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1 MYP IB Personal Project Student Guide 2015-2016 Student Name Mentor Name

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MYP IB Personal Project Student Guide


Student Name

Mentor Name


Table of Contents Introduction What is the Personal Project? Aims What sort of project can I do? Each project must… Your Personal Project is not… MYP Global Contexts What are the MYP Global Contexts? Backwards Planning Working with your Supervisor Community Mentor Using the Design Cycle SMART Goal Format Tracking my Progress: The Process Journal The Report Assessment of the Personal Project Timelines and Deadlines Forms To Be Turned In Personal Project Plan Personal Project Topic Notification Form Supervisor Meeting Notes Personal Project Cover Sheet Academic Honesty Policy


Introduction What is the Personal Project? The Personal Project is an independent assignment that can be on any topic and take any form as long as it has a strong connection to one Global Context. If you choose the right Personal Project, it will give you the opportunity to share with others something that is important to you, and it will be an exciting and rewarding experience. It is your project that demonstrates the skills you have developed over the years in the Middle Years Program (MYP). The Personal Project holds a special place of importance in the MYP, as it is a culminating event which is completed in the final year of the program (Grade 10). You will be working on your project over the course of many months, so be sure you pick a topic in which you have a strong interest or genuine curiosity. The project will consist of the actual project, the process journal that documents your ideas and work throughout the project, and the personal report which will summarize your overall experience.

Process Journal




Aims The aims of the MYP personal project are to allow you to:

Engage in personal inquiry on issues that are relevant to yourself, through a Global Context, as a context for learning

Demonstrate the skills, attitudes and knowledge required to complete a project over an extended period of time

Reflect on your learning and knowledge

Move towards thoughtful and positive action

Develop confidence as lifelong learners

What Sort of Personal Project Can I Do? The possibilities are infinite! As long as you can take your topic and connect it to a Global Context – and you’ve shown a vested interest in developing or learning more about your topic, you can run with it! Some examples of Personal Projects from other MYP Students:

Participate in and help organize a walk for Autism

Create a published resource book of mentors and role models for young teens

Create a website to inform people of the use of subliminal messaging

Create a music video to inform students to rise above the influence of peer pressure

Paint a mural to depict diversity and respect

Inform people about the reality of domestic abuse through an interpretive dance

Teach a parent to play the piano who has no prior piano playing experience

Design a functional product to serve a purpose The possibilities are endless! Find your passion through your project!

Each project must: Have a clear, achievable, and measurable goal -- including specifications for the goal

Be entirely your own work

Be focused on one Global Context

Be personal – reflect your unique interests, passion, abilities, and/or concerns

Be the result of your initiative, creativity, and ability to organize and plan

Address a topic to which you are truly committed

Your Personal Project is not…

An essay.

A part of class work completed in another class.

So large that it destroys your academic and social life!

A group activity – but it can involve others as long as it is your project.

Too large in size – meaning, your project should not be “How to Solve America’s Financial Crisis”.


MYP Global Contexts Each project must have a strong connection to ONE of the following Global Contexts: Identities and Relationships

Who am I? Who are we? Students will explore identity; beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; human relationships including families, friends, communities and cultures; what it means to be human.

Orientation in Space and Time

What is the meaning of “where” and “when”? Students will explore personal histories; homes and journeys; turning points in humankind; discoveries; explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationships between, and the inter-connectedness of, individuals and civilizations, from personal, local and global perspectives.

Personal and Cultural Expression

What is the nature and purpose of creative expression? Students will explore the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic.

Scientific and Technical Innovation

How do we understand the world in which we live? Students will explore the natural world and its laws; the interaction between people and the natural world; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances on communities and environments; the impact of environments on human activity; how humans adapt environments to their needs.

Globalization and Sustainability

How is everything connected? Students will explore the interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities; the relationship between local and global processes; how local experiences mediate the global; the opportunities and tensions provided by world-interconnectedness; the impact of decision-making on humankind and the environment.

Fairness and Development

What are the consequences of our common humanity? Students will explore rights and responsibilities; the relationship between communities; sharing finite resources with other people and with other living things; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution

Students may consider the following questions as they choose a global context through which to focus their project.

• What do I want to achieve through my personal project? • What do I want others to understand through my work?


• What impact do I want my project to have? • How can a specific context give greater purpose to my project?

Backward Planning and Scheduling your Personal Project Try the following steps to organize the steps you need to complete a successful project:

1. Create a calendar on a piece of poster board or on the computer that begins with today’s date and ends when your project should be completed.

2. Complete your Process Journal on Managebac. Managebac was specially created to help you complete your Personal Project, as it was created by a former MYP student. In Managebac you can type simple entries, link to websites, videos, and research, upload images or documents, etc.

3. In your process journal, brainstorm all of the things that need to be done to complete the project: interviews, appointments, book/internet research, rehearsals, phone calls, film editing, anything and everything that will go into completing the project.

4. Using this list, fill in your calendar with action items for each week. Obviously, some items need to take place before others, but you might also have to start some things earlier since they have multiple steps.

5. Decide on 2-3 days a week that you will schedule 20 minutes or so to write in your process journal. Mark these days with symbol of some kind on the calendar. On these days, write anything and everything you can think of about your project: actions taken, thoughts/concerns/feelings, ideas, conversations you have had, sketches, etc. Your supervisor will monitor your progress on Managebac, so it is important to update your Managebac frequently.

Writing in your process journal will make your life MUCH EASIER when it comes time to write the Personal Report. The journal will be your guide to writing the report.

6. Put your calendar in a visible spot – and add any supervisor meetings that are made to your calendar. Check, use, and revise your calendar as needed!

More Help with Global Contexts


Working with your Supervisor You will have a Personal Project Supervisor. Supervisors are faculty and staff from your high school who have agreed to guide you through the Personal Project process. You will meet with your supervisor on a regular basis. In addition to providing you with guidance and feedback, your supervisor will evaluate your progress and the final product.

What are my responsibilities to my supervisor? 1. It is your responsibility to show up to meetings with appropriate and necessary materials. 2. You will honor all appointments and get in touch with your supervisor in advance if you are unable to attend a scheduled meeting. 3. You are responsible for bringing your Process Journal and Student Guide to every meeting. You should also be prepared to have work evaluated and to take notes on plans and ideas discussed. 4. You should ask your supervisor for advice and feedback about your project goal and process for completion, and take the supervisor’s comments seriously. 5. You are responsible for documenting meetings in the “Meeting Notes” section in your Student Guide and for completing assigned tasks before the next scheduled meeting. 6. You should always interact with your supervisor in a positive and respectful manner. 7. However, your progress should not be dependent on your supervisor. Your supervisor will not always be available face-to-face. However, your supervisor can be reached via email and through Managebac. If you have a question in between meetings, communicate your question via email or on Managebac.

What are my supervisor’s responsibilities to me? 1. Your supervisor should keep scheduled appointments with you and contact you in advance when unable to keep a scheduled appointment 2. Your supervisor will contact your parent and/or your Personal Project coordinator via e-mail or telephone if you do not initiate or keep scheduled appointments. 3. Your supervisor should help you to establish and maintain the focus of your Personal Project and maintain that it is proceeding as planned. 4. Your supervisor should suggest a variety of resources and relevant sources of information you may use to develop the product. The importance of research should be emphasized. 5. Your supervisor should encourage you to keep written records of meetings in the “Meeting Notes” section of your Student Guide.


6. Your supervisor should help keep you focused on the organization and presentation on the final piece of work, advising you to be thorough and methodical.

Community Mentor A Community Mentor plays a major role in the Personal Project. This person provides expertise in the topic of interest, support, encouragement, feedback, and guidance. You will need to find a community mentor. If you are having trouble finding a community mentor, it is your responsibility to ask the Personal Project coordinator for assistance.

A community member meets the following requirements. at least 21 years of age should not be related to the student *relatives require the Personal Project coordinator’s approval has some expertise in the area of the student’s interests a community member or business person who has an interest in working with students to further their

knowledge of “real-life” experiences provides guidance for the student willing to have the student interview him or her be a resource willing to support the student with his or her research and product help the student identify the exact product that he or she plans to complete gives information and instruction to the student in the expertise area give support and encouragement confirm the number of hours spent working on the product verify that the product was completed by the student

A Good Mentor… SHOWS A DESIRE TO HELP - is interested in and willing to help others - actively listens and cares - respects student individuality PROVIDES POSITIVE EXPERIENCES & HELPS DEVELOP SKILLS - accepts mistakes as learning opportunities - knows when to support, challenge and/or guide student - encourages questions - helps student design and complete the Personal Project - provides student with on the job, practical experiences - provides constructive and positive feedback - encourages student to seek information independently - guides and facilitates decision making rather than mandating INVESTS TIME & ENERGY - devotes time and mental energy to the relationship - excellent open communication skills - consistently provides one on one time


DISPLAYS A POSITIVE LEARNING ATTITUDE & UP-TO-DATE KNOWLEDGE - avoids blame, remains neutral - models good character traits - willing and able to learn and see the potential benefits of a mentoring relationship - is an expert in the field of topic - has maintained current, up-to-date technological knowledge and/or skills - can be a primary source for a research paper or interview DEMONSTRATES EFFECTIVE MANAGERIAL (MENTORING) SKILLS - understands and adheres to program goals, requirements and timelines - demonstrates effective coaching, counseling, facilitating and networking skills - demonstrates integrity, organizational skills, interests - assists student in establishing an objective and keeping logs and records - reports problems to Personal Project coordinator if the student is not meeting obligations - provides thoughtful and honest evaluation (about student and project) for grading purposes


Using the Design Cycle The Design Cycle is a process model for creating just about anything. It is a continuous process that you may go

through many times before your project is complete. The Design Cycle should be used as a guide for the “next steps”

in completing your project. These steps should be recorded in your Process Journal.


Using the SMART Goal Format When developing your goal for your project, use the following format to help you establish and write your goal.


Methods of Measuring Your Goal

Self-created Rubric

Industry-created Rubric


Expert Critique

Record yourself (Self-evaluation) Be sure that your results align with your SMART Goal.

Tracking My Progress: The Process Journal The Personal Project is an excellent example of the value of learning by doing. Keeping a Process Journal is of critical importance of making the “doing” of the project into a lasting learning experience. Your Process Journal shows a detailed record of your progress, reflections, and plans during the development of your Personal Project. Using the Design Cycle to ensure the full development of your end product is important and should be documented in your Process Journal. What should my Process Journal actually be? What your actual Process Journal looks like is up to you, depending on the type of project you are creating. Students have been successful using a notebook, sketchbook, and electronic files – but if you come up with a way that best suits you, just speak with your supervisor! Whatever format you choose, don’t forget to update Managebac frequently to keep your supervisor informed. For instance, if you choose a Composition Notebook to record your progress, you could snap photos of your notebook and upload them to Managebac in the Process Journal section.

When do I write in my Process Journal? Think of your Process Journal as a “diary” of your experience in creating the product for your Personal Project. Your Process Journal should include:

Thoughts (Mind Maps)




Decisions It may also include:



Meeting Notes


Feelings and Reflections


* You should write in your Process Journal at least three times a week. A detailed Process Journal will be

extremely helpful in the writing of your Personal Report at the end of the Personal Project.


The Report As you approach completion of your Personal Project and using your Process Journal as a guide, you will complete a Report. The Report is an organized piece of writing that describes the goals of your project, outlines the steps you took to complete it, and explains its connection to your chosen Global Context. It also includes your analysis of how effectively you pursued and completed your goals. The Report will be written using MLA guidelines. The Report must follow the structure below: I. Title Page a. Personal Project Name b. Green Run Collegiate c. Your Name d. Word Count (Minimum= 1,500 and Maximum= 3,500) e. You may also include an image to make it unique! II. Table of Contents III. Introduction a. Describe your idea b. Define the goal of your Personal Project c. Explain the Global Context and how it connects to your project IV. Body

a. Investigating b. Planning c. Taking Action d. Reflection

V. Conclusion a. Summary of what was learned b. Final statement on project as a whole VI. Works Cited Page VII. Bibliography VIII. Appendices a. Minimum of 10 entries from Process Journal that support the Report


Body of the Report



Assessment for the MYP personal project is criterion-related, based on four equally weighted assessment



Rubric for Assessing the Personal Project Criterion A: Investigating Maximum: 8 In the personal project, students should: i. define a clear goal and global context for the project, based on personal interests ii. identify prior learning and subject-specific knowledge relevant to the project iii. demonstrate research skills.

Achievement level

Level descriptor

0 The student does not achieve a standard described by any of the descriptors below.

1–2 The student is able to: i state a goal and context for the project, based on personal interests, but this may be limited in depth or accessibility ii identify prior learning and subject-specific knowledge, but this may be limited in occurrence or relevance iii demonstrate limited research skills.

3–4 The student is able to: i. outline a basic and appropriate goal and context for the project, based on personal interests ii. identify basic prior learning and subject-specific knowledge relevant to some areas of the project iii. demonstrate adequate research skills.

5–6 The student is able to: i. define a clear and challenging goal and context for the project, based on personal interests ii. identify prior learning and subject-specific knowledge generally relevant to the project iii. demonstrate substantial research skills.

7–8 The student is able to: i. define a clear and highly challenging goal and context for the project, based on personal interests ii. identify prior learning and subject-specific knowledge that is consistently highly relevant to the project iii. demonstrate excellent research skills.


Criterion B: Planning Maximum: 8 In the personal project, students should: i. develop criteria for the product/outcome ii. plan and record the development process of the project iii. demonstrate self-management skills.

Achievement level

Level descriptor

0 The student does not achieve a standard described by any of the descriptors below.

1–2 The student is able to: i. develop limited criteria for the product/outcome ii. present a limited or partial plan and record of the development process of the project iii. demonstrate limited self-management skills.

3–4 The student is able to: i. develop adequate criteria for the product/outcome ii. present an adequate plan and record of the development process of the project iii. demonstrate adequate self-management skills.

5–6 The student is able to: i. develop substantial and appropriate criteria for the product/outcome ii. present a substantial plan and record of the development process of the project iii. demonstrate substantial self-management skills.

7–8 The student is able to: i. develop rigorous criteria for the product/outcome ii. present a detailed and accurate plan and record of the development process of the project iii. demonstrate excellent self-management skills.


Criterion C: Taking action Maximum: 8 In the personal project, students should: i. create a product/outcome in response to the goal, global context and criteria ii. demonstrate thinking skills iii. demonstrate communication and social skills.

Achievement level

Level descriptor

0 The student does not achieve a standard described by any of the descriptors below.

1–2 The student is able to: i. create a limited product/outcome in response to the goal, global context and criteria ii. demonstrate limited thinking skills iii. demonstrate limited communication and social skills.

3–4 The student is able to: i. create a basic product/outcome in response to the goal, global context and criteria ii. demonstrate adequate thinking skills iii. demonstrate adequate communication and social skills.

5–6 The student is able to: i. create a substantial product/outcome in response to the goal, global context and criteria ii. demonstrate substantial thinking skills iii. demonstrate substantial communication and social skills.

7–8 The student is able to: i. create an excellent product/outcome in response to the goal, global context and criteria ii. demonstrate excellent thinking skills iii. demonstrate excellent communication and social skills.


Criterion D: Reflecting Maximum: 8 In the personal project, students should: i. evaluate the quality of the product/outcome against their criteria ii. reflect on how completing the project has extended their knowledge and understanding of the topic and the global context iii. reflect on their development as IB learners through the project.

Achievement level

Level descriptor

0 The student does not achieve a standard described by any of the descriptors below.

1–2 The student is able to: i. present a limited evaluation of the quality of the product/outcome against his or her criteria ii. present limited reflection on how completing the project has extended his or her knowledge and understanding of the topic and the global context iii. present limited reflection on his or her development as an IB learner through the project.

3–4 The student is able to: i. present a basic evaluation of the quality of the product/outcome against his or her criteria ii. present adequate reflection on how completing the project has extended his or her knowledge and understanding of the topic and the global context iii. present adequate reflection on his or her development as an IB learner through the project.

5–6 The student is able to: i. present a substantial evaluation of the quality of the product/outcome against his or her criteria ii. present substantial reflection on how completing the project has extended his or her knowledge and understanding of the topic and the global context iii. present substantial reflection on his or her development as an IB learner through the project.

7–8 The student is able to: i. present an excellent evaluation of the quality of the product/outcome against his or her criteria ii. present excellent reflection on how completing the project has extended his or her knowledge and understanding of the topic and the global context iii. present excellent reflection on his or her development as an IB learner through the project.


MYP Personal Project 2015-2016 Timelines and Deadlines

Month Topics for Discussion with Supervisor/Independent Work

September 14-22 Attend the Personal Project introduction assembly Brainstorm Personal Project Ideas Review Global Contexts and Personal Project Requirements Initial Contact with Assigned GRC Supervisor Establish a clearly written SMART goal Draft specifications against which you will evaluate your final product Determine a Global Context for your Project Develop a plan on how you aim to achieve your goal Personal Project Plan and Topic Notification Form due Sept. 17/18 to Mrs. Olufon

September 21-27 Begin research and mentor opportunities Meet with supervisor (passes to be distributed) Review Process Journal – Should have at least 3 entries now Attend Workshop on how to evaluate your project (Sept. 21-23, after school) Ensure understanding and next steps Login to Managebac and add information about your Personal Project Managebac Training on Sept. 24/25 in English class

September 28-October 4

Review Process Journal – entries of investigations should be evident Finalize plan to begin work on ‘Action’ component of Personal Project Review Process Journal – Should have multiple entries Put process journal entries into Managebac (6 entries now) Reflect and evaluate steps taken and work accomplished at this point in time Reflect in process journal on challenges, questions, avenues for research and brainstorm on resolutions and actions to be taken Begin Action portion of Project

October 5-11 Discuss development of the Process Journal with your Supervisor Ensure that project is developing as planned. Part of the product should be completed. Agree upon what the student will accomplish before the next meeting with the supervisor Continue working on ‘Action’ component of Personal Project Continue working in Process Journal – Should have a multitude of entries. Notate challenges, questions, avenues for research Ensure the project is developing as planned. The product should be done by the end of the month.

October 12-30 Personal Project ‘Action’ component should be in progress. Product will be completed by October 30th. Be prepared to discuss project, journal, and preparation for report with your supervisor. Check Managebac. Upload new entries to Process Journal. (You should have 15 entries now) There should be evidence in your journal of investigation, methodology, analysis, and conclusion. Your work will be critiqued and reviewed for modification.

November ‘Action’ component should be completed Meet with Supervisor to determine needed modifications. (passes to be distributed) Journal should show an in-depth exploration of idea, methods, review, and conclusion. Begin paper (record) outline and rough draft

December Continue to work on paper (record) Continue to work in journal to show inquiry, action, and reflection.

January Finalize all components

February April 7 Spring

Exhibition Night

Due DATE – February 2nd

• Journal, Product, Report


Personal Project Plan

Due September 17th/18th, 2015 to Mrs. Olufon

Project title

Student Date/Duration

of Project

SMART Goal: Formulate a statement that clearly

shows your goal, based on your personal interests.

What is the purpose of the goal? What do you hope to


Global context: Identify the global context.

Identify which part of the global context you

will focus on.

Explain why you have chosen it, justifying the relevance of your


Product/outcome: What product/outcome will you

create in response to the goal, global context and



Specifications: Which criteria will ensure my

product/outcome is of excellent quality? How will I

evaluate it?



What do you have to

research? Be specific

and list how you

will collect all the

information you


Media: Surveys:

Interviews: Observations & experiences:

Process Journal:

How will you record

the significant

findings and

development of the

process? Specify

type of format.

How often will you

update Managebac?

Report: How will

you report it?


Name: _____________________________

Personal Project Supervisor: ________________________

Topic Notification Form 1A Teacher: ________________________

Personal Project

Topic Notification Form

Due September 17th/18th, 2015 to Mrs. Olufon

I hereby declare my personal project will be (title and topic):

My product will be:

The Global Context through which I approach this product will be:

The goal of my personal project is:

My reason for choosing and motivation for reaching this goal is:

I know I have met my goal when:

I will present my product by doing the following (display board, power point, props, music,

demonstration, samples, etc.):

Note: Failure to complete the Personal Project satisfactorily will revoke a student’s choice to become an

IB Diploma Candidate.

Parent’s comments (ie: feasibility, motivation, potential challenges, etc.):


Student’s Signature: _________________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________

Parent’s Signature: ___________________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________


Meeting Notes

Meeting # Date Comments on Work to Date:

Action to be Taken by Student:

Action to be Taken by Supervisor:


Meeting Notes

Meeting # Date Comments on Work to Date:

Action to be Taken by Student:

Action to be Taken by Supervisor:


Meeting Notes

Meeting # Date Comments on Work to Date:

Action to be Taken by Student:

Action to be Taken by Supervisor:


Meeting Notes

Meeting # Date Comments on Work to Date:

Action to be Taken by Student:

Action to be Taken by Supervisor:


Meeting Notes

Meeting # Date Comments on Work to Date:

Action to be Taken by Student:

Action to be Taken by Supervisor:


Personal Project Report Cover Sheet


Academic Honesty Policy for Report