naïve set theory. basic definitions naïve set theory is the non-axiomatic treatment of set theory....

Naïve Set Theory

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Page 1: Naïve Set Theory. Basic Definitions Naïve set theory is the non-axiomatic treatment of set theory. In the axiomatic treatment, which we will only allude

Naïve Set Theory

Page 2: Naïve Set Theory. Basic Definitions Naïve set theory is the non-axiomatic treatment of set theory. In the axiomatic treatment, which we will only allude

Basic DefinitionsNaïve set theory is the non-axiomatic treatment of set theory.

In the axiomatic treatment, which we will only allude to at times, a set is an undefined term. For us however, a set will be thought of as a collection of some (possibly none) objects. These objects are called the members (or elements) of the set. We use the symbol "Î" to indicate membership in a set.

Thus, if A is a set and x is one of its members, we write x Î A and say "x is an element of A" or "x is in A" or "x is a member of A".

Note that "Î" is not the same as the Greek letter "e" epsilon.

Page 3: Naïve Set Theory. Basic Definitions Naïve set theory is the non-axiomatic treatment of set theory. In the axiomatic treatment, which we will only allude

Basic DefinitionsSets can be described notationally in many ways, but always using the set brackets "{" and "}".

If possible, one can just list the elements of the set: A = {1,3, oranges, lions, an old wad of gum}

or give an indication of the elements: = {1,2,3, ... } = {..., -2,-1,0,1,2, ...}

or (most frequently in mathematics) using set-builder notation: S = {x | 1 < x £ 7 }which is read as "S is the set of real numbers x, such that x is greater than 1 and less than or equal to 7". In some areas of mathematics sets may be denoted by special notations. For instance, in analysis S would be written (1,7].

Page 4: Naïve Set Theory. Basic Definitions Naïve set theory is the non-axiomatic treatment of set theory. In the axiomatic treatment, which we will only allude

Basic DefinitionsNote that sets do not contain repeated elements. An element is either in or not in a set, never "in the set 5 times" for instance. When repeated elements are needed, we refer to multisets, but they are not sets.

Definition: Let A and B be sets. We say that A is a subset of B iff every element of A is also an element of B. Symbolically, A Í B ("Û x)( xÎA Þ xÎB ).

Observe that "being a subset" is a proposition ... a statement that is either true or false.

Ex: A = {0,2,5} If B = then A Í B but if B = A B.

Page 5: Naïve Set Theory. Basic Definitions Naïve set theory is the non-axiomatic treatment of set theory. In the axiomatic treatment, which we will only allude

Basic DefinitionsNotice the following distinctions:

Let A = {0,2, Elsie the Cow} Is A a subset of B if B is: B = {0,1,2,3, lions, Elsie the Cow} B = {0,1,2, lions, cows} B = {0,2, a lion, a cow}


Definition: Two sets, A and B are equal iff every element of one is also an element of the other. Symbolically, A = B ("Û x)( xÎA Û xÎB ).

More useful in proofs than this definition is the logically equivalent statement:

Page 6: Naïve Set Theory. Basic Definitions Naïve set theory is the non-axiomatic treatment of set theory. In the axiomatic treatment, which we will only allude

Basic Definitions("x)( xÎA Û xÎB ) º ("x)( xÎA Þ xÎB ) Ù ("x)( xÎA Ü xÎB )

Which can be written in set notation (as opposed to logic notation) as: A = B iff A Í B and B Í A.

Definition: For sets A and B, we use the notation A Ì B, to mean that A is a subset of B and A ¹ B.

Note that this is not a universally accepted notation. Some authors have used this symbol to mean subset as we have defined it.

Page 7: Naïve Set Theory. Basic Definitions Naïve set theory is the non-axiomatic treatment of set theory. In the axiomatic treatment, which we will only allude

The Empty SetIn the axiomatic development of set theory there is one (and only one) existence axiom and it is: Axiom: The empty set exists.

Definition: Let Æ = {x | x ¹x }. This set contains no elements and is called an empty set.

Notice that any contradiction can be used in the defining clause. Also, the symbol "Æ" is not the Greek letter "f" phi, it is actually of Danish origin.

To emphasize the definition we have given, notice that the predicate x Î Æ is always false.

Page 8: Naïve Set Theory. Basic Definitions Naïve set theory is the non-axiomatic treatment of set theory. In the axiomatic treatment, which we will only allude

The Empty SetThm: The empty set is unique.

Pf: Suppose that A and B are empty sets.Since A is an empty set, the statement xÎA is false for all x, so("x)( xÎA Þ xÎB ) is true! That is, A Í B.Since B is an empty set, the statement xÎB is false for all x, so("x)( xÎB Þ xÎA ) is also true. Thus, B .Í ASince A Í B and B Í A we have A = B. ÿ

We have used a direct proof here ... but had we decided to do this by contradiction we would have ....

Page 9: Naïve Set Theory. Basic Definitions Naïve set theory is the non-axiomatic treatment of set theory. In the axiomatic treatment, which we will only allude

The Empty SetThm: The empty set is unique.

Pf: BWOC suppose that A and B are distinct empty sets.Since A is an empty set, the statement xÎA is false for all x, so("x)( xÎA Þ xÎB ) is true! That is, A Í B.Since B is an empty set, the statement xÎB is false for all x, so("x)( xÎB Þ xÎA ) is also true. Thus, B .Í ASince A Í B and B Í A we have A = B. ®¬ ÿ

The contradiction method in this case does not add anything to the argument, it just puts an unnecessary layer over the basic direct method ... this is not wrong, its just in bad taste!!

Page 10: Naïve Set Theory. Basic Definitions Naïve set theory is the non-axiomatic treatment of set theory. In the axiomatic treatment, which we will only allude

The Universal SubsetThm: The empty set is a subset of every set.

Pf: Let A be a set.*Since x Î Æ is false for all x, ("x)( x Î Æ Þ xÎA ) is true.Thus, Æ Í A.Since A was arbitrary, Æ is a subset of every set. ÿ

*Observe that the statement is a quantified statement: ("A, A a set)( Æ Í A)To prove a "for all" statement, one starts with an arbitrary element of universe for the variable ... assuming no properties other than membership, and show that the statement is true for it.

Page 11: Naïve Set Theory. Basic Definitions Naïve set theory is the non-axiomatic treatment of set theory. In the axiomatic treatment, which we will only allude

WarningsSome minor points concerning the empty set:

1. Æ is the empty set, {Æ}is NOT the empty set. {Æ} is a set that contains 1 element (i.e., the empty set), if you want to use set brackets to describe the empty set, use "{}".

2. While Æ is a subset of every set, it is rarely ever a member of a set (to be so, it must be in the list of elements). Thus, Æ Î {1, Elsie, Æ} as well as Æ Í {1, Elsie, Æ} but Æ Ï {1, Elsie, { }Æ }

Page 12: Naïve Set Theory. Basic Definitions Naïve set theory is the non-axiomatic treatment of set theory. In the axiomatic treatment, which we will only allude

Text Problems



Page 13: Naïve Set Theory. Basic Definitions Naïve set theory is the non-axiomatic treatment of set theory. In the axiomatic treatment, which we will only allude

Theorem 2.1(b)

Thm: For every set A, A Í A.

Pf: Let A be an arbitrary set. Since xÎA Þ xÎA for all x (whether xÎA is true or not) ("x)(xÎA Þ xÎA ) is true. So, A Í A for all sets A. ÿ

Page 14: Naïve Set Theory. Basic Definitions Naïve set theory is the non-axiomatic treatment of set theory. In the axiomatic treatment, which we will only allude

Theorem 2.2

Thm: Let A, B and C be sets. If A Í B and B Í C, then A Í C.

Pf: Let x Î A. Since A Í B, x Î B. Since B Í C, x Î C. Thus, for all x, x Î A Þ x Î C. So, A Í C. ÿ

We refer to this result as the "transitivity of subset inclusion".

Page 15: Naïve Set Theory. Basic Definitions Naïve set theory is the non-axiomatic treatment of set theory. In the axiomatic treatment, which we will only allude

Proper SubsetsDefinition: For any set A, Æ and A are called improper subsets of A. All other subsets are called proper subsets.

Example: Let S = {1, 2, Elsie}

The proper subsets of S are: {1}, {2}, {Elsie} {1, 2}, {1, Elsie}, {2, Elsie}

The improper subsets of S are: Æ {1,2, Elsie}

Page 16: Naïve Set Theory. Basic Definitions Naïve set theory is the non-axiomatic treatment of set theory. In the axiomatic treatment, which we will only allude

Power SetsDefinition: Given a set S, the power set of S, denoted P (S), is the set consisting of all the subsets of S. P (S) = {B | B Í S}.

Important! The elements of the power set of a set are themselves sets, both proper and improper.

If S = {0,2,5} then {5} Î P (S) but 5 Ï P (S). On the other hand, 5 Î S and {5} Ï S.

Example: If S = {1, 2, Elsie} then

P (S) = { Æ {1}, {2}, {Elsie},{1, 2}, {1, Elsie}, {2, Elsie}, S}

Page 17: Naïve Set Theory. Basic Definitions Naïve set theory is the non-axiomatic treatment of set theory. In the axiomatic treatment, which we will only allude

Power SetsThm: If a set S has n elements then P (S) has 2n elements.

We will provide at least two proofs of this important result in later sections when we talk about the techniques used.

Example: If S = Æ then P (Æ) = {Æ} which is not the empty set!

S contains 0 elements, and P( )Æ has 20 = 1 element.

Page 18: Naïve Set Theory. Basic Definitions Naïve set theory is the non-axiomatic treatment of set theory. In the axiomatic treatment, which we will only allude

Power SetsThm: Let A and B be sets. Then A Í B iff P (A) Í P (B).

Pf: (Þ Sufficiency) Let C Î P (A), then C Í A. Since A Í B we have by Thm 2.2 that C Í B. Thus, C Î P (B). Since C was arbitrary, P (A) Í P (B).

(Ü Necessity) Let x Î A. Then {x} Í A. Since P (A) Í P (B), {x} Î P (B), so {x} Í B. Thus x Î B, and since x was arbitrary, A Í B. ÿ

Both parts of this proof illustrate the method of "element chasing" used frequently in proofs involving sets.

Page 19: Naïve Set Theory. Basic Definitions Naïve set theory is the non-axiomatic treatment of set theory. In the axiomatic treatment, which we will only allude

Power SetsThm: Let A and B be sets. Then A Í B iff P (A) Í P (B).

An alternate proof the the necessity of this theorem can be given which does not involve element chasing: (Ü Necessity) Since A Î P (A) and P (A) Í P (B), we have that A Î P (B). Thus, A Í B. ÿ

Compare this with the previous proof: (Ü Necessity) Let x Î A. Then {x} Í A. Since P (A) Í P (B), {x} Î P (B), so {x} Í B. Thus x Î B, and since x was arbitrary, A Í B. ÿ

Page 20: Naïve Set Theory. Basic Definitions Naïve set theory is the non-axiomatic treatment of set theory. In the axiomatic treatment, which we will only allude

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P ({Æ, {Æ}}) = { Æ {Æ, {Æ}}, { }{{ }}}.Æ Æ

Page 21: Naïve Set Theory. Basic Definitions Naïve set theory is the non-axiomatic treatment of set theory. In the axiomatic treatment, which we will only allude

Set Operations

Definitions: Let A and B be sets.

The union of A and B, denoted A È B, is the set A È B = {x | x Î A Ú x Î B}.

The intersection of A and B, denoted A Ç B, is the set A Ç B = {x | x Î A Ù x Î B}.

The relative complement of B in A (difference) denoted byA – B, is the set A – B = {x | x Î A Ù x ÏB}.

Page 22: Naïve Set Theory. Basic Definitions Naïve set theory is the non-axiomatic treatment of set theory. In the axiomatic treatment, which we will only allude

Venn DiagramsFrequently, one sees diagrams used to represent the relationships between sets, called Venn diagrams. For instance:

Venn diagrams should be used with care, and you should never base an argument on what such a picture looks like, since one diagram can not represent all possible relationships.

Page 23: Naïve Set Theory. Basic Definitions Naïve set theory is the non-axiomatic treatment of set theory. In the axiomatic treatment, which we will only allude

ComplementsAn unstated assumption that we have made is that lurking in the background is a set that contains all the objects that may be considered in the context of a specific problem. This is known as the Universal Set (or Universe of Discourse) for the problem. It is a set of convenience, and changes with different problems.

Definition: The complement of a set A, which we denote by A~ (or Ac), is the relative difference of A in the Universal set U. That is, A~ = {x Î U | x Ï A}.

The reason we need to introduce the universal set here is that if it didn't exist the complement of A would not be a set!!

Page 24: Naïve Set Theory. Basic Definitions Naïve set theory is the non-axiomatic treatment of set theory. In the axiomatic treatment, which we will only allude

Russell's Paradox Definition: A set is said to be ordinary if it is not a member of itself.

Ex: A = {1,2,3,A} is not an ordinary set. {abstract ideas} is not an ordinary set.

Now consider the set P = {all ordinary sets}.

Is P ordinary? If P were an ordinary set then P Î P, so P would not be ordinary. ®¬So, P is not ordinary .... but then P Ï P, so P is an ordinary set. ®¬!!!!!!!The only way out of this paradox .... P is not a set!

Page 25: Naïve Set Theory. Basic Definitions Naïve set theory is the non-axiomatic treatment of set theory. In the axiomatic treatment, which we will only allude

The Halting ProblemSuppose there is a program P which looks at a program S and its data set and decides whether or not S will go into an infinite loop with this data set.

Modify the program P to P*, by adding code to P which will go into an infinite loop if P is about to declare that S will not go into an infinite loop and stop normally otherwise (declaring S will go into an infinite loop).

Now, feed program P* into itself.

If P* stops (halts), it is because P* goes into an infinite loop !!If P* goes into an infinite loop, it is because P* halts. !!!!!!!!!! So, P* and therefore P can not exist.

Page 26: Naïve Set Theory. Basic Definitions Naïve set theory is the non-axiomatic treatment of set theory. In the axiomatic treatment, which we will only allude

PropositionsProp: a) Æ Ç A = Æ and Æ È A = A b) A Ç B Í A

c) A Í A È B

d) A È B = B È A and A Ç B = B Ç A

e) A È (B È C) = (A È B) È C and A Ç ( B Ç C) = ( A Ç B) Ç C

f) A È A = A = A Ç A

g) If A Í B then A È C Í B È C and A Ç C Í B Ç C.

Page 27: Naïve Set Theory. Basic Definitions Naïve set theory is the non-axiomatic treatment of set theory. In the axiomatic treatment, which we will only allude

Æ Ç A = ÆPf: To prove set equality we need to show that Æ Ç A Í Æ and

Æ Í Æ Ç A. However, we have already proved that this second containment is true, so we only need to prove the first. To prove Æ Ç A Í Æ we have to show that ("x Î U)( x Î Æ Ç A Þ x ).Î Æ Æ Ç A = {x | x ÎÆ Ù x Î A}, but since x ÎÆ is false for all x, x ÎÆ Ù x Î A is always false. Thus, x Î Æ Ç A is always false, so x Î Æ Ç A Þ x Î Æ is true for all x. ÿ

A better proof: BWOC suppose Æ Ç A ¹ .Æ Then $x (x Î Æ Ç A). Which implies, by the definition of intersection, that $x (x )Î Æ®¬ÿ

Page 28: Naïve Set Theory. Basic Definitions Naïve set theory is the non-axiomatic treatment of set theory. In the axiomatic treatment, which we will only allude

Æ È A = A

Pf: We first show that Æ È A Í A. Let x Î Æ È A. By the definition of union, x Î Æ Ú x Î A . Since x Î Æ is always false, we must have x Î A is true. Thus, "x (x Î Æ È A Þ x Î A) and so, Æ È A Í A. STOP!!!! ... we are being sloppy. This statement is supposed to be true for all sets A. What if A is = ?Æ We have used the statement "x Î A is true" in this "proof", but if A is the empty set, that is false!!

To fix this problem, we deal with the special case of A = Æfirst.

Page 29: Naïve Set Theory. Basic Definitions Naïve set theory is the non-axiomatic treatment of set theory. In the axiomatic treatment, which we will only allude

Æ È A = A (again)Pf: If A = Æ then =Æ È Æ {x | x Î Æ Ú x Î Æ } = Æ, since the condition is a contradiction. Thus, Æ È A = A is true in this case.We may therefore assume that A ¹ Æ. We first show that Æ È A Í A. Suppose x Î Æ È A. By the definition of union, x Î Æ Ú x Î A . Since x Î Æ is always false, we must have x Î A is true. Thus, "x (x Î Æ È A Þ x Î A) and so, Æ È A Í A.Now we show that A Í Æ È A. Let x Î A. By the definition of union, x Î Æ È A. Thus, "x (x Î A Þ x Î Æ È A) and so, A Í Æ È A. ÿ

Page 30: Naïve Set Theory. Basic Definitions Naïve set theory is the non-axiomatic treatment of set theory. In the axiomatic treatment, which we will only allude


Pf: If A Ç B = Æ, then the statement is true for any set A. Thus we may assume that A Ç B ¹ .ÆLet x Î A Ç B.By the definition of intersection, x Î A and x Î B.In particular, x Î A.So, ("x)( x Î A Ç B Þ x Î A) and we have A Ç B Í A. ÿ

Page 31: Naïve Set Theory. Basic Definitions Naïve set theory is the non-axiomatic treatment of set theory. In the axiomatic treatment, which we will only allude

If A Í B then A È C Í B È CPf: If A È C = Æ then the statement is true, so we may assume that A È C ¹ .ÆLet x Î A È C. Case I: x Î A. Since A Í B, x Î A Þ x Î B. x Î B Þ x Î B È C. Case II: x Î C. x Î C Þ x Î B È C.

Thus, in either case, x Î A È C Þ x Î B È C. So, ("x)(x Î A È C Þ x Î B È C) and we have A È C Í B È C. ÿ

Page 32: Naïve Set Theory. Basic Definitions Naïve set theory is the non-axiomatic treatment of set theory. In the axiomatic treatment, which we will only allude

PropositionsProp: a) (A È B)~ = A~ Ç B~ and (A Ç B)~ = A~ È B~

b) A~~ = A

c) A - B = A Ç B~

d) A Í B iff B~ Í A~.

Page 33: Naïve Set Theory. Basic Definitions Naïve set theory is the non-axiomatic treatment of set theory. In the axiomatic treatment, which we will only allude

(A È B)~ = A~ Ç B~

Pf: (A È B)~ = U - (A È B) = {x | x Î U Ù x }Ï A È B = {x | x Î U Ù ~ x Î }A È B={x | x Î U Ù ~ (x Î A Ú x Î B)}={x | x Î U Ù (~x ~Î A Ù x Î B)}={x | x Î U Ù (x Ï A Ù x ÏB)}={x | (x Î U Ù x Ï ) A Ù (x Î U Ù x ÏB)}={x | (x Î U - ) A Ù (x Î U -B)}={x | (x Î A~) Ù (x Î B~)}=A~ Ç B~


Page 34: Naïve Set Theory. Basic Definitions Naïve set theory is the non-axiomatic treatment of set theory. In the axiomatic treatment, which we will only allude

A - B = A Ç B~

Pf: If A-B = Æ then (" x Î A)(~(x Ï B)) thus A Ç B~ = {x Î U| x Î A Ù x Ï B} = Æ, and the statement is true. We may therefore assume that A-B ¹ Æ. Let x Î A-B. Then x Î A and x Ï B. x Î U Ù x Ï B Þ x Î B~, i.e. x Î A Ç B~. So, A - B Í A Ç B~. If A Ç B~ = Æ then (" x Î A)(~(x Ï B)), so A-B = Æ and the statement is true. We may therefore assume that A Ç B~ ¹ Æ. Let y Î A Ç B~ . Thus, y Î A and y Î B~. y Î B~ Þ y Î U Ù y Ï B. So y Î A and y Ï B, i.e. y Î A – B. Hence, A Ç B~ Í A – B and we have A - B = A Ç B~. ÿ

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A Í B iff B~ Í A~

Pf: A Í B iff ("x Î U)(x Î A Þ x Î B) iff ("x Î U)(~(x Î B) Þ ~(x Î A)) iff ("x Î U)(x Î B~ Þ x Î A~) iff B~ Í A~ ÿ