioensayos, ELISA, Inmuno-PCR, fago, nanofabricacion.

1 The state of the art-ELISA andPCR

We begin with a brief discussion of the two mostwidely-used technologies, which are being advancedby the integration of nanoscale elements and to whichnew approaches are inevitably compared. For 40 years,the gold standard for detecting protein moleculeshas been ELISA (enzyme -linked immunosorbent

assay) in which a surface-captured analyte is detectedby binding an antibody conjugated to a signal-generating enzyme reporter. Enzymes can generateabsorbance, fluorescence, chemiluminescence orluminescence from appropriate substrates, and each ofthese is commonly used with proper instrumentation.Technical innovations such as miniaturization,integration with microfluidics (e.g. GyroLab) and au-

∗Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]


Publicado por la Academia Mexicana de Investigacion y Docencia en Ingenierıa Quımica A.C. 9

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Manuscrito sometido a la Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química 12

498 499 500 501

Figure 1. 502 Detection of protein biomolecules; adapted with permission (Giljohann {\it et al}., 503

2009). 504 505 506 507 508 509

Fig. 1. Detection of protein biomolecules; adaptedwith permission (Giljohann et al., 2009).

tomation, along with engineered reporters that carrymultiple enzymes (e.g. 10 nm gold nanoparticles (Jiaet al., 2009)) and development of sensitive substrateshave taken the classic assay to a new level, butsensitivity (Figure 1) and narrow linear dynamic rangeremain still an issue.

Using PCR, detection of nucleic acids achievesremarkable sensitivity, down to a few molecules, byexploiting the natural mechanisms of DNA replicationduring cell division. PCR, or “polymerase chainreaction”, the Nobel-recognized 1983 discovery of Dr.Kary Mullis, is used to amplify a specific region of agiven DNA molecule bounded by two complementaryDNA primers using a heat-stable DNA-copyingpolymerase. Heating denatures the double-strandedtarget into two single strands, each of which ismade double-stranded by polymerase extension of thecomplementary primer, so that the target sequenceis doubled in concentration. The reaction is repeatedmultiple times and leads to exponential amplificationof the DNA fragment. After tens of cycles, million-fold amplification of the DNA target region makesdetection relatively easy, but at the cost of time andcomplex temperature-cycling PCR apparatus.

Note that most of the emerging nano-bio-diagnostic methods depend upon molecularrecognition, in which a molecule such as an antibodyor DNA probe, binds or hybridizes to its target.Biochemistry and physiology depend on molecularrecognition in every aspect of their functioning, andthe “nano” side of a bio-nano collaboration often ismost impressed by the ability of the “bio” side toobtain specific, high-affinity recognition tools, whichbind the analyte of interest. The essential followingelement of a complete diagnostic is the transductionof this recognition and binding into a human-readableoutput signal, and it is in this transduction stepthat nanostructured elements usually make theircontribution. This review is organized according tosignal transduction methods used for detection.

2 Optical readout

Metal nanoparticles (typically gold and silver particleswith diameters ranging from 10-150 nm) supportsurface plasmons (oscillations of the electrons atthe nanoparticle surface) that result in extraordinaryoptical properties that are not exhibited by any otherclass of material (Saha et al., 2012; Weintraub, 2013).By changing their size, shape, and surface coating,the colors of nanoparticles can be tuned across thevisible and near-infrared region of the electromagneticspectrum. Solutions of spherical gold nanoparticlesare ruby red in color due to the strong scatteringand absorption in the green region of the spectrum.Solutions of silver nanoparticles are yellow due to theplasmon resonance in the blue region of the spectrum(red and green light are unaffected).

Sensors utilizing plasmonic nanoparticles allowfor a rather simple detection, even by optical means.Mirkin and co-workers were the first to utilize metalnanoparticles for the plasmonic-based detection ofnucleic acids (Mirkin et al., 1996; Elghanian etal., 1997). The analyte molecules cause the bridgingof DNA-functionalized metal nanoparticles (gold orsilver) generating aggregates with a concomitantchange of solution color from red to blue as aconsequence of interacting particle surface plasmonsand aggregate scattering properties. More recently, deRica and Stevens reported a plasmonic ELISA (dela Rica et al., 2012) for the ultrasensitive detectionof proteins with the naked eye. Their significantobservation was that nanoparticles can be generated bythe reduction of gold ions in the presence of hydrogenperoxide. However, the concentration of hydrogen


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peroxide directly affects the reaction and in thepresence of high concentration of hydrogen peroxide,a red colored solution of non-aggregated, sphericalgold particles is formed. Then they adapted thisprocess as a signal generation mechanism for ELISAby utilizing the very-active catalase enzyme that whenbound by the analyte decreases the concentrationof hydrogen peroxide and favors the generation ofblue-colored aggregates of nanoparticles. The authorsdemonstrated the detection of HIV-1 capsid antigenp24 at ag/ml level in serum by visual scoring andthus they opened the road for the adoption of classicalELISA in settings, e.g., in developing countries, thatlack sophisticated laboratory instrumentation.

Another approach pioneered by Halas, West,and co-workers is based on the rational design ofnanoshells (core-shell spherical particles consistingof a dielectric core with a thin, metallic shell)that attenuate light strongly in the near-infraredregion where blood does not. Using nanoshells,they were able to demonstrate an immunoassayperformed in whole blood without the need forpurification/separation steps (Hirsch et al., 2005).

Ultimate sensitivity is at the level of singlemolecules. Counting single molecules comes withpractical challenges but offers distinct advantages overensemble measurements (Walt 2013). Building ontheir fiber optic microarray technology, Walt group atTufts have developed a single-molecule digital ELISA(Rissin et al., 2010) where single immunocomplexescaptured on beads are detected in arrays of femtolitersize wells using fluorescence imaging. They reportedthe detection of PSA in serum in femtomolar levelusing the same reagents as in a classic ELISA. Thetechnology (Single Molecule Array, SiMoA) has beencommercialized and a pilot study to quantitativelymeasure biomarkers of inflammation from patientswith Crohn’s disease has been reported (Song et al.,2011).

Quantum dots (Q dots), semiconductornanocrystals (2-8 nm), exhibit size-dependent opticaland electrical properties (Alivisatos 1996) and showgreat promise as multiplexable fluorescent reporters indiagnostic assays (reviewed in (Samir et al., 2012)).

3 Immuno-PCRThe combination of antibody-like protein molecularrecognition with PCR’s enormous DNA amplificationsensitivity is an intuitively attractive concept whichhas been visited repeatedly since Sano et al.(1992) coined the term Immuno-PCR in 1992.

In Immuno-PCR, a chimeric molecule is usedconsisting of an antibody (which recognizes thetarget) linked to a sensitively-detectable amplifiableDNA. Immuno-PCR generally achieves a 100-10,000-fold improvement in the detection limit compared tostandard ELISAs, but has still failed ubiquitously toestablish itself in the analytical laboratory, mainlydue to the complicated preparation of immuno-PCR reagents, non-specific binding, and lack ofreproducibility (Burbulis et al., 2007: Adler etal., 2008; Malou et al., 2011). The pioneeringwork of Mirkin et al. pushed the limits of proteindetection to low femtomolar levels. Ultrasensitivedetection is achieved by the introduction of 15 nmgold nanoparticles co-loaded with analyte-specificantibodies and many copies of DNA reporters(extensively reviewed previously (Rosi et al., 2005;Giljohann et al., 2009)). The DNA reporters are finallydetected by hybridization onto a microarray by aconventional flatbed scanner. After significant fine-tuning of the assay format (Bao et al., 2006) thistechnology showed improved dose response and haseven become an analytically useful assay (Verigenesystem; Nanosphere).

Alternative immuno-PCR formats based onnanostructures have been reported. For example,Mason et al. (2006) developed a liposome-basedPCR detection construct where the DNA reporterswere encapsulated inside the lipid bilayer of a115 nm liposome into which ganglioside receptors(known to bind biological toxins, including choleratoxin) were incorporated and reported sub-attomolardetection sensitivities for cholera toxin in humanurine (Mason et al., 2006). More recently, “generic”immuno-liposome constructs were reported that canaccommodate any biotinylated recognition molecule(e.g. antibodies (He et al., 2012)).

4 Phage as reporters

Going beyond traditional phage display libraryscreening, viruses have taken up new roles asbuilding blocks for generation of highly sophisticatedstructures useful in diverse applications such asdrug delivery and diagnostics (Douglas et al.,2006). Phage nanoparticles present monodispersebut versatile scaffolds that can accommodate alarge number of recognition (antibodies, aptamers,lectins, etc) and reporter (enzymes) elements leadingto ultrasensitive, modular, bio-detection reporters 11

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510 511 Figure 2. 512 Viruses used in bionanotechnology. (a) Tobacco mosaic virus, TMV 513 (b) Bacteriophage M13. (c) Cowpea chlorotic mottle virus (d) Cowpea mosaic virus 514 (CPMV); adapted with permission (Soto {\it et al}., 2010). 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525

Fig. 2. Viruses used in bionanotechnology. (a) Tobacco mosaic virus, TMV (b) Bacteriophage M13. (c) Cowpeachlorotic mottle virus (d) Cowpea mosaic virus (CPMV); adapted with permission (Soto et al., 2010).

(Soto et al., 2010) (Figure 2). For example,M13 bacteriophage displaying short peptides thatrecognize small molecular weight compounds (e.g.3-phenoxybenzoic acid or brominated diphenyl ether47) was used as the affinity element in an ELISAand detected by an anti-phage antibody conjugatedto horseradish peroxidase enzyme (HRP) (Kim etal., 2009, Kim et al., 2010). Cowpea mosaicvirus (CPMV) decorated with Cy5 fluorescentdye significantly increased assay sensitivity in amicroarray-based genotyping of Vibrio cholera O139(Soto et al., 2006). A highly sensitive and selectivediagnostic assay for troponin I has been reportedthat utilizes HBV virus nanoparticles. The virusparticles display antibody-binding protein A that isused for the oriented immobilization of the anti-analyte antibody as well as a hexahistidine sequenceso that the chimeric nanoparticles would have astrong affinity for nickel (Park et al., 2009). Theanalyte-chimeric virus complex is captured on three-dimensional nickel nanostructures, sandwiched by ananti-analyte monoclonal antibody and finally detectedby a secondary antibody labeled with quantumdots. The sensitivity was surprisingly boosted toattomolar level which represents six to seven ordersof magnitude greater sensitivity than current ELISAassays.

Utilizing PCR-based detection of the phage DNAas the signal generating mechanism also promisesultrasensitive detection of small molecules (Kim et al.,2011) and proteins. For example T7 phage modifiedwith antibodies was used for the detection of humanHbsAg using real-time PCR as the output (Zhang etal., 2013).

5 Mass/size detection

Translating biomolecular recognition intonanomechanical signals offers a label-free approachof detecting the presence of an analyte (Fritz etal., 2000, Majumdar 2002). Specific biomolecularreactions confined to one surface of a microfabricateddiving-board shaped microcantilever beam inducesurface stress and cause the mechanical bending of thecantilever. However, until recently micromechanicalcantilevers have been limited to detection of purifiedtargets in high concentrations. The Manalis group atMIT has been developing vacuum-enclosed siliconmicrocantilivers with embedded microchannels ofpicoliter volume (suspended microchannel resonators,SMR) whose resonance frequency quantifies themass of the cantilever (Burg et al., 2007, Churanaet al., 2007). These cantilivers when protected withnonfouling surface coatings enable the sensitivedetection of protein molecules in undiluted serum (vonMuhlen et al., 2010). A commercial instrument thatencompasses the suspended microchannel resonators(Archimedes; Affinity Systems) is now available.

Particles can also be detected on smaller sizescales by their reduction of the electrical conductanceof small orifices. When particles suspended in anelectrolyte traverse an aperture they cause a changein resistance or a blockade of the ionic currentthat is proportional to the particle volume. Theidea of resistive pulse sensing has been successfullycommercialized as the Coulter counter in the 1950’sfor characterization of larger colloidal and cellularsuspensions, especially blood. Driven by the advancesin nanofabrication techniques, making


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526 Figure 3. 527 Nanopore set-up in the IZON qNano instrument, (B) transient current drops created by 528 particles passing through the nanopore, with a scheme indicating calculations for baseline 529 duration, blockade full width at half maximum (FWHM) and magnitude (dI) and (C) 530 DNA hybridization on DNA-functionalized dextran particles; adapted with permission 531 (Booth {\it et al}., 2013). 532 533 534

Fig. 3. Nanopore set-up in the IZON qNano instrument, (B) transient current drops created by particles passingthrough the nanopore, with a scheme indicating calculations for baseline duration, blockade full width at halfmaximum (FWHM) and magnitude (dI) and (C) DNA hybridization on DNA-functionalized dextran particles;adapted with permission (Booth et al., 2013).

artificial nanoscale pores has been an interestinggoal (reviewed in (Kozak et al., 2011)). However,only recently have dynamically-adjustable (tunable)elastomeric nanopores become available (Garza-Licudine et al., 2010, Roberts et al., 2010) as partof the qNano particle analyzer (IZON Science Ltd)that allows the characterization of nanoparticles bymonitoring the magnitude, duration and frequencyof the blockade events as the particles traverse thenanopore (Drescher et al., 2012). The magnitudeof the generated blockade depends on the particle-to-pore volume ratio and thus for a given aperturethe measured change in resistance is proportionalto the particle volume; blockade duration correlateswith electrophoretic mobility and surface charge. Inthe qNano, the elastomeric membrane allows forreal-time tuning of the pore size by applying amacroscopic stretch to the membrane and enables thereal-time tuning of the sensitivity of the measurement.Beyond particle characterization the device appearsto be an attractive platform to develop point-of-carediagnostics. Recently detection of DNA hybridizationin the qNano has been reported; upon hybridizationto complementary DNA, the surface charge of DNAfunctionalized particles changed (Booth et al., 2013)(Figure 3). Platt and coworkers have demonstrateda proof of concept protein detection assay in which

analyte-induced particle aggregation is detected by theincreased magnitude of the blockade events (Platt etal., 2012).

6 Paramagnetic microparticles aslabels

We and others have been integrating paramagneticmicroparticles, traditionally used in off-line samplecapture, cleanup and concentration (van Reenen et al.,2013) with optical biosensors for the ultrasensitivedetection of proteins and pathogens (Mani et al.,2011). We have been developing microfabricatedretroreflectors as bio-sensing surfaces. Retroreflectorsreturn light directly to its source and are readilydetectable with inexpensive optics. Suspended cornercube retroreflectors (Figure 4), 5 µm in size, consistingof a transparent epoxy core and three surfacescoated with gold are promising ultra-bright labelsfor use in a rapid, low-labor diagnostic platform(Sherlock et al., 2011). On the other hand lineararrays of retroreflectors combined with micron-sizedmagnetic particles acting as light-blocking labelsprovide a low-cost platform for multiplex detection of 13

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535 536 Figure 4. 537 (Left) Scanning electron micrographs of corner cube retroreflectors. (Right) 538 Schematic of the fabrication sequence for corner cube retroreflectors; pending 539 permission (Sherlock {\it et al}., 2011). 540 541


Fig. 4. (Left) Scanning electron micrographs of corner cube retroreflectors. (Right) Schematic of the fabricationsequence for corner cube retroreflectors; pending permission (Sherlock et al., 2011)

pathogens (Les reviewed 2013). We have beenalso investigating the use of an implantablemicron-sized retroreflector-based platform andOptical Coherence Tomography (OCT) as a non-invasive and depth-resolved imaging technique forreflectance measurements of micro-retroreflectors inthe subcutaneous tissue (Ivers et al., 2010).

Diffraction-based biosensors rely on opticalscattering and have been explored as sensitive proteindetection platforms. Signal enhancement techniquesinclude micro fabricating solid diffraction gratingsor by inducing, in the presence of analyte, theassembly of microbeads into diffraction patterns.Lee and co-workers have demonstrated an aptamer-based assay to detect platelet-derived growth actor Bon a microprinted gold-coated glass slide where theassembled bead patterns allow visual analysis using abright-field microscope (Lee et al., 2010).

Recently, a microfluidic chip-based magnetic beadsurface coverage assay has been reported in whichlarge magnetic beads that have captured analytesfrom a serum sample ‘roll’ over a pattern of smallbeads functionalized with anti-analyte antibodies, towhich they can bind selectively, achieving attomolar

detection sensitivity using optical microscopy (Tekinet al., 2013).

Leveraging existing technology utilized inmagnetic data storage hard drives has enableddramatic progress to be achieved in the magneticbiosensors arena in recent years. Micrometer-sizedmagnetic particles are promising reporters since eventhe most complex biological samples lack detectablemagnetic background and thus do not interfere withthe detection mechanism of the magnetic labels.In 1998, Baselt and co-workers were the firstto demonstrate a prototype GMR-based biosensor(Baselt et al., 1998). Giant magnetoresistive (GMR)spin-valve sensors detect the presence of magneticparticles by measuring the change of resistance ofthe conductive layer due to the presence of themagnetic particles. Most recently two research groupshave been developing GMR biosensing devices. TheWang group at Stanford has demonstrated multiplexprotein detection using 50 nm magnetic nanotagsat subpicomolar levels with a dynamic range ofmore than four orders of magnitude in clinically-relevant serum samples without the need for anywashing protocol (Osterfeld et al., 2008; Gaster et


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al., 2009). The J.-P. Wang group at University ofMinnesota demonstrated the applicability of sub 13nm high-moment magnetic nanoparticles in a novelGMR biosensor that achieved detection of as fewas 600 molecules (< one zeptomole) of streptavidin(Srinivasan et al., 2009) and the possibility to rapidlyquantify femtomolar concentrations of a biomarker inhuman serum in 5 min (Li et al., 2010).

7 Conductivity

Inorganic nanostructures exhibit unique tunableelectrical properties and are exploited as signaltransduction elements for ultrasensitive, rapid, real-time sensing (Rosi et al., 2005; Kierny et al., 2012).

The tunable conducting properties ofsemiconductor nanowires allow for label-freeelectrical detection of analytes through changes inconductance induced by binding events occurring onthe nanowire surface and thus provide an attractivediagnostics platform. Since the first report of electricaldetection of picomolar concentrations of streptavidinin solution in 2001 (Cui et al., 2001) the Liebergroup has pioneered bottom-up strategies to fabricatesilicon nanowires and they have demonstrated theultrasensitive detection of various targets includingproteins, nucleic acids, and viruses (Patolsky etal., 2006). Developments in nanowire sensors formultiplexed detection of biomolecules have beenrecently reviewed (He et al., 2008). The Lieber grouphas also demonstrated a multiplex assay for threecancer markers with a detection of 0.9 pg/mL indesalted but undiluted serum samples (Zheng et al.,2005).

Carbon has been showing great potential in itsnewly-popular forms, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) andgraphene. Nonspecific binding is always an issuewith these materials, however. Graphene, a two-dimensional hexagonal network of carbon atoms onlyone atom thick, has been extensively investigated forvarious applications due to its prominent structuraland electrical properties, and can be used as thebasis of extremely powerful biosensor systems andintegrated assays with high sensitivity. A number ofstudies reported the use of graphene in biosensors,and the electrical detection of biomolecules usingultrathin 2D graphene sheets can potentially achievehigh sensitivity.

Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are hollow cylindricalnanostructures composed of single or multiple sheetsof graphene containing carbon atoms in a honeycomb

arrangement. Single-wall CNTs (SWNT) arrayedvertically are electrically conductive and allow forthe construction of high-density sensors with highsensitivity. SWNT arrays combined with multiwallcarbon nanotubes decorated with multiple copies ofantibodies and enzyme reporters have achieved highlysensitive detection of a cancer biomarker in serum andin tissue lysates (Yu et al., 2006). More recently, Caiet al. (2010), fabricated arrays of carbon nanotubetips with molecular-imprinted polymer coating forultrasensive sensing of proteins.

Concluding remarksNanoscience, nanotechnology, and advancedfabrication methods have made access to previously-impossible structures almost routine. Chemicalengineers are taking advantage of these new tools,integrating them into a wide range of promising newtechnologies. The future of this synergy looks verypromising.

AcknowledgmentsRCW acknowledges the Robert A. Welch Foundationfor support under grant E-1264, and the Huffington-Woestemeyer Professorship.

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