n-acetylcysteine as an antioxidant and disulphide breaking ... · review article n-acetylcysteine...

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Free Radical Research

ISSN: 1071-5762 (Print) 1029-2470 (Online) Journal homepage: https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ifra20

N-Acetylcysteine as an antioxidant and disulphidebreaking agent: the reasons why

Giancarlo Aldini, Alessandra Altomare, Giovanna Baron, Giulio Vistoli,Marina Carini, Luisa Borsani & Francesco Sergio

To cite this article: Giancarlo Aldini, Alessandra Altomare, Giovanna Baron, Giulio Vistoli,Marina Carini, Luisa Borsani & Francesco Sergio (2018) N-Acetylcysteine as an antioxidantand disulphide breaking agent: the reasons why, Free Radical Research, 52:7, 751-762, DOI:10.1080/10715762.2018.1468564

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/10715762.2018.1468564

© 2018 The Author(s). Published by InformaUK Limited, trading as Taylor & FrancisGroup.

Published online: 09 May 2018.

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N-Acetylcysteine as an antioxidant and disulphide breaking agent: thereasons why

Giancarlo Aldinia, Alessandra Altomarea, Giovanna Barona, Giulio Vistolia, Marina Carinia, Luisa Borsanib andFrancesco Sergioc

aDepartment of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universit�a degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy; bGlobal Medical Information, Zambon S.p.A.,Bresso, Italy; cGlobal Respiratory Medical Affairs, Zambon S.p.A., Bresso, Italy

ABSTRACTThe main molecular mechanisms explaining the well-established antioxidant and reducing activityof N-acetylcysteine (NAC), the N-acetyl derivative of the natural amino acid L-cysteine, are sum-marised and critically reviewed. The antioxidant effect is due to the ability of NAC to act as areduced glutathione (GSH) precursor; GSH is a well-known direct antioxidant and a substrate ofseveral antioxidant enzymes. Moreover, in some conditions where a significant depletion ofendogenous Cys and GSH occurs, NAC can act as a direct antioxidant for some oxidant speciessuch as NO2 and HOX. The antioxidant activity of NAC could also be due to its effect in breakingthiolated proteins, thus releasing free thiols as well as reduced proteins, which in some cases,such as for mercaptoalbumin, have important direct antioxidant activity. As well as beinginvolved in the antioxidant mechanism, the disulphide breaking activity of NAC also explains itsmucolytic activity which is due to its effect in reducing heavily cross-linked mucus glycoproteins.Chemical features explaining the efficient disulphide breaking activity of NAC are also explained.

ARTICLE HISTORYReceived 20 February 2018Revised 11 April 2018Accepted 18 April 2018

KEYWORDSAntioxidant; disulphidebreaking agent; glutathioneprecursor; N-acetylcysteine;oxidative stress


Since the 1960s, N-acetylcysteine (NAC), the N-acetylderivative of the natural amino acid L-cysteine(Figure 1(a)), has been widely prescribed as a mucolyticagent [1] and, since the 1970s, has been used for thetreatment of acetaminophen poisoning [2]. The molecu-lar mechanisms underlying these two therapeuticeffects are well known. In particular, the mucolyticaction is due to the ability of NAC to break the disul-phide bridges in the high-molecular-weight glycopro-teins of mucus, resulting in reduced viscosity [3](Figure 1(b)). The effect of NAC on acetaminophen poi-soning is a result of the action of NAC in replenishinghepatic reduced glutathione (GSH), which is the mainendogenous nucleophilic peptide that reacts with andneutralises electrophilic and hence damaging moleculessuch as N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine (NAPQI), theelectrophilic metabolite of acetaminophen [4] (Figure1(c)). Since the 1980s, NAC has also been proposed forthe treatment of diseases in which oxidative stress is

considered to be involved in the onset and progressionof the disease state [5].

Several in vitro studies have reported efficient anti-oxidant activity of NAC using different oxidants, sub-strates, and methods to assess the oxidative processes[6–10]. The wide application of NAC is not only becauseof its well-described antioxidant and radical scavengingactivity but also because, as a thiol molecule, it is quitestable and commercially available at a low price. Basedon these facts and considering its bioavailability andsafety, NAC has also been used as an antioxidant in sev-eral in vivo studies [5]. In vivo, NAC treatment was foundto prevent and/or inhibit the oxidative process as meas-ured by different biomarkers of oxidative stress [11–16].The in vivo antioxidant activity can be explained by con-sidering the antioxidant and radical scavenging mech-anism of NAC as observed in in vitro conditions.However, this is a mere simplification because the anti-oxidant behaviour of a compound tested in in vitro con-ditions is not the same as that in vivo. In the former, theantioxidant under test is in a simplified environment

CONTACT Giancarlo Aldini [email protected] Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universit�a degli Studi di Milano, Via Mangiagalli 25,Milan, Italy� 2018 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed,or built upon in any way.

FREE RADICAL RESEARCH2018, VOL. 52, NO. 7, 751–762https://doi.org/10.1080/10715762.2018.1468564

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represented by the radical species and the substrate,whereas in vivo, the situation is more complex becausecompeting reactions with other enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants, as well as substrates, occur.

Although several in vivo studies have found that NACsignificantly prevents or inhibits oxidative stress undercertain conditions, a clear molecular mechanismthrough which NAC exerts this activity is still notknown. The present review focuses on the molecularmechanisms through which NAC regulates oxidativestress in in vivo conditions.

The in vivo antioxidant activity of NAC can be relatedto at least three different mechanisms and in particular:

� A direct antioxidant effect toward certain oxi-dant species.

� An indirect antioxidant effect as a result of the abil-ity of NAC to act as a precursor of Cys, which is abuilding block and the rate-limiting step in glutathi-one synthesis, GSH being a well-known direct anti-oxidant and a substrate of severalantioxidant enzymes.

Figure 1. (a) Chemical structures of Cys and of NAC. (b) The mucolytic action of NAC is due to its ability to break the disulphidebridges of the high-molecular-weight glycoproteins in the mucus, resulting in reduced viscosity. (c) NAC for the treatment of acet-aminophen poisoning. NAC acts by replenishing hepatic GSH, which is the main endogenous nucleophilic peptide able to neutraliseN-acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine (NAPQI), the electrophilic metabolite of acetaminophen. Paracetamol is metabolised forming the elec-trophilic metabolite (NAPQI) which is detoxified by GSH. In the case of GSH depletion, NAPQI reacts with proteins forming adductswhich can induce cell damage or immune response. NAC acts by replenishing the GSH pool as a precursor of Cys, the building blockand the rate-limiting step in glutathione synthesis. NAC is converted to Cys through a deacetylation reaction catalysed by acylase.


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� A breaking effect on disulphides and the ability torestore thiol pools, which in turn regulate theredox state.

Understanding the antioxidant and reducingmechanisms of NAC

Direct antioxidant activity of NAC

As a thiol compound, NAC can react in the test tubewith most typical radical and non-radical oxidants.However, to act as an antioxidant in a biological matrix,the reaction rate of any antioxidant, including NAC,toward oxidants, should be higher than that of theendogenous antioxidants and clearly much higher thanthat of the substrates. The reaction rate is the productof the molecule concentration at the site where the oxi-dants are produced and the reaction rate constant ofthe antioxidant toward specific oxidants. To understandthe potential activity of NAC as an antioxidant in a cer-tain situation, some parameters must be considered,and in particular the reaction rate of NAC and theendogenous antioxidants and substrates toward theoxidants formed in that situation, together with theconcentrations of each of the above-mentioned reac-tants. The reaction rate constants for NAC and enzym-atic and non-enzymatic antioxidants have alreadybeen determined and summarised [17], and the concen-trations for endogenous antioxidants and for NAC, at

least in plasma, and after different administration regi-mens, are available in the literature. Taking into accountthe values summarised in Table 1, it is quite evidentthat for some oxidants such as H2O2 and O2

��, the reac-tion rate of NAC, as well as of other thiols such asCys and GSH, is negligible compared with that ofantioxidant enzymes. For example, hydrogen peroxidereacts with NAC and with GSH peroxidase 3 with a reac-tion rate constant of 0.16 M�1 s�1 and 1.8� 108 M�1

s�1, respectively. By considering a NAC plasma concen-tration of 100 mM, which is the steady-state concentra-tion reached after four doses of 2 g of NAC injectedintravenously [18], and that of GSH peroxidase 3, whichis present at a concentration of 0.5–0.8 mM, then thereaction rate constant� concentration is 0.016� 10�3

s�1 and 90 s�1 for NAC and the peroxidase, respectively.Hence, the reaction between H2O2 and the enzymewould be 5.625� 106 times faster than the reactionwith NAC. This difference increases 1000-fold in cellswhere the GSH concentration reaches the millimolarconcentration range.

Superoxide anion (O2��) is also untargeted by NAC

and in general by thiol-containing compounds, irre-spective of their concentration. There is a general con-sensus that the reaction between O2

�� and GSH isrelatively slow for a radical reaction, with a rate con-stant of 200 M�1 s�1, whereas that for manganese-con-taining superoxide dismutase is 2.3� 109 M�1 s�1 [19].The reaction rate for NAC, 68 M�1 s�1, is even lowerthan that of GSH [19]. In addition, the reaction rate ofNAC with peroxynitrite (ONOOH) (rate constant, 415M�1 s�1) is limited in in vivo conditions by consideringthe reaction rates of GSH and Cys [20], which are in theorder of 103 M�1 s�1. Moreover, rate constants in theorder of 106–107 M�1 s�1 have been reported for thereaction of peroxynitrite with very reactive thiols in pro-teins, such as those present in peroxiredoxins (Prx),which constitute an efficient key detoxification systemof this oxidant species [21].

Let us now consider another example of an untar-geted oxidant species and in particular the reaction ofHO�. As reported in Table 1, the reaction rate constantbetween NAC and HO� is high, as are the values ofother thiols, but this is due to the high reactivity ofHO�, which makes the reaction rate of other molecules,including substrates, high. By considering that the con-centrations of substrates are much higher than the con-centration of NAC, we can easily rule out a possibleantioxidant action of NAC toward HO� species.

Hence, based on the reaction rates and concentra-tions, the antioxidant activity of NAC should be ruledout for some oxidant species such as H2O2, O2

��,OHNOO, and HO�, but for others, including NO2 and

Table 1. Reaction rate constants of NAC, Cys, GSH, andendogenous enzymatic antioxidants toward the main oxi-dant species.Oxidant Antioxidant K (M�1 s�1) Reference


NAC 0.16 [66]GSH 0.89 [66]Cys 2.9 [66]Peroxiredoxins 1–4� 107 [66]

ONOOHNAC 415± 10 [20]GSH 1360 ± 60 [20]Cys 4500 [20]Peroxiredoxins 1� 106�1� 107 [67]


NAC 68 [68]GSH 200 [69]Cys 15 [68]Superoxide dismutase 2.3� 109 [70]


NAC 1.36� 1010 [71]GSH 1.64� 1010 [8]Cys 5.35 ± 0.2� 109 [72]Uric acid 9.52� 109 [8]

HO(X)NAC 0.29 ± 0.04� 108 [27]GSH 1.2 ± 0.2� 108 [27]Cys 3.6 ± 0.5� 108 [27]


NAC 1� 107 Estimated by [17]GSH 2� 107 [73]Cys 6� 107 [73]


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hypohalous acids, HOX, it could be more plausible [17]as explained below.

Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) and related species (hypo-bromous acid, HOBr; hypothiocyanous acid, HOSCN) areoxidants produced by activated neutrophils and mono-cytes through the activity of myeloperoxidase (MPO).MPO catalyses the reaction between hydrogen peroxide(H2O2) formed by dismutation of O2

�� and halides (Cl�,I�, Br�, or SCN–) to produce the corresponding hypoha-lous acids (HOX). The reaction occurs preferentially withCl� forming hypochlorous acid (HOCl) because of itshigh concentration in body fluids compared with otherhalides [22]. These oxidant species are potent bacteri-cides and disinfectants and play a role in the humanresponse to invading pathogens. However, HOX, due totheir high reactivity, are not specific oxidants and alsoreact with many biologically important molecules, thusinducing a cytotoxic effect and the development of anumber of diseases such as atherosclerosis, cancer, andpromyelocytic leukaemia, as well as neurodegenerativediseases, including Alzheimer’s disease and multiplesclerosis [22]. MPO and HOX are also involved in thepathophysiology of some lung diseases. O’Donnell et al.[23] reported the presence of 3-chlorotyrosine (3Cl�Tyr),a reaction product of HOCl with protein tyrosine, in thesputum of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonarydisease (COPD), which correlated well with MPO activityin sputum, suggesting that an active process related toMPO may play a role in the pathophysiology of this dis-ease. High levels of MPO protein and activity, togetherwith a significant increase of halogenated proteins, pro-tein oxidative cross-links, and disulphide bonds, wasreported in the airway mucus from patients with cysticfibrosis (CF), suggesting that oxidation arising from air-way inflammation contributes to pathologic mucus gelformation in the lungs of patients with CF [24].

HOX is quite reactive toward thiols and, based onthe reaction rate constant, it is obvious that NAC canpotentially act when its relative concentration is higherthan that of GSH and that of free or protein Cys. Thissituation can potentially occur in some situations andpathologic conditions, such as in lung fluids exposed toan inflammatory/oxidative process, as already demon-strated for some pathologies [25]. Under these condi-tions, a significant decrease in the pool SH occurs andhence NAC, given at a dose of 300mg by aerosol or byendotracheal–bronchial administration, could be a dir-ect neutraliser of HOX species. Similarly, NAC can havea potential trapping effect for nitrogen oxide (NO2),which is classically known as a major component ofboth indoor and outdoor air pollution and is involved inepithelial injury in the lung. NO2 is a toxic free radicalgas produced by several exogenous sources, including

motor vehicles, burning fuel, cigarette smoke, and cook-ing gas. NO2 can also be formed during inflammationby the decomposition of ONOO- or through peroxidase-catalysed reactions [26]. Rate constants for reaction ofNO2 with a spectrum of potential targets have beenestimated, and the most relevant compounds are thiols,reduced purines such as uric acid, ascorbic acid, andphenols such as tyrosine [27]. Reaction constants at pH7.4 for Cys, GSH, and NAC are reported in Table 1. NACas a trapping agent of NO2 was then tested in in vivoconditions. In vivo administration of NAC to NO2-inhal-ing rats protected bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) param-eters and the physiology of type II pneumocytes fromimpairment [28].

The reaction rate constants of NAC and of theendogenous thiol-containing compounds towardoxidant species follows the general order:Cys>GSH>NAC. Hence, assuming the same concen-trations, NAC is the weakest antioxidant, and this isexplained by considering that the antioxidant activity ofSH is due to the thiolate anion, the relative concentra-tion of which is regulated by the acidity of thiol. Inother words, the acidity (Ka) of the thiol group regulatesthe equilibrium and hence the relative amount of S�

with respect to SH. Accordingly, the pKa of the above-mentioned thiols follows the same order: cysteine (pKa8.30)>GSH (8.83)>NAC (9.52). At pH 7.4, for each 100SH molecules in the SH state, 12, 3.7, and 0.7 are in athiolate form for Cys, GSH, and NAC, respectively.

If, on the one hand, NAC is the weakest antioxidantamong endogenous thiol compounds, on the otherhand, it is more stable in aqueous solution. NAC wassubjected to stability studies for 24 h at 4-h intervals,and the results were obtained in terms of percentagedegradation. The results suggest that there was a deg-radation of 0.89% and 0.48% in the solution stored atroom temperature and in refrigerated conditions,respectively [29].

In addition to a direct antioxidant activity, a directpro-oxidant effect of thiols, including NAC should alsobe considered. It is well established that any antioxidantunder certain conditions can act as a pro-oxidant. As anexample ascorbic acid in the presence of transition met-als such as Fe2

þ [30] or copper [31] results in the gener-ation of ROS. Moreover, the well-established lipidantioxidant alpha-tocoferol, can, in an oxidising milieu,form the corresponding radical species (tocopheroxylradical) which, if not recycled to the correspondingnon-radical species, can act as pro-oxidant [32]. Also thi-ols such as Cys and GSH as well as NAC, besides actingas antioxidants, can in some case can also act as pro-oxidants through the formation of HO� and thyil radi-cals [33–35]. Regarding NAC, some cellular and in vitro


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studies reported that NAC, when in combination withsome compounds and in certain conditions, shows apro-oxidant effect. For instance, NAC enhances fisetin-induced cytotoxicity via induction of ROS-independentapoptosis in human colonic cancer cells, an effect whichwas considered of interest in the treatment of coloniccancer [36]. NAC in the presence of transition metalions such as Cu2

þ [37] or of vitamin B12 [38] was shownto exert a pro-oxidant effect. However, it should bepointed out that the pro-oxidant action of NAC isunlikely to occur in in vivo conditions because it wasfound to happen under certain reaction conditions,such as the presence of free transition metal ions, highNAC concentrations, and simplified matrices which donot occur in in vivo conditions.

Indirect antioxidant activity of NAC

Glutathione is a tripeptide (c-L-glutamyl-L-cysteinylgly-cine, GSH) synthesised and maintained at high (mM)concentrations in cells [39]. The c-glutamylcysteineintermediate is first synthesised from L-glutamate andcysteine via the enzyme c-glutamylcysteine synthetase(glutamate cysteine ligase). This reaction is the rate-lim-iting step in glutathione synthesis. In a subsequent syn-thetic step, L-glycine is added to the C-terminus ofc-glutamylcysteine via the enzyme glutathi-one synthetase.

In addition to directly reacting with radicals/oxidantsand electrophiles, forming GSSG and GSH Michaeladducts, GSH serves as a substrate or cofactor of a largenumber of detoxifying cellular enzymes, includingglutathione reductase, glutaredoxin (Grx), glutathioneperoxidase, peroxiredoxin (Prx), glyoxalases 1 and 2,glutathione transferase, and MAPEG (membrane-associ-ated proteins in eicosanoid and glutathione metabol-ism), as recently reviewed by Deponte [40]. In particular,GSH is involved in the reduction of intra- or intermo-lecular disulphides of proteins and low-molecular-weight compounds, reactions that can occur eithernon-enzymatically or enzymatically with the help of Grx,protein disulphide isomerase, and some glutathioneS-transferase (GST) isoforms. GSH is widely involved inthe cellular removal of H2O2 and of other hydroperox-ides, a reaction catalysed by a variety of enzymes,including specialised GPx, Prx, GST, and a few Grx iso-forms. GSH is then involved in the detoxification of2-oxoaldehydes such as glyoxal (GO) and methylglyoxal(MGO), a reaction that is catalysed by the isomeraseGlo1 and the thioesterase Glo2. In addition to glycolysis,MGO, GO, and other 2-oxoaldehydes (2-OA) are alsoformed during lipid peroxidation as well as by themetabolism of acetone, glycerol, and threonine [40].

These reactive carbonyl species can condense with thenucleophilic sites of proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids,thereby yielding the so-called advanced glycation endproducts, which are involved in the inflammatory andprofibrotic response so that their removal by a detoxifi-cation system is beneficial [41–43].

In the case of severe and prolonged oxidative stress,GSH depletion can occur for several reasons: (1)increase in GSSG formation and accumulation, followedby export and extracellular hydrolysis; (2) proteinS-glutathionylation; (3) formation of GS adducts withelectrophilic compounds, which are the by-products oflipid peroxidation [44]. The resulting thioether reactionproducts are then exported and metabolised via themercapturic acid pathway. GS adducts are also formedwhen electrophilic reactive metabolites are formed byxenobiotics as in the case of acetaminophen.

Hence, there are oxidative conditions or xenobioticmetabolic pathways that can induce a significant deple-tion of GSH as found in several studies. Asher andGuilford [45] performed a review of the literature from1980 to 2016 on the role that oxidative stress and GSHplay in ear, nose, and throat (ENT) conditions. Theauthors concluded that many ENT conditions such asrhinitis, allergic rhinitis, chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS), CRSwith polyps, otitis media with effusion, chronic otitismedia (COM), COM and cholesteatoma, tympanic mem-brane sclerosis, tonsillitis, Meniere disease, laryngealconditions, and chronic cough are associated with oxi-dative stress and decreased GSH, both locally in theaffected tissues and systemically. They also suggestedthat the oxidative stress related to those conditionsmay be due to depletion of GSH, which is increased byhigher levels of O2 in the upper respiratory tract [45].

Decreased GSH levels are associated with the com-mon features of aging as well as of a wide range ofpathologic conditions, including neurodegenerative dis-orders. Notably, GSH depletion and/or alterations in itsmetabolism appear to be crucial in the onset ofParkinson disease [46,47], autism, schizophrenia, bipolardisorder, and Alzheimer’s disease [48].

Significant depletion of GSH has been reported inlung fluids, such as BAL and epithelial lining (ELF) fluids,in different lung diseases. GSH is unique in that it is oneof the few antioxidants in ELF that is expressed athigher levels than in plasma. Under normal conditions,GSH in ELF can range between 100 and 300 mM andincrease to near millimolar levels under conditions ofstress [49]. A number of stimuli, including bacterialinfection, disease, or smoking, can increase GSH levels.Under these circumstances, the increased GSH may bean adaptive response to these stimuli to avoid furtherdamage to the lung. Conversely, ELF GSH levels are


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decreased in many progressive lung diseases, includingidiopathic pulmonary fibrosis where GSH is reduced by51% compared with normal individuals, acute respira-tory distress syndrome, CF, lung transplantation, HIVinfection, and late-stage COPD [49].

Depletion of GSH is also involved in acetaminophentoxicity. Once formed within hepatocytes by the cyto-chrome P-450 pathway, NAPQI reacts as an electrophilicagent with the thiolate of GSH in a reaction catalysed byGST, resulting in a Michael adduct (GSH-NAPQI). ThisGSH-NAPQI conjugate is then metabolised stepwise byc-glutamyl transpeptidase, dipeptidase, and N-acetylase,cleaving off the c-glutamyl and glycine residues to ultim-ately form inert cysteine and mercapturate conjugatesthat are renally excreted. In the case of acetaminophenintoxication or when one of the following pathologicconditions likely to be associated with reduction in intra-hepatic GSH concentrations occurs (HIV infection,chronic hepatitis C infection, CF, malnutrition, and eatingdisorders such as anorexia nervosa), then NAPQI escapesGSH detoxification and reacts with nucleophilic livermacromolecules, leading to a damaging effect [50].

When an oxidative condition or xenobiotic exposurecan affect the cellular content of GSH and consequentlythe natural defence, then a rational therapeutic inter-vention could be based on replenishing GSH. NACboosts GSH because it is a precursor of Cys, which isthe rate-limiting factor in cellular glutathione biosyn-thesis. The deacetylation of N-acetyl-L-amino acids iscatalysed by several aminoacylases (I, II, and III) [51],and NAC is hydrolysed by cytosolic acylase I. Yamauchiet al. [49] measured the activity of the NAC-deacetylat-ing enzyme (acylase) in various tissues of different spe-cies (rat, rabbit, dog, monkey, and man). Acylase activitywas the highest in the kidney in all species studied.Enzyme activity in the liver was 10–22% of that in thekidney in rat, rabbit, monkey, and man. The tissue distri-bution of acylase I was then determined by westernblotting and an immunohistochemical method and theresults indicate that the kidney and liver are the mainorgans responsible for the biotransformation of NAC tocysteine in mammals. Consistent with this, pharmaco-kinetics studies have shown that NAC undergoes exten-sive first-pass metabolism in the liver and kidney [51].

The in vivo effect of NAC to improve GSH content intissues has been tested in several animal models inboth physiologic and pathologic conditions. NAC treat-ment increased the GSH content and GSH-to-oxidisedGSH ratio in the liver of suckling piglets with hepaticdamage [52]. In a paraquat model of oxidative stressinduced in mice, GSH depletion in liver and brain wassignificantly counteracted by NAC, resulting in less oxi-dative damage [14]. Arfsten et al. [53] measured

radiolabelled NAC distribution and GSH tissue levels inrats. GSH concentrations were increased 20% in the skinand 50% in the liver after one dose of 1200mg/kg NAC,whereas lung and kidney GSH were unaffected. Theeffect of chronic treatment with NAC was thendescribed by Arfsten et al. [54]. After 30 d with an oraldose of 600 or 1200mg/kg/d, an increase of NAC in thekidneys and skin of 24–81% was observed [54]. Basedon the animal studies, it is clear that acute or chronicoral NAC treatment increases the GSH content in severaltissues, including liver, kidney, skin, and brain.

Some human studies have considered the modula-tion of GSH levels in blood, circulating cells, and somefluids such as BAL and pulmonary ELF as a pharmacody-namic response to NAC. Some studies have found thatoral treatment with NAC has the effect of increasingGSH in erythrocytes and blood lymphocytes. Pendyalaand Creaven [55], in a dose escalation phase 1 studydated 1995, found a significant and transient increaseof GSH in peripheral blood lymphocytes after an oraldose of 800mg/m2. Zembron-Lacny et al. [15] reportedthat 1200mg of NAC administered to healthy individu-als for 8 d significantly increased the blood level of GSH(þ33%). Kasperczyk et al. [15] found that in workersexposed to lead receiving 400 and 800mg of NAC,erythrocyte GSH concentrations were significantlyincreased by 5% and 6% respectively, compared withthose at baseline.

Some evidence indicates the efficacy of NAC inincreasing GSH content in lung fluids. When adminis-tered intravenously to eight patients with pulmonaryfibrosis, NAC was found to significantly increase GSH inBAL fluid and ELF [56]. It was also found that oraltreatment with NAC (3� 600mg per day for 5 d) innon-smoking patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibro-sis significantly increased GSH in BAL fluid, reachingvalues within the normal range. There was also a trendof increase in GSH in ELF [25].

Based on these results, we can conclude that in thecase of significant oxidative stress or exposure to elec-trophilic compounds arising from xenobiotic metabol-ism, the pool of GSH can be depleted, thus leaving theoxidants and electrophilic compounds free to react withbiomacromolecules, leading to a damaging response.NAC given in acute or chronic regimen was found tosignificantly replenish the GSH pool in some areas suchas liver, skin, lung, and brain, thus preventing thesedamaging effects.

NAC as disulphide breaking agent

NAC is an efficient reducing agent of protein disul-phides through the classic thiol-disulphide interchange


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mechanism [57]. An SN2 reaction mechanism isinvolved, whereby, in a single reaction step, the attack-ing NAC thiolate binds to the central sulphur of thedisulphide and the leaving thiol (R00SH) is released via atrisulphide-like transition state structure. By consideringthis reaction model, the rate of the thiol-disulphideinterchange reaction is strongly related to the nucleo-philicity of the thiolate, and this explains the greaterdisulphide reducing ability of NAC compared with Cysand GSH [58], which reflects the order of S nucleophilic-ity of the thiols: NAC>GSH>Cys. For NAC, the N-acetylresidue and carboxylated group (rather than NH3


and�CONH- moieties) both stabilise the high electrondensity of the thiolate, thus increasing the nucleophiliccharacter. Hence, while the antioxidant/radical scaveng-ing ability of NAC, Cys, and GSH (order of activityCys>GSH>NAC) is related to the SH acidity, whichregulates the relative content of the active species(the thiolate), the reducing ability is mainly relatedto the SH basicity (nucleophilicity), which is the oppos-ite of the SH acidity and hence follows the orderNAC >GSH>Cys.

As demonstrated by Parker and Kharash [59] theentering nucleophilic moiety (here the NAC thiolate)breaks the disulphide bonds and remains linked to themore basic sulphur atom, so displacing the more acidthiol function. By considering that the ionisation proper-ties of a cysteine residue within a protein are roughlycomparable with those of GSH, one may conclude thatthe SN2 reaction involving NAC and a cysteinylated pro-tein usually liberates a cysteine molecule yielding thecorresponding N-acetyl cysteinylated protein. In con-trast and when the cysteinylated residues is markedly

acid, the same reaction forms good amount of free pro-tein cysteine plus NAC-Cys mixed disulphide as seenfor human serum albumin Cys34 (see below). Thisimplies a sort of protecting mechanism, since the veryacid thiols which are easily oxidised in disulphide deriv-atives are also easily restored by circulating nucleo-philic molecules.

The reducing ability of NAC toward the disulphidecross-links is clearly responsible for the mucolytic activ-ity. Mucin polymers, the principal gel-forming proteinsin mucus, are characterised by cysteine-rich domains intheir N and C termini which mediate polymer extensionby end-to-end disulphide linkage of mucin monomers.Mucins are also characterised by abundant cysteine-richregions in the internal domains, which form internalcross-links upon oxidation [60]. In the healthy lung, thelow elastic modulus (G0) of healthy airway mucus gelsindicates a low density of mucin cross-links. Lightlycross-linked mucus gels are easily transported by themucociliary escalator. In lung disease characterised byinflammatory conditions, the oxidative burst causes oxi-dation of internal cysteine thiols, which, on the onehand, may contribute to antioxidant effects of mucinsbut, on the other hand, could modify the biophysicalproperties of mucins by generating disulphide cross-links between internal cysteine domains. The resultingheavily cross-linked mucus is not easily transported andaccumulates to cause airflow obstruction, atelectasis,and lung infection (Figure 2) [24]. Pathologic mucus istypically highly elastic and thought to occur as a down-stream consequence of airway inflammation [4]. NAC isa mucolytic agent able to reduce the heavy cross-linkedmucus as already demonstrated in vitro by Sheffenr

Figure 2. Antioxidant and disulphide breaking activity of NAC in lung disease characterised by an inflammatory condition. Theoxidative burst causes the oxidation of internal cysteine of mucins, generating disulphide cross-links between internal cysteinedomains. The resulting heavily cross-linked mucus is not easily transported and accumulates to cause airflow obstruction, atelec-tasis, and lung infection [24]. NAC is a mucolytic agent able to reduce the heavily cross-linked mucus. When Cys and GSH aredepleted following the inflammatory condition, NAC can act as a direct antioxidant of some oxidant species such as HOXand NO2.


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et al. [61] and then in vivo by Hurst et al. in 1967 [1].The mucolytic effect of NAC given by aerosol or bybroncotracheal administration is clearly due to the dir-ect reducing ability of NAC, which is directly trans-ported into the mucus. NAC can also act in this area asa direct antioxidant of some oxidant species such asHOX, which are produced in abundance following theinflammatory condition and in a milieu where Cys resi-dues and GSH molecules are greatly consumed follow-ing the oxidative burst.

The mucolytic effect of NAC after oral treatment ismore debatable because several clinical studies haveshown a limited effect. This could be explained by thereduced bioavailability of NAC in the lung fluid whengiven orally [62]. The reducing ability of NAC is given bythe molecule itself, in the acetylated form, and not bythe deacetylated metabolite (Cys) or by GSH. However,an increase of Cys and/or GSH induced by NAC in thelung fluid can have other effects, such as an antioxidantactivity, which can prevent the formation of heavilycross-linked mucus. However, a better understanding ofthe distribution of NAC in lung fluids by using accuratemass spectrometry techniques is needed to betterunderstand the direct mucolytic activity of NAC afteroral administration.

The reducing ability of NAC may also be involved inthe antioxidant mechanism by restoring the systemicpools of small thiols as well as of reduced protein SHgroups, which regulate the redox conditions. Whenhuman plasma was incubated for 1 h with varying clinic-ally relevant concentrations of NAC (0–1000 mg/mL), asignificant increase of free Cys was observed accompa-nied by a decrease in Cys plasma protein binding from85% (10 mg/mL NAC) to approximately 0% (1000 mg/mL)[63]. The release of Cys bound to proteins by NAC isalso involved in GSH synthesis, as demonstrated in anelegant paper by Zhou et al. [64]. When stably labelledNAC was given by an intraperitoneal bolus in rats, a sig-nificant increase of GSH was found in erythrocytes.However, only less than 1% of the increased GSH wasfound to be labelled, and hence derived from labelledNAC, thus suggesting that GSH is formed by endogen-ous cysteine released by cysteinylated proteins througha thiol exchange reaction with NAC.

As anticipated above, circulating NAC can affectthe mercaptoalbumin content of human serum albu-min (HSA) by reducing the corresponding cysteiny-lated form. Albumin, the most abundant protein inplasma, is characterised by only one free cysteineresidue, Cys34, which constitutes the largest pool ofthiols in the circulation (80%) [65]. In healthy adults,about 70–80% of the Cys34 in albumin contains afree sulphydryl group (mercaptoalbumin, HSA-SH), the

rest forms a disulphide with several compound thiols,such as cysteine, homocysteine, or glutathione; thepredominant modification is S-cysteinylated albumin(HSA-Cys) [66]. HSA represents the main antioxidantof plasma and extracellular fluids, and this effect ismainly due to the Cys34 residue, which is able toscavenge several oxidants, such as hydroxyl and per-oxyl radicals, hydrogen peroxide, peroxynitrite [67],and to form covalent adducts with lipid-oxidationelectrophilic by-products, such as 4-hydroxy-trans-2-nonenal [68]. The high radical scavenging and car-bonyl quenching efficacy of Cys34 is explained byconsidering: (1) the high acidity, due to the ability ofthe surrounding amino acids to stabilise the thiolateanion, and (2) the significant solvent accessibility ofthe thiolate anion. The antioxidant activity of Cys34is demonstrated by different ex vivo studies to showthat oxidative stress conditions are associated with areduction of mercaptoalbumin and by a concomitantincrease of the cysteinylated form as well as of othermixed disulphides and or higher oxidation statessuch as sulphinic/sulphonic acid derivatives [69–71].

The molecular interaction between HSA and NACwas investigated by Harada et al. [72] who reportedthat when NAC was added to isolated HSA, HSA-Cysand HSA-SH rapidly decreased and increased, respect-ively, while the HSA-NAC conjugate formed much moreslowly. The results lead the authors to suggest that NACbinds HSA in a two-step process. In the first step, NACrapidly reacts with the disulphide bond of HSA-Cys,resulting in the dissociation process and HSA-SH forma-tion. As said above and due to the high acidity ofCys34, NAC binds preferentially Cys, forming the Cys-NAC disulphide. In a second step, low-molecular-weightdisulphides such as cysteine, NAC-NAC, or Cys-NACbind to free SH of HSA-SH, forming HSA-NAC or eventu-ally regenerating HSA-Cys. The rate constant of the dis-sociation and binding are quite different; the former is1.3 h�1 and the latter is 0.003 h�1 for NAC or less forCys (0.00107 h�1). Hence, NAC rapidly reduces the disul-phide bond of HSA-Cys, forming HSA-SH and then bind-ing much more slowly with HSA-SH, forming thecorresponding disulphide. Supporting the ability of NACto restore protein thiols, Fu et al. [73] reported that NACtreatment for 3 d at a dose of 300mg/kg/d significantlyreduced the level of cysteinylated plasma proteins.

The ability of NAC to restore thiol proteins and inparticular mercaptoalbumin in plasma is an interestingmechanism and needs to be further studied consideringthe pivotal role of mercaptoalbumin, which undergoessignificant cysteinylation under different physio-patho-logic conditions.


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NAC is a well-established antioxidant and disulphidebreaking agent as demonstrated by several in vitro andin vivo studies conducted in animals and humans. In thepresent paper, the main molecular mechanisms regard-ing the antioxidant and reducing activity of NAC havebeen summarised and critically reviewed (Figure 3). Inbiological matrices, a direct antioxidant effect towardsome radical and non-radical oxidants must beexcluded as a main mechanism, taking into account theconcentrations and reaction rates of NAC and of thecompeting endogenous enzymatic and non-enzymaticantioxidants. The in vivo antioxidant activity demon-strates that NAC acts as a GSH precursor, which in turnis a well-known direct antioxidant and a substrate ofseveral antioxidant enzymes. This mechanism is sup-ported by the ability of NAC to replenish depleted GSHpools as demonstrated in several in vivo studies.Moreover, in some conditions characterised by deple-tion of endogenous Cys and GSH, NAC can act also as adirect antioxidant agent for some oxidant species suchas NO2 and HOX. An additional mechanism for the anti-oxidant activity of NAC has been considered morerecently: the activity of NAC in breaking thiolated pro-teins. This releases free thiols, which have a better anti-oxidant activity than NAC and boost the synthesis ofGSH, as well as reduced proteins, which in some cases,such as for mercaptoalbumin, have an important directantioxidant activity. As well as being involved in theantioxidant mechanism, the reducing action of NAC

also explains the mucolytic activity due to the effect ofNAC in reducing heavily cross-linked mucusglycoproteins.

It should be pointed that some of the chemical andbiochemical differences between Cys and NAC, and, inparticular the antioxidant and reducing properties, arewell explained by their different pKa values, which are8.30 for Cys and 9.52 for NAC. In particular, the reducedacidity of the SH moiety of NAC on the one hand makesit more resistant to air oxidation but less potent as a dir-ect oxidant and on the other hand it explains thegreater disulphide reducing ability of NAC comparedwith Cys. A difference can also be found in the differentcellular uptakes as demonstrated by He et al who foundthat NAC is superior to cysteine in replenishing intracel-lular cysteine in the cell [74]. However, further studieson the different ability of Cys and NAC in replenishingGSH and cellular Cys are needed.

The ability of NAC to break thionylated proteins suchas extracellular cysteinylated proteins can have furtherimportant biological effects by considering that suchprotein-thiol mixed disulphides may be involved insome pathogenetic mechanism and are now recognisedas promising drug targets. Accordingly, Moreno et al.[75] reported that disulphide stress may be consideredas a specific type of oxidative stress in acuteinflammation associated with certain mixed disulphides,particularly protein cysteinylation, and the oxidationof low-molecular-weight thiols such as cysteine,c-glutamylcysteine, and homocysteine.

Figure 3. Overview of the antioxidant action of NAC. The antioxidant effect is due to indirect (GSH synthesis) and direct antioxi-dant activity, as well as disulphide breaking activity. The indirect activity refers to the ability of NAC to act as a GSH precursor,which in turn is a well-known direct antioxidant and a substrate of several antioxidant enzymes. When an oxidative stress statusdepletes the SH pools, NAC can act as direct scavenger of some oxidants such as NO(X) and NO2. NAC breaks thiolated proteinsthus releasing free thiols, which have a better antioxidant activity than NAC and boost the synthesis of GSH and reduced proteins,which in some cases, such as for mercaptoalbumin, have an important direct antioxidant activity.


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English language editing and styling assistance was providedby Edra spa, and unconditionally funded by Zambon Spa.

Disclosure statement

Francesco Sergio and Luisa Borsani are employees ofZambon SpA.


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