
Positive Interviewing Experience!

Upload: rphelps0009

Post on 29-Oct-2014




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  • 1. Tips for a Positive Interviewing Experience!

2. Before the Interview:
3. Encounters with Others
Treat other people you encounter with courtesy and respect.Their opinions of you might be solicited during the hiring process.
Offer a firm handshake, make eye contact, and have a friendly expression when you are greeted by the interviewer.
Listen to be sure you understand your interviewers name and the correct pronunciation.
4. During the Interview Dos
Maintain good eye contact during the interview.
Ask for clarification if you dont understand a question; and be thorough in your responses while being concise in your wording.
Use good grammar and good diction.Say yes, not yeah.Dont fill pauses with um, uh or ah.Dont punctuate sentences with you know, like, see or okay.
Answer the question and use professional experiences or descriptive information to demonstrate how you would react or respond to a situation.
Treat the interview seriously and show interest in the employer and the opportunity presented and respond to questions in a positive manner.
5. During the Interview Donts
Dont fidget or slouch.
Dont make excuses.Take responsibility for your decisions and your actions.
Dont make negative comments about previous employers or supervisors (or others).
Dont chew gum or smell like smoke.
Dont take cell phone calls during an interview.If you carry a cell phone, turn it off during the interview.
Don't bring up or discuss personal issues or family problems.
6. Softly Toot Your Own Horn!
Exhibit quiet confidence.
Organize your thoughts and apply your knowledge, skills and abilities.
Think globally!Relate outside experiences to demonstrate your qualifications.
7. Be Prepared for Behavior-based Questions!
Describe a time when you were faced with problems or stresses at work that tested your coping skills.What did you do?
Give an example of a time when you had to be relatively quick in coming to a decision.
Give an example of an important goal you had to set and tell about your progress in reaching that goal.
Give an example of a problem you faced on the job, and tell how you solved it positively.
8. What to do after the interview?
9. Summary
Before the interview be sure to have yourMarketing Theme ready, Dress appropriately and arrive early.
Prepare yourself for meeting potential employers.
Know things you should and should not do during an interview.
It is okay to toot your own hornbut dont overdo it.
Be ready to answer behavior-based questions.
Know what to do after the interview.
10. References