nace classification 2008

 NACE Classification 2008 Main Sections  Cod e  Description A  Agriculture, Fores try and Fishing This includes: This section includes the exploitation of vegetal and animal natural resources, comprising the activities of groing of crops, raising and !reeding of animals, harvesting of tim!er and other plants, animals or animal products from a farm or their natural ha!itats" #u!categories 01 Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities 02 Forestry and logging 03 Fishing and a$uaculture B %ining and &uarrying This includes: %ining and $uarrying include the extraction of minerals occurring naturally as solids 'coal and ores(, li$uids 'petroleum( or gases 'natural gas(" Extraction can !e achieved !y different methods such as underground or surface mining, ell operation, sea!ed mining etc" This section includes supplementary activities aimed at preparing the crude materials for mar)eting, for example, crushing, grinding, cleaning, drying, sorting, concentrating ores, li$uefaction of natural gas and agglomeration of solid fuels" These operations are often accomplished !y the units that extracted the resource and*or others located near!y" %ining activities are classified into divisions, groups and classes on the !asis of the principal mineral produced" +ivisions 0, 0- are concerned ith mining and $uarrying of fossil fuels 'coal, lignite, petroleum, gas(. divisions 0/, 08 concern metal ores, various minerals and $uarry products" #ome of the technical operations of this section, particularly related to the extraction of hydrocar!ons, may also !e carried out for third parties !y specialised units as an industrial service hich is reflected in  division 0" This excludes: This section excludes1 processing of t he extracted ma terials, see sectio n C '%anufacturing( usage of the extracted ma terials ithout a further trans formation for construction purpos es, see section F 'Construction( !ottling of natural spring and mineral a ters at springs and ells, see 33"0/  crushing, grinding or otherise treat ing certain earths, roc)s an d minerals not carried on in con4unction ith mining and $uarrying, see 25" #u!categories

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Page 1: NACE Classification 2008

7/18/2019 NACE Classification 2008 1/3

NACE Classification 2008Main Sections


e  Description


 Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing

This includes:

This section includes the exploitation of vegetal and animal natural resources, comprising the activities of

groing of crops, raising and !reeding of animals, harvesting of tim!er and other plants, animals or

animal products from a farm or their natural ha!itats"

#u!categories01  Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities

02  Forestry and logging

03  Fishing and a$uaculture

B %ining and &uarrying

This includes:

%ining and $uarrying include the extraction of minerals occurring naturally as solids 'coal and ores(,

li$uids 'petroleum( or gases 'natural gas(" Extraction can !e achieved !y different methods such as

underground or surface mining, ell operation, sea!ed mining etc" This section includes supplementary

activities aimed at preparing the crude materials for mar)eting, for example, crushing, grinding, cleaning,

drying, sorting, concentrating ores, li$uefaction of natural gas and agglomeration of solid fuels" These

operations are often accomplished !y the units that extracted the resource and*or others located near!y"

%ining activities are classified into divisions, groups and classes on the !asis of the principal mineral

produced" +ivisions 0, 0- are concerned ith mining and $uarrying of fossil fuels 'coal, lignite,

petroleum, gas(. divisions 0/, 08 concern metal ores, various minerals and $uarry products" #ome of the

technical operations of this section, particularly related to the extraction of hydrocar!ons, may also !e

carried out for third parties !y specialised units as an industrial service hich is reflected in division 0"

This excludes:

This section excludes1

processing of the extracted materials, see section C '%anufacturing(

usage of the extracted materials ithout a further transformation for construction purposes, see section

F 'Construction(

!ottling of natural spring and mineral aters at springs and ells, see 33"0/ 

crushing, grinding or otherise treating certain earths, roc)s and minerals not carried on in con4unction

ith mining and $uarrying, see 25"


Page 2: NACE Classification 2008

7/18/2019 NACE Classification 2008 2/3

05  %ining of coal and lignite

06  Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas

07  %ining of metal ores

0  6ther mining and $uarrying

0!  %ining support service activities

C %anufacturing

D Electricity, 7as, #team and Air Conditioning #upply

" ater #upply, #eerage, aste %anagement And 9emediation Activities

# Construction

$ holesale And 9etail Trade. 9epair 6f %otor :ehicles And %otorcycles

% Transportation And #torage

&  Accommodation And Food #ervice Activities

' ;nformation And Communication

( Financial And ;nsurance Activities

) 9eal Estate Activities

M <rofessional, #cientific And Technical Activities

*  Administrative And #upport #ervice Activities

+ <u!lic Administration And +efence. Compulsory #ocial #ecurity

, Education

- =uman =ealth And #ocial or) Activities