n m i jamesm. pettit · 2017-03-16 · tree (rowing ap the parpawdlcalar sma. a stslnsd (taso...

I was ao prompt tin t In a few mlnutea the firemen were pterin* a stream of water on the Maas and aoon had the flames subdued. ‘ The plate (lass window In the front of the store wae blown out by the ex- plosion. and the entire shock and fix- tures were scorched a / If the Whole tl In* was on tire at onch It Is remarkable thal—tt-was no worse for If Iff Hartman hJbd-'hot erlm|nste engaging NEW QEOHETNY PRACTICAL Mrs Edward Morris, : Snyder. Miss Alma 8n, der, Mr. and M rs W. and Mrs. Walter Mook, been up and at his window acral the street to rive the. alarm Immediately, a few minutes later arrival of fire- men would probably hava found a fire ... * —I— » w» rtwuuiiUHs Mias Wales, of Randolph, Mass; Mrs. Hicks and Mrs. Van Mlddlesworth, of Hr. Upjohn. Mr. and and Mra *. 8oper.fi I Verhte, Mr. 1 Ella Smith. Kramer, and vcntty of Chicago to prepsrin* a Wit book #» isometry which I* sxpsstsd to make Its study by 7 ten* assa tad women mom popster hj (Irte* tbs scteocs m etical appttaattoa In tke sons. In tbs proof sham ot kla book-to a triangle with a stream fiosrtac thrnagh It. There la aaotbar trtosgte with a tree (rowing ap the parpawdlcalar sMa. A stslnsd (taso wtedow in rsprodncod oo another papa, and a saetten of a cat (tom bowl, with Its hefttsaal flg- orsa showing prominently, adorns a paga. Borders for hardwood Boors wlthjhslr triangular, circular and rue- bey on d their control and the several frame buHdtnge would have 'made ti big fuel for flamae. The origin of the fire to a mystery which the Insurance companies who are eald to have te.00a.on the stock of New Brunswick; Mrs. W. Prati iind Orton F. M. Mr. Brewster Smith, h others from Metuchon. Jerry Letaon end Mra. Chss. Letson * of Stolton; Mrs. Meyer, of Elisabeth. mk . hicks Transferred ' BT LEHIGH The many fiends of Mi. A. D. Hicks who has been agent of the Lehigh yal- ley R. R. at Metuchen for tbs past six years, .regret the removal of himself and family from thla. vicinity. Hr. WATERS PIANOS Have Maintained Foremost /Rank for Sixty Team — Purchasers Oftorsd Easy Terms. The Waters Pianos have been wall and favorably known for sixty years, Tork. span aunt, Mra,' mmr he the mt ane of preventing your psiat taming Into a lots. .It has been sir In many causa It la too bad to belli up a profltabla busmans and thrni havt it ruined beyond hope of rsstora- tteo for tha lack of insurance. LJ- W g m RffiADY T^OMURB j'i'T F fn right now in one of tha beet oem- p illss in |)m world, say tha w«M and te $ « Matte ou a policy to-day. ----------- years, and have steadily maintained their po- INVESTMENTS eition hi the foremost rank of high- grade pianos. They are unsurpassed for beauty of "finish and' aottdlty of construction, but specially excel In swetness and power of iooe which le rich and deep -with a fine slnginy-qual- ......................... "Water*" sr* (figh CHRISTMAS RUELTIES. WHAT ABB THEYT hgrir'wlll be the tty. Althoi grade piano and ne bit .. ____ standing are oCered at such low prices and on such easy terms. By a new three year system purchasers obtetu ptenea onthree yearn' tlms without rtra' oompaoaatloo, hoary pressor, of fork. ,..■■■.• : A Employment of delivery, boys m vw BOSS sum AMO OVWUUIU to-ketr mm THDb OMLT P in* COtCULATED LARGELY IN M T O C B B f AND VICINITY. pmim iihiiim immw VOL. X V I. NO. METUCHEN, Ni BUBHJUS CARDS ENTER: BUCKWHEAT CAKES 8 . U e T A P K E N , JCWKLM. Ill OHURCH STREET, near Georgs A 0. KELLY A SON, dealers In Coal 411 tha bast Coal kspt In stock, also all tomn of newer and drain pips, glaasd fifid u n g l u e d . Trap T's and Y'a ailr.nay flues and poof brick. Olllce, and ytrd. Port Reading Tank PO. 1 Bob, 446. T e l. 1Q7-R. * ___________ DR. E. F. POTTER dentist Office at residence, Hillside Avenue, METUCHEN, N. J. Office bourn: 8:30 a. m., to 4:00 p. m. ^ Wednesdays. £1 0. CAMPBELL. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Tb» best'eosnpanies. tow rates. No- tary Public Pensions collected. Bur- glary, plate glass, boilers and em- ployes liability Insurance. Tel. 01. Q 0. STILLMAN. teteWhhcd ISIS, heeding Jeweler slid Op- Udss. Diamonds. WMcbnssd merlins SUssr h a ia Albany ssrael. New Branswiaa. II. j. bud Msjevlhg aid Wedding la rustic ns. Qharles Roto/o Shoemaker Ftrat-Claaa Workman. All Hand Mads ■boss Work promptly done, f ■klnsd. Next to Bank Building. PAIN STREET JamesM. Pettit Funeral Director YEARL PLACE AND MIDDLESEX AVENUE, METUCHEN, N. J. Phone MM. No more fof iia the morning; mush. The sawdust or baked hay; No more the bacon and the egg Of some long, bygone day. No more-the patent flake or ah red To be our morning ,fnte;_ .... The frost is on Wie pumpkin now,. The buckwheat) on the plate. •Each season brings its crowning Joy, Spring, summer, winter, fall. But winter, with its morning dish, Just beats ’em one and all., Back to the pines with hash and toast; Thby’re tame knd out of date;' The (frost is on pumpkin now buckwheat’s on the plate. —Boston Herald. *(*:t r ' grossv Abtman Oni Wednesday, December 1 ,« o u r e s T teemed townsman. Dr. Herman Gross, was joined in wedlock with Miss Gob die. daughter of Mr. and' Mrs. Max Altn^an, of New York, at the Temple Rodoph Sholom, 63rd street and Lex^- Ington avenue, New -York City. The beautifully Impressive marriage sere mony of the Jewish faith was solemn- ised by the ftev. Dr. Grossman, assist ed by the Cantor of the Temple. The beauty of the ceremony was heightened by the rendering of th wedding march from Lohengrin, by the choir, the grand organ accompany- tag./ As the blending of vgicea and organ filled the enormous temple, the bridal party entered, preceded by the twelve bridesmaids, two attendants, maid of hpnor and flower girl, a tiny sister of the bride, and the ushers. The bridesmaids and ushers lined the aisles on either side, approaching the altar, and the-flower glr^the groom accompanying hla mother, the bride dpon th# arpi of her father, and the families of each passed to the altar, where the bride and groom took their places under the ceremonial canopy facing the rabbi and cantor. The bridesmaids and. ushers then grouped themselves- upon the steps leading to the altar, each on opposite forming a charming picture. The bride was dressed in white em- broidered satin princess gown, with bridal veil caught In place by lilies of the valley, carrying a white and gold prayer book. The bridesmaids wore exquisitely f°"t'rofwnh .,r* tum" ' the reci Of which wa« very beautiful After the ceremony the gueau. ■<% , fieUxhtfu^w^im^OUL ^ C’ P*rto0k * apE arly Monday morning a fire waa dlx -M ctuJidrM -kloh, O ^ r Woffman, at the d g , GMtoi. t e a ^ y It was rumored about town th*t the venerable Dame Franklin who has re- sided for the better part of a century on the turnpike from New York to Philadelphia, in the Mttle. village of Metuchen, was In failing health and about to die from old age and neglect In fact, it was stated that after years of upefulnss the old lady had become a total wreck and the recent eort to rehabilitate and rejuvenate her by strenuous treatment had been followed by a total collapse and any further re- storatives would be uselesi. The .prospect was discouraging to some, accepted with resignation by others, contemplated with ghoulish glee by a few and with keen disap- pointment by many. On Tuesday ev- ening about forty friends assembled to hold a wake and it was expected some had brought their shillelehs and the celebratioh would be lively. Imagine the astonishment of all and the joy of the family to find that instead of a funeral they were present at a resur- rection! Rather it had been but a case of suspended animation and awaken- ing from slumber weakness had become strength, age had been replaced by youth, beauty, aihbttion and’ wrofnisq of achievement. The scribe present was reminded of an old time “love feast and experience meeting’’ combined with a modem Chautauqua and spiced with th* carni- val spirt of the Mardi Gras week in Dreamland. All this composite devei-* oped a picture of the new woman who she loves her home andf amlly more she laves her home and family mors. The practical civic utility of the Bor- ough Improvement League has been demonstrated In many public improve- ments, in much njiint benevolence and charity w wo ! ns in educational and social benefits. The Woman's Exchange has been helpful Injmny ways and will be con- tinued. TheWroi a comfortable balance In the treasury, much enthusiasm among the members, much ability and energy in the committees, much liiet- Ugence and determination in the board of amnagers and much need In tha community for the Borough Improve- ment League. May its efforts*be concerted and per- •latent that they may be productive of much good and to thla and wa bn- apeak tha cordial aaalatance of our public spirited cltlaena. MY8TERIOU8 FIRE. Elm ... . MeM-X t Miaa apent-l Mra. •' te.,Iba TUtU Mr. Bawtey 1 JAY, DECEMBEK7!, 1909 oraomci '• AT THE METUCHEN PHARMACY mim h iih h [Inals f t person >vgladly used T * pub- when ’ otherwise. The i or her .name, not | as evidence of good ! for the columns of 1 be mailed not later 1 ta each week, fctlchen Recorder, P. O. Box I , formerly of Me Hiding-the winter 01 Amboy, with Mi- h kins, of Ne\V York, i the past^eek with i lM visiting friends ly Spear will spend ‘ ' i at Little Sn- t this weekMvith J- Farm. A de- i spent and Mrs. carried awa> X Orton held a re- Mm, evening and jl'otlit In full force. A number of the young people en- joyed a straw ride to ,the home of Miss Ruth Pratt, of Colonial, on last Satur- day evening. The 600 club will .jneet to-night with Mr. and Mrs. red Ayers. Senator Silier w ill' tell the M e n ’s Club of the Presbyterian Church on iiext Tuesday evening, "How Laws Are Made,” narrating borne of his own personal experiences. jj’RIQE, FOUR CENTS .......... ...................... BOARD O F EDUCATION The regular m eeting of the Board of Education w.s held in the High School building Thursday evening. Washington W ilson, R. B. CroWeL, -rm. Greenwald, D r. A- C. Hunt, F. 8. Hay,, E. C, Potter, Thor£in Tatt and R. B. Powell being present, L. E. Riddle being the only m em ber abent. The medical inspector being ubseiu 10 report was received. The attendance during November fair. » . M r.-'hdiM Wright and hoq '1'he following bills were ordered paid. udited and eiwnt 9 to |H B t in Newark. GaS ............................... .......... 1.12 * • •* Water ........................................ Mr. U- j | ^ H * ha* moved Into his Telephone ................................. 6.25 new M d |^ g B n avenue, and Ml3* Supplies ........................... .35 iils'af 3 6 ^Hkrfled from there on D. B. Fords, ................ . 6.19 Books ................. ............. 11.53* Huath & Co..........-................ 2.14 ^ B ir Powell spent the Books and supplies ............... 12.99 That 11J t e B ^Bltey in Hasbrouck Printing ....................... H. E. Northrop ...................... 2.50 HslghM.. 50.00 H '* Engrossing ............................... 9.00 Mr.* m ail new C |w |H | has a 'handsome B 011. ctr v ^The school will be closed Decembei 17 on account of. the teachers’ institute meeting ta Perth Amboy. * ■■■ ' wui nunc ror me v nri mas vacation on December 24 at l i. and will open on January 8. The grading of the school grounds has been completed, and the "following amounts paid out: December, 1108 ............... January,, MM,.................... M a y , 190* ............................ J u n e , 1909 ..................... July, 1909-............................ A u g u s t, 1909 ........................ September, 1909 ............... October, 190T................ 1297.91 7S.3U 46.94 144.13 241.81 188.18 64.96 140.81 raaw. . .u $1,197.01 This Is the total cost of grading which la balievad to be much leaa than It could have been done for under con- tract, bealdea the work haa been done when and at the board thought beat to have If Hone. The board haa authorised the lecture ommlttee to arrange free lectures ta ‘ -*— Motatte ftew at achool and g a ng hg a «n5te>* Church Crimes RBORMED church . Rev N I. M. Bogart will occupy" the pulpit to-morrow. Services It i. m celebration of the Lord a Supper 7 ii P m„ sermon on "The Prodigal Son.” first baptist church Bank Building. Rev. Fred Allen, paa- tor: Sunday, li a.-ni., .covenant meet - ing and Lord's- Supper: Bible school, 3 p. m.; Y.P.S.C.E.. 7 o'clock; evening Preaching; the Boys Brigade will attend In’ a body. Last Sunday the Bible school vheld its .annual Thanksgiving service. Af- ter a brief program the offering was received, which Amaimte<L~Ao about |220. _., CCNTA-WORD COLUMN No "ad" for leaa than ti cante. FOR SALE—On HlghlaniTTv at a very reasonable figure, two h ■PS iota, together or separately: aaew » feet front by 15« feet deep, but he extended to 200 feet. Purchaaar buying from m e. before Noveaibor -N will bo allowed agent's dlacauat, altar that date no diacount w hatg^ art- Apply Box 823, Metuchf >unte^4p , THANKS FOR SIDEWALK The new flagstones Idewalk Ahlch the Penney laid down thla week on Main street under their craMfilg is n big improvement. Now If they will re- duce the commutation rates and give ua more tralna we Winy forgive their post sins. WOMAN'S HOME, COMPANION FOR DECEMBER. The artistic features of thtsdaaue are striking. A full page palnMng of the Madonna by Louise Cox. Delightful full page Child Painting in colon by Jessie Wilcox Smith, two pages of profusely illustrated humorous- varae by James Whitcomb Rtlay,' and an imuslng atory In pictures, ‘Tbair chrlatmaa Vtoit Homs." Thera la good. Chrlatmaaay fiction In this Issue by Myra Kelly, Zona Gale. Hulhert Footner and John D. Barry. There la a aerial by Katharine Holland Brown, and' a detective atory by Anna Katharine Green, which proves once roof# thle writer’* genius ' for novfei and Intricate plots. The regular departments appear ** usual, but most ot these aVe blgfer than In any other month. BOYS NOT WANTBD. John Wanamaker, Philadelphia, the L^-kta Company, Buffalo; the Globs Wernicke Coenpapy. m%uf«cturer* pi ST e SS? for SALE. CHEAP-A good _____ lug machine; almost new, at half price, u cgn be seen at Mrs. S. B. to. Prlckltt e. on Clive street. WANTED—Farms; acreage, country homes, every description,* all kinds, no charge for Hating, customers watting, send for full particulars. Peter W 8 Bible House, Now ____________ ___________ nM-tt McClure ' s magazine woafa a responsible and energetic, man or mar--' ctaiijn Metuchen and vicinity to at- tend to In subscription Interests; ex- perience unnecessary; there to _ guaranteed conjpeneatlon; a pr permanent buatneaa without cen he established among acquaintances: whole or spa this to tljs bast tlms to start! outfit and structlons fires; write M b ’ McClure's Magatone, tj East M at. N.W Tork City. Stete FREE to boys ante girl*, Flyer, “the stod that stesra" Th* 1 •W in the work cure oo, wRkln a HUM ;w__ , ....................... a few town: h . tha ffitst la n m I Write to-day, stating year a postal card win da. W. I. Sa« Hast 34th street. New York .... FOR RBXT—Two large rooms, steam heated. M i at Mta.' a . WlUtam street; wfil he ted emher L -■ .iiiH ii.i FOR B ALB—Right w tew*; u the haw 'Mated buhdta* ptetej ' low; write ter parMd32»” Hyds, IssUn, N. J. GHffiZTMUT r a n v - e h i ro m & M a tew date w iteto I warh; team teteB.I 3— Employment °li»iu as wrapt ZaWs wsskg; 1 i. . •*tra' oompsoaatloo, Fork. '.*.V"

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Page 1: n m I JamesM. Pettit · 2017-03-16 · tree (rowing ap the parpawdlcalar sMa. A stslnsd (taso wtedow in rsprodncod oo another papa, and a saetten of a cat (tom bowl, with Its hefttsaal


w as ao prompt t i n t In a few mlnutea the firemen were p te r in * a stream of w ater on the Maas an d aoon had the flames subdued.‘ The plate (lass window In the front of the store wae blown out by the ex­plosion. and the en tire shock and fix ­tures were scorched a / If the Whole tl In* was on tire a t onch

I t Is remarkable th a l—tt-w a s no worse for If Iff H artm an hJbd-'hot

erlm |nsteengaging

NEW QEOHETNY PRACTICALMrs Edward Morris, : Snyder. Miss Alma 8n, der, Mr. and M rs W. and Mrs. W alter Mook,

been up and at his window a c r a l the stree t to rive the. a la rm Immediately, a few minutes later arriva l of fire­men would probably hava found a fire

. . . * ■ —I— » w» rtw uuiiU H sMias Wales, of Randolph, Mass; Mrs.Hicks and Mrs. Van Mlddlesworth, ofHr. Upjohn. Mr. and

and M ra * . 8oper.fi I Verhte, Mr. 1 Ella Smith. Kramer, and

vcn tty of Chicago to prepsrin* a W it book #» isom etry which I* sxpsstsd to make Its s tudy by 7 ten * assa ta d women mom p o p ste r h j (Irte* tb sscteocs m e tic a l appttaattoa In tke sons.

In tbs proof s h a m ot kla book-to a triangle with a s tream fiosrtac thrnagh It. There la a a o tb a r trtosgte w ith a tree (rowing a p th e parpawdlcalar sMa. A stslnsd (taso w tedow in rsprod ncod oo another papa, an d a saetten o f a c a t (tom bowl, w ith Its h e f tts a a l flg- o rsa showing prominently, adorns a paga. Borders fo r hardwood Boors w lth jh slr triangular, circular and rue-

bey on d their control and the several fram e buHdtnge would have 'made ti big fuel for flamae.

The origin of the fire to a mystery which the Insurance companies who a re eald to have te.00a.on the stock of

New Brunswick; Mrs. W . Prati iindOrton F . M.Mr. Brewster Smith, h

others from Metuchon.

Jerry Letaon end Mra. Chss. Letson * of Stolton; Mrs. Meyer, o f Elisabeth.

m k . h ic k s Tr a n s f e r r e d' BT LEHIGH

The many fiends of M i. A. D. Hicks who has been agent o f the Lehigh yal- ley R. R. at Metuchen fo r tbs past six years, .regret the rem oval of himself and family from th la. vicinity. Hr.

WATERS PIANOSH ave Maintained Forem ost /Rank for

Sixty Team — Purchasers Oftorsd E asy Terms.

The W aters Pianos have been wall and favorably known for sixty years,

Tork. spanaunt, Mra,'

mmr he the mt ane of preventing your p s ia t taming Into a lots. .It has been s i r In many causa I t la too bad to b e l l i up a profltabla busmans and thrni h a v t it ruined beyond hope of rsstora- tteo for tha lack of insurance. L J-W g m RffiADYT ^ O M U R B j ' i ' TF fn right now in one of tha beet oem- p i llss in |)m world, say tha w«M and te $ « Matte ou a policy to-day.

— ----------- years,and have steadily m aintained their po- INVESTMENTSeition hi the foremost rank of high- grade pianos. They a re unsurpassed for beauty of "finish and ' aottdlty of construction, but specially excel In sw etness and power o f iooe which le rich and deep -with a fine slnginy-qual- ......................... "W ater*" sr* (figh


hgrir'w lll be thetty. Althoi grade pianoand n e b it . . ____stand ing are oCered a t such low prices and on such easy term s. By a new th ree year system purchasers obtetu ptenea o n th re e yearn' tlm s withoutrtra ' oompaoaatloo, hoary pressor, of

fork. ,..■■■.• :A Employment o f delivery, boys

m v w BOSSs u m AMO OV W U U IU

to-ketrm mTHDb OMLT P i n *



p m i m i i h i i i m i m m w


8 . U e T A P K E N ,


A 0. KELLY A SON, dealers In Coal 411 tha bast Coal kspt In stock, also all tomn of new er and drain pips, glaasd fifid u n g lu ed . Trap T 's an d Y'a ailr.nay flues and poof brick. Olllce, and y trd . P o rt Reading T ank PO.

1 Bob, 446. Tel. 1Q7-R. * ___________

DR. E. F. POTTER—d e n t is t —

Office at residence, Hillside Avenue, METUCHEN, N. J.

Office bourn: 8:30 a. m., to 4:00 p. m. ^ Wednesdays.


REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Tb» best'eosnpanies. tow rates. No­

tary Public Pensions collected. Bur­glary, plate glass, boilers and em­ployes liab ility Insurance. Tel. 01.


teteWhhcd ISIS, heeding Jeweler slid Op- Udss. Diamonds. WMcbnssd merlins SUssr ha ia Albany ssrael. New Branswiaa. II. j. bud Msjevlhg a id Wedding la rustic ns.

Qharles Roto/o Shoemaker

Ftrat-Claaa W orkman. All Hand Mads ■boss W ork promptly done, f ■klnsd. N ext to Bank Building.


JamesM. PettitFuneral DirectorYEARL PLA C E AND MIDDLESEX



No m ore fof iia th e morning; m ush.The saw d u st o r b ak ed hay;

No m ore the bacon an d the egg Of som e long, bygone day.

No m ore-the p a te n t flake or ah red To be our m orn ing ,fnte;_ ....

T he fro s t is on Wie pum pkin now,.T he buckwheat) on th e plate.

•Each season b rin g s i t s crowning Joy,Spring, sum m er, w in te r, fall.

B ut w in te r, w ith its m orning dish,J u s t bea ts ’em one a n d all.,

B ack to th e p ines w ith hash and to a s t;Thby’re tam e k n d o u t of date;'

The (frost is on pu m p k in nowbu ck w h eat’s on the plate.

—Boston H erald.

*(*:t r ' g r o s s v A b t m a n

Oni W ednesday, D ecem ber 1 ,« our esT teem ed tow nsm an. D r. H erm an Gross, w as jo ined in w edlock w ith Miss Gob die. d au g h te r of Mr. and ' Mrs. M ax Altn^an, of New Y ork , a t the Tem ple Rodoph Sholom, 63rd s tre e t and Lex^- Ington avenue, N ew - York City. The b eau tifu lly Im pressive m arriage sere m ony of the Jew ish fa ith was solem n­ised by th e ftev. Dr. G rossm an, a ss is t ed by th e C an to r of th e Temple.

T he b eau ty o f th e ceremony w as he ightened by th e rendering o f th w edding m arch from Lohengrin, by the choir, the g ran d o rg an accom pany- ta g . /

As th e b lending o f vgicea and organ filled the enorm ous tem ple, the bridal p a r ty en tered , p receded by the tw elve b ridesm aids, two a tte n d a n ts , m aid of hpnor a n d flower g irl, a tiny s is te r o f the bride, and th e u shers .

The bridesmaids an d ushers lined the aisles on either side, approaching the altar, and the-flower g lr^ th e groom accompanying hla mother, the bride dpon th# arpi of her father, and the families of each passed to the altar, where the bride and groom took their places under the ceremonial canopy facing the rabbi and cantor.

The bridesmaids a n d . ushers then grouped themselves- upon the steps leading to the altar, each on opposite

forming a charm ing picture.The bride was dressed in white em­

broidered satin princess gown, with bridal veil caught In place by lilies of the valley, carrying a white and gold prayer book.

The bridesmaids wore exquisitelyf°"t'rofw nh . , r * tum" ' the reci Of which wa« very beautiful

After the ceremony the gueau. ■<%,fieU xhtfu^w^im^OUL ^ C’ P*rto0k * a p E a r ly Monday m orning a fire waa dlx- M c t u J i d r M-kloh, O ^ rWoffman, a t the d g , GMtoi. t e a ^ y

I t w as rum ored about town th * t the venerable D am e Franklin who has re­sided for the better p a r t of a century on the tu rn p ik e from New York to Philadelphia, in th e Mttle. village of Metuchen, w as In failing health and ab o u t to die fro m old age and neglect In fact, it was s ta te d th a t a f te r y e a rs of upefulnss th e o ld lady had become a to ta l wreck a n d th e recent eort to rehab ilita te a n d re ju v en a te her by strenuous tre a tm e n t had been followed by a total collapse an d any fu rth e r re ­sto ra tiv e s would be uselesi.

T he .prospect w a s discouraging to some, accepted w ith resignation by o thers, contem pla ted with ghoulish glee by a few a n d w ith keen d isa p ­po in tm ent by m an y . On Tuesday e v ­en ing about fo r ty frien d s assem bled to hold a wake and i t w as expected som e h ad brought th e ir shillelehs and th e celebratioh would be lively. Im ag ine th e astonishm ent o f a ll and the joy of th e fam ily to f in d th a t instead of a funera l they w ere p resen t a t a r e s u r ­rection! R ather i t h a d been but a case o f suspended an im a tio n and a w ak en ­ing from s lu m b e r w eakness had become s tre n g th , age had been rep laced by you th , beauty, a ihb ttion a n d ’ wrofnisq o f achievem ent.

T he scribe p re se n t w as rem inded o f an old time “love f e a s t and experience m eeting ’’ com bined w ith a m odem Chautauqua and sp iced with th* c a rn i­val sp irt of the M ard i Gras week in D ream land. All t h i s composite devei-* oped a picture o f th e new woman who she loves her hom e an d f amlly m ore sh e laves her h o m e a n d family mors. T he practical c iv ic u ti l i ty of the Bor­ough Im provem ent L eague has been dem onstrated In m a n y public im prove­m ents, in much n jiin t benevolence and c h a rity w wo ! n s in educational and social benefits.

The Woman's Exchange has been helpful In jm ny w ays and will be con­tinued. TheWroi a comfortable balance In the treasury, much enthusiasm among the members, much ability and energy in the committees, much liiet- Ugence and determination in the board of amnagers and m uch need In tha community for the Borough Improve­ment League.

May its efforts*be concerted and per- •latent that they m ay be productive of much good and to thla and wa bn- apeak tha cordial aaalatance of our public spirited cltlaena.


Elm ... . MeM-X t

Miaaapent-l Mra.

•' te.,Iba T U tU

Mr.Bawtey 1

JAY , D E C E M B E K 7 !, 1909

oraom ci '•AT THE


m i m h i i h h

[Inalsf t person >v gladly used T

* pub- when

’ otherwise. The i or her .name, not

| as evidence of good ! for the columns of 1 be mailed not later

1 ta each week, fctlchen Recorder,

P. O. Box I

, form erly of Me Hiding-the w in te r 01

Amboy, w ith M i-h

kins, of Ne\V York, i the p a s t ^ e e k w ith

i lM v isiting friends

ly Spear will spend ‘ ' i a t L ittle Sn-

t this weekMvith J- Farm. A de-

i spent and Mrs. carried awa>

X Orton held a re- M m , evening and jl'otlit In full force.

A number o f th e young people en ­joyed a straw r id e t o ,the home of M iss R u th Pratt, of Colonial, on last S a tu r ­d a y evening. ™

The 600 club w il l .jnee t to-night w ith Mr. and Mrs. re d A yers.

Senator S ilier w i l l ' tell the M en ’s C lub of the P re sb y te r ia n Church on iiex t Tuesday e v e n in g , "How L a w s A re Made,” n a r r a t i n g borne of his ow n personal experiences.

jj’R IQ E , F O U R CEN TS

.......... ......................


The regular m e e t in g of the B oard of Education w .s h e ld in the High School building Thursday evening .

W ashington W ilso n , R. B. CroWeL, -rm . Greenwald, D r. A- C. Hunt, F . 8.

Hay,, E. C, P o tte r, Thor£in Tatt an d R . B. Powell being p re se n t, L. E. R id d le being the only m e m b e r abent.

T he medical in s p e c to r being u b se iu 10 report was rece iv ed .T h e attendance d u r in g November

fa ir . » .

M r .- 'h d iM W right and hoq'1'he following b i l ls were

ordered paid.udited an d

eiw nt 9 t o |H B t in Newark. GaS ............................... .......... 1.12* • •* W ater ........................................Mr. U - j | ^ H * ha* moved Into his Telephone ................................. 6.25

new M d |^ g B n avenue, and Ml3* Supplies ........................... .35i i l s 'a f 3 6 ^ H k rf le d from there on D. B. F o rds,................. 6.19

Books ................. ............. 11.53*H u a th & Co..........-................ 2.14

^ B i r Powell spen t the Books and supplies ............... 12.99T h a t 11 J t e B ^ B l t e y in H asbrouck P rin tin g .......................

H. E. Northrop ......................2.50

H slghM .. 50.00H ' * Engrossing ............................... 9.00

Mr.* m a i lnew C |w |H |

has a 'handsom e

B 011. c t r v

^The school w ill b e closed Decem bei 17 on account o f. t h e teachers’ in s titu tem eeting ta Perth A m b o y .

* ■■■' wui n u n c ror me v nrim as vacation on D ecem b er 24 a t l

i. and will open o n Ja n u a ry 8.T h e grading o f t h e school g rounds

h as been completed, a n d the "following am oun ts paid o u t:December, 1108 ...............Ja n u a ry ,, M M ,....................M ay, 190* ............................Ju n e , 1909 .....................Ju ly , 1909-............................A ugust, 1909 ........................Septem ber, 1909 ...............O ctober, 190T................


144.13241.81 188.1864.96


raaw. . .u $1,197.01This Is the total cost of grading which la balievad to be much leaa than It could have been done for under con- trac t, bealdea the w o rk haa been done when and at the board thought beat to have If Hone.

The board haa au tho rised the lecture ommlttee to arran g e free lectures ta ‘ -*— M o ta tte f t e w at achool and

g a ng hg a « n 5 te > *

Church CrimesR B O R M E D c h u r c h .

Rev N I. M. B ogart will occupy" the pulpit to -m o rro w . Services I t i. m celebration o f th e Lord a S upper 7 i i P m„ serm on on "The Prodigal Son.”

f i r s t b a p t i s t c h u r c h

Bank B uild ing . Rev. Fred Allen, paa- tor: Sunday, l i a . - ni., .covenant m eet­ing and Lord 's- Supper: Bible school, 3 p. m.; Y .P .S .C .E .. 7 o'clock; evening

P reach ing ; th e Boys B rigade will attend In’ a body.

L ast S u n d ay th e Bible school vheld its .annual T han k sg iv in g service. A f­te r a b rief p ro g ram the offering w as received, w h ich Amaimte<L~Ao about |220. _. , ■


No "ad" fo r leaa than t i cante.

FO R SALE—On H lg h la n iT T v a t a very rea so n ab le figure, two h ■PS iota, to g e th e r o r separately: aaew » feet fron t by 15« feet deep, bu t ■ he ex tended to 200 feet. Purchaaar buying from m e . before Noveaibor -N will bo allow ed a g e n t 's dlacauat, a l ta r th a t d a te no d iaco u n t w h a tg ^ art- Apply Box 823, M etuchf



The new f lagstones Idewalk A hlch the Penney la id down thla w eek on Main s tree t u n d e r their craM filg is n big im provem ent. Now If they will re ­duce the c o m m u ta tio n ra te s a n d give ua more tr a ln a we Winy forgive the ir post sins.


The artistic features of thtsdaaue are striking. A full page palnMng of the Madonna by Louise Cox. Delightful full page Child Painting in colon by Jessie Wilcox Smith, two pages of profusely illustrated humorous- varae by James W hitcomb Rtlay,' and an imuslng atory In pictures, ‘Tbair chrlatmaa Vtoit Homs."

Thera la good. Chrlatmaaay fiction In this Issue by M yra Kelly, Zona Gale. Hulhert Footner and John D. Barry. There la a aerial by Katharine Holland Brown, and' a detective atory by Anna Katharine Green, which proves once roof# thle w riter’* genius ' for novfei and Intricate plots.

The regular departments appear ** usual, but m ost o t these aVe blgfer than In any o ther month.


John W anam aker, Philadelphia, the L^-kta Company, Buffalo; the Globs Wernicke Coenpapy. m%uf«cturer* pi


f o r SALE. C H E A P -A g o o d _____lug m achine; almost new, a t h a lfprice, u cgn be seen a t Mrs. S. B. to. P rlck ltt e. on C live street.

W A N TED —F a rm s ; acreage, country homes, e v e ry description,* all kinds, no charge for Hating, customers watting, send ■ for full p a r ticu la rs . Peter W

■ 8 B ib le House, Now ____________ ___________ nM -tt

McCl u r e 's m a g a z i n e w o afa a responsible and energetic, man o r mar--' c ta ii jn Metuchen and vicinity to a t ­tend to In subscription Interests; ex­perience unnecessary; there to _ guaranteed conjpeneatlon; a pr permanent buatneaa without cen he established among acquaintances: whole or spa this to tljs bast tlm s to start! outfit and structlons fires; write M b ’ McClure's Magatone, t j East M a t. N.W Tork City. S te te

FR E E to boys ante girl*,Flyer, “the stod that stesra" Th* 1 •W in the work cure oo, wRklna HUM ;w__ , .......................a few town: h . tha ffitst la n m I Write to-day, stating year a postal card win da. W. I. Sa«Hast 34th street. New York

.... ’FOR RBXT—T wo large

rooms, steam heated. M i at M ta.' a .

WlUtam street; wfil he ted emher L

— - ■ .iiiHii.iFOR B ALB—Right w tew*; u

the haw 'M ated buhdta* ptetej 'low; write ter parM d32»”Hyds, IssUn, N. J.

GHffiZTMUT r a n v - e h i

r o m & M

a tew date w i t e t o I w arh; team teteB .I

3— Employment ° l i » i u a s wraptZaWs wsskg; 1

i. .•*tra ' oompsoaatloo, Fork. '.*.V"

Page 2: n m I JamesM. Pettit · 2017-03-16 · tree (rowing ap the parpawdlcalar sMa. A stslnsd (taso wtedow in rsprodncod oo another papa, and a saetten of a cat (tom bowl, with Its hefttsaal


guarantee, your title, t i e r hi

In* to fear, even though yt

not be th e re to protect them.

Poor light doea not necessarily im ply poor el often the cause Is poor lam ps r poor natures.light eat eg with th e pennies savet

t baying jow Groceries hers.Ottr O.ocsrlr* hare been ' cuefoUr

•lr ■♦(>« from «rc;»!.-a and a r t of a ualltJi •W elL^nr'prtfTS highly rat-

A i S s r u ^ zThink this over.

Our electric ity is produced aco rd ln * to moot ap ods. Our d is trib u tin g system Is th e best that n o t

can provide. B u t ou r efforts to give good service nullified if your connections or lam p s are defectll

Oor. Mala Street an4 Amboy t r a s s .Electric serv ice m ay be perfect to

poor lamps will p revent you from getting good

Good lam ps

Public Service Corpori

Horses COuliAdvertise in the Recorder.1 "•‘J®** ■» UlScktttlllc flimrkcHi,A Reply to Gladstons. m aid came In and

■herself before a rnL ' I t 's kind of s i c

a lm o s t . bought U You gotTt a t chaff you,?” . “


Anybody wishing to r e n t ths attrac- “ ‘A ftp r ail,’ he aaid, l behind his hand, ‘what i be?"-* | f ”

“ 'W hy ,' sajd Faraday, p robability , sir, th a t to b , a b l e > t a a 1L>»

“I seen it there around. Rut the,os more nud twlee'ai I t ” J T

Yet Horace Wlml elded when he cat

_ ---------- * oV.s» w me aurac-*“*. «ve new Arcarium Hall now located on

the aooond floor of the B ank Building, ■Wh for one or more evenings, including uae ™F* °* S i*"0, dlelfet, etc., m a y obtain fame

SE 2* 12T **, ----T* -yyiTHijCimpball. —n o tary Domrg naturally eltly and

Ing miserable o ra Record-Herald," ”3

■Wbothor It is to buy or sell; edv ttao your warn* In a * Reoordar.

houbi rxm tiiraro goods.

B , D . F O R D 'S , M e t u c h e n


STUDIO3SS George Street,

New Brunswick, N. J.


ie w * e g » » e M a d a > g g a g Mg <

the two together and took M f j th s h ighest quality, w ith aa tow • price aa la ooaMatent TSn do not, of oourae, azpeet to get the b l u e s t grade for the sam e price aa a lower grade, b i t a t the eam e tim e you do not w ant to pny more m an th a gooda ara really w orth, merely becanaa th a quality la high: la o thar words, yon > do ao t want to pay for tha nam a of tha brand of t)ia gooda which you a ra purehaalng, yon -w ant to ' t y Juat w ha t they are worth. H ere la w h a n wa e sa heiy / pu out by saving you money, and w a simply a fk to r a trial, w a a » convinced of o s r ability to satisfy you in every pay- tlculir. no m atter how ftatldlott* rn n me* Km w l — .....

W a A n H aadqsartere for

INTERWOVEN HOSrERYAnd Carry a Im rg s Stock.

H a n 't, H canto , VLadles’, M cents ( t pair* tor ILM ). tit.m»r, no m anor now raatldloa* you m ay bo. w i m b i m n <

you of p o llta attention and efficient aarrtca; o f f a lf d a a llh g , ------1 ““CADET HOSIERY

O - D jL a F O R G E ,Main Street, opp. P.^0. Building

0 . F- nELICK Electrician.

A D V B R T I S E ^ N



Royal A rcanumMETUCHEN COUNCIL, NO. 1«73.

Meeting Nights—Second and. Fourth- M o n d e)A rc an u m Hall, Metuchen, N. J.

Unless you are already au Areantan we invite you to become one and en­joy life. Your application will be re, oelred by any officer or member.

Metuchen Council, Royal Arcanum, meets on the Seoond and Fourth Mon­day ol etch m ou th . Arcanum Hall Basic Building.

Officers for 1909:—Regent, T. M Barr; Vice Regent, J . F. Riddle; Ora tor, W. C. Bolhke; P ast Regent, R. H. Wtlhnoet; Chaplin. C. C;—Mubdy; Guide, Grover L ehle ln ; Sentry, J. S FUagertld; W a rd e n ^ R. Msrschall, Trustees,-C. A. P rlc k itt, John Lehleln E. F. oianpbell; Collector. James A Harr, Secretary, John W Breen Treestffer, L. N. Boyer.

IEWAPKS STORE BEAUTII~HAL3EY J T * tE \b k o a d . n e y*-IMPOttTUtS


' Fdbttofced to lle iuchc’i

A Treasure Horn Gifts


i will b* found on **1*

The surprises and delights th a t t cam e to Alice in find their c o u n te rp a rt when the A lices of real life c W onderland, the ga tes to w hich a re now open wide.

tho the fairies had ta k e n posselsion and i fralace o f ploy things, a tn rorld 's m ost beautifu l object* i

garden filled w ith m arvelous co la

T heW om an'sH om epfored th is fey house In t* a, mine of F*t it is nil by human

t itA O T COUNTING. ■ Q siliee s dactetod eame -time

Mdtoto dbsUelnUlg the names W atotogU a. Abraham l.m-

rww M ohses. Thagnaa Jeffer- toaM Webst a r fb r eodetaMe W regarded am “marked” iu a s etah ballo t m ost ho sub-

MUWtsty. DUterent proceed- p» tomery la o rde r to chol- legmuty e l a M of be)tots. Una la Imeans a a the "Capa * was aaoceef ully worked. hMMt ba w a rra n te d In rr- I p t o aemlras o f « peculiar S H H M to d W 'A hundred of

It ismammoth b azar into which was stored the gold and jewels, thought out and panned by hu m an m inds and execu ll hunds^—planned fo r your p leasure. _vj

- To stock a s to re for the ho lidays is a delight to ati< gathering of the goods, the un p ack in g of them, the d l* | and selling of them . I t m eans h a rd w ork and Jot* o f | but there a re aw ard s ap len ty a ll around , especially t f j show rightful apprec ia tion of th e m an y rare and beagi have assembled for ybu in th is estab lishm ent. - * :'M

T hat our 52nd A nnual H oliday Im position will beauty and va rie ty any we have e v e r made will b* 4) who have m ade annua l p ilg rim ages to ,the big store . >1 ing with the sp ir it qf progress th a t h a s ever an im atM We grow by 'd o in g . And*, hav in g g a thered ou r holKWl sk ill.apd foresight in past years , it (oiows th a t th ls yBj more wisely and to your g rea te r p leasu re and profit. S

The t j k M. P a in t has decorated m ore tluyj two m illio n American home*

It* beautiful fin ish an d lasting fresh­n ess always a t tra c t* attention.

It* Metal Zinc O x id e combined w ith W hite Lend which m ak es it wear and cove.r like gold.

T he hundreds o f residences1 painted w ith It *!n Middlesex’ county certifies to th e fac t

B e sure to get th e L . & M. from METUCHEN’ H A R D W A R E CO.,

-%* 1 Metuchen, N. J.

>cemed—the lo g of them «• all of us, .o u r friends t) th ings we

i -madnitmle, (eded by all ft is in keep- pis business ' w o r k s w ith iy r t gathered

pt atogbt ' find - •trong§ 3 r « f th e voting ma- ntter a v o te r had once i lA it could not bo lltera w M N i» i v

o m a n k te r a , Interfere! I R U W Rtoq of votes, ItoW Hwii Added their i «Y > te w baneet but iMWto o o t went the H k to to to b e trictenr b a t we w ore trying to “ ■ , 't e t o * t o o t e i te en


Max Schw. rtzmanThe OU Fashioned end Toyland is Full of S u r p

Bring the Little Ones to see Sant*Invitee the lad lea o f New Brune- wlcfc and vicinity to bring their F o re which need remodeling, also t o meet mw orders.O Q M P u rra v a r i e t y o f m o d -


: T oor betters will do double duty b y porekaalng y o u r fu rs at my •tore. Do net h a v e your fur* opened hy pouinar them Into the llA A te of in sn p o c te lb lep ertlee, but ton*.'them to me. All work done

»>y Pereonu.

against.«any flaw in

property—oven a littl Glass Putty, Paints,

iThe Topeka Capitalone of the leading newspapers of Kansas, said in a recent issue: “Much hinges upon a wise invest­ment of the initial small accumu­lation, and the first best purchase a young man'can make is a life insurance policy.”

The best place to apply for the policy is

The PrudentialVIEHMANN’S


N O VELTIT.*New designs in Embroideries, E dg­

ings and Insertions. Corset Cover and Shirt Waist Em broideries, Lace E dg­ings and Insertions, All-over Lace. T ha moat complete line of Infanta; Ontflt- tlnga. Neckwear, Beltlnga and Ribbon*. E x tra good valupg in Hosiery and Un­derwear. Stamped Goode, M aterials fo r Art Embroidery and Fancy work. BargaTnf In every D epartm ent

Viehmann’s Bee Hive48 50 Church S t,

*’ New Brunswick. N. ].

YLYE h a v e tak en th e ag en c y fo r th e A m erican D rug ▼ ▼ S y n d ic a te p re p a ra tio n s and a re c a r ry in g a full

line of th e i r goods

SPECIALTIESPeroxide Cream : ; 25cPeroxide Tooth Powder : 25cPeroxide Tooth Paste : : 25cEgg Shampoo : : : 10c

The Metuchen PharmacyPost Office Building


A * »

often domes from overstraining the ey esig h t N ine-tenths of them headaches Ara caused by eye troubles. Bring these trosblas to to and 1st us prescribe for yon. W s csrafo lly and oorraoUy edjnat gUsasa to your eight and guarantee them . OUR E X A M IN A TIO N !! I U E

STILES SCO.Philadelphia Eye Specialists

■*™ “ i m - PARKER^BUILDING, NEW BRUNSWICK,30VE/uT U O N u A T, jv'T.'

AT-IOT BAST FRONT 9T., PLAfNFITLD, EVERT T H tW D A T , HOURS 11.1* TO I.M • S F ' j . j y » r v

Page 3: n m I JamesM. Pettit · 2017-03-16 · tree (rowing ap the parpawdlcalar sMa. A stslnsd (taso wtedow in rsprodncod oo another papa, and a saetten of a cat (tom bowl, with Its hefttsaal



[His i bK.

Our Ftmiiis Terms le t

G uariil*.*10 PURCHA SE-

|1 D JW N ;I e PE R W K K

H within oil af­ter pnrcbnalag M ll a d tb n l la ta* • Wif P - 1


T h a t com bine u se w ith b eau ty .H f P H P Nothing can -b# moreacceptable th a n a beau tifu l pince of furn iture, Come In and make your selection.

We will lay as ide anything you may se lec t keeping It U r you or delivering It a lew d a f t before C hrte taaa .

TE R M S— woH. you i m a g i them to te l l y e p t n

in oalt or m ahogany

Tile elegant Davenport Bed Lo*ag*,( covered with allh vaeur, tufted; worth. | t 0 . . ^ r ».............................................

l4244( Smith Street

M i l .....................

- B IO P A P E R S '


ketochen recorded

iS W C R Y r im V W O S S tliS T lg£& ^COMPLICATIONS &■ Am/eNTURea


Continued from L ait Week.

“SffiTpTf Foreetetled" Hie verdict of dim Chief," Mid he. “I was under emth to . leave the country to-day on a o ord inary errand. I failed to keep mjr word, believing that the interests oT the Cause oould h e better served by w hat 1 have here undertaken than by

i I do not know where I am or w fiit this is she really asks."

"She asks the impossible. She a*ks what you can, perhaps, give, but not what I can. Y r forget that this de­ception calls for connivance on my part, and w hatever you may think of me or my profession, deception is for-

4he fulfilment of my primal duty. But e,gn my nature a o d ^ r y repugnant W *hre not allowed the free e*erclae t0 me "of ou r own, judgment, else what man could be depended on? With ua, neg-lec t m eans death, no m atter what the oxcuse or the Cause'8*benefit. F knew th is when I made my choice last alght. 1 have -been dying ever since, but only actually s in c e . I came in to this room. W hen th e doctors decided th a t I had received no m ortal h u r t in the eddy, I—"

"A lfred!” T h e s is te r-h ea rt spoke at last. " N o t—n ot p o iso n !”

"T h at Is w h at you m ay call it h e re ," said he, w ith a re tu rn to h is old im ­perious m an n e r, "b u t la te r and to th e world it will be kindness pn yoyr part to n am e it ex h au s tld itH U e effect of my b a t t le w ith th e w ater. T he doc­tor* will reco n sid e r th e ir diagnosis and b la m e my poor h ea rt. You will have no troub le abou t it. It is my heart—I feel i t fa i l in g - f a i l in g —”

He w as sink ing , b u t suddenly h is whole n a tu re flared up. Bounding to his feet, he stood before them , w ith eyes a flam e and a p assio n a te s tre n g th In h is a tt i tu d e which held them spoil*

' faonnd.

"And you re fu s e ? ”“Mrs. Ransom , 1 must*”The hope w h ich had held her up,

the life which h a d retu rned to body and spirit since th is p rospec t of a pos­sible future h ad daw ned upon her, faded from g lance an d smile.

“Then good-by, R oger, we shall n ev er have those h a p p y days together of which we have o f te n dream t. I m ay stay with you a w eek, a month, year, but the h o r ro r of a great fea r Will be ovpr us, a n d never, never^pan we know joy.”

She threw h e rs e lf into her h u s band’s arm s; sh e clung to him.

“One m om ent,” sh e cried, “one m o m ent of perfect h ap p in ess before th e shadow falls.' Oh, how I m ust love you, Roger, to s a y such words, th ink such th o u g h ts , w ith the body of

IT is easy for a man to get av all connection with the bull

if he has telephone service at home. T h e extensive development; Bell T elephone System makes every w ell-known blue-bell signs almost the J his own door-plate. In five minutes he C had conversations with his office an with his fam ily , and can pursue his w ith an easy mind.

NEW YORK TELEPHONE IEvery Bell Telephone i t the Center § f$


“ W h a t can law , w hat can selfish greed, w h a t can self-aggrandizem ent and the m ost p itile ss am bition effect against m en w ho own to such d isc i­pline as th is? N oth ing . T he w orld win go on, you will try your little ways, your p etty reform s, your slow- moving leg is la tio n and prom ise ol Jus­tice to th e weak, b u t th e Invincible is the ready; read y to n» : ready to su f­fer, ready to d ie so th a t God is Ju sti­fied of his ch ild ren and m an lifted Into brotherhood a n d equality . You cannot strive aga inh t the unseen and the fearless. T h e .C ause will tr ium ph though all else fa ils. Georgian, I am ao rry— ’* H e w as to tte r in g now, b u t he held them b ack w ith a s te rn g es­ture, “I don’t th in k I ever knew ju s t w hat love was. T h ere is one .way— wily <

B ut from those lip* the explanation

Sealskin Gweatbex F in a lly Want to the Dogs.

T he mlsshn i inuglc fu nter

Slides. Th lifer •cuelied hiu.i., .

everything ii fr<mi a fla t ever

x hi bit hi

nt to ihe ,S tate s for. a m l i he necessary lfhu iths la te r they

•«f t i l* OM way never c»me. At they •M r th a Ma m * t i U m u d rushed to

L M l forward on

Ransom aoftly drew her aside whva he; eyes could not fall upon the bed.

th e brother I lo v ed s o deeply once, ly ­ing there dead b e fo re us, killed by his own hand.”

Ransom softly drew her aside where h e r eyea. could n o t fa ll upon th e bed.

H arper sto p p ed s t i l l w here he wad, p fctare o f g lo o m a n d uncer ta in ty .

’. M i '

Baltin Lnnd dates co lo rab le magic |,nn- roni 3U0 m iles around

th e expectant Eskim os cam e lu behiud th e ir dog team s to p a r tic ip a te in the w onderful -event. T h e seu lsb in church w as filled to overflow jug, The specta- >ors were packed as c losely a s Hardlnea in a tin . The scent o f sperm o ll 'an d b lubber and sw eat soaked fu rs min­g led iu the air. A lth o u g h the th er­m om eter outside reg is te red 40 degrees below zero, the p e rsp ira tio n poured io s tream s down the fae^s o f th e en thusi­a s tic audience. And w hen the s trag ­g ling list of arctic ex p lo re rs who have todebed nt C um berlund sound have long since been fo rg o tten the recol­lection of that m nglc lan te rn show will Huger in the m inds o f th e Eskimo from Meta Incoguita to C ockburn Land.

B ut a few nifchts la te r a aad fa te befell the sealskin c h u rch . I t w as


A m M . i

Mot Yet.b e i M d him on lh» bod

and Mr. Hnrpor, In h li usual p oetica l wajr, « u hasten- lBf to rouae the bouao, when

i stepped before him and laid : upon the door.

. „ "N ot pat," aatd aha with authority. H r aatd thera waa a way—lat ua find I t bafora wa (iv a up our secret and MV poaaiblo aafaty. Ur. Harper, have pan t a m e d th a t way?”

-Mo. except the uaual one of protec- ttan through the law whtob bo scouts.I do p o t believe, Mr*. Ransom, la any

' o th e r b a in s necessary. Tour brother’* th ro ats answered a very pood purpose w hile h# was ally#, bu t now that bo la daad tjaey need not trouble you. I'm n o t,ev e n sure tha t I believe la th e organisation. I t waa mostly la poor bro ther’s brain, Mrs. Ransom: th e re ’s a o such baaa, or if there Is, Its to w e rs are not ao unlimited aa -ha would m aka you bcllava.”

She simply pointed to the motion- tana form and tha dtatorted face which worn a lowly aaeumtnc an axpraaaion « t g n a t msleety.

“T h era la my anawer ” aald aha. - l i s a of hla stro n g attributes do not h ill tbainselves from'fancy., Ha k na* w ha t ha did.”

-A nd you . think—"-T h a t I will ao t llv* a week If I

p m th a t door nndar the name of Poorgl an Ransom. Mr, Harper, I am oar* of It; Roger, I l m > to believe w hat I say. I t assy ao t cbm* here— W I t will com a The mark has been o a t - g - 1—* a y name. Death* only WHI oblite rate th is mark- Bat th» m u m —th a t la already a dead on*— Ohall It Ho* stay so?—It la tha on* way—th e way ha m aan t”

"Georgian!"I t w as a try of lndntte p ro test Buck

o cry a s ona might expect from the Isag-satferlng Ransom. I t draw her h a th a door; lb brougbt bar to hi* oMa- A a their eye* and hands m a t H a rp ar stepped back to the bedside,

.. 'jf1 cannot hu t th ink your fear* a ll —■ 1:

muttered H arper. "Yet the re- " ? * - . . - -jr eponalblllty you force upon me la ter- *"■ ** ■(“** . .Hble. If it were not tor that will! ®< tlm mlaatonary a t* hla atotli*How can 1 present It to the Surrogate «T«*tloo. they actually ra n away with when 1 know th e testator la Still tha greater portion of tb s fnfean Skin. •HweT” which, a t a safe distance, thay pro-

“You need not. I will do that.” aald needed to deTour-Brarybody-* May* Ransom. I . '■? 2 _ ” . '

"And the property! Given to a man Th« “ "««»> W *®* Sonthamirton he- we none of u . know. Property that le th"not legally hla." I w f ht •“ » ,OTlr h'*h u d “ « « Y tWan-

"I will make i t so," cried Georgian ty-fonr hour*, with a burst of new and uncontrollable — — — — — — —

teal.” by I

hope aa she saw, as she thought, this Conscientious law yer yielding. "There la paper here; draw up a deed of g if t I will, sign It and you shall hold it ao tha t whether I l ife or die. Auchin- eloee' title to >4* money aball be ab- soiuLs. This much I wish to do, that Alfred’s life * should* not have been Sacrificed for nothing.” 0

\"Let me think.”Harper waa wavering.

half-hour la ter the door s i Ram aom’s room was fltmg hurriedly open, and loud cries fo r Mrs. Deo aad th* office Clark rang through the house. And when they anA others cam* run­ning at the call. It was to find Mr. Ransom and the lawyer hanging wear the recumbent figure of tee dead Has- eft, and the deaf g irl Aaltra pointing a t the group, with wild and inarticu­late cries. -


_______ , before him, aoftly covered hlap o o r foe* . W hen h e tu rn e d back, Mr*, ■ am aom w as s low ly sh ak in g b a r b e a d

t e f km bm ad’s y o lo B jid Iook

a tad s a y in g aofUy: - ______-H o , mot O eorg lan , A g ltra . H enca-

M t h A ad tra . a l w a # A n lu a . Can yo u u d r o r th V aak * of t b .

o t M ind I t w illemdmra.tb* ordeal1

tetagr• 1 amdnra It! Can you? Remember

t h a t m ark* A n jtra .”____ amila

. 'a lm o s t l^ c b . r w # wl» tram s!; s i s guest phpaM aw ahrnad.—

- A f M f o r - M R ..w l f o r w <in] -T pw r M fo fo t t a * - A h ,• maw aourtahlp and—A altra M s

• i l l tor* fear featfor.— Uvfog.

Was le a T ight Plaaa.Ib r many year* old Colonel Lao re ­

sided in Ninth s tree t. New York, near the Hotel B t D en ts He te atlU re- msmbsred by hundred* of N*w York* era for hie bright m anner fe»W .apt remarks. i

•When th* project for “equestrian atatue to OanarU Waab- lngton In Union Square waa proposed. Colonel he* wee Intrusted with one of the subaeription paper* tor circula­tion. Shortly af te r receiving It he a»- -•— . . . , well-known citlsen an a asked for a cubacriptlon. But th* etta- sen declined to aubacribc, atatlng 1* a rather pompous ^ -

“I do not conaider, air, that there te * $ , necessity for a monument te Mr. Washington. HI* fom# 1* undying, ha 1a enabrined In ’

enabrined In your ’hea rtt” aoftly toQulrad th# colonel.

"Hate,M r.”“Well, all 1 have *o

Colonel Lee. “1* th a t fco'te te a .tig h t place."—New York Praia.


. Th#MUjaaaaBInthaBaftianPart*- matt glriag woman tha right to wots for th* mambara o f tha CounaaO* daa

Meir—WonjenY o u c a n b u y th e b e l t o ( C l o th in g k t

S ty le s a n d b e w eB d r e t tq d a t a l l 1

m g a lo t o l m o n e y . O u t p r ie s ts a n I

o i p a y m e n t s o e a s y th a t y o u d o n o t 1 '*

m e n u y o u m a k a w h t k c l o y i n g t b t 1

Jm ph'Chriit,1ST tank S^PafSi

right to sorvo on thoao «” »»^te BI7., — . . . MMrtag that • carte ls proportion o*

m M m S ^ m a r o a f e n U H Wromft_

. .... V .

A Foreign fievThi* ing th

So long as the 1elded a t tb* there waa no-obv& lng any member t the others, the boua* of I to take part In t h a | cabinet. It has I modern steteateKa i fut exception to jj i l l . , no aovarolgg * a m eeting o f tha t

T he change, I Ideations whlcjt I loto the Brtttefe 1 result o f g stance. George 1 E nglish . tan less for a mooa meetings of hfi | did not undei which their < on. * But wb necessarily a | tha cab

ispoesible For

1 himself pre- L ot the eubinet

ilty for glv cedeuee over 1 accession of 1 king ceuced atlone of the

, Indeed, by a "w ith a doubt

of George p re se n t a t

: place Anne.”’ other mod-

*n introduced alon. was the

ntal clrcum- I not speak tbe

1 d ea rly uce- ' ear a t tb#

when be language tn were carried

waa tons r nbaeut from

? that wfe*


MaHi Close..Vew York, Brooklyn, Mew England

States, Newark., local Jersey points »nd through Eastern points, 7.S0 A. M , 12.15. 4. 7:i5 P. M.

New York direct, all pointi on Del­aware, Lackawanna A W estern, main line Lehigh Valley, Erie, Central Hall- road of New Jersey and New York .ft Iteng Branch R. R., and all points east of Newark, 10.30 A. M.

Perth Amboy, Woodbrldge, Fords, close w ith New York mala.

All points in Europe, does with New York m alls

Halls for Wect Indies, Panama, Ca­ll Zone, South American points,

does with New York malls.Sayreville. South River, Mllltown, I- M., 11.40. 5, 7.15 P. M.Millstone and point# on Millstone

Branch, I A. M., 11.40 A. M. /•New Brunsw ick Trenton, South Jer-

•ey, Philadelphia, g, u .40 A. M„ I, 7 P. M.

W ashington. D. C.; Souther* States, Mexico, Pittsburg, Chicago and West

$ 1.75For

By a recent, arrangem ent with the pu Miehera ww are able to oRar th*


THE METUCHEN fU lE IFor One Year for $1.75

ern States, Philippine#," Alaska and f I ,E TRIB,,N * FARMER 1s a thoroughly practical, helpful, up-toAte points In th* Far East, 8, 10.30, 11.40 lllu*tr*-t s i “atlonnl weekly. Special pagee for Horae*, C altls, Sheep. e*a.‘ H and 8, 7.15 P M. ’ — .........................and moot elaborate and reliable m arket report*.

I Dr. C. D. Smead, th* beet known veterinary aunrgaon 4a Am erica, .' Malle Arrive. regularly for The Tribune Farmer, thoroughly covering th e bredkig,New Y ork Buftalo. B oston , fo re ig n , and feed ing of all domestic animals, an d h it article* m eet th* seada a t

‘ ^ h l l a d ^ p b l V ^ a c b i n g t o n ,^ ’C. and ■ 8V8rT P™011* 1 w arkln* t*m w M*4 ‘n terremt every men o r woman In city e* all po in ts South and W est, £.30 and „toWn w ho own* a ho r*® <’ow8.06 A. M. ) The aubaorlptlon price of Tbe T rll-une Farmer atone 4* 81.00.

New B runsw ick , P h ilad e lp h ia and all | To new subeortbera and all old auliecrlbsra who will pay up am a re g n wlocal an d th rough p o in ts Sou th and and one yenr In advanot we maka th is liberal offer W est. 8.06 A. M. am t 15.47 am t 4*7 1

TH E TRIBUNE FARMER. ONE YEAR, |1.00.TH E METUCHEN RECORDER, ONE* YEAR, 81M.BOTH FOR 81-75- 'Sample-copies of both taper* will be ten t on eppllcation. Send all «*a

del* to■; m i : s ; : : s s 2 E i i 2 i i ® t h « r « o o m « « . •

P. 0. Box 47 M afodW K JL

New Y ork , N ew ark, N ew E ngland Stales, B rooklyn and a ll p o in ts E ast and N o rth , including local Jersey, 8.23 A. M., 12.C9, 6.26 J>. M.

T h rough Inal! from New Y o n . d irect anil ail th ro u g h E aste rn a n d N orthern points, 4.01 P. M.


3D- W o l f f . 4 C o -[""t h e D I F F E R E N T K I N D o f a c r e d i t h o u s e 1

Our Famous Terms and

Guaraalae810. PURCHASE

If wit.Ills 80 day* after purtbaeing you 8nd that you can buy

toolwhere for Ism money we will ereilt youi o w u l t vrith the fill

It’s Time to Think of Xmas!. The time to select gift things it NOW, and th*

place to select them la H I R E.

Hail Racks\ large tine In all kind

of ttooda—from

- 6.98 up

Page 4: n m I JamesM. Pettit · 2017-03-16 · tree (rowing ap the parpawdlcalar sMa. A stslnsd (taso wtedow in rsprodncod oo another papa, and a saetten of a cat (tom bowl, with Its hefttsaal

peenlej. Netting to freeze. No blankets needed, ttjmdwaled tad wech*nic*Uy at good u new. Price*

#t HALF OR LESS, because the first owner paid fM *N£*Imm.” But the real car value—the wosk dial p d V - b Mill there. A high grade USED CAR t eitwear a dtaap new car and will coet leu to operatdm * • * u s e d f r a n k l in s . rebuilt in our ownfc tea hmBy touring cm* for four, five and seven tfugent also hnsinrw runabouts. B ot. Hein# M u sta rd D ressing.

C an H eins T om ato Sotip .......' “S o t. Heinz Sw eet O nions ... .

C an F rench P eas ..........B o t B urnham 's B eef, W ine

an d Iron ............................... .C a R ed L e tte r P e a rs .................S lt> can Tom atoes ........C a n V an Camp S oup .................P k g . N ations] G e la tin e „C ak e B ig M aster S o ap .............S ak e E vanson 's N a p th a Soap. Pfif. E v an s N ap th a S o ap Pow. Pkg: C learine Soap P o w d e r .. . .

you settle the question of the Car you will buy, r you will buy any automobile, coll, write or phi U particulars about these Cars.

A c count o f 5% allow ed on a ll o th e r goods P rice s and d isco u n t fo r cash on ly .} .- jit for $1.20 Per, Gallon.

Mtaft gallon L & U . Pore Paint gallon pure Llnueed Oili

I them together, it’s done in two minutes, tei 1J gaUooa pare paint. , f l*. f t M . Feint bee e record of th ir ty -fiv e years p i t s # # .

f t t t f t l f i j U gh grade; end e full gallon.Are hogetthe L. & M. from, fc MBTtJOHBN HARDWARE COMPAMY, y MSTUCHEN. N. J.

JACO B HOROR obins B uild ing , i

FRIEND OF A MONARCH.H .w Edward VII. F o rg .v . D»w .f «r

Dtrahra. *f M .n ch .i t ir.The strik ing ( s e t th a t tb s k ing o f

E n g lan d forgiven w ith k ingly | « a roalty n i probably o n e r mors dra- rn.tlc.lly nbown than tn lb . c u s of Oonauelo, tbe Howagtr duchess of llucliM tar, who recently died at.bsr bom. tn London.

Two years ago s t Blarrits tb* doeb- **s was said to bar. violated s state s te n t la dlactoalng privately" wb*t tb* king hi bh frieodablp bad told bar *t a dlnoer than—namely, that Ms premier, Campbell-Bannerman, was about to resign tod tbat The present premier, Aeqnltb, bad baaa summoned to Blarrlta to form * now British cab- la s t

T b a doebaa* m t s t admitted that aba broke cooddeoce with bis majewy, ead ■Ba nere^denled It. Bat the king Dt- Iteaad I t Tba notoriety attaching to *b* breach of etiquette plated Edward bn tba poattlou of baring baaa dtplo- b teWasnr tedUeiatt for tba brat Una

royalty *t. otbar dacbl

This bam

are Here

pbyaidaoelknow* that |

I» ooa.ef Dte senneot ttteley ra- kad the* “during g nlgbt'a sleep a il« M BggggUiet om part to few wbao. b* nweats than whan ha

. Mt* T^am uld bt awning-


MKBT STORE aentatlraa t tfl ball rrrtaio* ate on TneaSay, M fore tb* iatim plan for openjte decided to at*E number oMgJM corded this mte Playa.

T b e aebams t# to draft t rate | quarterback or g live yards badj ecrtoqmac*. (las' from tbo n s te that la, lnataadl celved from that tog right op tei pabaed directly# a legal pus, tsj cover before tb reached by tb* i possible to cten tog forward*, a j time to break t man with tb. ba >y started fords strong ibe oppe, force n mo oat# *ard item or a serf and dbtrtd", game.

Sfyk A—Wafers UprightAn trtjstic piano of the high­

est grade, celebrated for fine tone and great durability,oneof our leading and, rrflbst populartttirlsac Atilrr / *

# 1 0 down and 3 7 monthly until paid. AlsoSfyk 85—Chester Piano'

7l octave, '3-stringed, over­strung bass, full iron frame ivory keys, fine tone and hand­some case. Warranted six years

Cabinets, Capboards, Table*.SSSW'SSSi iS S

f o u n t d’O m y ft Lper. sir Algera* count “once ctQ|j Messrs. Saonden Blesslngton’. bag strong l-.mgn.gd! than In . whits Votild rather asm toil's patronage M sonal abuse. *iV 8'Orsay. ‘if y— ~ • ° y * r : !if yoa Snundeps.* *

Krtwes, Clock., <5a I

j t n J r t j K r o v u Plri*r an lts , k o d i h , Music r~on payments of only

• $5uPer Monthwithout interest. Stool, tuning 3nd deliveryuree. «

Send postalfror catalogue with r^dii£ed and terms on the

Waters 3-Year Systemgiving you three years'time on a piano without interest. d f t r iitfla 1

reviled It to thlai "Lettuce Denkv ~ Widow H.rtfS SUll H. E. Vll2

sj t-oarn 1. labd>Thoa, with tb. •If the audleute

T hree S tores: ’ 134 Fifth Ave„ near 18th St.

- J27 We»t 42d S!..nwi tfnay r 254 West 125th St„near^th Ave.

* Y o r k c i t v . •O P E N E V E N I N G S

p so Tribune.


guess I have uquibcr—


Franklin Cars [SATURDAY SPEneeded.

December 4 and

JACOBHOROWirrH aving p u rch ased the well know n and

th e Robin’s B uild ing . I have a rran g ed to have f t j ins: sroods, S a tu rd ay . December 4 a n d 1L

,j l909



The Greater

i grocery business tn 1 sale of the follow-

Price. P r ic e Reg. S pec,

k in g Powder 20 13p v e Polish . . . 10 5pTowI ............... 35 25

Soap Pow. 20 15e x S oap ...., 5 4

Soap Pow. 5 4a rc h ............. 10 8

.........* 20 15Pickle# . . . . 25 JZQ

F ig # # . .. . 75 50.................... 5 3................... 25 20Pudding ..» 50 35

............ 35Kg1iB Tip# . . . . 2 5 20

day only.

■ h , j i i & i . i

rz,In Stree ti“advice be d e e m e d

Her frteodabip and Quean Alex by and u stu o al. i a t Kerry B ouse.

members of tb e ofteuar tba* any court.

hip was gno- opsnly approved.

that ha would apnadtof o f , tb e

■ll-Bai|. t b a

> bt gave It t o > king, returning Asquith to bln

r avid act that th e I n y s t estsstn. t. knit tb* famons

I t o t loaely and was tovitsd to tadfht king 's

( l td w it qalck to A s a tn


•Fa tea N um ber ef Benaa In Them Hank M ake. Them Flexible.

Tba dam tngoa* war. making tbalr altteaooa roUnte to tb* big dying cage SI tbs t i to a x aoo tb* other afternoon, n y l t w r ite r to a New Ywk paper. A crowd o f ch ild ran and grttbpi people w an looking on tnd aiclaluitng with tdsrilteg w onder s t tb* way tbeaa bird* w are tw isting tb a lr ton* natks about Into a ll aorta of corkacrewa and curate w hen one of th«, ornithological i experts c a m e along and stopped to ’ wstcb tbo perform ance. t,

“It’s tbe la rg e r number of bones In s bird’s neck, n o t tb* length, th a t make It *o flexible,” ba remarked. "Thera are tw enty-three bona* u> tb* neck c ' s awsn, fo r example, tn d a few more to that o f th e flamingo. It seems tha t the smaller tb e animal organism tbe larger tbe n a m b e r of neck bone*. The giraffe, fo r Institute, baa only seven

Txraee to hie long neck,; which baa a Teach of n e a rly twenty feet from tbe ground. T h a t little white throated eparrow OTer th e re Is only three Inch, ea high, b u t be bqe fourteen bonea In bit nqck a n d can almost scratch the back of U g th e a d with his bill. Tbe awsn bSa tw enty-three neck bones and swings h is hend nbout with even greater freedom thuu a snake.”

THE PLEBEIANS.Their Secession From'Romo and Their

R ise to Power.Plebeians w ero tbe common* of

Bom*, who w ore originally forbidden all political r ig bee. They were fo r tbe meet part poor and were not allowed to Intermarry with the patriot.ns, They served In tb * t r a y without pay and were so ld In to slavery for debt end could evon bo cut Into pieces for dbtrlbatlon am o n g tbelr creditors.

Finding tb e l r condition Intolerable, the plebeians In 497 B. C. seceded to Mona Racer, n e a r Borne, w h e n they neolved to bu ild n new city. B at this step so alarm ed th e privileged d esses tbnt they g ra n te d to the commons the right of annually cboostog from tbelr own numbers tw o magistrates, called t r i b u t e w ith pow er td protect them against tbs aggraaslpus of the petri- dsns.

tbs Isp e e o f sbPUt RX) y e a n tb* dissbUlttea o f tb s plebeians were almost entirely removed, and between tb* years SM4 0 0 B. 0. they secured t b j dictatorship, tb * ceM enblp and thn praetors U p a s well as tb* righ t to be pontiff an d a a g a r . Thin tb* Ro­ma* republic, a f te r two cewtariee of e r tlteec*. Anally secured * democratic **na of g*T*raao*oL - New T o rt American. , / •

It Cf l

New HKifflBwicK’a B bbt S iic ppin q P l a c e *

Do Your Gilt BuyingEariy fT H IS W EEK ’ W E 'V E PU T <i>N S H O W T H E G R E A T E ST A8BBM - '


Visit our Doll Show See our Blanket BriUMtFine Boxed W riting Pa­

per for Gift*How about a V#

Cleaner for your wP* ----- ... ..... ....v vx visiibuiuii u in a n a s Men

p rov ided for In o u r p rep a ra tio n for th e G R E A T E R YOUNG S T O R E H obday . Trade. E v e ry d epartm en t is re a d y to a id you- in selecting S u itab le gifts for y o u r use. We would u rg e you to come in th i s week to m ak e sure of g e t t in g the best choice fro m our special lin e o f g if t noveltlep. / * f


M eloglous D inner G o n g .,, |X98, pd.TBS.R ich ly Toned D inner C him es, 13,»8, | 4.MM an te l Clocks, m e ta l a n d ch ina cases, *1 .76, $i pg to 95 *2 7r,

i ' . n c y K e y R a ^ ^ ° r ^ , tW ’ i lW ’ e't c ' ’ ,F a n c y .H angers fo r L a d ie s ' Coats, | i 35T ra v e le rs ' A d justab le C o a t Haugera, s e t ' i n le a th e r case, tl.W

wl,h nlckel •drinking cup top, | i t e *1.T5.«teanM^tete*a„^:er To,,Bt -8eu> m * *

L e a th e r Medicine C ases , ID bottles In c a se , 6*c, 76c etc S tl,ihlr ‘ " d c‘“ * H old«rs, 76c, gg. Me. to W.76.'

G ilt, Nickel and Gun M etal Postage S tam p Boxes, 10c.

F in e L ine .o f M irro rsL arge variety of kind* in artistic mountings.H a n d M irrors, *6c. 50c. Me, Me, H i t . *1 .4*. e tc .Table. M tm m , suitable for Ladies' Boudoirs, 28c, to 13 hi Triple Mirrors, 4*c„ 11 1* to N.W. ’8h a v ln g M irrors, w ith a n d w ithout b ru sh ho lders . M16 to 14J0.Comb and Brush 8*ta,. M M to ti.se.M ilitary eSts, H.76 to t4,te.W hisk Brooms In H angers, 4»c. Me, |l.*», etc.

■ nfhnt’a Brush. Comb a n d Pew ler Beta, I 1 .4*, 1 1 1*, ««. 1Mantoor* Seta, |l.<*. *(.**. M.M, fk lt. M.76, etc.Handkerchief Box**. Me. We. t l « etc.O lov . Bogas, 26c, Me, 4*c, etc. ,V*ncy Needle Books. Me, tec. Me., etc.F ancy F in Cushion*. Me to ILW.FO R YOUR LITERARY FRIEND: »

w ^ Pmi? L ,ui i r t i nM r u l Ticpp*d ' '“ *h*r’ poc,t•, •he* ,h - j *- WwMi con Volitional an d novel effect#, 4#c, to 84.ML

lhW Piotureaetc.. m ake moat acceptable f i f t y

#Wftnived. Call and ..Ofly and Nfiim the 'choicest

Garment# made and trimmed in the ir. Style »nd fit guaranteed.

Bfc repairing, arid pressing promptly done at reasonable prices.

-- j I al#o cairy^aNarge stock in the : M6re Lmt/ia$f C entt and Boys Furnish*

U Contains clothing, shirts, collars, cuffs, i underwear, etc. Everything for the man,

f. girl and baby. School wpplies.'‘Tcityie’' ' t ple##e and aatiriy you. I remain,

Youra truly,

M alnStteet

’* w eU do the the cotta.

You r e t t

.. f . : i - - ' '

I m ^wbo tp reaa u » payment# over a iy e ft^ r a year and a half, asking

5T prioetfo^allyoarbuy, i every cate.



W a e h i t ig M ach iae